ANNEXE 1 BRIDGWATER BAY COMMISSIONING LOCALITY - 2018-21 Somerset Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment - Somerset Intelligence

Page created by Margaret Goodman
ANNEXE 1 BRIDGWATER BAY COMMISSIONING LOCALITY - 2018-21 Somerset Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment - Somerset Intelligence
Somerset Pharmaceutical
         Needs Assessment
         Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board

              ANNEXE 1
ANNEXE 1 BRIDGWATER BAY COMMISSIONING LOCALITY - 2018-21 Somerset Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment - Somerset Intelligence
1.1   Bridgwater Bay

      1.1.1 Overview
            The Bridgwater Bay commissioning locality is in the centre of the county. The
            main settlement is Bridgwater, which has grown significantly in recent years.
            The locality is the site of Hinkley Point C, the nuclear reactor whose
            development is expected to have a big impact on the economy and
            demography of the county. Much of the Hinkley Point workforce is expected to
            be accommodated in Bridgwater.

              Health need is taken from the Bridgwater Bay Commissioning Locality Profile
              for 2016


              which should be considered part of the Somerset PNA 2018.

      1.1.2 Population & context for health
            The population registered with GPs in the locality was 76,359 in 2016. The
            area has slightly more younger people compared to the Somerset average and
            fewer older people. The Index of Multiple Deprivation for the local area is 22.4
            representing higher levels of deprivation compared to the Somerset average of

      Disease prevalence

             Significantly worse (higher number than expected compared to the county
              average) for:
                 o Chronic Kidney Disease (18+)
                 o COPD
                 o Coronary Heart Disease
                 o Diabetes (17+)
                 o Hypertension Obesity (16+)
                 o Palliative Care
                 o Stroke

             The Commissioning Locality has the worst value (highest number compared to
              the expected based on county average) in the county for:
                 o Chronic Kidney Disease (18+)
                 o COPD
                 o Coronary Heart Disease

ANNEXE 1 BRIDGWATER BAY COMMISSIONING LOCALITY - 2018-21 Somerset Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment - Somerset Intelligence
o Diabetes (17+)

       Significantly better (lower number than expected compared to the county
        average) for:
           o Mental Health

       The Commissioning Locality has the best value (lowest number compared to
        the expected based on county average) in the county for:
           o Mental Health


        The ‘death blobs’ for mortality and years of life lost provide a visual indication
        of the key causes of death in the Bridgwater Bay Commissioning Locality. The
        proportion of deaths occurring before age 65 years is 14.5% which is the
        highest in the county.

ANNEXE 1 BRIDGWATER BAY COMMISSIONING LOCALITY - 2018-21 Somerset Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment - Somerset Intelligence
Figure 1: 'Death Blobs' for Bridgwater Bay

Figure 2: Years of Life Lost 'blobs' for Bridgwater Bay

Figure 3: Bridgwater Bay Commissioning Locality (Bridgwater Town shown in Figure 4)

Figure 4: Bridgwater Town


      The commissioning arrangements have changed for the NHS Health Checks
      programme. Of those eligible, 11.3% received a health check. In the most
      deprived quintile, 9.4% of the population received a check.

      Cervical screening rates for those aged 25-49 years old, at 72.8%, are similar
      to the county average of 72.3%. Practice based rates of chlamydia screening
      of eligible 15-24 year olds was 2.5%, much lower than the Somerset average
      rate of 3.0%.


      MMR vaccination rates are above the target for herd immunity of 95%, with
      95.7% vaccinated by age 2.

Childhood environment

      Local breastfeeding initiation rates are 74.9% compared to 80.7% in Somerset.
      Continuation rates at 6-8 weeks are 40.5% compared to 49.4% in the county
      as a whole.

Excess weight

      According to the underlying model used to assess appropriate childhood
      weight, only 15% children should be of excess weight. Somerset rates are
      22.4% at age 4-5 years and 30.4% at age 10. For this Commissioning Locality,
      estimated rates are 23.9% and 32.3% for each age group. The percentage of
      adults in the area who are obese is 10.1% which is above average for the


      The Commissioning Locality has 17.8% of adults over age 16 recorded as
      smokers compared to a 12.8% Somerset average. This area has the highest
      rate of adult smoking in Somerset with only a slight decline in absolute terms.
      In 2015/16, only 31 per 1000 recorded smokers in Bridgwater went through
      cessation services compared to 65 per 1000 in 2013-15. This is a lower than
      average proportion compared to other Commissioning Localities and this
      number is dramatically down in absolute terms.

Drugs and Alcohol
     Hospital admissions for drug and alcohol related reasons in this area are the
     highest in Somerset. Alcohol related admissions: Bridgwater 2,062 per
     100,000; Somerset 1,894 per 100,000. Drug related admissions: Bridgwater
     157 per 100,000; Somerset 137 per 100,000.

Hospital admission rates
      To focus on a few indicators, the emergency admission rate for falls in the over
      65s is 30 per 1000 as compared to the Somerset average of 31 per 1000. The
      self-harm admission rate is 208 per 100,000 which is about average for the

Suggested public health priority areas

       Increase numbers of smokers referred to stop smoking services
       Look for opportunities to ask about alcohol use and use the AUDIT screening
       Improve support for breastfeeding
       Reduce adult and child obesity

1.1.3 Details of GP surgeries

Code     Name         Address                    Post   Dispensing    Prescribing
                                                 code      patients      patients

L85018   Cannington   Mill Lane, Bridgwater      TA5        4,624           626      5,250
         Health       Cannington                 2HB

L85025   Cranleigh    Cranleigh     Bridgwater   TA6             0       10,196     10,196
         Gardens      Gardens                    5JS

L85035   East Quay    East Quay     Bridgwater   TA6             0       14,863     14,863
         Medical                                 4GP

L85024   Polden       Quarry        Bridgwater   TA7        7,991           714      8,705
         Medical      Ground,                    9HA
         Practice     Edington

L85024   Polden       Woolaving-    Bridgwater   TA7         With          With
         Medical      ton Road,                  8ED     Edington      Edington
         Practice     Woolaving-

L85051   Redgate      Weston-       Bridgwater   TA6             0        6,205      6,205
         Medical      zoyland                    5BF
         Centre       Road

L85607   Somerset     Stockmoor     Bridgwater   TA6             0        4,082      4,082
         Bridge       Park,                      6LD
         Medical      Taunton
         Centre       Rd

L85042   Taunton      12-16         Bridgwater   TA6             0       14,144     14,144
         Road         Taunton                    3LS
         Medical      Road

L85612   Victoria     Victoria      Bridgwater   TA6             0        4,629      4,629
         Park         Park Drive                 7AS

L85056   North        Mill Street   North        TA6        1,274         4,679      5,953
         Petherton                  Petherton    6LX

L85013     Quantock     Nether                    TA5          3,248         215    3,463
           Medical      Stowey                    1N
           Centre                                 W

1.1.4 Housing Development

Table 1: Bridgwater Bay - Significant housing developments 2018-20 – expected number of

Bridgwater Bay Commissioning Locality
Bridgwater   2530                     Sites >100
                                        Bridgwater             120
                                             White             250
                                        North East
                                        Bridgwater             500
                                             Road              120
                                             Road              190
                                            Market             200
Rest of
Locality              650

Total             3180

                                                        Based on
                                                        5 year
                  Based on                              land
                  Core Strategy                         supply

The scale of development in the Commissioning Locality is generally greater than the
county as a whole. This development includes the accommodation that will be
needed for the Hinkley Point construction workforce during the period of the PNA.
The focus of development is the town of Bridgwater. The overall level of
development in the town – 2530 dwellings likely in the period – is comparable to the
level at Monkton Heathfield that, combined with issues of accessibility, led to the
unforeseen need for additional provision in 2016. The development to the south is
served by the Stockmoor Pharmacy, opened in 2015, and it unlikely that further
development will require further provision. The development to the north east is of
700 dwellings, well below the level that led to the need for new provision in Monkton
Heathfield, is on flat land and is reasonably close to the town centre.

1.1.5 Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station
Construction of this power station has, after a long period of preparation, been confirmed and
the likely workforce and accommodation are summarized in Table 3 below:

Table 2 - Hinkley Point C Workforce
peak number of construction workers on site    5,600
will be around 5,600 in about 2020
Home based (ie current residents)              (1,900)
New residents                                  3700
On site bed spaces                             (500)
Temporary dwellings on Innovia site,           (1,000)
Remainder                                      2,200

Off site                                       2,200
Tourist accommodation/private rental           (400)
Remainder                                      1800

Accelerated housebuilding elsewhere, to        1800
accommodate about 500 in the long term
North East Bridgwater                          1,000 new dwellings at North East
Monmouth Street, Bridgwater                    37 dwellings (142 bed spaces)
Hopcott Road, Minehead                         750 dwellings

Source: Thomas Lister for HCA, SDC, TDBC, WSDC State of the Market Assessment
For Hinkley Point Housing Zone April 2016

The bulk of the new population will be working age (and male). It seems likely that the
current private rental and tourist accommodation market will not be able to take on all
expected increase in demand, so some people will need to stay beyond the immediate West
Somerset and Sedgemoor area.

Source: Peter Brett for HCA Analysis of Housing Demand: Hinkley Housing Zone
Final Report May 2016

The bulk of the increase in population is likely to be accommodated in existing centres such
as Bridgwater and Minehead, and potential gaps to be considered under housebuilding
plans. However, 5,600 people are expected to be on the site during construction, of whom
500 will be accommodated on site. The nearest pharmacy is 9 miles away in Williton,
although there are dispensing practices in Nether Stowey and Cannington, both about 5
miles away.

              2017      2018      2019      2020      2021       2022   2023   2024   2025   2026

Figure 5 Projected Hinkley Point Workforce – approximate dates

Source: Thomas Lister for HCA, SDC, TDBC, WSDC State of the Market Assessment
For Hinkley Point Housing Zone April 2016. Years added and approximate.

Figure 6: Hinkley Point site and nearest services

1.1.6 Necessary services: current provision

Code     Contract     Trading      Address                          Electronic                                                Of which
         Name         Name                                         Prescription    Access to     NHSmail     Number of        items on      Elastic
                                                    Post-   100      Service       Summary      address as   prescription    electronic     Hosiery
                                                    code    Hour    available     Care Record    at 2-6-17    fees paid     prescriptions    items
         Asda         Asda                          TA6
FXH81    stores ltd   Stores Ltd   East Quay        5AZ     Yes        Yes           Yes                       44781           21690          6

         Boots        Boots UK     34-38 Fore       TA6
FDG35    pharmacy     Ltd          Street           3NG     No         Yes           Yes                       62063           32998          0

                                   Unit R3, Local                                                  Yes
         John         Stockmoor    Centre,          TA6                                         (NUMSAS
FWV70    Ware Ltd     pharmacy     Nokoto Drive     6WU     No         Yes           Yes          OK)          12939            4474          0

         Rowland                   East Quay
         & Co         Lloyds       Medical
         (Retail)     Pharmacy     Centre, East     TA6
FJ653    Ltd          Ltd          Quay             4GP     No         Yes            No                       222215         151259          39

         & Co         Lloyds                                                                       Yes
         (Retail)     Pharmacy     14-16 Taunton    TA6                                         (NUMSAS
FPY74    Ltd          Ltd          Road             3LS     No         Yes           Yes          OK)          120980          81826          22

Code    Contract    Trading     Address                          Electronic                                                Of which
        Name        Name                                        Prescription    Access to     NHSmail     Number of        items on      Elastic
                                                 Post-   100      Service       Summary      address as   prescription    electronic     Hosiery
                                                 code    Hour    available     Care Record    at 2-6-17    fees paid     prescriptions    items
        & Co        Lloyds                                                                      Yes
        (Retail)    Pharmacy    Sainsbury's,     TA6                                         (NUMSAS
FF835   Ltd         Ltd         The Clink        4AB     No         Yes           Yes          OK)          45279           20022          2

        LRowland                Redgate
        & Co        Lloyds      Health Centre,                                                  Yes
        (Retail)    Pharmacy    Weston-          TA6                                         (NUMSAS
FE929   Ltd         Ltd         zoyland Road     5BF     No         Yes           Yes          OK)          120167          11478          0

        Jhoots                  Victoria Park
        Health-     Jhoots      Community
        care Ltd    pharmacy    Centre,                                                         Yes
        (was        (was        Victoria Park    TA6                                         (NUMSAS
FP760   Lloyds)     Lloyds)     Drive            7AS     No         Yes           Yes          OK)          69459           18885          2

        Jhoots                  Stockmoor                                                       Yes
        Health-     Jhoots      Park, Taunton    TA6                                         (NUMSAS
FWM88   care Ltd    pharmacy    Road             6LD     No         Yes           Yes          OK)          59761            5903          2

                    Cranleigh   Gardens                                                         Yes
        Shavarath   Gardens     Medical          TA6                                         (NUMSAS
FG551   Ltd         pharmacy                     5JS     Yes        Yes           Yes          OK)          162766         109251          8

Code      Contract     Trading      Address                          Electronic                                                Of which
          Name         Name                                         Prescription    Access to     NHSmail     Number of        items on      Elastic
                                                     Post-   100      Service       Summary      address as   prescription    electronic     Hosiery
                                                     code    Hour    available     Care Record    at 2-6-17    fees paid     prescriptions    items

          drug         Super-drug                    TA6
FY731     Stores plc   pharmacy     19 Fore Street   3NH     No         Yes            No                       46773           29210          2

          Lloyds                    105 Fore                                                        Yes
          Pharmacy     Lloyds       Street, North    TA6                                         (NUMSAS
FC171     Ltd          Pharmacy     Petherton        6RY     No         Yes           Yes          OK)          87198           24848          0

An application for a pharmacy in Woolavington was granted in 2017 and confirmed at appeal in 2018.

Dispensing Appliance Contractors

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Fees for Specified appliances requiring home delivery

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Appliances requiring measuring and fitting
                                                                                                                                                  Of which items on electronic prescriptions
                                                              Electronic Prescription Service available

                                                                                                          Number of prescription fees paid

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Stoma Appliance Customisations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Appliance Use Reviews
                                                                                                                                                                                               Elastic Hosiery items


 FH767 Great 3c Robins
       Bear   Drive,
       Health Bridgwater                                                  Yes                             46580                                   25970                                                       0                                              Y                                                   0                             Y                             Y

Great Bear Health Care runs the Nightingale DAC in Bridgwater. This serves a
market across England, and so its activity, including AURs do not relate exclusively,
or even primarily, to Somerset.

Dispensing doctors

 Practice                Practice
  Code                    Name                  Address                           Postcode                                                        Opening Hours                                                                                                                   Type
L85018           Canning                      Mill Lane,                         TA5                                                         Monday-Friday, 8.00-18.30                                                                                                         dispensing
                 ton Health                   Cannington                         2HB                                                                                                                                                                                           GP practice

L85024           Polden                       Quarry                             TA7                                                         Monday-Friday 8.30-18.30;                                                                                                         dispensing
                 Medical                      Ground,                            9HA                                                         Saturday 8.30-12.30                                                                                                               GP practice
                 Practice                     Edington

L85056     North        Mill Street,   TA6       Monday 8.30-19.45; Tuesday-   dispensing
           Petherton    North          6LX       Friday 8.30-18.00; Saturday   GP practice
           Surgery      Petherton                09.00-11.30 alternate

L85013     Quantock     Nether         TA5       Monday-Friday, 8.00-18.00;    dispensing
           Medical      Stowey         1NW       Saturday 8.30-10.00           GP practice

L85024     Woolavin-    2 Bitham       TA7       Monday-Friday 8.30-18.30;     dispensing
           gton         Walk,          8JQ       Saturdays 8.30-12.30          GP practice
           Surgery      Woolaving-                                             branch

An application has been received by NHS England for a pharmacy to be opened in
Woolavington, currently served by a dispensing practice branch.

Notable provision from outside the locality
Most provision is likely to be within the locality.

Pharmacies and Items per head

                                       Per      Items          Items per
                       Number Patients
                                       10,000   dispensed      head
Pharmacies                 12    59219      2.0        1054381           17.8
                            5    17140                   390528
dispensaries                                2.9                           22.8
Bridgwater Bay total       17    76359      2.2        1444909            18.9
Somerset total            127   563342      2.3       10862687            19.3

The numbers of total outlets is similar to the county average; the number of items
dispensed per head is somewhat lower, despite the generally greater health needs of
the locality. It should be noted that these are indicative, as dispensing practices’ and
pharmacies’ prescribing is not identical; dispensing patients can also use community
pharmacies; and there is no requirement for a particular number of pharmaceutical
providers per head.

Transport/access assessment

The population weighted score for the locality on the Barriers to Housing and
Services domain of the Index of Multiple Deprivation is 21.8 compared to a Somerset
average of 25.2, making it less deprived than the Somerset average on this basis.
There is, though, a contrast between the urban and rural areas.

Opening hours coverage

Bridgwater Bay – Weekday opening
                    24 hrs   1   2   3   4   5   6   7     8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24
Asda pharmacy,      FXH81
East Quay
                                                                        
                                                         Mon                 
Boots pharmacy,     FDG35
34-38 Fore Street
                                                                        
Cranleigh           FG551
Gardens                                                                      
Jhoots pharmacy,    FWM8
Stockmoor Park,     8                                                                 
Taunton Road
Lloydspharmacy,     FPY74
14-16 Taunton                                                           
Lloyds pharmacy,    FP760
Victoria Park
                                                                       
Lloyds pharmacy,    FE929
Redgate Health
Centre,                                                                               
Lloyds pharmacy,    FF835
Sainsbury's, The                                                         

24 hrs   1   2   3      4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12    13   14   15   16   17   18   19    20    21   22   23   24
                                                                                      Core
                                                                                                                    Th/
Rowlands          FJ653
pharmacy, East
Quay Medical
                                                                                       
Centre, East Quay
Stockmoor         FWV70
pharmacy, Unit
R3, Local Centre,
                                                                                                
Nokoto Drive
Superdrug         FY731
pharmacy, 19                                                                                    
Fore Street
                   Core              None                                        At least one outlet open                                  N
                   Total            None                                     At least one outlet open                                       N
North Petherton
Lloyds pharmacy,   FC171
105 Fore Street                                                            
N. Petherton
North Petherton    L85056
                                                                        
Villages with
Dispensing                                                                              
Practices only
Cannington                                                              
Cannington         L85018
Health Centre
                                                                         
Edington                                                               
Polden Medical     L85024
                                                                        

24 hrs   1   2   3     4     5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12    13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24
Nether Stowey                                                            
Quantock Medical
                                                                          
Woolavington                                                             
                                                                         
Bridgwater Bay     Core                  None                                        At least one outlet open                              N
                   Total                None                                       At least one outlet open                                N

Bridgwater Bay – Saturday opening
                    24 hrs   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24
Asda pharmacy,      FXH81
East Quay
                                                                       
Boots pharmacy,     FDG35
34-38 Fore Street
                                                                      
Cranleigh           FG551
Gardens                                                                    
Jhoots pharmacy,    FWM88
Stockmoor Park,                                                                                             
Taunton Road
Lloyds pharmacy,    FPY74
14-16 Taunton                                                                                          
Lloydspharmacy,     FP760
Victoria Park
                                                                                                            
Lloyds pharmacy,    FE929
Redgate Health
Centre,                                                                                                  
Lloyds pharmacy,    FF835
Sainsbury's, The                                                     
Rowlands            FJ653
pharmacy, East
Quay Medical
                                                                                                        
Centre, East Quay

24 hrs   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24
Stockmoor           FWV70
pharmacy, Unit
R3, Local Centre,
                                                                                                      
Nokoto Drive
Superdrug           FY731
pharmacy, 19                                                                        
Fore Street
                     Core            None                                   At least one outlet open                               None
                    Total            None                                   At least one outlet open                               None
North Petherton
Lloyds pharmacy,    FC171
105 Fore Street
N. Petherton
North Petherton     L85056
                                                                                                   
Villages with
Dispensing                                                                           
Practices only
Cannington                                                            
Cannington          L85018
Health Centre
Edington                                                            
Polden Medical      L85024
                                                                                                  
Nether Stowey                                                                                            
Quantock Medical
                                                                                                       
Woolavington                                                                                             

24 hrs   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24
                                                                                               

Bridgwater Bay
                 Core             None                                   At least one outlet open                               None
                 Total            None                                   At least one outlet open                               None

Bridgwater Bay – Sunday opening
                    24 hrs   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24
Asda pharmacy,      FXH81
East Quay
                                                                           
Boots pharmacy,     FDG35
34-38 Fore Street
                                                                                                   
Cranleigh           FG551
Gardens                                                                  
Jhoots pharmacy,    FWM88
Stockmoor Park,                                                                                             
Taunton Road
Lloyds pharmacy,    FPY74
14-16 Taunton                                                                                                
Lloyds pharmacy,    FP760
Victoria Park
                                                                                                            
Lloyds pharmacy,    FE929
Redgate Health
Centre,                                                                                                      
Lloyds pharmacy,    FF835
Sainsbury's, The                                                          
Rowlands            FJ653
pharmacy, East
Quay Medical
                                                                                                            
Centre, East Quay

24 hrs   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11     12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24
Stockmoor           FWV70
pharmacy, Unit
R3, Local Centre,
                                                                                                             
Nokoto Drive
Superdrug           FY731
pharmacy, 19                                                                                              
Fore Street
                     Core                                                  At least one open
                    Total                                                    At least one outlet open
North Petherton
Lloyds pharmacy,    FC171
105 Fore Street
N. Petherton
North Petherton     L85056
Villages with
Dispensing                                                                             
Practices only
Cannington                                                            
Cannington          L85018
Health Centre
Edington                                                            
Polden Medical      L85024
Nether Stowey                                                                                              
Quantock Medical
Woolavington                                                                                               

24 hrs   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11     12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24
                 Core                                                   At least one open
Bridgwater Bay
                 Total                                                    At least one outlet open

Key to Opening Hours diagrams

Community Pharmacies

               Open for whole hour - Core

               Open for first part of hour (usually 30 minutes) - Core

               Open for second part of hour (usually 30 minutes) - Core

               Open for whole hour – Supplementary

               Open for first part of hour (usually 30 minutes) – Supplementary

               Open for second part of hour (usually 30 minutes) - Supplementary

Dispensing GP Practices

               Open for whole hour, all or most weekdays

               Open for first part of hour (usually 30 minutes), all or most weekdays, or Saturday

               Open for second part of hour (usually 30 minutes), all or most weekdays, or Saturday

               Open for whole hour, minority of days per week

               Open for first part of hour (usually 30 minutes), minority of days per week

               Open for second part of hour (usually 30 minutes), minority of days per week

                These diagrams are simplifications of sometimes complex opening times, in which several days in a week may have their own schedules. The
                definitive list of opening times is shown in Appendix 5 ( .









                                                            East Quay,

                                            34-38 Fore


     Taunton Road,
     Stockmoor Park,
                                                                           Medicines Use Reviews

                                                                           New Medicines Service

                                                                           Appliance Use Reviews

                                                                              Stoma Appliance



                                                                            Fees for appliances
                                                                          requiring home delivery


                                                                           Appliances requiring

                                                                           measuring and fitting

                                                                              Flu Vaccinations

                                                                         Specialist Medicines

                                                                         Enhanced Service

                                                                         Supervised Admin of

                                                                         Emergency Hormonal
                                                                         Contraception 16-17

                                                                         Chlamydia screening
                                                                                                    Advanced Services and Locally Commissioned Services (Somerset Public Health and Somerset CC CCG)

                                                                         Needle exchange


                                                                         NHS health checks

                                                                         Smoking Cessation


                                                                         Smoking Cessation (1:1


                                                                         Minor Ailments Service
Lloyds      FPY74   14-16 Taunton
pharmacy,           Road,                                                                 
                                                                                                     

Lloyds      FP760   Victoria Park
pharmacy,           Community
                                                                                      

Lloyds      FE929   Redgate Health
pharmacy,           Centre,
                    Westonzoyland                                                         
                                                                                                     

Lloyds      FF835   Sainsbury's, The
pharmacy,           Clink,                                                                 
                                                                                                      

Rowlands    FJ653   East Quay
pharmacy,           Medical Centre,
                                                                                           
                    East Quay,                                                                        

Stockmoor   FWV70   Unit R3, Local
pharmacy,           Centre, Nokoto
                                                                                       

Superdrug   FY731   19 Fore Street,
                                                                                           
pharmacy,           Bridgwater                                                                       

Lloyds      FC171   15 Fore Street,
pharmacy,           N. Petherton
                                                                                       
                                                                                                   


Hospital pharmacies, walk-in centres, private pharmacies

There is a community hospital and minor injuries unit in Bridgwater. The
construction of Hinkley Point C nuclear reactor is described in Workers on the
construction site at Hinkley Point will be provided for privately by EDF.

1.1.7 Necessary services: gaps in provision

Although the health needs of Bridgwater Bay are somewhat greater than the average
for the county, the main types of ill health are similar, and pharmacies are
concentrated in the urban area of Bridgwater town and so close to the main areas of
deprivation. The rural areas are served by four dispensing GP practices and a

The 2015 Somerset PNA did not identify a gap in the provision of necessary services
in the locality. Since then an unforeseen benefits application has been granted for
Woolavington, indicating a current need which will be met by the granted application.
Although there has been considerable growth since 2015 it has not been at a level or
location that has created a gap in provision. We note that the population to the south
of Bridgwater, where there has been much housebuilding, is now served by the
Stockmoor pharmacy, which opened when the 2015 PNA was published.

During the week, the population is served from 7AM to 11PM by core hour opening,
and this is extended by one hour with supplementary opening at Asda in Bridgwater.
On Saturdays the core hour opening is from 7AM to 10.30PM; Sunday core hours
are from 10AM to 4PM, supplemented to be from 8AM to 9PM at Cranleigh Gardens.
These indicate reflect very lengthy availability, seven days a week.

      All pharmacies in the locality provide MURs and NMS, and one pharmacy
      provides the access to specialist medicines enhanced service.
      On the basis of the information we have, we therefore conclude that
      there is no current gap in the provision of necessary services in
      Bridgwater Bay.

      There will be a future need for necessary services in Woolavington if the
      application which has been granted lapses without a pharmacy opening.

The level of housebuilding expected in the next three years is higher than the county
as a whole, with a concentration in Bridgwater. As discussed above, the
development to the south of Bridgwater has recently been supplemented by
Stockmoor Pharmacy, and we do not expect this area to have a gap in provision
during the period of the PNA. The development to the north east of Bridgwater is of
approximately 650 dwellings, and given its proximity to existing providers in the town
(notably the 100 hour pharmacy in Asda) we not expect that this would lead to a gap
if development is at the expected level and the accessibility of the developed sites is

The bulk of the additional housing associated with Hinkley Point C construction is
included within these figures, and the workers accommodated on site will be
provided for by the contractors.

      On the basis of the information we have, we conclude that if the
      expected level of development in Bridgwater Bay takes place then there
      will be no gap in provision of necessary services.

Improvements or better access: gaps in provision

We note that all advanced services, apart from Appliance Use Reviews, are provided
from pharmacies in the locality. We note that AURs are available in Bridgwater Bay
from Distance Appliance Contractors, including one based in the Commissioning

      On the basis of the information we have, we do not assess there to be a
      current gap in other relevant services in Bridgwater Bay.

The growth in population will not create demand for any entirely new service,
although with the likely growth in the number of transient workers associated with
Hinkley Point C we would urge Somerset County Council Public Health to ensure the
continued availability of sexual health services through pharmacies.

      On the basis of the information we have, we do not assess there to be a
      future gap in other relevant services in Bridgwater Bay.

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