P6 - Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana ...

P6 - Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana ...
P6 - Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana ...
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
    Greetings from the desk of Vice Chancellor,
    S-VYASA      Yoga   University,   Prashanti
    Kutiram, Bengaluru.
    Wish you all a very happy and prosperous
    New Year, ‘Ugadi’ and belated wishes of the
    colourful festival ‘Holi’. May the Vikari
    Nama Samvatsara bring you all Health,
    Happiness and Wisdom.
    It is my pleasure to make you
    known that NAAC has released
    the Assessment and Accreditation
    format for Yoga Institutions and
    deliberations were held on International
    Assessment and Accreditation format at our University on 5th and 6th of March 2019.
    Indeed it is an applaud-able work undertaken by the NAAC to retain the inherent
    rights of Assessment and Accreditation by the country which has begettered Yoga.
    If this sincere attempt is delayed, organizations around the world would conquer
    the supremacy on our wisdom of Yoga. I heartily congratulate NAAC and also our
    respected Guruji, H R Nagendraji for his initiation and efforts to get it through.
    The University is exploring all possibilities to establish Modern Science Medical
    College (MBBS), BSc & MSc Nursing, BSc & MSc in Clinical Nutrition and Food
    Science, BPT (Bachelor of Physiotherapy), BOT (Bachelor of Occupational Therapy),
    B.ASLP (Bachelor of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology) and other Courses
    related to the Division of Yoga and Life Sciences in order to provide an ideal platform
    for Integrative Medical Education, Health care and Research, the vision and mission
    of our Guruji.
    The University is also gearing up to start BPA (Bachelor of Performing Arts) from the
    Division of Yoga & Humanities, Master of Medical Astrology under the Division of
    Yoga-Spirituality, Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) under the Division of
    Yoga and Physical Sciences, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
    under the Division of Yoga & Management Studies.
    I hope and wish that the New Courses proposed will provide
    greater scope for integration of Life Sciences and overall
    development in the field of education.

                                                 With Pranams
                                         Dr. B R Ramakrishna
                                       Vice Chancellor, S-VYASA
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P6 - Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana ...
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P6 - Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana ...
     Thanks to MHRD Secretary, Shri           the world by tempest and is gaining
     Subrahmanyam and NAAC Director, Prof.    reputation day by day.
     S C Sharma for taking Yoga to Higher Main streaming of Yoga into the
     Education Institutions at the Global Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
     Level. Following is the Summary Plan.
                                            • Yoga is no longer confined to being
     Backdrop                                 just a fitness-workout but has entered
     • Yoga, India’s one of the ancient       the mainstream curriculum with the
       practices has now been inscribed       emergence of various course types
       as an element in the UNESCO’s list     and disciplines of yoga programs,
       of Intangible Cultural Heritage of     creating a space for yoga education in
       Humanity.                              their curriculum at higher education
     • The resolution on 'International Day   levels.
       of Yoga' was introduced by India's • In India, nearly 60 University
       ambassador to United Nations (UN)     Departments and large number of
       and had 175 nations joining as co-    Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
       sponsors, the highest number ever for offering Yoga programmes at higher
       any general assembly resolution.      education level. Around 200 Yoga
     • Successive to the declaration of      programmes are already run by the
       International Day of Yoga, World      HEIs in the country. There is a need
       Health      Organisation      (WHO)   for Harmonization of Yoga curriculum
       comprising     collaborating   centre and maintain its standards at higher
       for traditional medicine along with   education level.
       group of yoga experts developed a • Further,            University      Grants
       new edition of the ‘Common Yoga         Commission (UGC), Chaired by the
       Protocol’.                              Hon'ble Ministry of Human Resource
     • Because of its myriad health (physical, Development (MHRD, Government of
       psycho-social-emotional) benefits and   India) on 2nd January, 2016 led to the
       overall development of personality,     decision of setting up the Departments
       Yoga has created a new global wave of   of Yogic Art and Science in Universities
       peace and tolerance not just in western set up under MHRD.
       countries but has also stretched across • NAAC has already developed the
       the Canada, Europe, Middle East,          framework for Yoga Higher Education
       China, New Zealand, Australia etc.        Programme Accreditation at national
     • Today, Yoga is a painstakingly            level.
       worldwide phenomenon; it has taken • The International Yoga Day has now

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P6 - Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana ...
1st International Day of Yoga
                         21st June 2015 | Rajpath, New Delhi

  become a global phenomenon and                               that there is need for accreditation
  Yoga has created huge impacts all                            body which can offer accreditation to
  around the world particularly in India,                      such Yoga Schools, Departments and
  America, Canada, US, UK, London,                             Universities of Higher Education in
  China, Australia and New Zealand to                          Yoga all over the world.
  name a few. The percentage of yoga                     The Permanent Mission of India to the
  practitioners has increased enormously                 United Nations is the formal title of
  after declaration of International Day                 the Indian delegation to the United
  of Yoga. As per the statistics, 36.7
                                                         Nations (UN). India was among the
  million Americans or 15% of US adults
                                                         founding members of the United Nations
  practice Yoga in the US during 2016,
                                                         and signed the Declaration by United
  which was 20.4 Million in 2014. The
                                                         Nations on 1 January 1942.
  study reveals that 90% of Americans
  have heard about Yoga since 2016.                      Asia-Pacific Quality Network
  This staggering growth suggests an                     (APQN): Global Partner
  estimate that about 55.05 million of                   APQN, which is proudly associated with
  US population will practice yoga                       this global summit as co-organiser, is
  by 2020. Presently global estimation                   the largest regional network of quality
  accounts to 300 million of Yoga                        assurance agencies in Asia Pacific with
  practitioners worldwide.                               166 members from about 50 countries.
• Since there is mushrooming of                          APQN aims to enhance the quality
  institutions, there is a need for                      of higher education in Asia and the
  harmonisation of the Yoga higher                       Pacific region through building the
  education and practices. It is also felt,              capacity of quality assurance agencies

                                                                                          April 2019   35
P6 - Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana ...
     and extending the cooperation between           Yogic Principles (physical, psycho-
     them. This is done by promoting good            social,  emotional,   employability
     practices, facilitating research, providing     generation etc);
     advice, information and expertise,            • Preserve and promote the Tradition
     developing links between QA agencies,           of Authentic Yoga as India’s giving to
     assisting members to determine the              the globe.
     standards of cross-border institutions,       • Safe-guard and upkeep the Tradition
     and the international recognition of            of Authentic Yoga in its truest essence.
     qualifications, enhancing the mobility
                                                   • Nurture and groom both artistic and
     of students between institutions and
                                                     scientific temperaments towards this
     member nations and enabling members
                                                     vast reservoir.
     to recognize dubious accrediting
                                               • Present and promote globally the vast
     practices and organizations.
                                                  scope of Vedic/Indian Psychology (the
     Vision of Global Yoga                        realm of mind, behaviour etc) subtly
     Accreditation Summit                         embraced within the principles /
     Global Yoga Accreditation Summit             tenets of Traditional Yogic Philosophy.
     (GYAS) is convened with a vision to • Facilitate co-operation and co-
     initiate a dialogue and process to create    ordination     among      organisations
     global ecosystem for stakeholders of         dealing with offerings, recognitions
     Yoga higher education and accreditation      and accreditation of Yoga higher
     through harmonization of ancient             education programmes in different
     principles and modern practices by           countries.
     promoting shared understanding and • Raise the benchmark on scientifically
     co-operation.                                approaching the study of authentic
     Mission of Global Yoga                       Yoga and provide further impetus to
     Accreditation Summit                         the growth and promotion of Yoga in
                                                  a standardized manner globally.
     Global Yoga Accreditation Summit
     (GYAS) is aimed at initiating dialogue We thank the NAAC team headed by Dr.
     among      global    stakeholders   with Jagannath Patil for this wonderful work
     following key objectives:                 done and hope it will be historic in the
                                               field of Yoga.
     • Enable the creation of eco-systems
        across HEIs that scientifically would
        open every possibility of exploration          g Dr H R Nagendra

        (tapped-untapped) across various
        dimensions of Traditional Authentic
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P6 - Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana ...
äüsUÇm!               (Brahmasütram)
                                                           g   Prof. Ramachandra G. Bhat
                                                                          Former Vice Chancellor
                                                      S-VYASA Deemed to be University, Bengaluru

                             kayaROyanadpUvRm! (äüsUÇm!-3-3-18)
                           Käryäkhyänädapürvam (Brahmasütram-3-3-18)

On account of being a statement of an act             may brand to influence other activities too with
(already enjoined by the Smriti); which has not       a bias.
been so enjoined elsewhere.
                                                      A Mantra from Brihadaranyaka Upanishat says
In this Adhikarana, very important contemplation      that Shrotriyas, well versed in the Vedas, highly
on daily basis is the focus of discussion. Intake     knowledgeable, practise all these after learning
of food (eating) is most natural and routine          the Vedas and making lessons part of life
for human beings or for that matter, any              experience. We may add that a few rationalists
creature in this universe. A Subhashita (Wisdom       may also give some scientific evidences as logical
Verses) states: ‘Eating, resting, fearing for life    proof. However, the reason behind rinsing water
and procreation are seen commonly in humans and       before eating is as follows. Assume the entire
animals. The difference is that humans do all these   body as a vassal, purify it before use, sanctify it
with conscious wilful thought; one who doesn’t do     with water, and when eating is complete – after
these without conscious effort is equivalent to any   providing suitable food according to the nature
other animal’. The question here is how to do it      of body and mind – enclose it with water again;
with conscious effort? Here comes handy a few         this is wider look at the entire process. One may
selected Shastras to guide us in the method of        find diet plan inclined to one’s nature, as said
making these activities a conscious process           in the 17th chapter of Bhagavad Gita by Lord
rather than mechanically performing like other        Krishna. Interestingly, having food should also
animals.                                              be seen as Yajna as given in various Shastras.
                                                      The way a Kalasha (a pot decorated with leaves,
Traditional practitioners, namely the wise,           flowers, fruits and other decorative items) Puja
while sitting to eat, sprinkle water on the food      is performed, similarly, while eating one should
and around the vassal, drink a little water with a    consider the abdominal region to be a Kalasha,
specific Mantra and many such rituals though it       spread with a pedestal below and covered with
is a daily action, consider them to be sacred every   a covering; all these subtle aspects have to be
time. Shrotriya (a wise knowledgeable person)         made conscious every time one eats. Using
follows these with serious and committed              water is like covering a pot with a layer of
approach. For a self-claimed rationalist and          cloth to purify, protect and provide gross and
proclaimed to be highly logical, these acts           subtle nourishments to the bodies. Water in
seem to be very superficial, customary and            Bharatiya tradition is very much instrumental in
mechanically ritualistic superstitions and they       purification of anything; so one may see it being p14...

                                                                                                   April 2019   57
P6 - Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana ...
Two-Day International Conference on
            Role of Meditation for Prevention and
            Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases
                 Organized by AIIMS – Rishikesh
     The First Ever International Conference           Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical
     on "Role of Meditation for Prevention and         School presented the plenary lecture. He spoke
     Treatment Of Cardiovascular Diseases” was         of the latest scientific developments connecting
     organized by the Organizing committee of          Heart and the Brain. Dr. H R Nagendra,
     Dept of Cardiology at AIIMS, Rishikesh on 09      the Vice-chancellor of S-VYASA presented
     & 10 Mar 19. Dr. Indranil Basu Ray, Visiting      on yogic anatomy and its relevance. Prof
     Professor, AIIMS Rishikesh, Cardiologist,         Yashwant Pathak, Associate Dean School of
     and Electro-physiologist, St. Francis Hospital,   Pharmacy, University of South Florida, spoke
     Memphis USA was the Program Director and          on the difficulties associated with new drug
     the organizer of the Conference along with        development. Dr. Robert Schneider, Dean of
     Dr. Bhanu Duggal, H.O.D Cardiology
     Department, AIIMS Rishikesh. Many
     eminent       internationally   recognized
     scientist, physicians and researchers in
     the field attended to present their research
     and share their knowledge. Dr. Greg
     Fricchione, Director of the Benson Henry
     Institute (BHI) for Mind Body Medicine
     at Massachusetts General Hospital and

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P6 - Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana ...
Dignitaries during the Inaugural Ceremony of the Conference
the Maharishi University of Management, Ohio,                    of S-VYASA and Shri Subodh Tiwari, Vice
was presented the latest research on the role of                 President of Indian Yoga Association and CEO
Transcendental Meditation in the prevention                      of Kaivalyadham. Dr. H R Nagendra spoke of the
and cure of cardiovascular disease. Prominent                    yogic anatomy and underlining how meditation
Indian cardiologist including the Director of                    and Yoga can affect the physical body.
Cardiology, PGI Chandigarh Dr. Yash Paul
                                                                 Speaking on occasion, Dr. Indranil Basu Ray,
Sharma and Head of Cardiology at the Grant
                                                                 the Program Director said “Research in the last
Medical College, Dr. Bansal from Mumbai also
                                                                 10-12 years shows that changes in lifestyle or
participated in sharing their knowledge. Dr.
                                                                 orientation of life with proper diet can reduce
Subhas Chandra Manchanda, the former head of
                                                                 chronic diseases like hypertension, stroke,
cardiology at the All India Institute of Medical
                                                                 coronary artery diseases. Only depending
Sciences, Delhi and a pioneer in cardiovascular
                                                                 on medicines can reduce the chance of heart
research on Yoga, was also present.
                                                                 attack but cannot entirely nullify the disease
The event was inaugurated in the presence                        which is majorly caused due to increase in
of Swami Chidanand Saraswati, President                          stress level. Worldwide there is an epidemic
and Spiritual Head of the Parmarth Niketan                       of Diabetes which is leading to cardiovascular
Ashram; in the presence of Dr. H R Nagendra,                     disease and death. India has one of the largest
Chairman of the Conference and the Chancellor                    diabetic populations in the world and is slated

      Swami Chidanand Saraswati                        Dr. H R Nagendra                         Dr. R Nagarathna

                                                                                                             April 2019   79
P6 - Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana ...
to overtake the US in the number of patients                The sessions discussed the different aspects of
     having and dying due to heart disease. People               cardiovascular health and the role of meditation.
     with diabetes are at an enhanced risk of stroke             Latest research in genetics, epigenetic and
     and heart attack. This grim situation needs                 molecular biology of meditation physiology
     serious lifestyle changes in the population                 was presented by the speakers. Over 450
     along with the latest medical technology to fight           abstract were received out of which only 70
     it. Research in the last ten years has pointed to           were accepted for the final poster competition
     the fact that lifestyle modification including              and 10 oral presentations.
     meditation and Yoga may have both preventive
                                                                 Dr. Basu Ray explained the modern scientific
     and curative role in multiple cardiovascular
                                                                 evidence of different meditative actions like
     diseases like Hypertension, Coronary Artery
                                                                 mudras, pranayama, etc. and their effect on the
     Disease, Stroke, etc."
                                                                 body. This was followed by a guided scientific
     The two days long Symposium witnessed                       meditation session on the morning of the 10th
     discussions on different topics related to                  of March that was led by Dr. Indranil Basu Ray
     the “Integrated Approach to Prevention of                   with hundreds of people participating.
     Cardiovascular Diseases" from distinguished
                                                                 The Valedictory Function was graced by
     physician-scientists who assembled from all
                                                                 Acharya Balkrishna, CEO of Patanjali Yogpeeth
     over the world.
                                                                 who along with the Director of AIIMS, Dr. Ravi
     The conference was attended by over 1000                    Kant gave away the prices for the Poster and
     physician delegates from all over the world.                Oral Competitions.

                            New Delhi: Chancellor, Dr. H R Nagendra with UGC Chairman, Dr. D P Singh

 8    Yo ga S u dh a
National Conference on Yoga Accreditation
         @ S-VYASA University Campus

                                Dignitaries during the Inaugural Ceremony of the Conference
Bengaluru, Mar 6: The National Conference on                     Departments, Professors representing different
Yoga Accreditation, which was co-organised                       Universities / Colleges / Departments from
by the National Assessment and Accreditation                     across the country. The conference aimed at
Council (NAAC), India and Swami Vivekananda                      the presenting the framework for accreditation
Yoga Anusandhana Samsathana (S-VYASA),                           of Yoga programme for higher education at
took place on 6th of March, 2019 at S-VYASA                      national and international levels. The event
University, Bengaluru, India. Over 50 delegates                  addressed the first-time accreditation of an
representing different Institutions / Universities               educational programme by NAAC. Discussions
attended the Conference cum Workshop. These                      were focussed on the need, purpose and benefits
included Members of NAAC and Academicians,                       of implementation of the Yoga accreditation
Vice-Chancellors,     Principals,     Head      of               programme at international and national levels;

                        Delegates from the different Universities & Yoga Institutes with the Dignitaries

                                                                                                           April 2019 11
Felicitation to the Representatives of the Universities & Yoga Institutes for their Incredible Contribution to Yoga

     views of Yoga experts were exchanged through                      and non-uniform Yoga higher education
     the platform. The newly added or revised key                      systems across the globe were raised and
     indicators and metrics of the accreditation                       highlighted based on the non-uniformity in the
     programme were discussed in detail. Further,                      curriculum and NITI Aayog’s proposal to set up
     the relevance of the accreditation programme                      a board of regulatory bodies, one of the prime
     was highlight with respect to its international                   objectives of the accreditation programme was
     alignment.                                                        harmonization and quality assessment of the
                                                                       Yoga curriculum for higher education. NAAC,
     Overview of the Conference                                        the largest regulatory and autonomous body of
     Increased popularity of Yoga, privatization and                   quality assessments of higher education in India
     widespread expansion along with increased                         has taken the lead along with S-VYASA to raise
     autonomy and introduction of programmes                           the bar of the curriculum of Yoga education.
     across various Institutions / Universities have                   The prime objective of the conference and the
                                                                       accreditation programme was to project the
     led to widespread concern on the quality and
                                                                       leadership of India in the field of Yoga research
     relevance of the Yoga higher education. Hence,
                                                                       and education at an international level.
     the conference focussed towards presentation
     of the framework developed for national and                       Consequently,   this    national  conference
     international accreditation of Higher Education                   brought together NAAC personnel, scholars,
     of Yoga. The concerns related to the diverse                      academiciansfrom    the   education   sector.

10    Yo ga S u dh a
Panel Discussion: Dr. Manjunath N K, Dr. Srinidhi K Parthasarathi, Dr. B R Ramakrishna & Dr. Jagannath Patil       Prof. (Dr.) K Subrahmanyam
Through discussions across a wide range of                                in the growth of Yoga education followed
perspectives, the conference was aimed to                                 by Hon’ble Prime Minister’s move towards
better understand the key indicators of quality                           celebrating 21st June as an International Day
assessments of yoga based curriculum. An                                  of Yoga. He brought the attention of audience
enhanced understanding of these metrics of                                to the international scenario wherein several
the accreditation was developed through this                              international institutions are running Yoga
conference, this will accelerate growth and                               courses at undergraduate and Master’s levels.
aid in meeting the developmental needs of                                 He emphasized that India should take the lead
communities of learners – in particular those at                          in preserving the legacy of Yoga, an ancient
the ‘bottom of the pyramid’.                                              Indian philosophy.

Opening of the Conference                                                 Dr. B R Ramakrishnana, the Vice-Chancellor of
                                                                          S-VYASA University stated that the developed
The conference began with a series of welcoming
                                                                          framework for Yoga accreditation is a milestone
addresses from the Dr. Jagannath Patil, Adviser,
                                                                          in the history of Yogic sciences. He raised the
NAAC, Dr. H R Nagendra (Chairman of IUC-
                                                                          concern of mis-presentation and adulteration of
YS, Bengaluru, Hon’ble Chancellor, S-VYASA,
                                                                          Yogic sciences, in the present era, where Yoga is
Bengaluru), Dr. K Subrahmanyam, and Dr. B R
                                                                          globalized and commercialized.
Ramakrishnana from the host organisation.

The welcome address was made by Dr. Jagannath
Patil, Adviser, NAAC. Dr. Patil referred the
event as a historical occasion wherein the formal
accreditation for yoga was being implemented
for the very first time. He mentioned that the
documents related to the accreditation were
the outcome of constant efforts of several
months made by the committee. In the month
of August, 2018, the first prefinal document
                                                                                             Dr. Jagannath Patil, Adviser, NAAC
was sent to over 30 Universities / Institutions
and pilot scale data was collected and analysed
that formed the basis of the developed
framework. The final framework is an outcome
of the collective wisdom of Yogic experts. He
mentioned that the purpose of the development
of the framework was to create a road map for
the future international efforts.

Dr. H R Nagendra gave the keynote address
on Yoga Higher Education Scenario in India
                                                                                       Dr. Srinidhi K Parthasathi, Registrar, S-VYASA
and around the world. Dr. Nagendra stated
that there has been a profuse acceleration

                                                                                                                                  April 2019 11
Pujya Dr. D
                         Veerendra Heggade
                         ji has been felicitated
                         by the INYGMA Core
                         Group during the
                         2nd National
                         Conference on Yoga
                         and Lifestyle Diseases
                         at Ujire, Karnataka on
                         Mar 15th

Guruji, Dr Nagarathna
    and Dr. Manjunath
 with Dr. P K Warrier
of Arya Vaidya Shala,
 Kottakal during NITI
     Aayog Meeting on
  Integrative Medicine
         at New Delhi

                         Prashanti Kutiram:
                         Guruji in discussion
                         with the Delegation
                         from Tamilnadu

  12   Yo ga S u dh a
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                                                                                                                       April 2019 13
¸ÁªÀÄxÀðåªÀ£ÀÄß ¥ÀqÉAiÀÄÄvÀÛzÉ JA§ÄzÀÄ ªÀĺÀ¶ðUÀ¼À EAVvÁxÀð (Individual consciousness to Universal Consciousness).
         E°èUÉ avÀÛ¥Àæ¸ÁzÀPÉÌ (ªÀÄ£À¹ì£À ¥Àæ¸À£ÀßvÉUÉ) ««zsÀ G¥ÁAiÀÄUÀ¼À£ÀÄß PÀÄjvÀ «±ÉèõÀuÉAiÀÄÄ ªÀÄÄPÁÛAiÀĪÁ¬ÄvÀÄ.

... p5
         sprinkled and consumed ritualistically.                          Eating activity can be modified for better health
                                                                          at physical and subtle levels. Today’s food
         This very Adhikarana emphasises on rinsing the
                                                                          consumption has literally encouraging grabbing
         mouth with water as a layer of cloth, not just
                                                                          and negative tendencies in human beings,
         aiming at cleansing of oral cavity. Purification,
                                                                          worse than in animals. Sometimes, animals may
         sanctification and layering the body with water is
                                                                          eat while walking, standing, and fighting and
         not known from any other sources of knowledge.
                                                                          jumping, but humans should not do so.
         Brihadaranyaka Upanishat demonstrates and
         delineates this as Vasovidhanam (assuming and                    Humans should eat assuming proper position
         applying a layer of cloth with water). This very                 of the body, anchored in an attitude of Yajna,
         process of sanctification spiritualises even an act              doing Upasana. This is the lesson to learn from
         of eating. When one brings in deeper associations                Upanishads which are the only sources of these
         of ideas with Upanishadic thoughts, naturally,                   insights. Sadly, the so-called rationalistic groups
         the idea of making stomach a dustbin to throw                    have made these sublimating practices as
         garbage will be spontaneously driven away.                       laughing stock in collective social living. For the
         Trivial and just physical approach towards the                   seekers of Yoga, the present Adhikarana focusing
         edibles and feeders would disappear, stronger                    on a statement from Brihadaranyaka Upanishat,
         and matured way of handling even very small                      is a guiding concept and food for thought.
         aspects of life would be imbibed.                                                                               to be continued...

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April 2019 15
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April 2019 27
My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
            In modern times, management of noncommunicable diseases has become an
            enormous challenge to the medical fraternity worldwide. It is increasingly
            being recognized that non-communicable diseases are multifactorial
            problems and therefore the solutions to these have to be multi-faceted.
            Evidence based approach is of utmost importance to provide the best
            possible care for the patients.

            Equally important is to develop cost-effective treatments. Modern Medicine,
            Yoga and other AYUSH systems of medicine approach patient care in
            their own unique ways. Each system has got its own advantages. Hence
            it is necessary to explore how these systems of medicine can complement
            each other in order to provide best solutions for the management of non-
            communicable diseases.

            Hence, we have selected a theme “Yoga as Lifestyle Medicine” for 23rd
            INCOFYRA. This will make an effort to integrate Indian medicine and
            Modern Medicine with Yoga as basis for integrative medicine by bringing
            prominent researchers and doctors from all these fields under on one
            platform. The focus of 23rd INCOFYRA will be on reversal of Diabetes
            and Heart disease with Yoga as lifestyle intervention.

            We welcome you all to our Prashanti Kutiram campus.

                                                                    With Love
                                                     Dr. H R Nagendra
                                               President, 23rd INCOFYRA
                                                   President, VYASA and
                                          Chancellor, S-VYASA University

      Conference Objectives
            1.    To disseminate the research findings in the field of
                  integrative medicine and give directions to future research
            2.    To translate the available research findings of
                  CAM therapy for NCDs into clinical practice
            3.    To establish working groups comprising universities, health care
                  providers and policy makers to initiate collaborative research programs
            4.    To deliver cost effective health care

26   Yo ga S u dh a
Main Conference: Yoga as Lifestyle Medicine
      Jan 2 - 5, 2020: The 23rd INCOFYRA will make an effort to integrate
Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy and Modern Medicine
      by bringing prominent researchers and doctors from all these fields
                 under one platform to evolve better cancer care.

    Conference Programs at a Glance                                 Parallel Symposia
        Date                          Program                       • Consciousness based
                                                                      approach to healthcare
 Dec 27 - 31, 2019    Pre – Conference Workshop                     • Reversing NCDs
 Dec 30 & 31, 2019    Himalaya Yoga Olympiad Finals                   through Yoga
                                                                    • Yoga: The basis for
 Jan 2 - 5, 2020      Main Conference
                                                                      Integrative Medicine

Conference Registration
               Register before Sept 15, 2019 to gain Maximum Concession
                                             SAARC Countries                 International
     Individual                              Before         After         Before        After
      Programs                            Sept 15, 2019 Sept 15, 2019 Sept 15, 2019 Sept 15, 2019
                                                in `        in `         in US$        in US$
                       Dec 27 - 31,
 Pre-Conference                                   5,000       5,000            300              400
 Main Conference       Jan 2 - 5, 2020            4,000       5,000            250              300
                       Dec 27, 2019 -
 Both Programs                                    9,000      10,000            550              700
                       Jan 5, 2020
 Day Rate for Confe
                             -----                1,275       1,750            100              150

City Office: Sri Mahadevappa
‘Eknath Bhavan’, #19, Gavipuram Circle, K G Nagar, Bengaluru – 560 019
ph: 080-2661 2669

Prashanti Kutiram campus
Vivekananda Road, Kalluballu Post, Jigani, Anekal, Bengaluru – 560 105
ph: +91-80-2263 9963 / 55 | cell: +91-70220 24777 | e-mail: incofyra@svyasa.org
web: www.incofyra.com ; www.vyasa.org ; www.svyasa.edu.in
facebook: svyasayoga | YouTube: svyasablr

                                                                                       April 2019 27
Ms. Reshma M. Shetkar
                                       PhD Thesis Title: Empirical evidence for increased
                                       creative cognition and associated EEG synchrony
                                       following experience of self during low default mode
                                       network activity in youth.

     Social Relevance of the Theses:
     Dr Rashmi Shetkar demonstrated increased creativity resulting from SVYASA’s system of cyclic
     meditation, i.e. a simple, directed, mental practice, practiced from a recording, can greatly increase
     the creative intelligence of society at large. Graduates using such systems, including India’s many
     meditation techniques, will be able create greater change and bring society greater progress in
     coming generations

     Background:         Western science
     divides the creative process into
     four stages: preparation, incubation,
     illumination and verification. The
     scientific study of creativity now
     focuses on brain function studying
     how different brain regions are
     involved, suggesting that process
     depends on coordinated use of the
     frontal, parietal and temporal lobes
     of the brain. Brain studies indicate
     that EEG coherence is a bio-marker
     signature, suggesting that creativity
     involves     increased     integration
     between different brain regions.
     Traditional Indian approaches to
     understanding creativity are based
     on expanded states of mind described
     in Vedic literature. They suggest that
     ‘expansion of mind’ is the key step,                Yoga, and Alaìkära Çästra contain insights into
     achieved by practice of deep meditations. The       the nature of creativity. The Upaniñat have deep
     disparity between the two approaches western
                                                         implications for workings of the mind. Çikñä
     and eastern, suggests that considering both
                                                         identifies four levels of speech: transcendental,
     together may bring deeper insights. Deep
                                                         ideas, linguistic thoughts, and speech. Ideas
     meditation is known to bring illumination,
                                                         form the basis for cognition. Yoga brings access
     which is important. Brain mechanisms suggest
                                                         to the deepest level of consciousness Samädhi,
     themselves as illumination correlates with brain
                                                         the ‘blank’ state of mind held to be necessary
     coherence and synchrony. Eastern wisdom may
                                                         for incubation; and Åtambharä Prajïä, the state
     help resolve problems in the scientific approach.
                                                         where creativity arises. The works of Vyasa,
     Eastern Literature: Certain Upaniñat, Çikñä,        Kälidäsa, and Santa Jïäneçvara, all experts in

28    Yo ga S u dh a
Alaìkära Çästra, offer examples of profound          64 channel EEG.
processes of cognition and creativity. The
                                                     Materials      &     Methods:     Participants:
Upaniñat offer insights and patterns of thought
                                                     Experiment 1: 120 participants, in two groups
that guide disciples of Masters to their own
                                                     of 60, were attending one-month yoga training
realization of illumination, and abilities to help
                                                     courses in Bangalore that included daily CM
solve humanity’s problems.
                                                     training; controls consisted of two groups of
Western       Literature:      Present western       60 young adults from outside Bangalore not
neuroscientific understanding of creativity          practising Yoga or meditation. Experiment
is based on work of Andreasen, Austin,               2: participants were from Delhi University &
Craig, Damasio, Heilman, Raichle, and V.             DRDO, with no prior Yoga practice. Of the 30
Ramachandran. Activation of various networks,        who started final data could only be obtained
like the executive-network and deactivation of       from 12 in each group.
the default mode network, are thought to be
                                                     Assessments: ATTA for students and adults
central. Studies of creativity, EEG, and brain
                                                     was administered pre- and post- intervention.
connectivity after practice of focused attention,
                                                     Its four subscales have 13 criteria-referenced
open-monitoring,      and       self-transcending
                                                     measures. It was scored blind by the author.
meditations, the three basic types, yield
important insights.                                  Results: Both studies showed large increases
                                                     in post-intervention creativity scores (Cohen’s
Integration of Western &
                                                     d, 0.62 & 0.79), For EEG: in Fluency, d was 0.93
Eastern Approaches:
                                                     (frontal) and 0.94 (parietal); in Elaboration,
Programs to integrate the two approaches,            d was again 0.93 (frontal) and 0.94 (parietal);
started in the 1970s, have continued to the          while in originality d was 0.78 (frontal) and 0.95
present. Some scientists have proposed using         (parietal). Synchrony was observed between F3,
Vedänta to avoid limitations in the western          F4 (frontal lobe) and P3, P4 (parietal lobe).
approach. Blocks to creative thinking are caused
                                                     Discussion: Results showed that CM enhances
by activation of the Default Mode Network,
                                                     creativity, with d similar to other meditation
equated with the Citta- våttayaù. Preventing
                                                     studies, probably due to effects observed in
its activation by meditation enhances access to
                                                     the frontal (F3,F4) and parietal (P3,P4) lobes.
creative states of awareness.
                                                     Frontal lobe activation enables the parietal
Aim and Objectives: To study the effect of           lobes, containing skills and domain knowledge
cyclic meditation, deep relaxation, on various       for creative cognition. Next, the temporal lobes
scales of adult creativity. Performance on the       responsible for episodic memory are activated.
ATTA test was hypothesized to improve.               Results suggest that future research should
                                                     use similar techniques. Differences will shed
Study Design: The two experiments used the
                                                     light on roles of different brain areas. Choosing
Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA),
                                                     techniques affecting precise brain areas used
the most widely used, neuro-scientifically
                                                     in creative cognition will achieve this best.
researched creativity test. (1) 240 participants,
                                                     Brain imaging techniques may produce key
120 experimental and 120 controls pre- and
                                                     breakthroughs in such research.
post- 4 weeks daily CM practice at Bangalore
(2) 15 experimental and 15 controls, at Ministry     Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that
of Defence, New Delhi, pre- and post- 7 days         Cyclic Meditation improves creativity compared
practice, with additional EEG measures using a       to Çaväsana. Correlations between creativity

                                                                                          April 2019 29
test scores and EEG activity suggest the key to            Association between Cyclic Meditation and
     connectome between the frontal and parietal                Creative Cognition: facilitating connectivity
     lobes in delta and gamma frequency bands,                  between the frontal and parietal lobes. IJOY
     either singly or combined. We may conclude                 International Journal of Yoga. Vol: 12 Issue: 1
     that research using EEG-based associations
                                                           5.   Dr. Alex Hankey., Dr. Rashmi Shetkar.,
     and connectivity patterns among brain regions
                                                                (2016). Self-transcending meditation is
     may be fruitful, and yield new directions for              good for mental health: why this should be
     research on creativity. That would point to ways           the case. International Review of Psychiatry,
     to use Vedic Sciences to enhance the highest               Volume 28, 2016 - Issue 3.
     potential of the brain, and develop higher states     6.   Dr. Rashmi Shetkar., Dr. Alex Hankey., Dr.
     of consciousness for creative cognition and                H.R. Nagendra., (2014). Optimizing
     innovation.                                                Emotional Intelligence in Managerial
                                                                Education; A role for Vedic Sciences. NMR
     The future of this research area may depend on             Nitte Management review EBSCO. PubMed:
     what can next be proven to be scientific, building         EDUVED Global Management Research.
     on present understanding of the biophysics of              (GMR). Volume 8, Issue 2, December 2014.
     meditation. Of particular importance will be first    7.   Dr. Rashmi Shetkar., (2017). How the
     person accounts of meditation; its deepest states          Panchakosha Model of Experience fits the
     as per the wisdom of Yoga and the Upaniñat;                understanding of Shunya and how it helps
                                                                explain Quantum Reality. Proceedings of
     self-organised criticality, and its implications
                                                                Conference – Delhi, ICCR, ICPR, ICHR, Delhi.
     for cognition; the Païcakoñäù model and related
                                                           8.   Dr. Rashmi Shetkar., (2017). Cognition
     concepts. Future research should study how
                                                                of Pure Consciousness and its Structure:
     different meditation systems enhance higher                A Comparison of Vedic Theories with
     levels of cognition, especially creative cognition;        Modern Science and their Synthesis. Special
     how they stimulate the mid- brain and influence            Issue, Vedanta Congress - University of
     its development; and how they benefit mental               Massachusetts, Dept. of Indic Sciences.
     health, and emotional and spiritual intelligence..
     1. Dr. Rashmi Shetkar., Dr. Alex Hankey., Dr.
        H.R. Nagendra, (2017). First Person
        Accounts of Yoga Meditation yield clues to
        the Nature of Information in Experience.
        Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and
        Social Philosophy, Vol. 13, no. 1, 2017.
     2. Dr. Rashmi Shetkar., Dr. Alex Hankey., Dr.
        H.R. Nagendra, (2016). Reason for Health
        Benefits of Deep Meditation; Self Organized
        Criticality Restores Regulation to Optimal.
        European Journal of Pharmaceutical and medical
        research, EJPMR, 2016, 3(5), 435-441.
     3. Dr. Rashmi Shetkar., Dr. Alex Hankey., Dr.
        H.R. Nagendra, (2018). Biophysics of
        Meditation in the Light of Complexity
        Biology. J. Indian Counc. Philos. Res.
     4. Dr. Rashmi Shetkar., Dr. Alex Hankey., Dr.
        H.R. Nagendra., Balaram Pradhan., (2017).

30    Yo ga S u dh a
Self Management of Excessive Tension (SMET) was conducted for ONGC Officials
             from Mar 25 – 29. Totally, 37 participants were there.

                                        Chancellor, Dr. H R Nagendraji’s
                                        Lecture on Yoga is available in
                                        the following link with Russian
                                        Subtitles: https://disk.yandex.ru/
                                        Recently, few Russian Students from
                                        S-VYASA made it possible to publish
                                        the Guruji’s Happiness Analysis
                                        Lecture with Russian Language.

                                                         Mumbai, Mar 8:
                                                         Mr. Avinash Chatterjee,
                                                        Alumni of S-VYASA, had
                                                      conducted Ashtanga Yoga
                                                  Session as a part of the celebration
                                        of International Women’s Day.

                                                                           April 2019 31
Manufacturer’s Manual
     In modern times there are many machines,
     gadgets and technological devices to make our               g   Dr. K Subrahmanyam
     lives comfortable. There are many electrical                      Advisor to Chancellor
     appliances in the houses for an easy living. We
     have laptops, palmtops, and there may be finger
     tops also soon. Every time a new machine or          the nature in the prescribed procedure by
     device is made, the manufacturer gives a manual      slow inhalation and exhalation. Any other
     to teach the customer how to use the device or       local and different method of energizing the
     machine.                                             body may endanger the functioning of the
                                                          equipment and the healthy structure of the
     Human body is a wonderful machine with
                                                          device. Therefore, pranayama or “breathing in
     hardware, software, subtle ware, causal ware,
                                                          and breathing out” is of high priority. From the
     eternal ware, and blissful ware. This body-
                                                          gross body, systematically we should proceed
     mind-intellect equipment is manufactured by a
                                                          to have the highest benefit from the blissful
     maker called god. While giving this equipment
                                                          body. Therefore, the physical structure is to be
     for use he gives us the makers’ / users’
                                                          nourished well, maintained well, and cleaned
     manual. The manual contains the anatomy and
                                                          well. Within this gross body is the subtle body,
     physiology of the equipment. It also contains
                                                          the mental sheath or the body which may turn
     a natural self-diagnostic methods and self-
                                                          out to be disastrous if not properly stabilized.
     rectifying procedures. In addition to them there
                                                          As every electrical appliance has a stabilizer
     is a natural healing method to tap the energy
                                                          the mind and its thoughts have to be stabilized,
     from the electricity, a cord with a plug point
                                                          controlled, silenced, and tranquilized. Next to
     is also provided by the maker. If any local or
                                                          the mental body is the computer program which
     duplicate cord is used, the equipment warns
                                                          is well within the device. It has to be kept up
     us that it is dangerous to have anything other
                                                          to date. In other words brain or intellect is to
     than the original electric cord. Small defects get
                                                          be sharpened or brightened. When all the four
     automatically diagnosed and set right by the
                                                          sheaths- gross, vital, mental, and intellectual
     device itself. The entire method of using and the
                                                          are well maintained, the usefulness of the
     warranty card are provided with the manual
                                                          instrument is 100% successful by giving us the
     by the maker for the benefit of the user. That
                                                          required product – blissfulness.
     manual to make use of this body-mind-intellect
     equipment is yoga.

     The     panchakoshas:  annamayakosha    (gross
     physical body), pranamayakosha (vital body),
     manomaykosha (mental body), vijnanamayakosha
     (intellectual body), and anandamanyakosha
     (blissful body) are described in detail in
     the manual of yoga. In addition to this, the
     anatomy of the device, the physiology of the
     parts and their functioning also are provided
     in the manual. Energy is to be derived from

32    Yo ga S u dh a
If by any chance the device is not found to be        days to recover without any side effects. If both
functioning well, we cannot afford to take to a       are not possible and available we have to take
local mechanic for repair because the original        ourselves back to the manufacturer called god
parts damaged may not be available with               for cure, recuperation, and complete health. This
him. Also, while trying to repair the system he       is Ishwara pranidhana of Patanjali and sharanagati
may spoil some other part of the equipment.           of Bhagavat Gita.
Similarly, if the body-mind-intellect equipment
                                                      Determination to keep the body-mind-intellect
is not found to be functioning well we cannot
                                                      equipment strong and useful is Raja yoga. To
take it to a local doctor like an allopathic
                                                      purify the mind and unfold the hidden flower
physician or some other medical practitioner.
                                                      of love is Bhakti yoga. To brighten and sharpen
We have to take it to the maker who has made
                                                      the software or the intellect for our requirement
it and with whom there is the workmanship
                                                      is Jnana yoga. The overall upkeep of the
and the original spare parts. That is why the
                                                      instrument for the use of everybody is Karma
yoga manual (Bhagavat Gita) says, “come to
                                                      yoga. To be benefited by the equipment and
my feet, I shall set you right”. And this is called
                                                      to be established in this blissful state of total
sharanagati or prapatti.
                                                      satisfaction is the Prapatti yoga. In short, if at
If we go to a doctor with cough, sneeze or cold       all we study the maker’s manual carefully and
he may give us a medicine which may cure us of        follow the instructions for our use of the body-
the ailment within a week with side effects. If we    mind-intellect equipment we are sure to succeed
don’t go to any physician and allow ourselves to      in enjoying the eternal happiness. That manual
be healed by the nature we may take just seven        is Yoga.

        Yoga Instructor's Course (YIC) Batch of Directorate of Distance Education (DDE)

                                                                                           April 2019 33
S-VYASA ODL (Open & Digital Learning)
     Month of March was full of activity for           YIC in great detail and helped them understand
     S-VYASA ODL. Eventful first week was busy         the structure of the program. Mohan Kishore Jain
     with inauguration of in-house learner support     is the coordinator at Eknath Bhavan, responsible
     center, Induction program for YIC students and    for arranging and organizing learner support
     two days orientation conference for Zonal head    activities.
     and state coordinators.
                                                       On 2nd March Model Learner Support Center
     Distance learning in its new phase of Open        was inaugurated at Prashanti Kutiram. Guest of
     and Digital Learning will reach out and spread    Honor was Vinay Sahastrabuddhe. Also present
     awareness of Yoga as an academic discipline       were the Director of ODL Prof. Ravindra Kumar,
     with centers all across the country. ODL is       Chancellor S-VYASA, Dr. H R Nagendra and
     barrier free, easy, accessible, reaching out to   Vice Chancellor Dr. B R Ramakrishna with team
     learner’s mode to educate at one’s own pace       ODL. Santosha Hall is in-house Model learner
     and space, especially with wide range of Yoga     support center for ODL programs.
     programs from short term certificate level to
                                                       On 3rd and 4th March Orientation Conference
     Master’s degree.
                                                       was organized for Zonal head and State
     On 1stMarch at Eknath Bhavan a formal             coordinators to assist the growth of ODL in their
     inauguration and induction program was held       respective cities. The theme of the program was
     for students enrolled for YIC program. There      functioning of ODL and working of support
     were around 40 students present for the program.  service network. The Vision of ODL- Yoga as an
     Guruji, H R Nagendra, Chancellor S-VYASA,         Academic Discipline and the mission to spread
     addressed the welcome note to students            Yoga to every door step will be achieved through
     online. Dr. Natesh Babu, Deputy Director          this initiative. This will benefit learners with the
     ODL introduced S-VYASA journey and faculty        treasure of Yoga as a way of life. The response
     present. Prof. Ravindra Kumar, Director ODL       of the participants was positive to support and
     explained the students what is ODL and how        flag the mission.
     will it function
     their     passion
     for      learning
     and Yoga. He
     spoke about the
     benefits     they
     will get from
     the      program
     and counselling
     support learners
     will      receive.
     Dr.        Kuntal
     Ghosh, program
     spoke about the            Mar 2nd: With the Guest of Honor, Shri Vinay Sahastrabuddhe

34    Yo ga S u dh a
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