AMIDA KYO - Senshin Buddhist Temple

Page created by Laurie Woods
AMIDA KYO - Senshin Buddhist Temple

                    AMIDA KYO
“Blue lotuses emit blue lights. Red emit red lights.”
           Unique and Equal
          This year, we will hold our Hatsubon Service
          on Saturday, June 26. It will be a virtual ser-
          vice like was held last year. We usually chant
          Amidakyo at the Hatsubon service. Some peo-
          ple think that I chant Amidakyo very fast, it
          takes about fifteen minutes to chant. But it is
          the proper speed. If we chant Amidakyo regu-
          larly, we can get used to the words and phras-
          es and we can chant faster. In Japan, some
          followers memorize the Amidakyo and they
          chant it every day at their Obutsudan. They
AMIDA KYO - Senshin Buddhist Temple
2   D H ARMA MESSA GE : JUNE 2 02 1                                                                                              JAPANESE DHARMA MESSAGE: JUNE 2021                              3

chant it in about five minutes. It is very fast. Compared to that,                                                              ユニークでイコール                             古本龍太
fifteen minutes is a good speed. One of the important matters                                                                   今 年 は 、 6 月 2 6日 ( 土 ) に 初 盆 法 要 を 行 い ま す 。昨年に引き続き、ご
for chanting at the temple is to chant together. So when every-                                                                 自 宅 か ら イ ン タ ー ネ ッ ト で お 参 り し て く だ さ い 。 初盆のお勤めでは、
one comes back to the temple and we chant together in the Hon-                                                                  通 常 、 阿 弥 陀 経 を 読 経 し ま す 。 私 が 阿 弥 陀 経 を と なえるスピードがと
                                                                                                                                て も 速 い と 言 わ れ る 方 も お ら れ ま す が 、 私 は 1 5分くらいでとなえてい
do, I can slow the speed of chanting since chanting together
                                                                                                                                るので、そんなに速いわけではあ                この世には、貧しい人、豊かな     すべての人はちがっているが平等
is important. How about eighteen min-         her poem inspired by the Pure Land       All are different but equal. It is the
                                                                                                                                りません。阿弥陀経を何度もとな              人、平均的な人、若い人、年配の      である。 それが仏教の見方方で
utes to chant Amidakyo?                       Buddhist view.                       Buddhist view. In this poem, it seems
                                                                                                                                えていると、経中の言葉やフレー              人、健康な人、病気の人、などい      す。 この詩では、「私」が鳥や鈴
    Amidakyo is one of the three Pure                                              that “I” try to find something better        ズに慣れてきて、自然と速くとな              ろいろな方がおられます。また、      よりも優れている特徴を見つけよ
Land principle sutras. This sutra             “A Bell, A Bird and Me”              than the bird or the bell. But even          えられるようになります。日本で              肌の色、文化的背景などそれぞれ      うとしているように読めますが、
describes the scenery of the Pure Land                                             though we are not better than others,        は、阿弥陀経を暗記して毎日お仏              ちがっていて、私たちの目では、      他の人より優れていなくても、そ
and states that all other Buddhas praise      Even if I spread my arms             it is good. Everyone is unique and it        壇で阿弥陀経をとなえている方が              違いで区別し、それが差別になる      れは良いことなのです。誰もが
Amida Buddha and the Nembutsu. One                                                 is okay. I think It is expressed in the
of the famous phrases of this sutra is        I cannot fly in the sky at all.      last part of the poem, “All are different
“Shoshiki Shoko, Oshiki Oko, Shaku-                                                and all are good.” This good means to
shiki Shakko, Byakushiki Byakko…”             But the bird that can fly            transcend the “good” and “bad,” such
    In this portion of the sutra, it states                                        as the “good” in “Good morning.”
that, in the pond of the Pure Land, lo-       Cannot run on the ground as          Whether we feel good or bad, we say
tus flowers bloom and each flower has         fast as I.                           “Good morning.”                              一つは、みんなでとなえることで              見ていこうとするのです。         人々や生き物をユニークで平等に
its color and emits light. “The lotus                                                  Jodo Shinshu followers need to           す。 ですから、みんながお寺に戻               仏教詩人の金子みすゞ(1903-   見るようにつとめ、「みんなちが
flowers in the lakes, large as chariot        All are different and all are        know, we have such value and try to          ってきて、本堂で一緒にとなえる              1930)は、そのような浄土真宗の    って、みんなよい」としていくの
wheels, are blue-colored with blue
splendor, yellow-colored with yellow
the Buddha’s view”. Poor person, rich
                                                   Shoshiki Shoko, Oshiki Oko, Shakushiki Shakko, Byakushiki Byakko…
                                              Even if I shake my body,
                                                                                   see others as unique and equal. Ev-
                                                                                   eryone and everything is good. Such
                                                                                   a view, called Buddha’s wisdom view,
person, average person, young, old,                                                we receive from the Pure Land and            速さではいかがでしょうか?                                     その意味を味あわせていただきま
healthy, sick, any skin color, cultural       I cannot produce pretty              Amida Buddha. When we chant Ami-             阿弥陀経は、浄土三部経の中の一                 私が両手をひろげても、       しょう。
background, etc, each has his own                                                  dakyo, please get used to the phrase,
                                              sounds,                                                                           つのお経です。阿弥陀経にはお浄                 お空はちっとも飛べない
uniqueness.                                                                        “Shoshiki Shoko, Oshiki Oko, Shaku-          土の様子が描写されているほか、                                   南無阿弥陀仏
    One person can do something               But the bell that can ring           shiki Shakko, Byakushiki Byakko…”            無数におられる仏さま方が阿弥陀
special that another person cannot do.                                             and appreciate the meaning of it.            仏と念仏を讃嘆されていると書か                 飛べる小鳥は私のように、
But he can do other special things.           Doesn’t know as many songs                                                        れています。このお経の中の有名                 地面(じべた)を速くは走
One person is very good at sports but                                              Namoamitabutsu.                              なフレーズのひとつに、「青色青
the other person is not very athletic.        as I.                                R E V. R Y U T A F U R U M O T O             光、黄色黄光、赤色赤光、白色白
But he is very good at painting. Or                                                                                             光」 というのがあり、お浄土の                 私がからだをゆすっても、
some may say “I don't have anything           The bell and the bird and I---                                                    池には車輪のような大きな蓮の花                 きれいな音は出ないけど、
special. I am very ordinary.” But very                                                                                          が咲き、それぞれの花が赤や青な
ordinary is very special too. You are
                                              Unique and equal.                                                                 どそれぞれの色を持ち、光を放っ                 あの鳴る鈴は私のように、
a special ordinary person while other                                                                                           ていると示されています。ここで                 たくさんな唄は知らない
people are little ordinary. In the Pure                                                                                         は、浄土の蓮の花は、私たち一人                 よ。
Land, all are valuable and equal. And                                                                                           一人を意味し、すべての人々のユ
Jodo Shinshu followers try to see oth-                                                                                          ニークさと平等性を表現していま
ers as equally as possible while we are                                                                                         す。私たちはそれぞれの特徴を持
living in this world.                                                                                                           ち、一人ひとりちがっています                  みんなちがって、みんない
    “Blue lotuses emit blue lights.                                                                                             が、阿弥陀仏の目からはすべてが                 い。
Red emit red lights.” Misuzu Kaneko                                                                                             違ったままで、そのままよく平等
(1903-1930), a Buddhist poet, ex-                                                                                               なのだというメッセージが込めら
pressed the equality and uniqueness in                                                                                          れています。
4   S HOT SUKI HOYO: JUNE 20 21                                                                                       SPECIAL SERVICE, STUDY CLASS: JUNE 2021                                                                       5

                                      Monthly Memorial JUNE
                                      Virtual Shotsuki Service June 6 at 10a
                                      SESHU                          DECEASED’S RELATION   DECEASED
                                      (OBSERVANT)                    TO OBSERVANT

    The monthly memorial service
    is usually held on the first
    Sunday of each month in
                                      Akahori, Ted
                                      Enami, Mariko
                                                                                           Kawaye, Kathryn
                                                                                           Kuramoto, Tsutayo                          Virtual Hatsubon
    memory of those who have          Enami, Mariko                  Husband               Enami, Frank                               We will hold virtual Hatsubon service on Saturday,
    passed away in that month. At     Hisamune, Catherine            Mother                Fujita, Shizuye                            June 26. The service will begin at 4:30pm in the
    the service, the list of names    Ikegami, Sumiko                Mother                Shigaki, Suzu
    of the deceased, the person                                                                                                       Hondo and we will continue our observance with the
                                      Isomoto, Kiyoko                Friend                Furutani, Yasuko Jean                      Hatsubon families in the courtyard.
    observing the memorial and
    the person’s relation to the      Kitayama, Glen                 Grandfather           Kitayama, Eizaburo                         Hatsubon will be virtual so please join Senshin Bukkyo Gakuin
    deceased is read. The Month-      Kunitake, Kimiyo               Grandfather           Yamada, Shigenosuke                        the online service and activities from Senshin   Bukkyo Gakuin is the name of the study class
                                                                                                                                                                              program. Bukkyo means Buddhism and Gakuin means
    ly Memorial List is also          Kunitake, Kimiyo               Father                Yamada, Masao
    published in the Prajna news-                                                                                                     your home. We will send the zoom link school or institute.
    letter. To have a name entered    Matsumura, Henry               Uncle                 Yamaguchi, Tetsuro                         when the Hatsubon date will get clos- Senshin Buddhist Temple started as Senshin Ga-
    into the Monthly Memorial         Minami, Jean                   Mother-in-law         Minami, Suma                               er. After Hatsubon, Kinnara Taiko will kuin, a Japanese Language school and Dharma School
    List, please call the office as   Murakami, Eugene               Grandfather           Murakami, Shinkichi                                                                for children of the Japanese immigrants living in the
    names may not automatically
                                                                                                                                      present a piece to represent Horaku. Southwest LA area in 1928. In 1951, Senshin became
                                      Murakami, Hisako               Father                Takahashi, Hirokichi                          We will not have Sunday service      an independent temple, and Senshin Gakuin continued
    be entered after a funeral.
                                      Nakashita, Achi                Brother               Nakashita, Hiroshi Clark                   on Sunday June 27, so please join       as a Japanese language school until it closed in 1983.
                                      Nakawatase, Richard            Grandmother           Nakawatase, Toku                           the virtual Hatsubon on June 26 from To     remember the history of Senshin, we will rename
                                                                                                                                                                              Senshin Gakuin to Senshin Bukkyo Gakuin as adult
                                      Nakawatase, Richard            Uncle                 Nakawatase, Toshinobu                      your home.                              classes to learn basic Buddhist teaching and Jodo
                                      Nakawatase Family              Grandmother           Kuramura, Kikue                                               Shinshu teaching
                                                                                                                                                            We will begin online study classes in June, twice
                                      Nishida, Kikuko                Father                Yamaguchi, Kinai                           初盆とお盆踊りのお知らせ       a week (Tuesday and Wednesday), 45 minutes long,
                                      Nishida,Russell                Grandfather           Yamaguchi, Kinai                           6月26日(土)、4時半より初盆法要 three times per session. The classes will be helpful to
                                      Nishikawa, Kelvin              Grandmother           Yoshida, Isayo                             をおつとめします。初盆法要の後、お deepen the understanding of Jodo Shinshu, and the
                                      Nishisaka, Merrie              Grandfather           Sanada, Yukimasa                           盆踊りと緊那羅(きんなら)太鼓によ Buddhist thoughts, values, and perspectives.
                                      Rogers, Beverly                Mother                Nishi, Chitose                             る演奏があります。今年は初盆法要 The Basic Teaching of Buddhism
                                                                                                                                      も踊りもインターネットで行いますの Rev. Aki Rogers,
                                      Rogers, Beverly                Father                Nishi, Soichiro
                                                                                                                                      で、ご自宅から法要と踊りにお参りく Tuesday, June 1, 8, 15 at 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm
                                      Sato Family                    Grandmother           Kishaba, Fusa
                                                                                                                                      ださい。初盆の日が近づきましたら、 The class will cover the Life of Shakyamuni Buddha,
                                      Sugita, Hideo                  Father                Sugita, Yoshiaki                           ズームのリンクを送ります。     the history of Buddhism, the Eightfold Noble Path, Six
                                      Takahashi Family               Mother/Grandmother/   Takahashi, Misuko                                                                    Paramitas, etc. We will also focus on the connection
                                      (Elaine, Sumiji, Zen, Joseyl   Great-Grandmother/                                                                                         between Jodo Shinshu teaching and basic Buddhist
                                      Castellon, Gedon Phuntshog)    Grandmother-in-Law/                                                                                        teaching.
                                                                                                                                                                                The Basic Teaching of Jodo Shinshu
                                      Takashima, Wilbur              Great Grandmother     Sato, Mika                                                                           Rev. Ryuta Furumoto,
                                      Takashima, Wilbur              Grandmother           Taniguchi, Hisayo                                                                    Wednesday, June 2, 9, 16 at 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm
                                      Takashima, Wilbur              Uncle                 Taniguchi, Kiyoshi                                                                   The class will cover important terms such as Shinjin,
                                                                                                                                                                                Nembutsu, Tariki (Other Power), Ojo (Birth in the Pure
                                      Takemoto, Jon                  Grandmother           Takemoto, Kanayo
                                                                                                                                                                                Land), etc. The class will also cover the life of Shinran
                                      Terakawa, Alan                 Aunt                  Matsumune, Hisayo                                                                    Shonin, the history of Jodo Shinshu, and an introduc-
                                      Terakawa, Alan                 Mother                Terakawa, Yoshiko                                                                    tion to the teaching of the Seven Pure Land Masters.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Everyone is welcome. Please sign up to take classes
                                      Uyeno, Matsuko                 Sister                Nakamura, Agnes
                                                                                                                                                                                at You can take two classes
                                      Watanabe, Marsha               Father                Imai, Akio                                                                           or just one class. You can receive Collected Works of
                                      Yamaguchi, Toshiko             Father-in-law         Yamaguchi, Kinai                                                                     Shinran for free as a sign-up gift! There is no registra-
                                      Yoneda, Kiyoko                 Mother-in-law         Yoneda, Tsugi                                                                        tion fee but we will accept donations.
X6X O B ON RAFFL E, OGAWA S CHOLARSHIP, V EHI C L E D O N AT I O N : J U N E 2021                                                                    DANA: JUNE 2021                                                                                                        7

                                                                                                                                                                                         A P R I L 2 0 2 1 D O N AT I O N S
Obon Raffle: Sunday July 11, 2021                                                                                                                                                        Dennis & Celia Huey                  Donation
Drawing held immediately following service                                                                                                                                               Anonymous                            Nokotsudo
                                                                                                                                                                                         Betty Yamashita                      Osaisen
R E M I N D E R : This year's Sen-                 tickets, no worries, however, please do                                                                                               Suzanne Toji                         In memory of Jack Totsubo
shin Obon Raffle will be held                      send in two (2) stubs at no cost – we would
                                                                                                                                                                                         Susan & Edmond Young                 Nokotsudo
                                                   love to have everyone participate in this
Sunday, July 11, immediately follow-               year’s drawing. Winners will be drawn on
                                                                                                                                                                                         Janice Shigaki                       In memory of Al & Doris Shigaki
ing service. Your raffle ticket mailing should
                                                   Sunday, July 11 immediately following our                                                                                             Janice Shigaki                       Nokotsudo
reach you in early June!! The suggested do-
                                                   Kangi-e service and contacted using the                                                          Listed are donations handled by      Yumi Nakawatase                      In memory of Yasu Nakawatase
nation is $30 per book or $60 for two books.                                                       to what extent we will be able to gather.
                                                   information filled in on the winning ticket                                                      the Regular Treasurer:               Catherine Hisamune                   In memory of brother, Paul Fujita
(Again this year a free ticket in each book                                                           We are grateful for your ongoing support
                                                   stubs.                                          and look forward to seeing you all in person     Special: donation received with no   Akira & Maya Takemoto                In memory of Kazumi Takemoto
is included for you in the mailing.) If you                                                                                                         specific reason given
                                                      The Raffle Committee is also requesting      very soon when it is safer. If you haven’t                                            Beverly Rogers                       In memory of Chido Aramaki
are able to support the fundraiser please                                                                                                           Orei: donation for use of temple
                                                   your help with prize donations. We ap-          received your mailing or have any ques-                                               John & Wendy Mori                    Orei
send back the ticket stubs and a donation
                                                   preciate any prize donation you can give        tions please contact Debbie Hiramoto at          facilities, equipment, etc.          Bernice Wakinaka                     Nokotsudo
check in the envelope provided. Please
                                                   and hope this extra request will not be a       626.232.4736 or           Nokotsudo: donation by families      Madalyne Adams                       Osaisen
mail in your envelope early enough so it is
                                                   hardship. Gift cards from any vendor in any     In Gratitude,                                    who have family cremains in the      Kelvin & Yoko Nishikawa              Birth of Granddaughter, Nora Rose Nishikawa
received at Senshin by Monday, July 5.
                                                   amount are very popular and allow us to         Obon Raffle Committee                            Nokotsudo (columbarium)              Nick & Wendy Nagatani                Donation
    If you are not making a donation for the
                                                   easily mail out to winners as we are unsure                                                      The Regular Treasurer is required    Madalyne Adams                       In memory of Takeo Yamada
                                                                                                                                                    to send receipts for donations of    Lance Nagano                         In memory of Mary Nagano
The Kikuo and Kaoru (Kay) Ogawa 2021 Memorial Scholarship                                                                                           $250.00 and over. Receipts for all
                                                                                                                                                    other donations will not be sent
                                                                                                                                                                                         Stephanie/Garren Mizutani            In memory of Grandma Hana Unno
The purpose of these scholarships is to honor     Requirements:                                                                                                                          Stephanie/Garren Mizutani            For Ohigan Seminar
                                                                                                                                                    unless requested by the donor.
the late Kikuo and Kaoru (Kay) Ogawa, and         Must have graduated high school or passed the GED (General Educational Development) test                                               Dale Shirasago                       Dana
to recognize the efforts of a graduating high     by June of the application year or earlier.                                                                                            Kazuo Matsubayashi                   Donation
school senior and/or a person wanting to
                                                  Applicant must be accepted by or enrolled in a college, university, trade school or technical                                          Grace Uyeshima                       Donation
change her or his direction in life via con-
                                                  school, or must show intention of attending one of those institutions.                                                                 Mayumi Kodani                        Donation
tinuing education. This could be through a
                                                  Must obtain and complete the application as stated below.                                                                              Janis Ishitani                       In memory of Kayoko Wada
college, university, trade or technical school.                                                                                                                                          Chris Whiting                        Donation
Those with the desire to further their educa-     Scholarship funds must be applied towards tuition, fees, books and other educational expens-
                                                                                                                                                                                         Patricia Honkawa                     Orei
tion will be considered for these scholarships.   es as deemed appropriate by the scholarship benefactors.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Dale Shirasago                       Dana
Consideration will first go to members of         Must be the member of a Buddhist Temple/Sangha if over 30 years of age. For high school
Senshin Buddhist Temple. If qualified recip-                                                                                                                                             Mayumi Kodani                        Dana
                                                  graduates, their parent(s) must be a member(s) of a Buddhist Temple/Sangha.
ients are not found, the scholarships will be                                                                                                                                            Diane Trihey                         In memory of Linda Inatomi-Howard
opened to members of any Buddhist Temple
                                                  Application:                                                                                                                           Ikuko Matsubayashi                   Donation
in the Los Angeles area.
                                                  An application may be obtained via email by contacting Wilbur Takashima at: wktakashi@                                                 Sharon Koga                          Donation
                                         The application will require a two-page essay and two separate recommendations.                                               Gary Shirasago                       Dana
Scholarship Award:                                Details are provided in the application package. The application (including both recommenda-
A one-time scholarship of $1,000 to be used                                                                                                                                              Debra Nakatomi                       In memory of Bette Nakatomi
                                                  tions) MUST be received by June 20, 2021. Tentatively, the scholarships will be presented in a
for tuition, fees, books and other educational                                                                                                                                           Ikuko Kiriyama                       70th Ann. Fund
                                                  July 2021 service at Senshin, predicated upon the status of the Coronavirus guidelines that are
expenses will be awarded to each of two                                                                                                                                                  June Kondo                           70th Ann. Fund
                                                  in effect at that time.
individuals.                                                                                                                                                                             Carrie Morita                        70th Ann. Fund
                                                                                                                                                                                         Yanagita, Michael & Lilly            70th Ann. Fund
                                                  as necessary to bring in the highest             If you have any questions about the
Vehicle Donation                                  sale amount for the donated                   program, or wish to donate a vehicle,
                                                                                                                                                     F L O W E R D O N AT I O N S        James & Karen Harada                 Ohigan
                                                                                                                                                     APRIL                               Kazuo & Ikuko Matsubayashi           Ohigan
This is a reminder that Senshin will              vehicle.                                      please contact either Jean Minami
take any vehicle (car, pickup, truck,                Once the proceeds from
                                                                                  C A AR           (323) 938-0048, or Wilbur Takashi-                Kelvin & Yoko Nishikawa             Shelley Okamura                      Ohigan
motorcycle, and even boat) as a dona-                                                 R     O L                                                      Lori Nishida                        Edna Horiuchi                        Sensei’s Prius Donation
                                                  the vehicle donation are           S E O N D’
                                                                                        D              ma (310) 398-9558.
tion to the temple. Donors can report             received by Senshin, a letter         RV AT S                                                      Marilyn Shimabukuro                 Ikuko Kiriyama                       Sensei’s Prius Donation
                                                                                          IC IO
the full amount of funds received from                                                      E N                                                      Sumiko Hayamizu                     June Kondo                           Sensei’s Prius Donation
                                                  is sent to the donor to acknowl-
the vehicle donation as a deduction on            edge the vehicle donation. The letter                                                              Kathleen & Martin Umemoto           Marilyn & Dennis Miyamoto            Sensei’s Prius Donation
their tax returns..                               includes details of the donated vehicle                                                            Michiko Sugano                      Carole Morita                        Sensei’s Prius Donation
   We work with Harold’s Car Dona-                and the amount for which the vehicle                                                               John & Debbie Hiramoto              Shelley Okamura                      Sensei’s Prius Donation
tion Service (HCDS) to have vehicles              was sold or salvaged. All donors will
picked up, processed and refurbished              be acknowledged in the Prajna.
8   D ANA c o nt'd: JUNE 20 21                                                                U P D AT E S : J U N E 2 0 2 1                                                                                                    9

                                                                                                                                                                                         the food preparation that I miss, it’s
          Donor                          In Memory of                                                                                                                                    also the togetherness and storytelling
          Joy & Duane Hirayama           Tsukasa Saneto                                                                                                                                  about our joys and sorrows. Some of
          Joy & Duane Hirayama           Dick Imamura                                                                                                                                    these ladies have passed and I miss
          David & Lynn Gleeson           Paige Kiyoko Kathleen Gleeson                                                                                                                   them greatly, but they will still remain
                                                                                                                                                                                         in my heart and will be remembered
          Kristine Kawaguchi             Tsukasa Saneto
                                                                                                                                                                                         this Obon. In their memory, I became
          JoAnn & Neil Komai             Yoshito Yamada
                                                                                                                                                                                         a BWA member to carry on their
          Jean Minami                    Kichitaro Minami
          Richard & Helen Nakawatase     Hideo Nakawatase                                                                            & ANNOUNCEMENTS!                                    legacy to support the Sangha. I hope
                                                                                                                                                                                         you find inspiration in my story to join
          Lori & Russell Nishida         Joe Nishida, Misa Yamaguchi                                                                            the Sangha.                              our group.
          Kelvin & Yoko Nishikawa        George Nishikawa, Wasako Nishikawa
                                                                                                 Temple News                                 Join us on Sundays on Zoom. At                 With great appreciation, we ac-
          Fujie & Ronald Ohata           Ichiro Uyeno                                            During our May Board of Directors           9:45am Aki-Sensei gives a Virtual           knowledge the following for their
                                                                                                 meeting we considered the latest            Kid’s talk that the young and older will    generous Dana:
          Michiko Sakakura               Chizu Sakakura
                                                                                                 COVID trends and guidelines and             enjoy. 10:00am is our regular service.      • Madalyne Adams In memory of
          Satomi Saneto                  Tsukasa Saneto                                          decided to start making some plans          Rev. Furumoto conducts a monthly                 Takeo Yamada
          Marilyn Shimabukuro            Shikko Shimabukuro                                      assuming that conditions continue to                                                    • Debbie Hiramoto Hanamatsuri
                                                                                                                                             Virtual Nokotsudo Service at 9:15am
          Ellen Shimohara                Kimi Shinoda                                            improve. None of the activities de-         so check the calendar for the date.
          Wilbur & Iris Takashima        Yoshiko Takashima & Setsugo Taniguchi                   scribed below are set in stone and may
                                                                                                 be modified or cancelled depending on
                                                                                                                                                Please check out our new website
                                                                                                                                             at for the link to
H A N A M AT S U R I A P R I L 2 0 2 1                                                           the situation at that time.                 Sunday services, the calendar, links        ABA wishes to thank our friends for
                                                                                                 • We hope to resume in-person Sun-          and content that might interest you.        their kind Dana:
          Anonymous                      Ikuko Kiriyama                Marilyn Shimabukuro &        day service starting September 12.                                                   • Tammy and Dale Matsubara Bingo
                                                                                                                                             In Gassho,
          Anonymous                      Chikako Kojima                   Gilbert Leong             The Re-opening Committee did a                                                       • Iris and Wilbur Takashima Bingo
                                                                                                                                             RUSSELL NISHIDA
          Madalyn Adams                  Neil & JoAnn Komai            Ellen Shimohara              great job getting us prepared for                                                    • Mrs. Kiyo Yoneda Bingo
          Chris & Doug Aihara            June Kondo                    Mark & Reiko Sonday          this wonderful milestone. It will be
          Julie Akahori                  Doug Matsuda                  Michiko Sugano               so nice to see you again!                BWA                                         Jr Y B A
                                                                                                 • Our Hatsubon service will be on           It’s now halfway through 2021 and
          Ted Akahori                    Natsuko Matsushige            Kiyoe Suzuki                                                                                                      Jr. YBA will attend Seminar 3 in June,
                                                                                                    June 26. Normally we have Obon           we are still separated physically, yet
          Roy & Jane Asahi               Joy Middo                     Robert Takamoto                                                                                                   hosted by OCBC with the theme,
                                                                                                    after the Hatsubon service but           connected virtually. The Senshin BWA
          Don Akamine                    Jean Minami                   Wilbur & Iris Takashima                                                                                           “Neverland". May was a busy month
                                                                                                    unfortunately Obon is cancelled this     ladies continue to hold fast to our
          Joyce Chinn                    Yoshio Miyagishima            Julia Takeda                                                                                                      due to AP exams, so the Jrs. took a
                                                                                                    year. It’s just too soon. However,       traditions and calling to support the
          James & Karen Harada           Marilyn & Dennis Miyamoto     F.Y. Takeyama                                                                                                     break from activities. If you are a high
                                                                                                    immediately following the service,       Sangha. We are patiently waiting for
                                                                                                                                                                                         school student and are interested in
          Kenneth Hatai                  Garren & Stephanie Mizutani   Bessie Tanaka                we will continue our observance          the time when temple activities can
                                                                                                                                                                                         joining or would like to know more
          Sumiko Hayamizu                Satoshi Miyata                Barbara Tanezaki             with the Hatsubon families in the        safely begin again.
                                                                                                                                                                                         about our program, please contact
          Bert & Dorothy Higa            John & Wendy Mori             Kathy & Marty Umemoto        courtyard. Due to headcount limita-          As a reminder, during our last
                                                                                                                                                                                         Mrs. Joyce Yamashita at kyokosam@
                                                                                                    tions, Hatsubon will be open only to     normal June which was in 2019, you
          Paul Hiramoto                  Eugene & Elaine Murakami      Nancy Usui                                                                                              
                                                                                                    the observing families and the Sen-      would have found the ladies swirling
          Deb & John Hiramoto            Judy Nakatani                 Susie Usui                   shin folks who are helping to make       around in the kitchen lovingly pre-
          Joy & Duane Hirayama           Richard & Helen Nakawatase    Matsuko Uyeno                it happen. For the rest of us, it’s on   paring oden and Spam musubi for our
          Kiyome Hirayama                Russell & Lori Nishida        Bernice Wakinaka             the calendar as a Virtual Hatsubon       Obon sale. Although the work was
          Catherine Hisamune             Kevin & Yoko Nishikawa        Vickie Wakinaka              and will be live-streamed on Zoom.       hard, and there probably was some
          Patty Honkawa                  Merrie Nishisaka              Betty & Tak Yamashita     • Senshin’s 70th Anniversary cele-          monku-ing going on, we all had fun
                                                                                                    bration is scheduled for November        and enjoyed the time together. Now          In response to April’s WasabiKai’s
          Robert Hori & Richard Kok      Craig & Cindy Ogawa           Arlene Yokoyama                                                                                                   Goinkyo Project, a temple member,
                                                                                                    20th. The 70th Anniversary cele-         that we can’t get together for another
          Edna Horiuchi                  Jerry Ogawa                   Carole Yokota                                                                                                     Mike Yanagita, wrote:
                                                                                                    bration will be combined with our        year, I find myself remembering the
          Kenny & Joji Iriye             Ron & Fujie Ohata             Kiyoko Yoneda                                                         wisdom that freely flowed throughout        “In 1999 I was planning a solo trip
                                                                                                    bi-annual Keiro Kai event (honor-
          Denise Ishitani                Michael & Carol Okuda         Evelyn Yoshimura             ing Sangha members who are +80           that kitchen. I’ll always be grateful for   to India. I had my plane ticket and
          Janis Ishitani                 Susan Omori                   Amy Yukawa                   years) and we hope the day will be       the BWA lady who rescued me while           was scheduled to land in New Delhi.
          Glen & Joyce Isomoto           Beverly Rogers                                             very special and we want as many         I was struggling to not burn the fried      But a month before I was to leave my
                                                                                                    people as possible involved in the       rice over the fiery hot wok or another      mother passed away. My father had
          Cathy Iyemura                  Michiko Sakakura
                                                                                                    fun. We’re asking all of the organi-     lady who gently corrected my haphaz-        passed away in 1983. My energies
          Emi Kamikawa
                                                                                                    zations to do something to entertain     ard food prep style. It’s not all about     shifted from my mid-life crisis trip of
1 0 J APANESE UPDATE S: JUNE 20 21                                                  U P D AT E S c o n t ' d : J U N E 2 0 2 1                                                                              11

                                                                                 a lifetime to dealing with my mother̛s                                                     1. Launch the Settings app on your
洗心仏教会                                                                  2021年6月   small estate with my brother.                                                                 iPhone or iPad.
                                                                                    The next year, Senshin was plan-                                                        2. Tap on Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
                                                                                 ning a trip to India called “In the foot-                                                  3. Tap on Add Account...under the
寄付:D&C.Huey,N&W永谷,D白砂,G上島,M小谷              故Jとつぼ追悼:S東司                           steps of the Buddhaˮ tour. My travel                                                          Mail section.
 K&I松林,C.Whiting,S古賀,G白砂                   故A&D紫垣追悼:J紫故C荒巻追悼:B.Rogers            agent then asked Reverend Mas if I                                                         4. Tap on Other.
                                                                                 might be able to join in this trip since                                                   5. Tap on Add Subscribed Calendar
お彼岸セミナー:S&G水谷,J&K原田,K&I松林,                 故T山田追悼:M.Adams                        I missed out on my own. I feel so                                                             under the Other section.
 S岡村                                       故M長野追悼:L長野                            fortunate that I was able to go. When                                                      6. Enter or copy in the following link:
                                                                                 we landed in India I was so glad to be                                              
お祝い:孫誕生―K&Y西川                              故H海野追悼:S&G水谷                          part of this group. I realized I wouldn't                                                     calendar/ical/jr9b2e26vovo0a0rhht
お寺の車:E堀内,I桐山,J近藤,M&D宮本,                    故K和田追悼:J石谷
                                                                                 have survived on this trip by myself.                                               
                                                                                 India is very rough for the inexperi-                                                         com/public/basic.ics
   C森田,S岡村                                 故L稲富―Howard追悼:D.Trihei                enced traveler.
                                                                                    This was my first real exposure              worked in Little Tokyo at the Japa-             SenshinBuddhistTemple
                                                                                 to Senshin and fellow sangha travel-            nese American Community Services
                                                                                 ers. The trip was so successful that            (JACS) Asian Involvement as a draft             @senshinji
                                                                                 I decided to attend a service upon              counselor. I read a couple books on
      (6月1,2,8,9,15,16日に仏教学院(ヴァチャル仏教基礎講座)を行います。                                                                                      how to avoid the draft published            @senshinji
                                                                                                                                     by the Quakers which saved me
3日(木)午後7:00                          ヴァチャル理事会                                                                                        from going to Vietnam. Shortly
6日(日) 午前8:30                         ヴァチャル婦人会例会                                                                                      after, I met my future wife, Lilly,    Senshin Activities
         9:20                        ヴァチャル納骨堂法要                                                                                      in 1974. After working many jobs
         9:45                        ヴァチャルキッズお話                                                                                      I wasn't suited for, I decided to go   THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES CONTINUE ONLINE

       10;00                         ヴァチャル祥月法要                                                                                       back to school to pursue a career      Senshin Sangha Beginning Yoga
                                                                                                                                     as a chiropractor and acupunctur-      Beginner yoga classes through Zoom
13日(日)午前9:45                         ヴァチャルキッズお話                                                                                      ist. Lilly and I married in 1981       and taught by Riki Aihara. Email riki.
         10:00                       ヴァチャル家族礼拝                                                                                       and had two boys in the early 80's, for more info.
                                                                                                                                     raising them to successful careers.
20日(日)午前9:45                         ヴァチャルキッズお話                                                                                                                             Thinking Body/Moving Mind TBMM
                                                                                                                                     Now most of my projects involve
         10:00                       ヴァチャル御誕会法要(親鸞聖人誕生の日)                                                                                                                   Movement technique/exercise class
                                                                                                                                     simple hand and power tools and
                                                                                                                                                                            continue on Tuesday and Thursday
26日(土)午後4:30                         ヴァチャル初盆                                     returning. I remember telling some the          half the skill involves learning to
                                                                                                                                                                            mornings at 9:30a via Zoom. For in-
                                                                                 members that I was not into organized           sharpen your tools. Here are some
27日(日)                               お休み                                                                                                                                    formation please contact Young Ae at
                                                                                 religion. The service was the first of          photos of my recent projects, many
                                                                                 the year installation for the board and         involving wine barrel staves.
                                                                                 installation of all the groups in Sen-          Namu Amida Butsu                           Aruku-Kai "Let's Walk" Club
6月のお花当番:5日R堀/R.Kok,12日D江畑,19日A横山,26日F大畑,7月3日I高島                                  shin. I got my first exposure to a very                                                    Walking together, apart. We encour-
                                                                                 organized religion. But the strength of                                                    age all Sangha members to walk,
                                                                                 the sangha and the Buddhist messages
                                                                                                                                 Social Media                               breathe fresh air, and take in your
本堂当番:J森,D相原,D江畑,Q山下                                                              has kept me interested in returning             Instagram: Users are now able to not       surroundings. Contact Lauren.Ohata@
                                                                                 now for over 20 years.                          only follow accounts, but hashtags. for more information.
7月の予定:11日ヴァチャルお盆、歓喜会                                                                                                             You can follow #SenshinEverything
                                                                                    I find the whole concept of “other
                                                                                 powerˮ resonates with me the most.              and also tag your posts of Senshin         THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES
                                                                                 Allowing the power of Amida to guide            with the hashtag if you'd like others to   HAVE BEEN CANCELLED
                                                                                 one through life. When I look at my             see solely your Senshin pics.              Karate Club
                                                                                 life, the best things happen when I             That's #SENSHINEVERYTHING.                 Kinnara Gagaku/Bugaku
                                                                                 allow the “other powerˮ to prevail.                You can now view the Senshin            Classes
                                                                                    I grew up in Ann Arbor as part of            Google Calendar here: https://bit.
                                                                                 a very small Asian community and                ly/2Gbhc27                                 Kids' Taiko, Taiko, WasabiKai
                                                                                 came to Los Angeles in 1970 to a                   If you would like to add the Sen-       Organizational meetings
                                                                                 very large Asian community. Having              shin Calendar to your iPhone or
                                                                                 dropped out of school led to almost             iPad:
                                                                                 getting drafted going to Vietnam. I
S E N S H I N - J I 2 0 21 J U N E 2 5 6 5
1311 W. 3 7 T H ST R E E T, L O S A N G E L E S , C A L I F O R N I A 9 0 0 0 7  3 2 3 7 31 4 617 ❉ S E N S H I N T E M P L E @ G M A I L . CO M     S E N S H I N T E M P L E . O RG
SUNDAY                            MONDAY                  TUESDAY                        WEDNESDAY                          THURSDAY           FRIDAY       SATURDAY
                                                          1                              2                                  3                  4            5
                                                          9:30a Virtual Exercise Class 6:30p Senshin Bukkyo Gakuin     9:30a Virtual
                                                          6:30p Senshin Bukkyo Gakuin Virtual Basic Jodo Shinshu Class Exercise Class
                                                          Virtual Basic Buddhism Class                                 7p Virtual Temple
                                                                                                                       Board Meeting

6                               7                         8                              9                                  10                 11           12
8:30a Virtual BWA Reikai        10a Virtual Yoga Class    9:30a Virtual Exercise Class 6:30p Senshin Bukkyo Gakuin     9:30a Virtual
9:20a Virtual Nokotsudo Service                           6:30p Senshin Bukkyo Gakuin Virtual Basic Jodo Shinshu Class Exercise Class
9:45a Virtual Kids’ Talk                                  Virtual Basic Buddhism Class
10a Virtual Monthly Memorial
Service/Shotsuki Ho¯yō

13                                14                      15                             16                                 17                 18           19
9:45a Virtual Kids’ Talk          10a Virtual Yoga Class 9:30a Virtual Exercise Class 6:30p Senshin Bukkyo Gakuin     9:30a Virtual
10a Virtual Family Service                               6:30p Senshin Bukkyo Gakuin Virtual Basic Jodo Shinshu Class Exercise Class
                                                         Virtual Basic Buddhism Class

20                                21                      22                             23                                 24                 25           26
9:45a Virtual Kids’ Talk          10a Virtual Yoga Class 9:30a Virtual Exercise Class                                       9:30a Virtual                   4:30p Virtual Senshinji
10a Virtual Family Service        7p Virtual Zadankai                                                                       Exercise Class                  Hatsubon Service

27 No Service                     28                      29                             30                                 July 1             July 2       July 3
                                  10a Virtual Yoga Class 9:30a Virtual Exercise Class                                       9:30a Virtual
                                                                                                                            Exercise Class

JUNE TOBAN:                            JUNE Onaijin Flower TOBAN:          UPCOMING IN JULY 2021                  SENSHIN ACTIVITIES                    The following activities have been
June Service Toban Temple              June 5 Robert Hori / Richard Kok    July 11 Virtual Obon Kangi-e Service   Continue to be available online:      cancelled
June Hondo Toban John Mori, Doug       June 12 Donna Ebata                                                        • Virtual Yoga                        • Taiko, Kids’ Taiko, G
                                                                                                                                                                              ­ agaku, Bugaku
Aihara, Donna Ebata, Qris Yamashita    June 19 Arlene Yokoyama                                                    • Virtual Exercise                    and Karate
July Hondo Toban John Hiramoto,        June 26 Fujie Ohata                                                                                              • Wasabi-kai
Deb Hiramoto, Kenny Iriye, Henry       July 3 Iris Takashima                                                                                            • Organization meetings
Matsumura                                                                                                                                               • Board and committee meetings will be
                                                                                                                                                        conducted virtually.
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