ACROSS MY DESK by RDFNL General Manager Jordan Doyle - Riddell District Football Netball League

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ACROSS MY DESK by RDFNL General Manager Jordan Doyle - Riddell District Football Netball League
Round 1                                                        SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                                      ACROSS MY DESK
                      by RDFNL General Manager Jordan Doyle

Welcome to 2021!                                 and now has employees employed directly
On behalf of RDFNL Board President Brenton       by the RDFNL, not through AFL Goldfields. My
Knott and all members of the RDFNL Board         new title is General Manager. Aaron McLean
Executive, welcome to the 2021 Ontime            is the Football Operations Coordinator.
Delivery Solutions Riddell District Football     Aaron has done a wonderful job with a short
Netball League season.                           preparation leading into the 2021 season. He
                                                 was previously employed by AFL Goldfields
Season Launch
                                                 as the RDFNL Administration Officer starting
The RDFNL Season Launch was held on              mid-way through 2019. Well done to Aaron on
Wednesday, April 14th at The Meadows. The        his employment and I know he has already
room was at capacity and it was wonderful to     been a great asset for our Clubs assisting
see all the Club representatives in attendance   them with all of their administration questions.
and so eager to get back into community          Aaron is the go to person at RDFNL HQ for
football and netball.                            all SportsTG/Game Day questions, he has
We had a great panel on the night for the        a lot of experience on the platform and is
crowd to be entertained, thanks to Brian         here to help our Clubs with their queries.
Taylor who was MC on the night and our           Aaron will also be in charge of the Female
special guests in Head of AFL Victoria Brad      Football Competitions and the RDFNL Club 18
Scott, former Australian Diamonds Netballer,     Competition. These Competitions are integral
Caitlin Thwaites and Carlton Football Club       parts of the League as we take over the
player Lachie Fogarty.                           running of the Female Football Competitions
                                                 for the first time. Excitingly, the RDFNL Club
We look forward to sharing some photos from
                                                 18 Competition has grown dramatically in
the night in next week’s edition of the RDFNL
                                                 2021. Amazingly, we will field an 11 team
                                                 Competition. We have six of our very own
What’s new in 2021?                              Clubs’ fielding sides, well done to Western
The RDFNL has gone through a period of           Rams, Melton Centrals, Wallan, Diggers Rest
immense change during the Pandemic of            and Woodend-Hesket on getting the numbers
2020. In March 2020, AFL Goldfields informed     for three Senior teams. The sixth side from
the RDFNL Board that they would not be           the RDFNL is Eynesbury who will field a Senior
able to continue the staff service agreement     team for the first time in the Club’s history. We
as signed off on. The RDFNL Board had a          can’t wait for Eynesbury to be a fully-fledged
decision to make and after strong feedback       Senior Club in the RDFNL and see the Club
from the RDFNL Senior Clubs in particular,       18 team as a great steppingstone in 2021.
decided to re-affiliate direct to AFL Victoria   From other Leagues we will have Bacchus
as a Metropolitan League once more as had        Marsh and Sunbury (Ballarat FNL) as well as
been the case prior to 2012 when the League      Albanvale, Caroline Springs and Braybrook
moved to AFL Vic Country and aligned with        (WRFL). We are looking forward to a wonderful
AFL Goldfields.                                  Competition.
A lot of hard work has occurred since March      Grace Bibby is the other point of contact in at
2020 which now has the League in a whole         RDFNL HQ. Grace is not employed direct by
new dynamic leading into Round 1 of 2021.        the League but will work under the League as
The RDFNL staffing structure has changed         a sub contractor through her new business GB

Round 1                                                           SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                                         ACROSS MY DESK
                      by RDFNL General Manager Jordan Doyle

Social Media Consultancy. Grace will service         these companies that so generously support
the League’s netball and media needs and             our League.
has a wealth of experience in both areas.            In extremely exciting news, the RDFNL has
Grace has previously been employed as                a number of new partners. To the team at
the League’s Netball Manager and Media               Bendigo Bank and in particular the Gisborne
Manager during her time at AFL Goldfields.           & District Community Bank, thank-you. The
Thanks to Grace for all of her hard work so far      Bendigo Bank join the League in a big way
and we look forward to our Clubs reaping the         as the Major Community Partner. Bendigo
benefits of Grace’s skill set. Be sure to give her   Bank will also be the naming rights sponsor
social media pages a follow on Facebook              of the RDFNL Junior Competitions, the RDFNL
and Instagram and if your business or Clubs          Senior Finals Series and the RDFNL Interleague
needs any assistance in the social media             Programs. What a partnership this promises to
space, please consider GB Social Media               be and to Gary, Corinne, Dom, Sarah, Daniel
Consultancy.                                         and the team we can’t wait to work alongside
League Partners                                      you. The League also has a number of
                                                     other new partners in Loco Sports, Star Sub,
A huge thank-you to the RDFNL sponsors
                                                     Gisborne Landscaping, Icon Sports and
and partners who are continuing on in their
                                                     Supersport Images. Thanks to all of our new
support of the League in 2021. To major
sponsors Ontime Delivery Solutions who are
entering their fifth season as Naming Rights         These new sponsorships have helped the
Sponsor, thank-you for your unwavering               League break its sponsorship amount record
                                                     and have assisted in reducing the costs for our
support. Our longest partner Melton
                                                     Clubs which we are ever so thankful for. The
Toyota are on board again in 2021 and we
                                                     team at RDFNL HQ and the RDFNL Board will
thank Grant Harrison and his team for their
                                                     continue to source these partnerships to assist
continued support. To our other returning
                                                     our Clubs and their bottom line.
sponsors in Adcell, Aussie Forklift Training,
Buffalo Sports, D & M Craftline, Dome Security,      Round 1
Rent-A-Fence, Ring Road Trophies, Routley’s          Best of luck to all of our nine Senior Clubs and
Bakery, Sherrin, TabCorp Park, Team Staffing         fifteen Junior Clubs on Round 1 this weekend.
and The Meadows. We could not run the                I know everyone has been itching for
RDFNL without the support of these local             community football and netball to get back
businesses so please show your support to            underway after the year of 2020.

Round 1 Football Preview                         4   Netball Tipping                               42
Message from AFL Victoria                        7   Netball Report                                43
Footy Tipping                                    8   Round 1 Netball Preview                       45
Tribunal Results                                15   2019 Final Football Results                   50
Club Notes & Team Lists                         18   2019 Final Netball Results                    51
Season 2021 Fixture                             28   Football Ladders                              52
Umpires Corner                                  41   Netball Ladders                               53

                 2      Riddell District Football Netball League Record
Round 1                                                             SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021                  Round 1                                                               SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                                    ROUND 1 RDFNL PREVIEWS                                                                                   ROUND 1 RDFNL PREVIEWS
                                       with Grace Bibby                                                                                         with Grace Bibby

Diggers Rest vs Woodend Hesket                        Riddell vs Macedon                                    Wallan vs Romsey                                       Western Rams vs Melton Centrals
Talking Points                                        Talking Points                                        Talking Points                                         Talking Points
Traveling to Diggers Rest in round one may be         Every year the PUKA Cup is played to a high           Romsey have traditionally been fast starters in        An extended preseason has given Western Rams
one of the toughest fixtures in the RDFNL but         standard and is well received by both clubs           the RDFNL Competition but Wallan will be the           the opportunity to give their club a fresh start
a fresh Woodend Hesket line up is up for the          and their supporters. 2021 will be no different       team to go in as favourites for round one              and that’s exactly what they will do this weekend
challenge.                                            with both clubs vowing to go in hard, but be          Romsey have a new coach at the helm in Peter           as they unveil a list with just three returning
                                                      respectful and supportive of a return to sport.       Kennedy while Wallan are settled with Daniel           players.
Everyone would have Diggers Rest pencilled in
                                                      The PUKA Up Cup is a reminder to everyone to          Nolan in charge.                                       With outstanding numbers on the track, they are
as the favourites in this one so the pressure will
be on them to produce the goods from the first        start a conversation around Mental Health.            Both teams are strong through the midfield and         sure to be more competitive than in previous
bounce.                                               Macedon have had the wood over Riddell in the         the team who gets on top in that area will most        seasons.
                                                      two recent Puka Up Cup encounters and Riddell         likely be the team to take the points.                 Melton Centrals have added some support
The smaller ground will make it hard for both
                                                      will be looking to get one back and start their       This is a good benchmark game for both teams           around their young gun in Dylan Weir and will be
teams to find space and after 18 months without
                                                      season with a win in front of their home crowd.       to see where they are at in the early stages of the    hopeful that two targets up forward will create
competition, it is sure to be a hot footy early.
                                                      From the coaches                                      competition.                                           more scoring opportunities.
Will the young defence of Woodend Hesket be
                                                      Riddell: After a year away from football and          From the coaches                                       From the coaches
able to hold strong against the powerhouse
                                                      everything that has happened with Covid the           Wallan: At the end of the day we are just              Western Rams: We are going into the game with
attack? We will find out later today
                                                      Puka Up game is obviously very important and          extremely grateful to be back playing the game         a few injuries from preseason matches so we
From the coaches                                      means a lot. It has been almost two years since       we love. I hope everyone stays healthy and safe        don’t have high expectations, but we do want to
Diggers Rest: We are coming up against a team         both sides have played so I think everyone will be    throughout the season and enjoys what makes            be competitive. If we can play fast, accountable
that we don’t really know much about but we           keen. We have a really young side this year and       the RDFNL so great. It is community sport at its       football where we are all working together that
know they have recruited well. We don’t really        we are excited to see how they go.                    best. It has been a big break for everyone and         will be pleasing for us. Realistically we think we
have a weakness, but it all depends on how we         Macedon: We won’t be trying anything too              our players are ready to go. We have a lot of          are half a dozen games away from really gelling
hold up. I would love to have the same 22 blokes      complex on Saturday. We want to set up early          respect for them as a club and it should be a          together.
to use in the second half as we do in the first. If   and play free-flowing, simple footy. We are very      fierce contest.
                                                                                                                                                                   Melton Centrals: Our practice match form has
we do that, I think we go a long way to taking the    versatile this year so if we need to make changes     Romsey: We will be a young side with plenty of
                                                                                                                                                                   been pretty good. We have a really strong
four points.                                          and tidy things up, we feel we have a lineup that     pace and we plan to use that to our advantage.
                                                                                                                                                                   eight or nine players and then we fall away a
Woodend Hesket: Our defence is where we may           is capable of doing that. We feel like the game       Like most clubs, some more key position players
                                                                                                                                                                   bit. We just lack a bit of depth. If we can give our
                                                      will be won in the middle of the ground and we        would be handy. I think most sides think Wallan
be a bit susceptible. We have stocked up on our                                                                                                                    forwards plenty of opportunity this weekend, we
                                                      hope that our mids can roll forward and give the      are the premiership favourites, so we are happy
mids and forwards but we need to make sure we                                                                                                                      think we will be good enough, but if teams are
                                                      forwards the support they need.                       to take the underdog status but when the ball is
really look after the footy and don’t have too                                                                                                                     going to kick high score we might be in trouble.
                                                      Who to watch?                                         bounced it, all becomes irrelevant
many turnovers. We don’t want to put too much                                                                                                                      Who to watch?
pressure on the back six in transition defence.       Riddell: New recruit Trent Stead comes to Riddell     Who to watch?
                                                      from Sunbury lions in the Ballarat Football League.   Wallan: Wallan Captain Michael Mannix                  Western Rams: Western Rams have just three
Who to watch?                                                                                                                                                      returning senior players that played through
                                                      He will start the game up forward and provide         continues to go from strength to strength while
Diggers Rest: Jaidyn Caruana will be one to           plenty of spark for the Bombers.                      Ricky Shraven and Jarryd Bonello have taken            a tough 2019 season one of them is Beau
watch in the opening round. It is his first game                                                            their leadership to the next level over the            Williams and he is set to play his 100th game this
                                                      Macedon: Jason Cooke continues to be the X
in the Diggers jumper, and he will be looking to                                                            extended break. Corey Grindlay is a young up-          weekend. Williams will line up in the back pocket
                                                      factor for the Cats. The strong-bodied midfielder
find some of the form that led him to his Bowen                                                             and-coming star that has all the praise of his         for the Rams today.
                                                      will make his presence felt in the middle of the
medal in 2019.                                        ground. Shaun Harrison will play a similar role       coach ahead of round one.                              Melton Centrals: It is hard to go past Dylan
Woodend Hesket: The feel-good story of the            however is more natural around the goals.             Romsey: Romsey has a few players who have              Weir who has been the standout forward in the
match will be 15-year-old Tobi Duff Tytler making     Both players will be hard to stop if they hit the     been around a while now and shown their class.         competition for a number of years. Other players
his senior debut after impressing during the          scoreboard early.                                     Keep an eye out for the likes of Tessari, Blair, and   to keep an eye on include three debutants
practice matches. Keep an eye on him in the           Prediction                                            Way.                                                   in Tom Unferdorben, Brodie Butt, and Hayden
Hawks back pocket.                                                                                          Prediction                                             Sproule.
                                                      Macedon will go into the match as underdogs
Prediction: Diggers Rest will go into the match       away from home but an upset victory in round          Wallan has been one of the dominant teams in           Prediction
as favourites with good reason, but Woodend           one could be on the cards. Riddell to win by a        the competition for some time now and it is hard       Melton Centrals to start their 2021 campaign with
Hesket won’t go down without a fight.                 small margin.                                         to see them being beaten in round one.                 a win against a gallant Western Rams.

                  4      Riddell District Football Netball League Record                                                                   
Round 1                                                       SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021


AFL INVESTMENT FUND                              players to their clubs, something that has
                                                 taken on extra meaning after community
RE-LAUNCHED TO BOOST                             football was mostly cancelled across
COMMUNITY FOOTY IN                               Victoria in 2020.
                                                 “Local football clubs bring people
The AFL has re-launched the Strategic
                                                  together, are often the heartbeat of their
Community Investment Fund (SCIF) as part
                                                  communities and we know how important
of the league’s commitment to community
football in Victoria.                             they are for so many people,”
                                                  Mr McLachlan said.
The SCIF program, originally launched in early
2020 but put on hold due to the COVID-19         “After the year we have had in Victoria,
pandemic, is available to community               getting behind community football is more
football clubs, leagues and regions across        important than ever and this program helps
Victoria to apply for support funding.            to ensure clubs not only survive but thrive.
The SCIF will provide grant funding of $1.5m     “Whether it’s a club or league program that
per year for the next three years directly to     engages and encourages participation
local football leagues and clubs. The fund        across diverse communities, or a club
is part of the $18 million investment into        which has ambitions to grow membership
Victorian community football announced            or a club that needs help in tough times,
by the AFL in September 2019, the largest         we hope this fund will be able to directly
investment in community football in the           assist them.”
state in more than two decades.
                                                 Advisory Committee Chair Steve Bracks AC
Former Premier of Victoria Steve Bracks AC       said, “This is a great initiative for community
will Chair an independent Advisory Board.        football in Victoria and I’m honoured to be
The Board will include representatives from      able to chair the Advisory Board and be in
across community football and will provide
                                                 a position to directly assist local clubs and
recommendations to the AFL to manage
                            the allocation
                            of funding.          “This fund will provide great assistance to
                                                  community football at all levels and assist
                            AFL Chief
                            Executive             in continuing to drive participation and
                            Officer Gillon        growing the next generation of players,
                            McLachlan             umpires and coaches.”
                            said the fund        Interested applicants should review the
                            will focus on        SCIF guidelines in detail to determine their
                            supporting           project’s eligibility.
                            clubs in
                            need to drive        The SCIF is a key pillar of the Victorian
                            participation        Community Football Initiative and is in
                            and ensure           addition to the AFL Community Relief Fund
                            clubs are able       established to support local communities in
                            to attract new       fire affected areas.

Round 1                                                          SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                                    FOOTY TIPPING 2021
 Each week throughout the 2021 season, a panel of RDFNL staff, executive, sponsors and
media will submit their tips for the weekend’s senior football matches, which will be featured
  in the footy record. See how your tips stack up against the RDFNL experts each week!

                                                                     Diggers Rest

                      Riddell v    Western Rams v     Wallan v

       NAME                                                          v Woodend
                      Macedon      Melton Centrals    Romsey

    Brenton Knott
                       Riddell     Melton Centrals     Wallan        Diggers Rest
   RDFNL President

   Terry Kernan
  Ontime Delivery    Macedon       Melton Centrals     Wallan        Diggers Rest

    Daniel Barre
                       Riddell     Melton Centrals     Wallan        Diggers Rest
   Bendigo Bank

   Brian McNabb
                       Riddell      Western Rams       Wallan        Diggers Rest
   Melton Toyota

    Jordan Doyle
   RDFNL General       Riddell     Melton Centrals     Wallan        Diggers Rest

   Aaron McLean
                       Riddell     Melton Centrals     Wallan        Diggers Rest
  RDFNL Footy Ops

   Grant McMillan                                                     Woodend-
                       Riddell      Western Rams       Wallan
    AFL Vic FDM                                                        Hesket

     Tara Murray
                     Macedon       Melton Centrals     Wallan        Diggers Rest
     Star Weekly

     Ben Higgins
                     Macedon       Melton Centrals     Wallan        Diggers Rest

    Grace Bibby
   RDFNL Media &       Riddell     Melton Centrals                   Diggers Rest
      Netball                                          Hesket

               8     Riddell District Football Netball League Record
Round 1                                          SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

          10   Riddell District Football Netball League Record
Round 1                                    SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                     TRIBUNAL RESULTS
Michael Sammut (Diggers Rest) 2 week suspension from 2019.

Travis Ferri (Melton Centrals) 3 week suspension from 2019

Linton Hogan (Melton Centrals) 2 week suspension from 2019

James Aquilina (Melton Centrals) 2 week suspension from 2019

Jason Storie from Gisborne (Club 18’s) has served 4 weeks
of his 5 week ban

Round 1                                          SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021     Round 1                                                          SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                 Club Notes                                                                Club Notes
                                                                          WHFNC are looking forward to a great start to      to welcome everyone back to the NEST for the
                                                                          the season. Kicking off against Diggers Rest       first ever Brian Lee Cup v Romsey on the 24th.
                                                                          at Diggers is always a challenge but one the       It’s a night game and one we are looking
                                                                          whole club is looking forward to. With some        forward too Netball kicks off at 3 football at 4.
                                                                          new faces around the club we are hoping to         Clubs don’t survive without our sponsors we’d
                                                                          have an exciting season across football and        like to thank our major sponsors Sovereign
                                                                          netball.                                           Financial Group, Ridgewater Homes, Mitre 10,
                                                                                                                             and Bourkies Bakehouse.
                                                                          How good is it to be back at community
                                                                          football after the year off. The club can’t wait   Go Hawks

                             SPONSORS                                                                               SPONSORS

          18   Riddell District Football Netball League Record                                         
Round 1                                                                                          SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021                          Round 1                                                                          SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                             DIGGERS REST FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB                                                                                                     WOODEND-HESKET FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB

FOOTBALL                                                                  NETBALL                                                                FOOTBALL                                                         NETBALL
Seniors Coach: Jamie Lobb                                                 A Grade Coach: Pam Strong                                              Seniors Coach: Ben Tankard                                       A Grade Coach:
Reserves Coach: Jeff Heritage                                             B Grade Coach: Chelsea Ross                                            Reserves Coach: James Chettle/Steve Chapman                      B Grade Coach:
Under 19.5 Coach: John Ryan                                               C Grade Coach: S tephanie Barnes, Tayla Behan,                        Under 19.5 Coach:                                                C Grade Coach:
                                                                                          Delys Holland                                                                                                           19 & U Coach:
SENIORS / RESERVES                                                        19 & U Coach: Rebecca Campbell           U/19.5                        SENIORS / RESERVES                                                                                              U/19.5
No. PLAYER                      PPV    No. PLAYER                   PPV   No. PLAYER                        PPV   No.   PLAYER                   No. PLAYER                  PPV   No. PLAYER               PPV   No. PLAYER            PPV   No.   PLAYER
  1    Dylan Hannan (R)                21    Chris Lawton (S)             49     Rocco Scuteri (R)                      Charlie Spencer           1     Dean Bramley               24    Matt Carland             49    Steve Mitton
  2    Austin Cicero (S)               22    Matthew Krul (S)             50     Luke Mitchell (R)                                                2     Sam Adams                  25    Travis Leggett           50    Chris Scobell
                                                                                                                        Steven Edwards
  2    Joey Piccolo (R)                23    Cole Laurie (S)              55     Michael Sammut (R)                                               3     Trent Laverie              27    Matthew Barron           51    Connor Davie
  3    John Ryan (S)                   24    Sean Egan (S)                66     Nathan Xerri (R)                       Daniel Rodger             4     Tyson Chapman              28    Justin Rodda             56    Ben Le Nepveu
  4    Tom Gleeson (S)                 25    Joshua Wallace (S)           69     Braydon Cicero (R)                     Nicholas Reaburn          5     Tom Gawthrop               29    Stephen Burgis           49    Steve Mitton
  4    Jake Hiam (R)                   26    Patrick Strahan (R)          77     Mitchell Shields (R)                                             6     Daniel Toman               30    Tim Ciardullo            50    Chris Scobell
                                                                                                                        Nathan Crossland
  5    Benjamin Hannan (R)             27    Taylor Hine (S)              84     Liam Watson (R)                                                  7     Liam Bianco                31    Phil Glasson             51    Connor Davie
  6    Luke Delahey (S)                28    Steven Fogarty (S)                  Scott Lobb (S)                         David Tyquin              8     Dylan Tunn                 32    Kieran Haddad            56    Ben Le Nepveu
  7    Jeff Heritage (R)               29    Robert Tabone (R)                   Daniel McKay (R)                       Daniel Paulete            9     Rupert Miranda             33    Brycie Crosswell         49    Steve Mitton
  8    Jaidyn Caruana (S)              30    Jack Wilson (S)                     Ricky-James Suckling (R)                                         9     Tom O'Loughlin             34    James Hepburn            50    Chris Scobell
                                                                                                                        Justin Tenaglia
  9    Jamie Lobb (S)                  31    Sam Morganti (S)                    Dylan Brosnan (R)                                               10     Tom Wilson                 35    Jordan Matthews          51    Connor Davie
 10    Mitchell Lawton (R)             32    Brandon Sarich (S)                  William Tyquin (R)                     Jai White                11     Max Ambler                 36    Jack Lindner             56    Ben Le Nepveu
 11    Jason Williams (S)              33    Thomas Taylor (S)                   Harrison Wilson (R)                    Ciaran Garner            12     Jeremy Pennefather         37    Ray Trevorah
 12    Cameron McCabe (S)              34    Kristopher Marsh (R)                Brandon DeBono (R)                                              13     Baxter Slater              38    Robbie Mccoy
                                                                                                                        Levi Petrincic
 13    Patrick Jackson (S)             36    Michael Evans (S)                   Jordan Weightman (R)                                            14     Tom Carland                39    Michael Webster
 15    Andrew Tyquin (S)               37    Shaun Sims (R)                      Steven Raftellis (R)                   Edward Tichy             15     Michael Peart              40    Liam O'Meara
 16    Mitchell Brockwell (S)          38    Jarrod Rowan (S)                    Bradley Wilson (R)                     Dean Ieremia             16     Jesse Sheppard             41    Matthew Leeds
 17    Billy Fellows (S)               39    Glen Stewart (R)                                                                                    17     Jayden Bullard             42    Josh Connolly
                                                                                                                        Alec Cordova-Marino
 17    Zac Fisher (R)                  41    Stephen Ruane (R)                                                                                   18     Matthew Bourke             43    James O'Sullivan
 18    Cale Morton (S)                 43    Nathan Pinder (R)                                                          Bailey Heffernan         19     Finnbar Galbally           44    Paul Podbury
 18    Chris Payne (R)                 44    Dylan Prozzo (R)                                                           Jack Edwards             20     Alister Rae                45    Finn Urie
 19    Stuart Clarke (S)               45    Lachlan Harty (R)                                                                                   21     Jacob Hunt                 46    Sam Forrest
                                                                                                                        Jordan Flanigan
 20    James McMahon (S)               46    Cameron Collett (R)                                                                                 22     Ben Toman                  47    James Chettle
 20    Rhys Hannan (R)                 48    Joshua Hewitt (R)                                                          Andrew Pascoe-Carletti   23     Ethan Gove                 48    Luke Bourke

NETBALL                                                                                                                                          NETBALL
 Pos    A GRADE                        Pos    B GRADE                      Pos     C GRADE                        Pos   19 & Under                Pos    A GRADE                   Pos    B GRADE                 Pos    C GRADE              Pos   19 & Under
 GS      Monika Dimovski               GS     Christie Brinkhuis          GS       Emma Brooking                  GS    Maille Whelan
 GA      Amy Starzer                   GA     Brooke Seidel               GA       Erin Mitchell (VC)             GA    Tiarnah Lloyd (VC)
 WA      Shelby Strong (C)             WA     Jayde Peters                WA       Teagan Dowsett                 WA    Elli Houston (C)
  C      Sally Portbury                 C     Olivia Dimovski              C       Peta Kendall                   C     Lauren Ashford
 WD      Anica Scherer (VC)            WD     Stephanie Barnes (C)        WD       Rebecca Atherton               WD    Alannah Jones
 GD      Stefanie Symes                GD     Brooke Lloyd                GD       Rebecca Campbell               GD    Jacqueline Mitrevski
 GK      Maggie Payne                  GK     Heidi Cole (VC)             GK       Georgia Vicendese©             GK    Victoria Michaux
 Sub     Chelsea Ross                  Sub    Rachel Reeves               Sub      Caitlin Mitchell
 Sub     Nicole Isles                  Sub    Melissa Steward             Sub      Leah Mak
 Sub     Alex Ball                     Sub    Rebecca Said                Sub      Maddison Ashford
                                       Sub    Maille Whelan               Sub      Tayla Behan

          TEAM                         1/4 TIME                     1/2 TIME                      3/4 TIME                    FULL TIME                    TEAM                    1/4 TIME                 1/2 TIME               3/4 TIME               FULL TIME
        SENIORS                                                                                                                                          SENIORS
        RESERVES                                                                                                                                         RESERVES
         U/18.5                                                                                                                                           U/18.5

                        20            Riddell District Football Netball League Record                                                                                                     
Round 1                                         SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021   Round 1                               SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

          WALLAN FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB                                             ROMSEY FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB
                   Club Notes                                                               Club Notes

    CLUB NOTES                                                               CLUB NOTES
   NOT PROVIDED                                                             NOT PROVIDED
                             SPONSORS                                                         SPONSORS

          22   Riddell District Football Netball League Record                    
Round 1                                                                                             SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021                           Round 1                                                                                 SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                                       WALLAN FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB                                                                                                                      ROMSEY FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB

FOOTBALL                                                                      NETBALL                                                                FOOTBALL                                                                NETBALL
Seniors Coach: Daniel Nolan                                                   A Grade Coach: Chris Cameron, Danika Arney                             Seniors Coach: Paul Kennedy                                             A Grade Coach: Kiara Taylor
Reserves Coach: Matt Bell                                                     B Grade Coach: Chris Cameron                                           Reserves Coach: Louie Auer & Chris Wilson                               B Grade Coach: Whitney Thielke
Under 19.5 Coach: Christian Birch                                             C Grade Coach: Fiona Beaverstock                                       Under 19.5 Coach: Michael Richardson                                    C Grade Coach: Kiara Taylor
                                                                              19 & U Coach: Fiona Beaverstock                                                                                                                19 & U Coach: Whitney Thielke
SENIORS / RESERVES                                                                                                                          U/19.5   SENIORS / RESERVES                                                                                                         U/19.5
No. PLAYER                       PPV    No. PLAYER                      PPV   No. PLAYER                       PPV   No.   PLAYER                    No. PLAYER                    PPV   No. PLAYER                    PPV                                No.   PLAYER
  1    Matthew Perri (S)          1     15    Liam Flatley               1    36     Shuan Harrison (R)         1     1    Zhane Sciluna               1    Nathan Blair            1    27    James Carroll       S    1                                  3    Seb Vale
  1    Chris Laffan(R & C18)      1     16    William Brock              2    37     Angus Love                 1     2    Brian Lawrence              2    Rowan Stott             1    29    Paul Brady          R    1
  2    Brenton Cox (S)            1     16    Blaide Dickson             1    38     Luke Bird                  1                                      3    Corey Pertzel           1    30    Harrison Notman          1                                  4    Corey Day
                                                                                                                      3    Blair Dewar
  2    Lachlan Inness (R)         1     16    Alex Potocnik (R & C18)    1    39     Jayden Wright              1     4    Alex Crnko                  4    Connor Lever            1    33    Luke Spiteri        R    1                                  5    Blake Carroll
  3    Todd Muldoon (S)           1     17    Matt Bonello               3    39     Grant Williams (C18)       1     5    Bailey Fowler               5    Samuel Stephens    R         35    Tyler Boyle         R    1
  3    William Yousif (R)         2     19    Liam Birch                 1    40     Jake Hall                  3                                      6    Nathan Hoy              1    36    Nathan Rayment           1                                  6    Matthew Richardson
                                                                                                                      7    Jake Rendina
  4    Korey Jonkers (S)          3     20    Sean Morris                1    41     Matt Frattasio             1                                      7    Jack Jedwab             1    38    Travis Thorogood R       1                                  7    Josh Emonson
                                                                                                                      8    Nick Mourkakas
  4    Jack Whiteside (R& C18)    1     21    Corey Grindlay (S)         1    43     Brok Wightman              1                                      8    Ben Way                 1    44    Jacob Brown      R       1
                                                                                                                     10    Brandon McDougall                                                                                                               8    Kyle Brennan
  5    Jarrdy Bonello (S)         2     21    Tyson Morrison (C18)       1    44     Sam Pupillo                3                                      9    Zane Stevenson     R    1    57    Aaron Chinn      R       1
  5    Daniel Perkins (R)         1     22    Shaun Stewart (S)          1    45     Matthew Pannuzzo           1    11    Connor Voss
                                                                                                                                                      10    William Di Peitro       1                                                                      9    Ben Pinder
  6    Corey Viani (S)            3     22    Brandon Muldoon (R)        1    46     Bill Direen                1    12    Tamar El Asmar
                                                                                                                                                      11    Mitchell Adamson        1
  6    Luke Szala (R)             2     23    Brent Ford                 1    47     Johnathon Brew             1    13    Riley Voss                                                                                                                     10    Brayden Dawson
                                                                                                                                                      12    Thomas Ackland
  7    Cody Lynch                 2     24    Connor Hamilton            1    50     Jayden Schraven            1    14    James Hawkins              14    Kane Brinkhuis          1                                                                     11    Luke Chew
  8    Brenton Hanson             1     25    Michael Mannix             1    51     Scott Atkinson             3    15    Brock Orr                  15    Angus Storey            1
  9    Daniel Mackertich          1     27    Matt Bell                  1    52     Zac Orr                         16    Brodie Gilchrist           17    Cameron Dawson          1                                                                     13    Liam Muir
  9    Daniel Nolan               1     28    Steve Bell                 1    53     Lachlan Inness (S)         1    17    Anthony Totino             18    Michael Carroll S       1                                                                     15    Josh Gosetti
 10    Jake Layley (S)            1     29    Mitchell Kermath           1    53     Caleb Blay (C 18)          1    18    Luke Tweedie               18    Benjamin Notman R       1
 10    Keith Pascoe (R & C18)     1     29    Kale Frost                 1    54     Jamie Morris               1    20    Teagan De Koning           19    Matthew Burkett         1                                                                     16    Callum Sankey
 11    Damien Korp                1     29    Daniel Couwenberg          3    55     Adrain Palmeri             1    29                               20    Ethan Wood         R    1
                                                                                                                           Mattias Michelson                                                                                                              18    Darcy Peavey
 11    Shaun Huy                  4     30    Luke Zerella               1    58     Ayden Easdale              1                                     21    Nathan Tessari     S    1
                                                                                                                     35    Kaiden Broomfield
 12    Ricky Schraven (S)         1     31    Josh Ruth                  1    63     Matt McCarthy (Clayton)    1                                     21    Hamish Jedwab      R    1                                                                     20    Tyler Kenyon
                                                                                                                     36    Matt Wood
 12    Kurt Potocnik (R & C18)    1     32    Matthew Traynor            1    67     Alex Tomsky                1                                     22    Lachlan Skinner R
 13                                     33                                    68                                     37    Angus Love                                                                                                                     22    Mitchell Rees
       Ben Schraven               1           Jesse Nelson               1           Brad Jenner                1                                     23    Michael Tinkler
 14    Tallan Wright              3     34    Jesse Davies               2    69     Bede McKenna               1    44    Iziah Mahiney
                                                                                                                                                      25    Dean Walsh              1                                                                     23    Jack Rees
 14    David Cornish              1     34    Brendon Meroli             2    72     Nathan Gilbert             1    50    Spencer Whittingham
                                                                                                                                                      25    Stuart Smith       R    1                                                                     25    Thomas Maslen
 14    Brett Albress              1     35    Rhys Frost                 1    88     Steve Boyall               3    88    Callum Birch
                                                                                                                                                      26    Aaron Paterson     S    1
 15    Patrick Mahoney            1     36    Corey Baker (S)            1                                                 Brock Orr                                                                                                                      27    Jack Thorsen
                                                                                                                                                      26    Daniel Paterson    R    1
NETBALL                                                                                                                                              NETBALL
 Pos    A GRADE                         Pos    B GRADE                         Pos    C GRADE                        Pos   19 & Under                 Pos    A GRADE                     Pos    B GRADE                       Pos   C GRADE               Pos   19 & Under
 GS     Chloe Meulenmesters (C)         GS      Georgia Stevenson             GS       Ebony O'Shae                  GS    Zoe Phillips               GS      Hope Evans                  GS    Jade Trezise                  GS    Countney Gray         GS    Keeley Rankin
 GA     Tee Salanoa                     GA      Zoe Phillips                  GA       Isabella Simmonds (VC)        GA    Angelique Ross             GA      Kiara Taylor               GA     Emma Grech                    GA    Megan Smith           GA    Emma Grech
 WA     Sidonie Moore                   WA      Kate Pillips (VC)             WA       Danika Arney (C)              WA    Maggie Finnerty (VC)       WA      Samantha Richardson        WA     Madeleine Legate              WA    Casey Rayment         C     Madeleine Legate
 C      Chloe Coffin (VC)               C       Lauren Parkinson              C        Maggie Finnerty               C     Dakota Lister               C      Tayla Jackson               C     India de Bres                 C     Lily Boswell          WD    Koby Rademaker
 WD     Gemma Grimmond (C)              WD      Shannon McLean (C)            WD       Macy Byrnes                   WD    Anekie Matthey             WD      Jessica Parker             WD                                   WD    Fiona Clayton         GD    Shannon Byrne
 GD     Georgia Bowkett                 GD      Alana Stone                   GD       Genevieve Carboon             GD    Genevieve Carboon          GD      Mia Lucas                  GD     Sarah Akko                    GD    Janae Candzoukovski   GK    Janae Candzoukovski
 GK     Isabella Hines                  GK      Alysha Diggle                 GK       Chrissy Finnerty              GK    Georgia Stevenson (C)      GK      Abbey Duggan                GK    Tayla Willingham              GK    Kirsty Issom
 GA     Chloe Gray                      GA      Emma Stalenberg               WD       Claire Cook                   C     Yianna Ross                Sub     Tayla Graham                                                    Sub   Tahli Senior
 GD     Erin Jay                        GS      Alysha Shephard               GK       Rachel Lawton                 GD    Alyssa Bannan              Sub     Libby Quigley                                                   Sub   Nay Park
                                        GD      Eve Gregor                    GA       Maddison Keienan              GK    Chrissy Finnerty           Sub     Caroline McCarthy                                               Sub   Narelle Ramsey

           TEAM                         1/4 TIME                        1/2 TIME                     3/4 TIME                    FULL TIME                     TEAM                      1/4 TIME                      1/2 TIME               3/4 TIME                FULL TIME
         SENIORS                                                                                                                                             SENIORS
         RESERVES                                                                                                                                            RESERVES
          U/18.5                                                                                                                                              U/19.5

                       24              Riddell District Football Netball League Record                                                                                                            
Round 1                                                       SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021           Round 1                                                        SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

          WESTERN RAMS FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB                                                        MELTON CENTRALS FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB
                      Club Notes                                                                                 Club Notes
Western Rams Football Sporting Club             With a huge effort from the coaching staff,    WELCOME BACK NAVY BLUE ARMY                       Tabcorp Park have recommitted for season
(WRFSC) is excited for the endless              we are pleased to announce the WRFSC                                                             2021 creating many opportunities for both
                                                                                               It’s shaping up to be an exciting year for the
                                                return of a U19s side after a significant                                                        parties to be excited about.
possibilities that the 2021 season shall                                                       club. Our Senior Football list is very exciting
bring. After a devastating blow to the entire   period of time without one.                    with the core of the team remaining from          Carlin Painting once again are committed to
Victorian sporting community in 2020 due                                                       2019 but with some new inclusions to help         helping our club grow and we look forward to
                                                                                               bolster our experience. We expect to see          working closely with them again in 2021.
to COVID, WRFSC have dug deep and
                                                In preparation for the 2021 season, WRFSC      significant improvement from within and the
continued to work through in preparation for                                                                                                     We wish to welcome John Mcauliffe from
                                                have made some significant changes both        new recruits will compliment and enhance
                                                                                                                                                 the Royal Hotel in Taree. Thank you for your
the highly anticipated 2021 season.             on and off the field. With the commitment      our competitiveness. Our netball teams will be
                                                                                                                                                 support, we look forward to seeing you during
                                                                                               made up of many new faces and looks to be
With a new name, new merchandise and an         and signage of new Seniors Head Coach                                                            the year.
                                                                                               quiet young which we hope will inject a new
                                                – Martin Weaver, who in himself brings a
even more positive attitude than previous                                                      level or excitement into the ranks. We are are    The entire club appreciates what you do for us
                                                wealth of knowledge, in both playing and       looking forward to what they can produce
years- the vibe around the club itself is a                                                                                                      and without your support we would be unable
                                                coaching. The Rams have also secured           throughout the year.                              to do what we do. Thank you.
great one!
                                                former player, Scott O’Neill as Reserves
                                                                                               MELTON CENTRALS MAJOR PARTNERS                    JUNIOR SEASON COMMENCES
Everyone at the Western Rams is gearing to      Head Coach, who will debut his coaching
go!                                             career in the 2021 season with assistance      We would like to announce Eight Homes as          We would like to wish all our junior players,
                                                and guidance from Martin Weaver. In            our major partner again in 2021. Eight Homes      families, members and committee all the best
Netball                                         addition to our brand new Head Coaches,        have been a long term supporter of our club       for this weekends first round of matches. Good
                                                                                               and we cannot thank them enough.                  luck to all, Go the Blues!!
With the return of Nathan Selvidge as           we also have Assistant Coaches for both
                                                sides, which will also see a huge impact for
Netball Head Coach, and the addition of
                                                us as a Club.
newly appointed Netball Assistant Coach
Mon Poliko; our netball program has had         With another huge effort from the newly
a significant increase in new and returning     appointed coaching staff, we have
players for the 2021 season.                    increased our playing numbers which brings
                                                a lot of new faces into our Rams Family. We
Working hard in the off season and when         also have retained a great portion of our
COVID restrictions allowed it, our girls have   previous players who return to gear up for
been training hard in preparation for the       2021. This has allowed WRFSC to excitedly
2021 season.                                    announce a third team to join our ranks!

                                           SPONSORS                                                                                     SPONSORS

               26       Riddell District Football Netball League Record                                                   
Round 1                                                     SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021   Round 1                                                              SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                             RDFNL 2021 FIXTURE                                                                      RDFNL 2021 FIXTURE
   Round 1                                Round 6                                       Round 11                                      Round 16 – Towards Zero Round
   Saturday 17 April 2021                 Saturday 22 May 2021                          Saturday 3 July 2021                          Saturday 7 August 2021
   Riddell             Macedon            Melton Centrals    Romsey                     Riddell                Wallan                 Diggers Rest         Western Rams
   Western Rams        Melton Centrals    Diggers Rest       Wallan                     Melton Centrals        Western Rams           Riddell              Lancefield
   Wallan              Romsey             Macedon            Lancefield                                                               Romsey               Macedon
                                                                                        Lancefield             Romsey
   Diggers Rest        Woodend/Hesket     Western Rams       Woodend/Hesket
                                                                                        Woodend/Hesket         Diggers Rest           Woodend/Hesket       Melton Centrals
   Lancefield          BYE                Riddell            BYE
                                                                                        Macedon                BYE                    Wallan               BYE

                                          Round 7
   Round 2 - ANZAC Round                                                                Round 12                                      Round 17
                                          Saturday 29 May 2021
   Saturday 24 April 2021                                                               Saturday 10 July 2021                         Saturday 14 August 2021
                                          Wallan             Riddell
   Woodend/Hesket      Romsey                                                                                                         Wallan               Diggers Rest
                                          Woodend/Hesket     Lancefield                 Romsey                 Woodend/Hesket
   Melton Centrals     Riddell                                                                                                        Macedon              Western Rams
                                          Romsey             Western Rams               Lancefield             Western Rams
   Lancefield          Wallan                                                                                                         Melton Centrals      Lancefield
                                          Melton Centrals    Macedon                    Wallan                 Macedon
                                                                                                                                      Riddell              Romsey
   Sunday 25 April 2021                                                                 Melton Centrals        Diggers Rest
                                          Diggers Rest BYE
                                                                                                                                      Woodend/Hesket       BYE
   Macedon             Diggers Rest       		                                            Riddell                BYE
   Western Rams        BYE                Round 8 – Indigenous Round
                                                                                                                                      Round 18
                                          Saturday 5 June 2021                          Round 13
                                                                                                                                      Saturday 21 August 2021
   Round 3                                Lancefield         Melton Centrals            Saturday 17 July 2021                         Western Rams         Wallan
   Saturday 8 May 2021                    Western Rams       Diggers Rest               Romsey                 Wallan                 Romsey               Diggers Rest
   Wallan              Western Rams       Riddell            Woodend/Hesket
                                                                                        Diggers Rest           Macedon                Lancefield           Macedon
   Romsey              Lancefield         Macedon            Romsey
                                                                                        Riddell                Melton Centrals        Woodend/Hesket       Riddell
   Riddell             Diggers Rest       Wallan             BYE
                                                                                        Woodend/Hesket         Western Rams           Melton Centrals      BYE
   Melton Centrals     Woodend/Hesket
                                                                                        Lancefield             BYE
   Macedon             BYE                BYE – QUEENS BIRTHDAY
                                                                                                                                      Finals Week 1
                                          Saturday 12 June 2021
                                                                                        Round 14                                      Saturday 28 August 2021
   Round 4
                                          Round 9                                       Saturday 24 July 2021                         Qualifying Final
   Saturday 4 May 2021
                                          Saturday 19 June 2021                         Macedon                Riddell                Sunday 29 August 2021
   Macedon             Wallan
                                          Lancefield         Riddell                    Lancefield             Woodend/Hesket         Elimination Final
   Diggers Rest        Melton Centrals
                                          Diggers Rest       Romsey                     Western Rams           Romsey
   Western Rams        Lancefield                                                                                                     Finals Week 2
                                          Western Rams       Macedon                    Melton Centrals        Wallan
   Romsey              Riddell                                                                                                        Saturday 4 September 2021
                                          Woodend/Hesket     Wallan
                                                                                        Diggers Rest           BYE
   Woodend/Hesket      BYE                                                                                                            Semi-Final
                                          Melton Centrals    BYE

   Round 5                                                                              Round 15
                                          Round 10                                                                                    Finals Week 3
   Saturday 15 May 2021                                                                 Saturday 31 July 2021
                                          Saturday 26 June 2021                                                                       Saturday 11 September 2021
   Woodend/Hesket      Macedon                                                          Wallan                 Woodend/Hesket
                                          Romsey             Melton Centrals                                                          Preliminary Final
   Lancefield          Diggers Rest       Diggers Rest       Riddell                    Macedon                Melton Centrals

   Wallan              Melton Centrals    Wallan             Lancefield                 Diggers Rest           Lancefield             Finals Week 4
   Riddell             Western Rams       Macedon            Woodend/Hesket             Western Rams           Riddell                Sunday 19 September 2021
   Romsey              BYE                Western Rams       BYE                        Romsey                 BYE                    Grand Final

             28      Riddell District Football Netball League Record                                                
Round 1                                                                                SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021                          Round 1                                                                                SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                        WESTERN RAMS FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB                                                                                                     MELTON CENTRALS FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB

FOOTBALL                                                           NETBALL                                                             FOOTBALL                                                            NETBALL
Seniors Coach: Marty Weaver                                        A Grade Coach: Nathan Selvidge, Mon Poliko                          Seniors Coach: Matt Sproule                                         A Grade Coach: Randy Pereira, Doug Mitchell
Reserves Coach: Scott O’Neill                                      B Grade Coach: Nathan Selvidge, Mon Poliko                          Reserves Coach: Lee Spry                                            B Grade Coach: Randy Pereira, Doug Mitchell
Under 19.5 Coach:                                                  C Grade Coach: Nathan Selvidge, Mon Poliko                          Under 19.5 Coach:                                                   C Grade Coach: Randy Pereira, Doug Mitchell
                                                                   19 & U Coach: Nathan Selvidge,                                                                                                         19 & U Coach: Randy Pereira, Doug Mitchell
SENIORS / RESERVES                                                                Jada Passi/Mon Poliko U/19.5                         SENIORS / RESERVES                                                                                                        U/19.5
No. PLAYER                   PPV    No. PLAYER               PPV   No. PLAYER                    PPV   No. PLAYER                      No. PLAYER                   PPV   No. PLAYER                 PPV   No. PLAYER                PPV   No.   PLAYER
 29 Aaron Azzopardi           4        Jake Bucciarelli-            5 Mitchell Portoglou          1                                     1     Daniel Foley                25    Jordan Lindsay             66 Adrian Tatnel Cowen
    Adam De Pasquale          1        Owen                        22 Nathan Greelish             2                                     2     Yianni Tsasouris            26    Matthew Eberle             67 Hayden Hunt
                                    17 Jarrod Saliba           2   19 Nikolas Gillie              1
    Adam Styles               1                                                                                                         3     Jarrod Spry                 27    Beau Hilbert               69 Justin Aiulu
                                     4 Jarrod Buttigieg        1      Paul Growcott               1
    Alex Sweet                1     26 Jayden Lutterloch       1                                                                        4     Jared Scott                 29    Joshua Spry
                                                                   43 Peter Boyd                  2
    Andrew Anderson           1     10 Joseph Mallia           2                                                                        5     Dylan Weir                  30    Justin White
                                                                      Richard Frew                1
 30 Andrew O'Brien            1        Joseph Latu             1                                                                        6     John Ferri                  31    Luke Lacey
                                                                      Ringo Koj                   1
 33 Anthony Close             1        Josh Casey                                                                                       7     Travis Ferri                32    Brodie Butt
                                     3                         1    9 Rohan Parag                 1
 23 Ash O'Neill               1        (Senior C)                                                                                       8     Izayha Speer                33    Peter Akech
                                       Joshua Wills            1      Samuel Mckenzie             1
    Ash Fletcher              1                                       Saxon Woodroffe             1                                     9     Jay Culhane                 34    Linton Hogan
                                       Justin Clark            1
 59 Beau Williams             1                                       Shaun Griffiths             1                                    10     Hayden Graf                 35    Paul McNamara
                                    16 Kaid Manning            1
 51 Ben Hall                  1      6 Kayne Teeken            1      Stephan Lalli-Cafini        1                                    11     Tehumarie Callander         36    Dylan Lindsey
    Brendan Johnson           1        Kristan Vance           1    1 Stephen Hoare               3                                    12     Sam Apineru                 37    Hayden Wilson
    Christian                          Kristopher                     Stephen Newton              2                                    13     Matthew Martin              38    Thomas Unferdorben
 13                           1                                1
    Azzopardi                          Rodriguez                      Tama Moana                  1                                    14     Hayden Sproule              40    Lloyd Briggs
 37 Cody Baker                1        Liam Camilleri          1      Tanush Sapare               1
                                                                                                                                       15     Jacob Sinclair              41    David Aleksov
    Colby Gray                1     45 Lucas Boyle             1      Thai Vella                  1
 69 Daniel Sapulovic          1                                                                                                        16     Majok Monydhot              42    Aaron O'Brien
                                       Luke Newton             1   14 Thomas Thorogood            1
 18 Danny Fisher              1        Luke Roberts                11 Timothy Fisher              1                                    17     Dylan Clarke                43    Yas Acarlar
                                    42                         1
    David Scholes             1        (Reserves C)                   Todd Dutton                 1                                    18     Shane Long                  44    Shaun Myczka
 12 Deejay Croucher           1      7 Luke Styles             2   25 Tom McColl                  1                                    19     Jarrod Johns                45    Albert Peck
    Dylan Azzopardi           1        Luke Meissner           1   24 Tom Cotton                  1                                    20     Kyle Rodgers                49    Connor Korras
    Erkut Ton                 1        Luke Mitchell           1    2 Tyler Nesbit                2                                    21                                 50
                                                                                                                                              Curtis Schultz                    Gordon Bramley
    George Sinadino           1        Marcus Parviainen       1   21 William Jenkins             1                                    22     Milan Savic                 51    Kane Bullen
    Jacob Styles              1        Matt Lepp               1
                                                                                                                                       23     Tyson Orr                   53    Alex Voscopoulos
 23 Jake Mallia               1        Maverick Keating        1
                                                                                                                                       24     Joe Callus                  65    Kelson Holt

NETBALL                                                                                                                                NETBALL
 Pos   A GRADE                      Pos   B GRADE                   Pos   C GRADE                      Pos   19 & Under                 Pos    A GRADE                    Pos    B GRADE                   Pos   C GRADE                   Pos   19 & Under
 GS    Rebecca Hicks                      Chervonne Katipa          GS    Stevie Gray                  GS    Kerri Katipa Maikuku       GS     Katherine Dicker            GS    Lauren Creed               GS   Bronwyn Coffee            GS    Kasey Sinclair
                                          Maikuku (C)
 GA    Aleisha Tainui (VC)                                          GA    Percilla Hetaraka-Kelly      GA    Imogen Brown               GA     Emma Winza                 GA     Rebecca Morabito           GA   Bree Dean                 GA    Tara Phillips
                                     GA   Imogen Brown (C)
 WA    Olivia Burrow                                                WA    Bianca Findlay               WA    Percilla Hetaraka-Kelly    WA     Abbey Grant                WA     Olivia Edwards             WA   Sarah Moghazy             WA    Rosa Vickers- Murphy
                                     WA   Keely Teariki
  C    Ruiana Magatogia                                             C     Chloe Spence                 C     Keely Teariki (C)          C      Jess Fealy                  C     Jess Clayton               C    Victoria Bolawaqatabu     C     Zariah Webb
                                     C    Rachel Aukaha (VC)
 WD    Marie Bolitho                                                WD    Askani Pirihi (VC)           WD    Shayn-jayd Magatogia       WD     Eden Mitchell              WD     Romina Barbuto            WD    Danica Fitzgerald         WD    Maddie Mickovski
                                     WD   Monique Grech
 GD    Caitlin Twomey                                               GD    Alana Blyth (C)              GD    Skyelee Hovey              GD     Ash Hyatt                  GD     Kara Zwartaween            GD   Sarah Rozynski            GD    Lou Albrighton
                                     GD   Sara Tangaroa
 GK    Kari Love (C)                                                GK    Star Rizzo                   GK    Ruiana Magatogia           GK     Hailey Hill                 GK    Natalie Roberts            GK   Abbey Bolton              GK    Paige Webber
                                     GK   Maddison Stewart
 Sub   Sanita To'o                                                  Sub   Patricia Braithwaite         Sub   Jinx Langkilde-Fale        Sub    Charity Soufoa             Sub    Emily Mitchiner           Sub   Tash Mae                  Sub   Skyralee Mcarthy
                                    Sub   Tony Gray
 Sub   Deej Umaki                                                   Sub   Alex Smith                                                    Sub    Tara Phillips              Sub    Gabby Menabue
                                    Sub   My-linh Le
 Sub   Dannia Suafoa
                                    Sub   Amanda Turner
 Sub   Jinx Langkilde-Fale

         TEAM                       1/4 TIME                 1/2 TIME                   3/4 TIME                   FULL TIME                     TEAM                     1/4 TIME                   1/2 TIME                3/4 TIME                  FULL TIME
       SENIORS                                                                                                                                 SENIORS
       RESERVES                                                                                                                                RESERVES
        U/18.5                                                                                                                                  U/18.5

                       30          Riddell District Football Netball League Record                                                                                               
Round 1                                                             SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021              Round 1                                                    SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                 RIDDELL FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB                                                                      MACEDON FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB
                           Club Notes                                                                                        Club Notes
                                                                                                        Today we meet Riddell in the ‘Puka Up         MAJOR RAFFLE
                                                                                                        Cup’, having taken out the Cup in 2019,
                                                                                                        Cats are hoping we can do it again.
                                                                                                        ‘Puka Up’ has been a great way to get
                                                                                                        the conversation started about mental
                                                                                                         health, emotional wellness and suicide
                                                                                                         prevention, so ‘let’s get talking’.
                                                                                                        How exciting to be back on the field/
                                                                                                        court after what seems like an eternity
To our players, supporters, Committee                 be Adam Boldiston and Amy Schwegler as            ago. Coach Al Meldrum has the boys
members, life members and valued sponsors             appointed netball coaches with the support        fired up and ready to take on the 2021
Welcome to the Riddell Football Netball Club          from Lauren Close & Kerrie Gleeson                season. With the return of a few old faces
for Season 2021                                       The Riddell Football Netball Club could not       and many new ones the vibe at the             «   1st Prize - Toyota Hilux Utility to the
Firstly, we are looking forward to a fun and          survive without the continued support of some     Cattery is pumping. Ciara Stewart and             value of $64,990. Proudly supplied by
successful year ahead across all netball & football   very loyal and dedicated sponsors. Members        the netballers have trained hard over the
                                                      and supporters are encouraged to support                                                            Kyneton Toyota
grades after a very hard 2020 year for all.                                                             past few months and a keen to take to
                                                      those who support us.                             the courts for sensational year.
We have a very strong committee, volunteers
and are all committed for the upcoming                Riddell Football Netball Club                                                                   «   2nd Prize - Toro Titan 48” Ride On
                                                                                                        Our Committee & volunteers have been
season to ensure the success of the RFNC.             Mission Statement                                 hard at it behind the scenes in the lead          Mower to the value of $10,000.
On the coaching front, we are pleased to              The mission of the Riddell Football Club is to    up to the season. Their tireless support          Proudly supplied by Gisborne Power
announce Justin Belleville as our senior coach.       win respect of the community and fellow           and commitment to club is what makes              Products
Justin had a great playing career in the RDFL and     clubs by creating a positive environment for
it is great that he is now coaching at this level                                                       the Cattery such a wonderful family club.
                                                      all football and netball players from juniors
Reserves coach Chris Meacham is also helping          through to seniors as well as for all Sponsors,   Thank you to all our sponsors who have        «   3rd Prize - $1,000 voucher for Tyres
Justin out as an Assistant coach, we believe with     members and supporters of the club.               committed to Macedon this year, we look           and/or services, proudly donated by
Chris experience and love and passion of the          The Club aims to be a successful family club      forward to a prosperous season with you all
game he will drive success as well.                                                                                                                       Gisborne Tyre Service
                                                      both on and off the field by providing quality    MEMBERSHIPS
 Our newly appointed under 19.5 coach is Tim          coaching, working together to promote a
Bannan who is keen to develop our young               strong community involvement with a safe          Memberships are currently available –         « 	Tickets $100, drawn 2 May 2021.
boys and have a great year on and off the             and supportive environment for all people         please contact or player or purchase at           Available from bar or any player.
field with numbers increasing and our future          associated with the club.                         bar at home games. $1,000 Members
looking bright                                        Andrew Power and Darren Bell RFNC                 Draw will be held on 25th April after our
Leading the way on the Netball front will             Presidents and 2021 Committee                     Anzac Day match.                              GO CATS!
                                            SPONSORS                                                                                         SPONSORS

                32       Riddell District Football Netball League Record                                                        
Round 1                                                                                    SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021                    Round 1                                                                                    SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                                   RIDDELL FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB                                                                                                  MACEDON FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB

FOOTBALL                                                                NETBALL                                                      FOOTBALL                                                             NETBALL
Seniors Coach: Justin Belleville                                        A Grade Coach: Adam Boldiston                                Seniors Coach: Alistair Meldrum                                      A Grade Coach: Ciara Stewart
Reserves Coach: Chris Meacham                                           B Grade Coach: Amy Schwegler                                 Reserves Coach: Wayne Sanders                                        B Grade Coach: Ciara Stewart
Under 19.5 Coach: Tim Bannan                                            C Grade Coach: Amy Schwegler                                 Under 19.5 Coach: Richard Blake		                                    C Grade Coach: Sally Brennan
                                                                        19 & U Coach: Adam Boldiston                                                                                                      19 & U Coach: Karlee DeBono
SENIORS / RESERVES                                                                                                          U/19.5   SENIORS / RESERVES                                                                                                           U/19.5
No. PLAYER                   PPV    No. PLAYER                    PPV                                   No.   PLAYER                 No. PLAYER                  PPV   No. PLAYER                   PPV   No. PLAYER                   PPV   No.   PLAYER
 1     Ben Sonogan                  26    Jake Safstrom                                                  1    Lachlan Stiedl          1     James Wright               25     Rowan Andrews               49     Alex Davey                  1     Liam Spry
 2     Nathan Bridgland             27    Jake Curll                                                     3    Oliver Powell           2     Matt Hutchesson            26     Ryan Hickingbotham          50     Ben Blake
                                                                                                         4    Declan Nitz                                                                                                                    2     Will Thomas
 3     Matt Panuccio                28    Brodie Miller                                                                               3     Dave Morrice               27     Jae Wilton                  51     Tyson Christensen
                                                                                                         7    Connor Hagan
 4     Ant Sammut                   29    Jack Watkins                                                   8    Darcy Frew              4     Patrick Doyle              28     Jarrod Bulluss              52     Travis Hancock              3     Jack Peavey
 5     Trent Stead                  30    Josh Shalders                                                  9    Aiden Branigan          5     Ryan Fischer               29     Seb Miletic                 53     Sean Harwood
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             4     Darragh Collins
 6     Josh Grabham                 31    Darcy Hagan                                                   11    Aydan Guclukol          6     Tom Hildebrand             30     Matt Goodwin                54     Brendan Faria
 7     Jarryd Vernam                32    Kyle Collins                                                  12    Raees Alam              7     Zach Smedley               31     Cody Manniche               55     Matt Faria                  5     Josh Blake
                                                                                                        13    Hugh Tighe
 8     Tommy Alkemade               33    Cam Goddard - Callins                                                                       8     Josh Clough                32     Leo Webb                                                       6     Max Webb
                                                                                                        14    Ayden McDowell
 9     Riley Paterson               34    Kyle Tucker                                                   15    Luke Carter             9     Jason Cooke                33     Jack Lord
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             7     Will Kennedy
10     Jarryd Gardiner              36    Jarrod Phillips                                               16    Josh Whiting           10     Darcy Doyle                34     Louis Bongiovanni
11     Jack Fenner                  38    Ben Donnelly                                                  17    Oscar Besanko          11     Sean Reilly                35     Jacob Micallef                                                 8     Harry Gordon
12     Jackson Young                41    Matt Vandenburg                                               18    Max Ramsey             12     Dan Markworth              36     Ed Morrissey
                                                                                                        19    Bailie Tatt                                                                                                                    9     Nathan Colopa
13     Callum Williamson            42    Brad Obrien                                                                                13     Toby Sims                  37     d'arcy Bishop
                                                                                                        20    Jack Radford
14     Liam Berry                   43    Brad Collins                                                                               14     Brodie Hoyne               38     Tristyn Nicholls                                               10    Ollie Monaghan
                                                                                                        21    Brodie Doolan
15     Mitchell Morham              44    Brodie Wilson                                                 22    Tristan Martinuzzo     15     Matt Dick                  39     Clinton Burgess                                                11    Angus Webb
16     Michael Treweek              45    Guy Cilauro                                                   24    Alex Crickshank        16     Mitch Blake                40     Anthony Cristofaro
                                                                                                        26    Ruben Evans                                                                                                                    12    Lewis Potter
17     Patty MaDonough              47    Nic May                                                                                    17     Darren Goodwin             41     Bill Chapman
                                                                                                        28    Beau Skelton
18     Steve Treweek                47    Tim Rowsell                                                                                18     Dan Trajanovski            42     Zac Leach                                                      16    Oscar Barry
20     Bryce Williamson             50    Conor Klaaysen                                                                             19     Hamish Miles               43     Dave Cartledge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             17    William Gray
21     Tom Belleville               53    Troy Marinier                                                                              20     Chad Walker                44     Jordan Reeves
22     Jordon Reardan               54    Heath Brown                                                                                21     Harrison Shipp             45     Brad Bell                                                      18    Flyn McIver
23     Oscar Besanko                59    Riley Fogarty                                                                              22     Shaun Harrison             46     Chris Axiak                                                    22    Chris Speers
24     Nicolas Bovezza              77    Ricky Elliott                                                                              23     Dan Trotta                 47     Hayden Turner-Davey
25     Brandon Willingham           53    Troy Mariner                                                                               24     Jack Kernan                48     Jordan Dyer                                                    23    Jez Shroder

NETBALL                                                                                                                              NETBALL
 Pos    A GRADE                     Pos    B GRADE                      Pos   C GRADE                   Pos   19 & Under              Pos    A GRADE                    Pos    B GRADE                     Pos    C GRADE                    Pos   19 & Under
 GS     Tara O'Grady                 GS    Tamieka Ploog                 GS   Karla McAllister          GS    Jemiah Niki             GS     Chloe Wilson               GS     Ash Coxhell                 GS     Amanda Balme               GS    Maddy Russ
 GA     Ellen Close                 GA     Chedelle Niki                GA    Keely Wallace-Kilbane     GA    Tamieka Ploog ( C )     GA     Ciara Stewart              GA     Sam Nunan                   GA     Amy Ilic                   GA    Beth Barry
 WA     Ruth Smith                  WA     Cayley Blair                  WA   Abbey Wright              WA    Steph Cosgriff          WA     Caitlyn Alifraco           WA     Bianca Mackay               WA     Janayah Chamra             WA    Demi Young
 C      Tarryn Munro ( C )           C     Chelsea Tobin                 C    Caitlin Campbell          C     Mady Brown              C      Chelsea Kemp               C      Demi Fitzsimmons            C      Catriona Goldsworthy       C     Georgia Hutchison
 WD     Ashleigh Hardy              WD     Meikah Johns                 WD    Laura Gallus              WD    Alex Matthews           WD     Karlee De Bono             WD     Madi Brennan                WD     Sam Stevenson              WD    Kenzi Brennan
 GD     Kirby Elliot                GD     Charlie Cole                  GD   Ewa Justice               GD    Ewa Justice             GD     Katie Clarke               GD     Taylah Chamra               GD     Aleigha Walters            GD    Bella Klaayson
 GK     Lauren Close ( C )           GK    Amber Morrisey                GK   Amber Morrissey           GK    Sammi Burnside          GK     Brooklyn Anderson          GK     Shanae Brundell             GK     Allira Egan                GK    Eloise Williams
 Sub    Elly Randall                Sub    Emma Croft                   Sub   Alex Matthews             Sub   Sam Bardzinski          Sub    Georgia Fearn             Sub     Jess Dugdale-Walker        Sub     Susan Eastman              Sub   Matilda Mason
 Sub    Chedelle Niki               Sub    Keely Wallace-Kilbane        Sub   Tayla Mazzarella          Sub   Tayla Mazzarella        Sub    Janelle Tate              Sub     Cassie Hocking             Sub     Suzanna Grinter            Sub   Caitlin Thomas
 Sub    Cayley Blair                Sub    Madi Brown                   Sub   Stephanie Cosgriff        Sub   Alex Mazzarella                Hayley Birch              Sub     Nellie Wilson              Sub     Steph Ferrier              Sub   Jess Roan
                                    Sub    Laura Gallus                 Sub   Olivia Power              Sub   Sophie Ball                                                                                 Sub     Emily Robinson
                                    Sub    Caitlin Campbell             Sub   Jemiah Niki
          TEAM                      1/4 TIME                      1/2 TIME                   3/4 TIME               FULL TIME                  TEAM                    1/4 TIME                     1/2 TIME                      3/4 TIME                  FULL TIME
        SENIORS                                                                                                                              SENIORS
        RESERVES                                                                                                                             RESERVES
         U/18.5                                                                                                                               U/18.5

                       34          Riddell District Football Netball League Record                                                                                             
Round 1                                           SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021         Round 1                                                                            SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                                                                                                          LANCEFIELD FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB
                     Club Notes
With a bye in the first round           Furness as Captain. Congratulations      FOOTBALL                                                          NETBALL
                                                                                 Seniors Coach: Tom Waters                                         A Grade Coach: Michelle Rix
Lancefield FNC waits a further week     to our club leaders.                     Reserves Coach: Andrew Richardt                                   B Grade Coach: Paula Jewell
for a long-awaited return to football                                            Under 19.5 Coach:                                                 C Grade Coach: Lucy Thorman
and netball. New coaches Tom            We look forward to hosting Wallan                                                                          19 & U Coach: Michelle Rix
                                        next week and have our season            SENIORS / RESERVES                                                                                                 U/19.5
Waters (football) and Michelle Rix
                                        launch following the game, with live     No. PLAYER               PPV   No. PLAYER                   PPV   No. PLAYER              PPV   No. PLAYER
(netball) have worked hard through                                                1     Tom Waters         1    25     John Morgan            1    49     Matt Sankey       1
                                        band “10 Weeks Earlier” playing and
the off-season and pre-season to                                                  2     Nathan Malone      1    26     Reece Nielsen          1    50     Luke Lyons        1
                                        bar in operation. Enquiries for this      3     Matt Bowden        1    27     Jordan Kindred         1    51     Matt Higgins      1
assemble and prepare strong squads
                                        event to Brooke Jones on 0401 817         4     Daniel Frost       1    28     Rupert de Crespigny    3    52     Ryan Connellan    1
to represent the Club. Matt Bowden                                                5     James Falcone      1    29     Tom Atwell             4    53     Dylan Holden      3
continues as Captain, supported by                                                6     Alex Simpson       3    30     Jack Foster            1    54     Scott Johnson     1
                                                                                  7     Ross Moloney       1    31     Luke Fellows           3    55     Matt Collard      3
John Morgan and James Wooster           Good luck to all clubs for the season.    8     Declan Rix         1    32     Ben Bryant             1    56     Hayden Moffatt    1
as Vice-Captains. Our A Grade           Loving the fact that footy and netball    9     Jay Russell        2    33     Jack Woodburn          1    57     James Hobson      1
netballers will be led by Jordan        are back.                                10     Andrew Richardt    1    34     Jack McPherson         2    58     James Newell      4
                                                                                 11     John McMaster      1    35     Elliott Cowley         1    59     Chris James       1
                                                                                 12     Joe Slattery       3    36     Ollie Bryant           1    60     Jake O'Meara      1
                                                                                 13     Harrison Taylor    2    37     Matt Bender            1
                                                                                 14     Chris Collins      1    38     Tom Keaney             2
                                                                                 15     Liam Tindley       1    39     Jarryd McGill          1
                                                                                 16     Ben Richmond       1    40     Andrew Sanderson       1
                                                                                 17     Stefan da Riva     2    41     Anthony Pacers         1
                                                                                 18     James Wooster      1    42     Cain Gauci             1
                                                                                 19     Alex Ryan          2    43     Lucas Jowett           1
                                                                                 20     Ollie Extra        4    44     Darren Robinson        1
                                                                                 21     Aaron Andrews      1    45     Lachlan Giles          1
                                                                                 22     Scott Ilgoutz      1    46     Joel Badger            1
                                                                                 23     Jack Dalgleish     1    47     John Keehner           1
                                                                                 24     Jayden Williams    2    48     Lachie Clement         1

                                                                                  Pos    A GRADE                 Pos    B GRADE                     Pos    C GRADE               Pos   19 & Under


                                                                                           TEAM                 1/4 TIME                     1/2 TIME                3/4 TIME                FULL TIME

            36    Riddell District Football Netball League Record                                                       
 The AAMI Clangers for Good competition will turn something
   bad into something good by giving “AAMI clanger cash”
            to 8 local footy clubs across Australia.
For every clanger* occurring during Rounds 8 to 23 of the 2021 Toyota AFL
Premiership season, AAMI will donate $10 to local footy clubs (*maximum
                       prize of $15,000 per club).
    To put your club in the running to be one of the lucky 8 recipients,
   follow the link and tell us in 100 words or less why your club deserves
  the AAMI “clanger cash” and what it would do for your club and the
                                local community.
             ENTER HERE:
Round 1                                                      SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                               UMPIRES CORNER
                               by Harley Demanin
AFL Field Umpire Jacob Mollison and AFL          The Riddell Umpires look forward to the
Boundary Umpire Lachlan Rayner have              support both Jacob and Lachlan will offer
been appointed AFL Community Umpiring            towards our numerous recruitment and
Ambassadors to the Riddell Umpires for           retention strategies throughout 2021.
season 2021.
                                                 Having strong connections with our AFL
Jacob and the Riddell Umpires have               counterparts will continue to encourage our
developed strong ties through the past           umpiring panels to master their craft and
Community Umpiring Ambassadorship trips          begin the journey to the AFL.
to Macpherson Park. So, we look forward to
                                                 The Riddell Umpires are proud to
welcoming him back again this year.
                                                 acknowledge our past alumni who have
The community umpiring partnership allows        made the leap from community umpiring
community based umpiring groups regular          into state and national based panels,
access to the nations top officials, for up to   including AFL Boundary Umpire Jordan
8 hours a partnership much stronger then         Andrews and 2019 AFLW Grand Final
the opportunity provided to community            Umpire,Jesse Wilkie alongside Kyle Fisher,
football clubs.                                  Josh Blain, Tim Attard, Alexander Bond and
                                                 Kaleb Laker all featuring on VFL lists.
Lachlan began his umpiring career in 2005
as a boundary umpire and successfully            If you, or somebody you know who like to
made his AFL debut Round 1 2016, fresh off       begin your umpiring journey please contact
the 2015 VFL Senior Grand Final.                 us at

Round 1                                                           SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021                Round 1                                                                      SATURDAY 17 APRIL 2021

                                                                                                                             WESTERN WATER NETBALL REPORT
                                                                                                                          by RDFNL Netball Manager Grace Bibby
                                    NETBALL TIPPING 2021                                             Welcome back to RDFNL netball in 2021.                      the second trial for the 17s and 19s to be held tomorrow
                                                                                                     It’s great to be back to community sport with people of     at MRNA courts from 10am.
                                                                                                     all ages playing what they love.                            All teams will be announced April 20, 2021.
 Each week throughout the 2021 season, a panel of RDFNL staff, executive, sponsors and               Covid19 proved to be a difficult year for our clubs and     In 2021 the RDFNL will officially have a Netball Player
media will submit their tips for the weekend’s senior football matches, which will be featured       we are looking forward to supporting them opening their     Points System in place.
  in the footy record. See how your tips stack up against the RDFNL experts each week!               gates to crowds again this season.                          There has been plenty of discussion around a player
                                                                                                     The RDFNL is entering the new season as a Metropolitan      points system and we are pleased to see it come to
                                                                                                     Affiliated League.                                          fruition.

                                                                      Diggers Rest

                        Riddell v   Western Rams v     Wallan v

        NAME                                                          v Woodend                      The change in the RDFNL structure also sees Kim Bailey      The objectives of the PPS are:
                        Macedon     Melton Centrals    Romsey                                        finish her time with the league and the AFL Goldfields
                                                                         Hesket                                                                                  • Promote player loyalty and junior development
                                                                                                                                                                 • Support the role of volunteers undertake in managing
    Brenton Knott                                                                                    We wish to thank Kim for all that she did for the league
                                                                                                                                                                  their clubs by
                       Macedon       Western Rams       Wallan        Diggers Rest                   during her tenure with AFL Goldfields.
   RDFNL President
                                                                                                                                                                 • Minimising the need to fundraise for player payments
                                                                                                     The nine-team competition will field a full complement
                                                                                                     of teams across all senior grades which is pleasing given   • Providing a more competitive environment on court,
  Michelle Brinkhuis
                                                                                                     the impact Covid has had on participation across the         that encourages more volunteers to support at club
   RDFNL Netball         Riddell     Western Rams       Wallan        Diggers Rest                                                                                level
      Director                                                                                       state.
                                                                                                     We unfortunately, lost Broadford and Rupertswood over       • Providing incentive to spend more time and effort in
    Krissy Clement                                                                                   the past year.                                               the development of Netball, a welcoming environment,
    RDFNL Netball      Macedon      Melton Centrals     Wallan        Diggers Rest                                                                                and growing the game within the local community
                                                                                                     Lancefield was unable to field a 19&U netball team in
        Director                                                                                     2019, along with Rockbank, who had lost several players     • Support the Equalisation of the community netball
                                                                                                     after its breakout season in all grades in 2018.             competitions
     Ben Higgins                                                       Woodend-                      Both clubs are in a good position in 2021 which is great    • Ensure teams fielded in the competitions are strong
                       Macedon      Melton Centrals     Wallan
       Leader                                                           Hesket                       to see.                                                      and as equally matched as possible
                                                                                                     This year, our Senior Netball Director, Fiona Tanner        • Provide the best opportunities for players to develop
     Tara Murray                                                                                     stood down from her role on the board after working          and display their skills
                       Macedon       Western Rams       Wallan        Diggers Rest
     Star Weekly                                                                                     extensively across our umpiring panel and with our junior   • Provide opportunities to compete at a community level
                                                                                                     umpires to offer umpire mentoring and development,           within an orderly and fair system
     Jordan Doyle                                                                                    which was a fantastic initiative and should see
                                                                                                                                                                 • Enable team spirit and public support
    RDFNL General      Macedon       Western Rams       Wallan        Diggers Rest                   improvement in the standard of our competition.
       Manager                                                                                                                                                   • Encourage community and corporate sponsorships of
                                                                                                     Fiona will still be around the league and features on our
                                                                                                                                                                  Community Clubs
                                                                                                     A and B grade Umpires Panel so make sure you say hello
    Nicole Bovezza                                                                                   if you see her in her whites.                               • Reduce the inflationary nature of player payments
                       Macedon      Melton Centrals     Wallan        Diggers Rest                                                                                to assist clubs survive financially and reduce financial
    Western Water                                                                                    This year we have Jolanta Bennie and James Matthews
                                                                                                                                                                  burden/stress on clubs
                                                                                                     available for mentoring for anyone that is wishing to get
     Grace Bibby                                                                                     involved.                                                   We are looking forward to a more even competition and
    RDFNL Media &      Macedon       Western Rams       Wallan        Diggers Rest                                                                               seeing the development of some younger local players.
                                                                                                     If you want to learn how to become an umpire, or are
       Netball                                                                                       an umpire looking to earn some cash please do not           If your club has any feel-good stories, senior debuts or
                                                                                                     hesitate to email                       milestone games please let the league know so we can
    Aaron McLean                                                                                     Post-Covid, the league made a decision to focus on the      promote those individuals and your club.
                       Macedon       Western Rams       Wallan        Diggers Rest
   RDFNL Footy Ops                                                                                   state pathway for our junior interleague program and for    Lastly thank you to Brenton Knott and Jordan Doyle for
                                                                                                     the first time will enter a 19 and Under team rather than   the work they have done throughout the past year to
     Sarah Barton                                                                                    a senior team at Association Championships.                 ensure the league are in the best possible position to
                       Macedon       Western Rams       Wallan        Diggers Rest                                                                               start 2021.
    Bendigo Bank                                                                                     We are so lucky to have such a high calibre of coaches
                                                                                                     wanting to be involved this season and we congratulate      I am excited by the opportunity to be back working
                                                                                                     Kellie Duff (19s), Chris Cameron (17s), Whitney Theilke     with the RDFNL while I continue to grow my business GB
                                                                                                     (15s) and Michelle Rix (13s) on their appointments.         Social Media Consultancy.
                                                                                                     We cannot remember the last time we were lucky              I am sure I echo the thoughts of many when I say I am so
                                                                                                     enough to appoint four coaches who are current              excited to see netball back.
                                                                                                     coaches in our senior competition.                          Best of luck to all players, coaches, officials, umpires
                                                                                                     The trials for the 13s and 15s have been completed with     and supporters in round one!

               42      Riddell District Football Netball League Record                                                                   
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