Berkshire Centre Programme 2021 - Version 2: 13th March 2021

Page created by Raymond Hunt
Berkshire Centre Programme 2021 - Version 2: 13th March 2021
Berkshire Centre
    Version 2: 13th March 2021

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Berkshire Centre Programme 2021 - Version 2: 13th March 2021
Berkshire Centre Officers & Committee 2020-2021

         WENDY GODDARD                          MARIE WOODWARD
         Chairlady                              Vice Chairman
                                                200 Club Officer

           07736 475 067                         07920 728 733    

         CAROL GALLAGHER                        IAN GROVER
         Secretary                              Treasurer
                                                Entertainment Equipment
          01235 411 086                        Officer
          07711 533 733                          07712 888 786   

                                                CHRIS BEVAN
         PETER BIGGS                            Committee Member
         Rally Secretary                        Region Representative

            07766 331 195                       0118 377 4847                  07778 881285
         SUE BIGGS
                                                STUART BRADLEY
         Committee Member
                                                Committee Member
         Competitions Officer
                                                Health And Safety Officer
           07701 305 836
                                                  07813 254 260

                                                ALAN MANLEY
         Committee Member
                                                Committee Member
         Rally Equipment Officer
          0118 941 0888
          07736 475 063                          07713 925 396
                                                GARY WILLIAMS
         UNA MANLEY                             Committee Member
         Committee Member                       Entertainment Officer
         Social Media Officer                   Regional Representative
         Family Liaison Officer
                                                 0118 940 1405            07950 830 062
         Committee Member
         Family Liaison Officer

          0118 940 1405
          07940 717 469

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Rallying Arrangements – from 12th April 2021

The arrangements for holding and attending rallies have been set up by the Club and
Centres during 2020 to be COVID-19 Safe. The main points involved in holding rallies in
England in the current situation and for the foreseeable future are explained here.
Different guidelines and dates are applicable in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, and
they are not covered here.
Any change to guidelines or law announced by Government or the Caravan & Motorhome
Club override the information in this Rally Book. Changes will be communicated to
members and these guidelines will be updated and re-published when necessary.
   •   Rallies are permitted to take place from the start of Step 2, expected to be from
       12th April 2021. During Step 2, rallies are on a ‘campsite only’ basis. There can be
       no social activities at a rally; none will be arranged by Rally Officers, either indoors
       or outdoors. There will not be Flagpole meetings. Ralliers should not erect
       awnings or tents for the purpose of socialising.
   •   During Step 3 (starting no earlier than 17th May 2021), there can be social events
       for a maximum of 30 people outdoors. So social events and Flagpole meetings will
       be introduced as the guidelines and circumstances allow. The Rule of Six applies to
       indoor meetings and two households are permitted to meet on that basis – an outfit
       represents one household.
   •   During Step 4 (starting no earlier than 21st June 2021), there are no longer any
       restrictions on social gatherings at rallies. There may still be Covid-Secure
       Protocols – further information is expected to be available nearer the time.
   •   All members must comply with the Government’s guidance at the time regarding
       social contact and group size for meeting outdoors and indoors.
   •   A rally is not permitted if Lockdown is in force in the area where a rally is to be
       held. Members who live in Lockdown areas may not travel to any rally. Up to now,
       the Club has been following the approach of allowing rallies during the periods
       when the majority of Club sites can be open. With the Tier system that was in
       place during autumn 2020, rallies and travel were permitted in Tier1 and Tier 2
       areas, but not in Tier3 or higher.
   •   Please book rallies as normal using the Centre website. The Committee appreciates
       that members may be apprehensive to commit to attending a rally, but without
       bookings in the few weeks approaching a rally, we cannot gauge the level of
       interest. The Committee is reviewing the viability of rallies at its meeting each
       month; rallies with too few bookings to be viable may well be cancelled.
   •   In the run-up to a rally, the Rally Officer will be in contact by email with all who
       have booked to provide guidance on the rally and to request payment of fees.
       Payment can be by cheque (made payable to “Berkshire Centre Caravan Club” and
       posted to the Rally Officer) or by online banking (using the bank account details
       that the Rally Officer will provide).
   •   Cancellations in advance of the rally for any reason are acceptable in the current
       situation. Please contact the Rally Officer to cancel. The scheme of charging fees
       for late cancellation is suspended until further notice and a full refund will be made
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for all amounts that have been paid in advance. Non-arrivals (that is without
          making contact with the Rally Officer before the rally) may still be charged.
    •     In advance of each rally, the Committee and Rally Officers are undertaking Covid-
          related Health & Safety risk assessments, and they are being forwarded to the Club
          for the record.
    •     Rally signage will be arranged as normal unless notified otherwise.
    •     Pitching on rallies will leave as much space as possible between outfits, complying
          with the minimum spacing requirements of 6m between facing walls and 3m clear
          space around each unit.
    •     The water supply and elsan at each rally will have a supply of hand sanitiser,
          supplied either by the site owner or the Centre.
    •     For the foreseeable future, rally plaques will be provided to members after the rally.
          Plaque orders are being arranged in batches and are being co-ordinated by Marie
    •     Ralliers are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the Government
          Covid guidelines that are in place at the location and time of the rally – in particular
          social distancing and numbers in gatherings. For the purposes of counting
          numbers, each outfit is a household (allowing for bubble arrangements). Rally
          Officers and Committee members are not responsible for policing observance of the
          Government Covid guidelines.

                              Committee Meeting Dates for 2021
Committee meetings are being held online using Zoom and are expected to be on the following Monday evenings.
The Committee may vary these dates or hold additional meetings as necessary to fit with handling the Covid situation.
11 January       8 February        8 March           12 April          10 May            7 June
12 July          9 August          20 September      11 October        8 November        13 December
Items that members wish to raise with the Committee should be in writing (email or post) and addressed to the Centre
Secretary. Thank you.

The points here explain the reasoning around items in this Rally Programme and present
some necessary information that is normally scattered through the book in a single place
to help with maintaining the rally programme as we go through 2021.

Guide to Rallying booklet
The Berkshire Centre’s Guide to Rallying booklet provides additional information about
how the Centre is run. Copies can be downloaded from the Centre’s website or are
available from the Secretary.

This year’s Centre Programme does not contain the same amount of advertising as usual.
With the Covid-19 situation, the recognised position that businesses in general have
priorities to remain solvent, no Committee members being willing to undertake the

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Publicity Officer role, and the somewhat temporary and fluid nature of this Rally
Programme book, the Committee felt that it was not viable to try to secure advertising.

Changes to the Centre Programme
This Centre Programme contains as much information as is available at the time of going
to print. As the rallying year continues and Rally Officers put together their organisation
for rallies, it may be necessary to add, remove or amend any event at a rally. In
particular this year, there may be changes due to the ongoing situation with Covid-19.
It may be necessary for the Committee to amend the programme as circumstances
dictate. Updates are generally notified through monthly updates from Committee and on
the website and Facebook posts. We ask members to show understanding where
alterations occur.

Book-By Date
All rallies show a “book by” date. This is the date when the Committee will review if a
rally is viable for the numbers booked and can cancel it if necessary.
Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Site Fees
Site fees are correct at the time of printing, and all are per night unless stated otherwise.
The fees reflect the agreements between the Rally Secretary and the site owners.
Occasionally, changes are then made by site owners. Where the site fee is shown as
being inclusive of VAT, this has been applied at the current rate of 20%.
Some site fees are shown as “Depends on Numbers”, indicating there is a fixed fee for
hire of the venue, and the Rally Officers & Committee will set the site fee after the Book
By date.

Readers should note that neither The Caravan and Motorhome Club nor the Berkshire
Centre can accept responsibility for the quality, safe delivery, satisfactory operation or
effectiveness of any product or service advertised or mentioned in this publication.

Exercising Dogs
Dogs must be exercised in accordance with guidelines at the site or venue. Dog waste
must be removed from all rally fields (including agricultural fields that may contain animal
waste) and be disposed of by members as per their normal domestic circumstances.
The Rally Secretary has negotiated to allow dogs on rallies at school sites.
Please don’t jeopardise this privilege for future rallies.

Rally Finder on the Club Website
Want to know where holiday rallies are being run and when?
Want to know where other Centres are rallying on a particular weekend?
Want to know which Centres are rallying in a certain area on a particular date?
Log-in to the Caravan and Motorhome Club website then click Membership, Local Centres,
then Search Events and Rallies.
You can then search by any combination of: Rally/Event type: Short (5
nights), Overseas, Event Centre, Location (county), Country and Date.

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Note that only a limited selection of Berkshire Centre rallies for 2021 have been submitted
to the Rally Finder and paper Programme Index for 2021, as the effort involved in
submission and the uncertainty over the year’s programme is not justified against the
benefit we achieve from attracting visiting members.

Centre Membership Renewal
Do not forget to re-register with the Berkshire Centre when you renew your Caravan and
Motorhome Club membership. It does not happen automatically. There are three ways to
•     Log-in to the Caravan and Motorhome Club website, click
on My profile then My Membership where there is an option to Join or renew a Centre.
•     Or you can renew Centre membership by phoning the Club on 01342 318 813.
•     Or complete and return the Centre Registration form attached to your Club
membership renewal paperwork.

                         Berkshire Centre Competitions

The Competitions that we hold during the year each have some notes associated with
them. For this year, those notes are being collected into this one part of the book, to
make it easier to update the programme of rallies as the year unfolds. At our March 2021
meeting, Committee considered competitions and has decided to not hold any until the
Lantern Rally in autumn 2021. The Family Cup competition is also suspended until then.

March Hare Competition
This competition is an observation tour associated with a rally held in March. In
recent years, it has been a walking tour of the area local to the rally.

Golf Competition
One round of 18 holes of golf is played for three competitions:
•       A Stableford competition is scored for the Bri-Mar Trophy. In the event of a
tie, a countback over 3 holes is used (then 6, 9 holes etc.) to establish a single
•       A lowest gross score (ie. excluding handicap) is recorded for the Cyn-Daw
Trophy. Again, countback is used to establish a single winner.
•       Nearest the Pin Trophy will be played for on a nominated hole.
The Bri-Mar Trophy is the senior trophy. A player with the best score for both
competitions is awarded the Bri-Mar Trophy; the next lowest gross score then wins
the Cyn-Daw Trophy.
Players must declare their handicap for the Stableford competition, either a club handicap
or one that is consistent with their most recent rounds (maximum 28 for gents, 36 for
ladies, teenagers and children).

Fishing Competition
The Centre’s Fishing Competition is open to Berkshire Centre members attending the rally.
Visitors are welcome to fish for pleasure. The competitions are:
T & H Angling Trophy: Highest adult weight Benham Cup:           Highest junior weight
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John Parker Cup:          Lowest adult weight Christopher Cup: Sunday Pairs competition
All fish count except pike which must be immediately returned to the water. Only one rod
allowed in the water at a time; no baited rod to be left unattended. Barbless hooks and
lead-free weights must be used. Each competitor must have a Rod Fishing Licence which
can be obtained online or from Post Offices.
Chairman’s & Competitions Rally
A knock-out competition for the Keable Cup open to Berkshire Centre members. A draw
will be made on Friday evening and matches played during Saturday. Matches are single
sets on a grass court.
Lawn Darts
A knock-out competition for the Fairford Cup open to Berkshire Centre members. Played
throughout Saturday on a marked out grass court with points scored by landing lawn darts
in the target.
The competition for the Freda Abbey Trophy is open to Berkshire Centre members. The
recipe is set by the Chairman.
Flower Arrangement
The competition for the Michelle Cup is open to Berkshire Centre members. A theme for
the arrangement is set by the Chairman.
Pub Darts
Competition for the Bill Amies Trophy played during the social on Saturday evening.
Knock-out competition of single-set matches. You are welcome to bring your own darts or
use those supplied. Open to Berkshire Centre teenagers and adults.
The competition is open to Berkshire Centre members.
        Adults        Caravan scene prints (Stephanie Cup)
        Adults        Non-caravanning scene prints (Garsian Cup)
        Juniors       Any print (Benham Trophy)
1. The prints will be a MAXIMUM size of 5 x 7 inches (127mm x 178mm).
2. A MAXIMUM of 6 entries per category per Berkshire member may be entered.
3. All entrants must attend the rally and be on-site for at least one night.
4. The only mount allowed is that supplied by the Centre.
5. Prints must be submitted without titles or captions.
6. Digital photographs must not have been altered in any way.
7. All photographs must have been taken since the 2019 photographic competition.
The judge’s comments (if any) for First, Second and Third will be displayed when the
results are announced.
Julvin Cup
Junior mini-sports for Berkshire Centre 11-19 year olds. Try your hand at some non-
combative, non-strenuous activities. Have fun & games whilst going for the cup.

Lantern Competition
The competition is for the Upper Thames Challenge Cup and is for the best decorated
caravan or motor-caravan window. It takes place after dark on Saturday evening. The
theme will be set by the Rally Officers, to be advised. The Competition is open to all
Berkshire Centre members. Visitors are welcome to decorate their window for a separate

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prize. No generators, no naked flames and no displays outside of the caravan/motor-

                                    Berkshire Centre Trophies
   The Centre Competitions for 2020 were mostly cancelled, and points for the Family Cup for the competitions that
   were held are carried over until the competitions can be held again.
   TROPHY                       OPEN TO                    COMPETITION                   HOLDER
                                                   GOLF TROPHIES
                                                           Player with Highest
  Bri-Mar Trophy                Berkshire Members                                        Not held in 2020
                                                           Stableford Points
                                                           Player with Lowest Gross
  Cyn-Daw Trophy                Berkshire Members                                        Not held in 2020
                                                           Player nearest the pin on a
  Nearest the Pin Trophy        All competitors                                          Not held in 2020
                                                           nominated hole
                                            PHOTOGRAPHY TROPHIES
  Stephanie Cup                 Berkshire Members          Best ‘Caravan Scene’ Print    Not held in 2020
  Garsian Cup                   Berkshire Members          Best ‘General’ Print          Not held in 2020
  Benham Trophy                 Berkshire Junior           Best ‘General’ Print          Not held in 2020
                                     CHAIRMAN’S COMPETITION TROPHIES
  Keable Cup                    Berkshire Members          Adult Petanque                Not held in 2020
  Fairford Cup                  Berkshire Members          Lawn Darts                    Not held in 2020
  Michelle Cup                  Berkshire Members          Flower Arrangement            Not held in 2020
  Bill Amies Trophy             Berkshire Members          Pub Darts                     Not held in 2020
  Freda Abbey Trophy            Berkshire Members          Baking Competition            Not held in 2020
  Julvin Cup                    Berkshire Junior           Junior Mini-sports            Not held in 2020
                                                  FISHING TROPHIES
  T & H Angling Trophy          Berkshire Members          Adult Highest Gross Weight    Not held in 2020
  Benham Fishing Cup            Berkshire Junior           Youth Highest Gross Weight Not held in 2020
  Christopher Cup               Berkshire Members          Adult Pairs Competition       Not held in 2020
  John Parker Cup               Berkshire Members          Adult Lowest Gross Weight     Not held in 2020
                                                   OTHER TROPHIES
                                                           Best overall score in the     David, Joyce & Ian
  March Hare Trophy             Everyone
                                                           observation tour              Grover (Mar 2020)
  Upper Thames Challenge                                   Best Decorated Caravan        Lesley & Steve Moulds
                         Berkshire Members
  Cup                                                      Window                        (Nov 2019)
                                                                                         Bettine & Terry Bly
  Rally Secretary Trophy        Berkshire Rally Officers   Best Rally Book Write-up      David, Joyce & Ian
                                                                                         Grover (Jan 2020)
    BERKSHIRE FAMILY TROPHY – awarded at each AGM to the family that has been the most
                  successful in all Centre Competitions since the last AGM
                                                           Family with the
  Wightman Cup                  Berkshire Members                                        Not awarded in 2020
                                                           Best Overall Score
    All competitors must attend the rally at which the competition is held. All trophies are the property of the
     Berkshire Centre Caravan & Motorhome Club and must be returned to the Competitions Officer no later
                               than 14 days before the rally in the following year.

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Caravan and Motorhome Club – Berkshire Centre
                            AGM Notice to Members
The 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Caravan and Motorhome Club Berkshire Centre will be held at 2:30pm on
Saturday 2nd October 2021 at Colleton Primary School, Twyford, Berkshire.
Any two registered members may propose any registered member to be an officer of the Committee of the Centre to
which they are all registered. Written nominations for election, confirmed by the nominee, the proposer and the
seconder, must be received by the Centre Secretary not later than fourteen days before the AGM (i.e. by 2:30pm on
Saturday 18th September 2021).
Formal notices of motion from registered members, duly signed by the proposer and seconder, must be received in
writing by the Centre Secretary not later than 35 days prior to the AGM (i.e. by 2:30pm on Saturday 21st August 2021).
Only members who have registered, or re-registered, with the Centre at least 35 days prior to the date of the meeting
are entitled to speak, vote or stand for election.
This official Notice convening the Meeting is circulated to Full, Joint and Family Members of the Berkshire Centre who are
on the Centre's Register in January 2021, and new Members joining in the period up to the AGM. It will also be available
at the door on the way to the Meeting.
Thank you for supporting the Berkshire Centre.
1.     Notice convening the Meeting
2.     Apologies for absence
3.     Minutes of the last AGM (10th October 2020)
4.     Matters Arising
5.     Chairman’s Report
6.     Treasurer’s Report
7.     Rally Secretary’s Report
8.     Junior Section Report
9.     Regional Council Report
10.    Notices of Motion
11.    Elections
       i)        Chairman
       ii)       Secretary
       iii)      Treasurer
       iv)       Vice Chairman
       v)        Rally Secretary
       vi)       Committee (8 members)
12.    Appointment of Auditors
13.    Any Other Business
14.    Presentations

Carol Gallagher
Secretary, Berkshire Centre, Caravan and Motorhome Club

Members requiring copies of the 2020 AGM minutes and accounts prior to the meeting should request them from the

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Home Counties Region Council

                          Regional Officers for the year November 2020 – November 2021 are:
                    Chairman                                     David Rickard
                    Vice Chairman                                Jackie Lee
                    Secretary                                    Linda Allen
                    Treasurer                                    Alan Cadman

                    Berkshire Centre Region Delegates            Chris Bevan and Gary Williams
The Annual General Meeting of the Home Counties Region will be held at 3:00pm on Saturday 9th October 2021 at
Princes Risborough School, Merton Road, Princes Risborough, HP27 0DT.

                                BERKSHIRE CENTRE CHAIRMEN
     Mr Frank Johns         1970 – 1972   Mr James Oxberry       1984 - 1987   Mrs Angela Massey     2003 - 2006
     Mr Doug Purdy          1972 - 1975   Mr Brian Lee           1987 - 1990   Mr John Ward          2006 - 2009
     Mr Peter Bennett       1975 - 1978   Mr Eddie Maguire       1990 - 1993   Mr Steve Moulds       2009 - 2012
     Mr Peter Butler        1978 - 1981   Mr Bryan Hailstone     1993 - 1996   Mrs Jane Tuthill      2012 - 2015
     Mr Mike Wightman       1981 - 1982   Mr David Grover        1996 - 2001   Mr David Saunders     2015 - 2018
     Mrs Hazel Boman        1982 - 1984   Mrs Elaine Guilfoyle   2001 - 2003   Mrs Wendy Goddard     2018 -

     Paul Bennett           1972 - 1973   Anita Tuthill          1982 - 1982   Emma Guilfoyle        1990 - 1993
     Stephen Lynch          1976 - 1977   Tracy Ansell           1982 - 1984   Tim Cropper           1993 - 1996
     Andrew Purdy           1977 - 1978   Karen Watson           1984 - 1985   Kayleigh Moulds       2004 - 2005
     Julie Butler           1978 - 1979   Corin Lillywhite       1985 - 1986   Thomas Ayling         2005 - 2006
     Linda Amies            1979 - 1981   Yvonne Brownell        1986 - 1989
     Clive Wightman         1981 - 1982   Jozef Hodgson          1989 - 1990

                                          2021 Rally Programme

The Rally Programme presented on the following pages has dates, venues and social events set up mostly as they would
be for a normal year of rallying. Thank you to Rally Officers for volunteering to run the 2021 Programme. However,
none of us knows how much of this programme will be able to go ahead in this form, and the Committee will review the
feasibility of each rally as we go through the year in conjunction with the venues and Rally Officers.
If Rally Officers would like to add, change or remove any information at any point, then please contact Ian Grover or
Peter Biggs.
All updates to the programme will be notified using the Centre website, a monthly update email to members following
each Committee meeting and posts on Facebook.
This programme booklet will be updated and re-published as necessary through the year.

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We extend our thanks to Winchester Caravans for advertising in this programme as part of a multi-year commitment.

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Apr 23 - Apr 25                                                            HOLYBOURNE
GRASS FIELD                                                       Holybourne Sports Field
                            Step 2 - campsite only
                  The market town of Alton offers a mix of historical buildings, modern shops and
Booked           arcades. The Curtis Museum has one of the finest history collections in
                  Hampshire. You can jump on the Mid-Hants famous Watercress Railway at Alton.
Rally No: 1       At nearby Chawton there is also Jane Austen's House Museum and Gilbert
                  White's House to visit.
Map Ref:
SU 739 412        What’s On? Arrive on Friday from 2pm and enjoy the surrounding area.
Postcode:         Unfortunately we are unable to hold any socials at this stage however we hope you
GU34 4HA          enjoy the local area and just being away in your caravan and waving to your friends
                  from afar.
Rally Opens:
                  There will be no flag on Sunday.
5:00pm Friday
                  Due to Covid restrictions bookings are limited to a maximum of 30 people including
Rally Closes:     children and normal campsite rules apply so no social and you must stay in the vicinity of
4:00pm Sunday     your own van.
Site Fee:         Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
£8.00 + VAT       Alan and Una Manley                     07713 925 396
Rally Fee:        Wendy and Derrick Goddard               07736 475 063
£1.00             Directions: From A31 Farnham to Alton continue for approx. 7 miles to the first
                  roundabout. Take 2nd exit onto B3004 signed Alton/Bordon/Binsted/Holybourne. At first
Admin Fee:
                  set of lights turn right into London Road signed Treloar College/Holybourne/Binsted. Site
                  is on left after approx. 0.8 mile just past Suzuki garage. Watch for BCC rally signs.
Please book by:
Monday 5 Apr

May 7 - May 9                                                                               HENLEY
GRASS FIELD                                                                              Swiss Farm
                            Step 2 - campsite only
                  The rally field is adjacent to the Swiss Farm caravan site and is at the foot of the
Booked           Chiltern Hills. Henley town centre is a few minutes walk away from the rally field,
                  with its shops and restaurants. There is a Waitrose and a Sainsburys Local in the
Rally No: 2       town and Tescos is just outside of the town approx. 2 miles away. There is also a
                  Wetherspoons in the town too, The Catherine Wheel.
Map Ref:
SU 760 834        What’s On? Welcome to Swiss Farm
Postcode:         This site is an ideal location for a walk into Henley where some cafes and some shops
RG9 2HY           maybe open. Or you can just take a strol down the river.
                  The Swiss Farm Cafe will be open so pop over for a cup of tea and slice of cake.
Rally Opens:
4:00pm Friday     This rally still falls under Covid restriction that is on a campsite basis in that you must
                  stay within your own van and we are restricted to a maximum of 30 people including
Rally Closes:     children. So please book early.
4:00pm Sunday
                  Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
Site Fee:         At the time of going to print no rally officers have come forward for this rally. Members
£8.00 + VAT       are invited to volunteer. In the meantime please forward booking slips to the Rally
Rally Fee:        Secretary, Peter Biggs.
£1.00             Directions: From Henley follow signs to Oxford. At mini roundabout turn right onto
Admin Fee:        A4155 signed Marlow. Immediately past the Rugby Club turn left into field. Follow signs.
Please book by:
Monday 19 Apr

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May 28 - May 31                                   WEYHILL, ANDOVER
GRASS FIELD                                            Weyhill Fair Pub
       Bank Holiday – Step 3 – outdoor socials up to 30 people
                      The Weyhill Fair pub stands on the original site of The Weyhill Fairground, dating
Booked               far back as the 11th Century. The pub's owners pride themselves on offering a
                      relaxed Home from Home atmosphere with Professional Service, Real Cask Ales
Rally No: 3           and locally sourced Ingredients. The menu offers a wide variety of light bites &
                      sandwiches, classic starters, mains and sides, and of course the pudd'n menu.
Map Ref:
                      The menus and other information are available on the pub's website at
SU 320 467
             The Weyhill Craft & Design Centre and Tea-room is a short
Postcode:             walk along the road and Weyhill Farm Shop is opposite the pub. Also in the area
SP11 0PP              are the Hawk Conservancy (4 miles) and Cholderton Charlie's Farm with plenty of
                      children's farm and zoo activities (8 miles).
Rally Opens:
4:00pm Friday         Rosebourne Garden Centre approx 2 miles on road towards Thruxton.
                      Restaurant, food hall, gifts, homewares, ornaments & some furniture.
Rally Closes:
4:00pm Monday         What’s On? Join Adam, Amy and Kevin for what looks to be a fantastic weekend if the
                      sun decides to shine. The site is set in the grounds of an historic public house and with
Site Fee:
                      fields of countryside all around. Come and join in for a great weekend.
£8.00 inc VAT
                      Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
Rally Fee:
                      Adam Massey                   
                      Amy and Kevin Heath            0118 986 2391              07538 689 806
Admin Fee:            Directions: From M3 J8 take A303 towards Andover. After 16 miles take the A343/A342
£2.00                 exit signposted Portway Ind Est / Weyhill. Take the 3rd exit at the roundabout and cross
Please book by:       over the A303. Take the 1st exit at the next roundabout onto A342 towards Devizes. Pub
Monday 10 May         is on the right in 1.3 miles just before the petrol station.

Jun 4 - Jun 6                                                READING
GRASS FIELD                                    Padworth Village Hall
Wendy & Carol Celebration – Step 3 - outdoor socials up to 30 people
                      Level site, with outfits sited in the hall grounds; some pitches have access to
Booked               electric hookup. Nice hall and kitchen ideal for the social. A small playground is
                      adjacent for young children. The Kennet & Avon Canal runs along the rear of the
Rally No: 4           site. The Butt pub in Aldermaston village does some very tasty lunches. Up on
                      the A4 is Webbs Motor Caravans dealership. Sainsbury's massive superstore at
Map Ref:
                      Calcot is 3-4 miles away, along with Dunelm and Ikea. Reading and Newbury
SU 607 675
                      towns are close for shopping. Reading Rural Life Museum has free entry and is
Postcode:             really worth a visit, also the Kennet Canal Trust. Beale wildlife Park is about 7
RG7 4HS               miles away just west of Pangbourne and offers access to animals big and small,
                      birds, insects and reptiles. The River Thames flows through Pangbourne and past
Rally Opens:          Beale Park.
5:00pm Friday
                      What’s On?
Rally Closes:
4:00pm Sunday         Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
                      Derrick and Wendy Goddard
Site Fee:
£Depends on numbers
                                                            07736 475 063
                      Carol and Shaun Gallagher
Rally Fee:             01235 411 086                        07711 533 733
£1.00                 Directions: From M4 Junction 12, follow A4 along Theale by-pass and towards Newbury.
Admin Fee:            Past the large Shell garage on the left and Webbs Motor Caravans on the right, turn
£2.00                 immediately left into a side-road called Padworth Lane, signed Lower Padworth. There is a
                      sign at the junction for width restriction 2.0m (6ft 6in), but you're not going through that.
Please book by:       Head through the traffic lights over the railway bridge. Site is on the left in 50 yards.
Monday 17 May

     14                                                 14
Jun 10 - Jun 14                                                NEWARK
GRASS FIELD                                      Newark Show Ground
   Retro Festival 2021 – Step 3 - outdoor socials up to 30 people
                      Newark Showground just off the A1 by the junction with the A46. Next door is an
Booked               Aircraft Museum and close by the market town of Newark. You may be too busy
                      at the festival to want to leave! Lincoln with its historic past and buildings is the
Rally No: 5           nearest City. Here are the Castle and Prison, The Cathedral and the Jews House
                      that is said to be the oldest inhabited house in the UK. By the way, Lincoln City
Map Ref:
                      is not flat!
SK 824 564
                      What’s On? You may have missed it due to the Virus, but it's back in 2021. The 2021
                      prices come with the benefit of early bird price available until 31 December 2020. The
NG24 2NY
                      fee is 150 pounds for camping unit, 2 Adults passes and Electrics are free. From 1
Rally Opens:          January 2021 the fee goes to 160 pounds for Unit and 2 Adults. Extra adults are 40
12:00 noon Thursday   pounds each and for single attendees it is 130 pounds. Extra 11 to 16 years at 20
                      pounds. Children under 11 years go free.
Rally Closes:
12:00 noon Monday     There is 5 pounds combined Rally/Admin Fee per booking all payable to the Marshals on
                      arrival. Arrival not before 12:00 on Thursday. Depart no later than 12:00 on Monday.
Site Fee:             The Camping Field does not have dedicated Shower or Toilets available.
£See What's On
                      Entry passes will be sent to members prior to the festival, but contingency plans are that
Rally Fee:            members will be given access from information on a Security List.
£3.00                 A non-returnable 50 pounds deposit is required by either online banking payment or
Admin Fee:            cheque. We will contact you after booking to arrange that.
£2.00                 All profit from the Retrofestival goes to a Childrens' Cancer Charity. For information on
                      what's on and the latest updates go to
Please book by:
Saturday 1 May        Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
                      Stuart and Pat Bradley                07813 254 260
                      Richard and Maureen Austin            07818 690 208
                      Directions: Approach on the A1 North and South or A46 East and West. At the A1/A46
                      junction follow the signs for A46 Lincoln, then follow the signs for the Air Museum. On
                      turning off the A46 take the second entrance on the right; it will be signposted by a Large
                      Yellow BCC sign.

Jun 11 - Jun 13                                               FARLEY HILL
GRASS FIELD                                                 Cheriton Farm
            Fishing - Step 3 - outdoor socials up to 30 people
Booked               Farley Hill is a village within the parish of Swallowfield. Reading Oracle Centre (8
                      miles) and Basingstoke Festival Place (15 miles) are good for shopping. Lots of
Rally No: 6           walks in the area.
Map Ref:              What’s On? Fishing is expected to be available at the venue, as normal. However, we
SU 755 636            are not holding Centre competitions at this point; the Rally Officers may arrange an
Postcode:             informal match. We intend to arrange coffee and cake on Saturday morning for non
RG7 1UR               fishers and a barbecue get together Saturday evening, pudding provided by Rally
Rally Opens:          Officers. This is as long as Covid guidance on socials and providing food allows it at the
4:00pm Friday         time.
Rally Closes:
                      Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
4:00pm Sunday
                      Gary, Tracie and Kathryn Williams     0118 940 1405                 07940 717 469
Site Fee:             Mark, Lorraine and April Parker      
£9.00 inc VAT
Rally Fee:            Directions: From Reading take the A327 towards Eversley. At Arborfield Garrison, follow
                      A327 at each of three roundabouts, then in 500 yds turn right into Church Lane,
                      signposted Farley Hill / Swallowfield. In half a mile turn left into Jouldings Lane. Follow
Admin Fee:            BCC rally signs.
                      NB. It is not advisable to approach on Church Lane from the Swallowfield direction due to
Please book by:
                      narrow bridges.
Monday 24 May

     15                                                   15
Jun 18 - Jun 20                                                                           MEDMENHAM
GRASS FIELD                                                                              Westfield Farm
                      Step 3 - outdoor socials up to 30 people
                        This lovely venue is in a quiet and peaceful setting right on the banks of the river
Booked                 Thames between Henley and Marlow. Good walking area. Fishing in the river or
                        the backwater. Day permits available from the rally officers. (Environment
Rally No: 7             Agency rod licence must be held).
Map Ref:                The village of Medmenham is attractive and St. Peters church was heavily
SU 796 839              restored in 1839. The Dog and Badger pub dates from the late 16th Century.
                        Hambleden Lock and the beautiful Hambleden Mill are nearby. Unusually the
Postcode:               many bridges over the lock and weir are open to the public, and you can really
SL7 2TA                 appreciate the power of the water by crossing these bridges.
Rally Opens:            What’s On?
2:00pm Friday
                        Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
Rally Closes:           At the time of going to print no rally officers have come forward for this rally. Members
4:00pm Sunday           are invited to volunteer. In the meantime please forward booking slips to the Rally
Site Fee:               Secretary, Peter Biggs.
£10.00 + VAT            Directions: From Henley take the A4155 towards Marlow. Continue through Mill End. In
Rally Fee:              a further 0.8 miles, site entrance is via cul-de-sac on right hand side (shortly after house
£1.00                   called Killdown). Look for rally signs.
                        From Marlow take the A4155 towards Henley. Site entrance via cul-de-sac on left hand
Admin Fee:              side approximately 0.5 miles after the Dog and Badger pub at Medmenham. Look for rally
£2.00                   signs. DO NOT turn into the lane for Westfield Bungalows which is approx. 200 yards
Please book by:         before the site entrance.
Monday 31 May

Jun 26 - Jul 11                                   REDRUTH CORNWALL
COMMERCIAL SITE                                 Globe Vale Holiday Park
          Holiday Rally – Step 4 – no restrictions on socials
                        Redruth is very central for all of the locations and attractions for which West
Booked                 Cornwall is famous. The fabulous beaches and sea, masses of history and
                        heritage, sports, cycling, fishing, wildlife, walking and all of the attractions in
Rally No: 8             towns and villages through the county.
Map Ref:                What’s On? Globe Vale Caravan Park is a lovely family run site. They have a resturant
SW 708 446              and bar on site, shower and toilet blocks. All pitches have electric hookup.
Postcode:               The site is well situated for those that our energetic surfing, biking walking. Great places
TR16 4BH                to go, every day. This is a great place to visit and a fantastic time to be had every day of
                        your holiday.
Rally Opens:
                        St Michael’s Mount, the legendary home of Cormoran the Cornish giant, is a short drive
12:00 noon Saturday
                        away. Penzance – one of The New York Times’ top 50 places to visit globally – is only 18
Rally Closes:           miles away. The Helford River is a hidden gem and one of our favourite places to go.
12:00 noon Sunday       We are just 16 miles from Helford Passage, from where a river taxi will drop you off in
                        picturesque Helford village.
Site Fee:
£19.00 inc EHU          Please feel free to google the site.
                        There is only a limited amount of spaces, so book earlier to avoid disappointment
Rally Fee:
£2.00                   PLEASE NOTE SATURDAY ARRIVAL ONLY.

Admin Fee:              Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
£2.00                   John and Marie Woodward                                          07920 728 733
                        David and Pauline Saunders            01932 889 969             07980 073 553
Please book by:
                        Directions: From the A30 take the exit for Redruth and Porthtowan. Turn right at the
Monday 7 Jun
                        roundabout taking the exit for Porthtowan/North Country. After approx. 300 yards, turn
                        right at the crossroads for Radnor. Follow the brown signs for Globe Vale turning left at
                        the Old Chapel.

     16                                                         16
Jul 9 - Jul 11                                                WINCHESTER
COMMERCIAL SITE                                     Folly Farm Caravan Park
                       Step 4 - no restrictions on socials
                      A peaceful, relaxing location on the edge of the South Downs National Park,
Booked               minutes from the vibrant, ancient, cultured city of Winchester, with beautiful
                      views across stunning countryside, offering woodland walks, level grassy pitches,
Rally No: 9           electric hook up, children’s play areas, free showers and WiFi.
Map Ref:              Three local pubs serve delicious home cooked food in the surrounding villages of
SU 414 338            Crawley, Sparsholt & Littleton. The Fox in Crawley is within walking distance.
                      Ideally situated to visit Winchester’s many historic attractions such as the
                      medieval Cathedral, the ruins of Wolvesey Castle, the working 18th-century corn
SO21 2PH
                      mill, Jane Austen’s house and the Great Hall of Winchester Castle with its
Rally Opens:          medieval round table linked to King Arthur.
4:00pm Friday         From Winchester, a stroll along the beautiful water meadows of the River Itchen
Rally Closes:         will bring you to England's oldest and most perfect Almshouses and the Hospital
4:00pm Sunday         of St Cross, before ascending St Catherine’s Hill, a dramatic chalk hill and Iron
                      Age Hill Fort, providing stunning views over the city of Winchester.
Site Fee:             Also easily reached are the Watercress Steam Railway, the National Trust
£16.00 + 4.00 EHU +   properties and grounds of Mottisfont Abbey and Hinton Ampner, the beautiful
VAT                   Hillier Gardens, the pretty Hampshire town of Stockbridge with its own Iron Age
Rally Fee:            Hill Fort; Danebury Ring, and Poulton’s award winning family theme park.
                      What’s On?
Admin Fee:
                      Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
                      At the time of going to print no rally officers have come forward for this rally. Members
Please book by:       are invited to volunteer. In the meantime please forward booking slips to the Rally
Monday 21 Jun         Secretary, Peter Biggs.
                      Directions: From A34/A303 junction at Bullington Cross, follow signs for A30 Stockbridge
                      and follow A30 for 8 miles to Stockbridge. On approaching Stockbridge, turn left at the
                      first and second roundabouts onto B3049 signposted Winchester. In 3.5 miles, turn left
                      into a lane signposted Arqiva and Crawley, then turn immediately right into site entrance.

     17                                                17
Jul 10 - Jul 13                                           CHIEVELEY
GRASS FIELD                                 Newbury Showground
   Southern Motorhome Show – Step 4 - no restrictions on socials
                       Newbury Showground is located close to junction 13 of the M4 motorway and the
Booked                main A34, providing easy access from all parts of the country. Chieveley is an
                       attractive village on the edge of the beautiful Berkshire Downs just 4.7 miles
Rally No: 10           northwest of Newbury town centre. There is a village shop and post office and a
                       public house. The Living Rainforest at Hampstead Norreys is not far away or
Map Ref:
                       perhaps visit the 14th Century Donnington Castle sited at the top of a hill
SU 483 735
                       overlooking the River Lambourn, a mile north of Newbury.
                       What’s On? The Southern Motorhome & Campervan Show is an annual show held at
RG18 9QZ
                       the Newbury Showground. In order to attend with the Berkshire Centre, you must book
Rally Opens:           with Warners - see the website at
2:00pm Saturday        southern-motorhome-campervan-show. By booking to stay with the Berkshire Centre,
                       you will receive a £2 discount from Warners. We will be sited inside the Newbury
Rally Closes:
                       Showground adjacent to the Motorhome Show and the Trade and Motorhome displays.
3:00pm Tuesday
                       First Aid, Fire and Security are on site. Calor has a stand outside of the Trade area and is
Site Fee:              open till early evening.
£See Warners website   Warners will be organising coach trips to Oxford and Newbury. This year’s entertainment
Rally Fee:             is a 60s theme, with the Trems, Dave Berry and the Cruisers and Spencer James from
£1.00                  The Searchers.

Admin Fee:             Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
£2.00                  At the time of going to print no rally officers have come forward for this rally. Members
                       are invited to volunteer. In the meantime please forward booking slips to the Rally
Please book by:        Secretary, Peter Biggs.
Monday 26 Apr          Directions: The event takes place at the Newbury Showground just off the A34
                       signposted the Newbury Showground. The entrance is the second entrance on the right
                       and will be signed by a large yellow BCC signpost.

Jul 14 - Jul 20                                                                       EASTBOURNE
GRASS FIELD                                                                          Sharnfold Farm
                        Step 4 - no restrictions on socials
                       Sharnfold Farm is a Farm Shop and Butcher Shop, with all produce grown and
Booked                farmed locally. The farm has diversified with many extra attractions. Relax in
                       the coffee shop that’s full of homemade deliciousness!
Rally No: 11           Plus there’s lots for young children, with a Farm Trail, play area and school
Map Ref:               holiday events (including a tractor and trailer ride). There are pick-your-own fruit
TQ 610 051             and vegetables through the seasons. Fishing lake is on site.
Postcode:              See the website at
BN24 5BU
Rally Opens:           What’s On?
4:00pm Wednesday       Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
Rally Closes:          Carol and Shaun Gallagher
3:00pm Tuesday          01235 411 086                        07711 533 733
Site Fee:              Directions: From A27 Eastbourne bypass, take A22 at the roundabout signposted
£TBC                   Eastbourne and shortly at the next roundabout turn left signposted Stone Cross. In half a
Rally Fee:             mile at roundabout go straight across and in 100 yards turn left at traffic lights onto B2104
£5.00                  (Hailsham). Site is on left in half a mile. Follow rally signs within the farm.
Admin Fee:
Please book by:
Monday 28 Jun

     18                                                   18
Jul 23 - Jul 25                                                                       READING
GRASS FIELD                                                                         Amners Farm
                   Step 4 - no restrictions on socials
                  Amners Farm is a working farm with lots to see and do. They have a miniature
Booked           railway and equestrian centre as well as the farm animals. The site is close to
                  Reading, Wokingham and Bracknell for shops.
Rally No: 12
                  What’s On?
Map Ref:
SU 679 694        Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
                  At the time of going to print no rally officers have come forward for this rally. Members
Postcode:         are invited to volunteer. In the meantime please forward booking slips to the Rally
RG30 3UE          Secretary, Peter Biggs.
Rally Opens:      Directions: From the A4 midway between Reading town centre and M4 Junction 12, turn
Friday            south at the traffic lights onto Burghfield Road, signposted Burghfield. Follow the road for
                  2 miles over the railway bridge, canal bridge and motorway bridge, then turn first left into
Rally Closes:     Amners Farm Road and the farm drive is in half a mile on the right. Follow BCC rally signs.
Site Fee:
£7.00 + VAT
Rally Fee:
Admin Fee:
Please book by:
Monday 5 Jul

Aug 6 - Aug 8                                                                     COOKHAM
GRASS FIELD                                                              Holy Trinity Church
                   Step 4 - no restrictions on socials
                  Cookham is a small pretty village on the banks of the River Thames. The
Booked           secluded rally field is just 50 yards from the river bank where the walks are good.
                  Slough and Maidenhead are close by for shopping.
Rally No: 13
                  What’s On? For anyone who has not rallied at this site before, it is a lovely venue. A
Map Ref:          gentle stroll by the side of the River Thames, takes you to ‘The Bounty Pub’ where
SU 896 855        lunches are served and dogs are welcome. Boat owners moored by the river bank are
                  very happy to chat with you and debate the merits of boating versus
                  caravan/motorhome travel! We recommend booking early as spaces are limited.
                  We will arrange social activities that are permitted under the Covid guidelines at this
Rally Opens:      time.
2:00pm Friday
                  Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
Rally Closes:     David, Joyce and Ian Grover
4:00pm Sunday      01256 851486                         07783 359 036
Site Fee:         Directions: From Maidenhead take A4094 to Cookham (roundabout off A4 just before
£6.00 + VAT       river bridge). Take care through traffic calming. Follow road through village. Turn left for
Rally Fee:        church and follow rally signs to site behind church.
£1.00             From Marlow, take A4155 to Bourne End then A4094 to Cookham. On crossing the river
                  bridge turn right for church and then as above.
Admin Fee:
Please book by:
Monday 19 Jul
          Step 4 – no restrictions on socials apply from here on.
      Some form of Covid guidance for rallying is expected to continue.
                     Further information will follow.
     19                                               19
Aug 7 - Aug 21                                                             WEYMOUTH DORSET
RALLY FIELD ON SITE                                                             Bagwell Farm
                                  August Holiday Rally

Booked                What’s On? This site is a great base for your Dorset holiday — bring a hammer.
Rally No: 14           The Jurassic coast has 185 million years of history so maybe you will find a fossil or two.
Map Ref:               The site is 5 miles from Weymouth town. It has numerous sandy beaches and is
                       recognised as one of the top 10 UK beaches.
                       The site overlooks Chesil Bank, Fleet Lagoon, Lyme Bay. Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door.
                       There are numerous attractions including Sea life and North Fort.
Rally Opens:
                       Lots to see and do.
4:00pm Saturday
                       The Rally officers will, dependent on weather and interested numbers, try and obtain
Rally Closes:          discounted tickets to some attractions if “Covid” permits. We may hold a cheese and
12pm Saturday          wine evening and an American supper (weather permitting). Various competitions will be
Site Fee:              arranged to keep you out of mischief.
£25 p/n with EHU inc   Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
VAT                    Angela and Graham Massey
Rally Fee:              0118 958 3365                         07970 970 904
£5.00                  Lynda and Malcolm Heath
                        0118 941 4534                         07540 278 907
Admin Fee:
                       Directions: Don't follow Sat-Nav, as it is likely to use narrow lanes and the postcode
                       won't direct you to the site. From the A35 at Dorchester, take A354 to Weymouth. On the
Please book by:        outskirts of Weymouth follow signs for Chickerell and Abbotsbury to join the B3157.
Tuesday 20 Jul         Follow the B3157 through Chickerell, then Bagwell Farm is one mile further on the left at
                       the top of the hill after “The Victoria Inn”.

     20                                                   20
Aug 12 - Aug 16                                                                  CHIEVELEY
GRASS FIELD                                                             Newbury Showground
                                  Retro Festival 2021
                      Newbury Showground is located close to junction 13 of the M4 motorway and the
Booked               main A34, providing easy access from all parts of the country. Chieveley is an
                      attractive village on the edge of the beautiful Berkshire Downs just 4.7 miles
Rally No: 15          northwest of Newbury town centre. There is a village shop and post office and a
                      public house. The Living Rainforest at Hampstead Norreys is not far away or
Map Ref:
                      perhaps visit the 14th Century Donnington Castle sited at the top of a hill
SU 483 735
                      overlooking the River Lambourn, a mile north of Newbury.
                      What’s On? You may have missed the Retrofestival Newbury due to the Virus, but it's
RG18 9QZ
                      back just as good as ever in 2021. The 2021 prices come with the benefit of early bird
Rally Opens:          price available until 31 December 2020. The fee is 170 pounds for camping unit, 2 Adults
12:00 noon Thursday   passes and Electrics are free. From 1 January 2021 the fee goes to 180 pounds for Unit
                      and 2 Adults. Extra adults are 45 pounds each and for single attendees it is 140 pounds.
Rally Closes:
                      Extra 11 to 16 years at 20 pounds. Children under 11 years go free.
12:00 noon Monday
                      There is a 5 pounds combined Rally / Admin fee all payable to the Marshals on arrival.
Site Fee:
                      Arrival not before 12:00 on Thursday. Depart no later than 12:00 on Monday
£See What's On
                      A non-returnable 50 pounds deposit is required by either online banking payment or
Rally Fee:            cheque. We will contact you after booking to arrange that.
                      All profit from the Retrofestival goes to a Childrens' Cancer Charity.
Admin Fee:            For information on what's on and the latest updates go to
Please book by:       Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
Thursday 1 Jul        Stuart and Pat Bradley                07813 254 260
                      Richard and Maureen Austin            07818 690 208
                      Directions: The event takes place at the Newbury Showground just off the A34
                      signposted the Newbury Showground. The entrance is the second entrance on the right
                      and will be signed by a large yellow BCC signpost.

Aug 26 - Aug 30                                                            WEYHILL, ANDOVER
GRASS FIELD                                                                   Weyhill Fair Pub
                                 August Bank Holiday
                      The Weyhill Fair pub stands on the original site of The Weyhill Fairground, dating
Booked               far back as the 11th Century. The pub's owners pride themselves on offering a
                      relaxed Home from Home atmosphere with Professional Service, Real Cask Ales
Rally No: 16          and locally sourced Ingredients. The menu offers a wide variety of light bites &
                      sandwiches, classic starters, mains and sides, and of course the pudd'n menu.
Map Ref:
                      The menus and other information are available on the pub's website at
SU 320 467
             The Weyhill Craft & Design Centre and Tea-room is a short
Postcode:             walk along the road and Weyhill Farm Shop is opposite the pub. Also in the area
SP11 0PP              are the Hawk Conservancy (4 miles) and Cholderton Charlie's Farm with plenty of
                      children's farm and zoo activities (8 miles).
Rally Opens:
4:00pm Thursday       Rosebourne Garden Centre approx 2 miles on road towards Thruxton.
                      Restaurant, food hall, gifts, homewares, ornaments & some furniture.
Rally Closes:
3:00pm Monday         What’s On?
Site Fee:             Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
£8.00 inc VAT         At the time of going to print no rally officers have come forward for this rally. Members
                      are invited to volunteer. In the meantime please forward booking slips to the Rally
Rally Fee:
                      Secretary, Peter Biggs.
                      Directions: From M3 J8 take A303 towards Andover. After 16 miles take the A343/A342
Admin Fee:            exit signposted Portway Ind Est / Weyhill. Take the 3rd exit at the roundabout and cross
£2.00                 over the A303. Take the 1st exit at the next roundabout onto A342 towards Devizes. Pub
                      is on the right in 1.3 miles just before the petrol station.
Please book by:

     21                                                21
Sunday 8 Aug

Sep 10 - Sep 12                                                                  HURLEY
COMMERCIAL SITE                                                     Hurley Riverside Park

                  The Park sits on the South Bank of the River Thames in the picturesque village of
Booked           Hurley and is surrounded by farm land. Lovely walks along the river from the site.
                  Hurley village has much history and Henley and Maidenhead are close by for
Rally No: 17      shopping. Visit the site's web-site at
Map Ref:          What’s On? Come and join us for a quiet weekend away by the river Thames.
SU 815 838        Hurley is a relaxing friendly commercial site that sits alongside the River Thames in the
Postcode:         village of Hurley.
SL6 5NE           Thames Path and Chiltern Cycle way are two of the best ways to explore the surrounding
Rally Opens:      area. Marlow and Henley are close by.
5:00pm Friday     If you don’t feel like cooking, why not try the Red Lion with its locally sourced menu at
Rally Closes:     reasonable prices. Best to book - 01628 823558.
4:00pm Sunday     Or alternatively The Rising Sun is a clean and cosy pub in the old village of Hurley which
Site Fee:         dates backs to 700 AD. Again, best to book 01628 825733.
£15.00 inc VAT
                  Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
Rally Fee:
                  Amy and Kevin Heath            0118 986 2391               07538 689 806
                  Adam Massey                   
Admin Fee:        Directions: From Henley take the A4130 towards Maidenhead. After approx. 4 miles turn
£2.00             left. Follow rally signs into site. At site entrance obtain barrier pass (refundable deposit)
Please book by:   and continue, following signs to rally area. If you are likely to arrive after 8pm please
Monday 23 Aug     inform the Rally Officers ASAP.

Sep 10 - Sep 12                                                                  MEDMENHAM
GRASS FIELD                                                                     Westfield Farm
                         Inter Centre Fishing Rally
                  This lovely venue is in a quiet and peaceful setting right on the banks of the river Thames
Booked           between Henley and Marlow. Fishing in the river or the backwater. Day permits available
                  from the rally officers. (Environment Agency rod licence must be held).
Rally No: 18      The village of Medmenham is attractive and St. Peters church was heavily restored in
Map Ref:          1839. The Dog and Badger pub dates from the late 16th Century. Hambleden Lock and
SU 796 839        the beautiful Hambleden Mill are nearby. Unusually the many bridges over the lock and
                  weir are open to the public, and you can really appreciate the power of the water by
Postcode:         crossing these bridges.
                  What’s On? Following the cancellation of the completion last year the Berkshire Centre
Rally Opens:      will host the Inter-Centre Fishing Competition for 2021 where teams of 8 anglers each
4:00pm Friday     from Berkshire, Gloucestershire and Upper Thames will compete for honours in the
Rally Closes:     traditional friendly manner.
4:00pm Sunday     Saturday morning will see the main competition held on the adjacent river Thames, the
                  competition will take place from 8am untill 1pm when all catches will be weighed and
Site Fee:
                  trophies will be awarded to the winning team.
£10.00 + VAT
                  A pairs competition will also take place on the Sunday morning from 8am until 12 noon.
Rally Fee:        Anyone fishing will require a valid rod licence. Please contact Steve Moulds if you are
£1.00             interested in competing for the Berkshire Centre.
Admin Fee:        Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
£2.00             Steve and Lesley Moulds  0118 961 8639                   07768 565 779
Please book by:   Directions: From Henley take the A4155 towards Marlow. Continue through Mill End. In
Monday 23 Aug     a further 0.8 miles, site entrance is via cul-de-sac on right hand side (shortly after house
                  called Killdown). Look for rally signs. From Marlow take the A4155 towards Henley. Site
                  entrance via cul-de-sac on left hand side approximately 0.5 miles after the Dog and Badger
                  pub at Medmenham. Look for rally signs. DO NOT turn into the lane for Westfield
                  Bungalows which is approx. 200 yards before the site entrance.

     22                                              22
Oct 1 - Oct 3                                                                   TWYFORD
HARD-STANDING                                                      Colleton Primary School
                               Berkshire Centre AGM
                      Twyford, Maidenhead, Reading and Bracknell in the local area. Henley is not too far
Booked               away either. Twyford is a small village which has quite a few different restaurants, an
                      excellent chip-shop, antique shops and a Waitrose supermarket amongst other smaller
Rally No: 19          businesses. Dobbies Garden Centre is nearby
SU 794 753            some children can have severe allergies.

Postcode:             What’s On? See the Notice of the Centre AGM at the start of this rally book.
RG10 0AX              Nominations for Officers and Committee must be submitted to the Centre Secretary at
                      least 14 days prior to the AGM.
Rally Opens:          Saturday evening social with a hot meal followed with some fun and games.
6:30pm Friday
                      Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
Rally Closes:         Dave and Jane Tuthill    0118 969 0961         07751 048 798
4:00pm Sunday
                      Directions: Take A4 from Reading or Maidenhead towards Twyford. At the roundabout
Site Fee:             with the A321 (Twyford/Wargrave) turn towards Twyford. Go straight over the traffic lights
£Depends on numbers   in the centre of Twyford, following B3018 Bracknell. In half a mile turn right into
Rally Fee:            Winchcombe Road (signposted Colleton School) and then in 120 yards turn second left into
£1.00                 Colleton Drive (speed bumps on both roads). School on left in 200 yards immediately after
                      the three storey terrace houses.
Admin Fee:            N.B. School site - please do not arrive before the stated time
Please book by:
Monday 13 Sep

     23                                                23
Oct 8 - Oct 10                                                    PRINCES RISBOROUGH
HARD-STANDING                                                  Princes Risborough School
                                      Regional AGM
                      Princes Risborough is a small town in Buckinghamshire about 8 miles north west
Booked               of High Wycombe. It is dominated by a cross-shaped chalk hill carving, the
                      Whiteleaf Cross.
Rally No: 20          The Chiltern Hills here have some of the finest panoramic views obtainable in the
Map Ref:              Home Counties, extending over the Thames into Berkshire, westwards to Oxford
SP 810 029            and to the northwest across the Midland shires. It is also a fantastic place to spot
                      Red Kites that are flourishing in this part of the Chilterns.
HP27 0DT              What’s On? Region AGM commences at 3.00pm; doors open at 2.30pm. Please
                      remember your Caravan & Motorhome Club membership cards.
Rally Opens:
                      The Region AGM is open to all Caravan & Motorhome Club members who live within the
6:00pm Friday
                      Region. Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, North London,
Rally Closes:         Middlesex and Oxfordshire.
2:00pm Sunday         The meeting will be followed by light refreshments. Social on Saturday evening with
Site Fee:             entertainment and food.
£22.00                A rally is being run by Buckinghamshire Centre. Visit their website for further
                      information and to book
Please book by:
Monday 20 Sep
                      Directions: From High Wycombe take A4010 to Princes Risborough. On approaching
                      town centre, before the roundabout turn right into Clifford Road leading into Merton Road.
                      Watch for rally signs leading into school.
                      N.B. School site - please do not arrive before the stated time

Oct 15 - Oct 17                                                                    READING
GRASS FIELD                                                             Padworth Village Hall

                      Level site, with outfits sited in the hall grounds; some pitches have access to
Booked               electric hookup. Nice hall and kitchen ideal for the social. A small playground is
                      adjacent for young children. The Kennet & Avon Canal runs along the rear of the
Rally No: 21          site. The Butt pub in Aldermaston village does some very tasty lunches. Up on
                      the A4 is Webbs Motor Caravans dealership. Sainsbury's massive superstore at
Map Ref:
                      Calcot is 3-4 miles away, along with Dunelm and Ikea. Reading and Newbury
SU 607 675
                      towns are close for shopping. Reading Rural Life Museum has free entry and is
Postcode:             really worth a visit, also the Kennet Canal Trust. Beale wildlife Park is about 7
RG7 4HS               miles away just west of Pangbourne and offers access to animals big and small,
Rally Opens:          birds, insects and reptiles. The River Thames flows through Pangbourne and past
5:00pm Friday         Beale Park.
Rally Closes:         What’s On?
4:00pm Sunday
Site Fee:             Please book on the Centre website or contact Rally Officers:
£Depends on numbers   At the time of going to print no rally officers have come forward for this rally. Members
                      are invited to volunteer. In the meantime please forward booking slips to the Rally
Rally Fee:            Secretary, Peter Biggs.
                      Directions: From M4 Junction 12, follow A4 along Theale by-pass and towards Newbury.
Admin Fee:            Past the large Shell garage on the left and Webbs Motor Caravans on the right, turn
£2.00                 immediately left into a side-road called Padworth Lane, signed Lower Padworth. There is a
Please book by:       sign at the junction for width restriction 2.0m (6ft 6in), but you're not going through that.
Monday 27 Sep         Head through the traffic lights over the railway bridge. Site is on the left in 50 yards.

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