Bernardston - Town of Bernardston MA

Page created by Eduardo Kelley
Bernardston - Town of Bernardston MA
                                                 October-December 2019

From the Selectboard
Summer has now transitioned into fall, a beautiful time of year to call New England home. Here are some Town-wide
items of interest that took place this summer:

Bernardston Elementary School
With the opening of school, staff and students alike will notice the new sidewalk that runs along the length of the parking
lot. The sidewalk replaced one that had started to deteriorate. This latest project continues the Selectboard’s focus on
ensuring capital improvements are made at BES in a timely manner as an investment in our children’s educational future.
Also at BES, the Selectboard welcomes Dr. Kelly Carriere as the new principal. Dr. Carriere replaced Bob Clancy in early
July. For nine years, Mr. Clancy brought his joy of learning to our students. We sincerely appreciate his service and wish
him all the best in his future endeavors.

Pratt Field
The Selectboard would like to congratulate the Recreation Department for organizing a Family Fun Day on July 27 th.
With the great family atmosphere provided by the Gas Engine Show in May, the Rec. Department put forth a great effort
for the community at large and are to be commended for their efforts.

Highway Department
The Board wants to recognize the Town’s Highway Department for all they do above and beyond the scope of their
primary duties. The team has helped out a great deal with moving furniture at Powers Institute to accommodate floor
refinishing, mowing and trimming at Pratt Field in advance of the Family Fun Day, and numerous other tasks that often
fall into “gray” areas of responsibility.

Special Town Meeting
This summer, the Town held not one, but two Special Town Meetings. The first, in June, was held primarily to vote on the
budget for the Pioneer school district. Having rejected that version of the budget, along with the other towns in the district,
the school committee went back to the drawing board, revising their budget request. In August, a small turnout voted to
approve funding for a new police cruiser as well as granting final approval to the revised PVRSD budget.

All Selectboard meetings are open to the public. Regular meetings are also televised by BNCTV. The Board instituted a
standing agenda item Citizens Concerns a few years back that allows residents to speak to any issue of concern without an
agenda appointment. Generally, agendas close at Noon on the Monday prior to a meeting and are posted at Town Hall and
on the Town website. Call the Selectboard office at 648-5401 if you would like to be placed on the agenda. The Board
meets every other Wednesday at 6:00pm in Town Hall. Go to the Town Calendar page at to view
the schedule.

Bernardston Selectboard
Robert R. Raymond, Chairman
Stanley D. Garland
Brian J. Keir                             Visit Bernardston’s webpage at
Bernardston - Town of Bernardston MA
Bernardston Emergency Management                                                    Peter A. Shedd, Emergency Management Director
                                                                                                    (413) 648-5459
As always, please let us know if there is anyone we should add to our Special Needs List. You can add yourself or a
family member, and you can contact Bill Montiglio at (413) 824-1004 or the email address provided above with any
questions. We also appreciate notification of any resident who should be removed.
                                                 Town of Bernardston Special Needs List
Resident’s name: ___ Mr. ___ Ms. ____________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Primary phone: _________________________________ Secondary phone: ____________________________________
Special needs that require consideration in an emergency. Please check all that apply:
___ Mobility ___ Home oxygen                   ___ Insulin for diabetes          ___ Vision ___ Hearing ___ Dementia ___ Dialysis
Other: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Emergency contact: _________________________________________ Contact’s number: _______________________
Person completing form: _____________________________________________________________________________
Please mail to:
Peter A. Shedd, Emergency Management Director, c/o Town Hall, 38 Church Street, Bernardston, MA 01337

Bernardston Fire Department                                                                                            Peter A. Shedd, Fire Chief
                                                                                                    (413) 648-9757
OSHA update: Firefighting, one of the most-dangerous professions, has become even more hazardous due to the greater
use of synthetic materials and other common substances that become extremely hazardous when burned or released
As previously reported, fire departments such as ours have come under the regulation of Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA). This transition has changed and will continue to change how we conduct our business.
The regulations have led to creation of our first manual of Standard Operating Procedures and Standard Operating
guidelines (SOP/SOG) that will be a work in progress. OSHA standards require greater documentation of training: the
subjects covered, who attends the training, and how often it is reviewed. Along with hazardous contamination, electrical
safety has become a higher priority, which has led to creation of our lock-out/tag out directives.
Studies are demonstrating an increasing link between firefighting and cancer. The days when sooty helmets, jackets,
trousers, and boots were a badge of honor are long over. Cleanup often begins on scene, requiring more time to get
personnel and equipment back to the station.
Back at the station, we have installed a commercial-grade washer, intended to keep our members safer and get
contaminated gear back into service as soon as possible.
Concerns have led to greater use of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus, (SCBA), both during active fires and during
overhaul. The equipment is sophisticated, requires specialized training and review, and adds to the expense of running a
These improvements help all of us, our members and the community we serve. The one drawback is that the new regs are
unfunded mandates, adding to the burden of cash-strapped communities throughout the nation.
Smoke and CO detectors: Most of us know that batteries should                                                   Statistics May-July 2019
be replaced twice each year, using the time change as a reminder.
                                                                                               Alarm Activations/Smoke investigations                       2
Not all of us realize that detectors generally have a ten-year service
                                                                                               Fire Emergencies                                             4
life. Both smoke and CO detectors that are past their life span may
                                                                                               Flooding                                                     0
sound when tested, but the sensors that may actually fail when
                                                                                               Medical Emergencies                                         36
                                                                                               Motor Vehicle Crashes                                        4
Fire Station: As of press time, there is no news to report on the                              Mutual Aid                                                   3
needed upgrade or replacement of our fire station. We will inform                              Miscellaneous                                                6
you of any developments if they occur.                                                                                             Total                   55
Bernardston - Town of Bernardston MA
Bernardston Town Clerk                                                                                   Paul W. Luther
                                                                   P.O. Box 504, (413) 648-5408,

                                         2019 STREET LIST IS FINALLY READY!
              You Can Have It By Request In Digital (PDF) Format For Free - Or You Can Have It On Paper For $ 5.

                                                       2020 IS HERE !!
       In the next few weeks of 2019, people will begin to seek and provide signatures for candidate nomination petitions and
                          policy question petitions. This will continue off and on throughout most of 2020
                     Signatures need to be clear & legible (it is OK to ALSO print your name), include address
                                – only residents registered to vote in Bernardston will be counted. -
                                 Any questions before, during or after reading this; please call me.

                                  2 PRIMARY ELECTIONS IN 2020 – so what’s a Primary ??
                                 IT IS EASY TO FORGET THE RULES RELATED THERETO
        Primary Elections are for a political party to determine who its candidate will be on the state or presidential ballot
        and contrary to popular belief there are more than two parties in Massachusetts. At the time of writing this, the State
        of Massachusetts recognizes the following parties for the 2020 primary election purposes: Democrat, Libertarian,
        and Republican.
        At a regular election everybody gets one copy of the same ballot. At a primary, everybody gets one ballot but
        WHICH ballot depends on the party choice you made when you registered to vote. If you are registered as a
        Democrat you can only receive a Democrat ballot with its slate of candidates, if as a Libertarian only a Libertarian
        ballot with its slate of candidates, and if as a Republican only a Republican ballot with its slate of candidates.
        If you registered as UNENROLLED (aka in the vernacular: No Party, Independent, etc.) which most people do, you
        can choose ANY ONE BALLOT from any of those being available in a particular primary.
                             TOWN CLERK NOW. THE SOONER THE BETTER!

                          START MARKING YOUR CALENDAR
   February 12, 2020       Last day to register to vote for Presidential Primary
   March 3, 2020           Presidential Primary
   March 9, 2020           Annual Town Caucus
   April (late) to June    Possible dates for Annual Town Meeting
   May 4, 2020             Annual Town Election
   August 26, 2020         Last day to register to vote for State Primary
   September 15, 2020      State Primary
   October 14, 2020        Last day to register to vote for State/Pres Election
   November 3, 2020        State Election / Presidential Election

       AND Welcome
   Christina Slocum-Wysk,
  the Assistant Town Clerk

   Bernardston Town Clerk
        P.O. Box 504
    Phone: 413-648-5408

Bernardston - Town of Bernardston MA
Bernardston Planning Board                                                                        Sarah LaValley, Clerk
Chris Wysk, Chair                                                                      
Rawn Fulton, Brian Keir, John Lepore, Chuck Mielke, Joel Cole, alternate
Voters at annual Town Meeting approved several zoning bylaw updates that the Planning Board has been working on over
the past year. These revisions were developed to advance goals of the Master Plan to protect Bernardston's rural
character. They include updates to the solar bylaw that will provide Town boards with additional review over proposed
large solar projects, and a Low-Impact Development bylaw that creates standards for developers to follow to make sure
that storm water from new projects is managed effectively. A new bylaw also creates design standards for new
commercial and industrial development, requiring trees, landscaping, architectural design features and other elements to
help ensure that new projects are attractive and fit in with the Town's character. The Board is working on other bylaw
updates to address residents' concerns and priorities that came up during outreach meetings for the Master Plan, including
allowing additional business uses at working farms to promote and sustain local agriculture. The Board also received a
State Municipal Energy Technical Assistance grant that allowed the Town to hire Jacobs Engineering to create a
feasibility study for solar panels at the transfer station. Creating a framework that allows sustainable growth while also
protecting Bernardston's heritage and character is challenging, and the Board encourages input from the public. The
Planning Board meets on the first and third Thursday of each month, and hearing notices for proposed bylaw changes and
permit hearings are published in the Greenfield Recorder and on the Town's website.

                                    Attention Businesses - Electric Car Charging Stations Help Available
                       The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection offers financial assistance to
                       businesses for installation of EV charging stations. To learn more about the program and to see if it
                       could benefit your business, visit

HEART Committee Update
Bernardston HEART members: Bob Keir, Jean Page, Shalee Pratt
The school district’s Honest Education and Retaining Trust Committee, aka, HEART Committee, will soon be
disbanding, as our mission is complete. We amended the district agreement, and the finished product was presented to the
School Committee. It is now up to them to review and fine tune it to their liking, then to submit it to all four Selectboards
and the State Department of Education. We expect they will make it available to the public during this time frame.
The HEART Committee’s final task was to submit a report to the State, outlining our process, the document, and the
utilization of our grant funding. The HEART Committee had its final meeting on September 4th and has officially
Sincerely, your HEART representatives, Bob Keir, Jean Page, and Shalee Pratt

Bernardston Recreation Commission                                                       
Commissioners Jennifer Stennes, Brian Wood, Emily Heron-Clark, Clayton Cardin, Tracey Kaizer
Sabolevski, Shannon Bassett, and Cynnie Erho, Administrative Assistant
The Bernardston Rec will be hosting the soccer jamboree for kids that play on the 3-4 and 5-6 travel teams in the Tri-
County Youth Soccer League. This will involve teams from Bernardston, Northfield, Vernon VT, Winchester NH, Erving,
Greenfield, and Montague. We had over 60 kids sign up for our fall soccer program.
This past summer we added two new programs for the community to try. We added a Frisbee Club and a Jump Rope
Club. Both of these programs were very successful and we are hoping to continue to add more programs to our rec
program. The Summer Rec program was very successful, and much thanks go to Jen Glazier for all her help. We also held
our first Family Fun Day, with great response. It was a good start for an event on which we hope to build.
As always, we welcome your ideas and encourage your participation, and your time as a volunteer. Contact any
commissioner or email us:
Bernardston - Town of Bernardston MA
Friends of the Charity Farm Lot                                        John Lepore, Andrew Girard, Bill Montiglio

                                           Please “Like” or Follow” us on Facebook

Fall is upon us, and it’s a perfect season to visit your Charity Farm Lot and take advantage of the recent improvements.
We’ve been busy.
Any trail system is a work in progress. During the summer, temporary trail markers composed of colored-duct tape and
nails have been replaced by permanent, color-coded metal disks with arrows to provide better guidance and eye appeal.
We have begun work on larger wayfinding signage to be placed at key intersections.
With help of a State grant, we enlisted a local contractor who resolved erosion problems that had begun on the lower,
western end of the View Trail. By addressing the problems now, we can eliminate additional effort and expense in the
Although the more-serious erosion on the Main Trail will require a separate grant, runoff from the ditch that runs along
much of this trail was also diverted. We believe we have eliminated the enormous, deep puddle that covers a key
intersection during the spring thaw and after heavy rain. Stones were placed at a key area of the lower Main Trail to
prevent further damage.
Unfortunately, invasive plant species continue to be a challenge and a threat. During the summer, one particularly difficult
variety, Oriental Bittersweet, was found just adjacent to the Talus Trail. Due to its nature, it required professional
assistance to eradicate. Volunteers were able to address the Japanese stiltgrass that was found in our parking area to
reduce the risk of its spread both on and off the property.
Our most up-to-date information can be found on our Facebook page and on the Town website. Your questions,
comments, and concerns are always welcome!

                                                                            Bernardston Cultural Council
                                                                                               Kristina Costello, Chair

                                                    The Bernardston Cultural Council is dedicated to supporting
                                                    cultural events and bringing citizens together to create a stronger
                                                    community. "We embrace diversity, encourage education, and
                                                    seek to improve the quality of life of all our residents.”

The deadline for local Cultural Council grant requests is October 15, 2019. To learn more about the Bernardston Cultural
Council or to submit a grant request, please visit our website,
Also, be sure to “Like” and follow us on Facebook at We are
always looking for new members! The council meets once or twice a year. If you would like to be involved and make a
difference in your community, join the BCC! Contact Kristina Costello at

Bernardston - Town of Bernardston MA
HOURS                                                                                Story Hour
.             Mondays                                                                              All Ages!
           2:00 to 6:00pm                                                                  Wednesdays, 4:00 to 5:00pm
            Wednesdays                                                                           ‘til June 17th
         10:00am to 7:30pm
             Saturdays                                                                      Preschool Story Time
         10:00am to 3:30pm                    Cushman Library                                   Ages Zero to Five
                                               28 Church Street, Bernardston, MA                   1st Fridays
    WIRELESS INTERNET                      413-648-5402 *              11:00am to Noon
       Available Day & Night                                 September through June
         Open or Closed!
                                                Summer Wrap-Up!
54 children participated in our Summer Reading Program. There were six weeks of reading goals; crafts, activities, and
workshops; and lots of great prizes! Thanks to a grant from the Bernardston Cultural Council, we kicked off the summer
with a workshop offered by the Boston Science Museum’s Traveling Programs. We coordinated the workshop, as well
as weekly library visits, with the Summer Recreation program at Bernardston Elementary School, which maximized the
number of children who were able to enjoy these program offerings. Our collaboration with Dickinson Memorial Library
and the Northfield Drive-In was a success, as we celebrated our summer theme with a retro double feature of E.T. and
Apollo 13, and we are already talking about next year’s drive-in event. Karen is already planning the Summer Reading
Program for 2020, which has the theme of Fairy Tales, Fantasy, and Mythology, and the slogan Imagine Your Story!
Thanks go out to Millie Dwight for again creating our one-of-kind colorful handknit 6-foot long bookworm that we call
Bookwormie, which went home with Oliver DeMarco, the lucky winner among all of the kiddos who checked in with
every reading goal and created all of the weekly crafts. Thanks go out to Sweet Lucy’s Bakeshop also, for picking up Kay
and Mike’s tradition of donating cookie coupons as a reading incentive for the children’s program. They were a favorite
prize on the dice. Bernardston Kiwanis again donated $400 toward Summer Reading, which assisted us in creating the
Summer Reading Newsletter, enabled us to purchase reading incentives and all of our program materials, and more. Our
Summer Reading Program was also funded by the Friends of Cushman Library, and supported by the Western MA
Library Advocates, the MA Library System, the MA Board of Library Commissioners, and the Boston Bruins.

81 adults and teens participated in our Summer Reading Raffle, and together they read 394 books, and vied for 60 prizes.
THANK YOU to The Four Leaf Clover Restaurant for donating free appetizers for every participant who reached the
six-book milestone, and THANK YOU to all of our donors and participants! We couldn’t do it without you!
We hosted three concerts this summer - Falltown String Band, Davis Bates, and The Mary Jane Jones, who WOWed
the crowd with amazing vocals and a brass section. We were able to present all three concerts outside by the pond. The
Concerts Under the Sky series was funded in part by the Bernardston Cultural Council, a local agency funded by the
Massachusetts Cultural Council, a State agency, and the Friends of Cushman Library. 2020 concerts already booked!

                                       Regular Programming for Children
Story Hour is held every Wednesday from 4:00-5:00, with Karen and Beth sharing presentation. Enjoy thematic
stories, crafts, and snack with your children of all ages. Everyone is welcome!
Preschool Story Time is specifically geared toward our patrons aged zero to 5 years. Gathering the 1st Fridays of each
month at 11:00am, preschoolers can enjoy stories, activities, crafts, exploration, and snack. Along with our First Fridays
we will host the occasional special Preschool Story Time too. Follow us on Facebook for the latest program information.
Preschool Story Time is funded by a PVRSD Coordinated Family & Community Engagement grant. Join the fun!

                                      Staff and Board of Trustees Evolution
This summer brought changes to both the staff and the Board of Library Trustees. We have promoted Lana Deane from
Library Substitute to Library Assistant and hired Beth (Wysk) DeMarco as our newest Library Assistant. We are happy to
have Lana and Beth in the mix. They both love our little gem of a library already, and bring creative energy with them.
Someone else who loves our little gem is Jacqueline Lejeune, one of our Trustees who had to resign in August due to a
move to Greenfield. She has been a dedicated Trustee and will be missed, but has assured us that she will still be visiting
Cushman and participating in our monthly French conversation group, Bonjour! We are excited that Lucy Damkoehler
Schulte, owner of Sweet Lucy’s Bakeshop, has joined the Board and will be fulfilling the remainder of Jacqueline’s term.
Bernardston - Town of Bernardston MA
Upcoming Workshops, Programs, and Events
                Scarecrow in the Park ~ October 19th & 20th in Cushman Park, starting at 10:00am
Bookmark decorating, paper airplane folding, paper crane folding (Saturday), scavenger hunt, raffle, information about all
of Cushman's programming, lots of copies of Book Page for the taking, non-food treats for the kiddos, and Ed the Wizard
    will be with us on Sunday, teaching kids how to twist balloons into aliens. Ed joins us thanks to a grant from the
Bernardston Cultural Council, which is a local agency supported by the MA Cultural Council, a State agency. Drop by!
                    Community Narcan Training ~ October 28th @ Cushman Library @ 7:00pm
Believing that it would be better to be prepared to avert a tragedy and then never have a need for the training, than to have
 a need and not be prepared, Cushman is partnering with Tapestry Health Greenfield and offering training in the use of
Narcan, opioid overdose reversal with Naloxone. Everyone is welcome to attend! If you can give us a heads up as to how
      many are coming, that would be helpful, because everyone who attends will be able to take a dose with them.
         Felted Owl Workshop ~ November 4th @ Cushman Library, 6:30-8:00pm ~ Adults & Teens (12+)
Learn a new felting technique and make an adorable owl that can adorn your bookshelf or windowsill, your winter coat, or
       even your holiday tree. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Registration Opens on October 16th at 10:00am.
                 Adopt-A-Family of Franklin County ~ sometime November into December (TBA)
   Our patrons, trustees, and staff will again be sponsoring a family through this program. This will be our fourth year
    adopting a family and we invite everyone to drop by Cushman and choose a gift or item(s) to purchase for them.
                            Annual Winter Raffle ~ November 20th through December 18th
 Vie for fabulous prizes in this fundraiser for programming at Cushman Library. Winners will be drawn on Wednesday,
             December 18th @ 7:00, which will give folks time to pick up their winnings before Christmas.
      Felted Snowman Workshop ~ December 2nd @ Cushman Library, 6:30-8:00pm ~ Adults & Teens (12+)
  Using our new felting technique, we’ll be making cute little snowmen that can adorn your holiday tree, winter coat, or
           table display. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Registration Opens on November 13th at 10:00am.
 Homemade Cards, Boxes, and Gift Tags Workshop ~ December 9th @ Cushman Library ~ Adults & Teens (12+)
Creating one-of-a-kind holiday greetings using a plethora of crafty bits that can, combined with your creativity and love,
become unique handmade cards, tags, & boxes. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Registration Opens on November 13th.
Handmade Ornaments Workshop for Kids & Their Adults ~ December 16th @ Cushman Library ~ Kiddos and up
 Parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles, join your kiddos for this workshop and get crafty together. We'll teach you how to
 make a few different Christmas ornaments and then set you loose on our pile of crafty bits. Handcraft unique ornaments
    that will be treasured for years to come. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Registration Opens on November 13th.

                                    Regular Programming for Adults & Teens
Bonjour! The Bernardston French Conversation Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday from 5:30 to 6:30.
Our Book Discussion Group meets one Monday each month from 6:30 to 7:30. Our next few discussions are on
October 21st, November 18th, and December 23rd. Join Us Around the Big Table!
Wednesday Night Knitters gather 'round every Wednesday evening, from 5:30 to 7:30. All skill levels welcome!

                         Online Shows & Movies, Language Lessons, and Classes...
                                            All You Need is Your Cushman Card!
RB Digital Magazines is our newest subscription. Go to and register to enjoy more
than 50 magazines online. All you need is your Cushman Card!
ACORN TV ~ world-class mysteries, dramas, and comedies from Britain & beyond...thousands of hours of commercial-
free programs. Go to, register, & ENJOY! All you need is your Cushman Card!
TRANSPARENT LANGUAGE ONLINE offers lessons in 90 foreign languages and ESL training in 25 different
languages. Go to to get started. All you need is your Cushman card!
UNIVERSAL CLASS offers more than 500 courses encompassing more than six million lessons. Just go to Take a class for personal enrichment,
professional training, or just plain FUN! And again, All you need is your Cushman card!

            Follow Us on Facebook & Come See Us in Person! We’re Your Library! Enjoy it!                                    7
Bernardston - Town of Bernardston MA
Check us out online! Our newsletter, schedule, and menu are available on the town website. More information
                   about programs and activities can be found on our monthly newsletter.

Hello from the Director…
Hard to believe that fall is already upon us. Seems like the summer just flew by. It’s been a fast first few months on the
job. I’ve quickly come to see that BSC is indeed the place to be. You’d be hard pressed to find another place as lively and
welcoming. What’s been most impressive is how much enthusiasm everyone has here. It’s infectious. The lesson that I’ve
taken to heart is that getting older isn’t just the aches and pains. Aging can be as rewarding as you make it. From what
I’ve seen it looks like a good time. As I spend more time here, I’m eager to continue to foster connections and get to know
all the folks who make the Senior Center the amazing place it is.                                  -Hayley Bolton, Director

Save the Date(s): Upcoming Events
Holiday Events
Van Gogh and Vino September 26th, from 6-8pm BSC welcomes you to join us for a night of wine and painting.
Tickets for the event are $40, proceeds benefit the BSC. Seating is limited! Call (413)648-0581 for more information.
Boys and ghouls join our Halloween Party on October 29th. Spooky festivities begin at 11am with lunch at 12pm.
There will be games and PRIZES! Costumes strongly encouraged! Come have a hauntingly good time!
Our Thanksgiving Dinner is usually held the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Please check in for more information.
There will be a Tree-trimming Party on Monday, December 2nd with a sing-along and supper to follow.
December 18th will be our annual Holiday Dinner.

Scarecrow in the Park
It’s that time of year, the annual Scarecrow in the Park event. The Senior Center is very excited to be a part of the
festivities this year. We’ll be serving up coffee, refreshments, and baked goods. As in past years, we’ll be putting on a
giant raffle with tons of fabulous prizes, many from local vendors.

Wellness Wednesdays Program at 4:30pm followed by supper at 5:30pm
Join us on for a wellness/educational program sponsored by the Council on Aging. Please sign up for programs by calling
413-648-5413. There will be no Wellness Wednesday program in December.
September 18th: Health Care Options. Heather Hurd from Blue Cross/Blue Shield will be discussing different health
insurance options. The time for open enrollment is almost upon us. Program starts at 4:30pm, light supper at 5:30pm.

October 2nd: Fire Safety. The BSC will host Pete Shedd from the Bernardston Fire Department. Program starts at
4:30pm, light supper at 5:30pm.
October 16th, October 30th, and November 19th: Alzheimer’s Association Workshop Series. Program Topics include:
Healthy Living for Your Brain & Body, Understanding Dementia Related Behavior, and Safety & Memory Challenges.
Program starts at 1pm, light refreshments will be served.

October 30th: Signs of a Stroke. Learn to recognize the signs of a stroke and what to do. Program starts at 4:30pm,
light supper at 5:30pm.
Tuesday November 5th at 10am: Holiday Greif Coping Strategies. The holidays can be a difficult time of year. Come
discover some helpful ways to cope.

Bernardston - Town of Bernardston MA
Program Spotlight
The TGIF Brunch Bistro is at 11am every Friday. Menu rotates weekly and may include waffles, pancakes, cheese
omelets, sausage, hash brown patty or baked goods.
Fancy a cuppa? Sometimes all you need is a nice warm cup of tea and a little company. Tea Time at the BSC is just the
ticket. Meets twice monthly on Tuesdays at 10am.
Senior Express. This new program offers a way to talk directly to the director. I want your feedback about BSC,
programming, activities, whatever is on your mind. Check the newsletter for date/time, schedule rotates.
MyArt Company Presents: Heart to Art Friday, September 20th, 27th and October 4th at 11:45am. Dianne combines
journaling and painting to create a mix media diary. Unleash your inner monologue.
Check out the newsletter for a comprehensive list of activities, games, art workshops, teatime and more.

Fitness, Health and Wellness
ENHANCE®FITNESS CLASS, taught by a YMCA Instructor continues to happen three days a week on Tuesday,
Thursday, and Fridays in the mornings. Each 1-hour session includes a warm-up phase that incorporates balance
exercises to stimulate blood flow to the muscles, strength training with soft ankle and hand weights, aerobic activity,
followed by a flexibility cool down period.
Healthy Bones and Balance class on Wednesdays. Feeling a little rusty or just new to exercise? Brush the dust off with
this easy to follow class (if you’ve thought about knee surgery, please think about joining). There are no fees for classes,
but donations are gladly accepted.
The Center also holds monthly foot clinics and nurse clinics. Call 648-5413 for more information about any of the
clinics or exercise programs at the center.

Outreach Services
It’s that time of year again! If you are enrolled in a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan
(HMO/ PPO), SHINE Counselors can help you understand any changes that may take effect. Call us here at the Senior
Center to schedule your SHINE appointment in preparation for Open Enrollment!
Winter is just around the corner, time to start thinking about your heating bill. Costs always seem to be on the rise. This is
a good time to think about applying/renewing Fuel Assistance. BSC can help with that, just give us a call.
In addition to SHINE counseling outreach programs offered at the BSC include the monthly Brown Bag program, TRIAD
services, Veteran's services, and referrals for: SNAP, Fuel Assistance, in-home care, home repair/modification. Our
outreach worker is available at the Center on most Tuesdays for appointments and can also be available for home visits.

Be a Part of the COA!
We are actively looking for new members to join the COA (regular appointed and associate member positions open). This
group meets monthly on the first Monday at 10:30am. COA members help with planning and implementation of
programs, promote policies that benefit the Senior Center, and act as an advisory board. Interested parties must love to
have fun, believe that aging doesn’t mean slowing down, and have strong personality. Please call 413-648-5413 or stop

            Hours                        Bernardston Senior Center                         Contact Information

   Monday: 1:30-6:30pm                  20 Church Street, PO Box 504                      Phone: 413-648-5413
   Tuesday: 9:00-3:00pm                    Bernardston, MA 01337                    Meal Reservations: 413-648-5319
  Wednesday: 9:00-3:00pm                                                               Van Services: 413-834-4084
   Thursday: 9:00-3:00pm                                                           Email:
    Friday: 9:00-1:00pm

Bernardston - Town of Bernardston MA
Make a Difference... Join the Foundation for Educational Excellence!
The Foundation for Educational Excellence (FEE), which began in 1991 when members of the Pioneer Valley Regional
School (PVRS) Committee met with faculty and administration members to discuss how to restore educational enrichment
programs that had been cut from the school curriculum due to budget constraints, is seeking people who are interested in
supporting programs and projects that enhance the educational experience of students in the PVRS School District.
Parents, teachers, administrators, students, business owners, and community members are encouraged to join the Board of
Directors of this vital community non-profit entity. Board members do not need to be parents or from the four district
towns, they just need to have an interest in supporting opportunities that augment the education of PVRS District students.
FEE offers educators the opportunity to receive grants that support engaging programs, projects, and classroom
improvements that would otherwise not be possible. FEE’s mission “is to promote educational enrichment, foster
community awareness, and encourage individual and corporate involvement in the educational life of the Pioneer Valley
Regional School District. The Foundation identifies appropriate educational programs and activities in the arts, the
humanities, and the sciences, and seeks to support them and their implementation.” FEE funds grants that support cultural
enrichment, scientific exploration and study, artistic expression, how to be a strong and active member of the community,
and more. In order to do this good work, the Board of Directors always needs people who are interested in volunteering to
serve. What does that involve? FEE meets once per month. There’s fundraising, grant reviewing, and other activities that
support FEE’s mission. It’s not a huge time commitment, but it is a valuable one, and the more board members there are,
the easier it is for the group to get its tasks done.
If you are interested in joining the FEE Board of Directors, or if you have questions about how you might be able to assist
FEE in its mission, please contact We would welcome your support!

The Fall “Clean Sweep” Bulky Waste Recycling Day is Saturday, October 19, from 9 a.m. to noon. The three locations are
Buckland Recreation Facility at 66 Ashfield Rd. (Rt. 112 South); Northfield Highway Garage at 49 Caldwell Rd; and
Whately Transfer Station at 73 Christian Lane.

Residents from any District town may bring tires, appliances, scrap metal, mattresses, propane tanks, construction debris,
and other large items. Fees apply. Bring bulky rigid plastics such as 5-gallon pails and plastic lawn furniture for special
recycling program ($5 per load: for acceptable bulky rigid plastic items, see website or call). Clean and dry (bagged)
textiles and books accepted free for reuse or recycling.

A list of prices for the most common items is at:

Did you know? Staples accepts computer equipment (no TVs) free of charge: call store for details. Various charities and
non-profits accept donations of working electronics, including local Salvation Army and Goodwill stores. Always call ahead
to ask if they can accept your item.

For more information, contact the District at (413) 772-2438;; or visit: MA Relay for the hearing impaired: 711 or 1-800-439-2370 (TTY/TDD). The District
is an equal opportunity provider.
You’re Invited!
On Saturday, October 5th, from 11-3, Mount Grace will be celebrating its
33rd Annual Meeting at West Gate Farm in Bernardston. The event will be
hosted by the Pratt Family, who protected their farm with the Trust last winter.
Since 1986, Mount Grace has protected over 33,000 acres of land including
farms, fields, and forests in North Central and Western Massachusetts. Mount
Grace invites Bernardston residents to join for the annual meeting and celebrate
land protection in our region!
The day will feature live entertainment, landowner address, locally sourced
lunch and drinks, kids’ activities, tractor hay rides, and more!
Registration is required and can be done at or by calling Carol
Mayer at 978-248-2055 x15 or

                                 The Friends of Cushman Library (FOCL) is a separate entity from Cushman Library, the
                                 Town department. FOCL funds programming at Cushman, including Story Hour; Story Time,
                                 with the help of PVRS CFCE; Summer Reading Programs, with the help of Bernardston
                                 Kiwanis; Storytelling Performances and Music Concerts, with the help of the Bernardston
                                 Cultural Council; Literature, Art, and Science Workshops; and special performances and
                                 activities. Folks may make bequests to FOCL in honor or memory of someone special, or as a
                                 gift from themselves, for a specific purpose, such as books within a particular genre or age
                                 level, audiobooks, or movies; specialized crafts supplies, like felting wool and tools; a
                                 permanent fixture, such as a bookcase, table, or work of art; or a practical item that needs
                                 replacing more often, like a computer or other piece of technology. Anyone who tosses bills
                                 or coins into the jar on the circulation desk is a Friend of Cushman Library. In the past,
                                 these funds have been used to purchase the circulation desk, custom-made by Bernardston
                                 resident Steve Power; library furniture, such as the specialty DVD cases built by Russell
                                 Deane; a photocopier; artwork for display; and other items that foster the patrons’ comfort
                                 and enjoyment in/of our community library.
If you would like to make a donation to the Friends of Cushman Library, please send it to FOCL, Attention: Anne Lyman, P.O.
Box 248, Bernardston, or just drop by and pop it into the jar on the circulation desk. That way, the staff can thank you in
person. All donations are used with the goal of maintaining a library that is welcoming, well-stocked, and enjoyable to visit.
                                                                                              Thank you for being a Friend!

                                                                         Free Playgroups!
                                                                                   Come Play & Learn
                                                                 For Parents & Caregivers with children ages infant to 5

                                                                           Thursdays from 9:30 - 11:00
                                                                  Sundays once per month from 9:30 - 11:00
                                                                     10/6, 11/3, 12/15, 1/5, 2/2, 3/1, 4/5, 5/3

                    in the Bernardston Elementary Gym ~ 37 School Street, Bernardston, MA
                                    The playgroups will follow the public school calendar

               Sponsored by Pioneer Valley Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Program
                  For more information contact Deb Wood @ 413-648-9356                                  11
United Church of Bernardston
                                                                                                               David Neil, Pastor

                                                    By the time this Newsletter gets to you, the fall season will be well underway at
                                                    the United Church of Bernardston. On the Sunday after Labor Day we returned
                                                    to our regular 10:30am Sunday Worship time and our Sunday School program
                                                    will be in full swing. Please remember when we have warm days this fall that
                                                    the Sanctuary, Parlor, Offices and Fellowship Room are now all fully air
                                                    conditioned. We welcome all who wish to join us.
There will be a Tuesday evening adult study this fall. Rev. Neil will be leading an introductory study of the New
Testament published by the Massachusetts Bible Society. This is open to anyone from the community who would care to
join us. If you are interested please let the UCB office know and we can get you more information.
On October 12th, the United Church of Bernardston will join other churches and organizations from around the county for
the annual Church World Service CROP Hunger Walk. This year the walk will be hosted by the Sunderland
Congregational Church. We welcome everyone to come walk with us in the fight against world hunger.
On Wednesday evening October 9th, November 13th, and December 11th we will be continuing our series of Pub Talks,
meeting from 6:00pm until about 7:30pm at various restaurants around the area. Our topics vary from Bible conversations
about things like the Parables or the Sermon on the Mount to a discussion of the similarities and differences between
churches and denominations. These informal conversations are open to any who wish to attend and we have had a number
of non-church members join us. All are also invited out for our other fellowship activities - UCB Sundae School, UCB
High Tea, and UCB on the Way. Information about these activities is always available on the UCB Facebook page. Please
check it out and like the page to keep track of what’s happening.
The UCB Christmas Bazaar will be held on November 16th, the Saturday before Thanksgiving.
On Sunday, November 17th we will join with other churches of the North Franklin County area for the Annual
Community Thanksgiving Service. The location is still to be determined.
Sunday, December 8th, the United Church of Bernardston will host the annual Franklin County Tuba Christmas. It’s a
wonderful way to help kick off the Christmas season.
The month of December will be a time of a variety of Advent activities culminating in Christmas Eve services on
Saturday, December 24th. These include the Children’s Christmas pageant on December 15th and the Christmas Choir
Cantata on the morning of December 22nd.
We are proud that the United Church of Bernardston is both an Open and Affirming Church (United Church of Christ)
and a member of the Reconciling Ministries Congregation (United Methodist Church). God’s doors are open to all. We
invite everyone to come and join us for worship on Sunday morning at 10:30. The church is located at 58 Church Street.
Our webpage is Please like and follow us on Facebook at

      Bernardston Realtors, Mark and Amanda, offer the
    knowledge and expertise you are looking for to help you
           buy or sell your Bernardston Property.

      Let the "A" Team (Abramson) work for you today!

               Contact us Today
                 (413) 203-6254

                 (413) 834-2999   UPTON-MASSAMONT

Visit Bernardston’s webpage @

Visit Powers Institute Museum
       During Scarecrow in the Park
          Discover the History of Your Town!

October 19th                                   October 20th
  10:00~3:00                                        10:00~1:00
Scavenger Hunt                                        With
  for the kids!                                      Prizes!

               Animal Control Officer, FC Sheriff      774-4014
               Board of Assessors, Jill Watrous        648-5407
                                                                     Some Important numbers!
               Board of Health, Jennifer Clark Dery    648-5237
               Council on Aging, Hayley Bolton         648-5413   Fire Department, Chief Peter Shedd       648-9757
               Cushman Library, Karen Stinchfield      648-5402   Highway Department, Gary Wetherby        648-5424
               Emergency Management, Peter Shedd       648-5459   Police Department, Chief James Palmeri   648-9208
                                                                  Selectmen’s Office, Lou Bordeaux         648-5401
                                                                  Town Clerk, Paul Luther                  648-5408
                                               13                 Tax Collector, Mona Miner                648-5410
2    2

                                           Bernardston, MA
Title 5 Compliance
         Septic Systems Pumping
                  Executive Portable Toilet Trailers
                          Consumer Satisfaction with a Smile!

                                                                                            Pizza, Grinders, Pasta,
                                                                                              Salads, and More!
                                                                                                  Great Food at Two

                                                                     413-648-9800                    413-773-7517
                                                                    1 South Street, Bernardston      201 Main Street, Greenfield


                                                                    7 South Street             (413)648-3160
                                                                     P.O. Box 527               Bernardston,
                                                                        Lucy Damkoehler, Pastry Chef/Owner

                                        Want your ad to appear in the Newsletter?
Well, it can! For a mere $100, your business card ad will appear in 4 issues of the newsletter, each of which is sent to every
Bernardston residence and business. Extras are placed in Town Hall, Cushman Library, the Bernardston Senior Center, and the
Bernardston Post Office. Plus, a color PDF of the newsletter is placed on the Town website. That breaks down to $25 every 3
months for a whole lot of exposure! If you’re interested in placing an ad, contact Lou Bordeaux at Town Hall or
                                                       th prior to November 18 for the January 2019 edition.                                 Thank You!
th                   th                                    th
 October 18 , 19 & 20
                                                     Kids’ Games & Activities!                                       FUN!


Vintage Car Show                                 Tractor Parade!
             (Pre-1970’s)                                                                                                FUN!
Friday, October 18th, 7:00-9:00               event benefits the Foundation for Educational Excellence
The 60’s Experience ~ under the Music Tent w/ beer, wine, & munchies  $5 per ticket... Get yours NOW!
Saturday                                                        Sunday
8:30       Coffee, Hot Chocolate, & Pastries @ Senior Center    8:30         Coffee, Hot Chocolate, & Pastries @ Senior Center
9-3        Tag Sale & Raffle @ Senior Center                    9-1          Raffle @ Senior Center (Drawing @ 1:00!)
10-4       Live Music in the Music Tent @ Cushman Park          10-3         Live Music in the Music Tent @ Cushman Park
10-4       Artists’ & Crafters’ Booths Open in Cushman Park     10-3         Artists’ & Crafters’ Booths Open in Cushman Park
10-3       Kids’ Games & Activities in Cushman Park             10-3         Kids’ Games & Activities in Cushman Park
10-3       Powers Institute Museum Open (top floor of P.I.)     10-1         Powers Institute Museum Open (top floor of P.I.)
Noon       Tractor Shag Parade w/ school bands                  10-2         Vintage Car Show (Pre-1970’s)
12:45ish   Halloween Dance Party in the Music Tent                           in The Four Leaf Clover parking lot
3:00        K-9 Officers Demonstration
Saturday’s Music Tent Schedule in Cushman Park                      Sunday’s Music Tent Schedule in Cushman Park
10-10:45 Drew Paton’s 1940’s Hit Parade                             10-10:45    Carolyn Walker
11-11:45 Celtic Heels                                               11-11:45    Falltown String Band
1-1:45     TBA                                                      Noon-12:45 Appalachian Still
2-2:45     The Short Fills                                          1:00-1:45   Corki & Ken
3-4:00     Bork-Tinen-Kahn Trio                                     2-3:00      The 60’s Experience
LUNCH!!                                                             LUNCH!!
*Burgers, Hot Dogs, Hand-cut Fries, Drinks,                         *Burgers, Hot Dogs, Hand-cut Fries, Chicken Tenders, Drinks,
 and more from Kiwanis in Cushman Park                               and more from Kiwanis in Cushman Park
*Hummus & Falafel Platters, Salads, and Fried Veggies               *Hummus & Falafel platters, salads, and fried veggies
  from The Holyoke Hummus Company                                     from The Holyoke Hummus Company
*Homemade Soup & Bread and Roasted Root Veggies                     *Homemade Soup & Bread and Roasted Root Veggies
  from Hillside Catering                                             from Hillside Catering
* Fried Dough with Maple Cream from All Things Maple                *Fried Dough with Maple Cream from All Things Maple

           All proceeds raised from booth rentals & scarecrows benefit the Bernardston Kiwanis Scholarship Fund.
                           Proceeds raised at the Bernardston Senior Center benefit programming.                                   15
Prsrt Std
                                                                                                                  US Postage
                                                                                                                   Permit 183
                                                                                                                 Greenfield, MA

                                              Postal Customer
                                              Bernardston, MA

                                    It’s not too late to join in the fun and
                                       enter the Scarecrow in the Park
                                              Scarecrow Contest!
                                                     The categories are
                                     Scariest, Funniest, Prettiest, Reading,
                                           Most Interesting Use of Materials
                                       and Bear Country “Bearcrow”

                                                    $10.00 registration fee
                                           enters your display in ALL 6 categories!

                                    Pick up a registration form at Cushman Library, go to
                                    Facebook, or e-mail
                                       Proceeds from this event benefit the Bernardston
                                                  Kiwanis Scholarship Fund!

The next issue will cover future events that will take place during January-March, and past events from October-December. Everyone is
welcome to submit items of interest regarding Town department, board, and committee activities, as well as non-profit organizations,
churches, and schools. The next deadline is November 18 . Items may be submitted as e-mail text or as a Microsoft Word
attachment to Hardcopy submissions will not be accepted. Questions may also be directed to
this e-mail address. Feedback & suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
                    Printed by the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Graphic Arts Department
                                        Christopher J. Donelan, Sheriff
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