Arthropod fauna of mammal-pollinated Protea humiflora: ants as an attractant for insectivore pollinators?

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Arthropod fauna of mammal-pollinated Protea humiflora: ants as an attractant for
insectivore pollinators?

P.A. Fleming* & S.W. Nicolson
Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002 South Africa

                          Protea humiflora Andrews inflorescences are cryptic, but strongly scented and borne close to
                          the ground (geoflorous) for ready access by small, non-flying mammals. During a study of
                          P. humiflora pollination, we found that insectivorous elephant shrews (Macroscelididae:
                          Elephantulus edwardii (A. Smith)) carried higher pollen loads on their snouts than simulta-
                          neously-trapped rodent species. Elephant shrews seem to be acquiring pollen while forag-
                          ing for insects in the inflorescences. Compared with the larger bird-pollinated inflorescences
                          of P. repens (L.) L., P. humiflora inflorescences have a substantially lower mass of arthropods,
                          relatively fewer beetles (12 % of arthropod dry mass) and more ants (13 %). The large
                          numbers of ants in these inflorescences may attract insectivore pollinators, suggesting an
                          indirect, mutualistic relationship between plant, insect and insectivore.
                          Key words: non-flying mammal pollination, fynbos, satellite fauna, ants, nectar, mutualism.


  Protea species of the section Hypocephalae are              Acomys subspinosus (Waterhouse) and Aethomys
known as the ‘rodent sugarbushes’, and are                    namaquensis (A. Smith)). It is more likely that pollen
characterized by cryptic, strong-smelling inflores-           is acquired during foraging for insects in the inflo-
cences, borne close to the ground under dense                 rescences. The aim of the present study was to
foliage (Rebelo 1995). This allows ready access by            quantify and characterize the arthropod fauna in
small, non-flying mammals (‘therophily’), which               P. humiflora inflorescences to gain insight into why
account for half of the pollination events that lead          elephant shrews might be visiting these inflores-
to seed set (Wiens et al. 1983; Fleming & Nicolson            cences, and compare this with published data for
2002). Protea species are self-incompatible (Horn             other, typically bird-pollinated, Protea species. In
1962), and it seems likely that the remaining polli-          addition, we estimated the nectar standing crop
nation is carried out by insects (Coetzee &                   and compared the energy available from nectar
Giliomee 1985; Wright et al. 1991).                           and arthropods.
  During a recent study of the pollination system
of Protea humiflora Andrews (Fleming and                      METHODS
Nicolson 2002), we were surprised to find that
Cape rock elephant shrews (Macroscelididae:                     We examined P. humiflora inflorescences collected
Elephantulus edwardii (A. Smith)) carried higher              from two sites near Villiersdorp in the Rivier-
pollen loads on their snouts than simultaneously-             sonderend Mountains, in the southern Cape,
trapped rodent species. The possibility that these            South Africa, between July and October 2000. We
medium-sized insectivores (mean ± 1 S.D.: 49 ±                analysed inflorescences at all stages of opening;
5 g, n = 11 adults) could be significant pollinators          from early, recently opened, through to near-
of Protea species has not been seriously considered           spent inflorescences, provided that pollen was still
previously (Wiens et al. 1983; Rebelo & Breyten-              present.
bach 1987). The preponderance of pollen on the                  Arthropods were collected from 48 inflorescences,
snouts of E. edwardii compared with its scarcity in           which were cut and placed immediately in plastic
their faeces (pollen grain exines pass through the            bags and analysed on return to the laboratory.
digestive system intact; van Tets 1997), suggests             Nectar standing crop was quantified for an addi-
that these shrews are unlikely to feed directly on            tional 36 inflorescences: arthropods were re-
Protea pollen, as do rodent visitors (Muridae:                moved with forceps on site and stored in alcohol.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed.
                                                                For nectar analysis, the styles of 12 about-to-
 E-mail:                            open florets were marked with permanent marker
                                                                                     African Entomology 11(1): 9–14 (2003)
10                                 African Entomology Vol. 11, No. 1, 2003

pen and nectar was collected from their bases            37.3 mg sugar or 656 J per inflorescence over its
using 10 µl micropipettes and slight suction.            complete development. However, not all florets
(Nectar was found in florets that were about to          produce nectar simultaneously and only about a
open, while older peripheral florets and younger         tenth of the nectar (there being around 12 whorls
central florets were largely dry.) Nectar volume         of flowers, opening over 10–14 days) is estimated
was recorded (proportion of micropipette length)         to be available at any one time (i.e. about 66 J).
and sugar concentration (%weight/weight) was                Arthropod yields from P. humiflora inflorescen-
measured with 0–50 % and 45–80 % refractom-              ces were also highly variable, ranging from 0.1 to
eters (Bellingham & Stanley, U.K.) for each floret       45.9 mg dry mass per inflorescence. The mean dry
separately. After conversion to %weight/volume           mass of arthropods (7.6 ± 10.8 mg per inflores-
(Bolten et al. 1979), the quantity of sugar obtained     cence) represents an energy content of 175 J
from each floret was calculated. The average value       (energy values from Mostert et al. 1980).
was then extrapolated to estimate total nectar              A total of 756 macro-arthropods (646 mg) repre-
sugar for the 265 ± 36 florets per inflorescence         senting seven orders was recovered. The dry mass
(floret number counted in an additional 42 inflo-        of macro-arthropods was significantly higher
rescences). Dry florets were recorded as a zero in       during mid-winter (Table 1, K-S: P < 0.025). There
the data.                                                were no differences in arthropod mass between
  A total of 1190 thrips (Thysanoptera) was recor-       the two sites sampled.
ded from 60 inflorescences that were exhaustively           Over half the total dry mass of arthropods recov-
searched; however their minute size would rou-           ered (58 %) was lepidopteran larvae which were
tinely yield insignificant amounts of biomass            only found in inflorescences sampled during
and thrips were therefore not considered in the          winter, at the beginning of the flowering season
study. In order to assess the dry mass of arthro-        (Table 1). The larvae bore into inflorescence recep-
pods from each inflorescence, collections of             tacles and sever the water supply to the florets,
macro-arthropods (excluding thrips; no mites             causing their abortion and death (A.G. Rebelo,
(Acarina) were recovered) were categorized into          pers. comm.). The dry mass of Lepidoptera larvae
‘morphospecies’. These collections were dried to         from inflorescences that appeared to be aborted
constant mass at 60 °C and weighed, and the mean         (i.e. were dry, brownish, or had failed to open, n =
individual mass for each morphospecies was used          19) was around three times that of inflorescences
to calculate dry masses for each inflorescence. Dry      that appeared fresh (n = 65, K-S: P < 0.05).
masses for arthropod orders have been considered         Lepidoptera larvae were not recovered from inflo-
in preference to numbers of individuals for statisti-    rescences sampled from August onwards. A
cal comparison, given the substantial size differ-       greater mass of Coleoptera was also recovered
ences between orders. Analysis of differences in         during winter (KS: P < 0.001).
total dry mass and that of each arthropod order             Eight species of ants were identified from
between site and season were carried out by              P. humiflora flowers: Anoplolepis custodiens
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Data are presented as           (F. Smith), (31 % of individuals, 20 % of dry mass),
the means ± 1 S.D. throughout.                           Crematogaster sp. 1 (31 %, 45 %), Camponotus
                                                         niveosetosus Mayr (18 %, 24 %), Crematogaster sp. 3
RESULTS                                                  (6 %, 9 %), Lepisiota capensis (Mayr)(9 %, 2 %), and
                                                         small numbers of individuals of Crematogaster sp. 2
  Nectar yields were extremely variable between          (2 % of total ant individuals), Camponotus sp. 2 (nr
inflorescences. Nectar yields did not vary signifi-      angusticeps Emery) (2 %), and Tetramorium erectum
cantly with the degree of inflorescence opening          Emery (1 %). Ant specimens have been lodged
(Fig. 1A), but are generally low probably due to the     with the South African Museum. No Argentine
low rainfall during the study season as well as          ants (Linepithema (Iridomyrmex) humilis (Mayr))
difficulty in sampling the concentrated and vis-         were present. Ants were present throughout
cous nectar. The average volume per floret was           flowering, even during the middle of winter. An
0.39 ± 0.56 µl (n = 36 inflorescences, 12 florets from   average of 6.5 ants (1.55 ± 3.07 mg) was recovered
each), while nectar concentration averaged 49.0 ±        from each inflorescence sampled later in the flow-
22.1 %w/w (n = 24 inflorescences, 12 florets from        ering season (61 % of the macro-arthropod dry
each). Our figures extrapolate to approximately          mass), compared with only 1.6 individuals (0.78 ±
Fleming & Nicolson: Arthropod fauna of mammal-pollinated Protea humiflora                    11

Fig. 1. Nectar standing crop (A) and the dry mass of ants (B) in Protea humiflora inflorescences compared with the
stage of flower opening, and the dry mass of ants compared with nectar volume (C).

1.34 mg) in winter (8.5 %; K-S: P < 0.01). We found       considerably higher than the mean of 37.8 %
ants present at all stages of opening, from buds to       measured for freshly secreted P. humiflora nectar
near-spent inflorescences (Fig. 1B). Ant abundance        by Wiens et al. (1983). Our energy estimates of
was associated with a decrease in nectar volume           about 66 J of energy available per day from nectar
(Fig. 1C), presumably as a result of their feeding on     may therefore be an underestimate of the energy
nectar (Fig. 2).                                          available to a small flower visitor that would be
                                                          able to feed on quantities not measurable by
DISCUSSION                                                ourselves. Estimates of energy available from
                                                          macro-arthropods (175 J) were therefore higher
 In this study, we found that P. humiflora nectar         than that for the nectar standing crop. Calf (2000)
was highly concentrated and extremely viscous.            similarly found much greater arthropod energy
Our average concentration of 49 % (w/w) was               available for sugarbirds in bird-pollinated Protea
12                                   African Entomology Vol. 11, No. 1, 2003

Table 1. Arthropod dry mass composition for Protea humiflora inflorescences sampled in mid-winter (July, n = 62) and
late winter/spring (August to October, n = 22). Figures are the mean mass per inflorescence (mg ± 1 S.D.) and
percentages of total macro-arthropod dry mass. P-values are for results of analysis by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
comparing seasons.

                                            Mid-winter                      Late winter & spring               P
                                    mg ± 1 S.D              %           mg ± 1 S.D.             %

Arachnida                           0.32 ± 0.94             3.45         0.11 ± 0.52           4.35         >0.10
Blattodea                           0.96 ± 3.84            10.49         0.72 ± 2.34          28.26         >0.10
Coleoptera1                         1.17 ± 3.34            12.80         0.07 ± 0.17           2.80         0.10
Hemiptera                           0.18 ± 0.43             1.97         0.05 ± 0.17           2.09         >0.10
Hymenoptera (Formicidae)            0.78 ± 1.34             8.51         1.55 ± 3.07          60.76         0.10
Total biomass                       9.41 ± 11.99                         2.59 ± 4.00
Fleming & Nicolson: Arthropod fauna of mammal-pollinated Protea humiflora                   13

plant material (Scholtz & Holm 1985) and were               inflorescences as an attractant and energy source
more abundant in inflorescences which were                  for bird pollinators was emphasized by Mostert
heavily infested with Lepidoptera larvae. While             et al. (1980), who analysed stomach contents of
Chirodica were not recovered from P. humiflora,             Cape sugarbirds. We suggest a similar role of ar-
conversely Corylophidae have not previously                 thropod fauna in pollination of P. humiflora by the
been recorded in inflorescences of other Protea             elephant shrew E. edwardii. Elephant shrews
species.                                                    trapped during flowering of P. humiflora (Fleming
  Indigenous ants were a significant component of           & Nicolson, in press) produced faeces containing
the arthropod fauna of P. humiflora (35 % of                pieces of ant exoskeleton (three out of eight scats
numbers and 13 % of mass), but in bird-pollinated           samples from E. edwardii individuals trapped
inflorescences they are scarce. For example, in             during winter contained positively-identifiable
P. repens, Coetzee & Giliomee (1985) recorded that          ant exoskeletons; however, the majority of the
the alien Argentine ant was the most abundant of            exoskeleton material is not identifiable). Ants (and
eight ant species, while Mostert et al. (1980) recov-       termites) are recorded as the main diet of
ered only Argentine ants. Similarly, indigenous             Macroscelididae (Perrin 1997). When foraging on
ants are extremely rare in P. nitida inflorescences         ants in P. humiflora inflorescences, elephant shrews
(Visser et al. 1996).                                       would be additionally rewarded by the nectar al-
  Ants are efficient nectar collectors and are easily       ready consumed by these ants (e.g. Fig. 2).
able to handle sugar solutions as concentrated as             Having an insectivore as pollen vector has
the nectar of P. humiflora (Josens et al. 1998). How-       advantages for the plant, since these animals are
ever, ants are generally described as nectar thieves        less likely to consume flower parts than rodent
(Hickman 1974; Inouye 1980; Galen 1983). They               visitors (e.g. Vlok 1995) and also have greater home
are considered to be ineffective pollinators due to         ranges (Withers 1979; Fleming & Nicolson,
their small size (limiting contact with anthers and         unpubl. data). Insectivores may also pollinate
stigmas), smooth integument, frequent grooming,             Australian Proteaceae: a number of dasyurid
antibiotic metapleural gland secretions, and,               marsupial species recorded as regular visitors to
finally, their rather limited mobility (Schubart &          Banksia inflorescences (Turner 1982; Carthew &
Anderson 1978; Beattie 1985; Peakall et al. 1991).          Goldingay 1997; Goldingay 2000). These observa-
Many plants therefore have developed protective             tions may change the perceived role of arthro-
devices designed to keep ants out: hiding nectar in         pods, particularly ants, in pollination of Protea-
tubes and closed blossoms, closed throats or sticky         ceae. If arthropods contribute in some part to
hairs (Geurrant & Fiedler 1981; Peakall et al. 1991).       attract insectivores, then Proteaceae would derive
Other plants may distract ants by luring them               an indirect benefit from their arthropod visitors.
away from flowers to extra-floral nectaries (e.g.           The relationship between ant and plant under
Zachariades & Midgley 1999).                                these circumstances may therefore be more
  Therophilous Protea species, including P. humiflora,      mutualistic (Maloof & Inouye 2000) than illicit, and
seem to have little defense against nectar-thieving         the blanket description of ants as ‘nectar robbers’
ants. Their inflorescences are geoflorous, a short          may be doing them an extreme injustice.
distance separating them from ants on the
ground, and there is little protection of nectar            ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
within the flowers. Protea species do not possess             We thank H. Robertson and K. Parr for identify-
extra-floral nectaries (Rebelo 1995). Nectar may in         ing ants, C. Scholtz for identifying Corylophi-
fact be more accessible to insects than it is to verte-     dae, T. Rebelo for advice and comments, and the
brate would-be pollinators, particularly mamma-             National Research Foundation for financial sup-
lian visitors that lack the finesse of an avian beak.       port. P.A.F. is supported by a University of Pretoria
  The role of ‘satellite’ arthropods in Protea repens       Postdoctoral Fellowship.

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                                                                                                  Accepted 14 June 2002
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