A wave of digital change: Trends in digital E-nnovation 2013 - In association with - Deloitte

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A wave of digital change: Trends in digital E-nnovation 2013 - In association with - Deloitte
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A wave of digital change:
Trends in digital
E-nnovation 2013

A wave of digital change: Trends in digital E-nnovation 2013 - In association with - Deloitte

                  Just this year, Europe has experienced double    e-commerce, in efforts to not only spread
                  digit growth rates, and expects to see           industry knowledge and exchange successful
Our trends
                  sales reach over 300 billion euros by 2016.      practices, but to jump start discussions on
                  Electronic and apparel online shopping,          the future of the business market we’re all
                  particularly cross-border, have been on the      a part of. Global trends will be compared
    Big data
                  rise, trending throughout the continent at       with current developments in the Central and
                  rates that are predicted to double by 2015.      Eastern European markets. The conference
                                                                   provides an ideal meeting place for people
                  In the past, Western and Central Europe          who have the greatest influence on the
                  have taken the lead in B2C markets, but          trade in the region, including CEOs and
                  Eastern Europe is quickly gaining speed          top management of the most important
                  to its neighbors. With Poland right in the       companies in the sector, experts and
                  middle of it all, we feel we have the best       experienced practitioners of e-commerce,
                  seat in the house. Our B2C market is more        as well as young, creative entrepreneurs
                  mature than Eastern Europe, though we’re         engaged in innovative projects.
                  still part “underdog” in comparison to the
                  Scandinavian countries, UK, Germany,             As part of the ‘e-nnovation’, Deloitte, Allegro
                  Netherlands and France.                          and PayU have prepared this report – which
                                                                   outlines some of the important digital trends
                  This autumn, between the 24th and 25th of        that are currently shaping e-commerce
                  October, the city of Poznan will become the      industry and society more broadly.
                  special place, where the greatest companies,
   The internet   brands and business ventures touching            We strongly believe that following the
    of things     e-commerce come together for the fourth          example of the previous editions, the
                  edition of ‘e-nnovation’ confernce.              e-nnovation 2013’ will create a space that
                                                                   will help your form new partnerships and
     Security     ‘E-nnovation’ channels all parts of the world,   cooperation, and will contribute to the rise
                  bringing together top players of global          of new international initiatives.


 About us

A wave of digital change: Trends in digital E-nnovation 2013 - In association with - Deloitte

                  It’s been twenty years since Mosaic, the first   The next wave of change is now upon us        researchers have pointed to the “plasticity”         The current changes in digital technologies
                  web browser was released to the public           Social media has come into the mainstream,    of the human brain, and noted that even              constitute both threats, and significant
Our trends
                  in 1993. Since then, we’ve seen several          while cloud computing and big data            in adulthood, we’re constantly adapting,             opportunities for business. This report
                  waves of digital change shift how we live        are doing the same. The shift in ways         learning and changing – “neuroplasticity             contains an analysis of how digital currently
                  our day-to-day lives. First, we could suddenly   of doing business is perhaps reflected        is not only possible, but [. . .] it is constantly   affects us and the economy, as well
    Big data
                  access information from around the world,        in the bankruptcy of Kodak and the rise       in action”4. Consequently, arguments have            as practical examples of what is being done,
                  or send e-mail to friends on other continents    of Instagram. The former once employed        been made that the Internet is changing how          and what is possible in the digital space.
                  in an instant. Then, we could download           62,000 people and filed for bankruptcy        we think and reason. Negative perspectives
                  music, do our banking, or trade shares from      in 20122. The latter employed 13 staff and    argue that we’re becoming more superficial,          In writing this report, we hope that it will
                  our PCs. Each time customers changed their       was bought by Facebook for $1 billion USD     and easily distracted. Others point out that         trigger ideas, inspire, and if necessary,
                  behaviour, businesses reacted, and there         in the same year3.                            we’re capable of both ‘skimming’ and ‘deep           spur to action. For the professionals
                  were both winners and losers. The next                                                         diving’ into information, and can now                who contributed, we thank you
                  great wave of digital change is now with us                                                    process and analyse information much                 – and for our readers, we invite you to join
                  – and business must take notice.                 The changes we see are underlaid by           better than before6. Whichever is the case,          the conversation.
                                                                   broader shifts in technology and society.     the Internet has changed our daily actions
                                                                   The adoption of mobile means that             and expectations.
                  The first waves of digital change have already   smartphone and tablet sales have overtaken
                  hit business. In the beginning we saw the        PCs this year. In the US, the percentage
                  growth, and then the burst of the Dot Com        of smartphone owners was 11% in 2007.         We’re also seeing the first generation
                  bubble. Afterwards, digital business was         It’s currently at 31% in Poland – and has     of ‘digital natives’. This new generation
                  more mature – here we saw digital firms          grown to around 50% in the US4,5. Cheaper     is comprised of people who have grown
                  disrupt, successfully compete with – and         sensors and connectivity means that objects   up with the internet throughout their lives.
   The internet   in some cases, outcompete traditional            from trucks to handbags are gaining           Digital natives not only want, but expect
    of things     companies. The businesses that adapted to        internet connectivity, as the ‘Internet of    a great experience in the digital channel,
                  our changing digital habits survived. Those      Things’ expands. The internet is becoming     whether it’s in social media, banking,
                  that didn’t struggled. Blockbuster succumbed     ubiquitous.                                   or shopping. Poland is not immune to this
     Security     to the rise of video-on-demand and Netflix:                                                    generational shift. We have one of the
                  after first rejecting an offer to partner with                                                 highest social media usage rates in the world
 Economic         their digital rival1. Borders did not adapt      Not only does the Internet surround us,       – higher than Germany, France or Japan,
  Impact          quickly enough to Amazon and customer            it is changing the way we act, what we        but also one of the biggest gaps between
                  desire for a convenient digital channel. And     expect and potentially, how we think.         young and old – and not all areas of business
                  how many of us attended auctions before          We now check prices on our phones while       seem to have noticed.
Implications      the advent of Ebay and Allegro?                  at the shops, and sit on the couch with our   The combination of smartphone adoption,
                                                                   tablet while watching TV. We don’t require    ubiquitous internet, and the rise digital
                                                                   physical bank branches (or ATMs) to carry     natives and our own expectations mean
 About us                                                          out most of our transactions – and we         businesses needs to respond, or risk being
                                                                   expect the digital channel to work. Medical   left behind by those that do.
A wave of digital change: Trends in digital E-nnovation 2013 - In association with - Deloitte
                  Key take-aways from this report

Our trends

    Big data

                  1   How we use the internet is changing
                      We’ve reached a tipping point. There are now more smart phones and tablets being sold than there are personal computers
                      – and we are no longer tethered to PCs when accessing the internet. The web comes with us when we’re browsing at a shore,
                      paying for items, or watching TV. Companies can now design for phenomena that merge the physical and the digital, and weren’t
                      commonplace a few years ago: showrooming, social commerce, and mobile payments to name just a few.
                                                                                                                                                                  in digital are
                                                                                                                                                                  changing, and
                  2   Customers no longer just want digital, they expect it

                      Customers are becoming used to digital options in their interactions with companies, and have come to expect it delivered                   business needs
                      with a sound user experience. Social media is now regularly used for tasks from customer service to recruitment, in addition
                      to advertising and maintaining brand presence. A seamless mobile experience is also becoming ‘expected’ and the production                  to respond.
                      and use of apps around the world has mushroomed, while the payments space in particular is being disrupted by mobile.



   The internet
    of things
                  3   Business can adjust to current needs…
                      Big data can help businesses refine their understanding of just what those customer needs are, and inform decision making. Data
                      analytics is cheaper than ever, allowing even smaller businesses to benefit. User Experience and mobile payments are already on
                      the radar for many businesses, while security should not be forgotten as an immediate concern. As the digital channel becomes
                      more and more important, it also becomes a more lucrative target.

                  4   … and prepare for new ones
                      Analysts predict that the Internet of Things could contribute $14 trillion to the global economy by 2022. Though it’s still in its
 Economic             infancy, IoT it is creating a buzz, and is a space to watch. Not only can it help retailers track their logistics and internal processes,
  Impact              it can revolutionise how we interact with our physical space – from products and billboards, to each other. Finally, it’s likely
                      that cloud, will give us access to technologies that aren’t even invented yet – without requiring us to invest in infrastructure.
                      Consequently, businesses should have a sound understanding of cloud to prepare for the future, whatever it may be.

 About us

A wave of digital change: Trends in digital E-nnovation 2013 - In association with - Deloitte
                  Our trends

Our trends                                                     Mobile
                                                                                                       The report
                     Big data
                     Data and analytics are at the heart
                                                               Retailers have the opportunity
                                                               to change mobile from a threat
                                                                                                       covers eight
    Big data         of developing customer insights.
                                                               to an advantage.                        digital trends
                                                                                                       and their
                     Cloud                                     Social                                  implications for
      Cloud          Cloud Is bringing us some futuristic
                     technologies without the upfront cost
                                                               Social media has gone mainstream
                                                               – but is business getting the most
                     – but integration is challenging.         out of it?
                                                                                                       It also presents
                     User Experience                           Payments                                an analysis of
                     A focus on user experience is no longer
                     an option – it’s a must have.
                                                               “Sell and cell” – smartphones will be
                                                               shaping the world of payments.          the impact of
   The internet
    of things                                                                                          on the Polish
                     Internet of Things                        Security                                economy.
                     The Internet is changing the way we       Think you can’t be hacked?
                     live…again.                               Think again.

Implications         The Impact of e-commerce                  Overall implications for
                     on the Polish economy                     business
                     Our analysis of the impact of             A short summary of how businesses
 About us            e-commerce on the Polish economy.         can respond.

A wave of digital change: Trends in digital E-nnovation 2013 - In association with - Deloitte

                  Big data
Our trends
                     Big data is getting bigger
                         than it used to be
                                                                  We’re generating a huge
                                                                  amount of information
                                                                                                                 And with big data easier
                                                                                                                    to acess than ever,
                                                                                                                                                   Data and
                                                                                                                 the market is growing...          analytics are
    Big data
                                                                                                                                                   at the heart
                                                                        500M                                                                       of developing
                                                                                                tweets sent
                                                                                                per day
                                                                                                                                                   insights – and
                                                                                                                                                   with Big Data

      Social            Then                  Now
                                                                                                                                                   becoming ever
       UX                                                                                                                                          cheaper, it’s
                    100TB                 200TB                                                                                                    easier for the
                  Size of Amazon data
                  warehouse in 1999
                                        Avg. amount of
                                        stored data for each
                                                                                                                       Invested in companies
                                                                                                                                                   little guys to
                                                                                                                                                   take part.
                                        US company with
   The internet                                                                                                     focusing on big data in 2012
    of things                           over 1000 staff
                                                                                                                                                   The world’s data is growing at a pace and
                                                                                                                                                   volume not seen before in the history of
     Security                                                                                                                                      the world. In 2013, 500 million tweets
                                                               Resulting in                                   Market size for Big Data
                                                                                                                                                   are sent each day, and 30 billion pieces of
                                                                                                                                                   content – including GPS, social interaction,

  Impact                                                                                                                               $48B        or sentiment data – are shared monthly by
                                                                                                                                                   Facebook’s 1.15B active users. Companies
                                                                                                                                            2015   like Amazon and Wal-Mart have long used
Implications                                                                                                                                       this ‘big data’ effectively to develop real

                                40%                            of data generated on Twitter daily             $10B                                 customer insights. But there’s a twist. Big
                                                                                                                                                   data and the analytics that can put it to work
 About us                Projected year on year                                                                2012                                are now accessible to small and medium
                           growth in Big Data                                 Sources: 4,7,8,9,10                                                  enterprises, not just market giants.
A wave of digital change: Trends in digital E-nnovation 2013 - In association with - Deloitte
                  Using big data can lead to big insights – for large and small business
                  Over a decade ago, three characteristics
                  were coined as making data ‘Big’: Volume,                                                                                                              Retailers like
                  Velocity, and Variety. All three have grown
                  since then. In the US, the average volume                                                                                                              Burberry
Our trends        of data stored by a company of over 1000
                  employees in 2012 was 200TB – More than                                                                                                                combine their
    Big data
                  double Wal-Mart’s data store in 19999.
                  The pace at which data is being generated,                                                                                                             SAP data with
                  as well as the forms it has taken has also
                  skyrocketed. The web of a decade ago                                                                                                                   social data to
                                                                                                                                                                         make timely
                                                                                                        60 000
                  did not feature Facebook or Twitter, while
                  clickstreams and geo-tagging were in their

                  infancy. But the point isn’t just that there’s
                  now a lot more data being generated in the                                                                                                             adjustments
                  world – it’s what we can do with it.
                                                                                              data scientists offered by Kaggle to solve analytics problems              to their supply
                  By combining multiple, seemingly unrelated
                  data sources, businesses can draw business
                                                                   For one, it’s likely big data will become
                                                                   a more integral part of our day-to-day work.
                                                                                                                    data visualisations, helping human experts
                                                                                                                    gain insights with the aid of number                 chain.
                  insights like never before – and the explosion   Deloitte has predicted that it’s probable        crunching are also gaining use.
                  of data sources available has allowed            that “more users across the value chain          But big data is not reserved for Industry
                  organisations to do just that. Retailers like    will need to be able to consume insights         giants. Small and medium businesses can
                  Burberry combine their SAP data with social      as part of their daily workflow – or risk        benefit too. Importantly for them, big data
                  data to make timely adjustments to their         being left behind”4. Secondly, the speed at      has become cheap8 . Kaggle offers more
                  supply chain. Wal-Mart uses transactional        which we deal with data and analytics will       than 60,000 data scientists4 across the world
                  data, coupled with social media interactions,    need to increase – with so much data being       in a ‘bidding-style’ format that allows even
   The internet   blog posts, and location information to help     generated so quickly, we need to extract         small companies to access high end analytics.
    of things     gauge business demand when launching             insights and signals from data streams in near   Services like Factual, Intuit, or Allegro.pl share
                  new products4. Both Netflix and Amazon           real-time, instead of storing “everything” for   location, industry, or sales volume data with
                  utilise ‘recommendation engines’ which can       later consideration10.                           customers, allowing them to derive customer
     Security     suggest a product that we’re more likely to                                                       insights. Small businesses are taking
                  buy – not just based on our past purchases,      Day to day use, as well as speedy processing     advantage, using big data to understand
 Economic         but on our online behaviour. The benefits of     of data were evident at the London Olympic       ‘who’ customers are, engage them through
                  this are considerable. Some analysts claim       games. The Games’ Organising Committee           their preferred channels, and outcompete
                  retailers can improve their margins by up        (LOCOG) established a big data process that      much larger rivals11. Big data is a powerful
                  to 60% through better use of big data11.         delivered a report (mostly from feedback         business tool, and now it’s for just about
Implications      But supercomputers and number crunching          via social media) to major Olympic games         everyone.
                  have been around for a long time – so in         venues every morning to action aspects that
                  relation to Big Data, what else is new?          could be improved for the next day12. This
 About us                                                          kind of data processing immediacy is just the
                                                                   beginning – and solutions such as real-time
A wave of digital change: Trends in digital E-nnovation 2013 - In association with - Deloitte
                  Big data case studies
                  Netflix – Selecting investment based
                  on customer behaviour
                                                                 Looking at its customer data, Netflix knew
                                                                 that those who had streamed films by
                                                                                                                   In one case, Walmart launched a new
                                                                                                                   range of spicy chips in California and the      Netflix made
                                                                 director David Fincher also tended to like
                                                                 films featuring Kevin Spacey. Likewise,
                                                                                                                   South West based on analysis of social
                                                                                                                   media chatter and transactional data of         an investment
Our trends                                                       a significant portion of their audience liked
                                                                 the original BBC “House of Cards” mini-
                                                                                                                   various chip products across the country.
                                                                                                                   Big data was successfully used to identify      of $100M to
    Big data
                                                                 series. Netflix judged a significant enough
                                                                 ‘intersection’ in these groups to determine
                                                                                                                   a market opportunity, and successfully launch
                                                                                                                   a product for a specific geographic area.       produce 26
                                                                 that the show had a market and was worthy
                                                                 of investment. They then used their data          GE – Improving operations                       episodes of
                                                                 driven confidence to outpace rival bidders
                                                                 by indicating the company would not even
                                                                                                                   GE’s ‘Grid IQ Insight’ tool mines social data
                                                                                                                   to help electrical utility companies identify   ‘House of Cards’
                                                                 require a pilot to be developed before
                                                                 committing to the entire series.
                                                                                                                   and validate service outages in a timely
                                                                                                                   manner, determine the resources needed          based in part on
                                                                 The use of big data went further. Even trailers
                                                                                                                   to address them, and accelerate the repair
                                                                                                                   process4.                                       its analysis of
                  In the US, Netflix uses big data not only
                  to recommend products for its customers,
                                                                 for the show were delivered depending on
                                                                 data analysis. Kevin Spacey fans saw trailers     The tool mines social data – including          big data.
                  but to inform decisions about which shows      featuring him, women watching ‘Thelma             tweets with mention of electrical outages,
                  to invest in.                                  and Louise’ saw trailers featuring the show’s     geo location data and attachments such
                                                                 female characters and serious film buffs          as photos – to verify and gain more detail
                  In a well-publicised case, Netflix made an     saw trailers that reflected [David] Fincher’s     on incidents. Photos and videos of the
                  investment of around $100M to produce          touch14.                                          environment, such as fires or downed trees,
                  26 episodes of ‘House of Cards’, directed                                                        help personnel select appropriate tools for
                  by David Fincher and starring Kevin Spacey     According to the company’s chief                  the task, while ‘clusters’ of social media
   The internet   based in part on its analysis of big data.     communications officer, the use of big data       data can help validate whether an incident
    of things     The decision has resulted in Nine Emmy         gave Netflix “confidence that [they] could        has occurred. All of this assists in planning
                  nominations and according to Netflix – the     find an audience”14 for the show. This kind       a faster, more effective response.
                  most streamed show in the US and 40 other      of approach is spreading, and competitors
     Security     countries13,14.                                like Amazon are also looking to use a data-
                                                                 driven method to select original content.
 Economic         Netflix gathers viewing data from 30 million
                  “plays” a day, including when customers        Walmart – Launching products with
                  pause, rewind and fast forward. This is        big data
                  blended with data from social media            As part of its ‘Social Genome Platform’
Implications      interactions, web searches, as well as         Walmart uses multiple types of data,
                  comments generated by thousand of viewers      including social media updates, blogs,
                  (paid by Netflix) who make notes on genre,     transactional data, images and location
 About us         mood, and other elements in every moment       data to help the business effectively predict
                  of screened shows14,15.                        demand and launch products86.
A wave of digital change: Trends in digital E-nnovation 2013 - In association with - Deloitte
                  My Perspective
                  Big Data introduces a new generation                to the tools that have been bought.
Introduction      of technologies and architectures for coping
                  with the size, diversity, and change that           Rather than capturing terabytes of data and
                  characterize data sources in the modern             rushing into large programs, organizations
                  business ecosystem. The possibilities               need to focus only on the data needed to
Our trends
                  presented by Big Data are numerous and              deliver well defined and specific outcomes.
                  together with advanced Analytics they offer         In many cases it doesn’t immediately require
    Big data      exciting new capabilities for analysing high-       looking at social media or other new external
                  volumes of rapidly evolving data streams,           sources of data.
                  particularly unstructured data representing
                  social media, geospatial data or click streams.     According to big data research by the
                                                                      Economist Intelligence Unit, more than
                  However, Big Data is not a magical panacea          75% of senior executives from over 500
                  for achieving business goals like better            companies say that they are wasting more
                  understanding of customers, enhancing               than half the data they already hold.
                  service differentiation, reducing risk              Companies need to learn how to make
                  or improving performance. Big Data is still         better use of what they already have.
                  data and it should be approached it the same
                  way as any other Enterprise Information             Over the last ten years, companies
                  Management challenge.                               invested heavily in ERP, CRM or core
                                                                      systems, processing millions of customer         Taking a lean approach, defining the              Dariusz Flisiak, Deloitte
                  Companies should start with asking the right        transactions daily but are still unable to       right business questions, looking at the          Dariusz Flisiak is a Director at Deloitte
                  business questions and then work to find            answer fundamental questions like which          internal data available today – as well as        Poland specializing in Analytics, Big Data,
                  the appropriate choices of data sources and         customers are most likely to buy specific        opportunities to gradually supplement it          Performance Management and Information
                  technologies to address their needs. I believe      products, or what is the acceptable price        with external data sources would allow firms      Management solutions. He has thirteen years
   The internet   the most important advantages of embracing          range for a product in a specific market         to use data in a more efficient and intelligent   of experience in business and IT consulting,
    of things     Big Data today refer to getting to know             or for a group of customers. Very few have       way. This will allow them to listen, learn and    with an emphasis on enabling strategic
                  customers better – where the customers              started using the information in their systems   engage better with their customers in the         information for clients.
                  are, what their needs and preferences               to build models approximating customer           future.
     Security     are or how they want to be contacted.               lifetime value, or discovering events that                                                         He has developed and implemented Analytics
                  Furthermore, the answers to these questions         make customers more interested in specific                                                         strategies and solutions for Financial,
 Economic         change dynamically so businesses should             products. One example of such event                                                                Consumer Goods, Telecommunication and
  Impact          work on understanding the drivers and learn         from the financial services area might be                                                          Public Sector companies worldwide.
                  to track the changes, so that they’re able          a situation where a customer without credit
                  to present customers with better tailored           card starts traveling abroad (e.g. the bank                                                        Dariusz holds an Executive MBA from
Implications      products and offers in a timely way.                can infer it from debit card transactions)                                                         Warsaw School of Economics and the
                                                                      – It might be a good opportunity to call him                                                       University of Minnesota, Carlson School
                  Very few companies embarking on Big Data            or her with a credit card and insurance offer.                                                     of Management.
 About us         programs understand that the strength and
                  quality of Big Data analysis bear little relation
A wave of digital change: Trends in digital E-nnovation 2013 - In association with - Deloitte
                  Implications of big data
                  – and what you can do

Our trends

    Big data

                  1    Define what you want
                       Before you start, define your priorities and opportunities in big data. You can consider selecting a specific domain in which to
                       begin (e.g. customer, product, pricing or risk). Asking yourself questions about ‘sticky’ business issues can help determine your
                       focus – “Who are the next 1,000 customers we’ll lose – and why?”, “What factors most influence our customers’ loyalty?”, “Which
                       facilities are using more energy than they should?”.
                                                                                                                                                               human expertise
                                                                                                                                                               with machine
                                                                                                                                                               learning, data

      Social      2    Start small and deliver
                       Don’t try to do too much at once. Instead, start small and aim to deliver a success quickly, while you have momentum. Focus on
                       areas where your organisation has the most expertise, and focus on a tangible, bounded project. Run some experiments to test
                       the data and deliver results. But once the scope is set, don’t limit your data to just one domain. Feel free to investigate seemingly
                       ‘unrelated’ data sets – it’s at the intersection of different types of data that valuable insights often occur.
                                                                                                                                                               visualisation and
                                                                                                                                                               other tools can
                                                                                                                                                               produce timely

                       Invest in talent
                       Combining human expertise with machine learning, data visualisation and other tools can produce timely results with less
                                                                                                                                                               results with less
    Payments           investment in infrastructure – and gives a higher tolerance for error. Imperfections in data sources and the limitations of machine
                       learning can be counteracted by human insights and domain knowledge. To make big data effective, you’ll first need people
                                                                                                                                                               investment in
   The internet
                       to help understand the information assets at your disposal and understand business priorities. Only then can you move to
                       determining technology needs.
    of things


                  4    Keep your data disciplined
                       If you’re investing in big data, you’ll need to invest in data discipline – Core data management, master data management,
                       integration, and stewardship are important, even during your smallest pilot projects. Data discipline is one of the foundations
                       on which your big data investment will be developed, so build it well.


 About us


Our trends                                                                             Companies are catching up                             Mobile access
                                                                                                                                             to the internet
    Big data
                                                                                         62%                                   60%
                                                                                                                                             is shifting how
                                                                                                                                             customers shop
                                                                                       Future 100         Future 100         WIG20
                                                                                                                                             – and retailers
                                               Mobile is overtaking PC
                                                                                       a publically
                                                                                                          have mobile
                                                                                                                             a publically
                                                                                                                                             have the chance
                                                                                       available app      websites           available app
                                                                                                                                             to change mobile
                                                                                       But the customer is already there...                  from a threat to
                                                                     65%         70%
                                                                                                                                             an advantage.
                                                                                                                                             Finally, we’ve reached a tipping point
    Payments                                                  20%                                                                            – there are now more smart phones
                                                                           13%                                                               and tablets sold globally than there are
                                                  2009          2013        2017                                                             PC’s. Mobile is changing the way customers
   The internet                                                                                80%                      33%                  purchase, from research, to browsing
    of things                                                                               customers                   customers            and payment. A large number of customers
                                               Global market share
                                                                                            multiscreen                 showroom             are ‘showrooming’ – checking product prices
                                                 Mobile                                                                                      and reviews on mobile devices while in store,
                                                                                                                                             before making a purchasing decision. Near
                                                                                       ...and habits in Poland are starting                  field communications have realised new
 Economic                                                                              to reflect the latest trends                          possibilities in mobile payment, and taken
  Impact                                                                               Showrooming with a mobile                             location-based marketing possibilities to
                                                                                                                                             a new level. Mobile is here, and businesses
                                                                                                                                             that don’t take notice may lose out.
                                                                                        31%            28%
                                                                                                                   20%           25%

 About us                                                                                 UK           US           PL           PL
                  Sources: 4,10,16, Deloitte                                                                     (avarage)    (16-30 y.)
                  A new way of shopping is already here
                  For Lenovo, the milestone came in August
                  201317 – the company now sells more                                                                                                               One third of
                  smartphones than it does PCs and laptops,
                  and is rebranding itself as a ‘PC Plus’                                                                                                           customers admit
Our trends        company. This ascendancy of mobile device
                  numbers is echoed in the strategies of other                                                                                                      to showrooming.
    Big data
                  firms. Furthermore, some researchers claim
                  that it’s not just the amount of devices sold,                                                                                                    Mature retailers
                  but the time spent on ‘non-voice’ mobile
                  devices which now exceeds that of PCs18.                                                                                                          have responded
                  The hundreds of millions of internet devices
                  now in our hands are changing the way we                                                                                                          by treating
                  act – and the way we shop. There are several
                  key mobile trends of which retailers should                                                                                                       this as an
                  take note:
                  Multiscreening – using an internet
                  connected device while watching TV is            information on an iPad or a smartphone than
                                                                   on a PC. Herein lies the difference – unlike
                                                                                                                    food store attempted to charge customers
                                                                                                                    $5 for ‘just looking’6.
                                                                                                                                                                    to finalise sales
                  now a common activity, and it is offering
                  new ways of interacting with brands.             the PC, mobile devices come shopping with
                                                                   us.                                              More mature retailers have responded
                                                                                                                                                                    in store.
                  Heineken’s UCL “Star Player” and Coca
                  Cola’s ‘Chok! Chok! Chok!’ campaign                                                               by treating showrooming as a chance to
                  in Hong Kong provided mobile content             Showrooming – Around one third of                finalise sales in store by targeting users of
    Payments                                                       customers admit to showrooming – going           mobile devices. This turns showrooming
                  matched to TV. The upcoming Zeebox
                  platform goes further, and will allow viewers    to stores to browse and try out products         into an opportunity. BestBuy, Target (US),

   The internet   to buy items inspired by shows, while            – before purchasing them somewhere               as well as Media Markt and Saturn (Poland)      Smartphones in Poland
    of things     watching them live19. Multiscreening can         else. Mobile allows customers to search          allow customers to compare prices with the
                  be used to lead customers all the way from       for information and compare prices during        competition in store – and some employ
                  initial interactions up to purchase.             their visit – 28% of shoppers in Poland21        aggressive price matching to convince the
     Security                                                      showroom with their mobile. Electronics          customer to make the purchasing decision
                  Research online, purchase offline                and homewares20 are categories that are          there and then. Walmart goes further, with
                  Mobile devices are even more likely to be        particularly affected.                           mobile apps that guide showroomers around
  Impact          used at an earlier stage, for initial product                                                     their store – and successfully encourage                        8M
                  research. The practice of ‘Research Online,
                  Purchase Offline’ (ROPO) has been around
                                                                   Showrooming constitutes a threat for
                                                                   retailers – In the US, Best Buy and Walmart
                                                                                                                    them to use Walmart’s online channel while
                                                                                                                    on the premises.
Implications      since the beginning of e-commerce                suffered as customers browsed in their
                  – Research implies that around 50%               stores, only to complete the purchase            Mobile is already here – and the businesses
                  of consumers actively research products          elsewhere online. Early attempts to              that embrace and adapt to new practices
 About us         online before purchase20. And now, we are        counteract this were unsuccessful – in one       stand to gain ground.
                  becoming more likely to look for product         well publicised case, an Australian speciality                                                      2012         2013
                  Mobile case studies
                  Best Buy – Working with showrooming                                                                   played over 12 times for every teen in Hong
                                                                                                                        Kong19.                                          The showroomer
                                                                                                                        Silvercar – Mobile first                         is presented
Our trends                                                                                                              In the US, Silvercar utilised the increasingly
                                                                                                                        popular ‘mobile first’ approach in designing     with a list
    Big data
                                                                                                                        their online presence. Rather than designing
                                                                                                                        a new website, followed by a mobile version      of comparison
                                                                                                                        as an ‘add on’, the company built the mobile
                                                                                                                        version first. This allowed the company to       prices... and can
                                                                                                                        start with a small investment and scale up.
                                                                                                                        It also helped design a better user experience   pay and check
                                                                                                                        (what works on mobile usually works for
                                                                                                                        web – but not the other way around) all          out directly from
                                                                                                                        while capturing more of the growing mobile
                                                                                                                        channel25.                                       their phone.
                  The electronics and appliance categories              product I want cheaper on the web, and
                  are amongst those most affected                       I can get it for that lower price right here,
                  by showrooming. Recently, one of the                  than why not?”. This way ‘showroomers’
                  biggest retailers in the game has responded           can be directly converted into paying
                  with a model solution. Best Buy is using              clients on the spot.
                  the mobile channel to bring customers              These methods have both advantages
                  into the store. The retailer has created           and pitfalls, but some analysts are already
                  an application that makes use of the               pointing to this strategy helping halt last
                  company’s existing ‘ecosystem’ and works           year’s 3% fall in sales23,24. Whatever the
   The internet   on a number of levels:                             contributing factors, Best Buy’s 2013 sales
    of things     1) Using a geo-tagging, the app allows             have remained steady, and the share price
                     customers to ‘check-in’ at physical store       has more than doubled in the 12 months
                     locations to receive rewards points on their    from September last year.
     Security        existing loyalty program – Customers are
                     incentivised to come into the brick and         Coca Cola – Brand interaction
 Economic            mortar stores                                   In Hong Kong, Coca Cola launched what
                  2) The app also features ‘deal of the day’         became the territory’s most successful
                     discounts specific to in-store items, further   branded app by combining mobile
                     driving foot traffic                            functionality with a TV ad – which featured
Implications      3) The above are coupled with an aggressive        a Coke bottle being opened and the cap
                     pricing strategy. Best Buy will match the       falling off. Viewers could ‘scan’ the caps with
                     price of deals customers find online,           their mobile phone as they fell, and capture
 About us            lowering the relative benefits of leaving       instant prizes. The results were impressive
                     to purchase elsewhere. “If I’ve found the       – sales rose by 11%, and the game was
                  My Perspective – The mobile revolution
                  “Every once in a while a revolutionary
Introduction      product comes along that changes
                  That’s how Steve Jobs began his presentation
                  of the very first iPhone, in January 2007.
Our trends
                  From today’s perspective it’s still hard to
                  believe what kind of breakthrough this
    Big data      product has made in most of our lives.
                  In the latest Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends
                  presentation, we can see that mobile traffic
                  as a percentage of total internet traffic is
                  growing one-and a half fold per year. This
                  will get faster. The latest Cisco research
                  shows that by the end of 2013 there will
                  be already more mobile connected devices
                  than there are people in the world. From
                  a different perspective, approximately 370
                  thousand babies are born per day, but in that
                  same time, more than 500 thousand iPhones
                  are sold and around 2.4 million Android
                  devices activated.                                 the same today, Mobile is not a PC. Using         eCommerce.                                        Przemysław Budkowski, SVP Marketplace,
                                                                     the Print vs Web example and referring            The best example of the revolution, online        Allegro Group
                  So, with the mobile revolution happening           to the Newspaper Association of America           (research) to offline (purchase) and vice versa   Responsible for managing transaction
                  in front of our eyes, how do we achieve            report, Newspapers have lost $40 Billion in       (showrooming) is happening already. In the        platforms, Comparison Search Engines
                  success? Who is playing this game and what         advertising revenue since 2000. If you don’t      2013 Future of Business Report, Brian Solis       and eShop solutions in CEE.
   The internet   are the rules?                                     want to lose the mobile game, make sure           states that Millennials already trust strangers   He was previously managing director
    of things     The difference between smartphones and             you are ready for a complete revolution           over family and friends. They lean on User-       of Allegro – the largest Polish marketplace.
                  other revolutionary devices (the likes of print,   in your product design, in your business          Generated Experience to aid purchasing            Before joining Allegro Group he worked
                  radio or TV) is that smartphones are really        orientation and most importantly in your          decisions. Look at this, and other similar        as CEE Product Marketing Manager Google
     Security     smart! They are permanently carried, are           customer behaviour.                               examples, as an opportunity to reinvent the       in Ireland, US and in Poland as well for
                  always on and already have built-in sensor         When we look at the statistics of daily mobile    rules of your business.                           Orange Business Services (France Telecom
 Economic         mechanisms that can not only automate              usage, we can see that we do in fact perform                                                        Group) in Ireland.
  Impact          lots of our daily activities but also completely   a very similar set of activities on a mobile as   To win, drive all your decisions through one
                  reinvent the way we interact with our              on a PC: we interact with friends, we play        goal only: deliver an exceptional customer
                  environment.                                       games, we watch videos and we shop. But           experience (and the rest will follow).
Implications      The way we should think about designing for        on a 4-inch screen it’s just a very different     In today’s world this means being able
                  those devices also needs to be revolutionary.      experience. And our biggest job is to make        to adopt quickly and also, being able to
                  If we journey back to the last twenty plus         all that new interactions effortless. Simple      question all your previous accomplishments.
 About us         years for a few examples – Radio was               transfer of the big Web into a mobile device      But take that risk, because winners will
                  not TV, the Web was not Print and it’s             is a very common mistake, especially in           always be the ones that follow the consumer.
                  Implications of mobile
                  – and what you can do

Our trends

    Big data

                  1   Provide a mobile option
                      With the proliferation of mobile devices, the chances are that a lot of your customers will want to consume information about your
                      organisation and products via mobile – Or more likely, they already are. Confirm this, and ensure that you’re effectively providing
                      information and functionality through the mobile channel. This could take the form of apps, a mobile optimised website, or other
                      solutions depending on your needs.
                                                                                                                                                            Context is
                                                                                                                                                            everything, so
                                                                                                                                                            map a ‘customer
                                                                                                                                                            journey’ for your

      Social      2   Embrace showrooming
                      If your brand is affected by showrooming, there are several things you can do. Consider if there are benefits to building a mobile
                      application that rewards shoppers for purchasing in-store or within your own online channel. If your customers are already online
                      while they shop, try to keep them within your own online ecosystem. In addition, make sure that you monitor review websites as
                      well as competitor’s prices online to ensure that you’re aware of what your shoppers see when they are showrooming – and look
                      for ways to differentiate.
                                                                                                                                                            client segments
                                                                                                                                                            to understand
                                                                                                                                                            how you could
                                                                                                                                                            use mobile

   The internet
    of things
                  3   Be relevant
                      Context is everything, so map a ‘customer journey’ for your client segments to understand where and how you could use mobile
                      during the purchase process in a way that is relevant to them. Reviews, prices, and deals are currently what shoppers primarily
                      look for on mobile devices – so check if you are providing this information through your mobile channel, and how it fits into
                      your customers’ retail journey. Consider delivering content that is targeted to the customer’s geo-location. This ability is a key
                      differentiator between mobile and PC, and adds relevance for the client.
                                                                                                                                                            during the
                                                                                                                                                            purchase process
                                                                                                                                                            in a way that
                                                                                                                                                            is relevant to
                      Go mobile first
                      When considering your online presence or launching new digital services, think about going mobile first – before designing a
                      traditional web solution. Not only are customers consuming more and more information through mobile devices, there may be
  Impact              substantial cost savings associated with first designing a mobile version of the site instead of building a traditional website and
                      ‘tacking on’ a mobile solution at a later date. Mobile design forces you to focus on the elements that are most important to the
Implications          customer, and if techniques like responsive web design are used, mobile web can be translated to a ‘full screen’ version relatively
                      easily. Starting mobile first generally requires lower investment, is more user focused, scales, and allows you to capture both
                      mobile, tablet and PC customers right away.
 About us


Our trends
                  Business is well and truly in the cloud                               There are a wealth of benefits to be had                               Business is
    Big data
                                                                                                Increased ROI
                                                                                                                                                               adopting the
     Mobile                                                                                        Faster
                                                                                                                                                               cloud – the
                                                                                                                                                               next challenge
                                                                                                 deployment                          One size fits all
                                                                                               Greater scalabilty                      Control and
                                           70%                                                  Lower up front

                                                                                                                                                               may now be
                                                                                          Focus core competencies                                              integration.
                                                                                                     Pros                                                      Some of the initial concerns regarding cloud
                                                                                                                                                               (security, remote location of your data) are
       UX                                                                                                                                                      being resolved, but new challenges are
                    of businesses globally already employ some form of cloud solution
                                                                                                                                                               arising for early adopters and their followers.

    Payments                                                                                                                                                   As a company forays into the cloud with
                                                                                                                                                               its first cloud-based application for a single
                  And the global cloud market is growing                                Implementation times are quicker                                       department, other business units may follow
   The internet                                                                                                                                                – each with a cloud solution. So how will you
    of things                                                                           Project completion times for a sample group of projects
                                                                                                                                                               manage a hybrid of all those clouds?
                  Global cloud market                                                                       On demand          On premise

                                                      $241B                              59%                                                             56%
Implications                                                                                                        32%
                                                                                                   11%                                        9%
 About us
                  Sources: 10, 27, 29                                                      7 months
                  Business is in the cloud – integration is the next challenge
                  Cloud computing has created a lot of buzz in
                  recent years – and has caught attention with                                                                                                          Cloud
                  some advantageous characteristics.
                                                                                                                                                                        computing is
Our trends        These include:
                  • Flexibility and scalability – assigning                                                                                                             a model for
    Big data
                  computing as needed
                  • Mobility – ubiquitous access and location                                                                                                           delivering
                  • Resource pooling                                                                                                                                    on-demand,
                  • Pay-per-use – predictable pricing.
                  This in turn led to financial benefits such as:
                  cost effectiveness (as one paid only for what                                                                                                         computing
                  was used) and lower upfront investment
                  (as no expensive hardware was required to                                                                                                             resources with
                  be purchased). On the other hand, cloud
                  also triggered anxiety related to data security,                                                                                                      ubiquitous
                  availability and performance, data control,
                  and provider maturity.                                                                                                                                network
                  Integrating cloud
                                                                     Hyper-hybrid clouds
                                                                     All sorts of organizations have been trending
                                                                                                                       Security and data integrity
                                                                                                                       Security and data integrity still remain         access, rapid
                  As cloud solutions become more mature
                  and adoption becomes more widespread,
                                                                     towards hyper-hybrid clouds. This is evident
                                                                     at start-ups, with their cloud-first mentality.
                                                                                                                       a concern. Regulators have raised their
                                                                                                                       awareness of cloud-computing and have            elasticity, and
   The internet
                  corporations have become more willing to
                  make use of IaaS, PaaS or SaaS. Launching
                                                                     As spending is prioritised towards market-
                                                                     facing products, rather than infrastructure,
                                                                                                                       been introducing regulations regarding data
                                                                                                                       processing, supervision, and ownership.          a pay-per-use
    of things     non-business-critical applications (such
                  as sales, services, marketing and human
                                                                     these organizations are setting the standard
                                                                     for the hyper-hybrid environment, using
                                                                                                                       In particular, recent issues regarding “the
                                                                                                                       possibility of the personal data being subject   business
                  resources) into the cloud, can be relatively
                  ‘nice and clean’. However, dealing with
                                                                     it to guide new operating structures and
                                                                     IT delivery models. Meanwhile, larger
                                                                                                                       to intelligence gathering or surveillance
                                                                                                                       by third-country authorities”29, provoked        model87.
                  complex, applications with sophisticated           enterprises can use cloud to enhance their        discussion of introducing the so-called
 Economic         multilevel user management, which need to          large legacy system investments and ERP           “Schengen for data” – a law that allows
                  be integrated not just with local master data      solutions. Core in-house systems can form         citizens within the euro zone to cross borders
                  management, but with other SaaS solutions          the foundation upon which emerging                without a passport, but does impose hurdles
                  can be a huge challenge. For this reason,          technologies are deployed – without               for others. Business may be ‘in’ cloud, but
Implications      business rules management for processes            sacrificing business compliance and controls.     the space continues to evolve.
                  that depend on multiple cloud services will        Organizations that can bridge hyper-hybrid
                  be an important trend.                             clouds with their core systems will be at the
 About us                                                            forefront of improving business performance
                                                                     with the next wave of digital innovation28.
                  Cloud case studies
                  Pfizer – Reducing R&D costs by $600
                  million with cloud
                                                                     company implemented cloud in 2010.
                                                                     The deployment of cloud resulted
                                                                                                                      the implementation of a new cloud based
                                                                                                                      system to deliver improved communication           Taking
                                                                     in adoption and behavioural changes across
                                                                     the R&D group – and boosted Pfizer’s
                                                                                                                      and collaboration services to employees. The
                                                                                                                      rollout and uptake of the system has resulted      advantage of
Our trends                                                           competitive advantage. It also opens
                                                                     possibilities for deploying cloud to other
                                                                                                                      • Savings of approximately 60% compared            cloud computing
    Big data
                                                                     areas of the company – or even using it to
                                                                     collaborate with other areas of industry30.
                                                                                                                        with previous IT solution
                                                                                                                      • Saving approximately 100 hours a month           compressed
                                                                     USA.gov – Savings due to cloud
                                                                                                                        in IT resources time
                                                                                                                      • Better collaboration which helps to              processing time
                                                                     The US General Services Administration has
                                                                                                                        improve patient care32.
                                                                                                                                                                         from weeks to
                  When Pfizer was considering increasing
                  the utilisation of cloud technologies in its
                                                                     migrated all of the core resources of the
                                                                     USA.gov Web portal to The Enterprise Cloud
                                                                                                                      Telefónica – Mobile operator goes cloud
                                                                                                                      In 2011, the Spanish telecommunication             hours.
                  organization it chose to focus on R&D,             IaaS solution to enable scalable on-demand       provider Telefónica, decided to take
                  the core engine that drives success for            resources. The Cloud based solution provided     advantage of hybrid private-public cloud and
                  pharmaceutical companies30.                        number of benefits and savings: enabling         to consolidate 27 European data centres
                                                                     higher transfer volumes and accommodating        containing approximately 18,000 physical
                  The R&D department was responsible for             huge traffic spikes on one side, while           servers into extensively virtualized solution of
                  analysing, organising and computing large          avoiding paying for idle capacity on the         around 6000 servers. Cloud-computing was
                  amounts of complex data to provide reliable        other. The Office of Citizen Services, has       expected to reduce IT costs by 15%, cut the
                  results back to their scientists as fast as        indicated that that the move to Terremark’s      delivery of server resources to the business
                  possible. However, Pfizer was not keeping up       cloud platform would “reduce costs by 90%,       from 20 to less than 1 week, and bolster
                  with the increasing demand for computing           while improving capabilities”31.                 data centre reliability33.
                  power required to process the information
   The internet   at a fast rate and a low cost. Both these          Bambino Gesù Hospital – Improving
    of things     factors were critical to Pfizer’s success in the   patient care and lowering costs
                  marketplace.                                       The Vatican hospital “Bambino Gesù
                                                                     Hospital” is one of Italy’s largest paediatric
     Security     To solve the problem, Pfizer partnered with        research and treatment centres. The hospital
                  a provider to create a private cloud solution.     was receiving complaints from staff about
 Economic         Taking advantage of cloud computing                the effectiveness of data sharing between
                  compressed compute time from weeks to              doctors and nurses working in the operating
                  hours. This enabled the company to make            rooms, the clinic, at the office and in their
                  quicker financial and strategic decisions,         homes. The main issues were related to
Implications      resulting in gains measured in millions of         schedule sharing and management, patient
                  dollars. Furthermore, the solution freed up        data exchange and communication on
                  scientists’ time to focus on core tasks (rather    treatment related issues. The old ways
 About us         than on data processing) decreasing Pfizer’s       involved e-mail and other ‘legacy’ methods.
                  R&D costs by 7%, or $600 million, since the        In the end, the IT department supported
                  My Perspective
                  Cloud computing has been undergoing              An even more dramatic change is happening         On the infrastructure side, the cost equation
Introduction      a rapid evolution in recent years.               at the infrastructure level. The movement         is not always positive: if your computing
                  What started as a novelty quickly became         towards virtual cloud environments                power consumption is highly variable then
                  mainstream and it’s hard to imagine a            is completely changing the way we think           public cloud will be a great way to handle
                  modern enterprise that is not using any cloud    about managing infrastructure. On one hand        it with the minimal cost. If it has a significant
Our trends
                  services.                                        it enables a radical simplification and           fixed part then you can most probably run
                                                                   standardization of the underlying                 it internally (using a private cloud) and it’ll
    Big data      However, the term “cloud computing” has          hardware as the capacity of the individual        be a financially better proposition. Looking
                  became very stretched due to the hype            virtual machines are defined in software.         at the current trends, it’s inevitable that
                  that surrounds the movement. Many quite          On the other hand, for the first time,            companies will eventually adopt a hybrid
                  distinct types of services are labeled “cloud”   we can treat our infrastructure not as            private-public cloud model and it will
                  and sometimes it’s hard to understand why.       a hardware with some configuration but            enable mix-and-match usage and optimal
                  It’s a little similar to ‘Big Data’ where even   purely as software objects that can and           spending for the services. The vast majority
                  firms analyzing a company’s payroll data         should be managed as code. Therefore,             of applications running in today’s companies
                  (hundreds of thousands records, trivial by any   an “infrastructure as a code” approach            are not cloud-ready and it’s one of the
                  contemporary means) are claiming that they       is emerging and it opens up possibilities         stumbling blocks on the wide cloud adoption
                  provide Big Data services.                       to bring a rich array of techniques from          path. However, it’s inevitable that the
                                                                   the software development world to                 next generation of apps will support cloud
                  Types of cloud companies                         infrastructure. This will enable proper           – and this will pave the way for cloud’s wider
                  First, there is a large group of traditional     versioning, change management and testing         deployment.
                  Software as a Service web applications           of virtual infrastructure. The emerging                                                               Krzysztof Dąbrowski, CTO, Allegro Group
                  and application suites that have rebranded       software defined networking (SDN) solutions                                                           Management Board member responsible
                  themselves as cloud applications. These          will nicely complement the mix, and                                                                   for IT development and IT operations in the
                  offerings have matured significantly             ultimately enable the virtualization of the                                                           Central and Eastern Europe. For the last two
                  over time, especially given the fact that        whole environment (data, application and                                                              years, Krzysztof is busy transforming Allegro
   The internet   those types of applications have been            networking).                                                                                          Group into a modern, agile software house.
    of things     present on the market since late nineties.                                                                                                             He initiated one of European largest group-
                  While they offer a compelling replacement        Challenges and possibilities                                                                          wide Scrum transition and is a big proponent
                  for the traditional on-premise applications      Of course, the cloud is not without its                                                               of Lean and Agile methods. Being a former
     Security     they remain relatively closed and                challenges. On the application side,                                                                  programmer and engineer by calling he
                  self-contained.                                  the usual data security and confidentiality                                                           values clean, minimalistic designs and code
 Economic                                                          issues arise. The recent PRISM scandal                                                                craftsmanship. Being manager by choice,
  Impact          A new breed of cloud applications                was a serious cold shower to the whole                                                                he tries to change the world for the better
                  The new breed of cloud applications              industry. Data management and integration                                                             by nudging people around him. He previously
                  that came later leveraged open protocols         is posing as big challenge as with traditional                                                        built and led software development practice
Implications      and provided the rich APIs that enabled          applications. Combined with the relatively                                                            at Roche’s shared service center in Warsaw.
                  unprecedented possibilities of constructing      slow throughput of an internet connection
                  sophisticated cloud-based solutions based        vs. high-speed internal networks, it creates
 About us         on multiple services provided by different       an interesting challenge for the data intensive
                  vendors.                                         enterprises.
                  Implications of Cloud
                  – and what you can do

Our trends

    Big data

                  1   Consider if cloud is right for you
                      If you’ve never considered applying a cloud solution in your firm, maybe it’s high time to think it over. The benefits can be
                      considerable. Cloud does always present a risk associated with lessened control, but part of this can be mitigated by evaluating
                      cloud based solutions for the non-core functions of your organisation, such as CRM, sales, HR, payroll or collaboration functions.
                      These are points of entry that are often easier to introduce, and can be implemented in a way that makes them seem ‘familiar’ to
                      your workforce, aiding uptake. However, always bear in mind the downsides and security implications – and weight them up with
                                                                                                                                                              You’ll need to
                                                                                                                                                              evaluate where
                                                                                                                                                              cloud service
                      the advantages.                                                                                                                         models are
                                                                                                                                                              suited to solve

                  2   Determine where cloud may be the best fit
                      If you’ve decided you want to implement cloud solutions, you’ll need to evaluate where cloud services models are suited to solve
                      your business problems – and whether they fit your technical environment. Cloud could be a fit if you require:
                      • Predictable pricing: You want to be charged based on usage, rather than on perpetual licensing or allocation
                      • Ubiquitous network access: The service offered is available wherever and whenever the network is available
                      • Resource pooling and location independence: Multi-tenant, with shared resources that subscribers cannot explicitly specify
                                                                                                                                                              your business
                         or partition
    Payments          • Self-service: The service can be directly accessed by users, features on-demand provisioning, while services are readied in close
                         to real-time
                      • Elasticity of supply: Ability to scale up or down to meet resource demands28.
   The internet

    of things

                      Effectively integrate clouds and local infrastructure
     Security         If your organisation already has a sizeable cloud footprint and you’re looking to further integrate cloud systems into your business,
                      you should evaluate them first, and see if they’re meeting your original business requirements. Integrating underperforming cloud
                      solutions presents a risk – it will cost money, increase technology dependencies, and complicate future migration strategies.
  Impact              Consider creating common platforms for identity, access, data correlation and business rules. Separating these out from discrete
                      cloud-based functions may help in the future. Consider cloud-based integration ‘platform-as-a-service’ solutions to complement
Implications          enterprise integration layers or service buses. These platforms can manage the interactions between in-house enterprise
                      applications and cloud services28.

 About us


Our trends
                  Social media is becoming
                  ubiquitous around the world:
                                                                  Poland has one of the highest
                                                                  rates of usage in the world:
                                                                                                                   Business in Poland is getting
                                                                                                                   on board:                                        With around
                                                                                 Facebook has                      Polish companies on social media                 half of the
    Big data               1 billion                 Facebook
                                                                                                                               86%                    Facebook
                                                                                                                                                                    world’s internet
                           1 billion
                   503 million
                                                     Sina Weibo
                                                                                 8,78M                                30%                             LinkedIn
                                                                                                                                                                    users making
     Mobile                                                                                                          23%                              Google+
                   503 million
                   359 m
                                                                              active users in Poland
                                                                                                                     20%                              Goldenline    use of Facebook
                                                                                                                                                                    alone, the power
                                                                                                                    18%                               Twitter
      Cloud                                                       ...and just overtook local service Nasza Klasa
                                                                                                                    15%                               Blogs

      Social      and global business is starting                 Rates of social media usage globaly
                                                                                                                                                      Nasza Klasa
                                                                                                                                                                    of social media
                  to implement it internally:                             52%                    UK                                                                 in the digital
                                                                                                                                                                    space is beyond
       UX                                                                                        Russia
                                                                          50%                                      but social media could still be

                                                                                                                   used much more effectively:
                                                                        38%                      Italy                                                              Social media is ubiquitous, and in business
                                                                        34%                      Germany                                                            it’s being used for everything from brand
   The internet
                                                                                                                        62%                     59%                 promotion to customer service to social
                                             2011                      30%                       Japan
    of things                                                                                                                                                       shopping. However, getting the most out
                                                                       29%                       Greece
                                                                                                                     Keeping up with        Influencing brand       of social media requires a lot more than
                                                                                                                         trends                   image             using it as an advertising channel, or simply
                                                                                                                                                                    ‘being’ on Facebook and Twitter. Social can
                                                                  but one of the biggest gaps
 Economic                               90%                       between young and old:                                 35%                     28%
                                                                                                                                                                    open up a wealth of possibilities if used
                                                                                                                                                                    properly. And if you’re not using it to your
  Impact                                                          Facebook use in Poland by age
                                                                                                                                                                    full advantage, your competition probably is.
                                                                                                                    Better understand         Recruitment
Implications                                  2013
                        Fortune 500 companies who have                    29% 29%
                                                                                        13%                              25%                     11%
                       or are establishing a social network                                              5%
 About us                                                           20%                                       2%
                                                                                                                     Increasing sales      Reducing customer-
                  Sources: 4,10, 34, 35, 36, 37                     13-17 18-24 23-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+                                 acquisition costs
You can also read