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Labour/Le Travailleur

Bibliography on Canadian Labour History
G. Douglas Vaisey

Volume 6, 1980


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Canadian Committee on Labour History

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Vaisey, G. D. (1980). Bibliography on Canadian Labour History. Labour/Le
Travailleur, 6, 183–214.

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Bibliography on Canadian Labour History
Compiled by O. Douglas Vaisey.

THIS BIBLIOGRAPHY CONTINUES THE WORK of the Bulletin of the Committee on
Canadian Labour History in attempting to present a record of books, theses,
articles, and related materials produced in the year preceding this volume (i.e.,
 1979). Through some warp in time, however, the Committee has yet to present
the 1978 bibliography. Readers will therefore find one 1979 bibliography, one
1978 bibliography, and a third section entitled "Update in Labour Biblio-

                        7979 Books and Theses
Ainsworth, Jackie. An Account to Settle: The Story of the United Bank Work-
   ers. Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1979.
Anderson, Allan. Salt Water, Freshwater: over a hundred Canadians who
   work on the water —fishermen, guides, pilots, divers, rum-runners, whal-
   ers, tugboat skippers and many more —pass along their vivid stories of life
  afloat, past and present. Toronto: Macmillan, 1979.
Archambault, Camille. Historique du camhnage: biographies des pionniers.
   Montreal: Publication du Transport par Camion, 1979.
Armstrong, Audrey I. The Blacksmith ofFallbrouk: The Story of Walter Came-
  ron, Blacksmith, Woodcarver, Raconteur. Don Mills: Musson Books, 1979.
Avery, Donald. "Dangerous Foreigners": European Immigrant Workers and
  Labour Radicalism in Canada, 1896-1932. Toronto: McClelland and
   Stewart, 1979.
Bergren, Myrtle. Tough Timber: The Loggers of B.C., Their Story. Vancou-
   ver Elgin Publications, 1979. [Reprint of the second revised edition, pub-
   lished in Toronto, by Progress Books, 1967.]
Bernier, Paul. Ernest Lapointe, depute de Kamouraska, 1904-1919.
   LaPocatiere: Societe historique de la Cote-du-Sud, 1979.
British Columbia. Legislative Assembly. Select Standing Committee on
  Agriculture. The Impact of Labour on the British Columbia Food Industry.
   Richmond, B.C.: Legislative Assembly, 1979.
Brym, Robert J. and R. James Sacouman (eds.) Underdevelopment and Social
  Movements in Atlantic Canada. Toronto: New Hogtown Press, 1979.

G. Douglas Vaisey, "Bibliography on Canadian Labour History," LabourlLe TravaiUeur, 6
(Autumn 1980), 183-214.

Canada. Commission d'enquete sur le conge-education et la productivity.
   L'Education et le travailleur canadien: rapport de la Commission
   d'enquete sur le conge-education et la productivity. Ottawa: Travail Can-
   ada, 1979. [Also issued in English as Education and Working Canadians.]
Caragata, Warren. Alberta Labour: A Heritage Untold. Toronto: J. Lorimer,
Coish, Calvin. Seasons of the Seal. St. John's: Breakwater Books, 1979.
   [Newfoundland seal hunt.]
Confederation of National Trade Unions. Histoire du mouvement ouvrier au
   Quebec, 1825-1976. Montreal: Centrale de renseignement du Quebec,
Confederation des Syndicats Nationaux. Pour le droit au travail dans les
  conditions decentes. Montreal: CSN, 1979.
Conseil du Patronat du Quebec. Repertoire des associations patronales
  quibecoises. 5e edition. Montreal: Conseil du Patronat du Quebec, 1979.
Denis, Roch. Luttes des classes et question nationale au Quebec, 1948-1968.
  Montreal: Presses socialistes Internationales, 1979.
Dionne, Georges. 43 ans dans leur trou. Montreal: Confederation des syn-
  dicats nationaux, 1979.
Douglas, Tommy. Tommy Douglas Speaks. Edited by L.D. Lovick.
   Lantzville, B.C.: Oolichan Books, 1979.
Federation des Travailleurs Quebecois. Un pays en commun: la solidarite,
  document d'appui final. Montreal: FTQ, 1979. [Document on immigrant
Fournier, Marcel. Communisme et anticommunisme au Quebec, 1920-1950.
  Montreal: Editions cooperatives Albert Saint-Martin, 1979.
Genest, Bernard et al. Les artisans traditionnels de Vest du Quebec. Quebec:
  Ministere des affaires culturelles, 1979.
Gosselin, Jean. Cheminots, qui etes vous? Charny, Quebec: s.n., 1979.
Guest, Dennis. The Emergence of Social Security in Canada. Vancouver:
  University of British Columbia Press, 1979.
Harvey, Fernand and Gilles Houle. Les Classes sociates au Canada et au
  Quebec: bibliographic annotee. Quebec: Universite Laval, 1979. [Cahiers
  de 1'ISSH, Collection Etudes sur le Quebec, no. 11.]
Hennessy, Peter H. Schools in Jeopardy: Collective Bargaining in Education.
  Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1979.
Hetu, Jean Paul. Lutte des travailleurs du textile au Quebec. Montreal: Cen-
  trale des syndicats democratiques, 1979.
Hundey, Ian. Canada, Immigrants and Settlers. Toronto: Macmillan of Can-
   ada, 1979.
Kealey, Linda, ed. A Not Unreasonable Claim: Women and Reform in Canada,
   1880-1920. Toronto: Women's Educational Press, 1979.

Kolasky, John. The Shattered Illusion: The History of Ukrainian Pro-
   Communist Organization in Canada. Toronto: FMA Books, 1979.
LaRivierc, Claude and Albert Saint-Martin. Albert Saint-Martin, militant
   a"avant-garde, 1865-1947. Laval, Que.: Editions cooperatives Albert
   Saint-Martin, 1979.
LeMay, Jacques. Cooperative du Bos Saint-Laurent et aeveloppement
   (1928-1978). Bic: Cooperative du Bas-Saint-Laurent, 1979.
Lipton. Charles. Histoire du syndicalisme au Canada et au Quebec,
   1827-1959. Montreal: Editions Parti Pris, 1979. [Translation of 1967 edi-
   tion of Trade union movement in Canada.)
McLean,Bruce. "A Union Amongst Government Employees": A History of the
   B.C. Government Employees' Union, 1919-1979. Burnaby, B.C.: British
   Columbia Government Employees' Union, 1979.
McNaught, Kenneth. J.S. Woodsworth. Toronto: Fitzhenry St Whiteside,
MacPherson, Ian. Each for All: A History of the Co-operative Movement in
   English Canada, 1900-1945. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1979.
Mardiros, Anthony. William Irvine: The Life of a Prairie Radical. Toronto:
   James Lorimer, 1979.
Montero, Gloria. We Stood Together: First-Hand Accounts of Dramatic
   Events in Canada's Labour Past. Toronto: J. Lorimer, 1979. ["Accounts of
   some of Canada's less prominent labour leaders."]
Newlands, David L. Early Ontario Potters: Their Craft and Trade. Toronto:
   McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1979.
Ostry, Sylvia et at. Labour Economics in Canada. Third edition. Toronto:
   Macmillan of Canada, 1979.
Palmer, Bryan D. A Culture in Conflict: Skilled Workers and Industrial
  Capitalism in Hamilton, Ontario (1860-1914). Montreal: McGill-Queen*s
   University Press, 1979.
Piva, Michael J. The Condition of the Working Class in Toronto, 1900-1921.
   Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1979.
Rouillard, Jacques. Les Syndicats nationaux au Quibec de 1900 a 1930.
   Quebec: Presses de PUniversite Laval, 1979.
Salutin, Rick. Kent Rowley: A Canadian Hero. Toronto: J. Lorimer, 1979.
Schwantes, Carlos A. Radical Heritage: Labor, Socialism and Reform in
   Washington and British Columbia, 1885-1917. Vancouver Douglas &
   Mclntyre, 1979.
Tataryn, Lloyd. Dying for a Living: The Politics of Industrial Death. Ottawa:
   Deneau and Greenburg, 1979.
Vincenthier, Georges. Une Ideologic quebecoise de Louis-Joseph Papineau a
   Pierre Valtieres. Montreal: Hurtubise HMH, 1979.

Willes.J.A. Ontario Labour Court, 1943-1944. Kingston: Industrial Relations
  Centre, Queen's University, 1979.
Winnipeg 1919: History of the General Strike. Montreal: Red Flag Publica-
  tions, 1979.

                              1979 Articles
Alexander, David. "The Erosion of Social Democracy in Canada," Canadian
   Forum, 59 (689), May 1979, 7-8.
Battye, John. "The Nine Hour Pioneers: The Genesis of the Canadian Labour
   Movement," LabourfLe Travailleur, 4, 1979, 25-56.
Bennett, Arnold. "The Defeat of November 12 and the Future of the MCM,"
   Our Generation, 13 (1), Winter 1979, 3-6. [Montreal Citizens'
   Movement's decline in the November 1978 municipal elections.]
       . "Red-baiting — Trade-Union Style: Cold War Factionalism in the
  Canadian Trade Union Movement," Our Generation, 13 (2), Spring 1979,
   31-49. [Concentrates on the period from 1935 to 1950, and examines the
  role of communism on the trade union movement.]
Bercuson, David J. "Recent Publications in Canadian Labour History," The
  History and Social Science Teacher, 14(3),Spring 1979, 179-184.
Betke, Carl. "The UFA: Visions of a Cooperative Commonwealth," Alberta
  History, 27 (3), Summer 1979, 7-14.
Brammel, Libertas (pseud.). "The Great Tribulation: Winnipeg's First Gen-
  eral Strike1" (with an introduction by A. Ross McCormack), Labour/Le
  Travailleur, 4, 1979, 187-209. [A novel, printed in The Voice (Winnipeg),
   1902, predicting a Winnipeg general strike in 1960; details closely parallel
  the actual General Strike of 1919.]
Campbell, Marie L. "Unlocking Women's Experience: A Method for Using
   Historical Sources," Our Generation, 13 (3), Summer 1979, 11-15.
   [Focusses on trade unions in B.C.]
Chiason, Gary N. "Union Mergers and International Unionism in Canada,"
   Relations Industrielles, 34 (4), 1979, 768-777.
Craven, Paul. "King and Context: A Reply to Whitaker," Labour/Le Travail-
   leur, 1979, 165-186. [Discussion of William Lyon Mackenzie King's politi-
  cal ideas, with some mention of labour.]
Crooks, Harold. "Banquo's Children; Rank and File Rebellion in the World's
   Biggest Trade Union," Last Post, 7 (3) February 1979, 21-29. [Canada vs.
  the Teamsters.]
Easterbrook, W.T. "Clare Pentland — Brandon College, 1937-40," Canadian
  Journal of Political and Social Theory, 3, Spring 1979, 101-102.
Cross, Michael S. "Recent Writings in Social History," History and Social
  Science Teacher, 14(3), Spring 1979, 155-164.

Cuthbertson, Wendy. "Basic Rights the Issue in the Blue Cross Strike," Cana-
  dian Labour, 24 (18), December 14,1979, 10-12.
Davies, loan. "Redefining Our Own Milieu," Canadian Forum, 59 (689).
   May 1979,10-11. [The role of the NDP and the FQ in Canadian socialism.]
Frank, David and Nolan Reilly. "The Emergence of the Socialist Movement in
   the Maritimes, 1899-1916," LabourIU TravailUur, 4, 1979, 85-113.
Oalameau, Claude. "L'espe ranee du travail de 1'enfant au Quebec aux XVH e -
   XIX* siecles," Critere. 25, printempi 1979, 229-238.
Gallagher, Deirdie. "wco: Steelworkers Historic Strike," Canadian Labour,
  1A (9), July 27, 1979, 9-12.
Glasbeek, Harry J. and Michael Mandel. "The Crime and Punishment of
  Jean-Claude Parrot" Canadian Forum, 59 (691). August 1979. 10-14.
   [CUPW, the 1978 Postal Strike, and the Postal Services Continuation Act.]
Gudmundson, Fred and Cy Gonick. "Days of Reckoning." Canadian Dimen-
  sion, 13 (5). January/February 1979,3-6.
Harney, Robert F. "Montreal's King of Italian Labour A Case Study of Pad-
   ronism," Labour IU TravailUur, 1979, 57-84. [Antonio Cordasco.]
Harvey, Fernand. "Les enfants de la revolution industrielle au Quebec* Cri-
  tere, IS, printemps 1979,257-270.
Huxley, Christopher. "The State, Collective Bargaining and the Shape of
  Strikes in Canada," Canadian Journal of Sociology, 4 (3). Summer 1979,
Judd, Carol M. "The Hudson's Bay Company Archives, a Source for Canadian
  Labour History," Committee on Canadian Labour History. Bulletin, no. 7,
  Spring 1979,1-2.
Kealey, Gregory S. "H.C. Pentland and Working Class Studies," Canadian
  Journal of Political and Social Theory, 3, Spring 1979, 79-94.
Lapointe, Michelle. "Le syndicat catholique des allumettieres de Hull,
   1919-1924," Revue d'histoire de VAmiriquefrangaise, 32 (4), mars 1979,
Larne-Langiois, Jacques. "Les pionniers." Travail Quibec, 15(l),juillet/ao0t
   1979,10-14. [Nineteenth-century Quebec workers.]
Lee-Whiting, Brenda. "Logging Tools," Canadian Collector, 14 (4), July-
  August 1979,44-48.
"Libertas Brammel" (pseudonym) see Brammel, Libertas (pseud.)
Lunn, C.W. "From Trapper Boy to General Manager A Story of Brotherly
  Love and Perseverance," (with an introduction by Ian McKay), Labour/Le
  TravailUur, 4, 1979, 211-240. [A serialized novel describing trade union-
  ism in Springhill, Nova Scotia in 1905.]
McDougall, David J. "The Shipbuilders, Whalers and Master Mariners of
  Gaspe Bay in the Nineteenth Century," in The Enterprising Canadians:
  Entrepreneurs and Economic Development in Eastern Canada, 1820-1914,

    edited by Lewis R. Fischer and Eric W. Sager. St. John's, Nfld: Maritime
    History Group, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1979, 123-146.
McFarland, Joan. "Women and Unions: Help or Hindrance?" Atlantis, 4 (2),
    Spring 1979, 48-70.
Macpherson, Ian. "Selected Borrowings: The American Impact Upon the
    Prairie Cooperative Movement, 1920-1939," Canadian Review ofAmerican
    Studies, 10 (2), Fall 1979, 137-151.
Mills, Allen. "The Canadian Forum and Socialism, 1920-1934," Journal of
   Canadian Studies, 13 (4), Winter 1978/79, 11-27.
Morley, Terry. "Review Article: Canada and the Romantic Left," Queen's
   Quarterly, 86(1). Spring 1979, 110-119.
Overton, Jim and Lee Seymour. "Unemployment in Newfoundland: A Review
   Essay on The Report of the People's Commission on Unemployment," Our
   Generation, 13 (1), Winter 1979, 50-60.
Paradis, Ruth. "Esdras Minville et la pensee cooperative ideologique au
   Quebec," VAction Nationale, 69 (2), octobre 1979, 107-116.
Pentland, H.C. "The Canadian Industrial Relations System: Some Formative
   Factors," LabourIU Travailleur, 4, 1979, 9-23.
        . "The Western Canadian Labour Movement, 1897-1919," Canadian
  Journal of Political and Social Theory, 3, Spring 1979, 53-78.
Phillips, Paul. "Clare Pentland and the Labour Process " Canadian Journal of
  Political and Social Theory, 3, Spring 1979, 45-52.
Piva, Michael J. "The Toronto District Labour Council and Independent Politi-
  cal Action: Factionalism and Frustration, 1900-1921," Labourite Travail-
   leur, 4, 1979,115-130.
Rosenthal, Star. "Union Maids: Organized Women Workers in Vancouver,
    1900-1915," B.C. Studies, 41, Spring 1979, 36-55.

Ryan, Oscar and Ryan, Toby. "The Canadian Precedents: Don Rubin and
   Forster Freed Interview Oscar and Toby Ryan," Canadian Theatre Review,
   22, Spring 1979, 20-33.
Sacouman, R. James. "The Differing Origins, Organization and Impact of
   Maritime and Prairie Cooperative Movements to 1940," Canadian Journal
   of Sociology, 4, Summer 1979, 199-221.
Strong-Boag, Veronica. "The Girl of the New Day: Canadian Working Women
   in the 1920s," Labour IU Travailleur, 4, 1979, 131-164.
Swankey, Ben. "Reflections of an Alberta Communist: The Hungry Thirties,"
   Alberta History, 27 (4), Autumn 1979, 1-12.
Tremblay, Robert. "La formation materielle de la classe ouvriere a Montreal
   entre 1790 et 1830," Revue d'histoire de I'Amirique francaise, 33(l),juin
   1979, 39-50.
Wiseman, Nelson. "The Character and Strategy of the Manitoba CCF, 1943 to
   1959," Prairie Forum, 4 (1), Spring 1979, 27-53.

      and K. Wayne Taylor. "Class and Ethnic Voting in Winnipeg During
 the Cold War" Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 16 (1),
  1979, 60-76.
Woywitka, Anne B. "Labouring on the Railroad ," Alberta History, 27 (1),
  Winter 1979, 25-33.

                      1978 Books and Theses
Abella, Irving Martin and David Millar. The Canadian Worker in the Twen-
   tieth Century. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1978.
Angus, Ian Cole. Against the Stream: The Early Years of Canadian
   Trotskyism. Toronto: Vanguard Press, 1978.
Anton ides, Harry and Edward Vanderkloet. A Christian Union in Labour's
   Wasteland: Essays. Toronto: Wedge Pub. Foundation, 1978. [Most articles
   were published in The Guide (Hamilton, Ontario).]
Armstrong, Pat and Hugh Armstrong. The Double Ghetto: Canadian Women
   and Their Segregated Work. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1978.
Association Feminine d'Education et d'Action Sociale. Pendant que les
   hommes travaillent, les femmes elles... : 266 fiches biographiques de
  femmes qui ont marque le Quebec entre 1820 et 1950. Montreal: Guerin,
Avakumovic, Ivan. Socialism in Canada: The Study of the CCF - NDP in
  Federal and Provincial Politics. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1978.
Baldwin, Doug and John A. Dunn. Cobalt: A Pictorial History of the Develop-
   ment of Silver Mining. Cobalt, Ontario: Highway Book Shop, 1978.
Bedard, Roger J. Les Relations de travail au Quebec: de la negociation collec-
  tive a la politique de puissance. Montreal: Editions des Affaires, 1978.
Bercuson, David Jay, ed. Alberta's Coat Industry, 1919. Calgary: Historical
   Society of Alberta, 1978.
        . Fools and Wise Men: The Rise and Fall of the One Big Union.
   Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1978.
Bergeron, Leandre. The History of Quebec: A Patriote's Handbook. Toronto:
  NC Press, 1978.
Brison, David W. and Anthony H. Smith. The Effects of Ontario Teachers'
  Strikes on Students: Summary and Integration of Three Component Studies.
   Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Education, 1978.
Broadfoot, Barry. La Grande Depression: temoignages des aiinees perdues.
   Montreal: Editions Quebec/Amerique, 1978. [Translation of Ten Lost
   Years: 1929-1939, published in Toronto, 1973.]
Butler, Eric D. The Real Communist Menace: the Canadian Royal Commis-
  sion's Report on Espionage and Other Communist Activities in Canada.

   Flesherton: Canadian Intelligence Service, 1978. [A timely reprint of a 1947
   pamphlet, lest anyone forget the wonders of the Cold War — GSK.]
Centre documentaire en civilisation traditionnelle. Le Travail du chaume dans
   la region du Lac Saint-Pierre. Trois-Rivieres: Universite du Quebec a
  Trois-Rivieres, 1978.
Chaison, Gary N., Leslie Cockburn, and John Morris. Labour Education: A
  Bibliography of Selected Reading Materials Available at Libraries in New
  Brunswick. Fredericton: Department of Extension and Summer Sessions,
   University of New Brunswick, 1978.
Clark, Samuel Delbert. The New Urban Poor. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryer-
   son, 1978.
Communist Party of Canada. The Road to Socialism in Canada: The Program
  of the Communist Party of Canada. S.l.,s.n., 1978.
Confederation des Syndicats Nationaux. Elargir les droits, nos appuis, nos
   luttes: rapport de Vexecutif, 49e Congres de la CSN, Montreal, juin 1978.
   Montreal: CSN, 1978.
Confederation des Travailleurs Catholiques du Canada. Les Archives de la
  CTCCCSN     dans Vest du Quebec. Compiled by J.D. Thwaites. Quebec:
  Institut superieur des sciences humaines, Universite Laval, 1978.
Connelly, Patricia. Last Hired, First Fired: Women and the Canadian Work
   Force. Toronto: Women's Educational Press, 1978.
Coombs, David Grosvenor. The Emergence of a White-Collar Workforce in
  Toronto, 1895-1911. Ph.D. thesis, York University, 1978.
Copp, Terry. Classe ouvriere etpauvrete: les conditions de vie des travailleurs
   montrealais, 1897-1929. Montreal: Boreal Express, 1978. [Translation of
   The Anatomy of Poverty: The Condition of the Working Class in Montreal,
Craven, Paul. 'An Impartial Umpire': Industrial Relations and the Canadian
  State, 1900-1911. Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto, 1978.
Crispo, J. The Canadian Industrial Relations System. Toronto: McGraw-Hill
   Ryerson, 1978. [With commentary on the labour movement and trade
Davidson, Joe and John Deverell. The Autobiography of Joe Davidson.
   Toronto: J. Lorimer, 1978. [Davidson was the leader of the Canadian Union
   of Postal Workers.]
Delorme, Francois and Gaspar Lassonde. Aspects de la realite syndicate
  quebecoise, 1976. Quebec: Direction generate de la recherche, Ministers du
  Travail et de la Main-d'Oeuvre, 1978.
Douglas, Tommy. Till Power Is Brought to Pooling: Speeches, Anecdotes,
  and Parables of Tommy Douglas. Vancouver: Oolichan, 1978.
Downie, B.M. Collective Bargaining and Conflict Resolution in Education:
  The Evolution of Public Policy in Ontario. Kingston, Ontario: Industrial

   Relations Centre, Queen's University, 1978. [Issues affecting collective
   bargaining for Ontario teachers, including historical commentary on their
  labour relations.]
Dube, Franchise and Bernard Genest. Arthur Trembtay: forgeron de village.
  Quebec: Ministere des Affaires Culturelles, 1978.
Dumais, Michele. La Femme au travail. Rimouski: College de Rimouski,
Duval, Therese. 9.99. Montreal: Libre expression, 1978. [Cover title is O.K.
  Boss. ]
 Edmonds, Alan. The Years of Protest, 1960-1970. Toronto: Natural Science
  of Canada, 1978.
Employers1 Federation of India. The Industrial Relations System in Canada.
  Bombay: The Federation, 1978. [An overview of the Canadian experience.!
Favreau, Louis. Les Syndicats et la question du Parti des Travailleurs: quel-
  ques experiences dans Vhistoire du mouvement ouvrier international.
  Montreal: Centre de Formation Populaire, 1978.
Ferris, John et al. 50 Years of Labour in Algoma: Essays on Aspects of
  Algoma's Working-Class History. Sault Ste. Marie: Algoma University Col-
   lege, 1978. [Seven essays on: the 1903 riots; industrial conditions, labour
   and immigration; labour in politics; bush workers' strikes of 1933-34; the
   1946 steel strike, and the post-war drive for improved benefits.]
Fournier, Gaetane and Sylvia Morin. Des femmes au pouvoir. Sherbrooke,
  Que.: Editions Sherbrooke, 1978.
Gaumond, Michel and Paul-Louis Martin. Les Maitres-potiers du Bourg
  Saint-Denis, 1785-1888. Quebec: Mini ste re des affaires culturelles, Direc-
  tion generate du patrimoine, 1978.
Gonick, Cy. Out of Work: Why There's So Much Unemployment and Why It's
  Getting Worse. Toronto: James Lorimer, 1978.
Groupe Socialiste des Travailleurs du Quebec. Congres, 3 e , Montreal, 1977.
  La Question nationale et la revolution proletarienne au Canada: definition
  des mots d'ordre du GSTQ au Quebec dans la lutte pour la destruction de
  VEtat federal; A bas Vttat federal canadien; Pour la separation; Pour
  Vindependence du Quebec; Republique libres du Quebec. Montreal: Presses
  socialiste s internationales, 1978.

Hardy, Jean-Pierre. Le Forgeron et le ferblantier. Montreal: Editions du
  Boreal Express, 1978.
Harrington, Michael. Roots of Power. Ottawa: Douglas-Col dwell Foundation,
Harvey, Femand. Revolution industrielle et travailleurs: une enquete sur les
  rapports entre le capital et le travail au Quebec a la fin du I9e siecte.
  Montreal: Boreal Express, 1978.

Haulin'rope & Gaff: Songs and Poetry in the History of the Newfoundland
  Seal Fishery. Edited by Shannon Ryan and Larry Small. St. John's: Break-
  water Books, 1978.

Hogan, Brian F. Cobalt: Year of the Strike, 1919. Cobalt: Highway Book
   Shop, 1978.
Ives, Edward D. Joe Scott: The Woodsman-Songmaker. Urbana, Illinois: Uni-
   versity of Illinois Press, 1978.
Jantzi, Doris, Paul Craven, Gary Teeple, and Robert M. Laxer. Union Organi-
   zations and Strikes. Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education,
Johnson, Walter. Trade Unions and the State. Montreal: Black Rose Books,
Kavic, Lome J. and Garry Brian Nixon. The 1200 Days: A Shattered Dream;
  Dave Barrett and the NDP in BC, 1972-1975. Coquitlam: Kaen Publishers,
Kent, Duncan, comp. British Columbia: A Bibliography of Industry, Labour,
  Resources & Regions for the Social Sciences. Vancouver: BC Studies, Uni-
   versity of British Columbia, 1978.
Knight, Rolf. Indians at Work: An Informal History of Native Indian Labour in
  British Columbia, 1858-1930. Vancouver: New Star Books, 1978.
Krmpotich, Paul. A Tribute to the Members of Local 2251, United Steelwor-
  kers of America. Sault Ste. Marie: Local Union 2251, United Steel workers
  of America, 1978.
Laberge, Roy. The Labour Beat: An Introduction to Unions. 2nd edition.
  Ottawa: Media Algonquin, 1978.
Lamb, Dave. Mutinies, 1917-1920. London: Solidarity, 1978. [Much of this
  deals with the riots of Canadian troops in England — GSK.j
Langlois, Jacques. Repertoire des artisans-potiers quebecois, 1655-1916.
  Quebec: Ministere des affaires culture lies, 1978.
Larocque, Paul. Pec he et cooperation au Quebec. Montreal: Editions du Jour,
   1978. [Concerns the Pecheurs unis du Quebec]
Lazarus, Morden. The Long Winding Road: Canadian Labour in Politics.
  West Vancouver: Boag Foundation, 1978.
Lemelin, Maurice. The Public Service Alliance of Canada: A Look at a Union
  in the Public Sector. Los Angeles: UCLA Institute of Industrial Relations,
Levant, Victor. Capital & Travail: la collaboration de classes dans les mouve-
  ment syndical. Montreal: Editions l'Etincelle, 1978.
Levy, H.D. Jeremiah Wile, 1864-1936: The Story of a Lunenburg County
  Woodsman. Middleton, N.S.: The Author, P.O. Box 341, Middleton, BOS
  IPO, 1978.

Lind, Carol J. Big Timber, Big Men: A History of Loggers in a New Land.
   Saanichton, B.C.: Hanover House, 1978.
Lipton, Charles. The Trade Union Movement of Canada, 1827-1959. 4th edi-
  tion. Toronto: NC Press, 1978.
La Lutte des Femmes et Lutte de Classe: textes de la IVe Internationale.
   Montreal: Editions d'Avant-garde, 1978.
MacKay, Donald. The Lumberjacks. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1978.
Macleod, Wendell, Stanley Ryerson and Libby Park. Bethune: The Montreal
  Years, An Informal Portrait. Toronto: James Lorimer, 1978.
McNutt, James Wesley, and Montague Yudelman. Labour Relations in the
  Forest: A Half Century of Spectacular Progress. Toronto: Faculty of For-
  estry and Landscape Architecture, University of Toronto, 1978.

Matthews, Keith and Gerald Panting, eds. Ships and Shipbuilding in the North
 Atlantic Regions: Proceedings... March 31-April 2, 1977. St. John's:
  Atlantic Canada Shipping Project, Memorial University of Newfoundland,
Medam, Alain. Montreal interdite. Paris: Presses de l'Universite de la France,
  1978. [Social conditions and separatism.]
Morton, Desmond. Bread & Roses: The Struggle of Canadian Working
  Women. Toronto: NC Multimedia Corporation, 1978. [2 coloured filmstrips,
  2 cassettes, and a script.]
       . Winnipeg General Strike, 1919. Toronto: NC Multimedia, 1978. [Two
  coloured filmstrips, two cassettes and a script.].
New lands, David L. The New Hamburg Pottery, New Hamburg, Ontario,
  1854-1916. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1978.
Ontario English Catholic Teachers* Association. Teacher Welfare Department.
  Guide to Collective Negotiations. Revised edition. Toronto: Ontario Eng-
  lish Catholic Teachers' Association, 1978.
Osborne, Kenneth W. R.B. Russell and the Labour Movement. Agincourt,
  Ontario: Book Society of Canada, 1978.
Parise, Robert. La Fondateur du syndicalisme catholique au Quebec, Mgr.
  Eugene Lapointe: sa pensee et son action syndicate, Montreal: Presses de
   l'Universite du Quebec, 1978.
Parti des Travailleurs du Quebec. C'est quoi le Parti des Travailleurs du
  Quebec? Montreal: Parti des Travailleurs du Quebec, 1978.
      . Lettre a un travailleur du Quebec Montreal: Parti des Travailleurs du
  Quebec, 1978.
      . Origine et historique du Parti. Montreal: Parti des Travailleurs du
  Quebec, 1978.
       . Les Travailleurs et la question nationale. Montreal: Parti des Travail-
  leurs du Quebec, 1978.

Pearson, Mike. Yesterday's Legacy, Cobalt, Ont.: Highway Book Shop, 1978.
    [Early settlers and miners in Temiskaming, Ontario.]
People's Commission on Unemployment. "Now that we've burned our
   boats...": The Report of the People's Commission on Unemployment,
   Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John's: Newfoundland and Labrador Fed-
   eration of Labour, 1978.
Perron, Yoland, Raymond Rousseau, Jacques Theriault, and J.D. Thwaites.
    Les Organes officiels des syndicats des enseignants quibecois. Quebec:
    Universite du Quebec a Rimouski, 1978.
Piniuta, Harold. Land of Pain, Land of Promise. Saskatoon: Western Producer
    Books, 1978. [Sixteen first-person accounts by Ukrainian pioneers,
Provost, Pierre. Contre vents et marees: les 55 ans de la Cooperative des
   pecheurs de Carleton. Quebec: Editeur officiel du Quebec, 1978.
Rastoul, Pierre et at. Le Travail du chaume dans la Region du Lac Saint-
   Pierre. Montreal: Presses de 1'Universite du Quebec, 1978.
Read, Daphne and Russell Hann, ed. The Great War and Canadian Society: An
   Oral History. Toronto: New Hogtown Press, 1978.
Rivard, Gerard. Recueil de souvenirs: I' Union regionale de Trois-Rivieres des
   Caisses populaires Desjardins. Trois-Rivieres: The Union, 1978.
Roberts, Wayne, ed. The Hamilton Working Class, 1820 to 1977: A Biblio-
   graphy. Hamilton: Labour Studies Programme, McMaster University, 1978.
Rome, David. On Jules Helbronner. Montreal: Canadian Jewish Congress,
    1978. [Journalist who commented on the Montreal labour scene.]
Scott, Jack. Canadian Workers, American Unions. Vancouver: New Star
   Books, 1978.
Sexton, J. Fermetures a"etablissements au Quebec (necrologie optimiste ou
  optimisme necrologique?). Sainte-Foy: Universite Laval, Departement des
   relations industrielles, 1978.
Socialisme et liberation nationale: la tutte contre Vital canadien. Published
   for the Ligue ouvriere revolutionnaire and the Ligue socialiste ouvriere.
   Montreal: Editions d'Avant-Garde, 1978.
Stanton, John. The Life and Death of a Union: The Canadian Seamen's Union,
   1936-1949. Toronto: Steel Rail Educational Pub., 1978.
Swift, Jamie and the Development Education Centre. The Big Nickel: INCO At
  Home and Abroad. Toronto: Between the Lines, 1978.
Thompson, John Herd. The Harvests of War: The Prairie West, 1914-1918.
   Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1978. [The effects of war on the people
  of Prairie Canada. ]
Uphold the Revolutionary Unity of the Workers of All Nations and National
  Minorities in Canada: Fight Against National Oppression. S.I.: In Struggle,

Vaillancourt, Francois. Differences in Earnings by Language Groups in
  Quebec, 1970: A Study of the Determinants of the Labour Earnings of Males
  in Quebec in 1970. Ph.D. thesis, Queen's University, 1978.
Vallieres, Pierre. Les Scorpions Associes. Montreal: Editions Quebec/
  Amenque, 1978.
Van Biljouw, Will. Industrial Diversity, Patterns of Organization and Strikes:
  An International Comparison. M.A. thesis, Concordia University, 1978.

Walker, Pat. Between Labor and Capital. Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1978.
Walsh, F. Waldo. We Fought For the Little Man: My Sixty Years in Agricul-
  ture. Moncton: Co-op Atlantic, 1978. [Maritime cooperatives.)
Ward, Peter. White Canada Forever. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University
  Press, 1978. [Anti-Oriental attitudes and policies in nineteenth- and early
  twentieth-century Canada.]
Wilder, Joseph. Read Me About It: Reminiscences of an Immigrant Newsboy.
  Winnipeg: Peguis, 1978.
Women and Work: An Inventory of Research/Femme et le travail: un inventaire
  de recherches. Ottawa: Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of
  Women, 1978.
Young, Walter D. Democracy and Discontent: Progressivism, Socialism and
  Social Credit in the Canadian West. Second edition. Toronto: McGraw-Hill
  Ryerson, 1978.

                             1978 Articles
A be Ha, Irving. "Further on Joshua Gershman," Committee on Canadian
   Labour History. Bulletin, 5, Spring 1978, 4-5. [Letter from Gershman to
   William Kashtan, Communist Party of Canada.]
Baldwin, D. "Primary Source Materials For the History of Northern Ontario
   Mining Towns: The Case of Cobalt," Urban History Review, 3-77, February
    1978, 80-85.
Beer, Mitchell. "Fighting Decertification: The Journal Strike," Last Post, 6
   (7), April 1978, 18-19. [Lockout of the Ottawa Typographical Union from
   the Ottawa Journal. ]
Bell, John. "Archival Notes: Documenting the Great Anonymous — A Prog-
   ress Report on the Nova Scotia Labour History Archives," Committee on
  Canadian Labour History. Bulletin, 5, Spring 1978, 6-8.
        . "Fragments From a Lumberman's Life: Labour in the Nova Scotia
   Forest Industry, 1890-1920," Committee on Canadian Labour History.
  Bulletin, 5, Spring 1978, 19-25. [Pictures, biography and memoir of
   Seward Coombs.]
        . "Records of a Wearisome Life: Archival Resources For Classwork,"
   This Magazine, 12(5/6), December 1978, 18-20. [Working-class resources
   for the labour curriculum; suggestions.]

Be re u son, David J. "Tragedy at Bellevue: Anatomy of a Mine Disaster,"
    Labourite Travailleur. 3, 1978, 221-231.
" 'Bigger Union, Bigger Union': 1910-1919," Sound Heritage, 7 (4), 1978,
    5-27. [Reminiscences of George Scott, George Casey, Ellen Green well, Ben
   Horbry, Henry Gibson, Bob McAllister, Jim Galloway, Ed Provost and
   Andrew Waldie. Comments on strikes at Prince Rupert, and Kelly's Cut, on
   the Big Strike (Vancouver Island coal miners, 1912-1914) and on the Ginger
   Goodwin case.]
Bradbury, J.H. "Class Structures and Class Conflicts in 'Instant' Resource
   Towns in British Columbia — 1965 to 1972 " BC Studies. 37, Spring 1978,
Brennan, J. William. "Wooing the 'Foreign Vote': Saskatchewan Politics and
   the Immigrant, 1905-1919," Prairie Forum, 3 (1), Spring 1978, 61-78.
Brym, Robert J. "Regional Social Structure and Agrarian Radicalism in Can-
   ada: Alberta, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick," Canadian Review of
   Sociology and Anthropology, 15(3), August 1978,339-351.
         and Barbara Neis. "Regional Factors in the Formation of the Fisher-
   men's Protective Union in Newfoundland," Canadian Journal of Sociology,
   3(2), 1978,391-407.
Caragata, Warren. "Workin' on the Railroad," Last Post, 7 (2), November
   1978, 32-39.
Carver, Richard. "Provincial Laws Against Public Service Unions," Canadian
  Labour, 23(3), September 1978, 11-13.
Casewit, Stephen. "The Indian Fishermen," North, January/February, 1978,
Charpentier, Alfred. "La conscience syndicale lors des greves du textile en
   1937 et de l'amiante en 1949," together with "Alfred Charpentier: an intro-
  duction" by Andre LeBlanc, Labour/Le Travailleur, 3, 1978, 197-220.
Clark, John. " 'Nickle Joe* Leaves Big Shoes," Canadian Labour, 23 (3),
  September 1978, 29-33. [The contribution of Joe Morris to the Canadian
   Labour Congress.]
Connelly, Patricia. "Female Labour Force Participation: Choice or Neces-
  sity?", Atlantis, 3 (2), pt. 1, Spring 1978, 40-53.
Copp, Terry. "The Experience of Industrial Unionism in Four Ontario
  Towns," Committee on Canadian Labour History. Bulletin, 6, Autumn
   1978, 4-11. [Kitchener, Brantford, St. Catharines and We 11 and.]
Cote, Alain. "La genese du mouvement cooperatif quebecois," Interventions
  critiques en economic politique, 2, 1978, 118-128.
Crooks, H. "Serpents of St. Therese," Canadian Dimension, 13 (2), 1978,

Cuneo, Carl J. "Class Exploitation in Canada," Canadian Review of Sociology

   and Anthropology, 15 (3), August 1978, 284-300. [Covers the period from
DeMoura-Sohral, Luis. "Peinture et luttes sociales: Talking Union by Freder-
   ick B. Taylor," Journal of Canadian Art History, 4 (2), 1977/78, 111-120.
Denis, Jean-Charles. "La Centrale des syndicats democratiques et la partici-
   pation," Relations lndustrielles, 33(1), 1978, 112-132.
Dofny, Jacques. "Socialism in Quebec" in Quebec and the Parti Quibecois.
   San Francisco: Synthesis, 2 (4), 1978, 53-59.
Fingard, Judith. "Masters and Friends, Crimps and Abstainers: Agents of
   Control in 19th Century Sailortown," Acadiensis, 8 (1), Autumn 1978,
Frank, David. "Two Documents on the British General Strike, 1926" Com-
   mittee on Canadian Labour History. Bulletin, 5, Spring 1978, 8-11. [A
   resolution from coal miners in Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia, together with a
   poem by Dawn Fraser, Nova Scotia labour poet.]
Frideres, J., S. Goldenberg and W. Reeves. "The Economic Adaptation of
   West Indians in Toronto," Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropol-
   ogy, 15(1), February 1978,93-96.
Gingrich, Paul. "Unemployment: A Radical Analysis of Myth and Fact," Our
   Generation, 12 (3), Spring 1978, 16-31.
Glenday, Daniel and Christopher Schrenk. "Trade Unions and the State: An
   Interpretative Essay on the Historical Development of Class and State Rela-
   tions in Canada, 1889-2947," Alternate Routes, 2, 1978, 114-134.

Godard, Lorraine. "Le femme et le droit du travail" Atlantis, 3 (2), pt. H,
  Spring 1978, 21-39.
Goldenberg, S.B. "Female Labour and the Law in Canada," Bulletin of Com-
  parative Labour Relations (Deventer), 9, 1978, 55-95.
Grayson, J. Paul and L.M. Grayson. "Class and Ideologies of Class in the
  English-Canadian Novel," Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropol-
  ogy, 15 (3), August 1978, 265-283.
Halary, Charles. "Le debat sur les relations entre conscience de classe et
  conscience nationale au Quebec de 1960 a 1976," Anthropologic et
  SoCiStes, 2(1), 1978, 149-166.
"Hard Bargaining — The Union in the Woods, 1940-1950," Sound Heritage, 7
  (4), 1978, 60-75. [Al Parkin, Ernie Dalskog, Hjalmar Bergren and Thomas
  Barnett discuss the activities of the International Woodworkers of America,
  the "Loggers' Navy," and the 1946 strike of loggers and sawmill workers in
  British Columbia.]
Harney, Robert F. "Boarding and Belonging: Thoughts on Sojourner Institu-
  tions," Urban History Review, 2-78, 1978,8-37. [Working-class and immi-
  grant housing — a survey.]

"Harvest Time: A Picture History," Alberta History, 26 (4), Autumn 1978,
    15-22. [Early twentieth-century prairie harvest.]
Harvey, Femand. "Les ouvriers et I'election federale du 7 novembre 1900 dans
   le Comte de Sainte-Marie," Histoire des travailleurs quibecois. Bulletin
   RCHTQ, 5 (1), 1978, 30-33.
Hillmar, K.E. "Bristol Bay Shipwreckers: Fishing the Bering Sea in the
   1940 V North, January-February 1978, 36-41.
Hoogers, Evert. "A Report from the Convention," Canadian Dimension, 13
   (3), August-September 1978, 16-23. [The 1978 CLC Convention.]
Horowitz, Gad. "Notes on 'Conservatism, Liberalism and Socialism in Can-
   ada'," Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, 11 (2), June 1978,
"The Hungry Thirties: 1930-1939," Sound Heritage, 7 (4), 1978, 40-59.
   [Jenny Shouldice, Art Clark, Red Walsh, Bill Cross, Pat Foley, Steve
   Brodie, Harold Winch and Bobby Jackson comment on hunger marches,
   relief camps, the On-To-Ottawa Trek and Bloody Sunday (Vancouver,
   1938) and its aftermath.]
Johnson, Walter. "Strike in a Quebec Paper Town: East Angus and the Pulp
   and Paper Industry," Our Generation, 12 (3), Spring 1978,32-44. [Strike at
   the Domtarbag mill, May-July 1976, involving the CNTU.]
Katz, Larry and Douglas McDermott. "Looking Backward, Moving Forward:
  The Attack in the Public Sector," This Magazine, 12 (5/6), December 1978,
  8-12. [Unions in the public sector in Canada, with a focus on the Canadian
  Union of Postal Workers and the Canadian Union of Public Employees. ]
Kealey, Gregory S. "The Working Class in Recent Canadian Historical Writ-
  ing," Acadiensis, 7 (2), Spring 1978, 116-135.
Kesteman, Jean-Pierre. "Les travailleurs a la construction du chemin de fer
  dans la region de Sherbrooke (1851-1853)" Revue d'Histoire de
  VAmiriqueFrancaise, 31 (4), mars 1978, 525-545.
LaBerge, R. "CLC's 1978 Convention — An Unprecedented Show of Solidar-
  ity," Labour Gazette, 78, July 1978, 301-303, 305.
"Labour Education in Canada," Labour Education (Geneva), 37,1978, 10-12.
LeClerc, A. "Quebec's 'Radical' Unionists," Canadian Dimension, 13 (1),
   1978, 34-36.
Lee-Whiting, Brenda. "Logging on the Schyan, 1938-39," Beaver, 309 (1),
  Summer 1978, 48-53.
"Looking Back at Labour," Sound Heritage, 7 (4), 1978, 1-3. [Introduction to
  the special issue, "Fighting for Labour: Four Decades of Work in British
  Columbia, 1910-1950."]
MacDowell, Laurel Sefton. "The Formation of the Canadian Industrial Rela-
  tions System During World War Two," Labour IU Travailleur, 3, 1978,

MacEachem, George. "The Coming of the Trade Union Act (1937)," Cape
   Breton's Magazine, no. 23, 1978, 33-36.
McKay, Ian. "Capital and Labour in the Halifax Baking and Confectionery
   Industry During the Last Half of the Nineteenth Century," Labourite
   Travaillcur, 3, 1978, 63-108.
McNelly, Peter. "Eroding the Strike Right," Last Post, 6 (6), January 1978,
    15-16. [The B.C. Ferry Strike of 1978 and its impact on B.C. labour law.]
MacPherson, Ian. "Appropriate Forms of Enterprise: The Prairie and Maritime
   Cooperative Movements, 1900-1955," Acadiensis, 8 (1), Autumn 1978,
Maheu, George and G. Gagnon. "Changement social et rapports de classes:
   Social Change and Class Relations," Sociologie et Societes, 10 (2), October
    1978, 1-188. [A collection of essays, including discussion of social move-
   ments in Quebec]
Makahonuk, Glen. "Trade Unions in the Saskatchewan Coal Industry,
    1907-1945," Saskatchewan History, 31 (2), Spring 1978, 50-68.
Medwell, Bonnie. "PSAC Campaign Against Bill C-28 " Canadian Labour, 23
   (3), September 1978, 2-5.
Mills, Allen. "Review Article: The Canadian Left and Marxism," Canadian
  Journal of Political and Social Theory, 2 (2), Spring-Summer 1978,
Moogk, Peter. "The Ancestors of Quebec's Craft Union: The Montreal
   Shoemakers' Protest of 1729," Histoire des travailleurs Quibecois. Bulle-
   tin RCHTQ, 5(1), 1978,34-39.
"The 1923 Strike in Steel and the Miners' Sympathy Strike," Cape Breton
   Magazine, no. 22, 1978, 6-11.
"The OPP and the Fleck Strike," This Magazine, October 1978, 26-27.
Palmer, Bryan. "Discordant Music: Charivaris and Whitecapping in
   Nineteenth-Century North America," LabourfLe Travailleur, 3, 1978,
   5-62. [Late nineteenth-century ritualistic forms of enforcing community
   standards and behaviour. ]
Pan itch, Leo. "Critical Review of The Canadian Left: A Critical Analysis, by
   Norman Penner," Canadian Dimension, 13 (3), August-September 1978,
Parker, Keith. "Arthur Evans: Western Radical," Alberta History, 26 (2),
   Spring 1978, 21-29. [Labour organizer for the United Mine Workers, Cana-
   dian communist, participant in the On-To-Ottawa Trek, and the Regina Riot
   of 1935.]
Pendergast, James A. "The Attempt at Unionization in the Automobile Indus-
   try in Canada, 1928," Ontario History, 70 (4), December 1978, 245-262.
Petroff, Lillian. "Macedonians in Toronto: From Encampment to Settlement,"
   Urban History Review, 2-78, 1978,58-73.

Petryshyn, J. "From Clergyman to Communist: The Radical ization of Albert
   Edward Smith," Journal of Canadian Studies, 13 (4), Winter 1978/79,
Piercey, F. "Interview with a Fleck Striker [by Ellen Tolmie]," This Maga-
   zine, October 1978, 24-29.
Piva, Michael J. "Workers and Tories: A Reply," Urban History Review, 1-78,
    June 1978, 104-108.
Prentice, Alison. "Writing Women into History: The History of Women's
    Work in Canada," Atlantis, 3 (2, pt. 2), Spring 1978, 72-84.
Raboy,Marc. "The Future of Montreal and the MCM," Our Generation, 12(4),
    Fall 1978, 5-18. [Montreal Citizen's Movement.]
Ranachan, Andrew. "Once More With Feeling: The Ontario NDP Convention,"
   This Magazine, 12(2), 1978,26-28.
Ringuette, Martin. "Les mots de la misere (quelques lettres de travailleurs
   ecrites pendant la crise economique des annees 1930)," Saguenayensia, 20
   (5), sept.-oct. 1978, 129-133.
St.-Amant, Jean-Claude. "La propagande de 1'Ecole sociale populaire en
   faveur du syndicalisme catholique, 1911-1949," Revue d'histoire de
   iAmerique frangaise, 32 (2), septembre 1978, 203-228.
Salutin, Rick. "Kent Rowley, 1917-1978," This Magazine, 12(2), 1978,4-7.
   [Eulogy of the former president of the Canadian Textile and Chemical
   Union and secretary of the Confederation of Canadian Unions.]
Sangster, Joan. "The 1907 Bell Telephone Strike: Organizing Women Work-
   ers," LabourlLe Travaitleur, 3, 1978, 109-130. [The causes and conse-
   quences of this Toronto strike which led to a Royal Commission enquiry.]
Shun, John Hennigar. "What's New in the Real World," This Magazine, 12
   (3), July-August 1978, 11-14. [Working-class literature for kids.]
Siemiatycki, Myer. "Munitions and Labour Militancy: The 1916 Hamilton
   Machinists' Strike," Labour ILeTravailleur, 3, 1978, 131-151.
Smart, Pat. "KristaMaeots, 1945-1978," This Magazine, 12(5/6), December
   1978, 34-35. [Eulogy for a young member of the NDP Waffle, and a Cana-
   dian nationalist and feminist.]
Speirs, R. "Tellers Unite!", Canadian, April 22, 1978, 10-13. [Bank employ-
   ees' unions.]
Stortz, Gerald J. "Archbishop Lynch and the Knights of Labor," Committee on
   Canadian Labour History. Bulletin, no. 6, Autumn 1978, 2-3.
Sturino, Franc. "A Case Study of a South Italian Family in Toronto,
   1935-1960," Urban History Review, 2-78, 1978, 38-57.
Swift, Jamie. "No More Sudbury Saturday Nights: The INCO Layoff," This
  Magazine, 12 (1), March 1978, 28-30.

Thompson, Fred. "A Rebel Voice: Fred Thompson Remembers Halifax,
   1919-1920," This Magazine, 12 (1), March 1978, 7-11. [Notes on the
   Halifax Labour Party, and on the Shipyard Strike of 1920.]
Thompson, John Herd and Allen Seager. "Workers, Growers and Monopolists:
   The 'Labour Problem' in the Alberta Beet Sugar Industry During the
   1930s," LabourILeTravailleur, 3,1978,153-174. [Includes mention of the
   Farmers and Workers Unity Leagues and of the Rogers Sugar Company.]
Tolmie, E. "Fleck: Portrait of a Strike " This Magazine, 12, October 1978,
"Two Steps Back: 1920-1929," Sound Heritage, 7 (4), 1978, 28-39. [Blackie
  Taylor, Al Parkin, Sam Engler and Hjalmar Bergren comment on One Big
   Union, the 1923 Longshore Strike (Vancouver), and working conditions in
Vaillancourt, Pauline. "Presses Roll: Le Soleil Still Out," Canadian Dimen-
  sion, 13(2), 1978,9-11.
       . "Stop the Press! En greve," Canadian Dimension, 13 (1), 1978,
Viel, Andre. "Court historique du Syndicat des producteurs de bois du Bas
  Saint-Laurent," Revue d'histoire du Bas Saint-Laurent, 5 (1), fcvrier 1978,
Weir, Patricia and Howie Smith. "Fighting forLabour: Four Decades of Work
  in British Columbia, 1910-1950," Sound Heritage, 7 (4), 1978, 1-78.
White, Graham. "Workers and Tories: A Comment," Urban History Review,
   1-78, June 1978, 101-104.
White, S. "Enfin regroupecs, les travailleurs du bas de 1'echellc luttent pour
  survivre," Travail Quebec, 14 (1), mars 1978, 19-35. [Discrimination
  against women workers in Quebec.]
Woywitka, Anne B. "Labouring on the Railroad," Alberta History, 26 (4),
  Autumn 1978, 1-14.
       . "A Pioneer Woman in the Labour Movement," Alberta History, 26
  (1), Winter 1978, 10-16. [Teklia Chaban and her connection with the Social
  Democratic Party (Ukrainian Branch) and the United Mine Workers of
  America in Cardiff, Alberta.]

                           Update 1970-1977
NOTE TO THE READER:     Ordinarily, the annual bibliography in Canadian labour
history features two primary sections: the preceding year's work, and an update
to items missed in the previous year's bibliography. Last year, therefore, you
saw the 1977 bibliography with a 1976 update.
     Unfortunately, many good citations from 1975 or earlier could not be
included; they failed to satisfy the criteria for dates. In this and future biblio-

 graphies, the update section will be expanded to list newly discovered citations
 from 1970 to the present.
    Those who examined the recently published The Labour Companion,
Bulletin no. 8 of the Committee on Canadian Labour History, will have noted
the omission of articles from the Last Post, several of which dealt with the
Nova Scotia Fishermen's Strike. To pacify your chagrin, they are now included
in this update, as will all other relevant information overlooked by the biblio-
    As labour history springs from communal roots, burgeoning bibliographers
and resourceful researchers are begged to submit their findings for inclusion

                           Books and Theses
Alacoque, R. Importes: essai-temoignage sur I'immigration au Quebec.
   Sherbrooke: Editions Naaman, 1977.
Allen, Peter. The Management of Organized Labour in Construction. Oak-
   ville,Ont.:P.M. Allen, 1977.
Andrew, C., A. Blais and R. Desrosiers. Elites politiques, les bas salaries et la
  politique du logement a Hull. Ottawa: Editions de PUniversite d'Ottawa.
Audet, P.H. Apprenticeship in Early Nineteenth Century Montreal,
  1790-1812. M.A. thesis, Concordia University, 1976.
Aykroyd, C. and P. Stanton. Profile of Low-Wage Workers in British Colum-
  bia. Victoria: B.C. Department of Labour, 1977.
Balcom, B.A. History of the Lunenburg Fishing Industry. Lunenburg, N.S.:
   Lunenburg: Marine Museum Society, 1977.
Barkans, John Victor. Labour, Capital and the State: Canadian Railroads and
  Emergent Social Relations of Production, 1850-1879. M.A. thesis, McMas-
   ter University, 1976.
Barnard, Murray. Sea, Salt and Sweat: A Story of Nova Scotia and the Vast
  Atlantic Fisheries. Halifax: N.S. Department of Fisheries, 1977.
Barn hart, Gordon Leslie. E.H. Oliver —A Study in Religious. Intellectual and
  Social Progressivism in Saskatchewan, 1909-1932. M.A. thesis, University
   of Regina, 1977.
Barrett, L. Gene. Development and Underdevelopment and the Rise of Trade
  Unionism in the Fishing Industry of Nova Scotia, 1900-1950. M.A. thesis,
  Dalhousie University, 1976.
Belanger, Andre-J. Ruptures et constantes: quatre ideologies du Quebec en
  eclatement: La Releve, la J EC, Cite Libre, Parti-Pris. Montreal: Hurtubise
  HMH, 1977.
Benoit, Jacques. L'Extreme gauche.          Montreal: La Presse, 1977.
  [Communism in Quebec]

Bjamason, Emil. Mechanisation and Collective Bargaining in the British
   Columbia Longshore Industry, Ph.D. thesis, Simon Fraser University,
Bolt, Carol. Three. Toronto: The Playwrights Co-op, 1976. [Contains Buffalo
  Jump, about the 1935 On-To-Ottawa Trek.]
Boutin, J.G. Enquite sur les caracttristiques socio-economiques des travail-
   leurs rimuniris autour du salaire minimum. Quebec: Direction de la
   planification de la security de revenue, 1976.
Butler, Victor. Sposin' I Dies in d'Dory. Edited by Boyd L. Hiscoclc and Ivan
   F. Jcspcrson. St. John's: Jesperson Printing, 1977. [Newfoundland in the
Caldwell, Douglas Neil. The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers,
   District Five, Canada, 1937 to 1956. M.A. thesis, University of Western
   Ontario, 1976.
Cameron, Ruth. The Wheat From the Chaff: Canadian Restrictive Immigration
   Policy, 1905-1911. M.A. thesis, Concordia University, 1976.
Campbell, Susan. Fort William —Living and Working at the Post. Toronto:
   Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation, 1976.
Campbell, Terrence Maxwell. The Social and Political Thought ofF.R. Scott.
   M.A. thesis, Queen's University, 1977.
Canada. Department of National Health and Welfare. Proceedings of the Semi-
   nar on the Employ ability of the Handicapped, November 26,1976, Toronto,
   Ontario. Ottawa: Department of National Health and Welfare, 1977.
Capitalisme ou pouvoir?: V option socialise dans les flections municipales a
  Montreal. Montreal: Editions d'Avant-Garde, 1974.
Carrigan, David Owen. Unionization in Canadian Universities. Halifax: St.
   Mary's University, 1977.
Cassin, A. Marguerite. Class and Ethnicity: The Social Organization of Work-
  ing Class East Indian Immigrants in Vancouver. M.A. thesis, University of
  British Columbia, 1977.
Centrale de l'Enseignement du Quebec. Bureau national. Declaration d inten-
  tion relative a V unite" syndicate: document de travail soumis aux membres
  de nos organisations par le Bureau national de la CEQ et te coMiti ixecutif
  de lacSN, 29 octobre 1977. S.I.: s.m., 1977.
       . Formation syndicate de base: sirie 1. Sainte-Foy: Centrale de
  l'Enseignement du Quebec, 1977.
Chiason, Gary N. and Joseph B. Rose. A Directory of Presidents of Canadian
  National Unions, 1911-1972. Fredericton: School of Administration, Uni-
   versity of New Brunswick, 1977.
Clark, Kenneth Lloyd. Social Relations and Urban Change in a Late
  Nineteenth Century Southwestern Ontario Railway City: St. Thomas, 1868
  to 1890. M.A. thesis, York University, 1976.

Coady, Michael A. Trade Union Mergers in the Canadian Labour Context:
   Causes, Effects and Legal Treatment. LL.M. thesis, York University, 1976.
Come Hell or High Water: Songs of the Buchans Miners. St. John's: Breakwa-
   ter Recording, Breakwater Books, 1976. [Strike songs from the 1973
   miners' strike against American Smelting and Refining Company (ASARCO)
   at Buchans, Newfoundland.]
Collins, Kevin. Lesjeunes et Vemploi: ouvrage de reference. Ottawa: Conseil
   Canadien de Developpement Social, 1977.
Comeau, Robert and Evelyne Bissonnette. L'Action politique des ouvriers
  quibicois, fin du XIXe siecle a 1919: recueil de documents. Montreal:
  Presses de l'Universite du Quebec, 1976.
Connelly, Mary Patricia. Canadian Women As A Reserve Army of Labour.
  Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto, 1976.
Conseil du Patronat du Quebec. Data Relating to Certain Employer Opinion
  Surveys Against Quebec Workers: Objective of the Study, Date, and Proce-
  dures of the 16 Surveys Analyzed, Overall Results of the 16 Surveys. Mont-
  real: Conseil du Patronat, 1977. [Also in a French-language edition.]
       . Some Statistics Concerning Unionization in Quebec: Source of the
  Data, Evolution of the Level of Unionization, Division of Union Member-
  ships, Level of Unionization in Canada. Montreal: Conseil du Patronat,
Co-operatives in Saskatchewan in 1976. Compiled by Ronalda Adkin and
  Associates. Saskatoon: Co-operative College of Canada, 1977.
David, Helene. La Lutte desfemmes, combat de tous les travailleurs: rapport
   du Comite de la condition feminine, 47e Congres, Quebec, juin 1976,
   document 4 tel qu'amende par le Congres et le Conseil confederal. 2*
   edition. Montreal: CSB, 1977.
Decore, Anna Marie. Women and Work in Canada, 1961 and 1971. Ph.D.
   thesis, University of Alberta, 1976.
Delorme, Francois and Gaspar Lassonde. Taux de syndicalisation au Quebec,
   1975. Quebec: Ministere du Travail et de la Main-d'Oeuvre, 1977. [Rates of
   unionization in Quebec]
Denis, Serge. Syndicats, parti des travailleurs et parti ouvrier revolutionnaire.
   Montreal: PSI, 1976. [Documents du Groupe socialiste des Travailleurs du
   Quebec, no. 1.]
Deschenes, Gaston. Ensemble revue de la cooperation, 1940-1951.
   Sherbrooke: Chaire de cooperation de l'Universite de Sherbrooke, 1977.
Dodge, William. Skilled Labour Supply Imbalances: The Canadian Experi-
   ence. Montreal: British-North American Committee, 1977.
Field, Albert HJ. History of the Workers' Education Association: Diamond
  Anniversary, 1917-1977. Toronto: Workers' Educational Association,
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