Page created by Jordan Thornton

Better choices, richer
experiences, more meaningful
narratives, new form factors,
and individualized attention.
Today’s Best Global Brands are
meeting rising expectations—
and moving at the speed of
people’s lives.

2    #BGB2015   3
Brands at the Speed of Life               It’s why we hold brands to such high
                                          expectations—for better choices, richer
                                                                                    That means the most successful
                                                                                    brands—the ones with the most
By Jez Frampton, Global CEO               experiences, meaningful narratives,       presence in a person’s life—are
                                          one-on-one attention, new form factors.   designed to live in moments, even as
                                          As data and technology have helped        they scale, try new things, and push
                                          optimize every experience, as GAFA        boundaries. They often stand out by
The Age of You began with an age-         brands (Google, Apple, Facebook and
                                          Amazon) have changed the definition
                                                                                    blending in, because people measure
                                                                                    the entire experience by how much
old truth: people want to be in control   of service and connectivity, as people    it adds to their lives and how little it
                                          have gained access to greater and more    disrupts it. They empathize with an
of their lives and, specifically, to      nuanced choices, our expectations have    individual’s priorities, figuring out how
                                          been fundamentally retrained. Brands      to meet people exactly where they are,
personally design the life they want to   are now expected to move at the speed     and when they want it, and tailor to how
                                          of people’s demands—at the speed of       people move through their worlds.
live. And people are using brands to      their lives.

do it, because brands are the vehicles    Brands in Micro Moments
                                                                                    Designing Mecosystems
                                                                                    And that’s how we define mecosystems:
through which things happen.              But to move at the speed of people’s
                                          lives, brands have to understand that
                                                                                    a select set of brands that create
                                                                                    customized experiences around a
                                          they are experienced in micro moments.    single individual, where every brand
                                          No matter how unified a brand’s           in consideration slots in seamlessly,
                                          ecosystem, no matter how holistic its     and where the most valuable micro
                                          experience, people’s connections with     moments are curated, connected, and
                                          brands are fragmented—they move           choreographed. As people shape their
                                          from one to the next, interacting with    mecosystems—as they explore and, just
                                          thousands upon thousands a day.           as importantly, edit—they are constantly
                                          But those micro moments are critical,     being redefined, meaning that brands
                                          because in each, people judge a brand     need to earn the right to stay in this set
                                          as a whole—every micro moment is          every minute of every day.
                                          evaluated against significant macro

4                                                                                #BGB2015          5
So how does a brand earn a lasting          As businesses adapt to this new age,
role in this all-important mecosystem?      as mecosystems give people greater
By anticipating and evolving along with     opportunity to design their lives,
people’s personal expectations. Droves      we start to see an interesting white
of digital data, refined analytics, and     space emerge. People can use their
real-time, multi-platform interactions      mecosystem to reimagine their time,
help brands discover what people            how they spend it, and how that makes
want—even before they do—and cater          room for the pursuit of their passions.
to them quickly, reorganizing around        What brands can help people imagine—
these insights, because, in the Age of      and make real—with this time is what
You, people are the bottom line.            will ultimately shape and define this new
                                            age. And this is what has the potential to
Business Moving at the Speed of Life        make the Age of You the most creatively
For brands to truly move at the speed       satisfying of all our times.
of life, it means completely rethinking
what speed means within an enterprise.      Jez Frampton
It’s not about forward movement,            Global Chief Executive Officer
but holistic evolution. It means  
understanding that data is not just about
insight, but a marketable commodity
that will change the definition of
trading. It’s running highly focused and
integrated businesses that explore
and attract unexpected partnerships,
seamlessly crossing existing and
emerging platforms. It’s elevating design
as the most valuable enterprise tool
to build truly connected experiences.
And it’s engaging with a new breed of
customers and consumers that are
more than just co-creators, but editors
and producers.

6                                                             #BGB2015   7
100 Best Global Brands

01                   02            03          04          05          26          27          28          29           30

+43%                 +12%          -4%         +11%        -10%        +8%         +4%         +8%         +2%          +16%
170,276 $m           120,314 $m    78,423 $m   67,670 $m   65,095 $m   18,768 $m   16,541 $m   15,267 $m   14,723 $m    14,031 $m
06                   07            08          09          10          31          32          33          34           35

+16%                 0%            -7%         -6%         +29%        +7%         -3%         +10%        -6%          -9%
49,048 $m            45,297 $m     42,267 $m   39,809 $m   37,948 $m   13,943 $m   13,940 $m   13,749 $m   12,637 $m    12,545 $m
11                   12            13          14          15          36          37          38          39           40

+9%                  +7%           +13%        +4%         -3%         +7%         -11%        +6%         +8%          -4%
37,212 $m            36,711 $m     36,514 $m   35,415 $m   29,854 $m   12,257 $m   11,656 $m   11,578 $m   11,293 $m    11,278 $m
16                   17            18          19          20          41          42          43          44           45

+5%                  +16%          -3%         +6%         -1%         +22%        +9%         +6%         +5%          +12%
27,283 $m            23,070 $m     23,056 $m   22,975 $m   22,250 $m   10,944 $m   10,800 $m   10,798 $m   10,328 $m    9,784 $m
21                   22            23          24          25          46          47          48          49           50

+5%                  -3%           +54%        +3%         -3%         +9%         -8%         +14%        +19%         -14%
22,222 $m            22,218 $m     22,029 $m   19,622 $m   18,922 $m   9,526 $m    9,400 $m    9,254 $m    9,082 $m     8,882 $m

8                                                                                        #BGB2015     9
100 Best Global Brands

51                  52            53         54         55         76         77         78         79          80

+5%                 +7%           -1%        +10%       +3%        +17%       +7%        -12%       +14%        +6%
8,632 $m            8,588 $m      8,553 $m   8,498 $m   8,464 $m   5,551 $m   5,533 $m   5,530 $m   5,460 $m    5,391 $m
56                  57            58         59         60         81         82         83         84          85

+12%                +6%           -5%        +17%       +12%       -5%        New        +2%        +6%         +2%
8,055 $m            7,924 $m      7,702 $m   7,243 $m   7,083 $m   5,365 $m   5,362 $m   5,208 $m   5,161 $m    5,133 $m
61                  62            63         64         65         86         87         88         89          90

+15%                -8%           -12%       +6%        +2%        +16%       +14%       +15%       +14%        -7%
6,870 $m            6,811 $m      6,583 $m   6,509 $m   6,436 $m   5,130 $m   5,109 $m   4,952 $m   4,822 $m    4,763 $m
66                  67            68         69         70         91         92         93         94          95

+6%                 +16%          +17%       +4%        +13%       -7%        -6%        +2%        -4%         -7%
6,306 $m            6,266 $m      6,257 $m   6,222 $m   6,097 $m   4,629 $m   4,540 $m   4,456 $m   4,407 $m    4,330 $m
71                  72            73         74         75         96         97         98         99          100

-9%                 -12%          +5%        +5%        -7%        +3%        New        New        New         New
6,033 $m            5,976 $m      5,873 $m   5,666 $m   5,639 $m   4,270 $m   4,251 $m   4,243 $m   4,131 $m    4,114 $m

10                                                                                #BGB2015    11


12   #BGB2015   13
Hallmarks of the                             There are some clear, common
                                             hallmarks among this year’s Top 100
                                                                                         A central purpose is particularly crucial
                                                                                         for diversified companies. Microsoft’s
2015 Best Global Brands                      that show what it takes to keep pace
                                             with today’s consumers and secure a
                                                                                         CEO Satya Nadella set a bold ambition
                                                                                         to “reinvent productivity to empower
By Paola Norambuena, Chief Content Officer
                                             place among the Best Global Brands.         every person and every organization
                                                                                         on the planet to do more and achieve
                                             Clarity of Strategy and Focus               more.” Microsoft brought together its
                                             on Structure
Among this year’s Best Global                Clarity is a sure source of strength. In
                                                                                         Windows and devices organizations
                                                                                         to align its engineering structure to
Brands, it’s those moving at the speed       order to be coherent, efficient, and meet
                                             consumer expectations, top-performing
                                                                                         its strategy, along with its commercial
                                                                                         cloud—a move that’s grown revenue by
of life that are accelerating. A review      brands lean on an ambitious vision that     88 percent, driven by Office 365, Azure,
                                             shapes both behaviors and structures.       and Dynamics CRM Online.
of this year’s report reveals some
                                             Focus has been a driving force for top      From strategy to structure, successful
key insights—especially among new            riser Nissan, which has embarked on         brands are streamlining and integrating
                                             ongoing integration efforts. Armed          their operations for greater agility
entrants and top risers. Brands across       with a clear vision for the brand,          and focus.

all categories are not only adopting         disseminated by its Global Marketing
                                             leaders, the company has united its         Relentless Customer-Centricity
innovative technologies, but also            divisions and agency partners in order
                                             to deliver on its product promise, while
                                                                                         As brands gain focus, that focus is ever
                                                                                         more zeroed-in on the customer. For
embracing holistic change in order           designing business strategies to engage     perennial Top Ten brands like Apple,
                                             contemporary consumers in global            Facebook, and Amazon, customer-
to become stronger, faster, and              markets.                                    centricity is built into their DNA. But
                                                                                         many brands are continuing to evolve
more agile.                                  Clarity doesn’t come just from within:      by developing design-led strategies that
                                             Today’s savvy brands benefit from           place customers at the core.
                                             tapping into their consumers too. Top
                                             riser 3M—known for everything from
                                             Scotch tape to circuits—asked its
                                             employees, as well as 15,000 customers
                                             in 15 countries, to help define its new
                                             brand platform, “3M Science. Applied
                                             to Life.” It has driven clear growth
                                             strategies: It’s focused on increasing
                                             R&D spends, divesting lagging
                                             businesses, and developing storied
                                             content to create product-awareness
                                             among its global, under-35 targets.

14                                                                                     #BGB2015        15
In its first year as an independent            It’s these authentic interactions that     messaging into geo-targeted banner
entity, PayPal breaks into the Best            today’s savvier consumers seek as they     ads. Toyota also extends its influence
Global Brands report with the continued        cull through the crowd of brands vying     from behind the wheel and into
mission of “powering the people                for their attention. For heritage brands   drivers’ daily lives as it joins Panasonic
economy.” Simplicity, security, and ease       like Hermès, which soared 22 percent       to develop its cloud-connected
of use are priorities that have been           in brand value this year, authenticity     Smart Center.
internalized because they are central          manifests in an unshakable devotion
concerns for the company’s users—              to craftsmanship, quality, and enabling    Technology isn’t just relegated to the
particularly sellers. PayPal is investing in   customers to “indulge in moments           cloud. While many of the Top 100 brands
seamless technologies like mobile and          of pure lightness.” Hermès recently        are tapping technologies to create
contactless payments and acquiring             appealed to a new digital generation by    innovation, others are using technology
user-friendly platforms like Braintree         partnering with the bastion of customer-   in innovative ways. Moët & Chandon
and Venmo. For PayPal, it’s not just           centricity, Apple, to unveil the Apple     rises back onto the Best Global Brands
about meeting consumer needs, but              Watch Hermès.                              report, buoyed by efforts to keep its
letting those needs power the                                                             image fresh. It reinforced its place in
business strategy.                             Tech-Powered Personalization               the nightlife scene with “Bright Night,”
                                               While technology paves the way for         the first-ever luminous champagne
This outside-in approach is being              innovation, brands across all industries   bottle, which demonstrates how even
adopted by other breakthrough brands.          are harnessing its power to create         the most distinctive brands can adopt
LEGO brand, which made its Best                unprecedented, personal experiences.       simple technologies to captivate and
Global Brands debut this year, taps                                                       delight consumers.
into a rising “maker” ethos, popularized       Adobe has become a partner in
by tinkerers of all types. “LEGO Ideas”        personalization by developing leading-     Clarity, customer-centricity, and
invites LEGO brand enthusiasts to              edge tools that empower brands to          using technology to power personal
create, document, and crowdshare their         create experiences tailored to their own   experiences—all hallmarks of the
own projects, with the chance of seeing        customers. Its Experience Manager          brands that have made the most
them on shelves. The platform is an            Screens and Adobe Target platforms         impressive strides this year. As each
innovative tool for bringing customers         harness cloud connectivity and location-   demonstrates, there is no singular
closer to the business—and gathering           targeting technologies to cater directly   template for building a great brand, but
valuable insights.                             to individuals as they move through the    it’s enlightening to see how these broad
                                               buying funnel.                             characteristics manifest as individual
                                                                                          brands evolve at the speed of life.
                                               Technology is also proving a force for
                                               cross-industry collaboration. Rising       Paola Norambuena
                                               brands in all categories are partnering    Chief Content Officer
                                               with tech giants to connect with 
                                               customers in groundbreaking ways.
                                               Auto brand Toyota harnesses Google’s
                                               powerful API to push city-specific

16                                                                                                          #BGB2015   17
Highlights: Top Risers      User-centricity is Part
                            of Their DNA
                                                                          Creating Holistic Brand
                            This year’s fastest risers—Apple              Brands climbing up the value chain
                            (+43%), Facebook (+54%), Amazon               are those creating experiences that
                            (+29%), and Adobe (+17%)—are brands           reinforce the brand in multiple contexts.
                            that have evolved around their users.         The technology brands that dominate
                            A deep understanding of how people            the Top Risers list are naturals at
                            live, work, and interact is embedded          this—they have the scope, scale, and
                            in their products, services, and brand        capability to embed themselves in users’
                            message. With user-centricity at the          daily lives. But even heritage brands
                            core, these brands have been able             like Hermès—up a soaring 22 percent
                            to grow their audiences quickly and           from last year—are investing in out-of-
                            iterate their offerings based on              store experiences and emotion-driven
                            evolving demands.                             campaigns that invite customers to
                                                                          engage with the brand.
                            Expanding Around a Core
                            Product or Service
                            The Top Risers’ burgeoning brand
                            value is tied to a specific type of
                            growth—one that starts with a strong
                            central offer and builds products or
                            services around that. Adobe (+17%) has
                            spawned software, cloud services, and
                            a suite of apps that all relate back to its
                            core creative platform. Premium coffee
                            purveyor Starbucks (+16%) is expanding
                            its brand and growing its global
                            footprint, with new offerings and menu
                            options that build upon its original café
                            experience. For all Top Risers, a strong
                            brand proposition has been grounds
                            for accelerated growth.

18                                                                       #BGB2015         19
Technology: The Game-                            Top riser Facebook, for example, has
                                                 succeeded in changing the way people
                                                                                               The accessibility and reach of
                                                                                               technology brands on the consumer
Changing Sector                                  around the world connect and stay in
                                                 touch, while new entrant PayPal has
                                                                                               side also fuel growth on the
                                                                                               enterprise side, as the number of
By Antoine Veliz, Chief Experience Officer and
                                                 evolved the way people and businesses         connected users contributes to the
Forest Young, Senior Creative Director           transact. The ability to influence actions    burgeoning big data pool and the
                                                 relies not only on an innovative offer, but   ever-billowing cloud. Even long-
                                                 on communicating the value or benefit         standing technology brands like
The 13 technology brands in this                 of that behavioral change to the market.      Intel, founded in 1968, have kept well
                                                                                               afloat in the face of waning PC sales
year’s Best Global Brands report                 There are several factors at play, which      across the industry by refocusing on
                                                 imbue the top technology brands with          data center innovations and cloud
represent more than a third (33.5                significant sway over people’s behaviors.     computing.

percent) of the table’s USD $1.7                    1. Expansive Addressable Markets           2. Geared for Rapid Growth
                                                    The most formidable asset that top         Technology brands don’t only benefit
trillion total, making technology                   technology brands possess is the           from broad markets, but an inherent

this year’s leading sector by value.                size of their addressable markets.
                                                    It’s predicted that 70 percent of
                                                                                               ability to evolve more rapidly than
                                                                                               other, more entrenched brands. The
Today’s top technology brands have                  the world’s population will own
                                                    smartphones by the end of 2016,
                                                                                               resources that the top technology
                                                                                               brands have amassed, along with the
gone beyond the introduction of a                   for example. So whether you’re a           relative lack of industry regulation
                                                    device maker, chip manufacturer,           (compared to the healthcare or auto
successful product or service—they                  or network facilitator, the market         sectors, for example), allow them to
                                                    potential is huge.                         reinvent their products or services
have delivered on the true measure                                                             with greater ease. Improvements
                                                    Many of the top technology brands          to software can happen quickly,
of innovation: the ability to change                also benefit from a low barrier to         requiring minimal input from their

the behaviors of the many.                          entry, especially in comparison to
                                                    sectors like automotive and luxury.
                                                                                               customer bases—testing and
                                                                                               iterating ideas is core to the ethos
                                                    Anyone can get into a relationship         of these brands.
                                                    with Google, Apple, Facebook, or
                                                    Amazon for free—or close to it—
                                                    allowing these brands to grow their
                                                    user bases with relative ease.

20                                                                                      #BGB2015         21
Built-in agility gives technology      Following the Tech Leaders                    Pointing Toward the Future                   The concept of “privacy exchange”—
     brands the advantage of being able     Organizations in any category can follow      Top technology brands have also              trading personal information for
     to pivot into different product or     the lead of Apple—number one for              become the savviest of marketers by          perceived value—may also have a
     service categories as they evolve      the third year in a row—by developing         harnessing the equity built into their       watershed effect on the amount of data
     along with people’s needs and          product strategies with a succinct brand      brands to hint at what lies beyond their     people expose, which will allow AI to
     expectations. This is illustrated      proposition to center their business.         current products and services. Many          become more nuanced, while putting
     by successful startups like Uber,      Adobe’s understanding of how people           have seeded their next big bets publicly,    pressure on more brands to develop
     which has evolved from a car hailing   work, both across organizations and at        preparing audiences for what may             AI as part of their own ecosystems.
     app into a provider of multiple        home, has lead to an expanded service         come next or positioning themselves as
     services. Furthermore, these fast      portfolio that goes up the value chain in     visionaries.                                 Locking the Top Spot
     moving technology brands are not       the enterprise sector and gets closer to                                                   Four of the Top Risers in this year’s
     just catering to people’s needs but    the user through a suite of mobile apps.      As technology becomes more a mirror          Best Global Brands report illustrate the
     raising the bar for what’s possible—   Few have leveraged their core service         of the self, developments will continue to   acceleration of the technology sector:
     not just meeting but setting the       platforms like Amazon, however. What          evolve around automation. New entrant        Facebook spiked 54 percent, Apple
     speed of life.                         was created as a shopping platform            Lenovo, for example, has moved beyond        jumped 43 percent, Amazon rose 29
                                            now powers content and entertainment          the PC world with a slew of new smart        percent, and Adobe is up 17 percent.
     3. Seizing More Than the Moment        services, and the lessons learned in          products—from watches to shoes—              It is difficult to imagine brands outside
     Technology brands are ones             building that platform gave way to a          powered by the open-innovation cloud         of the tech sector enjoying the same
     with which we interact in multiple     successful cloud service business.            platform that the brand itself is helping    speed of growth and performance that
     contexts, many times per day. As                                                     to develop.                                  our top brands are. Their combination
     the top technology brands move         The success of these businesses and                                                        of reach, culture, and integration –
     beyond their core product or service   the strength of their brands have driven      Automation extends to our very               along with their position as harbingers
     and into our homes and vehicles,       growth beyond the technology realm.           thinking with advancements in artificial     of what’s to come – will keep the top
     they’re also partnering with larger    Brands in all sectors of this year’s report   intelligence (AI). The leading technology    spot locked up for some time.
     platform brands and developing         are embracing technology brands as            brands are harnessing AI to develop
     multitiered relationships with users   business partners, platforms, or both.        deeper interface dependencies—               Contributors:
     that span the ingredient, interface,   Finance and retail brands, for example,       Amazon with Alexa, Apple with Siri,
     and infrastructure levels. These       are placing their bets on technology          and Facebook with M. Emerging AI is          Antoine Veliz
     relationships grant brands access      brands’ mobile payment solutions (e.g.,       getting even smarter, more anticipatory,     Chief Experience Officer
     to much more than our phones.          Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay),         and anthropomorphic, with the ability to
                                            while automakers are enhancing their          develop more intimate relationships
     Some of these brands work              in-car experiences with connected             with users.                                  Forest Young
     as ingredient brands in select         services like Apple’s CarPlay.                                                             Senior Creative Director
     contexts as well as master brands                                                    From human to superhuman—AI has the
     commanding their own experiences.                                                    potential to not just enhance individuals’
     The ability to do both demonstrates                                                  lives, but to advance the capabilities of
     the strength of the platforms and                                                    an enterprise, as we’ve seen with the
     propositions they have been able                                                     continued applications of IBM’s Watson.
     to build. Top brands demonstrate
     that their technology is no longer
     something that exists simply on our
     desktops and in our pockets—it’s the
     thread that connects almost every
     context of our lives.

22                                                                                                                                 #BGB2015         23
Highlights: Top 10          Leading by Design
                            The majority of those in the Top
                            10 are design-led brands with an
                            understanding that design is not just
                            about aesthetics, but that it’s a crucial
                            enterprise tool. Brands like Apple (#1),
                            GE (#8), and Amazon (#10) all focus on
                            experience design, which cuts through
                            systems, structure, culture, and service
                            models. Design drives clarity within the
                            organization, so brands can deliver a
                            coherent experience to the customer.

                            Adapting to Changing Expectations
                            As brands become more people-centric,
                            the leaders are listeners that respond
                            adroitly to changing wants and needs.
                            Brand bastions like Coca-Cola (#3) and
                            McDonald’s (#9) have addressed growing
                            health consciousness by introducing
                            all-new menu offerings. Toyota (#6) is
                            navigating changes in the way people
                            approach their cars by stepping up
                            sustainability efforts, speaking to
                            younger consumers, and connecting to
                            the Internet of Things (IoT). This year’s
                            top brands demonstrate an ability to
                            shift along with expectations, without
                            missing a beat.

                            Streamlining for Sustained Growth
                            From restructures to divestitures, brands
                            are maximizing their value by becoming
                            more streamlined and efficient. This year,
                            Microsoft (#4) aligned its leadership
                            structure to match its business strategy,
                            and Google (#2) created Alphabet Inc.
                            to more effectively manage its broad
                            portfolio. In order to focus on its digital
                            efforts, GE (#8) has divested several of
                            its finance businesses. In a fragmented
                            marketplace, the top brands derive
                            strength from prioritizing what they
                            do best.

24                           #BGB2015         25
Automotive: Making Inroads                                   These are significant stats for an
                                                             industry that is often seen as sluggish
                                                                                                           In emerging markets, the ambition to
                                                                                                           own a car is growing. A large part of
Into Mobility’s Future                                       and which faces major challenges
                                                             moving forward, due to evolving
                                                                                                           the world’s population has remained
                                                                                                           carless, but as the middle class rises,
By Daniel Binns, Executive Director, Global Brand Engineer
                                                             customer expectations and the                 brands such as Nissan, Ford, and
                                                             changing role of driving.                     General Motors are expanding into new
                                                                                                           regions like India, China, and Brazil. In
Over the past few years, automotive                          An analysis of the 15 automotive brands       these newly developing areas of the
                                                             in this year’s Top 100 offers key insights    world, automotive companies’ existing
companies have made major strides                            on why they’re holding strong—and             business models will likely still be
                                                             what they need to do to stay on top.          relevant in 20 years, but in developed
in terms of technology, innovation,                                                                        countries, staying competitive will call
                                                                                                           for significant evolution. Automotive
and sustainability. And with 15 brands                       Auto Brands are Fueled by Broad               companies will need to continue to
represented in this year’s Best Global                       Markets and Vast Economic Impact
                                                             The auto industry is huge, with more
                                                                                                           invest in technological advancements
                                                                                                           to keep up with new and existing drivers
Brands report, auto is the dominant                          than 60 million (and counting) cars           who are preparing themselves for the
                                                             sold this year, and is still cycling off      next phase of mobility.
sector by number. Together, auto                             levels that predate the financial crisis.
                                                             For many buyers, cars are more than           Differentiation and Relevance
brands make up 13.7 percent (USD                             a mode of transportation: they are            Will Drive Continued Success
                                                             emotional investments, status symbols,        for Auto Brands
$234,439 million) of the table’s total                       or even a source of livelihood.               As brands across the board become
                                                                                                           more focused on individuals’ needs, the
value, second only to the technology                         Auto companies also serve an                  auto sector—with its especially broad
sector in collective worth.                                  increasingly large segment of the
                                                             world’s population. Generating high
                                                                                                           market—faces two distinct challenges:
                                                                                                           differentiation and relevance. Auto
                                                             returns and massive sales, they’ve            brands used to be highly differentiated,
                                                             become the backbone of both global            but now buyers are more interested
                                                             and local economies. Though they are          in individual models and how those
                                                             being consolidated on the holding-            vehicles fit into their lives. With so
                                                             company level, giving them truly global       much information at consumers’
                                                             scope, there are still many major, distinct   fingertips, brand awareness is not
                                                             brands, pulling millions of dollars in        enough—organizations need to not only
                                                             sales each year.                              innovate products but to create a truly
                                                                                                           differentiated brand experience.
                                                                                                           Top Ten brand Toyota, for example,

26                                                                                                     #BGB2015         27
is tapping into smart technologies like       The Future of the Auto Sector                spent USD $3 billion to acquire Nokia’s       Contributors:
its Intelligent Transportation System         Revolves Around Ownership                    Here, a service comparable to Google
(ITS), which enables the real-time            and Mobility                                 Maps. The auto sector also faces              Daniel Binns
exchange of data between vehicles             To do this, auto companies must shift        the impending entry of nontraditional         Executive Director,
and infrastructures. And Korean brand         their focus from selling products to         car manufacturers—Apple’s Project             Global Brand Engineer
Hyundai is figuring out how to tailor         delivering a service, as driving itself      Titan and Google’s self-driving car 
its brand message to diverse global           begins to look different. As the current     project both represent strategic
audiences by creating localized social        car-buying generation begins to retire,      investments by technology giants in           Andrew Martschenko
media experiences that enhance                how will the behaviors of upcoming           autonomous driving’s future. While            Senior Director, Strategy
individuals’ interactions with the brand.     generations of buyers change? Major          increasingly feasible, the large-scale
                                              shifts in this sector will revolve around    adoption of autonomous driving rides
As the average age of new car buyers          two pillars: ownership and mobility.         on major regulatory considerations and        Calin Hertioga
climbs to 51.7 (according to Auto News)                                                    customers’ behavioral shifts.                 Director, Brand Valuation
and the number of driver’s license            Car ownership might not be as relevant                                           
applications among millennials declines,      in the future as conversations evolve        In the meantime, however, auto brands
there is a concern about decreasing           around fractional (i.e., shared) ownership   are also working toward the future of         Sabine Ruchty
relevance within the automotive sector.       models and ride-sharing grows with           smart mobility. Mercedes-Benz, for            Strategy Director
In the race to increase their presence        increasing speed. Since its launch in        example, has adopted moovel, which  
in people’s lives, connectivity is key,       2010, for example, Uber’s staggering         integrates car2go, mytaxi, Flinkster, train
as carmakers integrate with customers’        statistics reveal that it now has more       services, public transport, and bicycle
devices, homes, and things. Relevance         than eight million users in over 290         data all into one simple app that guides
also means rolling with changing              cities around the world and is expected      users on the smartest path through
preferences—automotive brands must            to process USD $10.84 billion in             any city.
learn how to harness new technologies         bookings in 2015. In its home city of
to anticipate the needs of diverse drivers.   San Francisco, Uber is now tripling
                                              the revenue of the local taxi market,        In a letter to Business Life, economist
                                              at about USD $500 million per year.          Ross Parker wrote, “I would not be
                                                                                           surprised if today’s car becomes
                                              Major auto brands like Mercedes-Benz         tomorrow’s horse: a recreational
                                              and Ford are also beginning to enter and     pleasure, sporting discipline, and an
                                              experiment in the ride-sharing space.        increasingly rare sight on the road.” This
                                              Nissan likewise announced plans to           prescient view underlines the changing
                                              supply cars to college students through      role of vehicles, as cars move away
                                              a campus car-sharing venture with            from being functional necessities to
                                              Enterprise Rent-A-Car.                       becoming tech-enabled extensions of
                                                                                           personality, shareable assets, or even
                                              While many auto companies are                sources of entertainment. Powerful
                                              harnessing new vehicle technologies          automotive brands will have to take a
                                              to stay ahead of the curve, a true test      more holistic view of mobility to maintain
                                              of innovation is whether or not these        their stronghold and balance their
                                              advancements can actually change             strategies to meet desires in diversified
                                              driving behaviors. In an attempt to lead     markets that are moving at much
                                              the driverless-car revolution, Mercedes-     different speeds.
                                              Benz, Audi, and BMW collectively

28                                                                                                                                  #BGB2015       29
Highlights: New Entrants

Leveraging What They’re Loved For           Focusing on Staying Real
All five of this year’s new entrants        and Relevant
are established brands with a well-         Even brands with solid propositions
understood product or service that          face the challenge of communicating
remains central. The LEGO brand             that to emerging audiences. This
makes a strong entrance at #82 by           year’s new entrants are finding ways
leveraging the continued popularity         to engage contemporary users with
of its beloved toy blocks and PayPal        creative marketing initiatives, like MINI’s
(#97) arrives on the scene as the brand     (#98) “Go With Your Gut” campaign
that’s essentially become the badge for     or Moët & Chandon’s (#99) luminous
secure online payments. The 172-year-       champagne bottle, “Bright Night.” The
old Moët & Chandon (#99) also makes         LEGO Group (#82) even launched a
a formidable entrance by turning            crowdsourcing site aimed at building its
modern consumers on to the true             brand ambassadors. The new entrants
timelessness of its product.                on our list are prime examples of brands
                                            that have remained true to their core
Representing Global Scale and Scope         while keeping relevant—a fine line that
Though US brands dominate this year’s       all aspiring top brands will have to tread.
Top 100, with 52 brands representing
66 percent of the table’s total value,
the new entrants this year hail from all
corners of the world (Denmark, America,
the UK, France, and China). Lenovo
(#100) is the second Chinese brand to
enter the Best Global Brands report,
following Huawei’s (#88) debut last year.
These new entrants lend diversity to the
report, while representing the success
of today’s top brands in navigating
expanding global markets.

30                                                              #BGB2015   31
Legacy Brands: Keeping Long-                   To illustrate, half of the Top 10 brands
                                               on this year’s Best Global Brands report   Legacy brands are back. In the
Standing Brands Relevant                       are more than 50 years old—and three
                                               of those are well past the century
                                                                                          vernacular of luxury, you might say
                                                                                          they are the new black. When Apple
in the Digital Age                             mark (Coca-Cola, IBM, GE). Aside from      surpassed Coca-Cola three years ago
By Rebecca Robins, Director of Marketing and   PayPal, which debuted after its break      to take the #1 spot in Interbrand’s Best
                                               from eBay this year, the report’s New      Global Brands study, it triggered a
Business Development, EMEA & LatAm
                                               Entrants are all well established—most     cascade of commentary on the rise of
                                               notably Moët & Chandon, founded            brands born of a new and different age.
                                               in 1743.                                   However, delve deeper into the study
The buzz around rising brands                  In a recent op-ed published by The
                                                                                          and what’s fascinating is the ascent of
                                                                                          brands that have spanned generations.
and new entrants has focused on                Guardian, I explore the ways in which      New entrants this year feature 60s icon
                                               some of the world’s top brands are         MINI, revving in at #98; the LEGO brand,
the technology sector, where the               harnessing their rich heritage to          an exemplar of creativity born from the
                                               remain both prescient and timeless.        constraint of a depression, with an
leading brands are characterized                                                          awesome arrival at #82 and Moët &
                                                                                          Chandon, at #99, one of the oldest
by their relative youth and agility.                                                      brands in the LVMH portfolio which

However, youth is by no means                                                             dates back to the 18th century.

the universal new pretender, and                                                          Moët & Chandon also tops the five
                                                                                          oldest brands in the list (accompanied
agility is not the exclusive domain                                                       by Colgate, Citi, AXA and Hermès) which
                                                                                          span a combined legacy of over 1000
of young brands. Long-standing                                                            years. AXA breaks into the top 50 Best
                                                                                          Global Brands this year and Hermès,
brands combine legacy and                                                                 one of the top five risers in the report,
                                                                                          increased its brand value by 22 percent.
customer focus to create real                                                             The five youngest brands, by contrast,

resonance and relevance.                                                                  (Facebook, Google, PayPal, eBay, and
                                                                                          Amazon) haven’t yet amassed a century
                                                                                          between them.

32                                                                                    #BGB2015         33
Interbrand’s 2015 Best Global Brands          The resulting blurring of boundaries          The success of legacy brands also
report examines what it takes for brands      increasingly calls into question whether      points to a trend in consumers’ tastes:
to succeed in a hyper-fragmented              we will even be defining brands by sector     As individuals’ ecosystems become
world. As brand experiences that are          in years to come. Consider Apple’s reach      saturated, those seeking the brands
both immediate and personalised are           into the traditional domain of financial      they can trust gravitate toward
expected by consumers, business and           services with Apple Pay.                      authenticity. Legacy brands with a
brands need to move fast in order to                                                        strong identity, who consistently bring
keep pace. The success of a brand             Collaborations in various manifestations      the experience of their brand alive for
has little to do with a brand’s age, but      will continue to rise, as brands look to      consumers, are poised to stand out. In
everything to do with its ability to stay     complementary capabilities to exert           the Age of You, heritage that strikes the
relevant. The question is, what are these     their influence and desirability. Just this   right chords of resonance and relevance
legacy brands doing to stay relevant?         week, the newly combined Yoox Net-A-          can be a powerful asset.
                                              Porter climbed on its first listing on the
A common theme is that they have              Milan stock exchange, and LVMH (owner         Rebecca Robins
user-centricity at their core. They are       of Louis Vuitton and Moët & Chandon)          Director, Marketing and Business
using tech to connect with customers in       has asserted a serious commitment to          Development, EMEA & LatAm
more meaningful ways. Ultimately they         e-commerce. At the same time, Hugo  
are succeeding in providing ever more         Boss is accelerating the cutting of its       @robins_rebecca
integrated experiences for consumers,         e-commerce cloth and Condé Nast is
and blurring the boundaries of traditional    planning to enter the fray with the hotly     Rebecca is Interbrand’s expert on luxury,
sectors of business as they go.               anticipated e-commerce venture     and co-author of the book Meta-luxury:
                                                                                            Brands and the Culture of Excellence.
Consider The LEGO brand. It’s a               The level of sophistication needed for a
truly great example of a brand whose          brand to maintain its presence as one of      Citation
                                                                                            Rebecca Robins, “Keeping long-standing brands
original vision from 1932 has stretched       the world’s most highly valued is not to      relevant in the digital age,” The Guardian, 9
beautifully into the 21st century. The        be underestimated—but the principles of       October 2015,
journey from toy brand to entertainment       success are fundamental. A brand needs        network/2015/oct/09/brands-relevant-digital-age

brand has been driven by the LEGO             to evolve constantly to stay relevant but
brand embedding innovation at its core        it also needs a centre of gravity, a clear
and its fusing of the physical and digital.   vision and a commitment to stay true to
                                              the core of its DNA. A brand still has to
An even more fascinating movement             find a place in our hearts and minds.*
among the legacy brands is the
movement across brands—the “brand
                                              *Re-printed from
tangos” that boost their reputations
through collaboration. Think the Apple
Watch Hermès cross-over. Legacy
brands are tapping into tech brands
to increase awareness and connect
with consumers. Tech brands are
tapping into legacy brands for their
heritage and exclusivity.

34                                                                                                                 #BGB2015   35

                               Brand Profiles

36   #BGB2015    37
1. Apple
                            170,276 $m

                            “If you don’t cannibalize yourself, someone    Apple’s relentless focus on the user is
                            else will,” Steve Jobs once notably            embedded in its very core, while the
                            remarked. In the past year, Apple has again    brand’s design sensibility runs across
                            held true to this belief, as it continues to   every touchpoint. People have become
                            outdo its existing products and launch all-    central to much of its marketing, as Apple
                            new ones. The Apple ecosystem expanded         weaves its products into users’ personal
                            exponentially throughout 2015, along with      stories, exemplified by Apple Music’s
                            its customer-centric focus, as reflected by    “Instant Boyfriend Mixtape” commercial
                            a 43 percent rise in brand value this year.    spot that aired during the 67th Primetime
                                                                           Emmy Awards. In its recent iPhone spots,
                            Apple’s ambition to be a part of all facets    “Loved” and “Hardware & Software,”
                            of people’s lives has left few industries      Apple speaks directly about the merits
                            untouched—it’s created a huge ecosystem        of its product and its benefits to the user,
                            that keeps players big and small vying         claiming “If it’s not an iPhone, it’s not an
                            for access. Apple continues to cultivate       iPhone.” Apple Stores will be getting a
                            partnerships—particularly in the auto          radical overhaul under the direction of
                            industry, for example, with its connected      Chief Design Officer Sir Jonathan Ive.
                            CarPlay system—while staying ahead
                            of the pack. Its next (literal) big thing is   Apple also strives to make people feel
                            Project Titan: a fully connected electric      more secure. Its seamless mobile shopping
                            car, rumored for release in 2019.              service, Apple Pay, features biometric
                                                                           thumbprint technology that offers several
                            The company doesn’t rest on its laurels        layers of security beyond a credit card.
                            when it comes to new products and              The brand is also prioritizing users’
                            innovation—its proved prolific with a list     privacy as it innovates: Apple Proactive,
                            of releases that include Apple Proactive,      for example, gathers data from the phone
                            Apple Pay, Home app, iOS9, OS X El             itself, rather than the cloud.
                            Capitan, Apple Watch, Live TV, 3D Touch,
                            iPhone financing, and Apple Music. The         What keeps Apple so far ahead of its
                            new tvOS iteration of Apple TV stands          rivals—and perhaps poised to become
                            to change how people consume content,          the world’s first trillion-dollar brand—is its
                            and Apple is exploring the possibility of      instinct to constantly renew and challenge
                            creating original programming. Its personal    convention. Apple understands what it
                            assistant, Siri—which continues to rival       takes to accelerate to the top—and keep
                            Facebook’s M and Microsoft’s Cortana—          its number one spot.
                            is about to acquire a sixth sense: Apple
                            Proactive will deliver super-personalized
                            services, tailored to users’ daily lives.

38                                                                           #BGB2015           39
2. Google
120,314 $m

Nearly two decades after hitting the Web,         One month later, Google again made
Google has certainly diversified from its         headlines when it announced a new
original role as an Internet search engine.       operating structure, which enables
In addition to products like Android,             Google’s many businesses to prosper
Gmail, and Maps, which have enhanced              independently under strong, dedicated
its core business, the company has taken          leadership. Under Alphabet Inc., the
moonshots to heart, investing in driverless       newly created holding company, Google
cars, high-speed Internet, and home               is the biggest subsidiary, representing
gadgets—to name just a few.                       the brand’s core offerings—search,
                                                  Web advertising, Gmail, Android, Maps,
While these efforts have garnered high            YouTube, and Chrome. Other businesses
media attention, Google’s broad portfolio         owned by Alphabet include the company’s
has historically made it difficult for analysts   more ambitious projects, such as Google
to figure out how the core business is            X, Calico, Nest Labs, Google Ventures,
really doing, leading investors to express        and Google Fiber. Google cofounder Larry
concerns. Over the past year, it’s become         Page will be in charge of Alphabet, while
clear that the company is paying attention.       Sundar Pichai, who was Page’s number
During July’s earnings news call, Wall            two, will take over the “new Google.”
Street veteran Ruth Porat made her
public debut as the company’s new CFO,            This clarity around Google’s businesses is
fresh off a successful stint as CFO at            expected to bolster the brand’s reputation
Morgan Stanley. The day after the call,           as much as it’s expected to boost financial
Google shares saw an approximate USD              performance. A commitment to innovation
$60 billion gain in market capitalization,        has made Google more than the accepted
marking the biggest one-day rise in market        verb for online search, but a name that
value for any company ever, and prompting         evokes technology’s potential to achieve
the New York Times to declare that                what once seemed impossible. Larry
Google, which has long fostered an image          Page and Sergey Brin don’t just want
as the cool kid in the room, finally had          to make cars and homes that can run
“adult supervision.”                              themselves, they want to help humans live
                                                  without disease and cheat death. That’s
                                                  a lot for one brand to take on. If they can
                                                  achieve even part of that dream, they’ll
                                                  cement Google’s place in history and
                                                  launch a whole new roster of offerings
                                                  that become integral to people’s lives.

40                                                                   #BGB2015   41
3. Coca-Cola
                            78,423 $m

                            When the celebrated TV series Mad Men        Coca-Cola also spent almost USD $120
                            wrapped up earlier this year, viewers were   million over the past five years to fund
                            left with an iconic moment of marketing      health and wellness programs—as well
                            genius: Coca-Cola’s “Hilltop” ad. The 1971   as on research that drew criticism for
                            commercial, which features a multicultural   downplaying the role of sugary drinks in
                            mix of youths singing “I’d like to buy the   causing obesity. Coca-Cola’s commitment
                            world a Coke,” speaks to a simpler time      to corporate citizenship and sustainability
                            for America—and for the brand.               has earned praise, especially for its
                                                                         leadership in water conservation. Coca-
                            Now, the world’s biggest beverage            Cola and its bottlers at Coca-Cola
                            brand is trying to recapture that magic      Enterprises say they will reach their 2020
                            for millennials through its “Share a Coke”   goal of replenishing 100 percent of the
                            campaign, a global marketing initiative      water they use by the end of this year—
                            that began in Australia in 2011. The         five years early. The initiative helped Coca-
                            personalized bottles were so successful      Cola Enterprises earn its first spot in the
                            in the U.S. in 2014 that the campaign was    Dow Jones Sustainability Index this year.
                            expanded this year. In September 2015,
                            Coca-Cola teamed up with Twitter to          Despite its slight decline in brand value
                            create a custom emoji—two Coke               in this year’s report, Coca-Cola stands
                            bottles clinking—that appeared in tweets     firm at number three—a true marketing
                            bearing the hashtag #ShareaCoke. The         juggernaut and a favored global brand.
                            result: a record 170,500 mentions over
                            a 24-hour period.

                            Few companies can harness the emotional
                            horsepower that Coca-Cola can. The
                            challenge, instead, for the 129-year-
                            old beverage giant is that sales of cola
                            and its carbonated cousins have been
                            declining over the past decade amid health
                            concerns. As a result, the company has
                            broadened its array of lower-calorie and
                            lower-sugar sodas, introduced smaller
                            container sizes, and added healthier
                            beverages to its brand portfolio, ranging
                            from iced tea to coconut water.

42                                                                        #BGB2015            43
4. Microsoft
67,670 $m

Few leaders appreciate the difference          and partnered with retailers like Best Buy
between size and influence like Microsoft      to help users transition to the new OS.
CEO, Satya Nadella. Since taking over          Microsoft speaks to the future of humanity
the top job in February 2014, Nadella has      via a brand campaign that features babies
brought a new direction and mindset—and        and prompts people to imagine what the
an increase of 11 percent, to USD $67.7        future might be for them, given that they
billion, in this year’s Best Global Brands     will “grow up with Windows 10.”
                                               Since Microsoft launched its new, aligned
This new Microsoft has partnered               identity, it has continued to drive greater
with the likes Apple and Salesforce to         cohesion across the many Microsoft
leverage each other’s strengths, putting       experiences—and restructuring has
its own executives on stage at their big       been a big part of this. Microsoft brought
events. The new Windows 10 platform            together its Windows and devices
lets developers make apps that work            organizations in an attempt to align its
across different devices and migrate           engineering structure to its strategy as
what they’ve built for Android or Apple        it began its 2016 fiscal year, resulting in
devices into Windows with relative ease.       some leadership shifts. On the commercial
To make its ecosystem more desirable,          side, it’s bringing together its commercial
Microsoft is generating real excitement        businesses with a focus on the cloud—a
with developments like its HoloLens 3-D        move that’s grown revenue by 88 percent,
headset, which brings holograms to life        driven by Office 365, Azure, and Dynamics
through Windows, and has teamed up with        CRM Online.
Facebook-owned Oculus to let fans play
Minecraft on a virtual reality headset.        Nadella’s goal: to “Empower every person
                                               and every organization on the planet to
For its Windows 10 launch, Microsoft           achieve more.”
adopted the theme of “Do great things.”
Reinventing the experience shows its
understanding of today’s digital lifestyle—
using technology to help the people
alongside it achieve everything from the
simple to the progressive. It celebrated the
five million fans that helped test the OS by
hosting events in cities around the world,

44                                                                #BGB2015   45
5. IBM
                            Business Services
                            65,095 $m

                            IBM has remained an iconic leader at the      IBM sees cognitive computing as the
                            intersection of business and technology       engine propelling the organization back to
                            for more than a century by continuously       the forefront of technology and business
                            reinventing itself. In doing so, it has       innovation. Watson is, some believe, the
                            been guided by clarity about its role as      most humanlike computer ever built,
                            an enterprise innovation company. This        and its capacity to make sense of the
                            clarity–embedded in its business strategy,    vast stores of “dark” data—80 percent
                            culture, and brand message–has kept IBM       of what we are now generating—could
                            on the Top Ten list of Interbrand’s Best      revolutionize entire industries. The first—
                            Global Brands every year.                     and arguably most important—industry
                                                                          that Watson is tackling is healthcare. IBM
                            As the world’s leading business-to-           recently launched the Watson Health
                            business brand, IBM has remained in           business unit, and has systematically made
                            the Top Ten, but its position has fallen      acquisitions, hired top talent, and formed
                            a couple of notches, reflecting the           key partnerships to build this division.
                            company’s struggles during its latest         IBM and CVS announced a partnership
                            major transition. Over the last few years,    in mid-2015 that could change the way
                            IBM has transitioned its focus to data/       patients, practitioners, and pharmacists
                            analytics, cloud computing, mobile, social,   give and receive care. The company
                            and security. Although these strategic        has also partnered with major oncology
                            imperatives have grown rapidly, they do       researchers—from Memorial Sloan
                            not yet represent the lion’s share of the     Kettering Cancer Center, to MD Anderson,
                            company’s profit, leading to 14 straight      to Cleveland Clinic, to the New York
                            quarters of declining revenue.                Genome Center—to tackle the lofty goal
                                                                          of curing cancer.
                            As the company’s transformation
                            continues, it has introduced a new,           The technology behind Watson is
                            branded point of view on the future of        enhancing IBM’s capabilities across
                            technology and business, which it calls       the organization. Three cloud-based
                            Cognitive Business, featuring IBM’s           services announced in 2014—IBM Watson
                            “Jeopardy!”-winning system, Watson. IBM       Discovery Advisor, Watson Analytics, and
                            has pioneered perspectives on the future      Watson Explorer—have contributed to
                            of technology, about once every decade.       a 70 percent revenue increase in cloud
                            With the rise of the Web in the mid-1990s,    computing in the first half of fiscal year
                            for example, IBM said that the Internet       2015. IBM’s robust data and analytics
                            would be about business, not browsing,        capabilities—along with partnerships with
                            and its e-business strategy proved            companies like Apple, Twitter, Facebook,
                            prescient. In 2008, as devices proliferated   and more—are helping the brand to
                            and computing became extended to              reassert its prowess.
                            all manner of things, IBM presented its
                            vision of a Smarter Planet, empowered by      For IBM, Watson may be the key
                            information and connectivity. Now, with the   differentiator—the defining technology that
                            emergence of artificial intelligence with     sets the global brand apart from a myriad
                            real-world applications, IBM introduces       of competing innovators.
                            what it calls the third age of information
                            technology: the cognitive era.

46                                                                        #BGB2015         47
6. Toyota
49,048 $m

With the launch of its Global Vision, Toyota    To engage drivers, Toyota is tapping
marked its evolution from a trusted,            into their universal sense of adventure.
high quality automotive brand to one            Its global “Feeling the Street” campaign
synonymous with innovation. Toyota aims         allowed people to vote on their favorite
to lead the future of mobility through          street musicians from around the world
product development, sustainability, and a      and follow six winners on a New Zealand
focus on people. Its value is up 16 percent     road trip. It is also harnessing digital
to $49 billion in this year’s Best Global       platforms and geo-targeting technologies
Brands ranking—impressive, especially           to position its cars within the context of
in the wake of a June airbag recall that        peoples’ lives. In the U.S., for example,
affected nearly 1.4 million of its vehicles.    Toyota targeted Los Angeles drivers with
                                                videos launched in the “Live Story” feature
Toyota has long been at the forefront of        on Snapchat, and has partnered with
environmental consciousness in the auto         Google to customize ads in 15,000 U.S.
sector. In 1997, it released the Prius, its     cities that inspire real-life, local adventures.
first mass produced gas-electric hybrid
car, and has since sold over eight million      By embracing smart technologies, Toyota
hybrid vehicles, including 31 models            is also making strides to both connect
across the brand’s range. In September          and protect its customers. This year, it
2015, Toyota unveiled a sportier fourth-        will introduce an Intelligent Transportation
generation Prius with standout features         System (ITS) safety package to drivers
to meet the demands of contemporary,            in Japan. ITS enables the real-time
eco-conscious consumers: new automated          exchange of data between vehicles and
and intelligent safety packages, a more         infrastructures, which sensors don’t
comfortable and emotional design, and an        pick up. Meanwhile, it’s partnering with
increase in target fuel efficiency, from 32.6   Panasonic to become a forerunner in
km/L to 40 km/L.                                cloud-based connectivity. The Toyota
                                                Smart Center will link people, cars, and
Looking towards the future of sustainable       homes, with features like GPS-enabled
mobility, Toyota focuses on super-efficient,    reminders to turn off your air conditioner.
clean energy. Its zero-emissions Mirai          This year, Toyota also joined the
is the first hydrogen fuel cell electric        autonomous driving race—with a focus on
vehicle to top the 300-mile range. It’s         technology that makes driving safer—by
also attempting to bring fuel cell vehicles     funding new research centers at Stanford
(FCVs) to the broader market by granting        University and the Massachusetts Institute
royalty-free use of approximately 5,680         of Technology (MIT).
of its globally held FCV-related patent
licenses, including pending applications.       As the largest automobile company in the
                                                world, Toyota’s pioneering initiatives could
                                                have a significant impact on the ways in
                                                which drivers experience their vehicles.

48                                                                      #BGB2015   49
7. Samsung
                            45,297 $m

                            While the South Korean electronics giant       previewing its innovative features.
                            still dominates the global smartphone          Ads aired during the 2015 Oscars
                            market, Samsung has faced challenges           put a human spin on the cutting edge
                            in the mobile sector this year. The brand      technologies behind Samsung’s Galaxy
                            remains steady, supported by successes         Note 5 and the SUHD TV—its highest-
                            in categories like semiconductors, Smart       definition set yet—highlighting how the
                            TVs, and connected devices. Samsung            products fuel creative processes and
                            is moving forward with a focus on              conversations. The ads align with a
                            creating products that define whole            company-wide commitment to proving that
                            new categories, and taking advantage           digital innovation can enrich peoples’ lives.
                            of B2B opportunities.                          Its ongoing “Launching People” campaign,
                                                                           which shares the stories of people who
                            With increased competition from Apple          use Samsung products to turn their visions
                            and lower-cost competitors in Asia,            not a reality, won seven awards at this
                            Samsung’s mobile division profits fell 37.6    year’s Cannes festival.
                            percent in the second quarter, compared
                            to the previous year. However, preliminary     Samsung is also tapping into the software
                            Q3 reports predict an uptick for the           market through its Open Innovation Center,
                            company, with overall revenues predicted       with offices in South Korea, California, and
                            to rise 7.5 percent year-over-year, ending     New York. The centers are hubs where
                            its two-year decline. Samsung is also          employees can scout start-ups to invest
                            enjoying the success of its semiconductor      in, team with, or acquire—Samsung is
                            unit, with second quarter profits at 3.4       the sole investor in start-ups that join its
                            trillion won, compared to 1.86 trillion won    accelerators. The brand is also angling
                            last year. Samsung is now using its chips      to become a leader in the expanding
                            in its own smartphones and supplying big       Internet of Things. At the 2015 CES, it
                            businesses like Apple, which will reportedly   pledged that 90 percent of all devices it
                            tap Samsung to make chips for the next-        creates, including televisions and mobile
                            generation iPhone.                             devices, will be Internet-enabled by 2017.
                                                                           It’s proving a key player with launches
                            Samsung strives to stay competitive in         like the Gear S2, its seventh smartwatch,
                            the mobile market with its Galaxy S6 and       AddWash, an Internet-connected washing
                            S6 Edge smartphones—touting features           machine, SleepSense, a sleep tracker
                            that rival the iPhone’s—and its phablets,      that you slip under your mattress, and the
                            the Galaxy Note 5 and S6 Plus. It’s also       second-generation SmartThings home
                            jumping on mobile payments with the            automation hub and sensors.
                            worldwide release of Samsung Pay, which
                            has an advantage over Apple Pay, as the        By creating products that empower
                            new Galaxy phones work with old-school         people and broadening its business focus,
                            credit card readers, making the technology     Samsung is looking towards a future that
                            more universal.                                goes well beyond smartphones.

                            But for Samsung, newness is the key to
                            maintaining brand momentum for. Its global
                            “Next is Now” campaign built anticipation
                            around the launch of its Galaxy phones by

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