CHRISTMAS BUSINESS HOURS - Njernda Aboriginal Corporation will close for the Christmas Break from 3pm Friday 22nd December, 2017 to Monday 8th ...

Page created by Joyce Blair
CHRISTMAS BUSINESS HOURS - Njernda Aboriginal Corporation will close for the Christmas Break from 3pm Friday 22nd December, 2017 to Monday 8th ...
                                                                                                                           December 2017 Newsletter


              Njernda Aboriginal Corporation will close
                                          for the Christmas Break
             from 3pm Friday 22nd December, 2017 to
                                    Monday 8th January, 2018

             Inside the newsletter are the opening hours
               for Medical and Service Hours for HACC
                                           clients during this time

 “We respectfully acknowledge the Yorta Yorta Nation as the traditional Owners of the land of the communities that the Njernda Aboriginal Corporation service”
CHRISTMAS BUSINESS HOURS - Njernda Aboriginal Corporation will close for the Christmas Break from 3pm Friday 22nd December, 2017 to Monday 8th ...
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        Inside This Issue
      Christmas Business Hours                                            Front Page

      Njernda Medical Opening Hours over Christmas                           Page 3
      Visiting Specialist                                                    Page 3
      HACC/CHSP Service Hours over Christmas                                 Page 4
      Multi Venue Self Exclusion                                             Page 5
      7 Beans Café                                                           Page 5
      Fashion for Less                                                       Page 5
      Certificate III in Individual Support                                  Page 6
      January School Holiday Events                                          Page 6
      Accreditation                                                          Page 7
      Reminder to Elders                                                     Page 7
      Board of Management 2018                                               Page 8
      Njernda Tenants                                                        Page 8
      Congratulations on the Completion of Diploma of Children Services      Page 9
      Christmas Spectacular featuring Dhungala Yalka Dance Group             Page 9
      Staff Member of the Month                                             Page 10
      Staff Changes                                                         Page 10
      Njernda Services                                                    Page 11-12
      Njernda Website                                                       Page 11
      Our Vision                                                            Page 13
      How to Find Us                                                        Page 14

Artwork by: Children of Berrimba Childcare Centre
CHRISTMAS BUSINESS HOURS - Njernda Aboriginal Corporation will close for the Christmas Break from 3pm Friday 22nd December, 2017 to Monday 8th ...
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       Medical Opening Hours over Christmas
Date                                         Opening Hours
Monday 25th December, 2017          Closed—Christmas Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 26th December, 2017            Closed—Boxing Day Public Holiday
Wednesday 27th December, 2017   Open         9:00am ~ 4:30pm
Thursday 28th December, 2017    Open         9:00am ~ 4:30pm
Friday 29th December, 2017      Open         9:00am ~ 4:30pm
Monday 1st January, 2018           Closed—New Years Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 2nd January, 2018       Open         9:00am ~ 4:30pm
Wednesday 3rd January, 2018     Open         9:00am ~ 4:30pm
Thursday 4th January, 2018      Open         9:00am ~ 4:30pm
Friday 5th January, 2018        Open         9:00am ~ 4:30pm

    For After Hours care please phone Echuca Regional Health on
5485 5000 or present to the Emergency Department, 226 Service Street
               In Case of an Emergency Please Call 000

                   VISITING SPECIALIST
Visiting Specialist
 Rumbalara Dentist visits 2 days per fortnight
     Wednesday & Thursday from 10.00am to 3.00pm
     First consult is a 20 minute check up, if you require treatment a 40
     minute appointment will be required
 Podiatrist visits Njernda every Friday fortnight between 9.00am to 1pm
 Optometrist visits one day per month 9.00am to 1.00pm
 Audiologist visits 1 day per month 9.30am to 4.00pm
 Endocrinologist Diabetes Specialist visits every 3 months
 For the Chronic care program see Jackie
 For the Diabetes clinic see Jackie
               For More details contact reception on 5480 6252
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Njernda Aboriginal Corporation
      will be closed from
    3pm - 22nd December, 2017
 and will re-open 8th January 2018.
          Over the Christmas/ New Year period
  Robert Russell will be available should you require the
             assistance of a HACC Worker.

       Robert will be available the following dates:
 •   Wednesday 27th December, 2017,
 •   Thursday 28th December, 2017,
 •   Friday 29th December, 2017,
 •   Tuesday 2nd January 2018,
 •   Wednesday 3rd January, 2018,
 •   Thursday 4th January 2018,
 •   Friday 5th January, 2018

           Robert will not be available on
Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years
               Eve or New Years Day.

          Please do not hesitate to contact
      Robert on 0402 311 672
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Are you having trouble controlling your gambling and want to do something about it?

The Multi Venue Self Exclusion (MVSE) Program is a web based system, designed to assist peo-
ple with a gambling problem to self exclude from venues around where they live, work and
socialise. All we need is 15 minutes of your time, your photo and your signature.

The Multi Venue Self Exclusion system enables you to exclude up to 35 clubs, however if you
choose to just exclude from one venue, you’re able to.
You can choose how long you exclude yourself for, the minimum is 6 months.

 If you are interested in the Multi Venue Self Exclusion Program and would like to make an
     appointment to have yourself excluded; please contact Kelli Bartlett on 54806 252.

          Please be assured that these appointments are private and confidential.

                            7 BEANS CAFE
      If you have family coming to visit for the Christmas Holiday’s and are looking for
                      somewhere to take them for a coffee, drop into
                    7 Beans Café situated in the Historic Port of Echuca.
                7 Beans Café is owned and run by local Community Member
                                         Kyle Bartlett.

                 Come and enjoy great food & coffee with friendly service in a relaxed

            Open from 7.30am to 3pm Monday - Sunday (Closed Tuesday)
                         604 High Street, Echuca Vic 3564

                        FASHION FOR LESS
                          If you’re looking for a Christmas present at unbelievable
                         prices, then look no further than Fashion for Less. We have
                        something for everyone from size 6 to 5xl - gorgeous clothes,
                                      bags, shoes, scarves and jewellery.

                                           Prices starting from $5.00

                                     Ring Vicki Walker on 0436 470 590 or
                                       Cassie Leopold on 0429 595 948

Njernda proudly supports local businesses owned and operated by our Community Members
CHRISTMAS BUSINESS HOURS - Njernda Aboriginal Corporation will close for the Christmas Break from 3pm Friday 22nd December, 2017 to Monday 8th ...
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Working in Aged Care, Disability and/or Home and Community Care is rewarding and challenging. If
you are passionate about working for your community to improve health and wellbeing, this could be
the course for you.

This qualification reflects the role of workers in the community and/or residential setting who follow
an individualised plan to provide person-centred support to people who may require this support due
to ageing, disability or some other reason. Work involves using discretion and judgement in relation
to individual support as well as taking responsibility for own outputs.

Workers are required to have a range of factual, technical and procedural knowledge, as well as some
theoretical knowledge of the concepts and practices required to provide person-centred support.

Graduates of this program can work in many work environments including:
     Aged care facilities
     Clients homes
     Disability services
     Planned activity groups (PAGs)
     Day services
     Local councils

As well as equipping you with specialist skills and knowledge, this qualification is designed to support
the development of the characteristics of a professional care worker, including:
•    a commitment to ongoing professional development
•    accountability
•    a standard of behaviour that warrants the trust and respect of the community
•    self-awareness and self-reflection.

                            VICKI WALKER ON 0436 470 590

                       Commencing from Tuesday January 9th, 2018
    Echuca & Moama Pools - will be opened daily for all community to access for free
    Movies - A day at the Movies will occur once a week for all community, movie tickets
     will be provided
    Cultural Koori Kids Camp - will be held between 15th - 19th January, 2018. Dates
     and Itinerary are yet to be confirmed . The Camp will be open to all youth aged
     between 8-17yrs. The Camps will run for 3 days and there will be a camp for Girls
     and a camp for Boys.
              Children under the age of 12 MUST BE accompanied by a Parent
CHRISTMAS BUSINESS HOURS - Njernda Aboriginal Corporation will close for the Christmas Break from 3pm Friday 22nd December, 2017 to Monday 8th ...
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We are currently preparing for HSS and QIC Accreditation.

You may be asked by your Njernda support worker to complete a client survey. This is
so we can make sure we are providing you with all the information and options required
to meet program requirements. Your Njernda support worker is able to help you
complete this task.

Do you know:
• How to make a complaint or compliment?
• your rights and responsibilities?
• how we maintain your privacy and confidentiality?
• that we need your consent before releasing your records?
• that you have the right to having an advocate to speak on your behalf?
• that you have the right to be treated with courtesy and respect, as do Njernda
• That you have the right to have a say in decisions that affect you, and the right to
    refuse services.
• That it is important for you to notify Njernda if you move address or change
    telephone numbers.

If the answer to any of these questions is no, please ask your Njernda Support Worker
to provide you with the answer/s.

                  REMINDER TO ELDERS
With the weather reaching high 30’s– 40’S, a reminder to Elders to:
 Drink cool, non-alcoholic beverages. (If your doctor generally limits the amount of
    fluid you drink or has you on water pills, ask him how much you should drink when
    the weather is hot. Also, avoid extremely cold liquids because they can cause cramps.)
 Rest.
 Take a cool shower, bath, or sponge bath.
 If possible, seek an air-conditioned environment. (If you don't have air conditioning,
    consider visiting an air-conditioned shopping mall or public library to cool off.)
 Wear lightweight clothing.
 If possible, remain indoors in the heat of the day.
 Do not engage in strenuous activities.

                         Don’t forget to book in for your yearly
                                  Health Assessment.
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                After the recent AGM the
          Board of Management for 2018 are:
•   Kevin Williams—Chairperson
•   Lee Wanganeen - Secretary
•   Gordon Johnson - Treasurer
•   Baymos Handy
•   Sonia McLaughlin
•   Vera Cooper
•   Tersear Edwards

                      NJERNDA TENANTS
Repairs and Maintenance
A reminder to Tenants who require Repairs and Maintenance

Urgent repairs – To be completed immediately where possible but within 5 days
 includes items such as burst water system; blocked or broken toilet; serious roof leak;
    gas leak; dangerous electrical fault; serious storm damage; any fault or damage in the
    premises that makes the premises unsafe or insecure and other obligations such as
    monitoring of fire alarms and testing as per legislation i.e. asbestos removal.

Non-urgent repairs Category A – To be completed within 6 weeks
 includes priority non-urgent repairs such as Repair of cabinetry, grout cleaning, gutter
    cleaning, carpet cleaning, window screen repairs, gate catches, plaster repairs, door
    locks, repairs to structures attached to the house – replacement of shade cloth where
    deemed not to be an immediate risk or hazard.

Non-urgent repairs Category B – To be completed within 8 week
 includes repairs that require less immediate attention such as changing light globes,
    repainting, replacement tiles, bathroom/laundry/kitchen cracked fitting replacements.
    Cosmetic repairs, shed/footpath maintenance.

Ray White After Hours Maintenance Number is:     0407 090 741
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Congratulations to Skye Cemino , Jennah Ferris, Leticia Day, Casey McHale and
Suzi Taig on the completion of their Diploma of Children’s Services at Berrimba.

        Pictured: Leona Cooper              Pictured: Jennah Ferris           Pictured: Leona Cooper and Casey
        and Skye Cemino                                                       McHale and Nimmi Kara Johnson

                                                                                      Well Done
                      Pictured: Suzi Taig
                                                           Pictured: Leona Cooper &
                                                           Leticia Day

                             First time this year the Dhungala Yalka dance group were asked
                             to open the Christmas Spectacular that is held every year in
                             Moama at the Moama recreational grounds. All dancers have
                             done well this year promoting and demonstrating their
                             knowledge of their culture and building their self confidence in
                             performance. Aunty Sis An Uncle Narj couldn’t be prouder
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                                                  Congratulations to
                                                   Jennine Atkinson
                                                who has been chosen as
                                       Njernda’s Staff Member for the Month of
                            Jennine has been with Njernda since 2012, she started at
                            Yakapna Family Centre, then moved into the Female Family
                            Violence worker role and from there has moved into the Dual
                            Diagnosis role, Jennine is a highly respected and valued staff
                            member. We would like to acknowledge and say Thank You to
                            her for her years of dedication to the Organisation and our

                                                Congratulations to
                                                   Kristie Hearn
                                             who has been chosen as
                                     Njernda’s Staff Member for the Month of
                        Kristie has been with Njernda since 2009 and is a highly respected
                        and valued staff member. We would like to acknowledge and say
                        Thank You to her for her years of dedication to the Organisation
                        and our Community.

                          STAFF CHANGES
Njernda would like to welcome back Wade Austin. Wade has returned to his position as the
SAAP/Crisis Worker and is located at the Community Hub working along side Alva Connelly.

We say farewell to Apryl Watson, Apryl has moved to Melbourne for 12 months. Good Luck

In 2018 we welcome the new Drug & Alcohol Worker, Tony Fitzpatrick. Tony will be at
Njernda every Tuesday commencing Tuesday 16th January, 2017.

Dr Mary Lou Loughlan will be in attendance at Njernda on a Thursday instead of Monday

We are keen to receive all types of feedback. Our staff always try to provide a quality service
to our clients. If you would like to compliment any Njernda staff or Njernda teams, we would
encourage you to let us know.
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                    NJERNDA SERVICES
       84 Hare Street, Echuca Vic 3564                    34 Annesley Street, Echuca Vic 3564
        P.O. Box 201, Echuca Vic 3564                        P.O. Box 201, Echuca Vic 3564
    Phone: 03 5480 6252 Fax: 03 5480 6116                Phone: 03 5481 0611 Fax: 03 5482 1066
             Hours of Operation                                   Hours of Operation
      Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 4.30pm                     Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 4.30pm
            Friday: 8.30am - 4pm                                 Friday: 8.30am - 4pm

          COMMUNITY HUB                                     BERRIMBA CHILDCARE
       Annesley Street, Echuca Vic 3564                     94 Hare Street, Echuca Vic 3564
     (next door to Njernda Family Services)                  P.O. Box 201, Echuca Vic 3564
              Hours of Operation                         Phone: 03 5481 1900 Fax: 03 5480 2595
       Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 4.30pm                           Hours of Operation
             Friday: 8.30am - 4pm                          Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 4.30pm
                                                                 Friday: 8.30am - 4pm

    BAROONA YOUTH HEALING                                               YAKAPNA
      Murray Valley Hwy, Echuca Vic 3564                     P.O. Box 201, Echuca Vic 3564
         P.O. Box 201, Echuca Vic 3564                   Phone: 03 5481 0611 Fax: 03 5482 1066
     Phone: 03 5481 3100 Fax: 03 5480 9522                        Hours of Operation
              Hours of Operation                              24 Hours / 7 Days per week
          24 Hours / 7 Days per week

                               NJERNDA ADMINISTRATION
                                   86 Hare Street, Echuca Vic 3564
                                    P.O. Box 201, Echuca Vic 3564
                                Phone: 03 5480 6252 Fax: 03 5480 2550
                                         Hours of Operation
                                  Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 4.30pm
                                        Friday: 8.30am - 4pm

                           NJERNDA WEBSITE
Njernda’s new website has now gone live.

However, we are currently in the process of updating the information on our site.

The site will provide up to date information on our programs and our positions vacant.
Any job applications or complaints and compliments can now be lodge through our site.

Check out our website:
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                         NJERNDA MEDICAL
Njernda Aboriginal Medical Centre participates in the Indigenous Health Incentive. We encourage your
right to participate in the decision about your health care. Services are offered in:

     Podiatrist                                         Asthma Clinic
     Financial Counselor                                Ante Natal Clinic
     Psychiatrist                                       Health Assessments
     Maternal & Child Health Nurse                      Immunisation Program
     Diabetes Educator                                  Women’s Health / Sexual Health
     Optometry                                          Pap Tests
     Audiologist                                        Diabetes screening / Educator
     Speech Therapist                                   Maternity Program care.
     Wound Clinic

Regular health checks and early presentation to a doctor when any symptoms of changes in your body
occurs are essential as part of preventative .
 Njernda Medical offers a free $20.00 Wish Card or T Shirt upon completion of all Health Assessments

Njernda Family Services offers the following Services/Programs to Community

    Intake Worker ~
    Stronger Families Worker ~ Lilly Dodds
    Family Service Worker ~
    Kinship Care ~ Rhonda Ronnan
    AFLDM ~ Vicki Mitchell
    Targeted Care Package Worker ~ Merring Jippa-Murray (Jippa)
    Out of Home Care Worker ~ Sheadeen Hearn is currently on 12 months Maternity Leave

The following Services/Programs are offered at the Community Hub

     Youth Justice Worker ~ Tegan Wanganeen
     Local Justice Worker ~ Corey Wanganeen
     Community Engagement ~ Jessica Smith
     SAAP/Crisis Worker ~ Alva Connelly/Wade Austin
     Youth Health Promotion & Wellbeing ~ Keith Hearn
     Family Violence ~ Male & Female ~ Steven Morrison & Ashley Lovegrove
     Family Violence Project Worker ~ Nolita Edwards
    The Community Hub is open to ALL COMMUNITY members who are looking for
                   somewhere to go to have a yarn or a cuppa
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                           OUR VISION
   Empowering our Aboriginal Community
                            NJERNDA’S PURPOSE
Njernda’s purpose is to deliver community controlled, holistic services and programs which
improve the physical, emotional, cultural and spiritual wellbeing of the Aboriginal
Community of Echuca and surrounding areas.

Njernda will do this by:
•    Regularly providing opportunities for Community members to come together for
     socialisation and to celebrate being Aboriginal.
•    Continuing to support Aboriginal people every day.
•    Supporting our Elders / mentors / role models to provide leadership and direction to
     our children and young people, to help them become strong in culture, spirit and
     Community, and to enhance future generations.
•    Delivering services in a safe environment.
•    Promoting self empowerment and self determination.
•    Using continuous improvement strategies to ensure that Community can access the
     best evidence based programs.

                              NJERNDA’S VALUES
At all times the Njernda Aboriginal Corporation will endeavour to:
•    act in such a way that others are treated with respect, empathy, compassion,
•    justness and cultural sensitivity.
•    act professionally
•    maintain confidentiality
•    be accountable
•    be informative and helpful
•    approach their work with passion and commitment
•    maintain a sense of humour

    Njernda Services are delivered in a fair, equitable and transparent manner

           Njernda Aboriginal Corporation appreciates the continued support of the Community
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                          HOW TO FIND US
                       NJERNDA MEDICAL
                                                                         84 Hare Street, Echuca

                                                                             03 5480 6252

                                                                             03 5480 6116



                                                                       34 Annesley Street, Echuca

                                                                             03 5481 0611

                                                                             03 5482 4577



                Our newsletters are available on our website

Should you have an article for the next Newsletter, please email it to Kristie

If you would like to receive your newsletter by email, please send a request
                         to the email address above
You can also read