A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows: Future-Proofing Readiness and Cooperation in the New Data Economy - WHITE PAPER JUNE 2020 - Weforum

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A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows: Future-Proofing Readiness and Cooperation in the New Data Economy - WHITE PAPER JUNE 2020 - Weforum
A Roadmap for Cross-
Border Data Flows:
Future-Proofing Readiness
and Cooperation in the
New Data Economy

JUNE 2020

                            A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows   1
A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows: Future-Proofing Readiness and Cooperation in the New Data Economy - WHITE PAPER JUNE 2020 - Weforum

                         3    Preface

                         4    A note from the Steering Committee co-chairs

                         5    Executive summary

                         7    Introduction

                         9    A Roadmap for Cross-border Data Flows

                       11     Part A: Establishing the building blocks of trust

                       12     1. Allow data to flow by default

                       19     2. Establish a level of data protection

                       24     3. Prioritize cybersecurity

                       27     Part B: Incentivizing cooperation between nations

                       28     4. Hardwire accountability between nations

                       32     5. P
                                  rioritize connectivity, technical interoperability, data portability and data provenance

                       37     Part C: Future-proofing international data sharing policies

                       38     6. Future-proof the policy environment

                       41     Conclusion: Operationalizing the Roadmap

                       43     Appendix

                       46     Contributors

                       47     Acknowledgements

                       48     Endnotes

                              © 2020 World Economic Forum. All rights
                              reserved. No part of this publication may
                              be reproduced or transmitted in any form
                              or by any means, including photocopying
                              and recording, or by any information
                              storage and retrieval system.

2   A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows
A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows: Future-Proofing Readiness and Cooperation in the New Data Economy - WHITE PAPER JUNE 2020 - Weforum

Anne Josephine Flanagan,
 Project Lead, Data Policy,
World Economic Forum, USA
                               The World Economic Forum partnered with the            Bahrain’s interest in this project stems from
                               Bahrain Economic Development Board and a               its recent success in launching national policy
                               Steering Committee-led project community of            frameworks to facilitate the flow of data across its
                               organizations from around the world to co-design       borders, including the Personal Data Protection law,
                               the Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows,               the Cloud Computing Services to Foreign Parties
                               with the aim of identifying best-practice policies     law, the removal of legacy localization requirements,
                               that both promote innovation in data-intensive         and the expansion of connectivity infrastructure.
                               technologies and enable data collaboration at the      Bahrain is continuously exploring best-in-class
                               regional and international levels.                     policies on data flows in order to benefit from deep
                                                                                      cooperation in the international data economy.
                               Creating effective policy on cross-border data
                               flows is a priority for any nation that critically     The Project Steering Committee provided a set
                               depends on its interactions with the rest of the       of global multistakeholder perspectives over the
                               world through the free flow of capital, goods,         course of the project. This report reflects their
       Nada AlSaeed,
   Senior Manager, Bahrain     knowledge and people. Now more than ever,              extensive input, gathered at workshops around
Economic Development Board     cross-border data flows are key predicates for         the world, including at the Annual Meeting of the
 (and World Economic Forum     countries and regions that wish to compete in the      World Economic Forum in 2020, the Sustainable
       Fellow), Bahrain
                               Fourth Industrial Revolution and thrive in the post-   Development Impact Summit 2019 and the Summit
                               COVID-19 era.                                          on the Middle East and North Africa in 2019.

                               Despite this reality, we are witnessing a              We believe that the findings from this work are
                               proliferation of policies around the world that        applicable to both emerging market economies and
                               restrict the movement of data across borders,          highly developed market economies, and that there
                               which is posing a serious threat to the global         are lessons to be learned from each. The World
                               digital economy, and to the ability of nations         Economic Forum is in discussions with parties
                               to maximize the economic and social benefits           around the world that seek to adapt the Roadmap
                               of data-reliant technologies such as artificial        for their own context. We anticipate that the
                               intelligence (AI) and blockchain.                      Roadmap will serve as a beneficial, collaborative,
                                                                                      inclusive and safe tool to facilitate cross-border data
                               We hope that countries wishing to engage in            flows given the increased importance of the data
      Sheila Warren,           cross-border data sharing can feel confident           economy for global economic recovery and growth,
 Head, Blockchain, Digital     in using the Roadmap as a guide for designing          as well as technological and societal development.
Assets, and Data Policy, and
 Member of the Executive
                               robust respective domestic policies that retain
Committee, World Economic      a fine balance between the benefits and risks of
        Forum, USA             data flows.

                                                                                                     A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows   3
A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows: Future-Proofing Readiness and Cooperation in the New Data Economy - WHITE PAPER JUNE 2020 - Weforum
A note from the
                                   Steering Committee

                                   Everyone needs data to succeed in today’s                contracts and trade secret protection laws.
                                   world economy.                                           Countries that impose local data storage and
                                                                                            retention requirements to secure better access for
                                   Countries can attract inbound cross-border               themselves can expect multinational businesses to
                                   transfers of data and information technologies only      stay away and other countries to retaliate. Similarly,
                                   if people, businesses and governments abroad             countries that regulate data processing too rigidly
                                   trust them. To earn a reputation as a safe data          and with specific restrictions on cross-border data
                                   transfer destination, countries must provide for         transfers provoke reciprocal restrictions by other
                                   secure telecommunications infrastructure, respect        countries, resulting in reduced access to global
       Lothar Determann,           individual privacy and confidentiality, exercise self-   data and technology, pressures for compromises
     Partner, Baker McKenzie
         (Project Steering
                                   restraint regarding forced data access, and enact        in bilateral trade negotiations, and accumulating
        Committee Chair)           laws that also benefit people and organizations          complexities. Cross-border data transfers require
                                   outside their borders, including data privacy,           give and take.
                                   security, contracts and trade secret protection
                                   laws. Moreover, governments must be transparent,         Since the outbreak of COVID-19, governments
                                   share data, and encourage their people and               around the world have started to realize and admit
                                   businesses to share data across borders if they          that restrictions on cross-border data flows not only
                                   want to participate in cross-border knowledge            inhibit scientific and economic progress but actually
                                   transfers. Open information societies thrive best in     cost lives.
                                   the world economy.
                                                                                            As co-chairs, we thank our fellow Steering
                                   Conversely, people, businesses and governments           Committee members, the larger project community
                                   hesitate to transfer data to countries that maintain     and the staff at the World Economic Forum
                                   weak data security infrastructure, laws and              for their contributions to this white paper on
                                   defences; excessively spy and seize data; fail to        cross-border data transfers. We hope that law-
          Leanne Kemp,             enforce or comply with laws protecting privacy,          and policy-makers find the data, insights and
      Chief Executive Officer,     confidentiality and contracts; cover up data             recommendations helpful and we look forward to
    Everledger (Project Steering
       Committee Co-Chair)
                                   security breaches and risks; suppress media              receiving feedback and the continued debate on
                                   reporting; or fail to offer foreign businesses and       this important topic.
                                   citizens due process and recourse to privacy,

4     A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows
A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows: Future-Proofing Readiness and Cooperation in the New Data Economy - WHITE PAPER JUNE 2020 - Weforum
Executive summary

The challenge

The technologies of the Fourth Industrial              border data flows policy has come into its own as
Revolution, including artificial intelligence (AI),    a policy lever for ambitious governments seeking
the internet of things (IoT) and blockchain,           economic recovery.
are exceptionally reliant on accessing and
processing data. To realize the potential of such      Despite these benefits, laws and policies that act
data-intensive technologies, or to fully harness       as barriers to this type of international data sharing
the power and efficiency of cloud computing            are on the rise,1 threatening to undo this progress,
solutions for start-ups and SMEs, data needs           slowing technological innovation and limiting
to be able to move seamlessly across country           positive societal impact. While some of this friction
borders. The ability to move, store and process        is based on perception, such as the myth that
data across borders is foundational to the             data is better protected by restricting it to within
modern international data economy, and as new          one country, or a perception that such policies
global growth relies increasingly on digital growth    maximize value for local populations, some of it is
in the post COVID-19 era, progressive cross-           deliberate and misguidedly protectionist.

The opportunity

Certain regulatory differences across countries        economies of scale, particularly at regional level,
cannot be eradicated; they are necessary and           and allows governments to create a friendly policy
appropriate because sovereign nations have             environment for indigenous and international
different values and strategic priorities. However,    investment. Investment breeds opportunity, and
in order to create trust between nations when          those countries with a burgeoning technology
it comes to allowing companies within them to          sector can start to maximize these companies’
participate fully in the international data economy,   opportunities on a global scale, enabling them
there is a clear need for interoperable policy         to develop cutting-edge technologies with global
frameworks that can streamline requirements            impact as well as experiencing potential knock-on
across borders and create mechanisms to reduce         economic and societal benefits.
regulatory overload. Doing so capitalizes on

                                                                      A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows   5
A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows: Future-Proofing Readiness and Cooperation in the New Data Economy - WHITE PAPER JUNE 2020 - Weforum
The solution

   Cross-border               Building trust between nations requires both an         that are empowered to take action to open the
data flows policy             assurance that countries are like-minded in how         gates and allow data to flow relatively seamlessly
is a foundational             they approach supporting their data economy and         across their borders.
prerequisite to               the implementation of a series of backstops that
a functioning                 reduce risk. Our proposed solution is a practical       In the Roadmap, our project community of globally
international data            Roadmap for governments of country-level                diverse industry experts proposes what best-
economy and thus              policy building blocks that, when combined, are         in-class data flows policy looks like. For some
requires action fro           designed to harness the benefits and minimize the       countries, very little will be needed in the way of
the highest levels            risks of cross-border data sharing.                     upgrading as they have inspired the core principles
of power                                                                              by their own actions, whereas for others the
                              Cross-border data flows policy is a foundational        Roadmap may represent a full suite starting point.
                              prerequisite to a functioning international data        In order to cater for varying degrees of ambition, we
                              economy and thus requires action from the highest       first crystallize the most essential building blocks,
                              levels of power. In addition, as we look at all types   and then offer scope for the most ambitious and
                              of data in the economy, not just personal data or       advanced economies to future-proof their policy-
                              proprietary information, it is ultimately governments   making in this area.

6   A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows
A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows: Future-Proofing Readiness and Cooperation in the New Data Economy - WHITE PAPER JUNE 2020 - Weforum

           The importance of cross-border data sharing

           While cross-border data sharing, i.e. the                        nations can expect to derive increased economic
           movement of information across international                     and social value. Furthermore, in a world
           borders, has long been necessary from the                        disrupted by the COVID-19 crisis, the data
           perspective of trade,2 internet-based services and               economy has risen in terms of its importance for
           e-commerce – more recently cloud computing,                      new economic growth.
           Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies such as
           artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things          Despite such benefits, data localization
           (IoT) – rely on access to high-quality data that                 requirements, e.g. laws, standards or policies
           often resides in more than one territory.                        which mandate that data be stored within a
                                                                            geographical territory, are on the rise globally,
           Through the development and deployment of                        threatening to deter this progress – sometimes
           these data-reliant technologies and solutions,                   intentionally but often unintentionally.

FIGURE 1   The increasing importance of cross-border data flows over time

                                                                                                                 Post COVID-19
                                                                                                                 economic growth

                                                                                                                 Fourth Industrial

                                                                                                                 Cloud Computing

                                                                                                                 Trade & Commerce

                  1990                       2000                      2010                    2020          +

                                                                                          A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows      7
A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows: Future-Proofing Readiness and Cooperation in the New Data Economy - WHITE PAPER JUNE 2020 - Weforum
The problems of unjustified
                              data localization requirements

   For companies,             When unjustified, data localization requirements           was stark: Start by ensuring your own house is in
an absence of                 can prove highly problematic. As well as driving up        order, otherwise creating trust becomes almost
data localization             the cost of cloud computing, upon which SMEs               impossible. Without country-level preparedness,
requirements is               are highly reliant, it becomes difficult to achieve        international participation proves challenging in this
akin to having                access to high-quality data at scale, upon which           space, and secondly, governments can influence
visa-free travel for          technological development relies – and from there,         but not fully control the international environment.
their data                    problems quickly amplify. We see associated
                              economic consequences when companies need                  Consequently, this white paper does not represent
                              to create and maintain multiple data centres in            a one-size-fits-all approach to cross-border data
                              different jurisdictions, at great cost in both monetary    sharing, nor does it advocate how countries are
                              and environmental terms. Furthermore, companies            to implement the recommendations outlined in the
                              relying upon such services may find they avoid             various building blocks that we will discuss, but it
                              certain markets altogether due to the increased            does try to identify the policies that countries ought
                              cost of doing business there. This then has further        to consider implementing domestically in order to
                              knock-on effects for the attractiveness of regions         facilitate full participation in the international data
                              when it comes to investment of capital and                 economy. As sovereign nations, countries have
                              retention of talent, with data localization restrictions   both their own diplomatic relationships and their
                              acting as digital walls between countries.                 own domestic policy considerations to take into
                                                                                         account, and the Roadmap is therefore designed to
                              For some economies, a deliberate approach to               provide a holistic look at what stakeholders believe
                              restricting the international movement of data can         works when it comes to cross-border data flows.
                              be the result of a mistaken belief that localized data
                              reduces risk. From a business perspective, the             We assume that all countries and users of
                              opposite can hold true: Regulatory certainty               this Roadmap wish to have competitive open
                              breeds business commitment in product and                  economies, that they want to exist in a globally
                              service markets.                                           competitive region, and they aim to attract both
                                                                                         local and foreign investments. We assume also that
                              For companies, an absence of data localization             the countries and users of this Roadmap want to
                              requirements is akin to having visa-free travel for        support their technology sector where access to
                              their data. One still needs a passport (which is           data is a key driver, whether it be in AI, blockchain
                              represented by the trust mechanisms discussed              or IoT applications such as smart cities, etc. We
                              below), but travel is pre-authorized. Removing             also assume that no country wants to compel its
                              barriers to data flows is speedier, cheaper and more       industrial players to share data across borders
                              efficient than the contrary, and it is hugely beneficial   if they do not wish to do so and that this choice
                              in growing international business regardless of size.      is best left in the hands of the holders of such
                                                                                         proprietary data.
                              How can we dismantle arbitrary barriers to cross-
                              border data sharing by implementing backstops              Countries wishing to follow the Roadmap are
                              that provide assurance of appropriate safeguards to        advised to conduct a country-level review of
                              governments without undermining global economic            the current legal and regulatory provisions that
                              growth? What does a practical approach look like?          may complement or obstruct the Roadmap. By
                              How can countries ensure they have appropriate             definition, progress along the Roadmap indicates
                              policy frameworks in place to maximize benefit and         progress, with a full suite round-up representing
                              minimize risk?                                             forward-leaning cross-border data flows policy in
                                                                                         the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
                              The World Economic Forum has convened a
                              multistakeholder group of businesses, civil society        Finally, while this Roadmap is designed to examine
                              actors, academics and governments globally who             the issue in the context of the international and
                              were consulted on what makes cross-border data             regional levels, there are learnings here for data-
                              policy fit for purpose and future-proof. The answer        sharing policies at country level.

8   A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows
A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows: Future-Proofing Readiness and Cooperation in the New Data Economy - WHITE PAPER JUNE 2020 - Weforum
A Roadmap for
Data Flows

            A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows   9
A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows

10   A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows
A   Part A:
    Establishing the
    building blocks
    of trust

                   A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows   11
1         Allow data to
                              flow by default

                              Policy recommendations

                              –   Given the overriding disadvantages for respective local consumers,
                                  industries, technological development and job markets, both national
                                  laws and negotiated cross-border data sharing agreements between
                                  governments should prohibit data localization requirements.

                              –   Narrow specified exceptions may be allowed in order to achieve a
                                  legitimate national security or public policy objective, provided that the
                                  measures are: (1) non-discriminatory; (2) not arbitrary; and (3) do not
                                  amount to a restriction on trade.

                              –   The absence or removal of data localization requirements should not
                                  impede national authorities’ access to data for law enforcement and
                                  regulatory compliance purposes.

                              Data localization
   Data localization          Data localization requirements are broadly defined       records by authorities. In practice, it can,
requirements                  as any laws, standards or policies that require          for example, make it illegal to transfer company
have the effect               an entity to store data on media that is physically      or employee records across borders or limit
of restricting the            present in a specific geographical territory: This can   an institution’s ability to outsource certain
cross-border flow             include the infrastructure and services that support     functions offshore.
of data                       the hosting of data, e.g. servers. Data localization
                              requirements have the effect of restricting the cross-   Because data localization requirements can also
                              border flow of data. They may be either deliberate       emerge as a result of indirect policy measures,
                              or unintended, explicit or implicit.                     such as requiring or limiting government
                                                                                       procurement to locally established entities only,
                              Such requirements can often be found in data and         or tax incentives that favour domestic industries
                              cybersecurity laws, but, in some instances, they         over foreign products and services,3 they can
                              may be invisible. By way of example, there may be        sometimes be difficult to identify at first. The result
                              a clause in a sector-specific law which mandates         is that, even when it is technically legal to do so,
                              that a specific type of data be stored in a specific     the transfer of data across borders becomes
                              geographic location, such as a clause within a law       impractical and costly, making data localization an
                              governing financial services mandating access to         inevitable outcome.

12   A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows
The new data localization

   We are             Some data localization requirements exist as a          the region as a whole) and, sometimes more
suddenly              legacy of older laws written for the pre-internet       insidiously, leading to a potential copycat effect
witnessing an         age and are intended to cover the storage               in other nations. The result is an increasingly
increase in           of physical records in a physical territory,            fragmented deglobalized international data
intentional data      but they are interpreted as applying also to            economy that favours larger nations (which
localization,         electronic records. But not all data localization       naturally have relatively greater amounts of data
spurred on by         requirements are legacy-based in nature. We are         within their borders than smaller nations) and risks
the increasing        suddenly witnessing an increase in intentional          slowing down economic progress for smaller and
importance            data localization, spurred on by the increasing         emerging nations.
of data for           importance of data for technological innovation and
technological         general economic growth. Some countries that            In reality, nations of all size can benefit their
innovation            wish to partake in, or in some cases dominate, the      economies by partaking in cross-border data
                      new global data economy are adopting increasingly       sharing because it is not a zero-sum game. Unlike
                      aggressive measures designed to ensure that             commodities, data is not a finite resource. Data
                      either they, or their indigenous businesses, have       begets data,4 i.e. insights can continuously be
                      access to vast quantities of data. Aggressive           derived through combining and analysing quality
                      deliberate data localization practices of this nature   datasets in greater quantities. This concept
                      can have unintended consequences, including             is particularly important for data analytics and
                      raising the price of entry for foreign investment,      machine learning, and a key driver as to why data
                      disadvantaging neighbouring countries (and thus         localization policies often backfire.

                      Debunking myths about data localization
                      For governments, international data movement
                      raises legitimate concerns, particularly about
                      security and access:

                      Protecting privacy of citizens’ personal data

                      Data localization practices are often rooted in         a specific territory, but that does not take into
                      a desire to protect the personal data of private        account the guarantee that they will otherwise
                      citizens, but data localization laws cannot             comply with data protection law. Moreover, easier
                      effectively address privacy concerns. Doing so          or mandated government access to personal data
                      relies on robust country-level data protection          when stored in a specific territory may ultimately
                      legislation and controlling access to data,             impede privacy interests. In many cases, such
                      regardless of where it is stored. For example, a        measures are simply misguided, but in extreme
                      company may be compliant with a data localization       cases, data localization laws can actually become
                      requirement and store personal data only within         anti-privacy laws.

                      Improving cybersecurity

   Risk detection,    The cybersecurity world offers lessons on why           robust security controls, rather than geographic
assessment            data localization and residency restrictions can be     locality requirements. In addition, distributed and
and response          harmful and costly: Data security issues can arise      duplicated data on multiple systems leads to
to cyberthreats       from storing all data in one geographical territory,    variation in local security measures, lower local
require robust        which is contrary to the diversification approach       investment in security and leaves data more
security controls,    most commonly mandated in the cybersecurity             vulnerable to breaches. Similar to concerns
rather than           industry and often adopted by multinational             regarding data protection, data localization
geographic locality   companies to ensure robust security across a            requirements in the name of cybersecurity are often
requirements          geographically dispersed network. Risk detection,       misguided policies.
                      assessment and response to cyberthreats require

                                                                                           A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows   13
Securing data availability for national security and law enforcement

                              Cybersecurity concerns are distinct from national                countries have enacted broad data localization
                              security concerns. Countries deploying isolated or               laws so far and international treaties such as the
                              outdated technology are less able to protect their               Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) and
                              national security against foreign military and criminal          the EU Free Flow of Non-Personal Data Regulation5
                              threats and may instead benefit from the use of                  expressly prohibit member countries from
                              cloud services (which are often more affordable when             enacting data localization laws or local data centre
                              not made to measure and specifically localized).                 requirements except where justified. International
                                                                                               cooperation between intelligence and police forces –
                              Most countries consider selective record retention,              for example, via INTERPOL and regional cooperation
                              secrecy and anti-treason laws sufficient to protect              arrangements – render even justified cases of data
                              national security interests. That is why very few                localization less useful than previous instances.

                              Case study: Cross-border data restrictions and anti-money laundering

                              Data localization and residency restrictions can
                              severely compromise the ability to detect and
                              monitor fraud, money laundering and terrorism
                              financing activities. By limiting the flow of
                              data across borders, the process of detecting
                              suspicious activities becomes more complex.
                              “A criminal rejected in one country can open a
                              mobile money account and make transactions
                              in another country.”6

                              Protecting domestic industries by compelling use of local data centres

                              Countries can support their local data economy                   down local progress in relative terms. Secondly,
                              through inter alia, offering education, carefully                local industry suffers when other countries
                              packaged deregulation, transparent tax codes and                 retaliate with their own data localization laws or
                              strong intellectual property protections.                        other free-trade restrictions. Thirdly, the lack of
                                                                                               access to international markets makes the territory
                              Introducing data localization requirements in order to           unattractive to foreign investment due to these
                              create a market for local data centres or the use of             inherent limitations.
                              locally made technology is not an effective long-term
                              strategy for boosting domestic industries because it             In the same way that countries which allow their
                              limits the growth of the domestic data economy.                  economies to trade with partners experience
                                                                                               greater economic opportunity, so, too, do countries
                              First, local data centre facilities often prove costly and       that allow their economies to participate fully in the
                              end up not being globally competitive, which slows               international data economy.

14   A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows
Are data localization requirements
           ever justified?
           As mentioned above, every country has the right
           to secure the infrastructures and assets vital to its
           national security, governance and public safety. As
           such, there are legitimate reasons why a country
           may wish to restrict or scrutinize data entering or
           leaving its borders.

FIGURE 2   Government concerns that prompt data localization requirements

                 Political security                     Economic security                       Cybersecurity                       Domestic security

              Protecting the sovereignty                Protecting the nation’s             Protecting digital assets              Upholding national laws
               of the government and                    economic wealth and                  from theft or damage                 and protecting the nation
               the democratic system                           freedom                                                             against internal security

                                Essential infrastructure                      Environmental                     Energy and natural
                                                                                 security                       resources security
                                 Protecting access to critical
                                    infrastructure such as                Preventing environmental                Protecting access to
                                  transport hubs, network                 problems such as water                  energy resources for
                                 communications, banking                  scarcity, food shortages                energy consumption
                                      infrastructure, etc.                   or climate change

           For the purpose of securing government access                                   the sovereignty of nations to protect their national
           to data, it is usually sufficient for governments to                            security interests, there are occasions where
           require companies to guarantee remote access to                                 countries will prefer to insist on localizing data.
           data (wherever it is stored). There are exceptions                              However, a de minimis approach is recommended
           to this in the case of hypersensitive data, such as                             here to avoid unintentionally localizing data that
           information pertaining to military or defence data.                             is not itself sensitive but which sits alongside
           Along similar lines, information that, if accessed by                           sensitive data that does need to be localized. Any
           the wrong pair of hands, could take out a national                              requirements should be non-discriminatory, non-
           energy grid is data that is beyond the comfort                                  arbitrary and should not be disguised restrictions
           zone of most governments. In line with respecting                               on trade.

           Case study: Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership

           The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement                                    (a) is not applied in a manner that would constitute
           for Trans-Pacific Partnership identifies permissible                           a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination
           exceptions for cross-border data flow restrictions                             or a disguised restriction on trade, and
           in Article 14.11.3 and 14.13.3. Participating
           members can adopt or maintain data localization                                (b) does not impose restrictions on transfers of
           measures to achieve a legitimate public policy                                 information greater than are required to achieve
           objective, provided that the measure:                                          the objective.

                                                                                                              A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows            15
How does overreaching data localization really
                              affect supply chains, the workforce, economic
                              growth and global society?

                              A. Isolation is costly

                              In fact, most businesses incur extra costs in           corruption and compliance deficits associated with
                              complying with data localization requirements, both     establishing local presences. Consequently, local
                              businesses from abroad and local SMEs that would        companies and consumers lose access to cloud
                              like to use cloud service providers as back-end         computing capabilities and other advanced foreign
                              infrastructure, such as software as a service (SaaS).   information technologies, pay higher prices and
                              Those higher fixed costs are ultimately passed on       become uncompetitive in global markets.
                              to SMEs, which often have neither the expertise
                              nor the budget to afford their own state-of-the-art     Local labour markets may suffer from withdrawals
                              mechanisms to store and protect data, making use        or reduced job offers from multinationals. Therefore,
                              of the cloud an accessible and effective solution.      local consumers and economies lose out – in the
                              While foreign businesses look to where their            form of higher-cost and lower-quality services, as
                              return on investment will be greater, indigenous        well as lost job opportunities – as a result of the
                              businesses also become incentivized to locate           impact of localization requirements on both local
                              elsewhere to avoid additional costs, local taxation,    businesses and multinationals.
                              local government access to data, and risks of

                              B. It confines e-commerce and supply chains

                              The overwhelming majority of commercial activities      individuals to sidestep infrastructure challenges, and
                              we engage in are virtual, which means they              access services directly and affordably. This pace
                              are facilitated by data travelling over fibre-optic     of progress could be quickly unwound were they to
                              networks across the globe every day. Cloud              introduce arbitrary data localization requirements.
                              services and particularly SaaS offerings allow
                              businesses of all sizes to access customized            Supply chains are another example. Highly
                              enterprise software at relatively low prices. If        distributed and specialized in nature, these are in
                              you prevent data from being hosted outside of           many ways the litmus test for market economics:
                              your country, most of these services and the            Supply chain nodes that are no longer relevant
                              technologies that drive them become inaccessible.       quickly die, so we can expect supply chains to
                              Data localization can make it impossible for small      reasonably reflect real demand for goods and
                              businesses to get up and running, and it will be        services, at least over time.
                              impossible for them to scale if they cannot benefit
                              from the economies cloud services provide.              Supply chains are so finely balanced and
                                                                                      sophisticated that doing business usually involves
                              Access to e-commerce, which inherently relies           interacting with many niche players, many of
                              on the flow of data, has helped many developing         whom will be distributed globally – and, practically
                              economies, including countries in Africa, to grow       speaking, that requires data to move. Even simply
                              at great pace, as access to mobile methods of           buying goods and services from different places
                              payment, access, education and business enables         around the globe requires the movement of data.

16   A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows
Trade and e-commerce realities

If you want to buy high-quality industrial ball            One might think that something as small as a
bearings from Germany for machinery on your                micro-sized part of a smartphone may not matter
factory floor, you must contract with a German             much, but in fact industry is hyperspecialized – and
supplier. Your German supplier will have sales             that’s a good thing. Performance improves in all
representatives and engineers who can recommend            of the products and services affected by it, but it
which ball bearings will work best for you. You            also requires commerce to move, and commerce
will keep their contact information in your vendor         can’t move without data moving, too. Every action
management system – a system that is almost                we take online is tracked and recorded. You can’t
certainly electronic and probably located in your          create an ordering document, make a shipment,
vendor’s cloud. Your vendor’s cloud is powered by          record a payment or issue a receipt without data
infrastructure providers who pass that data back           – business, shipping, financial and often personal
and forth in their data centres and across borders to      data moves around the e-commerce circulatory
ensure performance and prevent service interruption        system continuously.
or failure. These data centres may be located
outside your country and even outside the country
where your vendor does business.

C. It stifles talent

In this hyperconnected, increasingly specialized           – to their teammates, managers, your customers,
world we live in, talent matters, is hard to find and is   vendors and many others. If employee personal
unique. The flight of graduates out of countries that      data can’t be hosted on cloud servers outside
offer few opportunities internally due to localized        their country of residence, how will you gain the
measures, usually never to return, has a long-term         local talent you need? Moreover, how will the local
impact on the development of a country’s expertise         talent be available for opportunities if the market is
and economy.                                               closed to outside vendors? The impact on the local
                                                           workforce will be profound.
At the international level, if you want to develop
software in the US or the EU for use in the Middle         It is not seriously questioned any more whether
East, you need experts on your development                 remote workers are a critical segment of the
team who understand the regional languages and             workforce, and to work remotely, data must
cultures. You may want to increase your investment         travel – financial data, business data, design
in local talent in the region to do so, and hire them      data, health data, etc. It is all coursing along the
directly or through a third party, but in any case, you    information superhighway. Data localization greatly
will have to onboard them, train them and work with        disadvantages the remote worker, foreclosing
them locally (and often virtually).                        opportunities for professional and economic growth.

This will require you to transfer their personal data
and your proprietary data in and out of the country

                                                                         A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows   17
How countries instil data localization requirements

                              More than 200 countries around the world have             between two entities or more (i.e. what is known
                              enacted data laws of some description,7 with              as cross-border data transfers), but the reverse is
                              many similarities and some significant differences        not true, e.g. countries may restrict the contractual
                              between them.                                             use of cross-border data transfer mechanisms and
                                                                                        yet not have any explicit data residency rules. Data
                              According to data residency and data retention laws,      transfer restrictions and data residency requirements
                              companies must keep data for certain minimum              are conceptually different. Under data residency
                              time periods and on national territory to ensure that     laws, companies must process data primarily in a
                              government authorities can compel access.                 particular territory, but they can also transfer copies
                                                                                        of the data abroad. According to cross-border
                              Data processing regulations with cross-border data        data transfer restrictions, companies must not
                              transfer restrictions originated in Europe in the 1970s   transfer data to another country except in cases
                              and have been adopted by more and more countries          where they can assure adequate safeguards for the
                              around the world. These include both broad-brush          transferred data abroad; if companies can meet the
                              data residency requirements as well as narrower           requirements for an exception, they are not required
                              data retention and residency laws pertaining to           to keep a local copy of the data.
                              communications metadata only.8
                                                                                        Examples of data transfer mechanisms include
                              Countries that require data residency usually also        binding corporate rules (BCRs) or standard
                              restrict the use of legal instruments that allow for      contractual clauses that are discussed below in the
                              the contractual movement of data across borders           “Data protection and privacy” section.

                              Focusing on access
  Ultimately, policy          Ultimately, policy that is in favour of cross-border      One possible solution to staving off data localization
that is in favour of          data access is usually pro-innovation, pro-economic       in the data-centre space is the data jurisdiction
cross-border data             growth and, frankly, pro-people. Governments              law that Bahrain has introduced – where foreign
access is usually             will righty have concerns about backstops and             governments maintain their jurisdiction over
pro-innovation,               safeguards to doing so, which are the subject of          data stored in Bahrain-based data centres. This
pro-economic                  discussion throughout this white paper. By ensuring       innovative solution to cloud computing manages
growth and, frankly,          that data flow is the default state, governments          to create a level of comfort for governments as the
pro-people                    can concentrate their energy on identifying those         data is not technically stored in Bahrain for legal
                              very high-risk scenarios where they do consider it        purposes, even if it physically is. If we consider that
                              appropriate to localize data.                             cyberspace is everywhere and nowhere, then what
                                                                                        ultimately matters is access to the data.

                              Case study: Bahrain’s data jurisdiction law

                              According to the Legislative Decree No. 56 of             To facilitate cross-border cooperation between
                              2018 in Respect of Providing Cloud Computing              authorities, the law allows foreign public authorities
                              Services to Foreign Parties, data of government           to issue binding orders to provide access and
                              and business entities stored in data centres in           disclosure of the data, or requests to preserve or
                              Bahrain is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of       maintain the integrity of the data, as per the laws
                              the foreign state in which the entity is domiciled,       relevant to the foreign state.
                              constituted or established.

18   A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows
2   Establish a level
    of data protection

    Policy recommendations

    –   Participating governments should be required to have national legal
        frameworks in place that protect the data of individuals, e.g. a data
        protection law.

    –   Cross-border transfers of personal data should generally be permitted
        under national laws.

    –   A clear cooperation mechanism between national authorities needs to
        be established to enhance trust and allow for regulatory compliance
        across borders.

    –   Compatibility or policy interoperability between data protection and
        privacy laws is encouraged to ensure certainty and security.

    –   Governments should investigate the possibility of reaching explicit
        agreement on the adequacy of other countries’ data protection and
        privacy regimes where the respective legal systems offer substantially
        similar privacy protections so as to create a common space for the
        movement of personal data.

    –   Lawmakers should encourage and enable secure data sharing and
        focus legislation and law enforcement on abuses such as cybercrime,
        fraud and harmful discrimination.

    –   If lawmakers enact broadly applicable privacy laws to define baselines,
        they should be technologically neutral so as to remain future-proof.

                                                                      A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows   19
Data protection and privacy:
                                Why it matters for cross-border data sharing

                                This Roadmap is designed to cover the principles                                                                                         use might be streamlined to extract a fit-for-purpose
                                behind the movement of all types of data as it                                                                                           version of the cross-border flow of personal data.
                                flows across borders. However, personal data or
                                personally identifiable information is a subset of                                                                                       Mobile phones, fitness trackers, connected cars,
                                data that is already highly controlled in its cross-                                                                                     medical devices, industrial machines, toys and
                                border movement. In fact, a significant amount of                                                                                        other IoT devices already generate vast amounts
                                data qualifies as “personal data” under EU data                                                                                          of data and information. The total amount of
                                protection laws and as “personal information”                                                                                            stored data worldwide is expected to reach 175
                                under newer data privacy laws in the US, including                                                                                       zettabytes by 2025.9 Unsurprisingly, the number
                                the California Consumer Privacy Act. As a result,                                                                                        of corresponding data laws has exploded in
                                restrictions on cross-border transfers of personal                                                                                       exponential terms in recent years, as seen in the
                                data affect most data transfers in practice. Below                                                                                       following graph.
                                we discuss how the various methods currently in

                   FIGURE 3     A growing number of data regulations

                                                                                                                           Cumulative number of data regulations






                                                                                                             Modifications                                                        Count of data regulation

                                Source: OECD

                                Data protection and privacy laws governing the                                                                                           countries have full or draft legislation to secure the

          28%                   collection and processing of personal data and
                                personally identifiable information vary from country
                                                                                                                                                                         protection of data and privacy. The 28% of countries
                                                                                                                                                                         that do not have data protection and privacy
       of countries do not      to country, from the highly sophisticated, such as the                                                                                   legislation in place face the risk of missing out on the
      have data protection
                                EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),10                                                                                        benefits of cross-border data flows, digital trade and
     and privacy legislation
            in place            to some emerging market jurisdictions that lack                                                                                          investments in emerging technologies.
                                any explicit data protection laws. Almost 72% of

20     A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows
Data Protection and Privacy at the Cross-Border Level
FIGURE 4   Core principles of data protection and privacy
                                    Core principles of data protection and privacy

                                                                      Fair and
                                               Accountability                       specification

                                      Security and                                               Minimality
                                       confidence                       Core

                                           Sensitivity                                          Quality

                                                            Data subject     Openness or
                                                            participation    transparency

           Under these data protection and privacy laws,                    Asymmetry can act as a soft barrier when both
           organizations usually face restrictions and obligations          Country A and Country B have robust data
           regarding the collection, use and transfer of                    protection legislation in place, yet significant
           data relating to natural persons (personal data).                differences exist in terms of how those laws are
           Data protection and privacy laws do not apply to                 implemented and complied with. Compliance
           aggregated information, irreversibly de-identified data          comes with associated cost, and so to minimize
           or data that does not relate to individuals.                     costs the company may choose not to do business
                                                                            in Country B, opting instead to stay local or else
           The core principles of data protection and privacy               expand its business into territories whose regimes
           as illustrated in Figure 5 above tend to remain                  are more similar to Country A’s. The result is that
           fairly consistent from jurisdiction to jurisdiction,             Country B loses out.
           though some differences do appear. When
           these differences are significant, a country’s data              Finally, but by no means exhaustively, because
           protection law can end up acting as both a hard                  of the relative importance placed on compliance
           and soft barrier to the cross-border flow of data.               when it comes to protecting personal data in a
                                                                            dataset (due to regulatory obligations and other
           Consider a company resident in Country A that is                 penalties, on top of the importance of protecting
           interested in doing business in Country B. We can                private individuals), the entire dataset will often be
           assume that doing business will require some sort                treated as personal data, even if it contains only a
           of cross-border transfer of personal data, such as               small amount of personal data. Larger companies
           customer purchasing information.                                 can often design data stacks so that personal data
                                                                            can be stored separately from other kinds of data,
           Asymmetry of approach to data protection                         but SMEs will usually lack the resources to do so
           between these countries will act as a hard barrier               and may effectively end up treating all data equally
           to business in the case where Country A has a                    in line with the highest standard of compliance
           robust level of data protection legislation and                  required, e.g. as if it is personal data. Thus, laws
           Country B has a lighter or non-existent level                    that are intended to apply only to personal data
           of protection. Because Country A cannot be                       can, in practice, have the effect of applying to all
           certain that its citizens’ data would be adequately              kinds of data.
           protected in Country B, it may restrict the
           movement of personal data by the company to
           Country B.

                                                                                            A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows   21
FIGURE 5       Data protection and privacy legislation worldwide

                                                            Legislation           Draft legislation           No legislation       No data

                              Source: UNCTAD

                              Cross-border data transfers

   Contractual                Data privacy concerns in respect of the cross-                          collaboration and thus transfers of personal
commitments                   border movement of data can be addressed by                             data. Partial restrictions may be helpful to ensure
usually require               mandating contractual commitments by foreign                            sufficient levels of data protection abroad, using one
parties to adhere             data importers. Contractual commitments usually                         or more mechanisms:
to core principles            require parties to adhere to core principles of
of various                    various international data protection and privacy                       –   More and more countries require companies
international data            laws. In this way we can see how existing laws can                          to provide notice or seek informed consent
protection and                act as a form of unofficial standardization for cross-                      from data subjects before their personal
privacy laws                  border data transfer agreements.                                            data may be transferred abroad. Companies
                                                                                                          administer the notice and consent process,
                              National lawmakers can allow cross-border                                   which adds costs to cross-border trade. While
                              transfers of personal data, hold data-transferring                          the approach is flexible and leaves the decision
                              companies responsible for any consequences                                  to individuals, it places a considerable onus on
                              caused, and apply and enforce national laws                                 individuals to understand the data value chain
                              against foreign companies and public-sector                                 and is not optimal in cases where potentially
                              entities. The United States has taken this approach                         harmful processes are consented to but poorly
                              and successfully enforced its laws against                                  understood.
                              companies around the world based on their nexus
                              to US markets and jurisdiction. Other countries find                    –   The EU allows data transfers on the basis of
                              it more difficult to enforce their laws across borders                      consent only in specific circumstances11 and
                              if they cannot rely on cooperation from other                               generally requires that a data importer outside
                              countries, and the foreign companies involved have                          the European Economic Area (EEA) be located
                              less of a nexus to their jurisdiction.                                      in a jurisdiction that the EU has declared
                                                                                                          “adequate”, adopts industry codes of conduct,
                              If a country is concerned that it cannot enforce its                        implements binding corporate rules approved
                              data protection or privacy laws against companies                           by a data protection authority in the EU or
                              abroad, and does not trust another country’s                                accepts standard contractual clauses (SCCs)
                              practices, it can prohibit or restrict cross-border                         promulgated by the EU. Many multinationals
                              transfers of personal data. A complete prohibition                          view adopting the complex and rigid SCCs as
                              would result in economic isolation because                                  the least burdensome option, even though the
                              international trade requires communication,                                 SCCs cover only limited data transfer scenarios

22   A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows
and require pass-through to onward transferees,      should reflect on their needs and requirements
                         which multiplies costs and burdens. SCCs             before using the expertise and experience of others.
                         work less well for cross-border data sharing at      Every country should aim for a minimum level of
                         scale, and are not ideal for modern-day cross-       data and privacy protection12 at a domestic level
                         border data sharing use cases such as machine        that can then be operationalized in an international
                         learning; however, in current use they are an        relationship for cross-border data transfers.
                         important instrument for SMEs that lack the
                         resources to build tailor-made legal solutions for   Fundamental to ensuring that two different nations
                         the cross-border transfer of data.                   with two different data protection laws can act
                                                                              harmoniously is ensuring that, at a principle level,
                     –   The member states of the Asia-Pacific                there is a degree of commonality. Once this
                         Economic Cooperation (APEC) agreed on a              commonality is either recognized or achieved,
                         privacy framework in 2004 and cross-border           companies will find it easier to comply with both
                         privacy rules (CBPR) in 2011. As of February         regimes when constructing private-level cross-
                         2020, eight jurisdictions have implemented           border data transfer mechanisms such as standard
                         these rules (Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico,       contractual clauses. However, there are inherent
                         South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and the               difficulties with this approach, because it requires
                         United States). Only 23 businesses are listed        case-by-case analysis and bilateral arrangements;
                         as participants so far, because none of the          as the number of countries participating in the
                         member states demands cross-border transfers         process increases, countries should seek to
                         of personal data on participation.                   achieve adequacy between them when it comes to
                                                                              a minimum standard of data protection and privacy.
                     –   Other countries have followed the EU approach,       In this way, private data transfer mechanisms
                         with country whitelists and requirements to          may still be required at an operational level,
                         execute protective contracts. The whitelisting       but businesses can effectively treat the two or
                         approach provides countries with opportunities       more countries involved as effectively a singular
   Personal              for privacy law harmonization and bilateral trade    jurisdiction for the purposes of data protection and
data transfer            negotiations. Companies can manage contract          privacy. Thus, adequacy is a passport that allows
minimization             requirements better if they are generally stated,    personal data to travel across relevant borders.
and prohibitive          e.g. not overly prescriptive, but if every country   Mutual recognition of agreed international principles
regulation               requires its own contract clauses for cross-         as a way of defining minimum standards for data
writ large is            border transfers at the same level of complexity     sharing is therefore more practical for the most
counterproductive        and word count of the EU SCCs, then                  ambitious nations.13
to pursuing the          multinationals would have to review and execute
many opportunities       millions of pages of contract terms, resulting       Although there is no uniformly agreed-upon model
of data-driven           in an undue burden on international trade. A         for data protection, many countries have been
innovation, which        more efficient alternative to country whitelists     adopting European-style concepts in their data
is why policy-           is mutual recognition of OECD countries              processing legislation, including, recently, Brazil and
makers should            or signatories to the Council of Europe’s            India (a draft bill is pending at the time of writing).
focus on specific        Convention 108 principles. This places the onus      Despite the significant differences, many of those
privacy harms and        on countries to opt in to such an approach.          models also share communalities in terms of core
craft legislation                                                             data protection principles. These can provide
that balances        –   Compatibility or policy interoperability between     a place to start to achieve harmonization and
privacy and              data protection and privacy laws ensures             interoperability and reduce friction over cross-
other interests          certainty and security in EU-US Privacy Shield       border data flows.
proportionally           programme and Executive Agreements under the
                         US Cloud Act, such as the UK-US agreement,           Personal data collection, usage and cross-border
                         whereby mutual standards are respected               sharing will increase – in fact, must increase – to
                         regarding the processing of personal data.           better research and cure diseases; treat patients
                                                                              with personalized, precision medicine; develop
                     Lawmakers should encourage and enable secure             AI; enable autonomous cars to recognize and
                     data sharing, and focus legislation and law              protect people; support global communications;
                     enforcement on abuses such as cybercrime, fraud          create reliable blockchains; ensure the effective
                     and harmful discrimination. If lawmakers enact           fight against financial crime, modern slavery and
                     broadly applicable privacy laws to define baselines,     corruption; enable firms to manage vendor/supplier
                     they should be technologically neutral so as to          risk; safeguard against cyberthreats; and protect
                     remain future-proof.                                     national and international security. Personal data
                                                                              transfer minimization and prohibitive regulation writ
                     Each country must find the right balance for its         large is counterproductive to pursuing the many
                     people’s privacy and data needs. The legal, cultural     opportunities of data-driven innovation, which is
                     and societal differences between nations and             why policy-makers should focus on specific privacy
                     regions mean that wholesale adoption of privacy          harms and craft legislation that balances privacy
                     requirements in one country/region may not work          and other interests proportionally.
                     for another in the same way. Therefore, countries

                                                                                            A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows   23
3         Prioritize

                              Policy recommendations

                              –   Governments should endorse the concept of cybersecurity as a
                                  fundamental condition of doing business in an economy.

                              –   Governments should enact robust data security legislation to position
                                  themselves as trustworthy data transfer destinations, including data
                                  security requirements on public- and private-sector organizations and
                                  data security breach notification requirements.

                              –   Governments should create, support and respect robust data security
                                  infrastructures and refrain from demanding data access without due
                                  process or technology back-door systems.

                              –   Cross-border data sharing agreements between governments should
                                  in turn mandate data security measures.

                              –   Cross-border data sharing agreements should contain an anti-
                                  snooping clause, i.e. a clause that forbids governments and
                                  connectivity providers from viewing the data being transmitted across
                                  borders, except in certain prescribed instances.

                              –   A clear cooperation mechanism between authorities needs to be
                                  established to enhance trust.

24   A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows
What governments can do

                       The security of data when it moves across borders              ePrivacy Directive,14 there are stringent penalties
                       is of fundamental concern to both companies and                placed on electronic communications service
                       governments, both in terms of risk mitigation and              providers who snoop on data in transmission on
                       security of proprietary data and intellectual property         their networks. The analogy to trade of physical
                       (IP). The absence of, or the risk of the absence of,           goods is also relevant here: Goods are shipped to
                       security measures further undermines trust and                 prevent unauthorized access but inspected at the
                       produces friction for cross-border data sharing.               port of entry to satisfy local law requirements. They
                                                                                      are also labelled to generally describe their content.
   Having a civilian   Appropriate data protection technologies exist,                So too could metadata be tagged to provide
cybersecurity          e.g. data encryption and data masking. However,                information about data content without necessarily
agency is key to       the main challenge is when and how to use these                making it available for review.
encourage trusted      measures to create trust within data sharing
relationships          agreements at a national level. The project                    If the metadata is tagged with appropriate content
around the             community recommended that cross-border                        notices and securely transmitted using protocols,
world with other       data sharing agreements between governments                    governments could reliably permit data transfer,
cybersecurity          mandate a minimum threshold for cybersecurity,                 while keeping the payload confidential, and
agencies, whose        just as already happens for the trade of goods and             preserve the rights to inspection.
role is solely to      services. Physical goods are assessed by common
protect networks,      product specifications. e.g. origin and weight.                To create a trustworthy environment for cross-
not to attack them     Likewise, minimum thresholds for security can be               border data flows by being a trustworthy
                       agreed between governments to enable the free                  international player, countries should consider
                       flow of data.                                                  measures at the national level such as enacting
                                                                                      national legislation to require data security
                       The project community further suggested that                   breach notification for all types of data; ensuring
                       cross-border data sharing agreements should                    compensation for data subjects or businesses for
                       contain an anti-snooping clause, i.e. a clause that            actual harm caused by data security breaches; and
                       forbids governments and connectivity providers                 requiring manufacturers of IT products to make
                       from viewing the data being transmitted across                 secure products by promoting and supporting
                       borders, except in certain prescribed instances.               investment in good security standards and
                       It is a well-established principle that connectivity           third-party validation. Local laws should protect
                       providers should not access content data in                    organizations against cybercriminals and national
                       transmission (even though they technically have                state espionage, and governments should consider
                       access to it, system controls can be designed to               auditing organizations and enforce laws to reduce
                       make this access more difficult). Under the EU’s               security breaches and promote trust.

                       Establishing a sophisticated governmental
                       approach to cybersecurity

                       Having a civilian cybersecurity agency is key to               government when it comes to cybersecurity. It is
                       encourage trusted relationships around the world               a foundation in the cybersecurity framework of a
                       with other cybersecurity agencies, whose role is               country, showing that the government has identified
                       solely to protect networks, not to attack them.15              cybersecurity as a priority, and explicating how it is
                       In establishing its national cybersecurity agency, a           intending to protect itself and its citizens. It maps
                       government needs to consider the responsibilities              the different relationships at national level between
                       of that agency. The role of the cybersecurity agency           the different entities dealing with cybersecurity.
                       can vary greatly, and if at first it will be mainly to react
                       to attacks, gradually it should seek to define effective       When it comes to increasing a country’s
                       methodologies, inform the private sector about                 cybersecurity posture, it is absolutely vital to define
                       current threats and have a more proactive role.                a framework for critical services by mapping
                                                                                      the functions that are critical for the country to
                       The second step is to define a cybersecurity                   function. These vary between countries, but usually
                       strategy and, in that strategy, define how and                 cover essential services such as the financial
                       where the cybersecurity agency should be set up.               sector, energy, water treatment, the military and
                       In the absence of any agency, a white paper by                 telecommunications. For each of these sectors,
                       government can build goodwill and lay a foundation             it is then important to define the thresholds at
                       for appetite. Such a high-level document, signed               which companies would be considered critical to
                       off by the government, shows the intention of that             that sector. Defining these thresholds allows the

                                                                                                    A Roadmap for Cross-Border Data Flows   25
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