AI in China: Key players, focus areas and funding - Business Finland China

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AI in China: Key players, focus areas and funding - Business Finland China
AI in China:
Key players, focus
areas and funding
Business Finland China
AI in China: Key players, focus areas and funding - Business Finland China
Executive summary
 China aims to build a 1 trillion yuan (€126.4 billion) AI core business by 2030, which
  will potentially stimulate as much as 10 trillion yuan (€1.26 trillion) in related business.
 Investors poured $4.5 billion into more than 200 Chinese A.I. companies between 2012
  and 2017 and half of the AI investments world wide went to China in 2017
 In November 2017, the Chinese government announced that it plans to build four
  national AI open innovation platforms by relying respectively on Alibaba’s smart city
  technologies, Baidu’s self-driving technologies, Tencent’s AI-enabled medical
  treatments, and iFlytek’s voice-recognition technologies.
 On education, health, transportation and manufacturing, Chinese players have being
  moving to create their own ecosystems and platforms for AI application. At the current
  stage, AI+education appears more fragmented than the other three fields.
 Successful AI start-ups from China have secured record-setting levels of financing,
  backed by both government and corporate actors. Government-backed/managed funds
  focusing on AI are being established on both national and local levels as well.
 Despite the policy and investment support, presently China still needs to catch up with
  top AI countries on its capacities in hardware, research and commercialization.

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AI in China: Key players, focus areas and funding - Business Finland China
The ”BAT battle”
BAT (Baidu-Alibaba-Tencent) led “national team” has
been tasked with building 4 open innovation platforms

                                 -   AI assistant/platform DuerOS
                                 -   Self-driving platform Apollo
                                 -   Deep learning platform Paddle Paddle
                                 -   Platform of Artificial Intelligence (PAI
                                 -   Tmall Genie voice assistant
                                 -   Customer service chatbot Dian Xiaomi
                                 -   Tencent-developed cloud service
                                 -   Open-source computing platform Angel
                                 -   WeChat AI
                                 -   Robot journalist Dreamwriter

                                 -   iFlytek Open Platform

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Regulations loosening for autonomous vehicle
testing - Baidu currently leading but other big
players follow closely
                                   Baidu has been offering its autonomous driving
                                    software platform, Apollo, to companies for free.
China’s Ministry of Industry and    Baidu hopes to collect data from usage of the
Information Technology (MIIT)       Apollo platform by its partners, including car
has released national guidelines    makers like Ford, car-component makers like
for smart internet connected        Continental, and chip makers like Nvidia.
cars, which allows local           In addition to Baidu, both Alibaba and Tencent
authorities to arrange road tests   have been conducting tests of self-driving cars.
based on their specific                 In April 2018, reports said that Alibaba had been
conditions and coordinate all            running road tests of autonomous cars on a regular
                                         basis, and was looking to hire 50 more self-driving
parties more conveniently.               specialists for its AI research lab.
                                        In May 2018, it was reported that Tencent obtained a
                                         license plate for its self-driving car from the
                                         Shenzhen Transport Bureau, which gives it
                                         permission to conduct relevant testing in the streets
                                         of Shenzhen.

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Alibaba’s data-hungry AI is controlling
(and watching) cities in China
                                       City Brain monitors every vehicle in Hangzhou, and
                                        Alibaba has reported that it have helped reduce traffic
Alibaba have announced that they        jams by 15 per cent
will invest 15B USD (until 2020) in    City Brain works by letting artificial intelligence (AI)
seven research labs (Beijing,
Hangzhou, San Mateo, Bellevue,          control a city. Large amounts of data are gathered,
Moscow, Tel Aviv and Singapore)         processed by algorithms in supercomputers, then feed
that will focus on AI, machine          it back into systems around the city
learning, network security, natural
language processing and more.          The goal is to make decisions in areas such as road
                                        planning, bus routes and frequency, and the length of
                                        time a particular red traffic light should be on, to
                                        increase traffic efficiency
                                       Macau and Malayisia’s Kuala Lumpur as next
                                        implementations in the pipeline

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Tencent aggressively investing in AI for
healthcare, teaming up with start-ups with
                                  We Doctor, the Tencent-backed Chinese online
                                   healthcare services firm, has completed internal
                                   business integration and scaled up its four verticals –
It is estimated that Tencent has   medical cloud, healthcare, medicine, and insurance.
                                   The company has raised €428 million pre-IPO
invested €2.57 billion into 33     investment, the biggest for health tech companies in
health-related start-ups at        China. This puts the valuation for We Doctor at €4.71
home and abroad since 2014.        billion.
In China, the company is also
opening clinics and an artificial  UK start-up Babylon is partnering with Chinese tech
intelligence-powered laboratory. giant Tencent in an attempt to take on the Chinese
                                       market. Babylon has an AI healthcare mobile app that
                                       allows patients to self-assess their symptoms prior to
                                       contacting a physician. Now it is teaming up with
                                       Tencent to deploy its AI app on WeChat.

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AI Development in other
AI is used to deliver more effective teaching to
the masses, and speed up evaluation
                                       Liulishuo, an AI-enabled English learning app, has
                                        launched their AI English teacher, who has been proven
                                        to triple the learning efficiency compared to human
Chinese tech firms have been            teachers by CEFR (Common European Framework of
using AI to drastically improve the     Reference for Language). Liulishuo now has over 70
efficiency of education content         million users, covering 379 cities in China and 175
                                        countries around the world.
delivery and ”diagnosis” of
students’ response to test
questions.                             Master Learner, an online education start-up, has been
                                        developing an AI-enabled platform to review students’
                                        reponses to test questions. This AI-powered system
                                        was trained using a large numbers of math, physics
                                        and chemistry questions asked by Chinese middle
                                        school students on a daily basis.

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Face/voice recognition is deployed to collect
data used to improve the learning process
 Hujiang, one of the largest online education sites in China, is working to utilize
  image recognition and voice recognition to capture students’ facial expression
  and feedback to improve the interaction between pupils and teachers in online

 TAL Education, a NYSE-listed company offering tutoring services, is working
  with Stanford University in the US to further advance the use of AI in its online
  tutoring programme. TAL and Stanford formed an alliance in early 2018 to
  explore applications of AI in assessing students’ comprehension during the
  learning process. TAL’s online platform has been capturing data on students’
  level of understanding by using facial and voice recognition technologies. Its
  team can use the data to give tuition support after class, or deliver more
  personalised education content to users.

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Haier cultivating an AI-enabled ecosystem
for intelligent manufacturing
Haier’s COSMOPlat industrial internet
platform creates an ecosystem that
allows customers to create
personalized orders for products by
 In 2017, COSMOPlat became the
  world’s largest mass customized
  solution platform with total transaction
  reaching 313.3 billion yuan (41.79
  billion EUR) and 4.12 million orders.
 In February 2018, this platform became
  China’s first national-class industrial
  internet platform approved by the
  National Development and Reform
  Commission (NDRC).

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AI Funding, Research and
Funds focusing on AI have been established in
China on different levels
               National                                      Regional                                      Others
 The Fund for Industrial Restructuring        In November 2017, it was reported that   In December 2017, China-based accelerator
  and Upgrading is a new central                the local government in Shanghai         firm COMB+ announced that it was planning
                                                unveiled guidelines to develop the AI    to launch a €65 million fund aimed at helping
  budgetary scheme started in 2016 and          sector by granting special funds and     promising international AI firms enter the
  managed by MIIT and MOF, with the             enhancing support. The Shanghai local    China market.
  goal of supporting industrial                 government has not yet disclosed how
  restructuring and technology upgrades         much funding will be granted to the
  in line with the Made in China 2025           industry.                                 The fund was reportedly backed by
  roadmap for manufacturing.                                                               government funds, government institutions,
                                                                                           private enterprises and big corporates most
 While the full scale of this support is                                                  of which are from China. The fund is
  unknown, in 2016, this budgetary                            Hangzhou                     looking for startups with a proven business
  scheme allocated 2.783 billion RMB (370                                                  model in local market who would like to go
  million EUR) to projects in “smart           Sinovation Ventures announced in           to the Chinese market, and can help them
  manufacturing standardization and new         November 2017 that the company will        further develop and upgrade their tech so
  model applications” alone. This fund did      establish a 4 billion RMB (530 million     that they can apply it to the Chinese
  not exist prior to 2016.                      EUR) fund in Hangzhou, focusing on AI.     market.
                                               As of April 2018, a RMB 10 billion        For deals, COMB+ will be looking to provide
 The Chinese National Venture Capital          (1.33billion EUR) government-backed        €1-2 million typically, with follow-on capital
  Fund is a 200 billion yuan (26.68 billion     blockchain fund called Xiong An Global     available. Individual investments will not
  EUR) state-controlled fund set up in          Blockchain Innovation Fund, has been       top €5 million per deal, according to the
  2016 to invest in China’s start-ups. It       launched in Hangzhou to invest in          CEO.
  led the high profile financing of AI firm     innovative firms using blockchain
  Face++.                                       technology.

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Emerging AI “unicorns” work in voice/face
recognition, robotics, education and media
                                        Financing Valuation                                                                       HQ
      Name                Sector                                                       Key Investors
                                       Total (USD) (USD)                                                                        Location
  Toutiao 今日头条     news                  $3,150 M    $35B     General Atlantic, Sequoia Capital, CCB International,            Beijing
   Ubtech 优必选      robotics              $942 M       $5B     Tencent, CDH Investments                                         Shenzhen
 SenseTime 商汤科技    face recognition      $720 M      $4.5B    Alibaba                                                          Beijing
                                                              China State-Owned Capital Venture Capital Fund, Ant Financial,
  Face++ 旷视科技      face recognition      $460 M       $2B     Foxconn                                                          Beijing
  Mobvoi 出门问问      voice recognition     $255 M     unknown   Volkswagen, Google, Sequoia Capital                              Beijing
  iCarbonX 碳云智能    healthcare            $255 M       $1B     Tencent, Zhongyuan Union Stem Cell Bioengineering                Shenzhen

  Unisound 云知声     voice recognition     $230 M       $1B     CLP Health Fund, 360                                             Beijing
 Cloudminds 达闼科技 robotics                $130 M     unknown   Softbank Group, Foxconn                                          Beijing
Roobo 北京智能管家科技 robotics                  $100 M     unknown   iFlytek                                                          Beijing
 Liulishuo 英语流利说   education             $100 M     unknown   CMC, Wu Capital                                                  Shanghai
 Appier 沛星互动科技     marketing             $82.5 M    unknown   Softbank Group, Line Group, Naver Group                          Taipei
  Aispeech 思必驰     voice recognition      $45 M     unknown   undisclosed                                                      Beijing

                                                                                                22.8.2018                                 14
China has unparalleled access to data for its AI
development, but is still lagging in other areas
 An Oxford study showed that China                 BATs are collaborating with Chinese
  trails the US in every driver of AI                universities to boost joint research
  development (hardware, research                    capacity and domestic talent pool
  and algorithm, and                                   In February 2018, iFlytek established an
  commercialization) expect for “access                 AI school at the Chongqing University of
  to data”                                              Posts and Telecommunications
    China’s AI research capacity still suffers        In April 2018, Alibaba and Tsinghua
     from a lack of experienced AI                      University launched a joint lab focusing
     researchers and fundamental innovation             on human-computer interaction
     in algorithm development                           technologies
    Processor and chip development may be             In April 2018, Tencent Cloud and
     the biggest challenge for China’s AI plan,         Shangdong University of Science and
     due to high initial costs and long creation        Technology jointly established a school
     cycle                                              for AI teaching and research at the

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 China wishes to become one of the leading global hubs of AI development,
  with the help of strong policy support and significant investment in the area
 China’s tech giants (especially BAT-companies) are given a national task and
  are investing in AI platforms in autonomous driving, healthcare, smart cities,
  intelligent manufacturing and voice recognition & intelligence (often applied
  for education), which opens up potential cooperation opportunities for Finnish
  companies in these areas.
 China is currently trying to catch up on its capacity to conduct research and
  innovation and supply core hardware for AI development, and the gap (to US)
  is closing as more investments are poured into these areas

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Arto Mustikkaniemi
Head of Innovation, Business Finland China

Luke Li
Advisor, Business Finland China
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