Page created by Debra Hall
Product Disclosure Statement
Dated 9 April 2020

This document replaces the Product Disclosure Statement
dated 28 February 2020.

Issued by AMP Investment Management (N.Z.) Limited
This document gives you important information about this investment to help you decide whether you want to invest. There is other useful information about
this offer on AMP Investment Management (N.Z.) Limited has prepared this document in accordance with the Financial
Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act). You can also seek advice from a financial adviser to help you to make an investment decision.
1. Key information summary
What is this?                                                          How can you get your money out?
This is a managed investment scheme. Your money will be pooled         You may at any time request the redemption of some or all of your
with other investors’ money and invested in various investments.       investment. For each fund, payment will normally be made within 10
AMP Investment Management (N.Z.) Limited will invest your              business days of the Manager receiving a redemption request from
money and charge you a fee for its services. The returns you receive   you.
are dependent on the investment decisions of AMP Investment            We have the ability, in certain circumstances, to suspend redemptions
Management (N.Z.) Limited, and of its investment managers              (for instance, where we believe, in good faith, that it is not practicable
and the performance of the investments. The value of those             or would be prejudicial to investors’ interests for the Supervisor
investments may go up or down. The types of investments and the        to realise assets or borrow to permit redemptions - this could be
fees you will be charged are described in this document.               because of market or asset conditions or other circumstances).
What will your money be invested in?                                   See section 2 of the PDS, “How does this investment work?” on
There are two investment options offered under this Product            page 5 for more information.
Disclosure Statement (PDS).                                            Your investment in the AMP Capital Goals Based Funds can be
These investment options are summarised below. More                    sold but there is no established market for trading these financial
information about the investment target and strategy for each          products. This means that you may not be able to find a buyer for
investment option is provided in section 3 of the PDS, “Description    your investment.
of your investment options” on page 6.
                                                                       How will your investment be taxed?
Who manages the AMP Capital Goals Based Funds?                         All of the funds offered under this PDS are Portfolio Investment
The manager of the funds is AMP Investment Management (N.Z.)           Entities (PIEs).
Limited (Manager).                                                     The amount of tax you pay in respect of a PIE is based on your
See section 7 of the PDS, “Who is involved?” on page 8 for more        Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR). To determine your PIR go to www.ird.
information about us.                                        
                                                                       See section 6 of the PDS “What taxes will you pay?” on page 8 for
What are the returns?                                                  more information.
The return on your investment comes from:
• any increase or decrease in the unit price, and                      Where can you find more key information?
                                                                       AMP Investment Management (N.Z.) Limited is required to publish
• any income distributions made from the fund.
                                                                       quarterly updates for each fund. The updates show the returns, and
The Income Generator Fund pays a fixed monthly distribution            the total fees actually charged to investors, during the previous year.
amount to investors.                                                   The latest fund updates are available at The
The Global Multi-Asset Fund does not distribute income.                Manager will also give you copies of those documents on request.
See section 2 of the PDS, “How does this investment work?” on
page 5 for more information.

2 | AMP Capital Goals Based Funds Product Disclosure Statement
                                                                                                                (ESTIMATED)               BUY / SELL
                                                                                                               (of the value of the        SPREAD*
                                                                                                                fund’s assets each    (of each investment/
FUND NAME           DESCRIPTION                                           RISK INDICATOR                               year)               redemption)

GLOBAL      The fund is a diversified fund that                    Potentially             Potentially               1.27%               0.15% / 0.28%
                                                                   lower returns        higher returns
MULTI-ASSET aims to generate a positive return
FUND        above inflation and to actively                    1      2         3   4    5         6       7
                    respond to changing market
                    conditions with a flexible approach            Lower risk                Higher risk

                    to investing.
                                                                           See note 1 below.

INCOME              The fund aims to provide a gross               Potentially             Potentially               0.87%               0.65% / 0.68%
                                                                   lower returns        higher returns
GENERATOR           fixed monthly income in excess
FUND                of bank deposit rates, along with          1      2         3   4   5         6        7
                    a positive return on capital over
                    the long term. To achieve this, the            Lower risk                Higher risk

                    fund invests in a diversified mix
                    of growth and defensive assets,
                    with a focus on reliable income
                    generation. Environmental, Social
                    and Governance characteristics
                    are integrated into the underlying
                    investment managers’ investment

See section 4 of the PDS, “What are the risks of investing?” on page 7 for an explanation of the risk indicator and for information about other risks
that are not included in the risk indicator. To help you clarify your own attitude to risk, you can seek financial advice or work out your risk profile at
* These buy/sell spreads are stated as at the date of the PDS and are indicative only. They may change at any time without notice to investors. For
  more information about buy/sell spreads and how they are calculated see section 5 of the PDS “What are the fees” on page 8.
Note 1: Due to the absolute return nature of the Global Multi-Asset Fund, the risk indicator is based on the expected volatility of the fund. This
has been calculated by reference to the expected volatility of the underlying funds into which it invests.

   See page 7 for an explanation of the risk indicator and for information about other risks that are not included in the risk indicator.
   To help you clarify your own attitude to risk, you can seek financial advice or work out your risk profile at

                                                                                          AMP Capital Goals Based Funds Product Disclosure Statement | 3

1.   Key information summary                  2
2.   How does this investment work?           5
3.   Description of your investment options   6
4.   What are the risks of investing?         7
5.   What are the fees?                       8
6.   What taxes will you pay?                 8
7.   Who is involved?                         8
8.   How to complain                          9
9.   Where you can find more information      9
10. How to apply                              9
2. How does this investment work?
This PDS is an offer to purchase units in the AMP Capital Goals Based      On or around 1 April each year, we will provide you with an indication
Funds. Each of the funds offered under this PDS is constituted within      of the distribution rate for the coming year ahead. An interim
a managed investment scheme that is governed by a trust deed               confirmation of, or adjustment to, the distribution rate will be
dated 24 November 2015 (the AMP Capital Investment Retail Funds            provided on or around 1 October of the same year. While the initial
Trust Deed).                                                               indicative rate set on 1 April will normally be valid for the subsequent
                                                                           monthly distributions through until the succeeding re-set date, it
The money you invest buys units in the fund or funds you choose.
                                                                           is possible that changing market conditions will require a mid-year
Each fund invests in assets, such as other funds. The units do not give
                                                                           rate re-set. This adjustment may be either an increase or a decrease
you legal ownership of the fund’s assets but they do give you rights to
                                                                           in the distribution rate for the remainder of that calendar year. If the
the returns from the assets.
                                                                           income received by the Fund has differed materially from the level
The price of each unit depends on the value of the fund at the time        expected and indicated in the 1 April indicative communication, the
you invest and any buy spread that applies to that fund. We calculate      distribution amount may be adjusted to ensure the sustainability of
the unit price for a fund by dividing the Current Value of the fund by     the fund’s pay-out ratio or to build reserves in the fund against future
the number of units the fund has issued. The unit price is calculated      volatility or shortfalls in income.
                                                                           You may elect to have all (but not part) of your distribution of income
A change in the value of the fund’s assets affects the value of your       reinvested in further units (Reinvestment Option) and you can
units. The unit price for a fund will change as the market value of that   cancel, at any time, your election to reinvest in further units. A buy
fund’s assets changes.                                                     spread will not be charged on your reinvestment. Two weeks’ notice
The number of units you have, when multiplied by the unit price,           is required of any changes to your election for those changes to be
gives you the total value of your investment in any one fund               effective for a given distribution.
(although the impact of tax can result in a change in the number of        The Reinvestment Option may be varied, withdrawn or cancelled by
units you hold, up or down).                                               us at any time, by giving not less than three months’ notice to you.
The assets of a fund are not available to meet the liabilities of any      The Global Multi-Asset Fund does not distribute income.
other fund in the scheme.                                                  Accordingly, any income of this fund is reflected in its unit price.
Investing in managed funds can help you achieve your savings goals
and create greater wealth for the future by offering you:
                                                                           Making investments
                                                                           You will invest in the Funds through an administration and custodial
• Diversification. Pooling together large amounts of money enables         service we deal with. In this case you will not be a direct investor in
  fund managers to invest in a spread of assets which allows               a Fund and will not have a direct relationship with the Supervisor
  diversification and aims to reduce the risk of your investment           or ourselves. Instead, the Supervisor and the Manager have a direct
  portfolio. It also provides access to markets and securities that        relationship with the administration and custodial service, and they
  might otherwise be out of reach.                                         will be able to exercise any rights attached to units held. We will
• Professional management. Employing the expertise and resources           send all reports, distribution notifications, and documentation to the
  of a professional manager is particularly beneficial if you do not       administration and custodial service, not directly to you.
  have the time or the skill to manage your own investments.
                                                                           We have entered into arrangements with select administration
• Simplified investing. Fund managers take care of the paperwork           and custodial services in relation to investing in the Funds. As such,
  involved in buying, selling, reporting and record keeping.               you should contact your financial adviser or administration and
The return on your investment comes from:                                  custodial service for more information on minimum investment or
                                                                           withdrawal levels and cut off times for application. You should refer
• any increase or decrease in the unit price, and
                                                                           to the administration and custodial service terms and the relevant
• any income distributions made from the fund.                             marketing information about investing in the funds through that
The Income Generator Fund pays a fixed monthly distribution                service.
amount to unit holders. For the current monthly distribution amount
                                                                           If you wish to invest in the Funds and you do not have a financial
either refer to the fund details for the Income Generator Fund on the
                                                                           advisor or administration and custodial service then please contact us
register entry for the AMP Capital Investment Funds at
                                                                           using the contact details in section 7 of this PDS, “Who is involved?” or the fund’s latest Fact Sheet
                                                                           on page 8.
on our website:
The monthly distributions will be based on our estimate of the             Withdrawing your investments
fund’s annual income in the current financial year, apportioned on a       You may request a redemption of some or all of your investment
monthly basis. The fund aims to pay a stream of identical monthly          at any time. For each fund, payment will normally be made within
distributions. However, if circumstances require, the amount of            10 business days of our receiving a redemption request from you.
each distribution may be varied within a twelve-month distribution         However, we have the ability, in certain circumstances, to suspend
period. The capability to vary the distribution amount may be used to      redemptions (for instance, where we believe, in good faith, that it
provision or build a reserve within the Fund, or to release previously     is not practicable or would be prejudicial to investors’ interests for
reserved income and/or capital of the Fund and thus can lead to            the Supervisor to realise assets or borrow to permit redemptions
either an upward or downward adjustment in the distribution                – this could be because of market or asset conditions or other
amount. The regular practice will be a monthly distribution reflecting     circumstances).
the apportionment of the fund’s income stream.                             When you redeem all or part of your investment from a fund, we will
                                                                           redeem your investment at the unit price for that fund adjusted for
                                                                           the applicable sell spread for that fund.

                                                                                     AMP Capital Goals Based Funds Product Disclosure Statement | 5
How to switch between funds                                                   This PDS provides information on the AMP Capital Goals Based Funds.
You may at any time request to switch your investment between the             Information on other AMP Capital Investment Funds not offered
funds offered under this PDS or to any other AMP Capital Investment           under this PDS is provided in the following PDS documents:
Fund offered by us. A switch will be treated as a redemption from one         •   AMP Capital Cash and Fixed Interest Funds PDS
fund or funds and an application into the other fund or funds.                •   AMP Capital Global Shares Funds PDS
You will not be charged a switch fee but the buy and sell spreads will        •   AMP Capital New Zealand and Australian Shares Funds PDS
apply on each redemption and application under the switch. More               •   AMP Capital Property, Infrastructure and Commodities Funds PDS
information about the buy and sell spreads can be found in section 5          •   AMP Capital Ethical Leaders Diversified Funds PDS
of the PDS, “What are the fees?” on page 8.                                   •   AMP Capital Index Funds PDS.

3. Description of your investment options
                     SUMMARY OF INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES AND                                                                  RISK        INVESTMENT
 FUND                STRATEGY                                                               TARGET ASSET MIX               CATEGORY     TIMEFRAME

GLOBAL              Objective: To provide a Real Return of greater than 5% per annum        Cash and cash equivalents         3           4 years
MULTI-ASSET         over a rolling five year period.                                        0 - 100%
FUND                Strategy: Assets are managed using an approach with multiple            International fixed interest
                    managers. The underlying funds provide diversity across asset           0 - 100%
                    classes, sectors, geographies and investment managers, and have         Australasian equities
                    the ability to change the investment allocations in order to navigate   0 - 75%
                    the ups and downs of the investment cycle. Risk mitigation
                                                                                            International equities
                    strategies within the underlying funds are designed to lower
                                                                                            0 - 75%
                    expected volatility in returns and reduce the impact of market
                    related events.                                                         Listed property
                                                                                            0 - 75%
                    The underlying funds do not have a target asset allocation, rather
                    the funds operate within broad ranges.                                  Unlisted property
                                                                                            0 - 30%
                    Active currency hedging back to Australian dollars is undertaken
                    within the underlying funds. The Australian dollar exposure of the      Other
                    fund (the combined market value                                         0 - 75%
                    of the underlying funds) will be hedged back to
                    New Zealand dollars.

INCOME              Objective: To maximise the amount of the monthly distribution           Cash and cash equivalents         4            3 years
GENERATOR           payments by outperforming, over the medium term, the weighted           10%
                    average return of the market indices used to measure performance
FUND                                                                                        New Zealand fixed interest
                    of the underlying funds/assets in which the fund invests.
                    Strategy: Investment in a diversified mix of growth
                                                                                            International fixed interest
                    and defensive assets aims to provide regular income along with a
                    positive return on capital over the long term. Payment of a fixed       25%
                    monthly distribution is delivered by actively managing a diversified    Australasian equities
                    range of income-producing assets such as fixed interest securities,     30%
                    corporate bonds, equities and infrastructure. Environmental, Social     International equities
                    and Governance characteristics are integrated into the underlying       5%
                    investment managers’ investment process.
                                                                                            Listed property
                    The fund’s foreign currency exposure (excluding Australian dollar       5%
                    exposure) is fully hedged back to New Zealand dollars. Australian
                    dollar exposure is not currently hedged.

The Manager can make changes to the Statement of Investment                   The Manager’s use of the various market indices referred to here
Policy and Objectives (SIPO) of any fund in accordance with the               is subject to certain terms, conditions and disclaimers as described in
Trust Deed and the FMC Act. Before making changes to the SIPO, the            the offer register at in
Manager will consider if the changes are in your best interests and           the document titled ‘Other material information’, located under
consult with the Supervisor. We will give notice of changes to unit           the ‘Documents’ tab on the managed fund offer register for the
holders of the relevant fund prior to effecting any material changes.         AMP Capital Investment Funds.
The most current SIPO for the funds can be found on the scheme                Further information about the assets in each fund can be found in
register at                             the fund updates at

6 | AMP Capital Goals Based Funds Product Disclosure Statement
4. What are the risks of investing?                                         We manage currency risk for each of the funds which have exposure
                                                                            to overseas assets by a currency management policy, where some or
Understanding the risk indicator                                            all of the currency exposure is hedged back to New Zealand dollars.
Managed funds in New Zealand must have a standard risk indicator.           The currency management policy for each fund is detailed in the
The risk indicator is designed to help investors understand the             AMP Capital Investment Funds SIPO.
uncertainties both for loss and growth that may affect their
                                                                            Liquidity risk
investment. You can compare funds using the risk indicator.
                                                                            In volatile market conditions, a fund’s assets may not necessarily
                                                                            be as easily realisable as they may have been at a previous point in
                                                                            time, or may only be able to be realised at a lower value than might
         Potentially lower returns       Potentially higher returns         be expected in normal market conditions. This could have a negative
                                                                            effect on the value of a fund’s assets and its performance, and in turn
                                                                            may affect the value of your investment, the returns you receive from
     1          2         3          4          5         6           7     the fund and the applicable buy/sell spreads.
                                                                            Global Multi-Asset Fund - Asset allocation and concentration risk
         Lower risk                                    Higher risk          The Global Multi-Asset Fund invests in the Australian AMP Capital
                                                                            Multi-Asset Fund and the Schroder Real Return Fund. The investment
                                                                            managers of the Australian AMP Capital Multi-Asset Fund and the
See section 1 of the PDS, “Key information summary” on page 3 for           Schroder Real Return Fund each have the flexibility to significantly
the risk indicators for the funds offered under this this PDS.              change the asset class mix at any time and within broad ranges.
The risk indicator is rated from 1 (low) to 7 (high). The rating            Therefore, the Global Multi-Asset Fund may be concentrated in a
reflects how much the value of the fund’s assets goes up and down           particular asset class or type of investment vehicle, geographical
(volatility). A higher risk generally means higher potential returns over   area or industry at any point in time, which may subject the Global
time, but more ups and downs along the way.                                 Multi-Asset Fund to significant performance volatility relative to its
                                                                            objective. If this volatility occurs, the Global Multi-Asset Fund may fail
To help you clarify your own attitude to risk, you can seek financial       to meet its stated performance objective.
advice or work out your risk profile at
Note that even the lowest category does not mean a risk-free                Other specific risks
investment, and there are other risks (described under the heading          Income Generator Fund – Capital and Distribution Risk
‘Other specific risks’) that are not captured by this rating.               In the event of adverse market conditions, the income generated
                                                                            by the fund may become insufficient to meet the monthly fixed
This risk indicator is not a guarantee of a fund’s future performance.
                                                                            distributions. If this occurs, it will be necessary for either the
The risk indicator is based on the returns data for the five years
                                                                            distributions to be made by selling some of the fund’s assets, or the
to 31 March 2020 (see page 3 for more detail on how these were
                                                                            Manager may elect to temporarily suspend distributions. In the
calculated). While risk indicators are usually relatively stable, they do
                                                                            event of distributions being made from the sale of assets, there will
shift from time to time. You can see the most recent risk indicator in
                                                                            be a commensurate reduction in the assets available to be invested
the latest fund updates for these funds.
                                                                            by the fund. Where the Manager forms the view that it is in the best
                                                                            interests of investors to suspend distributions, then it may do so by
General investment risks
                                                                            providing written notice to investors and the Supervisor. During the
Some of the things that may cause the funds’ value to move up and
                                                                            period for which any such suspension is in effect, any income that
down, which affect the risk indicator, are:
                                                                            would otherwise have been paid as distributions will be retained
Market risk                                                                 within the fund and, as such, will be reflected as an increase in the
Market risk is the risk of losses in a fund’s investments arising due to    price of the fund’s units.
the market prices of those investments changing.
                                                                            PIE tax will be calculated on your share of allocated taxable income of
This is of significance to the AMP Capital Goals Based Funds as             the fund. This PIE tax will be deducted and paid for those investor’s
the assets of those funds are market linked, and are therefore              with a PIR greater than 0%. PIE tax on allocated taxable income is
susceptible to general market fluctuations and individual security          deducted on the redemption of units and at PIE year end, generally
price fluctuations.                                                         on 31 March each year. There could be a reduction in the value of
Currency risk                                                               your investment in the fund due to satisfying PIE tax liability, as
Currency risk is the risk of exchange rate fluctuations between the         appropriate and the monthly distributions paid to you.
New Zealand dollar (the currency in which the funds are valued) and         No PIE tax will be deducted from your income distribution or retained
foreign currencies.                                                         in the Fund for the payment of PIE tax.
Currency risk will affect funds that invest in offshore assets that are
not fully hedged back to New Zealand dollars. The AMP Capital Goals
Based Funds all have assets invested offshore and therefore
the returns of these funds can be affected by movements between
the New Zealand dollar and other currencies if they are not
adequately hedged.

                                                                                      AMP Capital Goals Based Funds Product Disclosure Statement | 7
5. What are the fees?                                                       There are no other one-off fees currently being charged to any of the
                                                                            funds offered under this PDS.
You will be charged fees for investing in the AMP Capital Goals Based
Funds. Fees are deducted from your investment and will reduce your
                                                                             Alistair invests $10,000 in the Global Multi-Asset Fund. A buy
returns. If any of the funds invest in other funds, those other funds
                                                                             spread of 0.15% is incorporated in the unit price that he pays for his
may also charge fees. The fees you pay will be charged in two ways:
                                                                             investment. This equates to $15.
Regular charges - for example annual fund charges. Small differences
                                                                             This brings the starting value of his investment to $9,985.
in these fees can have a big impact on your investment over the
long term.                                                                   He is also charged management and administration fees, which work
                                                                             out to about $127 (1.27 % of $9,985). These fees might be more or less
One-off fees - for example the initial buy spread.
                                                                             if the value of his investment has increased or decreased over the year.
Annual Fund Charges
                                                                             Estimated total fees for the first year
                                     ESTIMATED     TOTAL                     Individual action fees: $15
                 MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION ANNUAL                            Fund charges: $127
                            FEES       CHARGES      FUND
                 (excluding GST) (including GST) CHARGES
                                                                            Example of how fees apply to an investor
                                                                            See the latest fund update for an example of the actual returns and
 Global Multi-              1.15%                    0.12%       1.27%      fees investors were charged over the past year.
 Asset Fund                                                                 This example applies only to the Global Multi-Asset Fund. If you are
 Income                     0.80%                    0.07%       0.87%      considering investing in other funds in the scheme, this example may
 Generator                                                                  not be representative of the actual fees you may be charged.
                                                                            The fees can be changed
                                                                            We can change fees from time to time. We can also add new fees. The
Management fees - We charge an annual management fee to each
                                                                            rules about fee changes are in the Trust Deed which can be found on
fund as set out above. GST is currently charged at 15% on 10% of the
                                                                            the scheme register at
management fee in accordance with the non-binding IRD agreement
with the Financial Services Council of New Zealand Incorporated on          AMP Investment Management (N.Z.) Limited must publish a fund
behalf of the funds management industry. GST on management fees             update for each fund showing the fees actually charged during the
is currently under review and therefore this percentage may change          most recent year. Fund updates, including past updates are available
in the future.                                                              on the offer register at
Administration charges - These charges cover the general
management of the fund eg supervisor, legal, custodian and audit            6. What taxes will you pay?
fees. Subject to the exception noted below, they also cover charges
                                                                            Each fund is a Portfolio Investment Entity. The amount of tax you
payable in respect of the underlying funds that the above funds
                                                                            pay is based on your PIR. To determine your PIR, go to www.ird.govt.
invest in. These charges are an estimate. Actual charges over the
                                                                            nz/toii/pir/. If you are unsure of your PIR, we recommend you seek
previous 12 months are available in the latest fund update.
                                                                            professional advice or contact the Inland Revenue Department. It is
Individual Action Fees                                                      your responsibility to tell the Manager (or, if you invest through an
                                                                            administration and/or custodial service, the provider of that service)
Buy/Sell spreads
                                                                            your PIR when you invest or if your PIR changes. If you do not tell the
Indicative buy and sell spreads as at the date of this PDS are set out in
                                                                            Manager (or the provider of the administration and/or custodial service
the table below:
                                                                            you invest through, if applicable), a default rate may be applied. If the
                                BUY SPREAD           SELL SPREAD            advised PIR is lower than the correct PIR, you will need to complete a
                                                                            personal tax return and pay any tax shortfall, interest, and penalties. If
 Global Multi-Asset Fund             0.15%               0.28%              the default rate or the advised PIR is higher than the correct PIR, you will
                                                                            not get a refund of any overpaid tax.
 Income Generator Fund               0.65%               0.68%
These spreads may change at any time and without notice to
investors.                                                                  7. Who is involved?
Explanation                                                                 About AMP Investment Management (N.Z.) Limited
Buy/Sell spreads - When you enter or leave a fund, any buy or sell          AMP Investment Management (N.Z.) Limited is the manager of
spreads applicable at that time will be a cost to you. The buy spread       the funds.
is added to the unit price on entry to the fund, and the sell spread is     You can contact us by:
deducted from the unit price on exit from the fund. The
buy/sell spreads belong to the fund and are not fees paid to us or any      Telephone: 0800 400 499
investment manager. The purpose of buy/sell spreads is to make sure         Overseas: +64 (4) 494 2157
that any transaction costs incurred as a result of an investor entering     Email:
or leaving the fund are borne by that investor, and not other investors     In writing:
in the fund. There is no GST charged on buy/sell spreads.                   AMP Investment Management (N.Z.) Limited
We determine the buy/sell spreads based on what we consider to be           PO Box 3764
a fair amount payable having regard to expected transaction costs.          Wellington 6140
We may change the buy/sell spreads from time to time and without
notice to investors.
8 | AMP Capital Goals Based Funds Product Disclosure Statement
In person:                                                               Manager Corporate Trusts
Level 1, Meridian Building,                                              The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company Limited
55 Lady Elizabeth Lane                                                   Level 2, Perpetual Guardian House
Queens Wharf                                                             99 Customhouse Quay
Wellington 6011                                                          PO Box 3845, Wellington 6140
                                                                         Telephone: (04) 901 5406
Who else is involved?
 TITLE           NAME                  ROLE
                                                                         9. Where you can find more information
 Supervisor      The New Zealand       Supervisor of the funds under     Further information relating to the AMP Capital Goals Based Funds
                 Guardian Trust        the FMC Act, responsible for      is available on the offer register and the scheme register at www.
                 Company Limited       supervising AMP Investment and a copy of information on
                                       Management (N.Z) Limited as       the offer register or scheme register is available on request to the
                                       manager of the funds.             Registrar of Financial Service Providers.
 Custodian       BNP Paribas           Appointed by the Supervisor to
                 Fund Services         hold the assets of the funds on   Other information we will provide
                 Australasia Pty Ltd   behalf of investors.              You can also obtain the following information, free of charge:
 Investment      AMP Capital           Makes decisions about what the     INFORMATION          HOW TO OBTAIN
 Manager         Investors (New        funds invest in. The investment
                 Zealand) Limited      manager may also appoint           Latest unit price    The latest unit price is available on our website
                                       sub-investment managers to                    
                                       manage fund assets.
                                                                          Fund information     You can inspect documents we hold that are
 Administration AMP Capital            Appointed by the Manager.          relevant to you      relevant to you, and other documents that are
 Manager        Investors (New         Provides administration                                 legally required to be provided to you, at our
                Zealand) Limited       functions for the funds.                                offices during normal business hours, or request
                                                                                               an extract of those documents, by written
More information, including the Trust Deed, is available on the                                request to us.
scheme register at
                                                                          Fund updates         The fund updates for the funds will be publicly
You will invest in the Funds through an administration and custodial                           available from our website and can be requested
service we deal with. In this case, the administration and custodial                           from us.
service will hold the units in the Funds on your behalf. You should
refer to the administration and custodial service terms and the
                                                                         You will also be sent an annual tax statement which will include the
relevant marketing information about investing in the funds through
                                                                         amount of PIE income allocated to you and the amount of tax paid at
that service for more information.
                                                                         your chosen PIR. You will also be asked to confirm your IRD number
                                                                         and PIR.
8. How to complain                                                       You can find general information about us, the funds, and our
Any complaints or problems with the investment should be directed        management team on our website
to the Manager using the contact details in section 7 of the PDS,
“Who is involved?” on page 8.
                                                                         10. How to apply
In addition, the Manager is a member of Financial Services
                                                                         You will invest in the Funds through an administration and custodial
Complaints Limited, a dispute resolution scheme approved under the
                                                                         service we deal with. In this case you will not be a direct investor in
Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act
                                                                         a Fund and will not have a direct relationship with the Supervisor
2008. Under that scheme, if you have any complaints or problems
                                                                         or ourselves. Instead, the Supervisor and the Manager have a direct
with your investment, you should first try to resolve these with the
                                                                         relationship with the administration and custodial service, and they
                                                                         will be able to exercise any rights attached to units held. We will
If your complaint cannot be resolved with the Manager, you may           send all reports, distribution notifications, and documentation to the
direct your complaint to:                                                administration and custodial service, not directly to you.
Financial Services Complaints Limited                                    We have entered into arrangements with select administration
4th Floor, 101 Lambton Quay                                              and custodial services in relation to investing in the Funds. As such,
PO Box 5967, Wellington                                                  you should contact your financial adviser or administration and
Telephone: 0800 347 25                                                   custodial service for more information on minimum investment or
Overseas: +64 (4) 472 3725                                               withdrawal levels and cut off times for application. You should refer
Fax: +64 (4) 472 3728                                                    to the administration and custodial service terms and the relevant
                                                                         marketing information about investing in the funds through that
The scheme will not charge a fee to any complainant to investigate or
resolve a complaint.
                                                                         If you wish to invest in the Funds and you do not have a financial
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint you can
                                                                         advisor or administration and custodial service then please contact us
contact the Supervisor:
                                                                         using the contact details in section 7 of this PDS, “Who is involved?”
                                                                         on page 8.

                                                                                   AMP Capital Goals Based Funds Product Disclosure Statement | 9

“Australian AMP Capital Multi-Asset Fund” means AMP Capital Multi-
Asset Fund a fund managed by AMP Capital Investors Limited, a
company incorporated in Australia.
“Current Value” means the value of the assets of the fund less the
value of the liabilities of the fund as defined in more detail in the
Trust Deed.
“FMC Act” means the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.
“Global Multi-Asset Fund” means AMP Capital Global Multi-Asset
“Gross Return” means the return before the deduction of tax,
expenses and fees and assumes all income is reinvested.
“Manager” means AMP Investment Management (N.Z.) Limited.
“Real Return” means Gross Return adjusted for trimmed mean
“Income Generator Fund” means AMP Capital Income Generator
“Trust Deed” means the AMP Capital Investment Retail Funds Trust
Deed dated 24 November 2015 (as amended and consolidated from
time to time).
Words or phrases not defined in this Glossary have the same
meaning as in the Trust Deed.

10 | AMP Capital Goals Based Funds Product Disclosure Statement
Contact details
Wellington office
Level 1, Meridian Building
55 Lady Elizabeth Lane
Queens Wharf
Wellington 6011
PO Box 3764
Wellington 6140

Auckland office
Level 16, PwC Tower
188 Quay Street
Auckland 1010
PO Box 5346,
Wellesley Street,
Auckland 1141

0800 400 499
Overseas: +64 (4) 494 2157
8.30am - 5.00pm New Zealand time,
Monday to Friday

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