Beyblade Burst Theme Song Presentation - Ypsilon Licensing

Page created by Armando Johnson
Beyblade Burst Theme Song Presentation - Ypsilon Licensing
Beyblade Burst
Theme Song Presentation
Beyblade Burst Theme Song Presentation - Ypsilon Licensing
1st Genera*on (2002-2004)               2nd Genera*on (2010-2014)
       154 episodes                            221 episodes
                       Retail Toy Sales

                            Tops Sold

                       License Partners

                        Online Ba=les

        80+                                         350+
      Countries                                  TV Episodes
Beyblade Burst Theme Song Presentation - Ypsilon Licensing
Genre :
                                 Boys ac*on

                                   Target :
                              Boys 6-12 years old

                                Produced By:
                                d-rights Inc. /
                                  OLM, Inc.

 51 episodes x 22 minutes                            51 episodes x 22 minutes
Japan Launch: April 4, 2016                         Japan Launch: April 3, 2017
Beyblade Burst Theme Song Presentation - Ypsilon Licensing
Place:COEX Hall B (8,010㎡)
                            Total number of visitors: approximately 10,000 people (including parents)
JAPAN                       Total number of participated kids: 3,000
BRAND RECOGNITION           (pre-registered participants + participants registered on the day)
o #1 TOY for Christmas
o At least 1 of 3 Boys 6-11 know BEYBLADE
o BEYBLADE ranks #1 in the story-line manga genre
   in Coro Coro Comics (top boys manga magazine),   Worldwide:Hong Kong
   #4 overall for all proper*es.
                                                       Syndicated on Popular kids comic Magazine “Co-co!”   Broadcast on TVB Jade golden time for kids on
                                                                                                            every Sat. 4pm with high audience rate

                                                                                                            average at 1.33% among all. ( as of Dec. )

o Tournaments held at over 100 retailers
o Over 42,000 par*cipants at World Hobby Day in
o 120 Tournament Events Oct - Nov 2016               Worldwide:KOREA
o The Anima*on is broadcasted on 11 Networks!
o One Million units sold in 2016!                   Worldwide:Taiwan
o Main 4 SKUs ranked in the top 20 in Ba=le
  Segment and Products and the X top achieved
                                                    Upcoming Tournament
                                                    On 26th Feb 2017, National Championship will be held

  the #1 spot in the Ba=le Segment!
                                                    at New Taipei City.

o Syndicated in Popular Kids Magazine “Co-co!”

o Na*onal Tournament February 26, 2017
Beyblade Burst Theme Song Presentation - Ypsilon Licensing
UK             FRANCE       ITALY      GERMANY       SPAIN    PORTUGAL


         US         Canada      Australia        NZ      La*n America
Beyblade Burst Theme Song Presentation - Ypsilon Licensing
US Broadcast:
                                     o Launched December 19, 2016 on
o In discussions with Neilix with      Disney XD with two weeks of premiere
  Europe *ming for Fall 2018           episodes; during this *me BEYBLADE
                                       BURST became:
                                         o #1 Animated Show for Boys 6-11
o Local European markets will have
  YouTube channels for localized         o #3 overall show including live-
  catch up, mini clips, special             ac*on sitcoms for Boys 6-11
  content on a market by market      o Current Schedule: Saturday 8:30am
  basis                                premieres, with addi*onal airings Sat/
                                       Sun 6:30pm and M-F at 3:30pm –
                                       8 *mes a week.
Beyblade Burst Theme Song Presentation - Ypsilon Licensing
o Master Toy Licensee:

o Innova*ve Burst Feature: The toy
  line features a NEW burst
                                          Basic Stadium          Epic Rivals BaMle Set
  innova*on – the tops “burst” in

o Global: Adaptability and scalability       Dual Pack        Single Top w/ Launcher
  of product across all global markets

o Tri-Layer Compa*bility System: New
  Triple Layer Top System with
  Simplified Assembly & Huge Variety
                                            Single Top              Launcher

o Micro Line: Hasbro is introducing a
  Micro Line, blind packaged – no burst
  component but compa*ble with the
  main line for Growth Channels and
  emerging markets
                                             Two Player               Blind Bag
                                          Micro Starter Set       Micro w/ Launcher
Beyblade Burst Theme Song Presentation - Ypsilon Licensing
Beyblade Burst Theme Song Presentation - Ypsilon Licensing
Three ways to play:

Scan in physical tops to play digitally

                                                  *through April
Beyblade Burst Theme Song Presentation - Ypsilon Licensing
Canal J launched March 11, 2017     Merchandise and PromoQons Agent
                                     Licensees already signed on board:
      20 Airings per week!          ü Sun City for Apparel/GiVs;
                                    ü Grund Les Livres du Dragon D’or
Social Media support via Facebook     for Publishing;
         and its website            ü Jeux Ravensburger for Puzzles;
                                    ü PUBLICS Group for Back to School;
                                    ü D’Arpege for Wheeled Sports; and
                                    ü Leomil for Footwear.

                                    Currently reviewing deals for:
Gulli will launch September 2017    Magazines, SQckers and Home Goods

                                    Toys will launch in July at Toys R Us and
                                         in August at all other retailers
Broadcast will begin on

                                        Merchandise and PromoQons Agent

         September 2017                Licensees already signed on board:
                                     ü SEVEN for Back to School; and
                                     ü Bauli for Holiday Food Items

                                         Currently reviewing deals for:
                                     ü Publishing;
                                     ü Loyalty; and
                                     ü Chocolate Eggs
Toys will launch in September 2017
       at all major retailers
Broadcast will begin on

                                                  Broadcast Merchandise and
              July 3, 2017                            PromoQons Agent

                                              Licensees already signed on board:
                                           ü MONTICHELVO INDUSTRIAL for Back to
                                             School; and
                                           ü KstaQonery for Back to School

                                                Currently reviewing deals for:
                                           ü Publishing; and
Toys will launch in May at Toys R Us and   ü Chocolate Eggs
      in June at all other retailers
Broadcast will begin on

              Summer 2017
                                              Broadcast Merchandise and PromoQons Agent

Toys will launch in August at Toys R Us and        Licensee already signed on board:
    in September at all other retailers               ü Bjorna for Home TexQles
Broadcast will begin on

             September 2017
    SUNRIGHTS is currently looking for
        representaQon in the UK
for a Merchandise and PromoQons Agent

Toys will launch in August at Toys R Us and
    in September at all other retailers
Broadcast will begin on

                                Merchandise and PromoQons Agent

      September 2017

                                  Currently reviewing deals for:
                                      ü Home Goods; and
                                            ü Loyalty
Toys will launch in September
     at all major retailers
Broadcast will begin on

                                                     Broadcast Merchandise and
                                                         PromoQons Agent

                                                  Licensee already signed on board:
               May 27, 2017                     ü GIM for Pool and Back to School; and
                                                ü JUMBO for StaQonery and Seasonal

Toys launched in April at all major retailers
Broadcast will begin on

             Summer 2017
                                                  Broadcast Merchandise
                                                  and PromoQons Agent

                                             Licensees already signed on board:
                                            ü Bjorna for Home TexQles, Apparel,
                                                 Swimwear and Outerwear; and
                                                  ü Live for Back to School

 Toys launched in April in the Nordics at
BR and Toys R US the toy line will launch
  in the rest of the region at all major
         retailers in September
Broadcast began on

                                             Merchandise and PromoQons Agent
              May 1, 2017
         Airs 15 Qmes a week!                 Licensee already signed on board:
                                                ü ArQmbal for Back to School

Toys launched at Toys R Us in May and
will launch in June at all other retailers
Broadcast will begin on

                 September 2017

       Merchandise and PromoQons Agent

Toys will launch in September at all major retailers
Broadcast began on

                   April 3, 2017
  Airs weekdays at 4 p.m and weekends at 2 p.m.

SUNRIGHTS is currently looking for representaQon in
  Turkey for a Merchandise and PromoQons Agent

  Toys will launch in August at all major retailers
Broadcast began on                      Broadcast will begin on

 December 5, 2016            May 10, 2017
Airs M-F twice a Day!       M-F at 7:30 a.m.             May 26, 2017

        Broadcast Merchandise and                 Broadcast Merchandise and
            PromoQons Agent                           PromoQons Agent

    Toys fully launched in February 2017       Toys will launch across the region
                                                          in June 2017
TV AdverQsing           BEYBLADE BURST App          Fan Outreach

Digital AdverQsing              Website                  Events

                      Content CreaQon & DistribuQon   Tournaments
Retailer AdverQsing
Thousands competed but only 25 of the
                                                    best Bladers from around the world
                                                  were invited to Toronto in 2012 to “LET
                                                     IT RIP” in hopes of becoming the
                                                       BEYBLADE World Champion!

     This Summer the Official BEYBLADE BURST tournaments will begin in Canada

Join us at the next BEYBLADE World Championship in 2018!
Currently in Ac*ve Discussions with Category Leaders in Food and Beverage:
       Global and Regional QSRs and Cross Promo*ons: (2018 Q1/2)
Welcome to Generation 3 of a
    Global Phenomenon
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