2019 www.ecma-music.com - European Chamber Music ...

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European Chamber Music Academy

                  Paris 2018

                                   Vilnius 2018

Großraming 2018

                  Grafenegg 2018
                                                     04  The Evolution of ECMA
                                                     06	Preface
                                                     10  ECMAster
                                                     14  ECMA – Educational Programme
                                   Prades 2018
                                                     16	Partnerships
                                                     18	Partners
Bern 2018                                            29  Cooperating Partners
                                                     32	STATEMENTS about ECMA I
                                                     34  Ensembles
                                                     37	Alumni
                                                     38	Nominated Ensembles
                                                     39  Guest Ensembles
                                                     40	Awards and Achievements
                  Oslo 2018                          44  ECMA Meeting, 2018
                                                     46	STATEMENTS about ECMA II
                                                     48  Tutors
                                                     52	Social Media
                                                     54  CD Releases
                                   Manchester 2018   56  Events
                                                     58  The Association                                   As of February 2019

                                                                                        European Chamber Music Academy           3
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The Evolution of ECMA

                                       European                   Association                      European Network                              Inception of
                                        Scope                                          2016                                                  the joint master
             2001                                       2004                             –                                      2018           programme
                                                                 ECMA registered       2018              9 members
                                   Preparations for               as a non-profit                  15 cooperating partners
                                  travelling courses             association under                  29 alumni ensembles                         ECMAster
                                                                   Austrian law                          150 awards

         Accademia                                       First                        ECMA-                                  ECMAster
           Europea                                      ECMA                         Next Step
        Del Quartetto                                  Session                                                               preparations

          in Fiesole                                                                  Erasmus+                               are finished          2019/
                                         2003                         2007                                 2017
                                                                                      strategic                                                    2020
   ECMA originates from the                                                          partnership
Accademia Europea del Quartetto
    in Fiesole (Piero Farulli,
 Norbert Brainin, Milan Škampa,
       and Hatto Beyerle)

  4   European Chamber Music Academy                                                                                           European Chamber Music Academy   5
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                            ver the years, the European Chamber Music Academy has
                            ­b ecome more and more European. It has been ecognised as the
                             highest level of international training in the field, new partners
                 (institutions and universities of music) have been added, there
                 has been more cooperation, and new ensembles (often consisting
                 of young artists from different countries) have become a part of it.
                 We can thus say that it has been a successful adventure so far.

                 But being European is also a great responsibility. Chamber music’s in-
                 ternationally recognised point of reference is European chamber music.
                 And there indeed is a common basis, a common tradition here. But at
                 the same time, multiple languages and multiple cultures are involved.
                 Composers think in their own languages and with reference to their
                 own cultures, and the thoughts and intentions behind written music are
                 almost always tied thereto.

                 For this reason, if we want to be Europeans, we need to be federalists,
                 in music as elsewhere: we cannot refer to a cultural unicum, but much
                 rather need to learn about and recognise the differences that exist.
                 It may seem all too simple as an idea, but it is in precisely these
                 ­differences that we find the real opportunity of being together.

                 Hence the itinerant approach of the ECMA sessions; hence the presence
                 of great teachers from different backgrounds; and hence ECMA’s spirit,
                 which is not about teaching the one and only interpretation but about
                 offering reflections on the music in order to discover its ability to unite
                 amidst all differences.

                 If ECMA, working with this approach, can help shape a generation of
                 ­artists able not only to play music at the highest level but also to ­c onvey
                 the thoughts behind the music, convey its aesthetic, philoso­phical, and
                  social values, then it will have achieved its goal.

                 Make music, think music, search for reasons and emotions in music,
                 and move those who are listening. Be together. Grow together.
                 That’s all it is. Which is no small thing!

                 Mathias Deichmann

6   European Chamber Music Academy
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preface                                                                                                                                                                                 preface

                 Dear young musicians,                                                                           ust as there exists no ensemble that “is” once and for all, ECMA,
                 Dear friends, dear colleagues,                                                                  too, needs to be understood as a permanent process of growth.
                                                                                                                 By constantly rethinking and developing the very idea of chamber
                                                                                                        ­music, we aim to secure the future of its practice at the highest level. The
                 You have here before you ECMA’s report on its past year. ECMA is not                   great masterpieces of the enormously rich repertoire can surely be counted
                 an ­in­stitution that lives from the success of its ensembles. When ECMA               among the peak achievements of human civilization, and this in and of itself
                 ­ensembles achieve success – about which you can also read in this report –            makes playing chamber music on an outstanding level an uplifting experi-
                  then it is owed above all to the great amount of work that these ensembles            ence for players and audiences alike! Besides which: could not thinking,
                  have ­invested, as well as to their members’ genuine curiosity. In our                 ­feeling, speaking, and expressing music together in autonomous groups
                  ­pro­fession, genuine curiosity is a fundamental prerequisite for success.            serve very well as a model for society in general?
                   And to seek out ECMA is to seek out the key that unlocks the infinite,
                   ­fantastic realm of art. No human culture would be imaginable without art,           ECMA will continue to explore the multitude of European and non-European
                    ­especially not without music and time, without time and space, and without         cultural backgrounds, making use of the huge potential of diverse traditions
                     the infinite repetition of the finite. This unfathomability, which all music has   and innovative ideas. And since we understand our work to be a combination
                     in common, lies in the act of creation that begins with and within the com-        of several major missions (as an educational programme, as an artistic think-
                     poser – and that we musicians, whenever we deal with music, must reinvoke.         tank, as a network, and in terms of our societal impact), we’re happy that the
                     Doing so requires that we be modest and attentive to our own selves as             integration of ECMA alumni as our second generation of tutors is already well
                     we bow down deeply before the greatness of all true art.                           on its way!

                 We who seek to lead you toward this art strive to use music’s linguisticality          The Erasmus+ strategic partnership project ECMA Next Step has strongly
                 to build a bridge, awakening within you an authentic and meaningful                    ­intensified the academic bonds between the ECMA partners. The most
                 understanding of that which can only become real through you. We have                   ­important outcome of its various working goals will be the first European
                 no “teachers” in the sense of so many other summer courses or similar                  Joint Master Programme for established chamber music ensembles,
                 ­programs. Our intent is always to discover music anew through you and                 to be launched in autumn 2019.
                  with you, with our ­experience in dealing with music’s grammar and its melody
                  as a language being meant to provide you with support – a challenging                 ECMA has been successful at deepening the collaborative ties between the
                  ­undertaking! It must be clear, here, that this objective cannot be reached in        core partners as well as initiating a process of opening up to a wider circle for
                   just a few phases of work. And for this reason, we seek a voluntary commit-          cooperative arrangements. Working together with more and more festivals,
                   ment from you to take part in as many of the ECMA sessions as possible.              concert halls, and organisations in the world of classical music helps us
                                                                                                        bridge the gap between the music market and what is perceived as the realm
                 ECMA is not a typical academy. All of us strive with you and through                   of training and education.
                 you to approach the great mystery of music, its inexplicable magic as well
                 as all the philosophy with which it is connected.                                      May we keep on learning while cherishing the specialities and peculiarities
                                                                                                         entailed by our differences, at the same time joining our forces in the most
                 In this spirit, I wish everyone with an affinity for our work and for our              ­effective way possible as ECMA embarks upon its 15th year.
                 ­intellectual goals a happy and successful new year of 2019.
                                                                                                        It is my strong conviction that ECMA, as a truly European project,
                                                                                                        simply has to make a difference in these challenging times of change!
                 Hatto Beyerle

                                                                                                        Johannes Meissl

8   European Chamber Music Academy                                                                                                                                   European Chamber Music Academy   9
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ECMAster                                                                                                                                                           ECMAster

     JOINT PROGRAMME                                                                        HOW DOES IT WORK?
     European Chamber Music Master – ECMAster                                               Ensembles apply for the programme at participating institutions. Following a
                                                                                            ­successful entrance exam held at their chosen institution and under the condition
     ECMAster (European Chamber Music Master) is a two year joint master’s                   of their agreeement to the reommended exchange scheme, the ensemble is
     ­ egree-level programme for pre-existing chamber music ensembles. It is operated
     d                                                                                       ­enrolled in the ­programme at this institution, which then functions as the home
     by seven leading institutions of higher music education in Europe in close colla­bo­     ­institution from which the ensemble members eventually graduate.
     ration with ECMA (the European Chamber Music Academy), an association of                  ECMAster students spend semesters 1 and 4 at their home institution and
     European music universities, conservatoires, and festivals.                            semesters 2 and 3 at two different partner institutions. Exchange semesters
                                                                                            involving partner institutions and intensive programmes are both obligatory in
     With its tailor-made curricula, te ECMAster enables students to develop their          this master’s degree programme.
     ­specific artistic, technical, reflective, and social skills and to act as strong,
      ­independent and innovative ensemble musicians who can live up to the high            Each ensemble is appointed a principal artistic supervisor from the home institution
       ­professional demands of tomorrow’s music scene. The admitted chamber music          as well as artistic supervisors from each host institution. The responsibility of the
     groups will take advantage of the expertise, culture, and tradition of three           principal artistic supervisor is to have regular contact with the students, to maintain
     separate music institutions.                                                           a full overview of the ensemble’s progress, and to act as a contact person for the
                                                                                            artistic supervisors from the other two institutions.
     During these two years of advanced study, two obligatory exchange semesters
     at two different host institutions will be supported by Erasmus+ mobility funding.     	Semester 1: home institution
     In addition, the ensembles will participate in at least six ECMA sessions and          	Semester 2: potential host institutions: Fiesole, Manchester, Oslo, or Vienna
     receive access to a European network of chamber music professionals.                   	Semester 3: potential host institutions: Paris, The Hague, or Vilnius
                                                                                            	Semester 4: home institution

                                                                                            Intensive modules
     PARTICIPATING INSTITUTIONS                                                              Ensembles commit to attending a minimum of 6 ECMA sessions within the
                                                                                            ­programme’s two years, normally one session each in semesters 1 and 4 and
     Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris (CNSMDP)               two sessions each in semesters 2 and 3. One of the sessions during semesters
     Fondazione Scuola di Musica di Fiesole Onlus (SMF)                                      2 and 3 will be at the host institution.
     Koninklijk Conservatorium, The Hague (KC)
     Lietuvos Muzikos ir Teatro Akademija, Vilnius (LMTA)                                   Applying at multiple institutions:
     Norges musikkhøgskole, Oslo (NMH)                                                      It is possible to apply at more than one institution.
     Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester (RNCM)
     mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna                                    Who is eligible?
     In cooperation with the European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA)                           The programme is open to established ensembles with a minimum of three
                                                                                            ­ensemble members and a standard combination of instruments:
                                                                                             	String quartets
                                                                                             	Piano trios
                                                                                             	String trios
                                                                                             	Piano quartets
                                                                                                Wind quintets
                                                                                             	Brass quintets
                                                                                             	Saxophone quartets
                                                                                             	Other ensembles (see the General Programme Description for more information)
10   European Chamber Music Academy                                                                                                                                                   11
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     Requirements and admission
     Eligibility requirements
     • Member of an established ensemble
     • IMPORTANT: all members of a given ensemble must apply at the same institution.

     Joint admission criteria
     All applicants must possess the following skills and experience at a level ­sufficient
     for them to meet the requirements of this programme of study both ­individually and
     as an ensemble.

     Applicants must:

     • demonstrate advanced instrumental and musical abilities,

     • possess the relevant skills and experience in chamber music,

     • and prove their ability to independently make and reflect upon their own artistic


     Application procedure

     Submit your application to your chosen institution along with an ensemble CV,

     a description of your ensemble’s activities, and a master’s degree project proposal.

     Please pay careful attention to possible additional requirements of the institution
     to which you are applying!

     • A prepared 60-minute ensemble programme consisting of at least three
                                                                                                  TRONDHEIM CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL PRESENTS
       contrasting works or movements in different styles relevant to the ensemble type.

                                                                                              10TH TRONDHEIM INTERNATIONAL
     • An interview

     Contact information
     ECMAster Coordination Office in Vienna
     E-mail: ecmaster@mdw.ac.at                                                                CHAMBER MUSIC COMPETITION
     Mag. Bojana Tesan: + 43-1-71155-7410                                                        Piano Trios, 23–28 September 2019
     Mag. Dr. Mara Földi: + 43-1-71155-3002
                                                                                                            Jury Chairman: Lambert Orkis

                                                                                                         Application deadline 20 April 2019
                                                                                                         Online application: WWW.TICC.NO

12   European Chamber Music Academy
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ECMA – Educational Programme                                                                                           Patrons

     ECMA – Educational Programme                                                            Patrons
     ECMA ensembles selected by audition are entitled to participate in ECMA sessions.
     These sessions offer chamber music coaching by renowned musicians plus relevant         Shmuel Ashkenasi
     lectures, seminars, and excursions that are compulsory.
                                                                                             Elena Bashkirova
     Furthermore, ensembles are given the opportunity to present themselves to a wider
     public through concerts, performances, and recordings.                                  Pierre Boulez †

                                                                                             Bruno Canino
     ECMA’s ongoing training cycle covers a period that normally lasts two ­years, with
     seven to eight sessions per year.                                                       Piero Farulli †

     In contrast to the attendance of isolated master classes, regular participation in as   David Geringas
     many ECMA sessions as possible assures young ensembles continuity of high-­             Bruno Giuranna
     profile coaching by well-established ­tutors and combines interpretational work with
     impulses from the academic realm.                                                       Heinz Holliger

     Each session takes place at an ECMA partner institution or at a partner festival.       Seppo Kimanen
     Participation is free of charge for ECMA ensembles. Costs arising in connection         Gidon Kremer
     with travel and lodging are usually covered by the ensembles themselves.
                                                                                             Oleg Maisenberg

                                                                                             Arto Noras

                                                                                             Eiji Oue

                                                                                             Krzysztof Penderecki

                                                                                             Heinrich Schiff †

                                                                                             Salvatore Sciarrino

                                                                                             Milan Škampa

                                                                                             Christian Tetzlaff

14   European Chamber Music Academy                                                                     European Chamber Music Academy   15
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PARTNERSHIPS                                                                                                                                   PARTNERSHIPS

                                                                                         COOPERATING PARTNERS
                                                                                         Austria            Europäisches Kulturforum Großraming
                                                                                         Austria            Allegro Vivo Kammermusik Festival
                                                                                         Austria            isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw
                                                                                         Austria 	Steirisches Kammermusikfestival
                                                                                         Belgium            Flanders Festival Ghent
                                                                                         Denmark	Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium, Copenhagen
                                                                                         France             Prades – Festival Pablo Casals
                                                                                         France             Paris – Centre de Musique de Chambre
                                                                                         Germany            Konzerthaus Berlin
                                                                                         Hungary            Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music Budapest
                                                                                         Israel 	Sounding Jerusalem
                                                                                         Italy 	Ravenna Festival
                                                                                         Spain              Musethica
     2018/19                                                                             Poland             The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music
     ECMA Members in                                                                     Portugal           Porto – Harmos Festival
     8 European Countries                                                                United Kingdom     London – Wigmore Hall
     and China
     Austria                 Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Vienna
                             Campus Grafenegg

     China	Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Shanghai

     France	Conservatoire national supérieur de musique
             et de danse de Paris, Paris

     Italy                   Fondazione Scuola di Musica di Fiesole Onlus, Fiesole

     Lithuania               Lietuvos Muzikos ir Teatro Akademija, Vilnius

     The Netherlands         Koninklijk Conservatorium, The Hague

     Norway                  Norges musikkhøgskole, Oslo

     Switzerland             Hochschule der Künste, Bern

     UK                      Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester

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partners                                                                                                                                  partners

                      mdw – Universität für Musik
                      und darstellende Kunst Wien – AUSTRIA                                             grafenegg – AUSTRIA

                      Address                                                                           Address
                      Joseph Haydn Institut für Kammermusik, Alte Musik und Neue Musik                  Campus Grafenegg
                      Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1                                                          Grafenegg 10
                      1030 Vienna                                                                       3485 Grafenegg
                      www.mdw.ac.at/ijh/                                                                campus.grafenegg.com
 © Sabine Hauswirth

                                                                                         © Lukas Beck
                                      Artistic Director
                                      Johannes Meissl                                                                 CEO
                                      meissl@mdw.ac.at                                                                Philipp Stein

                      OrganiSation                                                                      ORGANISATION
                      Mara Földi                                                                        Magdalena Klamminger
                      foeldi@mdw.ac.at                                                                  magdalena.klamminger@grafenegg.com
                      T +43 1 711 55 3002                                                               T +43 2742 90 80 70-730

18                    European Chamber Music Academy                                                                                         European Chamber Music Academy   19
partners                                                                                                                    partners

     Shanghai Conservatory of Music – CHINA                             The Royal Danish Academy of Music – Denmark
                                                                                                                                    (from 2020)

     Address                                                            Address
     20 Fenyang Rd., Xuhui Qu                                           Rosenoerns Allé 22
     Shanghai Shi, China                                                1970 Frederiksberg C

                                              © Agnethe Schlichtkrull
                     Artistic director                                                 Artistic director
                     Jensen Lam                                                        Tim Frederiksen

                                                                        Director of International Affairs and Music Confucius
                                                                        Institute, Administration, Music Confucius Institute
                                                                        MARIANNE LØKKE JAKOBSEN

20   European Chamber Music Academy                                                                           European Chamber Music Academy      21
partners                                                                                                                      partners

     Conservatoire National Supérieur                                   Scuola di Musica di Fiesole,
     de Musique et de Danse de Paris – FRANCE                           Fondazione Onlus – ITALY

     Address                                                            Address
     Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris   Via delle Fontanelle, 24
     209 Avenue Jean Jaurès                                             50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (FI)
     75019 Paris                                                        www.scuolamusica.fiesole.fi.it

                                                                                         Artistic director
                     Artistic director                                                   Antonello Farulli
                     Bruno Mantovani

     Head of external affairs and international relations               Maria Grazia Martelli
     Luca Dupont Spirio                                                 T +39 055 5978529
     T. + 33 1 40 40 45 79 – M. + 33 (0) 6 71 01 64 49                  eventi@scuolamusica.fiesole.fi.it
     ldupontspirio@cnsmdp.fr                                            g.martelli@scuolamusica.fiesole.fi.it

22   European Chamber Music Academy                                                                             European Chamber Music Academy   23
partners                                                                                                  partners

                                                        Koninklijk Conservatorium /
     Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija – LITHUANIA   Royal Conservatoire – the NETHERLANDS

     Address                                            Address
     Gedimino Pr. 42                                    Juliana van Stolberglaan
     LT-01110 Vilnius                                   2595CA Den Haag
     www.lmta.lt                                        www.koncon.nl

                                                        VICE PRINCIPAL
                                                        Martin Prchal
                        Artistic Director
                        Indrė Baikštytė
                                                                        ARTISTIC DIRECTOR
                                                                        Marlon Titre
     OrganiSation                                                       m.titre@koncon.nl
     Rima Rimšaitė
     T +370 5 2124967
     rima.rimsaite@lmta.lt                              OrganiSation
                                                        Fabienne Kramer

24   European Chamber Music Academy                                                         European Chamber Music Academy   25
partners                                                                                              partners

     Norges Musikkhøgskole – NORWAY          Hochschule der Künste Bern – SWITZERLAND

     Address                                 Address
     Slemdalsveien 11                        Papiermühlestrasse 13a
     NO-0302 Oslo                            3000 Bern 22
     www.nmh.no                              www.hkb.bfh.ch

     Peter Tornquist
     peter.tornquist@nmh.no                                  Artistic Director
                                                             Patrick Jüdt

                     Artistic Director
                     Are Sandbakken          OrganiSation
                     are.sandbakken@nmh.no   Irène Noguchi-Bigler
                                             T +41 31 848 39 68
     Ellen Haldar
     T +47 23 36 70 75

26   European Chamber Music Academy                                                     European Chamber Music Academy   27
partners                                                                                                        partners

                                               COOPERATING PARTNERS

                                               Europäisches Kulturforum
                                               GroSSraming – AUSTRIA

                                               In cooperation with the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

     Royal Northern College of Music –
     UNITED KINGDOM                                            Artistic Director
                                                               Hatto Beyerle

     124 Oxford Road                           OrganiSation
     Manchester M13 9RD                        Europäisches Kulturforum Großraming
     www.rncm.ac.uk                            Siegfried Schörkhuber

                     Artistic Director
                     Jeremy Young              Flanders Festival Ghent – Belgium
                                               Bijlokekaai 8, bus 9
     OrganiSation                              9000 Gent
     Alanah Moulsdale                          www.gentfestival.be/en/

                                                               Veerle Simoens

                                               Heleen Schepens, Head of Production

28   European Chamber Music Academy                                                               European Chamber Music Academy   29

     Festival Pablo Casals – FRANCE

     BP. 24
     F 66502 Prades Cedex

                                                                          14.09 -05.10.2019
                                                                          Ghent, Unesco City of Music
                       Artistic Director
                       Michel Lethiec

     Sonia Ritlewski

     Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music |
     Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem – Hungary

     Liszt Ferenc tér 8.
     1061 Budapest

                       Artistic Director
                       Gyula Fekete

                                                    FACTS & 60.000 visitors | 180 concerts | 1500 artists
                                                    FIGURES classical music I jazz I world music I events
                                                                      Follow us @gentfestival

30   European Chamber Music Academy


     ECMA a însemnat una din cele mai ­importante etape pentru dezvoltarea noastră       Avoir vécu l’expérience ECMA, c’est avoir vécu une aventure humaine et artistique
     ca ansamblu, și mai mult decât atât, a fost și este ca o familie pentru noi. ECMA   qui a façonné et soudé notre trio d’une manière déterminante, et qui marquera
     este locul unde am învăţat ce înseamnă muzica de cameră în toate aspectele ei       toute notre vie de musicien.
     profunde, alături de personalităţi marcante ale vieţii muzicale internaţionale.     Trio Atanassov
     Arcadia Quartet
                                                                                         ECMA is THE chamber music programme! We learned more about the repertoire
     The Paris Conservatoire’s participation in ECMA has lent an invaluable ­European    and about music there, and we met incredible and enthusiastic teachers. Many
     dimension to our chamber music programme, one that has had a ­transformative        thanks for everything!
     effect on participating trios and quartets. Transformative in that it has enabled   Trio Chausson
     these musicians to develop their international professional networks and,
     thanks to the exceptional musicians involved and the breadth of the artistic        Ecma è la casa dei giovani quartetti
     and contextual approaches specific to different regions of Europe, to enhance       Quarteto di Cremona
     and ­indeed grow a “European” musical discourse whilst forging their own musical
     identities. In Paris, we have sought to showcase both French repertoire and         Thanks to its mentors, ECMA possesses the power to motivate each and every
     ­music-making with the specificities of Conservatoire training while also           ensemble on a highly individual level, with every course exciting and every new
      inte­grating the city’s vast cultural resources – the re-opening of the Picasso    piece of information a discovery. It’s an adventure in living through music, inspiring
      Museum, for example.                                                               us to ­improve ourselves as musicians.
      Bruno Mantovani, Director, Conservatoire national supérieur de musique             Giocoso String Quartet
      et de danse de Paris
                                                                                         ECMA is where we developed our ability to speak in music.
     Die Arbeit mit den großartigen Musikern bei der ECMA hat uns im Kopf viele          Galatea Quartet
     Türen geöffnet, uns neue Wege für unsere Interpretation gezeigt und uns
     immer wieder zu Diskussionen und zur Reflexion über unser Spiel angeregt.           It is very important for me to be part of this fantastic teaching experience,
     Die Gemeinschaft mit den anderen Ensembles, die sich für denselben                  focused on how to transfer a wonderful musical language made of beauty
     musikalischen Weg entschieden haben, war schön zu erleben, und dies hat uns in      and purity, sharing it with the most promising musicians.
     unserer Entscheidung für die Kammermusik immer wieder bestärkt und bestätigt.       Miguel da Silva
     Es war eine spannende Zeit, von der wir noch immer profitieren!
     Boulanger Trio                                                                      For the teachers and students at the academy in Oslo, it is a great inspiration
                                                                                         to be a member of ECMA. It enables us to connect with the best of European
     Bez European Chamber Music Academy z pewnością nie bylibyśmy w miejscu,             traditions in a wonderful way.
     w którym obecnie się znajdujemy.                                                    Are Sandbakken, Norges Musikkhøgskole
     Szczególnie intensywna współpraca z Johannesem Meisslem i Hatto Beyerle
     pomogła nam zbudować solidne podstawy kwartetu i miała istotny wpływ na
     obecny charakter zespołu.
     Apollon Musagète Quartet

32   European Chamber Music Academy                                                                                                            European Chamber Music Academy     33


     Amatis Trio Germany / UK / The Netherlands

     Auner Quartett Austria

     Cosmos Quartet Spain

     GAON Trio Germany / South Korea

     Helios Trio France

     Kebyart Ensemble Spain

     Quartetto Adorno Italy

     Quatuor Metamorphoses France

                                                                                               © Simply Quartet
                                                             © MICHAL NOVAK
     Simply Quartet China / Norway / Austria

     Trio Incendio Czech Republic

     Trio Marvin Germany / Russia / Kazakhstan / Lithuania                    COSMOS QUARTET                                 Simply Quartet
                                                                                                                         KebyArt Ensemble
     Trio Vitruvi Denmark / Australia

     Aspirant ENSEMBLES
     Kruppa Quartet Hungary

                                                                              © Ricardo Rios

34   European Chamber Music Academy                                                                               European Chamber Music Academy   35

                                                                                                                                        Apollon Musagète Quartet Poland
                                                                                                                                        Arcadia Quartet Romania
                                                                                                                                        Arcis Saxophon Quartett Germany / Italy / Slovenia
                                                                                                                                        Berlin Piano Trio Poland / Germany
                                                                                                                                        Boccherini Trio Australia / Italy / USA
                                                                                                                                        Boulanger Trio Germany
                                                                                                                                        Cuarteto Quiroga Spain
                                                                                                                                        Galatea Quartet Switzerland
                                                                                                                                        Giocoso String Quartet Germany / Romania / The Netherlands
                                                                                                                                        Hanson Quartet Japan / UK / France
                                                                                                                                        Kamus Quartet Finland
© Nadja Alexandrowa

                                                                                                              © nancy horowitz
                                                                                                                                        Meta4 Finland
                                                                                                                                        Mettis Quartet Lithuania
                                                                                                                                        Minetti Quartet Austria
                           Auner Quartett                                                    trio incendio                              Pacific Quartet Vienna Japan / Hungary / Taiwan / Switzerland
                                                                                                                                        Quartetto di Cremona Italy
                                                            helios trio               Quatuor Metamorphoses
                                                                                                                                        Quatuor Akilone France
                                                                                                                                        Quatuor Girard France
                                                                                                                                        Quatuor Zaïde France
                                                                                                                                        Simoens Trio Belgium
                                                                                                                                        Stefan Zweig Trio Japan / France / Bulgaria
                                                                                                                                        Stratos Quartett Austria / Japan / Czech Republic
                                                                                                                                        Streeton Trio Australia
                                                                                                                                        Trio Atanassov France

                                                                                                              © Quatuor Metamorphoses
                                                                                                                                        Trio Chausson France
                                                                                                                                        Trio FortVio Lithuania
                                                                                                                                        Trio Gaspard Albania / Greece / UK / Germany
                                                                                                                                        Trio Imàge Germany
                                                                                                                                        Trio Karénine France
                                                                                                                                        Trio Metral France
                                                                     © Andrej Grilc

                      36   European Chamber Music Academy                                                                                                                                 European Chamber Music Academy   37
nominated ensembles                                                                                                       GUEST ENSEMBLES

     nominated ensembles                                                     GUEST ENSEMBLES
                                                                             Atalante Quartet Austria
     Affetto Piano Trio Hochschule der Künste Bern
     Agora Quintet Conservatoire national supérieur de musique               Helikon Quartet The Netherlands
     Animato Quartet Koninklijk Conservatorium                               Kinnara Quartet Spain
     Artro Quartet Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija
     Aurea Quartet Royal Northern College of Music                           Maxwell Quartet UK
     Bergen Quartet Conservatoire national supérieur de musique
                                                                             Moldo Crescendo Piano Trio Romania
     Canelian Saxophone Quartet Royal Northern College of Music
     Claviola Trio Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija                      Quasi Trio Czech Republic
     De Formule Koninklijk Conservatorium
                                                                             Quatuor Akhtamar Belgium
     Encore Piano Trio Norges musikkhøgskole
     Ergo Quartet Norges musikkhøgskole                                      Quatuor Tchalik France
     Festivo Quartet Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija
     Gaia Quartet Conservatoire national supérieur de musique
     Gardan Quartet Hochschule der Künste Bern
     Jorgensen Trio Norges musikkhøgskole
     Louko Piano Trio Royal Northern College of Music
                                                                             AFFILIATED ENSEMBLES
     Marc Aurel Quartett Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien   Quartetto Delfico Italy
     Meteoros Quartet Norges musikkhøgskole
     Philia Quartet Conservatoire national supérieur de musique              Demian Quartett Germany
     Quartetto Echos Scuola di Musica di Fiesole – Fondazione Onlus          Mosa Trio The Netherlands / Belgium
     Quartetto Felix Scuola di Musica di Fiesole – Fondazione Onlus
     Quartetto Dàidalos Hochschule der Künste Bern                           Silhouettes Chamber Ensemble Bulgaria
     Quatuor Ernest Hochschule der Künste Bern
     Quatuor Metamorphoses Conservatoire national supérieur de musique
     Selini Quartet Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
     Solem Quartet Royal Northern College of Music
     Sopo Quintet Norges musikkhøgskole
     Trapèze Quintet Koninklijk Conservatorium
     Trio Artio Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst
     Trio Bauge Norges musikkhøgskole
     Trio Helios Conservatoire national supérieur de musique
     Trio Nemesis Norges musikkhøgskole
     Trio Sacher Conservatoire national supérieur de musique
     Trio Sol Norges musikkhøgskole
     Trio Trikolon Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
     Trio Zadig Conservatoire national supérieur de musique
     Zeta Trio Koninklijk Conservatorium

38   European Chamber Music Academy                                                                                  European Chamber Music Academy   39
AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS                                                                                                           AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS

     awards 2018
     Ensemble                         Type                Status      Competition
                                                                      1st Prize International Music Competition SVIREL, Slovenia
     ATALANTE QUARTET                 String Quartet      Guests
                                                                      3rd Prize International Johannes Brahms Competition in Pörtschach, Austria
                                                                      3rd Prize Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition
                                                                      ECHO Rising Stars 2018/19, nominated by Elbphilharmonie,
     Amatis Piano Trio                Piano Trio          ECMA        Baden Baden Festspielhaus, Köln Philharmonie, and Konzerthaus Dortmund
                                                                      Kersjesprijs 2018 of the Netherlands
                                                                      BBC New Generaton Artists 2018
     Ãtma Quartet                                                     3rd Prize at the 1st Karol Szymanowski International Music Competition
                                      String Quartet      Guests
     (New Music Quartet)                                              in Katowice, Poland
     Auner Quartett                   String Quartet      ECMA        1st Prize Ysaÿe International Music Competition, Belgium
                                                                      1st Prize Montserrat Alavedra Chamber Music Competition, Spain
     Cosmos Quartet                   String Quartet      ECMA
                                                                      1st Prize Irene Steels-Wilsing Foundation
     Kebyart Ensemble                 Saxophone Quartet   ECMA        1st Prize 40th Orpheus Swiss Chamber Music Competition
                                                                      3rd Prize VIII International Stasys Vainiu­­­­¯nas Competition
     Meteoros String Quartet          String Quartet      Nominated
                                                                      for Pianists and Chamber Ensembles, Lithuania
     Pacific Quartet Vienna           String Quartet      Alumni      Nominated: New Sound of Austrian Music, 2018/19
     Quartetto Adorno                 String Quartet      ECMA        V.E. Rimbotti Concorso Internazionale per Quartetto d’Archi
     Quatuor Gaia                     String Quartet      Nominated   2nd Prize Coop Music Award, Cremona
     Quatuor Metamorphoses            String Quartet      ECMA        Prize of the European chamber music competition of FNAPEC in Paris
     Selini Quartet                   String Quartet      Nominated   2nd Prize International Szymanowski Competition Katowice
                                                                      2nd Prize Irene Steels-Wilsing Foundation
     Simply Quartet                   String Quartet      ECMA        1st Prize International Chamber Music Competition
                                                                      “Franz Schubert and Modern Music”, Austria
     Stratos Piano Quartet            Piano Quartet       Alumni      Nominated: New Sound of Austrian Music, 2018/19
                                                                      1st Prize and Special Prize for the best interpretation of a Mozart quartet,
     Tchalik Quartet                  String Quartet      Guests
                                                                      International Mozart Competition in Salzburg
                                                                      2nd Prize, Audience Prize, and Trio Commission Prize,
     Trio Gaon                        Piano Trio          ECMA
                                                                      Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition, Australia
     Trio Helios                      Piano Trio          ECMA        2nd Prize du Concours International de Musique de Chambre de Lyon
                                                                      1st Prize Concorso Internazionale di Interpretazione Musicale “Marcello Pontillo”
     Trio Incendio                    Piano Trio          ECMA        in Florence, Italy
                                                                      1st Prize Coop Music Award, Cremona
                                                                      2nd Prize International Chamber Music Competition
                                                                      “Franz Schubert and Modern Music”, Austria
     Trio Marvin                      Piano Trio          ECMA
                                                                      1st Prize and Grand Prize, Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition, Australia
                                                                      3rd Prize ARD International Music Competition

40   European Chamber Music Academy                                                                                                    European Chamber Music Academy   41

     Prizewinning Ensembles
     Apollon Musagète Quartet Poland
     Arcadia Quartet Romania
     Boulanger Trio Germany
     Cuarteto Quiroga Spain
     Galatea Quartet Switzerland
     Meta4 Finland
     Mettis Quartet Lithuania
     Minetti Quartet Austria
     Pacific Quartet Vienna Japan / Hungary / Taiwan / Switzerland
     Quartetto di Cremona Italy
     Quatuor Akilone France
     Quatuor Hanson France
     Quatuor Zaïde France
     Simply Quartet China / Norway / Austria
     Trio Gaspard Germany
     Trio Helios France
     Trio Karénine France
     Trio Marvin Germany
     Trio Metral France

     Major Competition Prizes
     and Recording Awards
     ARD International Music Competition
     BBC New Generation Artists
     Beijing International Music Competition
     Bordeaux International String Quartet Competition
     Concours de Genève
     Concours International de Musique de Chambre de Lyon
     Echo Klassik
     International Competition “Franz Schubert and Modern Music”, Graz
     International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna
     Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition
     Midem Classical Award
     International Shostakovich Quartet Competition
     Wigmore Hall International String Quartet Competition

42   European Chamber Music Academy

                                                       CAMPUS GRAFENEGG
     ECMA Meeting
     7 DECEMBER 2018                                   2019

     Antonello Farulli SMF                             MUSIC LABS
     Avedis Kouyoumdjian mdw                           PUBLIC REHEARSALS
     Gyula Fekete Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem   CONCERTS
     Indrė Baikštytė LMTA                              ...
     Jeremy Young RNCM

     Johannes Meissl ECMA & mdw

     Luca Dupont Spirio CNSMDP

     Magdalena Klamminger Grafenegg

     Martin Prchal KONCON

     Matteo Deichmann ECMA

     Monika Mistlbachner ECMA

     Patrick Jüdt HKB

     Peter Tornquist NMH
     Philipp Stein Grafenegg                                                    sV

     Thomas Mistlbachner ECMA

     Tim Frederiksen RDAM

                                                       FOR MORE INFORMATION:

44   European Chamber Music Academy
                                                                                               ROBERT PLACZEK
                                                                                                 HOLDING AG

     STATEMENTS about ECMA II                                                                   For us in Oslo, the opportunity to access the best impulses in European chamber
                                                                                                music represents a great enrichment. And at our Oslo Sessions, it was important
                                                                                                to us that the ECMA participants have a chance to experience the highlights of
                                                                                                our Norwegian cultural history. In the midst of our session venue’s beautiful
                                                                                                natural ­surroundings, we visited art museums and listened to folk music, with the
                                                                                                participants also dancing folk dances themselves.
                                                                                                Norges musikkhøgskole
     Without ECMA, our group wouldn’t exist as we do today. It enormously helped
     our musicality, and it also helped us in terms of learning the language and finding        For us, ECMA is one of the greatest sources of inspiration. It offers us ­everything
     music’s secret beauty.                                                                     we need in order to develop: concert appearances, intensive musical work with
     에크마 없이는 지금 우리의 그룹이 현재처럼 존재하지 않을 것입니다.                                                      great musical personalities, detailed work on quartet technique, and – thanks to
     Trio Gaspard                                                                               the lectures – ­honing of our intellectual awareness.
                                                                                                Pacific Quartet Vienna
     The European Chamber Music Academy offers what every young ensemble dreams
     of: regular training with the most accomplished mentors you can find anywhere in           ECMA is much more than an extra­ordinary chamber music academy with the
     the world. Though their perspectives differ, they’re united by a common impetus.           best tutors and the most stimulating young European ensembles: it goes beyond
     This impetus is like oxygen for a young ensemble, and in an ECMA session, young            professional training to link music, philosophy, and language in a unique way
     ensembles and incredible pedagogues breath the same air. Indeed, one of the                that seeks to apprehend the heart of our European culture via Soctratic-style teach-
     unique ­features of ECMA is the opportunity to really get to know the tutors: in a         ing and critical thinking.
     ­very convivial atmosphere, we can prolong the lessons with talks around a glass           CUARTETO QUIROGA
      at Café Schwarzenberg in Vienna or share opinions on a musical subject after a
      ­lecture ... and all this is very stimulating. In a nutshell, ECMA is a true musician’s   ECMA has truly been a blessing for us.
       music course! L’ ECMA, une fête de la conscience musicale!                               Streeton Trio
       Trio Karénine
                                                                                                Ever since we first heard of ECMA, it was our dream to become a member.
     ECMAssa vietetyt vuodet valoivat Meta4:n kivijalan ja olivat ratkaisevat meidän koko       ECMA allows you not only to expand your horizons in terms of musical ­perception,
     olemassaololle. ECMA avasi meille suoran yhteyden jousik­vartetin synnyinlähteille, on     but also to enhance your communication skills and didactic knowledge while
     vaikea kuvitella inspiroivempaa opiskeluympäristöä nuorelle jousikvartetille.              having a chance to immerse yourself in the cultures of other countries. For our lives
     Meta4                                                                                      and our career together, we view ECMA as being of inestimeable value, and we’re
                                                                                                very glad that we can be part of it.
      ECMA war für uns ein wunderbarer und unvergesslicher, auch intensiver Abschnitt           Piano trio FortVio
      in unseren Quartettanfängen! Die ersten Begegnungen und Unterrichtsstunden
      mit Legenden der Musikgeschichte wie Norbert Brainin-Amadeus Quartett,                    ECMAssa vietetyt vuodet olivat käänteentekeviä urallamme, niin monet
      Milan Škampa-Smetana Quartett und großen Persönlichkeiten des aktuellen                   oppimamme asiat musiikista ovat läsnä jokapäiväisessä työssä ja elämässämme.
      Konzertgeschehens waren prägende, unvergessliche Momente für die wir sehr                 Köyhää olisi elämämme ilman ECMAa.
      dankbar sind!                                                                             Kamus Quartet
      Das ­Gemeinschaftsgefühl mit den vielen anderen ECMA-Gruppen, also Gleichges-
      innten wurde in den Sessions vertieft. Die Vorträge, Workshops und gemeinsamen
     Konzerte motivierten zu Höchstleistungen. Sehr gut in Erinnerung sind uns vor
     ­allem Fiesole, Zürich, Groß­raming und Wien.
      Minetti Quartett

46   European Chamber Music Academy                                                                                                                   European Chamber Music Academy    47
tutors                                                                                                                 tutors


     ARTISTIC DIRECTORS                             TUTORS since 2016

     Baikštytė Indrė & Rimantas Armonas – Vilnius   Båtnes Elise* (NMH)             Ligeti Diana* (CNSMDP)
     Beyerle Hatto – Großraming                     Belcea Corina                   Lundberg Per* (NMH
     Farulli Antonello – Fiesole                    Bertrand Emmanuelle* (CNSMDP)   Meissl Johannes* (mdw)
     Fekete Gyula – Budapest                        Beyerle Hatto                   Mendl Stefan* (mdw)
     Frederiksen Tim – Copenhagen                   Bieler Ida                      Mommertz Dirk
     Lam Jensen – Shanghai                          Bitlloch Sara                   Nannoni Andrea* (SMF)
     Jüdt Patrick – Bern                            Borrani Lorenza                 Pensola Minna
     Lethiec Michel – Prades                        Brendel Alfred                  Pernoo Jérôme* (CNSMDP)
     Mantovani Bruno – Paris                        Buckland Sarah                  Phillips-Varjabédian Jean-Marc
     Meissl Johannes – Vienna/Grafenegg             Buckland Rob * (RNCM)           Plagge Wolfgang* (NMH)
     Sandbakken Are – Oslo                          Carlsen Morten* (NMH)           Prause Petr* (RNCM)
     Simoens Veerle – Ghent                         Corver Ellen* (KC)              Richter Christoph
     Titre Marlon – The Hague                       Da Silva Miguel* (SMF)          Rimmer Nicholas
     Young Jeremy – Manchester                      Dolan David                     Sandbakken Are* (NMH)
                                                    Eggner Christoph* (mdw)         Schlichtig Hariolf
                                                    Farulli Antonello* (SMF)        Schuhmayer Peter* (mdw)
                                                    Giovaninetti Christophe         Shirinyan Marianna* (NMH)
                                                    Golan Itamar* (CNSMDP)          Schuster Claus-Christian
                                                    Gothoni Ralf                    Stott Kathryn* (NMH)
                                                    Grant Donald                    Tait Alasdair
                                                    Haltenwanger Karla              Talich Jan
                                                    Joo Hyung-ki                    Thedeen Torleif* (NMH)
                                                    Jüdt Patrick                    Tomter Lars Anders* (NMH)
                                                    Kouyoumdjian Avedis* (mdw)      Valdimarsdottir Asdis* (KC)
                                                    Kuijken David* (KC)             Vujic Vida* (mdw)
                                                    Lethiec Michel                  Young Jeremy* (RNCM)

                                                                                    *tutors from ECMAster partner institutions

48   European Chamber Music Academy                                                            European Chamber Music Academy        49
tutors                                                                                                                               www.isa-music.org
                                                                                                                    29 th International        isamusic.org
                                                                                                                    Summer Academy
     LECTURES IN 2018

     Elena Gasiulytė: Lithuanian History in the Palace of Grand Dukes of Lithuania
     Mantautas Krukauskas: Chamber Music Recording: Preparation & Production

     Cinema: FILM 4
     Kate Buchanan: Live Music Now Presentation

     Hatto Beyerle: Polarity
     Tor Espen Aspaas: Quasi una Fantasia – Beethoven and his Art of Improvisation
     Alfred Brendel: Beethoven’s Last Sonatas and his Late Style
     Johannes Meissl: Working with the Score in Chamber Music

     David Dolan: Performing, Teaching, and Researching Classical Improvisation
     Cornelia Szabó-Knotik: Let Music Speak! – Austria’s Struggle for Identity after 1918
     between Tradition and Innovation
     Harald Haslmayr: 1618 and 1718: Musical Aspects of Two Centennials from our Past

     The Use of Tremolo in Schubert’s G-Major Quartet

     Lucie Kayas: Ravel: Piano Trio, Edition and Performance
     Lucie Kayas: Messiaen: Quatuor pour la fin du temps, Genesis and Performance                            11–25 August 2019

     François Eckert: Daily Recording Sessions with Sound Engineering Students


     Patrick Jüdt: “Ceci n’est pas la musique”
     François Poly: “Inégalité”
     Tom Arthurs: ‘“Ceci n’est pas le Jazz”
                                                                                            © Andrej Grilc

50   European Chamber Music Academy
social media                                        social media


52   European Chamber Music Academy       European Chamber Music Academy   53
CD Releases                                      CD Releases

     CD Releases

54   European Chamber Music Academy   European Chamber Music Academy   55
events                                                                                                                                       events

     Norway                           Fiesole 2019                           Lithuania                            Hungary
     Oslo 2019                        Scuola di Musica di Fiesole –          Vilnius 2019                         Budapest 2020
     Norges Musikkhogskole            Fondazione Onlus                       Lithuanian Academy                   Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music
     24/04–30/04/2019                 14/07–21/07/2019                       of Music and Theatre                 14/02–16/02/2020
     Session                          Session                                30/09–04/10/2019                     Festival and Showcase
     Austria                                                                                                      Norway
     ViennA 2019                      France                                 The Netherlands                      Oslo 2020
     mdw – Universität für Musik      Prades 2019                            The Hague 2019                       Norges Musikkhogskole
     und darstellende Kunst Wien      Casals Festival                        Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag   15/04–21/04/2020
     19/05/2019                       24/07–29/07/2019                       23/10–30/10/2019                     Session
     Audition                         Festival and Session                   Session
     Austria                          Austria                                Switzerland                          Vienna/Grafenegg 2020
     Vienna/Grafenegg 2019            GroSSraming 2019                       Bern 2019                            Grafenegg
     Grafenegg                        Europäisches Kulturforum Großraming    Hochschule der Künste Bern           01/06–07/06/2020
     20/05–26/05/2019                 01/09–07/09/2019                       02/12–07/12/2019                     Festival and Session
     Festival and Session             Session                                Session

     China                            Belgium
     Shanghai 2019                    GHENT 2019
     Shanghai Conservatory of Music   Flanders Festival Ghent,
     31/05–06/06/2019                 in co-production with School of Arts
     Festival                         and De Bijloke Music Centre 2019
                                      Generation Project and Showcase

56   European Chamber Music Academy                                                                                       European Chamber Music Academy   57
the Association                                                                                                                                                                                      the Association

     ECMA – THE Association
     ECMA is organised as a nonprofit association registered under ­Austrian law.
     ECMA partners are acknowledged either as Partner Institutions or
     Extraordinary Members.

     Name                                                                                                                                                                Johannes Meissl
     ECMA – European Chamber Music Academy
     (Association for the Promotion of European Chamber Music)

     Executive Committee
     President           Mathias Deichmann
     Artistic Director   Hatto Beyerle
     Artistic Director   Johannes Meissl
     Internal Auditor	Avedis Kouyoumdjian
                                                                                                                                                                         Hatto Beyerle
     Management                  Thomas Mistlbachner

     Advisor                     Gerhard Hildenbrand

     Account Details
     Name            ECMA-Europ. Chamber Music Academy
     Bank	Bank Austria UniCredit Group
     IBAN	           AT85 1200 0506 6200 8363                                                                                                                            Thomas Mistlbachner
     BIC	            BKAUATWW

     ECMA Coordination
     Thomas Mistlbachner, MA
     ECMA – European Chamber Music Academy

                                                                                                                    © D. Matvejevas, Dmitrij Matvejev (4), Gerard Spee
     c/o mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst
     Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
                                                                                                                                                                         Mathias Deichmann
     1030 Vienna, AUSTRIA
                                                                                    Design: renner graphic design


            www.facebook.com/ECMAmusic                                                                                                                                   Avedis Kouyoumdjian

58   European Chamber Music Academy                                                                                                                                                            European Chamber Music Academy   59
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