ATHLETE GUIDE 9 MAY 2021 - Byron Bay Tri

Page created by Fernando Holland
ATHLETE GUIDE 9 MAY 2021 - Byron Bay Tri

       9 MAY 2021
ATHLETE GUIDE 9 MAY 2021 - Byron Bay Tri

WELCOME                     3
PROGRAM                     4
REGISTRATION                8
RESULTS                     9
WAVE STARTS                 11
TRANSITION                  12
TIMING                      14
SWIM                        16
CYCLE                       19
DRAFTING                    21
RUN                         23
GENERAL RULES         Photos27
SAFETY                      28
PARKING                     30
STORAGE                     31
ATHLETE GUIDE 9 MAY 2021 - Byron Bay Tri
Welcome from Mike
    The Byron Bay Triathlon organising committee would like to extend a very warm
    welcome to all participants of the 25th annual Byron Bay Triathlon. The Byron Shire is
    world famous and offers a unique setting by the Lighthouse; and with a course that
    boasts great conditions for a fast and challenging race, this is a triathlon ’Byron-style’.
    We thank you all for being a part of a great weekend celebrating our sport.

    The Byron Bay Tri has come a long way since its introduction in 1995. Growing in size
    and stature over the past 24 years, nearly 1600 competitors will line up for the Byron
    Tri this year.

    A special welcome to our Official Event Ambassador Brad 'The Croc' Beven OAM who
    has joined our Byron family. Beven's track record has had many highlights including
    four ITU World Championship wins over his many years in the sport which ranked him
    as World Number One for four years. Additionally, his contribution to Triathlon has
    been recognised with an Order of Australia Medal and a place in the esteemed
    Triathlon Australia Hall of Fame and ITU World Hall of Fame. Those who have been
    following triathlon for some time will remember The Croc as one of the competitions'
    most fierce competitors. For a man who lives and breathes our sport it is an honour to
    have him represent our great event.

    We have been working closely with the NSW Police and Byron Shire Council to
    facilitate a safe cycle and swim leg. Please read the sections in this book carefully for
    more details.

    The event could not take place without the support of the local Byron Shire Council,
    NSW Police, and Byron Bay Surf Life Saving Club. Our volunteer groups – the Byron
    Surf Club, Byron Bay AFL, Byron Croquet Club, Byron Bay Runners, Byron Bay Cycle
    Club, Byron Tri Club, and Byron Coastal Real Estate, are donating their time to help
    make your race most enjoyable. We also invite you to support the local businesses
    while visiting the event, as without their support and that of our sponsors, this event
    would not be possible.

    Good luck!

4                                                                                                 13
ATHLETE GUIDE 9 MAY 2021 - Byron Bay Tri

                     SATURDAY 8 MAY
    Registration Open           Byron Bay Lifesaving Club
    3:00pm – 5:00pm

                     SUNDAY 9 MAY
    Registration Open           Byron Bay Lifesaving Club
    5:00am – 6.20am

       Transition                     Dening Park
    5:00am – 6.20am              (100m east of Surf Club)
 Stone and Wood Official        Byron Bay Life Saving Club
    10.00am – 1.00pm
     Presentations #1           Byron Bay Life Saving Club
     Presentations #2

CATEGORY     AGES       SWIM         CYCLE         RUN
 Juniors      7-9       100m          3km          0.5km
 Big Kids    10-12      200m          6km           1km
 Tempta       13+       300m          10km         2.5km
  Sprint      14+       750m         20km          5km
Aquabike      15+       1100m        40km            -
 Olympic      15+       1100m        40km          10km
ATHLETE GUIDE 9 MAY 2021 - Byron Bay Tri
Event Update: COVID-19

Water Bottle And Hand Sanitiser
As a COVID-safe event, we recommend that you bring your
own water bottle and hand sanitiser.

Due to COVID restrictions, spectators must socially distance
throughout the event site. This includes the finish precinct,
transition, and swim start area.

Finish And Recovery
Once you have completed your race, you can enter the recovery
zone. Recovery is right after the finish line. As part of our COVID-
safe Event Plan, there will be limited products available in recovery
including drinks, as well as water and fruit and there can be no
loitering at the finish.

There will be marshals after the finish line guiding you to the
exit. The finish line flows in one direction only towards the exit and
there will be no re-entry.

Presentations will proceed as per schedule. We will still follow
our COVID safe plan during this time.
ATHLETE GUIDE 9 MAY 2021 - Byron Bay Tri
Arrival, Screening and Marshalling
On arrival at transition, you’ll make your way to the COVID
screening point. You will be asked the following questions:

•   In the last 14 days have you travelled from overseas or a COVID-
    19 Hotspot?
•   Have you been in close contact with a person who is positive
    with COVID-19?
•   Are you an active COVID-19 case?
•   Are you currently, or have you recently experienced cough, fever,
    sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath?

We maintain the right of refusal to the event for any person
          suspected of being a COVID-19 case.

After passing through the screening point, you can enter transition.
ATHLETE GUIDE 9 MAY 2021 - Byron Bay Tri
Stone and Wood

    Stone and
      Stone   WoodAfterparty
            & Wood Afterparty
Picture   this...
        this…     you've
              you’ve       just
                        just     kicked
                              kicked     another
                                       another     goal
                                                goal     finishing
                                                      finishing  the
  the Byron
 Byron  Bay Bay    Tri. You
             Tri. You         sit back,
                        sit back,       enjoy
                                    enjoy somesome    live music,
                                                 live music,   look
             over over
                    thethe   beach
                         beach    andand  crack
                                       crack    a cold
                                             a cold      one.

                     that's a Tri Byron-style!
                 Now that’s

  Join us for the Stone & Wood Brewing Afterparty from
  11am onon
10.00am    Sunday
              Sunday 9 May. Held
                       9 May.  Heldonon the Surf
                                          the    Club
                                              Surf  Clubdeck, sitsit
      andand  enjoy
           enjoy  thethe festivities
                      festivities      before
                                   before   wewe
                                               go go
            usual  presentations
               presentations        in the Surf Club.
                                 1 the Surf Club.
ATHLETE GUIDE 9 MAY 2021 - Byron Bay Tri
When you arrive at Registration at the Byron Bay Surf Lifesaving Club, you will need to
sign on. Line up by your event distance and age group, and you will be asked for your
surname and then first name. Please bring your photo ID.

If you are not a Triathlon Australia Member, you will need a One Day Licence. If you did not
enter a TA number online when you entered, the One Day Licence was automatically added
to your entry at time of purchase.

After registering, you will receive your registration pack which will include:

•       Bike sticker – this is a sticky label with   •   Timing band – around your left ankle
        your number on it; this should be            •   Swim cap – make sure it is the right
        placed around your bike seat stem                colour for your wave
•       Helmet sticker – to be attached to the
        right side of your helmet
•       Race number (bike/run) – put this on
        your shirt (front) with safety pins or on
        your race belt

    •    If A L L team members are annual members, no one day licence is required.
    •    If all team members are not annual members, then a One Day License is required for
         your team’s entry.
    •    If you did not include a TA number when you entered, the One Day Licence was
         automatically added to your entry at time of purchase.
    •    Note that you are only required to purchase a single One Day Licence per team
         entry. If your team has purchased a One Day Licence online, it is valid for your team’s
         entry. If one person in your team needs a One Day Licence, your whole team will need
         to hold a One Day Licence.

                                                      Race Numbers
                                 •   Your race bib is to be worn for your run leg
                                 •   Ensure the number stays to the front at all times to make it
                                     easier for officials to identify you while racing
                                 •   Wear your cycle helmet sticker on the right side.
                                 •   There will be no body numbering for this event.
ATHLETE GUIDE 9 MAY 2021 - Byron Bay Tri

Results will be available online following the race at

All kids will get a medal for participation upon completion of the race.
Presentations this year will be held at the Byron Bay SLSC at 10:00am and 11:30am.
We invite competitors, friends, and spectators to join us!
ATHLETE GUIDE 9 MAY 2021 - Byron Bay Tri
Wave Start Times

Bikes can be retrieved from transition once the last cyclist has

• The transition area will be in Denning Park .

• Transition will open from 5.00am and will close at 6.20am sharp. No competitors will
be accepted after 6.20am and we cannot be responsible for late arrivals so please allow
for mishaps when making travel arrangements. Transition will re-open after the last
cyclist finishes.

• You must have the bike sticker correctly attached to your bike and a properly fastened
helmet with the helmet sticker in place prior to entering transition.

• Once in transition, place your bike on one of the racks provided – please follow the
signage for your age group. The transition area has been designed so no section gets an

• Neatly set up the rest of your race equipment and remove any non-race equipment
from transition. A bag storage room is located in the Byron Surf Lifesaving Club.

• Familiarise yourself with the location of your bike and the entry/exit points.

• After completing the swim, take off your wetsuit (if applicable). and clip on your
helmet before touching the bike.

• Move your bike quickly out of the transition area and do not mount until after the
“MOUNT HERE” sign on the road.

• On return, dismount your bike at the end of the road before entering the transition

• Return your bike to the rack before you remove your helmet.

• Put on your running shoes and follow the arrows to ensure you don’t run into any other

• At no time should you interfere with another competitor’s bike or other equipment.

• Teams will have a separate holding area; timing bands must be passed in this area.

• All bikes must be collected by 1:00pm. You must have your race bib to collect your

    Timing bands go on your left ankle. Once you finish the race, return the timing chip to the
    collector at the finish line. There is a $60 fee for lost chips.
  You must wear the timing band at all times during the race.
•    You must cross the mats at all timing locations to receive an official race time.
•    The timing band must be handed in immediately after crossing the finish line.
•    If you don’t race or fail to complete the course, please return the timing band to the
     collectors at the finish line.
•    Timing chips are non-transferable. Do not give your timing chip to any other person and
     be careful not to switch timing chips with other competitors.
•    Do not walk over timing mats prior to your race, as this will set off your race time.

    Timing for Teams
•      One band per team. The swimmer must pass on the band before the cyclist removes
       their bike from the rack and the cyclist must rack their bike before passing it to the
Byron Bay Accom has been helping people book their Byron Bay holidays for
 over 20 years. Our team of dedicated locals is available to help guarantee
                  your Byron Bay holiday is a success.

 Unlike most other online booking agencies, we manage our properties, so
      we know them intimately and can help find the right one for you.

Whether it’s a family friendly beach house, affordable apartment, luxury villa
or five star resort, we have the perfect Byron Bay accommodation for you.

It is your responsibility to read the race         All competitors must be at the swim
brief before you enter the water. This has         marshalling area 30 minutes before the
all the information and rules to racing you        start time. If a competitor misses his or her
need to know. There are no excuses if you          start wave, they will be able to start when
don’t follow regulations and are                   they want but their time will be calculated
reprimanded by officials.                          from their start wave.

The swim leg is an ocean swim.                     The official swim cap should be visible and
                                                   clean. Stickers or other markings are not
The kids courses will be designed for              allowed on the swim cap.
safety first. In calm conditions the course
will be a swim, if there is any surf it will       The swim is marked with buoys. Should
move to shallow waters for a wade.                 you be in any kind of need; kayaks,
                                                   lifeguards and marshals will be in the water
Competitors are to keep the swim start             to help you.
area clear. Swim warm-up, if required, must
take place outside the swim start area, or         The swim start can often require some
off to the left of the swim course.                extra effort to reach deeper water. The Bay
                                                   has two currents (one north and one
                                                   south) and the Olympic course crosses

In the event of poor weather conditions inhibiting competitors from
completing the swim, we will conduct a beach sprint in place of the swim.

•   Swim cap (yours to keep from rego)       •       Wet suits are only permitted if the water is
•   Swimsuit / tri suit (a must)                     less than 22 degrees. The water
•   Timing chip (don’t lose this)                    temperature will be checked the morning
•   Sunscreen – cream up at least 30 minutes         of the event
    before you compete
•   Goggles

Bay Triath

                                                                                                       o   e
                                                                                       THE PASS

                         BIG KIDS                                OLYMPIC

                         JUNIORS                                              SPRINT

                                                                                              t o
                                          m to rans

Bay St
                                                            Lawson S
                                                                           OLYMPIC* - 1100m
                                                                            SPRINT* - 750m
 Bay Ln             n
                 w                                                          TEMPTA - 300m

                                                                           BIG KIDS - 200m

                                                                            JUNIORS - 100m

          *Subject to final risk assessment distance and course may change
To ensure maximum safety for athletes, all public roads that interfere with the course will
be closed on the day.

Olympic: The Olympic cycle leg is the same as recent years as a four lap race; your course
exits transition and heads directly South to the Coast Road to a U-turn prior to the Shell
Petrol Station in Suffolk Park.

Sprint: The Sprint cycle leg is now a four lap race; your course exits transition and turns left
for a new extension down Lawson Street before heading South on the Coast Road past the
Byron General Store before reaching the adjusted U-turn prior to Patterson Street.

Tempta: The Tempta cycle leg is a two lap race; your course exits transition and turns left
for a new extension down Lawson Street before heading South on the Coast Road past the
Byron General Store before reaching the adjusted U-turn prior to Patterson Street.

Kids: The kids cycle course is the same as in recent years, using the Lawson Extension and
u-turning at the School on Ruskin Street. Juniors complete one laps, and Big Kids
complete two laps.

Over-inflation is a well-known phenomenon at races and may result in a flat tyre before the
race or after the swim. Please take note of your tyre’s maximum inflation pressure to avoid

Your bike must comply with the regulations of Triathlon Australia. In short, this means that
your bike must be technically suitable and safe for a triathlon race. Disk wheels or covers
are allowed on the rear wheel only, however this provision may be changed by the race
referee in the interests of safety. Fixed-gear bicycles are not permitted.

The helmet must be fastened before removing the bike from the rack and remain so until
the bike is re-racked.

In the event of a breakdown (mechanical) on the cycle course, the helmet must remain on
and securely fastened.

•   Spare tubes / tyre lever (optional)          •   Bike Gloves (optional)
•   Bike (mandatory)                             •   Seat post number (definitely)
•   Helmet (a must)                              •   Race number (check)
•   Bike shoes (will help)
•   Water bottle (you must hydrate)
•   Bike Pump (optional)
Bay Triath




                                                                                                                                      La s n

                                                                  Bay Ln

                                        La s n
                                                                                                                         OLYMPIC DOES NOT USE
                                                                                                            C   r es

                                                                                                                             LAWSON EXTENSION
                                 ns n

                                        La een Ln
                                                                             le n

                                        Byr n

                                                                 Byr n

                                                                                             ar ell

                                                                                                      ennys n

                                                                                                                        Carlyle Ln


                                                                                                                        Kingsley Ln


                                                                                                                       Ruskin Ln

                                                                                    OLYMPIC - 4 Laps - 40km
                                                                                     SPRINT - 4 Laps - 20km
                                                                                    TEMPTA - 2 Laps - 10km

                          CYCLE                                          1

Drafting behind or next to another bike or any other vehicle is strictly prohibited. Athletes
must ride on the left side of the road, except when passing other cyclists.

The draft zone of a competitor may not overlap the draft zone of another competitor,
motorcycle or vehicle except in the following circumstances:

        a)   When the competitor is in the process of legally passing another competitor,
             motorcycle or vehicle:
              i.   for safety reasons
              ii.  for an aid station
              iii. for entrance to or departure from a transition area
              iv.  in making an acute turn

        b)   When passing a forward competitor or motorcycle, the rear competitor is
             allowed a maximum of 20 seconds to pass through the 10m draft zone and 25
             seconds to pass through the 12m draft zone. Failure to observe this may result
             in a penalty.

        c)   When passing a forward vehicle, the rear competitor is allowed a maximum of
             90 seconds to pass through the draft zone. Failure to observe this may result in
             a penalty.

        d)   At every instant during the overlapping of draft zones, the rear competitor must
             be seen to be gaining on the forward competitor or motorcycle or vehicle.
             Failure to observe this may result in a penalty.

        e)   Once passed, a competitor must immediately commence to drop back out of
             the draft zone of the forward competitor before attempting to re-pass.

A competitor is deemed to have been passed once the leading edge of the front wheel of
the passing bicycle has moved in front of the leading edge of the front wheel of the
competitor’s bicycle. Failure to observe this may result in a penalty.

In   short:
•     you have 20 seconds to pass another competitor once you have entered the draft zone
•     you must be making forward progress
•     you have 20 seconds to drop out of the draft zone once passed

Once you have placed your bike on the       must be worn at all times during the run.
rack and removed your helmet, put on
your running shoes and head out along       MP3 players and headphones are strictly
the run course.                             forbidden throughout the race. There will
                                            be entertainment on the course, so enjoy
The run is a long loop course, out and      the spectators who will cheer you on!
back around the turn-around point. The
number of laps you must complete will be    Race officials and volunteer marshals will
dependent on your division. Please refer    be on the course to assist with directions.
to the map on the right.                    Please follow their advice at all times.

The Kids run course is straight forward.
Both divisions, Junior and Big Kids, will
only need to complete 1 lap of the course
before reaching the finish.

Two water stations are available - one
near the football field, and one opposite
the transition area. Remember to veer
towards the archway to the finish.                      Equipment
During the race, athletes must wear their    • Running shoes (a must)
race number always on the front, either      • Hat
on the shirt or kept on a belt above the     • Sunglasses (stay cool)
waist, in the centre of the body. A shirt
Bay Triath

                                                                                                                                                                                           Mass n

                                                                                                                                                                                             er St
                                                                                                                                       o     n St
                                                                                                         I S                       Laws

                  n                                        T
               Bay S

                             Bay L                                                        l


          er St


      on St
L aw s
                                              M leton S

        n Ln


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                   t                                                                                                                          aw

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Mass n

                        er St

                                                                                                                                                                   r St

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                                                                                                                                                                   e      res
                                                                                                            St n

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         By LS                                                                                                                                 Kn s
                                                                                                                                                    ley S
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                                                                                                                                                                                ow er

                                                                                                                                             s nL

                                                                                                                                                                                OLYMPIC - 4 Laps - 10km

                                                                                                                                                                                 SPRINT - 2 Laps - 5km
                                                                                                                                                                                TEMPTA - 1 Lap - 2.5km   ve
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ll   St

                                                                                                                                                                                                       ar                                            ar



                                           La                                                                                                            St

            so                                                                 St
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                   St                                                   ro


                                                                                                                                                         1                                                            ar

                                           *Subject to final risk assessment course may change
Finish and Recovery
Once you have completed your race, you            After you’ve finished your race, enjoy the
can enter the recovery zone. Recovery is          rest of the multi-fun weekend – listen to the
right after the finish line and there will be     crowd. Feel the emotions. This is your day!
recovery drinks, as well as water and fruit.      Don’t worry about your watch. Be a crowd
                                                  pleaser and pose for the cameras. You
There will also be activities for the kids.       could make the headlines of the evening
                                                  news or make the front-cover of next year’s
                                                  race magazine!

                                                General Rules
We always like to have fun but this stuff is serious, so please take the time to read the
information below. It is there for you and your teammate’s safety.

•   Be responsible for your own safety, the safety of your own equipment. Be considerate
    of the safety of others
•   No use of abusive language towards anyone
•   The use of mobile phones or any electronic device is strictly prohibited during the event
•   Ensure that your torso is covered for the bike and run legs
•   No public nudity or urinating in public (including Transition)
•   Under no circumstances are you to interfere with any other competitor’s property

Race Referee – Lee Varney
Technical Delegate – Lee Varney

Rules & Regulations

Littering is not permitted and will result in disqualification. Please carry wrappers with you
or discard them in bins on the course.

Technical officials can assess penalties - even if the infringement is not listed - if the
technical official deems an unfair advantage has been gained or if a dangerous situation
has been created.

The penalty box is located at the Transition gate under the red tent.

Penalty box infractions – 3 minutes
      •   drafting
      •   illegal passing

Stop/Start Penalty
      •   Cycle course: report to the penalty box and advise the official that you are
          serving a stop/start penalty
      •   Run course/transition: issued on the spot
      •   Blocking

The official will serve a penalty by doing the following:
      •    sound a whistle or horn
      •    show a blue or yellow card
      •    call your number
      •    advise you of the penalty
      •    if you are shown a Red card, you may be disqualified

If you are shown a red card or fail to attend the penalty box, a violation report will be filled
out and submitted to the Race Referee

The Race Referee will assess your disqualification and rule accordingly

All disqualifications will be posted on the penalty notice board after the finish

For further information please read the Triathlon Australia Race Competition
Rules available from the Triathlon Australia website.
Trained staff, the police and volunteers will           You are expected to follow directions and
be on the course, giving you directions                 instructions from race officials, race
and clearing traffic. They will be there for            marshals, the police and volunteers.
your safety at all times.                               Failure to do so may cause disqualification
                                                        from the race.
The roads are closed thanks to the
extensive use of traffic control, road cones            Only a Race Official, the Race Director or
and road signs. However, on race day,                   First Aid has ultimate and final authority to
regular traffic will be crossing the cycle              remove an athlete from the race if the
course at relevant places. Traffic will be              athlete is considered to be physically
guided and regulated by traffic officials at            incapable of continuing the race without
all times.                                              risk of serious injury or death.

For your own safety, please pay attention               If you decide to withdraw from the race at
when crossing roads and making left and                 any time, it is your responsibility to report
right turns.                                            it to the finish line.

             Water Safety
 Byron Surf Life Saving Club will be manning the water to ensure the safety of all the
 participants in the swim., as well as Little Ripper patrolling from the air with drones. All participants
 must go around the buoys as indicated in the swim map and are expected to act in a responsible
 manner. A swimmer cannot be towed during the race unless they are withdrawing from the race.
 It is advised that all competitors have a personal insurance for the duration of the event.
 Competitors will be covered only through the Triathlon Australia insurance policy if they
 have a TA licence number or have paid their one-day licence fee.

Police presence will be evident at the triathlon. The organisers are currently working with the local
NSW to ensure maximum safety to residents, competitors andspectators.
1   More info

Other Information

Bag Storage
There is a bag store for competitors in the Byron Bay Surf Club next to Registration.
Although the area will be staffed, we take no responsibility for lost or damaged goods
and do not recommend leaving valuables in your bag. The storeroom will be open from
5.00am Sunday and will close one hour after the last competitor is finished.

Permanent toilets are available in the Byron Bay Surf Club, and in the parkland north of
the Surf Club. There are also toilets available on the run course at the Byron Youth Centre
on Gilmore Street.

The Byron Bay Triathlon is for the competitive and social participant. We want to give
everyone a go and have some fun; however, you must have done some training prior to
competing in the event. We want you to enjoy the tri, so you must be physically capable
to complete your nominated distances within a reasonable time frame. If you are not
sure and need some pointers, call the office and we will suggest some experts in the
field to guide your training needs.

 Please note all parking in Byron has moved to paid.

Other Enquiries
If you have issues prior to the event day contact the office: 1300 282 949. If your
question/problem is technical regarding the competition on race day you will be directed to
the Chief Official.

The Chief Official will have the final call on any penalties and final results. Please direct all timing
disputes to the Chief Official at the finish line. As a base go to the Finish Line area, where event
staff will be able to answer anyquestions.
NXsports wishes to thank all our partners
     for the Byron Bay Triathlon.

 Please support the organization’s that
 make your community sporting events
You can also read