Art Education in Secondary School - Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject

Page created by Janice Cobb
Subdivided Module Catalogue
                                                                                          for the Subject

Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                      as Didaktikfach
with the degree "Erste Staatsprüfung für das Lehramt an

                                                Examination regulations version: 2009
                                               Responsible: Faculty of Human Sciences
                                                    Responsible: Institute of Pedagogy

        JMU Würzburg • generated 24-Aug-2021 • exam. reg. data record L2|839|-|-|H|2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                             Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                               LA Hauptschulen

Abbreviations used
Course types: E = field trip, K = colloquium, O = conversatorium, P = placement/lab course, R = pro-
ject, S = seminar, T = tutorial, Ü = exercise, V = lecture

Term: SS = summer semester, WS = winter semester

Methods of grading: NUM = numerical grade, B/NB = (not) successfully completed

Regulations: (L)ASPO = general academic and examination regulations (for teaching-degree program-
mes), FSB = subject-specific provisions, SFB = list of modules

Other: A = thesis, LV = course(s), PL = assessment(s), TN = participants, VL = prerequisite(s)

Unless otherwise stated, courses and assessments will be held in German, assessments will be offered
every semester and modules are not creditable for bonus.

Should there be the option to choose between several methods of assessment, the lecturer will agree
with the module coordinator on the method of assessment to be used in the current semester by two
weeks after the start of the course at the latest and will communicate this in the customary manner.

Should the module comprise more than one graded assessment, all assessments will be equally
weighted, unless otherwise stated below.

Should the assessment comprise several individual assessments, successful completion of the module
will require successful completion of all individual assessments.

In accordance with
the general regulations governing the degree subject described in this module catalogue:

associated official publications (FSB (subject-specific provisions)/SFB (list of modules)):

                 21-Jun-2012 (2012-98)

This module handbook seeks to render, as accurately as possible, the data that is of statutory relevan-
ce according to the examination regulations of the degree subject. However, only the FSB (subject-spe-
cific provisions) and SFB (list of modules) in their officially published versions shall be legally binding.
In the case of doubt, the provisions on, in particular, module assessments specified in the FSB/SFB
shall prevail.

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(2009)                                              ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                                    Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                                      LA Hauptschulen

The subject is divided into
                                                                                                                ECTS    Method of
          Abbreviation                                        Module title                                                            page
                                                                                                              credits    grading
 Compulsory Courses (10 ECTS credits)
 Successful completion of modules worth 20 ECTS credits in each subject selected as Didaktikfach (subject studied with a fo-
 cus on teaching methodology) is a prerequisite for admission to the Erste Staatsprüfung (First State Examination) in the sub-
 ject Didaktiken einer Fächergruppe der Hauptschule (Didactics of a Group of Subjects of Hauptschule).
   06-Ku-BasisP-092-m01       Art Practice Module                                                 5         NUM            6
   06-Ku-BasisT-092-m01             Art Theorie Module                                                            5       NUM           8
 Compulsory Electives (10 ECTS credits)
   06-Ku-VM-092-m01                 Visual Media                                                                  5       NUM           17
   06-Ku-VGR-092-m01                Practice of three-dimensional works of art - Intensification                  5       NUM           15
   06-Ku-AB-092-m01                 Basics of Arts Therapy, of esthetics theory and science of art                5       NUM           4
   06-Ku-KV-092-m01                 Contemporary Art                                                              5       NUM           11
   06-Ku-VGF-092-m01                Practice of two-dimensional works of art - Intensification                    5       NUM           13
Freier Bereich (general as well as subject-specific electives)
Teaching degree students must take modules worth a total of 15 ECTS credits in the area Freier Bereich (general as well as sub-
ject-specific electives) (Section 9 LASPO (general academic and examination regulations for teaching-degree programmes)).
To achieve the required number of ECTS credits, students may take any modules from the areas below.
Freier Bereich -- interdisciplinary: The interdisciplinary additional offer for a teaching degree can be found in the respective An-
nex "Ergänzende Bestimmungen für den "Freien Bereich" im Rahmen des Studiums für ein Lehramt".
  06-Ku-VM-092-m01              Visual Media                                                           5          NUM          17
 06-Ku-VGR-092-m01                  Practice of three-dimensional works of art - Intensification                  5       NUM           15
 06-Ku-AB-092-m01                   Basics of Arts Therapy, of esthetics theory and science of art                5       NUM           4
 06-Ku-KV-092-m01                   Contemporary Art                                                              5       NUM           11
 06-Ku-VGF-092-m01                  Practice of two-dimensional works of art - Intensification                    5       NUM           13
Thesis (10 ECTS credits)
Preparation of a written Hausarbeit (thesis) in accordance with the provisions of Section 29 LPO I (examination regulations for
teaching-degree programmes) is a prerequisite for teaching degree students to be admitted to the Erste Staatsprüfung (First
State Examination). In accordance with the provisions of Section 29 LPO I, students studying for a teaching degree Hauptschu-
le may write this thesis in the subject Didaktik einer Fächergruppe der Hauptschule (Didactics of a Group of Subjects of Haupt-
schule), in the subject they selected as Unterrichtsfach (subject studied with a focus on the scientific discipline) or in the sub-
ject Erziehungswissenschaften (Educational Science). Pursuant to Section 29 Subsection 1 Sentence 2 LPO I, students may al-
so choose to write an interdisciplinary thesis.
  06-Ku-HS-HA-092-m01           Art Education in Secondary School                                  10           NUM            10

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(2009)                                                     ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                                    Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                                      LA Hauptschulen

Module title                                                                                             Abbreviation
Basics of Arts Therapy, of esthetics theory and science of art                                           06-Ku-AB-092-m01

Module coordinator                                                           Module offered by
holder of the Professorship of Art Education at the Institute Professorship of Art Education
of Pedagogy
ECTS Method of grading                  Only after succ. compl. of module(s)
5       numerical grade                 --
Duration            Module level                    Other prerequisites
1 semester          undergraduate                   By way of exception, additional prerequisites are listed in the section on
German contents available but not translated yet.

Kunsttherapie, Projektorientierung, Bild und Kunstwissenschaften Es werden Einblicke in die Geschichte der
Kunsttherapie gegeben und die verschiedenen Ansätze an Therapierverfahren vorgestellt. Praktische Ansät-
ze werden erprobt und/ oder in der der Praxis vorgestellt. Kunsttherapeutische Ansätze mit Kindern sowie die
kunsttherapeutische Förderung in Schulen und in außerschulischen Einrichtungen werden dargestellt. Inhalt-
lich werden zudem Aspekte der Gruppendynamik der Farbintaktion theamtisiert und Ansätze zur gestalteten Fa-
milienkonstellation und zur Kunsttherapie mit Kindern erörtert. Im Bereich der Projektorientierung werden aktu-
elle Konzepte und Methoden der Kunstpädagogik in der Realität erprobt. Dadurch sollen Studierende Einblick
in die Komplexität kunstpädagogischen Handelns erhalten und die Stärken der Vermittlung selbst erleben. Zur
Bild- und Kunstwissenschaft werden kunstwissensxchaftliche Rezeptionsmethoden vorgestellt und am Bild an-
gewandt. Zudem sind Elemente der Alltagskultur auch kulturübergreifend Thema. Es werden Möglichkeiten eru-
iert, adäquate Vermittlungsmethoden aus der Kunstwissenschaft in Schnittmenge mit kunstpädagogisch erprob-
ten Elementen in konkreten Situationen auszuwählen und anzuwenden.
Intended learning outcomes
German intended learning outcomes available but not translated yet.

Kenntnis kunsttherapeutischer Methoden, Wissen um die Geschichte der Kunsttherapie, Überführungskompe-
tenzen von kunsttherpeutischer Theorieelemente in die praktische Anwendung, wissenschaftlich reflektiertes
Vorgehen anhand bekannt gewordener Elemente der Kunstwissenschaften und der kunstvermittelnden Pädago-
gik, Wissen um Qualitätskriterien kunstpädagogischer Praxis, Kenntnis von Vermittlungsmethoden, Überführung
von Theoriewissen in kunstpädagogische Praxis
Courses (type, number of weekly contact hours, language — if other than German)
This module comprises 3 module components. Information on courses will be listed separately for each module
  • 06-Ku-AB-1-092: S (no information on SWS (weekly contact hours) and course language available)
  • 06-Ku-AB-2-092: S (no information on SWS (weekly contact hours) and course language available)
  • 06-Ku-AB-3-092: S (no information on SWS (weekly contact hours) and course language available)
Method of assessment (type, scope, language — if other than German, examination offered — if not every seme
ster, information on whether module can be chosen to earn a bonus)
Assessment in this module comprises the assessments in the individual module components as specified be-
low. Unless stated otherwise, successful completion of the module will require successful completion of all indi-
vidual assessments.

Assessment in module component 06-Ku-AB-1-092: Basics of Art Therapy
  • 1 ECTS, Method of grading: (not) successfully completed
  • written elaboration of conceptual design of a class (approx. 2 pages)
  • Other prerequisites: Admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
     ses (lectures excluded).
Assessment in module component 06-Ku-AB-2-092: Basics of esthetics theory and Projects
  • 2 ECTS, Method of grading: numerical grade
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(2009)                                                     ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                             Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                               LA Hauptschulen

  • a) practical examination (approx. 30 hours total) or b) presentation (approx. 15 minutes) with written ela-
     boration (approx. 4 pages) or c) oral examination (approx. 15 minutes) or d) written examination (approx.
     45 minutes) or e) seminar paper (approx. 10 pages)
  • Other prerequisites: Admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
     ses (lectures excluded).
Assessment in module component 06-Ku-AB-3-092: Aspects of the Science of Art
  • 2 ECTS, Method of grading: numerical grade
  • a) practical examination (approx. 30 hours total) or b) presentation (approx. 15 minutes) with written ela-
     boration (approx. 4 pages) or c) oral examination (approx. 15 minutes) or d) written examination (approx.
     45 minutes) or e) seminar paper (approx. 10 pages)
  • Other prerequisites: Admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
     ses (lectures excluded).
Allocation of places
Additional information
Additional information will be listed separately for each module component.
  • 06-Ku-AB-1-092: An orientation session prior to the field trip, will lay the theoretical foundations for the
  • 06-Ku-AB-3-092: --
  • 06-Ku-AB-2-092: --
Referred to in LPO I (examination regulations for teaching-degree programmes)
§ 36 (1) 7. Didaktik der Grundschule Kunst
§ 38 (1) 1. Didaktik der Hauptschule Kunst
§ 38 (1) 1. Didaktik der Mittelschule Kunst

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(2009)                                              ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                                    Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                                      LA Hauptschulen

Module title                                                                                             Abbreviation
Art Practice Module                                                                                      06-Ku-BasisP-092-m01

Module coordinator                                                           Module offered by
holder of the Professorship of Art Education at the Institute Professorship of Art Education
of Pedagogy
ECTS Method of grading                  Only after succ. compl. of module(s)
5       numerical grade                 --
Duration            Module level                    Other prerequisites
1 semester          undergraduate                   By way of exception, additional prerequisites are listed in the section on
German contents available but not translated yet.

Im Fokus stehen bildnerische Prozesse im Raum und in der Ebene. Verschiedene Materialien der entsprechen-
den Bereich bildnerischer Praxis werden kennengelernt, Werkzeuge, deren Bezeichnung und Anwendung im
bildnerischem Prozess werden thematisiert. Das Spezifische der kunstpraktischen Arbeit im Dialog mit den Mög-
lichkeiten und Erfordernissen des Materials werden in technisches und konzeptionelles Handlungswissen über-
führt. Zudem werden Aspekte der Umsetzung der bildnerischen Praxis in der schulischen Vermittlung beschrie-
Intended learning outcomes
German intended learning outcomes available but not translated yet.

Technisch korrektes bildnerisches Arbeiten mit Material in der Ebene sowie im Raum, Grundlegende Kenntnisse
der unterschiedlichen Techniken und deren Überführung in Planung, Vorbereitung und Durchführung von schu-
lischem Unterricht. Wissen um in jeweiligen bildnerischen Vorhaben/ Aufgaben notwendig werdenden Darstel-
lungsmöglichkeiten wie Komposition, Kontraste, Perspektive, Positionierung. Entwicklung konzeptionellen Ar-
beitens, individuelle Auseinandersetzung konzeptioneller wie bildnerischer Natur, Bezug setzen zu einschlägi-
gen Künstlern und ihren Werken.
Courses (type, number of weekly contact hours, language — if other than German)
This module has 2 components; information on courses listed separately for each component.
  • 06-Ku-BasisP-1-092: S + S + S + S + S + S (no information on language and number of weekly contact
      hours available)
  • 06-Ku-BasisP-3-092: S (no information on language and number of weekly contact hours available)
Method of assessment (type, scope, language — if other than German, examination offered — if not every seme
ster, information on whether module can be chosen to earn a bonus)
This module has the following 3 assessment components. Unless stated otherwise, students must pass all of
these assessment components to pass the module as a whole..

Assessment component to module component 06-Ku-BasisP-1-092: Gestaltung im Raum
  • 2 ECTS credits, method of grading: numerical grade
  • praktische Prüfung (Gesamtaufwand approx. 30 Std.)
  • Other prerequisites: admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
     ses (lectures excluded).
Assessment component to module component 06-Ku-BasisP-2-092: Gestaltung in der Fläche
  • 2 ECTS credits, method of grading: numerical grade
  • praktische Prüfung (Gesamtaufwand approx. 30 Std.)
  • Other prerequisites: admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
     ses (lectures excluded).
Assessment component to module component 06-Ku-BasisP-3-092: Schulisches Gestalten
  • 1 ECTS credits, method of grading: (not) successfully completed
  • schriftliche Ausarbeitung eines Unterrichtskonzeptes (approx. 2 pages)

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(2009)                                                     ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                             Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                               LA Hauptschulen

     • Other prerequisites: admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
       ses (lectures excluded).
Allocation of places
Additional information
Referred to in LPO I (examination regulations for teaching-degree programmes)
§ 36 (1) 7. Didaktik der Grundschule Kunst
§ 36 (1) 8. Blockseminar Kunst
§ 38 (1) 1. Didaktik der Hauptschule Kunst
§ 38 (1) 1. Didaktik der Mittelschule Kunst
§ 38 (1) 6. Blockseminar Kunst

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(2009)                                              ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                                    Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                                      LA Hauptschulen

Module title                                                                                             Abbreviation
Art Theorie Module                                                                                       06-Ku-BasisT-092-m01

Module coordinator                                                           Module offered by
holder of the Professorship of Art Education at the Institute Professorship of Art Education
of Pedagogy
ECTS Method of grading                  Only after succ. compl. of module(s)
5       numerical grade                 --
Duration            Module level                    Other prerequisites
1 semester          undergraduate                   By way of exception, additional prerequisites are listed in the section on
German contents available but not translated yet.

Studierende erwerben Kenntnisse in der Geschichte der Bildenden Kunst, der Alltagskultur sowie der Architek-
tur. Sie beschäftigen sich mit Grundfrangen der Kunstwissenschaft und lernen Rezeptionsmethoden der Kunst-
wissenschaft in Bezug auf deren kunstpädagogische Relevanz kennen. Zudem werden epochale Zuschreibun-
gen und Zusammenhänge angestrebt wie auch die Einbindung in weitergehende Kontexte (Geschichte, Kulturen,
Konzepte...). Grundkenntnisse im Bereich der Kinderzeichenforschung werden erworben, Begriffe und Phänome-
ne dieses Bereiches kennengelernt. Ästhetische Praxis von Kindern und Jugendlichen werden in den Grundzügen
thematisiert. Verschiedene schulrelevante Formen der ästhetischen Praxis wie das Abeiten mit analogen und di-
gitalen Medien, das szenische Spiel, die Umwelt- und Produktgestaltung bilden die Basis für schulrelevante Fra-
Intended learning outcomes
German intended learning outcomes available but not translated yet.

Kenntnisse in der Kunstgeschichte, epochale Zuordnung schulrelevanter Künstlerinnen und Künstler, Wissen um
inhaltliche Abhängigkeiten und Verknüpfungen der Kunstgeschichte mit Elementen des Alltgas, der allgemeinen
Geschichte etc.
Courses (type, number of weekly contact hours, language — if other than German)
This module comprises 2 module components. Information on courses will be listed separately for each module
  • 06-Ku-BasisT-1-121: S (no information on SWS (weekly contact hours) and course language available)
  • 06-Ku-BasisT-2-121: S + S (no information on SWS (weekly contact hours) and course language available)
Method of assessment (type, scope, language — if other than German, examination offered — if not every seme
ster, information on whether module can be chosen to earn a bonus)
Assessment in this module comprises the assessments in the individual module components as specified be-
low. Unless stated otherwise, successful completion of the module will require successful completion of all indi-
vidual assessments.

Assessment in module component 06-Ku-BasisT-1-121: Art education: Aims, Contents and Methods
   • 2 ECTS, Method of grading: numerical grade
   • a) presentation (approx. 15 minutes) with written elaboration (approx. 4 pages) or b) oral examination
      (approx. 15 minutes) or c) written examination (approx. 45 minutes) or d) seminar paper (approx. 10 pa-
   • Other prerequisites: Admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
      ses (lectures excluded).
Assessment in module component 06-Ku-BasisT-2-121: Art history / Analysis of artwork Art history / Analysis of
   • 3 ECTS, Method of grading: numerical grade
   • a) presentation (approx. 20 minutes) with written elaboration (approx. 5 pages) or b) oral examination
      (approx. 20 minutes) or c) written examination (approx. 60 minutes) or d) seminar paper (approx. 15
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(2009)                                                     ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                             Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                               LA Hauptschulen

     • Other prerequisites: Admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
       ses (lectures excluded).
Allocation of places
Additional information
Referred to in LPO I (examination regulations for teaching-degree programmes)
§ 36 (1) 7. Didaktik der Grundschule Kunst
§ 38 (1) 1. Didaktik der Hauptschule Kunst
§ 38 (1) 1. Didaktik der Mittelschule Kunst

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(2009)                                              ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                                   Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                                     LA Hauptschulen

Module title                                                                                            Abbreviation
Art Education in Secondary School                                                                       06-Ku-HS-HA-092-m01

Module coordinator                                                          Module offered by
holder of the Professorship of Art Education at the Institute Professorship of Art Education
of Pedagogy
ECTS Method of grading                  Only after succ. compl. of module(s)
10      numerical grade                 --
Duration            Module level                    Other prerequisites
1 semester          undergraduate                   --
German contents available but not translated yet.

Selbstständige Auseinandersetzung mit einem Thema aus dem Bereich der Kunstpädagok mit Fokus auf die
Grundschule und deren hochschuladäquate Verschiftung.
Intended learning outcomes
German intended learning outcomes available but not translated yet.

Inhaltlich korrekte Verschriftung einer thematischen Auseinandersetzung, Korrektes Anwenden von Zitierformen,
adäquate Darstellung der Untersuchungsergebnisse, vertiefte Kenntnisse im entsprechenden Theoriebereich der
Kunstpädagogik/ Kunstwissenschaften, Überführungskompetenzen von Theorie in Elemente der Praxis
Courses (type, number of weekly contact hours, language — if other than German)
no courses assigned
Method of assessment (type, scope, language — if other than German, examination offered — if not every seme
ster, information on whether module can be chosen to earn a bonus)
written thesis (approx. 60 pages)
Allocation of places
Additional information
Additional information on module duration: 1 to 2 semesters.
Referred to in LPO I (examination regulations for teaching-degree programmes)

LA Hauptschulen Art Education in Secondary School           JMU Würzburg • generated 24-Aug-2021 • exam. reg. da-         page 10 / 18
(2009)                                                    ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                                    Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                                      LA Hauptschulen

Module title                                                                                             Abbreviation
Contemporary Art                                                                                         06-Ku-KV-092-m01

Module coordinator                                                           Module offered by
holder of the Professorship of Art Education at the Institute Professorship of Art Education
of Pedagogy
ECTS Method of grading                  Only after succ. compl. of module(s)
5       numerical grade                 --
Duration            Module level                    Other prerequisites
1 semester          undergraduate                   By way of exception, additional prerequisites are listed in the section on
German contents available but not translated yet.

Anhand der zentralen Rezeptionsmethoden werden Aspekte zeitgenössischer Kunst kennengelernt. Konzep-
te werden ergründet und Bezüge untereinander sowie zu Elemente zeitlich vorher angesiedelter Elemente der
Kunstgeschichte gebildet. Kunstpädagogisch fundierte Konzepte zur Vermittlung zeitgenössischer Kunst werden
diskutiert und auf ihre werkbezogene Praxistauglichkeit hin untersucht
Intended learning outcomes
German intended learning outcomes available but not translated yet.

Wissen um Rezeptionsmethoden der Kunstwissenschaft, Vertiefte Kenntnisse zu kunstpädagogischen Grund-
lagen der Kunstvermittlung, Überführungskompetenz von Theorieelementen in die Praxis (Konzept, Planung,
Durchführung, Evaluation von Vermittlungssituationen),
Courses (type, number of weekly contact hours, language — if other than German)
This module comprises 2 module components. Information on courses will be listed separately for each module
  • 06-Ku-KV-1-092: E (no information on SWS (weekly contact hours) and course language available)
  • 06-Ku-KV-2-092: S (no information on SWS (weekly contact hours) and course language available)
Method of assessment (type, scope, language — if other than German, examination offered — if not every seme
ster, information on whether module can be chosen to earn a bonus)
Assessment in this module comprises the assessments in the individual module components as specified be-
low. Unless stated otherwise, successful completion of the module will require successful completion of all indi-
vidual assessments.

Assessment in module component 06-Ku-KV-1-092: Excursion
  • 2 ECTS, Method of grading: (not) successfully completed
  • a) practical examination (approx. 30 hours total) or b) presentation (approx. 15 minutes) with written ela-
     boration (approx. 4 pages) or c) oral examination (approx. 15 minutes) or d) written examination (approx.
     45 minutes) or e) seminar paper (approx. 10 pages)
  • Other prerequisites: Admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
     ses (lectures excluded).
Assessment in module component 06-Ku-KV-2-092: Art education in Museum
  • 3 ECTS, Method of grading: numerical grade
  • practical examination (approx. 45 hours total)
  • Other prerequisites: Admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
     ses (lectures excluded).
Allocation of places
There is a restricted number of places. Should the number of applications exceed the number of available pla-
ces, places will be allocated as follows: (1) Applicants who are attending the course as part of the didactics of
a group of subjects of Hauptschule will be given preferential consideration. (2) Places will be allocated accor-
ding to the number of subject semesters. Among applicants with the same number of subject semesters, places
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(2009)                                                     ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                             Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                               LA Hauptschulen

will be allocated by lot. (3) The remaining places, if and when any become available, will be allocated among all
other applicants according to the number of subject semesters. Among applicants with the same number of sub-
ject semesters, places will be allocated by lot.
Additional information
Additional information will be listed separately for each module component.
  • 06-Ku-KV-2-092: --
  • 06-Ku-KV-1-092: An orientation session prior to the field trip, will lay the theoretical foundations for the
Referred to in LPO I (examination regulations for teaching-degree programmes)
§ 36 (1) 7. Didaktik der Grundschule Kunst
§ 38 (1) 1. Didaktik der Hauptschule Kunst
§ 38 (1) 1. Didaktik der Mittelschule Kunst

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(2009)                                              ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                                    Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                                      LA Hauptschulen

Module title                                                                                             Abbreviation
Practice of two-dimensional works of art - Intensification                                               06-Ku-VGF-092-m01

Module coordinator                                                           Module offered by
holder of the Professorship of Art Education at the Institute Professorship of Art Education
of Pedagogy
ECTS Method of grading                  Only after succ. compl. of module(s)
5       numerical grade                 --
Duration            Module level                    Other prerequisites
1 semester          undergraduate                   By way of exception, additional prerequisites are listed in the section on
German contents available but not translated yet.

Im Fokus stehen vertiefte bildnerische Prozesse in der Ebene. Verschiedene Materialien der Fläche werden ver-
tieft untersucht und in deren Einsatz im bildnerischem Prozess kompetent erprobt. Das Spezifische der kunst-
praktischen Arbeit in der Fläche im Dialog mit den Möglichkeiten und Erfordernissen des Materials werden in
technisches und konzeptionelles Handlungswissen überführt. Zudem werden Aspekte der Umsetzung der bild-
nerischen Praxis in der schulischen Vermittlung beschrieben.
Intended learning outcomes
German intended learning outcomes available but not translated yet.

Technisch korrektes bildnerisches Arbeiten mit Material in der Ebene, vertiefte Kenntnisse der unterschiedlichen
Techniken und deren Überführung in Planung, Vorbereitung und Durchführung von schulischem Unterricht. Wei-
terführendes Wissen um in jeweiligen bildnerischen Vorhaben/ Aufgaben notwendig werdenden Darstellungs-
möglichkeiten wie Komposition, Kontraste, Perspektive. Entwicklung konzeptionellen Arbeitens, individuelle
Auseinandersetzung konzeptioneller wie bildnerischer Natur, fundiert Bezug setzen zu einschlägigen Künstlern
und ihren Werken.
Courses (type, number of weekly contact hours, language — if other than German)
This module comprises 2 module components. Information on courses will be listed separately for each module
  • 06-Ku-VGF-1-092: S (no information on SWS (weekly contact hours) and course language available)
  • 06-Ku-VGF-2-092: E (no information on SWS (weekly contact hours) and course language available)
Method of assessment (type, scope, language — if other than German, examination offered — if not every seme
ster, information on whether module can be chosen to earn a bonus)
Assessment in this module comprises the assessments in the individual module components as specified be-
low. Unless stated otherwise, successful completion of the module will require successful completion of all indi-
vidual assessments.

Assessment in module component 06-Ku-VGF-1-092: Pratice of three-dimensional works of art - Intensification
  • 2 ECTS, Method of grading: numerical grade
  • practical examination (approx. 30 hours total)
  • Other prerequisites: Admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
     ses (lectures excluded).
Assessment in module component 06-Ku-VGF-2-092: Pratice of works of Art - Excursion
  • 3 ECTS, Method of grading: (not) successfully completed
  • a) practical examination (approx. 30 hours total) or b) presentation (approx. 20 minutes) with written ela-
     boration (approx. 6 pages) or c) oral examination (approx. 20 minutes) or d) written examination (approx.
     60 minutes) or e) seminar paper (approx. 15 pages)
  • Other prerequisites: Admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
     ses (lectures excluded).

LA Hauptschulen Art Education in Secondary School            JMU Würzburg • generated 24-Aug-2021 • exam. reg. da-           page 13 / 18
(2009)                                                     ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                             Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                               LA Hauptschulen

Allocation of places
Information on the allocation of places will be listed separately for each module component.
   • 06-Ku-VGF-1-092: There is a restricted number of places. Should the number of applications exceed the
      number of available places, places will be allocated as follows: (1) Applicants who are attending the cour-
      se as part of the didactics of a group of subjects of Hauptschule will be given preferential consideration.
      (2) Places will be allocated according to the number of subject semesters. Among applicants with the
      same number of subject semesters, places will be allocated by lot. (3) The remaining places, if and when
      any become available, will be allocated among all other applicants according to the number of subject
      semesters. Among applicants with the same number of subject semesters, places will be allocated by lot.
   • 06-Ku-VGF-2-092: --
Additional information
Additional information will be listed separately for each module component.
  • 06-Ku-VGF-1-092: --
  • 06-Ku-VGF-2-092: An orientation session prior to the field trip, will lay the theoretical foundations for the
Referred to in LPO I (examination regulations for teaching-degree programmes)
§ 38 (1) 1. Didaktik der Hauptschule Kunst
§ 38 (1) 1. Didaktik der Mittelschule Kunst

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(2009)                                              ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                                    Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                                      LA Hauptschulen

Module title                                                                                             Abbreviation
Practice of three-dimensional works of art - Intensification                                             06-Ku-VGR-092-m01

Module coordinator                                                           Module offered by
holder of the Professorship of Art Education at the Institute Professorship of Art Education
of Pedagogy
ECTS Method of grading                  Only after succ. compl. of module(s)
5       numerical grade                 --
Duration            Module level                    Other prerequisites
1 semester          undergraduate                   By way of exception, additional prerequisites are listed in the section on
German contents available but not translated yet.

Im Fokus stehen vertiefte bildnerische Prozesse im Raum. Verschiedene Materialien des Gestaltens im Raum
werden vertieft untersucht und in deren Einsatz im bildnerischem Prozess kompetent erprobt. Das Spezifische
der kunstpraktischen Arbeit im Raum im Dialog mit den Möglichkeiten und Erfordernissen des Materials wer-
den in technisches und konzeptionelles Handlungswissen überführt. Zudem werden Aspekte der Umsetzung der
bildnerischen Praxis im Raum in der schulischen Vermittlung beschrieben.
Intended learning outcomes
German intended learning outcomes available but not translated yet.

Technisch korrektes bildnerisches Arbeiten mit Material Raum, vertiefte Kenntnisse der unterschiedlichen Tech-
niken und deren Überführung in Planung, Vorbereitung und Durchführung von schulischem Unterricht. Weiter-
führendes Wissen um in jeweiligen bildnerischen Vorhaben/ Aufgaben notwendig werdenden Darstellungsmög-
lichkeiten wie Komposition, Aufbau, Perspektive. Entwicklung konzeptionellen Arbeitens, individuelle Auseinan-
dersetzung konzeptioneller wie bildnerischer Natur, fundiert Bezug setzen zu einschlägigen Künstlern und ihren
Courses (type, number of weekly contact hours, language — if other than German)
This module comprises 2 module components. Information on courses will be listed separately for each module
  • 06-Ku-VGR-1-092: S + S + S + S + S (no information on SWS (weekly contact hours) and course language
  • 06-Ku-VGR-2-092: E (no information on SWS (weekly contact hours) and course language available)
Method of assessment (type, scope, language — if other than German, examination offered — if not every seme
ster, information on whether module can be chosen to earn a bonus)
Assessment in this module comprises the assessments in the individual module components as specified be-
low. Unless stated otherwise, successful completion of the module will require successful completion of all indi-
vidual assessments.

Assessment in module component 06-Ku-VGR-1-092: Pratice of three-dimensional works of art - Intensification
Pratice of three-dimensional works of art - Intensification Pratice of three-dimensional works of art - Intensificati-
on Pratice of three-dimensional works of art - Intensification Pratice of three-dimensional works of art - Intensifi-
   • 2 ECTS, Method of grading: numerical grade
   • practical examination (approx. 30 hours total)
   • Other prerequisites: Admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
      ses (lectures excluded).
Assessment in module component 06-Ku-VGR-2-092: Pratice of works of Art - Excursion
   • 3 ECTS, Method of grading: (not) successfully completed
   • a) practical examination (approx. 30 hours total) or b) presentation (approx. 15 minutes) with written ela-
      boration (approx. 6 pages) or c) oral examination (approx. 20 minutes) or d) written examination (approx.
      60 minutes) or e) seminar paper (approx. 15 pages)
LA Hauptschulen Art Education in Secondary School            JMU Würzburg • generated 24-Aug-2021 • exam. reg. da-           page 15 / 18
(2009)                                                     ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                             Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                               LA Hauptschulen

    • Other prerequisites: Admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
      ses (lectures excluded).
Allocation of places
There is a restricted number of places. Should the number of applications exceed the number of available pla-
ces, places will be allocated as follows: (1) Applicants who are attending the course as part of the didactics of
a group of subjects of Hauptschule will be given preferential consideration. (2) Places will be allocated accor-
ding to the number of subject semesters. Among applicants with the same number of subject semesters, places
will be allocated by lot. (3) The remaining places, if and when any become available, will be allocated among all
other applicants according to the number of subject semesters. Among applicants with the same number of sub-
ject semesters, places will be allocated by lot.
Additional information
Additional information will be listed separately for each module component.
  • 06-Ku-VGR-1-092: --
  • 06-Ku-VGR-2-092: An orientation session prior to the field trip, will lay the theoretical foundations for the
Referred to in LPO I (examination regulations for teaching-degree programmes)
§ 36 (1) 7. Didaktik der Grundschule Kunst
§ 38 (1) 1. Didaktik der Hauptschule Kunst
§ 38 (1) 1. Didaktik der Mittelschule Kunst

LA Hauptschulen Art Education in Secondary School     JMU Würzburg • generated 24-Aug-2021 • exam. reg. da-         page 16 / 18
(2009)                                              ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                                    Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                                      LA Hauptschulen

Module title                                                                                             Abbreviation
Visual Media                                                                                             06-Ku-VM-092-m01

Module coordinator                                                           Module offered by
holder of the Professorship of Art Education at the Institute Professorship of Art Education
of Pedagogy
ECTS Method of grading                  Only after succ. compl. of module(s)
5       numerical grade                 --
Duration            Module level                    Other prerequisites
1 semester          undergraduate                   By way of exception, additional prerequisites are listed in the section on
German contents available but not translated yet.

Verschiedene Formen analoger und digitaler visueller Medien werden in der eigenen Anwendung erprobt und auf
dere Praxistaglichkeit für die entsprechende Schulart hin untersucht. Elemente der Bildgestaltung (Komposition,
Kontraste, Positionierung etc.) werden wiederholt und in der eigenen entsprechenden ästhetischen Praxis mit
überwiegend digitaler Technik angewandt.
Intended learning outcomes
German intended learning outcomes available but not translated yet.

Beherrschen der notwendig werdenden Medien, Handlungswissen um den Einbezug von Elementen der Bildge-
staltung in eigener ästhetischer Praxis, Überführungskompetenzen zu erwerbender Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten
zur Bildgedstaltung in die ästhetische Praxis mit Kindern und Jugendlichen
Courses (type, number of weekly contact hours, language — if other than German)
This module comprises 2 module components. Information on courses will be listed separately for each module
  • 06-Ku-VM-2-092: S + S (no information on SWS (weekly contact hours) and course language available)
  • 06-Ku-VM-1-092: S (no information on SWS (weekly contact hours) and course language available)
Method of assessment (type, scope, language — if other than German, examination offered — if not every seme
ster, information on whether module can be chosen to earn a bonus)
Assessment in this module comprises the assessments in the individual module components as specified be-
low. Unless stated otherwise, successful completion of the module will require successful completion of all indi-
vidual assessments.

Assessment in module component 06-Ku-VM-2-092: Photo Photo
  • 2 ECTS, Method of grading: numerical grade
  • practical examination (approx. 45 hours total)
  • Other prerequisites: Admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
     ses (lectures excluded).
Assessment in module component 06-Ku-VM-1-092: Film
  • 3 ECTS, Method of grading: numerical grade
  • practical examination (approx. 30 hours total)
  • Other prerequisites: Admission prerequisite to assessment: regular attendance (minimum 80%) of cour-
     ses (lectures excluded).
Allocation of places
There is a restricted number of places. Should the number of applications exceed the number of available pla-
ces, places will be allocated as follows: (1) Applicants who are attending the course as part of the didactics of
a group of subjects of Hauptschule will be given preferential consideration. (2) Places will be allocated accor-
ding to the number of subject semesters. Among applicants with the same number of subject semesters, places
will be allocated by lot. (3) The remaining places, if and when any become available, will be allocated among all

LA Hauptschulen Art Education in Secondary School            JMU Würzburg • generated 24-Aug-2021 • exam. reg. da-          page 17 / 18
(2009)                                                     ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
Subdivided Module Catalogue for the Subject
                                                                                             Art Education in Secondary School
                                                                                                               LA Hauptschulen

other applicants according to the number of subject semesters. Among applicants with the same number of sub-
ject semesters, places will be allocated by lot.
Additional information
Referred to in LPO I (examination regulations for teaching-degree programmes)
§ 36 (1) 7. Didaktik der Grundschule Kunst
§ 38 (1) 1. Didaktik der Hauptschule Kunst
§ 38 (1) 1. Didaktik der Mittelschule Kunst

LA Hauptschulen Art Education in Secondary School     JMU Würzburg • generated 24-Aug-2021 • exam. reg. da-         page 18 / 18
(2009)                                              ta record Lehramt Hauptschulen (Didaktikfach) Kunst - 2009
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