ANNUAL - Professionals Real Estate, Wellington City ...

Page created by Johnnie Reynolds
ANNUAL - Professionals Real Estate, Wellington City ...
ANNUAL - Professionals Real Estate, Wellington City ...
There’s a LOT going on. Our crystal ball prediction is
                                                                                                         another solid year, without any major upheavals.

                           Personal Profile

                           Charles Lindsay
                           Licensed Real Estate Salesperson (REAA 2008)
                           Member of the REINZ

                                                                                                       2018 - a year in review
                           Charles Lindsay is a licensed real estate agent and has achieved
                           industry accreditation and qualifi cation to be able to use the letters
                           AREINZ. He has been in the industry since 1988. He owned and
   M 027 447 3874          operated his own successful real estate business for more than 15
E   years and upon selling he has joined theProfessionals, Redcoats
                           Limited team.
                                                                                                             It’s been another fascinating year for NZ’s property
                           It has been clearly established that Charles has expertise and
                           knowledge of real estate in the Wellington environment.
                                                                                                              market in 2018. With volumes low (but stable) and
                           During his career he has facilitated sales of quality homes                     values generally showing consistent growth across the
                           and apartments throughout the inner suburbs of Wellington.                      country (except for Auckland and Christchurch), a lot of
      Sold over            Despite the ever changing market, he consistently sets high
                                                                                                           the market interest has focused on government policy
$300 MILLION               standards and achieves record results. Charles has sold over
                                                                                                                  and measures to stifle property speculation
  worth of property        $300 million worth of property with some contracts in excess of
                           $4 million. He has over 25 years experience in the industry.

                           Charles has intimate local knowledge and an educated and                  So, we’ve dusted off our data and      Foreign Buyers                         between domestic and foreign
  Some contracts in        reliable understanding of the market where he communicates
                                                                                                     analytics-driven crystal ball, and     The foreign buyer ban has already      buying), which can be as much
     excess of             openly with all clients, matching buyers with the right property to
                                                                                                     present to you our 2019 property
                                                                                                     and economic outlook. Here’s our
                                                                                                                                            been in place for a few months
                                                                                                                                            (from 22nd October) and on 8th
                                                                                                                                                                                   as 10% of activity. These figures
                                                                                                                                                                                   are national by the way, they’re

 $4 MILLION                ensure a stress free experience.

                           Charles thrives on the competitive nature of real estate
                                                                                                     top 10 list, summarised:               February 2019, we’ll get Statistics
                                                                                                                                            NZ’s data on their Q4 activity in
                                                                                                                                                                                   higher in Queenstown and central
                                                                                                                                            the final three months of 2018. It’s       Getting back to that ban, if
                           and has an innate ability to maximise the value of a client’s             LVR changes                            probably too soon to decipher any      effective (and effectively policed),

   25 YEARS                most valuable asset within the most challenging of market                 The first milestone for 2019 will
                                                                                                     be the relaxation of the LVR
                                                                                                                                            flow on effects of the ban just yet,
                                                                                                                                            so we’ll be watching the figures
                                                                                                                                                                                   purchasing by foreign buyers
                                                                                                                                                                                   should have fallen away towards
  experience selling       conditions. He maintains a sensitive and confi dential approach
                                                                                                     restrictions on 1st January 2019.      closely as the New Year begins. In     zero.
     real estate           in all his business dealings. He has an impressive list of local and
                           international clients and is one of the most reputable and highly
                                                                                                     We’re cautious about the effects
                                                                                                     these changes may actually have
                                                                                                                                            terms of how big the foreign buyer
                                                                                                                                            market actually is in New Zealand,
                                                                                                                                                                                       Although it’s not often talked
                                                                                                                                                                                   about, it’s important to note
                           skilled agents in the industry.                                           on market activity because banks       it hovers at 1-2% of net ownership     that there are loopholes. Foreign
                                                                                                     are likely to stick to tough lending   changes (buying less selling). We do   buyers can still buy into NZ if
                                                                                                     criteria, so the pool of potential     however caution that this doesn’t      they are buying off the plans and
                                                                                                     borrowers who can meet those           factor in corporate transactions       holding apartments in bigger
                                                                                                     requirements may not be that big.      (where it’s hard to distinguish        developments (20 apartments or
ANNUAL - Professionals Real Estate, Wellington City ...
more). This is important funding          reduce the amount you’re taxed         that 1,000 KiwiBuild modest,             Building Consents                       migration is still very high and will    than the bottom. But whether
and commitment to buy can help            on other income sources. The new       affordable properties would be           New Zealand is currently in the         take a fair while to diminish.           they’re 80,000 or 85,000, sales will
kick off at a time when securing          approach is basically saying that      completed by mid-2019, and               midst of one of the three biggest                                                still be well below previous peaks of
development finance from banks            any losses can still be applied for    according to the dashboard               booms for building consents in                                                   more than 100,000.
                                                                                                                                                                  Interest rates
has become harder. Sure, the              tax relief, but limited to the asset   tracker on their website, they           the past 50-odd years, driven
                                                                                                                                                                  The official cash rate will remain
numbers won’t be massive, but             class of property. So, landlords       look reasonably on-track to meet         by Auckland and a gradual shift                                                  Property values
                                                                                                                                                                  at 1.75% in 2019 (and probably
ultimately, everything helps when         can still use losses to reduce tax     that. They’ve announced some             away from standalone houses                                                      Now for the million dollar question
                                                                                                                                                                  most of 2020) and that should help
it comes to increasing NZ’s housing       across their current property          developer partnerships, have sold        and towards smaller dwellings                                                    that every property owner or buyer
                                                                                                                                                                  interest rates to stay reasonably
stock. They can rent them out, just       portfolio by applying losses from      40 homes, completed another              (townhouses, apartments, flats).                                                 wants to know: will prices move
                                                                                                                                                                  low and stable. However, the
not to family or associates.              one property against profit from       33 homes, with another 77 under          However, looking at Auckland                                                     up, down or stabilise? Generally
                                                                                                                                                                  balance of risks around mortgage
                                          another property and/or from one       construction and a further 4,047         specifically, we estimate that of                                                speaking, we’d anticipate similar
                                                                                                                                                                  rates is to the upside. Flow through
Capital Gains Tax                         year to the next. What is no longer    contracted to build.                     the 12-13,000 consents per year,
                                                                                                                                                                  effects from higher offshore rates
                                                                                                                                                                                                           patterns to 2018, with average
The Tax Working Group will be             permitted is applying that loss            An interesting aspect to all this    only about half are resulting in a                                               prices across the country rising
                                                                                                                                                                  cannot be ruled out, and the
submitting its final report to the        against other forms of income. It’s    is whether the homes do actually         genuine chance in the stock of                                                   by 3-5%. It would be no surprise
                                                                                                                                                                  signaling by the Reserve Bank that
government in February 2019 with          targeting the speculative end of       end up with First Home Buyers. If a      housing: because there’s a lot of                                                to see Dunedin and Wellington
                                                                                                                                                                  capital adequacy requirements will
a recommendation of whether               the market who are in it for the       property goes through ballot and         infill development going on, i.e.                                                outperforming that figure, and
                                                                                                                                                                  be raised over the next five years
or not to impose a capital gains          capital gain.                          doesn’t sell, it can be sold to other    knocking down a property to build                                                Christchurch and Auckland
                                                                                                                                                                  could also see mortgage rates rise.
tax, and in what form (if the                It will be really interesting to    buyer types (e.g. investors) but still   a replacement(s).                                                                underperforming. Many regional
                                                                                                                                                                  Any increases in 2019 will probably
recommendation is indeed for a            see if this triggers some existing     at the capped price. That’s part              In short, consents and actual                                               centres that have fared well this
                                                                                                                                                                  be small, but we’ll still be keeping a
tax, which seems likely). However,        landlords to leave the sector. The     of the system and not a failure          construction volumes need to stay                                                year (e.g. Napier, Whanganui,
                                                                                                                                                                  close watch.
it’s important to note that the           bigger investors may restructure in    – KiwiBuild’s primary aim is to          high - or perhaps even rise further                                              Palmerston North, and Invercargill)
government would then have to             advance, but on its own the ring-      raise the stock of ‘starter’ homes       to make a real dent in the current                                               may well do the same in 2019.
accept that recommendation                fence seems unlikely to cause a        available, and if they end up with       shortfall of housing. That could be     Market volumes
and also survive the next election        mass exodus.                           FHBs then that’s a good secondary        problematic in 2019 for an industry     How all of these factors above           In summary
(2020) before any tax would come                                                 result.                                  already running at full tilt.           interact with each other, and other      There’s a LOT going on. Our crystal
into law, so it’s certainly not a short   KiwiBuild                                  Another related topic is the                                                 macro factors such as GDP growth         ball prediction is another solid year,
term impact.                              Then there’s KiwiBuild. The            influence of KiwiBuild on the            Immigration                             and the labour market, will go a         without any major upheavals. The
     Ring-fencing of rental property      programme has had its fair share       construction sector. In a year in        At least the easing in the net          long way to determining the path         local market is more stabilised,
losses for tax relief.                    of teething problems to date, but      which several major companies            migration balance, which is very        for sales volumes in 2019.               but there’s still the unknown risk of
Moving forward to April 2019,             they’ll be hoping to really ramp up    went bust, and development               likely to continue in 2019, will help       Our central forecast is that         offshore dynamics.
the intention is to ring-fence            momentum in 2019, both in terms        funding became a bit harder, could       to take some of the steam out of        volumes will stay at around 80-              Either way, it’ll be another busy
rental property losses for tax relief     of construction volumes and buyer      this means firms pivot their focus –     property demand and dampen the          85,000 in 2019 (similar to 2018),        year, with plenty to watch. Of
purposes. At the moment, if you’re        take-up of the houses actually         perhaps towards smaller dwellings        pressure on the construction sector.    with the LVR relaxation likely to        course, if you’re thinking of buying
a property investor and you make          built.                                 (independent of KiwiBuild, or pre-       However, the effect may only be         mean that the actual figure is           or selling, do your research and you
a loss, you can use that loss to              Their first headline target was    fabrication? One to watch.               small and slow – after all, net         more towards the top of that range       know where to go for that!
ANNUAL - Professionals Real Estate, Wellington City ...
Ring-fencing of
  tax losses for
rental properties
 Investors say they should be given more
 time to adjust to changes that will limit
     their ability to claim tax breaks.

              bill that will introduce   capital gains, particularly when     them. With gradual rent increases     the regions more.”                           “In conjunction with the
              ring-fencing of tax        house prices are high compared       and five years to put extra money         Matt Gilligan, of property           extension to the bright-line test,           REAL ESTATE
              losses for rental          to rents.                            into the mortgages, many people       accountancy firm Gilligan Rowe           ring-fencing losses from rental            INSTITUTE CHIEF
              properties has                 But the bill would instead       would have been able to make it       and Associates and an investor           properties would make property             EXECUTIVE BINDI
              been introduced to         require that the losses were only    work.                                 himself, said the tax was “socially      speculation less attractive and           NORWELL SAID SHE
Parliament and is likely to get its      claimed against future rental            “Now they are faced with sell     regressive”.                             level the playing field between            WAS CONCERNED
first reading on December 12.            property income.                     or suffer. Sure, exchanging tenants       “If interest rates increase in the   property investors and home               ABOUT THE IMPACT
    It means investors who run a             The change would be              for home buyers means at a            future, which they always do, it will    buyers. The new rules will not             OF THE CHANGE.
property at a loss will not be able      introduced in the 2019/2020 tax      numerical level people still have     have little impact on those with         apply to a person’s main home or
to claim that against their other        year, rather than being staggered    a house so it kind of nets out but    low loan-to-value ratios (LVRs) and      a property that is rented out and      a less appealing investment
income.                                  or phased in over a couple of        that’s statistics. At an individual   those with high incomes, who will        used privately such as a bach.”        choice. This may lead to a
    At the moment, if a rental           years.                               level, tenants and their family no    have the cash flow to manage.                Real Estate Institute chief        reduction in rental properties,
property costs more a year to own            Nick Gentle says the fact the    longer have a home and oops,          On the other hand, those with            executive Bindi Norwell said she       thereby increasing pressure on
than it provides in rent, you can        change isn’t phased in could be a    there aren’t rentals any more in      lower incomes and higher LVRs will       was concerned about the impact         the rental market and driving up
use the difference to reduce your        problem.                             the leafy safe suburbs close to the   surely be served up as insolvent         of the change.                         rental prices,” she said.
other income.                                Investor Nick Gentle, who also   schools they’ve always gone to.”      dishes to people in better financial         “We consider restricting the use       “This is particularly undesirable
    For example, if you had a loss       operates property finding agency         He expected to see investors      positions as they struggle to cope       of rental losses for investors could   in the current environment
of $10,000 you could reduce your         iFindProperty, said that was a       selling up in pricier areas and       with spikes in rates and lose the        negatively influence the rental        whereby home ownership is at its
salary from $75,000 to $65,000           problem.                             using the money to buy cheaper        ability to get tax relief from such      market, either by investment           lowest level in 60 years and the
and pay less tax on it as a result.          “For whatever reason a lot of    houses, where the rent would          fluctuations because of ring-            property owners passing on the         number of people living in rental
    Many landlords use this as a         investors have negatively geared     go further to cover the cost of       fencing.”                                cost of the reduced benefits to        accommodation is increasing at
way to help them hold properties         real estate. They’ve just had the    ownership.                                Revenue Minister Stuart Nash         renters through increased rental       a greater rate than those living in
long enough to benefit from              rug pulled out from underneath           “Which will push up prices in     said it was an issue of fairness.        prices or making rental ownership      their own homes.”
ANNUAL - Professionals Real Estate, Wellington City ...
The capital ended 2018 with rents up 5.8 per
                                cent year-on-year, to an all-time high of a
                                  median $565 asking rent on Trade Me.

                                 ellington is now    this is driving demand.                 the fifth month in a row at $480,
                                 the country’s           “In December, the number of         up 4.3 per cent on the year prior.
                                 most expensive      rental properties in Wellington fell        “If we take a closer look at
                                 city in which to    7 per cent on the year prior and        the regions, the median weekly
                                 rent, according     we’ve seen a 15 per cent increase       rent in the Bay of Plenty (up 9.1
               to Trade Me.                          in the average number of inquiries.     per cent to $480), Manawatu/
                   The capital ended 2018 with       This supply versus demand               Whanganui (up 16.7 per cent to
               rents up 5.8 per cent year-on-year,   equation is pushing rents up really     $350), Marlborough (up 6.5 per
               to an all-time high of a median       quickly and there isn’t any relief      cent to $450) and Southland (up
               $565 asking rent on the site.         in sight for now. We’re already         10.3 per cent to $295) all reached
                   Head of Trade Me Rentals          seeing huge demand and interest         new records in December as the
               Aaron Clancy said rental prices       in rental properties across the first   rental market in the provinces
               would typically drop in December      few weeks of 2019.                      heated up.
               as people went on their summer            “Tenants in the capital city can        “The only region which didn’t
               holiday. But that was not the case    now expect to pay $780 more a           see an increase in December was
               for the capital as some tenants       year than those in Auckland but         Nelson/Tasman which was down
               tried to beat the rental rush.        while rents in Wellington soared        2.4 per cent on December 2017.”

                   One property, on Adelaide Rd,     in December, Auckland remained              Clancy said Auckland’s flat
               Newtown, had 137 inquiries in its     stagnant at $550 per week.”             prices might not last.
               first two days on the site.               Clancy said the wider                   “Auckland experienced the
                   “Tenants in the capital have      Wellington region was in slightly       usual seasonal lull in December

               become accustomed to the              better shape but the median             as Aucklanders headed off on
               annual rental madness that hits       weekly rent had reached a new           holiday, however, with a huge
               the region around January and         record of $520 after climbing 8.3       number of tenancies up for

               February, this year it appears        per cent on the year prior.             renewal in the first few months
               many tried to beat the rush and           “Tenants planning to move out       of the year and the annual influx
               secure a property before 2019 had     of the city to the likes of Lower       of students coming back to the
               even begun.”                          Hutt or Porirua for better rents are    city for University, we expected to

                   Clancy said, with growing         likely to find it easier than central   see some big jumps in rent in the
               demand for rental properties in       Wellington but demand is still very     coming months.”
               the Wellington region, and tight      high right around the region. A             Clancy said a three- or four-
               supply, there would be more           property in Wainuiomata, typically      bedroom house in Papakura and
               record-breaking rents to come.        a very quiet suburb for rents had       a small house in Howick were tied
                   “As house prices in the capital   95 enquiries in its first two days on   for the most popular Auckland
               continue to rise, more Kiwis are      Trade Me.”                              rental in December, both receiving
               having to stay in their rentals           Trade Me’s national median          49 inquiries in the first two days
               longer to save for a deposit and      weekly rent remained stable for         on the site.
ANNUAL - Professionals Real Estate, Wellington City ...
WELLINGTON                                    AUCKLAND

WELLINGTON     OCT-DEC 2018   OCT-DEC 2017   AUCKLAND       OCT-DEC 2018   OCT-DEC 2017

    ONE         $493,000       $403,000          ONE          $457,000       $456,000
    TWO         $570,000       $514,000          TWO          $700,000       $670,000
  THREE +        $971,00        $893,00         THREE+       $1,345,000      $1,150,00
ANNUAL - Professionals Real Estate, Wellington City ...
13 College Street Te Aro
January 2018 - December 2018
ANNUAL - Professionals Real Estate, Wellington City ...
The Peak 170 Taranaki Street Te Aro
January 2018 - December 2018
ANNUAL - Professionals Real Estate, Wellington City ...
72 Tory Street Te Aro
January 2018 - December 2018
ANNUAL - Professionals Real Estate, Wellington City ...
163 The Terrace Wellington Central
January 2018 - December 2018
370 Oriental Parade Oriental Bay
January 2018 - December 2018
74 Taranaki Street Te Aro
January 2018 - December 2018
27 Buller Street Te Aro Wellington 6011
Tel 04 385 9965 Mobile 027 447 3874
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