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2008 vol. 69, 81-92
DOI: 10.2478/v10032-008-0023-2

          (CICHORIUM INTYBUS L. var. sativum BISCH.)

                 Elżbieta PATKOWSKA, Mirosław KONOPIŃSKI1
                         University of Life Sciences in Lublin
       Department of Plant Pathology, Leszczyńskiego 7, 20-069 Lublin, Poland
          Department of Soil Cultivation and Fertilization of Horticultural Plants
                      Leszczyńskiego 58, 20-068 Lublin, Poland
                  Received: April 20, 2008; Accepted: August 1, 2008

     The study involved seedlings of Cichorium intybus var. sativum cv. ‘Pola-
nowicka’ and fungi (Alternaria alternata, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium culmo-
rum, Fusarium oxysporum, Pythium irregulare, Rhizoctonia solani and Scle-
rotinia sclerotiorum) colonizing the soil environment in the field cultivation of
that plant. Pathogenicity tests carried out in a phytotron showed that pre-
emergence damping-off of chicory seeds, and thus no germination, was caused
mainly by S. sclerotiorum, P. irregulare and A. alternata. The most harmful for
the seedlings of root chicory proved to be P. irregulare, A. alternata, R. solani
and F. oxysporum, while the least harmful were B. cinerea and F. culmorum.
The growth of the affected plants was arrested and well-defined necrotic lesions
appeared on their roots.

key words: chicory, soil-borne fungi, pathogenicity, infection index


     The chicory began to be cultivated towards the end of the 19th century in
Belgium and from there it has spread to other countries of Western Europe. As a
biennial plant from the family Asteracae, it forms a rosette of leaves and a
thickened root in the first year, and in the second year an inflorescence shoot
and seeds (Poli et al. 2002). Many cultivars of the chicory plant are known
throughout the world, but in Poland only the salad (leaf) chicory (Cichorium
intybus L. var. foliosum Bisch.) and root chicory (Cichorium intybus L. var.
sativum Bisch.) are cultivated (Barcaccia et al. 2003, Rożek 2004). The chicory
owes its flavour and nutritious value to high levels of polysaccharides (intybin
and inulin), mineral salts (potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron,
copper, zinc), vitamins (B1, B2, C), and acids (nicotinic, oxalic, valerianic)
(Koo-HyunNa et al. 2003, Poli et al. 2002). The chicory is the richest source of

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82                           VEGETABLE CROPS RESEARCH BULLETIN 69

inulin, a glycoside that has a positive effect on intestinal bacteria Bifidobacte-
rium sp. and Lactobacillus sp. (Koo-HyunNa et al. 2003). Used as food fibre, it
can have beneficial effects on the digestive system, the cardiovascular system,
the liver and the kidneys, and can inhibit cancer-causing processes (Koo-
HyunNa et al. 2003). The root chicory is used in a dried form in the production
of coffee and carbohydrate preparations (Baert et al. 1992).
      A considerable threat to the size and quality of a chicory crop can be posed
by phytopathogens colonizing the cultivated soil environment of that plant.
Soil-borne fungi, as facultative pathogens, can constitute a source of infection
throughout the entire growing season; they inhibit seed germination, and the
growth of seedlings and older plants. Information available in the literature con-
cerns mainly the diseases of the salad chicory. Various cultivars of C. intybus
var. foliosum can be affected by phytoplasmas, such as 16SrII-E group (Tran-
Nguyen et al. 2003), bacteria: Pseudomonas cichorii, Pseudomonas syringae,
Pseudomonas marginalis, Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora (Golden 1984,
Schober & Vermeulen 1999, Schober & Zadoks 1999, Koike & Bull 2006), and
fungi: Alternaria cichorii, Pythium mastophorum, Phytophthora cryptogea,
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Plentinger et al. 2000, Lima et al. 2003, Sanvicente et
al. 2003, Jonghe et al. 2005, Benigni & Bompeix 2006). These phytopathogens
are mainly responsible for causing seed necrosis, root rot, and wilting of the
above-ground parts of the salad chicory. Hermann (2006) reports that planta-
tions of the salad chicory in Belgium are also threatened by powdery mildew
(Erysiphe cichoracearum) and the rust of chicory (Puccinia cichorii). In Italy,
cases of grey mould caused by Botrytis cinerea have been found on salad chic-
ory plants by Bertolini et al. (2005). The health of chicory plants can also be
affected by cover plants used for mulching the soil. Patkowska and Konopiński
(unpublished data) have found that oat, vetch and phacelia plants, used as cover
crops, modify in a favourable way the composition of soil phytopathogens in
the cultivation of other root vegetables with a high inulin content.
      Due to the lack of information on the soil fungi that can threaten the culti-
vars of root chicory, a study was undertaken with the aim of determining the
pathogenicity of A. alternata, B. cinerea, F. culmorum, F. oxysporum, P. ir-
regulare, R. solani and S. sclerotiorum for seedlings of Cichorium intybus L.
var. sativum Bisch.

                              MATERIAL AND METHODS

     The study, carried out in 2006-2007, involved seedlings of root chicory cv.
‘Polanowicka’, and soil-inhabiting fungi such as Alternaria alternata, Botrytis
cinerea, Fusarium culmorum, F. oxysporum, Pythium irregulare, Rhizoctonia
solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.
     A field experiment with root chicory seedlings also involved mulching of
the soil with inter-crop cover plants such as oat (Avena sativa L.), vetch (Vicia
sativa L.) and phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia B.). The cover plants had pro-
duced before winter an abundant crop of green biomass, which was utilized in

two ways: 1) it was mixed with the soil during pre-winter ploughing, or 2) it
was mixed with the soil during spring ploughing. The control consisted of a
traditionally grown crop of chicory, i.e. without cover plants. The experiment
was set up in a split-plot design with four replicates. The area of each experi-
mental plot was 15 m2.
      The studied species of fungi were obtained as a result of microbiological
analyses of the soil performed according to the method of Martyniuk et al.
(1991). The soil for the analyses was taken at the same time each year from a
depth of 5-6 cm of the arable layer. Four soil samples were taken for each ex-
perimental combination. The number of isolates of those fungus species, pre-
sented in Table 1, is the sum of them obtained from the separate experimental
combinations over the two years of the study.
      In order to study the pathogenicity of the above-mentioned fungi, five ran-
domly-chosen isolates of each species were chosen; they were given numbers
from 1 to 5 (Tables 2 & 3). The isolates of these fungi came from the micro-
biological analyses of the soil that had been taken from under the chicory crop
grown with the use of phacelia as mulch. The experiment was carried out in a
phytotron, in which humidity, lighting and temperature conditions enabled ger-
mination and growth of plants (Pięta & Kęsik 2007). Surface-disinfected chic-
ory seeds were sown into 1 dm3 pots filled with an infection mixture (i.e. steril-
ized compost soil overgrown with mycelium of a single isolate of the studied
species). The infection mixture with the fungi chosen for the experiment was
prepared according to Nolla’s method, described by Łacicowa (1969), and also
Patkowska & Konopiński (2008). To this end, compost soil with a 5% addition of
barley groats was placed in 3000 cm3 Erlenmeyer flasks. The flasks containing
the mixture were sterilized three times for 2 hours in an autoclave at a pressure of
1 atmosphere and a temperature of 121°C. After sterilization, the soil in the flasks
was inoculated with 14-day-old cultures of the fungi listed above, grown on PDA
medium, allocating 1 flask for each isolate of the fungus. Then, the flasks with
the inoculum were kept at 23°C for three weeks so that the soil would become
overgrown with the fungus, which could be confirmed macroscopically. The
control plants were chicory seedlings grown from seeds sown into a sterile soil.
For each isolate of a given fungus and the control, 100 seeds were allocated.
Each experimental combination included four series (four replicates).
      Four weeks after the experiment had been set up, the emerged seedlings
were counted, and following their removal from the soil, their health status (in-
fection degree) was assessed using a 5-point scale provided by Pięta and Kęsik
(2007), where: 0 – no disease symptoms, 1 – necrosis on up to 10% of root sur-
face, 2 – necrosis on up to 25% of root surface, 3 – necrosis on up to 50% of
root surface, 4 – necrosis on more than 50% of root surface. These ratings were
then used to calculate the infection index – an index describing the extent of
infection caused by the studied isolates of the fungus – according to McKin-
ney’s formula, provided by Łacicowa (1969):
       Infection index =           x 100
84                           VEGETABLE CROPS RESEARCH BULLETIN 69

∑ a – sum of products of numerical scale index (infection degree) and corresponding
       number of plants,
b – total number of tested plants multiplied by the highest numerical scale index
      Next, according to Koch’s postulates, the plant material with disease
symptoms was subjected to a mycological analysis in order to reisolate the
pathogens. The obtained results were analyzed statistically, and the significance
of differences was determined on the basis of Tukey’s confidence intervals.

                              RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

      The microbiological analyses of the soil carried out each year of the field
experiment showed that the cover plants used to mulch the soil in the cultivation
of root chicory had a modifying effect on the quantitative and qualitative com-
position of the fungi considered to be common phytopathogens (Table 1). From
all the separate experimental combinations a total of 492 isolates of seven fun-
gus species had been obtained, out of which 35 isolates had been used in the
phytotron experiment. The most often isolated were F. oxysporum, R. solani
and A. alternata, whose percentage share was 19.3%, 16.6% and 16.5%, re-
spectively. Often, S. sclerotiorum and P. irregulare (a total of 14.6% and
12.8%, respectively) were also obtained. The highest number of isolates of the
studied fungi was obtained in the traditional cultivation of chicory, i.e. without a
cover crop, and the lowest number after using oat plants for mulching (Table 1).

Table 1. Selected fungi isolated from the soil (total for the years 2006-2007)

                                Experimental combination / Number of isolates              Total
        Fungus species                                                                    number
                                  1*      2       3        4       5       6       7        (%)
Alternaria alternata (Fr.)
                                  4       7       8       10      14      16      22     81 (16.5)
Botrytis cinerea Pers.            2       3       4        6       8      10      15      48 (9.8)
Fusarium culmorum
                                  1       2       5        6       9      11      17     51 (10.4)
(W.G.Sm.) Sacc.
Fusarium oxysporum
                                  7       8       10      12      15      17      26     95 (19.3)
Pythium irregulare Bais-
                                  3       4       6        5      13      14      18     63 (12.8)
Rhizoctonia solani Kühn           7       6       9       11      14      16      19     82 (16.6)
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
                                  4       5       7        9      12      15      20     72 (14.6)
Lib. de Bary.
Total                             28      35      49      59      85      99     137     492 (100)
    1 - oats mulch + spring ploughing, 2 - oats mulch + pre-winter ploughing, 3 - spring
     vetch mulch + spring ploughing, 4 - spring vetch mulch + pre-winter ploughing,
     5 - tancy phacelia mulch + spring ploughing, 6 - tancy phacelia mulch + pre-winter
     ploughing, 7 - conventional cultivation (without plant mulch)

      The fungi are capable of surviving in the soil as saprotrophs and can cause
diseases in various crop plants. Studies conducted earlier by Patkowska & Ko-
nopiński (2008) had revealed significant pathogenicity of these fungi for scor-
zonera seedlings, among others. Blancard et al. (2005), on the other hand, had
provided information on high pathogenicity of the above phytopathogens for the
salad chicory and endive.
      In the study presented here, the pathogenicity of the studied species of
fungi for root chicory seedlings in the conditions of a phytotron was determined
on the basis of the extent of germination, the number of seedlings with or with-
out disease symptoms, and the degree of infection (Tables 2 & 3). The number
of emerged seedlings depended on the isolate and the fungus species present in
the soil substrate. In the control combination, healthy seedlings were obtained
from all the chicory seeds sown. The best results of germination were in the
combinations with B. cinerea, F. culmorum and F. oxysporum, because the per-
centage of seedlings grown from the sown seeds was on the average 97.9%,
95.7% and 93.0%, respectively (Table 2). The worst extent of germination was
recorded after the soil substrate had been inoculated with the isolates of S. scle-
rotiorum (from 79.4% to 89.8% of seedlings, depending on the isolate being
assessed). The lowest percentage of healthy seedlings, with no disease symp-
toms, was found in the combinations with P. irregulare and A. alternata (an
average of 1.4% and 1.7% of healthy seedlings, respectively). The largest num-
ber of healthy chicory seedlings was obtained after inoculating the soil substrate
with the isolates of B. cinerea and F. culmorum – an average of 18.8% and
13.3%, respectively (Table 2). As reported by Lima et al. (2003), various fun-
gus species of the genus Alternaria, and in particular A. cichorii and A. sonchi,
threatened salad chicory plants cultivated in Brazil. According to Plentinger &
Lamers (2000), germination and yields of the salad chicory in the climatic con-
ditions of Holland were significantly reduced as a result of infection with Scle-
rotinia sclerotiorum, Pythium sp. and Phytophthora sp.
      The harmfulness of the studied fungi to root chicory seedlings also varied
among the individual isolates of a given species. In each experimental combi-
nation, the fungi threatened germinating seeds and the roots of the seedlings. It
is safe to assume that in the case of severe infection of the soil with S. scle-
rotiorum, P. irregulare and A. alternata these fungus species can be very harmful
to chicory seedlings because in the study presented here these particular fungi
were found to cause pre-emergence damping-off. The least number of dead seed-
lings was recorded after the soil substrate had been infected with the isolates of B.
cinerea and F. culmorum (from 1.5% to 2.4%, and from 3.2% to 6.5%, respec-
tively, depending on the isolate tested). In each experimental combination there
were also seedlings whose growth had been arrested, and which showed symp-
toms of necrosis on their roots. High pathogenicity was shown by the isolates of
F. oxysporum (87.7%), R. solani (86.6%), A. alternata (86.9%) and P. irregulare
(an average of 85.2% of diseased seedlings) (Table 3). Similar disease symptoms
resulting from the infection of salad chicory plants with P. mastophorum and A.
cichorii had been observed by Plentinger et al. (2000) and Lima et al. (2003).
86                           VEGETABLE CROPS RESEARCH BULLETIN 69

Table 2. Germination of chicory seedlings in individual experimental combinations

     Fungus species                       Germination                  of healthy
                              number                        Mean                            Mean
                                             (%)                        seedlings
Control                                       100.0         100.0         100.0             100.0
                                  1            85.4a*                     2.2b*
                                  2            87.6ab                     1.0a
Alternaria alternata              3            90.0c        88.6bx        2.8b              1.7ax
                                  4            91.5d                      0.6a
                                  5            88.8bc                     2.0b
                                  1            97.6a                     15.8a
                                  2            98.2a                     18.4b
Botrytis cinerea                  3            97.0a        97.9d        20.1c              18.8d
                                  4            98.5a                     21.5c
                                  5            98.0a                     18.0b
                                  1            95.9bc                    14.0c
                                  2            96.2c                     16.6d
Fusarium culmorum                 3            96.0c        95.7cd       13.4bc             13.3c
                                  4            93.5a                     10.5a
                                  5            96.8c                     12.1ab
                                  1            91.6a                      6.4c
                                  2            93.8bc                     5.2b
Fusarium oxysporum                3            92.3ab       93.0c         4.8b              5.3ab
                                  4            95.4c                      6.6c
                                  5            92.0a                      3.5a
                                  1            89.8bc                     1.4bc
                                  2            87.4b                      1.8cd
Pythium irregulare                3            91.0c        86.6ab        0.8a               1.4a
                                  4            81.6a                      2.0d
                                  5            83.4a                      1.2ab
                                  1            88.0a                      4.2c
                                  2            89.7bc                     3.0b
Rhizoctonia solani                3            91.4d        89.6b         2.6ab              3.0a
                                  4            88.5ab                     1.8a
                                  5            90.6cd                     3.2b
                                  1            83.6bc                     5.8a
                                  2            85.5c                      7.0a
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum          3            82.0b        84.0a        10.3bc             8.8bc
                                  4            89.8d                      9.7b
                                  5            79.4a                     11.5c

Note: * Mean values for isolates of a given fungus species, within the studied trait,
which do not differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05), are marked with the same letter
  Mean values for each fungus species, within the studied trait, which do not differ
significantly (P ≤ 0.05), are marked with the same letter

Table 3. Pathogenicity of selected fungi for chicory seedlings

                              Isolate                                 Percentage of
     Fungus species                       of diseased
                              number                        Mean      dead seedlings       Mean
Control                                       0.0            0.0             0.0             0.0
                                  1           83.2a*                       14.6d*
                                  2           86.6b                        12.4c
Alternaria alternata              3           87.2b        86.9bcx         10.0ab         11.4cdx
                                  4           90.9c                         8.5a
                                  5           86.8b                        11.2bc
                                  1           81.8c                         2.4b
                                  2           79.8b                         1.8a
Botrytis cinerea
                                  3           76.9a         79.1b           3.0c            2.1a
                                  4           77.0a                         1.5a
                                  5           80.0b                         2.0ab
                                  1           81.9b                         4.1a
                                  2           79.6a                         3.8a
Fusarium culmorum                 3           82.6b         82.4b           4.0a            4.3a
                                  4           83.0bc                        6.5b
                                  5           84.7c                         3.2a
                                  1           85.2a                         8.4d
                                  2           88.6c                         6.2b
Fusarium oxysporum                3           87.5b         87.7b           7.7cd           7.0b
                                  4           88.8c                         4.6a
                                  5           88.5c                         8.0d
                                  1           88.4cd                       10.2a
                                  2           85.6bc                       12.6b
Pythium irregulare                3           90.2d        85.2bc           9.0a           13.4d
                                  4           79.6a                        18.4c
                                  5           82.2ab                       16.6c
                                  1           83.8a                        12.0c
                                  2           86.7b                        10.3b
Rhizoctonia solani                3           88.8c         86.6b           8.6a           10.4c
                                  4           86.7b                        11.5c
                                  5           87.4bc                        9.4ab
                                  1           77.8c                        16.4bc
                                  2           78.5c                        14.5b
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum          3           71.7b         75.2a          18.0c           16.0e
                                  4           80.1c                        10.2a
                                  5           67.9a                        20.6d

Note: see Table 2
88                           VEGETABLE CROPS RESEARCH BULLETIN 69

     In the individual experimental combinations, the value of the infection in-
dex for the chicory seedlings, calculated on the basis of the 5-point scale,
ranged from 5.5 to 57.7 (Fig. 1). The highest mean values of the infection index
were found after infecting the soil substrate with the isolates of P. irregulare
(43.9), A. alternata (39.2) and R. solani (37.6). The lowest values of the infec-
tion index were obtained for chicory seedlings grown in combination with B.
cinerea and F. culmorum (from 5.5 to 10.2, and from 9.4 to 15.2, respectively,
depending on the isolate tested) (Fig. 1). Patkowska & Konopiński (2008) had
found high pathogenicity of P. irregulare and R. solani for seedlings of Scor-
zonera hispanica. On the other hand, Lima et al. (2003) had drawn attention to
Alternaria spp. as the cause of wilting of C. intybus var. foliosum. The chicory
seedlings grown in the phytotron experiment presented here showed signs of
arrested growth and distinct necrotic lesions on their roots. Reisolation of the
fungi from the affected tissues, in accordance with Koch’s postulates, con-
firmed that these plants were colonized by A. alternata, B. cinerea, F. culmo-
rum, F. oxysporum, P. irregulare, R. solani and S. sclerotiorum, which had
morphological traits identical to those of the isolates used for inoculation.







              A.a.         B.c.         F.c.         F.o.        P.i.         R.s.         S.s.

       1      37,6         9,5         11,3         36,1         53,1         39,2          30
       2      45,2         6,3         15,2         30,2         47,4         28,4         28,2
       3      46,5         7,4         10,6         29,5         50,3         19,1         25,4
       4      41,6         10,2        12,7         27,3         38,6         43,5         22,1
       5      25,2         5,5          9,4         26,4         30,2         57,7         27,3
   LSD0.05    6.25         1.55         1.38         2.54        5.17         9.15         2.63

1 - 5 - number of isolates
A.a. - A. alternata, B.c. - B. cinerea, F.c. - F. culmorum, F.o. - F. oxysporum,
P.i. - P. irregulare, R.s. - R. solani, S.s. - S. sclerotiorum

Fig. 1. Value of the disease index of chicory seedlings

Photo 1. Four-week-old seedlings of root chicory obtained in the phytotron experiment
         (photo E. Patkowska)

Photo 2. Necrosis on the roots of root chicory seedlings (photo E. Patkowska)
90                           VEGETABLE CROPS RESEARCH BULLETIN 69

     The use of cover plants in vegetable cultivation can favour the develop-
ment of populations of microorganisms that are antagonistic towards phytopa-
thogens (Patkowska & Konopiński, unpublished data, Jamiołkowska & Wagner
2003, Pięta & Kęsik 2007). Limiting the growth and development of pathogenic
fungi by antagonistic bacteria and fungi significantly improves the size and
quality of the plant crop. Depending on the species, and even the cultivar, cover
plants, through their root exudates and the products of decomposition of their
organic matter, can restrict the development of phytopathogens and stimulate
the growth and development of antagonistic microorganisms (Smolińska &
Horbowicz 1999, Bending & Lincoln 2000, Smolińska 2000). In the literature,
information is also available on the beneficial effects of rye mulch on the
yielding of onion grown from seed (Kęsik et al. 2000).
     The phytotron experiment was carried out in the conditions of severe soil
infection with pathogenic fungi and thus the obtained results should be treated
with caution. The results of the pathogenicity tests can only indicate that the
selected isolates of the fungi were the cause of infection in the chicory seeds
and seedlings as a result of the large inoculum of pathogens attributed to the soil
substrate. The studied cover plants can probably be used as mulch for limiting
the development of soil-borne phytopathogens in the field cultivation of root


1. In the cultivation of root chicory, various species of fungi colonizing the
   soil environment as facultative pathogens, such as: A. alternata, B. cinerea,
   F. culmorum, F. oxysporum, P. irregulare, R. solani and S. sclerotiorum,
   may pose a serious threat to C. intybus var. sativum seedlings, particularly if
   there is a high accumulation of the inoculum of these fungi in the soil.
2. Pre-emergence damping-off of chicory seeds, under the conditions of artifi-
   cial infection, was mainly caused by S. sclerotiorum, P. irregulare and A.
3. The most pathogenic for root chicory seedlings, under the conditions of
   artificial infection, proved to be the isolates of P. irregulare, A. alternata,
   R. solani and F. oxysporum, with those of B. cienera and F. culmorum be-
   ing the least pathogenic.

This study was financed by Poland’s Ministry of Science and Higher Education under a
research grant Nr 2 P06 R 01429


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                 (CICHORIUM INTYBUS L. var. sativum BISCH.)

      Przedmiotem badań były siewki Cichorium intybus var. sativum odm. Polanowic-
ka oraz grzyby (Alternaria alternata, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium culmorum, Fusarium
oxysporum, Pythium irregulare, Rhizoctonia solani i Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) zasie-
dlające środowisko glebowe w polowej uprawie tej rośliny. Testy patogeniczności prze-
prowadzone w warunkach fitotronu wykazały, że zgorzel przedwschodową cykorii,
a więc brak wschodów, powodowały głównie S. sclerotiorum, P. irregulare i A. alter-
nata. Najbardziej szkodliwymi dla siewek cykorii korzeniowej okazały się P. irregula-
re, A. alternata, R. solani i F. oxysporum, a najmniej B. cinerea i F. culmorum. Porażo-
ne rośliny miały zahamowany wzrost oraz wyraźne, nekrotyczne plamy na korzeniach.
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