ARCTIC RESEARCH and INNOVATION - Understanding the changes, responding to the challenges - Applicate

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ARCTIC RESEARCH and INNOVATION - Understanding the changes, responding to the challenges - Applicate
ARCTIC           RESEARCH and

                 Understanding the
                 changes, responding
                 to the challenges

  Research and
ARCTIC RESEARCH and INNOVATION - Understanding the changes, responding to the challenges - Applicate
ARCTIC RESEARCH and INNOVATION – Understanding the changes, responding to the challenges
European Commission
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Directorate — Climate Action and Resource Efficiency
Unit I.4 - Climate action and Earth Observation
Contact Attilio GAMBARDELLA
European Commission
B-1049 Brussels

Manuscript completed in October 2018.
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018

 Print                 ISBN 978-92-79-93958-7           doi:10.2777/41766          KI-06-18-106-EN-C
 PDF                   ISBN 978-92-79-93960-0           doi:10.2777/291168         KI-06-18-106-EN-N

© European Union, 2018
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ARCTIC RESEARCH and INNOVATION - Understanding the changes, responding to the challenges - Applicate

FOREWORD                                                  2

INTRODUCTION                                              4

Connecting science to society                             8

Strengthening, integrating and sustaining
Arctic observations 	                                    10

Transnational access to Arctic research infrastructure   12

Impact on the weather and climate of the
Northern Hemisphere                                      14

Environmental, social and economic impact                16

Safety of maritime transport activities                  18
ARCTIC RESEARCH and INNOVATION - Understanding the changes, responding to the challenges - Applicate

                         Federica Mogherini                                          Carlos Moedas
            High Representative of the Union for                            Commissioner for Research,
             Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/                              Science and Innovation
               Vice-President of the Commission

       he Arctic is of unmatched pristine               As the result of a phenomenon known as
       natural beauty – and home to some                Arctic amplification, the Arctic warms at
       4 million people living across vast re-          a much faster rate than other parts of
gions which many indigenous peoples have                the world. This makes the Arctic a global
inhabited for thousands of years. In recent             bell-wether for climate change, and indi-
years, we have seen much greater attention              cates what lies ahead for the rest of the
from all over the world in this region, which           world in the near future. But more than
speaks to everyone’s imagination.                       this, Arctic warming is affecting the entire
                                                        planet. Melting ice sheets contribute to ris-
Dramatic changes in climate patterns have               ing sea levels elsewhere and cause major
severe consequences for the Arctic regions.             changes in global weather patterns.
The very rapid changes are disrupting Arctic
ecosystems and impacting and transform-                 However, these changes also produce new
ing the livelihoods of indigenous and local             opportunities, such as new shipping routes
communities.                                            or easier access to resources. This creates

ARCTIC RESEARCH and INNOVATION - Understanding the changes, responding to the challenges - Applicate
an additional responsibility to ensure that              Secondly, we need to increase our know­
in their pursuit, precaution and preservation            ledge of Arctic changes. Investigations into
are not overtaken by the interests in, and               the causes, mechanisms, consequences
exploitation of Arctic opportunities.                    and evolution over time are the main sub-
                                                         jects of Arctic research. Consequently, over
These developments deserve our full at-                  the last decade, the EU has increased its
tention and devotion to strike the right                 investments in Arctic research and innov­
balance between sustainability, socio-eco-               ation, resulting in a EUR 70-million budget
nomic effects and reaping the benefits of                for the period 2018-2020.
new opportunities.
                                                         The EU will continue to show leadership in the
Primarily, understanding and responding                  Arctic regions through international dialogue
to Arctic changes requires joint efforts by              and international scientific cooperation. This
the global community. This means we must                 publication provides an insight into the key
focus on international cooperation and dia-              areas of EU Arctic research and innovation
logue. A safe, stable, sustainable and pros-             activities and gives examples of funded pro-
perous Arctic is important not just for the              jects, to form the basis of what we consider
region itself, but for the European Union                underpins a sustainable future for the Arctic.
and for the world. The Arctic can be a gate-
way to cooperation across many issues and
partners. The EU actively supports endeav-
ours undertaken in that spirit, which is the
basis of the EU’s Arctic policy1.

    ‘An integrated European Union policy for the Arctic’ - JOIN(2016) 21 final, 27 April 2016

ARCTIC RESEARCH and INNOVATION - Understanding the changes, responding to the challenges - Applicate
The Arctic:                                       These changes – among others – are a clear
a global responsibility                           indication of the impending shifts that will
                                                  increasingly impact Europe’s environment,
The Arctic is undergoing profound trans­          society and industry. Understanding and
formation. The warming generated by glob-         responding to these changes is a global re-
al greenhouse gas emissions is amplified          sponsibility which requires the international
more than twice in this part of the world         community to come together.
due to various causes, and in particular
to the change in albedo mainly caused by          While changes in the Arctic pose challenges,
the shrinking of the sea-ice area, and the        they may also provide economic opportun­
corresponding exposure of a wider, dark           ities for the region, Europe, and the rest of
ocean surface to sunlight during the Arc-         the world. New transport routes, access to
tic summer. Higher average temperatures           previously inaccessible resources, and a
­     fi­­
        cantly affect the extent and thick-       shift to the north of fish stocks all increase
ness of sea ice and snow cover, as well as        this area’s strategic importance.
the melting of ice sheets and the thaw-
ing of permafrost. All this results in dis-       Science is a vital tool for understanding
ruptive changes for ecosystems, the Arc-          what is driving the rapid changes being
tic’s indigenous peoples and other human          observed at high latitudes and identifying
communities.                                      sustainable and innovative approaches to
                                                  tackle the resulting challenges. However, a
 Environmental, ecological and subsequent         full understanding of Arctic changes should
 social changes are happening faster than         also be based on the wide body of know­
 ever before, affecting the way Arctic            ledge developed by indigenous peoples,
­residents live.                                  who have lived in this region for millennia,
                                                  as reflected in their culture and languages.
While it may seem remote, changes in the
Arctic have global consequences. For in-          International scientific and technological
stance, the melting of the Greenland ice          cooperation is essential for the Arctic, and
sheet contributes to global sea-level rise        the EU is committed to being a part of it.
and has the potential to change ocean cir-
culation patterns that can impact the whole       The scale and complexity of many of the Arc-
planet. Moreover, Arctic warming is affect-       tic’s challenges often go beyond the capabi­
ing weather patterns and the occurrence of        lities of individual countries to address them.
extreme weather events, with worldwide            Therefore, pan-Arctic observations, satellite
repercussions on infrastructures and phys­        measurements and expensive infrastructure
ical and socio-economic consequences.             call for a high degree of collaboration.

ARCTIC RESEARCH and INNOVATION - Understanding the changes, responding to the challenges - Applicate
Horizon 2020 offers a unique framework               Furthermore, the EU Arctic Cluster is a net-
for this, with five of the eight Arctic coun-        work of several current EU-funded Arctic
tries either members (Denmark, Finland               research projects. Jointly, this group de­
and Sweden) or associate members (Ice-               livers the most up-to-date findings on
land and Norway). The EU has a very strong           Arctic change and provides guidance and
cooperation with Canada and the United               ­policy-relevant information.
States of America on Arctic science un-
der the Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance.            Arctic science and observations are part of
In addition, Horizon 2020 has cooperation            the EUR 3.3-billion ‘Building a low-carbon,
agreements with the remaining three Arc-             climate-resilient future’ Horizon 2020 Work
tic countries (Canada, Russia and the USA),          Programme Focus Area for 2018-2020. For
and is open to participation by partners             this period, in line with the EU’s integrated
from all other countries worldwide.                  Arctic policy, the Commission is continu-
                                                     ing – and even stepping up – investments
The EU is a major investor and player in             in Arctic research and innovation, with an
Arctic research.                                     expected average investment of more
                                                     than EUR 20 million per year. Overall, the
Over the first four years of Horizon 2020,           EU is investing around EUR 200 million in
the EU funded more than 45 Arctic-­related           Arctic-related research under the Horizon
projects, investing more than EUR 120 mil-           2020 Programme (2014-2020).
lion. It also supports development and
international access to Arctic research in-          The actions featured in this publication il-
frastructure throughout Europe and via               lustrate the different elements of EU Arctic
cooperation activities with non-EU Arctic            research and innovation policy being imple-
countries. In addition, the EU is proposing to       mented through Horizon 2020.
make the Arctic a test location for sustain-
able innovation by, for instance, developing
cold-climate technologies and services, and
contributing to the identification of ‘Arctic
standards’ to ensure the sustainability of
processes and technologies.

ARCTIC RESEARCH and INNOVATION - Understanding the changes, responding to the challenges - Applicate
Research matters
                                       The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the global
                                       average with impacts worldwide and locally to the
                                       environment, communities and economies.

                                These impacts include changes to:

   weather patterns, including        sea levels, and threats to      ecosystems, biodiversity
   the frequency and intensity          coastal communities               and fish stocks
        of extreme events

                 As the Arctic becomes more accessible due to climate change, economic
                 activities will put more pressure on an already fragile environment.

                 Investment in Arctic research will reduce knowledge gaps and improve
                 our ability to respond to these changes.

     The EU is a major investor in Arctic research
                                €200 m 2014-2020 through Horizon 2020
                                €120 m has already been provided to 45 Arctic-related projects
                                €3.3 bn for a Horizon 2020 focus area to build a ‘low-carbon,
                                 climate-resilient future’ – includes funding for Arctic science
                                 and observations.

 The EU also supports development and             The EU also proposes to make the Arctic a test
international access to Arctic research       location for sustainable innovation by developing –
   infrastructure throughout Europe,          for example – cold-climate technologies and services,
 and through cooperation activities with         and by contributing to the identification of ‘Arctic
         non-EU Arctic countries.              standards’ to ensure the sustainability of processes
                                                                and technologies.

ARCTIC RESEARCH and INNOVATION - Understanding the changes, responding to the challenges - Applicate
EU science-diplomacy leadership
               The EU supports international scientific cooperation to:


 develop an international         improve local-level climate        make Arctic research and
Arctic Observing System               predictions and             monitoring datasets accessible
                                        projections                and relevant for communities

  facilitate international access to Arctic         enhance multilateral scientific cooperation
 research infrastructure and understand                between Arctic and non-Arctic countries,
 the regional and global dynamics of                 indigenous peoples, local communities, and
                Arctic changes                           societal and economic stakeholders

           Five of the eight Arctic countries are either EU countries (Denmark,
          Finland and Sweden) or associate members (Iceland and Norway).
             Horizon 2020 has cooperation agreements with the other three
              Arctic countries: Canada, the Russian Federation and the USA.
              Sharing research and observation infrastructures helps to keep
                      the Arctic a region of peaceful cooperation.

ARCTIC RESEARCH and INNOVATION - Understanding the changes, responding to the challenges - Applicate
Connecting science to society

       apid changes occurring in the Arctic       European research has provided essential
       are making a significant impact on         insight for identifying the processes behind
       the global climate – with far-reach-       these rapid changes, but the full impacts
ing consequences felt worlds away.                of a warming Arctic have yet to be fully
                                                  assessed and quantified which means it is
Environmental, economic                                              not yet possible to effect­
and social changes are                                               ively predict the effects
now occurring at great-                                              of Arctic changes on our
er speed and scale than                                              ­climate and society.
ever before and in in-          The rapid changes occurring
creasingly interconnected        in the Arctic are making a           This situation can only
ways. The Arctic is under-    significant impact   on the  global     be improved by taking a
going significant devel-        climate – with far-reaching           more holistic and inte-
opments with unprece-         consequences    felt worlds  away.      grated approach, as well
dented ­ le­vels of human                                             as implementing a high-
activities. Therefore, resi-                                          er degree of coordination
dents and stakeholders in the Arctic regions of research activities and closer scientific
urgently need applied and detailed knowl- cooperation with all the relevant actors at
edge on a range of key issues.                    an international level, including societal
In Europe, as the effects of climate change
become more pronounced through extreme
weather and higher temperatures, Arctic is-
sues have risen up the political agenda in
recent years.

Higher government investment in Arctic-­
related research is a clear demonstration
of the extent to which scientific findings are
critical for shaping policy objectives, includ-
ing those linked to climate change, energy
and food security, as well as innovation and
economic growth.

                                             EU Arctic
This project comprises an alliance of
research institutes aimed at boosting
                                             Research Cluster
Europe’s ability to generate new know­       The EU Arctic Cluster is a network
ledge about the world’s polar regions,       of EU Arctic research projects
which are seen as indicators of our          funded under Horizon 2020 and
­planet’s health.                            the Seventh Research Framework
                                             Programme (FP7), which merges
                                             the most up-to-date findings
      Coordinator:                           on Arctic change and its global
  Alfred-Wegener-Institut                    implications. The European Polar
  Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und           Board is an affiliated partner.
  Meeresforschung, Germany
                                             The Cluster’s objective is to provide
    Total cost:                              policy-relevant information and
  EUR 2 174 504                              support the EU in advancing
                                             international cooperation; respond
     EC contribution:                        to the impact of climate change on
  EUR 2 174 504                              the Arctic’s fragile environment;
                                             and promote and contribute to the
     Start/end:                              region’s sustainable development.
  March 2015 to February 2020
                                             It cooperates closely with
      Other countries:                       policymakers, local Arctic
  France, United Kingdom, Italy,             communities and indigenous
  Sweden, Portugal, Netherlands,             peoples, business representatives
  Norway, Spain, Austria, Bulgaria,          and European civil society.
  Denmark, Belgium, Finland, Poland,
  Estonia, Greenland


Strengthening, integrating and
sustaining Arctic observations

       n improved and sustained observa-         In an effort to contribute to the long-term
       tion system is essential for properly     improvement of Arctic observation, such a
       studying, forecasting and assess-         system should combine input from several
ing environmental changes in the Arctic          sources having very different spatial co­
– and supporting the region’s sustainable        verage and scope, ranging from commu-
development.                                     nity-based observations led by indigenous
                                                                   peoples, to satellites,
To fit the bill, current na-                                       ground-based stations,
tional and international                                           and high-tech autono-
observation and research                                           mous platforms.
efforts should enhance           An ideal Arctic observation
                                    system is one that is
their coordination and                                             Demonstrating the be­
                               integrated, multi-disciplinary
collaboration, as well as                                          ne­­fits and value of such
                                   and has a high level of
their focus, to ensure that                                        observation systems is
                                 complexity. It provides key
the data they collect is      data on global issues such as        essential to justifying
both comprehensive and        climate change and also takes        the required long-term
useful. To that end, more        regional, national and local      investments.
temporal and geographic         interests into consideration.
coverage is needed.                                                Within this context, Co-
                                                                   pernicus, the EU’s Earth
In addition, accurately assessing and pre- Observation Programme – with its space-
dicting environmental change in the Arctic based products derived from Sentinel sa­
requires multifaceted data on the region’s tellite missions and its environmentally fo-
meteorology, climate and oceanography, cused thematic operational services – plays
alongside the state of its ecosystems and a fundamental role.
pollution levels.
                                                 For example, Copernicus Marine Service
Arctic science challenges demand a Arctic ocean models are able to simulate
pan-Arctic approach and long-term com- a 3D view of phytoplankton, the first level
mitment that go beyond the average re- of the marine food chain. This provides key
search project duration. An ideal Arctic ob- clues for studying the marine ecosystem as
servation system is one that is integrated, a whole, as well as the global carbon cycle
multi-disciplinary and has a high level of and climate change.
complexity. It provides key data on global
issues such as climate change and takes
regional, national and local interests into

INTAROS                                          iCUPE
The overall objective of INTAROS is to           iCUPE aims to help establish and main-
develop an integrated Arctic Observation         tain long-term, coherent and coordinated
System (iAOS) by extending, improving            polar observations and research activ­
and unifying existing systems. It seeks          ities. Its focus is on improving the inte-
to help address Arctic challenges and            gration of existing in-situ observational
­en­able better-informed decision-making.        networks collecting data on pollutants,
                                                 including aerosols and trace gases, as
                                                 well as contaminants. It also seeks to
     Coordinator:                                harmonise quality control.
  Nansen Environmental and Remote
  Sensing Center, Norway

    Total cost:                                       Coordinator:
  EUR 15 490 067                                   University of Helsinki, Finland

     EC contribution:                                Total cost:
  EUR 15 490 067                                   EUR 9 340 000

     Start/end:                                       EC contribution:
  December 2016 to November 2021                   EUR 2 750 000

      Other countries:                                Start/end:
  Sweden, Germany, Poland,                         September 2017 to August 2020
  Denmark, Finland, United Kingdom,
  Ireland, France, Germany, Belgium,                   Other countries:
  Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greenland,               Italy, Denmark, Germany,
  Russia, United States, Canada,                   France, Estonia, Greece, Sweden,
  China                                            Switzerland

      Web:                                             Web:                  

Transnational access to Arctic
research infrastructure

      rctic research is crucial – but it            There is also a significant opportunity to
      comes at a cost. Pooling resources            link up much more productively with other
      could help lower the price tag and            nations in the wider international polar sci-
promote better results.                             ence community, including with those lack-
                                                    ing infrastructure or facilities. The same
It takes expensive infrastructure that can          applies to connecting with businesses, such
survive harsh climatic conditions to ob-            as those involved with shipping, which op-
serve, monitor and understand the rapid             erate Arctic infrastructure.
changes taking place in the Arctic.
                                                                      It is important to develop
Europe has a long trad­                                               and bolster networks that
ition and very strong                                                 make it easier for projects
reputation for world-                                                 to carry out potentially
class scientific research        While there is already a             groundbreaking studies
in the Arctic region. This       degree of coordination               and analyses in the Arc-
is enabled and support-         and cooperation between               tic. Supporting transna-
ed by significant and          Europeans operating in the             tional access to research
substantial scientific in-    Arctic, great potential exists          fac­ilities or installations
frastructure, as well as     for the considerable resources           is one concrete way of
facilities and platforms        available to be used more             ­fostering this.
operated by many Euro-        coherently and effectively to
pean nations.                  achieve the highest-quality           Moreover, costs can be
                                    research possible.               cut not only by sharing in-
While there is already a                                             frastructure and observa-
degree of coordination                                               tion systems but also by
and cooperation between Europeans ope­              making data freely and openly available in
rating in the Arctic, great potential exists        a timely manner.
for the considerable resources available
to be used more coherently and effective-
ly in order to achieve the highest-quality
­research possible.

INTERACT                                           ARICE
This project aims to build capacity for            ARICE seeks to give polar scientists better
identifying, understanding, predicting             access to ice-breakers and boost Europe’s
and responding to diverse environmental            capacity for marine-based research in the
changes in the Arctic. It offers scientists        ice-covered Arctic Ocean. It also aims to
access to numerous research stations,              work with the maritime industry on a pro-
giving them the chance to work in the              gramme that involves commercial ships
field in often remote locations.                   collecting oceanic and atmospheric data.

     Coordinator:                                        Coordinator:
  Lund University, Sweden                            Alfred-Wegener-Institut
                                                     Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und
    Total cost:                                      Meeresforschung, Germany
  EUR 10 000 000
                                                       Total cost:
     EC contribution:                                EUR 5 996 567
  EUR 10 000 000
                                                        EC contribution:
     Start/end:                                      EUR 5 996 567
  October 2016 to September 2020
      Other countries:                               January 2018 to December 2021
  United Kingdom, Denmark,
  Finland, Italy, Germany, Norway,                       Other countries:
  Russia, Czech Republic, Greenland,                 Sweden, Norway, Canada, United
  Poland, Austria, Faroe Islands,                    States, Iceland, Spain, Italy, United
  Iceland, Canada, United States,                    Kingdom, Poland, Finland, France,
  Netherlands, Belgium                               Denmark

      Web:                                               Web:               

Impact on the weather and climate
of the Northern Hemisphere

       here is proof that changes to the            Timely and trustworthy weather and cli-
       Arctic climate are having an impact          mate predictions, both within the Arctic and
       far beyond the region’s borders – in-        elsewhere, are key for a number of reasons.
cluding in Europe and North America.
                                                                     For example, such predic-
Climate change is warm-                                              tions are necessary for
ing up the Arctic twice as                                           boosting Europe’s capac-
fast as the rest of the                                              ity to respond to the im-
world, causing Green-          With so much at stake, more           pact of climate change –
land glaciers to release        needs to be done to better           on both the environment
hundreds of gigatonnes        incorporate processes specific         and on human activities
of melted ice into the           to the Arctic into weather          in the Arctic. These could
oceans each year. This          and climate modelling. This          become more widespread
­results not only in rising       could help provide more            if rising temperatures
 sea levels but also chang-    clarity on the region’s role in       cause a thaw in the re-
                                the global climate system,
 ing weather patterns and                                            gion, creating new fishing
                                  as well as explore a link
 a higher incidence of ex-                                           grounds and providing
                                to extreme and potentially
 treme weather events.                                               easier access to natural
                                   catastrophic weather.
                                                                     resources that are of eco-
New findings show that,                                              nomic interest.
indeed, severe snowfall,
as well as extreme rain and scorching heat-         More comprehensive modelling focused
waves that have hit Europe in recent years,         on extreme weather events could also
may be influenced by the Arctic warming             save lives by, for example, giving people in
trend.                                              harm’s way more time to seek shelter.

With so much at stake, more needs to be
done to better incorporate processes spe-
cific to the Arctic into weather and climate
modelling. This could help provide greater
clarity on the region’s role in the global
climate system, as well as explore a link
to extreme and potentially catastrophic

APPLICATE                                         BLUE-ACTION
This project addresses the need for trust-        The aim of BLUE-ACTION is to boost the
worthy weather and climate predictions            ability to describe, model and predict Arctic
in the Arctic and beyond. APPLICATE’s             climate change and its impact on the
international team of experts are aiming          Northern Hemisphere. It seeks to do this by,
to make significant improvements to cur-          for example, improving the uptake of rele-
rent climate and weather models and help          vant Earth observation satellite data and
determine the influence of Arctic climate         contributing to a forecasting framework.
change on the Northern Hemisphere.

      Coordinator:                                  Danish Meteorological Institute,
  Alfred-Wegener-Institut                           Denmark
  Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und
  Meeresforschung, Germany                            Total cost:
                                                    EUR 8 103 125
    Total cost:
  EUR 8 715 066                                        EC contribution:
                                                    EUR 7 500 000
     EC contribution:
  EUR 7 999 591                                        Start/end:
                                                    December 2016 to February 2021
  November 2016 to October 2020                         Other countries:
                                                    Finland, Portugal, Italy, France,
     Other countries:                               South Korea, Norway, Germany,
  Spain, United Kingdom, Norway,                    Faroe Islands, China, Russia, Spain,
  Belgium, Sweden, France, Iceland,                 Canada, Iceland, United States,
  Russia                                            Netherlands

      Web:                                              Web:                

Environmental, social and
economic impact

       rctic change is here to stay so strat-        This could help determine the economic
       egies are needed to soften its blow           effect of Arctic warming, both locally and
       and adapt to the new normal.                  globally. It could also shed light on what
                                                     Arctic changes mean from a social point
Due to the warming process already locked            of view – such as their repercussions for
into the climate system, the Arctic is ex-           indigenous peoples and local communities
pected to keep thawing at least until 2050.          living in the area.

Going forward, mitigation                                            In this respect, Arctic re-
and adaption strategies                                              search and sustainable
could stabilise the im-                                              innovation is key to de-
pact of rising tempera-      Arctic research and innovation          veloping the capacity to
tures in this very fragile        is key to developing the           both manage risks and
environmental and social         capacity to manage risks            take advantage of oppor-
ecosystem while reduc-             and take advantage of             tunities emerging from
ing vulnerabilities and        opportunities emerging from           climatic changes in this
building up the region’s     climatic changes in this region.        region.
                              It can also be instrumental in
                                promoting the engagement
                                                                      It can also be instrumen-
                                  of, and interaction with,
But effectively respond-                                              tal in promoting the en-
                             indigenous peoples and others
ing to the serious chal-        who call the Arctic home ...          gagement of, and inter-
lenges posed by Arctic                                                action with, indigenous
change requires a sol-                                                peoples and others who
id understanding of the                                               call the Arctic home, en-
phenomenon – as well as a clear grasp                suring that their interests and knowledge
of its environmental, social and economic            are taken into consideration.

This understanding can be enhanced by
taking a closer look at current and antici-
pated future changes – and projecting their

ICE-ARC                                           NUNATARYUK
This project assessed the global cost of          The main goal of NUNATARYUK is to
Arctic change. It found that the acceler­         determine the impact of thawing land,
ation of climate change, driven by thaw-          coast and subsea permafrost on both the
ing Arctic permafrost and melting sea ice,        global climate and humans in the Arctic,
could cause up to USD 130 trillion-worth          and to develop targeted and co-designed
of extra economic losses globally under           adaptation and mitigation strategies.
the current business-as-usual trajectory
over the next three centuries.

      Coordinator:                                  Alfred-Wegener-Institut
  British Antarctic Survey,                         Helmholz-Zentrum für Polar- und
  United Kingdom                                    Meeresforschung, Germany

    Total cost:                                       Total cost:
  EUR 11 531 469                                    EUR 11 467 318

     EC contribution:                                  EC contribution:
  EUR 8 874 626                                     EUR 11 467 318

     Start/end:                                        Start/end:
  January 2014 to December 2017                     November 2017 to October 2022

     Other countries:                                  Other countries:
  Croatia, Norway, Netherlands,                     Sweden, Netherlands, France,
  Greenland, Denmark, Germany,                      Canada, Finland, Denmark, Iceland,
  France, Belgium, Spain, Italy,                    Austria, Italy, Norway, Portugal,
  Russia                                            Belgium

      Web:                                              Web:                  

Safety of maritime
transport activities

       rctic sea ice is declining at a dra-        The downside is that more shipping poses
       matic rate, creating both environ-          potential problems for the Arctic’s fragile
       mental concerns and the potential           ecosystems. For instance, the migration
for new economic opportunities.                    corridor used by marine mammals and
                                                   birds corresponds broadly with the main
As captured by satellites, the Arctic Ocean        shipping routes into and out of the Arctic,
has seen a rapid reduction in both the ex-         and accidents such as oil spills may put the
tent and volume of sea ice.                        pristine environment at serious risk.

With this decline expect-                                           Even during summer, the
ed to continue, the Arctic                                          harsh Arctic conditions
will gradually become                                               make navigation diffi-
more accessible – open-      It is of paramount importance          cult amid unpredictable
ing up major opportuni-            to ensure safe Arctic            weather and ice floes.
ties for the maritime sec-        navigation and enable             Ships often require an
tor such as short cuts for    European maritime transport           expensive ice-breaker es-
cargo vessels and, by de-     to fully embrace the region’s         cort and additional insur-
fault, lower greenhouse           significant and growing           ance which offset some
gas emissions.                  shipping opportunities all          of the route’s potential
                               while protecting its natural         fuel savings.
The Northern Sea Route
and the Northwest Pas-                                               It is of paramount import­
sage are already open                                                ance to ensure safe Arctic
seasonally most years, although specialised        navigation and enable European maritime
vessels are currently required. However, as        transport to fully embrace the region’s sig-
the ice has receded, traffic has increased.        nificant and growing shipping opportunities
                                                   while protecting its natural environment.

GRACE                                             SEDNA
The GRACE project is focusing on de­­ve­          This project is developing an innovative
loping, comparing and evaluating the              and integrated risk-based approach to
effectiveness and environmental impact            safe Arctic navigation, ship design and
of different oil-spill response methods           operation to enable European maritime
in a cold climate. It is also developing a        interests to fully embrace the Arctic’s
system for the real-time observation of           significant and growing shipping oppor-
underwater oil spills and a strategic tool        tunities while safeguarding its natural
for choosing oil-spill response methods.          environment.

     Coordinator:                                      Coordinator:
  Suomen Ymparistokeskus, Finland                   BMT Group Ltd, United Kingdom

    Total cost:                                       Total cost:
  EUR 3 031 648                                     EUR 6 726 565

     EC contribution:                                  EC contribution:
  EUR 2 852 760                                     EUR 6 498 752

     Start/end:                                        Start/end:
  March 2016 to August 2019                         June 2017 to May 2020

     Other countries:                                   Other countries:
  Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Spain,                 Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Finland,
  Norway, Greenland, Sweden,                        China

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non-commercial purposes.
This booklet outlines key aspects of ongoing EU-funded
Arctic research and innovation. Climate change is the main
cause of Arctic changes, and therefore the investigation
on its mechanisms, its consequences and its evolution
is the main subject of Arctic research. The Arctic, despite
being home to only about 4 million people – a fraction of
the world population of 7.6 billion – is the canary in the
mine of climate change. The Arctic is warming because of
greenhouse gas emissions generated by human activities
mainly elsewhere and at a much faster rate than in other
parts of the planet because of a phenomenon known as
‘Arctic amplification’.

Research and Innovation policy
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