APRIL/MAY 2022 - Barcaldine Regional Council

Page created by Dean Aguilar
APRIL/MAY 2022 - Barcaldine Regional Council
                                                                                Sopranos. Please check further on in this edition for
                                                                                dates and venues for these events, they are a terrific
                                                                                addition to our cultural opportunities and well worth
                                                                                the time out. Other local events coming up are the
                                                                                Alpha Show and the MADBAG Colour Fun Run, to
                                                                                fixtures in our calendar annually.

      MESSAGE FROM                                                              The proposed new Barcaldine Regional Council
                                                                                Planning scheme will be released for public
                                                                                consultation very shortly following Council providing
   Hello to you all,                                                            final amendments to the draft for the state’s perusal
   The Queensland Premier has announced the finalists                           prior to the public consultation phase. I have written
   for the State’s Fossil Emblem and it is very exciting                        here before, this is one of the more important
   that the Muttaburrasauras has made the list. Should                          documents and plans that council is responsible for
   the Muttaburrasauras be chosen this will provide a                           as it has a generational impact on not only economic
   permanent boost to recognition and awareness of the                          development but on existing businesses and
   area, assisting with both attraction of tourists and                         residential premises ability to expand or change. We
   study opportunities as well as name recognition for                          believe that the draft we are releasing is modern,
   the region generally. Please take the time to vote for                       practical and contains realistic conditions, reflective
   the Muttaburrasauras at                                                      of current community expectations and with future
   campaigns.premiers.qld.gov.au/fossilemblem to help                           economic prosperity and enhancement. We are also
   ensure we have the best chance possible.                                     very open to your suggestions in any of the sections,
                                                                                so please use this opportunity to deep dive into the
   Council is undertaking a number of road construction
                                                                                details and consider what we are proposing.
   and maintenance projects, all of which have now
   been held up or delayed by the wonderful wet                                 Until next month, all the best.
   weather. This will mean that these projects will take                        Cheers,
   longer to complete, so I ask please for your continued                       Sean Dillon
   patience as we work through the next few months.                             Mayor
   We have a number of council supported cultural
   activities occurring over the next month with the                            TODAY SHOW LIVE FROM MUTTABURRA
   Queensland Chamber Orchestra – Camerata Classic                              The TODAY Show weather segment will be live from
   Reimagined performance in Barcaldine, The                                    the Muttaburrasaurus Interpretation Centre on
   Babushka Book Club in Aramac and Muttaburra and                              Monday 23 May 2022. Come along and meet Tim
   the Opera Queensland show in Barcaldine with The                             Davies and maybe get on national TV.

                               For any further information on a matter raised in the Galilee Gazette or to obtain forms,
                                 please contact your local Council Administration Office or visit the Council website.

                  CONTACT US                          ALPHA: 43 Dryden Street | 07 4985 1166           JERICHO: 8 Darwin Street | 07 4651 4129

   BARCALDINE: 71 Ash Street | 07 4651 5600           ARAMAC: 35 Gordon Street | 07 4652 9900          MUTTABURRA: 20 Bruford Street | 07 4658 7191

                     www.barcaldinerc.qld.gov.au               council@barc.qld.gov.au                PO Box 191, Barcaldine QLD 4725

DISCLAIMER: The information is believed to be accurate and reliable and it must be understood that no liability can be accepted for any error or omission.
APRIL/MAY 2022 - Barcaldine Regional Council
4. Resolves to respond to the Chief Executive
                                                                       administering the Planning Act, in respect of
                                                                       the notice issued to Council under Step 6 of
                                                                       Stage 2 of the prescribed process set out in the
                                                                       14 February 2020 notice issued to Council
                                                                       under section 18(3) of the Planning Act and
                                                                       requesting that the State interest review of the
                                                                       revised proposed planning scheme continue.
                                                                 Information Technology Policy: Council adopts
                                                                  the amended Information Technology Policy.
                                                                 Community Grants Policy: Council receives the
Below is an overview of the Special Meeting of Council
                                                                  amended Community Grants Policy and tables the
held on Monday 4 April 2022.
                                                                  Policy for comment prior to adoption at the May
 Tender – Waste Collection Contract: Council
                                                                  Council meeting.
  receives the Tender Summary and Evaluation
                                                                 Planning Approval – Alpha: Council approves the
  Report and awards the tender for waste collection
                                                                  application for a Development Permit for Material
  services to JJ Richards & Sons Pty Ltd for the price
                                                                  Change of Use for a Commercial premise and
  of $2,483,346 over 10 years with contracted annual
                                                                  visitor accommodation over land at 39 and 41
  rise and fall provisions, on the basis that this tender
                                                                  Shakespeare Street and 40 and 42 Milton Street,
  is the most advantageous to Council.
                                                                  Alpha, formally described as Lot 108 on A3011, Lot 2
 Donation Request - Barcaldine Senior Rugby
                                                                  on RP614123, Lot 115 on A3011 and Lot 116 on A3011,
  League: Council agrees to provide a donation of
                                                                  subject to conditions.
  $5,000 plus free hire of the portable stage and use
                                                                 Aramac Racing Club – Request for Fee Waiver:
  of the Village Green to the Barcaldine Senior Rugby
                                                                  Council agrees to waive $2,899.20 in fees
  League to assist with hosting of entertainment for
                                                                  associated with the Development Application for
  the Barcaldine Tree of Knowledge Festival.
                                                                  the removal and relocation of the old toilet block to
 Donation Request - May Day Fundraising
                                                                  the Aramac Racecourse.
  Committee: Council agrees to provide a donation
                                                                 Aramac Tramway Museum – Qld Heritage
  of up to a total of $2,000 for the Traffic
                                                                  Register: Council does not consent to amend the
  Management Plan for the May Day parade, plus in-
                                                                  Statement of Significance and revise the boundary
  kind hire of tables and chairs and delivery to assist
                                                                  in the Aramac Tramway Museum’s Heritage
  with hosting the Family Fun Day.
                                                                  Register entry.
Below is an overview of the Council Meeting held on              Ballyneety Rodeo Club Inc. – Support Request:
Wednesday 27 April 2022.                                          Council agrees to sponsor the Ballyneety Rodeo
 Proposed Barcaldine Regional Planning Scheme –                  Club Inc. to the value of $1,500.
  Resubmission for State interest review and                     Sale of 82, 86, 90 and 94 Lord Street, Muttaburra:
  approval to proceed to public consultation:                     Council agrees to sell 82, 86, 90 and 94 Lord Street,
  Council:                                                        Muttaburra to Kym Barton for the sum of $12,000
  1. Endorses the Revised Proposed Barcaldine                     including GST.
        Region Planning Scheme and Maps (“the                    Lease Barcaldine Rec Park Kitchen/Canteen:
        revised proposed planning scheme”);                       Council agrees to lease the Barcaldine Rec Park
                                                                  Kitchen/Canteen to Tom and Salena Lumby for
   2.   Endorses the Revised Natural Hazard Risk
                                                                  $7,800 ($150 per week) for 12 months with the
        Assessment Report
                                                                  option of a further two years.
   3.   Endorses the Revised Communications
                                                                 Channel 7 – Tourism Advertising: Council agrees
        Strategy for public consultation of the
                                                                  to advertise on Channel 7 at a cost of $10,021 for six
        proposed planning scheme; and                             weeks.

APRIL/MAY 2022 - Barcaldine Regional Council

• Meltwater – News Monitoring: Council agrees to
  engage Meltwater to provide media monitoring
  services at a cost of $8,500 per annum.
 Regional Arts Development Fund Application:
  Council accepts the Committee recommendation
  to approve the application from the Alpha District
  Tourism & Development Association for the
  amount of $14,456 for the reproduction of Goods
  Shed Mural, relocation and a workshop.
 Storytowns – Podcasts: Council does not agree to
                                                            NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS
  engage Storytowns to create five town podcasts at         Rates notices were issued on Monday 11 April 2022 to
  a cost of $13,500.                                        the last advised address on Council records.
 Barcaldine Region Scholarships 2022: Council              For the discount to apply the due date for payment is
  acknowledges and congratulates the recipients of          by 4.30pm on Monday 16 May 2022.
  the Barcaldine Region Scholarship 2022 who each           Please contact the Alpha Administration Office on 07
  receive a $4,000 bursary for further education:           4985 1166 for any queries.
  Mikaela Bettridge, Britney Hannay, Kate Magoffin,
  Jazzmin Rose and Angus Stewart.
For full Council minutes or to watch the video of the
meeting, please visit www.barcaldinerc.qld.gov.au.

                                                            QUEENSLAND’S STATE FOSSIL EMBLEM
                                                            The Muttaburrasaurus langdoni is one of 12 fossils
                                                            shortlisted to be Queensland’s next state fossil
GENERAL MEETING DATES                                       emblem.

Upcoming dates for the General Meetings of Council:         It was discovered in the very centre of Queensland,
 Tuesday 31 May 2022                                       making it the perfect Queensland fossil emblem.
 Tuesday 14 June 2022 (budget adoption)                    You can vote for the Muttaburrasaurus langdoni by
 Tuesday 12 July 2022                                      visiting campaigns.premiers.qld.gov.au/fossilemblem.
 Tuesday 16 August 2022
                                                            Nominations close 10 July 2022.
 Tuesday 13 September 2022
 Tuesday 11 October 2022
                                                                            The beautiful marble clock located in
 Tuesday 15 November 2022
                                                                            Barcaldine honours the 292 local
 Tuesday 6 December 2022
                                                                            men who served during the first world
All meetings are scheduled to start at 8.30am and will
                                                                            war, including the 38 fallen. It is a
be held at the Barcaldine Council Chambers.
                                                                            memorial of particular significance
The minutes will be available as soon as possible                           as it is one of the few clock type war
afterwards and video recordings of the meeting will                         memorials in Australia and the only
also be available on Council’s website.                                     one of its style in Queensland.

APRIL/MAY 2022 - Barcaldine Regional Council
                                               Anzac Day commemoration services were held in our five
                                               communities on Monday 25 April 2022 with each delivering a
Mr Guy Gibson reading a poem on behalf         moving commemoration and acknowledgment of the courage and
on the School of Distance Education at the     sacrifice of our ANZACs. Thank you to all those who participated and
Anzac Day Service in Alpha.                    organised this year’s services which were all well attended despite
                                               the rain.
                                               After the continuous night of light rain, the Anzac Day Service in
                                               Alpha was slightly different to usual. The town didn’t get to March
                                               this year but roughly 80 locals and visitors turned up to still show
                                               and pay their respects to the ANZAC’s at the Alpha Town Hall. Thank
The Jericho locals continue the tradition of   you to C & K Jellybeans Community Kindergarten for catering
Marching in the Main Street.                   morning tea on the day.
                                               The rain didn’t dampened the Anzac Day spirits in Jericho with
                                               some of the town continuing to march in the middle of the heavy
                                               rain in honour of the ANZAC’s. Jericho’s service was held in the
                                               Jericho Town Hall with roughly 50 locals and visitors to town
                                               The moving Dawn Service was well attended at the Barcaldine Town
                                               Hall with prayers and readings along with the laying of the wreaths
                                               to remember those who have fought for our country. The service
Anzac Day service in Barcaldine.               was followed by the Gunfire Breakfast. Unfortunately, the march was
                                               cancelled due to the rain.
                                               It was great to see so many people attend the Anzac Day
                                               Commemorations at the Aramac Town Hall. Due to the rain, the
                                               march was cancelled. All volunteers and speakers did a wonderful
                                               job. Some very special guests also attended the service this year.
                                               Push to the Bush Return Veterans ventured out to Aramac the week
                                               prior and spent time with the Aramac State School students as well
                                               as taking in the sights within our wonderful region.
Wreaths placed at the Aramac service.
                                               This year, due to the rain, the dawn service was held at the
                                               Muttaburra Memorial Hall and was attended by many. Thank you to
                                               all volunteers, speakers and guests that attended the morning. The
                                               community of Muttaburra was also lucky enough to have two RAAF
                                               personnel travel from Townsville to join the commemoration
Anzac Day service in Muttaburra.               service.

APRIL/MAY 2022 - Barcaldine Regional Council

BARCALDINE REC PARK                                                      ACTIVATION OF DISASTER
Barcaldine Regional Council would like to remind residents and           RECOVERY FUNDING
visitors alike of the operational hours and the use of motor craft at
the Rec Park.                                                            ARRANGEMENTS
                                                                         With significant rain impacting the
Hours of operation
                                                                         region over the Anzac Day long
•   Weekdays: Prior to 12.00pm nonmotorised boats only, 12.00pm to
                                                                         weekend, the Barcaldine Regional
    6.00pm motorised and nonmotorised boats allowed
                                                                         Council has been declared as an
•   Weekends and public holidays: 7.00am to 6.00pm motorised and
                                                                         impacted Local Government Area
    nonmotorised boats allowed
                                                                         under the Disaster Funding Recovery
•   Non powered activities may occur in seasonal daylight hours on
                                                                         Arrangements. Council has engaged
    the lake.
                                                                         contractors to collect damage data
Motorised and Non-Motorised Boats                                        across the region’s road network and
All water users must exercise care and cooperation.                      will commence emergency works as
All motorized and non-motorised boats must adhere to the                 access to impacted roads become
following:                                                               available – the assessment of the road
•   All boats must travel in an anticlockwise direction i.e. when        network is already underway. We are
    leaving the boat ramp head southwest with the boat ramp on           working with consultants and council
    the starboard (right) side                                           staff to establish a program of likely
•   Launching of boats is only permitted from the boat ramp              works and will make this information
    adjacent to the car park during operating hours                      available as we progress through the
•   Mooring or anchoring of a boat at the Lake outside of operating      planning process.
    hours is prohibited
                                                                         We are also planning for the impact of
•   Refuelling of boats on the water or at the boat ramp is prohibited
                                                                         further rain (potentially from Sunday)
•   All activities on the Lake are covered by Boating Regulations set
                                                                         and will continue to assess and
    by Maritime Safety Queensland, msq.qld.gov.au
                                                                         program as this situation develops.
Temporary closure of the Barcaldine Rec Park                             Our team greatly appreciates your
Barcaldine will be hosting Opera Queensland’s The Sopranos               patience as we all work through this
Regional Tour on Monday 23 May 2022 at the Barcaldine Rec Park.          process.
As a result, the park will be closed to all visitors from 12.00pm to
prepare for the performance.
The park will be able to be accessed from Tuesday 24 May 2022.

Applications are invited for a contractor to operate the Barcaldine
Swimming Complex for a term of three (3) years with an option to
extend for two (2) years, subject to Council’s success with an
application to upgrade the facility, commencing 1 September 2022.
                                                                         HARRY REDFORD
Application details are available from Council’s Barcaldine
Administration Office or by contacting Council by:
                                                                         INTERPRETATION CENTRE
Telephone: 07 4651 5600                                                  A new display has been created at the
Email: council@barc.qld.gov.au                                           Harry Redford Interpretation Centre,
Website: www.barcaldinerc.qld.gov.au                                     located in the Library and Information
                                                                         Centre. Drop into the centre to see the
Applications close on Monday 6 June 2022 at 12.00pm.

APRIL/MAY 2022 - Barcaldine Regional Council
                                          Residents are advised that the Alpha Dip Yards will be closed from
                                          Friday 20 May 2022 and will reopen on Monday 6 June 2022.
EASTER                                    HEAD YAKKA COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS
A lot of Easter celebrations happened     Community and civic leaders in the Barcaldine Region have invited
in the Muttaburra Library and Office      Outback Futures to facilitate Head Yakka community conversation
over the Easter period with plenty of     workshops.
games and activities for the kids.        Wellbeing isn’t rocket science! It is about the things we can all do
                                          every day to feel positive, have purpose and feel connected.
                                          You’re invited to come and contribute your ideas about how we can
                                          work together for outback mental health and wellbeing in your
                                          You can expect to have a chat, move around, share ideas in some
                                          fun and engaging ways and together decide on some next steps.
                                          There will be some lucky door prizes and food to share as we enjoy
                                          each other’s company and take time to vision a healthy wellbeing
                                          future for your town and the Barcaldine Region.

UPCOMING PUBLIC                           About Head Yakka: The Head Yakka initiative was developed
                                          following three years of community engagement around issues of
HOLIDAYS IN ALPHA AND                     mental health in the Barcaldine Region. In 2019 Outback Futures,
JERICHO                                   Barcaldine Regional Council and the University of Southern
Please be advised that Wednesday 18       Queensland launched Head Yakka in the Barcaldine Region.
May 2022 is a holiday for the Alpha and   We are currently engaging in conversations with other regions in
Jericho townships for the purpose of      Central West Queensland and are advocating for Head Yakka to be
the annual Alpha Show.                    developed and led by remote and very remote communities across
                                          For more information or to see the various Head Yakka initiatives
                                          that have launched since 2019, please visit our website at
                                          https://outbackfutures.org.au/head-yakka or following the Head
                                          Yakka Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/headyakka.
                                          Event information
                                          Alpha: Friday 10 June 2022 at 6.00pm at the Alpha Town Hall
                                          Jericho: Saturday 11 June 2022 at 10.30am at the Jericho Town Hall
GARBAGE COLLECTION                        Barcaldine: Saturday 11 June 2022 at 6.00pm at the Galilee Gallery
We ask all residents to place their       Muttaburra: Sunday 12 June 2022 at 10.30am at the Muttaburra
rubbish bins out the night before for     Memorial Hall
collection. Visit the website for         Aramac: Sunday 12 June 2022 at 6.00pm at the Harry Redford
collection information.                   Centre Function Room

APRIL/MAY 2022 - Barcaldine Regional Council

                                                                          BANK OF QUEENSLAND
                                                                          OPERATING HOURS
                                                                          Residents are advised that the Bank of
                                                                          Queensland Barcaldine will be
                                                                          operating as follows during the period
                                                                          Monday 23 May to Friday 17 June 2022.
                                                                           Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 May
                                                                               2022: Closed
                                                                           Wednesday 25 May 2022: Open
                                                                           Thursday 26 May 2022: Closed
                                                                           Friday 27 May 2022: Open
                                                                           Monday 30 May 2022: Open
                                                                           Tuesday 31 May 2022: Closed
WORKS UPDATE AROUND THE REGION                                             Wednesday 1 June 2022: Open
                                                                           Thursday 2 June 2022: Closed
The Alpha Road Crews and Contractors are currently working on the
                                                                           Friday 3 June 2022: Open
flood damage restoration works on the Star Downs, Tango, Pebbly
                                                                           Monday 6 and Tuesday 7 June 2022:
Creek, Monklands, Degulla and Wendouree Roads.
Capricorn Highway between Alpha and Emerald has major Main                 Wednesday 8 June 2022: Open
Roads works taking place and there are some detours. There are             Thursday 9 June 2022: Closed
two different job sites; one is completing the shoulder widening and       Friday 10 June 2022: Open
the other is upgrading the culverts ahead of the shoulder widening.        Monday 13 June 2022: Open
If you are travelling on any of these roads please follow the              Tuesday 14 June 2022: Closed
directions of traffic controllers and signage on sites, drive to road      Wednesday 15 June 2022: Open
conditions and we thank you for your patience as the works are             Thursday 16 June 2022: Closed
carried out.                                                               Friday 17 June 2022: Open
In Aramac, the footpaths have been completed on Porter Street             Opening hours: 9.30am to 4.00pm with
between Kerr Street and Gordon Street and at the Aramac Aquatic           lunch from 12.30pm to 1.30pm.
Centre.                                                                   The Bank of Queensland will re-open
At the Aramac Recreation and Camping Ground 14 new power                  for normal operating hours from
mushrooms have been installed and eight new ones at the                   Monday 20 June 2022 at 9.30am.
Muttaburra Recreation Grounds.

 Job Number      Job Title                             Location    Employment Closing Date
 BARC174         Aramac Town Supervisor                Aramac      Full-time      Tuesday 17 May 2022 at 11.30pm.
 BARC175         Plant Operator (Truck Driver)         Alpha       Full-time      Tuesday 17 May 2022 at 11.30pm.
 BARC176         Plant Operator (Excavator)            Alpha       Full-time      Tuesday 17 May 2022 at 11.30pm.
Please apply online at https://www.barcaldinerc.qld.gov.au/employment.
All applications must be submitted through the Council website.
For more information, please contact Human Resources on 07 4651 5614 or email hrm@barc.qld.gov.au.

APRIL/MAY 2022 - Barcaldine Regional Council
due to loneliness. An easy way of combating this is to
                                                              provide your pet with stimulants such as balls and
                                                              chew toys to keep them occupied whilst you are away.
                                                              It can be handy to leave the radio on and to leave
                                                              something that belongs to you such as an old shoe.
                                                              Try giving your dog a bone when you leave the house.
                                                              This will teach your dog that when you leave there is a
                                                              positive reaction. A fence that is correctly designed to
                                                              restrict your dog’s vision will help reduce the barking.
All dogs bark but some barking dogs become a real
                                                              Obedience training and discipline are also very
neighbourhood nuisance – greatly reducing the
                                                              important when trying to stop a barking problem. A
quality of life for their neighbours and increasing
                                                              dog can be trained alone and to bark only on
neighbourhood tensions. Barking dogs are the most
common animal behaviour problem Council is asked
to deal with.                                                 My neighbour’s dog barks – What do I do?
                                                              Talk to your neighbour as soon as the problem arises.
Ongoing barking is often a symptom of another
                                                              They may not be aware that their dog is barking or
problem, and taking time to understand what makes
                                                              that their dog’s barking is bothering you.
a dog bark – especially your pet or other dogs in the
neighbourhood – is the first step towards solving this        Give your neighbour this information and if the
problem, both for the dog involved and the                    barking persists after a week or two, speak with your
neighbours.                                                   neighbour again to provide feedback. If your
                                                              neighbour is unapproachable or does not agree that
Why do dogs bark?
                                                              a problem exists, you should contact Council for
 Dogs are social animals and often bark when they
                                                              further advice.
   are lonely;
 Separation from an owner can cause stress or                Excessive barking
   anxiety to a dog;                                          Excessive barking is an offence and Council staff will
 Barking may also be a result of boredom and                 respond to reported barking problems. Initially, the
   frustration;                                               owner will receive an administrative letter.
 Barking is the dog’s way of getting attention from          If the problem continues and further complaints are
   the owner;                                                 reported, Council will investigate. Irresponsible owners
 Dogs bark out of fear – this can be fear of other           who fail to comply with Council recommendations
   people, objects or other dogs;                             can face significant penalties including an
 Dogs bark when there is a threat to their territory;        Infringement Notice of 5 Penalty Units (1 penalty unit =
 Play; playing with your dog often stimulates                $137.85 effective 1 June 2021).
   barking; and
                                                              Guidelines for excessive barking
 Some breeds have a reputation for barking
                                                              The following guidelines are used to determine if the
Can you control barking?                                      noise is excessive:
The most important first step is to work out why your         a) the noise is made for more than a total of 6
dog is barking. Once you know the symptom, you can               minutes in an hour between the hours of 7.00am
find the cure. Barking can be controlled through                 and 10.00pm; or
several small behavioural changes. Some behavioural           b) the noise is made for more than a total of 3
changes could be as small as walking your dog twice              minutes in any 30 minute period after 10.00pm and
a day to relieve boredom.                                        before 7.00am.
Dogs are social animals and require a certain amount          If anyone has a complaint or queries please do not
of interaction on a daily basis. If your dog barks when       hesitate to contact Council’s Local Laws Officer at the
you are away from the premises then it is probably            Barcaldine Administration Office on 07 4651 5600.

APRIL/MAY 2022 - Barcaldine Regional Council

                                                                       ARTHUR BEETSON
                                                                       FOUNDATION JUNIOR
                                                                       OUTBACK CHALLENGE IN
                                                                       Central West Rugby League in
                                                                       conjunction with Barcaldine Junior and
THE SOPRANOS REGIONAL TOUR                                             Senior Rugby Leagues will be hosting
Opera Queensland’s regional tour of The Sopranos takes the             this year’s Arthur Beetson Foundation
celebration of the bold and rebellious roles women have played         Junior Outback Challenge at the
throughout the history of opera on the road.                           Barcaldine Showground on Saturday 14
Adapted from the new main stage production (QPAC, Concert Hall,        May 2022.
March 29 – April 2) The Sopranos Regional Tour visits 12               Representative players in the age
communities across Queensland.                                         groups of U14 Boys; U16 Boys; U14 Girls
Shining a light on some of the greatest dramatic moments in the        and U17 Girls from Southern (Central
repertoire, feel the power of women’s voices as The Sopranos           West and Western League areas) and
Regional Tour invites us to experience these unforgettable             Northern (Mid-West and Mt Isa) will
characters anew.                                                       battle it out to try and win the coveted

Opera Queensland’s Festival of Outback Opera is supported by the       Arthur Beetson Shield.

Queensland Government through Arts Queensland                          Players will also be vying for selection
Please bring along a picnic blanket or chair and BYO nibbles and       to the Qld Junior Outback Squads to
drinks.                                                                play at Coolum at the Sunshine Coast
                                                                       in late June.
Monday 23 May 2022 | Barcaldine Rec Park | 6.00pm
$20.00 per adult | $10.00 per child                                    Everyone is welcome to come along
Tickets are available from                                             and watch the rising stars of the future.
https://sopranos-barcaldine.eventbrite.com.au                          There will be some great rugby league
                                                                       action. The canteen will be in operation
                                                                       all day and a bar late in the day.
                                                                       Following the junior games there will be
                                                                       the Central West Open Men’s (Reds v
MADBAG COLOUR FUN RUN                                                  Greys) Trial Game.
A colourful family event for all. YOU'D BE MAD TO MISS IT!             If anyone would like to help volunteer at
Join us at the Barcaldine Rec Park for a 2.5km walk/run with lots of   the carnival please contact Mark Wren
colour. BYO white shirt or as much white as you like.                  on 0400 660 249 or Rhys Peacock on
                                                                       0458 582 345.
$15.00 per adult | $10.00 per child including a sausage sizzle.
                                                                       This carnival is thanks to the QRL
30% of the total entry fees will be donated to the In Memory of
                                                                       Outback Advisory Committee, the
Andrea fundraiser.
                                                                       Arthur Beetson Foundation, Barcaldine
Saturday 21 May 2022 | Barcaldine Rec Park | 3.30pm                    Regional Council, various Sponsors and
Tickets are available from https://madbag.eventbrite.com.au            donors and the Barcaldine Community.

APRIL/MAY 2022 - Barcaldine Regional Council
Below is a snapshot of upcoming               ORCHESTRA IN CLASSICAL REIMAGINED
events in our region. A full list of events   Camerata – Queensland’s Chamber Orchestra presents a program
is on Council’s website.                      of beloved and joyous classical music alongside a new Australian
 Saturday 14 May 2022: Jericho               work in a performance that the whole family will enjoy!
    Tourism Association – Markets at the
                                              Classical Reimagined will feature timeless classical masterpieces
    Jericho Information Centre.
                                              by Mozart and Tchaikovsky in stunning new interpretations, along
 Wednesday 18 May 2022: Alpha
                                              with a brand-new composition by Camerata’s Emerging
    Show Society – Annual Alpha Show
                                              Composer-in-Residence, Alexander Voltz.
    at the Alpha Showground.
 Saturday 21 May 2022: Alpha Rugby           Inspired by his recent trip exploring the Emerald region, Voltz’s piece
    League Football Club home game            will conjure evocative soundscapes in an exciting new work for
    at the Alpha Showground                   string orchestra. Camerata is delighted to premiere the work in
    commencing at 5.00pm.                     regional Queensland, following a long tradition of local audiences
 Saturday 21 May 2022: Aramac                loving new music commissioned by Camerata, previously based on
    Racing Club Inc – Aramac Races at         the Fraser Coast, Winton and Paronella Park in Far North
    the Aramac Racecourse                     Queensland.
    commencing at 1.30pm.                     Performing without a conductor, the two-time Helpmann Award
 Saturday 28 May 2022: Alpha Rugby           nominated ensemble has established itself as a chamber orchestra
    League Football Club home game            of national significance. Known for their innovative and adventurous
    at the Alpha Showground                   programming, Camerata thrives on collaborations with artists
    commencing at 5.00pm.                     across a range of artforms and delights in working and performing
 Monday 30 May 2022: The Babushka            with local musicians of any age and experience.
    Book Club at the Aramac Town Hall         Classical Reimagined will be a joyful and lively concert experience,
    commencing at 7.00pm.                     not to be missed.
 Tuesday 31 May 2022: The Babushka
                                              “Camerata shows that you don’t need to look very far for world-
    Book Club at the Muttaburra
                                              class talent.” Artshub
    Memorial Hall commencing at
    7.00pm.                                   This tour is made possible with the generous support of the Tim
   Saturday 4 June 2022: Alpha Horse         Fairfax Family Foundation and the Queensland Government
    and Pony Club Rally Day at the            through Arts Queensland.
    Alpha Showground commencing at            Saturday 14 May 2022 | Barcaldine Town Hall | 6.30pm
    8.30am.                                   $20.00 per adult | $10.00 per child
   Saturday 4 June 2022: Muttaburra          Book your tickets by visiting
    Stock Show at the Muttaburra              https://camerata-barcaldine.eventbrite.com.au
    Racecourse.                               BYO nibbles and drinks.

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