ACADEMY PROSPECTUS 2019 - Bede's Summer School

Page created by Chad Banks
ACADEMY PROSPECTUS 2019 - Bede's Summer School
ACADEMY PROSPECTUS 2019 - Bede's Summer School
ACADEMY PROSPECTUS 2019 - Bede's Summer School

INTRODUCTION           5
Adventure Sports        6   Football                  20
Animal Management       7   Golf                      21
Ballet                  8   Horse Riding              22
Basketball              9   International Relations   23
Commercial Pop Dance   10   Management                24
Creative Writing       11   Masterchef                25
Critical Thinking      12   Maths                     26
Debating               13   Performing Arts           27
Economics              14   Photography               28
English Literature     15   Presenting                29
Essay Writing          16   Problem-Solving           30
Fashion Design         17   Science                   31
Film & Animation       18   Swimming                  32
Flying                 19   Tennis                    33

ACADEMY PROSPECTUS 2019 - Bede's Summer School
ACADEMY PROSPECTUS 2019 - Bede's Summer School
Academies offer professional tuition in a range of sports, leisure pursuits, creative
activities and academic subjects and are designed to increase students’ skills,
technique and knowledge.

Academies, which are optional, enable students to customise their course and provide
the opportunity to carry on learning outside the classroom in small, supervised groups.

Academies can bring many benefits: some stimulate students’ creativity, others
expand their capacity for reflection and others help students to develop their
critical thinking skills. Some raise students’ fitness levels and ability, while others
help students to improve their self-confidence by challenging them to step outside
of their comfort zone.

Every academy, whether it be a sport, creative activity, leisure pursuit or academic
subject will help students to develop their communication skills, confidence in
speaking and fluency.

Academies are available for all levels: Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate and
Advanced. Beginners will start with the basics while advanced students will
perfect their technique and skills.

Some academies offer a certified award or internationally recognised qualification
upon completion.
ACADEMY PROSPECTUS 2019 - Bede's Summer School
    Summary                                      Objectives
    Centres:	Claremont, Dicker,                 • To exercise your own judgment
                  Lancing and Brighton             to assess and control risk
    Venue:        External venue                 • To be aware of your own abilities
    Hours:	4½ hours per week                      and limitations
                  (3 x 1½ hour sessions)         • To challenge you to step outside
    Days:	Three days out of Monday,               of your comfort zone
                  Tuesday, Thursday and Friday   • To feel a sense of excitement
    Ages:         12–20                          • To improve self-confidence
    Levels:	Beginner, Elementary,               • To enhance your fitness level
                  Intermediate and Advanced      • To feel satisfaction for achieving a
    Instruction:	In small groups, depending       challenge through your own effort
                  on the sport                   • To increase your vocabulary relating
    Fee:          £250 per week                    specifically to the sports undertaken

    Dates                                        Further information
    Claremont, Dicker and Lancing:               Academy consists of three sports per week
                  All Weeks                      which may include: Abseiling, Canoeing,
    Brighton:     Week 2: 7–13 Jul               Climbing, Kayaking, Paddle Boarding,
                  Week 3: 14–20 Jul              Raft Building, Target Sports, Wake Boarding.
                  Week 6: 4–10 Aug
                                                 Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                                 to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

ACADEMY PROSPECTUS 2019 - Bede's Summer School
Summary                                    Objectives
Centre:      Eastbourne                    • To stimulate your curiosity for the
Venue:       Dicker Campus                   natural world
Hours:	6 hours per week                   • To increase your sense of responsibility
             (4 x 1½ hour sessions)          towards animals and other living beings
Days:	Monday, Tuesday,                    • To learn about animal biology, typical
             Thursday and Friday             animal behavioural traits and conservation
Ages:        6–11                          • To master the fundamentals of exotic
                                             animal management and aquarium
Levels:	Beginner, Elementary,
             Intermediate and Advanced
                                           • To acquire hands-on experience handling
Instruction: One teacher per 10 students
                                             and looking after animals
Fee:         £200 per week
                                           • To develop awareness of animal
                                             welfare issues
                                           • To exercise your own judgement to assess
All Weeks                                    and control risk relating to animals
                                           • To increase your vocabulary relating
                                             specifically to animals and animal

                                           Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                           to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

ACADEMY PROSPECTUS 2019 - Bede's Summer School
    Summary                                    Objectives
    Centre:      Eastbourne                    • To learn the correct posture and positions
    Venue:       Dance Hall on Campus            necessary for ballet
    Hours:	6 hours per week                   • To develop greater balance, flexibility
                 (4 x 1½ hour sessions)          and strength
    Days:	Monday, Tuesday,                    • To boost confidence and self-discipline
                 Thursday and Friday           • To improve coordination
    Ages:        6–11                          • To choreograph and perform ballet dance
    Levels:	Beginner, Elementary                routines
                 and Intermediate              • To understand the elements that constitute
    Instruction: One teacher per 10 students     a good ballet performance
    Fee:         £200 per week                 • To increase vocabulary specifically relating
                                                 to ballet
                                               Further information
    Week 2:      7–13 Jul
    Week 3:      14–20 Jul                     Each academy will conclude with the filming
    Week 4:      21–27 Jul                     of a music video to a chosen ballet track. The
    Week 5:      28 Jul–3 Aug                  choreography will be learned and perfected
                                               during the week and each participant will
                                               perform and star in the video on the Friday
                                               afternoon. Students will be sent a copy of the
                                               edited DVD after the academy course has
                                               been completed.

                                               Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                               to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

ACADEMY PROSPECTUS 2019 - Bede's Summer School
Summary                                  Objectives
Centre:      Claremont                   • To gain a deep understanding of the rules
Venue:       Sports Hall on Campus         of basketball
Hours:	6 hours per week                 • To master ball control and dribbling with
             (4 x 1½ hour sessions)        the ball
Days:	Monday, Tuesday,                  • To raise fitness levels and agility
             Thursday and Friday         • To improve the ability to make quick
Ages:        12–16                         (and correct) decisions
Levels:	Beginner, Elementary,           • To develop sportsmanship and respect
             Intermediate and Advanced     both on and off the field
Instruction: One coach per 10 students   • To encourage teamwork and communication
Fee:         £175 per week               • To increase vocabulary specifically relating
                                           to basketball
                                         Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
Week 2:      7–13 Jul                    to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.
Week 3:      14–20 Jul
Week 4:      21–27 Jul
Week 5:      28 Jul–3 Aug
Week 6:      4–10 Aug

ACADEMY PROSPECTUS 2019 - Bede's Summer School
     Summary                                      Objectives
     Centres:	Windlesham, Claremont,             • To improve awareness about posture and
                  Dicker and Lancing                position in Commercial Pop dance
     Venue:       In the dance studio on campus   • To develop greater balance, flexibility
     Hours:	6 hours per week                       and strength
                  (4 x 1½ hour sessions)          • To lose inhibitions and increase confidence
     Days:	Monday, Tuesday,                      • To gain co-ordination
                  Thursday and Friday             • To learn dance moves and footwork specific
     Ages:        9–18                              to Commercial Pop dance
     Levels:	Beginner, Elementary,               • To choreograph and perform Commercial
                  Intermediate and Advanced         Pop dance routines
     Instruction: One coach per 14 students       • To enhance musicality and performance
     Fee:         £200 per week                     progressively
                                                  • To increase your vocabulary relating
     Dates                                          specifically to Commercial Pop dance
     Windlesham and Claremont:
                 Week 2: 7–13 Jul                 Further information
                 Week 3: 14–20 Jul                Each academy will conclude with the filming
                 Week 4: 21–27 Jul                of a music video to the latest pop tracks. The
                 Week 5: 28 Jul–3 Aug             choreography will be learned and perfected
     Dicker:     Week 1: 30 Jun–6 Jul             during the week and each participant will
                 Week 2: 7–13 Jul                 perform and star in the video on the Friday
                 Week 3: 14–20 Jul                afternoon. Students will be sent a copy of the
                 Week 4: 21–27 Jul                edited DVD after the academy course has
                 Week 5: 28 Jul–3 Aug             been completed.
                 Week 6: 4–10 Aug
                                                  Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
     Lancing:    Week 1: 30 Jun–6 Jul             to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.
                 Week 2: 7–13 Jul
                 Week 3: 14–20 Jul
                 Week 4: 21–27 Jul
                 Week 5: 28 Jul–3 Aug
                 Week 7: 11–17 Aug

Summary                                    Objectives
Centre:        Dicker                      • To feel a sense of enjoyment through
Hours:	3 hours per week                     writing in another language
               (2 x 1½ hour sessions)      • To gain exposure to a variety of stylistic
Days:          Thursday and Friday           writing techniques
Ages:          12–17                       • To promote free individual expression
Minimum                                    • To encourage creativity, risk-taking and
English Level: B1                            originality in your written work
Instruction: One teacher per 14 students   • To develop a style of writing, personalised
                                             to your knowledge of English
Fee:           £100 per week
                                           • To learn a variety of different techniques
Dates                                        to unlock your creative potential
Week 2:      7–13 Jul                      • To increase self-confidence in your
Week 3:      14–20 Jul                       communication skills
Week 5:      28 Jul–3 Aug
                                           Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
Week 6:      4–10 Aug                      to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

     Summary                                     Objectives
     Centre:        Lancing                      • To be able to assess the value of
     Hours:	3 hours per week                      information accuracy
                    (2 x 1½ hour sessions)       • To develop the ability to articulately express
     Days:	Thursday and Friday                    opinions in English
     Ages:          13–18                        • To learn to assimilate complex information
                                                   and create balanced view points in English
     English Level: B1                           • To be able to discuss and coherently
                                                   respond to new and challenging ideas
     Instruction:	One teacher per 14 students
                                                 • To appreciate the differences between good
     Fee:           £100 per week
                                                   and poor reasoning processes
     Dates                                       • To develop your curiosity and inquisitive
     Week 1:       30 Jun–6 Jul
     Week 2:       7–13 Jul                      • To increase self-confidence in your
     Week 4:       21–27 Jul                       communication skills
     Week 5:       28 Jul–3 Aug
                                                 Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                                 to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

Summary                                    Objectives
Centre:        Dicker                      • To appreciate the differences between
Hours:	3 hours per week                     a debate and a discussion
               (2 x 1½ hour sessions)      • To understand the strategies required
Days:	Thursday and Friday                   for a successful debate
Ages:          12–17                       • To improve the ability to express
                                             concepts effectively and concisely,
                                             within a set time frame
English Level: B1
                                           • To increase flexibility and rapidity of
Instruction: One teacher per 14 students
                                             thought in English
Fee:           £100 per week
                                           • To learn to convincingly argue for and
                                             against a range of different ideas
                                           • To enjoy debating with a range of students
Week 1:      30 Jun–6 Jul                    from different cultural perspectives
Week 3:      14–20 Jul
Week 4:      21–27 Jul                     • To increase self-confidence in your
Week 6:      4–10 Aug                        communication skills

                                           Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                           to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

     Summary                                    Objectives
     Centre:        Lancing                     • To gain an insight into real world
     Hours:	3 hours per week                     economics and the dynamic nature
                    (2 x 1½ hour sessions)        of economic activity
     Days:          Thursday and Friday         • To acquire an understanding of some
                                                  of the key concepts and principles
     Ages:          13–18
                                                  relating to economics
                                                • To discover the benefits of the practical
     English Level: B1
                                                  approach to learning, that is, case analysis
                                                • To increase your vocabulary relating
     Level:         A Level
                                                  specifically to Economics
     Instruction: One teacher per 14 students
     Fee:           £150 per week               Possible topics
                                                • Microeconomics: how the market works
     Dates                                      • The economic problem
     Week 2:      7–13 Jul
                                                • Competitive markets
     Week 3:      14–20 Jul
     Week 5:      28 Jul–3 Aug                  • Macroeconomics: how the economy works
     Week 6:      4–10 Aug                      • Economic objectives of a government
                                                • International trade, globalisation
                                                  and protectionism
                                                • How a country becomes more competitive

                                                Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                                to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

Summary                                    Objectives
Centre:        Dicker                      • To read and study extracts from a number
Hours:	3 hours per week                     of novels, plays and poems and explore
               (2 x 1½ hour sessions)        their meaning
Days:          Monday and Tuesday          • To gain an insight into and be able to
                                             identify different literary eras
Ages:          12–17
                                           • To study at least one Shakespeare play
                                             and be able to contextualise a scene
English Level: B1
                                           • To be able to understand idioms from a
                                             specific piece and re-produce them in
Level:         GCSE
                                             your own writing
Instruction: One teacher per 14 students
                                           • To practise reading for both gist and detail
Fee:           £150 per week
                                           • To focus on the use of onomatopoeia
                                             in a poem
                                           • To enact a scene of a novel or poem
Week 2:      7–13 Jul
Week 3:      14–20 Jul                     • To increase your vocabulary relating
Week 5:      28 Jul–3 Aug                    specifically to English Literature
Week 6:      4–10 Aug
                                           Possible novels, plays, poems
                                           •   Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
                                           •   Macbeth by Shakespeare
                                           •   Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
                                           •   Orange Juice by Michael Rosen
                                           •   The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
                                           •   Lord of the Flies by William Golding
                                           •   Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
                                           •   Animal Farm by George Orwell

                                           Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                           to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

     Summary                                     Objectives
     Centre:        Lancing                      • To demonstrate and apply basic knowledge
     Hours:	3 hours per week                      of essay structures in English
                    (2 x 1½ hour sessions)       • To learn to write in concise and
     Days:          Thursday and Friday            grammatically correct sentences
     Ages:          13–18                        • To develop a sense of coherence from the
                                                   beginning to the end of an essay
     English Level: B1                           • To learn useful keywords and structures
                                                   for essay writing
     Instruction:	One teacher per 14 students
                                                 • To develop a style of writing, personalised
     Fee:           £100 per week
                                                   to your knowledge of English
     Dates                                       • To understand the differences between
                                                   academic and informal writing
     Week 2:       7–13 Jul
     Week 3:       14–20 Jul                     • To increase self-confidence in your
     Week 5:       28 Jul–3 Aug                    communication skills
     Week 6:       4–10 Aug
                                                 Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                                 to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

Summary                                    Objectives
Centres:     Dicker and Lancing            • To learn the basic principles of designing
Venue:       Location on campus              an illustrated capsule fashion collection
Hours:	6 hours per week                   • To inspire your imagination and your
             (4 x 1½ hour sessions)          fashion creative process
Days:	Monday, Tuesday,                    • To motivate you to take a thorough and
             Thursday and Friday             considered approach
Ages:        12–18                         • To encourage you to think how you
                                             communicate with the outside world
Levels:	Beginner, Elementary,
             Intermediate and Advanced     • To enable you to draw fashion figures
                                             and fabrics
Instruction: One teacher per 10 students
                                           • To understand the importance of a
Fee:         £200 per week
                                             collection theme and subsequent research
Dates                                      • To discover how trends are formulated
                                             in advance
Dicker and Lancing:
              Week 1: 30 Jun–6 Jul         • To develop mood boards and subsequent
              Week 2: 7–13 Jul               design ideas
              Week 3: 14–20 Jul            • To gain knowledge of fabrics and their
              Week 4: 21–27 Jul              suitability within your range
              Week 5: 28 Jul–3 Aug         • To create high-standard fashion figure
                                             templates for your collection
                                           • To experiment with various media
                                             appropriate for your own illustrative style
                                           • To communicate thoughts in a group
                                           • To increase your knowledge of the fashion
                                             industry and relevant terminology

                                           Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                           to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

     Summary                                    Objectives
     Centres:     Dicker and Lancing            • To learn the fundamentals of how to
     Venue:       Location on campus              operate animation software so this can
                                                  be built on after the academy
     Hours:	8 hours per week
                  (4 x 2 hour sessions)         • To learn how to photograph a stop motion
                                                  animation so it is smooth and realistic
     Days:	Monday, Tuesday,
                  Thursday and Friday           • To learn how sounds enhance animations
                                                  and how to add sound using a sound library
     Ages:        12–18
                                                  and animation software
     Levels:	Beginner, Elementary,
                                                • To improve your understanding of the many
                  Intermediate and Advanced
                                                  uses technology can have today
     Instruction: One teacher per 10 students
                                                • To produce a short animated sequence with
     Fee:         £250 per week                   sounds and music
                                                • To gain skills which can be built on after
     Dates                                        the academy
     Dicker:      Week 2: 7–13 Jul              • To increase your vocabulary relating
                  Week 3: 14–20 Jul               specifically to Film and Animation
                  Week 4: 21–27 Jul
                  Week 6: 4–10 Aug              Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
     Lancing:     Week 2: 7–13 Jul              to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.
                  Week 3: 14–20 Jul
                  Week 4: 21–27 Jul
                  Week 5: 28 Jul–3 Aug

Summary                                    Objectives
Centre:       Lancing                      •   To learn the basics of flying
Venue: 	At a flying school based          •   To understand the correct use of checklists
              at Shoreham Airport,         •   To master take-off procedures
              close to Lancing
                                           •   To develop your knowledge of the use
Hours:	1½ hours per week                      of the power and flaps
              (2 x 45 minute lessons)
                                           •   To be taught the effects of the
Days:         Usually Monday and Tuesday       primary controls
Ages:         13–18                        •   To maintain straight and level flight
Levels:	Beginner, Elementary,             •   To execute the climb, descend and landing
              Intermediate and Advanced
                                           •   To increase your vocabulary relating
Instruction:	One fully-qualified flying       specifically to flying
              instructor per student
Fee:          £650 per week                Further information
                                           • You must have perfect vision (glasses or
Dates                                        contact lenses are acceptable) and be in
Week 1:      30 Jun–6 Jul                    good general health
Week 4:      21–27 Jul                     • Your level of English must be at least
                                             Pre-Intermediate (A2)
                                           • In addition to your own flying lessons,
                                             another student or staff member will
                                             usually sit in the back of the plane while
                                             you are receiving your flying instruction
                                           • The plane has dual-controls, so the
                                             instructor can take control at any time
                                           • There is no personal insurance cover
                                             for flying lessons
                                           • You will receive a logbook that officially
                                             records flying hours; this can go towards
                                             gaining a Pilot’s licence

                                           Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                           to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

     Summary                                       Objectives
     Centres:	Eastbourne, Windlesham,             • To learn the rules of football
                  Claremont, Dicker and Lancing    • To master ball control and
     Venue: 	Football pitch at a central            passing techniques
                  location to the Bede’s centres   • To raise fitness level and agility
     Hours:	6 hours per week                      • To improve your ability to make
                  (4 x 1½ hour sessions)             quick (and the correct) decisions
     Days:	Monday, Tuesday,                       • To increase your positional and
                  Thursday and Friday                spatial awareness
     Ages:        6–18                             • To enhance your shooting techniques
     Levels:	Beginner, Elementary,                • To develop position-specific control
                  Intermediate and Advanced          and movement
     Instruction: One coach per 12 students        • To encourage team work and
     Fee:         £225 per week                      communication
                                                   • To increase your vocabulary relating
     Dates                                           specifically to football
     Eastbourne: Week 1: 30 Jun–6 Jul
                   Week 2: 7–13 Jul                Further information
                   Week 3: 14–20 Jul               The academy will include a full Bede’s and
                   Week 4: 21–27 Jul               Swerve Soccer branded football top delivered
                   Week 5: 28 Jul–3 Aug            at the start of the course.
     Windlesham: Week 2: 7–13 Jul
                   Week 3: 14–20 Jul               Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                                   to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.
                   Week 4: 21–27 Jul
                   Week 5: 28 Jul–3 Aug
     Claremont, Dicker and Lancing:
                   All Weeks

Summary                                           Objectives
Centres:     Claremont, Dicker and Lancing        • To develop your knowledge of the
Venue:       At a golf club close to the centre     fundamentals of golf
Hours:	6 hours per week                          • To enhance your course knowledge
             (4 x 1½ hour sessions)                 and management
Days:	Monday, Tuesday,                           • To practise the mechanics of the
             Thursday and Friday                    golf swing
Ages:        12–18                                • To increase the long game and the
                                                    short game
Levels:	Beginner, Elementary,
             Intermediate and Advanced            • To know the different golf formats
Instruction: One coach per 10 students            • To play some holes of the course
Fee:         £250 per week                        • To progress further around the golf course
                                                  • To increase your vocabulary relating
Dates                                               specifically to golf
Claremont:    Week 2: 7–13 Jul
                                                  Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
              Week 3: 14–20 Jul                   to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.
              Week 4: 21–27 Jul
              Week 5: 28 Jul–3 Aug
Dicker and Lancing:
              All Weeks

     Summary                                        Objectives
     Centres:	Eastbourne, Handcross,               • To understand and achieve safe position
                   Windlesham, Claremont,             and handling of a pony or horse
                   Dicker and Lancing               • To demonstrate control and give effective
     Venue: 	At riding stables near the              signals to the pony or horse when mounted
                   centre. There may also be the    • To recognise the importance of balance
                   opportunity for students to go     in walk and trot
                   on a hack (horseback walk)
                                                    • To be able to mount, ride and walk
                   close to the riding stables
                                                      in trot independently
     Hours:	3 hours per week
                                                    • To practise the canter transition
                   (3 x 1 hour sessions)
                                                      (if possible)
     Days:	On three days out of Monday,
                                                    • To experience riding on different terrains
                   Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
                                                    • To ride over poles and fences (if possible)
     Ages:         6–18
                                                    • To develop riding skills and build
     Levels:	Beginner, Elementary,
                                                      your confidence
                   Intermediate and Advanced
                                                    • To increase your vocabulary relating
     Instruction:	Students receive instruction
                                                      specifically to horse riding
                   in small groups
     Fee:          £250 per week                    Qualifications & Certified Awards
                                                    • Certificate of Achievement of Individual
                                                      Level of Attainment
     Eastbourne, Handcross, Windlesham,
                                                    • Souvenir rosette
     Dicker and Lancing:
                   All Weeks
                                                    Further information
     Claremont: Week 2: 7–13 Jul
                   Week 3: 14–20 Jul                Students will be given additional tuition,
                   Week 4: 21–27 Jul                extra to the three hours of riding, in Stable
                   Week 5: 28 Jul–3 Aug             Management (horse care) at the riding stables.

                                                    Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                                    to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

Summary                                    Objectives
Centre:        Lancing                     • To develop an understanding of some key
Hours:	3 hours per week                     terms, concepts and processes involved
               (2 x 1½ hour sessions)        in International Relations
Days:          Thursday and Friday         • To gain an insight into the history and
                                             structure of the contemporary international
Ages:          13–18
                                             political and economic system
                                           • To learn about some contemporary
English Level: B1
                                             international issues and consider some
Academic                                     daily headlines and topical news
Level:         A Level
                                           • To study a number of vital research
Instruction: One teacher per 14 students     techniques
Fee:           £150 per week               • To increase your vocabulary relating
                                             specifically to International Relations
Week 1:      30 Jun–6 Jul                  Possible topics
Week 2:      7–13 Jul                      • Introduction to contemporary
Week 4:      21–27 Jul                       International Relations
Week 5:      28 Jul–3 Aug
                                           • Understanding global politics
                                           • International Communication
                                           • Gender and Society
                                           • Democracy and Globalisation
                                           • Europe in the World
                                           • The Politics of the United States

                                           Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                           to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

     Summary                                                      Objectives
     Centre:        Lancing                                       • To understand how customers and
     Hours:	3 hours per week                                       consumers behave
                    (2 x 1½ hour sessions)                        • To study some of the practical aspects
     Days:          Monday and Tuesday                              of motivating workers
     Ages:          13–18                                         • To gain an insight into the challenges
                                                                    of being a manager
     English Level: B1                                            • To develop an understanding of the
                                                                    psychology of human behaviour
     Level:         A Level                                       • To recognise a range of different
                                                                    perspectives on leadership, including
     Instruction: One teacher per 14 students
                                                                    sociological, psychological, functional
     Fee:           £150 per week                                   and critical
                                                                  • To consider suitable ways by which
     Dates                                                          businesses might recruit and retain
     Week 1:            30 Jun–6 Jul                                their employees
     Week 3:            14–20 Jul                                 • To learn about the core concepts of
     Week 4:            21–27 Jul                                   Total Quality Management
     Week 6:            4–10 Aug
                                                                  • To increase your vocabulary relating
     Minimum number of students is required for the Academy         specifically to Management
     to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.
                                                                  Possible topics
                                                                  •   People in Business
                                                                  •   Leadership and Performance Management
                                                                  •   Motivating People
                                                                  •   Managing Knowledge
                                                                  •   Decision-Making
                                                                  •   Consumer Behaviour
                                                                  •   Human Resource Management
                                                                  •   Total Quality Management
                                                                  •   Managing Yourself

Summary                                     Objectives
Centre:       Lancing                       • To learn both local and international recipes
Venue: 	Food Technology classrooms         • To encourage creativity and individuality
              on Campus                     • To develop a sense of satisfaction and
Hours:	6 hours per week                      accomplishment in cooking original meals
              (4 x 1½ hour sessions)        • To improve the ability to make quick
Days:	Monday, Tuesday,                       (and correct) decisions
              Thursday and Friday           • To develop an understanding of basic
Ages:         13–18                           culinary concepts
Instruction:	One teacher per 10 students   • To create new dishes by understanding how
Fee:          £200 per week                   different flavours combine with one another
                                            • To increase vocabulary specifically relating
Dates                                         to cooking and dining
All Weeks
                                            Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                            to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

     Summary                                       • To use mathematics to develop models
     Centre:        Dicker                           of real situations
     Hours:	3 hours per week                      • To increase your vocabulary relating
                    (2 x 1½ hour sessions)           specifically to Mathematics
     Days:          Monday and Tuesday             Possible topics
     Ages:          12–17                          • Algebraic Equations
     Minimum                                       • Quadratic Equations (including the
     English Level: B1                               Quadratic Formula and Completing
     Academic                                        the Square)
     Level:         GCSE                           • Equations of Straight Lines (including
     Instruction: One teacher per 14 students        Midpoints of Line Segments and Parallel
     Fee:           £150 per week                    and Perpendicular Lines)
                                                   • 3D Shapes (including Volumes of Prisms,
     Dates                                           Cones, Spheres and Frustums)
     Week 1:      30 Jun–6 Jul                     • Calculations with Fractions (including
     Week 2:      7–13 Jul                           Algebraic Fractions)
     Week 4:      21–27 Jul                        • Circle Theorems
     Week 5:      28 Jul–3 Aug
                                                   • Transformations
     Objectives                                    • Area and Circumference of a Circle
     • To develop an understanding of some key       (including the Area and Perimeter
       mathematical concepts and principles          of Partial Circles)
     • To increase confidence in mathematics       • Probability
       and recognise the importance of             • Indices and Surds
       mathematics in society                      • Trigonometry (including the Sine
     • To acquire and apply mathematical             and Cosine Rules)
       concepts to solve everyday problems
                                                   Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
     • To reason mathematically, make deductions   to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.
       and inferences and draw conclusions
     • To comprehend, interpret and communicate
       mathematical information in a variety
       of forms appropriate to the information
       and context

Summary                                          Objectives
Centres:	Eastbourne, Windlesham                 • To appreciate the importance of a warm-up
             and Claremont                       • To build self-confidence and social skills
Venue:       In the drama studio on campus       • To learn about acting, improvisation, choral
Hours:	8 hours per week                           speaking and/or creative movement
             (4 x 2 hour sessions)               • To enhance the control of the body, voice
Days:	Monday, Tuesday,                            and expression
             Thursday and Friday                 • To use intonation to develop emotion,
Ages:        6–16                                  character or story
Levels:	Beginner, Elementary,                   • To express an idea using your whole self
             Intermediate and Advanced           • To develop team work abilities
Instruction: One teacher per 12 students         • To improve awareness of the importance
Fee:         £175 per week                         of rehearsal and learning lines, moves
                                                   or character development
Dates                                            • Further development of English language
Eastbourne: All Weeks                              skills including pronunciation, speaking
Windlesham and Claremont: Week 2: 7–13 Jul,        in public and confidence in discussion
Week 4: 21–27 Jul, Week 6: 4–10 Aug                and collaboration
                                                 • To take part in an assessed performance
Further information                                in a friendly, comfortable environment
Each academy will conclude with a New Era        • To increase your vocabulary relating
Academy assessed performance to be taken           specifically to drama, choral speaking
on the Friday afternoon followed by a              and creative movement
participation presentation. The choices of
assessed performances are:                       Qualifications & Certified Awards
• Choral Speaking: choose two poems              • New Era Academy (NEA) Examination
    suitable to the age of the group and learn       Grade and Certificate
    them to perform as a spoken choir            Please note, all NEA Examinations are
• Devised Drama: take a theme, proverb or        recognised by Ofqual (The Office of
    fairy story dependent on age and devise a    Qualifications and Examinations Regulation).
    prepared improvisation to perform together
                                                 Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
• Creative Movement: based on a story, use       to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.
    facial and body expression to re-tell the
    story through movement not voice. Music
    will be used                                                                                              27
     Summary                                      Objectives
     Centres:     Claremont, Dicker and Lancing   • To use a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex)
     Venue:       Various locations on campus       camera creatively using the Manual Mode
                                                    (I.E. not relying on automatic exposure)
     Hours:	6 hours per week
                  (4 x 1½ hour sessions)          • To understand the essential functions of
                                                    a DSLR camera (including ISO, aperture,
     Days:	Monday, Tuesday,
                                                    shutter speed and focusing modes) and
                  Thursday and Friday
                                                    how to use these to obtain technically
     Ages:        12–18                             competent, creative photographs
     Levels:	Beginner, Elementary,               • To create attractive, well-composed
                  Intermediate and Advanced         photographs
     Instruction: One teacher per 10 students     • To build an exciting image folio
     Fee:         £175 per week                   • To establish a wide repertoire of
                                                    photographic skills
     Dates                                        • To expand the capacity for reflection
     Claremont:    Week 2: 7–13 Jul                 and to develop critical thinking
                   Week 3: 14–20 Jul              • To increase your vocabulary relating
                   Week 4: 21–27 Jul                specifically to photography
                   Week 5: 28 Jul–3 Aug
     Dicker and Lancing:                          Equipment required
                   All Weeks
                                                  Please note all students must bring their
                                                  own DSLR camera. If you do not have one,
                                                  please contact us for more information.

                                                  Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                                  to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

Summary                                    Objectives
Centre:        Lancing                     • To learn to coherently present oral
Hours:	3 hours per week                     arguments within a given time frame
               (2 x 1½ hour sessions)      • To understand how to use your voice
Days:          Monday and Tuesday            and body language to enhance your
Ages:          13–18
                                           • To enhance flexibility and rapidity of
                                             thought in English
English Level: B1
                                           • To develop fluency in English
Instruction: One teacher per 14 students
                                           • To improve vocabulary and diction
Fee:           £100 per week
                                             in English
Dates                                      • To increase self-confidence in your
                                             communication skills
Week 1:      30 Jun–6 Jul
Week 3:      14–20 Jul                     Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
Week 4:      21–27 Jul                     to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.
Week 6:      4–10 Aug

     Summary                                     Objectives
     Centre:        Dicker                       • To learn to quickly identify a problem and
     Hours:	3 hours per week                      break it down into manageable parts
                    (2 x 1½ hour sessions)       • To be able to coherently define the obstacles
     Days:	Monday and Tuesday                     you are faced with
     Ages:          12–17                        • To increase quick thinking and creativity
     Minimum                                     • To develop a logical thought process and
     English Level: B1                             be able to express it in English
     Instruction:	One teacher per 14 students   • To understand different solutions to the
                                                   same issue
     Fee:           £100 per week
                                                 • To enhance the sense of collaboration
     Dates                                         with others
     Week 1:       30 Jun–6 Jul                  • To increase self-confidence in your
     Week 2:       7–13 Jul                        communication skills
     Week 4:       21–27 Jul
                                                 Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
     Week 5:       28 Jul–3 Aug                  to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

Summary                                                      Objectives
Centre:        Dicker                                        • To develop an understanding of some key
Hours:	3 hours per week                                       scientific concepts and principles within
               (2 x 1½ hour sessions)                          the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry
                                                               and Physics
Days:          Thursday and Friday
                                                             • To learn some essential aspects of
Ages:          12–17
                                                               methods, processes and uses of science
                                                             • To appreciate some of the complex and
English Level: B1
                                                               diverse scientific phenomena that exist
Academic                                                       in the natural world
Level:         GCSE
                                                             • To expand upon and apply observational,
Instruction: One teacher per 14 students                       practical, modelling and problem-solving
Fee:           £150 per week                                   skills both in the laboratory and in the field
                                                             • To establish an ability to evaluate scientific
Dates                                                          claims through a critical analysis of the
Week 1:            30 Jun–6 Jul                                methodology, evidence and conclusions
Week 3:            14–20 Jul                                 • To inspire curiosity about the natural
Week 4:            21–27 Jul                                   world, how science works and its relevance
Week 6:            4–10 Aug                                    to everyday life
Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                                             • To increase your vocabulary relating
to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.     specifically to Science

                                                             Possible topics
                                                             • Atomic structure and the periodic table
                                                             • Bonding, structure and the properties
                                                               of matter
                                                             • Chemistry of the atmosphere
                                                             • Acids and Alkalis
                                                             • Energy
                                                             • Collision Theory
                                                             • Cell Biology
                                                             • Infection and Response
                                                             • Ecology
     Summary                                     Objectives
     Centre:      Eastbourne                     • To build your confidence in the water
     Venue:       Swimming pool on campus        • To improve arm and leg technique within
     Hours:	3 hours per week                      the four main strokes (front crawl, back
                                                   crawl, breast stroke and butterfly)                        Eastbourne swimming pool
                  (3 x 1 hour lessons)
     Days:        Monday, Tuesday and Thursday   • To understand body position within the
                                                   four main strokes
     Ages:        6–11
                                                 • To ensure the correct breathing
     Levels:	Beginner, Elementary,
                                                   technique is used
                  Intermediate and Advanced
                                                 • To practise key skills such as gliding,
     Instruction: One coach per 10 students
                                                   floating and kicking
     Fee:         £175 per week
                                                 • To achieve swimming out of your depth
     Dates                                       • To encourage jumping and diving
                                                   into the water
     Eastbourne: All Weeks
                                                 • To increase your vocabulary relating
                                                   specifically to swimming

                                                 Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                                 to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

Summary                                  Objectives
Centres:	Eastbourne, Handcross,         • To establish ball sense skills and apply
             Windlesham, Claremont,        them to tennis
             Dicker and Lancing          • To use first and second serves effectively
Venue: 	On the outdoor hard             • To learn about court positions and where
             tennis courts on campus.      to stand when competing
             Eastbourne: at a local
                                         • To become more tactically aware and
             tennis club
                                           effective in playing the game of tennis
Hours:	6 hours per week
                                         • To develop match play techniques,
             (4 x 1½ hour sessions)
                                           skills and fitness
Days:	Monday, Tuesday,
                                         • To practice specific techniques to
             Thursday and Friday
                                           enhance consistency
Ages:        6–18
                                         • To improve your standard of game play
Levels:	Beginner, Elementary,
                                         • To increase your vocabulary relating
             Intermediate and Advanced
                                           specifically to tennis
Instruction: One coach per 10 students
Fee:         £175 per week               Minimum number of students is required for the Academy
                                         to run. If an Academy is cancelled a refund will be given.

Eastbourne, Handcross, Windlesham,
Claremont, Dicker and Lancing:
              All Weeks

Bede’s Summer School
Upper Dicker, Hailsham
East Sussex BN27 3QH

T +44 1323 356688
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