Automotive Technologie in Bavaria +e-Car - GLOBAL PARTNER - Media-Mind

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Automotive Technologie in Bavaria +e-Car - GLOBAL PARTNER - Media-Mind
in Bavaria
Automotive Technologie in Bavaria +e-Car - GLOBAL PARTNER - Media-Mind

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Automotive Technologie in Bavaria +e-Car - GLOBAL PARTNER - Media-Mind

Mobility at the heart of society

No sector influences people's behavior as causally     Mobility & health – is this a symbiosis of
and effectively as the automotive industry.            increasing importance?

New test fields are opening up, bound for the        Find out how collaborative work can help
mobility of the future. The development of the       develop useful standards and correct solutions.
automobile is being driven forward in order to
maintain competitiveness.

Priority is given to autonomous and environ-
mentally friendly systems as well as the provision                   Walter Fürst, Managing Director
of an appropriate infrastructure.

Exciting questions that need answers:
 What role do trucks play in the freight trans-
 port of the future?                                 Publisher:                 media mind GmbH & Co. KG
                                                                                Hans-Bunte-Str. 5
                                                                                80992 Munich/Germany
 Is synthetic fuel an option on the way to a                                    Phone: +49 (0) 89 23 55 57-3
 clean internal combustion engine?                                              Telefax: +49 (0) 89 23 55 57-47
 What will sustainable, environmentally                               
 friendly mobility solutions look like in the
                                                     Managing director:         Walter Fürst, Jürgen Bauernschmitt
 next few years?
                                                     Design + DTP:              Jürgen Bauernschmitt

 Can hydrogen technology be a long-term              Prepress:                  media mind, München

 strategy in the mobility field?                     Responsible editor:        Ilse Schallwegg

                                                     Published annually:        1 x annually
 What intelligent solutions in the field of
                                                     © 2019 by media mind GmbH & Co. KG
 battery and charging technology are there           No part of this magazine may be stored, copied or
 for at home and on the go?                          reproduced without the written consent of the editorial office
Automotive Technologie in Bavaria +e-Car - GLOBAL PARTNER - Media-Mind
Dear readers,
if you read this magazine page by page, you will      The product initiative is well under way. In 2019
gain some remarkable insight into the creativity      alone, we launched 20 models. Many of these
and capabilities of the automotive industry in        were entirely new and had no direct predecessors.
Germany‘s largest state. Even on a global scale,      It is particularly important to note that by the end
Bavaria is a region that sets an example to others    of 2020, our line-up will boast five electric cars
in the industry. AUDI AG as a company and, in         and seven plug-in hybrids. When it comes to fuel-
particular, I as the member of the Board of           cell drive systems, Audi is even acting as a com-
Management responsible for Procurement                petence center for the entire Volkswagen Group,
know full well just what benefits are on offer        with the first vehicles due to enter series produc-
thanks to the diversity that we have right on our     tion at the dawn of the next decade. That means
doorstep and throughout the entire value chain.       that we will be adding to our range in this prom-
We have a lot to defend as we negotiate a phase       ising segment more rapidly and systematically
of industrial development characterized by dis-       than any of our competitors. Just six years from
ruptive technologies and new competitors from         now, a third of new Audi vehicles will be electric.
all kinds of countries and industries. Audi has       In preparation for this monumental accom-
continued to refine its strategy so as to focus       plishment, we have already added considerably
more closely on offering the best solutions to        to our expertise and given our employees fur-
meet customer demands concerning premium              ther training in electrification, digitalization and
mobility.                                             conditional automation. The pace of the trans-
At the heart of this strategy are products that       formation is building all the time.
deliver distinct added value relative to the com-     Many other companies in the industry across
petition when it comes to electrification, digital-   Bavaria are setting themselves similar assign-
ly connected services and sustainability. Our         ments. We need to work together to meet these
Audi e-tron, for example, is manufactured on a        challenges, partly for the future of our company,
completely carbon-neutral production line,            but also for the future of the entire state. After
which is an environmental plus without parallel       all, something that even critical voices in politics
anywhere in the world on an industrial scale.         and society in general should keep in mind at all
Audi also offers its own eco-electricity solutions    times is that the automotive industry accounts
for customers as well as digital updates to key       for 30% of industrial added value in Bavaria.
vehicle functions such as drive system power
components or lighting. That means real                               Dr. Bernd Martens
Vorsprung durch Technik for people buying our          Member of the Board of Management of AUDI AG
technology.                                                          Procurement and IT
Automotive Technologie in Bavaria +e-Car - GLOBAL PARTNER - Media-Mind
Founded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Af-                          Concerning service strength, three Occubot seat
         fairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology, the                      test robots made by KUKA are available at ATB.
         test laboratory is accredited according to EN 17025                       Using a system for changing test dummies does not
         and situated within the Automobilzulieferpark (= Au-                      only provide an automated programme process, but
         tomotive Supplier´s Park) Pole Position at Hof-Gat-                       a continuous picture documentation as well. At the
         tendorf. It performs tests and experiments in ac-                         same time the test loads are constantly observed
         cordance with customerspecific test instructions                          and readjusted. The area of service strength com-
         and requirements. As regards concepts, the tests                          prises as well four spring testing machines, versions
         are supervised by competent staff. Engineering ser-                        „Schenck“ and „Reicherter Short and Long Stroke“.
         vices and solutions to problems as well as construc-
         tional adjustments are offered individually.

Automobiltechnikum Bayern GmbH
The Automobiltechnikum Bayern is your independent
competence center for environmental simulation, fatigue
testing, measuring methods and electrical engineering.

Automobiltechnikum Bayern GmbH
Ferdinand-Porsche-Straße 10
95028 Hof/Haidt

Phone    + 49 (0) 9281 / 850 19 - 0
Fax      + 49 (0) 9281 / 850 19 - 500

         Vibrations / wideband noise / harrowing: Audi VR611.4 2004-07, DIN 50100, DIN EN 60068-2-6, DIN EN 60068-2-53 Climate tests: BMW PR303.5, VW PV
         1200, VW PV 2005, DAG A166 620 0000, DAG 7.1.1, DAG 7.1.2, DAG 7.1.3, PSA D17 1058, GM 9540P, DIN EN 60068-2-1, DIN EN 60068-2-2, DIN EN 60068-
         2-14, DIN EN 60068-2-30, DIN EN 60068-2-38, EN 60068-2-78, DIN EN ISO 9227, PV 2005-A, PSA-10-AF, P PV 4015, P PV PTL 8140
Automotive Technologie in Bavaria +e-Car - GLOBAL PARTNER - Media-Mind
we test the best.

                                  The servo-hydraulic testsystem with a total of                               The 90 kN shaker is fitted with a Headexpander
                                   8 hydro-pulse cylinders operates with loads of up                           measuring 150 cm x 150 cm. The frequency range
                                  to 40 kN and mximum strokes of 400 mm.                                       goes from 5 Hz to ca. 2000 Hz. Maximum accelera-
                                                                                                               tion is achieved at ca. 15 g. In addition, the control
                                  Two electric stroke cylinders with loads of up to 20                         system enables tests in multisinus mode. A climate
                                  kN and maximum strokes of up to 350 mm can also                              chamber of 15 m3 may be positioned over the sup-
                                  be operated in connection with a climate chamber                             port plates.
                                  of 1,5 m3. Tests with lower loads may be run by
                                  using various pneumatic stroke cylinders.

                                  The area environmental simulation disposes of 14
                                  climate chambers with sizes ranging from 240                                      Author
                                  litres to 30 m3, the latter being accessible by                                   Peter Rüpplein
                                  vehicles. Temperature ranges lie between -70 °C
                                  and 180 °C, the relative humidity can be program-                                 Executive Director
                                  med continuously between 10 % and 97 %.                                           Automobiltechnikum
                                                                                                                    Bayern GmbH
                                  The two heating furnaces with a volume of up to
                                  720 litres allow tests up to 300 °C. The salt spray                               E-Mail:
                                  fog chamber with a test volume of 2 m3 complies                                   For further informations please
                                                                                                                    see our website
                                  with all established test standards, also for conden-
                                  sation tests.
                                                                                                                    environmental simulation
electrodynamic shaker in action

                                  The measuring laboratory contains a material                                      fatigue testing
                                  testing machine for tensile and pressure tests,                                   measuring laboratory
                                  several digital tracers by HBM with up to 8 measu-                                electrical engineering
                                  ring channels per system, an infrared camera and a
                                  digital light optical microscope with up to twohund-
                                  redfold enlargement.

                                  Furthermore, photogrammetric surveys are
                                  offered, thereby using a system produced by AI-

                                  Tensile and pressure tests: DIN EN ISO 13934-1, DIN EN ISO 527-1, DIN EN ISO 527-2, DIN EN ISO 527-3 Electrical engineering: LV 124 / VW 80000, LV 148
                                  More standards: Audi VR 630.1, DAG A0010017499, VW PV 6732, VW TL 226, VW 50014, VW PV 1303, DIN 75 220, DIN 60068-2-5, EP 84.300.19, PR
                                  080.3Ford DVM-0004-RG, Ford DVM-0035-ST, RSA D 171058, Volvo 1579605, Opel TM 422000
Automotive Technologie in Bavaria +e-Car - GLOBAL PARTNER - Media-Mind
The New Audi
A1 Sportback –
 ideal companion
for an urban lifestyle
 In 2010, a brand-new Audi model line made its debut in the shape of the A1. And now the second
 generation of the compact success model is rolling to the starting line. Its dynamic design charac-
 terizes the new Audi A1 Sportback. It is the ideal companion in the urban environment and is also
 very well-suited for longer journeys. With its full-size-worthy infotainment and driver assistance
 systems, the A1 Sportback is firmly networked with the digital world. New trim lines provide
 ample opportunity for customization.

                    Exterior design: Striking,
                    masculine with genes of the
                    sporty Ur-quattro
                    The A1 Sportback has grown sig-
                    nificantly in length—with an addi-
                    tional 56 millimeters (2.2 in), it
                    now measures 4.03 meters (13.2 ft).
                    At the same time, the width has
                    remained almost the same at 1.74
                    meters (5.7 ft). The new-genera-
                    tion model is only 1.41 meters
                    (4.6 ft) tall —including antenna,       Audi A1 Sportback
                    the car is 1.43 meters (4.7 ft) tall.
                    The wide track and short over-          flanks, from the window edge to             The distinctive daytime running light
                    hangs provide for a taut, sporty        the sill, slope upward toward the           graphics of the optional full-LED
                    look. The wide, low-placed Single-      rear in a wedge shape. The                  lights echo the dynamic wing shapes
                    frame grille and the implied side       distinctively highlighted wheels            from sailing, known as hydrofoils.
                    air inlets dominate the distinctive     and the low shoulder line in be-            The design of the trims for the main
                    front. Below the edge of the hood       tween give the A1 Sportback a               light functions also draws inspiration
                    are three flat slits – an homage to     solid stance on the road. The low           from sailing. The wing segments on
Audi A1 Sportback

                    the Sport quattro, the brand‘s ral-     line between the fender edges               the flanks create an impression of
                    ly icon from 1984.                      draws the visual focal point                maximum width. A low-set, concen-
                    The new A1 Sportback also               downward even further.                      trated look in conjunction with the
                    emphasizes a resemblance to the         With S line equipment, Audi has             small rhombus segments in the top
                    Audi Ur-quattro and Sport               emphasized the sporty character             section of the headlights provides a
                    quattro when viewed from the            even more through numerous fea-             sporty appearance.
                    side: The wide, flat sloping C-         tures. These include larger air             The dynamic segmentation motif
                    pillar seems to push the car for-       inlets, additional sill trims, three flat   also features in the rear lights to
                    ward even while standing still.         slits located centrally beneath the         reinforce the instant recogniza-
                    The roof contrast line, which is        hood – the middle slit is larger than       bility of the A1 light graphics. It is
                    available in two dark colors, ends      the two outer ones. The larger rear         encased in the striking 3D geom-
                    above the C-pillar. This gives the      wing rounds off the sporty overall          etry of the lens. The seamless
                    impression that the roof is flatter     package. The top-of-the-line en-            light pattern of the graphics in the
                    and the complete car is even            gine is also recognizable with its          dark constitutes a remarkable feature
                    lower-slung. All lines on the           stricking twin tailpipes.                   of the two-part rear lights.
Automotive Technologie in Bavaria +e-Car - GLOBAL PARTNER - Media-Mind
Audi A1 Sportback

                                                                                taking into account the entire traf-
                                                                                fic situation.
                                                                                Additional highlights are the satellite
                                                                                map view and the new 3D city
                                                                                models, which offer a precise map
                                                                                view of many urban centers. Up to
                                                                                four map updates per year are auto-
                                                                                matically downloaded and installed
                                                                                free of charge – in addition, the
                                                                                customer can also use the versatile
                                                                                online services from Audi connect.
                                                                                The Audi smartphone interface
                                                                                ensures you are always well
                                                                                connected on board the new A1
                                                                                Sportback. It integrates iOS and
Audi A1 Sportback – Interior                                                    Android smartphones using Apple
                                                                                CarPlay and Android Auto into
More space and comfort:                   the full-size class. The MMI          an environment in the MMI pro-
the space concept                         radio comes as standard – it can be   grammed specifically for them and
The new A1 Sportback is much              operated via the multifunction        offers two USB interfaces (1x
more spacious—making life much            buttons on the steering wheel and     USB-A, 1x USB-C with increa-
more comfortable for the driver,          the display in the fully digital      sed charging current). Another
front passenger and rear passen-          instrument cluster. In the top        option, the Audi phone box, in
gers. Despite the compact exterior        configuration, MMI navigation         this way ensures improved recep-
dimensions and the sporty roof line       plus offers a 10.1-inch MMI           tion quality with LTE support and
adults in the rear seats still enjoy      touchscreen, which blends seam-       charges the smartphone induc-
plenty of head and leg room.              lessly into the black glass look      tively via wireless charging
Luggage capacity has increased by         area. As with a smartphone, all       according to the Qi standard.
65 l (2.3 cu ft): Normal capacity is      commands are via touch input.         Music and acoustics aficionados
335 liters (11.8 cu ft); with the rear    The latest generation of voice        will be pleased to find a Digital
seats folded down, this increases to      control further improves the dia-     Audio Broadcasting tuner, the
1,090 liters (38.5 cu ft). Loading sill   logue between driver and car.         Audi sound system and the Bang &
height is a comfortably low 67 cen-       In conjunction with Audi connect,     Olufsen Premium Sound System.
timeters (2.2 ft).                        MMI navigation plus offers A1         The B&O system drives eleven
                                          Sportback drivers functions such      speakers with an output of 560
Fully digital:                            as hybrid route guidance – this       watts. Its 3D effect uses the wind-
operation and display                     calculates the route in the cloud,    shield as a reflecting surface.
The new Audi A1 Sportback is fit
for the digital future. Even the basic
version comes standard with an all-
digital instrument cluster with a
high-resolution, 10.25-inch display
and a multifunction steering wheel.
The optional Audi virtual cockpit
with an extended range of func-
tions presents comprehensive and
diverse information such as animat-
ed navigation maps and graphics of
some driver assistance systems in
the driver‘s direct field of vision.

Fully connected and always
up to date: Infotainment and
Audi connect
The Infotainment concept in the
                                          Audi A1 Sportback – Dashboard
new A1 Sportback comes from
Automotive Technologie in Bavaria +e-Car - GLOBAL PARTNER - Media-Mind
Audi A1 Sportback

                                                                                     form the backbone of the passen-
                                                                                     ger cell. The rigid body and exact
                                                                                     fits ensure sporty, precise driving
                                                                                     and prevent intrusive noise on
                                                                                     board. With a front area of 2.07
                                                                                     sq m (22.3 sq ft) and a drag coeffi-
                                                                                     cient of 0.31, the new A1 Sport-
                                                                                     back offers very little windage.

                                                                                     Plenty of scope for
                                                                                     The new A1 Sportback is availa-
                                                                                     ble in a choice of ten colors. The
                                                                                     roof of the small compact model
                                                                                     can be optionally finished in a
                                                                                     contrasting color from the A-pil-
                                                                                     lar to the roof edge spoiler. The
Audi A1 Sportback – Sensors areas for environment observation                        exterior mirror housings, the side
                                                                                     front spoiler lips and the side sills
Safety first: the driver                    lights are switched on. The adapti-      are also available in a contrasting
assistance systems                          ve cruise control also is radar-based.   color.
The driver assistance systems for           It keeps the Audi A1 Sportback at        The “edition one” model, based
the Audi A1 Sportback also come             the desired distance from the vehicle    on the S line equipment line and
from the full-size class. They              ahead. If the vehicle is equipped        available from market launch, is
keep the small compact car at the           with S tronic, the system covers a       particularly distinctive. It impres-
right distance from the car ahead,          speed range of 0 to 200 km/h (0 to       sively showcases the design lan-
making it easier for drivers to             124.3 mph); with the manual trans-       guage of the A1 with numerous
maintain the lane and help them             mission, the range begins at 30 km/h     contrasts. Large 18-inch wheels –
with parking.                               (18.6 mph). In stop-and-go traffic,      in bronze, white or black depend-
The standard lane departure warning         the A1 Sportback with S tronic           ing on the exterior finish – set
helps the driver to keep the car in the     transmission brakes to a standstill      powerful accents. The Audi rings
lane from a speed of 65 km/h (40.4          and gets going again under certain       in film on the side of the car are
mph). Also standard is the speed            conditions automatically.                also available in the rim color.
limiter, which reliably prevents the        The new Audi A1 Sportback offers         Borrowing from the legendary
A1 Sportback from exceeding a se-           various systems to make parking          Audi Sport quattro, the LED
lected maximum speed.                       easier. For the first time there is a    headlights and LED rear lights are
Another standard feature is Audi            reversing camera in addition to the      dark-tinted. The Audi rings in the
pre sense front. The radar sensor           parking system, rear. The front          Singleframe and the model des-
recognizes      critical    situations      ultrasonic sensors of the parking        ignation at the rear are in black.
involving other vehicles, crossing          system plus recognize objects in
pedestrians or cyclists ahead of            front of the car and emit acoustic       Freely combinable:
the vehicle, even when visibility is        and visual warnings. The park assist     the equipment lines
poor such as in fog. The system             steers the A1 Sportback length-          A new feature in the A1 Sport-
then gives an acoustic and visual           ways and sideways into parking           back is the modular lines structu-
signal to warn the driver. At the           spaces. With the new version of          re. This provides for a particularly
same time it prepares for a possi-          the assistant, the A1 Sportback also     high degree of flexibility. For the
ble full brake application and, if          parks forward into perpendicular         first time, customers can combine
necessary, initiates automatic              parking spaces, maneuvering multi-       exterior and interior lines how-
emergency braking in order to               ple times if necessary. The system       ever they like.
prevent an imminent collision or            also exits parallel parking spaces.      Depending on the equipment line-
reduce its impact. If necessary, the                                                 basic, advanced or S line – the
protective measures of the option-          Light and particularly robust:           attachments on the exterior are
al Audi pre sense basic are initiat-        the body                                 available in various configurations.
ed. The front seat belts are elec-          The body of the new Audi A1              The black styling package sets
trically tensioned, the windows             Sportback includes components            additional accents. By offering the
are closed and the hazard warning           made out of hot-formed steel that        lines “Interior advanced,” “Interi-
Automotive Technologie in Bavaria +e-Car - GLOBAL PARTNER - Media-Mind
Audi A1 Sportback

                                                                                Sporty, poised tuning:
                                                                                the suspension
                                                                                The axle design of the new Audi
                                                                                A1 Sportback delivers agile han-
                                                                                dling and a sporty, poised driving
                                                                                experience. The front suspension
                                                                                is a McPherson construction; A
                                                                                compact,     lightweight      torsion
                                                                                beam axle is used at the rear. Be-
                                                                                sides the basic suspension, there is
                                                                                an option for a tauter sport sus-
Audi A1 Sportback – Cockpit                                                     Dynamic packages, individually
                                                                                configured for every engine ver-
or design selection” and “Interior        are standard. Audi offers four dif-   sion, bundle equipment options to
S line,” Audi is additionally afford-     ferent engines for the A1 Sport-      give the A1 Sportback an even
ing customers numerous possibi-           back. As a three-cylinder engine      sportier trim. The “Basis” dy-
lities to select colors and materials     with 1.0 l of engine displacement,    namic package for the 25 TFSI
accordingly.                              there is the 25 TFSI (combined        includes a sport suspension, red
                                          fuel consumption in l/100 km: 4.7-    brake calipers and larger brake
New look: the interior design             4.6 ) (50.0–51.1 US mpg); combin-     discs. Audi offers the “Perfor-
“The sportiest interior in the            ed CO2 emissions in g/km:             mance” dynamic package for the other
compact class,” that was the stated       106–104*) (170.6–167.4 g/mi)) with    engine versions. This also in-
aim of the design. The interior is        70 kW (95 metric horsepower)          cludes red brake calipers and lar-
accordingly driver-focused, with          and the 30 TFSI (combined fuel        ger brake discs as well as a suspen-
its emotive, customizable design.         consumption in l/100 km: 4.9-         sion with adjustable dampers, a
The eye is drawn in particular to         4.8*) (48-49 US mpg); combined        sound actuator and Audi drive select.
the sporty compact unit of air vent       CO2 emissions in g/km: 111-           The brakes of the new A1 Sport-
nozzles, hood and the digital             108*) (178.6-173.8 g/mi)) with 85     back can be precisely metered and
instrument cluster. All of the con-       kW (116 metric horsepower) of         provide a responsive, taut pedal
trols and the optional MMI touch          power. The A1 Sportback 35            feel. The optional hold assist
display are strongly driver-orient-       TFSI (combined fuel consump-          enhances safety on uphill and
ed, thus emphasizing the distinc-         tion in l/100 km: 5.1–5.0*) (46.1-    downhill slopes by preventing the
tive cockpit character.                   47.0 US mpg); combined CO2            car from rolling after stopping.
The display and the air vent strip on     emissions in g/km: 116-115*)          Wheels are available in sizes from
the front passenger side are integra-     (186.7–185.1 g/mi)) is a 1.5-liter    15 to 18 inches.
ted into an area in black glass look.     four-cylinder that boasts 110 kW
The optional contour and ambient          (150 metric horsepower) and the       Four modes for an individual
lighting package brings the interior      cylinder on demand efficiency         driving sensation:
design to life in the dark, if desired,   system.                               Audi drive select
through LED light elements in 30          The 40 TFSI (combined fuel            The new A1 Sportback rolls off the
selectable colors.                        consumption in l/100 km: 6.0*)        production line with the Audi drive
                                          (39.2 US mpg); combined CO2           select dynamic handling system as an
Powerful and efficient:                   emissions in g/km: 137–136*)          option. With it, drivers can select
the engines                               (220.5–218.9 g/mi))– also a four-     from four modes that influence the
Whether running around town or            cylinder – is the Audi A1‘s most      driving characteristics: Auto, dyna-
going on a weekend excursion –            powerful engine with 147 kW           mic, efficiency and individual.
its powerful engines in particular        (200 metric horsepower) and 320       Fuel consumption and CO2 emission figures given
                                                                                in ranges depend on the tires/weels used.
make driving the new Audi A1              Nm (236.0 lb-ft).
Sportback so much fun.                    Audi is making a manual transmis-     Contact:
There is a choice of efficient            sion or the S tronic dual-clutch
                                                                                Tobias Söllner
TFSI engines with outputs rang-           transmission available depending      I/GP-P3
ing from 70 kW (95 metric horse-          on the engine. The four-cylinder
                                                                                D-85045 Ingolstadt
power) to 147 kW (200 metric              variants, which are equipped with     Phone: +49 841 89-36188
horsepower). Turbocharging, di-           the S tronic as standard, are an
rect injection and a particle filter      exception to this.
for the
 next level
                   From specialist for power seat structures to system supplier of dynamic interiors:
                   In preparation for the next stages of autonomous driving, automotive supplier
                   Brose is expanding its expertise in interiors. The family-owned company is doing
                   this in part through joint ventures and research partnerships.The combination of
                   Brose expertise in the fields of vehicle interiors and vehicle access offers special
                   added value for customers.

                   With the push of a button, autopilot     Brose already presented this vision        Since then the automotive sup-
                   takes over control of the car and the    of a dynamic interior at the Interna-      plier has continued to push for-
                   steering wheel disappears into the       tional Motor Show (IAA) in 2017 as         ward with its strategy to become
                   dashboard. Now the vehicle user          the mechatronics specialist‘s answer       the preferred development part-
                   can decide how he or she wants to        to one of the most interesting ques-       ner of OEMs for innovative
                   enjoy the ride. The vehicle interior     tions right now in the industry:           vehicle interiors.
                   is flexible: seats, screens and con-     How will users’ demands on the
                   soles slide and adapt to the desired     interior change when cars begin            New adjustment systems
                   use. Various modes for working,          driving themselves? The future-                        for the interior
                   relaxing, entertaining and for enter-    oriented “Brose Interior Experi-           The most obvious step is to
                   ing and exiting the car offer maxi-      ence” exhibit generated great              expand the adjustment possibili-
                   mum comfort and flexibility.             interest from car manufacturers.           ties of seats: concealed guide rails
Dynamic Interior

                   The interior of the future adapts to changing driving situations. New kinematics and additional adjustments allow maximum
Dynamic Interior

                                                Innovative sensors                      Another partnership is focused
                                                The family-owned company‘s              on the development and supply
                                                expertise in electronics will play      of completely upholstered ve-
                                                a key role in dynamic interiors:        hicle seats through the joint ven-
                                                dozens of adjustment systems            ture Brose AUNDE Fahrzeug-
                                                need to be linked and securely          sitze.
                                                coordinated.                            Cooperation partner AUNDE
                                                Thanks to its more than 30 years        provides its know-how in foam,
                                                of experience in the field of elec-     upholstery and trim. The collab-
                                                tronics, where it has around 600        oration is an opportunity for both
                                                employees and supplies over 75          companies to grow and develop
                                                million electronic systems and          technological innovations – like
                                                sensors annually, Brose can also        seat foams with integrated massage
From 2020, Brose will manufacture struc-        take advantage of its expertise as      systems, new kinds of luxury
tures for moving center consoles.               a world market leader in mecha-         headrests or 3D printed seat
                                                tronic systems for doors and lift-      covers. This leads to entirely
for length adjustment, fold-out leg             gates.                                  new seat concepts.
rests and retractable control ele-              And to meet the special safety
ments in the armrest allow for new              requirements for flexible interi-       Focus on cross-system
adjustment scenarios from a four-               ors, the supplier is partnering                 customer experience
person meeting to a comfortable                 with sensor specialist Vayyar,          The vehicle user is always at the
reclining or working position.                  which makes the 3D radar image          center of all further develop-
Brose will also expand its compe-               sensors that Brose embeds in the        ments.
tence in mechatronics to the entire             electronics environment. In addi-       Brose brings together expertise in
vehicle interior – including the                tion to anti-trap protection, pre-      seat, door, drive and electronic
center console, which will be very              cise interior monitoring adds           systems to offer end customers a
flexible in the future. It will divide,         functions such as anti-theft pro-       unique experience. An example
swivel, slide forward and backward,             tection and gesture control. It is      of this is vehicle access, which will
convert into a table or integrate an            also able to detect if children         be more comfortable and con-
adjustable screen. The company                  have been left in the vehicle,          venient than ever before when
has already received the first order            which could become a legal re-          the vehicle is able to recognize
in this new field: from 2020 Brose              quirement in the very near futu-        the user, open the door and move
will supply the structure for a                 re. Also, this eliminates previously    the seat into a “welcome” position
moving center console to a carmaker             needed components such as seat          automatically for easy entry. Brose
in North America. The supplier is               occupancy mats. Customers like          supplies OEMs with the neces-
also responsible for the motor                  this approach: several companies        sary technologies – perfectly
development and the electronic                  have already equipped test vehic-       coordinated and from a single
anti-trap protection.                           les with the sensors.                   source.

                                                                                                            Sandro Scharlibbe
                                                                                                            Executive Vice
                                                                                                            President Seat
                                                                                                            Brose Group

                                                                                        Brose Fahrzeugteile GmbH & Co. KG, Coburg

                                                                                        Max-Brose-Str. 1
                                                                                        D-96450 Coburg
                                                                                        Phone: 09561/21-0
The interior sensors from Brose and Vayyar provide reliable collision protection for
flexible interiors and other applications such as airbag control or theft protection.
Holistic Quality Assurance
  System for Highly Flexible
 Production Systems in the Body
Shop of the Future
             Innovative Sensor Technology and Data Evalua-
             tion Using Artificial Intelligence as an Enabler
             for Highly Flexible Joining Technologies
               Requirements for                              ants, ever shorter product life                 change therefore generally require
                   (automotive) production                   cycles and an increasingly volatile             a great deal of effort. Due to the
               systems of the future                         sales market pose major challeng-               constant increase in complexity
               The increasing variety of models              es for conventional production                  and increasing volatility, the
               and variants with which automo-               structures. [1]                                 flexibilization of production sys-
               bile manufacturers meet the                   Today’s production systems in                   tems is gaining strategic impor-
               increasing demand for customer-               body construction are rigidly                   tance. Resistance spot welding is
               specific products requires pro-               interlinked and model-specific.                 currently used to a large extent as
               duction technologies that allow a             Particularly in the field of joining            one of the central technologies in
               flexible production of body vari-             technology, vehicle-specific clamp-             body construction. Together with
               ants within an economic frame-                ing fixtures are used which allow               the typically used fixture-based
               work. In addition to the increas-             only very little geometry flexibi-              clamping technology for posi-
               ing complexity caused by the                  lity. Changes to the body struc-                tioning the components, this
               growing number of vehicle vari-               ture during a model or variant                  method offers only very limited
TU München

               Fig. 1: Functional demonstrator within the research project RoKtoLas for the realization of a highly flexible system based on remote
               laser beam welding (left) as well as a schematic sketch of short coherence interferometry (right)
TU München

flexibility - both with regard to
geometric changes to the body
structure and with regard to
changes to the production pro-

Technological leap in auto-
   motive body construction
                                     Fig. 2: Process zones in laser beam welding
At the Institute for Machine
Tools and Industrial Manage-         allow only an indirect assessment             number of quality criteria for the
ment (iwb) of the Technical Uni-     of the highly dynamic processes               weld seam can be derived without
versity of Munich, together with     during welding and the resulting              further test steps using suitable
partners from industry, research     seam properties or require very               evaluation algorithms.
is being carried out to increase     complex subsequent test steps. A
the flexibility of car body con-     system based on Optical Coher-
struction. The focus of the          ence Tomography (OCT) allows                  Artificial Intelligence
                                                                                                for real-time data
approach is the partial substitu-    for the first time a direct observa-          evaluation and
tion of resistance spot welding by   tion of the interaction phenome-                              process control
remote laser beam welding,           na in the process zone by record-             Although the measuring principle
which is particularly suitable for   ing geometrical information. The              allows a high-precision distance
the realization of adaptive and      interferometric principle enables             measurement with an accuracy of
networked production systems         distance measurements with high               a few micrometers and a temporal
due to its highly dynamic and        temporal and spatial resolution,              resolution in the order of 100
flexible process control. The        which are largely independent of              kilohertz, a major challenge is to
concept of a highly flexible pro-    electromagnetic process emissi-               evaluate the recorded data in a
duction cell using remote laser      ons and metal vapor or plasma
beam welding and the functional      generated during welding. By a
principle of the optical sensor      suitable deflection of the measu-
unit are shown in Figure 1. With     ring beam, topographic scans of
regard to the numerous effects of    the process zone and the sur-
this technology substitution –       rounding areas (see Figure 2) can
from vehicle design through the      be recorded in real time during
entire production chain of body-     welding.
in-white to subsequent produc-       The topographic recordings can
tion steps – a unique consortium     be used for process observation,
                                                                                   Fig. 3: OCT-based edge tracking and
of sensor developers, system         process control and quality assur-            topographic measurements for quality
developers      and     automotive   ance: The exact position of the               assurance (according to [2])
OEMs has come together. With-        butt edge can be determined
in the framework of the publicly     from the height measurements in               suitable way to be able to use the
funded RoKtoLas research pro-        the pre-process zone, in order to             inline measured welding depth
ject, a comprehensive plant and      compensate for any component                  signal for process control. The
production concept based on the      or path tolerances (see Figure 3).            characteristics of a typical welding
novel optical sensor unit is being   In the process zone, the depth of             depth signal are shown in Figure 4.
researched and the industrial        the vapor capillary can be mea-               The challenge is the correct and
feasibility of this approach is      sured as a decisive influencing               universal interpretation of the sig-
being demonstrated.                  factor on the resulting mechanical            nal structure under the require-
                                     properties of the weld seam. In               ment of a real-time capability.
Universal sensor concept for         the post-processing zone, topo-               Investigations of the signal char-
   holistic quality assurance        graphic scans allow an exact                  acteristics showed that the scat-
For a large-area industrial use of   reconstruction of the weld surface            tering in the welding depth does
remote laser beam welding, a         for quality assurance purposes.               not only follow stochastic fluctua-
comprehensive assurance of the       In addition to geometric informa-             tions of the vapor capillary, but is
quality of each weld seam is a       tion about the vapor capillary,               caused by characteristic process
mandatory prerequisite for many      which is one of the central influ-            phenomena and can be reliably
applications. Conventional quality   encing factors with regard to the             correlated with them. Conven-
assurance systems, however, either   resulting weld properties, a large            tional approaches to signal proces-
TU München

                                                                                             within the process zone. Rather,
                                                                                             suitable training algorithms can
                                                                                             be used to automatically recognize
                                                                                             dependencies and interactions
                                                                                             and make them usable for future
                                                                                             applications. Modern approaches in
                                                                                             data evaluation thus enable
                                                                                             flexible and universally applicable
                                                                                             systems that can guarantee a valid
                                                                                             evaluation of the highly dynamic
                                                                                             and complex processes in laser
                                                                                             beam welding independent of the
                                                                                             application and without prior
                                                                                             design attempts.
Fig. 4: Determination of the welding depth (blue) during laser beam welding based on
the OCT signal and Machine Learning methods                                                  Remote laser beam welding
                                                                                                 for the body construction
sing and analysis can only approxi-          beam welding. If, for example,                  of the future
mate the welding depth in a very             the material of the joining part-               A reliable method for process
limited range with the given data            ners changes or other process                   monitoring is the basis for a
structure, for which detailed                parameters are applied, new com-                robust process control and a valid
investigations must be carried out           prehensive investigations are                   quality assurance in laser beam
in advance. For deviating process            usually necessary to gain a suffi-              welding.    Optical    Coherence
states, the signal characteristics           cient understanding of the pro-                 Tomography in combination with
can change considerably and                  cess (e.g. to evaluate the influence            suitable methods of Machine
require a correspondingly adapted            of the radiation characteristic, see            Learning allows a very robust and
evaluation. Also, effects whose              Figure 5). In contrast, data evalua-            direct observation of the process.
influence on the fluctuations in             tion using Machine Learning                     Compared to conventional ap-
the welding depth signal cannot              does not require a fundamental                  proaches for quality assurance in
be quantified by simple statistical          understanding of the physical                   laser material processing, the
parameters cannot be reliably                interactions     and    phenomena               direct measurement of the pro-
detected. An alternative approach
is the use of Machine Learning
methods. Without being able to
quantify the underlying signal
patterns, artificial neural net-
works, for example, are able to
reliably find correlations between
signal characteristics and process

Machine Learning as
   enabler for highly flexible
production systems
The highly dynamic processes in
laser beam welding require a high
level of understanding of the
exact processes to be able to vali-
date the corresponding process
data. An exact study of the pro-
cesses, however, is usually limited
to the individual application and
can only be transferred to a very
limited extent due to the com-
plex measures for a comprehen-               Fig. 5: Influence of the radiation characteristic on the weld penetration depth measurement
                                             (left: multimode laser radiation, right: singlemode laser radiation (according to [3])
sive process observation in laser
TU München

cess zone greatly reduces inter-       Acknowledgements                            Authors:
pretation errors. The extensive        The results presented were
generation of process data also        achieved within the RoKtoLas                                Christian Stadter
allows the evaluation of a large       project, which is supported by the                          Research Field
                                                                                                   Intelligent Joining
number of quality criteria based       German Federal Ministry of Edu-                             System Technology
on the data recorded inline.           cation and Research (BMBF) with-                            christian.stadter
This makes it possible to obtain a     in the Photonics Research Ger-                    
                                                                                                   +49 89 289 15560
valid statement immediately after      many funding program (contract
the welding process regarding the      number 13N14555) and super-
compliance with process limits.        vised by the VDI Technology
The universality of the sensor         Center (VDI TZ). We would like
concept allows a continuous and        to thank the BMBF and the VDI                               Maximilian
comprehensive process data re-         TZ for their support and for the                            Schmöller
cording and thus a complete            effective and trusting cooperation.                         Research Field Laser
traceability throughout the pro-                                                                   Technology
cess chain. In addition to the         Literatur                                                   maximilian.
evaluation of the process stability    [1] Erler, F.: Downstream-Risiken in              
and the resulting weld seam            der automobilen Wertschöpfungskette:                        +49 89 289 15492
properties, the creation of a          Instrument zur Risikobewältigung in
knowledge base enables a process       der Kundenbeziehung von Automobil-
                                       zulieferern. Dissertation. Technische
qualification for many applica-                                                                    Prof. Dr.-Ing.
                                       Universität Chemnitz (2015).
tions for which extensive investi-                                                                 Michael F. Zäh
                                                                                                   Head of Institute
gations are still required today. By   [2] Stadter, C.; Schmoeller, M.; Zeitler,                   michael.zaeh@iwb.
qualifying the highly flexible pro-    M.; Tueretkan, V.; Munzert, U.; Zaeh,             
cess for the use in body construc-     M. F.: Process Control and Quality                          +49 89 289 15502
                                       Assurance in Remote Laser Beam
tion, highly adaptive systems are
                                       Welding by Optical Coherence Tomo-
possible. Within the framework         graphy. In: ICALEO Conference Pro-
of the project, a concept for the      ceedings (2018).
realization of intelligent joining                                                 Technical University of Munich
system technology in the sense of      [3] Schmoeller, M.; Stadter, C.; Liebl,     Department of
a fully digitalized production will    S.; Zaeh, M. F.: Inline Weld Depth          Mechanical Engineering
                                       Measurement for High Brilliance Laser       Institute for Machine Tools and
be demonstrated and validated on
                                       Beam Sources Using Optical Coheren-         Industrial Management (iwb)
the basis of serial component          ce Tomography. In: ICALEO Confer- 
assemblies.                            ence Proceedings (2018).
The truck
  of the
   "Truck2030": Technical University of Munich
   presents concept for efficient cargo transport
   Trucks will remain essential to cargo transport in the upcoming decades. Scientists
   at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and their partners have developed a
   concept for the truck of the future, including Europe-wide approval for the use of
   LHV trucks (Longer Heavier Vehicles), diesel hybrid drives and a multifunctional
   driver's cab.

                          According to a forecast by the
                          German Federal Ministry of
                          Transport and Digital Infrastruc-
                          ture, by 2030 the volume of truck
                          cargo transport will have risen by
                          39 percent compared to 2010.
                          This means efficient and environ-
                          mentally friendly transport con-
                          cepts are of continuing impor-
                          tance when it comes to reducing
                          road traffic and emissions such as
                          carbon dioxide, soot particles and
                          nitrogen oxides.
The truck of the future

                          In the project „Truck2030“ scien-
                          tists at TUM investigated all aspects   An illustration of the truck of the future. (Image: Chair of Industrial Design / TUM)
                          of the truck of the future. Here
                          are the most important results in       cise, already familiar from the                 Apps that record cargo informa-
                          the areas of People, Transport and      health club. A game-oriented                    tion using scan codes or NFC
                          Logistics, Environment and Po-          aspect will be added in order to                could save time and resources
                          litics:                                 increase motivation, for example                during loading and unloading.
                                                                  based on a virtual reward system.
                          People                                                                                  Environment
                          The researchers’ concept is based       Transport and logistics                         The use of LHV trucks alone
                          on the assumption that the truck        Long trucks with a length of 25.25              could cut CO2 emissions by 20
                          of the future will drive on the         meters are ideal for efficient cargo            percent due to lower fuel con-
                          highway automatically. Drivers          transport. Here two LHV trucks                  sumption with the same cargo
                          would then be able to invest the        can replace three normal-length                 loads.
                          time saved in their own health.         trucks. This makes it possible to               Using diesel plug-in hybrid drives
                          The driver’s cabin presented by         save fuel, resulting in benefits to             could reduce CO2 emissions by
                          the team is equipped among              the environment and the economy.                another 10 percent, the best solu-
                          other things with cables and pul-       And the total number of trucks on               tion from both the environmental
                          leys which can be used for exer-        the road will also be reduced.                  and economic points of view. Based
The truck of the future

on the current state of the art, a
solely electric drive train would not
be feasible, since a battery capable
of providing sufficient energy for
the necessary range would be too
large and too heavy.
Tires with optimized road resist-
ance and improved truck aero-
dynamics could reduce CO2
emissions by 10 percent.

The most important prerequisite
for realization of the concept is
the approval of the use of LHV
trucks in all of Europe. In their
investigations the scientists suc-
cessfully refuted counterargu-
ments such as lower driving safety
and increased road wear.
Another important point is infra-
structure: Use of the diesel plug-
in hybrid will require additional
charging stations on highways.
Electric cars will also be able to
use these charging stations.
                                                The team is building a model of the driver's cabin.
More information                                (Image: A. Heddergott / TUM)
Truck2030 is a Technical Univer-
sity of Munich (TUM) research                  partners. The project receives                  tive Technology, the Chair of
project, conducted in collabora-               support from the Bavarian Re-                   Internal Combustion Engines and
tion with the OTH Regensburg                   search Foundation. The Technical                the Chair of Industrial Design.
(Ostbayerische Technische Hoch-                University of Munich units partici-   
schule) as well as five industry               pating are the Chair of Automo-                 home/

                                                                                               High resolution images


                                                                                                  Christian Mährle
                                                                                                  Chair for Internal Combustion
                                                                                                  Phone +49 89 289 16344

                                                                                                  Sebastian Wolff
                                                                                                  Chair for Automotive Technology
                                                                                                  Phone +49 89 289 15881

                                                                                                  Simon Rauchbart
                                                                                                  Chair of Industrial Design
                                                                                                  Phone +49 89 289 28674
The driver‘s cabin is equipped with cables and pulleys which can be used for exercise.
(Image: Chair of Industrial Design / TUM)
On the road
  to a clean
combustion engine
 OME: Researchers test synthetic fuel
 Emissions-free combustion engine cars — synthetic fuels like oxymethylene
 ether are bringing the idea into the realm of the conceivable. Researchers at the
 Technical University of Munich (TUM) have tested how this kind of fuel behaves
 in engines and have developed an optimized combustion process.

                 They generate carbon dioxide,
                 particulate matter and nitrogen
                 oxides: combustion engines are in
                 the cross-hairs of public opinion
                 and many inner cities have already
                 imposed driving bans for certain
                 kinds of diesel-powered vehicles.
                 But synthetic fuels like the group
                 of oxymethylene ethers (OMEs)
                 might hold the answer. They burn
                 virtually free of undesirable by-
                 products such as soot and hydro-
                 carbons, and thus provide an addi-
                 tional air-quality benefit over
                 other long-standing designer
                 fuels. However, they also have
                 disadvantages: production costs
                 are higher than those of fossil
                 fuels and there are no production    Dominik Pélerin at the full-engine testbed. (Image: Moritz Ermert / TUM)
                 facilities available yet.
                 The XME Diesel project, funded       From one cylinder                            adapted the injectors accordingly.
                 by the German Federal Ministry              to a full-scale engine                Furthermore, since the synthetic
Synthetic fuel

                 of Economics, aims to promote        First, the researchers did com-              fuel does not produce soot, large
                 the use of OMEs. Scientists from     puter simulations and experiments            amounts of exhaust gas can be
                 TUM's Chair of Internal Com-         on a single-cylinder engine test-            recirculated into the engine with-
                 bustion Engines are also in-         bed. They determined the opti-               out contaminating the intake.
                 volved in the project. They inve-    mal parameters for efficient com-            This approach inhibits the forma-
                 stigated the behavior of OMEs in     bustion. For example, the synthet-           tion of nitrogen oxides because
                 engines, the adjustments required    ic fuel has a lower calorific value          the recirculated exhaust gas pre-
                 to improve combustion efficiency     than diesel, which means more                vents very high temperatures
                 and the degree to which harmful      fuel must be injected into the               during combustion.
                 emissions can be reduced in com-     engine to achieve the same per-              Next, the scientists tested the
                 parison to fossil fuels.             formance. The scientists thus                parameters on a full-engine test-
Synthetic fuel

                                                                                      drives, explains Härtl. Examples
                                                                                      include long haul trucks, energy
                                                                                      provision in remote areas and the
                                                                                      aviation and shipping sectors.

                                                                                      More information:
                                                                                      The tests were carried out as part
                                                                                      of the project „XME Diesel –
                                                                                      (Bio) Methyl Ethers as Alternati-
                                                                                      ve Fuels in Bivalent Diesel En-
                                                                                      gines,“ funded by the German
                                                                                      Federal Ministry of Economic
                                                                                      Affairs and Energy.
                                                                                      Further research in the field of
                                                                                      OMEs at the Institute of Internal
                                                                                      Combustion Engines is part of
Full-engine testbed in the engine laboratory of TUM's Chair of Internal Combustion    the project „OME – Environ-
Engines in Munich-Moosach. (Image: Mortiz Ermert / TUM)
                                                                                      mentally Friendly Diesel Fuel
bed comprising a six-cylinder                fuel. We are also convinced that         Additives“ (funded by the Agen-
production engine that was adapt-            high-performance exhaust after-          cy for Renewable Resources with
ed specifically to run on syn-               treatment can even reduce emissi-        funds of the German Federal
thetic fuel. The tests on the full           ons to almost zero.“ OME made            Ministry of Food and Agricultu-
engine confirmed the previous                from waste CO2 – carbon dioxide          re) and the project „Sub-Zero-
results.                                     generated in processes in the steel      Emissions Diesel Engine“ (fun-
                                             and cement industries, for exam-         ded by the Bavarian Research
Emissions can be                             ple, or in coal and gas-fired plants –   Foundation).
             reduced to zero                 and electricity from renewable
„We determined that using this               sources, would even be carbon              Contact:
fuel can significantly reduce pol-           neutral.
lutant emissions,“ explains Dr.              Particularly interesting is the use        Technical University of Munich
                                                                                        Institute of Internal Combustion
Martin Härtl, who coordinates the            of OME in vehicles and systems             Engines
project. „The Euro 6 level, the              in which internal combustion
currently applicable limit, is easily        engines cannot be readily replac-          Phone: +49 89 289 24110
met when using the synthetic                 ed by battery-powered electric
Shaping Mobility
By Leveraging
   the Transfer Potential
of Aerospace and Automotive!
 At first glance, the modern aerospace industry would seem to have little in common with the auto-
 motive sector. However, metrics like development cycle time, number of employees, sales and price per
 aircraft/vehicle reveal major differences in some cases. Yet both industries are characterized by highly
 sophisticated technologies and increasingly interconnected embedded systems. At the same time, the
 two are increasingly converging as part of a trend toward multi-dimensionality in mobility – the
 mobility of the future.

                   Definite synergy                       processes and the transferability of     ment are comparable in the two
                           and transfer potential         basic technology approaches and          industries. These common fea-
                   A more holistic approach to            solutions.                               tures thus certainly do allow find-
                   mobility is needed in order to         As such, the main common de-             ing promising leverage points for
                   meet the challenges arising in our     nominator can be found in the area       the automotive industry.
                   increasingly networked and glob-       of approaches to problem solving         The increasing importance of
                   alized world. It is thus key to        – in other words, engineering.           software in vehicles calls for a
                   identify the synergy and transfer      The following are examples of            software development process
                   potential latent in the aerospace      this: At its core, ‚functional safety‘   that is efficient and robust in
                   and automotive sectors to be able      is about how to create a function-       equal measure. An increasing
                   to leverage these in targeted fash-    ally reliable product that meets         number of functions now need to
                   ion for mobility overall.              the given requirements. And              be realized by an increasing num-
                   Both industries deal with means        ensuring functional safety is            ber of players to increasingly
                   of transport that to some extent       essentially an overarching process       tight deadlines, while an increas-
                   involve extremely complex inter-       not specific to either field. Re-        ingly confusing set of parameters
                   functionalities. Realized as em-       quirements management is simi-           must also be taken into account.
                   bedded systems involving elec-         lar in both, for which the same          This makes the processes and
                   tronics and software, these func-      standard tool can be employed.           methods      involved    incredibly
                   tionalities must meet incredibly       The basic solutions used are trans-      complex; a factor that can only be
                   high demands for real-time appli-      ferable, even for system architec-       overcome by seamlessly inter-
Shaping Mobility

                   cations. Their respective integra-     ture, which is more technical in         twining the development steps in
                   tion into complex traffic control      nature.                                  the networks of vehicle manufac-
                   systems is also comparable. And                                                 turers, suppliers and service pro-
                   from an engineering perspective,       Transfer processes done right            viders and clearly defining the
                   the domain structures in the           Transfer is not a simple matter          division of roles in a way that is
                   bodywork & cockpit, drive and          due to a number of fundamental           transparent to all those involved.
                   platform control systems are large-    differences between the automo-          An important step toward achiev-
                   ly similar as well.                    tive and aerospace industries, such      ing this is the standardization of
                   Of course, the specific functional     as development time, innovation          interfaces.
                   requirements – and thus the even-      speed, production quantities,            The aerospace industry has long
                   tual solutions derived – are usually   costs and product service life.          been aware of the great advant-
                   fundamentally different. There is      However, the process steps in            ages of standardizing non-differ-
                   great overlap however regarding        electronics and software develop-        entiated technical solutions, and
Shaping Mobility

                                                                            and the hallmark of this change.
                                                                            The highly sophisticated, top-
                                                                            down architecture development
                                                                            process employed in the aerospace
                                                                            industry serves as an exemplary
                                                                            model for this. The core elements
                                                                            in this process are standardization,
                                                                            interface uniformity and abstract-
                                                                            ing upward from granular techno-
                                                                            logical solutions. Key factor:
                                                                            Safety and security can really only
                                                                            be practicably realized on the
                                                                            architecture side. The same
                                                                            applies to system verification,
                                                                            which also benefits from a strin-
                                                                            gent architecture approach.
                                                                            Attempting to do this at the sub-
                                                                            system and component level is a
                                                                            very hit-and-miss process, and
                                                                            extremely time-consuming to
                                                                            boot. Safety cannot be divided,
                                                                            and must therefore be 'drafted' in
                                                                            its entirety from the architecture.
has acted accordingly. Over          such operational functions as          With its focus on highly reliable
recent years, the digitization of    steering, control and system relia-    systems and safe functions, which
cars through the extensive use of    bility, and administrator functions    is born of years of experience, the
electronics and software has been    like support for development,          aerospace industry represents an
driven by a high innovation          production and service processes).     excellent role model for this.
speed, with the result that the      A similar principle applies to the     This can require great effort of
system complexity in a premium       basic functions at the user level,     course, but the benefits are real in
car with all the variants is now     such as sensor and data fusion,        terms of technology, functionali-
much higher than that of a           system status detection, environ-      ty, processes ... and profits, as we
modern commercial airplane, at       mental awareness, centralized          firmly believe!
least when based purely on the       system coordination and maneu-
sheer amount of software and         vering support and execution.
data involved. Standardization, as
seen in the aerospace industry, is
                                     Top-down architecture
thus one way of removing part of             development requires
the complexity from the develop-     a holistic system concept
ment process, affording a model      We have more or less undergone
to be emulated by the automotive     a critical technological paradigm
industry!                            shift – away from traditional
                                     mechanical       engineering     and
Technology transfer: added           toward electronics, embedded
                                                                                             Jörg Ohlsen
   value through experience          systems and IT. However, drive
The technological foundations, as    electrification, the ever-accelera-                     ESG MOBILITY
we have observed, are comparable     ting growth in the use of software
(processors, programming lan-        and the wealth of different new,
guages, sensors, actuators etc.).    heavily     networked     assistance
However, like-for-like, outright     systems – plus the elimination of
technology transfer is not fea-      system boundaries due to the
sible, and cannot yield any break-   advent of cyber-physical systems –     ESG MOBILITY GmbH
throughs. Yet transferring experi-   are all issues that demand new,        Frankfurter Ring 211
ence does makes sense in prob-       future-proof solutions.                D-80807 München
                                                                            Phone: +49 89 92161-0
lem-solving, with system and sup-    A holistic system view in the
port functions for example, i.e.     development process is the key to
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