Bajaj Allianz Micro Insurance Initiative - India Case Study - 9th International Micro Insurance Conference 2013

Page created by Greg Campbell
Bajaj Allianz Micro Insurance Initiative - India Case Study - 9th International Micro Insurance Conference 2013
Bajaj Allianz Micro Insurance Initiative - India
                          Case Study
                     9th International Micro Insurance Conference 2013
                                14th November 2013, Jakarta

Presented by -
Yogesh Gupta
Senior Vice President & Head
Business Procurement, Micro & Mass Market
Bajaj Allianz Micro Insurance Initiative - India Case Study - 9th International Micro Insurance Conference 2013
India: Economic Snapshot
                                          This means that
                Only 5% of the
                                          Close to 800 million        Our company operates in a
                Indian population
            is covered with some
                                            People in Rural India     country where 32.7% of the
           sort of insurance cover
                                         have no insurance            population fall below
                                               access                 the international poverty
                                                                      line of US$ 1.25 per day while
                                          There is an urgent need     68.7% live on less than US$ 2
           In India, Social Security       to provide insurance       per day.
           Is virtually non existent          protection
                                           to these individuals

                                                            Opportunity: Lower middle income group
        This segment of the country
        largely has no access to the
        financial services.
        Large part of this population,
        which is below poverty line are
        without savings, credit or
        insurance services.
                                                                    Emerging Trend: Opportunity at the
Source: UNDP, World Bank 2010 Report                                 ' forgotten’ Middle of the Pyramid

     “9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013, Jakarta”                                          2
Bajaj Allianz Micro Insurance Initiative - India Case Study - 9th International Micro Insurance Conference 2013
Challenges : Product Design - Rural Market

                                      Customer Profile
                                • Simple to understand as the
                                  target audience is largely
                                  financially illiterate
                                • Low awareness

        Documentation                                                   Income Patterns
  • Limited availability of                                       • Erratic and seasonal income
    documents to determine                                          hence lapsation trends can
    health, age & primary                                           be higher than normal
    education levels.

                                      Small Ticket Sizes
                                • Efficient mechanisms for
                                  collecting premiums as little
                                  as US$ 1 per month against
                                  yearly premium

“9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013, Jakarta”
Bajaj Allianz Micro Insurance Initiative - India Case Study - 9th International Micro Insurance Conference 2013
Product Development Dashboard – An Innovative Micro Savings
How would one define a good savings plan?? How do we measure against these parameters??

                                      Available in small premium sizes Rs 45 (Less than $ 1 per month)
                                 Wide Coverage across ages

                     Wide Coverage              Individuals between the age of 0-65 male and female can be
                      across ages                 covered.
                                                       Low Surrender Penalty
                                                       Premium withdrawal at any point during the policy tenure
                         Flexible                      Non-forfeiture of premiums and continuation of policy
                          Safety of Investment and competitive yield
                                                       Both regular and single premium payment options available

                                                            Capital Guarantee on the net investment premium
                         Minimal documentation for enrollment 0% Equity
                                                            and  claimsexposure across the fund
       Safety of Investment and Competitive Yield           Returns declared on the existing fund.
                                                                 of 8.3% - 8.8% in last 5 years

     “9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013, Jakarta”
Our Flagship Micro Insurance Product Innovation

                          “Sarve Shakti Suraksha”

                                   which stands for…

                 “Securing & Empowering Everyone”

                            Launched - April’2008

                   Nos of Lives Covered – More than 7 Million

“9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013, Jakarta”
Sarve Shakti Suraksha - Simplistic & Customer Centric
Key Product Features                                     “Over the Counter (OTC) Solution”

 SSS (Sarve Shakti Suraksha ) – Over the
  Counter Solution( OTC)                                     Non Forfeiture of Premiums
       Risk coverage with savings options
       Minimum Sum Assured per annum: Rs
                                                                 Low Surrender Penalty
       Minimum product term: 5 years
       Eligibility- Between 0-65 years                     Easy Revival without Penalty
       Low Premium: Rs 45 (Less than $1per
       Minimal documentation at the time of                      Loan Against Policy
        product enrollment & Claims.
       Rider Available – ADB & ADDB                         Non Medical Underwriting
 Incase of Death of the member- Sum Assured
  plus the account value of the customers
                                                      Easy Enrollment by just filling One Pager
                                                      form with on the spot “Welcome Letter”
 On Maturity Value - The account value subject
  to the minimum maturity guarantee,
                                                         “Standard Premium Across all Ages”

   “9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013, Jakarta”                                    6
Yet Another “Hit” in Micro Insurance & Financial Inclusion

                                  Group Term Life Product
Product name (generic or           • Group Term Life
marketing name)
Product type (e.g. credit life,    • Pure Risk Insurance coverage for a period of one year
endowment, motorcycle)
Country                            • India
Distribution partner type (e.g.    • Non -bank Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) & Common Service Centers
MFIs, banks, coops, retailers)
1 -sentence product description    • An insurance product designed to provide risk protection against natural
                                     to the end customer
                                   • Other benefits include an accidental death & disability rider

Group or individual product        • Group Insurance
Covered risks & benefits / sum     •   Sum Insured: Minimum INR 1000, no limit on maximum coverage
insured                            •   Risks covered: Natural and accidental death
                                   •   Disability rider is optional (but rarely implemented in microfinance
                                                                                               microfin ancecontext
                                   •   MFIs deduct the outstanding loan balance (if any) from the sum iinsurednsured
Premium range     (min, max)       • Depending on the group, underwriting rate is set by the company’s
                                                                                             company underwriter
                                                                                                       ’s underwriter
                                   • Varies based on group demographics

                        Nos of Lives Covered – More than 30 Million in last 5 years

     “9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013, Jakarta”
Product Distribution Approach – Rural Market

                                               Collaborate with strategic partners
                                         • Associate with partners operating across
                                           these segments
                                         • Have sound knowledge, understanding and
                                           access to captive customer databases
                                         • Proper Infrastructure

       Have a service orientation                                                        Promote insurance awareness
• Willing to get associated with service                                            • Promote financial literacy and insurance
  support and policy administration/servcing                                          awareness through specially designed
• Support the insurer in intimation and                                               tools
  resolution of claims and other

                                        Existing distributors of products/services
                                        • Have a firmly established operation across
                                          specified core businesses
                                        • Insurance cant be the sole business activity
                                        • Help in buildling Low cost of distribution

   “9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013, Jakarta”
Distribution – Our Rural Business Model
                                                                  70 Micro Finance Institutions

  More than 600 Co-op Scocities                           Finance
                                     Credit/            Institutions                                  200 Rural Banks
                                   Non Credit
                                  Co-operative                               Rural Banks
 Exploring Coffee/Tea/Sugar
          Board etc
                         Boards &                       Rural
                        Associations                   Business                         Plan
                                                                                                  7 NeGP Players with 60,000 CSCs

NGOs, Organisation with Rural                                              Business
Presence such a “Rural Retail”      Others
                                                        Federation                         10 Key BC Players with target
                                                                                            reach to 20 million people
                           We have piloted with 4 key Dairy
                                  Boards in Indian

    “9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013, Jakarta”
Rural & Micro Insurance Achievements (As on Sept’13)
                                                                         No of Lives Covered
                                                                                                                                     SSS       GTL        Total

                              40.00                                                                                                                   36.16
Lives Covered (in Millions)

                              20.00                                                                           15.61
                              15.00                                                                                                     8.51
                              10.00                                                                   5.08                                     7.02
                                                                1.69                 1.37      4.27
                               5.00   1.70      1.70   1.37 0.31              1.04
                                                                       0.33                                  2.21             0.61
                                             0.00                                            0.81
                                       2008-09         2009-10          2010-11               2011-12         2012-13          2013-14            Total

                                      Total Nos of Lives Covered in last 5 years : 3.61 Million
                                                                                            Figures are on Financial Yea Wise i.e. 1st April – 31stMarch
                                                                                            Figures as on September’13

                               “9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013, Jakarta”
Rural & Micro Insurance Achievements (As on Sept’13)
                                                         Micro Insurance New Business
                                                                                                                  SSS      GTL       Total

Premium ( in USD Million)

                             150                                                                                     130.63


                                                  34.72 34.98                                     43.60
                              50                                       23.07      25.75
                                   16       16.10     0.26    21.68 1.39 20.34 5.41     27.57 16.03         9.51 19.75
                                        0.01                                                            10.24

                                    2008-09       2009-10       2010-11       2011-12       2012-13       2013-14          Total


                               Total New Business Premium Collected in last 5 years : US $ 163.24 Mn
                               Total Corpus under Micro Insurance in last 5 years : US $ 272.67 Mn
                                                                             Figures are on Financial Yea Wise i.e. 1st April – 31stMarch
1 USD = INR Rs. 60
                                                                             Figures as on September’13

                            “9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013, Jakarta”
Claim Settlement : The Moment of Truth
Micro Saving Solution – Sarve Shakti Suraksha
    •   Nos of Claims Received - 27,418
    •   Nos of Claims Settled - 26,536
    •   Claims Settlement Ratio (NOP) -96.78%
    •   Claim Received (Amount) -Rs. 174.65 or US $ 29.11 Mn
    •   Claims Settled (Amount) – Rs. 169.10 or US $ 28.18 Mn
    •   Claim Settlement Ratio (NOP) – 96.78%
    •   Claim Settlement Ratio (Amount) – 96.81%

Micro Saving Solution – Group Term Life
    •   Nos of Claims Received - 1,74,197
    •   Nos of Claims Settled - 1,70,413
    •   Claims Settlement Ratio (NOP) – 97.83%
    •   Claims Settlement Amount (Sum Assured)
          • Rs. 227.56 Crores or US $ 37.92 Mn                   1 USD = INR Rs. 60

              Total Nos. Claims Settled under Micro Insurance Initiative – 1,96,949
              Total Claims Settled (Amount) – Rs. 396.66 Crores or US $ 66.11 Mn
                         Overall Claim Settlement Ratio (NOP) – 97.31%

   “9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013, Jakarta”
Claim Settlement : The Moment of Truth

             Claim Story…
Our Cost Effective Strategy

                                     • Less Documentation
More Emphasis on Less                • Less Premium
                                     • Less Operational Cost

                                     • Issue Master Policy
     Service Delivery                • Constant Interaction through community workers
                                     • Process re-engineering to keep policy issuance cost less

                                     • Keep it simple
          Products                   • Lack of data can be a hurdle, so price as per experience
                                     • Customized to the needs of the target segment

                                     •    Speedy settlement of Claims
           Claims                    •    A marketing opportunity

                                     •    Spread the risk
      Underwriting                   •    Mutual basis – premium / claim sharing

     “9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013, Jakarta”
Microinsurance Business model:
         Large customer aggregator driven Mass Market Approach
   Activity:   Bajaj Allianz Life & Aggregators      Aggregators RO’s/ Branches           Member & the Aggregator
Example        Product development                   Marketing & sales                    Purchase of policy
                In 2008, research conducted by       Mass awareness campaigns in         A typical client
                 partner on savings needs of its       villages,                           …lives on less than 2$ a day
                 microcredit customers.               Product information                 Lives In rural areas or Slums
                Data collected as part of survey      disseminated through well           …generates income from activities
                 formed basis of product               organized daily center meetings      such as agriculture, livestock, trade,
                 development approach.                Center meets serve as effective      production & services
                                                       customer contact points.            …only members allowed

               Bajaj Allianz Life & Aggregator        Bajaj Allianz Life & Aggregator      Bajaj Allianz Life & Aggregator

               Claims …                              Claims documentation                 Damage / Risk
                … Verification and                   Limited paperwork requirements      Death due to natural reasons,
                 payments issuance                    Assessment of the claims             illnesses or accidents such as
                  Cheques issued by Bajaj Allianz     received                             drowning, snake bites which occur
                  Payment issued in partner          Verify and certify documentation     in rural areas
                    branches or in center meetings    Cancel out exclusions
Special Initiatives in Micro Insurance

“9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013, Jakarta”
To Summarize...

It’s an essential requirement – Financial Inclusion
 The segment is vulnerable and exposed to different sorts of risks which can
   impact livelihood, Insurance performs the role of a efficient risk protection and
   social security tool.

Easy and simple to understand products
 Simplified products, minimal documentation for enrollment and claims                       is a
  settlement, non forfeiture in case of premium non payment, 2 years for
  reinstating policy at no interest charges
                                                                                       Social Business
Financial Literacy and Insurance Awareness
 Cascading key messages on insurance concepts as well as product details
   using easy to explain simple tools
 Important tool to ensure portfolio quality, as members are aware and well informed
   about the key attributes of the scheme
 Ensures long term value creation and customer satisfaction.


 “9th International Microinsurance Conference 2013, Jakarta”
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