Annual Review 2021 - The Playford Memorial Trust supports high-achieving South Australian tertiary students studying in areas ...

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Annual Review 2021 - The Playford Memorial Trust supports high-achieving South Australian tertiary students studying in areas ...
The Playford Memorial Trust supports
high-achieving South Australian
tertiary students studying in areas
of strategic importance to the State
The Playford Memorial Trust Inc.
Annual Review 2021 - The Playford Memorial Trust supports high-achieving South Australian tertiary students studying in areas ...

                                             Highlights and achievements

                                             The Playford Trust releases its Annual Review each April to
                                             coincide with the announcement of new university scholarships.
                                             This year it is a pleasure to be able to report on a very
                                             successful 2020, despite the impact of the global pandemic.

                                                                   Together with our         both parties of the interaction between
Investing in                                                       partners, we provided     scholars and supporting organisations.
South Australia’s                                                  financial support to 78   We are pleased to welcome four new
                                                                   university, TAFE and
future                                                             leadership students
                                                                                             partners for our Mining and Petroleum
                                                                                             Engineering Scholarships (see story
                                                                   during the year, and      opposite) and thank a number of continuing
The Playford Memorial Trust assists
                                                                   expect to that number     partners for increasing their support.
high-achieving tertiary students who are
                                                                   to rise to 109 in 2021.   Aurecon, SA Power Networks and WSP
contributing to South Australia’s skills,
knowledge and research base.                 There were some hiccups, of course,             Australia have been so impressed with
                                             not the least being the need to cancel          the calibre of students we have offered
Together with partners across industry,                                                      that they have doubled their commitment.
                                             our annual university awards night
government, the education sector and                                                         Codan, which has been funding an Honours
                                             because of COVID-19. This was a great
the community, it supports students                                                          scholarship, has committed to supporting
                                             disappointment, as the event provides
undertaking undergraduate, Honours                                                           PhD scholars as well, recognising the value
                                             an opportunity to hear about the work
or PhD programs at the three main                                                            of their research to the company.
                                             our scholars are doing. They do stay in
universities, or studying through TAFE SA.
                                             touch, however, through written reports         The productive relationships we have with
There is a particular focus on five          – a number of which are featured in this        the three universities and TAFE SA go back
areas of strategic and economic              publication – and it is inspiring to read       decades and continue to strengthen as the
importance to the State:                     how some have adapted to cope in difficult      value of our disbursements grows.
• Advanced manufacturing and new             circumstances.                                  I sincerely thank the members of the Board
  technologies                               The Trust would not have the reach and          for their countless hours of unpaid work,
• Agriculture, aquaculture and food          impact it does without our many partners        as well as our indispensable Scholarship
  production                                 in industry, government, the education          Executive, Vicki Evans, and the executive
                                             sector and the community. In 2020, with         officers at the Department of Premier and
• Environmental sciences, including
                                             their help, we were able to provide more        Cabinet who have supported us during the
  water, energy and climate change
                                             than $500,000 in scholarships and awards        past 12 months.
• Health sciences and enabling               – including seven community leadership          This June will mark the 40th anniversary
  technologies                               scholarships in the Upper Spencer Gulf, in      of the death of Sir Thomas Playford, whose
• Mining and resources development.          partnership with the Leaders Institute of       vision and leadership inspired the creation
                                             South Australia.                                of the Trust.
Established in 1983 in honour of
Sir Thomas Playford, SA’s longest-           In 2021, the value of our student               To think it all started with just one PhD
serving Premier, the Trust has               support will be more than $700,000 –            scholarship in horticulture in 1987.
supported more than 600 students             easily a record, and a testament to the         We have indeed come a long way.
in the past decade alone.                    hard work of our Board and small team.
                                             It’s worth noting that this figure doesn’t
In recent years, with the help of
a growing list of partners, it has           include the dollar value of the various
                                             internships and traineeships offered by         The Hon Dean Brown AO
significantly increased its reach and
                                             some of our partners, nor the value to          Chairman
impact, the number of scholarships
and awards it offers and the value of
its annual disbursements.
Funds now come from a range of
                                             Summing up success
sources, including income from its
own investment fund; contributions
                                             78 tertiary students supported in 2020
or sponsorships from industry, the           100+ in 2021
education sector and the community;
an annual State Government grant;            29 industry, education and community partners in 2020
donations from individuals and
foundations; additional specific grants
                                             33 confirmed for 2021
from government; and bequests.
The Trust is governed by a voluntary
                                             $527,000 Playford Trust + partner support for students in 2020
Board and administered with assistance       $700,000+ in 2021
from the Department of the Premier
and Cabinet. An independent body
operating under its own Deed, it
enjoys bi-partisan political support
as a not-for-profit, charitable trust.        Inside 4 New scholarship winners 6 PhD research reports 8 Honours research reports
Donations are tax deductible.                 12 Undergraduate student reports 14 Partnerships at work 15 Alumni updates
Annual Review 2021 - The Playford Memorial Trust supports high-achieving South Australian tertiary students studying in areas ...

Growing with the resources sector                                                              Trust Partners
                                                                                               Adelaide Hills Council
One of the success stories of the past 12       BHP, Beach Energy, Cooper Energy, Santos       Aurecon
months has been an initiative to support the    and Tri-Star have all come on board, and       AusIMM
growing demand for engineering expertise        OZ Minerals has committed to funding
                                                                                               Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden
in South Australia’s resources sector.          two scholarships over the full five years.
                                                This support is greatly appreciated, as is     Beach Energy
Last year we reported on a five-year
collaboration with the State Government         SACOME’s work in helping to promote            BHP
and the SA Chamber of Mines and Energy          these valuable opportunities.                  Chartwells
(SACOME) to provide more than $2 million        This very targeted program highlights the      Codan
in scholarships for students enrolling in       collaborative way the Trust likes to work      Cooper Energy
mining and petroleum engineering at the         with industry and community partners.
University of Adelaide.                                                                        Coopers Brewery
                                                Our discussions with SACOME, the State
                                                Government and the University of Adelaide      Department of Mines and Energy
For each scholarship funded by industry,
the Government is providing another, and        recognised the growing demand for              Department of Premier and Cabinet
each student receives $20,000 over two years.   engineering expertise in these key areas of    Fay Fuller Foundation
Ten scholarships were awarded for 2020 –        the national resources industry and made it
                                                                                               Flinders University
five each in mining and petroleum – and         very clear that a partnership with the Trust
a similar number will be awarded for 2021.      could make an important contribution.          Government of South Australia
                                                                                               Geological Society of Australia
                                                                                               Leaders Institute

Alumni making their mark                                                                       Nyrstar
                                                                                               Open Gardens SA
                                                                                               OZ Minerals
                     Internationally            ever professor of physics – and in
                                                her words, it’s her “dream job”.               SACOME
                     respected Science
                     News magazine has                                                         Santos
                                                Phiala’s research aims to calculate the
                     named Playford             characteristics of protons and neutrons        SA Power Networks
                     Trust scholar Phiala       based on fundamental physics. She              Seeley International
                     Shanahan in its latest     wants to determine not just their size,        St Ann’s College
                     list of elite young        but also their mass and the nature of their
                     scientists “pushing                                                       TAFESA
                                                components. These calculations can help
                     the boundaries of          scientists put the ‘standard model’ – the      The University of Adelaide
                     scientific enquiry”.       theory that governs elementary particles       Thomas Foods International
All of the SN10 honourees were                  and their interactions – to the test.          Thyne Reid
nominated by Nobel laureates, recently                                                         Tri-Star
elected members of the US National              “For me, support from the
                                                 Playford Trust directly translated            Ultra-Electronics
Academy of Sciences, or previous
winners of the accolade.                         into more time that I had available           University of South Australia

Phiala – now a Professor of Physics at           to focus on my studies at                     WSP Australia
the prestigious Massachusetts Institute          a critical point in my education.
of Technology (MIT) – grew up in Adelaide,
studied both undergraduate and
                                                It is a fantastic program, and                 Trust Board
                                                a delight every year to read the
postgraduate physics at the University                                                         Hon Dean Brown AO (Chair)
                                                biographies of a new cohort of
of Adelaide, and won a Scantech/Playford                                                       Hon Paul Holloway (Deputy Chair)
                                                inspiring young South Australian
Trust Scholarship in 2011. She later moved
                                                scholars supported by the Trust.”              Mr Dean Standish (Public Officer)
to the US where, after some postdoctoral
                                                                                               Prof Don Bursill AM
work, she was hired by MIT as its youngest      Phiala Shanahan
                                                                                               Mr Nick Carne
                                                                                               Prof David Day
                                                                                               Dr Kate Delaporte
                     Helen Kim was named        that aim to improve production efficiency,
                     Young Achiever of the      environmental impact and safety.               Hon Dr Diana Laidlaw AM
                     Year at the Premier’s                                                     Hon Robert Lawson RFD QC
                                                Helen received an AusIMM/Playford
                     Awards for Energy and                                                     Ms Jacqui McGill AO
                                                Trust Honours Scholarship in 2017.
                     Mining in December                                                        Ms Bunty Parsons
                                                After completing her studies at the
                     2020.                                                                     Dr Leanna Read
                                                University of Adelaide, she began her
                      The honour recognised     career in BHP’s graduate program.              Mr Keith Yates
                      her work as a
                      production support        Helen enjoys mentoring new graduates
                      metallurgist with         and is involved in both university and         COVER
                      BHP at Olympic Dam,       school outreach programs, sharing her          2020 Playford Trust/Coopers Brewery
                                                                                               Honours Scholarship winner, Ryan
where she reviews process trends, conducts      experiences in the resources industry
                                                                                               Edwards, who is studying a Bachelor of
in-field troubleshooting to optimise plant      and “paying forward” the mentoring she         Science (Biotechnology) at the University
performance, and leads technical projects       has received.                                  of Adelaide. See his report page 8.
Annual Review 2021 - The Playford Memorial Trust supports high-achieving South Australian tertiary students studying in areas ...

2021 university scholarship winners

Playford Trust Regional Science and         Nyrstar/Playford Trust Scholarships        Playford Trust Honours Scholarships –
Engineering Scholarships                    Chetan Gautam | Bachelor of                University of South Australia
Rory Bowles | Bachelor of Engineering       Engineering (Electrical and Electronic)    Jerusha King | Bachelor of Science
(Civil) (Honours) | Flinders University     (Honours) | University of South            (Honours)
Joshua Graham | Bachelor of Science |       Australia                                  Kane O’Brien | Bachelor of Engineering
University of Adelaide                      Nelson Hayes | Bachelor of Engineering     (Electrical and Mechatronic) (Honours)
Dana Hurrell | Bachelor of Science |        (Electrical and Electronic) (Honours) |    Playford Trust Honours Scholarships –
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences |         University of Adelaide                     University of Adelaide
University of Adelaide                      Josephine Matthias | Bachelor of           Alec McCallum | Bachelor of Science
Jack Read | Bachelor of Engineering         Engineering (Chemical) (Honours) |         (Honours)
(Honours) | Flinders University             University of Adelaide
                                                                                       Alison Roennfeldt | Bachelor of Science
Talia Robinson | Bachelor of Engineering    Elsie Potezny | Bachelor of Engineering    (Honours) (Molecular and Biomedical
(Honours) | University of Adelaide          (Chemical) (Honours) | University of       Science)
Isabella Trigwell | Bachelor of Science     Adelaide
                                                                                       Thomas Roocke | Master of Philosophy
(Honours) (Biotechnology) | Flinders        OZ Minerals/Playford Trust Honours         (Experimental Physics)
University                                  Scholarship                                Nathan Van der Hoek | Bachelor of
Adelaide Hills Council/Playford Trust       Emily Lewis | Bachelor of Science          Engineering (Mechatronic) (Honours) |
Scholarship                                 (Honours) (Geology and Geophysics) |       Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer
Douglas Rhodes | Bachelor of Science        University of Adelaide                     Sciences
(Honours)) (Environmental Science) |        Santos/Playford Trust Honours              Playford Trust Honours Scholarships –
Flinders University                         Scholarship                                Flinders University
Aurecon/Playford Trust Electrical           Callum Crespan | Bachelor of Science       Mitchell Griggs | Bachelor of Science
Engineering Scholarship                     (Honours) (Mineral Geoscience) |           (Honours) (Physics)
Angela Vanderklugt | Bachelor of            University of Adelaide                     Susanna Grigson | Bachelor of Science
Engineering (Electrical and Electronic)     SA Power Networks/Playford Trust           (Honours) (Molecular Biology &
(Honours) | University of Adelaide          Scholarships                               Biochemistry) | Bachelor of Science
AusIMM/Playford Trust Scholarships          Ishika Ghosh | Bachelor of Engineering     (Mathematics)
Reuben Dowie | Bachelor of Engineering      (Electrical and Electronic) (Honours) |    Adam Perryman | Bachelor of Engineering
(Chemical) (Honours) | Bachelor of          University of Adelaide                     (Civil) (Honours)
Finance | University of Adelaide            Georgia Kappos | Bachelor of               Philippa Tsirgiotis | Bachelor of
Josiah Park | Bachelor of Science           Engineering (Electrical and Electronic)    Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours) |
(Honours) (Geology) | University of         (Honours) (Renewable Energy) |             Master of Engineering (Biomedical)
Adelaide                                    Bachelor of Computer Sciences |
                                                                                       Playford Trust PhD Scholarships
                                            University of Adelaide
Zarin Tasnem | Bachelor of Engineering                                                 Jessica de la Perrelle |Physical Chemistry
(Chemical) (Honours) | University of        Seeley/Playford Trust Scholarship          (Ultrafast Spectroscopy) | University of
Adelaide                                    Shane Harris | Professional Diploma in     Adelaide
Chartwells/St Ann’s College/Playford        Building Services | Australian Institute   Isabella Reeves | Marine Biology and
Trust Residential Scholarships              of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and     Conservation Genomics| Flinders
Lachie Hunter | Bachelor of Engineering
                                            Heating                                    University
(Civil) (Honours) | Bachelor of Finance |   Thomas Foods International/Playford        Undergraduate Mining and
University of Adelaide                      Trust Scholarship                          Petroleum Engineering Scholarships –
Kahli Lock | Bachelor of Engineering        Harrison Bagley | Bachelor of              University of Adelaide
(Chemical) (Honours) | University of        Engineering (Mechatronics) (Honours)       Mining Engineering
Adelaide                                    | Bachelor of Mathematical and
                                                                                       Jack Haddad – BHP/SA Government/
                                            Computer Sciences | University of
Codan/Playford Trust Honours Scholarship                                               Playford Trust
Matthew Rehbein | Bachelor of                                                          Francesca Tew – BHP/Playford Trust
Mathematical Sciences (Honours) |           Ultra Electronics/Playford Trust
                                            Scholarship                                Mitchell Roberts – OZ Minerals/Playford
University of Adelaide                                                                 Trust
                                            Kieran Lobban | Bachelor of
Cooper Energy/Playford Trust Scholarship                                               Guillaume Stander – OZ Minerals/Playford
                                            Engineering (Robotics) (Honours)
Tuan Huynh Tran | PhD (Petroleum            |Bachelor of Engineering (Computer         Trust
Engineering) | University of Adelaide       and Network Systems) (Honours) |           Xiaoqian Zhang – OZ Minerals/SA
Coopers Brewery/Playford Trust Honours      Flinders University                        Government/Playford Trust
Scholarship                                 WSP/Playford Trust Scholarship             Oliver Snoad | OZ Minerals/SA
Luke Wooley | Bachelor of Science                                                      Government/Playford Trust
                                            Andisheh Lashgari | Bachelor of
(Honours) (Plant Science) | University of   Engineering (Civil) (Honours) |            Petroleum Engineering
Adelaide                                    University of South Australia              Salomon Mobutu Sese | Beach Energy/
GSA/Playford Trust Honours Scholarship      Nathan Lines | Bachelor of Engineering     Playford Trust
Thomas Burke | Bachelor of Science          (Civil and Environmental) (Honours)
(Honours) (Geology) | University of         | Bachelor of Finance | University of      Additional scholarships confirmed during 2021 will
Adelaide                                    Adelaide                                   be announced in regular Playford Trust e-updates.
Annual Review 2021 - The Playford Memorial Trust supports high-achieving South Australian tertiary students studying in areas ...

TAFE Awards

In November, we honoured our
2020 Playford Trust / TAFE SA
Award recipients at a small but
special ceremony at Urrbrae.
TAFE SA has been a Trust partner for more
than 20 years and together we have helped
scores of talented students undertake further
studies in their chosen fields.
This year’s winners were no exception.

Brandon Woolley
Certificate III in Conservation & Land
Management, Barossa Campus
Brandon wants to be an ecologist, so he
can help conserve South Australia’s unique
vegetation, fungi and fauna. He has plans for   Chairman of the Playford Trust, the Hon Dean Brown AM (centre) with (from left) Brandon Woolley,
further study, including either Conservation    Chelsea Pedersen, Stephen Colloff and Annette Burmeister.
Biology or Science at the University of
Adelaide – and he’s keen to work with an
environmental consultancy so he can study
                                                full-time as a Senior Project Firefighter for          Pearl Dessart
                                                the National Parks and Wildlife Service,
at the same time.                                                                                      Certificate III in Agriculture,
                                                and leads a small team involved in fire
                                                                                                       Port Lincoln TAFE
Brandon has been involved in preliminary        management and district project works in
vegetation surveys for the Marna Bangarra       her area. She is working towards a role as             Pearl has always been interested in
Project, which is endeavouring to reintroduce   a Park Ranger.                                         agriculture, but it was her 2019 Year 10 work
locally extinct mammal species to the                                                                  experience stint with the local PIRSA Animal
Southern Yorke Peninsula.                                                                              Health Officer that confirmed her desire to
                                                                                                       pursue a career in the field.
                                                Stephen Colloff
                                                Diploma of Conservation and Land                       In 2020, she took on a Certificate III in
Chelsea Pedersen                                Management, Barossa Campus                             Agriculture as part of her Year 11 studies –
Diploma of Conservation and Land                                                                       on top of a farm-based agricultural
                                                Stephen began a mature-age apprenticeship              traineeship through which she is gaining
Management, Barossa Campus                      in 2013, while also studying a Certificate III         hands-on, practical experience that
Chelsea is passionate about the environment     in Horticulture. He was named Horticultural            complements her TAFE studies.
and sustainability and wants to work in         Student of the Year, nominated for South
this area long term. She comes from a           Australian Apprentice of the Year, and
farming background and lives in the South       among the finalists for Australian Apprentice
East but has been studying her Diploma          of the Year.
at the Barossa TAFE Campus. She works
                                                In 2016, Stephen gained full-time
                                                employment with Burnside Council and is
                                                now Team Leader of Natural Resources with
“These awards support                           responsibility for more than 40 biodiversity
students in many ways; the                      sites and a team of five people.
ever-present financial pressure,
connections with other                          Annette Burmeister
recipients, and promotion to                    Diploma of Horticulture |Diploma of
employers of award recipients’                  Landscape Design, Urrbrae Campus
capabilities and passion.                       Annette says she’s been a horticulturist
                                                and garden designer since, as a child, she
TAFE SA is extremely proud                      discovered an unused space in the BBQ area
to support the Playford Trust                   in her family’s backyard. She used to love
Awards. This partnership                        exploring the bush out from Alice Springs,
and the prestige surrounding                    where she grew up.
                                                                                                       Pearl Dessart was unable to make it
them certainly adds value to                    Her career has included teaching                       from Port Lincoln for the awards night
                                                children about organic food production in              but we arranged for her local Member of
the student experience –                                                                               Parliament, Mr Peter Treloar, to present
                                                Queensland, restoring bushland for a mining
and our programs.”                              company and working in retail nurseries in
                                                                                                       her with her certificate.

Wayne Sims                                      SA. She now runs her own garden design
Education Manager, TAFE SA.                     business.
Annual Review 2021 - The Playford Memorial Trust supports high-achieving South Australian tertiary students studying in areas ...

PhD research reports

Kaili Stacey                                       Bradley Kirk                                      Alison Gill
2018 Thyne Reid Foundation/                        2020 Playford Trust PhD                           2020 Playford Trust PhD
Playford Trust PhD Scholarship                     Scholarship                                       Scholarship
Centre for Nanoscale Science and                   College of Science and Engineering,               Plant Science, School of Agriculture,
Technology, Flinders University                    Flinders University                               Food and Wine, University of Adelaide

Nanoparticle surface chemistry and                 Investigating the stability of flexible organic   Industrial hemp – is it a miracle crop suitable
attachment as a route to functional materials      solar cells fabricated under ambient              for inclusion in South Australian cropping
Nanoscale sized particles have interesting         conditions                                        systems?
optical and physical properties that have a        Photovoltaics (PV), commonly known as             Industrial hemp has been labelled a miracle
wide range of potential applications, including    solar panels, have become quite popular in        crop for its ability to produce seeds and fibre
precision colour control and sensing devices.      Australia as our society transitions towards      for many different applications in clothing,
My project is focused on the synthesis of          the use of renewable energy sources.              textiles, papermaking, cosmetics, construction,
“raspberry particles”, in which particles are      Currently, PVs require a large amount of          biofuels and food industries. However, there is
chemically bound to other particles, resulting     energy to fabricate, are brittle and lack         currently a lack of information regarding hemp
in materials with mixed properties.                flexibility, and there are limitations on where   agronomy, particularly its water usage and
The specific challenge is to develop reactions     and how they can be placed or installed.          drought tolerance.
to attach different nanoparticles together at      Because of these issues, there is interest        As crops that require large amounts of water
high density with control over parameters          in researching and developing Organic             are not viable in many parts of Australia,
such as material, size and attachment density.     Photovoltaics (OPVs). These devices use           research is needed to determine whether
This level of control allows you to create         organic-based materials to absorb light and       hemp has a place in low-water-use cropping
structures that are iridescent, catalytic, self-   convert it into power. As these materials can     systems. Having confidence that it does could
cleaning, etc.                                     be dissolved in a solvent, they can be applied    cause a significant shift in the agricultural
These types of attachment reactions are highly     to surfaces using a variety of printing and       industry in southern Australia.
dependent on the chemistry at the surface          coating methods. This means less energy is        In 2020, I focused my research on field trials
of the particle, which can vary greatly from       required to produce them and they can be          that compared hemp varieties, and I conducted
the bulk material, and they are often not well     fabricated on flexible substrates, enabling       controlled-environment experiments to
understood. One key aspect of my research          cheap and flexible solar cells to be used for     determine the physiological response of hemp
has been the discovery that the surface            a wider range of applications.                    to water stress. I concentrated on optimising
chemistry of silica (glass) based nanoparticles    In my project, using a slot-die coater,           methods to use in future water-stress studies.
can change substantially with even very small      I am aiming to understand and improve             Key highlights were the development of
changes in the particle synthesis method.          the stability of scalable OPV devices that        polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods to
This change in surface chemistry has a             are fabricated in the presence of oxygen and      characterise hemp sex prior to flowering, and
dramatic impact on the reactions that can be       moisture. Over the past year, I have been         observing significant differences in biomass
used and the ways in which these particles         developing more efficient solar cells by          and physiology in hemp plants under drought
can attach to others. This new knowledge           adjusting printing conditions and varying         stress. I am looking forward to conducting
will allow for more effective control over         the materials used. The next step is to           exciting drought and growth studies at
attachment reactions and, consequently,            investigate the main reasons for the              The Plant Accelerator, the SA node of the
the final material properties.                     decrease in OPV lifespan.                         Australian Plant Phenomics Facility.
Annual Review 2021 - The Playford Memorial Trust supports high-achieving South Australian tertiary students studying in areas ...

PhD research reports

James Dorey                                          Australia alone), they are hard to identify
                                                     and they are, quite often, literally below
2018 Playford PhD Scholarship                        people’s notice. And so, for me, much of
College of Science and Engineering,                  the year was dedicated to trying to get
Flinders University                                  a handle on how Australia’s native bee
                                                     fauna might have been impacted by the
Uncovering Australia’s new                           bushfire season. Perhaps unsurprisingly,
native bee species                                   the impacts have been pretty large for
2020 was crazy for everyone. We                      many species and the output is currently
transitioned smoothly from a bushfire crisis         under review.
here in Australia to a global pandemic. As           On top of that, I have been continuing to
shocking as the former was, it was quickly           try to figure out what has happened with
eclipsed by the latter. But with 18.5 million        the Fijian Homalictus bees. (Spoiler: it
hectares of Australia burnt in a single fire         looks like people have had a pretty big
season, I was inspired to take something of          impact and a surprisingly positive one!).
a tangent with my PhD project and time.              I have also been working out how to
Insects usually get the short end of the             tell the difference between low-light-
stick when it comes to conservation efforts          adapted bees and the others, as well as
and, despite their importance, bees are no           discussing threats to a particularly rare
exception. It’s not hard to see why, when            northern bee that hasn’t been found for
there are so many species (1654 named in             almost 100 years!
                                                                                                       James Dorey

Robert Eyre Trott                                    In the final stages of my research,             community is considered to have a social
                                                     I developed the proposed controller, custom     licence to operate.
2017 Playford Trust PhD                              engineered sensors to obtain the desired
                                                                                                     The increase in attention paid to social
Scholarship                                          signals and performed a participant study
                                                                                                     licence has been attributed to changes
                                                     to explore the interaction between users
College of Science and Engineering,                                                                  in public regulation and governance
                                                     and the controller. Sensor development is a
Flinders University                                                                                  arrangements; public access to information
                                                     major contribution of my research because
                                                     the resulting device can obtain superior        about firms’ activities; and growing
The novel control of a unilateral exoskeleton                                                        awareness of, and related action in, the
                                                     signals in a more confined environment
for post-stroke gait rehabilitation                                                                  global sustainability movement. My research
                                                     than other competing devices. Future
                       Losing the ability to walk    work, post my studies, will be the further      has found that social licence concerns arise
                       and having reduced            development of the controller so that it        in response to:
                       mobility after stroke         can be used for its intended purpose in         • Negative impacts of production or
                       results in a massive loss     a clinical setting.                               company behaviour – for example,
                       of quality of life for many                                                     pollution – on third parties, like neighbours
                       individuals. Robotic                                                            or local communities
                       exoskeletal legs have         Nikki Dumbrell
                                                                                                     • Use of socially valuable assets, such as
                       been introduced as a          2018 Thomas Foods International/                  water, to generate large private profits
                       therapy option to help
                                                     Playford Trust PhD Scholarship                  • Undersupply of goods that do not have
patients regain the ability to walk, however
their usefulness has been questioned and             Centre for Global Food and Resources,             market prices – for example, the aesthetic
their superiority to conventional therapy            University of Adelaide                            value of the environment, ecosystem
is unknown. The way these devices are                                                                  services, public safety and animal welfare.
                                                     How do natural resource-dependent
controlled is far more important than initially                                                      Understanding these drivers can help
                                                     industries gain and lose a social licence?
thought, and is the basis for my work.                                                               identify strategies to address the causes of
                                                                          The term “social
I designed a controller to enhance patient                                                           issues, rather than the symptoms. I have
                                                                          licence to operate”,
rehabilitation with robotic devices and                                                              found that, for natural resources companies,
                                                                          introduced in natural
developed a framework for stimulating                                     resource-dependent         these strategies include a combination of net
neurological compensation mechanisms                                      industries in the 1990s,   economic benefits; stakeholder consultation;
that deliver functional recovery. This should                             has increasingly           absence of media attention; absence of
lead to better long-term patient outcomes.                                become used to             protests; and absence of well-defined and
The neurological framework outlines the                                   describe the social        enforced private property rights. Some
interaction between the controller and patient                            and environmental          factors are within a firm or community’s
as well as the timelines for therapy. It also        standards businesses should meet, as            control; others are not. Ongoing work will
proposes several recovery mechanisms                 well as the guidelines for meeting them.        apply these findings to the agricultural
stimulated from using the controller.                A firm whose activities are accepted by the     and future fuels industries.
Annual Review 2021 - The Playford Memorial Trust supports high-achieving South Australian tertiary students studying in areas ...

 Honours research reports

 Ryan Edwards
 Coopers Brewery/Playford
 Trust Honours Scholarship
 Bachelor of Science [Biotechnology],
 University of Adelaide

 Changing malt characteristics of
 barley grain by genetic modification
 The aleurone is an important cell type
 in the barley grain that surrounds
 the core of the grain. Its role is to
 produce enzymes which break down
 the internal structure of the grain and
 degrade starch, producing energy to
 feed the growing plant embryo. This
 function is biologically important but is
 also harnessed by humans to produce
 malt for the purpose of brewing beer
 and whiskey.
 My Honours project aimed to change
 the size of the aleurone using strategic
 genetic modification of our target
 gene and to characterise the resulting
 changes in the grain. We were
 successful in changing the size of the
 aleurone but, to our surprise, both
 larger and smaller aleurones resulted
 in slower germination and lower
 production of malt-related enzymes.
 We now know that the gene that we
 chose to modify expression of must be
 important in aleurone development.
 Genes under regulation of our target
 gene could be identified and modified
 similarly, creating a positive impact
 on barley malt quality and therefore        Bradley Martin
 increasing the quality – and value –
 of the final product.

                                             Bradley Martin                               My project investigated the distribution
Ryan Edwards                                                                              of fish and macroinvertebrates from
                                             Playford Trust Honours                       Coffin Bay, on Eyre Peninsula in South
                                             Scholarship                                  Australia. I evaluated the influence of trait
                                                                                          and species selection using survey data
                                             Bachelor of Science [Enhanced Program
                                                                                          obtained from underwater video deployed
                                             for High Achievers], Flinders University
                                                                                          across the Coffin Bay estuary system in
                                                                                          2015 and 2019. I compiled a trait database
                                             Trait and species selection influences
                                                                                          and compared how the number of traits
                                             the outcomes of marine monitoring
                                                                                          (few traits versus all traits) and species
                                             Marine monitoring programs are               influenced the results. The benefit of doing
                                             increasingly using the characteristics       this was to investigate the usefulness of
                                             or traits of organisms to understand         trait information and its application across
                                             their response to environmental and          dissimilar species.
                                             anthropogenic pressures. Conceptually,       I found no differences between years but
                                             selective pressures favour certain traits    detected trait and species differences
                                             over others, influencing the types and       between sites due to environmental
                                             abundance of organisms in a given            conditions. The results indicated that
                                             space and time. Trait-based approaches       applying a few ecologically informative
                                             can therefore be applied across diverse      traits across different species offer
                                             species and environments to establish        an efficient and practical strategy for
                                             general trait baselines and inform coastal   understanding how assemblages respond
                                             management.                                  to selective pressures.
Annual Review 2021 - The Playford Memorial Trust supports high-achieving South Australian tertiary students studying in areas ...

Honours research reports

Matthew Hill                                  Brooke North
Playford Trust Honours                        OZ Minerals/Playford Trust
Scholarship                                   Honours Scholarship
Bachelor of Engineering [Honours]             Bachelor of Science [Honours] [Geology],
[Electrical], Flinders University             University of Adelaide

Smart Meter Data Analytics – Increasing       Investigating the relationship
network visibility to further the renewable   between rare earth element and
energy hosting capacity of the South          copper-bearing minerals to begin to
Australian electricity distribution           unravel the formational history of
network                                       Carrapateena
Accurate and reliable information on          At Carrapateena, an iron oxide copper-gold
the rooftop photovoltaic (PV) generation      (IOCG) deposit in the Far North of South
systems connected to the South Australian     Australia, three mineralogical zones are
distribution network becomes increasingly     distinguished largely based on copper
important as sections of the network begin    abundance. Each zone exhibits a distinct
to reach their hosting capacity. My project   rare earth element (REE) compositional
sought to employ smart meter data analysis    signature. To investigate the relationship
techniques, such as machine learning          between copper (Cu) and REEs, my project
algorithms, to validate and improve the       aimed to date the REE-bearing minerals         Jasper Willoughby
accuracy of SA Power Networks’ Distributed    and characterise their geochemistry in
Energy Resources register (the database of    each zone of the deposit. The ultimate
all known rooftop PV systems connected to     goals were to improve understanding of
the South Australian distribution network).   the temporal development of Carrapateena       Jasper Willoughby
                                              and explore the applicability of REE
Several PV identification and capacity                                                       Playford Trust Honours
estimation algorithms were developed,         geochemistry to mineral exploration.
adapted and evaluated using a dataset         The key findings of my research are that
                                                                                             Bachelor of Science [Honours]
containing data from approximately            almost all of the dates recorded by the
                                                                                             [Marine Biology], Flinders University
154,000 customers. Through the                REE-bearing minerals are younger than
performed assessments, the utility of these   the published deposit age of Cu 1590 Ma
                                                                                             Investigating ecological communities
techniques in providing a mechanism to        (million years). Copper may not have been
                                                                                             on coastal armour in South Australia.
validate and improve the accuracy of the      introduced into the Carrapateena mineral
Distributed Energy Resources register was     system until circa 1450 Ma. Additionally,      Natural shorelines around the globe
demonstrated. This provides an opportunity    one REE-bearing mineral (apatite)              are being replaced with hard coastal
to improve the accuracy of dependant          displayed different REE compositional          armour, such as seawalls, to mitigate
business processes, such as when              signatures in each zone of the deposit.        coastal erosion and the effects of rising
assessing the rooftop PV generation hosting   These trends are similar to those from         sea levels. The replacement of natural
capacity of the network.                      other IOCG deposits in SA and offer insight    shorelines with coastal armour leads
                                              into evolving fluid conditions during IOCG     to a loss of native biodiversity and a
Supported by the Playford Trust
                                              deposit formation.                             shift in ecological community structure.
Scholarship, I achieved First Class
                                                                                             My project provides a snapshot of the
Honours and was selected to present           OZ Minerals have been a tremendous
                                                                                             difference in ecological communities
my project at the 2020 virtual conference     support this year, and I enjoyed getting the
                                                                                             between natural rocky shorelines and
hosted by the Electric Energy Society of      opportunity to speak to members of the
                                                                                             coastal amouring structures along
Australia (EESA). I have now started my       Executive Committee and record podcasts
                                                                                             the coastline of metropolitan South
career as an electrical engineer with         about my experiences. I am now working
SA Power Networks.                            with them as an exploration geologist.
                                                                                             While there was a similar suite of
                                                                                             species in both habitats, natural
                                                                                             shorelines showed higher diversity, and
                                                                                             coastal armour was dominated by one
                                                                                             or two turfing species. This difference is
                                                                                             thought to be due to greater availability
                                                                                             of microhabitats on natural shorelines
                                                                                             (for example, crevices and rockpools)
                                                                                             which coastal armour does not
                                                                                             In 2021, I am investigating the potential
                                                                                             difference in food webs and relating
                                                                                             this to the ecosystem services these
                                                                                             habitats provide to determine whether
  Matthew Hill                                   Brooke North                                coastal armour is an appropriate
                                                                                             substitute for natural shorelines.
Annual Review 2021 - The Playford Memorial Trust supports high-achieving South Australian tertiary students studying in areas ...

Honours research reports

                                                                                                copper grade. Based on the positive
                                                                                                outcomes observed, it is recommended
                                                                                                to validate results with further testing,
                                                                                                followed by plant trials.
                                                                                                I have thoroughly enjoyed my research
                                                                                                with Magotteaux Australia and the
                                                                                                University of Adelaide – and the
                                                                                                experience this scholarship has
                                                                                                given me. I hope to see my research
                                                                                                improve plant performance and reduce
                                                                                                environmental safety concerns in the

                                                                                                Brandon Turner
                                                                                                Playford Trust Honours
Jackie Arends (left)                                                                            Bachelor of Science [Honours],
                                                                                                University of South Australia

                                                                                                Beach day for frogs may cure
Jackie Arends                                   Kevin Grant                                     fungus disease

Playford Trust Honours                          AusIMM/Playford Trust                           My project looked at the relationship
                                                                                                between increasing salinity levels in
Scholarship                                     Honours Scholarship                             freshwater bodies and the spread of
Bachelor of Engineering [Honours]               Bachelor of Engineering [Honours]               the deadly amphibian fungus disease
[Mechanical]|Bachelor of Finance,               [Chemical], University of Adelaide              chytridiomycosis. The aim was to
University of Adelaide                                                                          investigate how far spread the fungus
                                                Increasing copper recovery and grade            has become in South Australia since
Next generation gas turbine combustors          during flotation                                the last major survey in 2014, and
It is widely understood that the use of         With growing demand for copper due to           to see if housing infected frogs in
combustion in our everyday lives for            its use in clean and renewable energy,          a saline environment would cure
transportation and energy generation is not     increasing copper recovery and grade            them of the disease.
likely to change anytime soon. Unfortunately,   is of interest to the minerals processing       My research showed that the frogs
traditional combustion methods are notorious    industry. An important stage in copper          used – Common Eastern froglets
for emitting large amounts of pollution,        recovery is flotation. An environmentally       (Crinia signifera) – can be cured of an
which is harmful for our environment.           friendly amino acid and high chrome             infection, with 85% of the frogs housed
Existing research on moderate or intense        grinding media have shown potential to          having their infection status change to
low-oxygen dilution (MILD) combustion has       improve copper flotation.                       negative. There is still a lot to be learned
found it reduces pollutant emissions and        By completing laboratory scale grinding         about the relationship between salinity
improves thermal and fuel efficiencies.         and flotation tests, both the effects of high   and chytridiomycosis, but my research
The research my team and I conducted            chrome grinding media and the addition of       shows great promise in one day curing
built upon existing work looking at how         the amino acid were statically compared.        this disease, which is threatening global
MILD combustion could become a reality for      The results indicated that high chrome          frog populations, and potentially saving
large-scale applications. Our work focused      grinding media does improve copper              many endangered species from losing
on developing a series of tools to aid the      metallurgy and the amino acid improves          their final wild populations.
experimental configuration of a confined-
and-pressurised jet-in-hot-coflow (CP-
JHC) burner, by predicting the combustion
conditions. This was explored using a variety
of facets, but my personal contributions
focused on exploring how machine learning
can be used to predict combustion conditions.
Our work showed that a decision tree
regression algorithm was able to
successfully make predictions of parameters
like temperature and chemical composition.
I can foresee that these tools will simplify
the staging and execution of many different
configurations of conditions within the
CP-JHC burner and will aid the understanding
of how combustion conditions change               Kevin Grant                                     Brandon Turner
with pressure.

Honours research reports

Imogen Marshall                                 Sean McGowan
Playford Trust Honours                          Playford Trust Honours
Scholarship                                     Scholarship
Bachelor of Science [Honours]                   Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
[Biodiversity and Conservation],                [Honours]|Bachelor of Mathematical
Flinders University                             Sciences, University of Adelaide

Restoration genomics of a threatened            Battery-less sensors for ocean
small-bodied fish in the lower                  monitoring
Murray River                                    My research aimed to design and build
Southern pygmy perch (Nannoperca                an energy harvesting device capable of
Australis) are a small-bodied fish endemic      powering subsurface ocean monitoring
to southeastern Australia. A population         equipment in a wireless sensor network
from the lower Murray River would likely        (WSN). The climate of the Earth is directly
have gone extinct during the Millennium         influenced by the temperature of the
Drought if not for a genetically informed ex-   ocean and, with accurate data, more
situ breeding and reintroduction scheme.        reliable climate models can be produced.
My Honours project aimed to                     An important aspect of quantifying the        April Van Der Kamp
characterise the long-term outcomes             rate of climate change is subsurface
of the reintroduction program using             temperature measurements, which               Playford Trust Honours
genomic data. My results indicated low          cannot be achieved using traditional          Scholarship
inbreeding and strong maintenance of            satellite methods, and hence requires
                                                                                              Bachelor of Science [Honours]
neutral and adaptive genomic diversity          a novel approach. Harvested energy is
                                                                                              [Biological Sciences], Flinders University
across multiple generations post-               a reliable power source that allows an
reintroduction. This is a great success for     environment to be monitored without the
                                                                                              Invasion: The changes in a bacterial
the program as inbreeding can reduce            need for a battery that requires regular
                                                                                              community during colonisation
the fitness of individuals, and genetic         replacement. The need to eliminate
diversity is essential for the evolution        battery maintenance is important when         In 2020, I focused my research on how a
of populations through adaptation to            the WSN is isolated or difficult to access.   bacterial community establishes during
changing environments. There was also           The developed system produces vortex          colonisation, building on a study conducted
an increasing trend in the size of the          induced vibrations from low-speed             in 2017. This is an important research area
reintroduced population, consistent with        subsurface ocean currents. These              as current literature frequently focuses on
field monitoring data, and indicative of        vibrations stress a magnetostrictive          pure cultures, which eliminates important
continuing recruitment in the wild.             smart material, producing a magnetic          dynamics such as complex population
                                                field which induces a voltage across a        interactions that have major influences in
My study has therefore provided an
                                                pick-up coil.                                 community establishment.
empirical example that the adaptive
potential of a locally extinct population can   Through simulation of the expected            This research led to developing a lab-
be maintained via genetically informed          dynamics, a prototype system was              based model system to investigate how
conservation breeding and reintroduction        developed. Vibration platform testing         communities partition in microspatial
into the wild. Importantly, this knowledge      determined that the maximum average           environments, which is difficult to study
directly informs conservation initiatives       power output of the device was 13.2 μW.       in vitro. Flow cytometric results are
for the species and will help guide the         This device has the potential to provide a    fascinating as they depict prominent
genetic management of other threatened          scalable, maintenance free, subsurface        changes occurring between samples
species subjected to ex-situ conservation       ocean monitoring system, to provide           collected side by side. Results will be
programs.                                       accurate data for climate models.             further compared with sequence data
                                                                                              to identify bacterial species present in
                                                                                              samples and how the community has
                                                                                              evolved during colonisation.
                                                                                              Current findings reiterate the importance
                                                                                              of complex interactions in shaping how
                                                                                              bacterial communities invade and colonise
                                                                                              environments. This lab-based model
                                                                                              has the potential to be adapted for use
                                                                                              in modelling how infections spread in
                                                                                              wounds and in how natural communities
                                                                                              such as the gut microbiome partition.
                                                                                              My experiences during Honours have
                                                                                              inspired me to undertake a PhD, applying
                                                                                              the knowledge gained in modelling
                                                                                              complex community interactions to
  Imogen Marshall                                 Sean McGowan                                a clinical based setting looking at
                                                                                              diabetic foot ulcer infections.

Undergraduate student reports

                                             Ani Baker                                           Holly Baldock
                                             Playford Trust Regional Science                     Playford Trust Regional Science
                                             & Engineering Scholarship                           & Engineering Scholarship
                                             Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours),           Bachelor of Science [Advanced] [Honours],
                                             University of Adelaide                              University of Adelaide
                                                                   Having always lived in                             My interest is chemistry
                                                                   the lesser-known rural                             and I prefer to take a
                                                                   district of Rockleigh                              systematic approach
                                                                   and completed my                                   to my studies,
                                                                   secondary education                                while furthering my
                                                                   at Oakbank Area                                    understanding of research
                                                                   School, the transition to                          concepts and scientific
                                                                   studying in the bustling                           writing. In this first
                                                                   city of Adelaide was                               year of my degree,
                                             daunting. In 2020, I was not yet prepared to        I found courses involving mathematics,
                                             relocate and instead endured 1.5 hours of           physical chemistry and the core principles of
                                             travelling (each way) by car and bus for the        scientific research most enjoyable. I want to
                                             weeks before COVID-19 threw a spanner in            major in chemistry and applied mathematics
                                             the works of my campus experience.                  and hope to pursue postgraduate coursework
                                             However, amidst the restrictions, I worked          and a career in academia.
                                             diligently and succeeded in achieving high          After relocating from Mount Gambier to
                                             distinctions for all my courses. I relished every   reside at Lincoln College, I was awarded
                                             opportunity to undertake practical work in the      the first year Dux Litterarum for the science
                                             university’s biology and chemistry laboratories.    cohort within the college, and I maintained
                                             My enthusiasm for these subjects has further        a 7.0 GPA despite the challenges of online
                                             flourished and I found great enjoyment              learning. I was also nominated by a
                                             in exploring additional topics such as              representative at the university to participate
                                             neuroscience and ecology in second semester.        in the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science
                                             My aspirations to pursue a career in                and Engineering’s WISE (Women in STEM
                                             biochemical or environmental research               and Entrepeneurship) School, which provided
                                             have been further solidified, and I am eager        networking opportunities with mentors and
Curtis Kleinig                               to discover the opportunities that await me         a virtual tour of Australia’s Nuclear Science
                                             in the near future.                                 and Technology Organisation.
Playford Trust Regional
Science & Engineering
Scholarship                                  Jessie Grundy                                       Joshua Mason
Bachelor of Engineering [Honours]            Playford Trust Regional Science                     Chartwells/St Ann’s College/Playford
Electrical and Electronic, Bachelor of
                                             & Engineering Scholarship                           Trust Residential Scholarship
Business, University of South Australia
                                             Bachelor of Engineering [Honours]                   Bachelor of Engineering [Mechanical]
                                             [Biomedical], Bachelor of Medical Science,          [Honours], Bachelor of Finance,
In this first year of my degree,
                                             Flinders University                                 University of Adelaide
I completed a variety of topics relevant
to the field of engineering – and most                             I have just completed                               This year was the most
enjoyed mathematics, computer                                      the first year of my                                difficult of my three
programming and electrical systems.                                double degree and have                              years of college and
I took a particular liking to these                                thoroughly enjoyed                                  university so far. Having
subjects because they introduced new                                                                                   to move home for three
                                                                   the transition from
and difficult concepts which will be                                                                                   months was challenging
                                                                   secondary school
essential to my ongoing studies.                                                                                       and studying through
                                                                   to the self-driven
                                                                                                                       those three months
I took the opportunity to join the UniSA                           learning environment
                                                                                                                       took a lot of motivation
Motorsport club, and this allowed me to                            of university. I was very
                                                                                                 and effort. Online learning took a large
apply some of the skills I have learned to   happy with my results from Semester 1 –
                                                                                                 amount of getting used to and initially
a real-world engineering problem, and        all High Distinctions – and despite an illness
                                                                                                 I struggled with it.
to build networks with recent graduates      in Semester 2, I was still able to achieve
and current undergraduates. In October       Distinctions and High Distinctions.                 I am now back at St Ann’s for a fourth year
I joined the management team as                                                                  in the role of President. I am extremely
                                             I have particularly enjoyed the higher level        excited to be able to continue to give back to
electrical manager and have already          of learning in biology and chemistry. The
gained valuable leadership experience.                                                           the college that has given me so much more
                                             up-to-date laboratory equipment has made            than a home over the last three years. On
My goal remains to work in the               all our practicals fun learning experiences.        completion my degree, I hope to be able to
renewable energy or defence sectors          I am hoping to earn an international                get a job in Adelaide with a local engineering
once I have completed the Honours            exchange in a biomedical field to enhance           firm and to help give back to the wider
year of my degree.                           my exposure to future opportunities.                community.

Undergraduate student reports

Caitlyn Poel                                      Ben Havelberg                                          Paris Pauling
Playford Trust Regional Science                   Chartwells/St Ann’s College/                           Playford Trust Regional
& Engineering Scholarship                         Playford Trust Residential                             Science & Engineering
Bachelor of Science/Master of Teaching            Scholarship                                            Scholarship
[Secondary], Flinders University                  Bachelor of Mathematics and Computer                   Bachelor of Science [Honours]
                                                  Science, University of Adelaide                        [Enhanced Program for High Achievers],
I began my double science and teaching                                                                   Flinders University
degree focusing on biology, chemistry and
                                                  Having completed my secondary education
maths. I really enjoyed the challenge of                                                                 My introduction to university has been
                                                  at Edward John Eyre High School in
university and am looking forward to the                                                                 fantastic. Despite last year’s challenges,
                                                  Whyalla, I relocated to St Ann’s College at
experience of upper-level science topics.                                                                I have adored my course of study and
                                                  the beginning of 2020 and began studying
My favourite aspect was learning about the                                                               have found myself more enthusiastic about
                                                  mathematical and computer sciences at
adolescent brain and how to best assist                                                                  my future in science than ever before.
                                                  the University of Adelaide.
during periods of learning.
                                                                                                         I have really enjoyed all of my chemistry
My scholarship allowed me to focus on my          Living at St Ann’s really helped me settle
                                                                                                         topics, but especially CHEM1102 Modern
studies without the financial pressures often     into Adelaide well. I have created many
                                                                                                         Chemistry, as the unparalleled freedom to
borne by regional students at university. I’ve    friendships and have had a lot of fun getting
                                                                                                         problem-solve in the laboratory has built
been able to live in a residential community      involved in all the activities of college life. This
                                                                                                         my confidence and developed my skillset in
that balanced the academic nature of my           year, I am serving as College Club Treasurer           ways that would not be possible in a more
degree with the social experience that is         and this will help me give back to the college         typical content-driven topic.
critical to enjoying university and residential   community.
                                                                                                         I am aiming for a career in chemistry
college life.                                     I have discovered a passion for computer               research, specifically materials science,
I’m looking forward to practical teaching         programming and working on some                        as I am passionate about the inherent
experience in my second year and hope it          challenging projects has given me the                  critical thinking associated with this field.
is the start of an enjoyable and rewarding        freedom to solve complex problems. I have              I was incredibly excited to be able to gain
career as a secondary teacher. Combining my       also enjoyed meeting like-minded individuals           hands-on research experience at the
science degree with a teaching component          and broadening my network. I now plan                  Chalker Research Lab, on-campus at
will give me the opportunity to teach STEM to     to major in programming and expand my                  Flinders, over the 2020/21 summer break.
secondary students and hopefully inspire a        industry connections to better gauge my
love of science similar to my own.                career pathway.

                                                  Charlotte Mackenzie                                    knowledge to real-life clinical scenarios in
                                                                                                         classes and learning the complexities of
                                                  Adelaide Hills Council/                                medicine and its effect on different parts of
                                                  Playford Trust Scholarship                             society, for example, rural communities.
                                                  Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery,             Although the year brought many challenges,
                                                  University of Adelaide                                 it allowed me to adapt and discover new and
                                                                                                         engaging ways of learning. I now look forward
                                                  Throughout 2020, I was able to experience              to exploring many more of the clinical
                                                  university life and explore the many areas             aspects of medicine and considering where
                                                  that medicine has to offer. We have covered a          this could take me. In the future, I hope to
                                                  wide variety of content – from basic anatomy           continue to work closely with others – and my
                                                  to clinical applications with patients. I have         community – to find solutions to modern day
                                                  enjoyed exploring the importance of applying           health concerns and accessibility.

Partnerships at work

Throw them
                                                       was modelled, and the line layout mapped,”        A fifth of the world’s copper is purified using
                                                       Wendy explained. “A unique tool had to            an electrical process called electrowinning,

a challenge…
                                                       be designed for the robot to carry out the        which requires a great deal of energy and is
                                                       manual handling, as well as additional            generally continuous. This can be problematic
                                                       equipment to transfer the parts to this           when energy prices are highly variable.
                                                       tool. These were imported into simulation         The company tasked Adam with proving the
                                                       software where a robot was added and              concept of intermittent electrowinning which
                                                       programmed to conduct the tasks.                  could use renewable energy as much as
                                                       “The simulation showed it was possible to
                                                       eliminate 90% of the labour requirement           “Working at a laboratory scale, we proved that
                                                       during production and reduce the overall          by utilising a very small amount of electricity
                                                       component cost to less than 25% of the            – 10% of normal operational levels – the
                                                       original cost.                                    electrowinning could be kept stable until
                                                                                                         electricity prices returned to normal levels,”
                                                       “The overall design was implemented in            Adam said. “This highlights the viability of
Wendy Beeston and Adam Freeling
                                                       a way that would not impact employee              the process and allows work to continue with
are proof that there’s real value in
                                                       safety and would show a payback period            scaling up from the laboratory.
asking Playford Trust scholars to address
                                                       of less than two years on the capital
practical problems in industry.                                                                          “OZ Minerals supported us with technical
                                                       investment costs.”
In Wendy’s case, the outcome was of direct                                                               assistance throughout the project, and even
benefit to her sponsor, engineering company            Wendy is studying at UniSA. She received          welcomed us to their office to use the X-Ray
Aurecon. Her work-based project focused                an Aurecon/Playford Trust Women in                Fluorescence technology to determine the
on reducing the labour required to run the             Engineering Scholarship in 2020.                  lead content of the copper we produced.”
company’s profile extrusion line – an area             Adam’s work with OZ Minerals saw him              Adam is studying chemical engineering at
the electrical and mechatronic engineering             address a challenge for the mining industry       the University of Adelaide. He received an
student suggests was “ideal for automation”.           as it adapts to greater use of renewable          AusIMM/Playford Trust Minerals Industry
“To conduct this research, the existing line           energy.                                           Scholarship in 2020.

Nyrstar nine brought ‘fresh insights’                                                                    For their part, the students greatly appreciated
                                                                                                         the opportunity to learn. Here are just a few of
                                                                                                         their comments.
With the support of Nyrstar, the Playford              work to two students recommended by the
Trust offers two-year scholarships to                  Trust, making a nine-strong team in total.        “The unique experience of working in a large,
students commencing their third year                   And all made quite an impression.                 industrial site with unique safety requirements
of undergraduate studies in chemical,                                                                    will provide a different outlook in my future
                                                       “The students were capable, enthusiastic and
mechanical or electrical engineering at                hard-working and we enjoyed having them           career and should make me a better
one of the State’s three universities.                 as part of our team,” said Bill Watt, Nyrstar’s   engineer.“ Thomas de la Perrelle
The bonus for each scholar is an eight-                Manager, Technology. “It gives us confidence      “The project management/engineering
to-12-week paid work placement at the                  in the future and an insight into the skills      experience that I’ve received in my time here
company’s Port Pirie Smelter over the                  and interests of the next generation of           will help me no end when I finish studying and
summer holidays. Working with senior                   potential staff.                                  enter the full-time workforce, as I have already
staff, they undertake technical projects and           “It was an important but fun learning             worked on a couple of million and multimillion
have the chance to apply their university              experience for the students and the               dollar projects.” Conor Noonan
knowledge in an industrial setting.                    Nyrstar management teams valued their             “By getting a first-hand insight into the
In 2020, the company also offered vacation             fresh insights.”                                  life of a metallurgist I learnt the important
                                                                                                         attributes needed to preform daily tasks…
                                                                                                         including problem solving, critical thinking,
                                                                                                         communication and professional conduct.”
                                                                                                         Elsie Potezny
                                                                                                         “I now have a clearer idea of where my studies
                                                                                                         can take me. I have also improved many of my
                                                                                                         personal and professional skills throughout
                                                                                                         my time at Nyrstar, making me more confident
                                                                                                         and comfortable with many of the aspects of
                                                                                                         being an engineer.” Josephine Matthias
                                                                                                         “Although I have done project management
                                                                                                         courses in university, firsthand experience of
Fresh from summer vacation work at the Port Pirie Smelter. L to R: Playford Trust Scholarship holders    project management, and being able to run a
Josephine Matthias, Elsie Potezny, Conor Noonan (vacation student), Jack Walsh, Amelia Johnson,          real project… was a different and motivating
Samuel Wallis (vacation student), Thomas de la Perrelle, Joshua Davis and Chetan Gautam.                 experience.” Chetan Gautam
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