An opening video bumper - Stack Advisors

Page created by Jonathan Barker
An opening video bumper - Stack Advisors
an opening video bumper.
An opening video bumper - Stack Advisors
Automate Server Mastery
  Keeping Your Automate Server at Its Best
               Presented by
      Brandon Lippie & William Smalley
An opening video bumper - Stack Advisors
Who Are We?
     I’ve worked with Automate going on 7 years
     with 5 years working for ConnectWise in
     Automate Support (3 years) and Consulting (2
     years). While with Automate Support I was on
     the Server Down team, working heavily with
     the Automate Server. After leaving
     ConnectWise I spent 6 months working for a
     MSP as a SysAdmin helping with Automate,       Brandon Lippie
                                                      Project Consultant
     and now I find myself working with Stack           Stack Advisors
     Advisors as a RMM Consultant for the past 9

An opening video bumper - Stack Advisors
Who Are We?
     William is Project Consultant at Stack Advisors.
     His roles are new client implementations and
     current client stabilizations and customization
     assistance. He started his IT career in 2000 in
     the networking and systems side of Ybor
     nightclubs and bars, moved into the booming
     real estate IT sector before the crash, then the
     Telecom sector through the early 2000's and        William Smalley
                                                           Project Consultant
     worked for Labtech and a myriad of Tampa                Stack Advisors
     based Law firms, MSP and telecom companies
     over two decades.

An opening video bumper - Stack Advisors
What is Stack Advisors?
     Stack Advisors was founded in 2011 by longtime ConnectWise power users when
     they realized they had overcome many of the obstacles that left other MSPs

     Driven by the desire to help others, Stack Advisors continued to evolved into a
     premier resource for the ConnectWise Suite of products. Today our experts fill the
     gaps for ITSPs when they don't have the bandwidth or expertise to get the most
     out of their investment by providing Consulting, Management Services and our
     automated machine deployment tool: MSP Toolshed

       Provide attendees with the guidance required to keep your on-
       premise Automate system running at an optimal level
       Provide you with the steps necessary to troubleshoot issues that
       may arise
       Detail the information you should gather before requesting help
       from ConnectWise support
       Please submit questions via the Q/A button
       We will provide a link for all SQL

Setting a Baseline
       Start with ConnectWise’s recommendations for server configuration,
       tweak as necessary
       Ensure that enough RAM is allocated to host most of the DB in
       memory – memory is a lot faster than disk!
        • < 16GB = 50% of RAM, >16GB = 70-75% RAM
       Follow good practice in allocating disks – if on platters, make sure
       you’re not sharing space with other Databases. SSDs are wonderful!
       Avoid priority windows for external maintenance like AV and Backup

Avoiding Conflict
     CW Automate has some key windows to be aware of
        • 12-1 AM
            • Plugin Calls
            • Health & Compliance Calculations
            • AutoNight
        • 3-5 AM
            • DB Backup and Zip
            • Daily Maintenance (Retention management)
        • 1-2 PM
            • Plugin Calls
            • AutoDay

Avoiding Conflict - AV
       Avoid Active Scans during the CW Automate Maintenance Windows
       Disable aggressive functions that can slow down Database Activity
       Create Exceptions
        •   CW Automate processes and Program Files
        •   MySQL process and Program Files
        •   MySQL DB file space
        •   MySQL Temp and log file spaces

Avoiding Conflict - Backup
       Don’t run backups during the maintenance windows
       Avoid VSS if possible. If not, stick to key directories:
        • \Program Files\LabTech\Backup\*.zip
        • \LTShare\
       VM Level backups typically run the best.

Advanced Configuration
         Dashboard Configs
         • MaxRunningScripts
         • ScriptPerBatch

         IIS Configs
         • Worker Processes
         • Recycler Timing

         My.ini Configs
         • Max Connections
         • Buffer Pool
         • Enable Slow Log and Long Query Time

Finding Backlog
        • Max Connection Utilization

           Query links on last page

        • Database Backlog

           Query links on last page

Your Database Grows with
                           Your Organization
       A number of factors will cause your database to grow:
        •   Time (historical data retention)
        •   Agent count growth
        •   Technician utilization of Automate
        •   Custom Automation
        •   New features
        •   Integration additions

Monitoring Growth

        • Keep an eye on table sizes

           Query links on last page

Watching the Common Culprits
       Large tables cause issues at startup and in monitoring
        •   EventLogs Table
        •   WindowsUpdateETLFiles Table
        •   (Product) Integration tables
        •   History tables
        •   Ticketdata Table

Retention Times

            1                    2                   3                     4
     Try to find a     What are your         What would be a       What age
     balance between   contractual           realistic timeframe   conditions are your
     necessity,        obligation to your    a technician would    monitors filtering
     usefulness, and   clients?              reference?            on?
     performance       • Are your current
                         settings optimal?

Trimming the Fat
       When cleaning up a whole table, use Truncate

           Query links on last page
       Alternatively, when a table is too large, you can drop the table and
       recreate from the SQL queries provided in the setup folder.
        • Don’t forget Procs, Triggers, and Views.
        • Doesn’t hurt to use CheckTables.exe after also.

Trimming the Fat
     If getting rid of a majority of entries in a large table
        1. Create another table with the same structure
           Query links on last page
        2. Insert all results you’d like to keep into this new table
           Query links on last page
        3. Drop the old table
           Query links on last page
        4. Rename the new table to the expected name
           Query links on last page

Using Automate
                             as its own Watchdog
     Consider using Automate, or a backup product, to watch for server
     issues like:
        • Disabled Internal Monitors (Next Scan is a year from now)
           Query links on last page
        • Scripts queued up
           Query links on last page
        • Heartbeat and LastContact discrepancies
           Query links on last page
        • Database Agent resource usage

Automating Maintenance
     If you have maintenance actions, you can split them up into two
        • OS activities that need to be performed on the server
        • SQL activities that can be driven through any engine

Automating Maintenance
                          OS Scripting
                   Leverage CW
                    Automate          Use Scheduled
                wherever you can        Tasks to call
                 to manage itself.   batch/PowerShell
                     Use CW          scripts to handle
                Automate scripts       anything that
                 to handle things      would require
                that don’t require     stopping the
                   stopping the       Database Agent
                  Database Agent

Automating Maintenance
                        SQL Management
       If you’re comfortable managing MySQL, then you can create Stored
       Procedures to run SQL and use a routine to call the procedure
       If you’ve got a cleanup script in the form of a .SQL file that you run
       periodically, you can call it using an Automate Script
       Consider converting it to an array of script steps in an Automate
       Client Script and schedule that to occur in the dashboard with
       whatever frequency necessary

Something’s Broke

Now What?

                         1                                    2
        Isolate                              Review
        • Isolate the issue                  • Review the associated log files
          • What components of CW Automate     • Does CW Automate recognize
            are affected?                        there’s something wrong?
          • What rogue behavior is being

Where Can I Find These Logs?
                     What Are They For?
       MySQL Log (DB Dir) – @ServerName@.err
       MySQL Slow Log (DB Dir) - @ServerName@-Slow.err
       General DB Agent Log (Program Files) – LTAErrors
       ASP Log (Temp) – LTAsp
       API Logs (Temp\_Automate Logs)
       DB Agent Loop Activity - LTAProcess
       Script Engine – LTAScriptEngine
       Solution Center – LTSCServiceLog
       Licensing – LTLicense
       Alerting (Monitor Failure tracking) – LTAAlerts, LTADBAgent

Now What?

                 1                             2                            3
      Isolate                      Review                        Research
      • Isolate the issue          • Review the associated log   • Review Known Issues on
        • What components of CW      files                         CW University
          Automate are affected?     • Does CW Automate
        • What rogue behavior is        recognize there’s
          being exhibited?              something wrong?

Known Issue (KI)? Who Knew?
       Usually you’re not the first person to experience something…
        • Check the University to see if CW has seen this before
       If you’re not on the current version of CW Automate or the Solution
       having issues, check the Resolved Known Issues
        • If you see the issue in a ‘Released’ status:
             1. Update the core (or solution)
             2. Restart
             3. Retest
       If you see a matching open KI, check for the replication steps – if it’s
       similar to what you’re seeing, then prepare to let the front line

Now What?

              1                          2                             3                           4                             5
    Isolate                    Review                        Research                   Attempt                        Reach out
    •Isolate the issue         • Review the associated log   • Review Known Issues on   • Attempt to troubleshoot it   • Reach out to ConnectWise
     •What components of CW      files                         CW University              yourself                       Support for help
      Automate are affected?     • Does CW Automate                                       • Start with Service
     •What rogue behavior is        recognize there’s                                       Restarts!
      being exhibited?              something wrong?

Getting Help
       Screenshot behavior and upload to Imgur/Gyzao/etc
       Copy relevant log entries into a Pastebin
       Join the Chat Queue – but not until you’ve got your documentation ready
       Provide them with everything that you’ve collected – if it’s already a KI, save
       both of you the extra search time and let them know.
       Be Patient - Chat techs may take on multiple roles and multiple issues at once.
       By now you should’ve provided enough information to give them a good head
       start on their troubleshooting and they can either fill in the gaps, or dispatch
       this out for the next tier.
       Most often you may reach a Tier 1 Support Tech, all the information in chat is
       saved and will be sent to Tier 2 Support Tech.
       Remember, CW Support will only Support current release version of Automate
       when it comes to bug fix.

SQL Queries:

Don’t Forget
                to Fill Out Your

Leave up as last slide

      Thanks for Watching!
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