Alutant The - Ellensburg School ...

Page created by Jeanette Adkins
Alutant The - Ellensburg School ...
 The                      Ellensburg High School’s Student News Magazine
                                                          February 6, 2021
                                                                   Issue 4
                                                               Volume 49
German Club
            Page 8
Sidewalk Chalk
            Page 7
            Pages 4-5
Alutant The - Ellensburg School ...
2                                                   February 6, 2021                                         Alutant

    Alutant Staff:
                             The Capitol Building Riots
     Jada Godwin                                                             offices of elected officials were bro-
                                   Jada Godwin
                                       Editor-in-Chief                       ken into, and everything from mail
     Staff Reporters:              Feature
    Lucy Altman-Coe                                                          that Congress members had received
     Stephen Martin                   The actions of the individuals who     to the Speaker of the House’s lectern
       Helen Mills                participated in the Capitol Building       were stolen from the United States
      Lucas Wright                riots were disappointing and danger-       Capitol. Democrats and Republicans
            Adviser:              ous.                                       alike were huddling on the House
       Christine Roux                 Make no mistake, this was an at-       floors while domestic terrorists were
                                  tempted coup of our government             trying to break down the doors to the
          Affiliations            to overturn a fair and free election.      chamber, while other staff barricaded
    Washington Journalism
                                  Many of the individuals present on         themselves in select offices.
      Education Association
                                  January 6th, the day of the riots, de-         This was the first coup of the
   National Scholastic Press
            Association           clared that they wanted Trump to be        Capitol Building in American histo-
    Quill and Scroll Honor-       president, no matter the results of the    ry. Once before, in 1814, the British
            ary Society           past election or any future election.      burned down the Capitol Building in
          Special Thanks              Neither the Department of Justice      an act of war during the War of 1812.
       ESD Printing Services
                                  nor the Department of Homeland             Other incidents include four members
 Alutant is an Old English word   Security found anything to back up         of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party
        meaning “bulldog.”        claims of voter fraud, and Attorney        storming the gallery of the House of
  The Alutant is a public forum   General William Barr himself said          Representatives in 1954 and firing
 for student expression. Content
    is written and produced by
                                  that there was not proof of fraud any-     upon the floor, injuring five Congress
  and for students and does not   where near the amount necessary to         members; a total of three bombings,
 necessarily reflect the opinions
of Ellensburg High School or the sway the election in favor of Biden.        one in 1915, another in 1971, and the
           school district.           Not only is this a threat to our de-   final in 1983, none of which injured
      The publication accepts     mocracy, but it’s a direct threat to all   anyone; and an incident in 1998 when
   freelance work from current
   students at Ellensburg High    our lives — five people died as a re-      a man stormed the Capitol Building
               School.            sult of the riots. Four were pro-Trump     and shot and killed two Capitol Po-
    Email:     protesters, and one was a Capitol Po-      lice officers.
     Instagram: @alutantnews
                                  lice officer. This is unacceptable.            All of these events should be not-
                                      This attack also temporarily debil-    ed for the intent to cause harm or de-
ELLENSBURG HIGH SCHOOL itated the United States Congress, al-                struction, but this most recent attack
    1203 E. Capitol Avenue        though the House of Representatives        was the first time a large domestic
     Ellensburg, WA 98926
         (509)-925-8300           and Senate did reconvene later that        group attacked the Capitol Building,
                                  night to formally count and certify        and with the aim to take it over.
                                  the electoral votes for the presidential       We cannot allow this behavior
                                  election, which Congress was trying        to continue. We live in a democracy,
                                  to accomplish before the riots began.      where citizens can vote in their rep-
                                      In an effort to stop the count and     resentatives to lead the country. We
                                  to show support for Donald Trump,          should protect this right, and work to
                                  or perhaps just to brag about break-       make voting more readily accessible
            Cover Photo:          ing in, protesters became rioters who      to everyone instead of trying to take
          Stephen Martin
                                  soon became domestic terrorists. The       it away.
Alutant The - Ellensburg School ...
Alutant                                                  February 6, 2021                                            3

           Sports Are Back                                                               Covid-19
                     Season 1 in Session
  Season 1 sports at Ellensburg High School began on February 1st,
                                                                                           Lucy Altman-Coe
       and will continue until the end of March. They include
                                                                                               Copy Editor
 Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, Girls Soccer, Swim, and Cheer.
                                                                                       As school left for winter break,
                                                                                   Kittitas County saw its first dos-
                                                                                   es of the Covid-19 vaccine, the
                                                                                   first of which was administered
                                                                                   December 18th, 2020 to a regis-
                                                                                   tered nurse. However, because a
                                                                                   large majority of the population
                                                                                   remains unvaccinated, numbers
                                                                                   continue to rise.
                                                                                       As of February 1st, Assistant
                                                                                   Principal Neil Musser reported 74
                                                                                   cases throughout the district, with
                                                                                   18 specifically at the high school.
                                                                                       As of February 1st, Ellensburg
                                                                                   has had 2,002 total cases, with 30
                                                                                   deaths due to the virus, according
     Students at cross country practice. Photo courtesy of Olivia Berthon-Koch.    to The Weather Channel. Of those
                                                                                   cases, 289 have been at Central
    To participate in a sport, students must be registered in Fami-                Washington University as of Feb-
    ly ID in the EHS Season 1 Sports 2021 program. Students will                   ruary 1st, according to the CWU.
    need an up-to-date sports physical on file, $40 ASB card, and                  edu Covid-19 dashboard.
     blue clearance slip before starting their sport. Check in with                    Washington State also contin-
            your sport’s coaches to see if you can still join.                     ues to see large amounts of pos-
                                                                                   itive cases, hospitalizations, and
                                                                                   deaths. As of February 1st, Wash-
                                                                                   ington had 297,513 total positive
                                                                                   cases and 4,285 deaths, according
                                                                                   to the Washington Department of
                                                                                       The nation’s cases also contin-
                                                                                   ue to rise, with 26,034,475 total
                                                                                   cases from January 21st, 2020 to
                                                                                   February 1st, 2021, according to
                                                                                   the Center for Disease Control. In
                                                                                   this same time period, there have
                                                                                   been 439,955 deaths due to the vi-
          Students at volleyball practice. Photo courtesy of Stephen Martin.           On behalf of the Alutant, please
                                                                                   follow all Covid-19 precautions in
      Look forward to Issue 5 for                    Jada Godwin
                                                        Editor-in-Chief            order to prevent loss of life and
         more sport articles!                        EHS History                   end the pandemic.
Alutant The - Ellensburg School ...
4                                               February 6, 2021                                           Alutant

    A Chat With the Superintendent
                               Leadership During Crisis
     Stephen Martin                  went to elementary schools and            rience, she went back to the Uni-
         Associate Editor            had the opportunity to help stu-          versity of Colorado to receive
     Feature                         dents with better ways of brush-          her teaching certificate. She then
    The Alutant had the oppor-       ing their teeth and their oral            proceeded to work in schools
tunity to speak with Ellensburg      care, and we did fluoride treat-          around Colorado for the next
School District Superintendent       ments with elementary students            several years.
Jinger Haberer to discuss her        in the mornings.”                             “I proceeded to teach science
background in teaching and to            It was here that Haberer real-        for 14 years, and just loved it,”
go over what the behind-the-         ized her love for teaching.               she said. “I taught middle school
scenes of hybrid has looked              “I think the best part of the         science, I taught high school sci-
like and her thought process         experience was really igniting            ence, I had an opportunity to
throughout the ordeal.               my passion for teaching. My               teach 7th grade English one year,
    Haberer was born and grew        parents were both teachers, my            and math, and just thoroughly
up in Denver, Colorado, and          grandmother was a teacher, so             enjoyed being a teacher.”
received her Bachelor’s Degree       I kind of grew up always being                    Her teaching experience
from the University of Colorado      very interested in teaching and           made her feel confident that she
Boulder. After graduating from       education. But also living with           was ready to move on to admin-
college, she volunteered for a lo-   the family there, I became re-            istration.
cal health department in Mexico.     ally good friends with many of                “I thought, ‘I’m ready to
    “I became involved with an       the other teenagers. It was really        move       into    administration’
organization called ‘Los Amigos      just a life-changing experience           where I can just keep expanding
de Las Américas,’ and I traveled     for me. I found that many of the          that sphere of influence and that
to Pachuca, Mexico, and had a        friends that I made there had             ability to be able to help others,”
wonderful opportunity to live        some similar dreams and hopes             she said. “Because I’ve always
with an amazing family there,”       for our future, and it really gave        had that passion, and so I want-
she remarked. “I worked along-       me a deep appreciation for their          ed to move into a position where
side the Health Department in        culture.”                                 I could take what I learned as a
Pachuca, and in the morning              After the volunteering expe-          teacher, and learned from my

                            Jinger Haberer in her office, zooming in for an interview.
Alutant The - Ellensburg School ...
Alutant                                          February 6, 2021                                               5
colleagues, and just be able to        zations.
really just better empower teach-           “Immediately we
ers to do the amazing work that        started        collaborat-
they do everyday.”                     ing with Kittitas Pub-
    What specifically drew her         lic Health, and really
to Ellensburg was the climate,         leaned on them,” she
and the fact that it was a college     said. “And they have
town.                                  guided a lot of our
    “My husband and I had done         steps, as well as given
some camping in Washington,            us a lot of recommen-
we camped all along the Ore-           dations on how to build
gon and Washington coast, and          a strong safety plan.”
just loved Washington when we               Haberer said that Monumental Clock of Pachuca, Mexico, where Jinger
were out here,” she said. “And         the most important Haberer lived while participating with Los Amigos de
                                                                      Las Américas. Photo courtesy of
when there was an opening in           thing after safety was
Ellensburg, I researched Ellens-       the educational experience.          sure that we had specific build-
burg, and I thought, ‘wow, that             “We also needed to look at ing level steps, building wide
would be such a great fit,’ espe-      instruction and what are those steps, as to how we could make
cially coming from Fort Collins,       learning experiences for stu- that happen.”
which was also a college town.”        dents,” she said. “And so ear-           Haberer said that the great-
    Haberer said that she had en-      ly on over the summer we put est takeaway she got from the
joyed her experience living in El-     together some infrastructure, experience was teamwork.
lensburg and being able to work        where we had a wellness team as          “It just reaffirmed the impor-
with the community.                    well as an instructional technol- tance of teamwork, and every
    “I just really fell in love with   ogy team, where we really took person is important,” she said.
the community, especially when         a collaborative approach right at “Our bus drivers have done an
I was out here interviewing and        the beginning, to say, ‘What are amazing job of shifting up their
really just thought that it was a      all the things we need to have in schedules so that they could do
good fit, and I just feel so incred-   place to ensure that we’re mak- hybrid. Our custodians have
ibly blessed to be here because        ing safety a priority, and that we done an amazing job of mak-
I love being here in Ellensburg.       are still providing those engag- ing sure that our classrooms are
It really is a special place and a     ing learning experiences for stu- staying clean and that we’ve had
special community.”                    dents? Whether they’re remote the supplies that we’ve needed.
        The interview then shift-      or in the hybrid in person.’”        Our nutrition staff have served
ed to the coronavirus pandemic,             As in-person learning be- over 110,000 meals, they’ve done
and the administration’s actions       came a reality, the new issue an amazing job in serving our
as schools closed in March.            became making that plan into a families with food during this
    “We brought together prin-         reality.                             time.”
cipals, administrators, and cen-            “I think that we had our safe-      “I think we all just have ap-
tral office administrators, and        ty plan but we had to make sure preciated just how much team-
we said, ‘Okay, what is the most       that we could operationalize it, work is necessary to be able to
important thing?’” said Haberer.       so we met with principals who support each other as a commu-
“And two things have stayed the        met with their staff to say, ‘What nity and at the school district,”
most important throughout this         are the attestations going to look she said, “to ensure that stu-
whole process, the first one is        like? How are we going to en- dents, whether they’re remote
safety, safety for students, safety    sure that students are going to or in-person, are getting those
for staff.”                            stay six feet apart while they’re engaging learning opportuni-
    To ensure safety for students,     sitting in their classroom?’ So it ties, so that they can continue to
the district started working very      was really taking everything that develop and move towards suc-
closely with local health organi-      we had in the plan and making cessful graduation.”
Alutant The - Ellensburg School ...
6                                                      February 6, 2021                                           Alutant

EHS Fitness Facilities
                                 Fitness Rooms Are Beginning to Reopen
      Jada Godwin                         returning to sports. Organiza-
         Editor-in-Chief                  tions like the Washington Inter-
      News                                scholastic Activities Association
    Several Ellensburg High               (WIAA) and National Federa-
School fitness facilities are start-      tion of State High School Associ-
ing to open back up to coincide           ations (NFHS) also played a key
with the beginning of spring              role in picking what safety pro-
sports.                                   cedures are enforced in practices
    At the moment, the weight             this year.
room and mat room are not                    Sport seasons this year have
open after school, but the gyms           looked different from previ-
are open for volleyball practice.         ous years, with many Covid-19         Jeffrey Zenisek (center) during his senior
Basketball practices will also            safety procedures impeding tra-        year at Central Washington University.
be held in the gyms come mid-             ditional practices. Most of the            Photo courtesy of Jeffrey Zenisek.
March.                                    school health procedures have             “Compounded with the
    Jeffrey Zenisek, one of EHS’          switched over to sports, but          [Covid-19] protocols, the Dis-
fitness teachers and head football        there have been other strains on      trict’s budget cuts for Extracur-
coach, attributed the decision to         the sports program.                   ricular Activities (clubs, etc), all
Ellensburg School District’s Ath-            Just last year the high school     the rules, and regulations from
letic Director Cole Kanyer, who,          experienced a severe budget           all the governing bodies have
with the rest of the EHS admin-           cut on nearly every after-school      made access to facilities almost
istration, used information from          activity, rendering some clubs        impossible,” said Zenisek.
the guidelines set forth by Gov-          dead and other programs in dis-           “I don’t know how many
ernor Jay Inslee, Public Health           tress. This was at the start of the   students will be able to use the
Officer Dr. Mark Larson, and              2019-2020 school year, before         weight room and fitness room
the Ellensburg School District to         Covid-19 had hit the Ellensburg       after school once/or if it opens.
develop a safe plan for students          community.                            If it does open - the protocols
                                                                                already in place for students at-
                                                                                tending school would apply.”
                                                                                    Not every fitness facility is
                                                                                currently open, but Zenisek
                                                                                explained that the school was
                                                                                looking into opening the weight
                                                                                and mat rooms for athletes and
                                                                                coaches “based on how many
                                                                                athletes and coaches [can be] in
                                                                                a 500 square feet area.”
                                                                                    Zenisek has hope yet. “Ev-
                                                                                eryone has been advocating
                                                                                for all facilities to be open after
                                                                                school… We have been trying
                                                                                to get everything open since we
                                                                                started school but with all the
                Students at a volleyball practice in the main gym.
                                                                                restrictions it has been difficult.”
Alutant The - Ellensburg School ...
Alutant                                         February 6, 2021                                                    7

                      Sidewalk Chalk
                             Spreading Positivity
      Stephen Martin
          Associate Editor
    On January 22nd, Peace Club
met in front of Ellensburg High
School to cover the front side-
walk in encouraging messages
ahead of the end of the semester.
    “We are chalking the side-
walk with motivational messag-
es for finals week,” said Jenna
Callan, who has served as Club
President since 2019, to “just
kind of increase kids’ happiness
when entering the school so that                            Peace Club in front of the school.
they feel less alone with the sit-
uation that we’ve been put into       panion, told me to draw a frog,”
because of [Covid-19].”               Wright said.
    The Peace Club regularly             He named the frog Jacob be-
does such drawings, and they          cause he “had a frog who died
hope to do more later in the year.    and was named Jacob,” and in-
    “We are hoping to be able         tends to get a new frog in the
to chalk the sidewalks a couple       near future.
more times at least, and then            If students want to get in-
hopefully do some other ac-           volved with the Peace Club,
tivities that we’re still trying to   they can text the Remind code
plan,” she said.                      @ehspeacecl to 81010 or contact
    One notable creation was a        club leaders Jenna Callan, Annie
frog drawn by sophomore Car-          Schlanger, and Judi Nicolai.
son Wright.
    “Ashley Callan, a fellow com-

           Jacob the frog.              A smiley face drawn by a student.        An assortment of chalk drawings.
Alutant The - Ellensburg School ...
8                                             February 6, 2021                                                Alutant

A Very “Gut” Time
           German Club Allows Students a Chance to Learn
     Lucy Altman-Coe                turn this into a club and we all
         Copy Editor                really liked the idea.”
     Feature                           The club’s study of German
    Despite the fact that many      culture is broad, ranging from
clubs have had to cut down          language to food and much in
meetings or eliminate them alto-    between.
gether, this year saw the rise of      “In the club, we study
a new club: German Club. The        German culture,” explained
group is held over Zoom, and        Gamache. “We share different
it seems that they have already     types of German recipes, music,
made a great connection with        art, watching shows/movies in
both German culture and lan-        German, studying the language,
guage.                              and more- really anything and
    Sophomore Ashley Callan         everything that has to do with
is Vice President of the club, as   the German language and cul-           A club poster hanging in the west staircase.
well as one of the founders.        ture.”                                 one of my best friends so I real-
    “I first heard about Ger-          Because of their mutual in-         ly enjoy our time spent together
man Club at the beginning of        volvement in a German class,           while learning more about Ger-
the year,” she said. While Cal-     the club usually begins by dis-        man culture,” Callan explained.
lan may have many other com-        cussing class work. “We normal-           For those interested in join-
mitments, including being the       ly start out by asking how ev-         ing the club, you can join their
Sophomore ASB Secretary, En-        eryone is and how our German           Remind by texting @6433eb to
vironmental Club Secretary, and     class is going,” Callan said of        81010 or by emailing Club Pres-
secretary for a youth leadership    the club’s agenda. “We then talk       ident Alexandra Gamache for
group, these didn’t seem to stop    about a certain topic, which was       more information. Their meet-
her from spearheading the effort    decided the week before,” add-         ings are Wednesdays from 10-
to start the new club.              ed Callan.                             11am via Zoom. All students are
    About the formation of the         It seems that the club is a great   welcome to join the club, and the
club, she explained, “I had         way for students to better engage      club is a great way for students
weekly meetings with [Advisor       with both each other and Ger-          to experience a culture despite a
Christine Roux] for check-ins on    man culture. “Alex [Gamache] is        lack of international travel.
my German class and she told us
about possibly starting a club.”                                 Join the Alutant!
    “Ashley, [Club Treasurer             The Alutant, Ellensburg High School’s Newsmagazine, is
Eva Herion], and I all decided       looking for reporters for the second semester as well as for the
to study German at the begin-        2021-2022 school year! The sixth period class provides flexibili-
ning of the year,” Sophomore         ty, writing skills, the chance to get to know your school better,
and Club President Alexandra          and the opportunity to improve your college applications and
Gamache added. “Since the lan-          resumes. If you need an English, CTE, or Elective credit, or
guage program was completely         have a passion for the truth, talk to your counselor today about
online, we decided to dedicate        joining the Alutant! For more information, you can also email
zoom times to learn more about We look forward to seeing you and writ-
German culture. Ms. Roux, our                      ing for you next semester, Bulldogs!
advisor, suggested that we could
Alutant The - Ellensburg School ...
Alutant                                                  February 6, 2021                                                   9

Washington’s Vaccine Plan
                  When Can Students Expect To Get Vaccinated?
     Jada Godwin
        Editor-in-Chief                      last phase in testing before vac-             For more information on the
     News                                    cines are officially distributed,            different phases of Washington
    According to the Centers for             although many vaccines contin-               State’s Covid-19 vaccine alloca-
Disease Control and Prevention,              ue undergoing trials after being                   tion plan, click here.
35,203,710 total Covid-19 vaccine            approved for public use. Astra-
doses have been administered in              Zeneca, Janssen, and Novavax                 all play a large role in determin-
the United States as of February             are all developing vaccines that             ing when vaccines become avail-
4th. Washington state, which has             are currently in Phase 3 testing.            able to people.
7.615 million people, has admin-                There are a limited num-                      For instance, students 16 or
istered 797,358 total doses.                 ber of vaccines available, with              older with an underlying con-
    The FDA has approved two                 more being manufactured ev-                  dition can expect access to the
vaccines for use in the United               ery day. Different states have               vaccine in Phase 2. If students
States, Pfizer-BioNTech’s and                developed plans to allocate the              have two or more underlying
Moderna’s. Both vaccines re-                 vaccine to various risk groups               conditions, they’ll have access to
quire two shots, with Pfizer’s               as they receive them, with dif-              the vaccine in Phase 1B. If a stu-
21 days apart and Moderna’s                  ferent phases to clearly identi-             dent is an essential worker and
28 days apart. Pfizer’s vaccine is           fy who can receive the vaccine               at risk of exposure to Covid-19,
recommended for people 16 and                and when. Washington state has               they can expect access in Phase
older, and Moderna’s is for peo-             a four phase plan, broken into               2 or 3. If they are under 16 and
ple 18 and older.                            sub-phases and tiers.                        a vaccine approved for use with
    There are also three vaccines               Washington is currently in                people younger than 16 becomes
in Phase 3 clinical trials, which            Phase 1B tier 1, at the beginning            available, they can expect access
are large-scale trials involving             of the plan. Age, risk of expo-              in Phase 3. Most Washingtonians
human participants. This is the              sure, and underlying conditions              will receive access to the vaccine
                                                                                          in Phase 4, the last of the phases.
                                                                                              Remember, Covid-19 is most
                                                                                          commonly spread through re-
                                                                                          spiratory droplets, which are
                                                                                          often invisible to the human eye
                                                                                          and can remain in the air for
                                                                                          several hours after the infected
                                                                                          person has left the area. These
                                                                                          droplets are spread when people
                                                                                          cough, sneeze, talk, sing, or even
                                                                                          breathe, which is why the prop-
                                                                                          er use of masks is so important.
                                                                                              While vaccinated people
                                                                                          will no longer get sick from
                                                                                          Covid-19, they may still be able
                                                                                          to spread the virus. Continue to
                                                                                          wear a mask, even after getting
                                                                                          vaccinated, until we know more
 A graphic explaining the first phase of Washington State’s Covid-19 vaccine allocation   about the vaccines’ limits.
          plan. Photo courtesy of Washington State’s Department of Health.
Alutant The - Ellensburg School ...
10                                           February 6, 2021                                       Alutant

Focus on Mental Health
                ASB’s New Project Brings Attention to an Im-
                                               portant Issue
     Lucy Altman-Coe
        Copy Editor
     News                          adversity and motivational sen-
   In an email sent out on Janu- timents.
ary 4th, 2021, the Associated Stu-    “Adversity is really tough to
dent Body and Leadership class deal with,” Lee said in the first
announced that they would be “Motivational Monday” video
designating January as “Mental on the Best of Bulldogs YouTube
Health Month.”                     channel. He added in an inter-
   “We know the past year has view that “Life is going to knock
been hard, and that mental you down countless times but
health struggles are a real con- don’t let it push you backwards.          Sam Nelson in her classroom.
cern for students right now,” Failure is a part of the process to-      dously from adversity.”
Activites Coordinator Haley wards success.” Lee also quoted                 Lee added that “This is a
Naboychik wrote in the email.      Denzel Washington in advising        journey that will test your char-
   The reasoning for this deci- students to “fall forward.”             acter to the fullest, but keep in
sion may have been more per-          Health teacher Sam Nelson         mind that this journey is not
sonal than some realize.           echoed the idea of learning from     something that you have to walk
   “I wanted to advocate for hardships, stating that “Life is           alone.”
mental illness because personal- filled with dark tunnels that have         If there is one thing people
ly I have been very emotionally light at the other side. Every tun-     should take away from this new
low and during these low points nel you travel through is helping       focus on mental health and deal-
I felt alone,” said Senior Class you learn and grow.” She add-          ing with adversity, it seems to be
President Eric Lee. “I want peo- ed, “Strong mental health is the       the encouragement from people
ple to know                                         armor we need       to reach out.
that they are       Important Phone Numbers:        to      navigate        “The best thing you can do is
not alone and Kittitas County Crisis Line:          through       the   reach out to enlist a person who
that someone                         509-925-9861 challenges of         can help guide you,” Nelson ad-
in this school National Suicide Hotline             life.”              vised students going through a
genuinely                            800-273-8255        Speaking of    rough period. “That person can
cares     about Emergency/Hospital Services         his own hard-       be a friend or family member
them,” he said                                911 ships,      Social    but it can also be a counselor,
of his inten- American Foundation For Sui-          Studies teacher     teacher, coach, youth leader or
tion for the cide Prevention                        Eric Wickwire       any other adult you can trust.”
project.                             888-333-2377 said in a vid-                Lee seconded this, say-
   ASB mem- 24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline eo sent to the               ing that he “[wanted] people
bers, as well                        800-799-7233 student body,         to know that they are not alone
as staff, have State-Supported Crisis Line          “I’ve      faced    and that someone in this school
produced       a                   1-888-544-9986 c h a l l e n g e s   genuinely cares about them.” He
multitude of Crisis Text Line                       head-on, per-       added, “Anyone can talk to me if
videos includ-              Text HOME to 741741 sisted through          they need someone to talk to…
ing advice on Crisis Line for LGBTQ+ Youth          them,        and    I’m always down to have a con-
dealing with                       1-866-488-7386 grown tremen-         versation with literally anyone.”
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12   February 6, 2021   Alutant
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             Click here for more information.
16                                                February 6, 2021                                             Alutant

Looking To The Future
            EHS Students’ Post-Covid Plans
      Lucas Wright
          Staff Reporter                     What are some things you
                                           hope to do once you receive the

    With the Covid-19 vaccine fi-
nally being rolled out across the
United States, we can all see a
                                                 Covid-19 vaccine?
tiny little bit of light at the end     I’ll still stay home for a few days   When I receive the Covid vac-
of this long, difficult journey. It’s   after, make sure I follow state       cine. I will play soccer and be
not a leap to surmise everyone          guidelines and restrictions as        able to visit my grandma in Mex-
has given up a piece of their nor-      far as masks and distancing, I’ll     ico and my aunt in California. It
mal life, whether its a daily or        continue to keep washing my           will be nice to just have the free-
weekly routine. It could be not         hands; it’s a good habit to keep.     dom to choose what to do when
seeing family members, giving           But the thing i’ve really missed      I want to do it.
up hobbies, or even not partici-        is playing soccer and just hang-             Braulio Villa , Sophomore
pating in the sports you love.          ing out doing the stuff I did be-
    These are the sad side ef-          fore Covid and took for granted.
fects of the Covid-19 pandemic                   Cole Sullivan, Sophomore
that have been inflicted upon us
during the use of social distanc- First I’ll go see my grandparents
ing and shelter-in-place restric- as long as they have received
tions.                            the vaccine as well,then hope-
    So what will our fellow stu-  fully sports are open again and
dents do once these restrictions  finally I’ll have a massive gather-
are lifted?                       ing with all my friends without
                                  masks or social distancing.
First thing I’ll do is go see my     Franny Valverde, Sophomore
grandparents. I haven’t been
able to see them since March
last year sadly. Hopefully play                                                     Sophomore Cole Sullivan.
sports again, be nice just to run                                                 It is clear that many students
about and enjoy myself with                                                   are anxious to see an end to the
others while playing sports , and                                             pandemic in order to begin par-
just see friends and be a normal                                              ticipating in their daily lives
teenager again. It’s been a long                                              again. While students have felt
time.                                                                         that their lives have been put on
         Lilly Button, Sophomore                                              hold due to the Covid-19 pan-
I’ll go see my eldery family                                                  demic, the vaccine is a light at
members, just hang out with my                                                the end of a long, long tunnel.
friends again and play sports.                                                    For more information on vac-
I’ve really missed not playing                                                cines and when students could
soccer with my friends.                                                       expect to receive them, see the
      Jordan Vargas, Sophomore                Sophomore Jordan Vargas.        article on page 9.
Alutant                                             February 6, 2021                                               17

Wonder Woman 1984 Review
               Why It Doesn’t Even Cast a Shadow to the First
      Helen Mills                              Gadot and the movie were           friend is back, for no reason other
          Staff Reporter                  praised for showing a female            than to be a reaction to whatever
      Review                              superhero being powerful while          she’s doing.
    “Wonder Woman 1984” was               still being feminine and caring.             The entire point of the movie
a huge disappointment. Not                Wonder Woman sticks to her              is to not lie and be yourself. Which
only is it a shadow of the beau-          strength, while realistically fall-     is such an overused concept that
tiful “Wonder Woman,” made in             ing in love with a human. Then          it’s boring to watch now. Even if
2017, it insults it.                      understandingly defeats evil and        it’s in a huge superhero movie.
    The character Wonder Wom-             grieves. It’s a beautiful portrait of        This movie was supposed to
an was first created in 1941 and          the character and her origin sto-       come out in Spring 2020, but was
was soon seen a feminist icon.            ry.                                     halted by the Covid-19 pandem-
She was one of the first strong                “Wonder Woman 1984,”               ic. Then it was pushed to Decem-
women characters in popular               however, takes the whole envi-          ber 25th. This movie was over-
media. Just like every comic book         ronment and throws it out the           hyped for months, then when it
superhero, she soon got a show            window.                                 came out it was disappointing.
and was portrayed by Cathy Lee                 Wonder Woman now lives in               Wonder Woman is a fantastic
Crosby in 1974.                           the 80s as an archaeologist while       character with beautiful, interest-
    In 2017, “Wonder Woman”               fighting crime. The bad guy,            ing, adventurous stories. It’s just
was brought to the big screen,            played by Pedro Pascal, absorbs         that sometimes they are executed
starring Gal Gadot and directed           a rock and becomes magic. Also          poorly. Overall I give this movie
by Patty Jenkins.                         Wonder Woman’s dead boy-                two paws out of five.

                              McRib’s Return
A                                                            And Subsequent Departure
      Stephen Martin
          Associate Editor
      Review                              ume and by taste.
    The McRib is one of McDon-            The tangy brown
ald’s most elusive menu items,            syrup slathered
appearing and disappearing                over the patty is
from stores seemingly at ran-             overwhelming,
dom (although the prevailing              so much so that
theory is that it appears when-           it almost defeats
ever pork prices decline). While          the purpose of
the McRib is no longer offered in         adding onion and
stores, I had the opportunity to          pickles, or even
try the barbeque sandwich my-             using pork for
self to see if it lived up to its cult-   that matter. It was
                                                                  The McRib. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
like status.                              difficult for me to
    There are five parts to a             even keep the “pork” patty in- McRib this winter, rest assured
McRib: a hoagie bun, pickles,             side the bun without the sauce that you didn’t miss much. It’s
onions, a pork patty with fake            causing it to slide out. The sauce certainly something that should
ribs, and barbeque sauce.                 also has the problem of making be tried at least once for the nov-
    The sauce is the foremost item        the bun soggy.                       elty, but there’s a reason it isn’t a
on the sandwich both by vol-                  If you missed out on the staple on the McDonald’s menu.
18                                              February 6, 2021                                             Alutant

Console Wars Sony vs Microsoft
     Lucas Wright
         Staff Reporter

    The biggest gaming battle of
the last seven years took place
this festive season. With the re-
lease of Sony’s PlayStation 5 and
Microsoft’s Xbox Series X, these
two monsters of console gaming
went head to head once again,
just as they did in November
    Hopefully you were one of
the lucky few to get one in your                    The Xbox Series X and PS5. Photo courtesy of YouTube.
stocking this last festive period.    lution in gaming. So let’s find money?
Release numbers were very lim-        out by asking a lucky few active             Yea it’s worth the money.
ited. According to,      gamers their thoughts on their               Then we spoke to Alfie Ap-
a world leading team statistic        new consoles.                            pleby, a sophomore in London,
company, only 11 million units            We spoke to four individu- United Kingdom, about his new
of PS5 will be released global-       als, two in the United States and PS5.
ly, and with Microsoft releasing      two in the United Kingdom. We                Is the new PS5 better than the
an even smaller amount of 3.3         had to spread our net wide as previous PS4?
million units of Series X global-     these consoles are hard to come              Definitely I was so gassed
ly. These consoles truly are like     by.                                      when I got it.
gold dust.                                First we spoke to Dan-                   How is it better?
    Their scarcity is borne out       ny Zepeda of Morgan Middle                   Gaming is faster and the
by the active resale market for       School about his                                      load screens move so
both consoles on eBay, as none        XBOX X.                                               much smoother, and
of these consoles are available in        Is the new XBOX                                   watching youtube on
retail stores. For example, a basic   X better than the pre-                                it is like watching it
PS5 currently retails at $499.99.     vious Xbox?                                           on TV there’s no lag.
But on eBay today (as of the              Yes by far.                                           Are there any is-
8th of January), they’re priced           How is it better?                                 sues or problems you
from $700-$1400. And the Series           The games load                                    have noticed with the
X, which retails at $499.99, is       so much faster, and                                   new console?
changing hands for $800-$1000.        the picture quality                                        Nah, I love it, it’s
    Darn, you say, but those          is a lot better.       Alfie Appleby. Photo courtesy a bit chunky, but i’m
prices are cheap compared to              Are there any is-         of Alfie Appleby.       guessing the model
the prices pre-holidays. Both         sues or problems you have noticed will get smaller as future gener-
consoles on eBay were changing        with the new console?                    ations are issued.
hands for between $2000-$2500.            Not with the console, but it’s           Would you say it’s worth the
For that kind of money they           a bit disappointing that there’s money?
need to be not just an improve-       not alot of new games released               Defo worth the money, I
ment from their predecessors,         for the console yet.                     wouldn’t have paid the prices
they need to be an excellent evo-         Would you say it’s worth the there charging now on resale
Alutant                                             February 6, 2021                                               19
sites though it’s silly money even updates to old Xbox games                            Are there any issues or prob-
especially as they’re bound to is a bit poor.                                      lems you have noticed with the new
release more units                                         Would you say it’s      console?
soon.                                                  worth the money?                 There’s not that many new
    Next we spoke                                          Yes and No, it’s        generation games available yet.
to Reggie Arnold, a                                    good, but apart from             Would you say it’s worth the
sophomore in Lon-                                      the loading speed           money?
don, United King-                                      it’s not a massive im-           Yea for sure it was worth the
dom about his new                                      provement on my             money.
XBOX X.                                                previous Xbox really             The small amount of consum-
    Is the new XBOX X                                  I was expecting more        er feedback on these new gen-
better than the previous                               I guess, it’s not like it   erations of consoles seem to be
Xbox?                         Reggie  Arnold. Photo    was cheap.                  majorly positive, but with such
                            courtesy of Reggie Arnold.
     I’d say yes, as it’s a                                And last we spoke       a small number of units released
lot faster than my previous Xbox to Alex Zepeda, a sophomore at                    it’s hard to make a truly correct
How is it better? The speed, it Ellensburg High School about                       decision either way. It will take
does things verything is instant his new PS5.                                      more users to get to a better an-
on it, click a button and it’s done.           Is the new PS5 better than the      swer. The only real conclusions
There’s no waiting for screens to previous PS4?                                    to gather is that there definitely
load and the connection to WIFI                Yes it’s better.                    should have been more games
seems to be more stable.                       How is it better?                   released on both of these next
    Are there any issues or prob-              The games are smoother              generation consoles, and the
lems you have noticed with the new and the picture quality is better,              speed of the new consoles seems
console?                                  the games feel more immersive            to be a large improvement on
    Yeah lack of new games or when you play them.                                  their previous consoles.

Posers are Taking Over
                                             How the Alt Fashion Community is Changing
      Helen Mills
         Staff Reporter
      Opinion                            fashion choice. The people that           harmful people.
                                         wear these types of fashions                  Specifically, tons of people
    Alternative fashion can be           are usually poorer, part of the           have come under fire in the alt
summarized by Google as “fash-           LGBTQ+ community, and have                community for not truly being
ion, that at one point, stood apart      a strong relationship with the in-        “alt,” causing huge uproar and
from mainstream commercial               ternet.                                   making the community more
fashion.”                                    In the past, such as the 80s,         and more unstable.
    While people have always             90s and early 2000s, these alt                More “fake alt” kids are de-
fallen into different categories of      communities were racist, ho-              ciding what is allowed and what
fashion, such as country, vintage,       mophobic and antisemitic. To-             isn’t, taking away from the over-
normal, and sports, these people         day, they are much more accept-           all community the alt communi-
can usually go about their day           ing to all types of people. Now,          ty has built up.
with little to no talk about their       they try to keep the community                Just like the indie, VSCO, and
outfits. No matter how interest-         safe from antisemites, racists,           vintage fashion groups, people
ing the outfit choice, people will       and homophobes.                           can come in and ruin things.
probably not mention it.                     With the birth of Tumblr, In-         As the alt community grows in
    However, people in the alt,          stagram, and TikTok, these alt            popularity, it takes away from
goth, scene, and punk have of-           communities have become more              its own fundamentals. They’re
ten been bullied because of their        popular, drawing in posers and            accepting, posers aren’t.
20                          February 6, 2021              Alutant

Black History Month Word Search
                         Famous People

                        Angelou                King
      Lucy Altman-Coe
         Copy Editor    Mandela                Garvey
                        Colvin                 Rudolph
     Obama              DuBois                 Baldwin
     Parks              Hughes                 Chisholm
     Tubman             Washington             Height
     Douglass           Marshall               Gorman
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