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ANTIOXIDANT               AND       FREE RADICAL SCAVENGING ACTIVITIES                                OF   ESSENTIAL OILS
Introduction: Reactive oxygen and nitrogen                       Mahmoud A. Saleh, PhD; Shavon Clark; Brooke Woodard;
free radicals are produced during immune                                                 Suziat Ayomide Deolu-Sobogun
activity, and are triggered by several environ-
mental factors such as pollution, smoke, and
sunlight. Harmful effects of these reactive
species include cellular damage to RNA,             INTRODUCTION                                      the antioxidant activity of essential oils
DNA, proteins and lipids. In humans several                                                           from different botanical families can be
diseases including those connected with the             Free radicals are produced in normal          found in the scientific literature. The aim
heart, lung, and the eye are associated with the                                                      of this work is to conduct comparative
                                                    and or pathological cell metabolism.
accumulation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen
                                                    Oxidation is essential to many living             evaluation of the antioxidant properties
species (ROS/RNS). Antioxidants in blood,
cells, and tissue fluids play an important role     organisms for the production of energy            of 248 essential oils.
in neutralizing the normal level of oxidative       to fuel biological processes. However, the
damage caused by these free radicals. In an         uncontrolled production of oxygen de-
effort to minimize the impact of environmental
pollution on humans, identification of natural
                                                    rived free radicals is involved in trigger-       METHODS
product antioxidants has become a realistic         ing many diseases such as cancer,
and powerful tool in the dietary and natural        rheumatoid arthritis, cirrhosis and arte-             We obtained 248 essential oils of
products industry.                                  riosclerosis as well as in degenerative           medicinal, herbal, wild flora and mamma-
                                                    processes associated with aging. Exoge-           lian oils (Essential Oil University Incorpo-
Methods: 248 essential oils belonging to 18                                                           rated, Charlestown, IN, USA) and tested
botanical families of medicinal, herbal and
                                                    nous chemical and endogenous metabol-
                                                    ic processes in the human body or in the          them for their antioxidant capabilities.
wild flora as well as 2 mammalian essential oils
were evaluated for their antioxidant and ROS/       digestive system might produce highly
RNS radical scavenging activities using high        reactive free radicals, especially oxygen         DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-
performance thin layer chromatography/bio-
                                                    derived radicals, which are capable of            picrylhydrazyl) Radical
autography (HPTLC) and the DPPH (2,2-                                                                 Scavenging
diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl) assay.                     oxidizing biomolecules, resulting in cell
                                                    death and tissue damage.1 Almost all                  The assay was carried out by mixing
Results: Seven percent of the tested essential      organisms are well protected against free         1.5 mL methanolic solution of each of
oils were found to have very high antioxidant       radical damage by oxidative enzymes               the essential oils with 2.0 mL of a
activity; these were further fractionated by                                                          .02 mM methanolic DPPH solution at
                                                    such as superoxide dismutase (SOD)
HPTLC and their chemical composition was                                                              three final concentrations (5, 25 and
identified using gas chromatography/mass            and catalase (CAT), or by chemicals
spectrometry.                                       such as a-tocopherol, ascorbic acid,              100 mg essential oil/mL). The mixture
                                                    carotenoids, polyphenols and glutathi-            was then incubated in the dark for
Conclusion: The majority of the active sam-         one.2 When the process of antioxidant             30 minutes at 25uC and the absorbance
ples showed no more than one or two spots in
                                                    protection becomes unbalanced, deteri-            at 517 nm was recorded as (Asample),
their TLC indicating that antioxidant activity is                                                     using a Perkin Elmer LS 50B Lumines-
only associated with certain type of chemicals.     oration of physiological functions may
                                                    occur, resulting in diseases and acceler-         cence Spectrophotometer. A blank ex-
Identified active compounds were found to be
oxygenated monoterpenoids, monoterpene              ated aging. Antioxidant food supple-              periment was also carried out applying
hydrocarbons as well as monoterpene phenols.        ments may be used to help the human               the same procedure to a solution without
(Ethn Dis. 2010;20[Suppl 1]:S1-78–S1-82)                                                              the test material and the absorbance was
                                                    body to reduce oxidative damage. Nat-
                                                                                                      recorded as (Ablank). The free radical
Key Words: Terpenes, Free Radicals, Oxida-          ural antioxidants are being extensively
                                                                                                      scavenging activity of each solution was
tive Damage, Reactive Oxygen Species                studied for their capacity to protect
                                                                                                      then calculated as percent inhibition
                                                    organisms and cells from damage
                                                                                                      according to the following equation:
                                                    brought on by oxidative stress.3 The use
                                                    of essential oils as functional ingredients            % Inhibition~
                                                    in foods, drinks, toiletries and cosmetics                                     
                                                                                                           100| Ablank {Asample      A blank
    From the Department of Chemistry,
                                                    is becoming popular.4–7 Until recently,
Texas Southern University, Houston.                 essential oils have been studied mostly
                                                    from the viewpoint of their flavor and
     Address correspondence and reprint             fragrance chemistry for flavoring foods,          DPPH/Thin Layer
requests to Mahmoud A. Saleh; Depart-               drinks and other goods. Few studies were          Chromatography Bioautography
ment of Chemistry; Texas Southern Univer-
sity; 3100 Cleburne Ave; Houston, Texas
                                                    published on the antioxidant activity of          Assay
77004; 713-313-1912; 713-313-7824                   individual essential oils, but no compre-            Essential oils which showed DPPH
(fax);                             hensive evaluation and comparison of              inhibition of $90% were examined by

S1-78                                                   Ethnicity & Disease, Volume 20, Spring 2010

Fig 1. Bioautography TLC of the most active antioxidant essential oils, derivatized TLC is shown on the left and DPPH stain TLC is
shown on the right for each oil. Numbers represent the identified chemical structures of the active compounds listed in Figure 2

thin layer chromatography (TLC) bio-         196 mL of methanol and 7 mL of               MAG Reprostar 3 camera. Antioxidant
autography. Ten mL of methanolic             sulfuric acid. The derivatization reagent    activity was confirmed when the DPPH
solution of essential oil (equivalent to     was added to the tank designed for the       purple color changed to yellow.
50 mg of oil) were applied to Silica gel     CAMAG Immersion Device III. The
60 F254 high performance thin layer          plates were then attached to the device      Gas Chromatography/Mass
chromatography (HPTLC) plates pur-           and lowered into the solution for            Spectrometry (GCMS)
chased from EMD Chemicals Inc., an           3 seconds removed and dried. The                 Thin layer chromatography spots
affiliate of Merck KGaA, (Gibbstown,         plates were then heated for 5 minutes        that showed radical inhibition were
NJ). Each sample was applied as a            in the oven at 110uC until optimal           scrubbed from the plates and extracted
10 mm band onto the plate using a            colorization was observed. After the         with methanol. Chemical composition
CAMAG Automatic TLC Sampler 4                plates cooled, pictures were taken under     of each active spot was identified using
system and developed in a CAMAG              366 nm and white light to record the         GCMS. GCMS analysis was carried out
Automatic Developing Chamber                 results. The documentation of the TLC        on a 5890 Hewlett Packard Series II Plus
(ADC2) with developing solvent of            plates was carried using the CAMAG           gas chromatograph equipped with a
95:5 toluene/ethyl acetate. After drying     Reprostar 3 system equipped with a           Hewlett Packard 5972 mass selective
the plates, they were viewed under           DXA252 camera with a 16 mm lens.             detector. A 30 m MDN-5S (Supelco)
ultraviolet light at wavelengths of          Identical plates were spotted and devel-     fused silica capillary column (0.25 mm
254 nm and 366 nm and documented             oped as described above and then             id; 0.50 mm film thickness) was used with
by photography. Vanillin reagent solu-       dipped in a 0.2% DPPH reagent in             helium as the carrier gas. The oven
tion was used for the derivatization of      methanol and were left for 30 minutes        temperature was started at 40uC, held
the plates. The vanillin reagent was         at room temperature. The plates were         for 5 minutes and heated at a rate of 8uC/
prepared by adding 0.7 g of vanillin to      observed under white light using CA-         min to 320uC and held for 5 minutes for

                                            Ethnicity & Disease, Volume 20, Spring 2010                                       S1-79

Table 1. Antioxidant activity of the tested essential oils

                                     Essential oils causing more than 90% inhibition of DPPH at the designated concentrations
Family Name                             100mg/mL                                           25mg/mL                              5mg/mL
Annonaceae        ylang oil (Cananga odorata), US                                 ylang oil, Madagascar
                  ylang oil (Cananga odorata), Madagascar
Apiaceae          cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum), US                                parsley herb, Egypt
                  cumin seed Cuminum cyminum), Egypt
                  coriander herb (Coriandrum sativum), US
                  coriander seeds (Coriandrum sativum), Egypt
                  parsley herb (Petroselinum crispum), Egypt
                  toothpick weed (Ammi visnaga), US
                  caraway (Carum carvi), Egypt
Asteraceae        helichrysum oil (Helichrysum orientale), France                 helichrysum oil, France           blue tansy oil, Morocco
                  davana yarrow oil (Achillea millefolium), India                 davana yarrow oil, India
                  green yarrow oil (Achillea millefolium)                         blue tansy oil, Morocco
                  blue yarrow oil (Achillea millefolium)
                  blue tansy oil (Tanacetum annuum), Morocco
                  blue tansy oil WC (Tanacetum annuum), Spain
Burseraceae       myrrh oil (Commiphora myrrha)
                  sea buckthorn berry (Hippophae salicifolia)
Cupressaceae      blue cypress oil (Callitris intratropica), Australia
                  cypress oil (Callitris intratropica), Nepal
Fabaceae          Peru balsam (Myroxylon balsamum), South America                 Peru balsam, South America        Peru balsam, South America
Geraniaceae       geranium oil (Pelargonium graveolens)
Lamiaceae         basil oil (Ocimum basilicum), China                             thyme oil, Morocco                thyme oil, Morocco
                  basil oil (Ocimum basilicum), US                                thyme oil, Spain                  thyme oil, Spain
                  thyme oil red (Thymus vulgaris), Morocco                        thyme oil, Germany                thyme oil, Germany
                  red Basil oil (Ocimum basilicum)                                basil oil, China                  basil oil, China
                  linalool marjoram oil (Origanum marjoram)                       oregano oil, Turkey               oregano oil, Turkey
                  sweet Monarda oil (Monarda didyma)                              catnip oil, Canada                catnip oil, Canada
                  oregano oil (Origanum vulgare) from Turkey
                  thyme oil (Thymus vulgaris) from Germany
                  thyme oil (Thymus vulgaris) from Spain
                  catnip oil (Nepeta cataria) Canada
                  catnip oil (Nepeta cataria) USA
Lauraceae         laurel leaf oil (Laureia sempervirens), Crete                   laurel leaf oil, Crete            laurel leaf il, Crete
                  cinnamon bark oil (Cinnamomum verum), Ceylon                    cinnamon leaf il, Ceylon          cinnamon leaf oil, Ceylon
                  cinnamon leaf oil (Cinnamomum verum), Ceylon
Myoporceae        Buddha wood oil (Eremophila mitchelli), Australia               Buddha wood oil, Australia        Buddha wood oil, Australia
Myristicaceae     Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)                                     Nutmeg
Myrtaceae         clove bud oil (Eugenia caryophyllata), Madagascar               clove bud oil, Madagascar         clove bud oil, Madagascar
                  clove bud oil (Eugenia caryophyllata), India                    wild bay oil, Jamaica             wild bay oil, Jamaica
                                                                                                                       allspice, Jamaica
                  wild by oil (Laurus nobilis), Jamaica                           allspice, Jamaica
                  allspice (Pimenta Berry), Jamaica
                  eucalyptus lemon oil, US
Piperaceae        Cubeb Oil (Cubeb berries)
Poaceae           spruce oil (Picea mariana)                                      citronella oil, Java, Indonesia   vetiver oil, Surinam
                  black spruce oil (Picea mariana)                                vetiver oil, Surinam
                  citronella oil (Cymbopogon winterianus), Indonesia
                  vetiver oil (Chrysopogon zizanioides), Surinam
Rosaceae          rose oil (Rosa damascena), Bulgaria                             rose oil, Bulgaria                rose oil, Bulgaria
                  Istanbul rose oil (Rosa damascena), Egypt                       Istanbul rose oil, Egypt
Rubiaceae         coffee (Coffea arabica)
Rutaceae          combava petitgrain oil (Citrus hystrix)
                  yuzu oil (Citrus junos)

S1-80                                                     Ethnicity & Disease, Volume 20, Spring 2010

Table 1. Continued
                                    Essential oils causing more than 90% inhibition of DPPH at the designated concentrations
Family Name                           100mg/mL                                        25mg/mL                             5mg/mL

Solanaceae         chili pepper (Capsicum annuum), India                     chili pepper, India                     chili pepper, India
Moschidae          musk deer (Moschus spp)                                   musk deer
                   ambergris sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus)            ambergris sperm whale oil
                   Cedars of Lebanon flowers, Egypt, Lebanon, Spain          flowering dogwood tree
                   gulf breeze (Oleaceae asmin)
                   Istanbul rose (Grandiflorum)

a run time totaling 45 minutes. The split        RESULTS                                           comparing antioxidant activity among
injector was at 220uC with a split ratio of                                                        the essential oils at each designated
1:20. Quantities of data are based on               We tested the antioxidant activity of          concentration. Samples having less than
peak percentage calculation using Hew-           the essential oils at three different             90% inhibition were eliminated from
lett Packard Chemstation software. The           concentrations of 5, 25 and 100 mg/               each group and designated as negative
compounds were identified by the mass            mL using % DPPH inhibition as                     or insignificant antioxidant effect at
spectral library search and by comparing         described in the methods section. We              each concentration. Sixty of the essential
their GC retention times.                        used a cut off of 90% inhibition for              oils were found to be active at a

Fig 2. Chemical structure of the active antioxidant compounds

                                               Ethnicity & Disease, Volume 20, Spring 2010                                                 S1-81

concentration of 100 mg/mL. Twenty             they are safe to use, yet provide good            in order to find possible alternatives to
seven of the essential oils were found to      defense against oxidative damage and              synthetic antioxidant preservatives such
be active at a concentration of 25 mg/         associated health effects.                        as butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and
mL and 17 of the oils were found to be                                                           phenolic compounds.
active at a concentration of 5 mg/mL.
(Table 1)                                      CONCLUSIONS
    Essential oils obtained from the                                                             ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
families of Asteraceae (sunflower family),          Natural products are in increasing           This work was supported by RCMI grant #
Fabaceae (Leguminosae), Lamiaceae                                                                R003045 and NASA/URC grants NCC
                                               demand from the manufacturers of
(Mint Family), Lauraceae (Cinnamon             foods, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
family), Myoporaceae (Buddleja family),        Thus the importance of conducting
Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus family), Poaceae         studies on essential oils lies not only in        1. Mau JL, Chao GR, Wu KT. Antioxidant
(Grass family), Rosaceae (Rose family)         the chemical characterization but also in            properties of methanolic extracts from several
and Solanaceae (Potato family) were the        the possibility of linking the chemical              mushrooms. J Agric Food Chem. 2001;49(11):
most effective essential oils. TLC analysis    contents with particular bioactive func-             5461–5467.
of the most effective 17 essential oils is                                                       2. Gulcin I, Buyukokuroglu ME, Oktay M,
                                               tional properties. The capacity of spices
                                                                                                    Kufrevioglu OI. On the in vitro antioxidative
shown in Figure 1. Thin layer chroma-          and flavors to minimize disease risk,                properties of melatonin. J Pineal Res.
tography regions responsible for the           within the context of culinary use, has              2002;33(3):167–171.
antioxidant activity were examined by          not been completely evaluated. There is           3. Cazzi R, Ricardy R, Aglitti T, Gatta V,
GCMS and the active chemicals respon-          a strong need to understand the pre-                 Petricone P, De Salvia R. Ascorbic acid and b-
sible for the activity were identified based   ventive effect of spices and natural                 carotene as modulators of oxidative damage.
                                                                                                    Carcinogenesis. 1997;18(1):223–228.
on their mass spectra and GC retention         flavors for counter acting oxidative              4. Reische DW, Lillard DA, Eitenmiller RR.
times. The chemical structure of the           damages. Our work suggests that essen-               Antioxidants in Food Lipids. In: Ahoh CC,
identified antioxidant compounds are           tial oils from spices can be considered as           Min DB, eds. Chemistry Nutrition and Biotech-
shown in Figure 2. Eighteen chemicals          a promising future candidate food                    nology. New York: Marcel Dekker; 1998:
were identified, seven of them were            supplement. Our data showed that                     423–448.
                                                                                                 5. McClements J, Decker EA. Lipid oxidation in
aromatic hydrocarbons or phenolic com-         antioxidant activity was related to the
                                                                                                    oil-water emulsions: impact of molecular envi-
pounds and fourteen of the identified          chemical composition of the 17 most                  ronment on chemical reactions in heterogeneous
compounds (80%) were oxygenated                active essential oils from spice plants              food system. J Food Sci. 2000;65:1270–1282.
monoterpenoids.                                commonly consumed. The results ob-                6. Ormancey X, Sisalli S, Coutiere P. Formulation
    All of the essential oils that were        tained by the use of the DPPH method                 of essential oils in functional parfumery.
                                                                                                    Parfums, Cosmetiques, Actualites. 2001;157:
shown to have significant antioxidant          showed that some of these spices can be
activities are produced from herbal            considered good sources of natural                7. Sawamura M. Aroma and functional properties
plants that are commonly used as spices        antioxidants. These properties are also              of Japanese yuzu (Citrus junos Tanaka) essential
or as food flavoring additive, therefore,      very much needed by the food industry                oil. Aroma Research. 2000;1:14–19.

S1-82                                              Ethnicity & Disease, Volume 20, Spring 2010
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