All Saints Church * Knoxville, TN * Sunday, January 24, 2021 *

Page created by Claude Ingram
All Saints Church * Knoxville, TN * Sunday, January 24, 2021 *
All Saints Church * Knoxville, TN * Sunday, January 24, 2021 *
All Saints Church * Knoxville, TN * Sunday, January 24, 2021 *
Readings for the week of January 24, 2021                                    Mass Intentions
Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [4a]/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20
                                                                            Saturday, January 23rd
Monday: Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22/Ps 117:1bc, 2 [Mk 16:15]/Mk 16:15-
18                                                                          5 pm: Margaret Ward (†)
Tuesday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Ps 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 7-8a, 10 [3]/Mk 3:31-35   7 pm: Blanca Amelia Urrutia (†)
Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4 [4b]/Mk 4:1-20
Thursday: Heb 10:19-25/Ps 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6 [cf. 6]/Mk 4:21-25             Sunday, January 24th
Friday: Heb 10:32-39/Ps 37:3-4, 5-6, 23-24, 39-40 [39a]/Mk 4:26-34          8 am: Jimmy Hatmaker (†)
Saturday: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19/Lk 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75 [cf. 68]/Mk 4:35-41     10 am: Lucille Leehans (†)
                                                                            11:30 am: The People of All Saints

                                                                            Monday, January 25th
                                                                            6:30 am: Nick Redondo (†)
                                                                            9 am: Carolyn Kesiah (†)
                 Priest Appreciation Meals                                  12:10 pm: Mike Ferri (†)
                Sign up to bring our priests a home
                -cooked meal on a Tuesday of your                           Tuesday, January 26th
                              choice!                                       6:30 am: Carol Masciantonio (†)
                                                                            9 am: Eva Nations (†)
                 h"ps://                              12:10 pm: Tim Gouge

                                                                            Wednesday, January 27th
                                                                            6:30 am: Phyllis Ide (†)
                                                                            9 am: Jamil Mazraani (†)
                                                                            12:10 pm: Scott Veum (†)

      20 + C + M + B + 21                                                   Thursday, January 28th
                                                                            6:30 am: Irene Simonian (†)
Epiphany marks the occasion of a time-honored                               9 am: Liza Mazraani (†)
Christian tradition of “chalking the doors” Pick up                         12:10 pm: Gussie Cruze (†)
blessed chalk in the narthex and write the above formula
on the entrance of your home.                                               Friday, January 29th
                                                                            6:30 am: Joan Catherine Riordan(†)
The letters C, M, B have two meanings                                       9 am: John Lanning (†)
1. They are the initials of the traditional names of the                    12:10 pm: The Schubert Family
   three magi: Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar
2. They also abbreviate the Latin words Christus                            Saturday, January 30th
   mansionem benedicat, “May Christ bless this house.”                      9 am: Fr. Mark Scholz
   The plus signs represent the cross and 2021 is the                       5 pm: The People of All Saints Parish
   year.                                                                    7 pm: Maria Trinidad Duran (†)

The chalking of the doors is a great practice where we                      Sunday, January 31st
dedicate our year to God from its beginning, asking His                     8 am: Tony Gianeselli
blessing on our homes and all who live, work or visit                       10 am: In honor of our Blessed Mother
there.                                                                      11:30 am: Lucille Leehans (†)
All Saints Church * Knoxville, TN * Sunday, January 24, 2021 *
EDGE and LifeTeen (Youth Ministry Programs) will be on RED PLAN through January 24th.
                                  We will keep you posted when we have updates to the schedule.

                                           Summer Camp Registra!ons Now Open!
May 31-June 5, 2021: Camp Hidden Lake – Dahlonega, GA (Open to current grades 5-8 and adult chaperones)
July 10-17, 2021: Catholic HEART Workcamp – Boston, MA (Open to current grades 8-12, college students and adult chaperones)
May 31-June 5, 2021*: Camp Covecrest – Tiger, GA (Open to current grades 8-12)
*this trip is organized by the Diocese of Knoxville and will include members from various parishes

Spots are limited and reserved on a first come, first served basis. You can download informa$on and registra$on details for all camps
                                    at: h"ps://$ons
All Saints Church * Knoxville, TN * Sunday, January 24, 2021 *
The All Saints Scouts invite you to participate in our annual     Ladies of Charity, Knoxville, has
   food drive by bringing canned goods and non-perishable       reopened the Emergency Assistance
 items to church on January 23 and 24. Peanut butter, tuna       Program for 2021. As we review our
and canned fruit are high priority items. All donations will go    inventory, we are asking for help
to the Ladies of Charity to provide emergency assistance to         replenishing the following items:
              those in need in the Knoxville area.
                                                                    Bars of soap, toothpaste, tooth-
                 Thank you for your support!                        brushes, shampoo, baby wipes,
                                                                 laundry powder, diapers (size 4, 5 &
                                                                     6), hand sanitizer (small sizes).

    Help support All Saints through the Kroger Community
                      Rewards Program!
                                                                        During 2020, we have depleted most
           All Saints organization number is BB332.                     of this inventory for our neighbors in
We received $750.04 in the last quarter of 2020 from this                need. Any questions please email
                                                                            Suzy at
      program. Thanks to all who participated!

                       The parish nursery has reopened to serve the 10 AM Mass on Sundays.
                      We have strict safety guidelines in place! If you have a child age 4 or
                     younger that may bene"t from our nursery service, bring them on over
                                     to the parish hall on Sunday mornings!

                                    Weekly Financial Support Summary
                                           Weekly Budget: $30,384
Sunday Collections                                                 December Total: $240,970 (+$99,434)

12/6/2020: $20,862                                                 Year to Date Total: $842,156 (+$32,172)

12/13/2020: $30,043                                                 The generous December dona!ons greatly helped to
                                                                     offset the shor#all through November! Thank you!!
12/20/2020: $11,425                                                 Some dona!ons were given in advance for the 2021
                                                                   year so we are doing well but we may face some lower
12/25/2020: $1,575 (Budget $20,000)
                                                                                   months of giving again.
12/27/2020: $14,425
Monthly Online Giving: $74,140
Annual Donations (some for 2021) : $88,500
                     Thank you for your generous stewardship!                                   2,046 Registered
·    To give online, visit
                                                                                                5,591 Members
·    Donations may also be mailed to 620 N Cedar Bluff Rd, Knoxville, TN 37923.
·    On Facebook, click the red “Donate” button
·    Text ALLSAINTSKNOX to 800-950-9952
All Saints Church * Knoxville, TN * Sunday, January 24, 2021 *
THE BISHOP’S APPEAL 2021 IS UNDERWAY                                 Welfare states organize comprehensive social
                         “ANCHORED IN CHRIST”                                         transfers. What need is there for involvement
                                                                                                     by the Church?

                                                                                      Money alone does not create a humane society
                                                                                      as the Gospel understands it. Visiting the sick,
                                                                                           welcoming the stranger, caring for the
                                                                                      imprisoned—these things cannot be delegated
          The Bishop’s Appeal 2021 begins with a mailing that many of our
                                                                                            exclusively to public institutions and
parishioners have received or will soon receive. This is a mailing from Bishop            professional specialists. State-organized
Stika asking for a generous commitment to this year’s Appeal.                           assistance programs are important, but often
          Your gift not only funds many of the operations of the Diocese of               they are also an excuse not to have to do
Knoxville, it funds services that are of great help to the ministries here in our       anything more for the needy ourselves. The
                                                                                           Church's programs, such as charitable
                                                                                         institutions, social services, soup kitchens,
          This year, the theme of the Appeal is “Anchored in Christ”. Each Appeal      clothing drives, etc., are remarkable above all
gift enables the diocese to build up the kingdom of God throughout East                because in them the needy and those who are
Tennessee. God gives us all that we have. Even when we want to believe that              helping meet personally and do so with the
our successes are self-made, we know that it is God who has blessed us                appreciative awareness that we are all loved by
                                                                                           God. This spirit makes the difference!
abundantly with all we have. He is always giving to us. His grace is always there
for us. One way that we can show our gratitude is by offering our generous
financial support to our parish and to our Diocese and to the Church throughout
the world. The gifts that we give enable ministries, education and services that
touch thousands of lives.
          Our parish goal is $151,700. With your support, we can reach and
exceed this goal. Please answer Bishop Stika’s request and make a commitment
to the annual appeal. All pledges can be paid in ten installments. Thank you in
advance for your support.
                             “ANCLADOS EN CRISTO”
          La Colecta del Obispo 2021 comenzará con una información enviada                     In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus
por correo regular que muchos de los feligreses ya han recibido o recibirán                   says: “Come after me, and I will
próximamente. Es una comunicación del Obispo Stika en donde les solicita                  make you fishers of men.” As disciples,
                                                                                       we are called to continue God’s work on earth.
hacer un generoso donativo con la Colecta de este año.
                                                                                      Taking care of God’s poor is indeed living gos-
          Su donación no solo provee los fondos de muchas de las operaciones                             pel values.
de la Diócesis sino que brinda los fondos para servicios que ayudan en gran            From December 1, 2020 to January 13, 2021,
manera a los ministerios de nuestra Parroquia.                                        through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de
          Este año, el tema de la Colecta es “Anclados en Cristo”. Cada donación        Paul was able to assist 47 families, providing
                                                                                       over $375 in food, and over $4,300 for utility,
recogida en la Colecta permite a la Diócesis construir el reino de Dios en todo el       rent and other bills. May God Bless You!
Este de Tennessee. Dios nos da todo lo que tenemos. Incluso cuando queremos
creer que nuestros éxitos se deben a nosotros mismos, sabemos que es Dios              Please consider learning more about being a
quien nos ha bendecido abundantemente con todo lo que tenemos. Él siempre              Vincentian by attending one of our upcoming
nos está dando. Su gracia siempre está ahí para nosotros. Una manera en que           meetings, held on Tuesday evenings, 7 p.m. in
podemos demostrar nuestra gratitud es ofreciendo nuestro generoso apoyo               Parish Hall: January 19, February 2, and Febru-
                                                                                                          ary 16.
financiero a nuestra parroquia, a nuestra diócesis y a la Iglesia en todo el mundo.
Las donaciones que hacemos hacen posibles ministerios, la educación y                 SVdP helpline is 865.474.8618. E-mail address:
servicios que afectan a miles de vidas.                                       
          Nuestra meta parroquial es $151,700. Con su ayuda, podemos
alcanzar y sobrepasar esta meta. Por favor respondan al pedido del Obispo Stika
y hagan un generoso donativo. Muchas gracias anticipadamente por su apoyo.
Certi cación Diocesana sobre el
                                                                Catecismo: Los 4 Pilares de La Fe
                                                                             Nivel 1
                                                                          Clases de Primavera 2021

                                                             La O!cina del Apostolado Hispano en coordinación
                                                               con la O!cina de Formación Cristiana ofrecerá la
Sunday, January 24th @ 2 pm.                                   Certi!cación de Catequistas en español. Nuestra
                                                                diócesis ofrecerá esta formación en la fe para
  There will be no assembly before the                        catequistas centrada en el Catecismo de la Iglesia
   march. Please come to the 11th St                           Católica especí!camente. El primer nivel de este
                                                              curso se dará el primer año en cuatro clases, dos
parking garage (free parking) and stay in
                                                             en la primavera y dos en el otoño. El segundo nivel
your car. Tune your radio to WRJZ Joy ,                         se dará el siguiente año de la misma manera.
                                                               Quien asista a cada clase recibirá un certi!cado
   AM 620, for an opening prayer and
                                                               que contará para la obtención del certi!cado de
 instruc$ons on how to proceed to the                          catequista al !nalizar los dos niveles. La primera
                 march.                                      clase es el sábado, 6 de febrero de 9 a.m. a 4 p.m.
                                                                   en el Salón Parroquial de la Catedral del
 Tennessee Right to Life 865-689-1339                          Sacratísimo Corazón de Jesús. Para inscribirse,
                                                                                por favor visite
                       o llame a la                              o!cina del Apostolado Hispano a 865-637-4769.

       Parish Contacts                                                             John Hafner—Maintenance
Very Reverend Douglas Owens VG                   Deacon Robert Rust                      865-406-8827
           865-474-8605                              865-474-8617              Melissa Harvey—Music Assistant
        Fr. Alex Hernandez                 Kristen Cox—Liturgical Music                   865-257-9383
            865-474-8610                        865-531-0770 ext. 110              Christine Lucheon—Finance
            Fr. Jorge Mejia               Kelly Deehan—Echo Apprentice                        865-474-8601
              865-474-8606                           865-474-8607              Carrie Manabat—Faith Formation
       Deacon Dan Alexander                 Meghan Forbes—Secretarial              865-474-8603
          Deacon Tim Elliott                         865-474-8602                 Annie Nassis—Youth Ministry
             Montse Gomez—Administrative   
              865-474-8604                           865-474-8609
      Deacon David Lucheon                           865-474-8600              Susan Tribble—Women’s Ministry                                                  
Residential • Commercial
              Carpentry • Decks                                                   NOW ENROLLING! Preschool - 8th Grade
  Call for More!            865-470-0001
     Jeff & Joann Brown, All Saints Parishioners                                   625 St. John Court • Farragut, TN 37934 •

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     Sacred Heart Parishioner                  865.687.9412
      Last Will Packages                          865-777-4000
    Unemployment Appeals
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                       3-D-5-3            For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                                                                                                14-1281
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