Achieve - SA's manufacturing production remains resilient - THOUGHT LEADER IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT - MerSETA

Achieve - SA's manufacturing production remains resilient - THOUGHT LEADER IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT - MerSETA
March 2016 ISSUE 31

        ISO 9001:2008

SA’s manufacturing
production remains
TALKING NOTES | A VIEW FROM THE TOP   | success stories |   Features |
Achieve - SA's manufacturing production remains resilient - THOUGHT LEADER IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT - MerSETA
ISO 9001:2008

  Leaders in closing the skills gap

To increase access to high quality and relevant
skills development and training opportunities
to support economic growth in order to reduce
inequalities and unemployment and to promote
employability and participation in the economy

ISO 9001:2008
            / March   2016
Achieve - SA's manufacturing production remains resilient - THOUGHT LEADER IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT - MerSETA


                                       on the cover: South Africa's manufacturing
                                       production remains resilient

                                                                     ACHIEVE March 2016 ISSUE 31

PAGE 9                                   PAGE 16                             PAGE 32
NSFAS turns despair into joy             SETAs to continue supporting        SA investing in science to tackle
                                         NSFAS with student funding          socio-economic challenges

SETA NEWS                                                                      Publisher
4    Talking notes                                                             merSETA

5    A view from the top                                                       Editor
6    Artisan desk                                                              Sibongiseni Ziinjiva

Success stories                                                                Proof reading
                                                                               Janet Lopes
9    NSFAS turns despair into joy
11   EPWP throws Babalwa a lifeline                                            Layout and design
                                                                               Rixile Mzansi Trading

FEATURES                                                                       Contributors
13   Ford invests R2.5 billion in SA and creates 1 200 jobs                    Helen Brown
                                                                               Janet Lopes
16   SETAs to continue supporting NSFAS with student funding
19   The proposed New SETA Landscape debate: What stakeholders say
24   SA’s manufacturing production remains resilient
26   The merSETA in a new partnership to raise standards
27   AIDC, Siemens honour artisan and engineering graduates
                                                                               Views and editorial opinion
                                                                               expressed in the merSETA
INDUSTRY NEWS                                                                  magazine are not necessarily
                                                                               those of the merSETA, the
29   SA car industry: Tough times ahead but it’s still world class
                                                                               publication or the publisher.

EVENTS                                                                         Write to: The Editor, Achieve
                                                                               magazine, PO Box 61826,
31   Africa needs to industrialise, Minister Davies tells round table
                                                                               Marshalltown, 2107 or
32   SA investing in science to tackle socio-economic challenges               email: achievenewsletter@

                                                                                         Achieve / March 2016    3
Achieve - SA's manufacturing production remains resilient - THOUGHT LEADER IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT - MerSETA
From the Editor

    Talking Notes
           he Sector Education and          of economic damage that is still         We also carry a story in this issue
           Training Authorities (SETAs) –   haunting South Africa even to this       on the long-standing partnership
           including the Manufacturing,     day – eight years on.                    between the Automotive Industry
    Engineering and Related Services                                                 Development Centre (AIDC) and
    Education and Training Authority        The       country’s      manufacturing   leading global infrastructure and
    (merSETA) – have reaffirmed their       industry contracted sharply and          industry solutions provider Siemens.
    support for the National Student        its subsequent recovery has been
    Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) in         insufficient for the volume of           At a graduation ceremony in
    its efforts to assist disadvantaged     manufacturing production to return       Johannesburg recently, the two
    students gain access to tertiary        to its pre-crisis level.                 parties celebrated the success of 70
    education and critical skills.                                                   young South Africans who are ready
                                            Preliminary manufacturing data for       to enter the industry after completing
    The commitment was made at              December 2015 reveal that South          a skills development programme.
    a recent meeting between the            Africa’s manufacturing production,
    executives of NSFAS, representatives    on average, was unchanged in 2015        The partnership started in 2008 when
    of the various SETAs and officials of   compared to the situation in 2014.       the conglomerate recognised the
    the Department of Higher Education                                               growing need to develop a pipeline
    and Training (DHET) in Midrand.         Still with the manufacturing sector,     of scarce and critical skills across
                                            South Africa’s new vehicle sales in      various industries. It approached
    At the same time, the merSETA           2015 saw a 4.1% decline compared         the AIDC to manage a bursary
    held a series of consultative           to the same period the previous year,    programme focusing on developing
    stakeholder engagements in light of     according to the National Association    qualified individuals for absorption in
    the publication in the Government       of Automobile Manufacturers of SA        key sectors.
    Gazette in November 2015 of the         (NAAMSA).
    proposed new SETA Landscape.                                                     Read more on these and other
                                            It is against this background that       stories we are carrying in the latest
    Workshops       were    also     held   the outlook for domestic sales in        issue of Achieve, including success
    countrywide to debate the future role   2016 remains uninspiring and, at this    stories and industry news.
    of SETAs.                               stage, a decline in total new vehicle
    The stakeholders called on the          sales of between 3% and 5% will not      Be blessed!
    DHET to convene a conference to         be unexpected.
    deliberate on the journey the country
    will embark on when the New SETA        The consumer-driven new car
    Landscape comes into effect in          market is likely to show a decline
    2018.                                   in volumes at the upper end of the
                                            range, with new commercial vehicle
    The 2008-2009 financial crisis has,     sales projected to perform better in     Sibongiseni Ziinjiva Ka-Mnguni
    as all catastrophes do, left a trail    relative terms.                

4     Achieve / March 2016
Achieve - SA's manufacturing production remains resilient - THOUGHT LEADER IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT - MerSETA
CEO’s column

A view from

the top
      he meetings that took place      It is in this context that the          that can see a financial plan for
      between big business and         toenadering between business and        each of the universities and TVET
      the government before this       the government is heartening. In        colleges. Through creative public-
year’s State of the Nation Address     a typical South African way,            private partnerships all students
signalled new hope for South Africa    we saw all sides rising to the          can be funded, even before we
and bode well for its future.          occasion, facing the world in Davos     resort to blanket free education
                                       and then coming back home to            based on limited state resources.
Many take for granted the fact         continue the collaboration. While       Surely, the amount of money
that the challenges facing the         reading all of these as good signs,     that should be spent on skills
country cannot be resolved by the      investors are now waiting to see        development       and     corporate
government alone.                      what comes of it.                       social investment in the private
                                                                               sector can be properly directed to
The unexpected change of guard         It is natural for the relationship      ensure that not only universities but
at the National Treasury at the        between       capital     and     the   also TVET colleges are sustainably
end of last year and the resultant     government to be laced with             funded.
dramatic plummeting of the             tension but it is equally clear that
rand raised eyebrows about             there is a lot of common ground         With the amount of money that
the relationship between the           and goals that should underpin the      the private sector has not released
government and private sector.         relationship.                           for investment, there should be no
                                       The education and training sector       reason why primary schools should
Harsh words were exchanged,            is a key area in this regard. The       not be equipped with top-of-
leaving a bitter taste in the mouths   public sector produces the skills the   the range science laboratory
of many investors. The incident also   business community requires. The        equipment and libraries to ensure
heightened the risk of a financial     private sector, on the other hand,      a well-equipped future workforce.
downgrade that we don’t need as        has to hire the graduates churned
a country.                             out by relevant institutions.           At the merSETA, we have this
                                                                               year alone made millions of rands
                                       I was not privy to the detailed         available for higher education
                                       discussions between the parties         initiatives as part of our contribution
                                       but I can imagine that education        to education resourcing.            We
                                       and training must have topped the       challenge all stakeholders to do
                                       agenda. This is an obvious area         something concrete to ensure
                                       where a future reservoir of skills      we don’t leave funding to the
                                       can be built to shield us from rough    government alone.

                                       We have 24 universities, 50 technical
                                       and vocational education and
                                       training colleges and thousands
                                       of listed and unlisted companies.
                                       The collaboration between these
                                       companies and the relevant SETAs        Dr Raymond Patel
                                       can easily produce a Marshall Plan      CEO, the merSETA

                                                                                                Achieve / March 2016     5
Achieve - SA's manufacturing production remains resilient - THOUGHT LEADER IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT - MerSETA
Artisan Desk

    Teaching apprentices
    for employment
    beyond 2030

          he merSETA’s competence          We know the average competence              production opportunities offering
          diagnostic research has laid a   levels achieved and how these               better returns to the end user.
          solid foundation to understand   compare to those of our international
    how qualifications, their curricula    counterparts. We know from our              All our occupations are vulnerable
    and teaching methods perform.          tracer studies that 80% to 85% of           to such changes, and disruptions
                                           our qualified candidates are taken          are already being felt by the motor
    The COMET Project is one of            up into employment.                         mechanics     (car    mechatronics),
    our research initiatives providing                                                 industrial mechatronics artisans
    valuable qualitative insights into     This certainly deserves recognition.        and the cluster of foundry-related
    the competence levels achieved         However, the important question             occupations.
    for apprentices over the 3-4 year      is whether these apprentices will
    learning period.                       gather sufficient “capabilities” – i.e. a   How deeply will 3-D printing
                                           wider base of experience supported          systems, intelligent robotics, artificial
                                           by further learning opportunities           intelligence, nano technologies and
                                           – to successfully sustain their             alternative energy systems change
                                           employment in our sector beyond             the shape of these occupations?
                                                                                       We cannot simply keep changing and
                                           Industrial manufacturing is definitely      updating occupational qualifications
                                           a sector more vulnerable to the             for every area of specialisation
                                           disruptive impact of “exponential           emerging as the pace of change
                                           technologies”     on      production        is too rapid to capture all possible
                                           platforms and product maintenance           derivatives. We need to ask ourselves
                                           regimes.                                    how to mitigate the risks that these
                                                                                       constant changes present.
                                           Human      resource and machine
                                                   efficiency can only be taken        I believe the answer lies partly in how
                                                    to a certain point of delivery.    we teach our future artisans.
                                                     After that technological          Over three COMET test series, the
                                                       advancements in a global        diagnostic system has highlighted
                                                        delivery    system     will    the need to address the stagnation
                                                         attract growth and new        of competence development evident
                                                                                       over the four-year learning period.

                                                                                       For all occupations tested –
                                                                                       electrician,  motor     mechanic,
                                                                                       mechatronics artisan, welder and
                                                                                       millwright – apprentices’ highest

                               Ms Helen Brown, Senior
6    Achieve / March 2016      Manager: Projects Development
Achieve - SA's manufacturing production remains resilient - THOUGHT LEADER IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT - MerSETA
Artisan Desk

Apprentices hard at work: The tracer study indicates that 80% to 85% of qualified candidates are taken up
into employment.

average score was achieved in          training (TVET) colleges to effect         technology (ICT), the integration
their first year of learning, with a   similar initiatives in their teaching      of     previously      separated
deterioration in average scores in     methods.                                   production functions and an
year two and three, only to recover                                               emphasis on knowledge creation
to the original level in year four.    Three elements are crucial here:           within normal work activity;
                                        ∆ A     work-reflected       learning
This effectively means that no            approach, emphasising work-           ∆ A      minimum       educational
conceptual      development      is       process knowledge over and              requirement is also significant.
achieved beyond a certain point           above theoretical knowledge             The     minimum      educational
in the curriculum. In other words,        and practical simulations i.e.          requirements      have      been
the more complex the skilled work         a combination of practical              debated for some time now,
assignment, the less efficient and        understanding and theoretical           with TVET teachers arguing
effective the result is. While most       knowledge in solving problems           that their student performance
large company-based academies             at work. The basis of this is           and      throughput     increase
embrace this phenomenon with              that modern workplaces are              when teaching matriculants,
creative approaches, we need              characterised by increased              particularly in the engineering
constructive partnerships with our        functional flexibility, the use of      occupations;     and   students
technical vocational education and        information and communications          arguing that if they have a

                                                                                             Achieve / March 2016     7
Achieve - SA's manufacturing production remains resilient - THOUGHT LEADER IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT - MerSETA
Artisan Desk

       matric (NQF level 4), then they    the Dual System Apprenticeship            of maintaining this on a seven-
       should not be obligated to start   Project (DSAP) have entered the           subject qualification and suggested
       a vocational programme at NQF      final stages of their “work-reflected     that the three fundamental subjects
       level 2; and                       learning” approach.                       of language, mathematics and life
                                                                                    orientation should have already
    ∆ Creating a learning environment     The first COMET test results proved       been completed by candidates
      in which students can build         that participants on this programme       before entering the DSAP.
      a deep commitment to their          already achieved higher levels of
      occupation, which in turn           competence than their non-DSAP            This increases available time in the
      motivates     an    “exponential    counterparts.                             learning programme for deeper
      learning approach” with an                                                    understanding    and      immersion
      interest beyond the stated          Our next COMET test on this group         into the four core subjects of the
      curriculum.    Some     features    will be implemented early in the new      occupation.
      of this learning environment        financial year and indications are that
      should include e-learning, Wi-      this approach of continually rotating     It also poses the obvious question
      Fi access and professional          learners between theory, simulated        as to whether the mainstream
      career guidance. An emphasis        practical    and     workplace-based      NC(V) qualification should be split
      on understanding not only           learning addresses the stagnation of      to    accommodate         occupations
      traditional  skills   but   also    competence development problem.           leading to a trade test. Some reckon
      technologies that will shape                                                  that if this qualification policy was
      these skills over time is also      Teachers on this project have,            adjusted to allow post-matric
      essential.                          however, expressed concern around         students into a four-subject block
                                          this type of teaching becoming the        release – six months’ college and
    The merSETA has deliberately built    norm rather than an exception.            six months’ workplace rotation over
    a research agenda addressing                                                    three years – then the objective
    these challenges. Apprentices on      They have highlighted the challenge       of work-reflected learning would
                                                                                    be achieved within an acceptable
                                                                                    college provision format.

                                                                                    The merSETA also recognises that
                                                                                    professional career guidance is
                                                                                    another competence that needs
                                                                                    strengthening    beyond      current
                                                                                    practice at the TVET college level.
                                                                                    Suggestions from teachers I have
                                                                                    engaged with are that “guidance
                                                                                    and     placement     assessments”
                                                                                    would ensure that the right student
                                                                                    is placed in the right classroom,
                                                                                    especially those entering a learning
                                                                                    programme leading to a trade test.

                                                                                    Matching skills supply and demand
                                                                                    will also need to become a major
                                                                                    focus area so that the spread
                                                                                    of students across the different
                                                                                    vocational programmes matches
                                                                                    available jobs in the market.

                                                                                    As the merSETA prepares itself for
    Professional career guidance is another competence that needs                   the proposed New SETA Landscape,
    strengthening beyond current practice at TVET college level.                    these issues will remain on our radar.

8    Achieve / March 2016
Achieve - SA's manufacturing production remains resilient - THOUGHT LEADER IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT - MerSETA
Success Story

into joy
Matsapola is living her
dream, thanks to the multi-
billion rand student financial
aid scheme benefiting South
Africa’s poor

By Sibongiseni Ziinjiva Ka-Mnguni

         hen Mathawe Matsapola of Botlokwa
         in rural Limpopo passed her matric
         with flying colours, the euphoria
that gripped her entire family was simply

         Mathawe Matsapola is one of more than 1.5
         million students who have been assisted by the
         National Student Financial Aid Scheme.

                                                            Achieve / March 2016   9
Achieve - SA's manufacturing production remains resilient - THOUGHT LEADER IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT - MerSETA
Success Story
             To show my eternal gratitude, I made sure I paid back every cent
             NSFAS contributed to my studies, accommodation and textbooks

                                                                                     study for a National Diploma in Legal
                                                                                     Assistance at TUT.

                                                                                     It was on registering for the diploma
                                                                                     that she heard about the National
                                                                                     Student Financial Aid Scheme

                                                                                     “I remember standing in a long queue
                                                                                     to submit my application for a student
                                                                                     loan. All I could do was to pray for
                                                                                     positive feedback and, as they say,
                                                                                     the rest is history,” she says.

                                                                                     Matsapola is now Entertainment
                                                                                     Editor at DRUM magazine and,
                                                                                     although she has taken a detour in
                                                                                     her career in favour of journalism,
                                                                                     she is living her dream thanks to the
                                                                                     head-start she received from NSFAS.
                                                                                     “It was a dream come true when I
                                                                                     was granted a student loan and I’ve
                                                                                     not looked back since that fateful
                                                                                     day,” she says.

                                                                                     “The NSFAS funding changed my life
                                                                                     for the better. It helped me realise my
                                                                                     dreams and I made it my mission to
 Entertainment Editor at Drum magazine Mathawe Matsapola is living
                                                                                     pass my course in record time so I
 her dream.
                                                                                     could help look after my family.
 However, the joy was shortlived when     at home – was devastated when she
 it dawned on her that she might not      realised she would not be able to pay      “To show my eternal gratitude, I
 be able to take her outstanding          for my tuition at college or university.   made sure I paid back every cent
 academic achievements to the next        It was nerve-racking but that was the      NSFAS contributed to my studies,
 level as her mother could just not       reality we had to face,” Ms Matsapola      accommodation       and    textbooks
 send her to college or university.       says.                                      because there are still many students
                                                                                     who are academically deserving just
 “My mother was a general worker at       Determined to fulfil her dreams            like I was when I desperately needed
 the time and she was already highly      despite her family’s poor background,      to pursue my studies. They also
 indebted. The banks would no longer      she asked her mother for R1 500 so         need financial assistance,” says Ms
 give her a loan.                         she could register at the Tshwane          Matsapola.
                                          University of Technology (TUT).
 “She had already taken loans to pay                                                 To date, more than 1.5 million
 for my brother and sister’s tuition at   “My mother wanted a better life for        students have been assisted and
 university. With the low salary she      all her children, and I was not going      more than R50-billion has been
 was earning, she had to take care of     to fail her and the family,” she says.     spent by NSFAS towards assisting
 six children,” says Ms Matsapola.                                                   academically deserving students to
 “My mother – the only breadwinner        In 2002, Ms Matsapola left home to         fulfil their dreams.

10   Achieve / March 2016
Success Story

EPWP throws
Babalwa a lifeline
By Sibongiseni Ziinjiva Ka-Mnguni

                                                                         s Babalwa Kaboka is a top
                                                                         academic achiever. But this
                                                                         did not guarantee her a work
                                                                opportunity after she successfully
                                                                completed her N6 course at the
                                                                Northlink College in the Western Cape.

                                                                Just like thousands of other
                                                                determined and resourceful young
                                                                South African men and women, Ms
                                                                Kaboka was let down by the system.

                                                                With the scarcity of jobs reaching
                                                                alarming proportions – particularly in
                                                                the engineering and manufacturing
                                                                sector – Ms Kaboka was reduced to
                                                                twiddling her thumbs at home, with
                                                                nothing to show for her excellent
                                                                academic performance.

                                                                All the knowledge she had gained
                                                                during her successful schooling career
                                                                had seemingly gone to waste.

                                                                After matriculating at Fezeka High
                                                                School in Gugulethu in the Western
                                                                Cape, Ms Kaboka, the second child
                                                                in a family of six, intended to study
                                                                medicine but her teachers advised her
                                                                to pursue a technical career as she
                                                                had excelled in the field and always
                                                                wanted to know how things worked.

                                                                She initially applied for a bursary
                                                                to study engineering at the Cape
                                                                Peninsula University of Technology
                   Ms Babalwa Kaboka addresses the merSETA's
                                                                but her application was unsuccessful.
                         Annual General Meeting in Cape Town.

                                                                                Achieve / March 2016   11
Success Story

     The merSETA Deputy Chairperson Xolani Tshayana, Thamsanqa Ngqula, Babalwa Kaboka and merSETA
     Western Cape Client Relations Manager Bronwin Abrahams.
                                             That was, of course, before she          on trucks, construction equipment,
                                             got to know about the Artisan            marine and specialised equipment,
                                             Development Programme run under          literally anything with a starter or
                                             a partnership between the merSETA        alternator.
                                             and the Department of Public Works’
                                             Expanded Public Works Programme          “Being a woman in a man’s world
                                             (EPWP).                                  isn’t always easy as one has to
                                                                                      work twice as hard to prove oneself
                                             Ms Kaboka managed to get her foot        and to be respected in the industry.
                                             in the door after she was introduced     Luckily, Auto Magneto is an equal
                                             to the EPWP through an exhibition        opportunity employer. Here I’m
                                             at the college.                          measured on merit,” she says.

                                             She is now one of the beneficiaries      “I felt despondent when I couldn’t
                                             of the programme and is at present       find work, but with the assistance
                                             undergoing her auto electrical           of the merSETA and EPWP I was
                                             apprenticeship at Auto Magneto           fortunate to be placed at Auto
                                             (Pty) Ltd in the Western Cape.           Magneto,” says Ms Kaboka.

     Determined to realise her dreams        It was a complete eye-opener.            As an auto electrical apprentice,
     and not let the setback derail her,     She was totally overwhelmed as she       Ms Kaboka repairs cars, trucks
     she enrolled at the Belhar campus       had had no previous knowledge of         and construction and specialised
     of Northlink College in the Western     the technical side of cars and trucks.   equipment, and hopes to qualify as
     Cape. She passed her course with        When on the first day her mentor         an artisan soon.
     flying colours. But then life threw a   asked her to pass the ratchet, she
     curveball at her. Time also seemed      had absolutely no knowledge of           “I want to encourage other young
     to have come to a standstill as she     what he was talking about.               people to persevere and never limit
     could not enter the world of work.                                               themselves. I also want to encourage
                                             That is now water under the bridge.      the business sector to train learners
     She continuously tried to be placed     Ms Kaboka is currently working           and help tackle the socio-economic
     in an electrical company to complete    towards completing her trade test        challenges facing the country,” she
     her practical training to no avail.     by the end of 2016 as she works          says.

12    Achieve / March 2016

Ford invests R2.5 billion in
SA and creates 1 200 jobs
By Independent Correspondent

      he Ford Motor Company             The investment will create 1 200 new      specification levels – XLT and the
      is to pump more than R2.5         jobs. At present, the all-new Everest     range-topping Limited.
      billion into the South African    is imported from Thailand but is
economy to expand its Silverton,        using the locally produced 3.2-litre      With the commencement of local
Pretoria, plant for the production of   five-cylinder Duratorq TDCi engine.       production in the third quarter of
the Ford Everest and extended Ford      It is only available in South Africa in   2016, a 2.2-litre Duratorq TDCi four-
Ranger derivatives.                     the 3.2-litre automatic guise in two      cylinder diesel engine will be added

                                                                                                 Achieve / March 2016     13

     to the range, along with a wider                                                   transmissions     for    exceptional
     spread of specification levels.
                                                 The R2.5-billion                       capability.”

     The first units are expected to come      investment reaffirms                     In recent years, Africa has emerged
     to the market in the fourth quarter.                                               as an increasingly important region
                                               the importance of
     South African-produced models
     will be sold locally and exported to
     markets across Sub-Saharan Africa.

     “Our customers love the capability
     and utility offered by the all-new
                                               these markets as
                                               part of our growth
                                               strategy across the
                                               Middle East and
                                                                                        for Ford, with continued investment
                                                                                        and growth.

                                                                                        In 2008, Ford announced plans to
                                                                                        build the Ford Ranger at its Silverton
                                                                                        plant with an investment of R3.4
                                                                                        billion. The investment allowed Ford
     Ford Everest. By producing the
     Everest in South Africa, we will be
                                               Africa                                   to transform both its South African
                                                                                        plants into world-class facilities
     able to make it more readily available                                             to produce the Ford Ranger and
     and in a greater variety of models                                                 Duratorq TDCi engines for local
     for customers throughout Sub-             produce 10 000 Everests per year.        consumption and export.
     Saharan Africa,” said Jim Farley,
     Ford Executive Vice-President and         “The all-new Everest has been            The Ford Ranger is exported to
     President of Europe, Middle East          extremely well received since it         148 countries in Africa, the Middle
     and Africa.                               was launched in September last           East and Europe, while engines and
                                               year, with demand far outstripping       machined components are supplied
     “The      R2.5-billion      investment    supply,” said Jeff Nemeth, President     to Argentina, Thailand, North
     reaffirms the importance of these         and CEO of Ford Motor Company in         America, India and China.
     markets as part of our growth             the Sub-Saharan Africa Region.
     strategy across the Middle East and                                                In 2014, Ford formed its newest
     Africa. It further reinforces South       “This crucial investment will enable     business unit – Middle East and
     Africa’s position as a strategic export   us to increase volumes and expand        Africa – comprising 67 markets to
     base for Ford Motor Company.”             the Everest range to eight derivatives   support the region with a dedicated
                                               across a broader price range. It         focus and clear understanding of
     The Silverton assembly plant              will allow customers across Sub-         the unique conditions and customer
     features state-of-the-art automation      Saharan Africa to choose from two        needs.
     using Ford’s global manufacturing         powerful engines mated to robust
     processes and will be equipped to         six-speed automatic or manual            The African growth story continued
                                                                                        in 2015 when Ford confirmed it
                                                                                        would assemble the Ford Ranger
                                                                                        in Nigeria, using semi knock-
                                                                                        down (SKD) kits and components
                                                                                        imported from South Africa.

14    Achieve / March 2016

Achieve / March 2016   15

     SETAs to continue supporting
     NSFAS with student funding
     The scheme has spent R50 billion to assist more
     than 1.5 million poor students over the past 17 years,
     reports Sibongiseni Ziinjiva Ka-Mnguni

     National Student Financial Aid Scheme Chief Executive Officer Msulwa Daca addresses the media.

16    Achieve / March 2016

        ector education and training      various SETAs and officials of the       ∆ SETAs, because of their close
        authorities (SETAs) – including   Department of Higher Education and         proximity to employers, must as-
        the Manufacturing, Engineer-      Training (DHET) in Midrand.                sist NSFAS-funded students to
ing and Related Services Education                                                   access internships, work place-
and Training Authority (merSETA)          The meeting also agreed that NSFAS         ments and employment.
– have reaffirmed their support for       must tighten its policies, improve
the National Student Financial Aid        fund administration and review ad-       The meetings formed part of the gov-
Scheme (NSFAS) in its efforts to as-      ministrative guidelines and criteria.    ernment’s resolve to channel various
sist disadvantaged students gain ter-     It also resolved that learner-student    sources of funding through NSFAS to
tiary education and critical skills.      selection processes and enrol-           increase access to higher education
                                          ment for critical and scarce skills or   and training as announced by Higher
The commitment was made at a              academic and/or technical learn-         Education and Training Minister Dr
recent meeting between executives         ing courses be aligned with South        Blade Nzimande.
of NSFAS, representatives of              Africa’s Human Resource Develop-
                                          ment Strategy.                           The partnership between NSFAS and
                                                                                   SETAs dates back to 2012.
                                          Other agreements included:               “At the time, we had few SETAs on
                                          ∆ Alignment in reporting and collab-     board committing to funding stu-
                                             oration with the Auditor-General      dents in the form of bursaries for first
                                             to ensure an effective, efficient     year students. Now most of those
                                             and consistent way of reporting;      students are graduates. So, we
                                                                                   thought it was important to convene
                                          ∆ Improvement of the support for         a meeting to review the partnership
                                            financial aid offices of universi-     and the work and the commitment
                                            ties in identifying and conduct-       made over the years, says NSFAS
                                            ing eligibility testing of bursary-    Executive Officer Msulwa Daca.
                                            qualifying-students in line with
                                            established eligibility criteria and   NSFAS     was    established   in
                                            the NSFAS means test; and              accordance with Section 3 of the

                                          Health and Welfare SETA Chief Executive Officer Yvonne Mbane
                                          and Chief Director: SETA Coordination at the Department of Higher
                                          Education and Training Maliviwe Lumka.

                                                                                                   Achieve / March 2016       17

     NSFAS Act No 56 of 1999 to operate       of financial aid depended on an ac-      and standards in managing and
     a national financial aid scheme in       tive and collaborative partnership       administering the funds. We have
     terms of which low-cost loans or         between the SETAs and NSFAS.             been doing it since 1999. Therefore,
     bursaries were to be made available                                               we have the capacity, resources,
     to disadvantaged students at higher      In 2013, more SETAs came on board        experience       and   expertise  to
     education institutions.                  to fund students through NSFAS.          administer the funds effectively and
                                              This was at the time when the            efficiently,” says Mr Daca.
     The SETAs were, on the other hand,       scheme was faced with huge debt
     established in accordance with the       challenges and DHET had to make          “We are also happy that this continued
     Skills Development Act No 97 of          R1 billion available to assist.          partnership has helped us to sustain
     1998 as amended to, among other                                                   our 25 years of funding for students
     things, develop the skills of the        At present, the SETAs make available     from working class families. To date,
     South African workforce; increase        a total of R365 million to assist poor   more than 1.5 million students have
     the levels of investment in education    students through NSFAS.                  been assisted and we have spent
     and training in the labour market                                                 more than R50 billion in this regard.
     and improve the return on that           NSFAS manages and administers            So we are moving forward, we are
     investment.                              bursary funds on behalf of the SETAs     strengthening ties with our funders.
                                              with “due skill, care and diligence”.    They are an important part of what
     The three parties recognised that the                                             we do. Without the SETAs we would
     effective and efficient administration   “We utilise professional techniques      be funding fewer students.”

     Health and Welfare SETA Chief Executive Officer Ms Yvonne Mbane; Chief Director: SETA Coordination at the
     Department of Highter Education & Training Mr Maliviwe Lumka; NSFAS Chief Executive Officer Mr Msulwa
     Daca and Services SETA acting CEO Ms Liesel Kostlich.

18    Achieve / March 2016

The proposed New SETA Landscape
debate: What the stakeholders say
By Achieve Correspondent

      he merSETA, its board and             a strengthened social partnership
      stakeholders have called on           model for planning, implementation,
      the Department of Higher              monitoring and evaluation of skills
Education and Training (DHET) to            development.
convene a conference to debate the
journey the country will embark on          It also provides new opportunities for
when the new SETA Landscape has             collaboration and synchronisation
been finalised and comes into effect        of      the    skills   development
in 2018.                                    implementation roles of private and
                                            public sector stakeholders.
This follows a consultative process
that the merSETA engaged in after           Several    reviews    have     been
the publication in the Government           conducted, including the NQF
Gazette in November 2015 of the new         Review of 2002, Nedlac Review,
SETA Landscape proposal.                    work of the MTT and the Skills
                                            System Review of the Human
The merSETA solicited inputs from           Resource Development Council.
about 700 stakeholders. Workshops           These have consistently reflected
were held countrywide.                      on weaknesses in the system
                                            in relation to skills planning;
“The merSETA’s stakeholders have            governance; facilitation and
trust in this process of consultation       management of learning; and
and will be willing to avail [themselves]   management of the levy
for further engagement that will result     grant system.
to find the best solutions for our 2030
Vision,” says a report compiled after       The proposal builds
the consultative process.                   on           activities
                                            already       being
“It is a national imperative that           implemented e.g.
the skills system is fixed and              standardisation for
improved so as a country we do not          planning.
implement yet another system that
will be inadequate to address the           The proposal also
employment and economic growth              contains        aspects                    The merSETA CEO,
priorities of government, its social        of change that might bring about            Dr Raymond Patel,
partners as well as South African           inefficiencies, which would be a           puts a point across
citizens.”                                  barrier to implementing a responsive      during a stakeholder
                                            and flexible skills development           engagement session
The proposal contains positive              system.                                  on the proposed New
elements and provides a platform for                                                      SETA Landscape

                                                                                     Achieve / March 2016   19

 The merSETA’s submission highlights                                                planning by labour market actors and
 both the positive aspects and those                                                systemic responses from education
 that raise concern as to whether they                                              and training providers to skills
 would bring about improvements.                                                    priorities across sectors.

 Positive highlights                                                                It also presents the opportunity for
 Below are some of the positive                                                     the sharing of best practices and
 developments in the proposed                                                       cross-pollination of knowledge and
 landscape to which the merSETA                                                     expertise in SETAs.
                                                                                    Centralised skills planning would
 Strategy                                                                           assist in the standardisation, co-
 The proposed landscape is set to                                                   ordination and consolidation of skills
 bring alignment to the work of the                                                 research and planning to enhance the
 skills system and the education and                                                systemic labour market alignment.
 training provider system by means of
 a single, integrated post-school skills                                            Cluster management would also
 development strategy.                                                              enable the sharing of resources
                                                                                    and the development of common
 The White Paper for Post-School           Programme Director: The                  approaches to qualifications and
 Education and Training envisages          merSETA Strategy and Research            programmes cutting across different
 the integration of the work of skills     Executive Sebolelo Nomvete.              SETA sectors.
 development bodies and education
 and training institutions for the         Education and Training to integrate      Legal status and governance
 enhancement of the development of         the skills development strategy with     SETAs, as permanent structures, will
 skills.                                   those of universities and colleges and   increase their stability. The current
                                           produce a single strategy.               five-year relicensing notion does
 The draft proposal is an effort                                                    not work for medium- to long-term
 to enable this vision through the         The use of the Organising Framework      planning for skills development
 reassignment of functions among           for Occupations as a tool of analysis    needed to support the 2030 Vision.
 various bodies and institutions,          for skills research and planning is
 including the DHET.                       welcomed.                                Functions and Roles
                                                                                    A consistent finding of the various
 The proposal, based on experience         This approach provides clear focus       reviews has been the difficulty
 since the implementation of the skills    for skills development – ensuring that   that users of the skills system find
 system, seems to be an appropriate        people are occupationally competent      in navigating the requirements of
 intervention to address the shortage      and can access jobs and other            the different SETAs for accessing
 of skills.                                income-generation opportunities.         services, each SETA having a
                                                                                    different ICT system.
 The Human Resource Development            The changing nature of business          SETAs execute their functions in very
 Council has reviewed the Human            operations and ownership has             different ways.
 Resource Development Strategy in          resulted in industries once seen
 view of the new social and economic       as distinct now offering the same        Despite the fact that all SETAs
 challenges that have emerged since        cluster of services e.g. insurance,      essentially have the same functions,
 the last one.                             accounting, banking and retail.          the difference with regard to
                                           The nature of business is such that      issues such as organisational
 The     review    necessitates     the    occupations are more often than not      structure,    corporate      services,
 realignment of all role players as it     applicable across various industries.    financial management policies and
 is a key component of strategy. The                                                procedures, staff conditions of
 new SETA landscape proposal is an         Cluster management of SETAs has          service and the like varies.
 opportunity for the Minister of Higher    the potential to facilitate integrated   It has become apparent that there

20   Achieve / March 2016

could be more standardisation             landscape also emerged as one of       the proposal to reduce SETA
through centralised approaches for        the weaknesses. Stakeholder voices,    boards into advisory bodies with
procedures, tools and methodologies       such as key labour and business        no decision-making powers as this
for the mandated functions of SETAs       partners, are not reflected in the     would affect the ability of boards to
and a shared services model for           proposal.                              make critical strategic decisions.
some of the corporate support
services.                                 The absence of input of all social     This is seen as bringing an
                                          partners in the draft discussion       imbalance into the decision-making
This would allow for more efficiency,     document might lead to decisions       power of social partners, risking
easier navigation of the system           that would defeat the vision of an     non-participation of labour market
and savings so more of the levy           integrated WP-PSET, which should       social partners, who might feel their
grant funding can go towards              acknowledge the complementary          capability and expertise are not seen
service. The proposed centralisation      capability and resources of the        as adding value.
approach and shared services              labour market and education and
model would enable the systemic           training components equally.           The proposal to make SETAs
application of best practice from the                                            service-delivery units within DHET
better performing SETAs towards           Legal status and governance            would result in them being subjected
standardising    and     streamlining     The elevation of the government        to internal bureaucracy of decision-
processes.                                in the running of SETAs has been       making and slow their ability to make
                                          criticised. The argument is that the   critical decisions.
Concerns regarding the                    government is too far removed from
new SETA Landscape proposals              what is happening on the ground to     The belief is that DHET does not
The merSETA stakeholder concerns          have sole veto powers in decision-     have the capacity to assume such a
are unpacked below. These concerns        making.                                responsibility.
need attention before finalisation and
implementation of the proposed new        It was argued that business and        Accountability is critical in the
SETA landscape.                           labour had a better understanding of   governance of any institution. The
                                          the respective sectors.                stripping of accounting functions
Strategy                                                                         from SETA boards and CEOs might
There is a view that the proposal         Stakeholders are concerned about       well increase inefficiencies.
fails to locate the proposed change
within an analysis of current socio-
economic and global economic
contexts, national policies and
strategic priorities.

This was seen as a significant
weakness as it would result in a SETA
system not responsive to the needs
of the labour market and economy.

The proposal also fails to provide
a clear implementation plan to
facilitate a smooth transition into the
new landscape.

This would lead to loss of stakeholder
confidence      and      unnecessary
The top-down approach in the               A section of the audience enjoys robust debate at
development of the proposed                one of the stakeholders' engagement sessions.

                                                                                                 Achieve / March 2016    21

     A participant asks a question during one of the sessions.                           Plastics SA Executive Director
                                                                                         Anton Hanekom

     Functions and Roles                       received major criticism.                 approaches and methodologies
     The absorption of SETAs into DHET                                                   and the implementation of shared
     would increase the distance between       Chief among the concerns is that          services would bring efficiencies and
     them and industries/sector and            stakeholders do not have confidence       improved service delivery. Reinforcing
     education and training institutions,      in the ability of the National Skills     the role of the government in the
     compromising        their ability to      Fund (NSF) to manage the funds            system is necessary, though it has
     execute their role of facilitating        efficiently.                              to be aligned with the government’s
     skills development and being                                                        mandate – enabling business
     intermediaries between employer/          There is also a perceived risk of funds   investment and economic growth.
     industry/sector and education and         being diverted to other priorities if
     training institutions.                    centralisation occurs. Key national       The    stakeholders’     reservations
                                               skills development priorities may be      should be considered, particularly
     A number of SETAs do not have             overlooked in favour of other social      those pertaining to the role of labour
     sufficient internal capacity to conduct   priorities.                               market actors.
     thoroughgoing skills planning. Most
     of this work ends up in the hands of      The proposed model would result in        If the proposal is about building
     consultants.                              unnecessary bureaucracy and delays        a     systemic      partnership    and
                                               in accessing funding. Employers           complementarity between labour
     The proposed structure, functions         would have to go through four layers      market actors and education and
     and roles of SETAs in the new             of bureaucracy to access skills funds.    training institutions, the legal status
     landscape do not adequately               This would consequently delay skills      and governance and management
     acknowledge best practices and            development interventions.                of the levy grant system needs to be
     pockets of excellence in the current                                                revisited.
     SETA system.                              It is difficult to envisage how           The complementarity, dialogue and
                                               complementarity and partnership           partnership principles have to hold in
     Best practices should be replicated       would work for a responsive skills        a balanced decision-making model
     while focusing on improving on those      development system in what seems          that recognises equally the value-
     parts of the system that are not          to be an inequitable management           add of all social partners.
     working. This would be less disruptive    approach.
     and could be used as a means to get                                                 Recommendations
     buy-in for improvements needed            Conclusion                                Strategy
     for greater efficiencies and optimal      The merSETA acknowledges that the         There does seem to be a strategy
     utilisation of resources.                 proposed landscape has positive           underlying the proposal. However,
                                               elements.                                 unpacking the current, emerging and
     Proposed Funding Model                                                              future economic conditions in which
     The proposed funding model has            Centralised     standardisation     of    the new SETA bodies would operate

22    Achieve / March 2016

                                   The merSETA engaged about 700 stakeholders and hosted workshops

might possibly assist in clarifying     industries and businesses. The             Funding Model
their most appropriate shape and        government’s involvement should be         SETAs should retain the discretionary
form going forward.                     as an equal partner.                       grant disbursement function but
                                                                                   with more stringent monitoring
Strengthening the current strategic     Government does not run                    mechanisms to improve efficiency
intent contained in the proposal        companies/industries                       and more credible mechanisms.
would embed the conception of           However, it is imperative that the
skills. It would assist to clearly      government        consolidates      and    The proposed model should be
articulate how skills development of    drives strategy through enabling           revisited as there is a strong belief
employed and unemployed youth           dialogue and partnerships for              that centralisation would be likely to
and adults should underpin growth       the implementation of correct              introduce unnecessary bureaucracy,
and development.                        interventions for all social partners. A   delays in grant disbursements and
                                        balance needs to be struck between         inefficiencies in the administration of
The development of this strategy        the role of the government and             the funds.
should be multi-stakeholder driven      its social partners in determining
to leverage the rich knowledge          skills needs priorities and ensuring       Regulations for strong sanctions
and understanding possessed by          appropriate systemic responses by          should be put in place for all forms
different role players and increase     other institutions.                        of financial mismanagement and
stakeholder buy-in. There also needs                                               corrupt activities.
to be a clear implementation plan       The solution for the governance
to ensure minimal disruption in the     and management of SETAs should             The Creation of Shared
transition to a new landscape.          be one that does not introduce new         Services for SETAs
                                        bureaucratic processes.                    The proposal refers to the duplication
Legal status and governance             .                                          and weakness within the current
The SETA boards should continue as      Functions and Roles                        SETA system. It also states that the
decision-making bodies instead of       The centralisation of standardised         SETA system is not pro-active and
being reduced to advisory bodies.       approaches should be implemented.          efficient.
                                        Focus should be on addressing the
The focus should rather be on           varied approaches in the current           The system would largely benefit from
addressing current challenges in        system that lead to duplication and        a shared services model that would
the governance of SETAs. The SETA       wastage of resources. The focus            provide expertise in IT, Supply Chain
boards should continue having           should also be on identifying best         Management, Financial Planning,
a strong role for labour market         practices and pockets of excellence        Financial and Technical Advisory
social partners as they have an         in the current SETA system and             Services, Human Resources and a
understanding of critical issues        determining how these can be               centralised planning and research
confronting their respective sectors,   replicated system wide.                    function.

                                                                                                   Achieve / March 2016      23

     SA’s manufacturing
     production remains resilient
     By Achieve Correspondent

     South Africa's manufacturing sector faces challenges but remains resilient.

           hat the South African economy         recovery has been insufficient for the   of convalescence. Between mid-
           was hit hard by the 2008-2009         volume of manufacturing production       2009 and mid-2013, South Africa’s
           global financial crisis of 2008-      to return to its pre-crisis level.       manufacturing production showed
     2009 is not a matter for debate.                                                     positive growth. But between mid-
                                                 Preliminary manufacturing data for       2013 and the end of 2015, growth
     The financial crisis, as all catastrophes   December 2015 reveal that South          in manufacturing production was
     do, left a trail of economic destruction    Africa’s manufacturing production,       generally flat.
     that is still haunting South Africa even    on average, was unchanged in 2015
     to this day – eight years on.               compared to the situation in 2014.       There are many factors that influence
                                                                                          the manufacturing industry. These
     The country’s manufacturing industry        The severe contraction of 2008-          include global and domestic business
     contracted sharply and its subsequent       2009 was followed by a period            cycles,     productivity,   business

24    Achieve / March 2016

confidence, investment, industrial          the effective rand weakened during       relationships between variables is
relations problems, input and output        2011–2013, was relatively stable         that there may be lags between
prices, monetary and fiscal policy,         during much of 2014 and weakened         causes and effects, e.g. exporters
infrastructure and the rand-dollar          during 2015.                             may need time to respond to a
exchange rate.                                                                       weaker exchange rate if they face
                                            The Reserve Bank also calculates the     supply-side constraints, such as
In the five-year period from 2011           effective rand in real terms, which is   shortages of production capacity,
to 2015, the rand weakened from             the nominal effective rand adjusted      labour, electricity and other inputs.
around R6.90/$ (in January 2011) to         for inflation differences between
around R15$ (in December 2015).             South Africa and its trading partners.   Finally, let’s take a brief look at the
The rand’s weakness tends to                                                         breakdown of manufacturing.
assist South African manufacturers          For example, the benefits of a           There are 10 manufacturing divisions.
in two ways. Firstly, manufacturing         weakening rand in the nominal
exporters receive more revenue in           effective terms are counteracted         The strongest performer during
rand terms for every unit of foreign        if South Africa’s inflation is higher    2011–2015 was communication and

exchange received, and secondly,            than average inflation of its trading    professional equipment. Its growth
it becomes more expensive for               partners.                                was well above average in all years
importers to compete with local                                                      except for 2015, when it contracted.
manufacturers.                                                                       The next strongest division of food

These benefits may be eroded over
                                                The real effective                   and beverages was a relatively
                                                                                     consistent performer throughout the
time if the weaker rand and related           exchange rate                          period.
factors result in cost inflation for
manufacturers, e.g. more expensive
imports and for manufacturers who
rely heavily on imports for their inputs,
a weaker rand is not good news at all.
Between       January     2011
December 2015, the rand lost 54% of
                                              of the rand may
                                              be regarded as a
                                              barometer of external
                                              competitiveness in
                                                                       ‘             This division appears less sensitive
                                                                                     to the business cycle than other

                                                                                     For example, in the 2008-2009 global
                                                                                     economic crisis, it was the only
its value against the dollar.                 manufacturing                          division that recorded positive growth
                                                                                     (total   manufacturing     contracted
Following the 4.6% growth in 2010,                                                   by almost 14%, whereas food and
manufacturing production slowed to                                                   beverages grew by 2%).
2.8% in 2011, 2.2% in 2012, 1,3% in         In general, the benefits of a weaker
2013, 0.1% in 2014 and 0% in 2015.          rand for manufacturers would be          Transport had average growth of
However, comparing manufacturing            eroded by higher cost inflation in       2.3% for the period 2011–2015. This
production to the rand price of a           South Africa (compared to its trading    was similar to food and beverages,
basket of currencies (instead of            partners).                               but the breakdown by year was much
the US dollar) provides a different                                                  more erratic.
perspective.                                “The real effective exchange rate of
                                            the rand may be regarded as a ba-        Apart from the “other” divisions, the
The South African Reserve Bank              rometer of external competitiveness      weakest performer during 2011–2015
calculates the “effective exchange          in manufacturing” (SARB Quarterly        was textiles and clothing, which
rate of the rand”, which shows              Bulletin, December 2008).                has faced strong competition from
changes in the value of the rand                                                     Chinese imports.
against a basket of currencies.             How will manufacturers fare in 2016?
Five currencies account for about           That remains to be seen.                 “Industrial production refers to the
three-quarters of the basket – the                                                   output of industrial establishments
euro (29%), yuan (21%), US dollar           As noted earlier, there are multiple     and covers sectors such as mining,
(14%), yen (6%) and the pound (6%).         factors that affect manufacturing,       manufacturing and public utilities
                                            which makes it difficult to quantify     (electricity, gas and water),” says
In nominal terms, which means there         their individual impact. An additional   the Organisation for Economic Co-
has been no adjustment for inflation,       complication in measuring economic       operation and Development (OECD).

                                                                                                     Achieve / March 2016   25

     The merSETA in a new
     partnership to raise standards
     By Independent Correspondent

            he merSETA and Retail Motor      will contribute to businesses.          qualifications and accreditation
            Industry Organisation (RMI),                                             have portability across South Africa
            a South African automotive       A similar Return on Investment          and the Southern Africa region.
     employer       organisation,    have    (ROI) study sponsored by the UK
     entered into a partnership with         government and IMI showed that          “It’s an extremely exciting time to
     the Institute of the Motor Industry     well-trained  employees    under        be part of the automotive industry
     (IMI) to raise standards in the local   the apprenticeship model could          and the IMI will continue to work
     automotive industry in recognition      produce up to 300% return on            with governments around the globe
     that investment in trainees through     employer investment.                    to develop standards that can be
     vocational training will result in                                              adopted by every country – as well as
     direct benefits for businesses.         In South Africa, the merSETA            demonstrating the very real benefits
                                             and RMI, working with IMI, will         to employers and governments of
     The London-based IMI is a               encourage employers to participate      investing in quality apprenticeships,
     professional body in the retail         in an ROI project to ascertain the      training and skills for individuals
     motor industry that also operates       added value to businesses that          working in the automotive sector.”
     as a governing body of automotive       apprentice motor mechanics, spray
     technicians.                            painters and body repairers will        Dr Spear said that by driving
                                             deliver to their employers and the      improvements       in     vocational
     Both the merSETA and RMI                economy.                                qualifications, employers could help
     recently signed a Memorandum                                                    governments to draw the youth into
     of Understanding (MoU) at the           On their visit to the United Kingdom,   apprenticeships and training.
     IMI’s annual dinner in London that      the merSETA and RMI executives
     seeks to add value to employers by      joined IMI’s International Manager,     “As a developing country, South
     facilitating the creation of a better   Mr Herbert Lonsdale, and ROI            Africa has its own unique challenges,
     trained and skilled workforce in the    Manager Dr Paul Spear on a fact-        which are apparent in the high
     automotive sector.                      finding tour of Britain’s motor         unemployment rate, especially
                                             industry, visiting several vocational   among the young.
     The merSETA and RMI have shown          training facilities, including Emtec,
     their commitment to improving           Mercedes-Benz, Kwik-Fit, BMW            “The IMI’s ROI Calculator will
     their current automotive training       Academy, Castle Coachworks and          illustrate the immediate results a
     standards and enhancing the             Sytner BMW.                             young employee, provided with
     school-to-work transition by using                                              quality apprentice training, can
     practical work-based learning that      Mr Lonsdale said working with the       have. We will be working closely
     can lead to potential employment.       merSETA and RMI would help IMI          with the RMI to engage employers
                                             enhance and promote automotive          to conduct research and obtain
     IMI, working in partnership with the    skills throughout Southern Africa       the data required to build an ROI
     merSETA and RMI, will embark on         and worldwide.                          Calculator designed for merSETA
     comparative research to quantify                                                and to align precisely with the South
     the business value that skilling        “Benchmarking to IMI’s global           African market and the experience
     workers through apprenticeships         standards   will ensure   our           of employers,” he said.

26   Achieve / March 2016

AIDC, Siemens honour artisan
and engineering graduates
By Independent Correspondent

The AIDC and Siemens have partnered to alleviate the chronic of skills shortage.

      he    longstanding      partner-    young talent in South Africa.            a skills development programme.
      ship between the Automotive
      Industry Development Centre         At a graduation ceremony in              The partnership started in 2008 when
(AIDC) and leading global infrastruc-     Johannesburg recently, the two           the conglomerate recognised the
ture and industry solutions provider      parties celebrated the success of 70     growing need to develop a pipeline
Siemens is continuing to yield signifi-   young South Africans who are ready       of scarce and critical skills across
cant outcomes in the development of       to enter the industry after completing   various industries and approached

                                                                                                  Achieve / March 2016    27

     the AIDC to manage a bursary                                                         administered the training of students
     programme focusing on developing
     qualified individuals for absorption in
                                                    Developing skills                     on this programme,” she explained.

     key sectors.                               and creating jobs is                      Mr Clifford Klaas, Siemens’ Executive
                                                                                          Director and Head of Human
     The     programme     involved   the       not just a fulfilment                     Resources in Southern and Eastern
     development of artisans, engineers,        of our contractual                        Africa, said South Africa had a severe
     technicians and a range of semi-
     skilled workers who, once qualified,
     could contribute to the government’s
     goal to continuously grow and create
     sustainable jobs.

     The AIDC’s Skills Development
                                                obligations but an
                                                investment which
                                                enables us to be
                                                successful as an
                                                                                   ‘      shortage of engineering and technical
                                                                                          skills, adding that the company was
                                                                                          working hard to train and develop
                                                                                          people appropriate for a developing
                                                                                          industrial economy.

                                                                                          “Developing skills and creating jobs is
     and Training Department acted as           engineering business                      not just a fulfilment of our contractual
     an administration hub on behalf of                                                   obligations but an investment that
     Siemens by facilitating training at                                                  enables us to be successful as an
     external training institutions and                                                   engineering business,” Mr Klaas said.
     managing all aspects of the training       In addition, the centre identified 26
     programme according to a budget.           suitable companies for the placement      “The government is encouraging
                                                of students for on-job training in        the development of skills that
     The total value of the programme           Gauteng, Mpumalanga and North             benefit every South African. This is
     over the past eight years is estimated     West.                                     a great example of business and the
     at more than R65 million.                                                            government working well together,”
                                                The AIDC also ensured that the study      he added.
     Under       the  government’s    then      and placement programmes were
     Accelerated and Shared Growth              project-specific and linked to Eskom      Siemens has also absorbed many of
     Initiative (ASGI-SA) scheme, Siemens       power stations, including Kusile,         the graduates in the company.
     became committed to training South         Medupi, Duvha, Ingula and Hendrina.       One such student is Ms Jaquolyn
     Africans as part of its contract           The AIDC continues to monitor the         Mononyane, who matriculated in
     agreements for work at South               performance and progress of the           2008 before studying electrical
     African power stations and other           students and provides reports to          engineering at the Tshwane University
     infrastructure projects.                   Siemens and Eskom.                        of Technology (TUT). She was later
                                                                                          placed on a further two-year Siemens
     Special attention was given to people      Speaking at the graduation ceremony,      graduate      training    programme,
     with economic and educational              Ms Portia Mkhabela, AIDC’s Skills         studying towards a B Tech degree in
     disadvantages.                             Development Manager, said it was          electrical engineering. As part of her
                                                a privilege for the organisation to be    training, she worked at the Sere Wind
     Since the inception of the programme,      entrusted with a project of this nature   Farm in the Western Cape.
     the AIDC has facilitated the training of   and magnitude.
     206 students through 15 accredited                                                   In 2015, Ms Mononyane became the
     universities and Further Education         “We are proud to have contributed         first female supervisor in Siemens’
     and Training (FET) colleges (now           to the development of young               North Riding facility. She is currently
     known as Technical Vocational
     Education and Training Colleges or
                                                individuals,” said Ms Mkhabela.

                                                                                          a supervisor in the facility’s medium
                                                                                          voltage division, a job previously held

     TVET institutions).                        “We    are    privileged    to    have    by a skilled German employee.

                The government is encouraging the development of skills that
            benefit every South African. This is a great example of business and
                           the government working well together

28    Achieve / March 2016
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