AT&T Managed Security Services - Help detect, deter and mitigate the damage of cyber attacks and business interruptions

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AT&T Managed Security Services - Help detect, deter and mitigate the damage of cyber attacks and business interruptions

AT&T Managed Security Services
Help detect, deter and mitigate the damage of cyber attacks
and business interruptions

Preserving Network Integrity,                       security model that customers are building        Benefits
Availability and Confidentiality                    for their businesses. Network-based security
Today’s Internet security threats range from        services are designed to stop security issues     • Execution
curious prowlers to savvy intruders, simple         before they reach your organization’s offices.    • Potential Financial Effectiveness
mischief to espionage. Without a plan to help       These measures operate in tandem with the
                                                                                                      • Highly Reliable Wireline and
protect your entire network and its connection      AT&T Threat Management system that scans
                                                                                                        Wireless Networks
points, your defense is only as strong as its       traffic and helps AT&T security managers to
                                                    identify emerging problems, see their sources     • Global Resources
weakest link. AT&T Managed Security Services
adds a powerful protective layer, helping you       and take preventative action. To help protect
to maintain the security of your organizations      customer networks and services, AT&T uses
network as you access the Internet. This helps      “defense in depth” security architecture, with
you take full advantage of the Internet as a        security features built into every network        • AT&T DDoS Defense Service
means of enhancing your existing business           layer and every supporting process. The             provides security alerting and
relationships with your customers and suppliers.    theory of “defense in depth” is based on            mitigation of DDoS attacks
                                                    the concept that multiple diverse security          impacting your network
AT&T offers a wide range of security services,      measures are intrinsically more effective         • AT&T Mobile Security extends
availability and recovery services that provide     than a single homogenous defense. So, if            your security controls beyond
integrated business continuity and security         the security measures in the first network          the mobile device into the
solutions to support your complex networking        interface layer are breached, security              AT&T network
environments. We help organizations design,         measures placed inside the network edge at        • AT&T Firewall Services provides
deploy, manage and evolve networks, systems         the second and third layers help prevent an         enforcement of policy in the
and applications that are reliable and contain      attacker from being successful. This makes          cloud or at the premises with
security features designed to help protect          it more difficult for someone to penetrate a        optional features to perform
against cyber attacks and business interruptions.   network because there are layers of security        additional scanning
                                                    built into every system, process and piece of     • AT&T Web Security offers a
AT&T security solutions start within the AT&T
                                                    the network architecture. AT&T utilizes this        managed network solution for
Global Network, and extend to customers
                                                    “defense in depth” architecture with proactive      content filtering and web control
and their applications. Security features are
                                                    management to quickly and easily determine        • AT&T Intrusion Detection/
seen as an important component of all the
                                                    if known threats are being directed at our          Prevention Service helps detect
AT&T product portfolios. For example, in the
                                                    network or may effect application performance       and respond to malicious
development of services such as AT&T Voice                                                              activities by sending you alerts
                                                    and then mitigate these threats before they
over IP (VoIP), Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)                                                         specific to your network
                                                    can affect the network or the applications
and Remote Access, security features are
                                                    running across it. This way we can help reduce    • AT&T Security Consulting
taken into consideration during the process
                                                    the risks to our network and help protect your      Solutions utilizes our security
of designing the service architecture. The                                                              expertise to help safeguard your
                                                    AT&T network connections and the information
AT&T network is a major component in the                                                                IT infrastructure
                                                    crossing it.

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Product Brief - AT&T Managed Security Services _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2

With AT&T Managed Security Services, you          Managed Security Diagram
get the benefit of enterprise-grade security
                                                                                      Partner          AT&T Service Node
services without the associated expense and                                                            Routing Complexes                    Global Customer
technology expertise required to support an         Headquarter/Branch                                                                      Support Centers
                                                                                                                                            Security Consulting
in-house staff. We design, build and manage                                                                                                 Ethical Hacking
                                                                                                                                            Penetration Testing
our services to be reliable – providing                        Edge-Based Intrusion
                                                                                                                                            Compliance Validation
                                                                                                                                            PCI Security Assessor
                                                               Prevention and Firewall
standardization, scalability and availability
                                                                                                                                     Analysis                        Web       App.
while you retain control. This means we                                                                                              Mitigation                      Servers   Servers   Storage
                                                                                                                        DDOS         Threat Management
provide the operations and day-to-day                                            Network-Based
                                                                                 Intrusion     Managed                  Scrubbing
                                                                                                                                     Internet Protect

security infrastructure and support and you                                      Detection     Authentication
provide the policies and overall decision
                                                                                Anti-Spam               Network-Based
                                                                                                                            AT&T Global IP Network
                                                                                Scanning                Firewall with URL
making on how we apply those policies.                                                                  Screening

                                                                 Dial, DSL                                                          Non-AT&T Broadband/
AT&T provides both network-based and                  VPN        Cable                                                              Dial Carrier
premises-based security solutions. Our                                                                   Firewall
                                                                                                         Intrusion Detection                                        AT&T Internet
network-based approach enables us to                                                                     Custom Solutions
                                                                                                                                                                    Data Centers
efficiently manage network security issues,                                                                                                                         Premises-Based Firewall
                                                                                                                                                                    Intrusion Detection
redundancy, load balancing and recovery.                    Endpoint                                                           VPN and Endpoint
                                                                                                                                                                    Custom Solutions
                                                                                 Your Data Center
Our security expertise is based on protecting               Security                                                           Security                             Anaylsis and Threat Management

the AT&T global network infrastructure all
day, every day of the year. You benefit from
                                                  attacks do not impact the network or affect                                       network. These include network misuse,
that expertise, and are able to extend our
                                                  operations. AT&T has invested in developing                                       non-conformance to your network security
capabilities to your network when you use
                                                  and applying tools to achieve world-class                                         policies, network traffic anomalies that are
our security solutions. AT&T also offers
                                                  reliability, security features and business                                       indicators of possible threats, phishing attacks
premises-based solutions, giving you the
                                                  continuity for businesses. Each security                                          and other identifiable known threats.
flexibility to house security infrastructure
within your own premises.                         service in the AT&T portfolio provides a
                                                  different and enhanced layer of protection.                                       AT&T DDoS Defense Service
                                                                                                                                    AT&T DDoS Defense Service consists of
Proactive Network Security
                                                  AT&T Internet Protect®                                                            detection and mitigation service components
Most security services react to attacks after
                                                  AT&T Internet Protect is a security alerting                                      that examine your Netflow data. When
they have occurred and attempt to minimize
                                                  and notification service that offers                                              the detector identifies a DDoS attack, an
and contain damage. AT&T employs a
                                                  information regarding identified potential                                        alarm is sent to both an AT&T operations
preventative approach to help identify attacks
                                                  attacks, including viruses, worms and denial                                      center and to you with notification of the
and manage intrusions proactively by:
                                                  of service attacks that are in the early                                          detected attack. Concurrently, AT&T will
 • Assessing vulnerabilities                      formulation stages. This managed service                                          also contact you directly. AT&T systems are
                                                  culls information from the extensive AT&T                                         designed to reroute traffic directed at the
 • Proactively scanning for potential attacks     IP backbone which is one of the largest in                                        IP Addresses that have been identified as
                                                  the world. It performs examination of over                                        under attack to network scrubbing facilities
 • Helping to protect against
                                                  19 petabytes of daily network data to help                                        within the AT&T IP Backbone, where attack
   unauthorized access
                                                  identify malicious activity from the Internet                                     traffic is dropped and valid traffic is passed
 • Quickly responding to and reporting            which you can use to help predict and                                             to your access router. Traffic destined to
   suspicious activities                          prevent malicious traffic from infecting your                                     your IP Addresses that are not under attack,
                                                  network. Using the Web-based Information                                          continues to flow directly to your network.
Key to this preventative approach is the          Security Portal, pagers and e-mail, AT&T                                          Organizations who want to better protect
ability to not only collect data, but also to     notifies you of identified critical malicious                                     their network can obtain AT&T DDoS Defense
analyze, interpret and communicate it on          activity and recommends immediate action.                                         Service no matter who their service provider
a near real-time basis to help respond to         AT&T Internet Protect also delivers security                                      or carrier is. You don’t need to purchase
the incident. As the scope of cyber attacks       information such as top vulnerabilities, recent                                   network connectivity from AT&T to purchase
becomes more complex and creates more             patch releases and other security “need                                           AT&T DDoS Defense Service.
pervasive damage, prevention rather than          to-know” facts. In addition to features just
containment becomes more attractive to the                                                                                          We have conveniently packaged and
                                                  mentioned, AT&T customers benefit from an
bottom-line.                                                                                                                        simplified the purchasing, contracting and
                                                  additional service option within AT&T Internet
                                                                                                                                    billing of AT&T DDoS Defense Service, AT&T
                                                  Protect called Private Intranet Protect.
AT&T Managed Security Services                                                                                                      Network-Based Firewall Service, AT&T Secure
Portfolio                                         With the Private Intranet Protect option,                                         E-mail Gateway Service and AT&T Web
The core focus of AT&T is to keep networks        the traffic on your Virtual Private Network                                       Security Service under one contract and
and applications running – and to help            (VPN) is analyzed for known threats that                                          one invoice providing an efficient and
assure that viruses, worms and other              originate both internal and external to your                                      cost-effective way to meet your business
                                                                                                                                    security needs.

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Product Brief - AT&T Managed Security Services _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3

AT&T Mobile Security                               We have conveniently packaged and                   the perimeter and within your network. The
Mobile security solutions typically scan           simplified the purchasing, contracting and          sensing components monitor data packet
for security risks at the device level only.       billing of AT&T Network-Based Firewall Service,     header and payload information to help
However, in order to maximize your                 AT&T Secure E-mail Gateway Service, AT&T            detect known malicious activity by comparing
wireless security and help defend against          Web Security Service and AT&T DDoS Defense          the traffic to a continually-updated database
unauthorized applications, e-mails, and            Service under one contract and one invoice          of over 1,000 existing attack signatures.
disruptions in business activities, AT&T Mobile    providing an efficient and cost-effective way       When a pattern of misuse is detected, the
Security service provides the capability to        to meet your business security needs.               system is designed to respond quickly and
extend your security controls beyond the                                                               automatically according to your predefined
device and into the AT&T network. Device           AT&T Premises-Based Firewall Service                policies. AT&T Intrusion Prevention can help
security includes the use of application           AT&T Premises-Based Firewall Service utilizes       detect, contain and neutralize known threats
controls and anti-virus/anti-malware scans.        industry-leading firewall platforms from Cisco,     that can attack any IP enabled endpoint on
Network security provides access to an             Checkpoint, Fortinet, Palo Alto Networks, and       your network.
organization’s Virtual Private Network or VPN,     Juniper. They protect your network perimeter
the Internet, or cloud-based services as well      from the hazards resulting from connecting          Additionally, a Host-Based intrusion detection/
as additional traffic filtering and scanning       the Internet with your private network.             prevention option is available within the AT&T
and is mobile carrier agnostic. It’s a security    AT&T Premises-Based solutions scale from            Intrusion Detection/Prevention Service. This
service that lets you extend, help protect,        small, home office environments to large            option consists of security software installed
and synchronize your security policies even        globally distributed organization networks.         on customer servers or hosts which monitors
if you’re not using AT&T wireless services.        The standard powerful firewall capability is        the networking subsystem or operating systems
                                                   complimented with the ability to add optional       to determine if new Transmission Control
AT&T Firewall Security                             features including high availability, support for   Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
AT&T Firewall services help protect                complex security policy, VPN, DMZ/extranet          services are started, or if existing services
organizations infrastructures with various         support and the Next Generation capabilities        have stopped.
network security functions. These fully-           of Intrusion Prevention Service, Anti-Virus
managed solutions are configured to match          filtering, Anti-Spam protection, Zero Day           AT&T Web Security Service
your specific requirements with flexibility to     Malware Detection, and URL content filtering.       AT&T Web Security service helps create a
select the right level of protection. Network-                                                         protected and productive Internet environment
Based firewall, Premises-Based firewall            AT&T Web Application Firewall Service               for your organization. The service is designed
and Web Application firewall services are          AT&T Web Application Firewall service               to keep malware off your network and allow
available. Day-to-day management and               is a fully managed security service that            you to control the use of the Web by employing
maintenance, expert support and proactive          combines Web Application Firewall                   Web Filtering, Web Malware Scanning and
24x7 security monitoring are provided.             technology with expert management and               Roaming User Support to protect users who
                                                   24x7 security monitoring to help protect web        are not on the corporate network.
AT&T Network-Based Firewall Service                applications and their underlying systems.          We have conveniently packaged and
By placing firewall functionality into the AT&T    Web Application Firewall helps customers            simplified the purchasing, contracting and
network infrastructure, AT&T Network-Based         meet Payment Card Industry 6.6 regulatory           billing of AT&T Network-Based Firewall Service,
Firewall service inspects inbound and              requirements. Web Application Firewalls are         AT&T Secure E-mail Gateway Service, AT&T
outbound traffic and is designed to take           deployed in front of the application servers as     Web Security Service and AT&T DDoS Defense
action according to your predefined security       a transparent Layer 2 bridge at the customer        Service under one contract and one invoice
policies. You can also select your company’s       premises or in a Hosted environment. It             providing an efficient and cost-effective way
required bandwidth allocation for Internet         provides protection without interrupting            to meet your business security needs.
access globally through the firewall. The          legitimate traffic to web applications.
service is available world-wide with firewall                                                          Additionally, AT&T Cloud Web Security Service
configurations ranging from simple outbound        AT&T Intrusion Detection/Prevention Services        is designed to provide comprehensive Web
only security policy to extensive bi-directional   Using around-the-clock network surveillance,        security including near real-time protection
policy with optional features, such as             AT&T Intrusion Detection/Prevention                 against viruses and malware, protection
Web filtering, malware scanning, intrusion         Service is designed to monitor unauthorized         against compromised/hacked web sites and
detection and prevention, Application Control,     attempts to access your business networks           granular control of Web applications. In
Data Loss Prevention as well as support            and provides you with the tools to help you         addition to near real-time content security,
to protect multiple, independent network           implement your internal network defense.            AT&T Cloud WSS includes Negative Day Defense,
segments. Reports summarizing events and           Similar to a security camera on a physical          which can help secure your organization
utilization as well as policy self-management      property, this service monitors network             from attacks that have not yet occurred. Best
capabilities are available through the AT&T        traffic by employing intrusion detection            of all, AT&T Cloud Web Security requires no
BusinessDirect® portal.                            sensing components at various points at             on-premises equipment which eliminates the

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Product Brief - AT&T Managed Security Services _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4

need to install, house and maintain physical      The service also includes a number of reports
hardware. IT staff, who would have been           such as user activity, connection history and       AT&T Security Services Advantage
tasked to manage on-premises solutions, can       event logs as well as provides enforcement of
                                                                                                      Proven Execution
now be better utilized to secure enterprise       anti-virus updates and software patches.
                                                                                                       • Deployment of updates based
and employee assets.
                                                                                                         upon security and industry events
                                                  AT&T Encryption Services
AT&T Secure E-Mail Gateway Service                AT&T Encryption Services is a service that           • Proof of Service through Service
AT&T Secure E-Mail Gateway is a security          simplifies e-mail and data encryption by               Level Agreements
as a service solution that offers protection      automating the management and use of
against inbound e-mail-borne threats such         digital credentials. You can quickly and             • Visible performance
as malicious web links and attachments,           efficiently digitally sign and encrypt messages        through reporting
and targeted phishing in addition to              or files using existing desktop, mobile and
                                                                                                       • Supported by the “TRUSTED”
blocking traditional spam and viruses. Just       web interfaces. Multiple methods of message
                                                                                                         AT&T infrastructure Financial
as important as preventing inbound attacks,       delivery and receipt help ensure that encrypted
Secure E-mail Gateway also provides the           data reaches the intended audience.
powerful features you need to support your                                                             • Minimized capital and
                                                  Whether it is employees exchanging
email DLP policies through policy based                                                                  asset expenditures
outbound filtering and encryption. To help        confidential information with associates or
meet your e-mail storage management,              the delivery of confidential statements to           • Operational efficiencies through
record retention and legal and regulatory         customers, AT&T Encryption Services provides           AT&T skilled professionals
compliance needs the SEG Archiving service        a comprehensive suite of encryption solutions
                                                  to help protect data in motion and at rest.          • Innovation from AT&T Labs Highly
supports archiving of unlimited amounts of                                                               Reliable Network
data with flexible retention periods from 30
days up to 10 years.                              AT&T Token Authentication Service                    • Network availability guarantees
                                                  Organizations need to know who is gaining              of up to 99.999%
We have conveniently packaged and                 access to network applications to help
simplified the purchasing, contracting and        avoid unauthorized access and disclosure of          • MPLS-based services available
billing of AT&T Network-Based Firewall Service,   sensitive information. This risk of exposing           to more than 180 countries
AT&T Secure E-mail Gateway Service, AT&T          proprietary and sensitive information is               representing 99 percent of the
Web Security Service and AT&T DDoS Defense        magnified as the number of remote users                world’s economy.
Service under one contract and one invoice        accessing the network increases. AT&T
providing an efficient and cost-effective way     Token Authentication service is a network            • 38 State-of-the-art Internet
to meet your business security needs.             access protection method that uses an                  Data Centers
                                                  enhanced security feature, called two-factor         • AT&T Global Network carries
AT&T Endpoint Security                            authentication, which requires a user to               56.2 petabytes of data on the
AT&T Endpoint Security service is a fully         provide two unique factors to gain access              average business day
managed solution to help protect both end         to a private network: something they know
users and company’s internal systems from         (a password or PIN) and something they              Global Resources
external hazards posed by doing business          possess (an authenticator). This method              • Approximately 2000 security experts
on the Internet. The service is designed to       makes it more difficult for a hacker to gain           and support professionals
enforce compliance with customer-defined          access to authentication credentials than
policies for firewall, anti-virus and software    a password since the authenticator’s token           • 6 Network Operations Centers
compliance at remote end points. The service      code changes randomly every sixty seconds            • 8 Global Customer Support Centers
also provides centralized management              and must be combined with a secret PIN
tools for control of remote end points and a      selected by the user accessing the network.
path for customer to gain control over the
                                                                                                    prioritized events based on their risk to
applications operating on these end points.       AT&T Security Analysis and                        your company and the ability to mitigate
                                                  Consulting Solutions                              them. Critical event notifications person-to-
The service consists of central policy servers
and AT&T Global Network software clients.         AT&T Security Event and Threat                    person and less critical event notifications
The software clients receive security policy      Analysis Service                                  get delivered via e-mail and through a
information from the servers located at           AT&T Security Event and Threat Analysis           customized security portal.
AT&T Internet Data Center. The software           service is a virtual Security Operation Center
clients interact with the policy server to        that utilizes expertise AT&T has developed in     AT&T Security Device Management
receive policy updates and to perform policy      security analysis and operations to correlate     AT&T Security Device Management is an
enforcement. Your security policies will be       information from multiple devices and             integral part of the AT&T Security Analysis
populated into a central policy server by your    device types, on premises and embedded            and Consulting Solutions providing
administrator, and then distributed to your       in the AT&T network. Based on information         monitoring and management of security
users from the AT&T managed policy server.        gathered, AT&T provides notification of           hardware and software you own located

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Product Brief - AT&T Managed Security Services _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5

on your premises or the implementation of         silos,’ increasing cost and complexity of          another set of rules in order to communicate
complex and customer security solutions.          security management, and making it almost          outside the domain. This separation is
AT&T Security Device Management service           impossible to uniformly monitor security           achieved by using the principles of domain
lets you take advantage of the AT&T Security      threats across IT environments. AT&T Threat        separation for systems and networks within
Network Operations Centers (S/NOC)                Management and Analysis Service will help          a company. Domain separation allows
expertise to monitor and manage your security     address these challenges with a highly             communications between two domains to
hardware, manage your security infrastructure,    secure network infrastructure an optimal           occur in a controlled manner, through only
 or migrate to a custom security architecture     blend of security consulting, on-premises and      a few communication points and under
designed to meet your specific requirements.      next-generation cloud security capabilities,       scrutiny based on type of traffic, source,
                                                  including AT&T Network-Based Firewall              destination and volume of traffic. These few
AT&T Security Consulting                          Service, AT&T Intrusion Detection/Prevention       communication points are usually called
AT&T provides a unique and world-class            Services, AT&T Secure-E-Mail Gateway Service       security gateways, or choke points and
portfolio of compliance and related security      and AT&T Distributed Denial of Service             the rules applied at each are called choke
services. Our experience, expertise and           (DDoS) Defense Service protection, and             filtering. Domain separation helps ensure
commitment to open standards have                 security monitoring, analytics and emergency       that communications between domains are
established us as a strategic and trusted         response services.                                 allowed only as authorized, going through
advisor. AT&T Security Consulting provides                                                           designated gateways, which are designed to
solutions that allow you to operate your          Trust Your Security to AT&T                        help detect suspicious activity and block it if
security operations more efficiently. We work     AT&T has a long legacy of developing security      necessary. If one domain is compromised in
as a trusted team to provide knowledge            services which answer the need to address          a security incident, domain separation helps
based services. Our consultants have industry     a defense in depth architecture, from the          protect the other domains from compromise
and security expertise that can be utilized to    information level to the network level.            and helps contain the incident.
complete short and long term engagements.         You can count on AT&T as being a trusted
Experts are focused in six areas: Security                                                           AT&T employs the principle of domain
                                                  provider with true global reach that has a
Strategy, PCI Solutions, Governance Risk and                                                         separation within its corporate intranet
                                                  comprehensive range of security, availability
Compliance Solutions, Secure Infrastructure                                                          as well as on its various service networks
                                                  and recovery services that can provide your
Solutions, Threat and Vulnerability                                                                  and between the operational networks
                                                  business with integrated business continuity
Management and Application Security.                                                                 and network management infrastructures.
                                                  solutions and help support your complex
                                                                                                     Network management domains are separated
                                                  networking requirements.
AT&T Security Consulting services provide                                                            from the operational networks themselves.
a proactive, comprehensive approach to                                                               The AT&T Points of Presence (Central Offices)
                                                  Security by Design
security and compliance across all your                                                              are built with multiple security zones.
                                                  AT&T is committed to enhancing the
organizations operations. Our security                                                               Each zone has different requirements for
                                                  security services and features by continuing
consultants have accreditation in the                                                                security needs and is segmented to help
                                                  to develop security innovations and
latest security certifications and expertise                                                         prevent the traffic from leaking between
                                                  management techniques to create additional
across all aspects of security and provide                                                           zones. Various complementary mechanisms
                                                  security services for enterprises. In the
solid methodologies for validating and                                                               are deployed to maintain segmentation.
                                                  following paragraphs, we describe what
streamlining regulatory compliance.                                                                  “Hardening” Infrastructure Elements Network
                                                  techniques AT&T has been using to add
                                                                                                     infrastructure security includes both host-
                                                  security features both within its networks and
AT&T Secure Network Gateway                                                                          based and network-based security elements.
                                                  within the services it provides.
AT&T Secure Network Gateway provides an                                                              The foundation of infrastructure security is
integrated, turnkey security solution on a                                                           a server. “Hardening” of the server means
single pricing schedule with multiple service                                                        locking down (restricting use of) open
                                                  All AT&T Services follow AT&T Service
and term discounts on one convenient contract                                                        server communication ports. All servers are
                                                  Realization Process that includes a focus on
and bill. The services available under AT&T                                                          “hardened” based on vendor, industry and
                                                  security considerations in every step of service
Secure Network Gateway service are AT&T                                                              internal recommendations and industry best
                                                  development and network deployment. For
Network-Based Firewall Service, AT&T Secure                                                          practices. Host-based agents (i.e., software
                                                  each new service or feature that is being
E-mail Gateway Service, AT&T Web Security                                                            used to monitor activity on a server or PC)
                                                  developed, the AT&T Security Team works
Service and AT&T DDoS Defense Service.                                                               monitor the servers looking for unauthorized
                                                  closely with product management, systems
                                                                                                     changes in software and configurations. In
                                                  architects, engineers, developers and testers
AT&T Threat Management and                                                                           addition to hardening the network elements,
                                                  to add security features into the service.
Analysis Service                                                                                     AT&T deploys a number of measures to help
Cyber threats have become a boardroom                                                                protect against denial of service attacks
                                                  Domain Separation
agenda with the potential to bring down an                                                           within the AT&T network, and at the service
                                                  A network that is comprised of one or more
organization’s network, create compliance                                                            (application) level. AT&T has deployed state-
                                                  systems and one or more networks, all with
issues, damage bottom lines, and impact                                                              of-the-art security mechanisms to help
                                                  a common function, constitutes a domain.
brand reputation. Additionally, disparate                                                            protect its Global IP Network and IP Services
                                                  Each domain must have a set of rules for
security technologies create ‘security                                                               against Denial of Service (DoS) and other
                                                  communication within the domain and

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Product Brief - AT&T Managed Security Services _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6

network-based attacks while monitoring                              Based Remote Access are designed to take                   is consistent with the general architecture
IP traffic for new identified attacks such as                       advantage of the MPLS technology. The                      used in protecting organization assets
new worms and viruses. All of these systems                         combined force of MPLS in conjunction with                 from the Internet, and includes multiple
are in place and are monitored 24x7 by                              the AT&T multilayered security approach                    security domains, each with its own security
experienced security personnel.                                     helps ensure that your organization can                    requirements. To further enhance the
                                                                    utilize a network that is flexible and scalable            security of these communications, AT&T has
Services on the AT&T Global Network                                 for future applications.                                   defined boundaries regarding what device
The AT&T Global Network has evolved to a                                                                                       can communicate with what device, thus
single, global, Multi-Protocol Label Switching                      Separate Services Over IP                                  providing additional control.
(MPLS) enabled backbone over an intelligent                         Infrastructure
                                                                                                                               An additional challenge with VoIP is that
optical core network. MPLS, a leading edge                          Voice over IP (VoIP) poses particular security
                                                                                                                               a separate Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
technology that is driving convergence in the                       challenges to carriers due to the protocol
                                                                                                                               establishes the communication channel while
network, is the key technological component                         design itself. With VoIP both the signaling as
                                                                                                                               the call data (voice) is initiated. Specifically,
underpinning this network evolution which                           well as the actual voice messages are carried
                                                                                                                               SIP servers are responsible for creating,
provides flexibility and quality of service                         in-band across the network, thus making
                                                                                                                               modifying and terminating sessions with one
beyond those found on a private network.                            signaling vulnerable to the same security
                                                                                                                               or more participants, however most of them
MPLS adds reliability and performance                               risks as other Internet traffic. Recognizing
                                                                                                                               do not include firewall functionality as part
capabilities, enabling applications to scale                        these challenges, AT&T has designed a
                                                                                                                               of their basic configuration. In order to help
as business needs change. AT&T is regarded                          separate “Services over IP“ architecture to
                                                                                                                               security of our services over IP infrastructure,
as one of the MPLS industry leaders based                           carry application traffic such as VoIP. AT&T
                                                                                                                               AT&T has designed so called border elements,
on its early and continuing work with this                          Services over IP infrastructure integrates
                                                                                                                               or intermediary gateways. The border
technology, and continues to pioneer its use                        with the AT&T public MPLS IP network and
                                                                                                                               element acts as an intermediary between
by offering a suite of virtual private networks                     has been designed with multiple layers of
                                                                                                                               domains providing an additional layer of
(VPNs) that enable MPLS. AT&T services such                         defense, consistent with the AT&T “Defense
                                                                                                                               security for AT&T SIP based service.
as Network-Based Firewall and Network-                              in Depth” principles. The design principle

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