Belong. believe. become - Discipling at the - Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute

Page created by Virginia Burns
Belong. believe. become - Discipling at the - Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute
Di sci pl i ng at th e

                                                         of l i f e
                                                 A PRI L-JUNE 2019

                          Two Californians embracing during CLBI Winter Hike
                                          (L to R: Christian Hoff, Donald Davis)

                    belong. believe. become
W W W.CLBI.EDU                                                         V. 27? NO. 5
                                                                    JAN-MAR 2019
Belong. believe. become - Discipling at the - Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute

Trevor Loken             8

                              Wander Beyond t he W ifi   14

Missional Communit ies   16

                              Cullen Halvorson           18

Rent t he CLBI Campus    21

                              Yout h Surge - April 5-7   29

2 Crossroads
Belong. believe. become - Discipling at the - Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute
CLBI Spring 3
Belong. believe. become - Discipling at the - Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute
A shift has happened and adaptation
                       CHALLENGE.                         is needed to attract, lead, and disciple
                  ?Why in the world are                   them. The way forward is unclear.
                  we doing this?? That
                  was the burning                         -------------------------- 2 --------------------------
                  question as students
                                                          A denominational leader searches for
                  jumped up and down
                                                          the appropriate response to the mass
                   trying to warm
  Dean Rostad themselves awaiting                         exodus of young adults from their
 CLBI President the start of our                          congregations. We can't keep doing
                                                          the same things and expect different
three-hour hike into W ilderness Ranch
for CLBI?s three-night winter camping
expedition. As we trudged through the
                                                          -------------------------- 3 --------------------------
snow, my prayer was that these
students would look beyond the                            At a CLBI community event, a
immediate question of "Are we there                       grandmother vulnerably shares her
yet?" to the deeper one of "Am I alive                    grief at how the younger generation
yet?"                                                     seems to have rejected the faith she
                                                          holds so dear. She asks the question
CRISIS.                                                   that no one dares to say out loud, ?Did
                                                          we do something wrong??
It is amazing what we hear when we
stop to listen. Walk with me as I                         Friends, we are finding ourselves in
process three conversations regarding                     uncharted territory. The maps
the seismic shift the Western church                      (traditions and methods) that the
finds herself in.                                         church has used for generations
                                                          informing us on what it means to be
-------------------------- 1 --------------------------   the church or a Christian no longer
                                                          have the same effect. This is because
The president of a Canadian Bible
                                                          Christendom has passed - the era
school shares about the challenges
                                                          when the church was at the center of
they face. This current generation of
                                                          society. On top of that, our young
students is not like the previous one.

4 Crossroads
Belong. believe. become - Discipling at the - Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute
adults have no idea what life was like     experienced has led many to
within Christendom.                        desensitization of their very soul. On
                                           the one hand, this is devastating, but
GENERATIONS.                               on the other hand, the Spirit of God
                                           has given them the craving to be
We are familiar with terms such as the     genuinely awake to experience
Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials.      spiritual life at the fullest. They are
But who comes next? Welcome to             tired of sleeping and living life in a
Generation Z - those born between          half-awake state (even if that is the
1995 and 2010.                             behavior of your 19-year-old). Do not
_______________________________________    fear, for within Generation Z, there is
                                           longing for depth, for life, for beauty,
 ?Growing up with a supercomputer in       for authentic living.
 your pocket connected to most of the
                                           Their goal is not simply economic
world?s population and knowledge has
                                           security, but a desire to make a
   created an irreversible pattern of
                                           difference in the world - to leave their
 behavior unlikely to revert to the ways
       of previous generations.?           mark. They want to brave a new path
                                           forward to create a better reality.
           - David Pakman
                                           Generation Z is craving something to
                                           challenge them that they may be fully
This generation has grown up with a        alive! They long to know that their
screen in their hand and believes that     lives matter, that they matter to others
W iFi should be a human right. Their       and to God. They want to be found
attention spans are shorter and their      and known by God and others. They
brains have been rewired by                do not fear living, They fear living
companies perfecting apps that             without being truly alive.
maximize dopamine hits. These are
facts, not judgments, on who this
generation is.                             ALIVE.
                                               ?I used to be afraid of failing at
                                            something that really mattered to me,
You will find many young adults trying     but now I?m more afraid of succeeding
to distract themselves from fear and              at things that don?t matter.?
loneliness, but underneath the                             -Bob Goff
surface, there are deep beautiful          _______________________________________
longings. W hen these longings meet
Jesus, beautiful music comes to life.
Yes, this generation is in danger of       The Western church can use some
leaving the church in higher numbers       hope. Here are three hopeful pictures
than others. Yet when I sit down and       of awakened Gen Z believers:
listen to them, get to know them, I see    (cont'd on page 6)
God at work.
The visual over-stimulation they have

                                                                       CLBI Spring 5
Belong. believe. become - Discipling at the - Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute
-------------------------- 1 ---------------------------   teaches us that we can?t survive by
                                                           ourselves.? We are seeing Gen Z
A classroom of young adults share                          students thrive as they depend on
about their hopes and dreams for the                       each other.
church. The goal is no longer to be a
relevant church but one that pursues                       AWAKE.
authenticity and vulnerability.
-------------------------- 2 ---------------------------    "The thief comes only to steal, kill, and
At the end of CLBI?s winter hike, our                         destroy; I have come that they may
three-hour trek turned into a five-hour                        have life, and have it to the full."
one because of some mobility issues a                                     John 10:10 NIV
student was facing. I wish you could                       _______________________________________
have seen this ?tribe?rally around their
                                                           At CLBI we seek to disciple in a way
struggling teammate holding her
                                                           that will produce followers of Jesus
hands and walking slowly with her
                                                           that are resilient to the lure of secular
encouraging her every step. The roar
                                                           thinking. Practically, this means that
at the finish line was proof enough that
                                                           we work with our students to help
we were fully alive.
                                                           them be alert and aware of God's
                                                           desire to answer the prayer "Thy
-------------------------- 3 ---------------------------
                                                           kingdom come" in their lives. W hat
W hen I asked one of our leadership                        about us? Are we looking for this? Are
team why we do winter hike, she                            we open to obeying God's leading and
responded with, ?W inter camping                           being fully alive in Jesus?

 April 1                                                   lives of the students in the future,
 Lord, thank you for Jenya Rust (Food                      beyond this class and beyond CLBI.
 Services), her service and her gifts.
                                                           April 4
 Bless Jenya on her birthday today and
                                                           Heavenly Father, bless and guide the
 help her to continue on in service
                                                           Engage students as they participate in
 towards you in whatever capacity you
                                                           expressing their spiritual growth
 would have her go.
                                                           through the creative arts. Grab hold of
 April 2                                                   those you want to pursue those arts
 Heavenly father, bless Jodi Harrison                      with more intention, and provide
 today on her birthday. Thank you for                      refreshment to all of them as they
 the many gifts and abilities you have                     participate directly in your creativity.
 blessed her with, and the way she
 shares them with others. Guide her in
                                                           April 5
 the ways you have set before her Lord.
                                                           Father, as youth gather at CLBI for the
 April 3                                                   weekend, help all there to learn truth
 Wonderful Counselor, help the things                      and be challenged by you during the
 learned in the Living Discipleship                        weekend.
 course spill over and fill the coming
 weekend as well as impact all the

6 Crossroads
Belong. believe. become - Discipling at the - Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute
April 6                                   April 12
Lord, continue to guide the attendees     Awesome Three-in-One, build up the
of Youth Surge and guide the focus of     community of CLBI with knowledge,
all the staff, and students as they       skills, compassion and love. May
enter the last few weeks of the school    these gifts received be shared and
year.                                     multiplied as students move into the
                                          rest of their lives.
April 7
Father God, as Youth Surge wraps up       April 13
today, cement your call and calling in    Holy Spirit, prepare us to enter into this
each heart and mind and guide all to      most holy of weeks. May we
discern your plans for their summer       understand the pain and grief you
and fall. Help those who need to          endured because of us. May we
make plans or take steps to proceed       experience the promise of your
in your love and direction.               forgiveness and love for us.
April 8                                   April 14
Father, bless Lauren Payne (Engage        Dearest Jesus, may we welcome you
student) as she celebrates her            into our lives with praise and
birthday today. Be near her during this   thanksgiving. Help us to see that you
last month of her school year             are not what we want you to be but
especially and lead her on throughout     what we need you to be.
the year.
                                          April 15
April 9                                   Father, be with Bob Rognlien as he
Loving Father, some students will         helps the students come to terms with
have understood your call from the        what the Passion meant for Jesus and
first moment and continued to work        means for us. Do any of us really get
towards it. Others will be confused       it? Help the students to grow in their
and totally unprepared for what           understanding and to grow in grace
comes after graduation. Use this time     through this time.
to speak to all of them and confirm or
                                          April 16
make clear your call for each.
                                          Lord, as classes continue, yet other
April 10                                  things loom, help everyone to focus
Father God, with all the activities and   on the present and not to get lost in
preparation for other activities, help    what?s coming. Help everyone to
everyone to take the necessary time       benefit from today?s discussions in
to worship you and connect with you,      class.
especially if it?s necessary to pause
                                          April 17
away from the commotion and
                                          Savior and Friend, you spent time
activity, today and in the days to
                                          during the last week of your life as
                                          Immanuel (God with us) with your
April 11                                  friends in Bethany. Sometimes that
Be with Christian Hoff (Engage            gets lost as we look at the Passion
student) and Milana Amanbevoka            and the Resurrection. Help us to
(Engage student) as they celebrate        remember that even in the most
birthdays today. May they grow in their   important, life-changing events, time
knowledge and the joy of your             with friends is essential.
presence with them.

                                                                        CLBI Spring 7
Belong. believe. become - Discipling at the - Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute
(Left) Trevor Loken, (Top Right) Joining a local school in ministering to the poor for
High School Ministry Day, (Bottom Right) Rice terraces at Banaue and Sagada

Tr evor Lok en ('07-'09)

                   In w hat w ays are          How did your t ime at Bible school
                   you serving in God's        help prepare you for w here God has
                   mission?                    you now ?

                    For the last two           CLBI was a really formative time for
                    years, I have been         me. I showed up there not really
                    living in Manila,          knowing what I wanted from life or
                    Philippines teaching       having a very close relationship with
                    at Faith Academy, an       God. CLBI taught me what it means to
   1st Year CLBI international                 live in community and to follow God. It
  (August 2007) Christian school for           also gave me a passion for missions,
missionary kids. Specifically, I teach         which eventually brought me to the
grade 11 and 12 Bible classes. I love it       Philippines.
because it allows me to use my
                                               I was actually thinking about CLBI the
passion for theology and biblical
                                               other day as I was preparing the
studies to support missionaries and
                                               lesson for my grade 11 Christian Living
the work they are doing. I also love
                                               class, specifically on the spiritual
spending time with the students and
                                               disciplines. I first learned about these
doing my part in guiding them in their
                                               disciplines at CLBI, and the times the
faith during their last couple years of
                                               teachers gave us to pray, practice
high school.

8 Crossroads
Belong. believe. become - Discipling at the - Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute
lectio divina, do acts of service for the   you?d enjoy it.?I couldn't really argue
community, and have silent retreats,        with that logic, so I read the book and
went a long way in shaping who I am         it encouraged me to follow God at a
today and it has also influenced how I      time when I was still learning what that
teach my students. Like the staff at        truly meant.
CLBI, I don?t just want to teach them
about God, but I genuinely want to
                                            How would you encourage t hose
give them opportunities to meet with
                                            w ho may be t hinking about get t ing a
him and have a personal relationship
                                            Bible educat ion?
with him.
_______________________________________     I think the biggest source of
                                            discouragement when getting a Bible
  "CLBI taught me what it                   education is when people say things
 means to live in community                 like "You'll never get a job", or "No
                                            schools or workplaces will care about
    and to follow God."                     it." They're exaggerating, but there is
_______________________________________     some truth to it. However, I think
Tell a story/ share a memory of CLBI        education is about a lot more than just
t hat w as memorable for you.               preparing you for a future career.

At CLBI, I was the weird kid who hid        The book of Proverbs tells us to
behind doors during dorm devotions,         eagerly pursue knowledge and
refused to eat sandwiches, and slept        wisdom, so I think God is pleased
during class. As such there are a lot of    when we invest our time and money to
stories I could tell, many of which are     learn more about his word, and I think
pretty embarrassing. However, one           he will use what we've learned
memory that means a lot to me was           throughout our lives, whether through
during one of the classes, the teacher      encouraging and teaching others, or
mentioned the book "The Peace Child"        just growing in prayer and devotion to
by Don Richardson. He said ?Trevor,         him. So study the Bible and pursue
you especially should read it.?I said,      wisdom. Not everyone in the world
?W hat!? W hy are you calling me out        has the opportunity to do that.
specifically??He replied, ?Because

 To support Trevor, go to support / t revor-loken

 April 18                                   April 19
 Lord, in a few days Grace Braaten will     Father, we can only call this Friday
 celebrate her birthday. Such an            ?Good?because of the things that
 appropriate name for an Easter             Jesus accomplished through you on
 Sunday girl. Help her to live in your      this day. Meeting death on its own turf
 grace and love for this year and for all   to end its power is beyond our
 her days.                                  understanding. But we can be grateful
                                            and live a life of gratitude.

                                                                        CLBI Spring 9
Belong. believe. become - Discipling at the - Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute
April 20                                  April 26
 Such a strange day of waiting is this     Father, as the students celebrate the
 day between Good Friday and Easter.       year together with family and friends,
 God was dead. Or was He? We know          let it be an inspiring and memorable
 the answer, help us to rediscover and     time to remember the year and think
 live it anew.                             back on your faithfulness and
 April 21
 Not only on Easter Sunday are you our     April 27
 Saviour - and the only reason there is    Lord God, this is it, the day that was
 such a thing as a Bible School is         coming. Help the Graduation Service
 because you came and died and live        be a recognition of the whole year of
 again. Help all of us, every year, to     growth that has taken place in all
 more deeply know and move into the        involved, and help it to be the sending
 resurrection life you have planned.       out that provides both challenge and
                                           comfort for all that will be.
 April 22
 Lord, friendships and bonds have          April 28
 been formed and cemented in past          Heavenly Father, thank you for all the
 days and months. We all know they         previous staff and continue to be with
 will be different in days to come,        them as they continue in ministry
 unless we are in denial, but help the     through their lives and service, in
 students to engage, enjoy and revel,      whatever ways you have called them
 even as they evaluate and reflect         to at this point in their lives.
 during today?s year-end retreat.
                                           April 29
 April 23                                  Lord, continue on with the staff
 Lord God, the days for this school year   remaining at the school. Guide them,
 will be over so fast. Help all the        ever, as they clean up, evaluate the
 students and staff take the time to say   past days and year, make summer
 the good-byes that they need to,          plans or organize themselves for their
 acknowledging that things will            ongoing plans for ministry and service.
                                           April 30
 April 24                                  Lord God, guide the board and all
 Lord, campus clean-up is scheduled        involved in ongoing planning as they
 for today. How can that time be here,     continue to make plans for all the
 already? Help the day of work be a        ways your work continues at CLBI.
 fulfilling fellowship opportunity and a   Guide all of your church to support the
 time to clean out and clear up            Bible Schools to be places where
 anything that needs to be cleaned out     discipleship and training can take
 and cleared up.                           place.
 April 25                                  May 1
 Father ? graduation and new               Thank you, God, for the staff who
 beginnings of all sorts are so close ?    often give sacrificially of their time and
 moving back, moving on, moving. As        talents to the work of discipling a new
 you have been and are and always          generation. As they evaluate the year
 will be, guide the grads in your loving   and discern the future of CLBI, we
 purpose and all others as changes         pray that they will be sensitive to your
 occur.                                    spirit working through each of them.

10 Crossroads
May 2                                      May 7
Lord, we thank you for the excellent       Lord, we ask you to shower your
students who have been disciples and       blessings on Emily Halvorson (Cullen?s
learners at CLBI over this past year.      wife) today as she celebrates her
We pray that you will move in the          birthday. Help her to rest in your love.
hearts of the Engage students to do        Thank you for the many giftings you
your will.                                 have given to Emily and for her
                                           willingness to share them with those
May 3                                      around her.
Lord we pray for school finances
during the lean summer months.             May 8
Move us to pray for staff and potential    As staff continue to debrief this past
students each day. Move in the hearts      year and plan for the new year, help
of those you have blessed with             each of them to also find times of rest
finances that they might share these       and rejuvenation this summer. Renew
to further the work of the kingdom.        their hearts and minds, and help them
                                           to reflect on your plans for their own
May 4
                                           lives as well as your plans for CLBI.
We give you honor and praise, God,         Bless each staff member this day we
that you are working in and through
the church. Use CLBI as an instrument
that would bring glory to your name.       May 9
May the students who are trained and       Lord, we thank you for Avi Friesen?s
discipled here reproduce themselves        (2019 Engage student) desire to follow
by committing to share their faith and     you. As he celebrates his birthday
disciple others, wherever they may be      today, we ask that he would continue
placed.                                    to find his identity in you. May he
                                           grasp how wide and long and high
May 5                                      and deep the love that you have for
Thank you for the many pastors,
                                           him is. (Ephesians 3:18)
leaders, and teachers who invest in
the lives of students during the weekly    May 10
courses. We pray that you will lead        As we look to the fall, we ask you,
CLBI leadership to the right teachers      Heavenly Father, to work in the hearts
who will be used by your spirit to train   of the students that you are calling to
up a new generation of disciplers and      CLBI. We ask that you would remove
Jesus followers.                           any barriers that are hindering them
                                           from accepting your call. Please fill
May 6                                      the dorms with the students of your
Thank you, Lord, for the students this
past year. We ask that you would be
with each one of them as they adjust       May 11
to life outside of CLBI. Help each of      Loving Father, we thank you for the
them to consistently and joyfully make     ability to work. Bless our students as
time in their days to spend with you.      they begin their summer jobs. May
Please also help them to find a good,      they shine your light in their places of
supportive community. Give them            work.
peace for today and guidance for the

                                                                        CLBI Spring 11
Nathan Sorenson along side his wife Megan (Scott) Sorenson ('02-'03), his son Robin
(age 2 1/ 2), and baby Nola (born on January 6th, 2019)

Nat h an Sor en son ('02-'03)

                  I'm Nathan                master Duplo builder and a new
                  Sorenson, a CLBI          daughter Nola who was born on
                  student from the          January 6th.
                  class of 2002-2003. A
                  bit about me: I'm
                                            In w hat w ays are you serving in God's
                  married to Megan
                  Sorenson (previously
                  Scott), another CLBI      Aside from serving my family, I
 1st Year CLBI alumnus, and we are          primarily participate in God's renewal
  (Sept. 2002) adopted West                 of all things through my work. I work
                  Coasters. We have         for a company called Sparkfund and
been living in Vancouver for eleven         we help outfit buildings with more
years, having moved here for graduate       energy efficient equipment. God calls
school and staying for work. I'm a          us to be good stewards of the earth,
computer programmer and Megan is            and I am grateful I have an opportunity
an academic librarian. We have a son,       to use my skills towards mitigating
Robin, who is a 2 and a half year old       climate change.

12 Crossroads
How did your t ime at Bible school          student-directed videos. I even
help prepare you for w here God has         recruited many of my classmates to
you now ?                                   serve as voice actors in a computer
                                            curling game I had developed.
My time at Bible school has had a
lasting impact on my life. It was my        Between choir trips and outdoor
first year living away from home and it     camping, I am thankful for all the new
gave me an environment to reflect on        experiences I had (including the
and understand my faith in a                trucker's hitch knot I learned on the
community of caring people.                 canoe trip, which has proven useful to
                                            this day).

 "Many of the relationships I
                                            How would you encourage t hose
 gained there have lasted to                w ho may be t hinking about get t ing a
          this day"                         Bible educat ion?
_______________________________________     I would encourage anyone that is
                                            thinking about Bible school to
Many of the relationships I gained          consider the opportunity seriously. The
there have lasted to this day. I even       relationships that one can make there
recall situations where my computer         have added immeasurable richness to
skills came in handy, especially with       my life and I am very grateful for my
adding comical special effects to           time there.

 May 12                                     the churches of Camrose to go forth in
 Holy God, thank you for the unique gift    unity and share your light. Father,
 that mothers bring to our lives. May       guide those in positions of leadership
 our moms find rest today and joy in        in Camrose; may they be wise and
 the work of motherhood. Comfort            discerning; may they know & trust you.
 those who have lost their mothers and
                                            May 15
 those who have lost their children.
                                            Holy Spirit, move among the young
 May 13                                     people in our lives. May there be a
 Thank you, Jesus, for the buildings we     revival among them. Help us to know
 have at CLBI. Thank You for the            with whom to speak & encourage to
 community groups who are able to           attend CLBI.
 use our spaces. Help us to use their
                                            May 16
 visits to our campus as opportunities
                                            Father, we ask your blessing on
 to share your love with more people.
                                            Jemma Danielson (2019 Engage
 May 14                                     Student) as she celebrates her
 Father, your provision astounds us.        birthday today. May she be affirmed in
 Thank you for placing the school in        your love for her & the delight you take
 the city of Camrose. Bless this city and   in her as your daughter.

                                                                        CLBI Spring 13
Wander Beyond th e
Wi f i - Cross Cul tural
"Wander Beyond the Wifi - Cross Cultural Edition" was an opportunity for
students to travel beyond the campus wifi signals and experience life in
the homes of families from cultures that are different than their own.

                Two Worlds Collide   To tell the truth,
                By Karis Rathjen     this culture, their culture,
                (Killam, AB)         was not what I was expecting.
                                     But far greater, far more beautiful
                                     then I could ever have imagined.
Walking to the door,
unaware and full
of assumptions,                      The sight of the father's love
full of stereotypes,                 for his children, his kindness
of how a culture                     to his wife, and his openness
unknown                              to us, strangers.
will take place                      Whom, this family
before my eyes.                      never made feel strange?

But with great joy,                  Walking away from the door,
that burns within me,                away from tiny hands, joyous laughter,
all these eyes beheld, was           curious eyes and kind words.
of a family, full of love,           My assumptions were floored,
kindness, tenderness,                the stereotypes were eradicated,
full of peace and hospitality.       and my mind was changed.

14 Crossroads
conversations will be memories I hold
                                            for a long time and I am thankful that I
                Molly Johnsen
                                            got the opportunity to experience such
                (Beaumont, AB)
                                            generosity and joy, both through this
                                            family and the rest of the weekend.
My experience was filled with so much       _______________________________________
joy and included many moments that
made God?s love, as well as His gifts, so
obvious to me.

I had the opportunity to spend the                          Lauren Ward
morning with a family who was                               (Didsbury, AB)
originally from Syria, and although there
was a prominent language barrier, they
understood that my laugh was still a        Wander beyond the Wifi was a really
laugh and that my smile came from           good opportunity to separate ourselves
pure love and joy, and all of this was      from our community life at CLBI and to
more than evident to me as well. The        really push ourselves out of our comfort
children were overflowing with              zones. It was amazing to experience
innocence and joyful sound. They            another culture both in a church setting
immediately welcomed us into their          and in a home setting where we were
home and shared treats and a meal with      welcomed in by a Muslim family in Red
us. Their hospitality made me feel so       Deer, AB for an afternoon.
thankful and close to God throughout        Their culture's focus on hospitality blew
the whole experience. They                  us away and I came out of it with a new
undoubtedly have a gift.                    view on how our culture has lost the
As we shared a very large and very          beauty of hospitality. I think as
tasty meal, we bonded over the              Christians, we should really be looking
struggle of conversation and the laughs     more at how we treat others with
that came with it as I struggled and        respect, just as Jesus showed respect
failed to act out my words. What filled     to everyone he met. That's something I
my heart the most was their acceptance      really noticed as we were shown that
and love which allowed us to feel           same respect by people who didn't
welcomed, despite the obvious               even have the same beliefs as us.
difficulties of the situation.              We also got to try some really amazing
Even though our conversations weren?t       food which we struggled to eat using
easy and would sometimes hit a dead         only bread to pick it up, so that was fun.
end, the effort they gave and their         But overall it was an amazing
willingness to laugh with us helped         experience and it really gave me a new
start a relationship that likely would      perspective on how to use friendship as
have been harder to form if the effort      a route to cross-cultural ministry.
was not there. Those laughs and

                                                                        CLBI Spring 15
God would work in and through us in
M i ssi onal                                ways we may not expect or think
Communi ti es                               W ith that lens, we embarked on the
Ch r is ('04-'06) an d Lin dsay             "Missional Community" journey. Given
                                            that we are both alumni of CLBI, we
Van der m eer ('05-'09)
                                            knew how impactful this part of the
- M ission al Com m u n it y Leader s
                                            program had been in our lives. Yes,
Missional Communities                       Missional Communities are a space
                                            and place for fun and fellowship, but
(formerly Discipleship                      for both of us, it was also the place
Groups) are an integral part                where we asked deep questions,
of the fabric of CLBI.                      brought forward big prayer requests,
They provide students with a sort of        and learned to be vulnerable in our
home away from home experience              struggles and our joys. We understood
while at Bible school. To be honest,        the power and strength the words of
our first reaction when we were first       blessing and guidance from a
asked to lead a Discipleship Group          Christian mentor could carry in a
three years ago was ?are we really old      person?s life, and so we entered into
enough to do this??To us it felt like       the experience, trusting that God
only yesterday that we graduated, and       would do the big work for us.
we both still felt (and continue to feel)   At first it was a bit nerve wracking
very young at heart. As we prayed           wondering how we would connect
about and considered the opportunity,       with students (who were complete
we quickly discovered that we were          strangers to us). However, thinking
now the same age that many of the           back on our own experiences, we
staff members were when we                  realized that the gift of time and
ourselves were in D-Groups as CLBI          attention was incredibly meaningful for
students. We thought that perhaps we        us at that stage of life, so, if we gave
did have something to offer the             the current students the same thing,
current students, and also knew that        those connections were sure to follow.

16 Crossroads
During the first two years of leading a   community worship services. These
D-group, we met with students             times have evoked some of the most
one-on-one each week to get to know       thought-provoking questions and have
one another. This often consisted of      also enabled us to grow in our faith
going out for coffee, walking around      and knowledge alongside the
Mirror Lake, or just chatting over        students.
supper. These conversations really
allowed us to deepen our relationships    In the midst of the continued learning
with the students.                        and growth, we also have a lot of fun
                                          in our MC Groups! Over the years we
During this third year of our MC          have gone skating, done a ?Chopped?
involvement, the formal one-on-one        style cooking challenge, had movie
responsibilities have moved to the        nights, did a scientific eggnog tasting,
weekly Huddle Groups. This has            played soccer golf, kidnapped a
allowed us to connect with the            member of another MC group, had
students in different ways. We have a     games nights, did minute to win it
?family dinner?once a week with our       challenges, and even took home the
MC group, we take small groups of         gold at the MC Olympics! The list goes
students out for coffee to chat, and we   on and on, but the experiences where
have even become one of the go-to         we laughed until we cried and truly
brunch spots in the city on the           felt the joy of the Lord are ones that
weekends!                                 we both hold dear from our time at
                                          CLBI, and know that the same will be
MC Groups also give the students the      true for the current students.
opportunity to put their classroom
learning into practice in the world       As is so often true in ministry, when
outside the CLBI ?bubble.?Students        you give of yourself, God blesses you
have been learning to turn their focus    in ways that you cannot even fathom.
outward and to be on the lookout for      We can wholeheartedly say that the
ways that they can connect with and       time we have spent with the students
serve their neighbours in tangible        over the past three years has enriched
ways. This takes many shapes and          our lives and caused us to grow in our
forms, but often includes working         faith exponentially. We jokingly call the
with ministry practicum groups,           students our ?kids,?but we do love
delivering coffee to shift workers,       them all dearly and are so thankful to
praying for community members,            have been a part of their lives.
clearing fallen trees from a local farm
wind belt, and much more.
                                          Lindsay is a Grade 3 teacher with
In addition to serving those around us,   Edmonton Public Schools, and Chris is
MC Groups are a place where students      a Regional Events Coordinator with the
continue to study God?s word.             Federal Government in Edmonton. They
Students have the opportunity to plan     met at CLBI and were married in 2008.
and lead in-depth Bible studies,          Chris presently serves on the Board of
coordinate prayer walks, lead others in   Trustees for CLBI.
worship, and participate in young adult

                                                                                  CLBI Spring 17
(Left to Right) Cullen's daughter Harriet (age 2), Cullen, his wife Emily ('07-'09), and his
second daughter Gemma

Th ere and Back A gai n
Cu llen Halvor son - Dir ect or of Com m u n icat ion s & Adm ission s

Originally from Saskatchewan,                   After his second
Cullen first came to CLBI in the fall of        summer of working
2006. Seeing his siblings enjoy their           at Hastings Lake
time at CLBI a few years prior, he              Bible Camp as a
decided that he wanted the same                 leader, he moved to
experience, and so he attended CLBI             Sherwood Park, AB,
for 2 years, receiving his Christian            and within a month
Leadership Diploma. This is also                of job hunting, got
where he would meet his future wife,            hired on as the
Emily (Faltin).                                 graphic designer at  2nd Year CLBI
                                                a new print shop in  (August 2007)
In September of 2008, Cullen enrolled
                                                Edmonton called Minuteman Press.
in the Graphics Arts Production
Program at SIAST (Sask Poly Tech) in            In 2013, Emily and Cullen got married
Regina, SK, and in 2010 he completed            in Stettler, AB (Emily's hometown), and
his education with a diploma in                 in two short years bought their first
graphic arts. W ith his post-secondary          home in Edmonton.
goals completed, his next logical step
                                                W ith 2016 starting off with Cullen
was to move to Alberta to live closer
                                                finding a part-time job at Our Savior
to Emily while she completed her four
                                                Lutheran Church in Edmonton as the
years in the nursing program at U of A
                                                Music Director, the following July was
in Edmonton.
                                                certainly cause for celebration as they

18 Crossroads
welcomed into the world their first         home on staff as the Director of
child, Harriet (Hattie) Irene.              Communications and Admissions. He
                                            feels extremely blessed that he gets
W hile enjoying his work and his
                                            to do the work that he loves, in an
growing family, Cullen (and Emily)
                                            environment that encourages creative
began entertaining the thought of
                                            and collaborative thinking, alongside
being a stay-at-home dad when Emily
                                            people who are passionate about
returned to her nursing position in the
                                            living a real and authentic
Stollery NICU at the U of A Hospital.
                                            Christ-focused life.
This became a reality the following
summer in 2017 when Emily went back         Cullen is grateful for the hard work
to work, and Cullen stayed at home          that was put in over the years by
with their daughter Hattie.                 previous staff members to make CLBI
                                            what it is today, and is hopeful that he
Staying at home was challenging for
                                            will also play a part in shaping the
Cullen as he loves being social and
                                            future identity of the school.
working with people, but he says that
he is very thankful that God gave him
the opportunity to spend so much            May 17
valuable one-on-one time with his           Father, as Aaron Forbes (2019 Engage
daughter, which would contribute            Student) celebrates his birthday today,
greatly to his confidence in being a        may he be strong in the strength you
                                            give him by your holy spirit. May your
parent. He is quite certain that God has
                                            joy be his strength.
not called him to be a permanent
stay-at-home dad, but is grateful for       May 18
the valuable experience nonetheless.        Cullen and Emily Halvorson celebrate
                                            their 6th wedding anniversary today.
As his future began opening with new        Lord, we ask you to enable them to
opportunities, during the spring of         grow in their love for you & each other.
2018, President Dean Rostad                 Thank you also for their joy in
suggested to Cullen that he would be        parenting Harriet and Gemma.
a great fit for an open position on staff   May 19
at CLBI. As Cullen had always thought       Thank you Lord, for the wonderful
it would be pretty cool to work at CLBI,    relationship between CLBI and World
he jumped at the opportunity, and           Mission Prayer League Canada. May
along with his family, moved to             they continue to be places that raise
Camrose in August 2018.                     up a new generation of kingdom
                                            workers for your church here at home
Since being on staff, Cullen has been       and for the unreached frontiers.
able to be a part of many of the
                                            May 20
programs at CLBI, including Urban
                                            Father, thank you for time of rest on
Hike and Ministry Tour, and he plans        this long weekend. We pray that
on being more involved as he grows          Canadian Christians will recommit
into his position on staff.                 themselves to Jesus. We pray also for
                                            revival in churches across Canada,
Even though he is still in his first year
                                            and that you would bring us personal
of working at CLBI, Cullen feels right at   revival and renewal.

                                                                        CLBI Spring 19
May 21                                    May 26
 Thank you, Father, for the decades of     Lord, we praise you for Axel Schwaiger
 ministry that Bible camps have had in     (son of Flo and Kat) on his 1st birthday.
 Canada. As camp staff engage in           Bless him as he grows.
 training and preparation, may your
                                           May 27
 holy spirit be preparing campers for
                                           We pray Ephesians 2:10 as a blessing
 weeks of fun, for heartfelt encounters
                                           for Florian Schwaiger (Residence Life
 with you through your word. Empower
                                           Director) on his birthday: For (Florian
 CLBI students serving at Bible camps
                                           is) God?s masterpiece. God has
 this summer.
                                           created (him) anew in Christ Jesus, so
 May 22                                    (Florian) can do the good things He
 Thank you, Lord, for the integral role    planned for (Florian) long ago (NLT).
 volunteers play at CLBI. We ask you to
                                           May 28
 raise up new CLBI volunteers who will
                                           O Holy Spirit, thank you for blessing
 assist with programs and the upkeep
                                           your people with finances; lead people
 and development of CLBI facilities.
                                           to pass this blessing along by
 Thank you, God, for gifted and
                                           including CLBI in their wills.
 generous volunteers!
                                           May 29
 May 23
                                           Father God, work in the hearts of next
 Safeguard your word as truth,
                                           year?s CLBI students, so that they will
 Heavenly Father! Thank you that CLBI
                                           be prepared to learn and be
 stands on the authority of your word
                                           motivated to pass on your good news.
 as the means of grace and the guide
 for our lives. May we take you at your    May 30
 word and humbly and obediently            Lord, speak to the staff at CLBI as they
 follow you as you lead us.                prepare for the upcoming school year.
                                           May you guide the teachers of your
 May 24
                                           choosing to come teach.
 Lord, we ask that in these upcoming
 summer months each CLBI staff             May 31
 member would be intentional in taking     We pray Jeremiah 29:11 for Mackenzie
 time for rest, renewal and refreshing.    Wahl (2019 IMPACT student) on his
 Thank you that you are our Sabbath        birthday, For I know the plans I have
 rest even in busy and sometimes           for you (Mackenzie), declares the Lord,
 over-scheduled lives. We rest in you,     plans for welfare and not for evil, to
 Lord Jesus!                               give you a future and a hope (ESV).
 May 25                                    June 1
 Father, as refreshment is experienced     Amazing creator, you have provided
 by CLBI staff this summer, please fill    our world with beauty in every season.
 each person with wisdom enabling          Help us to see and acknowledge the
 them to return in the fall with renewed   unbelievable intricacies you?ve placed
 vision, passion and creative energy.      in nature, in our communities, and in
 Thank you for the gifted, committed       our hearts (Psalm 104:24).
 and well-trained staff you have
 brought together at CLBI!

20 Crossroads
f or Your Speci al Ev ents!
Planning a family reunion? Looking for just t he right venue for a
wedding and recept ion? Planning a ret reat or workshop t hat w ill
be memorable? CLBI would be happy to serve you!
Our campus offers up to 44 bedrooms        cafeteria, our chapel area, and the
in two dormitories for group               outdoor ARC Shelter.
accommodations (17 in the Vinge
                                           For individuals or small groups,
Centre and 27 in Pearson Place). All
                                           individual rooms or our deluxe suites
rooms are complete with two beds,
                                           can be rented. For larger overnight
dresser, desk, and closet space. We
                                           group rentals, we offer for rent the use
also have two unique suites with their
                                           of the Vinge Centre, which has 17
own showers, which provides a more
                                           rooms, one of our deluxe suites, and
private setting.
                                           both a social lounge and the cozier
Additionally, our campus offers a          ?cedar room?on the main floor. For day
number of meeting areas, including a       rentals, we offer the use of our
social lounge with built-in kitchen, our   cafeteria and the choice of either our
                                           chapel area or the beautiful outdoor
                                           ARC shelter in our courtyard.

                                           Along with these options, custom
                                           packages can be arranged. Ask us
                                           about options specific to the needs of
                                           your group by contacting Mark Hagen
                                           at, or by visiting
                                           us online at rentals.

                                                                      CLBI Spring 21
June 2                                  June 3
 God, we pray for the facilities and     As you have grown our vast network
 infrastructure here on the CLBI         of alumni and supporters, oh Lord,
 campus. Guide the hands of those        you continue to provide for us in
 who are a part of the renovations and   countless ways. We thank you for your
 repairs for this place. May they be     infinite provision and for those in the
 done with integrity and may they        future who feel called to invest in this
 improve the quality and longevity of    beautiful ministry of CLBI.
 the campus.

22 Crossroads
CLBI Fi nanci al Snapsh ot

At t ime of print ing, t here are 4 mont hs left in t he fiscal year. Please pray t hat
God w ill raise up t he generous givers needed to meet our annual budget .

How can you support CLBI ?
-      Through prayer!!
-      By cheque (made out to CLBI)
-      By e-Transfer through your bank
       - email to f in an
-      By Visa or Mastercard
-      On-line through CANADA HELPS
       ? / give an d click ?Don at e Now ?
-      Automatic Monthly Donation
       ? contact f in an for more
       information or visit / give

       * Please note that donations by credit card or through
       CANADA HELPS are subject to a service fee. 100% of
       donations made by cheque, e-Transfer or Automatic
       Monthly Donations goes to the ministry of CLBI.

Please contact Wanda at f in an if you have any further questions
regarding the finances of the school.

    Automat ic Mont hly Giving
    Goal: $8,333 a mont h Current : $3,145 a mont h
    God has raised up 39 supporters that combined gives $3,145 a month to CLBI.
    Our goal is to increase this to $8,333 a month ($100,000 a year). You can pick
    the amount to give. Contact Wanda (see above) to join this valuable team!

                                                                            CLBI Spring 23
Wh at i f your Wi l l coul d
be a statement about th e
l i f e you l i v ed?
W hile leaving CLBI in your W ill is important, it is also
important that your W ill correctly outlines the plans
for your assets, but what if it could be so much
more that that?
Your W ill could be a statement about the life you lived, the faith
you follow, the people you love, and the charities you believe in.
Advisors with Purpose can help make that powerful statement.

Commit ted to a Common Vision.
We?ve partnered together to offer you this unique opportunity to create a
legacy that will impact the next generation and sustain meaningful charitable
activities around the world. ADVISORS w it h Purpose offers the benefit of
competent advisors and professionals who are trained to help you think
through your estate and how you can best create a W ill that reflects your life
while taking care of the people and causes you care most about.

Est ate planning is for everyone regardless of whether you have a lot
or a little. The benefits go beyond your family to the charities and people near
to your heart.

24 Crossroads
W hy Create an Est ate Plan w it h
 Our Specialist s?

        -         To integrate your worldview and values into your plan
        -         Your plan will promote family harmony and avoid conflict
                  over family assets, heirlooms and expectations
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Working w it h t he est ate specialist s at Advisors w it h Purpose
will answer questions about your estate and craft a plan of real significance
and real impact.

   For more information or to speak to
   an Estate Specialist:1.866.336.3315 or
      plan @advisor sw it h pu r or
           con t act t h e CLBI of f ice.
                                                                                         w w w.advisor sw it h pu r

 June 4                                                                             these parents and reveal to them your
 All knowing God, your servants in                                                  desire for their children. Soften their
 pastoral positions all over the world                                              hearts and encourage them to view
 are responding to your call in ways we                                             Bible school as an invaluable
 can?t even imagine. Restore their                                                  experience.
 spirits, Lord, for you know their hearts.
                                                                                    June 7
 Guide them in your peace, and reach
                                                                                    God, thank you for the sunshine and
 out your love into their lives.
                                                                                    warm weather! As people plan to
 June 5                                                                             make trips this summer, may you
 God of all things, this world changes                                              keep them safe and help them fully
 with each new day, and technologies                                                enjoy your creation.
 advance faster every minute. Help us
                                                                                    June 8
 to use these technological tools to
                                                                                    ?...but those who hope in the Lord will
 draw closer to you and to do good in
                                                                                    renew their strength. They will soar on
 our communities. May our advances
                                                                                    wings like eagles; they will run and not
 be for you.
                                                                                    grow weary, they will walk and not be
 June 6                                                                             faint."(Isaiah 40:31).
 Father of all, we pray today for those
 who have children graduating from
 high school. Speak into the hearts of

                                                                                                                                        CLBI Spring 25
June 9                                  June 11
 Dear Jesus, thank you for the board     Lord, thank you for Derrick,
 members and all that they do for the    Mackenzie, Celia and Shalayne (CLBI
 school. Give them wisdom and sound      2019 Summer Team). As they prepare
 judgement as they each work in their    to teach kids about you, help them
 respective committees to prepare for    work well together to encourage every
 the upcoming year.                      community they serve in.
 June 10                                 June 12
 Father, please bless the staff that     Lord Jesus, we lift up to you all of the
 work through the summer to serve you    conversations staff have with
 and CLBI. In the quiet pace of the      supporters and potential students over
 school without students, may you fill   the summer months. Bless the words
 them with your love and joy daily.      of their mouths Lord.

26 Crossroads
June 13                                   student). Thank you that you brought
Heavenly Father, we pray for all of the   her to CLBI, & for the ways you are
students who are working at various       working in her.
camps throughout the summer.
                                          June 15
Energize, inspire, & sustain them as
                                          Giver of life, today we celebrate Lukas
they pour into each camper. May they
                                          Schwaiger?s birthday (Flo and Kat?s
know that they are planting seeds,
                                          son). Thank you for the laughter and
whether they see the fruit or not.
                                          joy he brings to CLBI. We also lift up
June 14                                   Chris Vandermeer (MC Group leader)
Father today we lift up to you Angelina   on his birthday. Thank you for his
Kreamer on her birthday (2019 Engage      energy & passion for the students.

                                                                     CLBI Spring 27
                CLBI Caf e
mar             - An evening to reconnect with alumni and friends of CLBI
                - Bethel Lutheran Church in Sherwood Park
30                (298 Bethel Drive, Sherwood Park, AB)
                - See page 3 for details

                You t h Su r ge
 apr            - April 5-7, 2019 at CLBI
                - Youth grade 9 - 12
 5-7            - All programming, facilities, meals, etc. are included in the
                  registration costs. Early registration ($50) ends MARCH 22.
                  (see pg. 29 for more information)

                CLBI Gr adu at ion Cer em on y
 apr             April 27, 2019 at Messiah Lutheran Church
                 (4810 50 St, Camrose, AB)
 27             - Come and join us as we celebrate the CLBI graduating
                   class of 2018/ 2019.
                - Ceremony is at 10:00am

                Celebr at e t h e M ission
may             - An evening gala celebrating the mission of CLBI
 25             - Saturday, May 25th @ 5:00
                - See page 22 for details

 June 16                                     to serve you and others. Please give
 Holy Father, thank you for being the        us eyes for our community and show
 true example of a loving father. Today      us how to be your hands and feet to
 as we honor and celebrate the fathers       those who need it most.
 in our lives, show us how we can
                                             June 18
 better love and appreciate their
                                             God, we pray for the hearts of any
 influence in our lives.
                                             potential students for this fall. Give
 June 17                                     excitement & peace to those who
 Heavenly Father we praise you for a         have applied, & stir a desire for your
 new week and for new opportunities          truth in those who are undecided.

28 Crossroads
YOUTH SURGE is a chance for your           both deepened and renewed during
young people ages 15 and up to come        this ministry time. Youth Surge also
rub shoulders with current CLBI            aims to encourage those who are not
students and experience for                considering Bible school as a post
themselves the benefit of pursuing a       secondary option to attend for a
year or two of Bible education.            weekend of high energy fun and
Our goal for Youth Surge is that it
would be a deep impact youth retreat
weekend. We have seen God use this
                                               Register today at
weekend in powerful ways, as                 w w surge
relationships with Christ have been

 June 19                                   them to find meaningful summer work
 Jesus we thank you for all alumni of      and open the doors for meaningful
 CLBI. Be with them today and reaffirm     conversations with their co-workers.
 in them the truths they learned about
                                           June 21
 you while at CLBI. Allow them to stay
                                           You have called us to the lost and
 connected with others and the school.
                                           unreached peoples, God, and today we
 June 20                                   pray for any student or alumni you are
 Thank you for all the students who        calling to become a missionary. Give
 have graduated from the Engage            them clarity and peace, and help them
 program this spring. We pray that you     walk into your calling with joy.
 would call them to wherever they need
 to be this summer and in the fall. Help

                                                                     CLBI Spring 29
Winter Hike had the highest of
                                                   highs and the lowest of lows. It
                                                   simultaneously challenged our
                                              character and built us up and
                                              encouraged us.
                                              - Avi Friesen (Warman, SK)

 June 22                                      peace to our souls, and captivate us in
 God thank you for the City of Camrose        your small stillness (Psalm 62:5).
 and our community. Thank you for all
                                              June 27
 the volunteers of CLBI who come to
                                              Almighty God, we lift up those who are
 help with tasks both big and small.
                                              serving in ministry positions in
 Please bless all those who have
                                              churches, on the mission field, and
 helped in various ways, both seen and
                                              with Christian organizations
                                              everywhere. Encourage, empower, and
 June 23                                      lead them as they follow you, and may
 Heavenly father, we pursue counterfeit       your glory be shown through their
 voices which tempt us away from you.         efforts.
 We pray that whoever you are calling
                                              June 28
 to come to Bible school, let your voice
                                              Thank you, Lord Jesus, for showing us
 be the one they believe and follow. For
                                              how to love. We offer up to you all of
 those who are unsure, lead them by
                                              the friendships that have been formed
 still waters (Psalm 23:2).
                                              here at CLBI over the years. We pray
 June 24                                      that with each new year, more and
 Great designer, you have fearfully and       more genuine and memorable
 wonderfully created all of your              friendships will be formed and
 children (Psalm 139:14). Remind us as        nurtured.
 we wake each morning that you are
                                              June 29
 not only infinite, but are also the
                                              God of the harvest, raise up the next
 personal and compassionate lover of
                                              generation of supporters for CLBI and
 each of our hearts.
                                              encourage us all to offer what we can
 June 25                                      from our lives. In all of your mysterious
 Holy Spirit, you are the voice that          and deeply satisfying ways, we see
 leads us to incredible things. On this       you, for you are the one who
 day we pray for camps, conferences,          straightens the path (Proverbs 3:5-6).
 and all other places that CLBI will visit.
                                              June 30
 Help these experiences be fruitful not
                                              Creative and inspiring God, the CLBI
 only in receiving support, but also in
                                              campus has been blessed with so
 spreading your peace and love.
                                              many people visiting from all over the
 June 26                                      world. Continue to bring international
 Loving and caring God, in the summer         students to the CLBI program and
 seasons we get distracted with filling       speak to the hearts of those who are
 our days with work and forget to find        unsure.
 your beauty. Calm our days, bring

30 Crossroads
A nnouncements:
Olive Mah (2016-17) married Morgan
Koskela on December 21, 2018
Chad and Adelle (Kroeger, 2006-07)
McKillop had baby Elliana Rose on
December 31, 2018
Nathan (2002-03) and Megan (Scott,
2002-04) had baby Nola Eleanor on
January 6, 2019
Chris and Angela (Faas, 2004-09) had
baby Moira on February 13, 2019
Isaac Eeles (2015-17) married Nadine
Cardinal on February 17, 2019
Phil (2011-12) and Emily Joel had baby
Norah Mae on February 21, 2019
Matthew (2009-11) and Lisa (Olson,
2012-13) Skretting had baby Calvin Rae
on February 26, 2019
Lowell Dahlman (1990-92) married
Christine Olson on March 2, 2019
                                          April - June 2019
M emori al gi f ts:                       Volume 27 No. 1
                                          Published for the friends and alumni of
Annelise Rust, Cliff Anderson, Esther     the Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute
Danielson, Arnold and Ruth Hagen,         in Camrose, AB
David Wold, Ernie and Iris Damkar,        Editorial Group:
Norman Radke, Evelyn Vikse, Adela         Rev. Dean Rostad
Tinis, John Rude, Jean Geddes,            Kate McFeely
Kathleen Johnson, Lloyd Helton,           Cullen Halvorson
Donna Allen, Alf Olsen, Clarence
Servold, Rod Madison, Gladys              Send your comments and changes of
Haldorson, Danny Cameron                  address to:
Total Memorials: $5733                    CLBI Crossroads
                                          4837 - 52a Street
Honorari um gi f ts:                      Camrose. AB
Tom Blacklock,                            T4V 1W5
Total Honorariums: $50          
Th ank you to:                            To receive the crossroads via email,
World Mission Prayer League, Messiah      please visit enews
Lutheran Church, Amy Jack, and
Katherine Schwaiger for writing prayers   * All scripture passages, unless otherwise noted taken
for this edition of Crossroads            from:The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright ©
                                          2001 by Crossway Bibles,a publishing ministry of Good
                                          News Publishers. All rights reserved

                                                                                 CLBI Spring 31
belong. believe. become.

Stay Connected!
Check us out on social media and stay up to date with what's
happening around the CLBI community.

      / clbi.camrose       @clbi_camrose         @clbi

Get the CLBI daily prayers at
      / clbi.prayers       @clbi_prayers

                            4837 - 52A Street
                            Camrose AB. T4V 1W5
belong. believe. become. - w w

32 Crossroads
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