Because, in the Isle of Man, you can have the best of both worlds - Our Low personal and business tax strategy, world beating technology ...

Page created by Curtis Malone
Because, in the Isle of Man, you can have the best of both worlds - Our Low personal and business tax strategy, world beating technology ...
Because, in the Isle of Man, you
can have the best of both worlds
Our Low personal and business tax strategy, world beating
technology environment and an unparalleled quality of life makes
the Isle of Man an ideal environment for fund management.
The Isle of Man is a land of opportunity,          The International Financial services sector has

where people and business can reach their          expanded over 40% in the last 6 years, contributing to

full potential.                                    over 24 years of unbroken growth in the Island’s GDP.

We are small and changes can be made quickly       Professional and scientific services account for 65%

and efficiently and with a population of only      of the Island’s economy and we’re diversifying further.

80,000, one person can really make a difference.   We have a flourishing and dynamic economy with

Politicians and regulators are accessible to       significant e-commerce, film and space industries. The

all and work closely with business. Ideas are      growth of our ship and yacht registry to become the

welcomed…and actioned.                             top flag in the world has provided a template

Because you can,,in a can-do Island
And yet the Isle of Man has space. Ten times the   for the development of our aircraft registry which is
size of Guernsey and Cayman with some 227          set to emulate this success. And that diversification is
square miles of uncrowded and green spaces,        creating exciting innovation with new expertise, new
navigated by 600 miles of open roads, it is far    professionalism and new residents
larger than alternative locations.
                                                   Simply put, in today’s Isle of Man things get done.
It’s not just about physical space.

The Isle of Man gives you space to breathe,
space to think, and space to create. Here you
                                                   “It has the capacity and political will to enable both
really do have space to grow.                      existing and new businesses to expand and thrive”.

                                                             Things get done in the Isle of
                                                             with a growth rate of 8%, it’s
“The reason we’re here, and more importantly,
                                       the reason we remain here is the whole
                                       offering – low tax, quality of life and a can do
                                       approach to the economy by Government.”
                                                            Anderson Whamond –
                                                             Charlemagne Capital

Man. It’s a place where good business is easy to do. And
a place that is growing at three times the rate of Europe.
Because you the shots
 We’re nimble and agile and relatively free of bureaucracy,
 even legislative changes can be made quickly. You can make a

 The Isle of Man is a significant and successful
 jurisdiction in the dynamic global funds industry
 through our successful and growing funds
 administration business.

 For fund management, the Island now provides
 you with a unique angle and a compelling

 An Investment Manager or Fund Management
 company based onshore can establish a front
 and or middle office operation in the Isle of Man
 and qualify for zero corporation tax.

  “The Island has a zero rate corporate tax regime, a cap of
  100K on personal income tax, a strong service provider
  infrastructure, inexpensive office rental. No restrictions on
  house purchase and work permits are a formality”.

 At the same time, onshore tax can be mitigated
 according to the proportion of your operations
 you move to the Island.

 Licensing under the Island’s regulatory system is
 an efficient process; particularly for organisations
 regulated by the FSA or an equivalent body.

 Office rentals are low (around £20 per square
 foot) and work permits are a formality for the
 specific areas of expertise that an Asset Manager
 requires. Relocation assistance is also available
 from the Government.
There aren’t any restrictions on house purchase,

difference.                              permits are not required and we do not have any
                                         multiple tiered housing markets. House prices
                                         compare favourably with the UK (particularly the
                                         South East of England) and you can live in the
                                         countryside and yet only be 10 minutes away
                                         from the office.

                                         Technology is available so that all aspects
                                         of your operations including trade processing,
                                         data management and client relationship
                                         management can be delivered seamlessly
                                         between your onshore and Isle of Man offices
                                         and your service providers.

                                         This proposition allows you to retain core
                                         front-end investment activity onshore, while
                                         reducing costs for your operational activities.

                                         And if you do decide to locate all of your
                                         business on the Island, including yourself,
                                         low personal tax levels of 10 and 18 per cent
                                         are an obvious attraction with a £100,000
                                         personal tax cap. These initiatives, introduced
                                         in April 2006, combined with an absence of
                                         capital gains and inheritance taxes, make the
                                         Isle of Man’s financial case compelling.

                                         You can consider the Isle of Man a unique
                                         proposition in the Asset Management world.

                  "Specific regulation has been passed to streamline and facilitate the
                   necessary investment business licenses required to operate and run
                                alternative fund management business on the Island. "

              “Frankly the regulators in the Isle of Man have a better understanding of
                                    the fund business than my experiences elsewhere”.
                                                       Andy Pegge – Laxey Partners
The Isle of Man is a tremendously different place
to that of 20 or 25 years ago when finance was
in its infancy.

Our independence has meant that we can weave
our own path. New ideas and legislation have
been introduced quickly, which means today’s
Isle of Man is a place where businesses thrive
and people prosper.

Because you can go faster
In 1985, average income per head was 55% of
that of our UK neighbours. Today, it is 113%.

In the Isle of Man, you can have it all. An
unparalleled quality of life without having to
compromise on your business aspirations and
you will be richly rewarded for living on the
Island once you get to know it.
“The professional infrastructure in the Isle of Man really understands
         the fund industry. That’s a major advantage of being here.”
                                    Lloyd Jones – Nedgroup Investments

Our independence has meant that we can weave our
own path. In the Isle of Man you can have it all.
In the Isle of Man, we have an ideal
environment. Beautiful and peaceful yet still
connected to the wider world.

At the heart of the British Isles, almost
equidistant from England, Scotland, Wales
and Ireland, the Island is served by scheduled
flights in under an hour from some of the major
UK airports, and especially enjoys excellent
air connections to both London Gatwick and
London City airports with convenient flight times.

Because, in a centre of excellence, you can
So, the city, an hour away becomes a
discretionary pleasure rather than a
day-to-day grind. There is simply no better
place to come home to.

We see things differently. Like the idea of
government. Composed of individuals, not
parties and underpinned by a mandate of
cooperation instead of confrontation, our people
are independent thinkers who do their best and
pull together.
                                                       AAA rated by Standard & Poor’s,
It has resulted in an unparalleled working             6 consecutive years and with prof
relationship between the public and private
sectors. It is the way you always felt it should be.
It is no coincidence that we have had unbroken
growth for over 23 years, accelerating at three
times the speed of Europe and a secure AAA
Stable rating with Standard & Poor’s
and Moody’s.
We have a heritage of bright ideas and
                           innovation. We had Europe’s first 3G telecom
                           network. We were the first nation in the world
                           to sign the Kyoto Protocol on climate change.
                           We lead the world in creating the path towards
                           space commerce and have the first commercial
                           satellite registry.

                           And our fresh thinking has also inspired
                           enterprising new approaches in world class
                           professional services, financial services,
                           legislation, taxation and business grant schemes.
                           Perhaps that’s why 90% of our supported new
                           business start-ups succeed.

                           Perhaps that’s why you should seriously consider
                           the Isle of Man as part of your strategy.

 Moodys and Fitch, number one International Finance Centre for
ofessional services to match, excellence is not an optional extra.

                             “It’s easy to get here. That makes it so easy for clients to
                             perform due diligence. They can be in and out in a day”.
                                                  Ken Watterson - Tufton Oceanic
On the Isle of Man, you can live the dream. The      We have one of the finest education systems,
beach is never more than 15 minutes away.            with a unique mandate; to provide children with

Want to watch the surf break while closing a         the tools to become rounded, informed and

deal on the other side of the world?                 equipped individuals.

Because you can.flourish
In the Isle of Man, you don’t have to use your       And you are surrounded by inspirational scenery
imagination for that                                 of outstanding natural beauty. It’s no wonder we
                                                     rank at the top of locations polled by MORI.
People don’t feel the need to talk about
achieving a “work/life balance”, because it is a     That’s why we say the Isle of Man gives you
natural benefit when you live here.                  freedom to flourish.

We take time to know our neighbours, our
colleagues and our customers. You won’t feel
the need to lock your doors. It’s a sophisticated
society with motivated people, where you can
make a difference.

      "A lot of people wake up one day and find they simply can’t imagine living anywhere else”
                                                                 Andy Pegge – Laxey Partners
Imagine the gift of another hour a day for yourself. It’s the
hour of your life the city takes from you. Every day. An hour
to do what you please. Here you don’t have to imagine.
The Isle of Man is a land of possibility where people and business
will find the right environment in which to reach their full potential

                                                                         Produced by Isle of Man Finance in association with Mainstream Financial Media & PR. 01624 678001.

Isle of Man Finance
2nd Floor
Illiam Dhone House
2 Circular Road
Isle of Man IM1 1PG

Tel: +44 (0)1624 687597
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