Year of the Dog! - March 23rd -25th, 2018 Official Program Guide Holiday Inn Evansville Airport - EvilleCon

Year of the Dog! - March 23rd -25th, 2018 Official Program Guide Holiday Inn Evansville Airport - EvilleCon
Year of the Dog!

   March 23rd -25th, 2018
   Official Program Guide
Holiday Inn Evansville Airport
Year of the Dog! - March 23rd -25th, 2018 Official Program Guide Holiday Inn Evansville Airport - EvilleCon
Dango, Mochi and Higashi Welcome You To:
                       EvilleCon 2018
Woof! Welcome to the year of the dog at EvilleCon 2018. Be prepared
for a great time with activities like fetch, rawhide chewing and Frisbee.
Wait!!!! Let’s try again. There’s a fantastic time with activities like Ox
King’s Cosplay Chess, EvilleCon’s Got Talent, Cosplay Contest,
shopping in the vendor and artist areas, video games, table top games
and more. The schedule of these activities can be found in this program
or online at If you need anything else, please find
an EvilleCon Staff Member or Minion and they will be happy to help you
because remember… EvilleCon - not so evil after all! Woof!

                           2018 Staff
       Technichal Co-Chair		         Brent Johnson
       Registration Coordinator		    Chloe Walsh
       Media Viewing Coordinator		   Autumn White
       Audio-Visual Coordinator		    Jesse Sumrall
       Website Coordinator		         Sophia Gill
       Programming Co-Chair		        Sarah Cowsert
       Table Top Coordinator		       James House
       Programming Coordinator		     Carol Yates
       Artists & Vendors Coordinator Renee Caine
       Special Guests Coordinator    Donnie Croxton
       Marketing Co-Chair			         Robert Grimwood
       Social Media Coordinator		    Haley Dersheimer
       Graphic Design Coordinator    Alexis Peterman
       Volunteers Coordinator		      Keith Hedges
       Treasurer				Tammy Herbert

                        Thank You To
  Holiday Inn Evansville Airport Hotel              RightStuf!
  EAC Inc. Board of Directors                       Special Guests
  Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library             DJs
  I Play Games                                      Assistants
  Heather Landry                                    Minions
  Funimation                                        Panelists
                                                    Table Top GM’s
Year of the Dog! - March 23rd -25th, 2018 Official Program Guide Holiday Inn Evansville Airport - EvilleCon
Convention Map
     Vendors & Artists Hours                     Registration Hours
              Friday                      Friday 		       11:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  VIP Only    12:00
              12:00 PM
                    PM -- 12:30
                          12:30 PM
                                PM        Saturday        8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
  Regular 1   12:30 PM - 8:00 PM          Sunday		        8:30 AM - 3:00 PM

  Regular      10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

              Sunday                               Main Vendor
  VIP Only    10:00 AM - 10:30 AM                 Events Hall
  Regular     10:30 AM - 3:00 PM

                                                Panel        Panel
                                  Panel           A            B

                                                      M              Food
                                                      W              (Outside)

                                      Artist          b
                           Info                       l
                          Table       Alley           e
    Media          Registration                       o
   Viewing                                            p

Year of the Dog! - March 23rd -25th, 2018 Official Program Guide Holiday Inn Evansville Airport - EvilleCon
Friday Schedule
    Voice Actors    Abusement Park Cosplay Guest Bubble Pop

Time         Main Events          Panel Room A         Panel Room B
11:00 AM
11:30 AM                         Registration Opens
12:00 PM   Video Game           Makeup for            Reverse Harem
12:30 PM   Name That Tune       Cosplay               Anonymous
1:00 PM                                               Overwatch Lore
1:30 PM    Evolution of the                           Explore
2:00 PM    Disney Princess      Panel on Paneling
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
3:30 PM                   Opening Ceremonies - Main Events
4:00 PM    Austin Q & A         Trash On Ice: A       Om Nom Oishii:
4:30 PM                         Yuri On Ice Q&A       Sweets of Japan
5:00 PM    Ox King’s
5:30 PM    Cosplay Chess                              Kpop Chorus
6:00 PM                       Cosplay on a            Game!
6:30 PM    VS Battle! A Floor Budget                  V.I.P. Mingle
7:00 PM    War!               EvilleCon's Got
7:30 PM                       Talent Pre-Lims         A Captains Panel:
                              - Sponsored by          Haikyuu!!
8:00 PM
                              Wireless Express
8:30 PM    (Set-Up)
9:00 PM                       Otaku Jeopardy          That Doesn't Go
9:30 PM    Nerdlesque         (18+)                   There! (18+)
10:00 PM   Revue (18+)        Nerd Rage (18+)
10:30 PM                                           Late Night With
11:00 PM                        Wonderful World of Hetalia (18+)
11:30 PM   EvilleBeat -         Yuri (18+)         Fright Night
12:00 AM   Mania                                   Gaming (18+)
12:30 AM                        Faptastic 2: Electric Guys That Suck!
1:00 AM                         Bugaloo (18+)         An Intro to BL
                                                      Games (18+)
1:30 AM
2:00 AM
Year of the Dog! - March 23rd -25th, 2018 Official Program Guide Holiday Inn Evansville Airport - EvilleCon
Friday Schedule
    Voice Actors   Abusement Park Cosplay Guest Bubble Pop

Time       Panel Room C           Panel Room D
11:00 AM
11:30 AM                      Registration Opens
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
1:00 PM    La Parfait Maid Café
1:30 PM                           Autograph Session
2:00 PM                           Beau Billingslea
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
3:30 PM               Opening Ceremonies - Main Events
4:00 PM    La Parfait Maid Café
4:30 PM                           Autograph Session
5:00 PM                           Erica Shroeder
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM                           EvilleCon’s Gym: A Pokemon Ultra
7:00 PM                           Sun and Ultra Moon Challenge
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
8:30 PM
9:00 PM    Dinner with Deadpool
9:30 PM    part 2 (18+)
10:00 PM
10:30 PM
Year of the Dog! - March 23rd -25th, 2018 Official Program Guide Holiday Inn Evansville Airport - EvilleCon
Saturday Schedule
    Voice Actors   Abusement Park Cosplay Guest Bubble Pop
Time         Main Events          Panel Room A         Panel Room B
8:00 AM
8:30 AM                         Registration Opens
9:00 AM    Sophie's             Aqours Idol Party!    Zach Eats
9:30 AM    Japanese 101                               Breakfast
10:00 AM                        Cosplay Make-up
10:30 AM                        and Intro to Body
11:00 AM   Life and Times of                          It's What's Under
11:30 AM   Beau Billingslea                           Your Skirt
12:00 PM   Eville Comedy        Intro to              Cosplay Clue
12:30 PM   Hour                 Thermoplastics
1:00 PM                         Diversity in          Cosplay is not
1:30 PM    (Set-Up)             Cosplay               Consent
2:00 PM    Cosplay Contest      Meet the              Magic Tournament
2:30 PM                         Abusement Park
3:00 PM                         DeathNote Mafia       Om Nom Oishii:
3:30 PM                                               Food of Japan
4:00 PM    How to be a
4:30 PM    Pokemon                                    Resin Casting in
5:00 PM    (Set-Up)             Lightweight Armor     Cosplay
5:30 PM                         Making
6:00 PM    EvilleCon's Got                            Dating Pixels:
6:30 PM    Talent Semi-Finals                         Otome Gaming
           - Sponsored by
7:00 PM    Wireless Express     Cowboy Bebop
7:30 PM                         Night with Beau        Phichit's Pajama
                                Billingslea -Sponsored Party
8:00 PM    Raunchy              by Toonami Presents
8:30 PM                         Burly Q & A (18+)
9:00 PM    Hentai Olympics                            Awesomely Bad
9:30 PM    (18+)                Ship Tease (18+)      Fanfiction (18+)
10:00 PM
10:30 PM                                              The Church of
11:00 PM   EvilleBeat -         Otaku Jeopardy        Yaoi~ (18+)
11:30 PM   Genius               (18+)
Year of the Dog! - March 23rd -25th, 2018 Official Program Guide Holiday Inn Evansville Airport - EvilleCon
Saturday Schedule
    Voice Actors   Abusement Park Cosplay Guest Bubble Pop

Time         Main Events      Panel Room A        Panel Room B
12:00 AM   EvilleBeat -     Otaku Jeopardy      The Church of
12:30 AM   Genius           (18+)               Yaoi~ An
                                                Informative Yaoi
1:00 AM
                                                Panel (18+)
1:30 AM                     Welcome To The      Hentai: A History
2:00 AM                     Rice Fields (18+)   (18+)
2:30 AM
Year of the Dog! - March 23rd -25th, 2018 Official Program Guide Holiday Inn Evansville Airport - EvilleCon
Saturday Schedule
    Voice Actors      Abusement Park Cosplay Guest Bubble Pop

Time          Panel Room C                  Panel Room D
8:00 AM
8:30 AM                        Registration Opens
9:00 AM                            Cosplay Contest Judging
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM                           Autograph Session
11:00 AM                           Austin Tindle
11:30 AM   (Set-Up)
12:00 PM
12:30 PM   La Parfait Maid Café    Autograph Session
1:00 PM                            Beau Billingslea
1:30 PM
2:00 PM
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
3:30 PM                            EvilleCrossing: An Animal Crossing
4:00 PM                            Panel
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
5:30 PM
6:00 PM                            EvilleCon’s Gym: A Pokemon Ultra
6:30 PM                            Sun and Ultra Moon Challenge
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
8:30 PM
9:00 PM
Year of the Dog! - March 23rd -25th, 2018 Official Program Guide Holiday Inn Evansville Airport - EvilleCon
Sunday Schedule
    Voice Actors   Abusement Park Cosplay Guest Bubble Pop

Time        Main Events       Panel Room A        Panel Room B

8:30 AM                      Registration Opens
9:00 AM    Ox King’s         Cosplay Pics 101: Sushi Rolls not
9:30 AM    Cosplay Chess     Posing in         Gender Roles
10:00 AM                     Costume           Otaku Charades
10:30 AM
11:00 AM   Q&A               Travel Through
11:30 AM   All Guests        Gravity Falls
12:00 PM   (Set-Up)          The Adventure        Building your
12:30 PM                     Zone                 Cosplay Brands
1:00 PM    EvilleCon's Got
1:30 PM    Talent Finals -  What is a Hero:  Working with
           Sponsored by     My Hero          Worbla
2:00 PM
           Wireless         Academia         Workshop
2:30 PM    Getting to Japan Bad Con
3:00 PM                     Adventures (18+)
3:30 PM    Feedback          Patterns Lie!    Dungeon Master
4:00 PM    Session           And Other Useful Mastery: How
4:30 PM                      Sewing Facts     to Run D&D
5:00 PM
5:30 PM               Closing Ceremonies - Main Events
Year of the Dog! - March 23rd -25th, 2018 Official Program Guide Holiday Inn Evansville Airport - EvilleCon
Sunday Schedule
    Voice Actors   Abusement Park Cosplay Guest Bubble Pop

Time         Panel Room C               Panel Room D

8:30 AM                   Registration Opens
9:00 AM                        Autograph Session
9:30 AM                        Austin Tindle
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
11:30 AM
12:00 PM La Parfait Maid Café Autograph Session
12:30 PM                       Erica Schroeder
1:00 PM
1:30 PM                        EvilleCon’s Gym: A Pokemon
2:00 PM                        Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
2:30 PM                        Challenge
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
5:30 PM            Closing Ceremonies - Main Events

                                Hello, goshujinsama~! We are so
                                excited to return to EvilleCon in
                                2018! Our maids and butlers are
                                thrilled to serve you once again!
                                It is our promise to make your
                                con 100% more magical.
Media Viewing Schedule
               Friday             Saturday
Time       Title          Rating     Company           Time        Title            Rating Company
11:00 AM   If Her Flag    13+        NIS               8:00 AM     Everyday Tales   G     NIS
           Breaks                                                  of a Cat God
12:15 AM   Love Live!     G          NIS               9:40 AM     One Piece        13+   Funimation
1:15 PM    Shuffle!       17+        Funimation        12:35 PM    Case Closed      13+   Funimation
2:30 PM    Trigun: Bad-   13+        Funimation        1:50 PM     Evangellion      14+   Funimation
           lands Rumble                                            3.33
4:00 PM    Soul Eater     13+        Funimation        3:25 PM     Cowboy           17+   Funimation
4:50 PM    Eureka Seven   13+        Funimation                    Bebop

5:40 PM    Gintama        13+        Funimation        5:05 PM     Tokyo Ghoul      17+   Funimation

6:30 PM    Attack on      17+        Funimation        6:45 PM     Code: Breaker    17+   Funimation
           Titan                                       7:35 PM     Jormungand       17+   Funimation
8:10 PM    Robotics;      14+        Funimation        9:15 PM     Gunslinger       17+   Funimation
           Notes                                                   Girl
9:00 PM    Acca           17+        Funimation        10:05 PM    Date A Live      17+   Funimation
9:50 PM    D. Gray-Man    13+        Funimation
10:40 PM   Beck           17+        Funimation

                          Time        Title            Rating     Company
                          8:30 AM     Cardcaptor       G          NIS
                          10:15 AM    The Devil is a   13+        Funimation
                          11:30 AM    Hand Shakers     13+        Funimation
                          12:20 PM    Daily Lives of   13+        NIS
                                      High School
                          1:10 PM     .Hack//Sign      13+        Funimation
                          2:00 PM     Black Butler     17+        Funimation
                          2:50 PM     Fruits Basket    13+        Funimation
Table Top Gaming
Time      Table Top Room 1            Table Top Room 2
3:00 PM   DDAL07-01                   Starfinder Society
   to     A City on the Edge          Morgan
7:00 PM   Stevens
8:00 PM   CCC-GHC-06                  PFS 9-02
   to     What You Wish For           A Case of Missing
  End     Bowen                       Persons
9:00 AM   DDAL00-04                   Starfinder Society
   to     Winter's Flame              Morgan
1:00 PM   Tieken
2:00 PM   HULB2-1                     PFS 9-03
   to     Winter's Frosty Kiss        The Border of War
6:00 PM   Bowen                       Hayden
7:00 PM   DDAL07-07                   PFS 9-04
   to     Rotting Roots               The Unseen Inclusion
  End     Stevens                     Cantner
9:00 AM   DDAL07-03                   Starfinder Society
   to     A Day at the Races          Morgan
1:00 PM   Tieken
2:00 PM   HULB 2-2                    PFS 9-05
   to     Winter's Frigid Wrath       The Copper Gate
6:00 PM   Bowen                       Cantner

Welcome to Table Top Gaming!!
Table Top Gaming
Time      Table Top Room 3         Table Top Room 4   Board Game
3:00 PM   Castles and Crusades Mythmaker Game         Open
   to     LaMastus             Demo                   Gaming
7:00 PM                        Lambert
8:00 PM   Savage Worlds : Rifts    OVERFLOW           Open
   to     Tieken                                      Gaming
9:00 AM   Warhammer 40K            Mythmaker Game     Open
   to     Hatton                   Demo               Gaming
1:00 PM                            Lambert
2:00 PM   Transformers:            OVERFLOW           Open
   to     Adventures In                               Gaming
6:00 PM   Dinositting
7:00 PM   Destroy All Monsters     OVERFLOW           Open
   to     Dunville                                    Gaming
9:00 AM   TFOS: The Next           Mythmaker Game     Open
   to     Generation               Demo               Gaming
1:00 PM   Helmling                 Lambert
2:00 PM   Marvel                   OVERFLOW           Open
   to     Tyner                                       Gaming
6:00 PM

          Do Not Disturb
Time                  Game         Game Room Hours
             Friday                Friday 12 PM - 12 AM
                                   Saturday 10:30 AM - 11 PM
 8:00 PM   Mario Kart 8 Deluxe     Sunday 10:30 AM - 5 PM

12:00 PM        SMASH 4
 6:00 PM   Dragonball Fighters Z

12:00 PM     Naruto to Baruto
Live Action Role Playing
                    In order to participate in L.A.R.P Events
                    you will need to sign a waiver.
                              Start              Finish
                     Friday   12:00 PM           Sundown
                     Saturday 9:00 AM            Sundown
                     Sunday   9:00 AM            5:00 PM


               Cosplay is not consent
Please remember that EvilleCon is a fun, happy environment and we want to
keep all our guests and staff safe and healthy. We also understand that it can be
overwhelming sometimes, but we ask that everyone keep their hands to
themselves. If you would like to take a picture with or of another EvilleCon
attendee, it is important that everyone always ask first and respect the other
person’s right to say no. Please be respectful and be nice to each other, and help
EvilleCon promote a healthy con community.
EvilleCon has guest photographers throughout the convention, you can pose for
images, and later find your pictures on our Facebook page. Photographers can
be identified by their large EvilleCon badges stating Photographer.
If you have any issues you’d like to report pertaining to inappropriate
photography, or anything else please locate an EvilleCon staff member and make
them aware of the situation. This is a serious subject and will be met with serious
consequences .
Special Guest Events
                 Austin Q & A – Austin Tindle (Friday)                            Light weight Armor Making – Mogchelle (Saturday)
Come have a conversation with Austin Tindle. You can talk about           to purchase if you want to participate in the hands portion of the
his life, career, getting into voice acting, past characters or, ya           build. You keep the kit, and what you make. Kits and tools are
know, other stuff too. If you don’t have any questions he’ll probably             limited to 10 builders, so act fast! Observers welcome!
just talk about himself. Or read Harry Potter out loud. Not Goblet                Makeup for Cosplay – Alena Van Arendonk (Friday)
                              of Fire, though.                            No costume is complete without appropriate makeup! Makeup can
Awesomely Bad Fanfiction (18+) – Abusement Park (Saturday)                make you truly resemble your character and look better in photos.
Prepare to laugh. Prepare to cry. It’s time for the best and the worst    Learn how to look more masculine or more feminine, give yourself
          (and the awesomely bad) in the realm of fanfiction!                enormous anime eyes, create alien prostheses, or add special
              Burly Q & A (18+) – Bubble Pop (Saturday)                   effects. We’ll show you what tools you need and how to achieve
You’ve cheered for them, screamed for them, and loved them, but                                      the effect you want.
do you REALLY know the members of Bubble Pop Burlesque?                        Meet the Abusement Park – Abusement Park (Saturday)
Let’s change that! Join us for this hour long open Q&A session with       You know ‘em. You love ‘em. But who is the Abusement Park?
the ladies and gentlemen of Bubble Pop! ID Check will be enforced!        Learn the secrets of the book publishing industry with Angie, the
          Cosplay is not Consent – Bubble Pop (Saturday)                  ins and outs of prop making with Lee, the joys of home DIY and
With conventions and cosplay becoming more and more popular,              brewing with Eric, and the perks to cooking with Antonio. It’s fun
we have had to deal with the rising number of harassment claims.                                   and informational for all!
     Come find out what you can do to not only help yourself, but                    Nerdlesque Revue (18+) – Bubble Pop (Friday)
others as well. TRIGGER WARNING: There will be discussions                Welcome to EvilleCons first ever Nerdleques Revue! Be titillated
about assault and other sensitive subjects. TW will be given prior to     and electrified by our illustrious performers, as they bring to life
                      ANY talk about harmful events.                           your favorite Anime, Comic and TV characters! Bubble Pop
 Cosplay Make-up and Intro to Body Paint – Bubble Pop (Sat.)              Burlesque has performed at Acen, Matsuricon, Anime Cross
Curious about body paint? Don’t know where to start with your                 Roads, Anime Milwaukee and many other anime conventions!
journey into theatrical and cosplay makeup? Can’t get those darn          Harley Syn and Eden Sitayu will bring a performance that’ll keep
wings to cooperate? Come check Cosplay makeup and Body Paint                                     you “up” for days to come…
hosted by Eden Sitayu! This panel is a two-part event. The first hour     Panel On Paneling By Panelists Who Panel – Abusement Park
will be the fundamentals, as well as introduction into the tools of the                                    (Friday)
trade. The second hour will be hands on and interactive. ALLERGY          So, what does it take to run a panel? A lot of preparation, and a little
WARNING: latex and coconut products will be present. PLEASE               bit of luck! Come join The Abusement Park and learn how to run the
                 let us know if you are allergic to either!                                         panel of your dreams.
Cosplay Pics 101: Posing in Costume – Alena Van Arendonk                      Patterns Lie! And Other Useful Sewing Facts – Alena Van
                                 (Sunday)                                                            Arendonk (Sunday)
Want to look better in your cosplay photos? Want to make quick            Learning to sew can be daunting, especially if you’ve never had
    hallway snapshots look as good as a staged photoshoot? It’s           formal instruction. In this panel, we’ll cover selecting and reading a
    possible with a little posing practice!Come learn the secrets of            pattern, choosing fabric, cutting, pinning, sewing, pressing,
        creating flattering and dynamic poses for any character                finishing hems, and more — all without complicated sewing
      Cowboy Bebop With Night Beau Billingslea (Saturday)                      erminology! You’ll be sewing like a pro in no time. Bring your
Come and watch some of Beau’s favorite Cowboy Bebop episodes                                              questions!
in EvilleCon’s first Cowboy Bebop Night. Beau Billingslea will be                   Raunchy Shakespeare – Austin Tindle (Saturday)
watching and discussing the episodes with everyone. 30 Tickets            An interactive comedic theatrical experience, Austin Tindle teaches
Available, $15 apiece. Sold near registration table. Sponsored by         basics of acting and highlights the real raunchy side of The Bard.
                            Toonami Presents.                                   Volunteers will get a chance to act out popular scenes and
          Diversity in Cosplay – Momo Kurumi (Saturday)                   monologues from Shakespeare’s Complete Works. Participation is
While it is easy enough to say, “anyone can cosplay”, it can be                                encouraged, but not necessary.
more challenging for some than others to feel truly embraced in the              Resin Casting in Cosplay – Momo Kurumi (Saturday)
community. This panel will be a discussion piece on how we can try        Have you been wanting to try resin casting, but are intimidated by
to change the cosplay community for the better and fight negativity       the thought of… instructions, chemicals, and worst of all… math??
and divisiveness by uplifting others and celebrating our differences!     Worry not, Momo once was also, but is here to show you just how
       How to be a Pokemon – Erica Schroeder (Saturday)                   easy it is to get started in this unique craft, including doing a live
Volunteers come from the audience and step-by-step create                           demo of a resin pour! Come and join in the learning!
    Pokémon together. New ones that have never existed before.                   That Doesn’t Go There! (18+) – Abusement Park (Fri.)
 It’s What’s Under Your Skirt - Alena Van Arendonk (Saturday)             Does the notion of “tentacles” have you quivering in fear? Come to
Remember when mom told you never leave the house without                  That Doesn’t Go There! and find the support group you’ve always
     clean underwear? Well, this panel is about not leaving your                                           wanted!
hotel room without proper undergarments for your cosplays! Learn                    Q & A All Guest – Beau Billingslea, Austin Tindle,
about various shapewear for women AND men that can help you                                      Erica Schroeder (Sunday)
look extra amazing and seamless in your cosplays! We’ll talk about        Have you ever wanted to talk with all of your favorite Voice Actors
everything from proper corsetry to dance belts and any other way            in one place? Come down to the All Guest Q & A Panel featuring
you can nip, tuck and boost things while in costume! Hosted by                      Beau Billingslea, Erica Schroeder, and Austin Tindle.
          internationally award-winning cosplayer Mogchelle!                                 V.I.P Mingle – All Guests (Friday)
           Intro to Thermoplastics – Mogchelle (Saturday)                 If you are a V.I.P. you get to hang out with our Voice Actors. If you
You’ve heard about amazing plastics like Worbla, Wonderflex, and          want to know what happens during the Mingle you should be a
Sintra, but which material is right for your project? Where do you                                           V.I.P.
start? This session will cover the basic varieties of thermoplastics            Working with Worbla Workshop – Mogchelle (Sunday)
and their uses, along with sample projects and live demonstrations.       Worbla is a more commonly known word heard within the cosplay
   Life and Times of Beau Billingslea – Beau Billingslea (Sat.)           crafting community. But what is it? How do you use it? Where
Hear interesting stories from Beau Billingslea himself. Beau will be      can I get it? Come join internationally award-winning cosplayer,
    discussing topics such as his career, experiences, and more!          Mogchelle, for an interactive demo and Q&A on the various types of
         Lightweight Armor Making – Mogchelle (Saturday)                  Worbla, their uses, and finishing techniques! If you would like to get
     This is a 2-hour workshop in which you can either join in the        your hands dirty, Mog will have materials kits on hand to purchase,
crafting and make your own piece of armor with materials provided,        and you can leave the workshop with the leftover materials, as well
         or to watch others build a piece first hand. Come join                                as the armor piece you create.
internationally award-winning master craftsman in the hands on,
and messy workshop. Mogchelle will help you learn basics, and
build the confidence through hands on training and guidance, so
you can start creating your own lightweight armor pieces on your
own. Tools will be provided, as well will material kits will be on hand
Evillecon Events
                  Cosplay Contest – Staff (Saturday)
                                                                            Evillecon Panels
Once again, EvilleCon is bringing the latest in cosplay fashion. This
    year’s show will wow you as we welcome all cosplayers from
     beginners to seasoned veterans. Compete and show all of
                                                                                            A Captains Panel: Haikyuu!!
EvilleCon your best cosplay and earn the honor of being called             Q&A with your favorite Haikyuu! captains. Also have some fun
EvilleCon 2018’s Cosplayer of the Year! (along with some fabulous                     trying to beat the captains in some game.
prizes!) Note: Handmade costumes should be prejudged from 9:00                                   Cosplay on a Budget
AM to 10:30 AM on Saturday. All other participants in the Cosplay       Cosplay on a Budget is a fun discussion on what we as creators
Contest should show up between 1:30 PM and 2:00 PM in Main              can use to craft costumes and props from things you might already
Events for Registration. Come cheer on the contestants by lining        own. Using recycled and thrifted items to make awesome cosplays!
                     up at 2:00 PM to see the show!                                      Dinner with Deadpool part 2 (18+)
                     EvilleCon’s Got Talent – Staff                     They’re baaaaack. Deadpool, Spider-Man and Wolverine are back
      Come and participate in EvilleCon’s Got Talent by singing,        to answer your questions with fun and, maybe just maybe, a special
ancing, performing, etc. (as long as it relates to anime!). Perform                                      surprise.
in the name of all that is anime and earn the honor of being called               EvilleBeat – Mania (Friday) Genius (Saturday)
EvilleCon 2018’s Superstar! Entertain EvilleCon goers well and you      Put your gear on, break out your glow and LED and dance into the
shall be rewarded… evilly! Note: All contestants must audition at       night at EvilleBeat. The beats will be banging and you will be sure
                 the Preliminaries on Friday at 7:00PM.                 to be moving until you have to go home! A great line-up of DJs will
   EvilleCon’s Gym: A Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon –                be spinning the beats to help get your dance on. Enjoy two nights
                              Autumn White                              of the beats… so come and experience the MANIA and GENIUS of
     Use your Pokemon Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon game to battle                                     EvilleCon’s EvilleBeat.
mono-type gym leaders for EvilleCon Gym Leader Cards. Collect 8                           Evolution of the Disney Princess
cards to qualify for the EvilleCon Elite Four Challenge on Sunday,      From Snow White to Elsa, what America considered the “ideal
                 and the Battle Royale at the very end.                  woman” of each Era in the representation of the Disney Princess.
EvilleCrossing: An Animal Crossing Panel – Autumn White                                       Fright Night Gaming (18+)
                                (Saturday)                              Do you like scary video games? Come learn about the finer side of
This panel will give a brief history of the Animal Crossing series      “spoopy” gaming as Carter, Cobble, and TheAngieChu venture into
and its titles while encouraging con-goers to connect through their                    the deepest darkest pits of scary games!
          Nintendo 3DS systems, and/or their mobile devices.                       Guys That Suck! An Intro to BL Games (18+)
Faptastic 2: Electric Bugaloo (18+) – Haley, Sarah, Fallon, and         Join us as we explore the world of BL games, and show you where
                              Carol (Friday)                                                       you can get them!
     We’re Back Babies. With even more hentai, education and                                     Kpop Chorus Game!
                            ridiculous games.                           Join us to learn a dance and then play the Kpop chorus game!
                  Feedback Session – Staff (Sunday)                                           Beginner dancers welcome!
   Join EvilleCon Staff to talk all about what you loved during the                         Late Night With Hetalia (18+)
  convention so that we can keep improving the best con around.         Get ready for some after dark Hetalia talk and shenanigans! This
           Ox King’s Cosplay Chess – Robert Grimwood                                      panel is suited up and ready to go!
 Light vs dark, good vs evil, decide the fate in a human size chess                                Nerd Rage (18+)
game. Beware of the magic and traps running rampant as the chess             Come join Carter and Cobble in anger fueled hilarity as they
            battle ensues between your favorite characters.                discuss the best and worst things about your favorite fandoms.
            Ship Tease (18+) – Haley & Carol (Saturday)                              Misery loves company so come and join us!
Often looked over, relationships in popular media are not what they                             VS Battle! A Floor War!
seem. Join us as we discuss the impact of baiting relationships in      Come dance your heart out in this epic Floor Wars battle and take
                                 fandoms.                               on other dancers in a 1v1 battle to the top! It’ll be a heated all out
     Sushi Rolls Not Gender Roles – Keith Hedges (Sunday)                                 dance battle no one wants to miss!
A safe and open environment to help those understand what it is                           Om Nom Oishii: Sweets of Japan
to be Transgender and how to appropriately interact that with those     Ready to indulge in your sweet tooth? Join Pendragon Panels for a
       that identify as such. As well as the correlation between                          lesson in the sweet side of history!
             Transgender and anime and cosplay culture.                                         Otaku Jeopardy (18+)
             Sophie’s Japanese 101 - Sophie (Saturday)                  How many Dragonballs are there? Come to Otaku Jeopardy and
A first look introduction into the two alphabets used in the Japanese               team up to accumulate points and win prizes!
    language. The panel includes recognition games with prizes.                                Overwatch Lore Explore
 Welcome To The Rice Fields (18+) – Haley & Carol (Saturday)            Learn the lore behind this one of a kind team FPS that’s taken the
In a world eaten up by political correctness, we will spend an hour            gaming world by storm. Learn more about your favorite
 delving into the history and videos of Filthy Frank, Anti-PC Bandit.   Characters, where they came from and even speculate on some
                                                                         of the open-ended theories that Blizzard has left for us to explore.
                                                                                            Reverse Harem Anonymous
                                                                        A group discussion about those giant crowds of beautiful single
                                                                        men and the women who JUST. WONT. PICK ONE! Come talk
                                                                                                       boys with us~
                                                                                          Trash On Ice: A Yuri On Ice Q&A
                                                                        Come and skate your way into the hearts of the characters of Yuri
                                                                        On Ice!! Ask them questions, pester Yurio a bit, ask Chris who that
                                                                        mysterious man is, congratulate Yuuri and Viktor on their en-gay-
                                                                                     gement and join in on some fun games too!!
                                                                                            Video Game Name That Tune
                                                                        Do you think you know video game music? Then come and test
                                                                            your knowledge at Video Game Name That Tune, where we’ll
                                                                        decide the best of the best at guessing video game tunes. Plus,
                                                                        if you don’t want to compete, it’s also fun to watch. Winners will
                                                                                                      receive prizes!
                                                                                            Wonderful World of Yuri (18+)
                                                                        A 18+ panel that celebrates the yuri genre of manga and anime in
                                                                        a shame free, LGBT friendly space. Come learn a brief history of
                                                                        where yuri came from with a slideshow of pictures and videos of
                                                                         different shows and manga that I recommend from the yuri genre.
Evillecon Panels                                                         Evillecon Panels
        Saturday                                                                  Sunday
                           Aqours Idol Party!                                  Dungeon Master Mastery: How to Run D&D Games
       Equip your glowsticks for this love live festival you’ll love!    Have you ever wanted (or needed) to run a game of D&D or similar
                              Cosplay Clue                               but didn’t know where to start? Join Pendragon Panels as we pull
Your characters are the suspects and your props are the weapons,             back the veil and reveal the secrets and magics of being a
the audience needs to figure out who killed who! Cosplayers and                          successful and great Game Master!
                        non-cosplayers needed!                                                     Getting to Japan
                    Dating Pixels: Otome Gaming                          Come one, come all as we discuss tips and tricks which can make a
Visual Novel? Dating Sim? No matter what you call them Otome                   vacation to the land of the rising sun fun and affordable.
games have exploded in popularity state side the last few years!                                   Otaku Charades
         Come kiss, kiss fall in love with these games with us.          Otaku Charades is a Charades game for your Otaku centered
                           Death Note Mafia                              mind. Challenge your friends, join a team and let the games begin.
A party game where people are secretly assigned roles as a Kira or                               The Adventure Zone
an investigator. Each night the Kiras pick a player to kill, and each    From the creators of Polygon’s Monster Factory and the podcast
day the investigators try and discover the identities of the Kiras.      My Brother My Brother and Me comes The Adventure Zone, a real
                        Candy will be awarded.                           play D&D podcast hosted by three brothers and their father. Join us
                         Eville Comedy Hour                              as we dive deep into the silly goofs that somehow transformed into
These comedians go super sayian talking about all the things you                      one of the most beautiful stories ever told.
                         come to EvilleCon for.                                             Travel Through Gravity Falls
                        Hentai: A History (18+)                             Come join the residents of Gravity Falls. Join the strange fun!
    If you’ve ever dreamed of the Fisherman’s wife or questioned                 What is a Hero: My Hero Academia Philosophy
woefully inadequate censorship, then join Pendragon panels for              Join Pendragon Panels as we dive into the world of My Hero
                            Hentai! A History.                           Academia and discuss its themes focusing on what it shows us
                        Hentai Olympics (18+)                                              what it means to be a true Hero!
This competitive event is a series of bachelor/bachelorette party
style games with anime, hentai, and general nerd fandom themes.
                        Prizes will be awarded!
                          Magic Tournament
The Wizard World War is a commander style Magic The Gathering
   tournament. We have space for up to 24 people; and we have
                   prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
                   Om Nom Oishii: Food of Japan
      From Ghibli Films to Food Wars Anime has given us some
   incredibly mouthwatering meals. Join Pendragon Panels for a
          lesson on the most delicious part of history...Food!
                        Otaku Jeopardy (18+)
Test your knowledge and dominance in the greatest trivia game.
                        Phichit’s Pajama Party
All are welcome to come join to Phichit’s Pajama Party to meet your
favorite Yuri on Ice character and for some fun shenanigans. Also,
                  don’t forget to bring your pajama!!!
        The Church of Yaoi~ An Informative Yaoi Panel (18+)
Like shounen ai, BL, & yaoi? So do we! An informative, kink shame
free environment complete with printouts of titles discussed for your
  fujoshi/fudanshi convenience! Come discuss the goods with us!
                         Zach Eats Breakfast
This special edition of Zach Eats Breakfast will see our host in front
of a crowd eating cereal and discussing current events in the world
                 of anime, manga, and videogames!

                    C               I               C
                    O                               O
                   S                                N
                  P                                  S
                  L                 N                E
                 A                  O                N
                 Y                  T                 T
All three days of EvilleCon you will be able to attend:
                                   La Parfait Maid Café
La Parfait is a traveling maid cafe modeled after those in Akihabara, Japan. At the cafe,
you will enjoy a relaxing atmosphere, delicious sweets, games, and dance performances.
                 Their adorable maids and butlers will treat you like royalty.
                       They promise to make your con more magical!
                  La Parfait Maid Café will be located in Panel Room C
                                Friday 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM
                              Saturday 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM
                              Sunday 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Special Guests
                                Voice Actors
                               Austin Tindle is a writer and actor living in Dallas, Texas.
                               He was born in Orlando, Florida, raised in Austin, Texas
                               and attended the University of Texas at Dallas on an
                               academic scholarship, where he almost became an
                               electrical engineer. At 19, he was cast as Romeo and
                               changed majors the same day. He has spent over a
                               decade performing professionally on stage in Dallas
                               Texas, but he’s probably most well-known for his work with
                               Funimation Studios, where he has voiced many characters
                               including: Marco Bodt (Attack on Titan), Karma Akabane
                               (Assassination Classroom), Avilio Bruno (91 Days),
                               Seborgia (Hetalia), Raspberry (Dragon Ball Z),
                               Accelerator (A Certain Magical Index, A Certain Scientific
                               Railgun), Ichirohiko (The boy and the Beast). You can also
hear him voicing leading roles in many shows including: Is This a Zombie, Guilty Crown,
D-Frag, Gonna Be The Twin-Tail, Prince Of Stride, Prison School, Tamo No-Rin, ACCA,
Mariah the Virgin Witch, Snow White with the Red Hair, Trickster, Shangri-La, and many
more. You can currently hear him voicing the role of Ken Kaneki in Tokyo Ghoul, every
Saturday at 1am on Cartoon Network.

In the world of anime, Beau Billingslea has voiced a
multitude of characters including: Jet Black in Cowboy
Bebop; Ogremon, Saggitarimon and Parrotman in
Digimon; Michael in Argento Soma; Seal Walrus in Wolf’s
Rain; Gohei in Rurouni Kenshin; Dee Jay in Super Street
Fighter II; Ben Jackson in Tiger & Bunny; Edward Liones
in Bleach; Light Nostrade in Hunter x Hunter; Lingerin &
Dogen in DuRaRaRa x 2 and many others.
He continues to voice The Fourth Raikage and Homura in
the animated series Naruto. He voices Abraham Douglas
in the animated feature War of the Worlds: Goliath. He has
narrated several series on The History Channel including
Suicide Missions, Hero Ships and Modern Marvels. His
video games include: Safari, Outlaws, Dynasty Warriors
(Cao Ren & Dion Wei), Zico, Breakdown, Ace Combat 5, Final Fantasy VII: Advent
Children (Barrett) and Mafia III.. Beau also appears in the PSA, the Other Note, which
calls attention to the alarming suicide rate among our veterans. He can also be seen in
The Laughing Man short on Showbox Online. Beau’s sci-fi feature films include The Blob,
My Favorite Martian, Leprechaun in the Hood, and Halloween H2O. A full listing of his
40 plus year television and feature film career can be found on IMDB. Beau is a proud
veteran of the U.S. Army.
Special Guests
                                 Voice Actors
                               Erica Schroeder (A.K.A. Bella Hudson) is thrilled to be
                               appearing at EvilleCon and looking forward to meeting all
                               of you! Erica is one of New York’s premier voice
                               actresses. She has provided the voice for over 150
                               characters in the world of animation for television, film and
                               video games over the past 15 years. Over the years she
                               has voiced over 50 characters and various Pokemon on
                               Pokemon including Nurse Joy, Fantina, Bianca, Grace,
                               Meloetta, Pidove, Panchum, Sylveon, Tapukoko, and
                               many more. She will also be working on Dan’s Green’s
                               Crossing The Gods as Dominea. Erica recently took over
                               the role of Wobbuffet for Pokemon Sun and Moon. In
                               addition to the several Pokemon, Sonic and One Piece
                               video games she has voiced, she has also voiced
characters in several other video game titles such as: Shadow Hearts: From The New
World, White Day, Littlest Pet Shop, Dungeon Hunter V, Just Cause 3, Super Smash
Bros., Insecticide, and many more. As a theater and musical theater actress, Erica has
also appeared on Broadway, Off-Broadway and regionally and sings on the original cast
recordings of Jane Eyre, Shout! The Mod Musical and a bunch of other concept albums.

                “I wonder if
               they will sign
                my puppy?”

                                          “Uhh ...
                                       I don’t think
                                     that’s allowed”
Special Guests

                               Cosplayer, seamstress, and artist, Momo Kurumi is known
                               for her colorful costumes and passion for
                               craftsmanship. With a degree in Apparel Design, she has
                               made over 80 cosplays, and won several craftsmanship
                               awards, and worked as a seamstress and costumer for
                               theater and amusement parks. As a pro-LGBT Latina, she
                               advocates for diversity in cosplay, and believes cosplay
                               truly is for everyone!

 Mogchelle started in cosplay by just being an average geek
 attending an anime convention in 1999. Her love for the
 artwork in anime, video games, and comic books made her
 want to bring the 2D images from the pages and screen to
 real life. She’s also been featured in several national and
 international magazines, and several online entertainment
 news sources for her costuming. Over the years she has
 won countless awards internationally for both craftsmanship
 and performance on the masters level. Conventions across
 the globe often ask Michelle to present panels/workshops
 on various topics within Cosplay. They vary from lightweight
armor creation, molding and casting, wig design, wings, etc. More are added every year,
in the effort to spread her love for Cosplay. She has done work for The Children’s Museum
of Indianapolis, the worlds largest children’s museum.
Every year she donates a portion of the profits from her craft and print sales to a chosen

                               “…And Sewing Is Half The Battle!” is a competitive
                               cosplay team based in central Indiana. They have garnered
                               more than 50 awards for their costumes and performances
                               at events around the country, and have provided
                               professional costuming and SFX makeup work for film,
                               television, live theatre, and museums. As entirely self-
                               taught costumers, the members of ASIHTB love helping
                               novice cosplayers improve their craft through workshops
                               and costuming seminars.
Special Guests
                                  Zachariah Adams, also known as Zackachu, is an EDM
                                  DJ from Chicago who has been DJing for 6 years. His
                                  favorite gigs are anime convention due to the amazing
                                  atmosphere that comes with them. This is his 4th year at
                                  EvilleCon, supplying the attendees with all the bass they
                                  can handle! His mixes are also influenced by his love for
                                  metal and rock music.
                                  Primary genres you’ll hear him spin are: Electro, Trap, and

3lectro Angel:
At 12 years old I was inspired by Deadmau5 to become a
DJ. Of course though my mother didn’t think I would
follow through with it so she instead got me the turntables
from Toys R Us thinking this would all just be a phase, But
she was wrong and I ended up breaking them from playing
on them so much. So finally my mother realized that this
wasn’t gonna be a joke or just a phase, but that I was really
serious about my passion for it.
After that my mother decided it was time for an upgrade
and got me the brand new (at the time) Numark NS7 and a
a year later it took off and I started to play clubs at only 13
years old! I am now 21 years old and currently playing on the Pioneer DDJ-SZ I am still
going strong and I strive to get better at what I love; Being a DJ and Having a blast doing it.

                              Featured Panelists
                                     The Abusement Park is a panelist group based out of
                                     Louisville, Kentucky that specializes in the wackiest of
                                     the insane. They frequently delve into “that part of the
                                     Internet” to find the latest that hentai, fanfiction, and
                                     disturbing game shows have to offer. The Abusement
                                     Park is known for their lively and fun events, heavily
                                     encouraging audience interaction. They promise a good
                                     time to all attendees and are always happy to chat
                                     following their events.

Bubble Pop Burlesque is a nerdy, fun, empowering
group of performers from across the midwest (and
spreading). Bringing you a one of a kind art of tease
and geek in their own nerdlesque paroductions. Make
sure to stop by and catch their titillating fun for a chance
to see your waifu or husbando in the art of undress.
Survival Guide
EvilleCon Staff want you to have the best time of your life at EvilleCon
2018, but here is a Survival Guide with reminders on how to make sure
you do so safely!
•Obey all convention rules.
•Bring survival supplies – ID, extra money, water and drinks, snacks,
medications, camera, phone charger, personal hygiene supplies, and
other personal necessities. If you are in cosplay, also bring safety pins,
fabric glue, and scissors.
•Always have a buddy and stick with them. Never go off alone with
someone you do not know without telling someone first.
•Do not go into other people’s hotel rooms or allow people you do not
know into yours.
•Always have a way to contact every individual in your party. Exchange
cell phones numbers or work out an alternative plan for those without a
•Review the Program and Schedule and mark the EvilleCon Events and
panels that you would like to attend.
•Be respectful of everyone at the convention. Cosplay DOES NOT
equal consent. Do not assume that it is okay to touch or harass someone
because of their costume. Always obtain consent before doing anything
to another person.
•Harassment and rude behavior will not be tolerated at EvilleCon.
•Pay attention to your surroundings – if people are trying to walk past, step
aside and allow others to go through. If you want to stop and pose for a
picture, get out of the main thoroughfare so that others can get through.
•End con funk now! Stay clean, take showers, wear deodorant, and
change your clothes. It is a good idea to keep deodorant on you to
reapply throughout the day.
•When at your home/hotel, always remove your make up. The make up
is not good for your skin. It can also come off at night and ruin your bed
sheets or the hotel’s bed sheets (and you do not want to have to buy new
sheets at the hotel!).
•Get plenty of sleep.
BE SAFE AND SMART! EvilleCon is meant to be fun but do not do
anything that will get you or others hurt.

                                   1) Register

How Do You Get Tickets?                 2) Participate

                                                 3) Challenge

                 What To Do With Your

You can trade your Evilletickets at the Information Table
for raffle tickets. Raffle times will be announced daily,
with the grand prize given at closing ceremonies on
Sunday. 10 Tickets = 1 Raffle Ticket
You can compete in EvilleCon events like:
         EvilleCon’s Got Talent
         Cosplay Contest
OR you can challenge other Attendees or EvilleCon
Staff and EvilleCon Minions.

PARADES                 BINGO              MUCH MORE
Vendors & Artists
Artists                       Vendors
AnimeGrAvy                    Dragonsong Forge
AshuriiYuki Productions       Inimitable Studios LLC
Atelier Maxter                Lady Heather's Fashions
Azure Night Studios           Loading Crew Crafts
Bardic Kitty                  Primary Colours Retro Relics
Bittersweet Haven Designs     Shazami's $#!%
CPUnltd                       The Anime Palace
CritterCre8r                  The Black Bazaar
Hello Bay Art                 The Gaming Guild
Honey Bea Boutique            WizYakuza
Joy Bat Art                   Yuki Pearl & Jade Trading Co
Kingdom Come
Little Tokyo
Mimosa Studios
Minako’s Bead Art Studio
MuseTap Studios
Muse Tap II
Nocturnal Opus Creations
Peace, Love, Mehndi
Rememberization Jewelry
Sally’s Custom Embroidery
Sandpaper Daisy Art
Saucer Queen
Scotik Productions
Sickeningly Sweet Studio
Sweet Anime
T.D. Cloud/Yougei/Soujiswag
The Geekporium
Who Knew Art
Evillecon Convention Rules
•EvilleCon reserves the right to remove or eject anyone from the convention premises without refund at anytime at its discretion.
•EvilleCon assumes no liability for accidental injury or damage to personal property during the convention.
•Attendance at the convention constitutes consent to the use of the attendee’s image or likeness in any future advertising, recording, transmission, or reproduction
of EvilleCon and consent to ejection without refund for failure to comply with the rules stated herein.
•Attendees will not be disruptive or disrespectful to fellow attendees, special guests, vendors, artists, EvilleCon Staff, volunteers (Minions), venue staff,
venue guests, or other individuals throughout the convention and surrounding space. Disruptive behavior is not allowed and includes running, yelling,
playing loud music or honking horns, horseplay, flying radio-controlled helicopters, unsolicited physical contact, or any other behavior deemed disruptive or
disrespectful by EvilleCon staff.
•Hallways, aisles, and doorways must be kept clear at all times. Attendees obstructing the flow of traffic may be asked to clear the area.
•Smoking, drugs, and alcohol are prohibited in all convention areas and in the general areas of the venue. See Drug & Alcohol Policy for more information.
•Rollerblades, skates, skateboards, scooters, heelies, and bicycles are prohibited in the convention center and in the venue.
•Revealing costumes as so judged by EvilleCon Staff are not allowed.
•No soliciting on convention grounds. Any signs interpreted by EvilleCon Staff as solicitation will be confiscated and destroyed.
•The convention shall not be held liable for any lost or stolen belongings. It is recommended that attendees leave bags, purses, and personal belongings in
their venue room or car. If you lose or find an item, please report it to Lost and Found (at the Registration Desk).
•You may be subject to voluntary search upon entry to the convention and at any time during the convention. If a staff member suspects that an individual is
refusing voluntary search because he or she poses an immediate threat, the proper authorities will be contacted.
•Any attendee damaging or defacing EvilleCon property may be liable for repair or replacement of said property and immediate ejection from the
•Disabled persons, EvilleCon Staff, on-duty Volunteers, special guests, and vendors are not required to stand in line for entry into any Event Room. If you have
any questions, please contact convention staff.
•EvilleCon has a zero-tolerance policy toward theft. Shoplifters will be reported to local authorities, prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and banned from
EvilleCon for five consecutive years.
•Attendees must follow any and all directions given by EvilleCon Staff and
Volunteers or convention venue security and employees. Anyone refusing to follow such directions is subject to immediate removal from the convention.
•If you have any problems, questions, or concerns, please contact an EvilleCon Staff Member or Volunteer. They will be recognizable by their distinctive shirts or
badges and can be found throughout the convention or in the Registration Table.
•Latex balloons are not allowed.
Drug and Alcohol Policy
•EvilleCon has a zero-tolerance policy toward alcohol and illegal drug use on site. Adults over the age of 21 are welcome to consume alcohol where
permitted by the venue (Venue lounge, personal rooms, etc). Anyone found to be under the influence or in the possession of illegal drugs or minors under the
influence of alcohol during the convention will be reported to the proper authorities.
•EvilleCon prohibits the consumption of alcohol in public areas in use by the convention. Follow all convention center and venue guidelines regarding
consumption of alcohol in shared public areas.
•If convention staff suspects an attendee under the age of 21 to be drinking or intoxicated, a staff member will contact the proper authorities. EvilleCon DOES
NOT authorize, endorse, or condone underage drinking under any circumstances. We will follow all local, state, and federal guidelines regarding underage
Weapons Policy
EvilleCon prohibits the following:
•Weapons prohibited under Indiana law.
•Real guns (even if they are disabled).
•Live steel of any kind, unless the weapon is bonded to a scabbard or other protective cover.
•Sharp objects of any kind.
•Projectiles of any kind, including Nerf projectiles, blanks, or air-soft guns.
•Loaded water pistols or other liquid weapons.
•Laser pointers or laser-aiming devices of any kind unless approved byconvention staff for the purpose of leading a panel.
using these weapons are trained professionals, and EvilleCon trusts them to always keep safety in mind. If you feel that a demonstrator is being threatening to
you, please let a convention staff member know immediately.
•DO NOT CARRY ANY PROP WEAPON OUTSIDE OF THE CONVENTION AREA! Law Enforcement Personnel may treat these as real weapons and will take
serious action! Carry your props in a bag or case and remove it only in convention areas.
•All weapons must be tagged on site at the convention. Untagged weapons will be confiscated and held until the end of the convention. Weapons deemed by
any staff member to be unsafe or to not conform to these rules will be required to be removed the convention space or will be disposed.
•Tags or protective bonding MUST NOT be removed from weapons at any time.
•Unapproved props or weapons bought at the convention should be removed from the premises (to your car or venue room) immediately. If not removed, they will
be disposed of.
•Any weapon can be confiscated by EvilleCon Staff at any time for any reason.
Autograph Policy
•Autographs are given on a first-come, first-served basis.
•Please line up in an orderly fashion no more than 30 minutes prior to the autograph session.
•Items should be prepared for signing prior to approaching the autograph table. Posters should be unrolled and DVD or CD inserts should be removed from the
case. Autograph books should be opened and ready for the guest to sign.
•EvilleCon does not limit the amount of items you can get signed by guests but the guest might place a limit to ensure that everyone gets something signed.
Please keep your fellow attendees in mind and be respectful of time constraints. Please check with the staff members at the time of the autograph session how
many items the guest is allowing. There are typically multiple chances throughout the convention to get autographs throughout the weekend, so there should be
other opportunities.
•Guests will not sign body parts.
•A Guest’s approval must be received before a photograph may be taken with a guest.
•While attendees are encouraged to converse with special guests, please keep comments brief so that the line can move efficiently.
Dance/EvilleBeat Rules
•Attendees must wear their badge prominently on their person at all times during dances no matter the attire of the event.
•All costumes should conform to general convention policies. Inluding the proper use/wearing of footwear.
•No containers of liquid other than bottled water will be allowed in the Main Events Hall during any dance at any time. Water bottles must be spill-proof and remain
closed unless you are drinking from them at the time.
•Individuals who are disruptive, who appear to be intoxicated, or who behave in any way that will jeopardize the safety of themselves or others will be ejected from
the dance and will not be allowed to return. Any of the above behaviors may result in the loss of your EvilleCon badge and removal from the convention, upon
decision of EvilleCon Staff.
•No backpacks, bags, props, or purses larger than 8″ in any dimension can be brought into the dance.
•Glow sticks are allowed in the EDM Show, but MUST NOT BE BROKEN. Anyone found by EvilleCon Staff or Volunteers to have intentionally broken a glow
stick on convention grounds will be immediately ejected from the convention and will be liable for necessary cleaning and/or repairs.
Anime Viewing Policy
•EvilleCon is dedicated to the enforcement of copyright law. EvilleCon will not show a series without rights if the series is licensed in the United States. If you
suspect that a series is being shown without proper rights, please report your concern to a staff member immediately. Any series found to be without rights will be
pulled from the schedule without notice.

•These rules are based on the convention guidelines for Anime Boston, used with permission. They are copyright Anime Boston 2011, all rights reserved.
Food Trucks
Food Trucks

                                                NOM! Food Truck
                                            Pound of Pain Challenge
                           Saturday at 2:00 PM Register from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Contestant must consume 1lbs of boneless wings sauced with our irresponsibly hot “E’Ville Sauce” in 10 minutes.
                     Winners receive a Pound of Pain Tee Shirt and no charge for the wings.
 Failing to complete the challenge results in no tee shirt, payment for wings ($10) and living with failure for all of
                          Contestants must be over 18 to participate and sign a waiver.
Mission Statement
Evansville Anime Conventions goal is to promote
awareness of and appreciation for Japanese Manga
and Anime and to educate the public about how
Japanese culture is reflected in the media.
Our annual convention EvilleCon is put on by
Evansville Anime Convention, Inc (EAC, Inc). EAC,
Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable and
educational organization.
          Thank you to our awesome artists!
            We greatly appreciate them.

                   I’m Heather Landry, a freelance artist and
                   comic creator. Email me anytime with questions
                   and potential projects. I specialize in fantasy & hor-
                   ror illustration and pop art.
                   In addition to doing work for hire, I write and draw
 my own comics, work full-time as a staff artist, and do 20-30 art
 shows a year. I have used the name “Sandpaperdaisy” since 1995 to
 unite my diverse artistic activities. I live in Indiana with my husband
 and two dear boys. Heather designed this year’s mascots.

             Thank you to Alexandria Peach for
          designing our awesome t-shirts this year!
EvilleCon hopes that you had a wonderful con with
 us this year. We look forward to seeing everyone
                 again next year!!

             Evillecon 2019
               Year of The Pig

       Date: March 22nd - 24th 2019
Location: Holiday Inn Airport Evansville, IN
           We will see you there!
You can also read