How to write a Creative Brief that will inspire great creative on your brand

Page created by Dustin Mcgee
How to write a Creative Brief that will inspire great creative on your brand
How to write a Creative Brief that will
inspire great creative on your brand
How to write a Creative Brief that will inspire great creative on your brand
At Beloved Brands, we use a                                              branding approach

         Analyze                                                               Think
       performance                                                          Strategically

                  a r i ve
                Sm e at s
    Inspire      Cr Ide a                                                                   Define
    creative                                                                                 the
   execution                                                                                Brand
                                   Bran d Pl an
                               Vis ion            An alysis
                                                    •Cons ume
                                Values, Goal s      • Cate gory
                                                    • Chan nels
                                                    • Com peti tors

                             Key Issue s            • Bran d

                                                 Exec utrtisi
                                                        •Adve ng
                             St rateg ies               • In-St ore
                                                        • Inno vati on
                                                        • Expe rien ce

                              Create Brand Plans

                                                                                   We make brands stronger.
                                                                               We make brand leaders smarter.
How to write a Creative Brief that will inspire great creative on your brand
Creative Brief
1. Why are we investing in communication?

                                             If you have ever opened up
                                             your computer and started
                                            to write a creative brief, on a
                                            blank piece of paper, without
                                             doing your homework first,
                                            then you are setting yourself
                                                 up for major failure.

                                            That presentation would be
                                            called “how to write a really
                                             bad brief that will confuse
                                                your creative team”

                                                             We make brands stronger.
                                                         We make brand leaders smarter.
How to write a Creative Brief that will inspire great creative on your brand
Here are the 7 questions of a Brand Communications Strategy

   1   Who is in the consumer target?
       (Who is the most motivated to buy what you do?)

   2   What are we are selling?
       (What is your main benefit (rational/emotional)?)

       Why should they believe us?                          Positioning
       (Support points to back up what you say)

   4   What is your organizing Big Idea?
       (What is the Soul or Essence for the brand?)

   5   What do we need the communications to do?
       (Strategic Choices)

   6   What do want people to think, feel or do?
       (Desired Response)                                   Brand Plan
   7   What message do we want our medical
       professionals to deliver to their patients?
       (Role of the medical professional)

                                                               We make brands stronger.
                                                           We make brand leaders smarter.
How to write a Creative Brief that will inspire great creative on your brand
Transforming your homework in to a Creative Brief
       Brand Communications Strategy
                                                                      Creative Brief
1   Who is in the consumer target?
    (Who is the most motivated to buy what you do?)     1. Why are we investing in communication?     5    6
                                                        2. What’s the doctor/patient problem we 1      5    7
2   What are we are selling?                               are addressing?
    (What is your main benefit (rational/emotional)?)
                                                        3. Who is the end consumer? 1
3   Why should they believe us?                         4. Who is the expert medical influencer? 7
    (Support points to back up what you say)
                                                        5. What are the Insights 1      7
4   What is your organizing Big Idea?                   6. What does our consumer think now? 1
    (What is the Soul or DNA for the brand?)
                                                        7. What do you want your consumer to
                                                                                                  6   2
5   What do we need the communication to do?               see/think/feel/do?
    (Strategic Choices)                                 8. What should we tell them?      2   4

6   What do want people to think, feel or do?           9. Why should they believe us?      3
    (Desired Response)                                  10.Tone and Manner        4

7   What message do we want our medical                 11.Tools we will use to reach 5     6   7
    professionals to deliver to their patients?            medical professional
    (Role of the medical professional)
                                                        12.Mandatories 4

    Doing your homework ahead of time will make it easy to write a Creative Brief

                                                                                   We make brands stronger.
                                                                               We make brand leaders smarter.
How to write a Creative Brief that will inspire great creative on your brand
What makes a great brief
1. Make sure you have a tight target:
• Target those who are the most motivated by what you do best, and you will make your doctors think,
  “I want to recommend this” and consumer will think, ‘This is for me’.

2. Talk about the benefits not features:
• Focus on what your consumers get or how they will feel. Do not just yell features at the consumer.
  Talk about the benefits to the doctors, not just features/data.

3. Drive one objective at a time:
• Get involved in the conversation of your doctors/patients andtehn try to get them do only one thing at
  a time, whether you want them to see, think, feel or do.

4. Drive one main message at a time:
• If you put so many messages, your target will just see and hear a cluttered mess. They will not know
  what you stand for, and you will never build a reputation for anything. Find a Big Idea to simplify and
  organize the brand messaging.

5. Connect with doctors/consumers where they are most likely to engage with the brand story:
• Where you choose to stand out, can be just as important as what you say. While the tools are important,
  focusing solely on efficiency and ROI might lead to staying beneath the target’s radar.

                                                                                       We make brands stronger.
                                                                                   We make brand leaders smarter.
How to write a Creative Brief that will inspire great creative on your brand
Control                     Brand leaders always want options, so
                                                       they write a big wide brief with many
                                                      “strategic” options. But really, you want
                          the brand                  “creative” options, not strategic options.
                                                     You should write a very tight brief, based

                          strategy                  on the strategy you decided on, before you
                                                     even wrote the brief. Slow down and let
                                                           your strategic thinking prevail.

 Brand leaders try to control the outcome of
the creative process so they write a long list      Give more
 of mandatories in the brief, they try to steer
 the type of advertising they want to see, or
   don’t want to see. You should allow the
                                                  freedom on
  creative process to unfold, as you always
  hold the power of decision. Go faster with        execution
 your instincts to not over-think great ideas.

                                                                              We make brands stronger.
                                                                          We make brand leaders smarter.
How to write a Creative Brief that will inspire great creative on your brand
The role of a creative brief is to “create the right box”

                             Creative people are more “in the
                             box” problem solvers, than they
                                  are blue sky thinkers.
                            •   Creative people are motivated by the
                                challenge of the problem, more than
                                the execution of a simple solution.

   TH E BO X                •
                                Give them a problem.
                                The role of the brief is to create the
                                right box, enough room to move, but
                                enough direction that defines the

     The smaller the brief, the bigger the idea will be.

                                                          We make brands stronger.
                                                      We make brand leaders smarter.
How to write a Creative Brief that will inspire great creative on your brand
What creative people don’t want from their client

1. Your Solutions: They find it demotivating to be
   asked for their expertise (solving problems) and
   then not utilized (given the answer)
2. A blank canvas: They prefer a problem to solve,
   not a wide open request for options.
3. An unclear problem: They need focus in order
   to deliver great work for you.
4. Long list of Mandatories: A tangled weave of
   mandatories that almost write the ad itself, yet
   trap the creative team from doing anything
   breakthrough, surprising or spectacular.

        Don’t be the over-directive type of brand leader

                                                          We make brands stronger.
                                                      We make brand leaders smarter.
How to write a Creative Brief that will inspire great creative on your brand
A good brief should be brief, not long!

                    Good briefs should have:
                    • one objective
                    • one desired consumer response
                    • one target tightly defined
                    • one main benefit
                    • two main reasons to believe

                     Avoid the “Just in Case” List

                     Take your pen and stroke a few
                      things off your creative brief!

                                           We make brands stronger.
                                       We make brand leaders smarter.
A big wide creative brief gives up
strategic control over the advertising

                         A good brief should set
                         up “creative” options,
                          but never allow more
                           “strategic” options

                                   We make brands stronger.
                               We make brand leaders smarter.
Who is the audience for your creative brief?

1. The creative team: The obvious choice, but a mistake if you think the
   only choice. A good brief should focus the creative team on a tight
2. Your boss: Brief allows them to understand the intentions of the work,
   from a strategic and positioning view, making it easier for them to
   approve the work. The brief is part of the managing your boss.
3. Main agency plus any related agencies, keeping all the work aligned
   and focused. It should allow every part of the marketing execution to
   support the main creative idea
4. The next management team, after the current one, helping to build
   longevity of a campaign and consistency in the brand positioning.
5. You, so that even within the project you can stay focused on the strategy
   before you see the creative. controls the brand manager from changing
   their mind or adding things.

                                                                  We make brands stronger.
                                                              We make brand leaders smarter.
The homework you
 should be doing
Who is your target?

• The medical professional is a gate-keeper who will decide whether to
  accept your brand/message/product on behalf of their patients. Your brand
  may be their primary choice, part of a group of choices, or a back up choice.

• Your consumer will decide on whether to use your brand the first time,
  whether to keep using and whether to make it a routine within their life. Your
  brand messages through the doctor must meet the needs of their patients.

 Think of having to work with both the medical professionals who will
write the script and the end consumer who will decide whether to follow.
Who is your target?

Gatekeeper              Motivation

                           Decision to try
                       Keep using
 message              Recommend
                       to friends


                                    We make brands stronger.
                                We make brand leaders smarter.
The role of Creative Execution is to amplify your brand story and brand
 positioning so that your brand stands out in the cluttered marketplace.

     The creative must help your brand to connect with both medical
professionals and the end consumers, to get both to see, think, act or feel
     differently about your brand than before they saw the message.

Eyes              Head           Reco/Buy           Heart           Sharing

        We should focus on moving ONE BODY PART at a time.
           This sets up your overall objective in your brief.
Target                We summarize our great work into a Consumer
 Consumer             Target Profile that can be used in everything we do

Target Name        Frustrated and Failed Attempters
                   • Veteran smokers, 40-55, who are willing to do whatever it takes to quit. They know smoking
                     is bad for you and they know they should quit. There is a huge psychological part of smoking
                     for them, because it’s part of their identity. It also helps as a stress-reliever and escape.
Their needs        • Control the cravings, avoid mood swings, make healthy choices, maintain weight.
Their enemy        • Not myself, failure, out of control personality, cravings.
                   • “I know I should quit. I’ve tried to quit so many times, it’s ridiculous. I’m not myself, I’m
Insights that        grouchy, irritable, out of control. Quitting smoking sucks.”
tell their story   • “I have failed quite a few times. The first few times, I didn’t realize how hard it would be. I feel
                     like an idiot when I can’t quit. I need to get motivated to try it again”

What do they       • I have tried to quit 5 times. Each time I am motivated in the beginning and then someone
think now?           offers me a cigarette and I fall off the bandwagon. I’ve heard of Graytine, but that’s it.

How are they       • They live in denial until an event triggers contemplation. There is a huge preparation time
buying?              before they actually quit. They go through the stages of change before they reach for help.

                 •   See: Get noticed so consumers are aware of Graytine, consider asking doctor.
                 •   Think: Graytine might be what I need to successfully quit.
We want them
                 •   Do: Ask my doctor what they think I should do. Willing to follow their advice.
to think/feel/do
                 •   Feel: Feel more in control with Graytine as part of their quit attempt, feeling less guilt.
                 •   Whisper: Tell their friends about Graytine, and share the success they are having.

                                                                                               We make brands stronger.
                                                                                           We make brand leaders smarter.
Target            We summarize our great work into a Doctor Target
   Doctor              Profile that can be used in everything we do

Target Name        Frustrated and Failed Attempters
                   • GPs who have regular conversations with their patients. They have been trying to get most of
                     their patients to quit smoking, but will usually gently push, not to lose the patient. They try to
                     start conversations, or wait for them to happen.
Their needs        • Successful quit, easy to use, know the patient will succeed.
Their enemy        • Seeing their patient fail. Fatigue over false promises.
                   • “I try to get my patients to talk about it first so i can understand how serious they are about
Insights that        quitting. I never want to jeopardize the relationship by nagging them to quit”
tell their story   • I’m always open to new products, if they really are better. But I’m somewhat skeptical. I don’t
                     want to recommend something unless I know it will help them succeed”

What do they       • I’ve heard of Graytine, and I’ve seen some of the data. I normally ask the patient what type
think now?           of products they’ve tried.

How do they        • They might recommend a combo of patch/gum, and if they’ve already tried those, then they
recommend?           might recommend a pill like Graytine.

                 •   See: Get Doctors to notice Graytine, to know the data/science behind the brand
                 •   Think: Graytine is better, so it might something I’d recommend.
We want them
                 •   Do: Recommend Graytine to their patients.
to think/feel/do
                 •   Feel: Feel optimistic that their patients will be more successful.
                 •   Whisper: Tell their peers about Graytine, and share the success they are having.

                                                                                             We make brands stronger.
                                                                                         We make brand leaders smarter.
4 consumer types in Healthcare Marketing

                     Proactive Fixer                           Proactive Preventer
               A milestone or event in someone else            Have always led a healthy lifestyle,
Proactive      has triggered them to fix their wrongs.       exercising and watching what they eat.
                Highly motivated in short term, they         They address symptoms/issues before
                will need help sticking with their new        they become serious, early adopters
                        plans in longer term.                    on new beliefs and behaviors.

Reactive             Reactive Fixer                             Reactive Preventer
                An eye opening event (heart attack)            A milestone or event impacted their
                has led them to fix their wrongs. (quit        outlook on overall health. They have
             smoking). They need to fix, but still have a    become a “new me” and want a holistic
              reluctance/doubts, and will need help to      approach to prevent what is happening to
                    move through a change plan.              others. Motivated, willing to learn/listen.

                                Fixer                                      Preventer

                                                                                         We make brands stronger.
                                                                                     We make brand leaders smarter.
Case Study: 360 consumer insights for quit smoking
                                            2    What we see
                                        Smokers become agitated when
                                         talking about quitting smoking.
 1       What we read                   You can see how frustrated they
                                          are with their failed attempts.               3      What we hear
                                                                                             (Consumer Voice)
 Consumers will attempt to           Insight Statement (Connection Point)
 quit smoking on their own                                                                   “I feel guilty that I can’t
                                     “I know I should quit. I’ve tried to quit so           quit. I know it’s expensive.
 7.2 times, before reaching          many times, it’s ridiculous. I’m not myself,
   for a quit smoking aid.                                                                   But when I do, I’m really
                                        I’m grouchy, irritable, out of control.                 not myself. I get so
                                             Quitting smoking sucks.”                         irritable that I give up”

                                           Consumer Enemy (Pain Point)                    What we sense
     5     Life Moments               “I fear quitting smoking will bring out the       (Emotional Zones)
          (Day in the life)           monster in me, tuning me into the worst
                                                                                         Consumers lack the
                                              version of my personality.”
  Each time I quit, I’m miserable.                                                  confidence to quit, and they
 I take it out on those around me,                                                  feel out of control when they
     my friends, my wife. I think                                                     make an attempt to quit.
    they’d almost rather I smoke
     than have to deal with me.

                                                                                            We make brands stronger.
                                                                                        We make brand leaders smarter.
Consumer Benefits Ladder

 Functional               Emotional benefits                     4
  In the patient’s       How does that make them feel?
voice, answer, “So,
                                                          Look at rational
  what do I get?”
                                                          benefit, asking,
                          Functional benefits            “So how does that
                             What do patients get?        make me feel?”

                            Product features                     1
        2                 What does your product do?        Patients
                                                         Define target, need
  Features                                                states, enemies
Product-focused                                            and insights.
strengths, claims,        Target and insights
  differences or            What do patients want?
unique offerings.

                                                              We make brands stronger.
                                                          We make brand leaders smarter.
Functional benefit cheat sheet
                                                 9 functional zones with 50 total functional benefits

           Faster                                                                                                             Updates
                                                                Keeps you            Easier
                                                                organized            to use
                    Safer          Performance
  Lasts                                                                                 Saves                                                   Helping hand
                                                                 Hassle                                       Advice
  Longer                                                                                time
                                     Works                                                                  Solutions                            Teaching
powerful                             Better                      Efficient            Integrated

    Quality         How it is
                                    for you                             Simplifies                       Makes you smarter
                    made                                                 your life
     Good value
                                       value                                                                 Reduces              Prevents
                                                                Better Home           Education
  Track                                   Saves               Helps                                      Helps                                Mental
                                          you                  your                    Comfort          you be                                Health
                                          money              family                                   healthier
    Lower                    Invest for
                                                                                            Moments                    Weight/Exercise
     Risk                    future                          Life Stages

                    Social                                                                                              Variety          Memorable
 Cultural                             Latest                                        Touch/Feel
                                    Fashions                                                                      Luxurious
                                                                      Sounds                                 Occasion                        Service
In touch                                                                                                Rituals                              Responsiveness
                                      Latest                               Sights   Subconscious
         Stay                       technology

       Connected                                                 Sensory Appeal                                     Experience

                                                                                                               We make brands stronger.
                                                                                                           We make brand leaders smarter.

                                               Emotional benefit cheat sheet
                                                 8 emotional zones with 40 total emotional benefits

                                                                                  Competent                         Respect
         Inspired                                             Wisdom              Smarter                                                 Safe

                                                           Curious for knowledge                       Stay in
                                   Sense of                                                            control
                                   optimism                                                                                         Reliable
                                                                                  Patient                                Honest

                        Feel free                                                                                     Feel
                 Excited                                                                                                 Family

                                       Get                                                            comfortable                     Easy-
     Popular                                                                                                   Relaxed
                                                                       Feel liked                                                      Nurtured
                                                                       Friendly      Intimate              Compassion

                                                                   Like-able          Happy

                                                                                                           We make brands stronger.
                                                                                                       We make brand leaders smarter.
Use the benefit clusters to brainstorm benefit statements
                                       Quit Smoking
                                        Rx Strength

                                                                   Use the clusters to begin the brainstorm,
                                                                   using specific category or brand words.
                    Helps you be                              •   It will help me quit and I know I will be healthier
              Prevents healthier                              •   I won’t have any urges to smoke
                                  Weight/Exercise             •   It will make quitting a little bit easier
                Faster                          Performance   •   It will keep me strong and help me break my smoking rituals
                    Works Better                              •   It prevents me from falling off the wagon
                  Lasts for you
                  Longer              Easier to use
                                                              •   Whenever I want a cigarette, I know I can beat the craving
                                                              •   I will be healthier and not gain weight
                                                              •   It works for 24 hours so i will have no late night urges
                     Experience                               •   I like the responsiveness from the first moment of the day
                Rituals          Responsiveness

                                                              •   I feel in control when I quit
                           Stay in                            •   I feel safer in quitting
                  Safe     control     Reliable               •   I like to know how the product works and what i will experience
                         Curious for                          •   I feel more confident I will be successful
Emotional     Informed
                         knowledge Smarter                    •   I feel more knowledgeable about what I am putting in my body.
                                                              •   I will feel more motivated to be successful in quitting
              Inspired            Motivated                   •   I will feel inspired I will not gain weight
                          Sense of            Successful      •   I want to quit, I just want to make sure I’m successful.
                          optimism                            •   I am motivated by having something to help me beat the cravings
                                                              •   I want to quit. I just need help to control my urges.

                                                                                                      We make brands stronger.
                                                                                                  We make brand leaders smarter.
Sort through the possible benefits to find the ones that are
most motivating to consumers and own-able for your brand.
                     Feel it                                                      Helps me
                    working                             I will be                 be myself
                                                      able to fight     I won’t
                  right away               Feel        the urge to     have any
                                         motivated       smoke         cravings          I feel in
                                          to quit                                        control
                                                                                        when I quit
                           Losing Zone                                Winning Zone
How motivated
                                                        Easier to
 are doctors/                                             quit
consumers by                   Dumb Zone                               Risky Zone
 your benefit
                               I feel safer
                                                       I won’t gain
                                                          weight            Feel more


                 Low                           How own-able is this                           High
                                               benefit for your brand

                                                                                      We make brands stronger.
                                                                                  We make brand leaders smarter.
Building a winning brand positioning statement

                                To     • Veteran smokers, 40-55, who are
                1           (Target)     willing to do whatever it takes to quit.
Quit Smoking
 Rx Strength

                2 Graytine is the      • quit smoking aid

                                       • Helps you stay in control, while
                3             That       you quit smoking, so that you are
                                         more successful
                                       • In clinical tests, patients were 38%
                                         more successful in quitting versus
                4 That’s because
                    (Support Points)     cold turkey.
                                       • Patients felt more in control. Fewer
                                         mood swings, urges to smoke and
                                         potential cheating moments.

                                                                We make brands stronger.
                                                            We make brand leaders smarter.
Can you describe your
  brand in 7 seconds?


Think about how to describe your brand in 7 or 60 seconds
   or 30 minutes or even over the life time of the brand.

                                                   We make brands stronger.
                                               We make brand leaders smarter.
How do you get your brand to become part of
 the conversation between doctors and patients



          If you can’t describe your brand, how do you expect
         medical professionals to do it on your brand’s behalf?

                                                            We make brands stronger.
                                                        We make brand leaders smarter.
The work of the review and positioning assesses the inner
and outer elements of the brand to build a unifying big idea

               Products                                  Consumer
             and Services                                Reputation

                                    Big idea
                                must be interesting,
        Inside the Brand Soul    simple, unique,         Outward Brand Reputation
                                  motivating and
                  Internal                               Healthcare Professional
                  Beacon                                       Reputation

                                   Brand Role
                                The Stabilizing Bridge

                                                                    We make brands stronger.
                                                                We make brand leaders smarter.
Brand                                   The Big Idea Blueprint

  Products and Services                                                                 Consumer Reputation
  What is the focused point of difference            Big Idea has to                   What is the desired reputation of the
that your products or services can win on,                                             brand, that attracts, excites, engages
                                                   accurately express
because they meet consumer needs, and                                                   and motivates consumers to think,
 separates your brand from competitors?           the brand’s soul and                    feel and purchase your brand?
                                                  outward reputation. It
                                                   must be interesting,
                                                     simple, unique,
                                                  inspiring, motivating
      Internal Beacon                                 and own-able.                    Healthcare Professional
   What is the internal rallying cry that                                                    Reputation
 reflects your brand’s purpose, values,
                                                                                         What are the views of doctors and
 motivations helping inspire, challenge
                                                                                        other healthcare professionals who
  and guide the culture? These words
  should come from your brand’s soul.                  Brand Role                      influence the usage the brand? What
                                                                                         would make them recommend or
                                             What is the link between the consumer            partner with your brand?
                                               and the brand, reflecting the way the
                                              brand services, supports and enables
                                             the consumers to make the most out of
                                               your brand? The brand role links the
                                                   internal and external sides.

                                                                                                       We make brands stronger.
                                                                                                   We make brand leaders smarter.
Stop thinking that Communication is like a bulletin
    board where you can pin up one more message

                                                             • Somehow Marketers have
                                                               convinced themselves that they
   o r ks               S av                         Taste     can keep jamming one more
  W t                  mo e s                 e  r             message into their ad.
   Fa s                                     g
                          ne y         L on g        great   • People’s brain do not work that
                                           st i n
                                                               way. They see 5,000 brand
                                                               messages a day. They may
                                                               engage in 5-10 a day. When they
                                                               see your cluttered messy bulletin
      G ua ra                All natural
        o r yo e e d         ingredients
                                                 Pro ve        board, their brain naturally rejects
     mo ne u r
           y b ac                               s c ie n n     and moves on.
                  k                                     ce   • Not only are you not getting your
                                                               last message through, you are not
                                                               getting any messages through.

Think of Brand Communications like standing on top of a mountain
 and just yelling one thing. It is very hard to yell a long message.

                                                                           We make brands stronger.
                                                                       We make brand leaders smarter.
Can you explain your brand in 7 seconds?
7 second brand


                                                                                                We help you
                                        Inspire and                A personal
        Technology so                                                                         stay in control
                                     empower women              moment of escape
        simple, so that                                                                      during the rough
                                    to take control and         from a hectic life,
       everyone can be                                                                       days, so you can
                                       maintain their             between work
          part of the                                                                        successfully quit
                                       healthy body.               and home.
            future.                                                                              smoking.

                 BIG IDEAS help simplify and organize brand messages making it easily understood and
                 remembered. The idea must be unique, own-able and motivating. The Big Idea must
                  gain a quick entry, be layered easily and have longevity over the life of the brand. All
                               activity on the brand must be organized under the Big Idea.

                                                                                            We make brands stronger.
                                                                                        We make brand leaders smarter.
Once you have found your 7 second brand,
                 can you narrow it further to the 1-second brand?
1 second brand


    Simplicity             Empower              Moments                 Control

             There is a power when you focus down to ONE word for your brand.

                                                                     We make brands stronger.
                                                                 We make brand leaders smarter.
What is your brand’s
shout from the mountain?

            What is your brand’s Big
           Idea that you can organize
              everything around?
The good and bad of
writing creative briefs
Advertising        Smart briefs have one very clear objective. Ugly
 Objective          briefs try to do too many things in one brief.

        An ugly unfocused Brief                           A smart focused Brief

        Why are we advertising?                           Why are we advertising?
        Drive trial of Graytine stealing from             Drive doctor recommendations of
        mainstream competitors and AND get                Graytine by positioning it as “Stay in
        current users to use more often.                  control while you quit”

         I see too many briefs that have multiple objectives and they wreck the brief from
          the start. Stop this. You end up with 2-3 STRATEGIES that leads you to different
          targets, 2-3 objectives, 2-3 messages. Your creative people will come back with
            one ad for each objective.Then you now choose the objective based on the
                                  creative you like…and that’s crazy.

                                                                                We make brands stronger.
                                                                            We make brand leaders smarter.
Consumer                Smart briefs use insights to bring the
 Insights                           target to life.

       A bad “stats driven” Brief               An insights driven Brief

       Data Driven random stats                 Insights of doctors and patients.
       Consumers will try to quit cold          • “I know I should quit. I’ve tried to quit so many
       turkey 7x before they reach for a          times, it’s ridiculous. I’m not myself, I’m grouchy,
       quit smoking aid. 38% of smokers           irritable, out of control. Quitting smoking sucks.”
       say they have a fear they will fail.     • “I wish all my patients could quit smoking. When
       14% of doctors refuse to                   they bring up the subject, i know they are ready. I
       recommend a brand.                         just don’t want to feel like a nag. Then they tune
                                                  me out and won’t listen to anything I say.”

      The smart brief frames the consumer insights with the word “I” that forces you to get into
          their shoes and put the insight in quotes that forces you to use their voice. These
        insights add more depth to the story of the consumer so the creative team can build
      stories that connect with your consumer. . The best ads are those where you can almost
                              see the insight shining through the work.

                                                                                 We make brands stronger.
                                                                             We make brand leaders smarter.
Desired          Good advertising can really only get the target to do
Response               one at a time: see, think, feel and do.

      Ugly convoluted brief:                            A smarter and focused Brief

      What is the Desired Response?                     What is the Desired Response?
      We want doctors to THINK that Graytine is         We want doctors to recommend
      better. We want their patients to FEEL they       Graytine to their patients who are
      can stay in control. And we want them to          struggling to quit smoking.
      TRY Graytine and see if they like it. We
      want doctors to FEEL confident.

         I want you to choose ONE of think, feel or act, not a combination. The best
      advertising can only move one body part at a time—so you have to decide, or else
      your creative team will show you creative options for each of these strategies and
        you will be randomly choosing your favorite ad not the ad that is on strategy.

                                                                              We make brands stronger.
                                                                          We make brand leaders smarter.
Main          Smart briefs focus on the consumer benefits, while
Message          ugly briefs focus only on the product features.

    An ugly feature oriented Brief                    A smart benefit focused Brief
    What should we tell them?                         What should we tell them?
    (Stimulus: benefit)                               (Stimulus: benefit)
    • In clinical tests, patients using Graytine      We help your patients stay in control
      were 38% more successful in quitting            during the rough days, so they can
      versus cold turkey.                             successfully quit smoking.
    • With Graytine, patients felt more in
      control. Fewer mood swings, urges to
      smoke and potential cheating moments.

      Focus your main message stimulus on what consumers get (functional benefit) or how
       it makes consumers feel (emotional). Also, narrow down to one thing, not a laundry.
      The ugly brief lists out product features as the main message. It is a marketing myth to
      believe that if you tell the consumer a lot of things, at least they will hear something. I
          believe if you tell them too much, they will shut you out and not hear anything.

                                                                                 We make brands stronger.
                                                                             We make brand leaders smarter.
Bring the Creative Brief elements together.

Why are we advertising?
• Drive doctor recommendations of Graytine by positioning it as “Stay in control while you quit”

Insights of doctors and patients.
• “I know I should quit. I’ve tried to quit so many times, it’s ridiculous. I’m not myself, I’m grouchy,
  irritable, out of control. Quitting smoking sucks.”
• “I wish all my patients could quit smoking. When they bring up the subject, i know they are ready.
  I just don’t want to feel like a nag. Then they tune me out and won’t listen to anything I say.”

What is the Desired Response?
• We want doctors to recommend Graytine to their patients who are struggling to quit smoking.

What should we tell them? (Stimulus: benefit)
• We help your patients stay in control during the rough days, so they can successfully quit

                                                                                    We make brands stronger.
                                                                                We make brand leaders smarter.
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