Banding Together with Banks - Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei Enterprise

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Banding Together with Banks - Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei Enterprise
Banding Together
             with Banks
             Banking Challenges and
             Possibilities Post Pandemic

Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World
Banding Together with Banks - Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei Enterprise
Banding Together with Banks - Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei Enterprise
| Editorial |

New Banking Reform amid
COVID-19 Pandemic
Jason Cao / President of Financial Services Business, Huawei Enterprise BG

        he COVID-19 pandemic is a global        were issued to 896 merchants.                     performing assets. In addition, the pandemic
        black swan which has severely                                                             brings higher unemployment rates and
        impacted the global economy. The        The banking industry amid the pandemic            more loan needs. Banks should improve risk
International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts      is undergoing a reform. Bye Bye Banks?            control and shift from post-event models to
that sub-Saharan Africa's economic growth       Depicts how Internet impacts banks. While         in-event or even pre-event models.
rate will be 1.6% in 2020, reaching a record    the Internet is flattening the world, it also
low. Countries and regions have taken strict    provides multiple channels to meet people's       Enhance online marketing capabilities. Large
prevention and mitigation measures to curb      needs under "financial repression". Banks         amounts of data collected by commercial
the spread of the virus, bringing about a       need to quickly respond to future market          banks will play a greater role through AI.
sudden global economic downturn. Coupled        changes by taking the following measures:         Based on the data, banks build 360-degree
with tightened global financial conditions,                                                       customer profiles and conduct precision
this has significantly affected the Southern    The pandemic will accelerate the digital          marketing according to user behavior and
African economy.                                transformation of the banking industry.           preferences. This helps the banking industry
                                                When traditional offline services are affected,   attract and retain customers and deliver
Facing these severe impacts, banks will         FinTech becomes prominent. The pandemic           superior customer experience.
quickly shift from offline operations modes     prevention and control efforts help move
such as branches and merchants to online        offline services to online platforms. Financial   Cut digital transformation costs. Economic
modes including mobile banking. In this new     institutions have increased financial IT          recovery takes time. Banks need to control
normal, emerging technologies are used to       investment, strengthened online banking           costs and expenses and improve profitability
upgrade business scenarios such as account      service capabilities, and accelerated R&D and     while accelerating digital transformation.
opening, approval, credit, and risk control.    innovation to drive digital transformation.       They are in urgent need of transforming
Meanwhile, at the macroeconomic level,          Banks with active investment in digitalization    their technical architecture into a distributed,
the banking industry is also undergoing         have been highly competitive during the           open, and automated one to promote
challenges from sharply declined economic       pandemic and seized the opportunities of          business model and service innovation.
activities, decreased deposits and loans, as    this digital, mobile era.
well as higher unemployment rates and                                                             In the crisis, staying unchanged is more
non-performing loan ratios.                     Accelerate the functional transformation          dangerous. Active action does not necessarily
                                                of physical branches. Off-site transactions       guarantee success, but negative response will
China has experienced a huge impact on its      and services are gaining popularity and           definitely bring chaos. The ongoing pandemic
GDP due to the pandemic. In Q1, China's         promoting the integration of online and           impacts not only economy but also living
GDP dropped by 6.8%. The impact spread          offline channels. Banks should develop            habits. We believe that digitalization will be
to every sector. Hotel & catering and retail    smart branches through off-site technical         rapidly and widely used in this process. Banks
sectors declined by 35.3% and 17.8%             means such as facial recognition, to comply       should proactively think and prepare for the
respectively. The financial services sector,    with regulations in high-risk processing          subsequent changes in life and customers,
however, achieved a 6% increase. Take China     services. More importantly, digital solutions     and make services more agile to address
Merchants Bank (CMB) as an example.             will be widely applied and well managed in        uncertainties of the future.
Despite its affected customer acquisition,      services, laying a solid foundation for digital
deposit and loan scale, net interest income,    operations and regulations.
intermediate business income, and asset
quality. CMB's online wealth management         Strengthen risk control. Environment changes
business, financial market business, and risk   put risk control under immense pressure.
avoidance services expanded, and its net        The pandemic has affected sectors and
wealth management value remained stable.        some enterprises are facing pressure or even
Within three weeks, CNY23.7 billion loans       sustainability risks, which may raise non-
Banding Together with Banks - Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei Enterprise
Banding Together
with Banks
Banking Challenges and
Possibilities Post Pandemic


                              New Banking Reform amid COVID-19 Pandemic

                               Industry Trends                                                       P01

                              P01/	Digital Transformation Lessons of Financial Institutions under COVID-19

                              P05/	Chinese Banks' Response and Lessons under the COVID-19 Pandemic

                              P09/	RESPONDING TO Covid-19: What to Do Now and Next For Customer
                                    Service and Advice Provision

                              P13/	How Mobile will Lead Banks out of CoVID-19
Banding Together with Banks - Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei Enterprise
Industry News                                                                              P17

P17/	The Banking Industry's Response Under COVID-19 Pandemic

P21/	The rise of Fin Techs

P23/	Maintaining Banking System Safety amid the COVID-19 Crisis

 Solutions and Cases                                                                        P25

P25/	Inclusive Financial Services Empowered by New Digital Technologies

P27/	New Digital CORE of Banks

P31/	5G Smart Bank Branch Solution Architecture

P35/	Huawei Converged Data Lake Solution Accelerates Data-based Service Innovation in the
      Banking Industry

P41/	Huawei All-Flash Storage Meets Piraeus Bank's Ever-Growing Demand for New IT Services

P45/	Huawei Helped Ghana's GCB Achieve Successful Implementation G-Money (Mobile Money)
Banding Together with Banks - Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei Enterprise
Industry Trends
    Digital Transformation Lessons of Financial Institutions under COVID-19 Pandemic

   Digital Transformation Lessons
   of Financial Institutions under
   COVID-19 Pandemic
   Wu Shengfei / Director of Market Insight Department, Huawei Enterprise BG
   Lin Zhiyao / Expert of Market Insight Department, Huawei Enterprise BG

01 Banding Together with Banks 2020/05
Banding Together with Banks - Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei Enterprise
Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic

     n 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic quickly swept across          services, offered remote consultation services with medical
     the globe. Governments have taken a variety of              institutions, and provided livelihood services by working
     measures to deal with the new virus that endangers          with government departments. The rapid rollout of these
public health and causes deaths: declaring national              products and services has enabled banks to better adapt
emergencies, canceling large-scale public activities, and        to new environments and scenarios, greatly reducing the
working from home as well as social distancing, home             adverse impact of the pandemic.
quarantine, and the halt of international flights. The
pandemic has significantly impacted the healthcare industry      The traditional business architecture of financial institutions
and caused sudden shutdowns in transportation, catering,         cannot adapt to the changing business environment or
tourism, and other industries. Over time, the pandemic has       launch targeted businesses and products. To keep up,
lasting and far-reaching impacts on all sectors and global       financial institutions need to design a flexible and open
economic development.                                            business architecture, especially in terms of business
                                                                 processes. For one thing, business processes should be
This black swan has also profoundly affected the financial       fully broken down and refined to basic business actions
services industry. Governments cut benchmark interest            to develop micro-service based business capabilities. For
rates, which in turn reduced banks' interest income.             another, business architecture design should consider
Industry stopped production and overdue payments and             new scenarios in the future. For unknown scenarios, the
defaults occurred, raising non-performing loan ratios and        architecture can support quick combination and flexible
lowering asset quality. Quarantine measures made financial       orchestration of business micro-services so that enterprises
institutions that relied heavily on physical branches stop       can quickly develop new products by orchestrating basic
their business, and small- and medium-sized institutions         business capabilities. In doing so, financial institutions can
may even declare bankruptcy. Financial institutions with         meet business requirements in new scenarios by offering
strong digital capabilities, however, have quickly moved         products and services, and ensure smooth operations in the
their services online and used online channels to carry out      new environment.
marketing and serve customers, effectively mitigating the
adverse impact.
                                                                 Select the Next-Generation IT Architecture
Medical experts believe that the best prevention measure         to Address Rapid Business Changes
against the virus is enhancing one's own immunity. This is
true both for individuals and for financial institutions. To     The IT architecture embodies a blueprint for building
cope with the ever-changing external environment filled          an enterprise digital information system and a basis for
with uncertainties, enterprises should improve their own         business strategy and business architecture implementation.
immunity. One effective means is making full use of next-        To adapt to the ever-changing business environment, an IT
generation IT to advance digitalization.                         architecture that can respond efficiently, continuously, and
                                                                 flexibly should be designed.

Cope with Environment Changes Using                              With the development of next-generation IT, distributed,
Flexible, Open Business Architecture +                           cloud-native, and micro-service architectures gradually
Scenario-Specific Orchestration                                   replace the traditional centralized architecture and
                                                                 become preferred choices of financial institutions. The new
New environments and challenges mean new opportunities           architectures help them build flexible, agile, and efficient IT
and require new services and products. Emergencies such as       platforms. In the rapidly changing external environment and
the COVID-19 pandemic pose serious challenges, throwing          emerging business scenarios, the institutions can quickly
enterprises into new complex environments and policies,          respond and launch new applications, products, businesses,
presenting new scenarios and opportunities. To mitigate the      and services.
adverse impact of emergencies, seize new opportunities, and
win competition, enterprises need to react quickly to new        During the pandemic, financial institutions that have
scenarios and launch new services and products. During the       adopted the next-generation architectures have quickly
pandemic, commercial banks such as Agricultural Bank of          launched financial services in accordance with pandemic
China designed and released financial products concerning        control requirements, showing the value of new IT
pandemic prevention and control, launched online customer        architectures. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

                                                                                    Banding Together with Banks 2020/05 02
Banding Together with Banks - Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei Enterprise
Industry Trends
    Digital Transformation Lessons of Financial Institutions under COVID-19 Pandemic

   (ICBC) provides 24/7 contactless financial services through   Build teleworking capabilities for employees and
   cloud computing and distributed technologies. Based on        select a collaborative office platform suitable for
   an open and integrated ecosystem, ICBC has launched the       financial institutions.
   emergency supply management system and personnel
   health information registration management system for key     The collaborative office platform supports multiple
   institutions, enterprises, and communities such as pandemic   communication modes including text, voice, video, and
   prevention and control command centers at all levels,         conference, to meet daily work requirements. Meanwhile,
   health commissions, and medical institutions.                 the financial services sector has a large amount of key
                                                                 financial information, making information security an
                                                                 important element of teleworking. Therefore, a collaborative
   Online Work: Internal Collaborative Office +                  office platform with high security is required to protect the
   External Customer Marketing and Services                      security of financial data and enterprise operation data.

   Working from home is an important means for enterprises       Apart from communication between employees,
   to maintain operations amid the pandemic. Financial           teleworking also involves remote processing of various
   institutions need to build online working capabilities:       business processes. Process requirements related to risk
   Collaborative office as well as customer marketing and        control and regulatory compliance are critical to the
   services.                                                     financial services industry. To enable actual online work,

03 Banding Together with Banks 2020/05
Banding Together with Banks - Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei Enterprise
Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic

business capabilities and processes need       refused digital channels were forced to        video, and now to live streaming. Financial
to be integrated with the collaborative        learn how to transfer or remit money,          institutions should analyze the advantages
office platform. Therefore, the platform       pay utility bills, or even buy groceries and   and disadvantages of marketing and
must be open and integrated to                 products online. They became new online        service channels, and then integrate
seamlessly integrate financial business        customers. To keep up with this trend,         these channels to build an efficient digital
capabilities and processes, ensuring           highly digital banks focused on online         marketing system.
that employees can smoothly complete           marketing and services, yielding good
business activities such as risk control, so   results. One bank's wealth management
that the entire financial service process      manager tried live streaming, which            Increase Investment in FinTech
can be completed online.                       brought many new customers and deposits        and Strengthen Capabilities
                                               to the bank.                                   Such as Big Data and AI

Develop online marketing and service           For financial institutions, online marketing   As stated in FinTech in Pandemic
capabilities for customers.                    and service capabilities are increasingly      Prevention and Control by Xinhua
                                               important. In China, with the development      Finance, China Banking Association, and
Offline branches were closed and online        of Internet technologies, online marketing     other institutions stated, FinTech has
financial services became the only choice      and service modes keep emerging, from          played a critical role in uninterrupted
during the pandemic. The elderly who           text messages and images to audio and          services, online/offline linkage, product
                                                                                              innovation, and stable running of
                                                                                              financial infrastructure, greatly reducing
                                                                                              the pandemic impact on the business
                                                                                              continuity of financial institutions.

                                                                                              After the pandemic, financial institutions
                                                                                              should continue to increase investment
                                                                                              in FinTech, promote the integration of
                                                                                              technologies (big data, AI, and IoT) with
                                                                                              businesses, and improve the resistance
                                                                                              to unknown risks. In terms of big data,
                                                                                              financial institutions have high-quality data
                                                                                              assets, offering them a competitive edge
                                                                                              by analyzing massive data and mining data
                                                                                              value. In terms of AI, the combination of
                                                                                              core AI technologies (machine learning,
                                                                                              knowledge graph, natural language
                                                                                              processing, and computer vision). Financial
                                                                                              service phases will facilitate product
                                                                                              innovation, process reengineering, service
                                                                                              upgrade, and enhance the financial services
                                                                                              industry's capabilities in marketing, risk
                                                                                              control, and customer services.

                                                                                              The COVID-19 pandemic contains major
                                                                                              changes unseen in a century. It has
                                                                                              brought both risks and new directions to
                                                                                              financial institutions. The hard-earned
                                                                                              lesson is that financial institutions should
                                                                                              continue optimizing their architecture,
                                                                                              capabilities, and technologies to improve

                                                                                                Banding Together with Banks 2020/05 04
Banding Together with Banks - Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei Enterprise
Industry Trends
    Chinese Banks' Response and Lessons under the COVID-19 Pandemic

   Chinese Banks' Response and Lessons
   under the COVID-19 Pandemic
   CHEN KUN TE / Chief Digital Transformation Officer of Financial Services Business, Huawei Enterprise BG

           ince the end of 2019 a pandemic       Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic                  maturing. However, we have not fully
           has swept across the globe. The                                                     understood COVID-19 and recovering the
           latest public data shows that         COVID-19 is strongly infectious and has       economy in an anti-pandemic environment
   the pandemic has more than 3 million          a long incubation period. With pandemic       has become a new normal that may last
   confirmed cases with over 200,000 deaths      development and global efforts, we have       until 2021.
   and causes substantial losses to the global   a deeper understanding and take more
   economy. The outbreak is an unexpected        targeted measures. Taking China as            Lockdown and social distancing have
   stress test on the banking industry.          an example, lockdown and quarantine           greatly affected offline economies.
                                                 measures were used to slow down the virus     According to Chinese economic data in
   As the first country hit by the pandemic,     spreading in the outbreak stage and nucleic   Q1, GDP declined by 6.8%, tourism and
   China has summarized multiple lessons.        acid tests were conducted in the production   catering even dropped by 35.3%, and
   The pandemic may not be ended in the          resumption stage to find asymptomatic         trade, construction, and transportation all
   short term. We need to have a deeper          carriers and analyze public immunity.         decreased by 10% to 20%. On the contrary,
   understanding of it and prepare for the       Pandemic detection, confirmation,             with a solid foundation, Chinese online
   future.                                       prevention, and control measures are          economy (such as fresh food business,

05 Banding Together with Banks 2020/05
Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic

wealth management, and payments)               an example. Its online wealth management         »» Online customer operations: Chinese
has contributed to a 13.2% increase in         business has increased explosively. It issued       banks usually have digital channels to
the IT industry. More importantly, online      online loans of CNY23.7 billion to 896              maintain closer contact with customers
consumption habits and ecosystem have          merchants within three weeks through a              during the pandemic. Online convenient
been developed. The middle-aged and            contactless procedure. Furthermore, CMB             services such as wealth management
elderly become new customers of online         optimized the customer journey of visiting          promotion and service handling enable
platforms.                                     branches through their app. Its app meets           banks to promote their online platforms
                                               most customer requirements and simplifies           and cultivate customers' habits, laying a
With step-by-step exploration, as of late      their process of visiting branches, improving       foundation for cost-effective, lightweight
April, most provinces and cities in China      branches' service capabilities while lowering       operations in the future.
have resumed production. Greatly affected      service costs.
sectors such as industry, transportation,                                                       »» Asset portfolio management: The
catering, and real estate are quickly          Based on banks' experience and lessons,             combination of economic cycle and
recovering their production capacity. The      it is clear that in China, digital maturity         pandemic effects has posed great
government's consumption stimulation,          directly determines whether a bank can              challenges to banks' asset portfolios.
fiscal, and monetary policies are              smoothly cope with the pandemic and                 Regulators and banks have continuously
accelerating economic recovery.                quickly respond to new changes.                     performed stress tests on assets,
                                                                                                   industries, and products, predicted
China's digital capabilities have played a     »» Digital infrastructure capabilities: The IT      future directions, and agilely adjusted
critical role in this process. In Hangzhou,       team can quickly expand infrastructure           business portfolios.
the local government issued consumption           resource capabilities to support working
coupons worth more than CNY2 billion to           from home and cope with online                »» Digital business transformation: Banks
residents through Alipay (an app of the           business surges during the pandemic. In          with a good digital foundation are
Internet giant Alibaba), directly driving         addition, it can support stress tests and        planning digital business transformation.
a 3.5-fold increase in online and offline         service rollout during work recovery.            The digital trend of individual
consumption. Using this digital platform,                                                          and corporate customers enables
the government can preset the distribution     »» Working from home capabilities:                  information interconnection. Leading
area, people, industry, and scale, and track      Working from home is popular in                  banks are using emerging technologies
coupon redemption, consumption growth,            China. The pandemic has raised higher            such as cloud computing, big data, AI,
and industry recovery to optimize the next-       requirements on teleworking support              5G, and IoT to reshape their business
round distribution strategy.                      and security hardening. As the working           operation models and build an
                                                  mode changes, security and internal              ecosystem that integrates internal and
                                                  controls need to be enhanced through             external resources to make businesses
Measures and Reflections of                        multiple technical means such as                 more agile and simpler.
China's Banking Industry                          authentication mode combinations,
                                                  device security scanning, digital
Apart from transit and production, the            watermark, online behavior detection,         Suggestions and Thinking
banking industry is a severely impacted           and information access detection.
sector. Customers could not visit branches,                                                     The pandemic is evolving and changing,
placing a huge impact on individual            »» Limited branch services: Only partial         and our understanding of it is advancing.
customer acquisition, net interest income,        branches are open with limited functions      Its lasting and far-reaching impacts on
and intermediate business income.                 available. Staff work in shifts. To cope      the economy and finance motivate us to
Shutdown and slow recovery of factories           with this situation, banks use digital        consider the next moves to cope with the
have affected banking asset quality and           platforms such as apps to transform the       crisis and seize opportunities.
corporate business growth both directly           customer journey of visiting branches.
and indirectly.                                   Customers can make reservations and           »» Continuous stress tests with AI and
                                                  fill in forms online. They then scan QR          machine learning: The pandemic has
Leading digital banks, however, have seized       codes to complete applications in a              radically changed the economy and
this opportunity to develop online wealth         contactless manner. Account managers             employment. Banks need to review
management and loan services through              can stay in touch with customers in apps         asset portfolios by conducting multiple
apps. Take China Merchants Bank (CMB) as          even after customers leave the branch.           stress tests. With big data, AI, and

                                                                                                  Banding Together with Banks 2020/05 06
Industry Trends
    Chinese Banks' Response and Lessons under the COVID-19 Pandemic

      machine learning, massive internal and external data           »» Business agility: The traditional mode consists
      from the market and industry is quickly collected                 of requirement submission, scheduling, resource
      and then analyzed from multiple dimensions such as                coordination, and rollout verification, and becomes
      portfolio, product, industry, and region to facilitate asset      clumsy in the online trend. Now with the user-centered
      portfolio adjustment.                                             mobile platform and scalable technical architecture,
                                                                        service departments can quickly develop and test
   »» Reconstructing branch services through customer                   applications, promptly obtain market and customer
      journey: The pandemic promotes the popularity of                  feedback, and then push applications to end users.
      contactless services. Banks use the digital platform to
      redefine the customer journey of visiting branches. This       »» Robust hybrid cloud architecture: With the development
      improves customer experience and banks' operational               of agile services, a robust hybrid cloud architecture is
      efficiency.                                                       adopted without compromising existing investments.
                                                                        Mobile and experimental services are deployed on the
   »» Online digital wealth management: Customers can                   public cloud for flexible expansion and risk isolation, and
      obtain the latest information and products at any time,           then migrated to the private cloud after maturity.
      talk with customer managers, and purchase product
      portfolios with one click in apps. This maximizes the          »» Prefabricated modular data center: The solution greatly
      efficiency of customers' fragmented time, and ensures             shortens the construction time of a data center from years.
      investment compliance and timeliness.

   »» Online coupons: Banks change the app design concept
      so that non-bank customers can easily obtain coupons
      from bank apps. A simple user registration process and
      branch journey helps convert more users into customers.

   »» Mobile office: Mobile office is a new trend and also
      affects the bank office mode. With a mobile app, bank
      employees can conveniently allocate and track tasks,
      maintain communication, and work anywhere. In
      addition, the agile platform helps quickly expand the
      capabilities required by branches and third parties.

   »» Digital corporate loan process: The pandemic drives
      digital corporate banking and generates scattered data
      from different sources. In response, banks need to collect
      and process data as soon as possible through (reusable)
      tools and adopt templates to accelerate the corporate
      loan process.

   »» Customer acquisition: The online trend make target
      customers more sensitive to online products, processes,
      and experience. Banks can increase the market share
      of digital channels by offering rich digital services and
      products, and optimize the customer experience process.

   »» Customer services: By cooperating with Internet giants,
      banks can obtain and serve customers in the short
      term. However, these giants are evolving and will not
      always be friends of banks. Therefore banks also need to
      gradually build their own digital ecosystem platforms for
      direct marketing and higher customer loyalty.

07 Banding Together with Banks 2020/05
Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic

   GPS and 5G tools facilitate management        For another, these technologies can            internal control.
   and O&M through mobile phones.                be introduced into daily operations,
                                                 customer services, and post-loan            »» Smart branches: With IoT, smart camera,
»» Cyber security and internal control:          management, enabling better business           and AI capabilities, the system monitors
   As mobility and teleworking become            operations through digital means.              branches, automatically identifies
   popular, an important challenge                                                              customers, detects security and internal
   emerges: cyber security and internal       »» Innovative technical applications: During      control risks, and immediately pushes
   control management. In this case, banks       the pandemic, an application based on          issues to related personnel for handling
   need to upgrade cyber security and            Bluetooth and encryption technologies          via mobile tools.
   review the internal control system based      is developed to track close contacts
   on business features.                         of COVID-19 cases, attracting wide          The ongoing pandemic impacts not only
                                                 attention and inspiring banks. Banks can    economy but also living habits. We believe
»» 5G and IoT: For one thing, new                also use the latest tracking technologies   that digitalization will be rapidly and
   technologies (5G and IoT) are new             to establish relationships between          widely used in this process. Banks should
   trends and worth the attention of             customers, employees, and important         proactively think and prepare for the
   Banks. In particular, the differences         data without infringing customer and        subsequent changes in life and customers,
   between them and traditional business         employee privacy. This helps improve        and make services more agile to address
   call for innovation and better services.      customer services, risk control, and        uncertainties of the future.

                                                                                               Banding Together with Banks 2020/05 08
Industry Trends
    RESPONDING TO Covid-19: What to Do Now and Next For Customer Service and Advice Provision

   RESPONDING TO Covid-19:
   What to Do Now and Next For
   Customer Service and Advice Provision
   Source: Accenture, please visit
   to read the full text.

               e’re all in this together, by now most banks      Education and Training
               are in full business continuity mode, and
               you're addressing the immediate challenges of     Many people, like the elderly, don’t use apps or online
   protecting your staff from infection while providing much     banking because they are intimidated by the technology.
   needed services to your customers.                            Now is the time to educate and support customers who
                                                                 have the capability to interact remotely. For those who
   Banks can obviously not be by standers as this crisis         haven’t yet used digital channels, but have provided a
   develops. We all need to be active participants and do        cellphone number or email address, reach out and offer
   whatever we can to help consumers and businesses              training on basic transaction banking. Also, use it as an
   weather the storm.                                            opportunity to connect and talk to these clients, many
                                                                 of whom are the most vulnerable in the community.
   While a challenging situation, this is also an opportunity    To scale up this interaction, branch and call center staff
   for banks to show that they understand their customers’       will themselves need to be trained, but this can be done
   plight and are committed to supporting them through the       quickly at a basic level. This is one of those areas where the
   crisis. The upside of these difficult circumstances is that   perfect shouldn’t be the enemy of the good. Identify who
   they can be used to build stronger, enduring, trust-based     is avoiding online or digital banking and start by helping
   relationships with customers.                                 them master basic transactions like checking a balance.
                                                                 Also, think about adding lots of inline assistance to apps
   One of the primarily impacts in key areas of retail and       and online banking to help customers navigate to less-used
   commercial banking is Customer Service and Advice             features that they may now need to access.
   Provision, The major impact of this pandemic will be rapid
   and potentially sustained changes in customers’ servicing
   preferences. Most banks will keep branches open as a vital    Minimize Physical Infection Risks
   service. However, customers are being told to minimize in-
   person interactions and stay home, so many will look to       For those customers who still need to visit a branch,
   manage their financial life through apps, online banking,     consider special arrangements to isolate elderly and
   and greater reliance on their bank’s contact center. How      vulnerable customers so they can transact separately at a
   should banks react to this pivot?                             safe distance. While the “mobile banks” that once served

09 Banding Together with Banks 2020/05
Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic

rural areas have gone out of fashion,            An aggressive disinfecting campaign would       planning their future as their family
any bank that still has the mina garage          also help to reassure customers that ATMs       situation changes (here are two useful
somewhere should consider reinstating            are clean and safe to use. Where cardless       links to FinTech partner who have thought
them to serve communities like those in          ATM transactions are an option, this should     about how to personalize customer
sheltered living facilities, where it would be   be encouraged, and proactive training           communication: Person tics and Fly bits).
appreciated if the bank could come to the        provided to consumers and staff to make it      The banking industry was already facing
customer. Most regulators have provided          more feasible. Banks should also consider       an advice shortfall that will be greatly
relief for banks to close physical locations     waiving ATM fees to allow customers             amplified by this crisis. Investment in chat
as necessary. We would suggest they              access to cash if they are struggling without   bot capabilities may look like the best
continue to view the option to transact          income. Where a bank has a cash and             way to provide advice at scale, but given
in-person as highly valuable for some            coin pick-up service for small businesses,      the nature of this crisis, banks should
customers and therefore should avoid             it should be expanded– with the option to       prioritize live interactions wherever they
whole sale closures if possible, although        switch to an on-demand Uber like service        can – including using common consumer
staffing levels can obviously be lower           such as that used until recently by Idea        apps like Facetime and WhatsApp video
than normal. For customers who do want           Bank in Poland. Banks should also consider      to enable real conversations. This is a time
to do something in-person, a deflection          raising remote deposit limits in order to       when customers need reassurance and
strategy could be a dedicated call center        allow businesses and consumers to deposit       someone to speak to, not an impersonal
that focuses on transactions by mail and         larger-value checks remotely.                   alert that tells them their upcoming utility
provides prepaid express service. While we                                                       bill is about to put them over the financial
expect a lot of payments volume to migrate                                                       edge (although cash flow management
to digital and online, we also expect the        Personalize Advice to Consumers                 and information will be critical as personal
usual consumer response to increased risk:                                                       and corporate liquidity tightens). This is
to stockpile cash. Banks therefore need to       Retail customers will drive a surge in          one reason why we believe wholesale
ensure that ATMs remain stocked– there           demand for help and advice on both              branch closure programs may be counter-
is enough panic without a cash shortage.         short term cash management and re-              productive – there may be many customers

                                                                                                   Banding Together with Banks 2020/05 10
Industry Trends
    RESPONDING TO Covid-19: What to Do Now and Next For Customer Service and Advice Provision

                                                                 who need to sit down and talk about their situation (subject
                                                                 to safe social distancing), and finding a locked branch door
                                                                 may send a message that the bank is not there to support
                                                                 them in their time of need. It may also be an argument for
                                                                 turning off your IVR system and just making sure there are
                                                                 enough live people to answer the phones. Even if they don’t
                                                                 have all the answers, they can provide reassurance, log the
                                                                 issues, and create a personal connection.

                                                                 Virtual SME RMs

                                                                 Most commercial relationship managers can ramp up their
                                                                 interaction with customers using all the collaboration tools
                                                                 available to the bank. But they can also help clients figure
                                                                 out how they can use those tools themselves to stay in
                                                                 touch with their own customers. Social distancing need
                                                                 not exclude intensive conversations, even if they are not
                                                                 in-person. For commercial banking, these conversations
                                                                 need to be informed by sector-specific insights on how to
                                                                 survive COVID-19 plus a 12-month recession. This type
                                                                 of advisory support could change the client’s relationship
                                                                 with the bank and secure trusted-advisor status. While the
                                                                 best RMs will do this naturally, the typical commercial RM
                                                                 will need training and technology support to switch to a
                                                                 predominantly virtual model.

                                                                 Accelerate Digital Sales and Service

                                                                 Restrictions on physical contact require banks to quickly
                                                                 compile an inventory of the processes that require in-
                                                                 person interaction, and a plan to move them online as
                                                                 soon as possible. Can e-signature or digital ID processes be
                                                                 quickly deployed? Where is the bank still forcing a level of
                                                                 in-person interaction that may not be appropriate for the
                                                                 next few months? What transactions can be moved onto
                                                                 conversational platforms like Alexa or WhatsApp? More
                                                                 broadly, what does your 2020 digital migration roadmap
                                                                 for sales and service look like, and can those initiatives be
                                                                 accelerated to deploy capabilities rapidly without incurring
                                                                 undue cyber or AML/KYC risks? That being said, criminals
                                                                 have already mobilized to exploit weaknesses and target
                                                                 vulnerable customers with scams, so while banks are trying
                                                                 to provide more flexible customer access they also need to
                                                                 be ramping up their cyber-security and anti-fraud teams.
                                                                 The risks and rewards need to be balanced, but we think
                                                                 there are effective tools that allow you to expand digital
                                                                 access safely and quickly.

                                                                 As a matter of urgency, banks need to review and prioritize

11 Banding Together with Banks 2020/05
Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic

project expenditures and assess what can be slowed/               Make sure ATMs are well stocked with cash and regularly
stopped and what can be redirected to initiatives with            disinfected or provided is posable gloves in each location.
impact, such as improving digital servicing capabilities or       Highlight and encourage card less transaction capabilities.
building a loan modification workflow for call centers. Our
experience is that virtual call centers can be stood up in
days to better utilize staff who may be working at home –         Payments
and you may need those staff members to scale up basic
customer advice.                                                  »» Raise the limits on contactless payments.

Anyway, the most important is action right now, the follow        »» Remove any fees associated with digital payments.
check list is a suggestion for banks where to start form
three areas.                                                      »» Distribute prepaid cards to cash-dependent customers
                                                                     to allow them to transact online.

Transaction Banking and Customer Service.                         »» Consider raising cash back and rewards to incent
                                                                     consumers to support vulnerable businesses like local
»» Provide online, telephone, video and in-person training           restaurants.
   on how to use digital and online tools and transaction
   options. Proactively reach out to those who have the           »» Model daily changes in payments volumes as an input
   capacity to use these channels but haven’t so far. Keep it        to credit risk analysis.
   to the basics, but get customers enabled.

»» Consider turning off your IVR sand standing up massive         Advice Provision and New Sales
   phone banks to ensure that every one gets to talk to a
   live human being and have a point of connection. Even          »» Prioritize in-person conversations (phone or video) over
   if your agents can’t solve the problem, they can log,             chat bots and impersonal interactions. In times of crisis,
   reassure and follow up.                                           people need to talk and explain what is happening to
                                                                     them; they don’t appreciate being treated as a number.
»» Highlight and guide customers to online and digital               At-scale virtual call centers can be set up in a matter of
   capabilities that are underutilized. Use “tip of the day”-        days to provide basic advice.
   type campaign sand make them funny and engaging if
   possible.                                                      »» Provide advisors with personalized scripts and guidance
                                                                     that reacts to individuals’ circumstances, and arm them
»» Reduce branch capacity, but provide special                       with the full range of options.
   arrangements for vulnerable groups to transact and
   ensure that everyone who needs to access a branch can          »» Provide commercial RMs with sector-specific resources
   do so.                                                            that show an understanding of how the crisis will impact
                                                                     each type of business. This should include sharing best
»» Utilize any “mobile banking” capabilities you have to             practices with them on how other clients like them are
   take banking services to communities that can’t leave             handling the crisis. Banks can facilitate information
   home with appropriate health protections in place.                sharing between affected businesses.

»» Create dedicated call center capacity for customers who        »» Accelerate digital sales programs and be willing to
   would normally transact in-person and use mail and                experiment with pure digital processes within acceptable
   courier services to exchange documents as needed.                 risk limits.

»» Repurpose cash and coin pickup services to serve a             »» Change all your incentive plans so that no one thinks
   broader set of banking needs to prevent customers                 your number one priority is to sell.
   having to go to branches, and introduce “kerb-side”
   pickup protocols.

                                                                                     Banding Together with Banks 2020/05 12
Industry Trends
    How Mobile will Lead Banks out of CoVID-19

   How Mobile will Lead Banks out
   of CoVID-19
   Brett King / International Bestselling Author

                 hen Cosimo Medici founded the
                 Medici Bank in 1397, little did he
                 know that it would change the way
   commerce was conducted globally for centuries                                                                           2017+

   to come. For the next 550 years banking hardly
   changed at all. But when the Stanford Research
                                                                            PRODUCT                     207-2017
   Institute, under contract from Bank of America,                                                                       BANK 4.0
   built the first mainframe computer designed for                          ORIENTED

   bank bookkeeping and check processing, it was
                                                                                       1380-2007        BANK 3.0
   the start of a decade’s long transformation of
   banking and financial services around both core                                                                      EXPERINECE
   technology and customer practices.                                 1397-1980                                           DRIVEN
                                                                                        BANK 2.0

   In my recent book Bank 4.0, I showed how
   these changes are accelerating and how both                         BANK 1.0
   digitization of industries at large, along with
   technology-first providers continuously attacking
   friction are leading to a transformation of the     PHYSICAL                       FRICTION
   entire banking sector globally. Starting with the
   introduction of self-service and Internet Banking
   capabilities in the 1980s and 90s, through to
   the use of AI, Augmented Reality and voice
   technologies that we’re seeing the early stages
   of today.                                                          Figure 1 - Bank 1.0 to Bank 4.0 Transformation Drivers

13 Banding Together with Banks 2020/05
Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic

In 2014 I predicted that by 2025 branches in western               When it comes to financial inclusion, Kenya has done more
economies would be around 70% of their pre-digital peak.           to improve the lot of its populace in the last 10 years, than
That estimate seemed aggressive back in 2014, but today            the US has done in the last 50 years. Indeed, Kenya today
with the impact of the CoVID-19 virus, it looks increasingly       has a higher rate of financial inclusion than the United
likely. More important than that, by 2025 most people with         States – a mind-blowing and clearly inconvenient statistic.
a basic value store of digital money (like a mobile wallet         In the US the Federal Reserve reports that approximately 20
or super app), will have never seen the inside of a bank           percent of US Households are unbanked or underbanked,
branch. That’s because the next 2 billion people we bank           whereas 97% of the Kenyan adult population has access to
won’t ever have visited one.                                       a mobile money service that acts as a basic bank account
                                                                   or value store. Despite a decrease of 12% in branch
In 2005 if you lived in Kenya there was a 70 percent chance        numbers since 2008, the United States remains one of the
you didn’t have a bank account, nor could you store money          highest branch density economies of the world. How can
safely and likely your savings were non-existent. Today,           it be that the country with the second highest per capita
if you’re an adult living in Kenya there’s a 98 percent            density of bank branches in the world still has one fifth of
likelihood that you have used a mobile money account               their households underbanked? The answer is identity and
(stored in your phone SIM), and that you can transfer              lack of mobile adoption.
money instantly to any other adult in Kenya. Today, data
shows that Kenyans trust their phone more than they trust          One of the primary causes of financial exclusion today
cash in terms of safety and utility, with people sewing sim        isn’t simply access to banking, but access to the identity
cards into their clothes or hiding them in their shoes so they     documents that are required for opening a bank account.
can more safely carry their money with them. This is all           Since 9/11 in the United States, documentary requirements
possible because of a mobile money service called M-Pesa,          to open a bank account have become stricter, in line with
created by the telecommunications operator Safaricom.              the Patriot Act and the Customer Identification Program
Today at least 40 percent of Kenya’s GDP runs across the           (CIP) enshrined in US banking law and regulations.
rails of their mobile money service called M-Pesa 1.               However, more than half of the US population doesn’t have
                                                                   a passport (42% as of 2018 3), and only 76 percent of the
                                                                   population has driver’s license. Even if you can get to a
                                                                   bank branch, between 20-25% of the US adult population
                                                                   would not qualify to get a bank account.

We’re currently sitting at about twenty-                           In India up until 2014 less than 30 percent of the
two million customers out of a total mobile                        population had a bank account. The Reserve Bank of India
                                                                   had tried increasing branch access, in fact, they put in place
customer base of about twenty-six million.
                                                                   regulations that meant growing banks in India who wanted
Now, if you take the population of Kenya as                        to deploy new branches had to put 1 in 4 of their new
being forty-five million, half of whom are                         branches in rural areas not currently served by a bank.

adults, you can see we're capturing pretty
                                                                   As of 2018 more than 1.2 billion Indian nationals have
much every adult in the country. We are                            been enrolled in the Aadhaar identity card program. That’s
we are transmitting the equivalent of forty                        a whopping 88% of the Indian population. The effect of
                                                                   identity reform in India is that the number of those included
percent of the country's G.D.P. through the
                                                                   in the financial system has skyrocketed. The segment of the
system and at peak we're doing about six                           population most excluded in the old banking system, lower
hundred transactions per second, which is                          income households and women, have seen 100% year-on-
                                                                   year growth every year since the Aadhaar card initiative was
faster and more voluminous than any other
                                                                   launched. As of 2015 more than 358 million Indian women
banking system.                                                    (61%) now have bank accounts, up from 281 million
                                                                   (48%) in 2014. This is the biggest single jump for ‘banked’
                                                                   women among eight South Asian and African countries. At
Bob Collymore,
                                                                   the same time PayTM, the largest mobile money service
CEO of Safaricom/M-Pesa in 2016 2                                  or mobile wallet app, in India has exploded. Back in 2016

                                                                                      Banding Together with Banks 2020/05 14
Industry Trends
    How Mobile will Lead Banks out of CoVID-19

   PayTM aimed to have 250 million users by 2020, but they          that’s right, China’s mobile payments transaction exceed
   are already more than double that. Branch activity has           the entire world’s transactions on credit and debit cards.
   continued to decline in India.
                                                                    The most successful savings product in history, Ant
   The benefits of financial mobilization are numerous. In          Financial’s Yu’e Bao, and the most successful challenger
   Kenya where approximately 48.76% percent of GDP flows            bank in the world, WeBank, have both emerged on top
   through m-Pesa 4, Kenyans are reported to be saving up           of this mobile ecosystem. With over 34% market share of
   to 26 percent more today than when they only used cash.          China’s smartphone market, and the leading 5G technology
   60 percent of Kenyan’s trust m-Pesa more than cash today         on the planet, the mobile ecosystem of China rivals that of
   as a result. Crime is down, savings are up, but the more         any other nation today.
   interesting effects are in response to poverty, credit access
   and employment. Access to mobile money lifted 2% of              By 2030, it is anticipated that more than 90 percent of the
   Kenyan Households (194,000 families) out of extreme              world’s population will have access to the internet through
   poverty, 185,000 women out of subsistence farming into           a smart phone. Smart phones are increasingly cheaper
   business, and increased access to basic credit facilities        and cheaper to manufacture and deploy. Today brand-
   for starting a business or dealing with emergencies 5, as        new basic smartphones can be found on the streets of
   examples.                                                        India, South Africa and Nigeria for under US$50. By 2030
                                                                    it is expected that such devices will be available essentially
   In China the use of facial recognition technology along          for free with basic subscription services for access to the
   with mobile payments capability has transformed the              Internet. It’s expected that tech giants like Facebook,
   economy in just 6 short years. Despite the difficulties of       Google, Tencent, Alibaba and Amazon may move to give
   the #CoVID-19 pandemic, China’s citizens have remained           away smartphone access to individuals who subscribe to
   productive financially because of a very strong mobile           basic services through their infrastructure. By 2050 access
   financial services capability built on top of Ant Financial’s    to basic internet infrastructure will be all but ubiquitous
   AliPay and Tencent’s WeChat Pay. In 2019 mobile payments         across the planet, meaning everyone will participate in the
   in China exceed $31 Trillion, almost 30% higher than the         digital economy. Cash won’t be illegal, you just won’t find
   estimated $23 Trillion in plastic card payments globally. Yes,   anywhere to use it.

                               2019 Chinese Mobile Payment Market Scale

                                                                                       $31.88 Trillion

                       $8.43 Trillion

                                                                                       $26.84 Trillion
                       $7.43 Trillion

                             Q4                                                           Full Year

                                                          2018          2019

                                                                                               Note: Representation not to scale

15 Banding Together with Banks 2020/05
Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic

Will branches still exist? Yes, but you won’t
need them to do banking, in fact, banking        1
                                                     	Source: The Economist – A new East Africa campaign, July 9th, 2015
will be smart, real-time and embedded in
your life. To think that banking will still be   2
                                                     	Source: BreakingBanks FinTech Radio Show
done dominantly in branches instead of
on our smartphones, would be ludicrous.              	Source: Census Data and VOA/Forbes (see
That isn’t even the situation today. Mobile            niallmccarthy/2018/01/11/the-share-of-americans-holding-a-passport-has-
banking transactions outnumber branch                  increased-dramatically-in-recent-years-infographic/#a7050043c167)
interactions by 10,000:1 globally today. But
the path to global financial inclusion, was          	Source: Payments Cards & Mobile, Jan 25, 2019 - https://www.
never going to be through a branch. The      
smartphone has halved financial exclusion        5
                                                     	Source: MDPI Research, “M-PESA and Financial Inclusion in Kenya: Of Paying
in just 10 years. It took banking 500
                                                       Comes Saving?”, Hove & Dubus, 22 Jan 2019.
years to reach the same level of financial
inclusion that the smartphone achieved in
a decade.

The future of banking is already here, and
it’s in your pocket.

                                                                                                   Banding Together with Banks 2020/05 16
Industry News
    The Banking Industry's Response Under COVID-19 Pandemic

   The Banking Industry's Response
   Under COVID-19 Pandemic

                                         Serve Somebody

                                         Conducting their normal operations is          But the loss of revenue due to the various
                                         one of many challenges businesses are          lockdowns and stay-at-home orders
                                         facing at present. Fortunately, firms like     issued in many countries is even more of
                                         U.K.-based challenger bank NorthOne are        an acute problem. While governments
                                         providing free banking services to SMEs        haggle over publicly-sourced solutions for
                                         and restaurants during the crisis.             small businesses, a group of U.K. FinTechs
                                                                                        in the lending business – Trade Ledger,
                                         “Small business owners across the country      Wisefunding, and NorthRow – have teamed
                                         are having incredibly hard conversations       up to offer a turnkey origination and
                                         right now around the kitchen table and         underwriting platform to enable banks and
                                         desperately trying to figure out how they      lenders to digitally fund SMEs.
                                         can keep the lights on through this crisis,”
                                         NorthOne co-founder and CEO Eytan                Source:
                                         Bensoussan said. “The last thing they            fintech-joins-the-fight-against-the-
                                         need to worry about is finding a branch or       coronavirus/
                                         paying bank fees.”

17 Banding Together with Banks 2020/05
Banking Challenges and Possibilities Post Pandemic

                                               How FinTechs Fulfill Financial                 manufacturing industry, SMEs, and private
                                               Security Obligations During the               enterprises are under financial pressure
                                               Pandemic                                      brought by the pandemic. FinTechs should
                                                                                             review and verify platform information
                                               Transaction security and data security stay   more strictly to avoid financial frauds
                                               on the agenda of FinTech. In the pandemic,    committed by releasing malicious or false
                                               online requirements become more urgent,       information.
                                               transaction security and data security must
                                               be ensured to avoid risk exposure and         Additionally, FinTechs should adopt
                                               financial security incidents.                 security measures such as access
                                                                                             control and encryption to prevent data
                                               FinTechs should strengthen the review of      leakage, loss, and unauthorized use.
A shift to a cashless economy                  information released on their platforms       They should strengthen management of
                                               and the maintenance of platform security      user authentication and access control
Physical money currently acts as a vector
                                               to prevent fraud through the Internet and     processes and allow users to access data or
for the virus’ spread whereas technology
                                               telecommunications facilities. Regulators     systems only after passing authentication.
makes payments possible and safe.
                                               state that a large number of financial        Employees' access to sensitive information
Governments and start-ups across Africa
                                               services have been processed online during    and their database operation permission
are implementing measures to shift
                                               the pandemic. As a result, FinTechs need      are restricted to prevent financial data from
payment transactions toward mobile money
                                               to review more services and face higher       being used by unauthorized users and
and away from cash, as recommended
                                               pressure. Apart from protecting customers'    disturb the social order.
by the World Health Organization. A case
                                               personal financial information, FinTechs
in point is Kenya, the pioneer of mobile
                                               also need to strengthen identification
money, where the payments industry has
                                               of information released on financial            Source:
collaborated to ensure that digital payments
                                               platforms to avoid social panic caused          cn/kj/202002/t20200208_177328.html
can be made across the board, especially
                                               by false information and ensure high
by the most vulnerable. For a three-month
                                               financial security. Meanwhile, consumers,
period, digital transactions below 1,000
Kenya Shillings ($10) will be free.

Ghana too has instituted measures to drive
digital payments and combat the virus.
The Central Bank of Ghana has directed
mobile money providers to waive fees on
transactions of 100 Ghana Cedis ($18)
or less and has allowed for the opening
of mobile money accounts using existing
subscriber registrations with mobile
operators. South African FinTech start-ups
are encouraging the use of contact-less
payments through point-of-sale devices.


                                                                                               Banding Together with Banks 2020/05 18
Industry News
    The Banking Industry's Response Under COVID-19 Pandemic

   International Banks                             a differentiating experience for customers.      Chinese Banks
                                                   It conducted three digital transformation
   Accelerated digital transformation of           strategies in different regions of Europe        First, promote comprehensive digital
   traditional banks: For example, JPMorgan        in 2014. Its digital initiatives include agile   transformation. Many banks take smart
   Chase & Co. has started to build a digital      organizational restructuring and making          or intelligent banking as their digital
   bank since it launched mobile banking in        full use of FinTech and open innovation          strategic objectives. China Construction
   2012. With the mantra "mobile first, digital    to improve its digital capabilities. After       Bank (CCB) regards FinTech as one of its
   everything", it has implemented a series        digital transformation, ING's customer           three strategies, develops collaborative,
   of measures including delivering leading        experience has been greatly improved. Its        evolutionary smart finance internally,
   digital experience, deploying ecosystems,       retail banking ranked No. 1 in terms of          and expands an open and shared smart
   innovating digital products, and developing     the net promoter score (NPS) in multiple         ecosystem externally. China Merchants
   technical organizations and capabilities.       countries. The revenue and profit increased      Bank (CMB) has proposed a phased
   JPMorgan Chase invests nearly US$10             by 14% and 21% respectively. Celent,             strategy of "towards operating mode 3.0",
   billion in digital transformation each year.    a US consulting firm, predicts that the          aiming to realize digital transformation of
   About 25% of its 220,000 employees have         US banking industry has invested over            retail finance 3.0 and reshape the wholesale
   technical/data background. Its efforts have     US$100 billion in technology in 2019. New        business mode. Ping An Bank has fully
   yielded positive results: In 2017, its total    technology R&D accounts for 37% of the           promoted AI banking construction.
   revenue doubled compared with that of 10        IT expenditure. The proportion will increase
   years ago, and profit increased threefold.      to 40% in 2020 and to 50% in 2022.               Second, build open banking. The digital
   In the second quarter of 2018, the number       Large banks take the lead in technological       transformation of commercial banks
   of active digital users was about 47 million,   innovation. In 2019, JPMorgan Chase's            requires establishing extensive connections
   increasing by 19% from 2015. In addition,       technical budget was US$11.4 billion,            with external partners. CMB has built an
   JPMorgan Chase's digital transformation         ranking No. 1 in the industry, with a year-      open IT architecture with "cloud + API"
   has won recognition from the capital            on-year increase of 5.6%. About half was         and released 130 APIs in the first half of
   market, with its share price rising steadily    spent on disruptive technical applications       2019. Shanghai Pudong Development
   by 170% compared with 2008. Now its             internally, and the other half was mainly        Bank (SPDB) has explored API banking.
   market value ranks first in the US banking      used for system and data maintenance.            China CITIC Bank's open bank project has
   industry.                                       Bank of America, ranking No. 2 in technical      attracted 21 partners.
                                                   budget, spent US$10 billion on technology
   In terms of direct banking, building            in 2019, 30% of which went to technical          Third, reshape the technical architecture.
   an agile and open platform bank has             innovation. Wells Fargo and Citigroup            The traditional slicing architecture fails
   achieved remarkable results. Take ING           ranked No. 3 and No. 4, with a US$9 billion      to support digital banking development.
   as an example. The bank aims to deliver         and US$8 billion technical budget in 2019.       Commercial banks are reshaping their

19 Banding Together with Banks 2020/05
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