ApRil 23: The Lion king may 21: Finding NEmo - Norfolk Recreation

Page created by Esther Alvarado
ApRil 23: The Lion king may 21: Finding NEmo - Norfolk Recreation
S P R I NG - S UM M E R 2 02 1

        RegisteR at noRfolk.activityReg.com
            Questions? Please call us at 508-520-1315
               or email recreation@norfolk.ma.us

          apRil 23:  The Lion king
           may 21: Finding NEmo
          Register at Norfolk.activityreg.com

Norfolk Recreation...Building Community Spirit, Health, and Opportunity
ApRil 23: The Lion king may 21: Finding NEmo - Norfolk Recreation
                                                                            => WE USE EMAIL for Program Changes and Updates.
              1 Liberty Lane - Ground Floor                                   We primarily communicate through email and
                                                                           occasionally via text so please be sure your contact
                    Norfolk, MA 02056                                             information is correct in our system.
     Our Offices are located on the ground floor                              Please check any emails you receive from us!
    of the Town Hall – Direct entrance: Door #4.                            To email us, please use recreation@norfolk.ma.us
                 Ann Proto, Director
           Kathy O’Brien, Assistant Director                                             PROGRAM CONFIRMATION
    Josh Walther, Remote Learning COordinator                              When you register online for a program, a receipt will be
                                                                          emailed confirming enrollment. For mail-in registrations, we
     REGISTRATION: norfolk.activityreg.com                                will call or email you ONLY if there is a question about your
       Email: recreation@norfolk.ma.us                                                   registration or if the class is full.
            Phone: (508) 520-1315
                                                                                  ALLERGIES, MEDICAL CONCERNS, &
            Recreation Commissioners:                                                        ACCOMODATIONS
 Chairperson: Will Rigdon Clerk: Liza Carreiro                            Please make sure all relative information is added to the
 Mark Edwards, Charles Iacono and Kim Meehan                              registration notes for each program so we can do our
                                                                          best to provide appropriate accommodations to ensure a
                                                                          participants safety and success in programs If you have
                HOW TO REGISTER                                           any questions or feel you or your child may need
All programs require advance registration unless                          additional help, please call or email us.
noted and are subject to availability. Registration may                              PROGRAM CANCELLATION POLICY
be completed online, by mail, or in our office.                           The best way to assure your class will run is to register early!
Register online at norfolk.activityreg.com or                             Programs are self-supporting so we reserve the right to cancel a
Norfolk’s Town website: norfolk.ma.us and then                            program if registration numbers do not support the class. If school is
following the links to the ’Recreation’ page. Register                    cancelled, all classes at the school that day will also be canceled.
by mail by sending a completed registration form                          Make-up dates will be arranged.
along with a check to: Norfolk Recreation, 1 Liberty                                           WAIT LISTS
Lane, Norfolk, MA 02056. Walk-in registrations are                        If a program is full, please add your child’s name to the
welcome in our office (cash or check only).                               wait list or your name, if it is an adult program. If a registrant
Core office hours are 8:30am-3pm Monday-                                  cancels, we call the next person on the waitlist. If someone
Thursday. We are here at other times as well based                        on the waitlist takes your spot, we will issue a refund.
on programming. Please call or email first for                                             FEE REDUCTION POLICY
additional hours.                                                         Fee reduction is available to Norfolk residents in need.
   => Credit cards are only accepted online.                              Please call or email Ann Proto, Recreation Director, for
   => Checks and cash are accepted in the office.                         further information or check off the spot on the registration
              ***REFUND POLICY***                                         form. Fee reductions are limited to one fee reduction per
                                                                          session per child. All inquiries are confidential.
Refunds are given only if a program is
cancelled by Norfolk Recreation or for a                                                    PROGRAM LOCATIONS
documented medical reason. If you cannot                                  1. Multipurpose Room: Next to our office on the Ground
participate for any other reason and we can                                  floor at the Town Hall, 1 Liberty Lane, Enter Door #4/#5
                                                                          2. H.O.D. School: 232 Main Street, Gym entrance at rear of
fill your spot from our waitlist, a refund less                              school, Library is located in right, front corner
a $10 processing fee will be issued.                                      3. Freeman-Kennedy School: 70 Boardman Street,
       =>A detailed REFUND POLICY is on                                      Preschool & Gym entrance is through DOOR #21.
      norfolk.ma.us/departments/recreation/                               4. Pond Street Complex: GPS address: 33 Pond St.
                                                                          5. Rockwood Rd. Plgrnd. Park/Garden: 49 Rockwood Rd.
                  RETURNED CHECKS
Checks returned by the bank will incur a $25 fee
payable to the Town of Norfolk and collected by the
Town Treasurer.                                                            Norfolk Recreation allocates the fields at the Pond Street Complex
      PHOTOGRAPHS-Social Media/Advertising                                 & Freeman-Kennedy School. Fields are allocated and may only be
Photographs of participants may be posted on Social Media                   used by organizations or groups with advance permission. Field
(no names) and/or sent to newspapers. If you do not want                          fees may apply. Please see our website for policies.
your child’s photograph publicized, please make a                          Organizations & individuals providing services at Town fields are
registration note and notify the instructor in writing on the first           required to provide insurance certificates prior to use.
day of the program.
ApRil 23: The Lion king may 21: Finding NEmo - Norfolk Recreation
                                                  YOUTH PROGRAMS
    Monday                  Tuesday                  Wednesday                      Thursday                    Friday                    Sat/Sun
  Gr. 3-6 (pg. 5)                                  AGES 4-6 & 7-11                    (pg. 4)               Ages 3-5 (pg. 4)             Ages 5-6
                                                                                                                                          (pg. 4)
Ages 6-8 & 8-11 yrs                            Ages 6-8 & 8-11 yrs (Pg..5)    Gr. 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 (pg. 5)          (p. 4)                 LAX :
      (Pg..5)                                                                                                                       KP CLINIC Gr.3-8 (pg. 5)
 GOLF FOR TODDLERS                                                           SUPER SPORTS Gr. 1-2 (p.4)                             JUNIOR GOLF CLINICS AT
  AGE 2-4 (pg. 4)                                                                                                                     WENTWORTH HILLS
                                                                                                                                    Ages 6-15 yrs (pg. 6)

    Monday                  Tuesday                  Wednesday                      Thursday                    Friday                    Sat/Sun
   ADULTS (pg. 6)          ONLY (pg. 6)        WENTWORTH HILLS CC (pg. 6)      HILLS CC (pg. 6)                                   WENTWORTH HILLS CC (pg.6)

                                                HAPPY DOGS HIKE (pg. 6)          LADIES LIGHT HIKING                                  LADIES LIGHT HIKING
                                                                                       (pg. 6)                                              (pg. 6)

                       NORFOLK RECREATION’s COVID–19 PROTOCOL:
The health, well-being, and safety of our participants has always been and always will be our top
priority. We take the following measures to best assure that we significantly limit and hopefully stop
the spread of COVID-19:
 Require mask wearing at all times other than eating, drinking, and at designated mask breaks.
 Encourage frequent and accessible hand -washing and hand sanitizing.
 Have air purification systems running in all indoor locations
 We have programs outdoors and/or circulate air from outdoors as much as possible (we keep
    window and doors open)
 We providing new, clean masks if needed
 Inside locations are sanitized at the end of each and or before the next group arrives.
 High touch areas are sanitized throughout the day.
 Each child has own their supplies when possible. When supplies and/or equipment is shared it is
    sanitized in between uses.
 Norfolk Recreation abide by the current State’s requirements regarding group size, physical
    distancing, & sanitation.
 If portable toilets are used for our programs, they are exclusive to the programs and locked when
    programs are not in session. We sanitize our portable toilets regularly.
                                 WE ASK YOU TO DO THE FOLLOWING:
         Please be prepared to answer health check questions when arriving at a program
                         Provide at least 2 clean masks for programs
               Provide enough water for your child for the duration of a program
         Keep us informed of any COVID-19 cases affecting participation in our programs
                                           TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS!

                                          LIKE US ON FACEBOOK AND STAY UP-TO-DATE!
                                                                    Search for @NorfolkRec !

 It’s important to register early! Since our programs are self-supporting, registering in advance allows us
time to plan for staff and materials. Plus, waiting to register puts a program in jeopardy of being canceled due to low enrollment.
                  Any questions please call or email: 508-520-1315 or recreation@norfolk.ma.us         Thank you!!

ApRil 23: The Lion king may 21: Finding NEmo - Norfolk Recreation
PRE-K MINI SPORTS                                                SATURDAY SOCCER CLINIC
                                                                         For ages 3-5 with F.A.S.T. Athletics                             Ages 5-6 with F.A.S.T. Athletics
                                                                         Fridays: 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/21, 5/28, 6/4                        Saturdays 4/24, 5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22, (no 5/29), 6/5,
                                                                         Times: 9:30-10:15am or 1:30-2:15pm                               Times: 8-9am or 9-10am
                                                                         This program is a combination of                                 Fun Drills make for great skills! Our soccer
                                                                         warm-up games and sports such                                    program will teach the fundamental skills of
                                                                         as soccer, kickball, and t-ball. It                              dribbling, trapping, shooting, and passing by
                                                                         will ease children into learning                                 teaching them in a very nontraditional and
                                                                         the basics of all these great                                    energetic way. Not only will the students
                                                                         games as well as teaching them                                   learn the rules and positions of one of the
                                                                         the importance of team work!                                     most popular games in the world but they will have the
                                                                         Each class F.A.S.T. Athletics will have new and                  chance to have short scrimmages as well as have shoot
                                                                         exciting games planned for the students.                         outs, breakaway’s, and 1 on 1’s!
                                                                         Location : Pond Street Soccer Field Fee: $79                     Location: Freeman Kennedy Center field

                                                                         PRE-K SOCCER                                                     Fee: $89
                                                                                                                                          _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _

                                                                         For ages 3-5 with F.A.S.T. Athletics
                                                                         Thursdays: 4/29, 5/6, 5/13 5,20, 5/27, 6/3                       SUPER SPORTS Grades 1-2
                                                                         Time: 2:00-2:45pm                                                with F.A.S.T. Athletics
                                                                                                                                          Thursdays: 4/29, 5/6, 5/13 5,20, 5/27, 6/3
                                                                         Our soccer program will teach the fundamental
                                                                                                                                          Time: 3:15-4:15pm
                                                                         skills of dribbling, trapping, passing and shooting.
                                                                                                                                          Get up, get going, get active with a F.A.S.T. Athletics
                                                                         The students will work on these fundamentals
                                                                                                                                          Super Sports Program. F.A.S.T. Athletics will offer a
                                                                         through a variety of unique, nontraditional games.
                                                                         Please bring water and a mask. Soccer ball is                    variety of sports each week such as: Soccer, Mat Ball,
                                                                         optional but encouraged.                                         Basketball, Dodgeball, and Kickball. Programs will
                                                                         Location : Pond Street Complex Fee: $79                          include proper stretching and warm-up games as well as
                                                                                                                                          learning basic skills of each sport, each class will end
                                                                         GOLF for TODDLERS for 2-4 yrs.                                   with a high energy game with the sport played that day.
                                                                         Instructor: PGA Pros Greg Dowdell & USGTF                        Location: Meet at rear of gym & then to back field.
                                                                         Kevin Weldon head this fun based program for                     Fee: $89
                                                                         ages 2-4! June 7 & 14 Time: 10-11am Fee: $40                     ___________________________________
                                                                         Location: Maplegate C.C. 160 Maple St.
                                                                         Bellingham (More golf for older kids/adults–page 6)              ALL SPORTS Grades 3-4
                                                                                                                                          with F.A.S.T. Athletics
                                                                         SUMMER PIANO LESSONS                                             Tuesdays: 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 5/25, 6/1
                                                                                                                                          Time: 3:15-4:15pm
                                                                         Ages 4-6 & 7-12                                                  F.A.S.T. Athletics will offer a variety of sports each week
                                                                         Offered by IVY MUSIC at the TOWN HALL (Door#4)
                                                                                                                                          such as: Soccer, Mat Ball, Basketball, Dodgeball, and
                                                                         FOR AGES 4-6:            Tuesdays: 6-7PM                         Kickball. Programs will include proper stretching and
                                                                         Session 1: July 6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27 Fee: $99                     warm-up games as well as learning basic skills of each
                                                                         Session 2: Aug. 3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24 Fee: $99                     sport, each class will end with a high energy game with
                                                                         In these group lessons, students will learn the music            the sport played that day. The non-traditional style of
                                                                         alphabet, basic rhythms, treble and bass clef notes, and five-   games/competitions will keep all participants on their toes
                                                                         finger positions. They will love playing music on their own!     learning new games as they get further into this program.
                                                                         Each student in the group will be provided with a keyboard       Location: Meet Right after school and head to the fields
                                                                         during class time.                                               Fee: $89
                                                                         FOR AGES 7-11: Wednesdays: 6-7pm                                 FLAG FOOTBALL Grades 5-6
                                                                         Session 1: July 7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28 Fee: $99
                                                                         Session 2: Aug. 4, 8/11, 8/18, 8/25 Fee: $99                     Fridays: 4/30-6/4        Time: 3:15-4:15pm
                                                                                                                                          F.A.S.T. Athletics will teach everyone game
                                                                         These fun group lessons will give students the opportunity to    strategies, catching techniques and most importantly how
                                                                         learn and play the piano and develop performance                 to work together as a team. The students will be able to
                                                                         confidence. In addition to the benefit of playing in a group,    participate in different situational games such as Red
                                                                         students experience a sense of                                   Zone Defense, fourth and inches, and The QB Challenge
                                                                         accountability to weekly preparation                             as they learn the importance of fair play. Each class will
                                                                         and practice. Students will learn how                            end with a simulated game broken down into 4 quarters –
                                                                         to play age appropriate music step-                              the coaches will have tons of plays ready to go for their
                                                                         by-step. No experience is required.                              teams! Location: Meet right after school and head to the
                                                                         Keyboards will be provided for class.                            fields Fee: $89
ApRil 23: The Lion king may 21: Finding NEmo - Norfolk Recreation
AFTER SCHOOL TENNIS                                                                 It’s important to register early!
 Ages 6-11 Instructor: Matt Andersen                                            Our programs are self-supporting so we count on
 MONDAYS: 5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24, (no 5/31), 6/7                                 early registrations to plan for materials and staff.
 WEDNESDAYS: 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2                                          Plus, waiting to register puts programs at risk of
 Ages 6-8 at 3:30-4:25pm, Ages 8-11 at 4:30-5:30pm *                                  being canceled due to low enrollment.
 * If it rains, tennis is inside & start time is 1/2 hour later (see below)                          Thank you.
 Tennis is a sport that lasts a lifetime...and this is                                         Norfolk.activityreg.com
 the age to start! Join Coach Matt for

                                                                                                                                                  FIELD HOCKEY/TENNIS AGES Grades 1– 9/ GIRLS LAX CLINIC/GARDENTMORNING SHOW
 this beginner to advanced beginner tennis
 program. This fun class will explain basic strokes,
 grips and ball placement. The older group will work
 on basics along positioning to develop a consistent
 rally and how to cooperate with a partner.
                         Outdoor Location: Pond Street                                  FIELD HOCKEY CLINIC
                         Complex Courts                                                With KP Coach Cropper & King Philip players.
                         Rain location:                                                         Grades 3-4, 5-6 & 7-8
                         Kingswood Tennis Club, 5 Beach St,                   THURSDAYS: 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27, 6/3
                         Foxborough, MA 02035 (12 minutes                     Time: 3:30-4:30pm
                         from Pond St.)                                       This program is designed for all levels; from new to
                         *Indoor class times allow for travel time:           those with experience. The emphasis of this clinic is to
                           4-4:55pm/5-5:55pm Fee: $69                         build a solid foundation, skill development, and game
                                                                              play tactics.
                                                                              All King Philip Regional Students welcome!
                                                                              Mask, Stick, field hockey goggles,
      gaRDening                                                               mouthguard and shin pads are
                                                                              required. If you need help with stick
  fRom staRt to finish                                                        sizes—they are listed on-line in the
                                                                              description or call us! Location:
        at the community gaRDen                                               Freeman Kennedy School Football field.
                      For Grades 3-6                                          70 Boardman Street, Norfolk, 02056
                With Farmer Jon Belcher                                       Fee: $59
Mondays: 4/26, (no 5/3), 5/10, 5/17, 5/24, (no 5/31),                                       MORE GREAT FIELD HOCKEY INSTRUCTION AND
6/7, 6/14, 6/21                                                                              FUN THIS SUMMER & FALL FOR GRADES 3-9!
Times: On Monday, 4/26, 3:30-5pm at the Grange                                                              SEE PAGE 13!
On May 10, 4-5:30 meet at the Senior Center!                                                   JOIN US AS PART OF THE COMMONWEALTH
On all subsequent Mondays, 4-5:30pm at the
Community Garden 49 Rockwood Rd. – to the right                                                  LEAGUE:A FALL JUNIOR LEAGUE WITH
and back of the playground.                                                                  FRIENDLY COMPETITION FOR GR. 3/4, 5/6, 7/8!
This is the perfect introduction to the starting and                                REGISTER BY JULY 6! GAMES START SEPTEMBER 11.
maintaining of a home garden. Come work closely                                                  SEE PAGE 13 FOR DETAILS!
with Farmer Jon while learning about planting, caring
for, composting and harvesting vegetables. Students
will start seeds inside and then plant them in their very                                 GIRLS K.P. LAX CLINIC
own section at the Community Garden on Rockwood
Road that they will tend to and harvest later in the                                               For Grades 3-8
season! This is a very hands-on program: students                                         SATURDAY, JUNE 5 4-6pm!
need to wear work clothes including boots, gloves, a                                           With KP Varsity Coach, Kourtnie Wilder!
visor or hat, and wear sunscreen. All farming                                                 Come join the KP’s Varsity Coach, staff,
equipment will be supplied, but if you have some of                                           and KP Players to learn stick work, ground
your own, you/’re welcome to bring it along.                                                  balls, dodging, and game play. Skills, Drills
Fee: $99 including all planting materials and access to                                       and Mini games will be part of this program.
the Community Garden for the entire growing season                                            This clinic is suitable for all abilities. Please
Min/max: 6/12                                                                                 bring a mask, stick, goggles and mouth
                                                                              guard along with sneakers and turf cleats. Please bring
                                                                              lots of water and apply sunscreen prior to arriving.
                                                                              Proceeds support the KP Boosters! Location: KP High
                                                                              School Turf field* Fee: $30
                                                                              *Maybe subject to turf schedule changes
                                                                                 ==>==>CHECK OUT the SUMMER LACROSSE CLINIC
                                                                          5          for Girls entering grades 4-8 SEE PAGE 13
ApRil 23: The Lion king may 21: Finding NEmo - Norfolk Recreation
ADULT EXERCISE WITH NANCI                                         ADULT & JUNIOR GOLF CLINICS
                                               Instructor: Nanci Cahalane, AFFA/FRA Certified Personal
                                                             Trainer, MIAA Certified Coach
                                                                                                                 at WENTWORTH HILLS– May & June
                                                                                                                   With Pro Bruce Hamilton of Barrie Bruce Golf School
                                                                                                                Location: Wentworth Hills Country Club, an 18-hole club
                                            LADIES LIGHT HIKING                                                 & home to KP’s GOLF TEAM! 27 Bow St., Plainville.
                                            w/ SOCIAL DISTANCING                                                Clinics consist of four 1-hour lessons with an
                                            THURSDAYS and/or SATURDAY TIME: 9:45-11:00am                        experienced golf pro—perfect for both beginning
                                            THURSDAYS: 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27, 6/3                         juniors and those with experience. Lessons
                                            SATURDAYS: 5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22, (no 5/29), 6/5, 6/12               cover the swing with irons & woods, ‘short
                                            Add dimension to your walking or jogging! Do you like               game’, golf etiquette, and safety. Wear sneakers
                                            the idea of hiking but don’t want to go alone? Hiking is            or golf shoes. Equipment is provided if needed.
                                            fantastic exercise as well as                          a            Junior ages 6-15. IF YOU NEED CLUBS,
                                            great time to get some fresh                           air          specify at registration, if you are lefty or righty
                                            and explore new places. We                             will         and height of player.
                                            meet at various local                                                  2021 JUNIOR MAY & JUNE DATES: $149/session
                                            locations every week (a list                           will         SATURDAYS: 11:30-12:30pm, Class J-A: 5/1-5/22
                                            be given out). This class                                           SATURDAYS: 12-1pm, Class J-C: 6/5-6/26
                                            moves at a good pace - we’ll be looking for hills!                  SUNDAYS: 10-11am, Class J-D; 6/6-6/27
                                            Location: See directions in box on lower right of page.             SUNDAYS: 12-1pm, Class J-E; 6/13-7/4

                                            Fee: $25 per session Locations vary each week. The 1st                 2021 ADULT MAY & JUNE DATES: $189/session
                                            meeting is at F. Gilbert State Forest, Foxboro, MA.                 SATURDAYS: 10-11am, Class WHBA: 5/1-5/22
                                                                                                                SUNDAYS: 12-1pm, Class WHBB; 5/2-5/23
                                                                                                                WEDNESDAYS: 6-7pm, Class WHBC: 5/26-6/16
                                             HAPPY DOGS HIKE (w/6’ distances)                                   THURSDAYS: 6-7pm Class: WHBD: 6/3-6/24
                                                                      WEDNESDAYS at 10:30-11:30am               SATURDAYS: 10-11am, Class WHBE; 6/5-6/26
                                                                      DATES: 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19,                     =>=> For July and August dates:
                                                                      5/26, 6/2                                          see SUMMER GOLF: Page 13!!
                                                                      Bring your ‘best friend’ and come
                                                                      hike with us in this very popular
                                                                      and fun program. Join other dog
                                                                      owners for some great exercise!
                                                                                                                   GOLF AT MAPLEGATE G.C. !
                                             Dogs, just like humans are social beings. Regular play
                                             dates with other dogs are an important part of your dog’s      SUMMER AFTERWORK GOLF
                                             wellbeing. Let’s get together for some fresh air and a                         For Adults—Men and Women welcome
                                             romp through the woods with your dog. Please bring a                           Instructors: PGA Pro Greg Dowdell &
                                             leash, pick-up bags and water for your dog. For location,                      USGTF Pro Kevin Weldon
                                             see box on lower right.                                                        MONDAYS: 7/12-8/9
                                             No aggressive dogs please! Note: Class is cancelled                            Time: 6-7:30pm
                                             only for very inclement weather. Location: See directions in                   This program is for adult men and
                                             box on lower right of page. Fee: $25                                           women golfers of all ability levels. Five
                                                    Locations vary each week. The 1st meeting is at                         90-minute lessons covering the full
                                                           F. Gilbert State Forest, Foxboro, MA.            swing, short game, plus fun based competition.
                                                                                                            Includes use of practice facilities, range balls,
                                                           YOUR 1st 5K!                                     equipment and greens fees.
                                                  It’s Never too Late to Get in Shape                       Fee: $150 Location: Maplegate C.C.
                                                                  THURSDAYS at 6:30-7:30pm                  160 Maple St., Bellingham
                                                             DATES: Thursdays: 4/22, 4/29, 5/6,                              WOMENS ONLY
                                                             5/13, 5/20, 5/27, 6/3, 6/10, 6/17, 6/24
                                                             If you’ve ever thought about becoming a
                                                                                                                            AFTERWORK GOLF
                                                             runner or running again after taking              Instructors: PGA Pro Greg Dowdell & USGTF Pro
                                                             years off, here is your opportunity! This                              Kevin Weldon
                                                             adult program is designed to get you off            Tuesdays July 13-August 10. Time: 6-7:30pm
                                                             the couch or away from the desk and              This program consists of five 90-minute
                                                             ready to run a 5K (3.1 miles). In this 10-        group lessons geared to women of all
                                            week program, catered to beginners, you will progress            golfing ability levels. Program cover basic
                                            from walker to runner. We will meet virtually and you will        rules and etiquette, the full swing, short
                                            be given specific instructions for running other days of                 game, and fun competition.
                                            the week on your own. Workouts will be followed with            Includes use of practice facilities, range
                                            stretching and advice about running and nutrition.              balls, equipment and greens fees.
                                            Location: Pond Street Rec. Complex, Rt. 115, Norfolk            Fee: $150 Location: Maplegate C.C.
                                            Fee: $75 (10 classes)                                                         160 Maple St., Bellingham
ApRil 23: The Lion king may 21: Finding NEmo - Norfolk Recreation
s um m eR pRo gR am s at-a-g l anc e
                                           WEEK 1: JUNE 21-25
ANIMAL ARCHITECTS W/LEGO’s® Ent. Gr. K-1 (pg.8)               ISLAND ADVENTURES: Art with Ms. Jen Ages 6-11 (pg. 11)
TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING: Ent. Gr. K-1 (pg. 8)              TRY GOLF Ages 5-12 (pg. 12) & JUNIOR GOLF ACADEMY (pg. 13)

                                       WEEK 2: JUNE 28-JULY 2
3-4-LET’S PLAY SOME MORE: Ages 3-4 yrs (pg. 8)                SUMMER OUTDOOR PROGRAM: Ent. Gr. 2-6 (pg. 14)
FUN IN THE SUN: Ages 4.5-6 yrs (pg. 8)                        MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM(pg.15)
MINECRAFT W/LEGO’s® Ages 6-10 (pg. 8)                         LEADER-IN-TRAINING (pg.15)
POKEMAN W/LEGO’s® Ages 6-10 (pg. 8)                           MINI SPORTS Ages 4-6 (pg. 12)
                                                              ALL SPORTS Ages 7–12 (pg. 12)

                               WEEK 3: JULY 6-9 (TUES-FRIDAY)
3-4-LET’S PLAY SOME MORE: Ages 3-4 yrs. (pg. 8)               SUMMER OUTDOOR PROGRAM: (Tues-Thurs) Ent. Gr. 2-6 (pg. 14)
FUN IN THE SUN: Ages 4.5-6 yrs. (pg. 8)                       MIDDLE SCHOOL ENRICHMENT PROGRAM (T-Th)(pg.15)
KRAFTY KIDS: Art with Ms. Jen Ages 6-11 (pg.11)               LEADER-IN-TRAINING (T-Th)(pg.15)

                                            WEEK 4: JULY 12-16
3-4-LET’S PLAY SOME MORE: Ages 3-4 yrs (pg. 8)                SUMMER OUTDOOR PROGRAM: Ent. Gr. 2-6 (pg. 14)
FUN IN THE SUN: Ages 4.5-6 yrs (pg. 8)                        MIDDLE SCHOOL ENRICHMENT PROGRAM(pg.15)
CIRCUIT MAKERS 101: Ent. Gr. 1-3 (pg. 9)                      LEADER-IN-TRAINING (pg.15)
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS: Ent. Gr. 4-7 (pg. 9)                    MINI SPORTS Ages 4-6 (pg. 12)
TOP SECRET SCIENCE: Ent, gr. 1-5 (pg. 9)                      ALL SPORTS Ages 7–12 (pg. 12)

                                            WEEK 5: JULY 19-23
3-4-LET’S PLAY SOME MORE: Ages 3-4 yrs. (pg. 8)               SUMMER OUTDOOR PROGRAM: Ent. Gr. 2-6 (pg. 14)
FUN IN THE SUN: Ages 4.5-6 yrs. (pg. 8)                       MIDDLE SCHOOL ENRICHMENT PROGRAM(pg.15)
INTRO TO ROBOTICS: Ent. Gr. K-1 (pg. 9)                       LEADER-IN-TRAINING (pg.15)
ROBOTICS EXTRAVAGANZA! Ent. Gr.2-6 (pg. 9)                    MINI SPORTS Ages 4-6 (pg. 12)
TRY GOLF Ages 5-12 (pg. 12) & JUNIOR GOLF ACADEMY (pg. 13)    F.A.S.T. FLAG FOOTBALL: Ages 7-12 yrs. (pg. 16)
TIME TRAVEL ART Entering Gr. 3-7 (pg.11)

                                            WEEK 6: JULY 26-30
3-4-LET’S PLAY SOME MORE: Ages 3-4 yrs. (pg. 8)               SUMMER OUTDOOR PROGRAM: Ent. Gr. 2-6 (pg. 14)
FUN IN THE SUN: Ages 4.5-6 yrs. (pg. 8)                       MIDDLE SCHOOL ENRICHMENT PROGRAM(pg.15)
MINDFUL ART: Art with Ms. Jen Ages 6-11 (pg.11)               JUNIOR GOLF ACADEMY AGE 9-17(pg. 13)

                                           WEEK 7: AUGUST 2-6
3-4-LET’S PLAY SOME MORE: Ages 3-4 yrs. (pg. 8)               SUMMER OUTDOOR PROGRAM: Ent. Gr. 2-6 (pg. 14)
FUN IN THE SUN: Ages 4.5-6 yrs. (pg. 8)                       MIDDLE SCHOOL ENRICHMENT PROGRAM(pg.15)
KINDERGARTEN READINESS Ent. K (pg.9)                          LEADER-IN-TRAINING (pg. 15)
CHEMICAL CREATIONS Ages 6-11 (pg. 10)                         MINI SPORTS Ages 4-6 (pg. 12)
CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION Ages 6-11 (pg. 10)                  ALL SPORTS Ages 7–12 (pg. 12)

                                          WEEK 8: AUGUST 9-13
KINDERGARTEN READINESS Ent. K (pg.9)                          FC PUMA SOCCER ACADEMY: Ages 5-14 yrs. (pg. 12)
VET SCHOOL: Grades 2-6 (pg.11)                                KP GIRLS LACROSSE CLINIC: Ent. Gr. 4-9 (pg. 13)

                                         WEEK 9: AUGUST 16-20
MINI PICASSO: Art w/ Ms. Jen Ages 6-11 (pg. 11)                KP GIRLS FIELD HOCKEY CLINIC: Ent. Gr. 4-9 (pg. 13)
TRY GOLF Ages 5-12 (pg. 12)

     Weekly summeR pRogRams: piano (pg. 3) golf (pgs. 6 & 13)
             c o m m u n i t y e v e n t s : B ack coveR !!

ApRil 23: The Lion king may 21: Finding NEmo - Norfolk Recreation
                                                                                   Calling all 3 –6 year olds! We are so excited to welcome you back this year! Our lead
                                                                                   teachers, Amanda Torrey and Raina Torrey, have planned 6 weeks of summer fun just
                                                                                   for you! These two programs have the same themes and run concurrently, sharing
                                                                                   ‘gym’ time and outdoor time, but each program has age appropriate crafts, activities,
                                                                                   and supervision.
                                                                                   =>Fun in the Sun is for ages 4.5-6 and meets 4 days a week, Tuesday–Friday
                                                                                   =>3, 4, Let’s Play Some More is for ages 3-4 and meets 3 days a week, Wednesday-
                                                                                   Friday. Location: Freeman Kennedy School-enter Boardman St. by ballfield.
                                                                                             Look for Door #21-directly across from Playground.


                                                                    TIME: Drop-off time: 9:00-9:15am, Pickup Time: 11:45am-Noon
                                                                   The adult picking up MUST provide ID (even if we know you!).
                                                               Each day children will enjoy themed-based crafts, stories, games, music, water play and free choice. Different
                                                               themes are designed to capture the children’s imaginations! On Fridays (if there is no rain) the children should
                                                               wear a bathing suit under their clothes and bring a towel. We will have water play which may include water
                                                               games, the use of small pools and/or sprinklers at the end of day. Children will leave in their bathing suits.
                                                                   We provide the snack and water.
                                                                   PLEASE send at least 2 masks. (Mask requirement is dependent on COVID status at the time)
                                                                   When you register, please add to the notes ALLERGY information and any other
                                                                     information that would be helpful for our staff to know in advance.
                                                                   Please apply sunscreen liberally at home before arriving. We go outside every day!
                                                                   We encourage being engrossed in play activities so please DRESS for MESS!
                                                                   LABEL YOUR CHILD’S NAME on EVERYTHING your child brings, including towels!
                                                                          Fee for Fun in the Sun: $115/week                Fee for 3, 4, Let’s Play Some More: $99/week

                                                               ANIMAL ARCHITECTS w/Legos                                        FOR ALL SUMMER PROGRAMS:
                                                               GRADES K-1 Play-Well TEKnologies
                                                               WEEK 1: M-F, June 21– 25 Time: 9-12pm                                Please send lots of water and a
                                                               Let your imagination run wild with tens of thousands of              NUT-FREE snack with your child every day
                                                               LEGO® parts as we design and build leaping                           unless otherwise noted.
                                                               dolphins, buzzing beehives, and towering giraffes. Play,             (We provide snack for Fun in the Sun & 3, 4, Let’s
                                                               create, and learn in a world inspired by the animal                  Play Some More)
                                                               kingdom. Design and build as never before and explore
                                                               your craziest ideas.                                                 If your child has any allergies, please enter all
                                                               Location: Town Hall Rec. Rm Fee: $179                                allergy information in the registration notes for
                                                               Sign up for both programs and stay for lunch!                        each PROGRAM & please double check with
                                                                                                                                    the teacher on the first day of the class.
                                                               TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING
                                                               GRADES K-1 Play-Well TEKnologies                                     Please mark ALL clothing, backpacks & food
                                                               WEEK 1: M-F, June 21-25 Time: 1-4pm                                  with your child’s name.
                                                               Break the sound barrier on a supersonic jet, deliver
                                                               cargo by train, and explore a swamp in your airboat.                 Please apply sunscreen before arriving.
                                                               Build and create different modes of transportation out of            All of our programs follow current State Health
                                                               more than 20,000 pieces of LEGO®, all while
                                                               learning about the engineering concepts that make                    Guidelines. At this time, we ask that you plan to
                                                               vehicles and vessels work.                                           send 2 masks and your own water bottle .
                                                               Location: Town Hall Rec. Rm Fee: $179                                 Please see page 3 for COVID Protocol.
ApRil 23: The Lion king may 21: Finding NEmo - Norfolk Recreation
      KINDERGARTEN                                          Ent. Grades K-1 Instructor: Snapology

                                                            WEEK 5: July 19-23 Monday-Friday 9am-12pm
                                                            Have fun building with LEGO’s and
     For children entering Kindergarten this fall!          start your exploration of
Taught by H.O.Day’s Kindergartner teacher, Ms. Kylee Day    robotics! Utilizing LEGO® WeDo 2.0
WEEK 7: AUG. 2-5 Mon.-Thurs.1pm-4pm or                      children transform their building skills
WEEK 8: AUG. 9-12 Mon.–Thurs. 9am-Noon or 1-4pm             into robotic design. Whether learning
                                                            about sensors while building drills and
Is your little one going to Kindergarten in the fall??      magic wands, or discovering ways that
How exciting! Join Ms. Kylee Day, a Kindergarten            gears and pulleys create movement
teacher at the H.O. Day School for 1 or both weeks of

                                                                                                                        KINDERGARTEN READINESS/TOP SECRET SCIENCE/LEGO PROGRAMS Ages Gr. K-5
                                                            while building helicopters and robotic dogs, your child
Kindergarten Readiness. This program will help              is sure to have a great time. All robotics builds will be
children become familiar with the expectations and          connected to a tablet by Bluetooth for
workings of a kindergarten classroom. There will be         programming. Robotic builds will be chosen based on
lots of fun while playing games and participating in        age and selected from a combination of our RoboPets
activities that help children develop the social and        and KinderBots programs. Join us in this favorite
emotional skills needed for the classroom ahead along       program, rated #1 in Entrepreneur Magazine!
with exercises to help                                      Location: FK School Rm. TBD Fee: $199
develop name writing,
number and letter skills, and                               ROBOTICS EXTRAVAGANZA!
to enhance fine-motor ability.                              Ent. Grades 2-5 Instructor: Snapology
Location: H.O. Day School:                                  WEEK 5: July 19-23 Monday-Friday 1-4pm
Ms. Day’s Room.                                             Come explore the world of robotics utilizing LEGO®
Meet at main door for drop                                  WeDo 2.0! Instructions just for this age group will be
off and pick up.                                            given to build various models Using sensors, build and
Fee: $119 per session                                       utilize simple machines, explore the utility of gears and
                                                            axles, and use coding and engineering design to solve
MINECRAFT with LEGOS!                                       practical robotic challenges. All robotics builds will be
Ages 6-10 Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies                 connected to a tablet by Bluetooth for
WEEK 2: June 28-July 2                                      programming. Students will be challenged in fun ways
Monday-Friday Time: 9:00-12PM                               that will captivate their interests and grow their
                                                            technical skills. Robotic builds will be chosen based on
Bring Minecraft to life using tens of                       age and selected from a combination of our Creature
thousands of LEGO® parts! Build                             Creator, Game Bots, and Space Wars programs.
engineer-designed projects such as a                        Location: FK School Rm TBD Fee: $199
Creeper, a Lava Trap, and a Minecart.
Build an Iron Golem, the Nether Portal,

                                                              TOP SECRET SCIENCE!
and the Ender Dragon. Students will explore real-world
concepts age in physics, engineering, and architecture
while building their favorite Minecraft objects.            Entering Grades 1-5 Instructor: MA Science Center
Location: Town Hall Rec. Rm. Enter Door #4                  WEEK 5: Monday-Friday July 12-16
Fee: $ 179                                                  TIME: Choose 1/2 day (9-12pm) or full day (9-3pm )
Sign up for both programs and stay for lunch!
                                                            Come join this very cool and fun elementary school

                                                            summer program! Over the past 25 years, Top Secret
                                                            Science (www.TopSecretScience.org) has worked
                                                            hands-on with over 1,200,000 local children.
Ages 6-10 Instructor: Play-Well TEKnologies                 Each day the kids will explore 20 weird and wacky
WEEK 2: MONDAY-FRIDAY                                       hands-on science experiments and will make and take
                   JUNE 28-JULY 2 Time: 1:00-4:00PM         home all the projects. The scientists are fast paced and
                   Stay for lunch if registered for both    funny and your kids will be thoroughly entertained
                   AM and PM classes.                       (they’ll even learn some interesting things too). We will
                   Start your training in Pallet Town and   explore weird motions and flying things, air and water
                   expand your Pokedex as you collect       pressure; crazy chemistry, light and sound, science
                   your favorite Pokemon with LEGO          magic, electricity, magnets,
materials. Surf with Blastoise, challenge Team Rocket,      astronomy and more. Be
and earn badges from gym leaders on your way to the         prepared for lots of fun stuff. A
Pokémon League. Design and build as never before            wonderful 6 hours of science
and explore your craziest ideas while learning about        each day.
STEM concepts. Location: Town Hall Rec. Room                Hope to see you there!!
Enter Door #4                              Fee: $ 179       Fee: 9:00am—12pm: $179, 9:00am-3pm: $299
ApRil 23: The Lion king may 21: Finding NEmo - Norfolk Recreation
MINDS IN MOTION!                                                   CIRCUIT MAKERS 101
                                                                                                                                                Entering Grades 1-3 Instructor: Circuit Labs
                                                                                 WEEK 9: AUGUST 16-20                                           WEEK 4: July 12-16 MONDAY-FRIDAY at 9-12pm
                                                                              Monday – Friday 1/2 day or full day                               Let’s get creative with electricity! In this junior version of
                                                                               Stay until noon or stay until 4pm!                               our Hands-On Electronics class, students will gain
                                                                            Sign up for AM & PM programs and receive a discount plus            experience with creating their own electronics; designing
                                                                                                                                                custom light-up greeting cards, electric games, mazes

                                                                            a supervised lunch time (at no cost). Students provide their        and even musical instruments. Each class day consists
                                                                                       own lunch, no peanut products please.                    of a circuitry lesson and a hands-on electronics project,

                                                                            CHEMICAL CREATIONS!
                                                                                                                                                using components like lights, buzzers, switches, motors
                                                                                                                                                and sensors. Circuit Lab staff will make sure participants
                                                                                                                                                create many projects that they can be proud of, and each
                                                                            Ages 6-11        MONDAY-FRIDAY at 9am-Noon                          class day includes a take-home project. Please bring a
                                                                            Come experience a hands-on world of fun as you                      peanut-free snack and water.
                                                                            conduct a variety of scientific experiments! You will               Location: Millis Town Hall Room 18
                                                                            make and take home a wide assortment of                             Fee: $169
                                                                            formations that you created all on your own. Learn
                                                                            and discover many different scientific concepts in an               HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS
                                                                            entertaining and innovative approach.                               Ent. Gr. 4-7 Instructor: Circuit Labs
                                                                            Generate your own growing cube and                                  WEEK 4: July 12-16 MON-FRI at 1-4pm
                                                                            make a penny clean and shiny! Make                                  Tinker with electronics while learning the basics of
                                                                            your own UV bracelet, create a crazy                                computer programming. We begin by experimenting with
                                                                            bouncy glob from glue and some                                      the fundamentals of electronics and circuitry, and step up
                                                                            awesome green slime! The instructor                                 to projects where our class of young makers will design
                                                                            will also demonstrate some cool                                     their own interactive and programmable devices.
                                                                            experiments .. Watch snow being made                                Participants use the latest tools including Arduino (for
                                                                            and feel how cold it is! Learn how strong magnets                   building interactive devices) and Raspberry Pi (for
                                                                            can be, what cool blue light is and what makes a                    learning about computers and coding) to experiment with
                                                                            soda explode plus more! (6 yr olds registered for this              LEDs, resistors, motors, and programming. Each class
                                                                            program may stay for PM program).                                   day gives participants the chance to design a hands-on
                                                                                                                                                project with the guidance of skilled Circuit Lab
                                                                                                                                                instructors. Location: Millis Town Hall Rm. 18 Fee: $169

                                                                             Ages 7-12       MONDAY-FRIDAY at 1-4:00pm
                                                                            (age 6 if attending morning program)
                                                                            Join the Minds in Motion Crime Team in this very
                                                                            cool, very fun workshop! All the tools you need to be                                NCTV Presents:
                                                                            your own investigator will be provided! Learn all
                                                                            about Forensics, searching for evidence and
                                                                            gathering clues. Working in groups, you will conduct
                                                                                                                                                 STOP MOTION ANIMATION
                                                                            many science experiments in our crime lab to solve                       For ages 9-13 Week 8: August 9-13
                                                                            the mysteries at hand. As young detectives, you will                      MONDAY-FRIDAY at 10:00am-Noon
                                                                            learn about fingerprinting and how to classify                       Grab your imaginations and join the staff of NCTV for
                                                                            them...bring home your very own fingerprint                          a       community-favorite program! Work as a team
                                                                            classification sheet. You will also perform chemical                 member to imagine, script, build, film and edit a short
                                                                            analyses and observations working with powders,                        stop motion video. The resulting video will play on
                                                                            liquids and much more.                                               NCTV's cable channels, as well as YouTube for easy
                                                                                Location: Freeman Kennedy School:                                sharing with friends and family! Plus, if State COVID
                                                                                     Front entrance. Room TBD                                                          restrictions allow, we hope to
                                                                                                                                                                         have a special Red Carpet
                                                                                Fee: $179 per session, $345 for both                                                 Premiere of the final video on the
                                                                                 programs            Min/Max: 8/14                                                        big screen right at NCTV!
                                                                                                                                                                      All materials will be cleaned and
                                                                                                                                                                           sanitized between uses.
                                                                                                                                                                           Masks required please.
                                                                                                                                                                       Location: NCTV Studio,
                                                                                                                                                                          158 Main St., Norfolk, MA
                                                                                                                                                  Maximum Participants: 6           Fee: $79 per week

VET SCHOOL                                                     M S . J EN ’ S A RT W EEKS
                                                             => Sign up by the week. => Each week $159.
with   Wicked Cool for Kids                                        => At Freeman Kennedy School
Entering grades 2-5
WEEK 8: August 9-13
9am-Noon OR 9am-4pm.
                                                             ISLAND ADVENTURES
                                                              Ages 6-11 Instructor: Ms. Jennifer Callei
Do you dream of becoming a                                   MONDAY-THURSDAY 9:30am-2:30pm
veterinarian? Grab your lab
                                                             WEEK 1: June 21-24
coat, animal lovers, as we
learn about our favorite furry,                              Aloha! Come have some tropical summer fun with
flying and fishy friends! Make                               Miss Jen in this 4 day art workshop. We will be
amazing animal models, build                                 creating various art pieces like framed seashell
big bones and investigate                                    collages, sandy beach canvas paintings, clay islands
animal intestines from our favorite vertebrates:             and more! Please pack two tree-nut/peanut free
birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish. End           snacks, a lunch and water bottle along with sunscreen
the week with a featured live animal visit with              as we will be outdoors as well.
tips for animal care and keeping pets healthy!                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Make it a full day: Dissect an owl pellet to discover a
predator’s diet. Try your hand catching some
                                                                 KRAFTY KIDS

                                                                                                                        VET SCHOOL /ART & CRAFTS W/MS. JEN!
invertebrates as we study insect exoskeletons, look
at animal cells and parasites.                               Ages 6-11 TUESDAY– FRIDAY 9:30am-2:30pm
                          Please pack a snack and            WEEK 3: July 6-9
                          drink for 1/2 day program.
                                                             If you like making crafts to decorate your home, give
                          If you are staying for the full
                                                             to others or to just have as a unique creation...this is
                          day, please pack at 2 drinks,
                                                             the club for you! Join us in creating fun crafts using
                          a lunch and healthy snacks.
                                                             wood, ceramics, fabric, decoupage, paint and more!
                          Lunch will be outside so
                                                             Please pack two tree-nut/peanut free snacks, a lunch
                          please apply sunscreen
                                                             and water bottle along with sunscreen as we will be
                          before arriving.
                                                             outdoors as well. Max. 16
Location: Freeman Kennedy School. Room TBD
Fee: $239 for 1/2 day, $369/ full day.                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                                                                 MINDFUL ART
Time Travel Art                                              Ages 6-11
                                                             MONDAY-THURSDAY at 9:30am-2:30pm
                                                             WEEK 6: July 26-29
For Grades 3-7          Instructor: Jen Callei
WEEK 5: July 19-22                                           Bring your positive vibes and zen-like mind set and
                    TIME: Monday -Thursday                   join Miss Jen in learning and practicing different
                    12:30pm-2:30pm                           mindful techniques and creating various art pieces to
                                                             promote well-being. From mandalas and abstract art,
                    Take a trip back in time to the          to yoga, meditation and self awareness art
                    Rockin’ 50’s, Groovy 60’s,               creations...we will surely be on our way to a more
                    Dsco 70’s and Totally                    balanced mindset.
                    Tubular 80’s! Join Miss Jen                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                    as we create some fun,
                    contemporary art pieces
                    using a variety of mediums
that reflect those specific time periods.
                                                                  Mini Picasso
        Location: FK School Room TBD                         Ages 6-11        Instructor: Ms. Jennifer Callei
                     Fee: $89                                MONDAY-THURSDAY at 9:30am-2:30pm
                                                             WEEK 9: Aug.16-19
                                                               Calling all Mini-Picasso’s, history buffs, and artists
                                                             alike! Join Miss Jen as we explore many famous
                                                             artists, learn interesting facts and art techniques and
                                                             recreate some famous pieces of art in our own ways.
F.A.S.T. ATHLETICS                                               CHALLENGER SPORTS
                                                             MINI SPORTS Ages 4-6
                                                             MONDAY-THURSDAY 9am-Noon
                                                                                                                               BRITISH SOCCER CLINIC!!
                                                             Week 2: June 26-July 1                                            With 1 hr., 1/2 day and full day options
                                                             Week 4: July 12-15                                                              For Ages 3-14
                                                             Week 5: July 19-22                                                WEEK 6: July 26-30 MONDAY-FRIDAY
                                                             Week 7: August 2-6                                                    Ages 3-6: 8-9am Fee: $79
                                                             Calling all four to six-year olds! Are you ready to have              Ages 7-14: 9am-Noon Fee: $175
                                                             some fun playing soccer, basketball, t-ball and more?                 Ages 7-14: 9-4pm Fee: $225

                                                             Children will be eased into learning the basics of all these     At Pond Street Soccer Fields, 33 Pond Street, Norfolk
                                                             great games, as well as learning the importance of team         Register directly at: challengersports.com
                                                             work! This program is a combination of warm-up games
                                                             and sports such as soccer, kickball, wacky ball and
                                                                                                                              All players get a t-shirt, ball, evaluation & poster.
                                                             basketball. Bring at least 2 waters, a healthy snack and          Register by JUNE 26 to get an awesome jersey!!
                                                             apply sunscreen in advance. Friday will be used as make         ==>AVOID $10 LATE FEE *REGISTER BEFORE JULY 16***
                                                             -up day if needed.                                                             Join CHALLENGER SPORTS for some
                                                             Location: Pond Street Recreation Fee: $109                                    soccer fun this summer! Each age group
                                                                                                                                           will learn and practice the FUNdamental
                                                             ALL SPORTS for Ages 7-12                                                      skills of the game through a series of fun
                                                                                                                                         challenges and skill-building activities. Ages
                                                                             MONDAY-THURSDAY at 9am-Noon
                                                                              Week 2: June 26-July 1                            7-12 will have coached games. A comprehensive
                                                                              Week 4: July 12-15                                   curriculum will cover areas such as passing,
                                                                              Week 7: August 2-6                               dribbling, controlling the ball, turning, boundaries of
                                                                              Get up, get going, get active with a             play and scoring in the right goal! For the youngest
                                                                              F.A.S.T. Athletics All Sports! A variety of    players, there is more emphasis on the basics. These
                                                             sports will be offered including the classics such as             key skills will be developed through various themes
                                                             Soccer, Basketball, Baseball and an introduction to Flag        and use of the imagination to create a
                                                             Football as well as games like Ultimate Frisbee. All               high-energy and positive learning
                                                             F.A.S.T. programs include proper stretching and warm-up           environment for each player. Please
                                                             games, as well as learning basic skills of each sport.           take a look at the Challenger website
                                                             Each day will end with a fun Round Robin Tournament.                      for details and video.
                                                             Join the experienced team of F.A.S.T. for a great sports
                                                             week. Bring at least 2 waters, a healthy snack and
                                                             apply sunscreen in advance. An xtra t-shirt and towel are
                                                             recommended. Friday will be used as make-up day if
                                                                                                                             TRY GOLF for Ages 5-12
                                                             needed. Location: Pond Street Recreation Fields                 Instructed by experienced PGAPro Greg Dowdell
                                                             Fee: $109                                                       and USGTF Pro Kevin Weldon
                                                                                                                             Dates: June 21-24 or July 19-22 or Aug. 16-19
                                                             FLAG FOOTBALL Ages 7-12                                                             Time: 10:00-11:00am Monday–
                                                             Instructor: F.A.S.T. Athletics                                                      Thurs (Friday rain day)
                                                             MONDAY-FRIDAY at 9am-12pm                                                           Four 1-hr lessons targeted at new
                                                             WEEK 5: July 19-23                                                                  golfers. Basic rules and swing
                                                             Come learn and play the great                                                       fundamentals will be covered. Fun
                                                             game of Football but without the                                                    games, best ball mini tournament and
                                                             tackling. Learn game strategies,                                                    practice time. Fee: $110
                                                             catching techniques, and, most                                                      Location: Maplegate Country Club,
                                                             importantly, how to work together
                                                             as a team. Play in situational
                                                             activities including Red Zone
                                                             Defense, Fourth and Inches, plus the QB Challenge as            FC PUMA SOCCER
                                                             they learn the importance of teamwork along with                DATES: Monday-Friday WEEK 8: August 9-13
                                                             sportsmanship. Each day will end with a simulated game          Times vary based on age.
                                                             broken down into 4 quarters. Join us for one or both            FC Puma Soccer Academy is returning to Norfolk for
                                                             weeks. Groups will be separated by age/experience. Join         another year! For information, ages,
                                                             us and have fun, gain experience and get in shape for fall      pricing and to register, go to:
                                                             football!                                                       www.fcpumasocceracademy.com.
                                                             Bring at least 2 waters, a healthy snack and apply              If you have any questions, please call
                                                             sunscreen in advance. We will play outside if light rain.       Christian Battaglia at 603-313-1819 or
                                                             Location: Pond Street Recreation fields. Fee: $129              email him at fcpuma23@gmail.com.

SUMMER FIELD HOCKEY                                            GIRLS LACROSSE CLINIC
                       Entering Grades 4-9                                             Entering Grades 4-9
                 KP Head Coach Lisa Cropper,                                     KP Varsity Coach, Kourtnie Wilder
                        KP Staff & Players                                            with KP Staff & Players
                      WEEK 9: August 17-20                                  WEEK 8: August 10-13
              TUESDAY-FRIDAY 9AM-2:30PM                                            TUESDAY-FRIDAY TIME: 9:30-2:30*
Join the King Philip Coaching staff                                              Come join the KP’s Varsity Coach, staff,
along with KP Field Hockey Players,                                              and KP Players to learn stick work,
to learn the fundamental skills of                                               ground balls, dodging, and game play.
field hockey in this fun-filled summer                                           Throughout the clinic players will rotate
program. As players progress, so do                                              through stations to develop and improve
drill levels. Emphasis will be on the                                            skills. Mini games will also be played.
development and refinement of                                                    This clinic is suitable for all abilities.
good stick work, passing, shooting,                                              Please bring a stick, goggles and mouth
receiving and defensive skills. Program will include a                           guard along with sneakers and turf

                                                                                                                                           FIELD HOCKEY/GIRLS LAX /GOLF FOR JUNIORS/ADULTS
warm-up and cool-down, instruction, conditioning,                                cleats. Please bring lots of water, a
scrimmages and more. Register before deadline and                healthy snack and lunch (peanut-free please), and apply
receive a ball and pinnie (size required when registering)!      sunscreen prior to arriving. Location: King Philip High
See FH League below too!                                         School; Drop off and pick up: Front of school.
Please bring a healthy snack and lunch (peanut/tree              Fee: $150/1st player Siblings: $75 each
nut free), goggles, a mouth guard, shin guards and
plenty of water. Wear sneakers and bring cleats.
         Location: KP High School, Wrentham*                      JUNIOR & ADULT GOLF CLINICS
                 KP High School (exact location TBD)              at WENTWORTH HILLS (18 holes)
                       FEE: $150 Siblings: $75                     Barrie Bruce Golf School: Instructor: Pro Bruce Hamilton
                   *May be subject to turf schedule              Join us for group lessons that also offer individual attention.
                                 changes                            Each lesson will focus on a specific part of the game.
                                                                    Please register at least 5 business days in advance at

                 COMMONWEALTH                                    JUNIOR SUMMER CLINICS (ages 6-15) $149
                                                                 SUNDAYS: 7/11-8/1 9-10am Class J-F

                                                                 SATURDAYS: 7/17-8/7 10-11:00am Class J-G
                                                                 SUNDAYS: 8/8-8/29 10-11am Class J-H
                                                                 ADULT BEG. SUMMER CLINICS (age 15+): $189
                     LEAGUE                                      WEDNESDAYS: 7/7-7/28 6-7pm Class WHBF
                                                                 SATURDAYS: 7/17-8/7 9-10am Class WHBG
   New this Fall: A Grade 3/4 team in                            Please specify at time of registration if you need clubs, if
                                                                 player is lefty or righty and height of player.
    addition to Gr. 5/6 & 7/8 teams!
                                                                  Location: Wentworth Hills Country Club, an 18-hole club.
    =>Teams MUST be registered by July 7!!                                27 Bow St., Plainville, MA (Home of KP Golf!)
                                                                   Golf ??’s:Barrie Bruce at info@barriebrucegolfschools or 978-670-5396
     REGISTER early to assure a spot!
          FEE: Before July 7: $160                                    More Golf—pages 6 &12
  July 7 and later $185 (ONLY if space allows)
              Includes FH shirt with name                        4-DAY JUNIOR GOLF ACADEMY AT
The goal of this league is to foster the development of field
hockey by providing a structured league that is friendly yet
                                                                 MAPLEGATE COUNTRY CLUB
  competitive. We will have one 3/4 team, one 5/6 grade          With PGA Pro Greg Dowdell & USGTF Pro Kevin Weldon
  team and one 7/8th grade team. Refereed games are              DATES: June 21-24, July 19-22, July 26-29, Aug. 9-12, Aug. 16-19
      played mostly on Saturdays (maybe Sunday).                 Monday–Thursday w/Friday as make-up day.
Practice on Tuesdays at the high school with the KP              TIME: 11:00-4:00pm Fee: $375
Players. The league games start September 11/12 and run             Targeted for serious Junior Golfers of all ability
                                 through Nov. 6/7 Our goal       levels ages 9-17, the rules of etiquette, the pre-shot
                                 is to have enough
                                 participants so not every
                                                                  routine, full swing and short game will be covered.
                                 girl has to play every game.       Time will be shared between practice and golf
                                 Ideally, girls will play 6– 8    course . Players are always under the supervision
                                 games. Location: Practice         of Staff. Includes personalized V1 video swing analysis, daily on
                                 at KP HIGH. Home Games               course completion, use of practice facilities, range balls, all
                                 at Freeman Kennedy School                        equipment, green fees and lunch daily.
                                 in Norfolk or KP High School.    We share these programs with other Rec Departments so
                                 Min.14/team, Max: 22.                             sign up asap-spots can go fast!
                                                                            For Grades 2-6
                                                              AT THE FREEMAN KENNEDY
                                                                     Monday-Thursday: 9-1pm ( Week 3: Tues-Thurs)
                                                        FIELD TRIPS will return to Freeman Kennedy at 3pm.
                                                  FEE: $109 per week OR ALL 6 WEEKS: $599

                                           Field Trips are OPTIONAL and have an additional fee & require
                                          separate registration due to space limitations. Trip locations &
                                                  fees will be published before registration begins.
                                              WEEK 2: JUNE 28-JULY 1         WEEK 3: JULY 6–8 (TUES-THURS $89/WK)
                                              WEEK 4: JULY 12-15             WEEK 5: JULY 19-22
                                               WEEK 6: JULY 26-29            WEEK 7: AUG. 2-6

                                                                   Join us this summer for a lot of organized and fun
                                                                   chaos at our Summer Outdoor Program at Freeman
                                                                   Kennedy School a summer experience that is sure
                                                                   to include something for all! Our trained and
                                                                   experienced staff will deliver a variety of
                                          supervised sports, games, crafts and other exciting summer time activities
                                          to 2nd -6th graders. In addition to classic summer fun there will be themed days, tie-dye,
                                          Legos™, waterslides, Ice Cream Truck Thursdays and more! On the warmer days we will
                                          include additional water based activities like slip n' slides to help us stay cool.
                                          New this year! Optional Field trips! Each week, one field trip will be planned. Children have the
                                          option to go or to stay. Field trips will be an additional fee and only open to participants
                                          attending the Outdoor program the week the trip is offered. Field trips must be registered for
                                          in advance and may have limited space (due to bussing/location requirements).
                                          We are looking forward to welcoming back familiar faces as well as treating new ones to an
                                          unforgettable summer experience!
                                           Due to current Health Regulations we will again be taking advantage of the very well shaded space at
                                            Freeman Kennedy School where we can spread out. Since we currently don't have indoor facilities
                                                 children must be picked up when it is raining steadily or if there is any thunder/lightning.

                                          Norfolk Recreation programs abide by the MA State Health requirements in
                                          place at the time the program takes place. Currently, that includes masks,
                                                 social distancing, and cohort sizes similar to classroom size.
                                                                   Please see COVID Protocol on page 3.

We are excited to bring you the new
 Middle School Enrichment Program: Entering Gr. 7-8
Are you looking for something different and unique for your 7th – 8th grader to do this summer?
Does your child love to be outdoors and with friends, but is looking for more activity and
enrichment? Does your child enjoy helping others? Utilizing technology in creative ways?
Spending time in the outdoors? If so, our new middle school enrichment program will make for a
fun, meaningful summer. This program will encompass a wide variety of traditional and
unique activities that will surely have something for everyone.
During any given week the kids will participate in activities including, but not limited to:

                                                                                                                       MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM Ent. Gr. 7-8/LEADER-IN-TRAINING Ent. Gr. 9-11
        Outdoor activities including sports, games, hiking & more
        Arts, crafts, science and other fun summer activities
        Local Community Service projects
        Video Making with smart phones and other technological activities
        Special guests and activities (cooking, exercise, etc.)
        Weekly field trips & more! Field trips are optional, require separate registration,& are an additional fee.
        DUE TO LACK of INDOOR SPACE, this program does not run in inclement weather.
TIMES: Mon.-Thurs. 9-1pm (Optional Field Trips return @3pm)
                                                 FEE: $109/week or $599 /6 weeks.
WEEK 3: JULY 6–8 (TUES.-THURS.) $89  Field trip information will be available prior to registration.
WEEK 4: JULY 12-15                      Field trips must be signed up and paid for in advance
WEEK 5: JULY 19-22                          (space may be limited).
WEEK 6: JULY 26-29                         Meet at the Grange
WEEK 7: AUGUST 2-6                      Please see COVID Protocol on page 13

  L.I.T. (Leadership-In-Training) Program Gr. 9-11
   Do you have a teenager that always loved camp, enjoys kids, and being with others?
     Our Leadership-in-Training program will help teens gain the necessary knowledge,
confidence, and experience to be inspiring role models, mentors, and leaders! Our program
     will emphasize the important aspects of solid teamwork including communication,
organization, responsibility, and initiative. Our program will help inspire your teenager to be
their best whether they want to be that creative and fun counselor that all the kids go home
and talk about to their parents or simply gain the confidence and skills needed in their fast-
 paced world. L.I.T.’s will gain hands on experience while working with kids in the Outdoor
   program as well as working together on team building exercises and challenges. The
      program will also include instruction time on important topics including behavior
 management, inclusion and diversity, problem solving, conflict resolution and much more.
                       We will start and end with an interview process!
  This program will be overseen by Joshua Walther, current Norfolk Recreation Remote Learning
      Coordinator, who has over 25 years of camp leadership and administration experience.
                                                      DATES & FEES: 9am-1pm Mon. -Thursday
                                                      REGISTER in 2 week blocks: $100/per block.
                                                      Field Trips are part of the program & are an add’l fee
                                                      (we will know details before registration)
                                                      BLOCK 1: June 28-July 1 and July 6-8
                                                      BLOCK 2: July 12-15 & July 19-22
                                                      BLOCK 3: July 26-29 & August 2-5

      On-line Registration at norfolk.activityreg.com
Register with this form and a check (or cash) payable to Norfolk Recreation and bring to our
  office or drop box by Door #4 at Norfolk Town Hall, 1 Liberty Lane, Norfolk, MA 02056.
Name:________________________________D.O.B_______________Parent’s Name_________________________
Course Name:___________________________________________Day or Dates):________________Fee:________
Course Name:___________________________________________Day or Dates):________________Fee:________
E-Mail Address(es):______________________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact:______________________________________________________________________________
Allergies/Alt P/u Person/ other helpful information: __________________________________________________

 , _______________________, on behalf of myself and/or my minor child, hereby release and hold harmless the Town of Norfolk,
Norfolk Public Schools, King Philip Regional Schools, and all their officers, employees, contract employees, volunteers,
organizations providing services and agents from any claims, causes of action or liability arising or relating in any way to any
injuries or illnesses including, without limitation COVID-19, that I or my child might sustain/contract from my or my child's
participation in Norfolk Recreation activities including such claims or causes of action that I/he/she may now have or thereafter
acquire (either independently or as a parent of said child) or that my child may have or hereafter may acquire.
=> I authorize emergency medical care in the event of an emergency ___ yes ___no ______(initials).
=> I give my permission for photographs of classes and events to be used for marketing and/or for viewing on social media pages
managed by Norfolk Recreation. Persons will not be named by Norfolk Recreation ___ yes ___no ______(initials).
=> School Age Participants named on this form are in compliance with the Massachusetts School Immunization requirements
___ yes ___no ______(initials). => If you or your child need accommodations, please note above or be in contact the
Recreation Office.
I have read and understand the Release and am legally competent to sign this Release as the parent or legal guardian of the
participant. Signature: _________________________ Date:_________________

   The Friends of the Norfolk Public Library are pleased to bring you another great

      Freeman-Kennedy School, 70 Boardman Street, Norfolk, MA
              Saturday July 3, 2021 from 9 am to 3 pm
                Friends Members Only Sale – July 2, 2021 ~ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
     Cash, checks or credit cards are accepted (MasterCard, Discover and Visa)
          For questions or to volunteer — email: nplfriends@hotmail.com
                For more information: www.norfolkmalibraryfriends.org
                          The small town with the very BIG book sale!

                      Norfolk's Clean
                                                                               Garden Club of Norfolk
                       & Green EveNt
            12th Annual Earth Day                                   2021 Plant and Bake Sale
                Cleanup Week
At the Grange Hall, 28 Rockwood Rd.                                                   Saturday, May 22
  Drop Off: Saturday, April 24th                                                           (Raindate May 23)
Pick up litter from any street or public                                                     9AM-Noon
place in Norfolk any time Saturday or
        during the prior week!                                                        On the Town Hill
Drop off collected litter Saturday                                      Plants, planters, and Baked Goods
         10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
     Sponsored by the Norfolk Grange
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