Alexa, Can I Trust You? - TSAPPS at NIST

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Alexa, Can I Trust You? - TSAPPS at NIST
Alexa, Can I Trust You?
 Hyunji Chung, Michaela Iorga, Jeffrey Voas, National Institute of Standards and Technology
                               Sangjin Lee, Korea University

 Security diagnostics expose vulnerabilities and privacy threats that exist in
 commercial Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVA) – diagnostics offer the possibility
 of securer IVA ecosystems.

Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs)            definition of a Whopper, pulled from
open a new world, a world where you              the website Wikipedia [2]. Since the
can talk to a machine as if it were a            website can be edited by users, the
human and the machine will perform               definition had been changed and
the work you request. For example,               “cyanide” was inserted as an
when you wake up, “Hey, what’s on                ingredient in one version. Such kind of
my schedule for today?” Before you               malicious information, if followed ad
leave the house, “Hey, what’s my                 litter am, can cause harm.
commute?” For dinner, “Hey, order
                                                 In this column, we urge readers to
one large size pepperoni pizza.” When
                                                 think about the potential security and
you go to sleep, “Hey, turn off the bed
                                                 privacy concerns of this technology.
room      lights.”    Ideally,     such
                                                 For instance, (1) “Is my IVA secure?”,
conversations should be solely
                                                 (2) “Is it listening to my
between you and the device assisting
                                                 conversations?”, (3) “Where is my
you. But are they? Do you know?
                                                 voice data stored?”, etc. The fact that
Where is the trust?
                                                 IVAs are installed in private homes
IVAs may be new and mysterious to                makes this a public-facing challenge,
some consumers, but they are in the              and one that attracts instant media
market place today. Gartner has said             attention when problems arise. To our
that the IVA market will reach $2.1              knowledge, security and privacy
billion by 2020 [1]. Voice assistants            threats of these IVAs have not received
such as Google Home, Apple's Siri and            enough attention.
Amazon's Echo devices have always
                                                 WHAT IS AN INTELIGENT
been susceptible to accidental hijack.
                                                 VIRTUAL ASSISTANT?
A Google ad during the Super Bowl
that used the phrase "OK, Google"                Predecessors       of    Assisting     IoT
reportedly set off people's home                 Devices
devices that began reciting the
IoT devices for assistance are not new.                               devices in the proximity of the user, an
IoT devices for assistance have                                       assistant of this type is powered by
evolved from half-century old chatbots                                artificial intelligence, and the “brain”
programmed to pass the Turing test 1                                  of the assistant is in a virtual place, e.g.,
(e.g., Eliza and Parry). A chatbot was                                a cloud. These devices are
a service that people interacted with in                              communicating with the virtual
writing via a chat interface. They                                    assistant, sometimes by default, but
worked by examining a user's typed                                    more often only when configured to do
comments and identifying known                                        so, and have no embedded intelligence.
keywords. If a keyword was found, a                                   We will employ, in this column, the
rule that transformed the user's                                      term IVA-enabled device when
comments was applied, and the                                         referring to such devices.
resulting sentence was returned [3].
                                                                      Well known IVAs
Today’s newer versions of IVAs can
                                                                      Table 1 summarizes known IVAs from
not only respond to voice commands,
                                                                      major vendors such as Amazon, Apple,
but also can play music if asked,
                                                                      Google and Microsoft [5]. (in
perform keyword searches, order items,
                                                                      alphabetical order)
turn on lights, open garage doors, and
can even sustain conversations [4].                                   Table 1. Summary of best known IVAs
Defining IVA                                                          Vendor      IVA          devices
There are various terms for this                                                            (Endpoints)
category of IoT devices. They include,                                                         Echo, Dot, Tab,
                                                                      Amazon     Alexa
                                                                                               Fire Tablet
but are not limited to, Smart Assistant,                                                       iPhone, iPad,
Intelligent Personal Assistant, Digital                               Apple      Siri
Assistant, Personal Virtual Assistant,                                           Google
                                                                                               Any phone with
Virtual Assistant Bot, etc. Among                                                Now &
                                                                      Google                   Android, Google
these terms we can recognize some                                                              Home
common keywords: ‘smart’, ‘assistant’,                                                         Any PC with
                                                                      Microsoft Cortana
‘intelligent’, and ‘virtual’. In this                                                          Windows
column, we employ the term
Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA),                                  ‘IVAs’ has an agent programs running
because,       even      though      the                              on ‘IVA-enabled devices’ (endpoints)
communication is facilitated by                                       such as iPhone, iPad, Mac, Fire tablet,
  The Turing test is a test, developed by Alan Turing in 1950, of a
machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or
indistinguishable from, that of a human.
Echo, Google Home, etc. The main             (endpoints). Examples of the built-in
functionality, the “brain” of an IVA, is     IVA include Siri (for Apple products)
housed as a cloud service that               and Cortana (for Windows-based PCs).
processes voice data (converting             Examples of the stand-alone IVA
voice-to-text, performing linguistic         include Alexa (that uses Echo, Echo
context analysis, and providing              Dot and Tab dedicated devices) and
answers to questions.)                       Google Assistant (that uses Google
                                             Home dedicated device.) The
We divide IVAs into two types: (1)
                                             remainder of this article focuses on
built-in IVA that use multi-purpose
                                             security and privacy threat modeling
devices (endpoints) and (2) stand-
                                             for stand-alone IVAs that are operating
alone IVA that use dedicated devices
                                             in peoples’ homes.

                              Figure 1. IVA ecosystem

IDENTIFYING                  people’s actual voice        unauthorized entities to
THREAT VECTORS               sounds      which      are   use the data to identify
OF IVAs                      Personally Identifiable      individuals,            to
                             Information (PII) [6], we    maliciously obtain access
To identify ways to
                             extend the analysis to       to systems that implement
secure IVAs, we begin by
                             include user privacy. IVA    voice recognition, or
analyzing their security
                             vendors are already          simply to process data
vulnerabilities.   Then,
                             storing voice data, thus     and     construct    voice
since    IVAs     handle
                             making it possible for       artifacts that could be
used to impersonate these       (a.1) Endpoint1: an       To utilize IVAs, the IVA-
individuals.        These    Alexa-enabled    device      enabled devices need to
scenarios are problematic.   (Echo);                      run an agent program that
                                                          communicates with the
To identify the threat          (a.2) Endpoint2: a
                                                          cloud services. Major
vectors, we have learned     companion app that needs
                                                          vendors are providing this
how IVAs operate along       to be installed on user’s
                                                          agent by integrating it
with their components        device of choice;
                                                          into     their   operating
through a variety of
                             (b) The cloud side - the     systems: for example, the
analysis methods such as
                             ‘intelligent    assistant’   latest versions of iOS and
voice command tests,
                             Alexa that operates in the   OS X have the Siri agent
firmware        analysis,
                             Amazon’s            cloud    installed by default.
network traffic analysis,
                             environment.                 Microsoft Windows 10
and application analysis.
                             To test Alexa, we asked      has the Cortana agent as
By doing so, we can
                             Echo questions and got       one of its default
unveil useful details
                             answers. We learned that     processes. IVA agents
about IVA ecosystems.
                             all the requests sent to     from Amazon and Google
                             Alexa (through Echo)         are similar in principle
IVA ECOSYSTEMS               were stored in a cloud in    but use dedicated devices
                             text format and in           such as Echo and Google
In general, IVAs consist                                  Home.
                             recorded voice. All the
of multiple components
                             conversations and actual     An interesting point here
in          heterogeneous
                             voice recordings were        relates to IVA-enabled
environments. As shown
                             accessible        through    devices       –       these
in Figure 1, there are two
                             Alexa’s companion app.       ‘Endpoints1’ are stand-
user-side components: (1)
                             Performing          packet   alone products designed
companion applications,
                             analysis we discovered       to only assist in the usage
and (2) IVA-enabled
                             what kind of data has        of IVA services. Because
devices. One of the IVAs
                             been stored on the cloud     these     home-embedded
we studied was Amazon’s
                             side and how to get access   devices need to be
Alexa ecosystem. The
                             to cloud-native data. In     connected to the Internet
main components of this
                             addition, analysis of the    to communicate with the
ecosystem are grouped
                             firmware and software of     ‘intelligent assistant’, the
into two categories:
                             IVA-enabled       devices    vendors need to provide
(a) The client side – that   helped us understand the     convenient interfaces for
has 2 components:            overall ecosystem.           configuring them and
managing activity history.                                   important to note that                                     A few examples are:
Amazon and Google are                                        IVAs are expanding their                                   opening a garage door or
providing       companion                                    features (often referred to                                unlocking a house door,
applications (apps or                                        as ‘skills’) by allowing                                   ordering a pizza, or
web-sites) for completing                                    third-party entities to add                                utilizing a social network
these activities. It is also                                 new compatible services.                                   service by voice.

    Case 1                                                                              Case 2
                 Packet sniffing                     Packet sniffing
  Web proxy                            Cloud
                                                                                                                                 24/7 voice
                  Unveiling                                                                            … tomorrow I have         recording
               communication                                                                           to go conference in
                 mechanism                                                  Firmware                          DC….
                                                                                                           Remotely controlled
                                                                                           User                                        Who are you?     Compromised

                               User                  User        IVA-enabled
   Companion applications                                           device

    Case 3                                                                              Case 4
                Cloud                                                                                                                                 Voice     Conversation

                                                     Home                                               Home

                                                             Door      Stealing car                 “…He was
                                                             attack                                  driving a
                     Malicious voice                                                                                               Unintentional voice record
                                                                                                  Lexus in a way
                      commands                                                                     she said was
   Adversary                                   IVA-enabled                                                         IVA-enabled
                                                  device                                                              device

                                       Figure 2. Four cases when the IVA turns rogue
ROGUE IVAs                                                   application-to-cloud                        or             network traffic between
                                                             Endpoint2-to-cloud.                                        client’s       companion
Wiretapping                                    the
                                                             (Figure 2 - Case1)                                         application and the cloud
                                                                                                                        may      expose     user’s
                                                             On the left side of Figure
An IVA’s ecosystem                                                                                                      security and privacy data.
                                                             2 - Case1, the cloud
network communication                                                                                                   This       is     because
                                                             services      may      use
is divided into two parts:                                                                                              identifying       network
                                                             encrypted connections to
(1) IVA-enabled device-                                                                                                 communications       helps
                                                             protect        customer’s
to-cloud or Endpoint1-to-                                                                                               attackers      understand
                                                             personal data. In this
cloud; and (2) companion                                                                                                overall operations of an
                                                             environment, sniffing the
IVA ecosystem. For          unencrypted packets, a        status, talking to the
example, in laboratory      man-in-the-middle attack      assistant, listening to
environment, we used        could take place. Even if     music, ordering products
HTTPS interception tools,   the image is not altered,     or services, and so on [9].
to analyze requests and     obtaining the firmware
                                                          Compromised IVAs
responses, and then         image is an important
understand which APIs       security concern because      There are well-known
are used for sending and    it provides a chance to       cases of compromised
receiving data to and       understand the internal       home-embedded devices
from the IVA running in     operations of a IVA-          that were connected to the
the cloud.                  enabled             device.   Internet. Recently, DDoS
                            Furthermore, a malicious      attacks against Dyn LLC
On the right side of the
                            attacker may be able to       exploited vulnerabilities
Figure 2 - Case1, we
                            distribute        modified    of 10s of millions of
illustrate IVA-enabled-
                            firmware images [7]. The      home-embedded devices
device-to-cloud        or
                            rest of the communication     such as webcams and
                            between the IVA-enabled       DVRs, infecting them
communication.        Our
                            device and the IVA            with Mirai botnet, and
analysis reveals that,
                            running in the cloud is       turning these devices into
although most network
                            encrypted using HTTPS.        an army of bots used to
traffic is encrypted, not
                            So, what about an             attack Dyn’s systems.
everything may be sent
                            encrypted            packet   Because gateway devices
over a secure protocol.
                            (HTTPS)? There are            used for the IVA
There        may       be
                            various existing studies      ecosystem      are     also
unencrypted connections,
                            on classifying network        embedded systems, there
including but not limited
                            traffic through scientific    are similar possibilities
to, checking the current
                            approaches       including    for     them      to     be
network      connectivity
                            machine-learning              compromised if they
status, transmitting the
                            algorithms [8]. Even          contain            security
firmware image upgrades,
                            though the traffic is         vulnerabilities [10].
                            encrypted,          various   Figure 2-Case2 illustrates
In the first case, it is    patterns         including    the vulnerability scenario
possible to detect the      payload sizes and data        of a 24/7 voice recording.
presence of IVA devices     rates could be utilized for   In general, IVAs are not
inside of a home network.   identifying          user’s   always recording, but
Also, if firmware data is   behavior such as turning      always hearing. If an
transferred          over   on the device, the idle
IVA-enabled         device    IVAs may be controlled         Unintentionally
hears the ‘wakeup word’,      by people pretending to        recorded voice
the user’s voice is           be in the proximity of the
                                                             The last scenario deals
recorded and transmitted      IVA-enabled        device,
                                                             with data privacy. Voices
to the IVA in the cloud. If   while, in fact, they are
                                                             can be recorded by
the IVA-enabled device        accessing a speaker
                                                             accident and transmitted
(Endpoint1)              is   positioned      in     the
                                                             to a cloud (Figure 2-Case
compromised        by     a   proximity, in the house.
                                                             4).    Because     speech
malicious attacker, it can
                              Malicious             voice    recognition is not a
play the role of a virtual
                              commands                       perfect science, it is
spy. ‘Always-on’ voice
                                                             possible to eavesdrop on
recording in a user’s         The third threat includes
                                                             private     conversations
private location can allow    malicious             voice
                                                             unintentionally.      The
all sounds or voices to be    commands as shown in
                                                             potential for accidental
recorded and sent to an       Figure 2- Case3. In voice-
                                                             recording means that
attacker in real time. This   activated services, users’
                                                             users do not necessarily
is a privacy concern.         voices may lead to
                                                             have complete control
                              dangerous         outcomes.
An IVA-enabled device is                                     over what audio gets
                              Some IVAs provide a
a     remotely-controlled                                    transmitted to the IVA in
                              voice training feature, but
speaker, similar to a smart                                  the cloud [12].
                              it is difficult to perfectly
baby monitor. There was
                              recognize user’s voice,        As more ‘things’ become
a recent case where a
                              tones      and      accents.   connected to the Internet,
family      living       in
                              Therefore, an IVA could        there is a growing need
Washington, spoke out
                              process requests and           for better understanding
about the horrors they
                              answer for someone else        of security and privacy
experienced while using a
                              or for a malicious person.     threats from IVAs. Our
baby monitor inside their
                              If a malicious person can      goal here is to provide an
3-year-old son's bedroom.
                              come close enough to the       overview       of     IVA
Parents discovered that a
                              targeted       IVA-enabled     ecosystems and their
stranger had hacked into
                              device, he or she may be       potential threat vectors,
their baby monitor and
                              able to fool the system        and to explain four
was able to spy on their
                              into thinking that the real    different cases involving
toddler and sometimes
                              owner is the person            IVAs that turned rogue.
speaking        disturbing
messages into the device                                     DISCLAIMER
[11]. In a similar way,
Certain         commercial      [4] Wikipedia, “Virtual         [8] T. Nguyen and G.
entities, equipment, or         assistant         (artificial   Armitage, “A survey of
materials identified in this    intelligence)”,                 techniques for Internet
document were used only       traffic    classification
to adequately describe an       wiki/Virtual_assistant_(a       using machine learning,”
experimental procedure          rtificial_intelligence).        IEEE Communications
or      concept.       Such                                     Surveys and Tutorials,
                                [5] Business Insider,
identification is not                                           2007.
                                “Why Amazon's Echo is
intended       to     imply
                                totally dominating — and        [9] C. Gu, S. Zhang and Y.
recommendation            or
                                what Google, Microsoft,         Sun,           “Real-time
endorsement by NIST,
                                and Apple have to do to         encrypted           traffic
nor is it intended to imply
                                catch                up”,       identification       using
that the entities, materials,
                                http://www.businessinsid        machine         learning”,
or      equipment        are
                                   Journal of software, 2011.
necessarily the best
available for the purpose.                                      [10] ORACLE+Dyn, Dyn
                                                                Statement on 10/21/2016
                                [6] E. McCallister and T.       DDoS             Attack”,
[1] Gartner Newsroom,           Grance and K. Scarfone,
“Gartner Says Worldwide         “Guide to protecting the        statement-on-10212016-
Spending     on    VPA-         confidentiality        of       ddos-attack/.
Enabled         Wireless        Personally Identifiable
                                                           [11] The San Francisco
Speakers Will Top $2            Information (PII),” NIST
                                                           Globe, “Stranger hacks
Billion    by     2020”,        Special Publication 800-
                                                           family's baby monitor and        122, 2010.
                                                           talks to child at night”,
                                [7]     “Exploring     the
[2] AP The Big Story:           Amazon Echo Dot, Part 1: 01/06/stranger-hacks-
“How       Burger     King      Intercepting     firmware familys-baby-monitor-
revealed the hackability        updates”,                  and-talks-to-child-at-
of voice assistants”,  night/.      caksica/exploring-the-
                                                           [12]      The    Christian
036d742504890b2f9edc3           amazon-echo-dot-part-1-
                                                           Science Monitor, “What
f98c77ef                        intercepting-firmware-
                                                           do Alexa and Siri mean
[3] Wikipedia, “Chatbot”,                                  for             privacy?”,
                                - .dyktzwphz                        
wiki/Chatbot                                               m/Technology/2017/011
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