AUTUMN / WINTER 2021 - Mayflower Theatre

Page created by Jimmy Bowen
AUTUMN / WINTER 2021 - Mayflower Theatre
AUTUMN / WINTER 2021 - Mayflower Theatre
Welcome Back
It is such a relief that we are open and presenting shows again, we are extremely
grateful for your continued support. Read on to see a packed programme of shows
for you to enjoy in our two venues, Mayflower Theatre and MAST Mayflower Studios.
           Please make sure when you are booking that you
            are aware of which venue you will be attending.
Look out on each page for one of these logos which indicate the venue.

            Mayflower Theatre                                       MAST Mayflower Studios
            Commercial Road                                         142-144 Above Bar Street
            Southampton SO15 1GE                                    Southampton SO14 7DU
            02380 711811                                            02380 711833

              We continue to treat your safety as our main priority. We have enhanced cleaning,
              e-tickets, card only payments and we encourage the use of face coverings whilst in the venue.
              You will be sent a pre-visit email which will detail all our up to date measures.
AUTUMN / WINTER 2021 - Mayflower Theatre


  “The greatest disco anthems                         “The best feel-good show
    ever to fill a dance floor”                         since Mamma Mia!”
                The Telegraph                                    Sunday Express

I will survive! Finally! Priscilla is Back.      way our trio discover the true power of love,
Pack up your wigs, heels and all the glitter     acceptance, and sass! With more glitz and
you can find, because the iconic, joyous and     glamour than ever before, this show-stopping
award winning musical PRISCILLA QUEEN            musical features spectacular dance routines,
OF THE DESERT is touring the UK and              a dazzling array of eye-popping costumes,
Ireland! Based on the Oscar-winning movie,       and a scintillating, soundtrack full of your
PRISCILLA is the hilarious and heart-            favourite dance-floor classics. Including,
warming adventure of three friends who           HOT STUFF, IT’S RAINING MEN,
hop aboard a battered old bus bound for the      I WILL SURVIVE, GIRLS JUST WANNA
Outback to put on the show of a lifetime.        HAVE FUN, FINALLY and many more; it’s
Two worlds collide on this fabulous journey of   pure joy guaranteed! Time to SHAKE YOUR
self-discovery and friendship, and along the     GROOVE THING once again- book now!

12 Recommended age.                                        Box Office: 02380 711811         3
AUTUMN / WINTER 2021 - Mayflower Theatre
                                                                                 TICKETS FROM £12.50


Daniel O’Donnell         Steve Hackett             Level 42                                                          WENDI PETERS                          BILL WARD
Sun 10 October 2021      Genesis Revisited         From Eternity to Here
7.30PM                   Mon 11 October 2021       Tue 12 October 2021                                                 Welcome to Sleepy Hollow. Population 436. May you never leave!
Tickets from £43         7.45PM                    7.30PM                                                                  Enter an eerie world of secrets and unsettling tradition.
                         Tickets from £42.50       Tickets from £35                                         In this heart-pounding visual masterpiece with jaw-dropping illusions, The Legend of
                                                                                                           Sleepy Hollow unleashes one of the most terrifying monsters from the horror canon on
                                                                                                                                       stage– the Headless Horseman.

                                                                                 MONDAY 18 - TUESDAY 19 OCTOBER 2021
                                                                                 TICKETS FROM £14.50

Spectacular Classics     Crazy For Gershwin        Fastlove
Wed 13 October 2021      Thu 14 October 2021       A Tribute to George Michael
7.30PM                   7.30PM                    Fri 15 October 2021
Tickets from £29.50      Tickets from £29.50       7.30PM
                                                   Tickets from £29.50

                                                                                 TUESDAY 26 - SATURDAY 30 OCTOBER 2021
                                                                                 TICKETS FROM £12.50

Lost in Music            Sixties Gold              The Greatest Love of All
One Night at the Disco   Sun 17 October 2021       Sun 31 October 2021
Sat 16 October 2021      7.30PM                    7.30PM
7.30PM                   Tickets from £36.50       Tickets from £27.50
Tickets from £29.50

4                                                                                                                                                                                                  5
                         Book Online:        with us on                               MAST Box Office: 02380 711833
AUTUMN / WINTER 2021 - Mayflower Theatre
SUNDAY 24 OCTOBER 2021                                                    12
                                                                                TUESDAY 26 – SATURDAY 30 OCTOBER 2021
 TICKETS FROM £27.50                                                            TUE – SAT 7.30PM, WED, THU & SAT 2PM
                                                                                TICKETS FROM £19.50

                                                                                                             Kenny Wax Ltd, Stage Presence Ltd & Kevin McCollum present A Mischief Production

                                                                                      ‘JOYOUSLY SILLY
                                                                                        AND ENTIRELY WONDERFUL’
                                                                                                                    Stephen Fry

                                                                                         by                          and

                                                                                  Main image features original West End cast. Production photos of touring cast by Pamela Raith


 British Legion Festival   Fascinating Aïda          The Sensational
 of Remembrance            Sun 14 November 2021      60s Experience
 Sun 7 November 2021       7.30PM                    Sun 21 November 2021
 7PM                       Tickets from £27.50       7.30PM
 Tickets from £20                                    Tickets from £26.50
       ev AR
   Re ST

                                                                                                          ★★★★                                                                           ★★★★
  c ST

                                                                                     “Fringe whizz-kids turned                                                           “Tommy Cooper, you suspect,
                                                                                     theatrical world-leaders”                                                          would have loved it. I know I did”
                                                                                                                Telegraph                                                                      Times
                                                                                Back with their biggest comedy catastrophe to                                            Raising the bar with their dare-devil stunts,
                                                                                date, multi award-winning Mischief (The Play                                             jaw-dropping feats and irresistible comedy
                                                                                That Goes Wrong, BBC One’s The Goes Wrong                                                genius, Mischief’s Magic Goes Wrong comes
                                                                                Show) return to the stage with their hilarious new                                       to Mayflower Theatre direct from the West End.
                                                                            8   show created with magic legends, Penn & Teller.                                          Book your tickets now, before they vanish out
                                                                                                                                                                         of sight (or sellout!).
 Jools Holland             Anything For Love         What’s Love Got            A hapless gang of magicians are staging an
 and his Rhythm            The Meat Loaf Story       To Do With It?             evening of grand illusion to raise cash for                                              Penn & Teller are co-creators of the show
 and Blues Orchestra       Mon 29 November 2021      Sat 18 December 2021       charity. But as the magic turns to mayhem,                                               and won’t be appearing on stage.
 Sun 28 November 2021      7.30PM                    7.30PM                     accidents spiral out of control and so does
 7.30PM Tickets £48        Tickets from £34.50       Tickets from £28           their fundraising target!

6                          Book Online:
                                                              with us on        11 Recommended age.                                                                                 Box Office: 02380 711811         7
AUTUMN / WINTER 2021 - Mayflower Theatre
TUESDAY 2 – SATURDAY 6 NOVEMBER 2021                                                                         SATURDAY 6 – SATURDAY 20 NOVEMBER 2021
MADAM BUTTERFLY TUE, WED & THU 7.15PM.                                                                       TICKETS FROM £9.50
THE BARBER OF SEVILLE FRI 7.15PM, SAT 2PM.                                                                   WORLD PREMIERE
TICKETS FROM £17                                                                                             A Kenny Wax Family Entertainment & MAST Mayflower Studios co-production

                                                                                                                                                                The world premiere of a brand new kickass-
                                                            Welsh National Opera                                                                                pirational pop musical will burst to life at
                                                                                                                                                                MAST Mayflower Studios this autumn, as the
                                                                                                                                                                     Fantastically Great Women take to the
                                                                                                                                                                        stage to tell their stories.
                                                                                                                                                                       Join our inquisitive heroine Jade as
                                                                                                                                                                        she breaks away from her class to
                                                                                                                                                                            take a peek behind the scenes
                                                                                                                                                                             at the not yet open Gallery
                                                                                                                                                                               of Greatness in the local
                                                                                                                                                                                museum. Along her journey
                                                                                                                                                                                 she is surprised to meet
                                                                                                                                                                                  the original and incredible
                                                                                                                                                                                  Wonder Women: Frida
                                                                                                                                                                                Kahlo, Rosa Parks, Amelia
                                                                                                                                                                             Earhart, Marie Curie, Emmeline
                                                                                                                                                                           Pankhurst to name just a few.
                                                                                                                                                                           From explorers to artists,
                                                                                                                                                                            scientists to secret agents,
                                                                                                                                                                               hear the stories of some of
                                                                                                                                                                                  history’s strongest mothers,
                                                                                                                                                                                  sisters and daughters; all
                                                                                                                                                                                 independent icons who
                                                                                                                                                                                 really did change the world.

         Madam Butterfly Puccini                                                                                                                                                Celebrated dramatist
                                                                                                                                                                               Chris Bush and Number 1 hit

         The Barber of Seville Rossini                                                                                                                                       songwriter Miranda Cooper
                                                                                                                                                                             (Girls Aloud, Kylie Minogue)
                                                                                                                                                                 adapt suffragette descendent Kate
Madam Butterfly                                        The Barber of Seville                                                                                    Pankhurst’s award-winning picture book,
On the surface a dream-like wedding for a groom        Mischievous trickery and action-packed fun.                                                              produced for the stage by the Company
and his young, beautiful bride - but behind the        Count Almaviva has fallen in love with Dr                                                                that brought you the smash hit musical ‘SIX’.
façade is a cruel reality. Abandoned and betrayed,     Bartolo’s ward Rosina, but her guardian has
                                                                                                                                                                FANTASTICALLY GREAT WOMEN WHO
Butterfly finds her world crashing around her as       other ideas and wants to keep her for himself.
                                                                                                                                                                CHANGED THE WORLD is an empowering
her one chance for freedom becomes her prison.         Almaviva enlists the help of local barber, Figaro,
                                                                                                                                                                 new stage show which will be celebrated
Her desperation and pain escalate as she fights for    to outwit his plan, and through a series of
                                                                                                                                                                  by anyone who is prepared to move and
survival with devastating consequences. Madam          comical events and deception Figaro takes on
                                                                                                                                                                   be moved, with characters and songs
Butterfly is a powerful story of unrequited love,      the role of matchmaker. Will he save the day and
                                                                                                                                                                    that pack a popstar punch!
human pain and suffering which is magnificently        true love prevail? Welsh National Opera’s much-
intensified by Puccini’s glorious music, promising a   loved production of The Barber of Seville – set
night of drama and emotion. Inspired by Puccini’s      around a traditional Spanish piazza – partners
fantasy landscape of exotic pleasures, Lindy Hume’s    wonderfully with Rossini’s witty and expressive
new production interprets Butterfly’s famous story     melodies. With an unforgettable score including                          BASED ON THE BOOK BY
through a 21st century lens.                           Figaro’s Aria, this is the perfect feel-good opera.
Sung in Italian, with English surtitles.               Sung in English, with English surtitles.                              K AT E PA N K H U R S T
Approximately 2 hours 45 minutes with one interval.    Approximately 2 hours 50 minutes with one interval.                     AND PUBLISHED BY BLOOMSBURY

8                                                                                                                                                                                                               9
        Book Online:                                                     with us on                                 MAST Box Office: 02380 711833
AUTUMN / WINTER 2021 - Mayflower Theatre
       TUE – SAT 7.30PM, WED, THU & SAT 2PM
       TICKETS FROM £29.50
                                                                                                                                                                                                LIVE ON STAGE

     HHHH ‘THIS PRODUCTION HAS GLAMOUR AND GRIT’                                                 THE TIMES
                       Colin Ingram for InTheatre presents the new Curve Theatre production of

                                                                                                                                                                                               © Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks 2009.

                                                                                                                                                                                   WHAT THE LADYBIRD HEARD                                                                                             THE SMEDS AND THE SMOOS
                                                                                                                                                                                   THU 2 – SAT 4 DECEMBER 2021                                                                                         SAT 12 & SUN 13 FEBRUARY 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                   THU – SAT 10.30AM & 1.30PM,                                                                                         SAT 1.30PM & 4.30PM
                                                                                                                                                                                   SAT 4.30PM                                                                                                          SUN 11AM & 1.30PM
                                                                                                                                                                                   TICKETS FROM £13                                                                                                    TICKETS FROM £12.50                                                                     ALL AGES

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Illustration © 2012 Chris Haughton from Oh No, George!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SHH Font © 2012 Chris Haughton.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Licensed and reproduced by permission of Walker Books
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ltd, London SE11 5HJ
                                                                                                                                    PETER ANDRE
                                                                                                                                   AS TEEN ANGEL
                                                                                                                                AND VINCE FONTAINE
                                                                                                                                      BOOK, MUSIC & LYRICS BY
       TICKETS                                                                                                                    JIM JACOBS & WARREN CASEY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Peppa Pig © Astley Baker Davies Ltd / Entertainment One UK Ltd 2003

                                                                                                                                                                                   OH NO, GEORGE!                                                                                                      PEPPA PIG’S BEST DAY EVER
        FAST!                                                                                                                          NIKOLAI FOSTER
                                                                                                                                                                                   FRI 18 – SUN 20 FEBRUARY 2022                                                                                       WED 20 – THU 21 APRIL 2022
   The One That                                                                                                                           CHOREOGRAPHY
                                                                                                                                       ARLENE PHILLIPS                             FRI 4.30PM, SAT 10.30AM & 1.30PM                                                                                    10AM, 1PM & 4PM
    You Want!                                                                                                                                                                      SUN 10.30AM                                                                                                         TICKETS FROM £17.75
                                                                                                                                                                                   TICKETS FROM £12.50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3                                                                                                                                      ALL AGES

Grease_Southampton_Brochure_148x187.indd 1

       The world’s best-loved musical is back!                                                          One That I Want, this thrilling new version is
                                                                                                                                                                24/08/2021 13:27
                                                                                                                                                                                   FAMILY SHOWS AT MAYFLOWER THEATRE
       Grittier and more glamorous than                                                                 brought to life by a fresh young cast who bring
       ever before.                                                                                     energy, vitality and passion to this ultimate
                                                                                                        musical classic.
       After a whirlwind summer romance, leather-
       clad greaser Danny and girl-next-door Sandy                                                      Directed by Curve’s Artistic Director Nikolai
       are unexpectedly reunited when she transfers                                                     Foster and starring very special guest artist
       to Rydell High for senior year. But can they                                                     – Peter Andre as Teen Angel and Vince
       survive the trials and tribulations of teenage                                                   Fontaine – reignite your passion and get
       life and find true love once more?                                                               ready for an explosion of summer loving.

       With its phenomenal score, bursting with hits                                                    So round-up your Burger Palace Boys, pick up
       including Summer Nights, Greased Lightnin’,                                                      your Pink Ladies and re-discover why Grease                                 FIREMAN SAM                                                                                                        SOOTY’S MAGIC SHOW
                                                                                                                                                                                    SUNDAY 14 NOVEMBER 2021                                                                                            SUNDAY 24 APRIL 2022
       Hopelessly Devoted to You and You’re the                                                         really is the one that you want this term!                                  10.30AM & 1PM                                                                                                      11AM
                                                                                                                                                                                    £18                                                                                                                £16.50
                                                                                                                                                                                    (Family ticket for 4 people £65)
       10         Book Online:                                                          12 Recommended age.           Connect
                                                                                                                                       with us on
AUTUMN / WINTER 2021 - Mayflower Theatre
MONDAY 15 – SATURDAY 20 NOVEMBER 2021                                                                                 TUESDAY 23 – SATURDAY 27 NOVEMBER 2021
MON – SAT 7.30PM, THU & SAT 2PM                                                                                       TUE – SAT 7PM, WED, THU & SAT 2PM
TICKETS FROM £27.50                                                                                                   TICKETS FROM £24.50

CHICAGO, the “sexiest musical ever” (Metro) is         walk out on her. Desperate to avoid conviction,
back in Southampton in November for one week           she dupes the public, the media and her rival
only starring Coronation Street’s Faye Brookes         cellmate, Velma Kelly, by hiring Chicago’s
(Dancing On Ice, Grease, Legally Blonde) as            slickest criminal lawyer to transform her
Roxie Hart, international recording artist and pop     malicious crime into a barrage of sensational
star Sinitta as Matron ‘Mama’ Morton, West End         headlines, the likes of which might just as
and TV star Darren Day (Joseph, We Will Rock           easily be ripped from today's tabloids.
You, Doctors, Celebrity Big Brother) as Billy Flynn,
RuPaul’s Drag Race UK star Divina De Campo             Created by the musical theatre talents of
as Mary Sunshine, and West End stars Djalenga          John Kander, Fred Ebb and legendary                            Direct from a sell out London run, the        Susan and Peter as they wave goodbye to
Scott (Annie, Chicago, West Side Story) as             choreographer Bob Fosse, CHICAGO’s sexy,                       smash hit production of C.S. Lewis’ classic   wartime Britain and embark on the most
Velma Kelly and Joel Montague (Waitress,               sassy score with one show-stopping song after                  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,         magical of adventures in a frozen, faraway
Fat Friends, School of Rock) as Amos Hart.             another includes “Razzle Dazzle”, “Cell Block                  voted the nation’s favourite book in 2019,    land where they meet a Faun, talking
                                                       Tango”, and “All That Jazz”. CHICAGO truly is                  is coming to Mayflower Theatre.               Beavers, the noble king of Narnia, Aslan, and
Set amidst the razzle-dazzle decadence of the          “SUPERB” (Daily Telegraph).                                                                                  the coldest, most evil of all, White Witch.
1920s, CHICAGO is the story of Roxie Hart, a                                                                          Step through the wardrobe into the
                                                       The producers may make alterations to the published cast for
housewife and nightclub dancer who murders             any reason, at any time, and therefore cannot guarantee the    enchanted kingdom of Narnia, where it         This critically acclaimed production is pure
her on-the-side lover after he threatens to            appearance of any named artist.                                is always winter. Join Lucy, Edmund,          theatrical magic.

12      Book Online:                  13 Recommended age.                   Connect
                                                                                             with us on                                                                       Box Office: 02380 711811        13
AUTUMN / WINTER 2021 - Mayflower Theatre
                                                                                          THU – SAT 7.30PM, FRI & SAT 2PM
                                                                                          TICKETS FROM £24.50
                                      A MUSICAL REVUE STARRING MARTIN KAYE AND HIS BAND

SUN 3 OCTOBER 2021                   SAT 9 OCTOBER 2021
7.30PM                               7.30PM
TICKETS FROM £26.50                  TICKETS £22.50

THU 21 OCTOBER 2021                  SIR GEOFFREY BOYCOTT
7.30PM                               FRI 22 OCTOBER 2021 7.30PM
TICKETS £22.50                       TICKETS FROM £19

                                     MAST MEMBERSHIPS
                                              MAST Friend £35
                                       Book before the general public
                                                                                          Discover how the world’s most famous sorcerer    Baz Luhrmann’s Strictly Ballroom), expect an
                                          MAST Supporter £65                              mastered his magic to unite a warring kingdom.   enchanting spectacle.
                                        Book before MAST Friends and
                                                                                          Inspired by the story of the mythical wizard,    Don’t miss the legend reawakened through
                                          get 20% OFF your tickets
                                                                                          Northern Ballet’s Merlin will take you on a      Northern Ballet’s unrivalled blend of classical
                                             at selected shows                            sweeping epic adventure of heartbreak, hope      ballet and dramatic storytelling.
                                                                                          and more than a little magic.
MIG KIMPTON’S GOLDEN GOOSE TALE           MAST Advocate £550                                                                               Please note that this production may contain
– A UNIQUE FLORISTRY SHOW             Personal ticket booking line and                    Choreographed by Olivier Award-winning           short periods of flashing and strobe lighting
SAT 23 OCTOBER 2021 2.30PM                                                                Drew McOnie (Broadway’s King Kong and            effects.
TICKETS £17.50                            other exclusive benefits

14   MAST Box Office: 02380 711833                                                                                   Box Office: 02380 711811        15
AUTUMN / WINTER 2021 - Mayflower Theatre
FRIDAY 10 DECEMBER 2021 –                                                                                                                                                       YOU SHALL GO TO THE
SUNDAY 2 JANUARY 2022                                                                                                                                                           BALL THIS YEAR
 A strictly magical pantomime awaits you with                                                                                                      DECEMBER
 Craig Revel Horwood starring as The Wicked Stepmother,                                                                                            Fri   10              7pm
 Debbie McGee as The Fairy Godmother, the legendary                                                                                                Sat   11   NO PERFORMANCES
 Richard Cadell as Buttons, Daniel Norford as Dandini and
 local talent Georgia Carr as Cinderella.                                                                                                          Sun 12     1pm        5pm

 Packed with all of the traditional pantomime ingredients                                                                                          Mon 13     1.30pm     7pm
 audiences expect, Cinderella features laugh out loud                                                                                              Tue   14   1.30pm     7pm
 comedy, stunning scenery, beautiful costumes and plenty of
 boos and hisses. Join Cinders as she goes from rags to riches,                                                                                    Wed 15     1.30pm     7pm
 outwits her very wicked sisters and meets her dashing                                                                                             Thu   16   1.30pm     7pm
 Prince Charming.
                                                                                                                                                   Fri   17   2pm        7pm
 The clock is ticking, so book your tickets now!
                                                                                                                                                   Sat   18   NO PERFORMANCES

Blue Performances                                       £19.50 - £47.50                                                                            Sun 19     1pm        5pm
Pink Performances                                       £19.50 - £39.50
                                                                                                                                                   Mon 20     2pm        7pm
Relaxed Performance *                                   £15
*A specially adapted performance for customers with a wide range
 of disabilities and for those on the autistic spectrum.
                                                                                                                                                   Tue   21   2pm        7pm

                                                                                                                                                   Wed 22     2pm        7pm

                                                                                                                                                   Thu   23   2pm        7pm
EXECUTIVE MEMBERSHIP                                                               CAR FULL TICKET                                                 Fri   24   1pm        5pm
£6.00 off top two prices at all                                                    £135 for 5 people. Available on Mon 13
performances.                                                                      to Thu 16 Dec only. (Available on top 3                         Sat   25   NO PERFORMANCES
                                                                                   prices for Blue performances and top 2
ACCESS MEMBER                                                                      prices on Pink performances).                                   Sun 26     2pm        7pm
£5.00 off
Not available on Sun 19 to Sun 26 Dec.                                             BUTTONS OFFER                                                   Mon 27     2pm        7pm
                                                                                   Up to 2 under 16s at £19.50 each
GROUPS 20+                                                                         with one full paying adult.
£8.00 off and one free with every 20.                                                                                                              Tue   28   2pm        7pm
                                                                                   Subject to availability.
Not available Sun 19 to Sun 26 Dec.                                                Not available Sun 19 to Sun 26 Dec.
                                                                                                                                                   Wed 29     1pm        7pm
PEOPLE’S GROUP 10+                                                                 YOUNG PERSONS (under 18)
                                                                                   £5 off each ticket in price zones                               Thu   30   2pm        7pm
£10.50 each ticket for Green and Pink
performances and Mon 13 to Thu 16 Dec                                              A and B at every performance.
                                                                                                                                                   Fri   31   1pm        5pm
7pm - 1 free supervisor to 8 children.
                                                                                                                                                   Sat   1    NO PERFORMANCES
 †Discounts do not apply to the lowest price seats, and are not available on 29 December 1pm performance. Subject to availability.
 May be withdrawn at any time. Only one discount per ticket. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that information in this leaflet is correct,    Sun 2      1pm        5pm
 changes may occur. Terms and conditions apply; please check when booking your tickets.

16                Book Online:                                                                                                   Box Office: 02380 711811
FRIDAY 10 – FRIDAY 24 DECEMBER 2021                                                        SATURDAY 18 – FRIDAY 31 DECEMBER 2021
TICKETS £9.50                                                                              2PM & 6PM – SEE WEBSITE FOR FULL SCHEDULE
                                                                                           TICKETS FROM £9.50

                                                                                                                             Based on Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
                                                                                             By arrangement with Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity And Samuel French Limited.
  A great                                                                                  This amateur production of “Peter Pan” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH LTD.
  treat for
 under 5s

                                                                                                                                                                                              Cast from previous production
An enchanting adventure for little ones and
     their grown-ups this Christmas.
 “Second star to the right, and straight on til                                            Join MAST Mayflower Studios for our very          a score with a mix of songs from the
morning, that's how you reach the Neverland.”                                              first Christmas Youth production which            musicals and popular music.
                                                                                           promises to take you on a magical
                                                                                                                                             Join Peter, Wendy, Tinkerbell and the Lost
                                                                                           journey with Peter Pan: An Awfully
                                                                                                                                             Ones as they battle the pirates and the evil
Step into a soft, snuggly and sparkly world, where little ones                             Big Musical Adventure!
                                                                                                                                             Captain Hook in the classic story of the boy
and their grown-ups will be transported though the stars, with                             Delight in a new version of Peter Pan             who never grew up. Journey to Neverland
                                                                                           adapted from JM Barrie’s wonderful play           this Christmas for a fun filled festive family
music and singing as they discover the way to Neverland.                                   with a cast of talented young people.             adventure which celebrates the joy of being
                                                                                           This production has been adapted for our          young and never wanting to grow up.
All shows will be relaxed and baby friendly, with audiences free to move and make noise.   Christmas Youth Project cast and features         To live is an Awfully Big Adventure!

18   MAST Mayflower Studios                                                     MAST Box Office: 02380 711833           19
TUESDAY 4 – SATURDAY 8 JANUARY 2022                                                                     TUESDAY 11 – SUNDAY 16 JANUARY 2022
TUE – SAT 7.30PM, THU & SAT 2PM                                                                         TUE – SAT 7.30PM, THU, SAT & SUN 2PM
TICKETS FROM £24.50                                                                                     TICKETS FROM £29.50

          DIRECT FROM THE WEST END                                                                      A BEWITCHING PRODUCTION. A TRIUMPH.’
                                                                                                                                                     DAILY TELEGRAPH


                                                                                                                                  MICHAEL HARRISON

WINNER! Best New Musical Whats On Stage Awards, London

The smash-hit musical comes to Southampton,          Jamie is going to be a sensation. Supported
featuring West End star Layton Williams, and         by his brilliant loving mum and surrounded
RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 6 winner Bianca            by his friends, Jamie overcomes prejudice,         Enter a world of magic and fantasy as Disney’s        When three orphaned children are reluctantly
Del Rio as Loco Chanelle and TV favourite            beats the bullies and steps out of the             classic movie Bedknobs and Broomsticks                evacuated from wartime London to live with
Shobna Gulati as Ray, reprising their roles from     darkness, into the spotlight. With an original     makes its world premiere as an exciting new           trainee witch Eglantine Price, they have no idea
the critically acclaimed West End production.        score of catchy pop tunes by lead singer-          stage musical. With original songs by the             what adventures lie ahead.
                                                     songwriter of The Feeling, Dan Gillespie Sells     legendary Sherman Brothers (Mary Poppins,
Funny, fabulous and feel-good, this is the           and writer Tom MacRae (Doctor Who), this           The Jungle Book, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang), new        Armed with an enchanted bedknob, a bewitched
musical sensation for all the family and not to      brand-new musical will have everybody              music and lyrics by Neil Bartram and book by          broomstick and a magical flying bed, they
be missed! Jamie New is sixteen and lives on         talking about Jamie for years to come.             Brian Hill; Bedknobs and Broomsticks will be          encounter surprising new friendships on their
a council estate in Sheffield. Jamie doesn’t         Sixteen: the edge of possibility. Time to          brought to life by award-winning theatre-makers       journey from Portobello Road to the depths of
quite fit in. Jamie is terrified about the future.   make your dreams come true.                        Candice Edmunds and Jamie Harrison.                   the beautiful briny sea.

20      Book Online:                Parental discretion – contains mild swear words.                                                                    Box Office: 02380 711811         21
TUESDAY 18 – SATURDAY 22 JANUARY 2022                                                              TUESDAY 25 – SATURDAY 29 JANUARY 2022
TUE – SAT 7.30PM, THU & SAT 2PM                                                                    TUE – SAT 7.30PM, WED, THU & SAT 2PM
TICKETS FROM £19.50                                                                                TICKETS FROM £22.50

                                                                                                           ‘Astonishing and Unmissable.’
                                                                           ‘COMEDY                                                                  Sunday Express

                                                                                 Daily Mail

                                                                          ‘A VERY
                                                                        FUNNY FARCE’
                                                                               Sunday Times

                                                                          ‘UTTER JOY’

‘Full of play, joy               ‘There’s no resisting                     ‘Top of the class’
  and humour’                     gags of this calibre’                          WhatsOnStage                                                      ★★★★★
   Broadway World                          Sunday Times                                            ‘A beautiful and dazzlingly inventive show about the wonders of life.’
                                                                                                                                                    Evening Standard

Following their phenomenal rise to global          lives already written? Do we ever really grow
success with smash hit comedies The Play           up?’, Groan Ups follows an unruly classroom     The National Theatre’s acclaimed production               Fifteen-year-old Christopher has an
That Goes Wrong, The Comedy About a Bank           of six year-olds on their journey through       of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the                 extraordinary brain. He is exceptional at
Robbery, Peter Pan Goes Wrong and The Goes         anarchic high school teenagers to the           Night-Time returns to Southampton as part                 maths, while everyday life presents some
Wrong Show on BBC One, multi award-                challenges of adulthood.                        of its triumphant 10th Anniversary tour.                  barriers. He has never ventured alone
winning Mischief return to the stage with their                                                                                                              beyond the end of his road, he detests
brand-new comedy all about growing up.             Mischief shows sell-out fast, so bag your       Director Marianne Elliott's ‘extraordinary'               being touched and he distrusts strangers.
                                                   tickets early – this is a lesson not to be      (Time) smash-hit production brings Mark                   When he falls under suspicion for killing his
Looking for answers to the questions, ‘do we       skipped!                                        Haddon's best-selling novel to thrilling life             neighbour’s dog, it takes him on a journey
choose who we become? Is the story of our                                                          on stage.                                                 that upturns his world.

22     Book Online:               12 Recommended age.           Connect
                                                                                 with us on        Photo of 2017/18 cast by Brinkhoff/Mögenburg.                       Box Office: 02380 711811        23
                                                                                                                                                                           TUE – SAT 7.30PM, THU & SAT 2PM
                                                                                                                                                                           TICKETS FROM £19.50
                                                                                                                           BARMY BRITAIN                               5
                                                                                                                           WED 8 - SAT 11 DECEMBER 2021
                                                                                                                           TICKETS £19
                                                                                                                           We all want to meet people from history.
                                                                                                                           The trouble is everyone is dead! So it’s
                                                                                                                           time to prepare yourselves for Horrible
                                                                                                                           Histories live on stage!
                                                                                                                           Can you beat battling Boudicca? Would
                                                                                                                           you be a martyr for the Magna Carta?
                                                                                                                           Will you lose your heart or head to
                                                                                                                           horrible Henry VIII? Will Parliament survive
                                                                                                                           gunpowder Guy?
                                                                                                                           Dare you stand and deliver to dastardly
                                                                                                                           Dick Turpin? Escape the clutches of Burke
                                                                                                                           and Hare and move to the groove with
                                                                                                                           party Queen Victoria!
                                                                                                                           It’s the horrible history of Britain with the
                                                                                                                           nasty bits left in – to entertain the whole

                                                                                                                           GANGSTA GRANNY                              5
                                                                                                                           WED 12 - SUN 16 JANUARY 2022
                                                                                                                           TICKETS FROM £17.50
                                                                                                                           It’s Friday night and Ben knows that means
                                                                                                                           only one thing – staying with Granny!
                                                                                                                           There will be cabbage soup, cabbage
                                                                                                                           pie and cabbage cake and Ben knows
                                                                                                                           one thing for sure – it’s going to be
                                                                                                                           sooooooooo boring!
                                                                                                                           But what Ben doesn’t know is that
                                                                                                                           Granny has a secret – and Friday nights
                                                                                                                           are about to get more exciting than he
Illustrations © Tony Ross, 2011. Cover lettering of author’s name © Quentin Blake, 2010.

                                                                                                                                                                           Amber Davies and Louis Smith are ready to             When she’s forced to move to the neighbouring
                                                                                                                           could ever imagine, as he embarks on
                                                                                                                                                                           BRING IT ON as the smash hit Broadway Musical         hard-knock Jackson High, Campbell fears her
                                                                                                                           the adventure of a lifetime with his very
                                                                                                                                                                           back flips into the UK. Inspired by the film of the   life is over. But an unlikely friendship catapults
                                                                                                                           own Gangsta Granny!
                                                                                                                                                                           same name, Bring It On The Musical takes you on       Campbell back into contention with a powerhouse
                                                                                                                           From the acclaimed producers of                 a high-flying, energy fuelled journey which tackles   squad and the fire to achieve the impossible.
                                                                                                                           Billionaire Boy and Awful Auntie comes          friendship, jealousy, betrayal and forgiveness –
                                                                                                                           the award-winning West End production           wrapped up in explosive choreography and tricks.      Bring it On is produced by Selladoor Productions
                                                                                                                           of this amazing story by David Walliams,                                                              (Flashdance, Avenue Q) and is written by Tony
                                                                                                                           the UK’s best-selling author for children.      Cheer-royalty and newly crowned Squad Captain,        Award Winners Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton),
                                                                                                                                                                           Campbell, should be embarking on her most             Jeff Whitty (Avenue Q), Tom Kitt (Grease: Live)
                                                                                                                                                                           cheertastic senior year at Truman High School.        and lyricist Amanda Green (High Fidelity).

24                                                                                         MAST Box Office: 02380 711833                  10 Recommended age.                                              Box Office: 02380 711811          25
THU – SAT 7.30PM, SAT 2PM                                                                                                            Celebrate, laugh and dine together in our Ovation Suite
                                                                                                                                     Three course dinner & immersive performance experience

                                                                                                                             Celebrate, laugh and dine together in our Ovation Suite
                                                                                                                               Three course dinner & immersive performance experience

Carlos Acosta’s                                                                                                                    Only Fools & Three Courses       Faulty Towers Comedy Dining

Don Quixote                                                                                                                              Wed 1 Dec | £69              Mon 6 & Tue 7 Dec | £69

10 – 12 February                                                                                                            Book at or call 02380 711811
                                                                                                                               Treat yourself - use your gift vouchers!

                                                                                                                                Make your visit extra special
                                                                                                                                  Afternoon Teas
                                                                                              Céline Gittens as Kitri
                                                                                                                                                                    Platters & VIP Experiences
                                                                                              © Bella Kotak
                                                                                                                        Our delightful afternoon teas are back.   Introducing our all-new charcuterie
                                                                                                                         Why not add a glass of bubbly too?         and cheese platters (vegan & GF
                                                                                                                                Go on - treat yourself!                    options available)
                                                                                                                                   From £17.95                               From £9.95

Birmingham Royal Ballet’s Director              As the Don sets out on a quest to track down
Carlos Acosta promises entertainment            his true love, with his loyal friend and servant
for all ages when he brings an explosion of     Sancho Panza at his side, he finds himself
Spanish sunshine, spectacular dance and         embroiled in an unlikely adventure of love
vivacious comedy to Mayflower Theatre.          and dreams.

In a new production created especially for      Join us for the first UK performances
Birmingham Royal Ballet, Don Quixote            of Acosta’s sparkling new 21st-century
introduces us to Cervantes’ famous knight       production of this 19th-century masterpiece.
himself, lovers Kitri and Basilio, and a host
of supporting characters.                       With live music from the Royal Ballet Sinfonia.                         Festive Afternoon Teas available
                                                                                                                        to book for December 2021
26     Book Online:
                                                                              with us on
MON – SAT 7.30PM, FRI & SAT 2.30PM

                                                                     SIMPLY A
                                                                            A WORK
                                                                    OF GENIUS                                THE

      THE BEST
          BEST                                                       IT
                                                                     ITSS FUNNIER
                                                                         ’’                  ””


                                                                    The New York Times calls it ‘The best musical         Matt Stone, and Bobby Lopez co-writer

           THIS                                                     of this century.’ The Washington Post says,
                                                                    ‘It is the kind of evening that restores your faith
                                                                                                                          of Avenue Q and Frozen, follows the
                                                                                                                          misadventures of a mismatched pair of

                                                                    in musicals.’ And Entertainment Weekly raves,         missionaries, sent on a mission to a place
                                                               ””   ‘Grade A: the funniest musical of all time.’
                                                                    It’s The Book of Mormon, the nine-time
                                                                                                                          that’s about as far from Salt Lake City as
                                                                                                                          you can get.
                                                                    Tony Award and four-time Olivier winning

                                                              ..    Best Musical.                                         Now with sold out productions in London,
                                                                                                                          on Broadway, North America, Melbourne and
                          THE  NEW
                              NEW  YORK
                                  YORK   TIMES
                                       TIMES                        This outrageous musical comedy from                   Sydney, The Book of Mormon has become
                                                                    creators of South Park, Trey Parker and               a worldwide sensation.

                                                                    PARENTAL GUIDANCE
28   Book Online:
                                                 with us on         Contains explicit language and adult humour.                    Box Office: 02380 711811           29
                 MON – SAT 7.30PM, THU & SAT 2PM
                 TICKETS FROM £20

                                                                          ‘THE REBORN DREAM
                                                                           O F A P RO D U C T I O N’       Daily Telegraph

                                                                   Returning by popular demand, Cameron              score of Les Misérables includes the songs
                                                                   Mackintosh’s acclaimed production of Boublil      I Dreamed a Dream, On My Own, Bring Him
                                                                   and Schönberg’s musical Les Misérables            Home, One Day More, Master Of The House
                                                                   returns to Mayflower Theatre in March 2022.       and many more. Seen by over 120 million
                                                                                                                     people worldwide in 52 countries and in 22
                                                                   This brilliant new staging has taken the world    languages, Les Misérables is undisputedly
                                                                   by storm and has been hailed “Les Mis for         one of the world’s most popular musicals.
                                                                   the 21st Century”. With scenery inspired by
TM © 1986 CMOL

                                                                   the paintings of Victor Hugo, the magnificent     Storm the barricades for a ticket!

                 30   Book Online:
                                                      with us on                                                               Box Office: 02380 711811      31
TUESDAY 1 – WEDNESDAY 2 MARCH 2022                     12
                                                                                    TICKETS FROM £14.50

The Pundits                 The Night Sky Show          Queen Extravaganza
Sun 9 Jan 2022              Sun 23 January 2022         Sun 30 January 2022
8PM                         7PM                         7.30PM
Tickets from £32.50         Tickets from £19.50         Tickets from £21


Jack Dee                    Anton & Erin                RuPaul's Drag Race          MONDAY 28 – WEDNESDAY 30 MARCH 2022                    11
Off The Telly               Showtime                    UK Series 2 Tour            TICKETS FROM £9.50
Sun 13 February 2022        Sun 27 February 2022        Sun 3 April 2022
8PM                         5PM                         8PM
Tickets £25.50              Tickets from £30            Tickets from £39

                       14                          16

Stewart Lee                 Henning Wehn                Jimmy Carr Terribly Funny
Snowflake/Tornado           It'll All Come Out          Sun 20 February &
Sun 24 April 2022           In The Wash                 Mon 16 May 2022
7.30PM                      Sun 8 May 2022 7.30PM       7.30PM
Tickets from £24.50         Tickets from £25            Tickets £32.50

32                                                                                                                                             33
                            Book Online:         with us on    MAST Box Office: 02380 711833
                                                                                     TUE – SAT 7.30PM, THU & SAT 2PM
                                                                                     TICKETS FROM £24.50
                                     SHEILA’S ISLAND                          13
                                     TUE 15 - SAT 19 MARCH 2022
                                     TICKETS FROM £12.50
                                     Sheila’s Island is a sparkling, sharp-
                                     witted new comedy from writer Tim Firth                                        A New Adventures Production
                                     (Calendar Girls, Kinky Boots, The Band);
                                     starring Sara Crowe (Four Weddings
                                     and a Funeral) as Fay, Judy Flynn (The
                                     Brittas Empire, Dinnerladies) as Sheila
                                     and Abigail Thaw (Endeavour) as Denise.
                                     Bonfire night 2019 and Sheila, Denise, Julie,
                                     and Fay are Team C in Pennine Mineral
                                     Water Ltd.’s annual outward bound team-
                                     building weekend.
                                     Somehow, Marketing Manager Sheila has
                                     been nominated team leader, and has
                                     unwittingly stranded her team on an island
                                     in the Lake District. As the mobile batteries
                                     die, cold and hunger take over. Questions
                                     are asked, truths are told. Can Sheila keep
                                     tempers from fraying, nails from breaking
                                     and get her band of top level executives
                                     safely back to shore?

                                     THE RISE & FALL
                                     OF LITTLE VOICE
                                     WED 23 - SAT 26 MARCH 2022
                                     TICKETS FROM £12.50
                                     Meet Little Voice and Mari Hoff. Little Voice
                                     leads a quiet and unassuming life, whilst                               RE-IMAGINED FOR THE 21st CENTURY
                                     Mari prefers the sound of her own voice. Left
                                     to her own devices, LV starts to embody the
                                     famous divas she plays on repeat, swapping
                                     the grey backstreets of Northern England for               ‘Reworked, refreshed and remarkably vibrant’
                                     the bright lights of Hollywood and Broadway,                                             The Times
                                     all from the safety of her own bedroom.
                                     Starring TV favorite Shobna Gulati              The sweetest of all Matthew Bourne’s treats    kingdom of Sweetieland, influenced by the
                                     (Coronation Street, Dinnerladies, Loose         returns to Southampton for one week only!      lavish Hollywood musicals of the 1930’s.
                                     Women), British soap royalty Ian Kelsey
                                     (Emmerdale, Casualty) and ‘the girl of a        It’s a Nutcracker! for all seasons, adored     Tchaikovsky’s glorious score and Anthony
                                     thousand voices’ and two-time Drama Desk        by critics and audiences alike. With family-   Ward’s delectable sets and costumes
                                     Award Nominee Christina Bianco, as Little       sized helpings of Bourne’s trademark wit,      combine with Bourne’s dazzling choreography
                                     Voice. With humour, heart and countless         pathos and magical fantasy, Nutcracker!        to create a fresh and charmingly irreverent
                                     powerhouse ballads all performed live on
                                                                                     follows Clara’s bittersweet journey from a     interpretation of the classic.
                                     stage, featuring music from Judy Garland,
                                                                                     darkly comic Christmas Eve at Dr. Dross’
                                     Shirley Bassey, Billie Holliday and many
                                     more, this life-affirming production will
                                                                                     Orphanage, through a shimmering, ice-skating   Expect a sprinkling of delicious new surprises
                                     rouse even the weariest of souls.               winter wonderland to the scrumptious candy     in this reinvented production for 2022.

34   MAST Box Office: 02380 711833                                                                           Box Office: 02380 711811        35
MONDAY 4 – SATURDAY 9 APRIL 2022                                                                   TUESDAY 12 – SATURDAY 16 APRIL 2022
MON–SAT 7.30PM, THU & SAT 2PM                                                                      TUE – SAT 7.30PM, WED, THU & SAT 2PM
TICKETS FROM £26.50                                                                                TICKETS FROM £29.50

                                                                                                     THE BROADWAY & WEST END HIT MUSICAL

                           SHERRIE HEWSON JESSICA ELLIS
                            and LES DENNIS

The ‘weight’ is over! A star-studded             Based on the highly popular ITV series,
Fat Friends – The Musical is back.               with great new music by Nick Lloyd Webber,        A brand new production of the Award Winning       best friends Cynthia Weil and Barry Mann, to
Bigger and better than ever!                     this hugely entertaining musical reunites         West End and Broadway show, Beautiful – The       becoming one of the most successful solo
                                                 our favourite foodie friends as they are          Carole King Musical, comes to Southampton.        acts in popular music history.
Following the massive success of its             put through their Zumba paces at their
first outing, Kay Mellor’s Fat Friends –         local slimming club, whilst Kelly fantasizes      Long before she was Carole King, the chart-       Along the way, she wrote the soundtrack to
The Musical, returns starring Lee Mead           about fitting into the wedding dress of           topping music legend, she was an ordinary girl    a generation, with countless classics such as
(Holby City, Joseph), Sherrie Hewson             her dreams.                                       with an extraordinary talent. Beautiful tells     (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman,
(Coronation Street, Benidorm), Jessica Ellis                                                       the inspiring true story of King's remarkable     Take Good Care of My Baby, You've Got a
(Hollyoaks) and direct from his acclaimed West   Serving up the tasty treat of a feel-good night   rise to stardom, from being part of a hit song-   Friend, So Far Away, It Might as Well Rain
End run in Hairspray, Les Dennis (The Addams     out for every body, Fat Friends - The Musical     writing team with her husband Gerry Goffin,       Until September, Up on the Roof, and
Family, Legally Blonde, Coronation Street).      is a feast full of fun and a huge hit!            to her relationship with fellow writers and       The Locomotion.

36     Book Online:             14 Recommended age.          Connect
                                                                              with us on           10 Recommended age.                                         Box Office: 02380 711811       37
TUESDAY 19 – SATURDAY 23 APRIL 2022                                                             TUESDAY 26 APRIL – SATURDAY 30 APRIL 2022
TUE – SAT 7.30PM, WED, THU & SAT 2PM                                                            TICKETS FROM £22.50
TICKETS FROM £29.50                                                                             The blockbuster story that captivated the world is now an epic stage thriller. With over 100 million
                                                                                                copies sold, unlock the secrets of THE DA VINCI CODE in the world premiere stage adaptation of
                                                                                                the international phenomenon and uncover the truth in the greatest thriller of the past 2000 years.

  AS PHARAOH                                                                AS JOSEPH

 ‘SENSATIONAL’                                                              ‘A DELIGHT’
   SUNDAY EXPRESS                                                                 METRO


                                                                                                TUESDAY 3 MAY – SATURDAY 7 MAY 2022
                                                                                                TICKETS FROM £24.50
                                                                                                The musical phenomenon returns in a brand new production filled with classic hits giving you the best
                                                                                                excuse to cut loose!

                                                                                                                                                 JAKE QUICKENDEN                             DARREN DAY
                                                                                                                                                          As Willard                             As Reverend Moore

                                           THE SUN

Direct from two triumphant seasons at           and has become one of the world’s most
The London Palladium, the sensational           beloved family musicals.                                                                                                                             THE
brand-new production of Tim Rice and                                                                                                                                                               MUSICAL
Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Joseph and The            With stars from the London Palladium Jason                                                                                            CLASSIC HIT SO
                                                                                                                                                               F E AT U R I N G T H E
Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat comes             Donovan and Jac Yarrow, the show features                                                                      HOLDING OUT FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                  A HERO
to Mayflower Theatre for one week only!         songs that have gone on to become pop and                                                                             MOST  PA RADISE
                                                musical theatre classics, including Any Dream                                                                  LET’S HEAR IT FOR THE
                                                                                                                                                                                          RSE THE
                                                                                                                                                                          A N D O F CO U
The multi award-winning show has been           Will Do, Close Every Door To Me, There’s One                                                                        U N F O R G E T TA
                                                                                                                                                                                       BLE TITLE T
                                                                                                                                                                                                   R AC K

performed in over 80 countries worldwide        More Angel In Heaven and Go, Go, Go Joseph.                                                                               FOOTLOOSE

38    Book Online:
                                                                            with us on                                                   Mayflower Theatre Box Office: 02380 711811                                  39
TUESDAY 17 – SATURDAY 21 MAY 2022                                                                 14       TUESDAY 7 – SUNDAY 12 JUNE 2022                                                                     10
TICKETS FROM £20.50                                                                                        TICKETS FROM £24.50
From the director of The Play That Goes Wrong and based on the classic Hasbro detective board              From Tudor queens to pop princesses, the six wives of Henry VIII finally take to the mic to tell their
game, this UK premier production of Cluedo promises audiences of all ages a nostalgic, fun and             tales, remixing five hundred years of historical heartbreak into a 80 minute celebration of 21st century
thrilling evening of entertainment. This hilarious spoof of a thriller will keep you guessing right up     girl power. Plus, polish your crowns for an exclusive Sing-A-Long performance for the karaoke
to the finale, as both the audience and the onstage familiar characters, including Ms. Scarlett and        Queens among us on Friday 10 June, 5pm.
Colonel Mustard, try to work out whodunnit… with what… and where!
                     A brand new thriller spoof inspired by the the classic board game

                   THE ULTIMATE WHODUMMIT

TUESDAY 24 – SATURDAY 28 MAY 2022                                                                     13   TUESDAY 14 – SATURDAY 18 JUNE 2022
TICKETS FROM £29.50                                                                                        TICKETS FROM £29.50
“Treat yourself to a slice of five-star musical pie” (The Times) as Waitress visits Southampton            A smash-hit at Chichester Festival Theatre and in the West End, Jonathan Church’s critically
direct from the West End! Starring Lucie Jones with music from Grammy® award-winning                       acclaimed production of Singin’ in the Rain makes a splash in Southampton in 2022.
Sara Bareilles.

                                                                                                                   “A NIGHT OF SHEER DELIGHT”
                                                                                                                    Daily Telegraph

                                                                                                                    SAM LIPS CHARLOTTE GOOCH
                                                                                                                    JENNY GAYNER
                                                                                                                    WITH                                              BASED ON THE CLASSIC MGM FILM
                                                                                                                    KEVIN CLIFTON

40                                 Book Online:
                                                                                         with us on                                                  Mayflower Theatre Box Office: 02380 711811               41
FRIDAY 24 – SATURDAY 25 JUNE 2022                                                          12
                                                                                                  TUESDAY 5 – SATURDAY 16 JULY 2022
TICKETS FROM £24.50                                                                               MON – SAT 7.30PM, THU & SAT 2PM
The West End and Broadway hit musical is back and the party is gonna be BIGGER than ever!         TICKETS FROM £29.50
ROCK OF AGES is an LA love story lavished with over 25 CLASSIC ROCK ANTHEMS played
loud and proud by an AWESOME live band.GET READY TO ROCK!

                                                                                                  THE CROWD GOES WILD

TUESDAY 28 JUNE – SATURDAY 2 JULY 2022                                                     13
This award-winning wild child musical thunders through Meat Loaf’s legendary powerhouse

                                                                                                                           ‘FIGHT FOR A TICKET’
anthems including I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That), Paradise By The Dashboard
Light, Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad, Dead Ringer For Love and Bat Out of Hell, in an over the top
theatrical spectacle unlike any other.
                                                                                                                                               MANCHESTER EVENING NEWS

                                                                                                                                         ‘Oh What a Night’
                                                                                                                                                Express & Star

                                                                                                  They were just four guys from Jersey, until                Go behind the music and inside the story of
                                                                                                  they sang their very first note. They had a                Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons in the
                                                                                                  sound nobody had ever heard… and the radio                 Olivier Award-winning, original Broadway
                                                                                                  just couldn’t get enough of. But while their               sensation, JERSEY BOYS.
                                                                                                  harmonies were perfect on stage, off stage
                                                                                                  it was a very different story – a story that has           From the streets of New Jersey to the Rock
                                                                                                  made them an international sensation all over              and Roll Hall of Fame, this is the musical
                                                                                                  again. The show features all their hits including          that’s too good to be true.
                                                                                                  “Sherry,” “Big Girls Don’t Cry,” “Oh What A Night,”
                                                                                                  “Walk Like A Man,” “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You”
                                                                                                  and “Working My Way Back To You.”

42                              Book Online:
                                                                              with us on          12 Recommended age.                                                    Box Office: 02380 711811      43
MONDAY 18 – SATURDAY 23 JULY 2022                                                              8
                                                                                                           THU 8 SEPTEMBER – SAT 15 OCTOBER 2022
TICKETS FROM £29.50                                                                                        TUE – SAT 7.30PM, THU, SAT & SUN 2.30PM
                                                                                                           TICKETS FROM £20
                                                                                                           Relaxed performance Wed 12 Oct 1.30PM

Andrew Lloyd Webber’s hit musical School of Rock, is coming to Southampton! With 14 new songs,
all the original movie songs and a band of insanely talented kids playing live. School of Rock will
warm your heart and blow you away in equal measure.

TUESDAY 26 – SATURDAY 30 JULY 2022                                                            12
The multi award-winning master of mind control
and psychological illusion is back, launching his
first brand new stage show in six years.
The content of the show remains a closely guarded
secret, but if you’ve seen him live before, you know
                                                                                                                                                                                       SUPPORTED BY
you’re in for a powerhouse treat!

                                                                                                      © Disney

                                                                                                           The Lion King Musical transports audiences        transformed into a spectacular theatrical
                                                                                                           to a dazzling world that explodes with glorious   experience that explodes with glorious colours,
                                                                                                           colours, stunning effects and enchanting          stunning effects and enchanting music.
                                                                                                           music. At its heart is the powerful and moving
                                                                                                           story of Simba - the epic adventure of his        With music by Elton John, lyrics by Tim Rice,
                                                                                                           journey from wide-eyed cub to his destined        a musical score created by Hans Zimmer
                                                                                                           role as King of the Pridelands.                   and choral arrangements by Lebo M,
                                                                                                                                                             Disney's The Lion King London songs include
                                                                                                           Brilliantly reimagined by acclaimed director      I Just Can't Wait to Be King, The Circle of Life,
                                                                                                           Julie Taymor, Disney’s beloved film has been      Endless Night and Shadow Land.

44                               Book Online:
                                                                                 with us on                                                                             Box Office: 02380 711811         45
TUESDAY 16 – SATURDAY 20 AUGUST 2022                                                                                                  13
                                                                              TICKETS FROM £29.50

                                                                                       THE GLOBAL PHENOMENON RETURNS

                                                                                                                                                                                              ‘A KIND OF MAGIC.
                                                                                      Phil McIntyre Entertainment, Queen Theatrical Productions and Tribeca Theatrical Productions present

                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Sun

That'll Be The Day          Oti Mabusi:               The Best of
Sun 15 May 2022             I Am Here                 John Williams
7PM                         Sun 22 May 2022           Sun 29 May 2022
Tickets from £26.50         5PM                       5PM
                            Tickets from £30          Tickets from £29.50

                                                                              The worldwide smash hit musical by Queen and Ben Elton returns to the UK. The multi-million-
                                                                              pound show dazzles all the senses in breath-taking style. Guaranteed to blow your mind, this musical
                                                                              phenomenon is not to be missed!

                                                                              TUESDAY 8 – SATURDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2022
                                                                              TICKETS FROM £15
The Simon &                 Sandi Toksvig             Lea Salonga
Garfunkel Story             Sun 5 June 2022           Sunday 19 June 2022
Wed 1 June 2022             7.30PM                    7.30PM
7PM                         Tickets from £27.50       Tickets from £30.50
Tickets from £29.50

                                                      DON’T FORGET
                                                        to spend your
                                                      Mayflower Theatre
                                                      Gift Vouchers on a
Alan Carr                   A Beautiful Noise         fantastic theatrical
Mon 20 – Wed 22 June 2022   Thu 23 June 2022             experience at
8PM                         7.30PM
Tickets from £27.50         Tickets from £24.50          either of our        You Loved Them For A Reason. Now, for the first time, you can see this sensational new
                                                            venues            musical and relive one of the world’s biggest ever boybands, featuring a chart topping hits including
                                                                              Love Me For A Reason, Crazy Horses and Puppy Love. We’re Having a Party – and you’re invited!

46                          Book Online:
                                                                 with us on                                                                                            Mayflower Theatre Box Office: 02380 711811   47
MONDAY 14 – SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2022                                                        12
Direct from the West End with an extraordinary story and the unforgettable, spine-tingling vocals          In association with Southampton
that send audiences wild, let your soul sing with the dazzling multi-award winning DREAMGIRLS              City of Culture Bid & Art Aisia
at Mayflower Theatre in 2022!

                                                                                                           ZAKIR HUSSAIN &                   SOCO AND FOORGE PRESENT THE
                                                                                                           MASTERS OF PERCUSSION             SOUNDS OF SOUTHAMPTON VOL 2
                                                                                                           MON 22 NOVEMBER 2021 7.30PM       TUE 23 NOVEMBER 2021 7.30PM
                                                                                                           TICKETS FROM £19.50               TICKETS £10
        T H E R E ’ S A S T O RY B E H I N D E V E RY D R E A M

English National Ballet performs one of the jewels of classical ballet, in a new version by Tamara Rojo,
inspired by the ground-breaking spirit of Florence Nightingale. Get swept away by the passionate                                             IAN ASHPITEL & JONTY STEPHENS AS
story of Raymonda, brought to life by over 100 dancers and musicians with exquisite choreography,          NOTFLIX                           ERIC & ERN
stunning set pieces and one of the most beautiful ballet scores ever written.                              SAT 27 NOVEMBER 2021              SAT 29 - SUN 30 JANUARY 2022
                                                                                                           7.30PM                            SAT 7.30PM & SUN 2.30PM
                                                                                                           TICKETS £17.50                    TICKETS FROM £14.50

                                                   LOVE AND COURAGE IN A TIME OF WAR
                                                                                                           BUDDY HOLLY & THE CRICKETERS      RAY MEARS – WE ARE NATURE
                                                                                                           FRI 11 FEBRUARY 2022              FRI 4 MARCH 2022
                                                                                                           7.30PM                            7.30PM
 Photo © Jason Bell                                Production Partner: Mayflower Theatre                   TICKETS FROM £19                  TICKETS £26.50

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                                       Book Online:                 with us on               MAST Box Office: 02380 711833
Mayflower Youth Theatre is back for the Autumn Term and we
can't wait to open our doors and welcome you into our building.

We are thrilled to be running these in-person   All MYT members will receive:
drama sessions for young people aged 11-18
with a passion for theatre-making.              • 10 weekly sessions with a variety of
                                                   practitioners, from many different
Each week you will be inspired and guided          performance backgrounds
as you develop your experience in theatre.      • Opportunities to see live theatre at
Our programme is tailored to give you              either MAST Mayflower Studios or
opportunities to develop your skills in            Mayflower Theatre
a fun and supportive environment.
                                                • Youth Membership for the
You can choose to focus on stage craft,            academic year
improvisation plus character and script work
                                                • Chance to complete an Arts Award
or you may want to join one of our groups
that has more of an emphasis on developing      • Performance opportunities
singing, acting and dancing skills.             • FREE Youth Theatre T-shirt.

You are welcome to join us for a free taster session before committing to the group.
         Please ring our Box Office to book your taster on 02380 711833.
            All sessions will take place at MAST Mayflower Studios.
          Visit to book online and for more information
                     including available groups, session times
                                    and prices.

                                                                             with us on
              SAT 2 – SUN 10 OCTOBER 2021
We are excited to present our Festival of Loveliness this October.
A week-long celebration of kindness, creativity and hope... because we all need
some loveliness right now! For more information, visit the website.
Fun Palace Family Day (Family). . ................................................................ SAT 2 OCTOBER
366 Days of Kindness (Comedy)................................................................ SAT 2 OCTOBER
Everlasting Cake Scratch Night (Drama)........................................MON 4 OCTOBER
Kitty Rats (Comedy). . ........................................................................................... TUE 5 OCTOBER
My Soulmate’s Husband’s Soulmate (Drama).. ...........................WED 6 OCTOBER
Tongue Fu (Poetry). . .............................................................................................. THU 7 OCTOBER
Poetry and Mentoring Symposium (Poetry). . .....................................FRI 8 OCTOBER
Sofa City (Music).......................................................................................................FRI 8 OCTOBER
48-hour Sharing. . ............................................................................................... SUN 10 OCTOBER

                                                                     SoCo in association with
                                                                     MAST Mayflower Studios present
                                                                     The Chateau Bateau Band & Polly
                                                                     Gone Wrong FRI 12 NOVEMBER 2021 £10

 SoCo in association with
 MAST Mayflower Studios present
 Gwenifer Raymond & Ichiko Aoba
 SUN 14 NOVEMBER 2021 £12.50

                                                                     ArtfulScribe in association with
                                                                     MAST Mayflower Studios present
                                                                     Write a Note
                                                                     MON 1 NOV & MON 13 DEC 2021 FREE

 Zoie Logic Dance Theatre present                                    AN SOS Presents production
 HEADFUNK                                                            Legally Blonde – The Musical
 FRI 19 NOVEMBER 2021 £8                                             WED 19 – SAT 22 JANUARY 2022 FROM £10                                                   MAST Box Office: 02380 711833                         51
If undelivered, please return to: Mayflower Theatre, Commercial Road, Southampton SO15 1GE


             3 –7 JANUARY 2023                                              20 – 25 FEBRUARY 2023

              HHHHH        THE SUNDAY TIMES


                              DIRECTED BY
                         CAROLINE JAY RANGER

   27 MARCH – 1 APRIL 2023                                                             2–6 MAY 2023

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