AUTOMATION: Hands free machinery - Bitly

Page created by Jon Baker
AUTOMATION: Hands free machinery - Bitly

                             Hands free machinery

KEEPING TRIM: arborist
tools for the season ahead
Re-wilding site showcases
best environmental practice
news, events and the latest                               THE UK’S
                                                          NUMBER 1
in groundscare & turf                                  LANDSCAPING

AUTOMATION: Hands free machinery - Bitly
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AUTOMATION: Hands free machinery - Bitly
                                                                                                                   020 8641 7979


 ER                                                                                                                         Email:

      VICE                       A COMPANY YOU
                                    EDITOR'S   CAN TRUST • WWW.GROUNDSERV.CO.UK
                                                                                                             @landscaper_ed /TheLandscaperMagazine

                                                         The British weather lived up            But, while it may be all hands on deck for
                                                          to expectations this summer!         arborists over the next few months, Greg Rhodes
                                                           Somewhat unpredictable and          has other ideas on managing a workload for those
                                                           typically erratic. The rain did its on the tools. He has been investigating the rise
                                                          best at times to try and dampen      of automated machines at a project being run at
                                                         the mood as we ventured out,          Harper Adams CollegeCall us researching
                                                                                                                               on:        the cutting
                                                       jabbed up and ready to go, to meet      edge of robotic technology on a large scale. Follow
                                                    long lost colleagues face to face once                                 020
                                                                                               the story on page 18, where Greg discovers that
                                    again at various summer shows and events across            although there are still many hurdles to overcome,
                                    the country.
                                                                                               hands-free machinery may well be coming to a
                                       And now as autumn blusters in, we continue to                                      7979
                                                                                               pitch near you in the not too distant future.
                                    network as more trade shows open up and take                 Plenty more to read too - from a review on the
                                    us to likes of SALTEX and the Landscape Show               Toyota Hilux (page 37) to a project recently opened
     Machinery                          QUALITY
                                    (both  incidentallyUSED
                                                          at the NECGROUNDCARE
                                                                       running side by side MACHINERY
                                                                                               by landscapersDEALERS
                                                                                                                  Ground Control to showcase
     bought and sold                in November). Don’t forget, too that we’ve still           best practice in managing biodiversity and the
                                    to visit the floral extravaganza that is the RHS           environment within the industry.
     Golf, sports and               Chelsea Flower Show (September 21-26) to be held
     landscape machinery            for the first time in the Fall. Do put the dates in
     45 years’ experience           diary - these exhibitions are well worth the visit.
                                       As the leaves fall it also heralds a time to
                                    start on plans for pruning and cutting back
     ALL TYPES OF                   of hedgerows and trees. The nesting season
                                    is generally over, so it is pretty safe to say no          Maggie Walsh, Editor
                                    fledglings or birds are likely to be disturbed. And
                                    if you take a look at page 28 you’ll find some top
                                    tools that will keep the peace with the neighbours
     • Ride-on tractors             too – noise reduction is key to many power                 Next issue copy deadline: SALTEX issue: September 23rd, 2021.
                                    products today – as you go about your work.                To advertise please email us at
     • Wood chippers
     • Fairway and tees mowers
     • Pedestrian cylinder mowers
     • Blowers and vacuums                        D|TES                                



     • Compact tractors                        MACHINERY

     • Ground preparation machinery                V I C E*Unless otherwise stated                A COMPANY YOU CAN TRUST
                                          *Unless otherwise stated

                                                                                 QUALITY USED GROUNDCARE MACHINERY DEALERS
                                       ALL TYPES OF
                                       GROUNDCARE                                                                                  Machinery bought
                                       MACHINERY                                                                                       and sold
                                       AND SOLD                                                                                     Golf, sports and
                                                                                                                                 landscape machinery
                                       • Ride-on tractors
                                       • Wood chippers                                                                           45 years’ experience

                                       • Fairway and tees mowers
                                       • Pedestrian cylinder mowers
                                       • Blowers and vacuums                                                         

                                       • Compact tractors
                                       • Ground preparation                                      A COMPANY                           Call us on:
                                                                                                YOU CAN TRUST                   020 8641 7979

                                      PO52345-Groundserv-Slider Ad New Sizes 150x108mm.indd 1                                                06/05/2021 10:34
                                                                                                   The Landscaper | Issue 256 | September 2021            5
AUTOMATION: Hands free machinery - Bitly
@landscaper_ed                     /TheLandscaperMagazine

                                                               Maggie Walsh | 07787 555 798 |
                                                                                                                                                                          News........................................................................ 09
                                                               Contributors                                                                                               Appointments......................................................... 14
                                                               Greg Rhodes | George Barrow | Paula Warman
                                                               Media sales executive                                                                                      Events........................................................................15
                                                               Jana Silver | 0208 939 5600 |
                                                               Design and production                                                                                      SALTEX preview...................................................... 16

                                                               Circulation and subscriptions                                                                              Hands free machinery.......................................... 18
                                                               Maggie Walsh |
                                                                                                                                                                          Landscaper's Circle............................................... 26
                                                               The Landscaper is owned and published by Sheengate Publishing Ltd.
                                                               The Landscaper is an entirely independent magazine. It is not a member
                                                               of any trade association or society.
                                                                                                                                                                          Arborist tool review.............................................. 28
                                                               Sheengate Publishing Ltd                                                                                   Landscape & environment................................... 32

                                                               Unit A4, Kingsway Business Park
                                                               Oldfield Road, Hampton TW12 2HD
                                                                                                                                                                          Landscaping & design........................................... 34
                                                               0208 939 5600
                                                                                                                                             Work vehicles......................................................... 37
                                                               Managing director                                                                                          RHS Chelsea review.............................................. 38
                                                               Alex Whitney
                                                                                                                                                                          Groundscare and Turf........................................... 42
                                                               Con Crowley

IMPROVE HEALTH, REDUCE LOSSES                                              Nothing in this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the
                                                                           publishers. Readers intending to purchase goods or services from advertisers should
                                                                           make their own enquiries if in any doubt. Every endeavour has been made to ensure
                                                                           that all the information published in this magazine is as accurate as possible. Neither the
                                                                                                                                                                          Cover Story: The all-new Helion Alpha hedge-trimmer
                                                                                                                                                                          with an on-board 260 battery being used at plant nursery
                                                                                                                                                                          Readyhedge. Pellenc products are exclusively distributed in

                                                                           publishers nor their agents can be held responsible for any errors or omissions; nor shall
                                                                           they be liable for any loss or damage to any person acting on the information contained
                                                                                                                                                                          the UK by Etesia UK. For further information, please contact
                                                                           in the magazine. Copyright © 2021                                                              Etesia UK on 01295 680120 or visit

   Reduces transplant shock and promotes vigorous growth
   Activates natural defence systems                               Remote Workflow PACNEW                                                                                                Digital, mobile workflow
                                                                                                                                                                                         management, field data access,
   Boosts immunity and increases disease resilience                                        KAGE
   Naturally retains moisture and minimises drought stress
                                                                   Management         ZERO SET-UP                                                                                        safety and planning software
                                                                                                                                                                                         for landscaping

   Carbon Gold Biochar Tree Soil Improver
                                                                   from office to site FEES                                                                                              • Create jobs and tasks, add all information
                                                                                                                                                                                           and sync to users’ mobiles in the field.
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Schedule users in the calendar and assign
                                                                     Schedule                                                                                                              pinpoint map locations to jobs.

                      Multiple sizes available                       Capture
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Add landscaping specific digital forms
                                                                                                                                                                                           and workflows, accessed on or offline.
                      including 20kg and bulk bags                   Track                                                                                                               • Assign materials and equipment to jobs
                                                                                                                                                                                           and users with codes for tracking,
                                                                     Invoice                                                                                                               maintenance and SHEQ.

                      Biochar Tree Fertiliser also available         Report
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Mark-up images, sign off forms and tag all
                                                                                                                                                                                           submissions with time/date/location tags.
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Produce quotes and invoices within the app
                                                                                                                                                                                           using a Bill of Quantities and inbuilt calculators.
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Receive information and produce reports
                                                                                                                                                                                           to make data-driven decisions and improve
                                                                                                                                                                                           costs, safety and efficiency.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       BOOK                                                                          | 01392 574002 |
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A DEMO
                                                                                                                                                                         The Landscaper | Issue 256 | September 2021                                 7
AUTOMATION: Hands free machinery - Bitly
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                                                                                                                Horticulture exports fall
  nd r to
La nso oud
  o r
Sp P

                                                                                               Impact of post-Brexit trade restrictions sees value of horticultural
                               Working                                                                     exports drop almost 40% says the HTA

                               to create
                               landscapes to
                               be proud of
                               We are more than a supplier.
                               Choose Green-tech and you
                               get a trusted business partner.
                               • Over 25 years servicing the
                                 landscaping and forestry industries
                                                                                    Increased costs and restrictions on the UK horticulture       plants combined with the additional costs and complexity
                               • Renowned for our professional                      industry to export to the EU have seen a marked drop          of inspections and necessary paperwork. These factors
                                 advice and technical know-how                      in the value of trade in the first six months of the year,    combined mean that it simply isn’t viable for many to
                                                                                    demonstrating a missed opportunity for the sector to          trade with customers on the continent.
                               • Vast warehousing and                               grow its contribution to UK ‘green trade’.                       Says David Millais, who runs Millais Nurseries
                                 stock holding capabilities                            Research conducted by the Horticultural Trades             near Farnham in Surrey: “Before Brexit, we exported
                                                                                    Association (HTA) shows that exports of live plants and       5-10% of our production to botanic gardens and
                               • All your landscaping materials available           plant materials* from the UK to the EU between January        specialist plant centres, and to many repeat retail
                                 from one company and on one delivery               and June this year were valued at £9.7m, compared             customers, who bought directly from our website.
                                                                                    with £16m in the same period of 2019 – a decrease of          We redesigned our website to enable us to capitalise
                               • Next day delivery
                                                                                    39%. Rest of the world sales have remained broadly            on this market and grew this part of the business
                               • Competitive pricing                                static. This, says the HTA, shows that although the           by 20%. Brexit has completely stopped this. The
                                                                                    EU is still the largest market for British horticultural      disproportionate inspection and freight charges now
                               • Excellent customer care                            products, the industry is not growing as it could. Extra      mean there is no point in attempting to send small
                                                                                    new administrative costs and restrictions are resulting       orders to Europe because the costs make exports
                                                                                    in British horticulture businesses choosing not to pursue     unviable for all concerned.”
                                                                                    markets in the EU.                                               David Fryer, Head of Technical at seed company Mr
                                                                                       “We had long suspected that this heavy-handed              Fothergill’s of Newmarket, explains the situation: “We’re
                                                                                    regime would put too many barriers in the way of those        having to spend so much time navigating the cost of
                                                       Click or                     who had hoped to grow a customer base in Europe.              inspections and certificates, the cost of planning and
                                                     call now to                    Much of the £24bn horticulture industry is made up            management and the risk of consignment delays or
                                                      order our                     of small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) who               rejections, plus limitations on what we can export now
                                                                                    want to champion ‘green trade’ and export the hugely          and reduced customer confidence means that we are
                                                                                    iconic British plants, seeds and trees we produce here.       unable to focus on growth in the EU while we manage
                               T: 01423 332100                                      However, the bureaucratic obstacles and huge costs            these new ways of working.”
                               E:                            are making it business-sapping and unviable. This is             The HTA’s ‘Let Britain Grow’ campaign calls on the
                                                                                    preventing SMEs to grow and lead a post-Brexit trade          Government to review existing inspection levels and
                                                      renaissance,” says James Clark, Director of Policy and        costs and negotiate a plant health agreement between
                                 @greentechltd   @greentechuk      green-tech-ltd   Communications at the HTA.                                    the UK and the EU. This will enable the multi-billion
                                                                                       First-hand experiences of HTA members tell a story of      pound sector to boost the nation’s economic growth and
                                                                                    businesses frustrated by problems transporting their live     fuel international trade post-Brexit.

                                                                                                                                                 The Landscaper | Issue 256 | September 2021           9
AUTOMATION: Hands free machinery - Bitly
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                NEWS

                       New Chapter for turf festival                                                                                         GMA survey for turf-care industry
The turfcare industry reunited for the first time in over 18
months at the Warwickshire Event Centre as the inaugural
Festival of Turf took place beneath clear blue skies.
   With live music playing on a grand stage and ample
opportunities for networking, the exhibition brought a
celebratory festival feel, aided by clear sunshine and
warm weather.
   COVID protocols ensured the health and safety of
those in attendance who came to visit more than 40
exhibitors from across the turfcare industry showcasing
their latest innovations and products.
   Among the highlights was John Ledwidge, head of
sports turf and grounds at Leicester City FC taking to the
grand stage for a Q&A session hosted by Martin Smart
of Turf Business, who were official media partners for
                                                                 Q & A with John Ledwidge, head of sports turf and grounds
the event.
                                                                                   at Leicester City FC
   Also taking place was the presentation of the BIGGA
Excellence in Communication Award sponsored by                 those who did attend engaged meaningfully with the
Campey Turf Care Systems, which saw James Bledge,              exhibitors and reconnected with friends and peers.
course manager at Royal Cinque Ports, awarded the top             “Our thanks go to everyone who came along and
prize for a thought-provoking feature he produced on the       rekindled old friendships, struck new deals and enjoyed
use of bunker rakes.                                           being together after so long apart.
   BIGGA CEO Jim Croxton said: “We owe a tremendous               BIGGA now turns its attention to BTME, taking place
debt of gratitude to all the exhibitors who signed up to       in January 2022, returning to the Harrogate Convention
support BIGGA and its members at what we hope is the           Centre for the first time since 2020.
beginning of a strong new chapter for the golf and wider          BTME will take place from Tuesday 25 to Thursday 27
sports turf industry.                                          January 2022. Visitor registration will open this autumn.
   “There was a tremendous atmosphere as visitors and          There will also be the return of in-person learning as
suppliers came together face-to-face for the first time in     BIGGA’s world leading Continue to Learn education
18 months and the overriding feeling was one of optimism.      programme returns to the venue on Sunday 23 to
While visitor numbers were not as high as hoped for,           Wednesday 26 January 2022.

                                                                                                                             The Grounds Management Association (GMA), one                  respondents believe to be most valuable and relevant
              Open space management company                                                                                  year after offering those working or volunteering in
                                                                                                                             the industry a chance to shape its future membership
                                                                                                                                                                                            following a year like no other. The GMA is also working
                                                                                                                                                                                            on its digital offering, with its website due to be
                 gains carbon neutral status                                                                                 offerings, is once again opening the door for feedback
                                                                                                                             from the turf-care community.
                                                                                                                                                                                            relaunched in 2022.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Geoff Webb, CEO at the GMA, explains: "A lot
                                                                                                                                Members and non-members are being asked for                 has changed over the 12 months, since we concluded
Open space management company Meadfleet have                   Chairman at Meadfleet said, “As part of our long-term         feedback on what they value and would like to see              our previous insight surveys. We know that having
achieved carbon neutral status and are the first in their      commitment to fighting climate change, we’ve pledged to       the GMA do for its members and the wider sector                a professional community for networking and
industry sector to accomplish this.                            measure, reduce and offset our carbon emissions every         going forwards, by taking part in two surveys - one            support can be a vital strength but crucially, we
   With climate change front and centre for the                year. This year, we have chosen to offset our annual          for individuals working across the sector and one              want to continue listening to our members and the
construction industry, it’s never been more important for      emissions with carbon credits from Ripple Africa, a UK        for businesses or suppliers operating in the turf-             turf-care community.
supplier companies like Meadfleet to demonstrate the           charity with a UN verified offsetting scheme in Malawi.       care industry. The two surveys will be open until mid             "We have a number of plans for the months ahead
value they can bring to housebuilders who are under               “In addition to offsetting our current emissions, we’ve    September 2021.                                                and want to ensure that our work continues to be
increasing pressure to embrace climate action.                 chosen to go one step further and offset all historical          The GMA previously conducted industry research              informed by insight so, whether you're a profesional
   As a carbon neutral open space management                   carbon emissions, equivalent to more than our estimated       in August 2020 and is looking to build on this research        or volunteer, or represent a supplier or service, your
company, Meadfleet offer clients a range of services           total emissions for the past 25 years – since Meadfleet       whilst gathering further feedback to inform its activity       opinion matters. Take part in our survey and help us
that are designed to promote sustainability and reduce         first began.                                                  over the following year, particularly with changing            shape a positive future.”
environmental harm. For housebuilders with climate                “Achieving carbon neutral status is an important first     priorities now the national outlook looking increasingly          Respondents of the survey will have the
action on their agenda, it’s the perfect match.                step but we must stress that climate action is a long-term    positive as the UK continues to take its final steps out of    opportunity to enter a prize draw to win one of four
   Meadfleet is a signatory of the UN Climate Neutral          mission for Meadfleet. We’re fully committed to reducing      the pandemic.                                                  £50 VEX gift certificates. Respondents can also
Now initiative which was launched in 2015 to encourage         the impact Meadfleet has on the planet for years to come,        By gathering data, the GMA will look to review its          choose to remain anonymous.
organisations around the globe to work together to             by reducing emissions, protecting trees and plants in our     existing benefits to members, as well as what it can              To find out how to join in with the survey visit:
achieve a climate-neutral world by 2050. Paul Miller,          care and promoting sustainability.”                           offer the sector by looking to better understand what

 10                                                                                                                                                         The Landscaper | Issue 256 | September 2021         11
AUTOMATION: Hands free machinery - Bitly

          Green-tech achieves ISO accreditation
                  for 10th year running

                                        The Green-tech team, proud of their achievment

Green-tech is delighted to have been awarded ISO                 can have their ISO status removed if they are unable to       NEw
9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 status for the 10th                 demonstrate that progress is maintained.
year running.                                                       ISO 14001 requires Green-tech to manage their
   ISO Certification is a seal of approval from an external      environmental impact. The company had to demonstrate
body whereby a company complies to one of the                    that they have an environmental policy in place and a          ONE motor.                                          The latest additions to the STIHL AP system are our most
                                                                                                                                                                                    powerful yet. The KMA 135 R KombiEngine is perfect for
internationally recognised ISO management systems.
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are two of the ISO's most well-
                                                                 plan to manage their environmental impact.
                                                                    The British Assessment Bureau is a leading Certification
                                                                                                                                multiple tools.                                     professionals that need to take on different types of jobs,
                                                                                                                                                                                    thanks to its 12 interchangeable KombiTools. So whether
known standards. They are implemented by more than a
million organisations in over 170 countries.
                                                                 Body, that carries out the independent assessment to
                                                                 confirm and document that Green-tech runs its business in
                                                                                                                                BATTERY POWERED.                                    you‘re trimming grass, clearing leaves, cutting hedges or
                                                                                                                                                                                    pruning trees – you’ll be ready for any challenge.
   ISO 9001 is a Quality Management System (QMS)                 accordance with these rigorous standards.                      ƒ
which gives organisations a systematic approach for                 Mark Wood, Business Development Director
meeting customer objectives and providing consistent             commenting on the certification, “We take our corporate                                                            “Having the KMA 135 R KombiEngine and my KombiTools
quality. ISO 14001 is an Environmental Management                responsibility very seriously and working within the ISO                                                           means I can take on any type of job with ease. It handles
System (EMS) for measuring and improving                         framework helps Green-tech to deliver high levels of                                                               well, runs quietly and is fully compatible with any AP System
environmental impact.                                            business performance and customer service. It is not                                                               battery. Work doesn’t get much better than this.”
   Green-tech had to undertake a rigorous audit to retain        an easy thing to achieve, and we are one of a handful                                                              – Tobias Schwartke, horticulturist and landscaper
its accreditation status, which they first achieved in 2011.     of landscaping companies with this accreditation to
The requirements have changed over the last decade               our name, so I am delighted that we met the audit’s in-
and the company has successfully kept up to date and             depth scrutiny to retain our ISO status. We hope it gives
adapted to meet these changes.                                   our stakeholders, customers and suppliers independent          PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE:
   ISO 9001 requires Green-tech to demonstrate that              reassurance of our commitment to delivering quality            THE KMA 135 R CORDLESS KOMBIENGINE.
they have a Quality Management System which ensures              products and service and our pledge to reducing                WITH RG-KM CUTTING HEAD.
consistency and improvement in their service. Green-             our environment impact whilst becoming a more                                                                      MULTIPLE              LONG SERVICE            PERFECTLY
                                                                                                                                AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL STIHL DEALER. STIHL.CO.UK   KOMBITOOLS            LIFE                    BALANCED
tech has committed to continuous improvement and                 sustainable organisation.”

AUTOMATION: Hands free machinery - Bitly
APPOINTMENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   EVENTS

                             Moving places                                                                                    Iseki roadshow
                                                                                                                              ISEKI UK & Ireland are on the road this September and
                                                                                                                              October. Joining local dealers they will be showcasing
             The Landscaper Magazine congratulates the following in their                                                     their full range of compact tractors and mowers at a
              new roles across the landscaping and turf care industries                                                       variety of sites across England, Scotland and Wales.
                                                                                                                                Each location will offer opportuntities to test drive
                                                                                                                              the machines and meet the ISEKI staff with full and
                                                                                                                              professional demonstrations offered throughout each day.
New appointment for                                              Fergal Greenan, will assist sales across Ireland. His          Whether you are looking for a versatile sub compact
Countrywide Grounds Maintenance                                extensive skillset has been displayed while working            23hp tractor or a 67hp tractor there is a machine to suit
                                                               on various major golf courses in the US through the            your needs. Or there's a chance to hop on a range of         30th Sept DORSET ABA Groundcare, Kingston Maurward
                      Countrywide Grounds                      prestigious Ohio State Program.                                mowers, from the renowned cut and collect SF and SXG         College, Dorchester
                      Maintenance welcomes Phil                  He also boasts a degree in Agricultural Science,             range, to the fearsome SRA brushcutters, capable of          5th Oct TURRIFF Balgownie, Turriff Showground
                      Rogers as the new Business               Horticulture, Landscape and Sports Turf Management             cutting anything it can push over.                           4, 6, 7 & 8th Oct SCOTLAND Gammies
                      Development Manager. With 25             and a Certificate in Teaching, utilised in his previous role                                                                11th Oct EDINBURGH Fairways GM
                      years of experience in the industry      as a lecturer at the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural    Put the date in your diary.                                  12th Oct GLASGOW Fairways GM
                      he will oversee operations across        Enterprise (CAFRE) in Antrim, Northern Ireland.                7th & 8th Sept AYLESBURY RT Machinery, Brackwell Farm        13th Oct NEWCASTLE Rickerby
                      Northern England and Scotland.             Fergal will be working under Colman Warde, Ireland           9th Sept CHESHIRE Sharrocks, Woodside Golf Club, Crewe       14th Oct COUNTY DURHAM Rickerby, Knotty Hill Golf Club,
     Phil Rogers          Speaking on his appointment,         Country Manager, to build the business and to support          21st Sept NORTH WALES Llyn ATV, Glasyfrn Parc, Y Ffor        Stock-on-Tees
Rogers says: "I am excited to get started and work with        ICL distributors.                                              22nd Sept SURREY Ernest Doe Power, Staines Rugby Club        18th Oct WORCESTERSHIRE TH White, Redditch
our northern teams, maintaining our quality service and                                                                       23rd Sept READING John Day Engineering Depot                 19th Oct LINCOLNSHIRE Chandlers Farm Equipment, Belton Depot
growing the customer base.                                     Change in leadership at Reesink UK                             28th Sept CORNWALL Nigel Rafferty Groundcare,                20th Oct OXFORDSHIRE Turney Group
   "We want to continue to grow our presence across                                                                           Royal Cornwall Showground                                    21st Oct EAST ANGLIA Ernest Doe & Sons,
the UK, allowing us to serve more customers and                                         Reesink UK has announced that         29th Sept DEVON MST Group, Bicton College                    Tewin Bury Hotel, Welwyn.
develop employment to benefit local economies. Directly                                 David Cole will be stepping down
employing local people is key to our success; they take                                 from his role managing director in
pride in their community and have an invested interest to                               April 2022.
provide a great service.”                                                                  David has passionately and
                                                                                        successfully overseen the
New Technical Area Sales Managers for ICL                                               company’s turfcare, agriculture,
                                                                                        used machinery and electric
                       ICL has announced the appointment             David Cole         vehicles business since 2014,
                       of Rob Ainscough and Fergal             and had previously worked for the former Lely
                       Greenan company as technical area       business between 1990-1999. The reasons for his
                       sales managers.                         departure are personal; he says: “There are no
                          Rob, who will manage the             business reasons attached to this, only personal. The
                       territory across North West             unexpected loss of my wife last year was a huge blow.
                       England, has always held an             And after seeing the business through some strange
   Fergal Greenan      interest in the science behind          and challenging times and identifying clearer waters
                       sports surfaces, which he says was      ahead, my desire now is to spend more time with and
                       ignited after playing a wide range of   focus on my grandchildren.”
                       sports from an early age. Following        Leading the recruitment process alongside David is
                       a stint of work experience with         Roon Hylkema, divisional director of Reesink UK’s parent
                       grounds staff at Bolton Wanderers       company, Royal Reesink. Roon comments: “Reesink UK
                       FC , he decided to pursue a career      is one of the UK’s leading turfcare distributors and has 38
                       in sports turf. He undertook a          years working with The Toro Company, as such the role of
   Rob Ainscough
                       National Diploma at Myerscough          managing director presents an exciting opportunity for the
                       College, during which time he           right candidate.
volunteered to be part of the greenkeeping team at the            “The company has history on its side, stability and
Scottish Open at Loch Lomond Golf Course.                      longevity, but also exciting growth opportunities as we
   Rob then spent time in Australia working at Manly           look to continue David’s good work diversifying our
Golf Club and Royal Sydney Golf Club and on his return         offering, introducing new brands and new product lines
to the UK he took up an old position at Leigh Golf Club,       that compliment our core activities.”                                                                                          +44 (0)20 7821 8221   @LandscapeEvent

Cheshire and was quickly promoted to Head Greenkeeper             Work will start shortly to identify David’s successor and

at 25 years old.                                               to enable a handover period before next April.

 14                                                                                                                                                        The Landscaper | Issue 256 | September 2021                                        15
AUTOMATION: Hands free machinery - Bitly
SALTEX PREVIEW                                                                                                                                                                                                            EVENTS

                       Innovation at SALTEX                                                                                                    Birthday celebrations for
                                                                                                                                                 the Landscape Show
                                                                                                                             The industry show, LANDSCAPE is pleased to
                                                                                                                             announce its 10th anniversary show will take place on
                                                                                                                             Wednesday 3rd & Thursday 4th November 2021, at the
                                                                                                                             National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham.
                                                                                                                                Partnering with The Landscaper Magazine the
                                                                                                                             event brings together our common goal of promoting,
                                                                                                                             supporting and inspiring landscaping professionals to be
                                                                                                                             leaders of an environmentally, ethically and commercially
                                                                                                                             sustainable landscape services industry.
                                                                                                                                Welcoming over 200 exhibitors with a vast
                                                                                                                             collection of industry-leading products and services,
                                                                                                                             LANDSCAPE 2021 is free to attend and offers a
                                                                                                                             chance for those working in landscaping and design
                                                                                                                             the chance to keep up to date with the latest news and
                                                                                                                             innovations within the industry.
                                                                                                                                LANDSCAPE research suggests that 86% of visitors
                                                                                                                             are very likely to recommend and use an exhibitor for a        rooftop gardens and climate change being just some of
                                                                                                                             future project, and the exhibitor list continues to go from    the many topics on the agenda.
                                                                                                                             strength-to-strength year-on-year.                                The event will be open from 10am-6pm on
                                                                                                                                This year there will be 44 seminars across two days         Wednesday 3rd November and 10am-5pm on Thursday
                                                                                                                             offering the most up-to-date and current seminar               4th November. To register for free tickets visit the
                    Geoff Webb awards John Coleman (left) the 2019 Innovation for Cub Cadet INFINICUT®                       programme in the industry with lighting, arboriculture,        registration page at

As the date for the return of the renowned trade               the show guide, they can pin-point the innovations they
show SALTEX approaches, organisers the Grounds                 want to see and make their way to the relevant stands.
Management Association (GMA) has announced
additional, new categories to the SALTEX Innovation
                                                                  Entering the SALTEX Innovation Award is an
                                                               unmissable opportunity for exhibitors as every innovation                           Retail therapy at GLEE
Award, a prestigious hallmark for products showcasing          will be featured on the trade show’s website and in the
the future of groundscare.                                     official show guide – helping to draw even more of a                                                                         Glee 2021 lands at the NEC Birmingham from the 14th –
   Since its launch at SALTEX in 2017, the Innovation          crowd to their stand.                                                                                                        16th September, 2021. This year the garden retail event
Award has helped to highlight some of the most ground-            The worthy winners will not only be presented with the                                                                    brings over 300 brands to the exhibition roster, covering
breaking, innovative products and services within the          coveted award at the exhibition but will also receive post-                                                                  eight core product sectors – garden care, landscaping
groundscare industry and this year, visitors will notice       show media coverage.                                                                                                         and garden decoration, outdoor entertaining, plants,
some remarkable differences.                                      Commenting on the award, GMA CEO Geoff Webb                                                                               jome, gift and Clothing, PAW (pet & animal wellbeing),
   There are now several innovation categories,                says: “We launched the SALTEX Innovation Award to                                                                            retail services and experiences, and food and catering.
which include:                                                 celebrate the very best in new groundscare technology.                                                                          As well as debut brands, visitors to the show
• Machinery                                                    The competition has significantly grown year on year,                                                                        can expect to see the return of big brands such as
• Hand tools                                                   and the Innovation Award has helped to put a wide                                                                            Landmann, Apollo Gardening and Azpects.
• Consumables                                                  number of products on the map.                                                                                                  A Glee Connect app will help guide visitors to new
• Vehicles                                                        “After considering the wide variety of innovations                                                                        products and provide a chance for some networking.
• Environmental / Sustainability                               which enter the competition each year, we felt it                                                                            There will also be a free, three-day seminar programme
• Information technology                                       appropriate to introduce several categories rather than                                                                      organised in conjunction with the HTA (Horticultural
• Equipment                                                    just one overall winner.”                                                                                                    Trades Association), providing an enriched programme
• Robotics                                                        Rigby Taylor’s Intelligent One autonomous robotic                                                                         of expert business and garden retail advice to help grow
   All submitted entries are evaluated by an independent       line marker and Fleet Line Markers’ MAQA line marking                                                                        business through challenging trading conditions. This
panel of judges before a final shortlist is devised. The       machine were joint winners of the first ever SALTEX                                                                          content will be derived from extensive industry research
finalists will be announced in the lead-up to the show         Innovation Award. In 2018, Agrovista Amenity’s ground-                                                                       and is set to tackle key talking points, struggles and
and the winners will be named in each and every                breaking new app, PrecisionPro, picked up the award,                                                                         successes. In addition, the Glee New Product Awards
category in a seminar theatre on the first day of SALTEX       and The Cub Cadet INFINICUT® SM34 Rotary Mower                                                                               and Buyers Power List will celebrate the best the
(3 November, 2021).                                            was crowned the winner of the 2019 Innovation Award.                                                                         industry has to offer.
   Visitors will get the chance to see every entry on the         Entries for this year are now open at                                                                                        Free tickets are available by registering at
show floor. By referring to either the SALTEX website or                                                                  

 16                                                                                                                                                          The Landscaper | Issue 256 | September 2021            17
AUTOMATION: Hands free machinery - Bitly
FEATURE                                                                                                                                                                                                             FEATURE

                         Look, no hands
        The age of machinery automation is nigh, Greg Rhodes discovers,
                 but there are some hurdles to surmount before
                     we go hands-free without risk or worry

Across the expansive acres of Harper Adams                  initiatives, the University has become a leader in
University, automated machines are growing the UK’s         the drive towards remotely operated and automated
first arable crop remotely, without operators in the        technology, working closely with partners to help roll
driving seat or agronomists on the ground.                  out tomorrow’s world.
   The future is ringing out loud and clear in                 Mechatronics researcher Jonathan Gill, who holds
agriculture as manufacturers and suppliers clamour          a B.Eng in Robotics and Automated Systems and is a
to operate at the cutting edge of mechatronic and           UAV pilot, has just finished a hectic week harvesting
robotic technology.                                         this year’s crop.
   The University continually attracts sector suitors          He’s pretty sure how the future is shaping up and big
willing to fund, donate equipment and support research      isn’t necessarily beautiful. “Smaller vehicles are less
into ways machinery can do without drivers and              challenging and safe by design,” he states, a judgment
operators. Such is the momentum of change that its          that’s prompted by extensive hands-on experience in
application into the sports and amenity sectors is a        the field.
formality surely.                                              With this technology, “things don’t scale up in
   Yes, we already have robotic mowers but here we’re       agriculture”, he adds, and believes the same will apply
talking wholesale technology transfer to embrace            in sport and amenity. Multiples of smaller units are his
tractors, sprayers, diverse turf machinery and              thinking rather than fewer, larger ones.
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).                               Kit trialled at Harper Adams could find
   Through its Hands Free Farm, Hands Free                  application in groundscare. Syngenta and other             selectively identify and irradiate weeds within a                  The Amazone unit operating at Harper Adams
Hectare and National Centre for Precision Farming           partners tested a system of hyper weeding to               crop using “hyperspectral imaging, destructive                  is one of the first machines undertaking remotely
                                                                                                                       tracking lasers and precision spraying”.                        operated spraying, Jonathon reveals. However, he
                                                                                                                          The Synergy project brief was to investigate, develop        leaves nothing to chance on safety grounds. “I am PA2
                                                                                                                       and evaluate a framework for “platooning of closely             certified, which allows me to ensure safe application,
                                                                                                                       spaced autonomous vehicles”.                                    just in case, and I am always in the vicinity when the
                                                                                                                          Iseki is due to begin work at Harper Adams to                sprayer’s in use.
                                                                                                                       explore use of their autonomous compact tractors                   “It’s smart enough to only spray within a pre-set
                                                                                                                       (up to 48 hp) for grounds maintenance duties –                  boundary and dosage rates are set only at boom
                                                                                                                       “on golf courses and football pitches                                             width although there is single nozzle
                                                                                                                       for example,” says Jonathan, following                                            control. Certainly the sprayer could be
                                                                                                                       their successful application in the                                               applied to sportsfields, along with the
                                                                                                                       University’s agricultural setting over                                            appropriate tractor.”
                                                                                                                       the last four years.                                                                 Working with Autonomous Spray
                                                                                                                          Such driverless vehicles currently                                             Systems on their R150 autonomous
                                                                                                                       have the `fail-safe` of an operator                                               spray robot, the University trialled the
                                                                                                                       overseeing their activity within visual                                           electrical vehicle in March on its Hands-
                                                                                                                       distance, he explains.                                                            Free Hectare field, during one of the
                                                                                                                          “Tractors powered between 90 and                                               wettest weeks of the year.
                                                                                                                       300 hp operate in standard agriculture,”                                             “The spray tank was filled with
                                                                                                                       he continues, “but multiple, smaller                                              100 litres of liquid, fresh batteries
                                                                                                                       machines cause less compaction [a                                                 dropped in and a 3m wide grid spray
                                                                                                                       factor vital in sportsturf maintenance]                                           pattern programmed ready to go,” the
                                                                                                                       and are easier to automate.”                                                      company explained.
                                                                                                                          Precision spraying is not only                                                    “The soil type is `Soilscape 18’
                                                                                                                       key in tending crops but also when                                                and described as slowly permeable,
                                                                                                                       applying treatment liquids on sports                                              seasonally wet, slightly acid, rich loamy,
                                                                                                                       surfaces, amenity settings and aquatic                                            clayey soil,” it continued. A conventional
                                              Hands free seed drilling
                                                                                                                       environments.                               Control panel for Amazone sprayer     tractor would not have been able to

 18                                                                                                                                                     The Landscaper | Issue 256 | September 2021              19

                                                               when it confronts an obstacle such as a human being.
                                                                  “The solution is only a couple of years away,
                                                                                                                                         KING FEEDERS UK
                                                               hopefully,” Jonathan says, as only when machines
                                                               have that intrinsic safety built in can they be let loose in
                                                                                                                              SPECIALIST SHREDDING & COMPOSTING EQUIPMENT
                                                               the public domain, where people may be walking along
                                                               a footpath across a golf course or parkland.
                                                                  Since 2017, the Centre has also focused on
                                                               operating, designing and programming drones and
                                                               their associated control systems and role
                                                               within agriculture.
                                                                  Commanding “massive potential for seeding and
                                                               spraying in agriculture”, says Jonathan, drones
                                                               will quickly attract keen eyes as a ready method of
              Jonathan Gill with Iseki tractors                materials and liquids application in sport and amenity.
                                                                  A two-day demonstration of 26 kg drones on
have been used because it would have caused too much  in June proved a resounding
damage. At just 300 kg fully loaded, the R150 “barely          success, he reports, but there’s a hitch. “We’d love to
left a mark”, nor was the steering thrown by the slippery      work with them to their true capability but under the
surface, the company added.                                    Chemicals Regulation Division of HSE rules, no drone
   The McConnel flail is also proving its worth,               can apply any active ingredient, whatever the sector,”
controlling weed growth across the University’s                Jonathan states. He’s lobbying MPs and government in
grounds since the manufacturer supplied a unit for             the hope of modifying these regulations, he adds, but
long-term evaluation, Jonathan says.                           that’s still work in hand.

                                                                                                                      Tel: 01260 223273
   One of the main constraints in developing automated            There’s one thing the years of testing hands-free
and remotely controlled machines and equipment is              machinery has told him though. “The age of automation
generating a system that guarantees to stop moving             is coming.” And quickly, it seems.

                                                                                                                                  Large or small, doesn’t matter. A compact that gets more jobs done.
                                                                                                                                  The T395 compact with manual or hydrostatic transmission and high capacity
                                                                                                                                  hydraulics gives you the ultimate workhorse, making easy work of most
                                                                                                                                  landscaping and park maintenance tasks. And, with lots of attachments, you
                                                                                                                                  get a tractor that does more.


                                                                                                                                            Reesink UK LTD is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Images shown for illustration only.

                                                  Automated boom sprayer

                                                                                                                              TR571 The Landscaper Sept CS T395_v3.indd 1                                                                                          25/08/2021 09:28
20                                                                                                                                                                                              The Landscaper | Issue 256 | September 2021      21
Expert 900 Series 48V                                                                                                                                                                                      SEEDS AND MIXES

Garden tool battery technology

                                                                                                                                          It’s sow time!
The brains and the brawn.                                                                                                   Jayne Leyland of Rigby Taylor advises on an autumn sow
                                                                                                                            for summer show and recommends some colourful mixes

                                                                                                            Flowers are a valuable resource for enriching the urban
                                                                                                            environment. They support biodiversity, produce stunning
                                                                                                            vistas and generally brighten up parkland, housing estates,
                                                                                                            verges, entrances to towns and cities, roundabouts and
                                                                                                            cemeteries. Also, mowing frequency can be reduced by
Engineered for real-life                                                                                    sowing flower seeds instead of grass.
working conditions, not                                                                                          Euroflor mixes recommended for autumn sowing for
                                                                                                            flowering the following year.
just to pass a lab test.                                                                                    • Alliance: Combination of red Field (or Common)
                                                                                                               Poppies and Cornflowers. Adds a splash of colour to
From cutting to trimming, mowing to                                                                            out of play sparse roughs.
leaf blowing – whatever tool they’re                                                                        • Boulevard: Low growing, 100% native & naturalised
powering, STIGA batteries are tested                                                                           perennials. Perfect for driveway entrance and mixed
at their full ‘real-life’ usage current.                                                                       borders.
That’s up to 600 charges; equivalent                                                                        • Cornfield annuals: Classic cornfield mix - excellent in
to using                                                                                                       out of play sparse roughs
                                                                                                                                                                                             Euroflor Alliance Mixtures
                                                                                                            • Cornflowers: 100% Cornflowers. Mainly blue but also
it twice a week for six years.
                                                                                                               shades of pink and white.
This goes far beyond the                                                                                    • Endurance: For shallow, free draining, impoverished         2. If using a glyphosate such as Hi-Aktiv, to control
expectations of the commonly                                                                                   soils. Perfect for heat traps - eliminates the need for         existing vegetation, apply 7 to 10 days after cutting to
used but less demanding Industry                                                                               annual sowings.                                                 allow for re-growth.
Standard, which tests through only                                                                          • Flora britannica: 100% native and naturalised species       3. C
                                                                                                                                                                               ultivate and prepare an early seed bed in August/
                                                                                                               recommend for ecological conservation schemes,                 September (depending on season).
300 charges at just 20% of the real-
                                                                                                               riversides and out of play areas.                           4. L
                                                                                                                                                                               et the weed seed bank germinate and either treat
life usage current.                                                                                         • Native pollinator: 100% UK native and naturalised              again, hoe or harrow the area to reduce weed species.
                                                                                                               flora - abundant nectar and pollen. A more discreet         5. F
                                                                                                                                                                               loraFleece is a biodegradable weed suppressant
                                                                                                               flowering display for environmentally sensitive sites.         matting as an excellent alternative to herbicide control
                                                                                                            • Poppies: 100% Field (or Common) Poppies of                     and eliminates the need for cultivation prior to sowing.
                                                                                                               exceptional purity and germination.
                                                                                                            •R  ainbow perennials: Predominantly perennial species        When to sow
                                                                                                               for extended flowering and more permanent displays          Sow Euroflor mixes at 3-4g per square metre in late
                                                                                                               from spring to late autumn                                  August – September (north & east), late August – mid
                                                                                                            • Spring flower: Earlier spring source of nectar and          October (south & west). Apply a pre-seed organic
                                                                                                               pollen - may flower a second period in autumn if cut        based fertiliser such as Apex 4-6-4, particularly if soil
                48V range                                                                                      back after flowering.                                       fertility is impoverished. Ensure seeds are in good
                                                                                                                                                                           contact with the soil and keep seed and seedlings moist
EPower lasts. The high performance that drives the Expert range of cordless garden tools.                   Advantages of autumn sowing                                    until well established.
                                                                                                            1. Earlier flowering displays the following year.                 Euroflor 100% flower seed, unlike “wildflower”
                                                                                                            2. A dvantageous for perennial mixes, which first flower      seed, is germination tested just like grass seed. Low
                                                                                                                the year after sowing.                                     maintenance comes from just one cut per year in autumn
Leaf Blower                                                                                                 3. Perfect time for sowing 100% native & naturalised          after seeds have ripened and fallen and a sowing rate
                                                                                                                species.                                                   of just 3g per square metre means 1kg of Euroflor
                                                                                                            4. Reduces the impact of spring climatic variability such     covers approximately 333 square metres, making it
Hedge Trimmer
                                 Backpack                                                                       as drought or late frosts.                                 an extremely cost-effective and rewarding choice for
                                                                                                                                                                           enhancing the landscape.
                                                                                      Summer preparation                                                For more information visit:
                                                                                                            1. Cut existing vegetation down to 5cm or lower in July/
                                                                                                                August to prevent self-seeding.                            or call freephone 0800 424919

Pole Hedger                                        Lawn mowers                    Next level engineering.
                                                                                                                                                                          The Landscaper | Issue 256 | September 2021              23

     Our planet is                                                                                                                                           For all your irrigation needs,
     Join us on our journey
                                                                                                                                                                     just yell TWL!
                                                                                                                                                         TWL Irrigation offers an extensive range of hand
                                                                                                                                                         watering products, tools and irrigation controllers
                                                                                                                                                         with decoders.
                                                                                                                                                         ● TurfSpy Early Stress Detection Glasses, developed by
         100% Biodegradable                                                                                                                                 NASA, can identify disease, drought, plant and turf or
         100% Compostable                                                                                                                                   vegetation problems two to 10 days before it is visible
                                                                                                                                                            to the naked eye.
         100% Sustainable
                                                                                                                                                         ● The Magnum has a ratchet mechanism that easily
         Made in the UK by                                                                                                                                  adjusts from gentle fan to jet stream and is an excellent
         Ezee Tree Ltd                                                                                                                                      equipment wash-down nozzle.
                                                                                                                                                         ● The Precision range of nozzles are for specific
                                                                                                                                                            tasks on greens, tees, seed beds transplants and
                                                                                                                                                            delicate landscaped areas. Collectively the Rainbow,
                                                                                                                                                            Rainmaker, Cloudburst and Cyclone will syringe, spot
                                                                                                                                                            water, drench dry spots, pre-game skim or heavily
                                                                                                                                                            water large areas.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Precision, Magnum and CoolPro Nozzles.                                                                                                                         ● PelletPro heavy-duty surfactant applicator gun
                                                                                                                                                            with the high-flow valve and Precision "Cloudburst"                 removing debris with ease. Special feature includes a
                                                                                                                                                            nozzle combo, makes it the finest wetting agent gun                 wire attachment connector, enabling a wire locator to
                                                                                                                                                            available, accepting all wetting agent tablets. Providing           determine drain routes under greens and bunkers.
 AUK196 Whiptec advert_Landscaper_150x108.indd 1                                                                                      09/08/2021 10:05
                                                                                                                                                            a high volume, yet soft spray for watering or applying            ● The Gulp range of hand pumps discharge water from
                                                                                                                                                            surfactants to tight, hydrophobic soils with a pellet                sprinklers, valve boxes, fountains, pipes, boats, toilets,
      1st Products
                                                                                                                                                            rotation that evenly dissolves tablets. 132L/min gets                spas; just about anywhere! From a compact to a large
      Professional tractor-mounted equipment
                                                                                                                                                            the job done faster!                                                 with a 72" discharge hose, they remove unwanted water
      Distributed exclusively in the UK by Reesink Turfcare
                                                                                                                                                         ● LiquidPro can virtually "paint" your turf with liquid                easily. Made from aircraft aluminium and the highest
                                                                                                                                                            wetting agents, fertilizers and micronutrients by covering           quality materials. Easy to disassemble and clean.
                                                                                                                                                            a 92 square metres area in less than a minute!                    ● Irrigation Controllers range from the low-cost TW-3
                                                                                                                                                         ● EasyOutspray head removal and replacement tool                       to the Internet-based RM-2, operated from a web
                                                                                                                                                            makes light work of replacing a broken sprinkler                     browser. TW-3, compact and low-priced, controls up
                                                                                                                                                            and fits all major spray head brands. There are two                  to 127 decoders: Tonick, Gemini or Toro/Trident. Low
                                                                                                                                                            different sizes available. No digging or damage to turf              cost remote control through a mobile phone.
                                                                                                                                                            required, saving time and money by removing broken                RM-2 is wall-mounted and does not need a dedicated
                                                                                                                                                            sprinkler in 3 minutes or less!                                   PC, as all its web pages are contained internally. It
                                                                                                                                                         ● The Drain Blaster nozzle has a name that says it all!             does not need a dedicated server. Any of the usual web
                                                                                                                                                            With a high velocity jets, guiding itself to clean out drains,    browsers can be used to access the RM-2 which can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              be connected to the Internet using Ethernet, WiFi, or 4G
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              mobile data. Maximum 508 stations. Amazingly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              low-priced compared to similar controllers.
      One tool. Multiple applications. The AERA-Vator. Tackle more with your tractor.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Please visit to view all of
      Tackle dozens of jobs with this versatile and cost-effective tractor-mounted aerator and deliver
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              our products.
      healthy, professional turf all-year-round. With its unique universal frame system, extra shafts can
      be added to expand its capabilities, including a Multi-Tine, Multi-Slicer, Multi-Spike and a non-PTO
      Coring shaft. With the 1st Products add-on tractor tools you really can add more and do more.

                 Reesink UK LTD is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Images shown for illustration only.

                                                                                                                                                         LiquidPro Wetting Agent.

 FP60 The Landscaper Sept CS UA60.indd 1                                                                                              10/08/2021 09:35
24                                                                                                                                                                                           The Landscaper | Issue 256 | September 2021               25

                               Take the worry out
                               of business growth
               When the pressure is on growing a landscaping business can at times                                           Autumn sowing
                                                                                                                                 for spring showing
               be overwhelming. Here Paula Warman offers some stress busting tips

                          When I speak to fellow
                           business owners within the
                            industry, many suggest
                            that as their business
                            expands it seems to
                           catapult them to more
                          stress and a bigger to-do
                        list. Already busy, working
                      evenings and sometimes
                   weekends to keep on top of it all –
why would you want to add to that?
  However, if done correctly growing a business can
be a fun and even a cathartic experience. From my
own experiences and listening to those within our
networking community, there are three methods that                                                                                 The Perennial Choice
can help reduce stress and positively impact your                                                                             There are now eleven perennial Euroflor
work/life balance.                                                                                                            mixtures recommended for autumn sowing
                                                                                                                              that not only provide wonderful colour displays
Outsource or hire for your weaknesses
                                                                                                                              during the following spring and summer.
The place to start is to get rid of your weaknesses.
This allows you to focus on your strengths, aiding the                                                                        Autumn sowing can take place from August
business in its growth and better serving your clients.                                                                       through to October for flowering the following
   Not only does finding better talent were you maybe                                                                         spring and summer.
lacking, free up your time, but also results in those
tasks being done more effectively. Whether you choose
                                                                       Outsource work to help fill gaps in your business
                                                                                                                              Euroflor seeds are available in 1kg packs.           An Ecological Initiative
to outsource parts of the business in a skill or hire an        that can be better spent big dreaming, making, and            Also available are Autumn Discovery boxes of       Project Pollin-8 is a Rigby Taylor
employee, utilising skilled people for your weaknesses          implementing plans. Working on the business rather            10 x 50g foil sachets (either single or a       initiative to help arrest the decline
changes them into your business’ strengths.                     than in it.                                                   combination of mixtures) to provide the              on the UK bee population.
                                                                                                                              opportunity to try out different colour              Crucially, springtime flowers
Hire for your strengths                                         Naturally grow your income                                    combinations and growth habits.                      provide an earlier seasonal
This might seem a bit strange, why would you want               It is well researched that what you focus on, grows.                                                           supply of energy-rich nectar and
                                                                                                                              At a typical mid-range sowing rate, a 50g       pollen, sustaining pollinators when
to get rid of the tasks you’re good at? Well, areas             By implementing new ideas, planning ahead for the
of strength for you aren’t necessarily what you’re              business and focusing on income generating tasks,             sachet will cover approximately 12.5 sq.m.           resources are most scarce.
passionate about.                                               you scale your income naturally.                              All mixtures are available to view and
   For example, you might be great at managing your                 Although I have mentioned hiring employees, large         purchase from the website below.
business’ social media, but you don’t enjoy it. It takes        teams are not the only way to grow and scale your
up a lot of your time and doesn’t light that spark inside       income. Plus, growing your company doesn’t have to                     For more information log on to:
of you.                                                         mean taking on more projects at any given time.
   By investing in a social media management                        • For a free masterclass on tried and tested
company or hiring in-house, you’re not compromising             business strategies visit
on the quality and you’re freeing up your time. Time  

  The Landscaper’s Circle is the only online platform exclusively for business owners in the landscaping industry to learn
  how to market and run their business better. Become part of the #TLCTribe today for training and support. If you need                                                                Member of Origin Amenity Solutions

  our help please email at |                                                                                               0800 424919
ARBORIST                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ARBORIST

                                   Cutting back                                                                                       Weighing just 5.6kg (without battery), it is 249cm
                                                                                                                                  long and features 600mm double-sided, double-
                                                                                                                                  edged universal blades that can cut through 16-18mm
                                                                                                                                  branches. The cutter bar can be rotated through 145
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Husar, owner of Oliver Husar Tree Services has
                                                                                                                                                                                                  undertaken for the past 18 years. The North Norfolk tree
                                                                                                                                                                                                  specialist swears by GreenMech’s latest EVO series and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  is a proud owner of the EVO 165D.
      Now the birds have safely flown the nest Maggie Walsh takes a look at some of                                               degrees via the lightweight magnesium gearbox to
                                                                                                                                  enable over-head, side and ground-level cutting.
      the latest products on the market to help arborists plan their autumn schedule                                                  A comfortable control handle boasts three-speed pre-
                                                                                                                                  selection levels through an LED display, enabling operators
                                                                   they were not going to be up to the job. In my opinion,        to alter working speeds, while optimising battery-working
                                                                   nothing could compare to petrol.                               time. Maximum stroke rate is 4000rpm, perfect for leaving
                                                                      But he stood corrected and followed the lead from           a smooth finish on conifers. Other features include a soft
                                                                   nursery manager Liam Ireland, who invested in the              loop handle and grip shaft, RTS harness eyelet and mesh air            Husqvarna 530iPT5 designed to reach heights
                                                                   Pellenc range of tools. Now Stuart appreciates the power       filter. When used in conjunction with STIHL’s AP 200 battery
                                                                   behind the battery. Not only are the machines light,           system, the HLA 135 has a run time of up to 64 minutes.            “I’ve used all types and sizes of chipper, and when our
                                                                   odourless, noise-free with no starting problems, they                                                                          previous machine began to struggle with costly age-
                                                                   have enough power to enable professional users to work         Reduced friction                                                related issues, it was once again time to look at what
                                                                   for a full day on a single charge.                             Makita has also brought to market some trimmers to              options were out there,” he explains.
                                                                      A forerunner when it comes to lithium-ion technology,       make light of the workload – the new UH004G and                    “When you’re comparing 6” machines, arguably the
                                                                   Pellenc has established itself as the number one choice        UH005G. These deliver a no-load speed of up to                  most critical element is the feed rollers – if you haven’t
                                                                   in the 'zero emission' professional power tools market for     5,000rpm and feature an asymmetric, double sided,               got the power, the grip and pull, the machine is useless.
                                                                   the maintenance of urban and green-spaces.                     curved, sharp-edged blade for easy trimming. The                This is noticeably where GreenMech have massively
                                                                      A recent addition to the Pellenc range is the all-new       curved teeth reduce friction resistance to suppress             upped their game.”
                                                                   Helion Alpha hedge-trimmer with an on-board 260                energy loss and extend run time. What’s more, the                  GreenMech’s EVO series has been designed in
                                                                   battery. It allows precision pruning of hedges or other        inclined tooth edge enables the blade to easily catch,          direct response to industry demands to deliver more
                                                                   shrubs, particularly on hard, dry wood. It’s cutter bar        firmly hold and sharply cut twigs or thin branches up to        aggressive torque, more powerful bite and more
                                                                   combines increased thickness (2.25 mm), tooth opening          23.5mm for maximum efficiency.                                  throughput. The 165D features a 25hp Kubota diesel
                                                                   (33 mm) and strength, a winning trio that makes this tool         Completing the new hedge trimmer collection, the             engine, twin horizontal rollers and unparalleled
                                                                   perfect for all types of cutting, from pruning to finishing.   UH006G and UH007G have been designed for trimming               processing power via the new, heavy-duty flywheel.
                                                                                                                                  overgrown hedges and thick branches thanks to the non-          Together with improved performance, the aspects of
                                                                                                                                  curved, sharp-edged blade. These machines can cut               safety, durability and ease of maintenance have also
                  STHIL long reach trimmer                                                                                        thicker branches up to 25mm in diameter and are ideal           been front of mind in its design.
                                                                                                                                  for rough cutting.                                                 “We had a look at the petrol version of the EVO 165
Did you know that Under Section 1 of the Wildlife and                                                                                                                                             which packed some serious punch for its size however,
Countryside Act 1981, it’s an offence to intentionally damage                                                                                                                                     as I’m not restricted to sub 750kg for towing, I went for
or destroy a wild bird’s nest while it is being built or in use?                                                                                                                                  the diesel model. The unit’s strength and build quality
That includes consciously using a hedge trimmer or other                                                                                                                                          really impressed me and the size of the infeed hopper
power equipment when there is a bird’s nest in the hedge                                                                                                                                          was a big plus.” Oliver adds.
or tree. According to Department of Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs (DEFRA) rules state a ban on cutting hedges
and trees between March 1st and September 1st without
a derogation - an exemption from the rule. So, while there
are some exceptions, the general rule of thumb is plan such
work during the autumn and winter months, unless prior
permissions have been sort and given.                              Pellenc Helion Alpha hedge-trimmer in action at Readyhedge
                                                                                                                                        Makita UH006G designed to trim thick branches
   But now that the birds have flow the nest, we can
settle into some hedge work, with some of the latest                  The engine ensures excellent performance and allows           To get to giddy heights then why not try the
tools to help ease the load.                                       for cuts of up to 33 mm in diameter. In addition to offering   Husqvarna 530iPT5 – a robust telescopic pole saw
                                                                   3 different working speeds, it is 100% waterproof and          designed for the pruning/thinning of trees and cutting
Battery Power                                                      provides complete safety. From an ergonomic standpoint,        back thick tall hedges.
Suppliers of instant hedging, Readyhedge have a history            the hand grip and working visibility were conceived with         Weighing just 5kg this low weight battery pole saw has
of using the best products to keep their nursery stock             particular care, with optimised balance and a new cutter       a 5 m telescopic reach and performance that surpasses
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Oliver Husar utilises his GreenMech EVO 165
in good health. But Stuart Robertson, who works at the             bar orientation system.                                        the petrol equivalent. Its excellent ergonomics and quiet
Pershore based nursery, was traditionally a petrol head                                                                           operation means it can be used in any location and at           For more details on any of the above products please visit:
and didn’t believe anything else could do the job justice          Long reach trimmer                                             any time of the day.                                  
until he came across the Pellenc range of tools.                   Another front runner for commercial applications and                                                                 
   “Before I started working at Readyhedge, I only ever            trimming back large hedgerows is the recently launched         Chips away                                            
used petrol machinery,” says Stuart. “When I picked up             STIHL HLA 135 – the most robust and powerful cordless          Once the hedges and trees are cut, the task of collecting
the Pellenc tools for the first time, I honestly thought that      long-reach hedge trimmer in its offering.                      up and disposing of the branches looms. A job Oliver  

 28                                                                                                                                                               The Landscaper | Issue 256 | September 2021             29
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