Agreement of Balances Guidance 2017-18 - Department of Health & Social Care

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Agreement of Balances Guidance 2017-18

                                    February 2018
Title: Agreement of Balances Guidance 2017-18


Libby Kerr /Finance/Accounts and Operations

Document Purpose:


Publication date:

December 2017
Target audience:

DH Group Bodies

Contact details:

Libby Kerr
Agreement of Balances Team – Accounts and Operations
Room 2S14, Quarry House
Department of Health & Social Care
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Agreement of Balances Guidance 2017-18

Prepared by Department of Health & Social Care, NHS England and NHS Improvement

Contents................................................................................................................................................ 4
Executive summary .............................................................................................................................. 6
Introduction to the Guide ..................................................................................................................... 6
1    What is AoB? ................................................................................................................................ 7
2    AoB Best Practice......................................................................................................................... 9
       Further Reading – HfMA Practical Guide .............................................................................. 10
3    Creating and Sending Statements ............................................................................................. 11
       Creating the Statement ........................................................................................................... 11
       Good Practice ......................................................................................................................... 11
       When statements should be sent .......................................................................................... 11
       Accruals Statements .............................................................................................................. 12
       Issuing the Statements ........................................................................................................... 13
4    Agreeing to the Balances Received .......................................................................................... 14
       Checking the Statements ....................................................................................................... 14
       Confirming Agreed Balances ................................................................................................. 14
       Timing of Responses .............................................................................................................. 16
       Agreeing to Accruals .............................................................................................................. 16
       Summary of thresholds for issuing and agreeing to statements ........................................ 17
5    Completing the forms ................................................................................................................. 18
       Overview of data collection .................................................................................................... 18
       Notified Balance ...................................................................................................................... 18
       Adjustments ............................................................................................................................ 19
       Capital Adjustments ............................................................................................................... 20
       Disputes .................................................................................................................................. 20
       Accruals ......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
6    Areas of potential Issues ........................................................................................................... 22
       Gross and Net Accounting & Recharges .............................................................................. 22
       I&E - Admin and Programme Split ......................................................................................... 26
       I&E - Admin and Programme Split – NHS Property Services............................................... 26
       Hosted Budgets ...................................................................................................................... 27
       Hosted Services (Agency Arrangements) ............................................................................. 27
       Specialised Commissioning................................................................................................... 28
       Deferred Income...................................................................................................................... 29
       PDC, Loans, Grant in Aid and Parliamentary Funding ......................................................... 29
       Transfers under Absorption Accounting .............................................................................. 29
       Partially Completed Spells (PCS) – Incomplete Spells......................................................... 30
       Maternity Pathway Prepayment/ Partially Completed Spells ............................................... 30
       Non Contracted Activity (NCA’s) ........................................................................................... 31
       Treatment of NCA’s ................................................................................................................ 31
       Unvalidated/Estimated Activity .............................................................................................. 31
       Contract Penalties .................................................................................................................. 32
       Pooled Budgets ...................................................................................................................... 32
       Better Care Fund ..................................................................................................................... 32
       Sustainability and Transformation Fund (STF) ..................................................................... 32
       Negative Balances .................................................................................................................. 33
       Additional guidance for Credit Notes .................................................................................... 34
       Additional guidance for Unallocated Payments ................................................................... 34
       Provision for Bad Debts ......................................................................................................... 34
       Other provisions ..................................................................................................................... 34
       Charitable Funds..................................................................................................................... 34
       Non-invoiced Income .............................................................................................................. 35
       Recording Transactions in the Correct Year ........................................................................ 35

7. Agreement of Balances 2017-18 – Recording Sub-Entity Transactions ................................. 36
     Balances with NHS England................................................................................................... 36
     Balances with Other Bodies ................................................................................................... 38
     Balances with NHS Business Services Authority................................................................. 39
     VAT .......................................................................................................................................... 40
     Nursing and Midwifery Council.............................................................................................. 40
     The Health and Care Professions Council ............................................................................ 40
     Wiltshire Health and Care....................................................................................................... 40
     NHS Resolution (formerly NHS Litigation Authority) ........................................................... 40
     Part year NHS Foundation Trusts .......................................................................................... 41
     Reorganisation of providers involving transfer of services ................................................ 42
     Subsidiaries ............................................................................................................................ 42
8  Variance Reports and Resubmissions ...................................................................................... 43
9  Resolution of Disagreements .................................................................................................... 45
     Annex 1 – Examples of Statements ....................................................................................... 46
     Annex 2 – Whole of Government Account – Agreeing and recording balances ................ 47
     Annex 3 – Agreement Examples ............................................................................................ 50
     Annex 4 - Role of the Department of Health & Social Care and other bodies..................... 54
     Annex 5 – NHSE coding for Hosted Services ....................................................................... 56
NHS England Appendices.................................................................................................................. 57
     Appendix 1 .............................................................................................................................. 57
          Appendix 2 – due to its length, document now separately published at

          care-agreement-of-balances .............................................................................................. 58
          Appendix 3 .............................................................................................................................. 59
          Appendix 4 .............................................................................................................................. 61

Executive summary
Introduction to the Guide
This guide is designed to provide practical guidance for the completion of the Department of
Health & Social Care (DH) Accounting Group Agreement of Balances exercises.

While the Department of Health & Social Care Group Accounting Manual (‘the Manual’) outlines
the principles of the exercise including the associated accounting principles, this guidance
includes more details of how the exercise should be completed in practice. The guidance should
therefore be read in conjunction with the guidance within the Manual.

The following definitions will apply to Agreement of Balances (AoB), and will be used
throughout the guidance:

      Receivable organisation - this is the organisation sending the invoice/is carrying the
       trade receivable/is receiving the income (i.e. the supplier or provider) unless using net
       accounting (see section 6 and/ or Appendix 4)
      Payable organisation – this is the organisation receiving the invoice/carrying the trade
       payable/recording expenditure (i.e. the purchaser or commissioner unless using net
       accounting (see section 6 and/ or Appendix 4)

The definitions apply when referring to both Payables/Receivables and Income/Expenditure

For the purpose of this guidance document, the “national bodies” means the Department of
Health & Social Care, NHS Improvement and NHS England see section 7 of this guidance for
the processes to follow in agreeing balances with NHS England and its entities.

1      What is AoB?
1.1.   The Department of Health & Social Care (DH) is required to consolidate the
       accounts of all organisations falling within the accounting boundary, as
       expanded by the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010 (HM
       Treasury’s alignment legislation). Under International Financial Reporting
       Standard 10 (IFRS10) paragraph B86 consolidated statements should
       “…eliminate in full intragroup assets and liabilities, equity, income, expenses
       and cash flows relating to transactions between entities of the group”.

1.2.   The AoB process seeks to identify all income and expenditure, transactions
       and payable and receivable balances that arise from the contracts for the
       provision of goods and services between group bodies (i.e. intragroup), to
       allow for accurate elimination of these transactions and balances within the
       Consolidated Departmental Account and for the preparation of the
       Department’s Whole of Government Consolidation Return to HM Treasury.
       NHS Improvement and NHS England also eliminate transactions and
       balances between their group bodies in preparing their sector specific
       consolidated accounts.

1.3.   Additionally, it forms an essential part of an organisation’s financial
       management ensuring that an organisation’s payable and receivable balances
       are correct.

1.4. Agreement of Balances has historically been completed three times a year at
   Q2, Q3 and Q4. In 2017/18, for the first time, the Q2 agreement exercise is
   voluntary (although the issue of statements remains a requirement). The Q2
   exercise continues to be for receivables and payables only and does not include
   agreement with local authorities and other government departments. Agreeing
   balances at Q2 is not mandatory - however as best practice we would encourage
   organisations to participate in discussions where there is a need to do so locally
   to resolve significant issues. Submission of agreement of balances data is not
   required at Q2. At Q3 and Q4 submission of all agreement of balances data and
   balances and transactions with local authorities and other government
   departments is required. Group bodies are required to agree balances and
   transactions with bodies within the WGA boundary where the balance or
   transaction exceeds the WGA agreement limit. Local authorities, NHS Trusts and
   Foundation Trusts and Public Corporations are exempt from WGA agreements.
   Further information on agreeing balances with WGA bodies is available from

1.5.   The exercise completed at Q3 contributes to the Department of Health &
       Social Care Consolidated Interim Accounts. The exercise looks to agree both
       outstanding payables and receivables and income and expenditure for the
       year to date, As well as providing figures for the interim accounts, any issues
       arising since Q2 can be addressed, for resolution before year-end. It also
       provides an indication of any issues which DH and consolidating entities may
       need to resolve in preparation for year-end.

1.6.   The exercise completed at Q4 contributes directly to the year-end production
       of the provider sector, NHS England and Department of Health & Social Care
       Consolidated Final Accounts. This exercise includes an Income and
       Expenditure agreement exercise (incorporating a £2m de minimis threshold
       for sending out statements and undertaking agreements). Accruals
       statements should be sent and discussions should take place and wherever
       possible agreed, although formal agreement of accruals is not required.

2      AoB Best Practice
       From discussions with the NHS, the following examples of best practice have
       been identified:

2.1.   As a receivable body, provide as much information as possible – by
       issuing the statements with adequate information, as set out in section 3, the
       payable body will be better able to identify amounts that may be outstanding,
       and this will assist in the resolution of problems that may arise when agreeing

2.2.   Send the statements to the correct contact – issuing the statements to the
       contact listed will ensure that the correct person in the agreeing body receives
       the statement. Organisations should also quote their organisation code in the
       subject line of the email. Please note the process for sending statements to
       NHS England as per section 7 of this guidance. Statements must be issued
       on time and in accordance with the timetable available on the website.

2.3.   Wherever possible conduct correspondence electronically – issuing and
       responding to statements by email allows more time for agreement.
       Statements should also be issued in excel format.

2.4.   As a payable body, respond to the statement as soon as possible –
       statements should be returned as soon as possible to the receivable
       organisation (quoting your NHS organisation code in the subject line of the
       email), especially where balances are not fully agreed. This will allow more
       time for resolution of problems.
       In addition, where the payables organisation is including a balance which the
       receivables organisation may not be expecting (e.g. accruals during Q2/Q3,
       converting a negative payable to a receivable etc.), it is good practice to
       inform the receivable body as this will enable them to either match your
       treatment or explain any remaining variance.

2.5.   Complete the exercise within the agreed deadlines – deadlines are agreed
       in advance of each exercise by DH and its National Bodies to give participants
       adequate time to complete their parts.

2.6.   Do not chase for statements or response until the deadline has passed –
       To allow organisations time to complete their exercise within the deadlines it is
       requested that they are not “chased” for responses before the deadline has
       passed. Priority must be given to those balances within the remit of the

2.7.   Complete the data collection forms correctly – to enable DH and its
       National Bodies to see the overall balance for elimination, and to be able to
       correctly determine where variances exist, it is important that balances are
       recorded in the correct part of the collection templates. This is especially
       important at Q4 when the AoB forms must agree to the accounts information
       submitted at the same time. Further details can be found in section 5.

Balances should not be adjusted erroneously; especially when being asked to
       resubmit balances when material variances occur. In no circumstances should
       balances be adjusted simply to bring a variance under the tolerance set – see
       sections 8 & 9. Such manipulations actually serve to increase the total
       mismatch across the sector and increase the likelihood of there being
       additional AoB processes and resubmissions.

2.8.   Provide reasons for adjustments where requested – where collection
       forms provide freetext cells to record why any material adjustment balance
       has been included, please provide those explanations. It will save time at
       year-end if this could be completed upon the first submission of balances. The
       freetext explanations can enable the Department to make central adjustments
       and or justify the impact of the mismatch to Department’s auditors, reducing
       the need for further resubmissions.

Further Reading – HfMA Practical Guide

2.9.   In 2014, HfMA published a very helpful and detailed practical guide to
       agreement of balances in the NHS. Organisations may wish to refer to this as
       an additional guide for establishing best practice. The guide is available from
       the HfMA website (

2.10. However, for clarity and in case of query, the guidance in this document
      (issued by DH and its national bodies) takes precedence.

3      Creating and Sending Statements
Creating the Statement

3.1.   The issued statement should contain sufficient information to allow the
       payables organisation to identify invoices that have been issued (I&E) or are
       outstanding (Rec & Pay) by the receivable organisation up to and including
       the final invoicing date. The minimum requirement for a statement is:
            The date the invoice was issued
            The invoice number
            The total amount of the invoice
            The amount of the invoice which is unpaid (Rec & Pay)
            The name of the receivables body the agreement is with.
            The name of the payable body the agreement is with
            I&E Only – whether the balance is considered Admin or Prog (see
               section 6)
            A contact phone number for queries and disputes

3.2.   Additionally, it is helpful if the statements include purchase order numbers
       relating to the invoices, a description as to what the charge is for, the name of
       the contact within the agreeing organisation who had commissioned the
       service being provided and whether the invoice is being treated as a recharge.
       A description is particularly important when a purchase order number isn’t
       included or when the charge is included on the accruals statement at Q4.

3.3.   Where a statement includes an invoice that relates to a future period, this
       should be identified on the statement. If neither party is accruing for this in the
       period (for example a month 10 invoice issued in advance during month 9),
       this should be identified on the statement so that both parties can adjust the
       item out in the ‘adjustment’ column in order to achieve consistency with the
       ledger balance.

Good Practice

3.4.   As most payables organisations keep a log of the balances they have been
       sent to agree in preparation for balance collection, statements should be
       issued in excel format by email, quoting your NHS organisation code in the
       subject line of the email.

3.5.   Scanned images should be avoided in all cases as they are difficult to
       manipulate and transfer into excel. The issue of statements in PDF format
       should be avoided where possible as it is time consuming to extract the
       information in the PDF file to use within spreadsheets.

When statements should be sent

3.6.   As there is a requirement to record all balances with a counterparty,
       regardless of whether the balance is below the de minimis levels for

agreement (see section 5), statements should be issued in the following
        Income statements should be issued in all circumstances at Q3 where the
           year to date total gross balance is greater than £10k. Balances below this
           level may be issued if the receivable organisation chooses to do so. At Q4
           the de minimis level is £2m.
        Receivables statements should be issued in all circumstances where the
           outstanding balance is £2.5k or above. Balances below this level may be
           issued if the receivable organisation chooses to do so.
        Nil balances should not be issued in any circumstances – if the payables
           organisation thinks they should have a balance with the receivable
           organisation, it is up to them to discuss the issue with the receivables
           organisation after the deadline for statement issue has passed.

3.7.   Statements containing balances for multiple payables entities should not be
       issued in any circumstances. A separate statement should be completed for
       each payables body. Refer to NHS England Guidance at section 7.

3.8.   One statement should be sent per organisation, to ensure the correct balance
       is recorded on collection. Therefore, where the receivable organisation has
       multiple customer accounts for a single entity, or they are hosting services (as
       defined in section 6), a statement of all balances should be issued, with the
       exception of NHS England (see section 7 for more information).

3.9.   Where an NHS Trust becomes an NHS Foundation Trust part-way through
       the year, it is necessary to send statements to the appropriate body. For
       example, if a Trust becomes an FT on 1 March, at Q4 receivable statements
       should be sent to the NHS Foundation Trust only, but where income
       statements are sent, these should be sent to the organisation with which the
       transaction took place (see 7.34-7.37 for further information).

Accruals Statements

3.10. At the year-end, an additional accruals statement is sent, to capture the
      accruals that organisations will have made during their year-end processes. It
      is vital that there is sufficient information on the statements to allow approval
      of the balances, particularly if invoices are raised late or not at all.

3.11. Accruals statements should include the same level of information as the usual
      statements. Accruals statements should include the following:
       April dated invoices that relate to goods and services delivered in the
          previous financial year.
       Any further payments received since the cut-off point and the end of the
          accounting period provided in the AoB timetable.
       Accruals for goods or services provided during the year for which an
          invoice has not been issued.
       Any other receivable or payable balances (including prepayments and
          deferred income) for trading balances in the current financial year that you

would expect to include as part of your final balance. This should include
          non-invoiced income including grants.

3.12. Where material balances need to be estimated, the receivable organisation
      should ensure that the statements include as much detail as possible on the
      estimation technique/ methodology to allow the agreeing body to recognise
      and include a matching accrual in their own accounts.

3.13. It is important that all accruals are raised, and statements issued in order that
      both organisations reflect the correct expenditure and income in the
      appropriate year to avoid timing differences and allow the transactions to be
      eliminated within the group account.

Issuing the Statements

3.14. Statement should be issued electronically by email. Statements relating to
      payables and receivables for organisations within the NHS England group will
      be issued by NHS Shared Business Services. Statements relating to income
      and expenditure are produced locally. Please see section 7 of this guidance in
      respect of statements for NHS England group bodies. Statements should be
      issued in accordance with the timetable available on

3.15. Contact lists will be circulated by your national body and are updated prior to
      each agreement exercise. Organisations should, wherever possible, use
      generic email addresses as these are less likely to change. It is also therefore
      extremely important that both payable and receivable organisations check the
      contact list for their sector thoroughly and update their details whenever the
      persons completing the agreements exercise changes. Failure to do this will
      result in potential mismatches being left unresolved. Contact changes should
      be notified to the sectors’ national body, clearly denoting this as an AoB
      contacts change. Any revisions to future contact lists will be highlighted in
      yellow, so organisations need to ensure they have the latest version prior to
      each exercise. (Submissions for changes should not be sent directly to

3.16. A general update of the contacts list is undertaken in advance of each
      agreement of balances exercise. Contact lists are provided for DH and the
      DH Arm’s Length Bodies and are updated with the same regularity as the
      NHS Group contacts.

3.17. The contact lists are password protected, in order to try and reduce the
      number of unsolicited emails organisations have been receiving. The
      password will be sent to organisations at the start of the exercise by your
      national body.

4      Agreeing to the Balances Received
Checking the Statements

4.1.   On receipt of the statement from the receivable organisation, the payables
       organisation should check the list of balances against their ledger to
       determine whether they agree to the amounts listed. It should be noted that
       this agreement forms an agreement that the balance is correct and is
       outstanding for payment. It is not an agreement that the balance will be paid.

4.2.   If the invoice is not on the sub ledger, or full approval has not yet been given,
       then the payable organisation should carry out further investigation into
       whether the balance can be agreed in principle. This may be through further
       communication with invoice approvers, or by contacting the receivables
       organisation for further details.

4.3.   In the case of Income and Expenditure balances, the payables organisation
       should check their expenditure reports to make sure that they have the listed
       transactions recorded in the current financial year. If it is recorded within the
       general ledger for the same year as the AoB exercise then this would be a
       transaction that can be agreed.

4.4.   In the event that the transaction does not appear, the payables organisation
       will need to investigate the circumstance. It may be that the transaction needs
       to be accrued for, or that the transaction is shown as being for a prior or future
       financial year, or additional information is required regarding the transaction to
       be able to locate the amounts.

4.5.   It is good practice for the payables organisation to prepare reports of
       outstanding payables balances/expenditure for the year to date in advance of
       receipt of the statement. This will allow the payables organisation to know in
       advance who they are expecting to receive a statement from, and will allow
       the organisation to quickly follow up any statements not received. However,
       requests for statements should not be made in advance of the deadline.

Confirming Agreed Balances

4.6.   Prior to the AoB exercise, a de minimis level is set for responding to
       statements. The level is set to ensure that a significant amount of intra-group
       balances are agreed between organisations, while also removing the
       requirement to chase other bodies for small payments. The exclusion of
       smaller amounts from the AoB exercises does not mean that these amounts
       should not be paid within the course of an organisations regular business.

4.7.   For the 2017-18 financial year, the de minimis level for I&E is set at £100k at
       Q3. The de minimis level for Rec & Pay agreement is also set at £100k for all
       exercises. This means that where the net total of all invoices notified by the
       receivables body (inclusive of credit notes) is above this level, confirmation of
       the balance agreed to should be issued to the receivables organisation. At

Q4, the de minimis level for I & E is set at £2m, to avoid unnecessarily
       increasing the burden on organisations. Details can be found in the table in
       section 4.15 of this guidance.

4.8.   Although there is no requirement to issue a return on balances below these de
       minimis levels, they still need to be included within the total balances recorded
       on the collection forms against the relevant receivable body – see section 5. It
       would be considered good practice to issue a return to receivables bodies
       where a formal dispute is likely to be (or has already been) raised on some or
       all of the balance. Examples may include where you do not agree to the total
       invoiced or you are aware that invoices for another organisation have been
       issued to you (see worked examples at Annex 3).

4.9.   On responding to the receivable organisation, the payable organisation
       should, wherever possible, complete the statement template that has been
       issued to them. If no pro forma has been provided for completion, then the
       payable organisation should include the following in their response:
            The invoice number and outstanding balance as indicated by the
             receivable organisation on their statement.
            The amount of the invoice which is agreed to (or agreed to in principle)
             – i.e. the amount which the payable organisation has approval to pay.
            The amount of the invoice which is not agreed to, but not yet in formal
            The amount of the invoice which is to be taken to a formal dispute – i.e.
             the amount which the payable organisation will not approve for
             payment, and for which the dispute will be formally raised for
            Where balances are not agreed in full, a description of the requests for
             additional information is included.

4.10. When communicating approval it is important to distinguish the balance on an
      invoice that has been approved and agreed to, from the balance which has
      not. For example, if an invoice is for £30k for a secondment of 30 days’ work
      (at £1k per day) but the person only did 20 days, the expectation would be
      that the payables organisation agree to the 20 days worked, but not agree to
      the other 10 days. On responding, it would be expected that the payable
      organisation would therefore agree to £20k, but not agree (either through
      formal dispute or otherwise) the remaining £10k. Discussion would then occur
      between the payable and receivable organisation. In this instance, the
      receivable organisation would need to adjust their income and receivable
      amounts in their accounts because they have over-invoiced.               Both
      organisations would record a negative adjustment in the “adjustments” column
      or a revised statement can be issued with prior agreement from both parties
      and the new amount will be recorded in the Notified column.

4.11. In the example given in 4.10, it would not be appropriate for the payable
      organisation to disagree or dispute the entire invoice balance. Details on how
      this would be recorded on collection can be found in section 5, and there are
      further examples given in Annex 3.

Timing of Responses

4.12. The deadline for responding to statements issued is agreed between the
      Department of Health & Social Care and its national bodies, in advance of the
      exercise. Payables organisations should ensure that a response should be
      issued to all statements with a balance greater than the de minimis level
      before the deadline passes.

4.13. Additionally, wherever possible, the payable organisation should attempt to
      issue a response to the receivables organisation as soon as possible in
      advance of this deadline if they are aware that they will not be agreeing to the
      statement balance in full. This is to let the receivables organisation know
      about any problems they may not be aware of, and ensure that if information
      is requested from them they have time to act in advance of the deadline as
      the receipt of additional information may allow balances to be fully agreed.
      This will also allow time for the receivable organisation to reallocate balances
      to the correct organisation if they were allocated incorrectly initially.

Agreeing to Accruals

4.14. During the exercises at Q2 and Q3 there is no requirement for the receivables
      organisations to issue accruals statements; however an additional column has
      been inserted into the Q3 data collection forms to separately identify accruals.
      Accruals must be recorded within the collection forms for all exercises to
      ensure that the ‘total’ figure reflects the true ledger position. At Q4 an
      accruals statement must be issued and discussions between the two parties
      must take place, as per the Q4 timetable. Many accruals originate with the
      payables organisation, such as where goods or services have been supplied,
      but no invoice has been issued for the goods yet.

4.15. Variances may arise where no such discussion has taken place. These
      variances can be overcome through discussion between agreement bodies
      outside of, or in advance of, the agreement exercise to ensure both bodies
      can agree on the amounts that are due. It is important as part of ongoing
      business, that payables organisations seek to obtain invoices for goods
      received where they have not been sent in reasonable time. It is also
      important that payables enter into discussions regarding estimates.

Summary of thresholds for issuing and agreeing to statements

Area                  Policy - Issuing            Policy – Agreeing
                      Statements                  Statements
Q2 R&P                £2,500*                      £100,000**
Q3 R&P                £2,500*                      £100,000
Q3 I&E                £10,000*                     £100,000
Q3 accruals           No statements*               No statements
Q4 R&P                £2,500 *                     £100,000
Q4 I&E                Statements to be issued      Statements and
                      over £2m.*                   agreements over £2m
Q4 accruals           No de minimis*               Statement issued but
                                                   agreement not mandatory

* Note that organisations are still able to send statements at a lower level than these
if they have automated processes for issuing statements and wish to continue doing
** Suggested threshold for voluntary agreements

5      Completing the forms
5.1.   In Q3 and Q4, following on from the agreements process, both payables and
       receivables organisations are required to report their receivable/payable and
       income/expenditure balances to the Department (or its National bodies),
       through Provider Finance Return (PFR) forms, NHS England data collection
       form (NHS England group bodies) or Consolidation Schedules (ALB/NDPBs).
       The term “data collection form” will be used in this guidance to refer to all the
       above forms, and any other form used for submitting balances under the AoB

Overview of data collection

5.2.   Each of the payables, receivables, income and expenditure are split into a
       further four parts:
            Notified
            Accrued
            Adjusted
            Disputed (Payables/expenditure only)
            Total – this is the amount which is validated against the value of
               payables and receivables or I & E included in the accounts notes. It is a
               protected cell containing a sum: Notified + Disputed + Adjustments +
               Accrued = Total. Organisations are not expected to calculate their own

5.3.   For income and expenditure only, the above columns are split between admin
       and programme. More detail on this split is provided in section 6 of this
       document. (Note: NHS Trusts and Foundation Trusts income and expenditure
       is all programme, so this split is not relevant).

5.4.   Some data collection forms contain a tab separate to the balance agreements
       where a justification of the figures can be included. Where any adjustments or
       disputed balances are included, the gross balance across each organisation
       type is included within the freetext tab on DH forms.

5.5.   The following subsections show what type of balance should be recorded in
       each column, and Annex 3 provides examples of how this may work in

Notified Balance

5.6.   In all circumstances, the invoiced balance included on the statement issued
       by the receivables organisation should be recorded under “notified” if the
       statement has been addressed to the correct organisation. This balance
       should be reflected within the payables organisation “notified” total. This is to
       show that both parties have the same starting position, and therefore where
       the overall total does not match between two organisations, this is due to true

disagreements on the balance recorded elsewhere. This balance should be
           static, and should not change throughout the exercise.

    5.7.   The exception to the above is accruals – which should be separately identified
           on statements. This figure should reflect accruals ledger balances at each
           quarter exercise, although due to ledgers closing at Q3, it is likely that any
           changes agreed between parties in the accruals column, will reflect a
           divergence from the ledger balance. At Q4 an accruals statement is issued,
           and discussions should take place to ensure the accruals figure is consistent
           between counterparties and agreed wherever possible. However, despite the
           value of the accrual statement, organisations should always ensure their
           accruals ledger balance is shown in the accruals column – statements are
           sent at Q4 to inform the discussion.


        5.8.   Accruals are recorded separately in the data collection form.
               Organisations should report accruals in this column, in order to separately
               identify accrued balances. For Q3, accruals must be recorded in the
               accruals column based on the information held in ledgers. At Q4, a
               separate accruals statement is issued and discussions should take place
               between organisations to ensure accruals amounts are consistent
               between counterparties and agreement should take place wherever
               possible, although the figure recorded should still represent the ledger
               balance. Although accruals statements are not issued at Q3 it is vital that
               organisations report the figures and mismatches arising from any issues
               with accruals still form part of the mismatch resolution stage.

        5.9.   Where a balance cannot be agreed prior to the agreement deadline due to
               un-validated invoices, an adjustment should be made to the notified
               balance (via the adjusted column), and where invoices received prior to
               the deadline stated in the timetable have not been validated, every effort
               should be made to accrue for the transaction / balance to avoid
               mismatches. It is not acceptable for mismatches to arise purely because
               the payable organisation has not yet validated an invoice sent before the
               deadline specified in the AoB timetables.


5.10. An adjustment may be recorded in a number of circumstances. In the majority of cases
      this will be used to show an amendment to the ”notified” balance, where the invoices
      have not been received or where part or all of the invoice cannot be agreed, but has not
      been formally disputed. It may be used by the receivable organisation to show
      adjustments to their own balances where too much or too little was initially notified.

5.11. Receivables Adjustments: A positive or negative adjustment could be made where there
      is a change in the receivables balance since the statement was issued. This could be

due to individual amounts listed on the statement being lower than the outstanding
      amount or a missing receivable being identified as a result of discussions with a

5.12. Payables Organisations: A positive or negative adjustment may be recorded where the
      receivable organisation gives late notification of an invoice, or notifies that the balance
      previously included on the statement was too low, or where a future period invoice is
      included on a statement. These adjustments may subsequently cancel out if they cannot
      be approved. A positive or negative adjustment may also occur due to invoices
      appearing on your own reports that were not included within the statement you have
      received but which you still have as outstanding. In the case of missing invoices, where
      the payable organisation is aware of the invoice, every effort to obtain the invoice from
      the receivable organisation should be made.

5.11. Annex 3 contains more detailed examples of where an adjustment balance may be

Capital Adjustments

5.12. Capital income and expenditure should be included in the issued statements, and
      should be clearly marked as such. The total notified amount on the statement should be
      included within the ‘notified’ column. The organisation(s) treating the
      income/expenditure as capital, should then enter the balance as a negative amount
      under the ‘adjustments’ column to remove the capital element from the overall trading
      totals being agreed. This may result in an unavoidable mismatch between the

5.13. For example, the receivable organisation may have supplied a member of staff to the
      payable organisation. However, the staff member may have been working on the
      development of software at the payable organisation, and therefore the payable
      organisation will not be recording the cost of the staff member as expenditure but rather
      it would capitalise the cost. As a result, on analysis of their expenditure, the payable
      organisation would not have the staff cost to match against the receivable organisation’s
      staff income. In this instance, the payable organisation should adjust out any
      intercompany transactions relating to capital expenditure in the ‘adjustments’ column.


5.14. Balances recorded within the ‘disputed’ column must represent a reduction in the
      balance (i.e. a negative value) entered by the payable organisation to reflect a formal
      disagreement. A disputed item should never be positive, as logic dictates that
      organisations would never dispute that they owed a greater amount. A dispute would
      occur in a situation where the payables organisation has completed its investigation into
      the balance, and has determined there is no agreement to pay. This may be due to a
      contractual disagreement over the amount which should be paid. There must be
      intention by the payables organisation to take the invoice to mediation or undertake the
      formal dispute process set out in the contract. Any disputed invoices should be notified
      in writing to the counterparty organisation.

5.15. Receivable Organisations: A disputed balance should not be recorded on the data
      collection form under any circumstances. As it would not make sense for a receivable
      organisation to formally dispute their own invoices, the data collection forms do not
      allow a dispute to be entered. The expectation is that the receivable body will enter all
      transactions it expects to receive payment for in the “notified” column; it is the
      responsibility of the payable organisation to dispute that balance.

5.16. Payable Organisations: When recording the dispute, only record the element of a
      transaction which is actually being disputed e.g. if an invoice for £70k only has a dispute
      of £5k then only the £5k should be recorded. The full £70k would still be recorded under
      “notified” as it was included on the statement by the receivable organisation. However,
      the “Total” balance would be reduced by the entering of a negative £5k in the “disputes”
      column, to show only £65k, which reflects the actual balance that the payable
      organisation is recording in their accounts. The receivable body records £70k in their
      return, with the dispute leading to a £5k mismatch between bodies.

5.17. A disputed balance would constitute a valid reason for a variance to exist on agreement
      of the balances. Payables organisations with disputed balances must ensure that the
      balance has been disputed for a valid reason, and not just to avoid clearance of
      variances, and that the relevant national body has been informed in an effort to resolve
      the dispute.

5.18. Annex 3 contains examples of where a disputed balance may be recorded.

6      Areas of potential Issues
Gross and Net Accounting & Recharges


6.1.   The overarching principle is that transactions must be accounted for in accordance with
       accounting standards, with all treatments having been agreed by both parties. IAS 1
       states that “income and expenses, may not be offset unless required or permitted by an
       IFRS. Generally, this means revenue income and expenditure must be recorded gross
       unless the transaction is of a non-trading nature and an organisation is deemed to have
       transferred risks and rewards and be acting solely as an agent. "Gross accounting"
       refers to the separate recording of inflows and outflows in an entity's accounts,
       recognising the impact on the entity's income and expenditure. "Net accounting" refers
       to the netting off of inflows and outflows in an agency relationship, so that the entity only
       recognises impacts to the extent that it is acting as a principal.

6.2.   The accounting treatment of transactions should be agreed in advance between all
       parties (including the care provider) to ensure consistency. If transactions are to be
       recorded on a net basis, or as a recharge, organisations must seek to ensure that:
           The accounting treatment of transactions is agreed between all parties to ensure
              consistency; and
           Agreements reached should be clear and auditable

       The general principles are:
           Transactions that are of a trading nature are to be shown gross by both parties;
           Where an organisation acts solely as an agent from the transaction, the item
             should be treated as a recharge and be accounted for net;
           Receivables and payables should be recorded against the organisations actually
             paying the invoices, even in an agency situation; and
           Each circumstance should be assessed individually and treatment agreed

6.3.   An entity is acting as a principal when it has exposure to the significant risks and
       rewards associated with the sale of goods or the rendering of services. For example,
       with a staff recharge relevant considerations might include who bears the risk if the
       member of staff is off sick for a period and unable to work, among other factors. If the
       receiving organisation would continue to pay the employing organisation in the event of
       a period of sick leave, this might be a factor suggesting that the employing organisation
       has transferred the risks. As noted in paragraph 6.2 each circumstance should be
       assessed individually. Organisations should discuss with their external auditor if they
       need to determine how to account for an arrangement.

6.4.   In an agency relationship, the cash may pass from the principal to the agent in advance
       of the delivery of any actual service. At this point, for the purpose of AoB, the agent
       recognises a payable and the principal recognises a receivable. However, once the
       third party has begun delivery of the service, they have earned some income and this is
       then reflected in the receivables and payables.

6.5.   In order to illustrate this, two examples are shown below relating to FT’s. NHS England
       Commissioning entities operating in the ISFE environment should refer to separate
       guidance issued by NHS England contained in Appendix 4.

Reflecting gross and net accounting in the collection forms: staff recharges

Foundation Trust A is completing its collection forms. There are four scenarios for how it might have staff recharges with NHS Trust B.

1) Staff permanently employed on Foundation Trust A payroll. Foundation Trust A is recharging NHS Trust B.

                                      (1a) GROSS FOR THE EMPLOYER                                              (1b) NET FOR THE EMPLOYER
                          (i.e. risks and rewards remain with Foundation Trust A           (i.e. risks and rewards passed to NHS Trust B – Foundation Trust A
                                            – FT A is the Principal)                                                 therefore the agent)
    Foundation Trust A:   Record in income note with WGA code                              Nothing recorded in income note – items are netted off.
    Foundation Trust A:   Record total staff costs as permanently employed against         Record total staff costs as permanently employed. Record in 'business
    Expenditure           salaries and wages. Record as 'business external to              external to government with no WGA codes attached to transaction.
                          government'1 with no WGA codes attached to transaction.
                                                                                           Record income received from WGA body in respect of recharge in
                                                                                           'Recoveries from bodies in respect of staff costs netted off expenditure' in
                                                                                           the employee benefits note. This would show as a negative amount to
                                                                                           represent receipt. It would be classified as 'external to government'
                                                                                           Overall staff costs would show nil assuming the recharge amount was for
                                                                                           full staff cost amount.
    Impact                Show gross income and gross staff costs                          Show no income and staff costs netted to £0
    Equivalent for NHS    NHS Trust B will record the expenditure in staff costs as        NHS Trust B will record the expenditure in staff costs as ‘other’ (rather
    Trust B               ‘other’ (rather than permanently employed) and in the            than permanently employed) but will record this as ‘external to
                          WGA analysis for Foundation Trusts.                              government– they are the organisation recording the principal element of
                                                                                           the employment cost.
    Transaction           Upon consolidation income for FT A will be eliminated with       Upon consolidation staff costs from NHS Trust B will remain. Foundation
    elimination for DH    expenditure from NHS Trust B (both being WGA). FT A              Trust A accounts will be already showing nil income and nil staff costs
    consolidation         staff costs will remain.                                         (income netted off staff costs).

2) Staff permanently employed by NHS Trust B. Foundation Trust A is being recharged by NHS Trust B.

Type                              (2a) GROSS FOR THE EMPLOYER                                         (2b) NET FOR THE EMPLOYER
                      (i.e. risks and rewards remain with NHS Trust B – NHS       (i.e. risks and rewards passed to Foundation Trust A – the employer
                                        Trust B is the Principal)                            NHS Trust B is the agent and does net accounting)
Foundation Trust A:   n/a                                                         n/a
Foundation Trust A:   Record staff costs as 'Other' against Salaries and Wages.   Record staff costs as 'Other' against Salaries and Wages. If net then all
Expenditure           As the transaction is with another WGA body, then           transactions would be classified as 'external to government'
                      transaction should have coding as ‘business with NHS
                      Trust’ and should be shown in that column.
Impact                NHS Foundation Trust A shows staff costs paid in respect    NHS Foundation Trust A shows staff costs paid in respect of the
                      of the individual, recorded as a WGA transaction.           individual, recorded as an external transaction.
Equivalent for NHS    NHS Trust B will follow the same approach as Foundation     NHS Trust B will follow the same approach as Foundation Trust A did in
Trust B               Trust A did in scenario (1a) above:                         scenario (1b) above:
                      Record income in income note (in WGA column for             Record total staff costs as permanently employed. Record in 'business
                      ‘business with foundation trusts’)                          external to government'. with no WGA codes attached to transaction.
                      Record total staff costs as permanently employed against    Record income received from WGA body in respect of recharge in the
                      salaries and wages as ‘external to government’              employee benefits note. This uses the ‘recoveries netted off expenditure’
                                                                                  row in the employee benefits note. It would be classified as 'external to
                                                                                  Overall staff costs would show nil assuming the recharge amount was for
                                                                                  full staff cost amount.
Transaction           Upon consolidation the income recorded by NHS Trust B       Upon consolidation, staff costs from NHS Foundation Trust A will remain.
elimination for DH    will be eliminated against the expenditure recorded by      NHS Trust B accounts will be already showing nil income and nil staff
consolidation         Foundation Trust A. The NHS Trust B external staff costs    costs.
                      will remain.

I&E - Admin and Programme Split

6.6.   The Department of Health & Social Care Consolidated Supply Estimate, which is voted
       on by Parliament, splits out Admin and Programme expenditure. The Department is
       managed against these admin and programme control totals and the breaching of either
       could result in an Excess Vote accounts qualification and a Public Accounts Committee
       Hearing. It is important that the amounts recorded as Admin or Programme within the
       Department of Health & Social Care Consolidated accounts and the AoB exercise are
       accurate, to avoid under or over eliminating programme or admin expenditure/income
       as this would affect the performance against the Estimate. Therefore, when agreeing
       balances, agreement bodies are expected to not just agree the balance, but also agree
       the type. Whether balances are Admin or Programme will depend on the activity to
       which the balance relates and the type of organisation the transactions are with.

6.7.   It is expected that Department of Health & Social Care, CCGs, CSUs, NHS England
       Local Offices, Regional Teams and some ALBs will have a split of admin and
       programme I&E. NHS Foundation Trusts and NHS Trusts will only have programme
       I&E. There are a number of ALB’s which have admin only; these are NHS Business
       Services Authority, Health Research Authority, Human Fertilisation & Embryology
       Authority, Human Tissue Authority and Professional Standards Authority.

6.8.   In determining whether a transaction is admin or programme, organisations are asked to
       refer to the DH Group Accounting Manual and the Financial Reporting Manual.
       Generally, admin balances are incurred in running the organisation, with programme
       incorporating all other balances. There will be occasions when it is not possible to
       resolve mismatches on admin and programme, however each circumstance should be
       assessed individually and treatment agreed should be clear and auditable.

I&E - Admin and Programme Split – NHS Property Services

       In 2016-17, in response to feedback from NHS Property Services and
       organisations across the Departmental Group with whom they do business, the
       Department revisited the methodology by which NHS Property Services record
       and agree the categorisation of their intercompany income and expenditure as
       admin and programme. The revised methodology remains unchanged for 2017-18.

6.9.   Due to the nature of their business, NHS Property Services have, to date, applied a
       centrally calculated percentage to their income and expenditure to calculate the
       proportion of admin and programme. Whilst this ensures an accurate admin and
       programme split of accounts data for budgeting purposes, it has caused significant
       problems in terms of the agreement of balances exercises and the Department believes
       applying the counterparty view to agreement of balances transactions is a more
       accurate method.

6.10. In response, NHS Property Services will no longer apply a generic split of admin and
      programme to their intercompany income and expenditure. Income statements sent by
      NHS Property Services will include total invoiced income but no split of admin and
      programme. Other bodies whose expenditure (and income) is with NHS Property
      Services should continue to derive, record and report their view of the correct
      admin/programme split in their accounts and agreement of balances data (including

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