Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) - UIN Jakarta

Page created by Monica Lowe
Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) - UIN Jakarta
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN)
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

   Self Assessment Report (SAR)
    ASEAN University Network–
    Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)

             Undergraduate Program
Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
   Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
        Jakarta, 30th April - 2nd May 2019
Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) - UIN Jakarta
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN)
      Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


                                          For the assessment of
                            Undergraduate Program
                          The Department of Family Law

                       According to the AUN-QA Criteria

Dr. H. Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie, S.H., M.A., M.H.                        Dr. H. Abdul Halim, M.Ag.
Dean, Faculty of Sharia and Law                                       Head of SAR Writing Team

                                       Dr. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A.
                                       Head of QA Unit of the University
Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) - UIN Jakarta
TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES .............................................................................................................vii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................... viii
PART 1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 The Organization of the Self-Assessment Report .............................................................................................. 3
1.3 Profile of the Institution .................................................................................................................................... 4
     1.3.1 Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta...............................................................................................4
     1.3.2 The Faculty of Shari’a and Law ................................................................................................................................4
     1.3.3 The Department of Family Law ...............................................................................................................................4

PART 2 AUN-QA CRITERIA.......................................................................................................................7
Criterion 1: Expected Learning Outcomes .................................................................................................... 8
1.1 The expected learning outcomes have been clearly formulated and aligned with the vision and mission of the
     university [1,2] .8
1.2 The expected learning outcomes cover both subjects specific and generic (i.e. transferable) learning outcomes [3].9
1.3 The expected learning outcome clearly reflects the requirements of the stakeholders [4] ..........................................10

Criterion 2: Program Specification ............................................................................................................. 10
2.1 The information in the program specification is comprehensive and up-to-date [1,2] ................................................10
2.2 The information in the course specification is comprehensive and up-to-date [1,2] ....................................................11
2.3 The program and course specifications are communicated and made available to the stakeholders [1,2] ................12

Criterion 3: Program Structure and Content .............................................................................................. 12
3.1 The curriculum is designed based on constructive alignment with the Expected Learning Outcomes [1] .................12
3.2 The contribution made by each course to achieve the expected learning outcomes is clear [2] ................................14
3.3 The curriculum is logically structured, sequenced, integrated and up-to-date (3, 4, 5, 6)...........................................18

Criterion 4: Teaching and Learning Approach ............................................................................................ 19
4.1 The educational philosophy is well articulated and communicated to all stakeholders [1] .........................................19
4.2 Teaching and learning activities are constructively aligned to the achievement of the expected learning outcomes
     [2,3,4,5] .................................................................................................................................................................................20
4.3 Teaching and learning activities enhance life-long learning [6]......................................................................................20

iv                               Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network–Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)
Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) - UIN Jakarta
Criterion 5: Student Assessment ................................................................................................................ 20
5.1 The student assessment is constructively aligned to the achievement of the Expected Learning Outcomes [1,2]....20
5.2 The student assessment including timelines, methods, regulations, weight distribution, rubrics and grading are explicit
     and communicated to students...........................................................................................................................................21
5.3 Methods including assessment rubrics and marking schemes are used to ensure validity, reliability and fairness and
     student assessment [6,7] .....................................................................................................................................................23
5.4 Feedback of student assessment is timeliness and helps to improve learning [3]........................................................23
5.5 Students have ready access to the appeal procedure .......................................................................................................24

Criterion 6: Academic Staff Quality ............................................................................................................ 24
6.1 Academic staff planning (considering succession, promotion, re-deployment, termination, and retirement) is carried
     out to fulfil the needs for education, research, and service [1] .....................................................................................24
6.2 Staff to student ratio and workload are measured and monitored to improve the quality of education, research and
     service [2] ..............................................................................................................................................................................25
6.3 Recruitment and selection criteria including ethics and academic freedom for appointment, deployment, and promotion
     are determined and communicated [4, 5, 6, 7] ................................................................................................................28
6.4 Competencies of academic staff are identified and evaluated [3]...................................................................................28
6.5 Training and developmental needs of academic staff are identified and activities are implemented to fulfil the
     needs [8] ............................................................................................................................................................ 29
6.6 Performance management including rewards and recognition is implemented to motivate and support education,
     research, and service [9] ......................................................................................................................................................30
6.7 The types and quantity of research activities by academic staff members are established, monitored and benchmarked
     for improvement [10] .........................................................................................................................................................31

Criterion 7: Support Staff Quality .............................................................................................................. 32
7.1 Support staff planning (at the library, laboratory, IT facility and student services) is carried out to fulfil the needs of
     education, research and service [1] ....................................................................................................................................32
7.2 Recruitment and selection criteria for appointment, deployment and promotion are determined and communicated [2] .....33
7.3 The competence of support staff are identified and evaluated [3]....................................................................................34
7.4 Training and developmental needs of support staff are identified and activities are implemented to fulfil them [4] ..........34
7.5 Performance management including rewards and recognition is implemented to motivate and support education,
     research and service [5] .......................................................................................................................................................35

Criterion 8: Student Quality and Support .................................................................................................. 35
8.1 The student intake policy and admission criteria are defined, communicated, published and up-to-date [1] ..........35
8.2 The Methods and Criteria for the Selection of Students are Determined and Evaluated..............................................37
8.3 There is an adequate monitoring system for student progress, academic performance, and workload [3] ...............37
8.4 Academic advice, co-curricular activities, student competition, and other student support services are available to
     improve learning and employability [4] .............................................................................................................................37
8.5 The physical, social, and psychological environment is conducive for education and research as well as personal well-
     being ......................................................................................................................................................................................39

Criterion 9: Facilities and Infrastructure .................................................................................................... 39
9.1. Teaching and learning facilities and equipment (lecture halls, classrooms, project rooms, etc.) are adequate and

                                Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network–Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)                                                                                v
updated to support education and research [1]................................................................................................................39
9.2     Library and its resources are adequately updated to support education and research [3,4] ........................................40
9.3     Laboratories and equipment are adequate and updated to support education and research [1,2] ............................41
9.4     IT facilities including e-learning infrastructure are adequate and updated to support education and research [1, 5, 6] .......41
9.5     Standards for the environment, health, and safety and access for people with special needs are defined and
        implemented [7] ...................................................................................................................................................................42

Criterion 10: Quality Enhancement ............................................................................................................ 42
10.1 Stakeholders’ needs and feedback serve as input to curriculum design and development ........................................43
10.2 The curriculum design and development process is established and subjected to evaluation and enhancement [2]43
10.3 The teaching and learning process and student assessment are continuously reviewed and evaluated to ensure their
     relevance and alignment [3] ...............................................................................................................................................44
10.4 Research Output is used to enhance teaching and learning [4] .....................................................................................44
10.5 Quality of support services and facilities (at the library, laboratory, IT facility and student services) is subjected to
     evaluation and enhancement [5] ........................................................................................................................................45
10.6 The stakeholder’s feedback mechanisms are systematic and subjected to evaluation and enhancement [6] ............45

Criterion 11: Output .................................................................................................................................... 46
11.1 Pass rates and dropouts are established, monitored, and benchmarked for improvement [1] ....................................46
11.2 The average time to graduate is established, monitored and benchmarked for improvement [1] .............................46
11.3 Employability of graduates is established, monitored and benchmarked for improvement ........................................47
11.4 The types and quantity of research activities by students are established, monitored, and benchmarked for
     improvement ....48
11.5 The satisfaction levels of stakeholders are established, monitored and benchmarked for improvement....................48

PART 3 STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES ANALYSIS ....................................................................................51
3.1.1 Program Strengths and Areas for Improvement ..............................................................................................................52
3.1.1. Checklist for AUN-QA Self-Assessment at Programme Level ...........................................................................................53

PART 4 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................57

vi                              Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network–Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)
List of Figures and Tables

Table 1 Aligning vision, mission of University, Faculty and Department ...................................................................................5
Table 2 Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs).................................................................................................................................8
Table 3 Specific Learning Outcomes and Generic Outcomes .......................................................................................................9
Table 4 Program Specification ......................................................................................................................................................10
Table 5 Curriculum Clusters based on Content............................................................................................................................13
Table 6 Aligning Course to Programme Learning Outcomes .....................................................................................................14
Table 8 Grade Point Achievement Criteria ...................................................................................................................................22
Table 9 Number of Lecturers and Educational Qualifications ....................................................................................................25
Table 10 Staff-to-Student Ratio ....................................................................................................................................................26
Table 11 Research Activities ..........................................................................................................................................................27
Table 12 Human Resources Plan ..................................................................................................................................................29
Tabel 13 Research Conducted by Academic Staff .......................................................................................................................31
Tabel 14 Academic Staff Publication ............................................................................................................................................32
Table 15 Human Resources Plan for Support Staff.....................................................................................................................33
Table 16 Support Staff available in the Last 5 Academic Years. ...............................................................................................34
Table 17 Intake of First-Year Students (last 5 academic years) .................................................................................................36
Table 18 Total Number of Students (Last 5 Academic Years) ....................................................................................................36
Table 19 The Collections of the Faculty of Shari’a and Law Library .........................................................................................40
Table 20 The Printed and Digital Collections of Main University Library .................................................................................41
Table 21 Pass Rates and Dropout Rates in the Last Five Years .................................................................................................46
Table 22 Students Average GPA within the Last Five Academic Years .....................................................................................47
Table 23 Satisfactory Survey of Stakeholders..............................................................................................................................49

                                                                                                                             Part I Education |                                    vii
List of Abbreviations
AIS                Academic Information System
APHKI              Department of Family Law Association
AUN-QA             ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance
BA                 Undergraduate Level
BAN-PT             National Accreditation Body for Tertiary School
BKD                Lecturer Workload
CAT                Computer Assessed Test
DEMA               Faculty Student Council
EC                 Elective Course
EDOM               Evaluation of Lecturers by Student
Elkamasy           Legal Studies and Discussion
ELOs               Expected Learning Outcomes
FC                 Full Compliance
FGD                Focus Group Discussion
FlAT               Student Language Institute
FO                 Fibre Optic
FP                 Final Project
GA                 Graduate Attributes
GP                 Graduate Profiles
GPA                Grade Point Average
HIQMA              Himpunan Qori dan Qoriah Mahasiswa
HMPS               Department of Family Law Student Association
IAEC               Intensive Academic English Course
IAIN               Institute Agama Islam Negeri

viii       Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network–Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)
IBK           Islamic General Knowledge
IKU           Activities, goals and performance indicators
KKNI          Indonesia National Qualification Framework
KPA ARKADIA   Kelompok Pencipta Alam-Arti Keagungan dan Keindahan Alam
KSR PMI       Students Cooperation, and Indonesian Red Cross Voluntary Corps
LKP           Staff Performance Report
LP2M          Research and Community Service Agency
LP2M          Institute of Research and Community Service
LPM           The Quality Assurance Agency
LPP           Legal Professional Practicum
LT            Legal Theory
MC            Moderately Compliance
              Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of the Republic
              of Indonesia
NGK           National General Knowledge
NIDK          Special Lecturer Identification Number
NIDK          Special Lecturer Identification Number
NIDN          National Lecturer Identification Number
NIDN          National Lecturer Identification Number
NUPN          National Teacher Number
ORTALA        Organisasi Tata Laksana
PC            Partially Compliance
PDSS          Pangkalan data Siswa Sekolah
PEO           Program Educational Objectives
PL            Procedural Law
PNS           Civil Servants
Pramuka       Scout
PUSLITPEN     Centre for Research and Publication
RANITA        Kelompok Mahasiswa Pencipta Lingkungan Hidup dan Kemanusiaan
RPS           Learning Plan Design
S1            Strata Satu
S2            Strata Dua
S3            Strata Tiga

                                                        Part I Education |       ix
SAR                  The Self-Assessment Report
SBMPTN               Joint Entrance Test for State University
SBMPTN               National Academic Islamic Higher Education Institutions
SCL                  Student Centred Learning
SH                   Bachelor of Law
SIFL                 Substantive Islamic Family Law
SK                   Skill Knowledge
SNL                  Substantive National Law
SNMPTN               National Entrance Selection for State University
SNMPTN               State Higher Education National Selection
SNPT                 Sistem Nasional Perguruan Tinggi
SOP                  Standard Operational Procedure
                     Academic Achievement based-Selection of the Islamic Higher Education
SPMB                 Institutional Selection
UIN                  Universitas Islam Negeri
UMPTKIN              Islamic Higher Education Institutions Selection

x            Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network–Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)
2                       Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network–Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)

1.1 Executive Summary
This is a Self-Assessment Report (SAR) submitted to The ASEAN University Networks-Quality
Assurance (AUN-QA) by the Department of Family Law (DoFL) of the Faculty of Shari’a and
Law, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This is a part of the institution’s commitment to quality
enhancement. It is expected that the DoFL obtains feedbacks for self-assessment and continuous

In the meantime, the DoFL has made improvements in various aspects. The followings are some
of the achievements:
1.    The DoFL successfully has achieved grade “A” accreditation from the National Accreditation
      Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) with the value of 390 from the 400-point scale in 2016.
2.    The DoFL has continuously undertaken academic development and increased the quantity
      and quality of the national and international publications produced by the academic staff.
3.    The DoFL has implemented the national curriculum of Indonesian National Qualification
      Framework (KKNI) that emphasizes the “learning outcomes” of the program and courses. This
      system provides clearer distinctions of every program and defines “expected learning outcomes”
      (ELO) of each level in the program. The DoFL conducts a curriculum review every four years,
      or depending on the demand of the society and the changing policies by the government.
      Three considerations in the curriculum review, such as: a) ensuring that the content is relevant
      to the demand of the society; b) adapting the curriculum from other institutions to develop
      knowledge on family law; c) requesting feedbacks from alumni and stakeholders.
4.    The DoFL improves the quality of the learning process by recruiting qualified lecturers with
      relevant expertise to the need of the Department. Moreover, the lecturers are encouraged
      to prioritize students in the learning process by implementing the Student Centred Learning
      approach. For the excellence of the learning process, all lecturers are evaluated, and obliged
      to fill the form of Lecturer’s Performance. This is to enable internal assessors to conduct
      evaluations. The similar evaluation is also applied to the academic support staff. Another
      evaluation mechanism is a direct evaluation by students during learning periods. This can
      be done through Lecturer Evaluation by Students (Evaluasi Dosen oleh Mahasiswa/ EDOM).
      Besides, there has been a continuous evaluation by the Centre for Quality Development and
      Assurance (CeQDA) of the University, Faculty Board of Quality Assurance, and the internal
      quality assurance to maintain continuous improvement. The DoFL and the Faculty of Shari’a
      and Law and the University possess qualified human resources to do the evaluation and
5.    The DoFL has generated graduates to become professionals in the field of family law, especially
      to become the Religious Court judges (Mahkamah Shar’iyyah), court clerks, lawyers, legal
      consultants, legal analysts, mediators, and Islamic family law administrators.
6.    The student recruitment process has become more competitive and selective to obtain students
      with good qualification.
7.    Sufficient supports in terms of human resources (lecturers and academic staff) and facilities
      for the excellence of the DoFL.

Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Part 1 Education |                           3

8.   The abovementioned infrastructures include:
     a)   Academic Information System (AIS): this system provides various academic information, such
          as course schedule, students’ study plan, grading, course attendance, and the academic
          advisor’s approvals;
     b) E-letter: correspondence system generated by the Faculty of Shari’a and Law for students
        to send letters online at their convenience.
     c)   E-journal and E-library access: this is available in the library of Faculty of Shari’a and Law,
          and the University main library.
9.   In terms of institutional cooperation, the DoFL has established cooperation with various
     institutions from the United States, the Netherland, Germany, Canada, Australia, Egypt, and
     Malaysia. The cooperation is developed with government and non-government institutions,
     and mostly focus on research, teaching and learning, and social development through the
     Memorandum of Understanding.
10. The DoFL also develops cooperation with various legal institutions, such as the Religious Courts,
    the Religious High Courts, the Supreme Courts, and the Judicial Court. This kind of cooperation
    is, especially, to enhance legal education in the DoFL, such as Moot Court, Religious Courts
    practicum, lawyering and advocacy, the practicum of Religious Office Affairs, Legal Aids in the
    Religious Courts, mediation services, and legal consultation.

The SAR consists of four parts. The first part is the introduction consisting of the executive summary
of the SAR; the organization of self-assessment report; and a brief description of the university,
faculty and department. The second part is the self-self-assessment of the DoFL based on the
AUN-QA criteria. The third part is the analysis of the Department’s strengths and weaknesses. The
fourth part consists of appendices as the evidence to the statement made in the second part.

1.2 The Organization of the Self-Assessment Report
The Dean of the Faculty of Shari’a and Law has appointed a team to develop the SAR document.
The team is chaired by the Head of the Family Law Program and assisted by the vice chairman,
the secretary, the deputy secretary and the support team.

In writing the Self-Assessment Report, the team is divided into 7 (seven) groups, Group 1 prepares
Criteria I and II (Learning Outcome and Program Specification), Group 2 Criteria III and IV (Program
Structure and Content), Group 3 prepares Criterion V (Student Assessment and Student Quality
Support), Group 4 for Criteria VI and VII (Academic Staff and Support Staff), Group 5 prepares
Criteria VIII and IX (Facilities and Infrastructure), Group 6 works on Criteria X (Quality Enhancement),
and last is Group 8 which prepares Criteria XI (Output).

The committee team also consists of a range of leaders in the Faculty of Shari’a and Law and
several professors who have experience in the accreditation process. The preparation for composing
the SAR for international accreditation has been implemented since July 2017.

                                                                  Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
                                                                   Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
4                       Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network–Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)

1.3 Profile of the Institution
1.3.1 UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (Appendix 1.3.1) officially became UIN Syarif Hidayatullah based
on Presidential Decree no. 031 on May 20, 2002. The Presidential Decree legitimated the change
of IAIN to UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. At present, there are 11 faculties at Jakarta UIN, which
are: Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Faculty of Usul
al-Din and Philosophy, Faculty of Shari’a and Law, Faculty of Da’wa and Communication, Faculty
of Dirasat Islamiyah, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Economic and Business, Faculty of Science
and Technology, Faculty of Medical and Health Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science, and
Graduate School.

The transformation of IAIN to UIN is expected to accelerate the process of integration between
religious sciences and other sciences, such as humanities, medicine, etc. This aims at producing
graduates that possess responsive and adaptive paradigms in responding to various issues in society.

The process of transformation brings about the impact of change and adjustment policy as written
in Rector Decree no. 16 of 2002. It also means that the integration of scholarship will be seen in
the degrees held by students (whether S1, S2, S3) who have finished their studies so that alumni
of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah have equal opportunities with alumni from various other universities.

1.3.2 The Faculty of Shari’a and Law
The Faculty of Shari’a and Law was previously called The Faculty of Shari’a. The naming of the
Faculty of Shari’a and Law reflects the spirit of integration of Jakarta UIN. This means that the
Faculty consider the integration of the study of law, Islamic law and other disciplines of knowledge.

Currently, there are six undergraduate departments under the Faculty of Shari’a and Law: The DoFL,
the Department of Comparative Islam Legal Thoughts, the Department of Constitutional Law, the
Department of Islamic Criminal Law, the Department of Islamic Economic Law, the Department of
Legal Science. As for the Master Program, the Faculty of Shari’a and Law operates Master Program
of Islamic Economic Law, and Master Program of Family Law.

It is expected that the graduates of the Faculty of Shari’a and Law have competences to become
Islamic judges, lawyers, legal consultants, administrators in Religious Affairs Offices. At present, the
Faculty of Shari’a and Law formulates the curriculum based on Indonesian National Qualification
Frameworks (KKNI) and National Standard of Higher Education.

1.3.3 The Department of Family Law
The Department of Family Law is one of the oldest programs at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic
University. The program was officially established in 1968 along with the establishment of the
Faculty of Shari’a. The “Family Law Program” (Ahwal Syakhshiyyah) is a new name given to the
program previously known by the names “Qadha‘”, “Religious Courts”, and “Ahwal Syakhshiyyah”.

Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Part 1 Education |                             5

The vision and mission of the DoFL are in line with the vision and mission of the Faculty of Shari’a
and Law, and the University, as follow:

                                                          Table 1:
                              Aligning vision, mission of University, Faculty and Department
                         University                                    Faculty                                     Department
  Vision    “UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta -        Excellent in the Sciences of Sharia            Excellent in the integration of knowledge
            Towards a World Class University with     and Law based on the Perspective of            on family law science based on the values
            Excellence in integrating the values of   Islam, Indonesianness, and Humanity, in        of Islam, Indonesianness, and Humanity, in
            Science, Islam and Indonesianness.”       Southeast Asia in 2018, and Internationally    Southeast Asia in 2018, and Internationally
                                                      in 2026.                                       in 2026.
  Mission   1. To provide a good and relevant         1. To provide a good and relevant higher       1. To provide a good and relevant higher
               higher education as a tool to             education in the field of shari’a and          education in the field of family law
               develop science, to create social         law as a tool to develop science, to           as a tool to develop science, to create
               transformation, and to increase           create social transformation and to            social transformation and to increase
               national competitiveness                  increase national competitiveness;             national competitiveness;
            2. To organize a higher education         2. To provide a high quality higher            2. To provide family law education that
               within a good cultural and                education in the field of shari’a              integrates the value of science, Islam,
               structural framework, integrity,          and law within a good cultural and             Indonesianness and humanity;
               and accountability                        structural framework, integrity, and        9. To provide family law education
                                                         accountability                                 within a good cultural and
                                                      3. To improve the quality of education in         structural framework, integrity, and
                                                         the discipline of shari’a and law that         accountability
                                                         integrates the value of science, Islam,     3. To produce graduates who are
                                                         Indonesianness and humanity, based             professional, excellent, and
                                                         on the national standard of higher             competitive in the field family law;
                                                         education;                                  4. To develop a comprehensive family
                                                      4. To improve the quality of research in          law study program in line with the
                                                         the discipline of shari’a and law that         dynamic of society, humanity, and
                                                         is beneficial for society;                     the needs of globalization;
                                                      5. To provide noble ethical principles for     5. To carry out community services
                                                         the development and implementation             through the interaction of the
                                                         of shari’a and law science in society;         institution with the society in the
                                                      6. To carry out community services in             field of family.
                                                         order to enhance the knowledge,
                                                         cognition and implementation of
                                                         shari’a and law;
                                                      7. To strengthen the modern higher
                                                         education management system for
                                                         the discipline of shari’a and law based
                                                         on the principles of transparency,
                                                         meritocracy, professionalism; and
                                                      8. To optimize the cooperation networks
                                                         in the local, national, and international
                                                         levels, especially that are related to
                                                         the education, research, and services
                                                         on shari’a and law.

                                                                                          Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
                                                                                           Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
6                       Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network–Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)

The objectives of the DoFL are:
1.    To organize a high quality, competitive and innovative higher education to produce graduates
      who possess the ability to integrate family law discipline with the values of Islam, Indonesianness,
      and humanity;
2.    To organize a high quality higher education to produce competence graduates in the field of
      family law that are able to respond to the need of the society;
3.    To produce professional and competitive graduates who have a deep and comprehensive
      understanding of Islamic law (Shari’a) and positive law;
4.    To produce research and scholarly publications in the field of family law, recognizable nationally
      and internationally;
5.    To organize community services through various institutions for the prosperity of the society;
6.    To develop cooperations, partnership, and networking with national and international universities,
      and government and non-government institutions;
7.    To maintain good governance in the level of study program to maintain a strong and
      accountable organization for the effectiveness and efficiency of resources through various
      cooperations with alumni and potential partners.

Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

     Part I Education |   7
8                       Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network–Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)

Criterion 1: Expected Learning Outcomes
1.1 The expected learning outcomes have been clearly formulated and aligned with
    the vision and mission of the university [1,2]
The Department of Family Law uses the vision and mission of the University as the main reference
in designing the Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs). The vision of the State Islamic University is:
“toward a World Class University with Excellence in integrating the values of Science, Islam and
Indonesianness in 2036.” (Appendix 1.1.1), (Statute, 2014, Appendix 1.1.2/ Statute 2018/ Appendix
1.1.3), Strategic Plan, 2012-2016/ Appendix 1.1.4, Strategic Plan 2017-2021/ Appendix 1.1.5).

The concept of integration is the eminence of the Jakarta UIN and becomes its significant contribution
to strengthening the moderation of religion and Islam in Indonesia. The concept is implemented
in various aspects of education such as ELOs, curriculum, and course designs.

Apart from the vision and mission, there are several other considerations in the formulation of ELOs
namely: Graduate Profiles (GP) (Appendix 1.1.7), Program Educational Objectives (PEO) (Appendix
1.1.8), Graduate Attributes (GA) (Appendix 1.1.9), stakeholder needs (Appendix 1.1.10), National
Regulation on Curriculum and Higher education (Law No. 44 of 2015/ Appendix 1.1.11), and
benchmarking to some prominent national (Appendix 1.1.12 dan Appendix 1.1.12) and international
universities through direct site visits (Appendix 1.1.13) and online benchmarking (https://www.,

Previously, the DoFL had implemented 53 ELOs called Program Learning Outcomes since 2015-
2018 (Appendix 1.1.14). These were developed based on the KKNI model. Since 2018, the ELOs
has been evaluated and revised based on the AUN-QA standard. Adapting Bloom’s Taxonomy of
learning domains, the DoFL formulates ELOs that cover the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor
domains as is shown in the following table.

                                                               Table 2
                                                  Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs)
     Number                                                       Description                                                    Domain
      ELO 1         Able to internalize religious values, morality, and professional legal ethics based on the value of Islam,   Affective
                    Indonesianness, humanity, and globalization.
      ELO 2         Able to analyze procedural law in the religious courts, which includes family law, civil law, and shari’a    Cognitive
                    economic law, integrative with the value of Islam, Indonesianness, and humanity.
      ELO 3         Able to implement formal law in the Religious Courts individually or in a team.                              Cognitive
      ELO 4         Able to analyze theories and methods of legal findings, in the form of decisions, legal opinion, legal       Cognitive
                    analysis to resolve legal matters in the society.
      ELO 5         Able to implement court administration management in the Religious Courts individually and in a team;        Cognitive
      ELO 6         Able to conduct advocacy, mediation, legal consultation and aids, and legal analysis within litigation       Cognitive
                    and non-litigation individually and in a team.

Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Part 2 AUN-QA Criteria |                             9

   Number                                                    Description                                                      Domain
    ELO 7        Able to implement marriage administration and endowments according to his/her professional                   Cognitive
    ELO 8        Able to conduct research on family law to solve legal problems in society, and disseminate the result        Cognitive
                 using information and communication technology.
    ELO 9        Able to demonstrate communication skills in Indonesia, Arabic, and English orally and written.              Psychomotor
    ELO 10       Able to demonstrate the use of information technology, communication, media effectively to support          Psychomotor
                 professional development.

The formulation of ELOs has undergone planned and systematic discussions involving various
parties, such as dean, academic staff, students, alumni and stakeholders. Furthermore, ELOs
have been evaluated and complemented through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) (Appendix 13),
workshops (Appendix 14), surveys (Appendix 15), and benchmarking (Appendix 16). In general,
the stakeholders approve the review results (Appendix 17).

1.2 The expected learning outcomes cover both subjects specific and generic (i.e.
    transferable) learning outcomes [3]
The design of ELOs accommodates Specific Learning Outcomes and Generic Learning Outcomes
(transferable skills). Courses are designed to prepare students with affective, cognitive and psychomotor
skills, doubled with general and specific outcomes.

                                                          Table 3
                                     Specific Learning Outcomes and Generic Outcomes
             Number                               Specific Learning Outcomes                            Generic Learning outcomes
              ELO 1                                                                                                      √
              ELO 2                                              √
              ELO 3                                              √
              ELO 4                                              √
              ELO 5                                              √
              ELO 6                                              √
              ELO 7                                              √
              ELO 8                                              √                                                       √
              ELO 9                                                                                                      √
             ELO 10                                                                                                      √

                                                                                       Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
                                                                                        Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
10                      Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network–Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)

1.3 The expected learning outcome clearly reflects the requirements of the stakeholders [4]
ELOs reflect the need of stakeholders with regards to students’ competence for their future
professional needs. This is in accordance with the state’s policy, especially the Presidential
Decree No. 8 of 2012 on Indonesian National Qualification Frameworks, stating that the
learning outcomes of the undergraduate program should be at least in the 6th level of the
KKNI (Appendix 1.3.1).

In the formulation and review of ELOs, the DoFL involves internal and external stakeholders, the
Dean and Vice Deans, academic staff, students, alumni, judges, registrars, advocates, family law
consultants, mediators, marriage administrators, and employers. Stakeholders provide inputs in
the formulation of ELOs (Appendix 1.3.3)

The revision of ELOs is conducted once in every four years by involving stakeholders and users.
The latest review was undertaken in 2014 (Appendix 1.3.4) and 2018 (Appendix 1.3.5). This is in
line with the policy of the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education and the Ministry
of Religion with regards to the implementation KKNI (Appendix 1.3.6).

Criterion 2: Program Specification
2.1 The information in the program specification is comprehensive and up-to-date [1,2]
Program Specification information includes: (1) the University’s vision and mission; (2) the Faculty’s
vision and mission; (3) the Department’s vision and mission; (4) the Department’s scientific mandate;
(5) graduate profiles; (6) Program Educational Objectives; (7) Expected Learning Outcomes; (8)
curriculum; (9) job opportunities; (10) student admission; (11) teaching and learning strategies; (12)
student assessments; (13) student supports; (14) facilities and infrastructure; (15) academic staff;
(16) student organizations; (17) alumni association; and (16) code of conduct.

                                                                Table 4
                                                          Program Specification
                                                          Program Specification
 Name of Institution                          Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
 Faculty                                      Shari’a and Law
 Department                                   Family Law (Ahwal al Syakhshiyyah)
 Postal Address                               Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda Number 95, Ciputat, Jakarta 15412, Indonesia
 Teaching Institution                         Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
 Telephone/ Fax.                              (62-21) 74711537, 7401925/ (62-21) 7491821
 Accreditation No.                            No. 2464/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/X/2016

Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Part 2 AUN-QA Criteria |                           11

                                                         Program Specification
 Accreditation Score                       390/ A (Exellent)
 Validity Period                           October 20, 2016 – October 20, 2021 (5 (Five Years)
 Academic Title/ Name of the final award   Sarjana Hukum (SH)
 Code of Study Program                     74230
 Language of Instruction                   Indonesia, Arab and English
 Relevant Study Program                    Legal Science and Shari’a Economic Law
 Study Period                              4 – 6 years
                                           Graduates of pesantren, private Madrasah Aliyah, State-affiliated Madrasah Aliyah, general Senior
 Admission Requirement
                                           High School from all majors and specialities
 Head of Department                        Dr. Abdul Halim, M.Ag.
 Secretary of Department                   Indra Rahmatullah, MH.

The DoFL regularly updates the Program Specification by involving the Faculty leader forum,
the academic staff, and the faculty members (Appendix 2.1.1). The Program Specification has
corresponded the ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) since May 2017. This
has been followed by continuous improvements and changes in management. All information is
compiled in a profile video of the Faculty of Shari’a and Law and made available via Faculty’s and
Department’s Youtube Channel. Additional information includes teaching and learning activities,
students and staff members’ testimonies, and campus life.

2.2 The information in the course specification is comprehensive and up-to-date [1,2]
Course Specification is comprehensively designed according to KKNI and AUN-QA standard (Appendix
2.2.1). All courses are formulated in details as is elaborated in course syllabi (RPS) (Appendix 2.2.2).
According to the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 44
of 2015 on the National Standard of Higher Education (Appendix 2.2.3), courses syllabi consist of:

1)   Name of Department, Course Code, Credits, Name of Lecturers
2)   Timelines
3)   Course outcomes
4)   Teaching materials
5)   Planned final competence to accomplish graduates’ learning achievement
6)   Teaching and learning methods
7)   Time allocation to achieve targeted competences in each learning process
8)   Students assessment description for one semester
9)   Assessment criteria and indicators
10) List of references.

                                                                                       Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
                                                                                        Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
12                      Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network–Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)

The course specifications are updated every year at the beginning of the academic year during the
annual meeting for academic staff. The content is updated by considering the current development
and the recommendations from the stakeholders. The details can be seen in the sample of course
syllabi (Appendix 2.2.4).

2.3 The program and course specifications are communicated and made available to
    the stakeholders [1,2]
Program Specification is comprehensively formulated, documented, published, and communicated
to the stakeholders. All information is made available in print and online in the university
prospectus, brochures, booklets, banners, Academic Guide Book, the university website (www., the faculty website (, and the department website (hk.fsh.uinjkt. The updated Program Specification is published at every beginning of the academic year
in August each year. It is also available in three languages: Indonesian, Arabic, and English.
The dissemination of the Program Specification to stakeholders is planned and done through
activities such as Career Day, Shari’a Event, Focus Group Discussions, workshops, the annual
alumni meeting, and through social media such as WhatsApp group of Family Law, Instagram,
and Facebook (Appendix 2.3.2).

Criterion 3: Program Structure and Content
3.1 The curriculum is designed based on constructive alignment with the Expected
    Learning Outcomes [1]
The current curriculum of the DoFL is based on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework
(KKNI); Rector Decree of Jakarta UIN No. 15 of 2015 on UIN Jakarta Curriculum Development
Guide (Appendix 3.1.1); and Rector Decree of Jakarta UIN No, 215 of 2016 about the Changes
in Rector Decree No. 10 of 2015 on Jakarta UIN Curriculum Development Guide (Appendix
3.1.2). Furthermore, the curriculum is developed based Expected Learning Outcomes. The
change in the curriculum and the revision of ELOs, as part of continuous improvement, have
resulted in a new curriculum of 2018 that is effectively implemented since September 2018
(Appendix 3.1.3).

The curriculum is classified into several curriculum clusters to facilitate ELOs attainment. This means
that the curriculum and credits in each semester aim at supporting the accomplishment of ELOs,
as is shown in the following table:

Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
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Part 2 AUN-QA Criteria |                           13

                                                           Table 5:
                                             Curriculum Clusters based on Content
 No               Cluster                                     Description                                 ELOs          Credit          %
 1    National General Knowledge        To support the accomplishment of ELO 1 related to the
      (NGK)                             concept of Indonesianess, integrated with Islamic values.           1              14        14,10 %
 2    Islamic General Knowledge (IBK)   To support the accomplishment of ELO 1 related to                   1              21        21,14 %
      (Compulsory)                      the concept of Islam integrated with the concept of

 3    Substantive National Law (SNL)    To support the accomplishment of ELO 3 related to                  1, 3            7          6,4 %
      (Compulsory)                      Indonesian private law integrated with Islamic values.
 4    Substantive Islamic Family Law    To support the accomplishment of ELO 1, 2, 4, and 7             1, 2, 4, 7         22        22,15 %
      (SIFL)                            related to material law integrated with the concept of
      (Compulsory)                      Indonesianess and humanity
 5    Procedural Law (PL)               To support the accomplishment of ELO 3, 5, 6, and 7             3, 5, 6, 7         17        17,12 %
      (Compulsory)                      related to the skills of litigation and non-litigation for
                                        graduates’ future as legal professionals, mediators and
                                        legal consultants.
 6    Legal Professional Practicum      To support the accomplishment of ELO 3, 4, 5, 6,               3, 4, 5, 6, 7       16        16,11 %
      (LPP)                             and 7 to obtain knowledge and practical skills in
      (Compulsory)                      the Religious Courts (Religious Courts, Religious High
                                        Courts, and the Supreme Court of Indonesia), such as
                                        advocates, mediators, religious court administrators,
                                        and legal consultants.
 7    Legal Theory (LT)                 To support the accomplishment of ELO 4 and 8 with                  4, 8            22        22,15 %
      (Compulsory)                      regards to knowledge in elaborating theories, legal
                                        opinions (fatwa), legal analysis in as the competence
                                        of graduates.
 8    Skill Knowledge (SK)              To support the accomplishment of ELO 9 and 10 as                  9, 10                      15,10 %
      (Compulsory)                      a mean to achieve life-long learning to promote                                    15
 9    Elective Courses (EC)             To support the accomplishment of ELO 2, 3, 4, and 8             2, 3, 4, 8         6          6,4 %
                                        to provide knowledge for students’ final project (BA
                                        thesis) on the contemporary family law and the skills of
                                        critical thinking, problem-solving, and life-long learning.
 10   Final Project (FP)                To support the accomplishment of ELO 8, 9, and 10                   8              6          6,4 %
      (Compulsory)                      to support the skills of academic writing, analysing,
                                        comparing, critical thinking, self-time management,
                                        self-evaluation, and resources literacy.
                                           Total                                                           146                        100%

In the curriculum structure, every course is designed to contribute to the attainment of ELOs
(Appendix 3.1.4).

                                                                                            Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
                                                                                             Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
14                        Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network–Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)

3.2 The contribution made by each course to achieve the expected learning outcomes
    is clear [2]
The DoFL ensures that all courses contribute to ELOs in different level: Full Compliance (FC),
Moderately Compliance (MC), and Partially Compliance (PC), as is shown by the following table:

                                                                         Table 6:
                                                    Aligning Course to Programme Learning Outcomes
                                                        The curriculum of the Department of Family Law 2018

  Semester                                                                         Prerequisite                   Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs)
              No.               Course                  Cluster   C/E Credit
                                                                               1    2   3    4    5    1      2     3    4     5    6     7    8      9   10

               1    Pancasila                            NGK      C      2

               2    Introduction to Legal Science        NGK      C      2     √

               3    Islamic Studies I                    IGK      C      2     √

               4    Arabic Language                               C      3

               5    Quranic Sciences                     IGK      C      2

     1         6    Hadith Sciences                      IGK      C      2

               7    Islamic Jurisprudence in             IGK      C      2

               8    Indonesian Language                  NGK      C      3

               9    English Language                      SK      C      3     √

                                        Sub Total                       21

                                                                                   Prerequisite                   Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs)
  Semester    No.               Course                  Cluster   C/E Credit
                                                                               1    2   3    4    5    1      2     3    4     5    6     7    8      9   10

              10    Civic Education                      NGK      C      2

              11    Introduction to Indonesian           NGK      C      2

              12    Islamic Studies II                   IGK      C      2          √

              13    Principles of Islamic                 LT      C      3          √
                    Jurisprudence I

              14    Legal Logic and Reasoning             LT      C      2

              15    History of Islamic Law (Tarikh        IBK     C      2
     2              Tasyri’)

              16    Practicum of Worship                 LPP      C      1

              17    Islam and Knowledge                  IGK      C      3

              18    Reading of Islamic Legal              SK      C      2
                    Resources (Qira’atul Kutub)

              19    English for Legal Studies             SK      C      2          √

              20    Quranic Recitation Practicum         LPP      C      1

                                        Sub Total                       22

Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Part 2 AUN-QA Criteria |                                 15

                                                                                   Prerequisite                        Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs)
 Semester   No.               Course                   Block   C/E Credit
                                                                               1    2    3   4    5        1       2        3       4   5   6   7   8      9   10

            21    Constitutional Law                    NGK     C      2

            22    Contract Law                          SNFL    C      2

            23    Islamic Jurisprudence on              SIFL    C      2
                  Marriage I

            24    Islamic Jurisprudence on              SIFL    C      2
                  Inheritance I

            25    Principles of Islamic                 SIFL    C      3
                  Jurisprudence II

            26    Quranic Exegesis on Islamic           SIFL    C      3
   3              Law/ Tafsir Ahkam

            27    Hadith on Islamic Law/ Hadis          SIFL    C      3

            28    Islamic Jurisprudence on              IBK     C      2
                  Economy/ Fiqh Muamalat

            29    Islamic Jurisprudence on              IBK     C      2
                  Politics/ Fiqh Siyasah

            30    Islamic Jurisprudence on              IBK     C      2
                  Criminal Law/ Fiqh Jinayah

                                          Sub Total                   23

                                                                              Prerequisite                             Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs)
Semester    No.   Course                              Block    C/E   Credit
                                                                              1    2    3    4    5    1       2        3       4       5   6   7   8      9   10

            31    Criminal Law                          NGK     C      2                     √

            32    Procedural Law                        SNFL    C      3                     √

            33    Islamic Jurisprudence on              SIFL    C      3
                  Marriage/ Fiqh Munakahat II

            34    Islamic Jurisprudence on              SIFL    C      3
                  Inheritance/ Fiqh Mawaris II

   4        35    Methods in Islamic
                  Jurisprudence /Qowaid
                                                                C      3

            36    Sociology of Law                              C      2

            37    Philosophy of Islamic Law                     C      2

            38    Islamic Astronomy/ Ilmu                       C      3

                                   Sub Total                          21

                                                                                                      Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
                                                                                                       Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
16                        Self Assessment Report (SAR) ASEAN University Network–Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)

                                                                                    Prerequisite                       Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs)
  Semester    No.                Course               Cluster   C/E Credit
                                                                                1    2    3   4    5       1       2        3       4   5   6   7   8      9   10

              39    Criminal Procedural Law              PL      C         2                       √

              40    Private Procedural Law               PL      C         3                       √

              41    Comparative Islamic Legal           SIFL     C         2
                    Thoughts on Marriage/ M.M.
                    Fil Munakahat

              42    Religious Courts in Indonesia        PL      C         3

              43    Issues in Islamic                   SIFL     C         2
                    Jurisprudence/ Masail
     5        44    Philosophy of Law                    LT      C         2

              45    Customary Law                       NGK      C         2

              46    Agrarian and Endowment              SNFL     C         2

              47    Research Methods                     LT      C         2

              48    Religious Court                              C         2
                    Administration Management

                                    Sub Total                         22

                                                                               Prerequisite                            Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs)
Semester      No.   Course                            Cluster   C/E   Credit
                                                                               1    2    3    4    5   1       2        3       4       5   6   7   8      9   10

              49    Advocacy                             PL      C         2

              50    Statutory Science                    PL      C         2

              51    Arabic Manuscript Studies            SK      C         2

              52    Procedural Law in the Religious      PL      C         3

              53    Family Law Jurisprudence                     C         2
     6        54    Religious Affairs Office            LPP      C         2

              55    Methods in Legal Research            LT      C         3

              56    IT-Based Case Management                     C         2

              57    Student Community Service           LPP      C         3

                                    Sub Total                          20

                                                                                    Prerequisite                       Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs)
  Semester    No.                Course               Cluster   C/E Credit
                                                                                1    2    3   4    5       1       2        3       4   5   6   7   8      9   10

              58    Internship                          LPP      C         2

              59    Mediation Practicum                 LPP      C         2
     7        60    Religious Courts Practicum          LPP      C         2

                                    Sub Total                              6

Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Part 2 AUN-QA Criteria |                           17

                                                                                    Prerequisite                  Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs)
 Semester    No.               Course               Cluster        C/E Credit
                                                                                1   2    3    4    5     1    2     3    4     5    6     7    8      9   10

             61    BA Thesis                                              6
                                                         FP        C
   8               Comprehensive Exam                                     0

                                      Sub Total                           6

                                                         Elective Course of Department of Family Law 2018

                                                                                    Prerequisite                  Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs)
 Semester    No.               Course               Cluster        C/E Credit
                                                                                1   2    3    4    5     1    2     3    4     5    6     7    8      9   10

             62    Family Law in the Islamic             EC        E      2
                   World *

             63    Islamic Law and Human                 EC        E      2

             64    Children and Women                    EC        E      2
                   Protection Law *

             65    International Procedural              EC        E      2
                   Law (2) *
   7         66    Islamic Economic Law*                 EC        E      2

             67    Family Financial                      EC        E      2

             68    Computer Assisted Test                EC        E      2
                   System *

             69    Entrepreneurship*                     EC        E      2

                                      Sub Total                           6

  NGK       National General Knowledge                        LT         Legal Theory
  IBK       Islamic General Knowledge                         SK         Skill Knowledge
  SNL       Substantive National Law                          E          Elective Course
  SIFL      Substantive Islamic Family Law                    FP         Final Project
   PL       Procedural Law                                    C          Compulsory Course
  LPP       Legal Professional Practicum

            Course outcomes, contents, teaching and learning approaches of this course are fully
            aligned with the ELO.
            Course outcomes, contents, teaching and learning approaches of this course are partially
            aligned with the ELO at the intermediate level.
            Course outcomes, contents, teaching and learning approaches of this course are partially
            aligned with the ELO at the basic level.
   *        Recommended elective course fully aligned with the ELO.

The contribution of the courses to the attainment of ELO covers three domains: affective,
psychomotor, and cognitive, as is in the Bloom Taxonomy concept. The contribution of course
outcomes can be seen in the sample of Islamic Jurisprudence of Marriage course syllabi.

                                                                                                       Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law
                                                                                                        Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
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