APM Assurance SIG Supporting statement from the committee nominees 2020-2021 First name

APM Assurance SIG
Supporting statement from the committee nominees 2020-2021

 First name:        Surname:             Brief overview of your background and       What motivated you to put yourself          What qualities, skills and
                                         experience in this SIG subject matter:      forward for election to the                 experience do you think you'll
                                         (maximum 150 words)                         APM Assurance SIG committee?                bring to the APM Assurance SIG
                                                                                     (maximum 150 words)                         committee?
                                                                                                                                 (maximum 150 words)
 Mushtaq            Ali                  Have been a member of this SIG for          Have genuine interest in the work of this   Over 15 years experience in
                                         many years, contributing to events and      SIG and would like to be involved in its    Assurance and prior to that many
                                         publications as well as leading             future activities.                          years experience in project
                                         workstreams. Have many years                                                            management. Bring wealth if
                                         experience in project management and                                                    experience through senior member
                                         assurance of projects.                                                                  if Institute if Internal Auditors.
 Nigel              Bennett              I have around 15 years’ experience in       Throughout my career, I’ve been             I work with project staff to develop
                                         project assurance. As a practicing          motivated to “put something back” to        their competencies in project and
                                         project manager, I would often peer         both the people I work with and the         programme delivery using coaching
                                         review other bids and projects. When        wider profession. I have demonstrated       and training, reinforcing the
                                         deploying a bid and project                 this, for example, by coaching those who    message that assurance should be
                                         management method for an IT                 work with me and authoring best             seen as a positive opportunity to
                                         organisation that I authored, I defined     management practice. I see joining the      improve and not as an overhead. I
                                         an assurance regime and taught others       Assurance SIG committee as a logical step   work with senior executives to help
                                         how to assure projects. This led to me      on this journey. It is an opportunity for   them understand the benefits of
                                         taking an operational role assuring the     me to bring my assurance knowledge          assurance, observing how behaviour
                                         sales and delivery portfolios across        experience to the profession, to add to     change leads to improvements in
                                         emerging markets answering challenges       our body of knowledge and to further the    organisational capability. I have
                                         such as “can we deliver this?” and          cause of smart assurance. I have seen       designed and deployed project
                                         “have we got the right people?”. In         projects fail for reasons ranging from      assurance approaches for clients
                                         recent years, as a consulting director, I   individual competence, through team         ranging from simple compliance
                                         help organisations improve their            dynamics to organisational capability. I    audits to integrated assurance
                                         project, programme and portfolio            believe that smart assurance can help. I    regimes. Through working globally,
                                         management capability by offering           also believe that it’s never too late to    I have seen first-hand how national,
                                         smart, tailored assurance services based    stop learning. I therefore also want to     organisational and team cultures
                                         on organisational capability/maturity,      keep on learning from the SIG itself in     affect project delivery and
APM Assurance SIG
Supporting statement from the committee nominees 2020-2021

                                         individual competency and delivery          order to improve how I work with my          understand its importance to
                                         performance and compliance. This            team and how I deliver services to my        designing and delivering assurance
                                         includes oversight and assurance of my      clients.                                     services. I’ve worked with the
                                         firm’s related services and our assessor                                                 Cabinet Office and AXELOS Limited
                                         development programme. I am                                                              to author best practice including
                                         currently a member of the Assurance                                                      PRINCE2 2009 and 2017 editions,
                                         SIG Committee.                                                                           and P3M3 version 3 to ensure that
                                                                                                                                  the profession has the right tools to
                                                                                                                                  enable it to move forwards.
 Peter              de Horsey            It has been a privileged to serve the       Assurance is integral to project             I have proven UK Government
                                         Assurance committee, and I wish to          management. I want to be in a supportive     programme and project
                                         continue. I have over four years’           role that ensures the benefits of            management experience,
                                         experience in assurance roles; eleven as    assurance are brought out, and built in      supporting delivery of effective
                                         a programme and project management          further to PPM delivery. Its uses, and       change; sourcing vital experience
                                         professional. I was the Department for      understanding, need to continue to be        from roles in Programme
                                         Transport’s lead for project assurance in   promoted as an integral aspect in PPM        Management Office (PMO) lead, to
                                         the Project Delivery Centre of              delivery. Its mechanics should be            assurance, and departmental
                                         Excellence. The role included building      exploited, to ensure it’s built into PPM     Relationship management. Since
                                         capability across the Department in         delivery lifecycle, from start-up to         2009, I have used my PMO
                                         assurance planning via communities of       closure. With more investment in large       capabilities to build effective
                                         practice presentations and working          scale programme and projects, now is the     management offices for programme
                                         directly with project managers. I           time to make the case even stronger for      and projects. Latterly, working in
                                         provided Centre of Excellence assurance     project and programme assurance. The         roles that provide monitoring and
                                         for decision makers. In past roles I:       SIG is an enabler to do this in the PPM      oversight of workstreams in
                                         1. had overarching responsibility and       community. I want to be a part of this SIG   Government departments through
                                         accountability for project integrated       as it will help build the connections and    management of assurance and
                                         assurance planning and delivery at tier     allow me to work in its workstreams.         developing stakeholder
                                         1 investment [£100m +];                     These have the vital components to           relationships. I have built
                                         2. implemented changes for processes        enhance the reputation for assurance.        knowledge in the sponsorship of
                                         in project delivery standards;              This motivates me to be a part of this       programmes; building engagement
                                         3. have provided project management         exciting group!                              with key external stakeholders in
                                         advice and guidance for new and

APM Assurance SIG
Supporting statement from the committee nominees 2020-2021

                                         emerging projects.                                                                           support of successful delivery of
                                         I am currently an Assurance manager in                                                       programme’s objectives.
                                         HMRC, providing independent second
                                         line of defence assurance activities for
                                         two large scale transformation
 Martin             Elsner               I am interested, and professionally            My motivation is to contribute, to learn      I could bring to the SIG my
                                         involved, in Assurance for almost my           and to be inspired. I believe the best way    enthusiasm and commitment. I
                                         entire working life. Very early in my          for development is to join a group of like-   could bring my experience of
                                         career (in 2002) I was appointed an            minded people. I would like to take part      organising events, since I am serving
                                         Internal Auditor in a large city council. It   in discussions about different aspects of     on the Committee of my local APM
                                         was there and then, when my                    Assurance, and I am ready to take part in     Branch for the last 5 years. In
                                         fascination with auditing and Assurance        SIG’s activities, perhaps through writing     addition to my experience, I could
                                         has started, and has developed.                and editing blogs.                            bring my skills, such as an excellent
                                         Throughout the following years, even                                                         attention to detail, being reliable
                                         when I wasn’t working directly in                                                            and well organised.
                                         Assurance, it was still a part of my
                                         consecutive roles. Then I was
                                         appointed a Procedure Auditor at a
                                         Business Assurance department in a
                                         local government agency, to assess
                                         procedures and processes within the
                                         organisation. Currently, I’d like to be
                                         involved in Assurance in a project
                                         management setting.
 Andrew             Frew                 I have been working in project                 I would like to learn how other               Honesty, a desire to learn and share
                                         assurance for over five years with             organisations handle assurance, what          to improve project outcomes,
                                         significant experience prior to that in        issues they encounter and how they            challenge and passion. Also a set of
                                         project management and engineering in          address them.                                 challenges that will benefit from
                                         various sectors.                                                                             external experiences and a wider
                                                                                                                                      perspective !

APM Assurance SIG
Supporting statement from the committee nominees 2020-2021

 Julian             Harris               A Lead Auditor in high profile, high risk   A wish to feed back into a profession that  Wide experience in a range of high
                                         projects for some 20 years                  has a significant impact in society.        value, high risk projects. Have also
                                                                                                                                 contributed to a number of APM
                                                                                                                                 publications and initiatives.
 Dave               Lovitt               Prior to my retirement in 2016 I spent      I feel that the general level of awareness  I am an experienced practitioner in
                                         25 years working in many roles on large     of the benefits of project assurance to all change, having spent many years
                                         change programmes and projects for a        participants in delivering change is        leading and delivering change in
                                         National Government Department. I           insufficient to provide them with the       many different organisations and
                                         became an OGC Gateway Review team           confidence that it can engender I believe sectors. That practical background
                                         leader and embraced the move to             that by sharing my experience and           gives me great confidence in my
                                         professionalise project management          acquired knowledge I can help to improve being able to explain and promote
                                         throughout the public service. Since        that awareness and promote success.         the value of Project Assurance to
                                         retiring from full time work I have                                                     both individuals and organisations
                                         served on the Assurance SIG and taken                                                   of at all levels and sizes.
                                         an active role in promoting its values
                                         and principles.
 Jonathan           Maxwell              I have held numerous roles within the       I have enjoyed being part of the             In addition to the assurance
                                         assurance profession over the last 8        Assurance SIG over the last 12 months        experience outlined, I have held
                                         years which have required me to plan,       and wish to become more involved going       roles in Programme/Project
                                         resource, execute and sponsor               forward to help strengthen the focus on      delivery, performance
                                         assurance activities. This has included     assurance and the profession.                management, project controls and
                                         desktop reviews and face to face                                                         financial governance. Therefore, I
                                         interviews across a variety of formats                                                   am hopeful that I can bring a
                                         including progressive assurance,                                                         balanced perspective and fresh
                                         standard gate reviews, critical friend                                                   insights to the application and
                                         reviews, etc. My most recent                                                             effectiveness of assurance.
                                         assurance role was working for
                                         Sellafield Ltd as Head of Performance
                                         Assurance within the Independent
                                         Performance Assurance Group. This role
                                         required me to maintain independent
                                         oversight and support the successful

APM Assurance SIG
Supporting statement from the committee nominees 2020-2021

                                         delivery of Programmes and Projects
                                         within the Site Infrastructure Portfolio
                                         through providing impartial guidance,
                                         assurance, challenge, and support. I
                                         am also an accredited Infrastructure
                                         and Projects Authority (IPA) High Risk
                                         Review Team Member and Medium
                                         Risk Review Team Leader undertaking
                                         independent reviews across the HMT
 Roy                Millard              Through different roles in engineering     I established the Assurance SIG in 2007,       Previous experience as the
                                         organisations, I developed                 and have led it ever since (except for a       Assurance SIG founder, and
                                         comprehensive knowledge and                one-year break). We are currently very         committee member and Chair since
                                         experience in engineering development      active, and have achieved much –               its inception.
                                         and project delivery. I know what a        particularly in recent years. There is still
                                         'good project' looks like, and have the    much I would like the SIG to achieve,
                                         ability to analyse projects and            though, and I am therefore very keen to
                                         recommend how their chances of             continue as a Committee member (and as
                                         successful delivery can be improved. On    the Chair).
                                         a number of occasions, I have had the
                                         satisfaction of recovering projects from
                                         severe problems, and this has resulted
                                         in a deeper understanding of how to
                                         make projects successful. For 15 years
                                         until November 2017 I led TfL’s Internal
                                         Audit assurance over their multi-billion
                                         pound Investment programme. I now
                                         work as an independent consultant
                                         advising organisations on matters
                                         relating to project governance, risk and
                                         assurance. I have a BSc(Hons) degree
                                         and a Post-Graduate Diploma in

APM Assurance SIG
Supporting statement from the committee nominees 2020-2021

                                         Management Studies (DMS); I am a
                                         Fellow and ex-Trustee of the APM and a
                                         full Member of the IET, and Chair of
                                         APM's Nominations Panel. I organise
                                         and speak at conferences and seminars
                                         on the topic of assurance.
 Charles            Mills                I obtained experience of assurance on      I am existing members and wish co            I have extensive experience of
                                         major infrastructure projects working as   continue supporting the SIG in its work to   major construction schemes gained
                                         a senior Programme Mgr at TfL from         promote the professional application of      at a senior level as a manager of
                                         2007-17. I currently provide assurance     assurance and develop new methods and        delivery, as a client and as a
                                         services to the Department of Transport    techniques                                   provider of assurance services
                                         on Network Rail enhancement projects
 Judd               Norton               delivering change and assurance in         I am currently a member of the               I currently lead the cross-industry IT
                                         organisations as a consultant. A senior    Assurance SIG and I would like to            governance and change and
                                         manager / consultant with Grant            continue. I am currently working on a        transformation assurance capability
                                         Thornton - a large client base with        number of workstreams and deliverables       within Grant Thornton’s BRS team. I
                                         considerable exposure to change            and feel I can add more value to this SIG    am an experienced leader and
                                         assurance and auditing in technology       and the community going forward.             chartered project professional and
                                         and financial services.                                                                 have expert ‘hands on’ skills in the
                                                                                                                                 detail of change and IT assurance.
 Gary               Poole                I have worked in Programme/Project         I have been a member of the ASIG for         I have lead assurance activities in
                                         management roles for over 30 years. I      many years. As projects become more          global blue chip organisations,
                                         have responsibility for assurance across   complex and investments ever larger,         currently being responsible for the
                                         a broad global portfolio. I have           assurance of project success is              assurance of a global portfolio of
                                         practiced project assurance in a range     increasingly important. Organisations        over 100 programmes
                                         of industrial sectors including            have been slow to invest in this subject
                                         automotive, aerospace and                  and there is much to learn.
 Toby               Robins               I am a programme management                The opportunity to support and influence     Experience of assurance capability
                                         professional by background, having         the development of assurance capability      development and leadership within
                                         achieved RPP in 2014. Since 2015 I         for programme mgmt organisations             a large programme mgmt
                                         have been Network Rail's (corporate        through the sharing of my experience.        organisation. Ability to think

APM Assurance SIG
Supporting statement from the committee nominees 2020-2021

                                         member) Head of P3M Assurance,            Additionally to support my own                creatively and deliver pragmatic /
                                         accountable for the development,          development through collaboration with        flexible solutions. Able to offer
                                         embedment and BAU of its assurance        like-minded professionals.                    tactful challenge.
                                         capability. I am an active IPA Gateway
                                         Reviewer of government high risk
 Roger              Smith                I have been a programme director for      I have been an informal member of the         I have extensive experience of
                                         over 20 years, so have extensive          committee for three years, and want to        delivery and of assurance across
                                         experience in delivery of large           both put more in and to have a formal         government's major programmes.
                                         programmes, typically around £300m in     role.
                                         value. for the past three years, I have
                                         been HMRC's head of investment and
                                         assurance, leading the department's
                                         assurance covering programmes with a
                                         value of £1.3bn.I am accredited with
                                         the IPA as a high risk review team
                                         leader to undertake assurance of
                                         government's major programmes. I am
                                         an RPP member of the APM.
 Pamela             Stacey               Throughout my career, I have              I have been involved in the Assurance SIG     I bring my passion and enthusiasm
                                         successfully designed, developed and      for just under three years, including the     for assurance to the committee,
                                         delivered efficient and effective         last two years as a Committee Member          together with a wealth of practical
                                         assurance programmes for business         representing my fellow assurance              experience and demonstrated
                                         units and enterprise-wide                 practitioners. I play an active role in the   outcomes. My peers tell me that I
                                         portfolios/change projects in a highly    committee; I was the chair of the             am strong on communication and
                                         regulated environment. I have engaged     Assurance Conference organising               engagement. I can translate
                                         with board committees and key             committee for three years. To me, the         “assurance-speak” into simple,
                                         stakeholders as a trusted business        SIG provides our voice in the APM and is      meaningful business language which
                                         partner, providing integrated reporting   a great opportunity to share knowledge.       leads to understanding and action.
                                         of audit outcomes, risk management        Through the collective experience of SIG      As an analytical thinker, I am able to
                                         activities, internal controls and         members, we are raising the profile of        assess complex business
                                         compliance. My focus is providing         our profession, and increasing the            information, develop conclusions,

APM Assurance SIG
Supporting statement from the committee nominees 2020-2021

                                         independent assurance that the              understanding of the essential role of        make recommendations and deliver
                                         required elements to deliver the            assurance in portfolio, programme and         effective solutions. I enjoy working
                                         programme and associated benefits are       project management. I am motivated to         with other people and believe that
                                         in place and are operating effectively. I   apply for re-election as I want to            the best results are achieved by
                                         am currently Head of Programme &            contribute, and be part of that journey. In   teams. And, of course, I have
                                         Corporate Assurance for a UK major          addition this is a great opportunity to       robust project management skills!
                                         infrastructure project where I am           learn from my peers and for me to share
                                         accountable for developing the              my experience with others.
                                         integrated assurance strategy and plan,
                                         setting standards, developing
                                         capabilities and monitoring
                                         performance. I collaborate with
                                         executives to ensure that assurance
                                         recommendations are understood,
                                         prioritised appropriately and fed into
                                         improvement plans. I have gained
                                         significant experience around OCG
                                         Gateway Reviews, the Treasury Green
                                         Book and Managing Public Money.

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