Residence Contract 2019-20 - Residence at Western

Page created by Elaine Avila
Residence Contract 2019-20 - Residence at Western
Residence Contract 2019-20

                             RESIDENCE CONTRACT I 1
Residence Contract 2019-20 - Residence at Western
Division of Housing and Ancillary Services

   To create a supportive, inclusive community for students to live, learn, and flourish

   To be the foundation of the Western experience where students build character, succeed in their academic
   journey, and establish connections to last a lifetime

   We care deeply about our students, and together, we embrace the following core values:

  Trust: We act with integrity, and assume the good           Service to Others: We believe in deepening our social
  intentions of others.                                       conscience and serving the community through civic
  Respect: We treat others, ourselves, and our
  workplace with respect, holding ourselves accountable       Health and Wellness: We promote an environment
  for our actions.                                            where health, wellness and balance are possible,
                                                              encouraging staff and students to take care of their
  Commitment to Diversity: We value a positive                minds and bodies by living their best lives.
  environment where individual differences and diversity
  of thought are understood, accepted, and appreciated.       Sustainability: We make socially and environmentally
                                                              responsible choices.
  Belonging: We believe everyone should have the
  opportunity to find their place in residence, working       Innovation and Technology: We embrace technological
  together to create an inclusive community where             change and are willing to take risks to improve our
  everyone belongs.                                           knowledge, skills, and efficiency.

  Transformational Moments: We value the opportunity          Leadership: We promote the value of learning
  to facilitate life-changing or thought-shifting moments,    and encourage leadership development through
  paving the way for positive personal development.           collaborative decision-making and open

Residence Contract 2019-20 - Residence at Western
What’s Inside
4     Introduction

4     Commitment to Diversity

5     Residence Fees, Charges and Fines

9     Moving In and Out of Residence

10    Room Assignments

11    Liability and Insurance

12    Conduct Expectations

20    Caretaking, Untidiness and Damages

22    Your Mental Health and Wellness

23    Guests in Residence

24    Residence Access and Keys

25    Fire Safety and Emergencies

27    Notes

     Western University is situated on the traditional
     territories of the Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee,
     Lunaapeewak and Attawandaron peoples, who
     have longstanding relationships to the land and
     region of southwestern Ontario and the City of
     London. The local First Nation communities of
     this area include Chippewas of the Thames First
     Nation, Oneida Nation of the Thames, and Munsee
     Delaware Nation. In the region, there are eleven
     First Nation communities and a growing
     Indigenous urban population.

     Western values the significant historical and
     contemporary contributions of local and regional
     First Nations and all of the Original peoples of
     Turtle Island (North America).
                                                    RESIDENCE CONTRACT I 3
Residence Contract 2019-20 - Residence at Western

                                                                              to Diversity
                                                                              We’re all part of Western’s
                                                                              diverse community. Residence
                                                                              Life embraces, appreciates,
                                                                              and celebrates people of all
                                                                              races, nationalities, sexes,
                                                                              ages, gender identities and
                                                                              expressions, affectional
                                                                              and sexual orientations,
                                                                              socioeconomic statuses,
                                                                              spiritual practices, abilities,
                                                                              and any other dimension of
                                                                              personal lifestyle. Society is
                                                                              strengthened by human diversity
                                                                              and the growth fostered by an
                                                                              inclusive community. Every
                                                                              person has equal worth and
                                                                              deserves to be treated with
                                                                              dignity and respect accordingly.

Welcome to Western’s Residence community! You are required to read            We work and live together,
and abide by all aspects of this Residence Contract (the “Contract”).         maintaining an environment of
This is a legal document; please read it carefully to understand its terms.   mutual respect, interpersonal
Western University may change the information in this Contract without        curiosity, while striving to have
prior notice.                                                                 positive interactions with one
                                                                              another. We can learn from
This Contract governs the relationship between students living in             one another and gain a greater
residence (“residents,” “you”) and Western University as represented          understanding of and appreciation
by The Division of Housing and Ancillary Services, (“Housing” or “we”).       for our fellow people.
You must abide by this Contract, the laws of Ontario and Canada,
                                                                              We’re responsible for our actions
and the policies of Western University while living in residence.
                                                                              and our behaviour will model
You must also abide by Western’s Code of Student Conduct, found
                                                                              our values: we’ll treat others
                                                                              with respect and we expect
This Contract covers day-to-day residence living and extends to all           them to do the same to us.
residence-related events, including, but not limited to, Orientation Week,    We don’t subscribe to attitudes
Programs, and Residents’ Council events such as dances and formals.           or actions which hurt or degrade
This also includes events hosted on Western’s campus and those beyond         another person because of
the campus community.                                                         their race, nationality, sex, age,
                                                                              gender identity and expression,
Your privacy is important to Western and we protect you in the following      affectional and sexual orientation,
ways: we will not release information about your whereabouts should           socioeconomic status, spiritual
we receive inquiries by phone, in person, or at our residence front desks.    practice, ability, or any other
Nor will we provide your room number or verify whether or not you live        reason. Any form of abuse,
in the building.                                                              harassment, threat, or violence is
                                                                              incompatible with our philosophy
Visit for more                   and will not be tolerated. We
information about the use and protection of your personal information         don’t accept ignorance, anger,
at Western.                                                                   alcohol, or substance abuse as a
                                                                              valid excuse, reason, or rationale
                                                                              for negative behaviour.

Residence Contract 2019-20 - Residence at Western
Residence Fees, Charges and Fines

September-April (Eight Months)

                       RESIDENCE                     ROOM                               MEAL PLAN                        TOTAL FEES
                                                                                                                           (Room and
                                                             Room           Overhead           Total Food Credit*          Meal Plan)
                                                  Type       Charge       (non-refundable)          (refundable)

                          Delaware Hall       Double Room $7,410             $3,100                  $2,700                $13,210

                      Medway-Sydenham Hall

                      Saugeen-Maitland Hall   Single Room    $8,170          $3,100                  $2,700                $13,970

                                              Double Room $8,950             $3,100                  $2,700                $14,750
                           Ontario Hall

                            Perth Hall
                                              Single Room $9,720             $3,100                  $2,700                $15,520

                           Elgin Hall
                                              Single Room $10,100            $3,100                  $2,700                $15,900

                           Essex Hall

                          Alumni House        Single Room $8,020                                                            $8,020
                                                                          Reserved for Upper-Year Students
                           London Hall        Single Room $9,490                Meal Plan is optional                       $9,490

* 2019-20 Total Food Credit
                                                                      Total Food Credit
        Residence Dollars                +    Flex Dollars      =        (refundable)

                      $2,100                     $600                      $2,700

  Your residence charges are combined with your tuition charges on one statement in your Student Center
  account. Your prepayment made to the Housing Office will be applied towards your statement of account.
  To make payments towards your statement of account, follow the payment methods listed on the Office of
  the Registrar’s website.

  Visit for more information.

                                                                                                                    RESIDENCE CONTRACT I 5
Residence Contract 2019-20 - Residence at Western
Residence Fees, Charges and Fines

LATE PAYMENTS                               $900 prepayment provided that you         You are required to be a full-time
If your instalments are not received        submit a written request for the refund   Western University student to live in
by the deadline, you will be charged a      within the current academic year.         residence. If you voluntarily withdraw
late fee for each instalment that is late                                             from Western or cease to be a full-
                                            Transferring to Brescia, Huron, or
by the Office of the Registrar. Failure                                               time student, you will be required to
                                            King’s (Affiliated University Colleges)
to make payment in full by the due                                                    withdraw from residence and will be
                                            or University Apartments
date, or to arrange a suitable payment                                                assessed the Withdrawal Fee.
                                            If you transfer to an affiliated
plan, may result in the loss of your
                                            University College residence after        Your residence fees will not be
residence space, your placement in
                                            accepting a Main-Campus residence         reimbursed if you withdraw from
extended housing (e.g., combining
                                            accommodation, your residence             Western following termination of
multiple residents into rooms), and/
                                            prepayment will be forfeited and          your Residence Contract, or if you
or a further assessment of academic
                                            you will be subject to all applicable     have been suspended or expelled
penalties as well as the applicable
                                            charges and withdrawal regulations.       from Western under the Code of
financial penalties. Non-payment will
                                            No transfer will be permitted from        Student Conduct or a Scholastic
prevent future registration and will not
                                            Residence to University-owned             Offence Policy. It will be considered a
allow you to obtain a grade report, a
transcript, or degree/diploma until the     apartments and vice-versa.                termination and the terms outlined in
balance owing is fully paid. If there is                                              the Residence Contract Termination
                                            Withdrawing From Residence
an outstanding balance of your fees at                                                section of this Contract will apply.
                                            You are required to meet with your
the end of the academic school year,        Residence Manager if you wish to
any unused balance of your meal plan        withdraw from living in residence.
food credit may be applied towards          Applications for withdrawal will only
your outstanding balance.                   be considered under exceptional
                                            circumstances. You are required to
CANCELLATIONS AND WITHDRAWALS               complete a Residence Withdrawal Form.
Pre-September Cancellations
                                            If you withdraw, or are required
Half of your $900 prepayment will           to withdraw from residence for
be refunded if your written notice          any reason, or you have had your
of cancellation is received by the          Residence Contract terminated, you
Residence Admissions Office no later        will be assessed a $900 withdrawal
than August 1, 2019. You will forfeit       fee (“Withdrawal Fee”), not as a
your $900 prepayment if you cancel          penalty, but as liquidated damages
your residence offer after that date        to cover the costs of processing
but before September 1, 2019. If            the withdrawal and finding and
you are an upper-year student and           processing a replacement who is not
are not deemed full-time or are not         currently living in residence.
academically admissible according
                                            If you withdraw from residence but
to the Office of the Registrar by August    remain a Western student, you will be
1, 2019, your Residence Contract            held financially responsible for your
will be cancelled and your residence        full residence fee (including meal
prepayment will be refunded.                plan overhead costs). The amount
Upper-Year Students and Limited             that you owe may be reduced if
Admission Programs                          another student, not currently living
If you are an upper-year student            in residence and acceptable to
and are not accepted to a limited           Housing, agrees to rent your room
admission program (e.g., Law,               and assumes financial responsibility
Medicine, Dentistry, or other) at           for the prorated balance of the
Western, but have been admitted             residence fee. You will also be
to the same program at another              assessed the Withdrawal Fee.
university, you will be refunded the full

Residence Contract 2019-20 - Residence at Western
FEES                                 CHARGES                                   FINES
Students are assigned fees               Students are assigned charges           Students are assigned fines as a
as specific costs for services           because of direct out-of-pocket         deterrent to certain behaviour.
rendered.                                expenses incurred by Housing &
                                         Ancillary Services.

$900       Residence Prepayment          $5         Replacement laundry          $10      Fine for excessive use
                                                    card (card only)             (begins) of spare key (in excess
$450       Cancellation fee before
                                                                                          of 2 times per calendar
           August 1, 2019                $25        Charge for
                                                                                          month). It goes up in $5
$900       Cancellation fee after                                                         increments for each
                                                    removal from dining
           August 1, 2019 but                                                             successive spare key
           before September 1                                                             per month
                                         $100       Charge for
$900       Withdrawal fee                                                        $75      Minimum fine for
                                                    unauthorized extended
                                                                                          unauthorized use of
                                                    stay per night
$60        Returned cheque fee
                                         $170       Lock change/
                                                                                 $25      Malicious damage fine
$40        Food credit refund                       reprogramming charge
                                                                                          plus restitution
           processing fee                           (actual cost)
                                                                                 $30      Minimum
$50        Extra day accommodation       $200       Fire alarm resetting
                                                                                          bio-hazardous clean-up
           fee, per diem                            (covers electrician
                                                                                          fine (vomit and other
$60 +PST Tenant Insurance                                                                 bodily fluids)
                                         $200       Accidental fire alarm
$395       RezNet service fee for                                                $30      Beer bottle fine
                                                    (e.g., cooking)
           eight months
                                                                                 $50      Screen, closet door or
                                         $700       Unintended fire alarm
$50        Laundry card                                                                   bedboard removal fine
                                                    resulting from
                                                    prohibited activity (e.g.,   $50      Smoking fine
$2         Laundry – basic wash                     hall sports, horseplay)
                                                                                 $50      Fine for throwing food
           or dry per load (with
                                         $950       Malicious fire alarm
           laundry card)                                                         $50      Misuse of a fire door
                                                    (e.g., tampering with
                                                    fire equipment +             $50      Tampering with fire
                                                    damages)                              equipment
                                                                                 $100     Failure to evacuate
                                                                                          during a fire alarm
                                                                                 $100     Unauthorized access to
                                                                                          building (incl. residents'
Please note that these rates are subject to change without notice.

                                                                                                   RESIDENCE CONTRACT I 7
Residence Contract 2019-20 - Residence at Western
Residence Contract 2019-20 - Residence at Western
Moving In and Out of Residence

Students are permitted to take             procedures (including closing and         your financial responsibility. Any
up residence 24 hours prior to             reopening times) at least two weeks       property left in a residence following
the registration date of their             prior to any closing date. Buildings      building closure may be assumed
respective faculties or their first        are secured and residents are not         to be unwanted and donated or
class, whichever is earlier. Students      permitted access during winter            disposed of accordingly. Should
must vacate their building within          break and throughout the summer.          you wish to appeal any assessment
24 hours following the date of their       Students who are impacting                relating to damage, you must follow
final examination, test or class at        community members with excessive          the process set out in the Damages
the end of each term or by noon            noise or other behaviours during          Appeals Policy:
on closing day (in both December           exam periods may be required to           policies_appeals.cfm
and April), whichever is earlier           leave residence at any time and on
(unless granted special permission         demand.                                   Notice to Vacate
from Residence Operations). This                                                     We reserve the right to refuse
ensures residences remain quiet and        CHECKING OUT OF RESIDENCE                 admission or readmission to
conducive to sleep and study during                                                  Housing or cancel your Contract
the final exam period. You may be          When moving out of your residence         during the academic year if you
asked to vacate the residence before       room, you must:                           fail to meet Housing requirements,
your 24-hour move-out timeline if                                                    standards, policies and/or
your behaviour is called to Housing’s      •   Remove your property as well as       regulations, or in the event of arrest
attention during the exam period.              all garbage and recycling from        or criminal conviction. You will be
Students may remain in residence               your room.                            held financially responsible for your
during Fall Study Break (November                                                    full residence fees in such cases.
4 to 10, 2019) and Reading Week            •   Room damages will be assessed
(February 15 to 23, 2020); however,            after you move out, and will be       State of Emergency
limited food service is available in           reflected on your statement of        A state of emergency or other
designated residence dining halls              account which you can access          unforeseen developments (e.g., severe
during this time.                              via your Student Center.              weather, fire, flood, labour disruption,
                                                                                     illness outbreak) may make normal
Housing may grant you permission to        •   Turn in all keys that were            residence operations difficult or
stay later than 24 hours after your last       assigned to you when you              impossible to sustain. Utilities may
exam under exceptional circumstances.          moved in. You will be billed if you   not be available and food services
This request must be made via the              fail to turn in your key(s)           may be limited. Housing reserves the
myHousing Portal on the first day of           before leaving campus.                right to require you to vacate your
the month prior to the start of the                                                  room if any such situation occurs.
exam period. There is a $100 charge for    •   Leave your room and Housing           Should this occur, all residences (or
each night spent in residence beyond           appliances clean and return           sections thereof) will remain closed
your official move-out date if you have        furniture to its original position.   and inaccessible until further notice.
not received written approval for your         You may be charged a cleaning         We may reassign you to an alternate
extended stay.                                 fee if you fail to do so.             residence space should facilities
                                                                                     require sufficient repair work. In
For the winter break, all residents        You will be held financially              the event that accommodations
must vacate residence 24 hours             accountable for the condition of          assigned to the student are destroyed
after their last exam, test or             your room and furnishings based           or otherwise made unavailable and
class, or by noon on December              on inventories and assessment             Housing does not furnish other
20, 2019, (whichever is earlier)           conducted after you move out.             accommodations, the Contract
unless they have paid for extended         You are required to complete a            will terminate with fees prorated to
accommodation for the winter break         Room Inventory and Condition              the date of termination; all further
only as an international student.          Checklist (RICC) within three             rights and liabilities of the parties will
In April, all residents must vacate        days of moving in. An incomplete          end, except your obligation to make
residence 24 hours after their last        move-in checklist indicates your          payment for amounts owing prior to
exam, test or class, or by noon on         room was in perfect condition when        termination and for damage.
April 27, 2020 (whichever is earlier).     you first moved in. Any assessed
You will be notified about closing         damage or missing items will be

                                                                                                            RESIDENCE CONTRACT I 9
Residence Contract 2019-20 - Residence at Western
Room Assignments

                                                             Vacancy and Consolidation Policy
                                                             Housing reserves the right to move you to reduce losses
                                                             in revenue and to fill vacancies that may occur throughout
                                                             the year. You will be notified in advance that consolidation
                                                             will be taking place. If a vacancy occurs in your room or
                                                             suite, you must:

                                                             •   Keep the unoccupied portion of the room in a
                                                                 condition that would allow a new roommate to move
                                                                 into the room on short notice.

                                                             •   Display a welcoming attitude of respect, cooperation,
                                                                 and acceptance toward any resident who is newly
                                                                 assigned to your room/suite.

                                                             Failure to comply with the above may result in applicable
                                                             room set-up/cleaning charges and/or disciplinary

                                                             The Residence Admissions Office will endeavour to fill the
                                                             space as quickly as possible by:

                                                             •   Consulting the residence waiting list.

                                                             •   Consolidating vacancies from within the floor,
                                                                 unit, or building.

                                                             You may be given the option of retaining the room privately
                                                             for the remainder of the academic year at an adjusted rate in
                                                             the rare event that there is space available but there is not a
                                                             current demand for housing by other students. Your double
                                                             room is then defined as a “super-single”. The super-single
                                                             adjusted rate will be calculated on a pro-rated basis until
                                                             the end of the term and will be based on a $2,350 premium
                                                             charged for the full academic year. Housing reserves the right
We reserve the right to assign rooms based on
                                                             to reassign you to an alternate residence room if you choose
availability, including combining multiple residents into
                                                             not to pay the premium.
rooms (within reasonable limits of safety and comfort)
in situations of high demand.

Housing reserves the right to terminate your Residence
Contract, reassign residences or rooms, and to effect
other measures for reasons that include, but are not
limited to, the safety, security, and conduct of the
residence program.

You will be responsible for paying the single-room rate if
you are moved from a double to a single room, (prorated
from the date you take occupancy of the single room
accommodation). You are not permitted to sublet your
residence room or offer residence spaces on rental
services such as (but not limited to) Airbnb.

Liability and Insurance

You Are Required to Carry                  your accommodation or on the residence    Do not allow Housing volunteers
Tenant Insurance                           property, including storage facilities.   to handle any personal items of
                                                                                     monetary or sentimental value.
Tenant insurance is a requirement          You will be held financially liable for   This includes but is not limited to:
for all students living in residence       damage to residence buildings or          laptops, computers, cell phones,
at Western. During the term of your        property that results from willful or     tablets, electronics, video game
Residence Contract and any renewals        negligent actions by either you or your   systems, musical instruments,
or extensions thereof, you must            guest(s). Even though it may not be       jewelry, textbooks, cash, gift cards,
carry insurance coverage at your           your intention to damage Housing          etc. You will not be compensated
own expense for the loss of personal       property, you will be held liable for     for items that are lost, misplaced,
property and for liability for personal    any such damages. Further, you will       damaged, or broken (by any means)
injury and property damage with a          be held responsible for any and all       during the move-in process.
limit of no less than $1 million for any   damage costs resulting from frozen
one occurrence. You will automatically     and/or burst pipes caused by you or       You may leave personal property in
be opted in to purchase tenant             your guest(s) due to events such as       your room during statutory holidays,
insurance through a recommended            failure to keep your windows closed in    the winter break, and Reading Weeks,
insurance broker as part of the            cold temperatures.                        unless Housing indicates in advance
Residence Placement Questionnaire                                                    a need to have the room vacated.
process. Alternatively, if you hold an     You Take Responsibility for Your          You should always take valuable
insurance policy that will cover you       Valuables                                 items (e.g., jewelry, computers,
during your stay in residence, you are                                               TVs, and the like) with you when
                                           Housing will not be responsible for
able to opt out. You will be required                                                you leave as Housing cannot
                                           any loss or damage occurring to any
to provide your policy information                                                   guarantee the security of personal
                                           of your belongings during the move-in
via a link provided in the Residence                                                 belongings in your room. It is your
                                           process regardless of whether they
Onboarding Process.                                                                  responsibility to ensure your doors
                                           were moved in by a Housing volunteer.
                                                                                     and windows are locked whenever
Housing is not responsible for             You are expected to clearly label
                                                                                     you are not in your room.
property belonging to you or any of        your luggage, boxes, bags, and other
your guests which is lost, stolen, or      belongings with your first and last
damaged in any way regardless of           name. You are responsible for moving
cause; whether or not this may occur in    valuable items into residence yourself.

                                                                                                      RESIDENCE CONTRACT I 11
Conduct Expectations

Our residence behavioural                 TELL THE TRUTH AND                          •   You will be subject to disciplinary
management process:                       TAKE RESPONSIBILITY                             sanctions if you make sexist, racist,
                                          An honest understanding of the facts            or homophobic comments or jokes.
•    Educates students in regard to       and the surrounding circumstances is            Housing will not accept ignorance,
     their actions and responsibilities   the best guarantee of a good outcome.           anger, alcohol, or substance abuse
                                          Be upfront about what you know or               as an excuse, reason, or rationale
•    Protects the residence
                                          what you have done. Falsifying or               for such behaviour.
     community from conduct
                                          suppressing facts works against you
     violations                                                                       •   Harmful behaviour may trigger
                                          and may result in additional sanctions.
                                          You are obligated to report violations          disciplinary sanctions in addition
•    Maintains an environment that
                                          of the Residence Contract and to                to the recommendation of support
     supports learning
                                          cooperate with the investigation of             services. Your Residence Contract
•    Repairs any harm that is done        incidents. Dishonesty, collusion, or            may be terminated if you engage
     to the community                     deliberate attempts to cover up the             in harassment, threaten, or assault
                                          facts may result in sanctions. When             another resident.
We actively foster the personal and       required or appropriate, we maintain
social development of students who                                                    •   Housing has a responsibility
                                          the confidentiality of comments and
are held accountable for violations                                                       to protect its employees as
                                          observations provided to us during
of the Residence Contract. The                                                            well as Residence Life Student
                                          an investigation.
behavioural management system is                                                          Leaders. Members of the
designed to promote self-discipline       Disciplinary matters will be evaluated          residence, kitchen, caretaking,
and increase your capacity to             and the decision will be conveyed               maintenance, and front desk
respect the rights of others. We          to you within a reasonable time. We             staff are to be treated with
emphasize appropriate conflict            review each case on an individual               respect and courtesy at all
resolution methods and educational        basis and take the seriousness                  times. Behaviour that creates a
opportunities before punitive             of the incident and its impact on               hostile work environment or that
measures are considered,                  the residence community into                    is disrespectful to Residence
whenever possible.                        consideration when determining the              Life Student Leaders, including
                                          appropriate sanction(s). All efforts will       intimidation, threats, directed
We investigate behaviour that is          be made to contact those involved,              expletives, bullying, electronic
not consistent with the Residence         including placing a hold on meal plans          surveillance, or other forms of
Contract. We may use many sources         and temporarily invalidating room keys          harassment will not be tolerated
of information (e.g., meal plan           if we are unable to contact a student           and may result in the termination
or lock/key logs, guest records,          through a Western-provided e-mail               of your Residence Contract.
online forums, surveillance footage,      address. You are obligated to book,
etc.) if necessary to assist in an                                                    BEHAVIOURAL EXPECTATIONS
                                          attend, and participate in meetings
investigation. We are determined to       with Housing staff should they request      Noise
investigate thoroughly. We review         them for the purposes of information        It’s your responsibility to maintain
our findings, the incident report,        gathering or delivering outcomes.           a reasonable noise level at any time
interview witnesses, and then meet                                                    and to actively request that others
with you to discuss what happened.        RESPECTFUL TREATMENT                        do the same. Call the front desk if
Outcomes are based on a balance of        OF OTHERS                                   someone is ignoring your requests for
probabilities given the information       We will not tolerate verbal, written, or    peace and quiet. Noise should never
with which we are provided. You           online abuse, threats, intimidation,        be audible beyond your room, even
may receive fines and/or sanctions        violence, or other forms of harassment      when quiet hours are not in effect.
up to and including the termination       against any member of our community         Excessive noise is not tolerated. You
of your Residence Contract, if your       for any reason including, but not           should always use headphones to
behaviour violates the behavioural        limited to, culture, race, religion,        avoid disturbing others. You may be
standards outlined in this Contract.      gender identity, or sexual orientation.     asked to remove personal belongings
                                          Incidents of harassment should be           that cause unreasonable noise from
                                          reported to your Residence Advisor/         residence. Every building has quiet
                                          Don and/or Residence Manager and to         hours Sunday through Thursday from
                                          the Campus Community Police.                11 p.m. to 8 a.m. Quiet hours begin at

1 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights        be asked to remove any items related        You are not permitted to use
and continue until 11 a.m.                  to these activities from residence          vapourizers, e-cigarettes or similar
                                            and sanctions will be imposed.              devices in residence. Water vapour
24-hour quiet hours are in effect           Drinking games using liquids other          from these devices may trigger particle
throughout examination periods in           than alcohol (including water) are          detectors, causing a fire alarm. You are
December and April. You may be              also strictly prohibited. Behaviours        responsible for criminal, civil fines, or
required to leave residence early           resulting from excessive alcohol            expenses that result from your use of
during the exam periods if you create       consumption will result in disciplinary     these prohibited devices in residence
unreasonable noise or distraction.          action. Repeated behaviour or serious       resulting in alarms or damages.
                                            incidents involving alcohol may trigger
Alcohol                                     disciplinary sanctions in addition to the   Cannabis
Excessive alcohol consumption is a          recommendation of support services.         In accordance with Provincial and
societal issue that can also impact                                                     Federal legislation, as defined by Bill
students living in residence. We            Beer may only be brought into               C-45, the Smoke-Free Ontario Act,
encourage students who choose to            residence in single-serving aluminum        and the Occupational Health & Safety
consume alcohol to do so safely and         cans. You will be fined $30 if found in     Act, residence students are expected
responsibly. Consumption of alcohol         possession of beer bottles, as broken       to abide by the following expectations
is not an excuse for inappropriate          bottles are very dangerous. Kegs,           regarding cannabis:
behaviour or activity. Violations of        mini-kegs, 3.8 litre liquor bottles
Ontario’s Liquor Licence Act and/or         (i.e., “Texas Mickeys”), and other          •   The possession of cannabis
inappropriate behaviour resulting from      large volume containers (e.g., larger           is permitted in on-campus
alcohol use can trigger contact with        than 40 oz./1183 mL for spirits or              residences subject to the
your parents and severe disciplinary        wine) are not permitted in residence.           requirements of the law.
measures (including termination of          The making of beer, wine or any                 Currently, possession is limited
your Residence Contract).                   other alcoholic beverage by any                 to the equivalent of 30 grams
                                            means in residence is prohibited.               of dried cannabis to those 19+
You may be placed on an Alcohol                                                             years of age. All cannabis in your
Behaviour Contract if your excessive,       Western students and residents are              possession must be stored in air-
irresponsible, or dangerous use of          also subject to the conditions of               tight containers.
alcohol results in a violation of your      the Campus Alcohol Policy: www.
Residence Contract.                               •   The possession of cannabis
                                            procedures/section1/mapp133.pdf                 paraphernalia, including hookahs,
Underage students who consume                                                               bongs, vaporizers, and grinders,
alcoholic beverages may be subject          Smoking, Vaping and Tobacco Use                 is permitted in residence. All
to additional disciplinary sanctions        Smoking, vaping and tobacco use                 paraphernalia must be stored in
as this is a violation of the Liquor        negatively impacts your community.              air-tight containers at all times.
Licence Act. We may notify your             Western is a smoke-free campus, as
parents if your underage drinking           such you are not permitted to smoke,        •   The consumption of cannabis via
results in disciplinary sanctions.          vape or use tobacco on Campus                   smoking or use of a vaporizer is
You will be subject to severe               property including residences.                  prohibited on Western University
disciplinary sanctions if you               All residences are non-smoking in all           property, including the residences,
purchase alcohol for or supply              areas of the building. This includes            due to Western being a smoke-free
alcohol to someone who is underage.         but is not limited to vaping, loose             campus. Cannabis consumption in
                                            tobacco, Dokha, shisha, cigars, clove           non-smoking forms is permitted in
You may only consume alcohol in             cigarettes, cannabis and any other              private residence rooms for those
residence rooms provided you are of         form of smoking and/or tobacco use.             19+ years of age.
legal age. No open alcohol (i.e., if seal   Contraventions also include any signs
is broken) is permitted in hallways,        of smoking, vaping or tobacco use in
stairwells, lounges, or other common        a residence, including but not limited
areas. Floor crawls/tours and any           to, ashes, smell of smoke, and/or
drinking games or activities (funneling,    cigarette butts. Disciplinary sanctions
flip cup, beer pong, kings, century club,   and fines will be levied to you for
etc.) are strictly prohibited. You will     contraventions of this policy.

                                                                                                              RESIDENCE CONTRACT I 13
Conduct Expectations

•    The possession and growth of cannabis plants, and          throw anything at a residence building. Tampering with a
     cannabis-related cooking/baking, is not permitted in       window screen creates a safety hazard and will result in a
     residence due to community impact on students and          $50 fine, plus any associated damage costs.
     staff members.
                                                                Housing reserves the right to dispose of any item(s) that
•    The distribution of cannabis to underage students,         are deemed unsafe.
     and the sale of cannabis to others regardless of age, is
     not permitted on Western University property.              Pranks and Boisterous Behaviour
                                                                Boisterous behaviour is unacceptable in residence.
•    Students are not permitted to send or receive
                                                                Participating in sports or games, including (but not limited
     cannabis in the mail with the exception of deliveries
                                                                to) frisbee or ball throwing, roller-blading, bicycling,
     to of-age students directly from the Ontario Cannabis
                                                                running, and engaging in water fights/slip and slides,
                                                                are not permitted inside the residences. Some buildings
Substance Abuse, Illegal Drugs and Drug Trafficking             have designated recreation areas where such games and
Consequences for using or possessing illegal drugs are          sports may be played. Please speak with the front desk
severe, up to and including termination of your Residence       in your building for more details. Initiating, encouraging,
Contract. Campus Community Police may be called when            supporting, or participating in pranks is strictly prohibited.
illegal drug use or possession is suspected. You will be
required to remove any drugs from residence and Housing         Parties
reserves the right to dispose of any prohibited items.          You are not permitted to host or promote parties. This
                                                                includes advertising parties (for example, through social
Being unable to care for your own safety or the safety          media or posters). You will be held liable for damages that
of others due in whole or in part to the influence of           coincide with parties that you have hosted or promoted.
illegal drugs and/or cannabis is considered a violation         Party or club promotion groups are not permitted to
of your Residence Contract. The violation of any policy         operate or advertise in residence.
while under the influence of a controlled substance is
considered an additional violation. You may be subject to       Objectionable and Obscene Behaviour/Material
severe sanctions if you are found to be under the influence     Objectionable and obscene material is not permitted in
of illegal drugs (or legal drugs taken without a prescription   residence. This includes racist, homophobic, or sexist
or abused for recreation) while in residence, regardless of     jokes; hate literature; pornographic materials; and
where you originally consumed those drugs.                      any other materials that may be offensive to others
                                                                or negatively reflect upon the reputation of Western,
Drug trafficking includes but is not limited to the selling,    its employees, or residences. This includes verbal
administering, giving, transporting, sending, or delivering     communication and posting or publishing of material,
any illegal drug substance or any prescription drug not         written or electronic, within residence, including in
prescribed to the user, or offering to do any of the above.     your room. No objectionable or obscene material may
Supplying drugs to anyone, regardless of whether they are       be in view of others. The file-sharing functions of your
your friends, is considered drug trafficking and will result    computer are considered to be in the public domain,
in the termination of your Residence Contract. You are          therefore you will not use your network connection in
strongly encouraged to keep prescription medication in a        residence for file sharing of objectionable materials.
locked container.                                               The possession, creation, distribution, and publication
                                                                of obscene material and/or child pornography is a
Dangerous Behaviour                                             criminal offence in accordance with those sections of
Every residence has areas where access is restricted for        the Criminal Code of Canada (e.g., section 163).
your safety. Restricted areas include, but are not limited
to, mechanical and electrical rooms, balconies, rooftops,       Offences involving objectionable or obscene material may
kitchens, and maintenance rooms. Accessing restricted           result in disciplinary sanctions, including the termination
areas will likely result in the immediate termination of your   of your Residence Contract, Code of Student Conduct
Residence Contract.                                             sanctions, as well as the notification and intervention by
                                                                the appropriate legal authorities.
You (or any guest) should never throw or allow any object(s)
to drop from a window, balcony, rooftop, or stairwell. Do not

Social Media                                  Gambling
Activate the privacy settings on your         Gambling is prohibited in residence.
personal online spaces (for example,
your Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and
Instagram accounts). We investigate             PROHIBITED ITEMS
concerns that come to our attention
and may review material contained               The following items are not permitted in residence and Housing
in online spaces. You will be held              reserves the right to dispose of any items it deems to be prohibited:
responsible for any online posts,
text, photographs, or videos, words,            •   Substances (including alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs) during
statements, or multi-media posted                   Orientation Week (September 1 to 8, 2019 inclusive), regardless of
on an online forum that are hurtful,                your age
compromise the safety or integrity of           •   Beer bottles
the campus/residence community
or one of its members, or negatively            •   Large-volume alcohol containers (kegs, mini-kegs, or liquor bottles
impact Western’s reputation. You will               greater than 40 fluid ounces, etc.)
be held responsible if you use social           •   Funnels, beer-pong tables, and any other high-risk drinking
media to promote parties in residence,              paraphernalia
including any damages that Housing
deems to coincide with such events              •   Cannabis plants
and for the behaviour of guests in              •   Candles, diffusers and incense. These items are strictly prohibited
attendance. Do not share photos of                  (contact your Residence Manager if you require candles for religious
discipline letters on social media.                 purposes)

Weapons and Explosives                          •   Heaters and heat lamps
Any objects considered dangerous to             •   Pets (any type of animal, bird, or fish). Contact your Residence
the health and/or wellbeing of fellow               Manager if you would like to discuss a possible accommodation
residents are not allowed in residence
or anywhere on residence property.              •   Appliances (microwaves, freezers, washers, dryers, rice cookers,
This includes but is not limited to:                hot plates, sandwich makers, grills, coffee makers, etc.). Keurigs,
firearms, knives, Swiss Army knives,                Tassimos, and auto-shutoff devices that comply with Canadian
pellet guns, cap guns, bb guns, paintball           electrical standards are permitted in suite- and hybrid-style
guns, firecrackers, dangerous weapons,              residences in the common areas in your suite/semi-suite.
or items (real or imitation) that are           •   Furniture (including but not limited to desks, chairs, mattresses,
intimidating or intended to cause                   beds, headboards, waterbeds, tables, and office chairs, etc.)
harm. Disciplinary sanctions may
include appropriation of the item(s),           •   Water coolers
intervention by the appropriate legal           •   Halogen lamps
authorities, and/or termination of your
                                                •   Exercise machines (treadmills, stationary bikes, etc.)
Residence Contract (depending on the
severity of the incident).                      •   Drum sets and pianos
                                                •   Speaker systems
Theft of Housing or personal property           •   Draperies
will not be tolerated. This includes the
                                                •   Flammable liquids and gasses
fraudulent use of another student’s
Western ONECard or laundry card,                •   Gas-powered equipment
theft from the dining hall, or theft of any
                                                •   Barbeques
personal belonging. Removing dishes,
cutlery, trays, and other Hospitality           •   Hover boards and other self-balancing scooters
Services property from the Dining Hall          •   Weapons and imitation weapons (firearms, knives, Swiss Army
constitutes theft. You may face fines,              knives, pellet guns, paintball guns, firecrackers, cap guns, etc.)
sanctions, and reparations for doing so.

                                                                                                             RESIDENCE CONTRACT I 15
Conduct Expectations

Decorating and furnishing your room                   RezNet
• Do not paint any part of your room,                 • The use of Western’s computing resources is a privilege made
   place stickers, and/or use nails,                     available to you if you honour the requirements and obligations
   screws, or brackets on the walls,                     set out in this Residence Contract, Western’s Code of Behaviour
   furniture, or fixtures.                               for Use of Computing, Technology, and Information Resources
                                                         and the RezNet Conditions of Use. Failure to do so may result
•    Decorations cannot obstruct or                      in sanctions ranging from the temporary or permanent loss
     be hung from smoke detectors,                       of access privileges, financial restitution, termination of your
     fire alarms, or sprinklers.                         Residence Contract, expulsion from Western, and/or criminal
•    Do not post anything in or outside
     of your room that may be offensive               •   Commercial or criminal use of Western computing resources is
     or upsetting to others.                              strictly prohibited, as is any use that may materially impact the
                                                          performance of the network. You are expected to fully comply
Conduct Expectations                                      with both the letter and the spirit of copyright and patent law and
• Only Housing-issued furniture is                        thereby honour intellectual property rights. Electronic or data
   permitted in student rooms.                            mischief and inappropriate or unauthorized use of computer
                                                          equipment or electronics (including surveillance equipment)
•    Do not bring furniture from common                   is prohibited and subject to prosecution. Review the Criminal
     areas of the building into your room.                Code of Canada (ss. 342.1 and 430), and Western’s policies and
                                                          interpretation documents carefully. Visit our website at reznet.
•    Furniture is not to be disassembled or      for further details.
     reassembled in a manner for which it
     was not originally designed.                     •   Network and Internet resources are shared and must not be
                                                          abused. RezNet may limit or deny access if a subscriber’s usage
•    Nothing may be hung in or out of                     is adversely affecting the network. For more information on
     windows or around residence property.                network bandwidth visit:

•    Alcohol and/or cannabis containers               •   We will not tolerate any verbal or written abuse, electronic or
     or related items cannot be displayed                 otherwise, of any member of our community. Communication
     in windows and doing so will result in               of objectionable material constitutes violation of the Residence
     disciplinary sanctions.                              Contract and includes the electronic communication of material,
                                                          as well as the file-sharing functions of your computer. Electronic
•    Refrigerators brought into residence                 eavesdropping or surveillance or uncomfortable encroachment
     must be in excellent working condition               on personal space can have a troubling impact on an individual’s
     and conform to all safety, health, and               sense of security and will result in disciplinary sanctions.
     size regulations. The maximum size
     allowed for personal refrigerators is 53
     cm × 55 cm × 84 cm (21” × 21.5” × 33”).       reserve the right to inform your parents and/or suspend you from residence
                                                   for the remainder of Orientation Week should you come to our attention during
•    You are not permitted to publicly             Orientation Week for substance-related behaviour.
     display discipline letters.
                                                   Hazing is not a part of the orientation experience and is strictly prohibited.
•    You will be billed if repairs are needed to
     restore the room to its previous condition.   There is a no-guest policy in effect during Orientation Week (September 1
                                                   to 9, 2019 inclusive) and also on the weekend following Orientation Week
Orientation Week                                   (September 13 to 15, 2019 inclusive).
Substances (including alcohol, cannabis
and other drugs) are banned from the               Commercial transactions and solicitation
first move-in day until September 9, 2019,         Commercial business or solicitation is not permitted in residence. Residence
regardless of your age. This means that you        front desks will not accept mail or deliveries on behalf of businesses, clubs,
can neither possess nor consume these              organizations, or corporate entities (other than Residents’ Council).
substances during Orientation Week. We

All posters must be approved by the Residence Manager at       intervene indirectly by calling Equity & Human Rights
the Residence front desk in which they are to be displayed     Services, Campus Police or a Residence Advisor/Don. If it
before they are posted. University Students’ Council Poster    is safe to do so, intervene directly by warning or removing
Patrol does not regulate residence postings.                   the recipient from the situation, or say something to the
                                                               perpetrator. We take care of each other at Western and in
DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT                                  residence. If you or someone you know has experienced
                                                               any of the behaviour listed above, talk to a Residence
You must conform to Western’s policies on harassment:          Advisor/Don or your Residence Manager.
                                                               PRIVACY AND PROPERTY
Read your Residence In-Room Guide found at https://            You must show respect for the privacy, property, and             wellbeing of fellow residents and their right to quiet
for more information.                                          enjoyment of private and public spaces. Intrusive
                                                               behaviour—failure to knock and wait for an invitation
Sexual Consent                                                 to enter, electronic eavesdropping or surveillance, or
Sexual consent is when people voluntarily agree to engage in   uncomfortable encroachment on personal space—can
a sexual activity. Consent cannot be assumed and must be       have a troubling impact on an individual’s sense of
given freely. Asking for consent and respecting the response   security and daily comfort. These violations are likely
you receive ensures everyone involved feels safe and wants     to result in severe disciplinary sanctions. Recording
to proceed. You must obtain consent before initiating and      individuals in any format without their knowledge, even
continuing with intimate and/or sexual activity.               within your private personal space, is unacceptable
                                                               behaviour and disciplinary sanctions may follow. You
Consent is not:                                                may not make recordings of or conduct surveillance on
                                                               Housing employees or Residence Life Student Leaders
•   Given by someone else                                      without their permission. You are not permitted to use
                                                               unmanned aerial vehicles or drones on or near residence
•   Obtained through pressure, abuse of power, abuse of        property, as their video and photography features may
    trust, or abuse of authority                               intrude on the privacy of others.

•   Obtained through coercion, force, or threat of force       Housing has installed or may install video cameras
                                                               throughout a residence’s common areas to promote
•   Obtained if the person is unconscious, sleeping,           safety. They are used in accordance with Western’s video
    intoxicated, or under the influence of drug or             monitoring policy.
    medication that could impair their judgment.
                                                               You may not enter another student’s room or suite and/
•   Obtained if the person does not say yes, says no, or       or disturb another resident’s property without their
    through words or behaviour that implies no                 permission. You must ask your roommate’s permission
                                                               before using their belongings. Students must have written
•   Obtained when the person changes their mind and            permission to enter another’s room when that resident
    chooses to no longer engage in the sexual activity:        is not present and may do so only with authorized use of
    consent can be revoked at any time                         the prescribed key from their Residence Manager. Do not
                                                               misrepresent yourself to gain access to other resident’s
You are committing sexual assault if you do not gain consent   private spaces. Do not use emergency exits to gain access
before engaging in a sexual activity or before moving from     to buildings or allow others to do so.
one sexual activity to another. Read more about consent

Upstander behaviour means taking action when you see
another person in harm’s way. If you witness harassment,
sexual harassment or assault (or the potential for),

                                                                                                         RESIDENCE CONTRACT I 17
Conduct Expectations

    DISCIPLINARY SANCTIONS                      Suspensions                                     Mandatory Room Reassignment Due
    See         A residence suspension temporarily              to Conduct or Communicable Illness
    behaviour_management_chart.pdf              bans a student from residence for a             Housing reserves the right to relocate
    for a chart of prohibited behaviours and    defined period of time, after which they        residents to another room or building
    a potential range of sanctions. Despite     may be eligible to return. Conditions           within the residence system as a
    the chart, every incident is evaluated      for readmission may be specified. You           response to violations or alleged
    individually and may result in a            will be denied access to any of the             violations of their Residence Contract
    sanction that falls outside of the normal   residences and their grounds during             or at the direction of the Code of
    range of sanctions identified. The          the suspension. You will be criminally          Student Conduct. Residents are
    normal range of sanctions generally         charged under the Trespass to Property          responsible for any additional fee
    reflects the consequences of a first-       Act if you violate a suspension. All            increase resulting from a room or
    time offense. However, the seriousness      regular residence fees and charges              building change and are responsible
    of the behavior, its impact on others,      will apply throughout the suspension            for transporting all of their belongings
    past behaviour or other breaches of         period. The reasons for a suspension            to their new room or building.
    the Residence Contract may result in        may include but not be limited to:              Residents who have contracted
    escalated disciplinary sanctions.                                                           highly contagious communicable
                                                1. ensuring the safety and wellbeing of        illness (for example, chicken pox,
    Housing believes in progressive                 members of the Housing community            mononucleosis, norovirus, among
    discipline and determines appropriate           or the preservation of Housing property;    others) should return home for the
    consequences and/or supports                                                                duration of their recovery. We may
    to help residents improve their             2. your violation of a behavioural             temporarily move students who
    behaviour, while taking into account            contract;                                   have contracted such illnesses in
    their individual circumstances. The                                                         the interests of the health of the
    goal is to help prevent inappropriate       3. you pose a risk to the normal               residence community.
    student behaviour from reoccurring.             operations of Housing; or
    Within this context, more serious                                                           Terminations
    consequences may be considered              4. your involvement or alleged                 Persistent disregard for the
    for inappropriate behaviour that                involvement in a serious incident           behavioural expectations outlined in
    escalates or is repeated.                       while the investigation of such             your Residence Contract, a repetitive
                                                    incident is ongoing.                        course of improper conduct, or
    Serious behaviour that may                                                                  failure to honour prior conditions
    warrant termination may result in                                                           may trigger progressive discipline,
    a less serious sanction dependent                                                           including termination of your
    upon your coming forward to take                                                            Residence Contract.
    ownership of and responsibility
    for your actions, a cooperative
    manner during the incident
    follow-up and investigation, and                                BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT LADDER
    truthfulness throughout the
    entire process.                                        Termination                                               Termination

    Educational or Discretionary
    Sanctions                                               Probation                                         Alcohol Behaviour Contract
    Educational sanctions or learning
    opportunities may form part of                                                Educational     Alcohol
                                                                                   Sanction       Seminar
    a disciplinary sanction. These
    conditions may include (but                             On Notice                                            Alcohol Notice Letter
    are not limited to) an apology,
    educational seminars, restriction                                                 Loss of Privileges
    of privileges, written assignment,
    or awareness programs.                              Letter of Warning                                       Alcohol Concern Letter

                                                        Behaviour Stream           Discretionary Sanctions         Alcohol Stream

You will be held financially responsible for the full amount   We reserve the right to notify your parents about unlawful
of your residence fees if your Contract is terminated.         activity or any behaviour that threatens the safety or
Western University reserves the right to collect such          wellbeing of yourself or others.
payment for any outstanding residence room and meal
plan overhead charges. Housing reserves the right to           Appeals Process
terminate a Residence Contract for a single violation          If you believe that you have grounds to appeal your
which, in the view of Housing, represents a significant        disciplinary sanction, contact your Residence Manager or
departure from the behaviour expected of residents or          email for appeal information
which endangers the safety or wellbeing of the community       within 24 hours of receipt of your disciplinary outcome.
(e.g., physical and/ or sexual aggression, display of a
weapon, theft, misuse of fire-safety equipment, use/           Each residence accommodates a high-density
possession/trafficking of illegal drugs, etc.).                population of diverse individuals. If you find the
                                                               requirements for cooperation, consideration,
Contract termination may be automatically supplemented         compromise, and respect for authority demanded by
by a one-year Notice of Trespass, prohibiting access to        this high-density lifestyle are burdensome, we strongly
all residences. Your parents will be notified of Contract      encourage you to consider alternate accommodation.
termination if you are under the age of 19.                    Living in residence is not for everyone.

Disciplinary Consequences                                      Please refer to the Residence Fees, Charges and Fines
If your status reaches “On Probation” or “Termination,”        section of this Contract for more information.
you will be denied the opportunity to become a student
leader in residence. Eligibility to live in any on-campus
building operated by Housing will be suspended for the
following specified terms:

• On Probation – two academic years

• Termination – five academic years

You may also be subject to disciplinary sanctions based
on Western’s Code of Student Conduct depending on
the nature of your behaviour. It is expected that you will
familiarize yourself with this code, as violations have
severe consequences. The code can be found at https:// Housing
may refer to Campus Community Police Service and/
or the Associate Vice-Provost (Academic Programs and
Students) for disciplinary consultation in severe cases.

The residences are not a sanctuary separate and
apart from the laws of our country or from community
standards. Housing may share information about serious
incidents and behaviour with Campus Community Police
and Western’s Judicial Affairs Coordinator. Housing will
notify Campus Community Police and/or the London
Police Service if a crime is committed in residence or
on adjacent properties. Housing will impose disciplinary
sanctions independent of proposed criminal charges.

                                                                                                       RESIDENCE CONTRACT I 19
Caretaking, Untidiness and Damages

CARETAKING, UNTIDINESS,                      residence and its grounds. Individuals         Remaining damage costs will be split
AND DAMAGES                                  who are responsible for damage will            evenly among all members of the floor,
Rowdiness, hall sports, and vandalism        assume complete responsibility for             unit, or building community when
can cause damage that detracts from the      said damage when identified. If you            the person(s) responsible cannot be
safety and appearance of our residences.     cause damage to residence property in          identified. At the residence front desk,
We investigate damage to Housing             conjunction with others, and Housing is        you will pay for your portion of shared
property and make repairs at the             unable to determine who is specifically        residence damages when you check
earliest possible date. An assessment of     responsible for each damage, all               out of residence at the end of the
damages and repair costs is made when        individuals will be held responsible for the   school year. Similar to what happens
your damage report is received. You (or      total cost of the damage. You will be held     at your private residence or home,
the person responsible for the damage)       financially liable for any damages caused      if someone damaged your property
will be billed for appropriate charges and   by or incurred from your negligence,           and you were unable to identify the
may be subject to disciplinary action,       misadventure, or carelessness (or that of      perpetrator, you would be financially
depending on the nature of the damage.       your guests) regardless of intent.             responsible to repair the damage.
Any vandalism directed towards another
individual or group may also constitute      Disciplinary sanctions may be                  For health, sanitary, and/or safety
harassment, which may carry serious          applied in addition to repair costs.           reasons, Housing reserves the right
repercussions. Facilities Management         You are not permitted to undertake             to permanently reassign you to more
and/or Residence Advisors/Dons may           do-it-yourself repairs because of the          suitable accommodation if Housing
take photos of damage, excessive mess,       many regulations and building code             believes the situation cannot be
or prohibited items in residence to          requirements imposed on Housing.               rectified or if repairs are extensive
ensure accurate documentation.                                                              or unable to be completed in a
                                             Failure to make payment in full or             timely manner.
You are financially responsible for any      arrange a deferment by the due date
damage or loss to your room (whether         of the residence damage invoice may            Common areas of residences (such
willful or negligent), even if you are not   result in an additional assessment of          as lounges, music practice rooms, and
present when the damage occurs. Keep         academic penalties, along with the             study spaces) are intended for the use
your windows and door(s) locked at all       applicable financial penalties. This will      and enjoyment of all residents. Your use
times, and keep windows closed during        prevent further registration and will          of common spaces must not interfere
inclement weather.                           not allow you to submit your Intent            with others’ ability to use and access
                                             to Register, obtain a grade report, a          them. You may not sleep in lounges or
You will be billed if you organize or        transcript, or degree/diploma until the        otherwise claim common spaces as
plan an event and common areas are           account is paid in full. You may submit        your own. We reserve the right to limit
damaged as a result.                         a damage appeal form if you feel that          access to common spaces following
                                             the damage charge was in error. Visit          damage or inappropriate use.
You are expected to have concern for
the protection and preservation of the       appeals.cfm for more information.

You can also read