A seamless, reliable and adaptable fibre connectivity - Avaya - Vodacom's Broadband Connect Fibre service enables Avaya to access the kind of ...

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A seamless, reliable and adaptable fibre connectivity - Avaya - Vodacom's Broadband Connect Fibre service enables Avaya to access the kind of ...
Case study

A seamless,
reliable and adaptable
fibre connectivity

Vodacom’s Broadband Connect
Fibre service enables Avaya to
access the kind of enterprise-level
connectivity it needs
A seamless, reliable and adaptable fibre connectivity - Avaya - Vodacom's Broadband Connect Fibre service enables Avaya to access the kind of ...
Avaya Learning Centre with
Vodacom Broadband Connect Fibre
Avaya’s fibre connectivity mirrors its own business ethos – seamless, reliable and
adaptable. Avaya, a South African Learning Centre, reaches out to audiences around the
world daily. As such, its reputation is all about innovation in collaboration, so ensuring their
communication standards remain top-class is imperative. Vodacom Broadband Connect
Fibre service enables Avaya South Africa, a local SME, to access the kind of enterprise
level connectivity it needs to deliver its globally recognised industry training, without the
enterprise level spend.
Introduction                                  Summary
One of the cornerstones of Vodacom’s          Avaya is a global leader in enterprise   are filled more than 100 days a year.
Business ethos is that its customers          communication systems. It provides       In between, lecturers deliver online
should have access to the fastest,            unified communications, contact          skills training to students around
most reliable connection available.           centre, data solutions and related       the world.
                                              services, both directly and through
Since 2008, Vodacom has invested              channel partners to leading              Distance and cable quality meant
more than R2 billion in fibre transmission    businesses and organisations             that Avaya’s incumbent ADSL
to connect its more than 10 000               around the world. Enterprises of         connection allowed a maximum
cellular-base stations. This fibre            all sizes depend on Avaya for            6Mbps download speed. Interference
infrastructure forms the backbone of          state-of-the-art communications          by other electronic transmissions
Vodacom Fibre To The Business (FTTB)          that improve efficiency,                 meant performance was rarely
service, Broadband Connect Fibre, and         collaboration, customer service          optimal. With Avaya’s training labs
paves the way for true cloud and next-        and competitiveness.                     hosted overseas, training traffic was
generation services while opening the                                                  largely dependent on upload speed –
door to a new level of efficiency, mobility   Skills transfer is an important          which was considerably less than the
and cost savings.                             component of Avaya’s offering as         6Mbps promised.
                                              it assists users to transform
Vodacom Broadband Connect Fibre               features and functions into a            Video and even voice transmissions
uses the latest Passive Optical Network       complete communications solution.        often experienced lag or were of a
(PON) technology to deliver an                Avaya Learning develops and              poorer quality than users expected.
unparalleled experience. Its scalability      delivers training for Avaya products     When this began to affect customer
means that smaller businesses can             and solutions. The collective insight    satisfaction scores, particularly in labs,
access rich content experiences via the       of over 100 years of leadership and      Avaya investigated viable alternatives.
internet that was previously only             vital knowledge from support             The most attractive of these was
available to large corporate customers.       centres worldwide is distilled into      introducing a fibre network which,
Services include video collaboration,         some of the best training in the         although well-suited to the business’
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP),          industry, delivered at each individual   high-end media requirements, had
hosted PBX, Office 365, cloud backup          team’s pace and convenience.             always been out-priced locally.
and other data applications. Businesses
of all sizes operating out of business        In recent years, Avaya reduced the       With the most extensive network
parks can now access high-speed and           number of its technology labs,           across South Africa and proven
high‑capacity data connections – driving      opting for a more centralised and        reliability, Vodacom was ideally
cost savings, improving efficiencies and      cost-effective deployment model.         positioned to deliver the kind of
competitiveness.                              This increased the reliance on           world-class Broadband solution
                                              internet connectivity by its training    that Avaya required. Given the
                                              hubs. Avaya South Africa’s premises      rapid expansion plan, service
                                              in Bryanston are the centralised         options and attractive pricing on
                                              training hub for Southern Africa         offer, Avaya recognised a partnership
                                              and uses the UK-based lab remotely.      with Vodacom that offered clear
                                              On site, its two dedicated classrooms    business advantages.

A seamless, reliable and adaptable fibre connectivity - Avaya - Vodacom's Broadband Connect Fibre service enables Avaya to access the kind of ...
With the most extensive network across South Africa and proven
                                 reliability, Vodacom was ideally positioned to deliver the kind of
                                 world-class Broadband solution that Avaya required.

• High speed and high capacity              Increased upstream                         Steady transmission
                                            and downstream bandwidth
• Reliable connectivity                                                                A very stable signal (as a result of
                                            Due to its low-loss character, Vodacom     Vodacom’s Fibre Optic Network) ensures
• A flexible range of service plans         provides Avaya with 15Mbps symmetrical     high-quality Broadband internet access
                                            Broadband fibre with equal upstream and    suitable for real-time, high definition
• A customised service support model
                                            downstream throughput.                     multimedia services.
  for Senior Technical Trainers for Avaya
  South Africa                              The service can be upgraded to 100Mbps,
                                            as long as one is within the Broadband
• Easy scalability with rapid
                                            fibre footprint. This makes it ideal for
  provisioning to accommodate
                                            Avaya’s training services where distance
  business expansion and a recognised
                                            learners and lecturers use high-speed
  partnership with Vodacom, offering
                                            data transmission applications.
  clear business advantages

Business enablement                           Workflow description
Avaya’s blended learning approach             Vodacom Broadband Connect Fibre              stages over a period of several weeks.
offers students a combination of              has entirely replaced Avaya’s original       The implementation began in October
self-directed, remote interactive             ADSL connection and has doubled the          2014 with a feasibility survey, followed
and classroom learning environments to        speed that the business had previously.      by the roll-out of the infrastructure.
maximise effectiveness and decrease time      As Vodacom was able to drastically           The installation of a fibre feeder link
required to reach proficiency.                reduce the cost of its offering, there       into Avaya’s Bryanston premises was
                                              has been very little increase in the cost    carried out in December 2014.
Vodacom Broadband Connect                     to company.
Fibre enhances Avaya South                                                                 This project was among the first major
Africa’s ability to host training sessions    The service is supported by a flexible       FTTB deployments in the country
for Avaya’s global OPCOs and has              range of service plans, which can be         and provided significant lessons in
significantly improved customer               adapted for the business as its needs        end‑to‑end best practice going forward.
satisfaction scores since its introduction.   changes. Vodacom has already enhanced        Open communications and continual
                                              its service to Avaya to accommodate          feedback from Vodacom’s technical and
                                              additional client requirements and           management teams were instrumental
                                              implemented a Service Support model          in ensuring a successful installation,
                                              to optimise its FTTB service to Avaya. The   and continue to add excellent value to
                                              actual deployment was implemented in         the client.

                                              Enterprises of all sizes depend on Avaya for state-of-the-
                                              art communications that improve efficiency, collaboration,
                                              customer service and competitiveness.
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The information contained in this publication is correct at the time of going to print. Any
reliance on the information shall be at the recipient’s risk. No member of the Vodafone Group
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