A Semantic Writing Aid with Adaptive Paraphrasing

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A Semantic Writing Aid with Adaptive Paraphrasing
Demonstrating PAR 4S EM -
                                                         A Semantic Writing Aid with Adaptive Paraphrasing
                                                                    Seid Muhie Yimam         Chris Biemann
                                                                          Language Technology Group
                                                                           Department of Informatics
                                                                         Universität Hamburg, Germany

                                                               Abstract                          the semantic annotation problem, using an adap-
                                                                                                 tive, integrated, and personalized annotation pro-
                                             In this paper, we present PAR 4S EM, a seman-       cess. By adaptive, we mean that target appli-
                                             tic writing aid tool based on adaptive para-
                                                                                                 cations do not require pre-existing training data,
                                             phrasing. Unlike many annotation tools that
arXiv:1808.06853v1 [cs.CL] 21 Aug 2018

                                             are primarily used to collect training examples,    rather it depends on the usage data from the user.
                                             PAR 4S EM is integrated into a real word appli-     The machine learning model then adapts towards
                                             cation, in this case a writing aid tool, in order   the actual goal of the application over time. In-
                                             to collect training examples from usage data.       stead of developing a standalone annotation tool,
                                             PAR 4S EM is a tool, which supports an adap-        the collection of training examples is integrated
                                             tive, iterative, and interactive process where      inside a real-world application. Furthermore, our
                                             the underlying machine learning models are
                                                                                                 approach is personalized in a sense that the train-
                                             updated for each iteration using new training
                                             examples from usage data. After motivating          ing examples being collected are directly related to
                                             the use of ever-learning tools in NLP applica-      the need of the user for the application at hand. Af-
                                             tions, we evaluate PAR 4S EM by adopting it to      ter all, the question is not: how good is the system
                                             a text simplification task through mere usage.      today? It is rather: how good will it be tomorrow
                                                                                                 after we use it today?
                                         1   Introduction                                           Thus, such adaptive approaches have the fol-
                                         Natural language processing and semantic appli-         lowing benefits:
                                         cations that depend on a machine learning com-          Suggestion and correction options: Since the
                                         ponent require training data, i.e. examples from        model immediately starts learning from the usage
                                         which the machine learning algorithm learns from.       data, it can start predicting and suggesting recom-
                                         The training datasets require, most of the time,        mendations to the user immediately. Users can
                                         manual annotation. Usually, such annotations are        evaluate and correct suggestions that in turn help
                                         conducted in a predefined cycle of annotation ac-       the model to learn from these corrections.
                                         tivities. Once the annotation problem is identi-        Less costly: As the collection of the training data
                                         fied, a standalone annotation tool along with the       is based on usage data, it does not need a separate
                                         annotation guideline is developed. At the end of        annotation cycle.
                                         the annotation cycle, the collected dataset is fed to   Personalized: It exactly fits the need of the target
                                         the machine learning component, which produces          application, based on the requirement of the user.
                                         a static model that can be used thereafter in an ap-    Model-Life-Long Learning: As opposed to static
                                         plication.                                              models that once deployed on the basis of training
                                            Possible limitations of these annotation ap-         data, adaptive models incorporate more training
                                         proaches are: 1) Developing a standalone anno-          data the longer they are used, which should lead
                                         tation tool is costly, sometimes expert or specially    to better performance over time.
                                         trained annotators are required. 2) There is no di-        We have developed PAR 4S EM, a semantic writ-
                                         rect way to evaluate the dataset towards its effec-     ing aid tool using an adaptive paraphrasing com-
                                         tiveness for the real-world application. 3) It suf-     ponent, which is used to provide context-aware
                                         fers from what is known as concept drift, as the        lexical paraphrases while composing texts. The
                                         annotation process is detached from the target ap-      tool incorporates two adaptive models, namely
                                         plication, the dataset might get obsolete over time.    target identification and candidate ranking. The
                                            In this regard, we have dealt specifically with      adaptive target identification component is a clas-
A Semantic Writing Aid with Adaptive Paraphrasing
sification algorithm, which learns how to automat-     end and returns responses to the frontend. Figure
ically identify target units (such as words, phrases   1 shows the three main components of PAR 4S EM
or multi-word expressions), that need to be para-      and their interactions.
phrased. When the user highlights target words
(usage data), it is considered as a training exam-
ple for the adaptive model.
   The adaptive ranking model is a learning-to-
rank machine learning algorithm, which is used to
re-rank candidate suggestions provided for the tar-
get unit. We rely on existing paraphrase resources
such as PPDB 2.0, WordNet, distributional the-
saurus and word embeddings (see Section 2.1.1)
to generate candidate suggestions.
   Some other examples for adaptive NLP setups               Figure 1: The main components of PAR 4S EM
include: 1) online learning for ranking, example
Yogatama et al. (2014) who tackle the pairwise
                                                       2.1     The Backend Component
learning-to-ranking problem via a scalable online
learning approach, 2) adaptive machine translation     The backend component consists of several mod-
(MT), e.g. Denkowski et al. (2014) describe a          ules. For the adaptive paraphrasing system, the
framework for building adaptive MT systems that        first component is to identify possible target units
learn from post-editor feedback, and 3) incremen-      (such as single words, phrases, or multi-word ex-
tal learning for spam filtering, e.g. Sheu et al.      pressions). For our lexical simplification use-case,
(2017) use a window-based technique to estimate        the target units identification component is instan-
for the condition of concept drift for each incom-     tiated with the datasets obtained from Yimam et al.
ing new email.                                         (2017a,b, 2018). The adaptive target identification
   We have evaluated our approach with a lexical       unit then keeps on learning from the usage data
simplification task use-case. The lexical simplifi-    (when the user highlights portions of the text to
cation task contains complex word identification       get paraphrase candidate suggestions).
(adaptive target identification) and simpler candi-       Once target units are marked or recognized (by
date selection (adaptive ranking) components.          the target unit identification system), the next step
   As far as our knowledge concerned, PAR 4S EM        is to generate possible candidate suggestion for the
is the first tool in the semantic and NLP research     target unit (paraphrase candidates). The candidate
community, where adaptive technologies are inte-       suggestion module includes candidate generation
grated into a real-world application. PAR 4S EM        and candidate ranking sub-modules. Section 2.1.1
is open source1 and the associated data collected      discusses our approaches to generating and rank-
for the lexical simplification use-case are publicly   ing paraphrase candidates in detail.
available. The live demo of PAR 4S EM is avail-
                                                       2.1.1    Paraphrasing Resources
able at https://ltmaggie.informatik.
uni-hamburg.de/par4sem.                                Paraphrase resources are datasets where target
                                                       units are associated with a list of candidate units
2       System Architecture of PAR 4S EM               equivalent in meaning, possibly ranked by their
                                                       meaning similarity. One can refer to the work of
The PAR 4S EM system consists of backend, fron-
                                                       Ho et al. (2014) about the details on how para-
tend, and API components. The backend compo-
                                                       phrase resources are produced, but we will briefly
nent is responsible for NLP related pre-processing,
                                                       discuss the different types of paraphrase resources
adaptive machine learning model generation, data
                                                       that are used in generating candidate suggestions
storage, etc. The frontend component sends re-
                                                       for PAR 4S EM.
quests to the backend, highlights target units,
                                                       PPDB 2.0: The Paraphrase Database (PPDB)
presents candidate suggestions, sends user inter-
                                                       is a collection of over 100 million paraphrases
action to the database and so on. The API compo-
                                                       that was automatically constructed using a bilin-
nent transforms the frontend requests to the back-
                                                       gual pivoting method. Recently released PPDB
        https://uhh-lt.github.io/par4sem/              2.0 includes improved paraphrase rankings, en-
A Semantic Writing Aid with Adaptive Paraphrasing
tailment relations, style information, and distribu-   suggestions using a learning-to-rank adaptive ma-
tional similarity measures for each paraphrase rule    chine learning model. Figure 2 displays the pro-
(Pavlick et al., 2015).                                cess of the adaptive models while Figure 3 dis-
WordNet: We use WordNet synonyms, which                plays the pipeline (as a loop) used in the gener-
are described as words that denote the same con-       ations of the adaptive models.
cept and are interchangeable in many contexts
(Miller, 1995), to produce candidate suggestions
for a given target unit.
Distributional Thesaurus – JoBimText: We use
JoBimText, an open source platform for large-
scale distributional semantics based on graph rep-
resentations (Biemann and Riedl, 2013), to extract
candidate suggestions that are semantically simi-
lar to the target unit.
Phrase2Vec: We train a Phrase2Vec model                Figure 2: The main and sub-processes of target and
(Mikolov et al., 2013) using English Wikipedia         ranking adaption components of PAR 4S EM.
and the AQUAINT corpus of English news text
(Graff, 2002). Mikolov et al. (2013) pointed out
that it is possible to extend the word based embed-
dings model to phrase-based model using a data-
driven approach where each phrase or multi-word
expressions are considered as individual tokens
during the training process. We have used a to-
tal of 79,349 multiword expression and phrase re-
sources as given in Yimam et al. (2016). We train
the Phrase2Vec embeddings with 200 dimensions
using skip-gram training and a window size of 5.
We have retrieved the top 10 similar words to the
target units as candidate suggestions.

2.1.2   Adaptive Machine Learning
PAR 4S EM incorporates two adaptive machine            Figure 3: The loop for the generation of the adaptive
learning models. The first one is used to identify     models of PAR 4S EM.
target units (target adaption) in a text while the
second one is used to rank candidate suggestions          The whole process is iterative, interactive, and
(ranking adaption). Both models make use of us-        adaptive in a sense that the underlying models
age data as a training example. The target adaption    (both target adaption and ranking adaption) get us-
model predicts target units based on the usage data    age data continuously from the user. The models
(training examples) and sends them to the fron-        get updated for each iteration, where n examples
tend component, which are then highlighted for         conducted in a batch mode without model update,
the user. If the user replaced the highlighted tar-    and provide better suggestions (as target units or
get units, they are considered as positive training    candidate suggestions) for the next iteration. The
examples for the next iteration.                       user interacts with the tool, probably accepting or
   The ranking adaption model first generates can-     rejecting tool suggestions, which is fed as a train-
didate paraphrases using the paraphrase resource       ing signal for the next iterations model. Figure 4
datasets (see Section 2.1.1). As all the candidates    shows the entirety of interactions, iterations, and
generated from the paraphrase resources might not      adaptive processes of the PAR 4S EM system. In the
be relevant to the target unit at a context, or as     first iteration, the ranking is provided using a base-
the number of candidates to be displayed might         line language model while for the subsequent iter-
be excessively large (for example the PPDB 2.0         ations, the usage data from the previous batches
resource alone might produce hundreds of candi-        (t-1) is used to train a model that is used to rank
dates for a target unit), we re-rank the candidate     the current batch (t).
A Semantic Writing Aid with Adaptive Paraphrasing
units are underlined in cyan color and highlighted
                                                         in yellow background color as a link ( 3 ) which
                                                         enables users to click, display, and select candidate
                                                         suggestions for a replacement ( 4 ).

Figure 4: The iterative and adaptive interaction of

2.1.3    Backend Technologies
The backend components are fully implemented
using the Java programming language. Text seg-
mentation such as sentence splitting, tokenization,      Figure 5: The PAR 4S EM text editing component that is
lemmatization, and parts of speech tagging is han-       used to compose texts, highlight target units, and dis-
dled using the Apache OpenNLP2 library.                  play candidate suggestions for the target units.
   For the target unit identification system, we
have used Datumbox3 , a powerful open-source             2.2.2 Frontend Technologies
machine learning framework written in Java. We           The frontend components are implemented using
have used specifically the Adaboost classification       HTML, CSS and JavaScript technologies. For
algorithm.                                               the text highlighting and candidate suggestion re-
   For the ranking model, RankLib, which is the          placement, the jQuery Spellchecker5 module is
well-known library for the learning to rank algo-        slightly modified to incorporate the semantic high-
rithms from the Lemur4 project is integrated. All        lighting (underline in cyan and a yellow back-
the data related to PAR 4S EM interactions (usage        ground). The accompanied documentation and
data, time, and user details) are stored in a MySQL      datasets of PAR 4S EM6 are hosted at Github pages.
                                                         2.3    RESTful API Component
2.2     Frontend Components
                                                         Semantic technologies, those like PAR 4S EM in-
The frontend component of PAR 4S EM is designed          corporates highly dynamic dimensions. One di-
where document composing with a semantic para-           mension is that the paraphrase resources can be
phrasing capability is integrated seamlessly. It is a    varied depending on the need of the application.
web-based application allowing access either on a        Another dimension is that the application can be
local installation or over the internet.                 in different languages. If the backend and the
                                                         frontend technologies are highly coupled, it will
2.2.1    UI Components for Paraphrasing
                                                         be difficult to reuse the application for different
The frontend part of PAR 4S EM comprises differ-         languages, resources, and applications. To solve
ent modules. The most important UI component is          this problem, we have developed PAR 4S EM using
the text editing interface (Figure 5) that allows for    a RESTful API (aka. microservices) as a middle-
adding text, highlighting target units, and display-     ware between the backend and the frontend com-
ing candidate suggestions. 1 is the main area to         ponents.
compose (or paste) texts. The operational buttons           The API component consumes requests (get-
( 2 ) are used to perform some actions such as to        ting target units and candidate suggestions) or re-
undo and redo (composing, target unit highlight-         sources (saving usage data such as selection of
ing, and paraphrase ranking), automatically high-        new target units, user’s preference for candidate
lighting target units, and clear the text area. Target   ranking, user and machine information) from the
   2                                                     frontend and transfers them to the backend. The
   3                                                        5
    http://www.datumbox.com/                                 http://jquery-spellchecker.badsyntax.
  4                                                      co/
RankLib/                                                     https://uhh-lt.github.io/par4sem/
A Semantic Writing Aid with Adaptive Paraphrasing
backend component translates the requests or re-
sources and handles them accordingly. Spring
Boot7 is used to implement the API services.
2.3.1 Installation and Deployment
As PAR 4S EM consists of different technologies,
machine learning setups, resources, and configura-
tions, we opted to provide a Docker-based installa-
tion and deployment options. While it is possible
to fully install the tool on ones own server, we also
provide an API access for the whole backend ser-        Figure 6: Learning curve showing the increase of
vices. This allows users to quickly and easily in-      NDCG@10 score over 9 iterations.
stall the frontend component and relay on our API
service calls for the rest of the communications.       candidates are presented using a default language-
                                                        model-based ranking. In (Yimam and Biemann,
3       Use-case – Adaptive Text                        2018) we have shown that the adaptive paraphras-
        Simplification using Crowdsourcing              ing system adopts very well to text simplification,
An appropriate use case for adaptive paraphrasing       improving the NDCG (Wang et al., 2013) score
is lexical text simplification. Lexical simplifica-     from 60.66 to 75.70. Figure 6 shows the learning
tion aims to reduce the complexity of texts due to      curve for the different iterations conducted in the
difficult words or phrases in the text (Siddharthan,    experiment.
Advaith, 2014). We have used PAR 4S EM particu-
larly for text simplification task with an emphasis     4   Conclusion
of making texts accessible for language learners,       In this paper, we have described PAR 4S EM, a se-
children, and people with disabilities.                 mantic writing aid tool based on an embedded
   We conducted the experiment by integrating the       adaptive paraphrasing system. Unlike most an-
tool into the Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk)8           notation tools, which are developed exclusively
crowdsourcing and employ workers to simplify            to collect training examples for machine learning
texts using the integrated adaptive paraphrasing        applications, PAR 4S EM implements an adaptive
system. While PAR 4S EM is installed and run on         paraphrasing system where training examples are
our local server, we make use of the MTurk’s            obtained from usage data.
external HIT functionality to embed and conduct            To the best of our knowledge, PAR 4S EM is the
the text simplification experiment. Once workers        first of its kind where machine learning models are
have access to our embedded tool in the MTurk           improved based on usage data and user feedback
browser, they will be redirected to our local instal-   (correction of suggestions) for semantic applica-
lation to complete the simplification task. Figure 5    tions. PAR 4S EM is used in a text simplification
shows the PAR 4S EM user interface to perform text      use-case. Evaluation of the system showed that
simplification task by the workers while Figure 7       the adaptive paraphrasing system for text simplifi-
shows the instructions as they appeared inside the      cation successfully adapted to the target task in a
MTurk’s browser.                                        small number of iterations.
   We asked workers to simplify the text for the           For future work, we would like to evaluate the
target readers, by using the embedded paraphras-        system in an open task setting where users can
ing system. Difficult words or phrases are auto-        paraphrase resp. simplify self-provided texts, and
matically highlighted so that workers can click and     explore how groups of similar users can be uti-
see possible candidate suggestions. The experi-         lized to provide adaptations for their respective
ment was conducted over 9 iterations, where the         sub-goals.
ranking model is updated using the training dataset
(usage data) collected in the previous iterations.
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    https://www.mturk.com/                                tual similarity. JLM, 1(1):55–95.
Figure 7: The instructions for the text simplification task using PAR 4S EM

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