This fact sheet explains the customs and regulatory requirements for private importers, including immigrants, bringing a vehicle to New Zealand.

Page created by Andrew Armstrong
ISSN 1175-396X

29             CUSTOMS FACT SHEET                  » IMPORTANT INFORMATION

This fact sheet explains the customs and regulatory requirements for private importers, including
immigrants, bringing a vehicle to New Zealand.

WHAT CUSTOMS CHARGES APPLY                   WHAT LEGAL REQUIREMENTS MUST                » the vehicle and its components and
TO IMPORTED VEHICLES?                        MOTOR VEHICLES MEET?                          systems are still within safe tolerance
In general, motor vehicles and               Certification                                 of their state when manufactured.
motorcycles are free from tariff duty        All new or used motor vehicles, including   The importer is responsible for
and only subject to a goods and services     motorcycles, imported into New Zealand      supplying evidence of a vehicle’s
tax of 15 percent. The exceptions are        must be certified by NZ Transport           compliance with New Zealand legal
ambulances and motorhomes (vehicles          Agency (NZTA)-approved certifiers           requirements, in particular compliance
for the transport of persons specially       as complying with New Zealand legal         of the vehicle with relevant approved
equipped for habitation, ie, with            requirements, before they can be            standards.
sleeping, cooking, and toilet facilities),   registered for use on public roads in       In some cases, it may not be possible to
which are subject to duty at the rate of     New Zealand.                                certify a vehicle for registration and use
10 percent in addition to GST.
                                             The purpose of certification is to          in New Zealand. For example:
The absence of tariff duty does not          establish that a vehicle complies with      » often vehicles manufactured in
necessarily make a privately imported        relevant approved vehicle standards, and      Asia or Africa do not comply with
vehicle an economic proposition after        is still within safe tolerance of those       approved vehicle standards
shipping/insurance costs have been           standards. The applicable standards
taken into consideration. Importers are                                                  » some vehicle manufacturers do not
                                             depend on the vehicle type and date of
also cautioned that the New Zealand                                                        or cannot supply information on
                                             manufacture and/or first registration.
used motor vehicle market is awash with                                                    compliance with approved vehicles
                                             Certification requires the identification     standards.
late model imports.
                                             of the vehicle and the sighting of
Where the value of a motor vehicle           documentation to prove its original         Frontal impact rules
amounts to $1,000 or more, Customs           compliance with approved standards.         From 1 April 2002, all Class MA
requires that the vehicle be entered         NZTA-approved certifiers must be            passenger vehicles (passenger vehicle
on an Import Entry. An import entry          satisfied with any documentation            that has not more than nine seating
transaction fee (IETF) will be payable.      provided for certification and may          positions including the driver’s seating
The IETF is $29.26 (GST inclusive).          request confirmation or additional          position) must comply with an approved
A biosecurity system entry levy of           information.                                frontal impact standard before they can
$19.98 is collected by Customs on                                                        be certified and registered for use in
                                             The certification process also consists
behalf of the Ministry for Primary                                                       New Zealand for the first time, unless:
                                             of a physical inspection of a vehicle to
Industries (MPI). This levy will be          ensure that:                                (a) the vehicle was border checked
charged on all imports that attract the                                                      before 1 February 2002, or
                                             » the vehicle has not been modified
IETF. The funds collected by Customs                                                     (b) the vehicle was first registered
from the levy are paid to MPI.               » replaceable components are original,
                                                                                             outside New Zealand 20 years or
                                               or replacements comply with
                                                                                             more prior to being certified for
                                               approved standards
                                                                                             entry into service in New Zealand.

                                                                                                                Issue date October 2018

The vehicles listed in (a) and (b) above      Both documents are available on            Once qualified for a depreciation
may be certified at any time, provided        NZTA’s website and        deduction the depreciation period is
they meet other applicable requirements.      can be requested from the NZTA help        measured from the time of delivery
In practice, this means that any class        desk (Email:, or         (the date possession is taken following
MA passenger vehicle to be certified for      Freephone: 0800 699000).                   purchase) until the date on which the
registration for the first time on or after   Potential importers are strongly           ship or aircraft carrying the vehicle
1 April 2002 must have documentation          advised to contact NZTA and obtain         arrives in New Zealand territorial waters.
or other evidence proving that the            all necessary documentation prior to       Depreciation is not given if a vehicle
vehicle meets an approved frontal             making arrangements for shipping a         is ordered from New Zealand, for
impact standard, except in the two cases      vehicle.                                   example, over the internet, and the
outlined above.                                                                          owner does not take delivery in person
                                              HOW ARE CUSTOMS CHARGES                    overseas and use the vehicle prior
Any class MA passenger vehicle that
                                              CALCULATED?                                to handing it over for shipping to
does not meet an approved frontal
impact standard will need to have been        Customs value                              this country. Value is determined in
certified (ie, issued with a MR2A) before     Duty and GST are calculated on the         accordance with Schedule 4 of the
1 April 2002 to enter the New Zealand         customs value of privately imported        Customs and Excise Act 2018. In
vehicle fleet for the first time (except      new or used motor vehicles, which          general terms this will be the full cost of
in the two cases outlined above). It is       is determined in accordance with the       purchasing the vehicle or motorcycle.
neither sufficient for the vehicle to only    provisions of the fourth Schedule of
have a vehicle identification number          the Customs and Excise Act 2018.            PERIOD OF                 DEPRECIATION
                                                                                          OWNERSHIP AND              DEDUCTION
(VIN) issued, nor sufficient for the          In normal circumstances, the customs        USE OVERSEAS                   (%)
vehicle to be in the certification process    value is determined as the price paid or
                                              payable overseas for the vehicle (which    Less than 90 days                 0
but not yet certified (for instance,
because it requires structural or other       includes overseas vehicle registration     3 months or more,
                                              fees and insurance costs paid to the       but less than 4 months           13
                                              retailer) by the importer, less:           4 months or more,
For detailed information on how to
                                              » any overseas duties or taxes included    but less than 6 months           20
prove that a vehicle meets an approved
frontal impact standard, refer to the           in the price paid which have been        6 months or more,
NZTA website:                  rebated or refunded before the           but less than 9 months          27.5
                                                vehicle arrives in New Zealand           9 months or more,
Vehicle odometer
                                              » an allowance for depreciation if the     but less than 1 year             35
The Customs Import Prohibition Order 2017
                                                vehicle has been personally owned        1 year or more,
prohibits the importation of any motor
                                                and used by the importer overseas        but less than 2 years            50
vehicle with an odometer reading that
                                                for not less than 90 days prior
does not correctly record the distance                                                   2 years or more,
                                                to the arrival of the vehicle in         but less than 3 years            60
that the vehicle has been driven. The
                                                New Zealand.
importation of any motor vehicle that                                                    3 years or more,
lacks an odometer at the time of              Depreciation                               but less than 4 years            70
importation is similarly prohibited.          The following depreciation deductions
                                                                                         4 years or more                  75
                                              can be made from the purchase cost
More information
                                              of a vehicle or motorcycle owned and       In normal circumstances, the maximum
Please contact NZTA for advice on
                                              used overseas by the importer prior to     depreciation is 75 percent, but a special
matters relating to vehicle standards
                                              shipping to New Zealand.                   deduction (tropical depreciation) may
and safety requirements. NZTA has
the following documents available for         To qualify for a depreciation deduction    be allowed in some instances where
potential importers:                          the vehicle must have been owned and       it can be demonstrated that high heat
                                              used by the importer for a minimum         and humidity have accelerated the
» Factsheet 44 — Bringing a light
                                              period of 90 days from the time of         deterioration of a vehicle.
  vehicle into New Zealand
                                              delivery after purchase to the date of
» Infosheet 1.67 — Certification of           handing in for shipment, or date of
  imported motor vehicles.                    departure of the owner whichever is

Advice on Private Motor Vehicle Imports                                                                      Issue date October 2018   2

Exchange rates                                                                                the fourth Schedule to the Customs
                                              (e) Freight, insurance and
To calculate the GST (and duty, if a          shipping costs
                                                                             NZ$4,500.00      and Excise Act 2018. For example, an
campervan is involved) payable on the                                                         alternative method of valuation may be
depreciated value, it is necessary to         (f) GST value = (c) + (d) + (e) NZ$24,379.00    used when:
convert the currency of purchase into                                                         » the importer has purchased the
                                              (g) Goods and Services
the New Zealand dollar equivalent.            Tax (GST) = 15% of the         NZ$3,656.85        vehicle overseas at an unrealistically
Exchange rates used by Customs are            total of (c) + (d) + (e)                          low or token price
published fortnightly in the Customs                                                          » the vehicle was acquired by the
Release and remain in force for a two-                                                          importer as a gift or prize
week period. A listing of the current                                        NZ$3,656.85
                                              Customs charges payable                         » the vehicle was constructed overseas
exchange rates used for Customs’              (d) + (g)                     (exceeds the de
                                                                                  minimus)      by the importer
purposes can be obtained from any
Customs office or on the Customs              Import entry transaction
                                                                                NZ$49.24      » the value of the vehicle has been
website (These                                                              altered significantly after the date
rates may differ slightly from the            Total Payable                 NZ$3,706.09         of purchase, for example, by
currency rates published by overseas                                                            major restoration, modification or
trading banks).                               Motorhome (campervan) owned and                   improvement, replacement of parts
                                              used overseas by the importer for two             and running repairs; or because
Shipping and marine insurance                 years but less than three:                        of significant structural damage
                                                                                                which occurred after the vehicle was
Enquiries concerning these charges            (a) Value for duty of
                                              vehicle — (pounds sterling)
                                                                              £18,000.00        acquired overseas by the importer
should be made to a shipping company
trading with New Zealand.                     (b) Value for duty of                           » use of the depreciation allowance
                                              vehicle (NZ$) – converted
                                                                            NZ$58,065.00        results in an unrealistically high
Goods and services tax (GST)                  using Customs exchange
                                              rate eg at 0.31
                                                                                                Customs value.
GST is charged on all goods (including                                                        To determine an alternative valuation:
motor vehicles) imported into New             (c) Value for duty after
Zealand, even though the transaction          60% depreciation allowed                        » the New Zealand market value
has been conducted offshore and the                                                             of the vehicle, as imported, is
                                              (d) Duty = (c) at a rate of
purchase price may already incorporate        duty of 10%
                                                                             NZ$2,322.60        established
a local value-added or sales tax              (e) Freight, insurance and                      » a series of deductions is made for
component. The current rate of GST            shipping costs                                    such things as overseas freight and
is 15 percent. GST is calculated on           (f) GST value = (c) + (d)
                                                                                                insurance, duty (where applicable),
                                              + (e)                                             GST and normal mark-ups, until
the customs value of the vehicle, plus
duty (if any), plus the cost of shipping      (g) Goods and Services                            a nominal value for duty can be
                                              Tax (GST) = 15% of the            $4,507.29
the vehicle to New Zealand (including         total of (c) + (d) + (e)                          determined
insurance charges).                                                                           » duty (if applicable) and GST are
                                                                                                calculated on the nominal value.
Examples of calculations
Vehicle owned and used overseas by the        Customs charges payable
                                                                            (exceeds the de   DO CUSTOMS CHARGES APPLY
importer for six months, but less than        (d) + (g)
                                                                                  minimus)    TO MOTOR VEHICLES OR BOATS
nine:                                         Import entry transaction                        IMPORTED BY PERSONS ARRIVING
(a) Value for duty of                         fee                                             WITH A DOCUMENT AUTHORISING
vehicle — (pounds sterling)                                                                   RESIDENCE?
                                              Total Payable                 NZ$6,879.13
(b) Value for duty of                                                                         A person arriving in New Zealand who
vehicle (NZ$) – converted
                              NZ$27,419.00    Note:                                           on the date of importation of the goods
using Customs exchange
rate eg at 0.31                               Duty in addition to GST charged at the          holds a document authorising residence
                                              normal rate.                                    in New Zealand has the ability to import
(c) Value for duty after
27.5% depreciation            NZ$19,879.00                                                    a motor vehicle, motorcycle, and/or
                                              Other valuation methods
allowed                                                                                       small ship (generally a trailer-borne boat)
                                              Where an importer supplies insufficient         without having to pay the standard GST
(d) Duty = (c) at a rate of
duty of 0%
                                    NZ$0.00   or unsatisfactory information, Customs          normally levied on all imported goods
                                              may determine a value employing one             (this is called concessionary entry).
                                              of the alternative methods provided in

Advice on Private Motor Vehicle Imports                                                                           Issue date October 2018   3

In the case of a motorhome or                or producing false documentation to          Rules on ownership and use
campervan, the concession also grants        enter goods under concessions. The           The actual age of a vehicle/boat is
relief from tariff duty. It is possible to   penalties include monetary fines and,        of no relevance in terms of eligibility
claim the concession for more than one       in addition, forfeiture of the goods         for duty-free entry. Assuming that an
vehicle, motorcycle, or boat, provided all   concerned.                                   importer meets the relevant residency
the conditions set out below can be met      A document authorising residence             requirements, the factor which
in respect of each item for which duty       in New Zealand means any of the              determines whether a vehicle/boat
(GST) free entry is sought.                  following:                                   can be imported without payment
A vehicle/trailer-borne boat/motorcycle                                                   of Customs charges, is the ability to
                                             » a New Zealand passport
will be admitted free of customs charges                                                  prove not less than 12 months personal
                                             » an Australian passport                     ownership and personal use overseas.
if the importer is able to establish that
they:                                        » a current New Zealand residence            Lifestyle and work requirements may
                                               visa or permit, or a current returning     dictate that an owner is not in a position
» have arrived in New Zealand and
                                               resident’s visa or permit                  to use a vehicle on a daily basis. This
  on the date of importation of the
  goods hold a document authorising          » a current permanent residence visa         will not necessarily disqualify a vehicle
  residence in New Zealand, and                (including a resident return visa)         from concessionary entry, provided the
                                               issued by the Government of the            owner is able to satisfy Customs that
» have for the whole of the period of
                                               Commonwealth of Australia                  the vehicle in question was at all times
  21 months preceding their arrival,
                                             » a current New Zealand work visa or         available for use if required. The key
  resided outside New Zealand or been
                                               work permit that was issued for a          element is that the periods of actual use,
  domiciled outside New Zealand, and
                                               minimum of 12 months                       if not continuous, should span a full
» have personally owned and used the                                                      twelve months.
  vehicle or boat overseas for at least      » a current New Zealand work visa
                                               or work permit, issued under the           Vehicles/boats will not, however,
  one year before the date of their
                                               Work to Residency (Skilled Migrant         qualify if the owner surrenders them
  departure for New Zealand, or for
                                               Category) policy or the Long Term          for shipping to New Zealand before the
  at least one year before the date that
                                               Business Visa/Permit category              anniversary of the day on which original
  the vehicle or boat is surrendered
                                             » a current New Zealand visitor’s            delivery was taken. For example, if a
  for shipping (or, where the boat is
                                               visa or permit that was issued for a       vehicle was purchased on 10 June and
  imported other than as cargo, the
                                               minimum of three years.                    delivery taken on that day, it must not
  date of its departure for
                                                                                          be handed over to be shipped before
  New Zealand), whichever is the
                                             Ships                                        10 June of the following year, and the
  earlier, and
                                             For boats/ships (defined for this            owner must not leave for New Zealand
» give a written undertaking, in such        purpose as a sailing vessel exceeding        before this date.
  form as a Customs officer may              2.5 metres in width or a powered             Documentary evidence of personal
  require, that if any such vehicle or       vessel exceeding 7 metres in length),        ownership and use of the vehicle/boat
  boat is sold or otherwise disposed of      concessionary entry is restricted to         must be produced, for example:
  within two years from the date of its      persons who on the date of importation
  importation, they will forthwith pay       of the ship hold a document authorising      » dated receipt covering purchase
  to Customs the Customs charges that        residence in New Zealand and are               and showing date on which actual
  would have applied at the time of          arriving to live in New Zealand for the        delivery was taken
  their importation, or pay to Customs       first time, provided that the importer       » registration papers or copies certified
  such lesser sum as may be required.        can prove ownership/use of at least            by the appropriate authority
The conditions set out above are             12 months. These craft are also subject      » evidence of the date on which the
strictly applied and Customs has no          to a two-year moratorium on sale or            vehicle/boat was surrendered for
discretionary licence to adapt them to       disposal and a written undertaking will        shipment to New Zealand
suit particular circumstances, no matter     also be required to ensure that any such     » odometer reading at the time the
how unusual or deserving these may           boat will not be used in a commercial          vehicle was surrendered for shipping
be. There are heavy penalties under the      capacity for hire, or for the transport of     to New Zealand.
law for those who are found guilty of        cargo or the carriage of passengers for
making false or misleading declarations      reward, within two years of the date of

Advice on Private Motor Vehicle Imports                                                                      Issue date October 2018   4

Note:                                        Import clearance                             type of cover for damage by accident,
For the purposes of the concessions,         After the vehicle has been inspected by      fire, loss, theft, and so on. No-claims
the expression ‘personally owned’ shall      MPI, importers should obtain an import       bonus schemes also operate, so owners
extend to ships (boats), aircraft and        clearance from Customs. The following        should bring documentary evidence of
motor vehicles including motorcycles         documents will be of assistance in           past motor vehicle ownership.
(in this note referred to as ‘the goods’),   clearing a motor vehicle:
                                                                                          Personal belongings in vehicles
which are:                                   » passport, if the importer travelled        It is recommended that you do not pack
» leased by the importer for a period          overseas to purchase the vehicle           personal belongings in your vehicle
  of at least one year prior to the date     » invoice receipt showing total price        when it is being shipped to New Zealand
  on which the importer departed               paid and date of purchase                  for the following reasons:
  from the country of exportation to
                                             » registration papers or certificate of      » if your vehicle is not containerised,
  New Zealand, or the date on which
                                               permanent export (UK), certificate           items are very susceptible to
  the goods were surrendered for
                                               of title (USA), or de-registration           pilferage and theft while the vehicle
  shipping to New Zealand, whichever
                                               certificate (Japan)                          is on the wharf awaiting shipment or
  is the earlier, or
                                             » invoice showing exporting costs              collection, or on the vessel carrying
» purchased by way of a hire purchase                                                       the vehicle to New Zealand. The
  agreement and the importer has                                                            vehicle is similarly ‘at risk’ after
  had possession for at least one            » invoice showing freight costs and
                                                                                            discharge onto a New Zealand wharf
  year prior to the date on which the          insurance to New Zealand
                                                                                            awaiting collection
  importer departed from the country         » bill of lading
                                                                                          » many shippers or carriers will not
  of exportation to New Zealand, or          » odometer reading at time of sale for         accept your vehicle for shipment to
  the date on which the goods were             export to New Zealand                        New Zealand if it is packed with
  surrendered for shipping to New            » odometer reading at time of                  personal belongings
  Zealand, whichever is the earlier,           importation into New Zealand.              » the shipper or carrier is required
provided that in both instances the          After Customs clearance has been               to present a complete list of what
terms of the lease or of the hire            given, the vehicle should be presented         is being transported, including the
purchase agreement, as the case may be,      to a transport services delivery (TSD)         contents of your vehicle, to Customs
have been complied with in full by the       agent for inspection and a compliance
importer prior to property in the goods                                                   » the complete contents of your
                                             audit. When this has been done, vehicles       vehicle must be declared at the time
passing to the importer, and prior to        including motorcycles should be
their importation into New Zealand.                                                         they are presented to Customs for
                                             registered with the TSD agent.                 entry into New Zealand. If this is
Vehicles owned/registered by a
                                             Production of false documents                  not done, you may be subject to a
company cannot be entered under
                                             It is an offence to produce or deliver to      fine and the vehicle and its contents
the concessionary entry (reference 80
                                             a Customs officer any document that is         may be seized.
concession) as the importer, being a
                                             not genuine, erroneous or defective in a
separate legal entity to the company,
                                             material particular. It is also an offence   WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW
cannot meet the 12 month personal                                                         ABOUT VEHICLE IMPORTS FROM
                                             to make a declaration or a written
ownership requirement.                                                                    AUSTRALIA, JAPAN, THE UK, OR
                                             statement under Section 366-368 of the
                                             Customs and Excise Act 2018 that is
                                             erroneous, not genuine or faulty.            Importing a vehicle from Australia
                                             Penalties can be as severe as a fine not     When purchasing a vehicle in Australia,
Quarantine inspection and cleaning           exceeding $10,000 or a term of               it is standard practice to pay the dealer
All used vehicles are subject to a           imprisonment not exceeding six months        for accessories, registration, delivery,
quarantine inspection on arrival by          for an individual. A fine of an amount       and other associated costs in addition to
a MPI inspector. If the vehicle is           not exceeding three times the value of       the purchase price of the vehicle. If the
found to be contaminated with soil,          the goods to which the offence relates       importer arranges independently for the
plant material or animal material,           can also be incurred.                        vehicle to be shipped to New Zealand,
it will require cleaning sufficient to       Insurance                                    the value for duty will be confined to
remove the contaminant. The importer         Insurance cover can be arranged after        those costs paid directly to the dealer.
is responsible for any charges for           the owner’s arrival. New Zealand             However, if the dealer arranges for the
inspection and cleaning (if required).       insurance companies provide the usual        vehicle to be shipped to New Zealand,

Advice on Private Motor Vehicle Imports                                                                      Issue date October 2018   5

the value for duty is the price of the        You should take advantage of the offer
vehicle on board the vessel at the port       as the franchise holder has access to
of export (less depreciation, if eligible).   an invoice, not available to the owner,
                                              which excludes dealer commission
Importing a vehicle from Japan
                                              from the price paid for the vehicle.
When buying a vehicle in Japan, it is
                                              The invoice you received when buying
common practice to employ an agent
                                              the vehicle includes this commission.
who has access to vehicle dealers and
                                              The net invoiced price can then be used
auctioneers. As well as assisting in the
                                              as the basis for arriving at a value for
purchase of the vehicle, the agent is
                                              duty. Depreciation will also be granted
often used to prepare the appropriate
                                              for the period of personal ownership/
documentation and arrange for the
                                              use, but this period will only commence
vehicle to be shipped to New Zealand.
                                              at the time physical delivery of the
The charges for these services are
                                              vehicle is taken, not from the time at
considered to be associated with the
                                              which the order or payment is made. In
purchase cost of the vehicle and are
                                              other words, depreciation is not given
included in the value for duty and GST.
                                              for a vehicle under construction.
Importing a vehicle from the United           Where the distributor does not offer to
Kingdom                                       clear your vehicle through Customs, the
It is relatively easy to purchase a new       invoice you received forms the basis of
vehicle tax free in the United Kingdom        the calculation to determine the value
and the invoiced price forms the value        for duty.
for duty. However, if the sale includes
the cost of shipping to New Zealand,          CAN I GET A WRITTEN ESTIMATE OF
value for duty is the cost of the vehicle     THE CUSTOMS CHARGES PAYABLE
on board the vessel at the port of export.    ON MY VEHICLE?
                                              Based on the information contained in
Tax relief in the country of
                                              this fact sheet, private importers should
                                              be able to calculate the likely customs
It may be possible to purchase a vehicle
                                              charges payable. Should you have any
for export without payment of local car
                                              doubts about importing your vehicle or
tax and/or value added tax. Contact the
                                              other questions on Customs matters,
manufacturer or dealer.
                                              please contact Customs at the port
Vehicles sold on tourist delivery             in New Zealand through which your
schemes                                       vehicle is likely to be imported.
New Zealand residents travelling
overseas to Europe or the United              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
Kingdom are sometimes able to place           Contact your nearest office of the
an order with the New Zealand vehicle         New Zealand Customs Service, visit the
distributor for the brand concerned and       Customs website
take delivery of the new car ‘tax free’       or call Customs on 0800 428 786
upon arrival at their destination. These      (0800 4 CUSTOMS).
vehicles are sold under what is known as
the ‘tourist delivery vehicle’ scheme.
Some New Zealand distributors will be
prepared to import your vehicle for you
when you wish to return to this country.

Office of the Comptroller of Customs, PO Box 2218, Wellington
Phone: +64 4 901 4500 » Fax: +64 4 901 4555 »
ISSN 1175-396X

Advice on Private Motor Vehicle Imports                                                   Issue date October 2018   6
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