Allegiant Stadium: Sports ...

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Allegiant Stadium: Sports ...

                                                                                                                                                                            MATT AGUIRRE/LAS VEGAS RAIDERS
                                                                                                                             Las Vegas Welcomes its
                                                                                                                             First NFL Team to its Gleaming
                                                                                                                             New Stadium
                                                                                                                                 Rising out of the desert sun is the

                                                                                            MATT AGUIRRE/LAS VEGAS RAIDERS
                                                                                                                             sleek, black Allegiant Stadium, home
                                                                                                                             to the Las Vegas Raiders and the

                                                                                                                             University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV).
                                                                                                                             Affectionately named by Raiders fans
                                                                                                                             as the “Death Star,” the $1.98 billion,
                                                                                                                             65,000-seat Allegiant Stadium was
                                                                                                                             designed to resemble a sports car.
                                                                                                                                 Allegiant Stadium is the culmination
                                                                                                                             of a 30-year journey for the Raiders to

    Adding World-Class
                                                                                                                             have their own home. When the team
                                                                                                                             played in Oakland and Los Angeles,
                                                                                                                             they were a stadium tenant. With
                                                                                                                             Allegiant Stadium, the team has been

                                                                                                                             able to create a stadium that matches
                                                                                                                             their expectations for the players and
                                                                                                                             the fans.
                                                                                                                                 Built on 62 acres at the south end of

    to Las Vegas
                                                                                                                             the Las Vegas Strip, Allegiant Stadium
                                                                                                                             completes the Las Vegas skyline, look-
                                                                                                                             ing like an exclamation point at the
                                                                                                                             bottom of the Strip. With the stadium’s
                                                                                                                             lanai doors open, fans can feel they’re
                                                                                                                             a part of the Strip, as opposed to being
                                                                                                                             across the highway.

                                                                                                                             Choosing the Ideal Spot
                                                                                                                                  Once the Raiders determined Las
                                                                                                                             Vegas would be their new home, the
                                                                                                                             team set out to find the ideal location.
                                                                                                                             “We looked at 11 sites in Las Vegas,”
                                                                                                                             said Tom Blanda, the Raiders senior
                                                                                                                             vice president of stadium develop-
                                                                                                                             ment and operations. The team looked
                                                                                                                             as far north as the Las Vegas Motor
                                                                                                                             Speedway and south along the I-15
                                                                                                                                  “We were amazed this location was
                                                                                                                             still available and we were able to get
                                                                                                                             it,” said Marc Badain, president of the
                                                                                                                             Las Vegas Raiders.
                                                                                                                                  Allegiant Stadium is just west of I-15,
                                                                                                                             closest to Mandalay Bay and the Luxor
                                                                                                                             on the south end of the Strip.
                                                                                                                                  “We can be part of the Las Vegas
                                                                                                                             Strip without causing the inordinate
                                                                                                                             inconvenience of having 65,000 peo-
                                                                                            MANICA ARCHITECTURE

                                                                                                                             ple leaving the building at the same
                                                                                                                             time causing a traffic jam on the Strip,”
                                                                                                                             said Blanda.

                                                                                                                             SEE ALLEGIANT, PAGE 2A

AUGUST 31- SEPTEMBER 6, 2020   SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION   I   SPORTS BUSINESS JOURNAL                                                                            1A
Allegiant Stadium: Sports ...

                                                 Grass for the Raiders,                                                              An Enclosed Roof, but                             main entrance, which contains a
                                                 Turf for UNLV                                                                       an Open-Air Feel                                  55,000-square foot plaza that houses
     “For the customer, you have                     While UNLV wanted to play on an                                                     Located in the desert where the               the Al Davis Memorial Torch.
150,000 hotel rooms and every enter-             artificial surface, the Raiders wanted                                              average temperature ranges from 60                    Known as the Coors Light Landing,
tainment possibility right next door,”           natural grass. To accommodate both                                                  to 96 degrees during football season,             the plaza includes a circular bar that
said Badain. “Las Vegas has gone                 teams, Allegiant Stadium has an artifi-                                             it was important for Allegiant Stadium            surrounds the torch, a Silver Rush con-
from the ‘Entertainment Capital of the           cial surface for UNLV games and year-                                               to be air conditioned. When faced                 cession stand and Raider Image mer-
World’ to the ‘Sports and                        round use. But, for Raiders game days,                                              with the decision to have a com-                  chandise pop-up shops. There are
Entertainment Capital of the World.’”            a four-foot deep grass field tray will                                              pletely covered stadium or a retract-             also social media moments and
     “With its proximity and striking views      slide into the stadium, giving the                                                  able roof, the Raiders opted for the              photo opportunities.
of the world famous Las Vegas Strip,             Raiders a natural grass surface.                                                    former. But, to maintain the open feel,               The peristyle opens to the Las
Allegiant Stadium will be, without                   “There are only two other stadiums                                              the team chose an opaque ETFE (eth-               Vegas Strip through four lanai doors
question, a best-in-class venue that             in the world that have a retractable                                                ylene tetrafluoroethylene) roof. ETFE is          that are 80 feet tall and span 215
will both attract and impress locals             field,” said Thornton, “State Farm                                                  a fluorine-based plastic.                         feet. The largest doors in the city pro-
and tourists alike,” said Brian                  Stadium in Arizona and Tottenham                                                        “Retractable roofs create a hard              vide stunning views of the Strip and
Killingsworth, chief marketing officer of        Hotspur Stadium in the U.K. We were                                                 shade line,” said Blanda, “and we                 give the stadium an open feel. While
the Vegas Golden Knights.                        able to take advantage of lessons                                                   didn’t want a hard shade line moving              they’ll be closed most of the time to
                                                 learned from both of them.”                                                         across the field as the sun moves                 save energy, the doors could be open
Sports Car or Death Star                             Powered by 72 individual motors, it                                             across the horizon. An opaque ETFE                about 800 hours a year for games
    In many of the pictures taken while          takes the 19-million pound field tray                                               roof shows the sun tracking across the            and major events. Weather is a key
Allegiant Stadium was under construc-            90 minutes, 13 feet per minute, to be                                               sky, but doesn’t cause fans to squint             determining factor for the doors’ sta-
tion, it resembled the Death Star from           rolled by 540 wheels on 13 rails                                                    as they look up towards the football              tus. They must be closed when the
the “Star Wars” movies, leading fans to          through the 14’ x 240’ “mail slot” into                                             action. Even in the middle of the day,            wind reaches 25 miles per hour.
give the building a new nickname.                the stadium from its exterior growth                                                they’re not going to need sunglasses.”            “There’s a spectacular view of the Las
    “Fans started creating some great            position at Model Tailgate Zone. To                                                 Even though it’s opaque, Allegiant                Vegas skyline at night through the
content between Raiders clips and                make room for the grass tray to enter                                               Stadium’s ETFE installation is the dark-          open lanai doors,” said Nichols. “It’s
’Star Wars’ clips,” said Badain. “It took        the building, 22 retractable columns                                                est in the world.                                 definitely the stadium’s beauty shot.”
on a life of its own, but it really does         must first be pivoted and rotated up                                                    “Allegiant Stadium is one of only a               Honoring the Raiders’ previous
have a spaceship look to it.”                    about six to eight feet. Once the tray
                                                                                               MICHAEL CERDEIROS/LAS VEGAS RAIDERS
                                                                                                                                     few of its type from a structural and a           owner, the Al Davis Memorial Torch is

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MATT AGUIRRE/LAS VEGAS RAIDERS
Allegiant Stadium offers spectacular views of the Las Vegas Strip, with Mandalay Bay, Luxor,                                         When not in use for Raiders games, the sliding grass tray will be outside at Model Tailgate
Excalibur and the MGM Grand standing prominently in the background.                                                                  Zone.

   In actuality, design architect David          is through the mail slot, the columns                                               roof standpoint,” said Thornton. “It              the largest 3-D printed object in the
Manica of Manica Architecture envi-              are returned to their spots, re-estab-                                              hasn’t been done very much in the                 world. The Raiders are seeking entry
sioned the exterior to look like a sports        lishing full and positive contact to sup-                                           U.S. and we had to bring in a different           into the “Guinness Book of World
car. “It started with the sports car con-        port the weight of the sections above.                                              subcontracting community to com-                  Records” for that classification.
cept and, if you look at the lines, you          Confirmation panels inform the staff                                                plete it.”                                        Standing 85-feet tall, the torch begins
can start to sense the dashboard and             the supports have reached full                                                          It takes 9.85 miles of wire cable for         on the stadium’s 100 level and rises
the sports car feel,” said Charlie               contact.                                                                            the roof’s cable net truss system,                up through the 200 level into the
Thornton, executive vice president at                “The building was designed to                                                   which suspends the 107 six-feet tall air-         Coors Light Landing. The torch’s struc-
CAA Icon, which served as the Raiders            carry the weight of the stadium with                                                inflated ETFE pillows that are stretched          ture is comprised of carbon fiber and
owner’s representative. “That sports             the columns up,” said Lanson Nichols,                                               across the seven-acre opening. The                aluminum. In order to have flawless
car concept was the driving iconic               professional sports architecture direc-                                             structural weight of this cable net truss         geometry on the swooping torch, the
concept for the look of the building.”           tor, vice president for HNTB, the stadi-                                            system is about 600 tons. It was con-             team opted to have it created by 3D
                                                 um’s architect of record. “There were                                               structed on the ground and raised into            printing, at a facility in Kansas City,
                                                                                                                                                                                       one of only two places in the world
Black Glass Reflects the                         some unique engineering challenges                                                  place in what the construction team
                                                 to make this happen.”                                                               called the “Big Lift”. “This was one of           that could create such a large object.
Surrounding Environment
                                                     A service trench runs the width of                                              the most challenging aspects of the                   “I would consider the torch a work
   The exterior of Allegiant Stadium is                                                                                                                                                of art as opposed to an actual con-
comprised of 7,400 black glass and               the field underneath the stadium so                                                 project,” said Adam Hardy, project
                                                 staff can conduct regular mainte-                                                   executive for Mortenson | McCarthy,               struction element,” said Hardy.
metal panels that form a sleek glass                                                                                                                                                       In a Raiders tradition, every person
curtain wall. Encircled with 7,865 feet          nance and repairs on the tray.                                                      the stadium’s general contractors.
                                                     “We spent a tremendous amount                                                                                                     who has lit the previous torch in
of an aesthetic white light ribbon, the                                                                                                                                                Oakland and Los Angeles signed a
building has a fluid aerodynamic look            of time in Phoenix talking to Cardinals’                                            Paying Homage to the Los
                                                                                                                                                                                       plaque at the torch’s base. To honor
that gives it that sports car feel.              staff about what worked and what                                                    Angeles Memorial Coliseum
                                                 hasn’t worked with their tray, as well as                                                                                             that history, the plaque has been
   The black glass has a reflective                                                                                                      From 1982 to 1994, the Raiders                moved from the Oakland Coliseum to
quality that helps Allegiant Stadium             discussing maintenance,” said                                                       played in the Los Angeles Memorial
                                                 Nichols. “We benefited from their                                                                                                     become part of the memorabilia sur-
blend into its surrounding environment                                                                                               Coliseum. The venerable stadium is                rounding the new torch at its base on
by displaying the area behind.                   experiences and developed an                                                        known for its u-shaped peristyle
                                                 upgraded version of the tray.”                                                                                                        the 100 level.
Depending on where someone is                                                                                                        entrance, which houses the Olympic
standing, the building could reflect                                                                                                 cauldron. This was the inspiration for
the Las Vegas Strip, Red Rock Canyon                                                                                                 Allegiant Stadium’s open peristyle on
or Mount Charleston.                                                                                                                 the building’s north side, the stadium’s          SEE ALLEGIANT, PAGE 4A

2A                                                              SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION                                          I   SPORTS BUSINESS JOURNAL                                    AUGUST 31- SEPTEMBER 6, 2020
Allegiant Stadium: Sports ...

  The Raiders recognize
the Founding Partners of
    Allegiant Stadium

Allegiant Stadium: Sports ...

                                                                                                                         the Raiders created 88 four-person
                                                                                                                         loge boxes on the sidelines of the 200
                                                                                                                         level for companies that don’t need
                                                                                                                                                                       Economic Summary
                                                                                                                         as many seats. In the north end zone,           $620 million I annual
                                                                                                                         Allegiant Stadium features a field level         economic impact
                                                                                                                         club, an optional food-and-bever-               450,000 I annual
                                                                                                                         age-driven add-on experience for                 incremental visitors
                                                                                                                         ticket holders looking for another fun          708,400 I annual
                                                                                                                         and exciting way to enjoy events in an           incremental room nights
                                                                                                                         “only Vegas” way.                               18,711 I construction
                                                                                                                             Las Vegas offers some of the finest          employment
                                                                                                                         hospitality in the country and Allegiant        5,982 I permanent jobs
                                                                                                                         Stadium had to deliver a similar, if not
                                                                                                                                                                         $38,500 I average annual
                                                                                                                         better, experience. For fans in the club

                                                                                                   MANICA ARCHITECTURE
                                                                                                                                                                          wage of new jobs
                                                                                                                         seats, this includes the option to order
                                                                                                                         their food and beverage via the team
                                                                                                                         and stadium’s mobile app.                     Fiscal (Revenue)
                                                                                                                             “When you come to a market like           Summary
                                                                                                                         Las Vegas, you have to deliver a cus-
Suites in Allegiant Stadium feature a variety of seating options, including bench seating across                         tomized experience,” said Badain.               $12.5 million I state
from the TV and food service, drink rail seating and bucket seats that overlook the field.                               “We conducted a lot of research and              general fund revenue
                                                                                                                         learned people wanted an all-inclu-              $22.5 million I local
                                                   There’s not a bad seat in the                                         sive product. They didn’t want to buy a          government revenue
                                                   stadium.”                                                             suite and then have to pay for tickets          $13.4 million I state and
An Intimate Setting                                                                                                      and food individually.”                          local education funding
                                                   Premium Spaces Offer                                                      So the Raiders created an all-inclu-
    Raiders fans have a reputation for
                                                   Las Vegas-style Hospitality                                           sive suite package. For one price, fans
being loud. To help create a loud,
home-team friendly atmosphere, the                     With 8,000 club seats, 127 suites                                 receive tickets and food and bever-        have to share the suite with another
team wanted the fans close to the                  and eight clubs reserved for premium                                  age for all Raiders games, along with      company, if they choose not to buy
action. The design team delivered, as              tickets, Allegiant Stadium has a wide                                 all concerts and public events. UNLV       UNLV tickets, the suite remains dark for
the closest seats are only 24 feet from            variety of options to serve Raiders fans                              sold suites separately from the            those games.
the field.                                         and concertgoers. The majority of                                     Raiders. “Suite holders get access to         An additional benefit for suite hold-
    “For fans at the top of the stadium,           suites hold 16 to 22 seats. But the                                   all events, whether we have 20 or          ers is the ability to use the stadium on
it doesn’t feel like you’re in the upper           suites in the south end zone have a                                   100,” said Badain.                         non-game and non-event days.
deck,” said Badain. “It still feels like           divider that can be removed, turning                                      However, for 50 of the suites, suite   “There are many large companies
you’re pretty close to the action.                 them into doubles that can accom-                                     holders have the option of buying
                                                   modate 40 to 48 people. Additionally,                                 UNLV games as well. So they don’t          SEE ALLEGIANT, PAGE 5A

4A                                                                SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION                            I   SPORTS BUSINESS JOURNAL                           AUGUST 31- SEPTEMBER 6, 2020
Allegiant Stadium: Sports ...

                                                                                                                                                                                       MATT AGUIRRE/LAS VEGAS RAIDERS
Allegiant Stadium is ready for its first Raiders game.

                                                   upscale and distinct food selections       participate in. It creates a stadium-     bar of hospitality expected in Las
                                                   for their all-inclusive patrons. This      wide sense of accountability to the       Vegas,” said Brandon Doll, Raiders
with either a footprint here physically            includes celebrity wine pairings and       guest experience.”                        senior vice president of strategy and
or are here multiple times a year for              celebrity chefs — including Emmy                                                     business development. “But we’re also
industry conventions,” said Badain.                Award winners Michael Symon and            The Best in Silver and                    paying homage to Raiders’ traditions
“Thousands of their clients, customers             Guy Fieri, both regulars on the Food       Black Hospitality                         reminiscent of our history in Oakland
and employees come to town and                     Network.                                       Working with the stadium’s conces-    and Los Angeles.”
this gives them an area where they                     “We can’t control the outcome of       sionaire, Levy Restaurants, the Raiders      To accommodate the needs of
can entertain those clients. We antici-            a game or event, but we can always         created Silver and Black Hospitality,     65,000 fans, Allegiant Stadium pro-
pate robust usage of the building on               control the guest experience,” said        which will represent every element of     vides 136 concession stands, includ-
non-traditional, non-game days from                Blanda. “Our commitment to the fan         hospitality for the stadium and the       ing 83 portable units, along with 95
those companies.”                                  experience begins with a four-hour         Raiders brand.                            soda towers that contain 752 soda
    To meet the high hospitality expec-            stadium orientation known as ‘The              “Every aspect of Silver and Black     taps.
tation, the Raiders are providing                  Playbook’ that every teammate,             Hospitality was custom designed for
higher staffing levels, along with                 whether full-time or part-time, will       Allegiant Stadium, based on the high      SEE ALLEGIANT, PAGE 6A

          the story has just                                                Congratulations to the Las Vegas Raiders, Manica Architecture,
                                                                            HNTB Architects, Mortenson-McCarthy, Kimley Horn, Arup, Smith
                                                                            Seckman Reid, Inc., and the entire project team on the opening of
                                                                            Allegiant Stadium. CAA ICON is proud to be a part of this incredible
                                                                            project, and we look forward to the exciting season ahead!

                                                                 Project Management           Feasibility & Planning         Strategic Advisory
                                                                                                                                             © Matt Aguirre | Las Vegas Raiders

AUGUST 31- SEPTEMBER 6, 2020                                    SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION   I   SPORTS BUSINESS JOURNAL                                                        5A
Allegiant Stadium: Sports ...

                                    ALLEGIANT, FROM PAGE 5A
     Project Principals
                                        In determining the food selections
      Architect of Record: HNTB    to offer in the stadium, the Raiders sur-
      Design Architect: Manica     veyed the fans to understand their
       Architecture                 preferences. As a result, the team
      Project Manager: ICON        indexed areas of the stadium by pref-
       Venue Group                  erence for select food options, mak-
                                    ing sure specific stands for food like
      General Contractor:
       Mortenson | McCarthy         burgers and pizza were near the fans
                                    that preferred those options.
      Concessionaire: Levy             “We worked hard to match prefer-
                                    ences with offerings,” said Doll, “down

                                                                                                                                                                             MANICA ARCHITECTURE
      Operations Contractor: ASM   to the section level. We mapped the
       Global                       entire stadium from a food and bev-
       aming Rights Partner:
      N                             erage standpoint to be optimized and
      Allegiant Air                 matched to fan preferences.”
                                        The Raiders are offering several
                                    regional dishes to meet the diverse         The wide concourses in Allegiant Stadium will give the 65,000 fans at Raiders games plenty
     Founding Partners              tastes of fans in Las Vegas, including      of room to navigate the stadium.

      America First Credit Union   Mexican cuisine with an American            said Doll. “Raider Nation is incredibly            Taking advantage of local food
      Caesars Entertainment        twist, a barbecue Mexican concept           diverse, so we reflect that and are             production, the Raiders are sourcing
                                    and craft burgers with an Asian touch.      mindful and thoughtful of that in our           produce within a 250-mile radius of
      Coors Light                  The team is also partnering with for-       offerings. When people walk through             the stadium. The team will also be
      Cox                          mer players, including Bo Jackson,          our concourses, Mark Davis wants                leveraging local bread and pastry, as
      Credit One Bank              who has a line of signature foods and       them to feel like they’re walking down          well as other nearby providers.
                                    will be offering his tri-tip sandwich.      the Strip.”
                                    Tapping into the team’s history in
      Intermountain Healthcare
                                                                                    While there are high end and                A Sign of the Times —
                                    Oakland, the stadium features               unique food choices at the stadium,             Completely Cashless
      Modelo                       Casper’s Gourmet Hot Dogs and               the Raiders are also offering six of the
                                    Brown Sugar Kitchen. Allegiant                                                                 While there have been stadiums
      MGM Resorts                                                              top-selling traditional stadium items           and arenas across the country that
                                    Stadium offers everything from sushi        for $3 each. This includes hot dogs,
      Reyes Coca-Cola Bottling     and barbacoa to poke tacos and                                                              have been converted to a cashless
                                                                                pretzels, popcorn, peanuts, chips and           operation, Allegiant Stadium will be
      San Manuel Casino            German-style bratwurst.                     soda. “We wanted to make sure we                the first stadium in North America to
      Twitch                           “Las Vegas has something for            have affordable options,” said Doll,
                                    everyone and we wanted to create a          “but they will also be of high quality.”
                                    mini version of that in the stadium,”                                                       SEE ALLEGIANT, PAGE 7A

                                                                                                               It’s more than
                                                                                                                    a stadium
                                                                                                                          12,000 individuals
                                                                                                                    6 million+ worker hours
                                                                                                                    world-class safety record

                                                                                                                   We are proud to share this
                                                                                                                 amazing destination with the
                                                                                                                     Las Vegas community
                                                                                                                            for years to come

     Photo Credit: Cashman Paul Stocum

6A                                                SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION   I   SPORTS BUSINESS JOURNAL                                  AUGUST 31- SEPTEMBER 6, 2020
Allegiant Stadium: Sports ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MATT AGUIRRE/LAS VEGAS RAIDERS
                                                                                         MATT AGUIRRE/LAS VEGAS RAIDERS
                                            The home side of the stadium                                                  finest stadium going online as our new     system, the most connected stadium
                                            includes both the Raiders and UNLV’s                                          home, after also opening the state-of-     in the league,” said Badain.
open cashless. The Raiders have been        locker rooms, while the visitor side has                                      the-art Fertitta Football Complex on           “We used the most advanced sys-
exploring this option with Levy and         a locker room that’s interchangeable                                          campus, welcoming a record-setting         tems available today,” said Jady West,
their analytics firm, E15, throughout       to NFL and collegiate teams. The visit-                                       recruiting class and the energy and        vice president of hospitality at Cox
the construction process.                   ing locker room can be divided into                                           preparation Coach Arroyo and his           Business’ Hospitality Network. “Every
   “Speed of service is critically impor-   smaller locker rooms to accommo-                                              staff bring every day, you see that the    major technology function has been
tant,” said Doll. “Mark Davis doesn’t       date more teams and personnel.                                                future is unquestionably bright for UNLV   designed not only for today’s
want fans waiting in line. He wants              “As a program with lofty goals,                                          football.”                                 demands, but with the future in mind.
them in their seats enjoying the game.      we’re ecstatic about the completion                                                                                      The stadium network was designed to
Cash-free transactions have proven to       of Allegiant Stadium,” said Marcus                                            The Most Connected                         handle the requirements for this multi-
be significantly faster.”                   Arroyo, UNLV’s head football coach.                                           Stadium in the NFL                         use environment over a multi-year
   For fans that don’t have credit or       “This is a world-class facility and we                                            Through Cox Business’ Hospitality      timeframe.”
debit cards, Allegiant Stadium has          look forward with excitement to giving                                        Network, one of Allegiant Stadium’s            The stadium features 2,200 Cisco
reverse ATMs, in which fans can insert      our players, our fans and the entire                                          founding partners, the stadium has         Vision dynamic screens, with 1,300
cash and receive a debit card for the       UNLV family the opportunity to enjoy a                                        the fastest optical internet service       screens carrying additional Cox video
same amount of money they put in            first-class college football experience.                                      available.                                 content, dedicated to enhancing the
the machine. There are no fees asso-        There simply is no equal to our new                                               To keep every mobile device in the     fan experience. The building’s largest
ciated with the cards and they can          stadium and we’re working hard now                                            venue connected at all times,              interior board, on its south side, is 254’
be used both inside the stadium and         so that we build a lasting legacy of                                          Allegiant Stadium has more than            x 49’. The north side features two 122’
outside the venue at any merchant           success worthy of our new home.”                                              1,800 Wi-Fi access points operating        x 49’ screens on either side of the peri-
that accepts major credit or debit               With signage predominately elec-                                         on 802.11ax, or Wi-Fi 6. The under         style opening. The north end also has
cards.                                      tronic, it’s possible to have a UNLV                                          seat design gives the stadium the          two smaller, 33’ x 18’ auxiliary screens
                                            game on Saturday and turn the build-                                          robust and dense coverage that             below the main screens for game
Accommodating Two Teams                     ing over to host a Raiders game on                                            leads to a great, connected experi-        scores, game stats and fantasy stats.
                                            Sunday.                                                                       ence. Additionally, 227 miles of fiber         Cox Business’ professional services
   Knowing the building was to be
                                                 “Allegiant Stadium will be a catalyst                                    power two 40 GB redundant diverse          manage the video screens and will
used by both an NFL and NCAA team,
                                            for the momentum we’re seeing with                                            rings that enter the building and con-     provide a team of engineers, techni-
the architects designed Allegiant
                                            our football program,” said Desiree                                           nect to the stadium’s core network.        cians and an operator onsite for every
Stadium to easily accommodate the
                                            Reed-Francois, director of athletics at                                       “We have the most robust data
needs of both the Raiders and UNLV.
                                            UNLV. “When you consider the world’s                                                                                     SEE ALLEGIANT, PAGE 8A

AUGUST 31- SEPTEMBER 6, 2020                              SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION                                     I   SPORTS BUSINESS JOURNAL                                                      7A
Allegiant Stadium: Sports ...

                                                  CEO and president of the Las Vegas                                  southern Californians and the rest of              annual wage of $38,500.
                                                  Convention and Visitors Authority                                   the country (and world). This includes                The stadium is projected to gener-
event. “Our professional services cou-            (LVCVA). “Now the world’s largest and                               about 8,300 season tickets purchased               ate $22.5 million in local tax revenue
pled with the robust technology is the            highest profile events will be in Las                               by former season ticket holders in                 and $12.5 million in state tax revenue.
best in class in this industry,” said West.       Vegas.”                                                             Oakland. The broader Raider Nation                 Additionally, the stadium should pro-
    While the screens are able to                     Garth Brooks is expected to hold                                bought a small bucket of tickets. In               duce $13.4 million in local and state
deliver content in 4K, the Raiders will           the first major concert at the stadium                              fact, there are season ticket holders              funding for education.
be using HDR technology for its wider             on February 27, 2021. “In a good                                    from all 50 states (plus the District of
color spectrum. All screens are zoned             summer, there will be about five sta-                               Columbia and Puerto Rico), Canada,                 Keeping Naming Rights
and composited, giving the team the               dium concert tours traveling the coun-                              Mexico, Great Britain, Spain and                   at Home
ability to partition them for multiple            try,” said Doll. “But with all the cancel-                          Australia.                                             In 2019, Allegiant Air, headquar-
uses. “The screens are customizable               lations happening this summer, next                                      Every season ticket was sold with a           tered in Las Vegas, signed on as the
and have a ton of power,” said                    year should be a great touring year.”                               one-time personal seat license (PSL)               stadium’s naming rights partner. The
Badain. “During testing, we only used                                                                                 that ranged in price from $500 to                  deal gives the company, which does
40 to 50 percent of their power.”                 Partnering with the LVCVA                                           $75,000 depending on the seat’s                    not sell tickets on travel sites such as
    The video screen on the outside of               The LVCVA, the county’s official                                 location. Originally, third-party consul-          Expedia and Kayak, a highly visible
the stadium, facing I-15, is the largest          destination marketing organization,                                 tants estimated the PSLs would gener-              platform to raise awareness among
freestanding sign in Las Vegas. At                plays a large role in helping to bring                              ate $250 million in revenue. But with              its customers and potential custom-
345’ x 80’, the sign encompasses                  events to Allegiant Stadium.                                        the overwhelming response from                     ers. More than 60 percent of the
27,600 square feet. Made of medi-                    “We work closely with them on                                    Raider Nation, the team earned $550                company’s customers and prospects
amesh, a metallic woven fabric/                   almost every event,” said Badain.                                   million from its PSL program.                      that live in markets Allegiant serves
mesh with thin LED lights placed                  “They know the business, they know                                       “The anticipation for the opening             are NFL fans.
within the mesh, the sign does not                the city and they know what they can                                of Allegiant Stadium is palpable,” said                “It’s good for Allegiant,” said
interfere with the view from people in            offer. Their job is to put heads in beds                            Killingsworth. “The Vegas Golden                   Badain. “They’re more than an airline;
the stadium looking out.                          and Allegiant Stadium will help bring                               Knights are excited to welcome the                 they’re a travel company and they’re

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MICHAEL CLEMENS/LAS VEGAS RAIDERS
                                                                                                MANICA ARCHITECTURE

Allegiant Stadium features the largest freestanding sign in Las Vegas.                                                An Allegiant Air plane flies over Allegiant Stadium in the night sky.

All-star Events                                   new events, which helps bring more                                  Raiders to Las Vegas and together                  bringing people to this destination. It’s
                                                  tourism dollars.”                                                   continue to set the standard for world-            good for this community that a local
    In addition to Raiders and UNLV
                                                      “The exposure and awareness of                                  class entertainment.”                              company has its name on this com-
games, Allegiant Stadium is expected
to host a strong line-up of sports                this destination that will be generated                                                                                munity asset. And it’s good for the
events and concerts starting in 2021.             by coverage of Las Vegas Raiders                                    Sharing the Cost                                   team because of the number of
Sports events already confirmed                   home games and other special                                            Allegiant Stadium was funded                   events that will be held at the sta-
include the 2021 Pac-12 Football                  events will be incredible,” said Hill. “The                         through a public/private partnership.              dium. Allegiant has one of the best
Championship Game; the 2021 Las                   stadium itself has an iconic design                                 The Raiders paid $1.23 billion, with the           databases in the industry. When we
Vegas Bowl, featuring a Pac-12 team               that is so well suited to both the team                             state responsible for the remaining                have concerts and other events, they
against a team from the Big Ten                   and its new location adjacent to the                                $750 million. However, visitors to the             can reach out to their customer data-
Conference; and the 2021 NFL Pro                  Las Vegas Strip. It’s an important addi-                            city will pay most of the public portion.          base and fly them in. There are many
Bowl.                                             tion to our skyline – a part of Vegas’                              Due to legislation enacted by the                  symbiotic pieces to this relationship.”
    Other sports events that may                  identity for decades to come. And the                               state of Nevada, the public portion is
appear on the schedule include neu-               north-facing retractable doors show-                                being funded by a 0.88 percent hotel               Getting to the Stadium
tral site collegiate football games,              casing the Al Davis Memorial Torch                                  tax increase.                                          The city of Las Vegas will close the
international soccer, rugby, UFC and              looking out over the Strip is perfect for                               The Raiders covered its $1.23 bil-             Hacienda Avenue overpass to vehicle
boxing.                                           providing a truly Only-in-Vegas view for                            lion share through three sources — (1)             traffic for Raiders games and other
    “We missed the window to bid on               fans in the stands, as well as those                                $200 million from the NFL’s G4 pro-                major events. By turning it into a
the Super Bowl, college football                  watching on TV.”                                                    gram for teams embarking on new                    pedestrian bridge over I-15, fans will
championship and Final Four,” said                                                                                    stadium projects, (2) $550 million from            have a five-minute walk from the
Badain. “They’ve been scheduled out               Pent-up Demand                                                      PSLs and (3) $453 million that was pri-            south end of the Strip. The Raiders
four to six years. But we’ll bid on those             Football fans in Nevada have                                    vately funded by the Raiders.                      expect about 30,000 people, almost
events in the next round. This building           been longing for an NFL team for                                                                                       half of all attendees to take advan-
will be busy.” In total, Allegiant                years. When the Raiders started selling                             Economic Impact                                    tage of this walking route.
Stadium is projected to host 46 large             season tickets in March 2018, fans                                       While Allegiant Stadium cost $1.98                “The Hacienda overpass will
public and private events a year.                 were ready to buy. By January 2020,                                 billion to build, it is projected to have          become part of the game-day experi-
    “In addition to serving as home to            the team had completely sold out of                                 an annual economic impact of $620                  ence,” said Badain. “Fans can start at
the Las Vegas Raiders and UNLV foot-              its 55,000 season ticket allotment.                                 million, attracting 450,000 annual                 the Strip and walk across the pedes-
ball, the stadium also gives us the                   Accounting for the team’s two                                   incremental visitors who will use                  trian bridge to the stadium and have a
ability to welcome events that may                home states, 60 percent of season                                   708,400 annual incremental room                    10- to 12-hour game-day experience,
have previously been out of reach                 tickets were purchased by southern                                  nights. Additionally, about 6,000 new              starting with the pregame tailgate.”
because we simply didn’t have the                 Nevadans, with the balance evenly                                   permanent incremental jobs will be
appropriate venue,” said Steve Hill,              split between northern Californians,                                created that will have an average                  SEE ALLEGIANT, PAGE 10A

8A                                                               SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION                          I   SPORTS BUSINESS JOURNAL                                      AUGUST 31- SEPTEMBER 6, 2020
Allegiant Stadium: Sports ...

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Allegiant Stadium: Sports ...

                                                                                                                        MICHAEL CERDEIROS/LAS VEGAS RAIDERS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             MATT AGUIRRE/LAS VEGAS RAIDERS
For the sliding grass tray to enter the stadium, 22 support columns are raised up.                                                                            The sleek black glass on the exterior of Allegiant Stadium reflects the surrounding area.

                                                                           The stadium has multiple areas for                                                 exceeded that objective with 23 per-              project with a recordable incident
                                                                           these services to drop off and pick up                                             cent SBE participation. The team                  rate less than one, at about 0.97, and
   Another 15,000 people, almost a                                         their passengers.                                                                  employed 164 SBE firms, with 47                   that none of the incidents we did
quarter of the fans, are expected to                                          The remaining 20,000 people are                                                 receiving multiple contracts. This                have were life-altering.” The industry’s
use a ride-hailing service, such as Lyft,                                  expected to drive. With an estimate of                                             accounted for $289 million of the proj-           national average for recordable inci-
Uber, taxis, shuttles and limousines.                                      3.2 people per car, the Raiders need                                               ect. Additionally, 39 women- or minor-            dent rate is about three.
                                                                           6,250 parking spots. The stadium’s                                                 ity-owned business (WMBE) received                    “The biggest challenge with
                                                                           parking plan offers far more parking                                               projects totaling $76.1 million.                  Allegiant Stadium was the aggressive
                                                                           and tailgating spaces. There are                                                       Setting a workforce goal of 38 per-           schedule,” said Nichols. “It was a non-
                                                                           15,000 parking spaces and 5,000 tail-                                              cent minority and female, the team                stop bullet train the entire time. So, the
                                                                           gating spaces within walking distance.                                             almost doubled that number, with 62               design build process was best suited
                                          MATT AGUIRRE/LAS VEGAS RAIDERS

                                                                           There are also an additional 10,000                                                percent minority/female and two per-              for this job.”
                                                                           parking and 2,000 tailgating spaces                                                cent veteran workers. Additionally, 79                Design build is a collaborative con-
                                                                           nearby. The Raiders team app will                                                  percent of the workers hailed from                struction process in which all of the
                                                                           assist fans in finding lots with available                                         Nevada.                                           parties — the owner, owner’s represen-
                                                                           spaces.                                                                                With more than 18,000 total work-             tative, general contractor and design-
                                                                                                                                                              ers on site, reaching a peak of about             ers, including the architects and engi-
                                                                           Employing Workers at Home                                                          2,400 people on any given day, it was             neers — work together, and are at the
                                                                              In constructing Allegiant Stadium,                                              imperative to implement the right                 table for every meeting and every
                                                                           the Raiders wanted to employ small                                                 safety protocols and procedures. “We              decision. Construction can begin while
   By the Numbers                                                          businesses, women- and minority-                                                   took the orientation of new craft work-           the building is still being designed. It’s
      $1.98 billion I construction                                        owned businesses and local Las                                                     ers to the site very seriously and                particularly beneficial for projects that
       cost                                                                Vegans — and ensure a diverse work-                                                allowed them the opportunity to know              have a tight timeline. The construction
                                                                           force. The team succeeded with                                                     their voices would be heard and we                portion of Allegiant Stadium was com-
      $620 million I estimated
       annual economic impact                                              each of its workforce initiatives.                                                 would not prioritize our schedule or              pleted in 31 months.
                                                                              The state of Nevada originally set a                                            any single activity over their safety                 “Virtually every decision was driven
      19 million pounds I weight of
                                                                           Small Business Enterprise (SBE) goal of                                            and well-being,” said Hardy. “I am                by schedule and Allegiant Stadium
      the retractable grass tray
                                                                           15 percent, but the Raiders far                                                    most proud that we finished the                   was delivered on time,” said Nichols.
      5+ million I craft hours during
      1.75 million square feet I
      stadium footprint                                                       A DAVIS FAMILY LEGACY                                                                                  “I think Allegiant Stadium          “Allegiant Stadium is a
                                                                                                                                                                                     and the Las Vegas Raiders           beautiful sleek black
      65,000 I seating capacity                                                                                                                                                     are going to be a history-          building sitting in the
                                                                            Allegiant Stadium is the next chapter in the Raiders’
       8,000+ I total construction
      1                                                                                                                                                                              making event,” said Jady            desert,” said Charlie
                                                                            storied legacy that has generated wide response.                                                         West. “I’m personally               Thornton. “The exterior look
      workers onsite
                                                                                                                                                                                     excited to be a part of that        of the building is absolutely
      8,000 I club seats                                                   “I’m honored for Mark and         “Allegiant Stadium                                                     Las Vegas history and this          iconic. The 14 acres of
      7,865 feet I white light ribbon                                      his mother, Carol,” said          embodies the spirit of Las                                             stadium, which will have an         inflated ETFE air pillows
       encircling the exterior                                              Marc Badain. “This                Vegas,” said Lanson                                                    amazing technology                  give the stadium a
                                                                            organization is their life        Nichols, “from its exterior                                            experience.”                        spectacular look from the
      7,400 I glass and metal
                                                                            blood and they take care          design and its unique                                                                                      interior. And you have
       panels on the exterior
                                                                            of the Raider people like         features to the experiences                                                                                incredible views of the
      6,000 I recurring jobs                                               family. For them to have          inside.”                                                               “The opening of Allegiant           Vegas Strip, especially at
                                                                            this building that Mark                                                                                  Stadium is a big part of the        night. It creates a unique
      3,692 I metal stairs                                                                                                                                                          new era of sports in Las
                                                                            designed is special. It’s a                                                                                                                  view of the Strip and a
      2,200 I doors                                                        beautiful black behemoth                                                                                 Vegas and it will help us           great feel inside the
                                                                                                              “Las Vegas is the sports
                                                                            in the desert and it’s just                                                                              connect with the NFL’s fan          building. These great
      2,200 I TVs                                                                                            and entertainment capital
                                                                            gorgeous.”                                                                                               base in a new way,” said            design features make this
      1,800 I Wi-Fi access points                                                                            of the world and the
                                                                                                                                                                                     Steve Hill. “Major league           building stand apart from
                                                                                                              addition of the Raiders and
      425 I trees planted                                                                                                                                                           sports are still pretty new to      many other facilities.”
                                                                            “Mark Davis wanted more           Allegiant Stadium to our
                                                                                                                                                                                     this community, but the
      127 I suites                                                         than just a building, he          city only enhances this
                                                                                                                                                                                     way we’ve embraced our
                                                                            wanted something the              reputation further,” said
      88 I loge boxes                                                                                                                                                               teams is the envy of                “This is a special moment
                                                                            community could be                Brian Killingsworth.
                                                                                                                                                                                     franchises everywhere.              for the organization,” said
      85 feet I height of the Al Davis                                     proud of,” said Tom                                                                                      We know there’s no better           Brandon Doll. “I’m looking
       Memorial Torch                                                       Blanda. “He wanted the                                                                                   place in the world to be            forward to seeing the pride
      72 I motors to power sliding                                         Raiders’ fan base, alumni,        “I’m looking forward to                                                on game day.”                       in the players’, fans’ and
       grass tray                                                           staff, coaches, players and       being able to watch our                                                                                    sponsors’ faces when
                                                                            everyone that has touched         customer, the Raiders, as                                                                                  they’re able to watch a
      23 I small business                                                  the team over the years to        they experience their first                                                                                game inside the stadium for
       participation percentage                                             know they had a part in           event in their first home,”                                                                                the first time and realize
      22 I columns that retract to                                         this beautiful facility. It’s a   said Adam Hardy.                                                                                           they all played a part in
       allow grass tray to slide into                                       symphony of services and                                                                                                                     bringing this building to
       the stadium                                                          amenities.”                                                                                                                                  life.”

10A                                                                                       SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION                                         I   SPORTS BUSINESS JOURNAL                                    AUGUST 31- SEPTEMBER 6, 2020

                   WELCOME HOME
           Congratulations to the Raiders on the new
                       Allegiant Stadium

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