April 18, 2021 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church A Pastorate of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana - cloudfront.net

Page created by Robin Oconnor
April 18, 2021 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church A Pastorate of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana - cloudfront.net
St. John Vianney Catholic Church
      A Pastorate of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana
15176 Blessed Mother Blvd. | Fishers, IN 46037 | Phone: 317-485-0150 | Fax: 317-588-1486 | www.sjvfishers.com

                           April 18, 2021
April 18, 2021 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church A Pastorate of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana - cloudfront.net
MASS, RECONCILIATION &                                                          WELCOME TO
        EXPOSITION SCHEDULE FOR                                                    ST. JOHN VIANNEY PARISH!
            THE PASTORATE                                                       We are happy you and your family are joining us. We
The Bishops across all five Indiana dioceses have extended the dispensation     would love to share more about our parish with you.
      from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass until further notice.                  Meet the priests who serve our parish.
                   It is NOT a permanent dispensation.

                  St. John Vianney Parish
     All Masses are now being livestreamed. Visit www.sjvfishers.com                          Fr. Dale Ehrman—Pastor
 Lord’s Day Mass Schedule
                                                 4:30pm Vigil Mass &
 Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm                            8am Lord’s Day
 Sunday:         8:00 am, 10:30 am               Masses will continue
                                                      to have extra                           Fr. Daily—Parochial Vicar
 Weekday Mass Schedule                            precautions—masks
 Monday:       6:00 pm                           required and min. 3ft.
 Tuesday:      8:30 am                             physical distancing
                                                  between households.
 Wednesday:    6:00 pm
 Thursday:     8:30 am
 Friday:       8:30 am
                                                                                              Fr. Aaron—Associate Director of Vocations,
 Saturday:     8:30 am                                                                                     Diocese of Lafayette in Indiana
 Sacrament of Reconciliation                                                                  fr.daaron@dol-in.org
 Monday:       4:30 pm - 5:50 pm
 Wednesday:    5:00 pm - 5:50 pm
 Saturday:     9:00 am - 10:00 am                                                      PARISH OFFICE HOURS
 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
                                                                               Office Hours:
 Monday:            4:30 pm - 5:50 pm
                                                                                 Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
 Wednesday:         5:00 pm - 5:50 pm
 Tues., Thurs., Friday: 9:00 am - 9:45 am
                                                                                 Friday 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
 Saturday:          9:00 am - 10:20 am
                                                                                              PARISH STAFF
                       Holy Spirit Parish                                     Secretary …………….….Debbie Duquaine
 Lord’s Day Mass Schedule                            5:30pm Vigil Mass                                dduquaine@parish.dol-in.org
                                                     & 8am Lord’s Day         Pastoral Associate …Christine Vincent-Rodas:
   Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm                           Masses will continue
   Sunday:         8:00 am, 9:30 am                     to have extra
                   11:00 am, 5:00 pm                 precautions—masks        Youth Minister ……...Gloria Hughey:
                                                      required and min.                                  ghughey@parish.dol-in.org
 Weekday Mass Schedule                                   3ft. physical
                                                     distancing between
                                                                              Music Coordinator …Jennifer Duquaine:
  Monday:        8:15 am
                                                         households.                                   jduquaine@parish.dol-in.org
  Tuesday:       8:15 am; Noon
                                                                              Pastoral Council Chair … Tim DeFrench
                                                                                                                       ext. #1139
  Wednesday:     8:15 am; Noon (livestreamed)
  Thursday:      8:15 am                                                      Finance Council Chair … Mike Poynter
                                        Monday evening                                                                 ext. #1108
  Friday:        8:15 am                  Mass and
  Saturday:      8:15 am               Reconciliation at
                                                       Holy Spirit are            IN CASE OF A SACRAMENTAL
 Sacrament of Reconciliation                            temporarily                      EMERGENCY
   Wednesday:    7:00 pm                             canceled, while we
                                                     are short a priest.
   Saturday:     8:45 am                                                      If the Parish Office is closed and you are in need of a
 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament                                                    priest for a sacramental emergency,
   Wednesday:     7:00 pm - 8:30 pm                                              please dial 317-849-9245 and follow the prompts.
April 18, 2021 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church A Pastorate of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana - cloudfront.net
Note From The Pastor
                   Feeding our Imagination

                   Some time back I had a free evening and decided to look for some spiritual entertainment. I logged
                   on to FORMED.org and watched a couple programs. One program was a documentary about the life
                   of St. Anthony of Padua entitled, Finding St. Anthony: A Story of Loss and Light. The other program
                   was a short movie about the children of Fatima entitled, The 13th Day. While both were entertaining,
                   they were also inspirational and helped to spiritually feed my imagination.

Our imagination is traditionally considered one of the important inner senses – a faculty of the mind. Through our
imagination we are able to comprehend people, objects, situations we cannot see or experience. We use our imagination
in many ways throughout our day. We use it in work to conceptualize how to solve a problem. We imagine or rehearse
in our minds what we might say to someone, and imagine their response. Imagination is a powerful aspect of who we
are as human beings.

Like other parts of who we are, our imagination has spiritual impact. Our imaginations even lead us toward or away
from God, when we imagine either acts of love and kindness or selfish actions. Have you thought about how you use
your imagination? What feeds your imagination? Our imagination has power to affect us – especially spiritually.

The classic example of the power of imagination is the conversion story of St. Ignatius of Loyola. When bedridden
during a long recovery after being hit with a cannonball in the leg, St. Ignatius noticed when he let his imagination
ponder worldly things (being a knight, impressing some young woman), he would feel dry and empty when the
imagination ended. On the contrary, when he imagined the lives of the saints and even himself doing great things for
God, he would feel his soul uplifted. He noticed the fruits of “holy imagining” were fruits of the Holy Spirit – peace,
generosity, patience, joy, etc. This began his conversion and was the foundation for his teaching about discernment of

Imaginations are fed by what enters the mind. We can certainly choose to imagine many things, but the “food” for
imagination comes from the images, stories, songs, and experiences we take in. Today, this is more powerful than ever
before in human history due to the pervasiveness of electronic media. Our minds are bombarded with sounds and
images that are not random but designed to invoke a response. Unless we manage these, unless we take time to take in
what is true, good and beautiful, our souls will dry up. More importantly, our imaginations will be drawn to all that is
NOT of God. If you would like to learn more about how our imagination is part of our spiritual life go to:

If we are serious about our spiritual life, we need to take steps to grow in our faith. Besides learning about our faith, it
is helpful to engage our imagination to help our faith. This week I encourage you to think about your imagination,
about how it can help you grow in your relationship with Christ. Imagination is a powerful thing. It can be an
important part of our spiritual lives when we feed our minds with Christ-centered images, songs and entertainment. Try
logging on to FORMED.org and taking advantage of some great resources for entertainment. Read a religious novel.
Simply gaze at the spring flowers and image God’s view of them. Take time to spiritually feed your imagination.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is
lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these
                                                                                                            ~ Philippians 4:8

Yours in Christ,
April 18, 2021 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church A Pastorate of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana - cloudfront.net
MASS INTENTIONS                                                STEWARDSHIP
Sunday, April 18                                              Collections for the               Collections for the
                                                             Weekend of April 4th              Weekend of April 11th
   8:00 am     Mass: Parishioners
   10:30 am Mass: Erin Rose Martin                         Regular:         $4,332.00        Regular:          $5,401.50
Monday, April 19                                           Online:          $4,371.00        Online:           $3,878.00
  6:00 pm     Mass: Mikki Jeschke                          Total Regular:   $8,703.00        Total Regular:    $9,279.50
                                                           Budget:          $9,800.00        Budget:           $9,800.00
Tuesday, April 20                                          Building Fund:   $620.00          Building Fund:    $210.00
   8:30 am     Mass: Jacinta Richards
Wednesday, April 21                                         Contributions can be made easily, securely and automatically
                                                           online using a checking or savings account, or a credit card. To
  6:00 pm    Mass: +Dorothy Lennertz
                                                                 access our online giving, visit www.sjvfishers.com.
Thursday, April 22
   8:30 am    Mass: +Rush Limbaugh                             PLEASE RETURN RICE BOWLS
Friday, April 23                                           HAPPY EASTER! We prayed, fasted
   8:30 am     Mass: +Patricia Shaw                        and gave alms—and now we rejoice
                                                           because Christ is risen! Don’t forget
Saturday, April 24                                         to turn in your CRS Rice Bowl to the
   8:30 am    Mass: Healy Family                           parish office!
   4:30 pm    Vigil Mass: Sodam & Fellows Family
Sunday, April 25                                                     ADULT CONFIRMATION
   8:00 am     Mass: Parishioners
                                                           On Sunday April 25, we will offer
   10:30 am Mass: Olivia Willis
                                                           preparation for the Sacrament of
                                                           Confirmation for adults who were
       READINGS FOR THE WEEK                               baptized in the Catholic Church.
Sunday, April 18                                           The preparation session will run from
   Third Sunday of Easter                                  3:00-4:30 PM on Zoom. Participants
   Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 | 1 Jn 2:1-5a | Lk 24:35-48         will be asked to do some preparation
Monday, April 19                                           online beforehand. All adults will be confirmed by
                                                           Bishop Doherty on either June 1 or 2, 2021 during the
  Acts 6:8-15 | Jn 6:22-29
                                                           Confirmation Mass at Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, April 20
                                                           To register or for more information, contact Christine at
   Acts 7:51—8:1a | Jn 6:30-35
                                                           (317) 485-0150 or cvincent-rodas@parish.dol-in.org or
Wednesday, April 21                                        Shannon Schmidt at (317) 585-1257 x 102
  Saint Anselm, Bishop and Doctor of the Church            or shannon@hspgeist.org.
  Acts 8:1b-8 | Jn 6:35-40
                                                                       HOLY COMMUNION
Thursday, April 22
                                                                      TO THE HOMEBOUND
   Acts 8:26-40 | Jn 6:44-51
Friday, April 23                                           If you or someone you know is
   Saint George, Martyr; Saint Adalbert, Bishop & Martyr   homebound and would like to receive
   Acts 9:1-20 | Jn 6:52-59                                Holy Communion or Reconciliation,
                                                           please call the parish office. Fr. Daily is
Saturday, April 24                                         making visits to homebound parishioners, so please let us
   Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest and Martyr         know if you would like him to stop by.
   Acts 9:31-42 | Jn 6:60-69
Sunday, April 25                                                         AA OPEN MEETING
   Fourth Sunday of Easter                                 Living Sober reading and discussion, Wednesdays at Noon
   Acts 4:8-12 |1 Jn 3:1-2 | Jn 10:11-18                   in the St. Raphael portable classroom.
April 18, 2021 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church A Pastorate of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana - cloudfront.net
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER                                            K OF C FLOWER SALE
              FOR VOCATIONS
                                                                    APRIL 17 & 18
    Sunday, April 25                                                APRIL 24 & 25
Also known as “Good Shepherd                                    The Knights of Columbus
Sunday”, the purpose of this                                    will have their annual
day is to publicly fulfill the                                  flower sale after Masses
Lord's instruction to, "Pray the                                the last two weekends in
Lord of the harvest to send                                     April. Proceeds support
laborers into his harvest"                                      Knights of Columbus
                                                                charitable activities.
(Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). Please pray
that young men and women hear and respond generously to
the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life,
                                                                    APRIL OUTREACH COLLECTION
societies of apostolic life or secular institutes. Visit        Throughout
our Diocesan Vocations website at dol-in.org/vocations for      April, we will be
more vocations resources.                                       collecting the
                                                                following items
             RACE FOR VOCATIONS                                 to help the Little Sisters of the Poor in their ministry
                                                                caring for the elderly at St. Augustine Home. To give
                                                                you a better understanding of how valuable our help is to
                                                                the sisters, we included how much of each item monthly.
                                                                    1 ply lunch napkins (6 cases used each month)
                                                                    Rolls of paper towels (too many used to count)
                Friday, May 7th — 6:30pm                            5 ounce Dixie cups (5 cases used each month)
            Mass (celebrated by Archbishop Thompson)                Clorox or Lysol Wipe (too many used to count)
    SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral, 1347 North Meridian (Indy)
     Followed by a Pasta Dinner at McGowan Knights Hall         To learn more about the ministry of the Little Sisters of
                   1305 North Delaware, Indy                    the Poor and St. Augustine Home visit
               Saturday, May 8th — 8:00am                       Your donations are definitely needed and very much
            St Michael Catholic Church, Greenfield              appreciated. Thank you for your help!

You do not have to run/walk to attend the Mass and Pasta                       ARS CELEBRANDI
Dinner. The event is sponsored by the Indiana Knights of
                                                                Ars Celebrandi is the art of
Columbus. For questions or to RSVP for any or all of the
                                                                celebrating the liturgy with fidelity to
activities above, please contact Larry Kunkel (317-223-4892     the texts and rubrics of the Church,
or ljkunkel@ologn.org) or visit http://raceforvocations.org/.   prayerful understanding of the
                                                                liturgical texts, feasts, seasons,
           THANK YOU! FROM SVDP                                 reverent sense of the ministers and
                                                                assembly engaging in an exchange
St. Vincent de Paul of Noblesville was very grateful for the    which is the dialogue of the Father
generosity of St. John Vianney parishioners who donated 255     and the Son in the Holy Spirit, proper preparation for
items in March!                                                 celebrating the liturgy, attention to various symbolic language
                                                                employed in ritual activity, deliberate consideration for art and
•    47 cans of chicken         •   2 boxes of diapers          environment, ritual objects, music, gestures, vesture,
•    30 cans of tuna            •   15 pkgs. of toilet paper    movement, postures, silence, etc. and full integration of all the
•    14 bottles of shampoo &    •   4 pkgs. of paper towels     dimensions of the liturgical celebration. Ars Celebrandi is
     conditioner                •   107 misc. food items        essential in fostering the active participation of the People of
•    21 bottles of soap                                         God in divine worship.
                                •   15 misc. hygiene items
April 18, 2021 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church A Pastorate of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana - cloudfront.net
FEED YOUR IMAGINATION                                             THE GOSPEL FOR ALL AGES
                                                                 About the Gospel
                                                                 Jesus meets his followers. He shows them his
                                                                 wounds and has dinner with his friends. Jesus
                                                                 is risen and still has his human body. His body
                                                                 is glorified, but he is still able to eat and talk
                                                                 with his friends. Jesus is fully human and fully
                                                                 divine. Visit www.usccb.org/bible/readings to
                                                                 read this Sunday’s Scripture.
Already have a FORMED Account?
 1. Visit FORMED.org                                             In Church
 2. Click Sign In                                                As you receive Communion or a blessing, think about this: we
 3. Enter your email                                             are having a meal with Jesus and our friends. Jesus is the Living
 4. Click the link in your email                                 Bread.
 5. You’re in! No more passwords!
                                                                 Family Prayer
Registering on FORMED is easier than ever!                       Jesus, help us to remember you are a real friend to us. Amen.
 1. Go to FORMED.org/signup                                      Question of the Week
 2. Enter your parish zip code (46037) or name
                                                                 If you had Jesus over for dinner, what would you talk about?
     (St. John Vianney) to select your parish
 3. Enter your name & email
 4. Click the link in your email
                                                                 LIFE AND GOSPEL QUESTIONS BY AGE LEVEL
Looking for something to watch this weekend? Consider            Seeds (Preschool)
this or another movie found on Formed.org!                        Life Question: How do you show others you like and accept

                                                                   Gospel Question: How do Jesus’ friends feel when they are
                                                                                    able to see him again?

                                                                 Promise (Grades K-1)
                                                                  Life Question: What do you think the word peace means?
                                                                  Gospel Question: Why do you think Jesus comes back to his
                                                                                     friends and brings them peace?
https://watch.formed.org/saint-anthony-miracle-worker-of-padua   Good News (Grades 2-3)
                                                                  Life Question: How do stories help us remember someone?
                   MEN OF ARS                                     Gospel Question: What work does Jesus give his friends to
           “Show me the way to Ars and I will show
           you the way to heaven.”                               Venture (Grades 4-6)
                                    ~St. John Vianney             Life Question: How do you share the Good News about
           A men’s group that will allow you to grow
                                                                  Gospel Question: What does Sunday’s Gospel tell you about
           your faith through prayer, study and                               what Jesus was like after he rose from the dead?
           fellowship with other Catholic men.
                                                                 Visions (Grades 7-9)
           Come join us every Tuesday to pray the                  Life Question: How do you witness to your faith in Jesus?
           rosary as well as to read & discuss our latest
                                                                   Gospel Question: What does Jesus want his friends to
           book: “He Leadeth Me” by Fr. Walter Ciszek.                                remember about him?
           Next meeting is this Tuesday, April 20th              High School Teens and Adults
           at 6:30 PM in the St. Michael room.                    Life Question: What is an experience that remains important
You can join our group via                                                        enough for you to tell the story often?
Flocknote/Prayer Ministries/Men of Ars.                           Gospel Question: What do you remember most about Jesus?
For more information contact Tom Healy or call the                                   How do you touch the living God, not just
parish office.                                                                       in sacraments, but in the lives of others?
April 18, 2021 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church A Pastorate of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana - cloudfront.net
PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS,                                                    PLEASE PRAY FOR...
  DEACONS, AND SEMINARIANS                                          If you have someone you would like the parish to pray for,
Dear Jesus Christ, who suffered, died and rose for our              please ask for their permission, and then please contact the
salvation, we give you thanks and ask You to have mercy on          parish office.
our priests, deacons and seminarians, especially _______                   Terry Garrity                    Ronald Stamps
and ______. May they know an abundance of Your love,                       Bob Floriani                Christina Burch & Family
peace and joy as they bring us the graces of this Easter                  Brandon Drake                    Jacinta Richards
season.                                                                   James Gillmore                 Bill & Eileen Phlipot
   “The priest is a gift from the Heart of Christ: a gift for the           Paul Reith                   Charlotte Mainville
   Church and for the world.” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
                                                                       Bob & Ardis Bishchoff                 Leo Mainville
                                                                            Jim Cullen                       Mikki Jeschke
Priests                                  Dcns/Seminarians
                                                                          Marge Mangan                     Fr. Kevin Haines
Fr. Daniel Duff               4-1        Dcn. Thornton
Msgr. John Duncan             4-2        Dcn. Elliot Zak            ETERNAL REST GRANT UNTO THEM
Fr. Stephen Duquaine          4-3        Dcn. Chris Bock
Fr. Dale Ehrman               4-4        Dcn. Ed Boes               Please remember these Parishioners and Friends who
Fr. Dennis Faker              4-5        Dcn. Michael Burns         have passed away.
Fr. Samuel Futral             4-6        Steve Craver, p
Fr. Alan Funk                 4-7        Dcn. John Etter            + Carolyn Brenner (3/23)         + David Burch (11/10)
Fr. Dan Gartland              4-8        Dcn. Dan Finn              + Oscar Leo Hash (3/7)           + Juan Carlos Campos (10/25)
Fr. Dennis Goth               4-9        Brian Freyberger, p        + Vicki Schmackers (3/5)         + Marguerite Schnautz (10/16)
Fr. Paul Graf                 4-10       Dcn. Mike Gray             + Lavern Wolters (2/15)          + Fr. Christopher Roberts
Fr. Donald Gross              4-11       Dcn. John Jezierski        + Dorothy Parke (1/8)                                      (10/10)
Fr. Thomas Haan               4-12       Dcn. C. Jindrich           + Donald Brooks (12/11)          + Michael Wilson (9/16)
Fr. Kevin Haines              4-13       Dcn. Gary Kuenz            + James Arbuckle (12/9)          + Wallace Witte (9/3)
Fr. David Hasser              4-14       Dcn. Paul Lunsford         + Ron Lippert (12/8)             + Bob Wood (6/29)
Fr. David Hellmann            4-15       Dcn. Todd Marye            + Addie & + Baylor               + Polly Duquaine (5/18)
Fr. Bill Holbrook             4-16       Dcn. Mike Mescall            Kirchgessner (12/4)
Fr. Keith Hosey               4-17       Dcn. Mark Miller           Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let
Fr. David Hoying              4-18       Dcn. Steve Miller          perpetual light shine upon them.
Fr. Paul Hudson               4-19       Dcn. Ron Morrow            May they rest in peace. Amen.
Fr. David Huemmer             4-20       Dcn. Jose Munoz
Fr. Kevin Hurley              4-21       Jordan Boone               May their souls and the souls of all the faithful
                                                                    departed, through the mercy of God, rest in
Fr. Josh Janko                4-22       Jason Diebolt
                                                                    peace. Amen.
Fr. Matthew Kalu              4-23       Brian Farrell
Fr. Samuel Kalu               4-24       Matthew Jakupco
Fr. Mike Kettron              4-25       Jacob Miller
                                                                             ANOINTING OF THE SICK
Fr. John Kiefer               4-26       Andrew Morand
Fr. Leroy Kinnaman            4-27       Jack Rogers                 If you or a family member is in need of the Sacrament of
Ch. Lt. Col. J. Kinney        4-28       TJ Slamkowski               Anointing of the sick, please contact the Parish Office at
Fr. Jeff Kirch                4-29       Dcn. Thornton               317-485-0150.
Fr. Bob Klemme                           Dcn. Elliot Zak

                                                  PARISH MINISTRIES
Altar Servers: … Michael Pavey - sixsix866@yahoo.com                MOMS Ministry: …………...…… Jill Stuck - Ext. #1117
Art & Environment: ……... Linda Lund - Ext. #1104                    Outreach: ………………….. Janell Lenahan - Ext. #1119
Athletics: …………………………. Ed Witte - Ext. #1127                        Pilgrim Queen Rotation: ……. Dodi Poynter - Ext. #1122
Evangelization: …..... Mary Annette Poynter - Ext. #1106            Pro-Life: …………………... Nathan Wiehoff - Ext. #1123
EMHC: …………………...….. Kelly Griffis - Ext. #1107                      Readers: ……………………... Christa Willis - Ext. #1132
Get Well Cards: ….... Mary Annette Poynter - Ext. #1106             Welcome Ministry: ………. Janice Goossens - Ext. #1137
Knights of Columbus: ….... Chuck Williams - Ext. #1109              Young Adults (21-35): Jacob Dungan -
Meals Ministry: …………...…. Christy Lamm - Ext. #1114                                                jdungan77@gmail.com
April 18, 2021 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church A Pastorate of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana - cloudfront.net April 18, 2021 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church A Pastorate of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana - cloudfront.net April 18, 2021 - St. John Vianney Catholic Church A Pastorate of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana - cloudfront.net
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